To MoltChapter 8 free porn video

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"Who is this?" asked Dotty sounding as spunky as usual. She hadn't recognized my whispering voice in her telephone receiver.

"It's Joe."

"Hi babe," she said, sounding even more chipper. "What's with the whispering?"

"I don't want to wake up Mila. Can I come over?"

"Of course. Give me 20 minutes. I gotta throw something on."

"If it's any trouble..."

"Are you kidding? I'll meet you in front of the apartment."

"Good idea," I whispered. She chuckled for a second and hung up.

Though clearly happy to see me, Dotty just gave me a quick kiss when she picked me up in her van. Otherwise she restrained herself from affection and seduction. She was all business. Wanting to look at my evidence, I warned her of its graphic nature, but she insisted. I could see the look of pain when she perused the horrible images of Vy and Jane Doe, but she held up.

I brought out my magnifying glass to look closer at Vy's clothing and skin and discovered a darkened area on her shirtsleeve and on her hand. The photos in black and white, I couldn't tell if it was blood. I decided to call the Medical Examiner instead of Dichter. After explaining my business, he surprisingly let me know that there were bloodstains, but not enough to get a sample. I asked him about the fingernails, and he told me they found skin underneath them. Unfortunately when I asked if he knew the part of the body the skin came from he didn't.

I called Eileen. In the field, when paged, she responded within five minutes. No reason to hold back information, tying Vy with the Tacoma body would bring greater investigative force to my case. I didn't know if she shared the information, but if new to her, it would help encourage her to respect me and work with me. As it turned out I blew her away. Aware of the Olympia abduction, my pharmacy robbery focus she hadn't considered. When I told her of the suspect's bust in Ogden she got excited.

"You have a photo of him?" she asked. "How soon can you come up and meet me?"

Letting her know I had no idea of travel times, Dotty made herself known. At first Eileen sounded miffed that Dotty had been listening in, but Dotty explained her position as bloodhound in training and the humor relaxed Eileen. They negotiated a place to meet. Since Eileen was a hundred miles south of Seattle, the time lessened but still involved a bit of a trip.

Because we headed fairly close to Seattle, I decided to stop by Mila's apartment and ask Kenneth if he wanted to join us. And it being the day of his first date with Mila, I figured it could be extended with the travel and he would end up with her in more familiar environs. When Dotty and I arrived, Kenneth sat in his familiar place in front of the computer wearing a t-shirt and underpants. Mila lay in bed awake. Unsure how she'd react to me being with Dotty, but she smiled.

"We've been having a very nice conversation," explained Mila.

"I guess our date has already started," said Kenneth.

Both Mila and Kenneth expressed excitement joining us. Dotty told them the van only sat two. She could exchange vehicles with Zach or I could rent a car.

"I could use the space of the van," said Kenneth. "I'll give you my address in Seattle so you can swing by. I want to bring some equipment down for tomorrow's benefit. I'll rent a car at the airport here and Mila and I will drive it north. We'll follow you to Eileen and then, unless we're needed, head to Seattle on our own. Just give me a call when you're ready to swing by."

Mila slipped out of bed, stretched broadly and cutely, then took Dotty's hand and led her to the kitchen. Kenneth had found the address and phone number of Utley's parents before I even asked, anticipating my first question. After printing it out, he shut the computer down, and threw on his clothes.

"Would you mind stopping at the hotel so I can have a quick shower and change? There's a nice little diner nearby you could have breakfast at while you're waiting. I want to look and smell my best for Mila." Of course I agreed.

I heard the shower running and we headed into the living room. Dotty hopped into my arms and gave me one of her sexier kisses. When it ended, she looked ecstatic and cool at the same time in a way only Dotty could. "Mila gave me permission to love you," she explained.

"That was nice of her," I said, smiling. We kissed again, Dotty grinding her crotch down on my hardening cock and then slipped back onto her feet. We sat and waited for Mila to finish her ablutions. Despite her usual spunky energy, I had noticed lack of sleep in the slightly bruised colored flesh beneath Dotty's eyes and asked if she'd been getting any sleep.

"We've been rehearsing with Joan Jett!" said Dotty excitedly. "She's going to be singing some of Vy's songs and a couple of her own with 'to molt.' We're calling it 'molted.' She's cool and really sweet. I didn't even know she was a fan until she contacted Paula and Paula set it up."

"I never thought you'd be star struck," I said.

"She's a hero," said Dotty, "or a heroine I guess. I got over the nervousness pretty quick and found out she's also this great person, almost in Vy's league." We suffered a moment from the loss of our unique friend.

Mila entered the living room draped in a towel. "What's the plan?" she asked. "Are we staying in Seattle?"

"That makes sense," I said.

"I have a comfortable couch I can sleep on," said Kenneth.

"We'll see," said Mila with a wink. Kenneth blushed. Mila closed the bedroom door behind her.

"We'll swing by early tomorrow and pick up your stuff," I said.

"How early?" asked Kenneth. I looked at Dotty.

"It's at least five hours driving," she said with a shrug but looking surprisingly nonplussed. "I need to be at the Pantages by eleven. I hope you can drive my van," she said to me, "because I plan on napping the whole way."

"So we're talking around five a.m.," said Kenneth cringing.

"We'll just grab your stuff and go. You can go back to sleep."

"I should be there early, too, to set up my equipment before the audience arrives."

"What's that Warren Zevon song?" I asked.

"ʻI'll Sleep When I'm Dead'," all three of us said simultaneously. Then we all let out our version of something between a sigh and a laugh.

"At least the girls will get their beauty rest," said Kenneth.

Dashing through traffic on Highway 5, we made it early to the diner south of Olympia before Eileen had arrived. We were in the middle of our sandwiches when a woman dressed in FBI uniform suit and tie entered. She must have looked at Kenneth's site because she headed right for our booth. She was a large woman, a couple inches shy of 6 feet, with shoulder length strawberry blonde hair and a beautiful face. Her head was large like movie actors supposedly have, and her face would have worked for the camera, perfectly proportioned with green eyes and a relatively small nose. She looked to be in her mid thirties.

Instead of sitting with us, after introductions she asked to talk to me alone, and for me to bring my paperwork. She agreed to let Dotty tag along with a resigned reluctance.

She led us across a parking lot of a small neighboring motel, a typical single story cheap motel found off highways throughout the US. She tapped on a door and her partner opened it. The same height as Eileen he seemed smaller because of his leaner body, more typical and much plainer head with a crew cut giving him a conservative air. The room became a hub for the field work she headed. It had extensions and a large fax machine. I handed her the mug shots of Utley and she gave them to her partner who faxed them off to various locations and had the fax machine make copies. Meanwhile we exchanged piles of paper. While she went through mine, pulling out sheets, Dotty and I examined the reports and crime scene photos of the Tacoma woman. The neck bruises were there. The raw, overstretched vagina was there. The clothes were cut in the same manner.

"Why is Vy's murder different from the others?" asked Eileen in her sexy rasp of a voice, the cigarette she inhaled giving evidence to where the rasp came from.

"Vy was a fighter," I explained. "She worked out regularly and knew martial arts. I don't think Utley expected such resistance. I think he might have weakened her with chloroform but had to smash her head against some corner bricks to get her down. When she continued to resist, he smashed her head against the concrete alley pavement. He could only cut her pants open and rape her before he strangled her to death. Maybe the head bashing made her less attractive, or he decided she'd be a problem as a kidnap victim."

"Makes sense." She studied the map. "Derek, call Boise. Ask if any pharmacies have been broken into in the region in the last month." She handed her partner the map and pulled out the address and phone number of Utley's cellmate. "Who is this?"

"It might be a long shot," I explained, "but looking at Utley's mug shots I sensed smugness and I thought he might brag about past indiscretions."


"I thought it would be worth an interview. I also have Utley's parents' information. If they're willing to talk about their son, like an abused girlfriend or something..."

Eileen nodded but had moved on in her perusal of Kenneth's documents. She interrupted me. "This discharge from the Merchant Marines is interesting. The captain and the company he employing him are listed. Maybe we can get more specific reasons for his discharge. Follow me."

Grabbing my paperwork in hand, she exited the room. Dotty and I followed, Dotty hurriedly replacing the Tacoma evidence back in the folder and neatening it up as we walked. As it turned out we only needed to go next door. Unlocking the door with the brass key, the large green plastic rectangle dangling from it with the room number on it, Eileen opened the room and let us enter ahead of her. It smelled of blood and excrement. The queen sized bed had been stripped and the mattress showed a large brownish red stain. A piece of the fabric had been cut out at the center of the stain.

"We haven't gotten the test back yet, but we're pretty sure it was Brandy." (Brandy being the name of the Tacoma victim)

"No fingerprints?" I asked.

"Not one. The guy wiped everything down. Let me show you the bathroom." The shower curtain was missing and a dark red stain surrounded the tub drain. Also the mirror had been broken like a sledgehammer hit it or a man with indecently large hands. "His one mistake. He tried cleaning up his blood, but left some. We're testing it. Obviously he wasn't as satisfied with Brandy as he had hoped."

"Or he took a good look at his reflection," said Dotty.

"But he picked up the girl in Olympia pretty quickly after he dropped the body," said Eileen. I nodded.

"I suppose the shower curtain could be anywhere." I said. It hadn't been in any of the crime scene photos. Eileen nodded. "So you have a witness. He checked in."

"Unfortunately no. He broke in. The motel isn't very popular. This room is rarely used."

"He must have cased the place to know that," I said.

"That's what the mug shots are for, but what we need is the car, because he probably stayed in it while casing the joint." Suddenly Eileen thought of something and raced out of the room. We followed, not wanting to be in there any longer than possible. She talked to her partner, his hand over the phone. He nodded. Eileen returned to us outside on the pebble and dirt parking lot.

"I'm having Derek ask if any large cars or vans were seen at any of the pharmacies. He's a big guy and he needs space to hide the body and maybe even do some of his assault in the car or van."

"But if it's some gang, it wouldn't necessarily be his car." I said.

"If you intended on robbing a place with a couple other guys, wouldn't you want the biggest vehicle available?" asked Eileen rhetorically.

Eileen let me use one of the phones in the makeshift headquarters, and I called Porter Wiggins, Utley's cellmate. He said he had a doozey of a story to tell but would only talk face to face and with an exchange of cash. I set a date for Sunday.

The next call went to Utley's parents. At first when I mentioned his son the father nearly hung up, but it wasn't because he didn't want to talk. Playing coy about my intentions, claiming to be a friend supposed to meet him and his no show concerning turned out to be wrong tact. "I don't give a damn where he is," said the father.

"Wait," I said loudly and the connection remained. "I'm a private investigator working for a woman assaulted by him. Can you tell me anything about him? Any assaults or bad behavior while growing up?"

"Yep," said the dad. "He had a girlfriend he beat up pretty bad. Spent a year in juvenile detention and came out worse than when he went in. He worked for me at my pharmacy until we caught him..."

"Stealing?" I said when his father paused.

"Yeah, but more than that. He had a little science project in a field near our house. A couple of our dogs went missing, first one, than when we got a new one it disappeared too. Then the neighbor's pets disappeared. The same thing had happened when he was 11 or 12, but we never tied him to it, though I'll never forget a stench at that time which later I would figure he caused. This time we knew what he did. My wife saw him one night carrying a dog in his arms and followed him. In a small clearing a bunch of fresh graves had been dug. He injected some mixture of desoxyn and morphine into the critter and pulled out a knife. My wife freaked out and ran to the house. He followed her, yelling that he'd hurt us if the cops were called. Then he grabbed the keys to our station wagon and that was the last we saw him. Didn't even report the car stolen. Didn't want to have anything to do with the boy." I heard the tightness in the father's throat.

"What was the make and model of the car?" I asked.

"A 1978 green Chrysler Town & Country station wagon. I'm sure the license plate doesn't matter but I may still have the VIN number if you want to call me back in say half an hour."

"I'll do that," I said.

"It may seem I'm a bad parent, but his siblings turned out all right. He just ... You couldn't trust him. He would be a nice kid one minute and the devil the next. Thing is, I think he was both but at the service of the devil. The nice bit he used as a disguise. Pretty smart, he could be charming which was why I had him working in my store. Our family is all pretty big. I'm 6'5" and my wife's just under six feet, but he was the biggest by far. The baby of the family, he stood as tall as his oldest brother by 14. Looking at him he seemed like a dumb ox, but then he'd charm you. Maybe his looks and his size and his smarts made him the ultimate bully. Whatever it was, he scared us and made no effort to not be scary. Anyway, I'll go see if I got the number for the car."

"Holy shit," I said when I hung up. Dotty wanted to know what I learned, but I decided to wait until Eileen got off her phone.

"I'll go check on Mila and Kenneth," said Dotty.

"I'll come with you," I said. "I need to call the parents back in half an hour anyway."

Kenneth waited for us outside the diner with two small white bags in hand. "Mila's in the toilet. We're going to head out. I had the waitress doggy bag your lunches," he said handing me one of the bags. "It's not impatience, but you guys took awhile and we didn't want to get into Seattle too late. So I take it it was a productive meeting."

"Very," I said. Mila emerged from the diner and came up to me. We hugged and kissed like lovers separating at a terminal, a sort of bon voyage kiss. As they got into their rental I said, "You kids have fun." Mila smiled and waved through the windshield and Kenneth gave me a wink. It seemed Kenneth's fantasy date at least started well.

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Hotel fun with Camille

As Rob was going to be home, Camille decides to book a hotel for us.It was around 12pm when I picked her up from nearby where she lived, Camille had told Rob she was going out shopping. Camille got in my car and we began to deep french kiss. We arrived at the hotel and I dropped her off while I went to park.Several minutes later I made my way up to the room. Camille had booked an executive suite for us with a king sized bed.We both began kissing passionately caressing our bodies. After several...

2 years ago
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Of Loss and RemembranceChapter 10

"First we need to draw Ali and his gang into a place where they think they'll have the advantage," I started as the family, including Nancy whom I now regarded as family, gathered around. "It also needs to be in an area where there is no network coverage for mobiles as I do not want them to be able to call for help once they stick their heads in the noose. This won't be easy in an urban area unless we can get them into some sort of underground facility." "An abandoned warehouse...

2 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 17

The coaches worked us harder the final week of practice. They wanted us to put on a good show for the faithful fans and alumni on Saturday afternoon. We averaged 65,000-75,000 fans at the game the past few years. We had team or position meetings every evening after dinner. I barely had time to finish my homework. My time with Kelly was limited to eating breakfasts and lunches together. Friday night after dinner the team met to review the plans for the game and to select team captains. No one...

2 years ago
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Would love a shemale like this

****d (sort of) by a Shemale!I repair computers, often "on site"--in people's homes. I got a call from a woman asking me to come to her house to fix her PC. She told me her name was Shandra. We made arrangements for me to show up there Saturday afternoon. I showed up at the appointed time and was surprised when I saw her--she was taller than I am (I'm 5'11", she had to be at least 6'2") and fairly stocky. She looked like she could kick my ass in a wrestling match, but had an unmistakable...

1 year ago
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Baji ki chudayi train mein

I am Behanchod (off course it is not real name) of 19 years from Karachi Pakistan. Since last one year I’m fan and frequent visitor of erotic stories and have read good number of desi stories. After a lot of consideration, I have decided to share with you all the sex stories of my real sister. Believe me these are REAL stories, though names are not correct but the story is REAL. So let me start. Our family is well off and my father is a business man, with every facility in our home. We are five...

3 years ago
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How My Sex Life Came About part 4

I turned toward that voice. A girl with flowing long red hair about 5’5” average weight and with big tits was looking at me. I knew that voice, it was Patty. I dropped my books and went to her. I wrapped her in my arms. I hugged her tightly. I told her I had missed her very much. I walked her to her class before running to mine. After that class, I caught up to her asking when did she have lunch. I found out it was the same time I did. We had lunch together and talked. Patty told me that...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Alexis Crystal Erotic Summertime Massage with Alexis Crystal Turns into Poolside DP

It’s summertime and Nerdy Nikki is poolside, trying to slip his cock inside Alexis Crystal, who’s looking extra fuckable in the bikini she’s sporting. The two have their hands down each other’s pants when they’re interrupted by stud massage therapist Kristof, who invites Alexis over to his table for an erotic rubdown. Although Nerdy Nikki is out of luck for the moment, he continues to hang around the pool, with the hope he’ll eventually get his cock wet. Meanwhile, Kristof is oiling up...

1 year ago
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A true story

Id been married for about three years when my story took place, it was in the local park one Friday afternoon as I made my way home from work, it was around two oclock as I walked through the park enjoying the fresh air, although it was raining lightly I took my time and made my was leasurly knowing my wife wouldnt be home until around six.As i passed by the toilets I found myself in need of some relief and walked innocently in, standing at a urinal I undid my work trousers and allowed them to...

2 years ago
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Assisting the school Library assistant

I was caught smoking in the boys room. This may be no big deal today, but, in my day at my school it was about the worst thing a student could do. Smoking anywhere on campus was automatic two weeks detention.I reported my first day after school, and knew this was going to be a long and boring two weeks. the only good thing about it was that I would be able to look at the hot library assistant Miss Jackson for a couple weeks. She was cute and friendly about 25, had graduated college but not yet...

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Fuck Experience With Online Gay Friend

I was always curious about sucking cocks. I had such gay experiences in childhood but after a certain age, I began focusing on my studies. But recently, after reading a story about gay sex, I remembered my old times. I began searching online for guys with big cock. But I didn’t have the guts to meet them in person. But still, I chatted with them and got to know them. But when the guys ask me for a meet, I felt insecure and lose contact. One day I found a sweet guy. He told me that his name was...

Gay Male
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Youve Got An Hour

Julie lay back into the car's seat, closing her eyes and relaxing into the ride home. The night out had been just what she needed after a long week; Jay had done well distracting her from thoughts of work. Their favorite restaurant had again come through with a great meal. They'd had just enough wine, lovely dessert, and stimulating conversation. But though the pleasant hours had repressed her ill mood, she now wanted a good night's sleep to escape the frustrations the work week had wrought....

1 year ago
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Adam Knight AbbyChapter 6 Surrender

"If Abby dies while in police custody, if he gets to her, I will personally blame you!" I said and jabbed Chief Richards with the barrel of the gun. "You think her stepfather can make you suffer. You don't have any idea of what it means to suffer. If she is so much as touched while I'm occupied with the cops, I won't kill you. Not immediately anyway. I will kill every member of your family starting with your grandparents, then your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and finally I'll work...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 225 Family Meeting

When Mary went home on Sunday, I was truly sad. Even though I'd had to attend classes all week and prepare for our season finale, we'd had some very nice time together. Aside from being naked and cuddling together—which was just normal in our casa—we hadn't really been sexual with each other until the night before. And if I hadn't already promised her that I'd make love to her after she graduated, her virginity would not have lasted that night. "Your infinite capacity for love," Rose...

1 year ago
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Tracis Abduction and Rape 4

It has been almost two years since Traci was taken to a remote building by her kidnapper. He had tied, whipped, caned, vibrated, and fucked her in all her holes. She thinks often of the pain and pleasure he forced on her using and abusing her. Each time she relives the experience with her unknown abductor she gets wet and masturbates to very hard orgasms. She has dated and had sex many times since the last time he used her but nothing from any of her dates gave her the pleasure she felt...

3 years ago
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Surprising Thanks Giving Dinner With Priya

Hello, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, this is my 7th publication of sex story here on this site, yeah it’s been long since I have posted it, hope you have read my previous editions, also hope you will like this one too. This is about a Catholic man Peter, who was living his life peacefully in bungalow in Lonavala after his wife had left him to be with God, his 21-year-old daughter Maria was studying MBA marketing in Pune, Maria was attractive girl, standing 5’6” tall, very fair like her...

2 years ago
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How would you feel if you just found out that your wife of ten years had been unfaithful to you in a most disturbing way? Additionally, I discovered that she's been cheating on me with my fraternity brothers and other close friends, before and during our entire engagement and marriage.I've been so naive all these years. Incidentally, I just found out what a creampie is. How disgusting and gross. Imagine licking up and swallowing the slimy fuck residue of her and her studs. However, I now...

1 year ago
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Ask Me

I came in the back door after potting some Inpatients to put on the front stoop. It was a beautiful, normal Sunday morning. I had no way of knowing all that was about to change. I washed my hands in the kitchen sink and thought I might catch a quick shower. I grabbed the basket of clean clothes off the dryer so I could put them away and headed upstairs. My son’s clothes were on top so I stopped at his room first. I had no idea he was even home. I opened his door and stepped in with my basket...

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FamilyHookups Anna De Ville Cute teen Anna De Ville massages her stepbrother before they fuck

Anna De Ville is trying to be a massage therapist but she has a problem, she needs to find more people to practice on. She’s talking to her stepbrother and decides to ask if she can massage him. He’s a little hesitant but he figures, why not? Her hands feel sooo good on his body that he tells her she can touch him a little more *ahem* intimately. After all they’re only STEP siblings! She wastes no time in putting his big cock in her mouth and her pretty little pussy. Mom and dad never have to...

3 years ago
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this story is 100% truth about what happend to me when i was 16Im A British Asian male of 21 now born here,this happened to me when i went to india with my parents, only me and my sister went, other brothers and s*s stayed in england as they were older,i was 15, all id ever done was fingered a girl at that age,anyway got there and it was the usual shit, spending cash, going to the town n jus general chilling,THEN a aunty of mine who lived in the city came down after a week of me being there to...

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It all started over a year ago. My name is Mark and I am a career Naval Officer stationed in San Diego. My wife is a beautiful woman who I have been married to for going on 19 years now. Delia is 38 years old, 5 ft tall, 112 lbs, with a perfect ass, small breasts, and a shaved pussy. She has always been the perfect "officers wife", friend, and mother to our two daughters.About a year ago, I had been at sea for a period of only about two weeks and then returned home. Usually upon my return Delia...

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Accidental LoversChapter 5

Lori awoke about an hour later and quietly slipped from the bed, careful not to wake her brother. Slipping her t-shirt on, she went downstairs to fix lunch for both herself and her new lover. As she warmed the food her mother had left for the two children, she reflected on what had transpired that morning. She knew it was wrong but she had no regrets. It had been the most intense experience of her young life. As she carried the tray of food upstairs, Lori also knew what she wanted and was...

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Just a Drink

The dark tunnel flashed by through the subway’s windows. Julie gazed out them without really seeing. It was just a way to avoid looking at the other passengers also commuting home. “Looks like you’re really thinking hard.” A man settled down next to her. She glanced at him, giving him the once over. Strong chin, fit man, obviously a player. She turned her attention back to the black windows. “Sorry you’re not my type,” she shot him down coldly. “Well now, aren’t you miss high and mighty,”...

3 years ago
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 24

#17, Way of the People January 16 The explosion in #1422 of the Lanhua Teacher's Apartment complex destroyed that apartment, and seriously damaged the one on either side of it and the ones above and below. Thus it was that the watchers of Dr. Fa were out on the street and could not check their listening devices until early in the morning of the next day. Being state of the art, and thus, completely electronic, some of the disks used to record everything were damaged. The equipment that...

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JapanHDV Misato Shiraishi Masochist Misato Shiraishi has some men pleasure her pussy

Our older forty something mature model Ms Misato Shiraishi is a sexy woman who is a bit mischievous. She likes to play and she likes to buy new outfits and model them for her lovers. She is not shy about her body and enjoys showing it off if she has the chance. She also also enjoys some strange fetishes and is not afraid to get several lovers to come over to play with her. She is into some b0ndage and getting men to wear some collars and leashes so she can lead them around the house. She also...

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OceaniaChapter 25

Sands stepped out of the taxi and paused on the threshold before venturing inside the darkened apartment. A distinct smell of antiseptic and cleansing solvents hovered in the air and fuelled his curiosity. In the kitchen, every surface was spotlessly clean and as he moved from room to room, he became aware of exactly how Janice had spent her time in his absence. Making his way upstairs, he observed a chink of light escaping from underneath the bedroom door. He pushed it open and stared in...

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You want to kiss my soft lips and grab my tight little ass, but I push your hands down and tell you no touching. I pull the shirt up over my head and put it around your neck and pull your face into my perfect tits. I let you lick and bite on my nipples. Then I restrain you again as I slowly start to kiss and suck on your neck. I start to bite your neck and hear you take in a deep breath as you start to work your hips underneath me. Slowly working my way down to your chest biting and...

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Kalla kadhal

Hi to everybody i am lilli from tamilnadu. I come to know about this site from my brother. I would like to share my experience which held with my brother before few months. I am 26 years old. My husband is 38 years old due to my love marriage. I got more proposals from many boys during my college bsc nursing. But i avoid them and loved a man who is more than aged to me. At that time i not worried about the ages because of his handsome. After my marriage i realized that only a handsome cannot...

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My Race Is RoyalChapter 24

Donnie stopped peeling the potatoes and went to answer the doorbell. Katie had got him into the habit of checking through the 'spy-hole' before opening the door and he did so now. He saw a man and a woman, both wearing caps with Scottish Natural Heritage on them. Donnie thought they looked harmless enough and he opened the apartment door. "Good evening, Sir. We're sorry to bother you, but could you perhaps spare us a few minutes to talk about a petition we're sponsoring?" the woman...

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