Scales Like StarsChapter 7 free porn video

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Merton pinched the bridge of his nose as Brash snored atop his head.

“Run this by me again,” he said.

“Okay,” Lisa said. “Dragons originated on Earth as weapons of warfare and magical creations made by human wizards. One wizard decided to use them against his enemies, and the resulting war devastated the planet. It’s probably what’s behind pretty much every ancient flood and story of Atlantis and why every human culture in the world has art and legends about dragons. In the end, the wizards were dead and the dragons left behind a devastated planet and the mage-blind slaves. Us.” She inclined her head slightly. “The dragons formed the Five Talon Empire-”

“Technically,” Relix cut in, taking a pause from her snuggling of Merton. “They formed the Empires of Qesemat and Asamat, split between chromatic and metallic dragons. It was only after the Dragonstar Wars and the creation of the War Spheres that the Draconic Empire was formed under the Prismatic Throne. That was then stable until ... well, by this point, I usually fell asleep during history class.”

Then she went back to squeezing Merton’s naked body. Merton smiled and hugged his wife back. Then he felt a bump and saw that Julia, his girlfriend, was pressing against his other side.

“Can I snuggle Merton too?” Brash asked, waking up.

“You’re already his hat,” Lisa said.

Brash gasped. “That is the most important job. Hats are the snuggles of the head.”

“Quite,” Lisa said, then shook her head. “Still, there was one survivor: The man who created the first chromatic dragons and set them to war. He fled here ... and from his regrets created this place.” She gestured around herself.

“Fuck me sideways,” Merton said.

“Well...” Relix murmured, sounding tempted.

“Later, honey,” Merton whispered.

“I’ll bring the lube,” Julia said, giggling.

Merton shook his head. “So, this is literally the Fortress of Regrets? And these shadow things are...” He looked down at the pile of obsidian monsters that he had been busily hacking up while Lisa and his wife had stumbled on the originator of this mysterious floating castle. In the vastness of prime negation, it had seemed to be an impossibility. Something where only nothing could exist. “What?”

“Her conscience,” Lisa said, sighing. “What a guilt brain can do after a few thousand years of wallowing next to a pool of radiant energy. While also being the brain of an arch-mage that makes the most powerful draconic sorcerer look like Gandalf the Grey.”

“Planescape and Phlan, Jesus Christ,” Merton said, putting his hands to his face.

“What?” Trevor asked, frowning. “I usually get your fucking stupid references and in-jokes, but I’m lost.”

“It’s not important,” Relix said, drawing her snout away from Merton’s arm. “What is important is we get to Earth.”

“ ... que?” Carlos asked.

Relix sighed and then slipped her arms around Merton’s belly. Her scales rasped gently against his taut belly muscles and Julia took her chance to bury her face against Merton’s abs. She started to lick him affectionately. Which reminded Merton to remember to ask her later how the flying fuck she had not only gotten magic, but also learned magic. But so many things had been happening so quickly that he felt like he was doing all right if he managed to keep abreast of the important stuff. Like the dragons. And the space politics. And the assassination attempts.

“If Earth is the homeworld of dragon-kind, and not Draconis Prime,” she said. “Then there will be artifacts left of the old empire. Maybe we can find something that will give us an edge against the other dragon suits. Those were powerful enough to wipe out a dragon freehold.” She shook her head. “There must be something left.”

“After ... what? Ten thousand years?” Lisa asked. “Not to mention, humanity has never found anything. Zip. Nada. Zilch.”

“Where was Atlantis?” Carlos said. “If we never found it, maybe there are artifacts there?”

“ ... where could Atlantis possibly be?” Trevor asked, slapping the back of his head. “Man, if only there was some kind of Atlantic ocean to search!”

Carlos looked at Trevor, crossing his arms over his chest. “Dude. Trevor. You can’t go looking in the obvious places. Where do you find your car keys? In the obvious place? No, you find them behind the couch.”

“Uh, no, actually, I find my car keys in the place where I put them. Which is on the fucking counter, which is where everyone puts them!” Trevor snapped, his eyebrow twitching. “Listen, this is all insane. Why the hell would a ten thousand year old artifact do diddly to a modern starship? There’s this historical myth called the dark ages, which is where most of fantasy fiction gets the ass-backwards idea that older stuff is better than newer stuff. Well, guess what, we aren’t goths squatting in the Roman Empire wondering how they built aqueducts. Fuck. If we’re going to Earth, we might as well go for the nukes.”

“How many nukes could Earth possibly have?” Relix asked, sneering slightly.

“Twenty thousand,” Merton said.

“Fifteen thousand,” Lisa said.

“Between fifteen and twenty thousand!” Carlos said, cheerfully.

Relix blinked. “Oh. Right.” She clearly had just remembered Merton and her’s first meeting.

“Hey, question,” Carlos said, lifting his hand. “What happened to the old wizard?”

Lisa shrugged, the strap on her laser rifle shifting along her shoulder. “I shot up the pool of radiant energy that was sustaining her life. It seemed like she was ready to go.” She nodded. “Why?”

“Sooo ... you ... took the wizard whose regret keeps this place stable off life support?” Carlos asked. “Before we stabilized the portals so that they’d head to Earth?”

Lisa and Relix both blinked. And, with fantastic timing, the Fortress of Regrets took the cue. The ground heaved as if they were in a 7.5 earthquake, sending the few armsmen, Gunner, Speccy, and Merton’s friends sprawling onto their backs and bellies with cries of alarm. Brash went soaring off of Merton’s head with a squeal of delight, while Relix held Merton in place by by wrapping around him like a snake and plunging her tail into the ground as if it was an anchor. The shake was followed by aftershocks and a groaning, crashing, rending noise. Chunks started to fall from the metallic ceiling and Merton screamed.

“Back to the shiiiiiiip!”

Relix unwrapped and dragged him to his feet.

“Brash!” Merton shouted. “Help everyone!”

Brash flapped his wings, then dodged away from a massive head that fell from the ceiling, tumbling through the cracks as if some vast statue that had been part of an upper level had come spilling down. The head struck the ground with a tolling like a gong. Brash swept forward, his arms growing to absurd Schwarzenegger beef-slabs sticking out of his small, cat-like body. He scooped up Trevor and Lisa with a sweep. Carlos, keeping his feet with remarkable skill, grabbed onto Speccy and helped the four armed purple skinned engineer to her feet.

Gunner grabbed one of his armsmen and dragged the woman out and away from a tumbling chunk of wall slab which would have pancaked her.

The whole group rushed towards the airlock, which was starting to shake and jar free.

Merton looked over his shoulder – one last glimpse at something that had stood the test of time longer than any structure on the Earth had. He saw the darkness, lit patchily by the mage lights that Speccy had set up, being split by the deeper, purer blackness of the plane of negation. He could see those bizarre machines, crumpling as stones the size of small houses fell on them. He could see the floor dropping away like teeth from a kid with scurvy, dropping into blackness and infinity. He shook his head slightly, then leaped onto the airlock.

The door slammed shut behind him and the Talon-9 bucked as it skidded away from the Fortress of Regrets. He got to his feet in time to look out the airlock window and see the Fortress collapsing inwards, swirling and groaning as the chunks lost definition, becoming dust, and then tiny particles, all of them twisting on a whirlwind of destruction. At the center of it, he could see a sputtering, strobing light.

The debris fell inwards.

And then with an unceremonious pop and minute poof of smoke that dissipated nearly instantly, the Fortress was gone.

“Well,” Relix said, sourly. “I guess we’ll have to take the long way to Earth now.”

“No,” Merton said, shaking his head. “Learning the origins of dragons is interesting ... but what we need to do is get to Draconis Prime and tell your father about the threat from House Byraugh, Xosh, and Forin before they make their move. Nothing on Earth can stop them, unless the ancients left some super weapon there.”

“Like the draconic command words that let them control the entire species for millenia?” Lisa asked, her voice dry.

Merton paused.

“Fuck,” he said, before pinching the bridge of his nose. “Speccy, where can our planar whipple shields bring us too?”

“They’ll bring us right back where we started from,” Speccy said, brushing some dust from her shoulder as the inner door of the airlock opened and each of them started out into the corridor.

Julia chuckled, quietly. “So, in other words, right back into the guns of House Byraugh.”

“Essentially,” Speccy said, frowning. “There is an advantage. This detour has given our subspace drive time to refresh itself. If we arrive and instantly translate to subspace, we’ll get away.” She paused. “If only we had our ablative wish armor.”

“You know,” Trevor said, sourly, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared at Lisa. “If only someone hadn’t murdered the ancient archmage.”

Lisa glared right back at him.

“No,” Speccy said. “Even with a wizard of the 17th level or higher, we’d still need a hundred and fifty thousand credits worth of diamond. Even with our nanofabricator, we couldn’t produce that much without finding a planet or asteroid.” She shook her head. “We need to find another way to survive the few seconds it’ll take to arrive, chart the course, then drop into subspace.”

They all went silent.


“We could go to Sigil?” Carlos suggested.

“Sigil?” Speccy asked.

“Uh, it’s the city at the center of the multiverse?” Carlos said, blinking. “It sits at the top of an infinitely high spire in the middle of the Outlands. Ruled by the Lady of Pain? It’s a place where everyone talks like a cockney gangster and beats each other up over definitions of the universe. Nice place, really.”

“Never heard of it,” Speccy said, frowning. “But draconic exploration of the Outer Planes is ... minimal at best.”

“Why? Not enough gold?” Trevor asked, still sour.

“Yes,” Speccy said, half distracted. “We can recalibrate our planar whipple shields for the outer realms and arrive in the Outlands. Then we fly for Sigil and find a portal back to our universe? Is that what you’re suggesting?”

Carlos shrugged. “We mage-blind slaves seem to have some knack to guessing what’s up. Might as well. Worst thing that happens is we’re in the afterlife with nukes. That sounds funny as hell.”

Speccy, Relix, and Gunner all looked at Merton. Merton realized that they had actually started to think of him as a leader. It would have been funny if it didn’t also make his gut knot like a pretzel. But since he was the one here ... he gulped and nodded, his hand sliding up and down Relix’s back, his other arm looped around Julia’s shoulders. Holding the two of them relaxed him. Centered him. He nodded again, more firmly.

“Lets do it.”

Merton sprawled in bed, his eyes closed, feeling the adrenaline of the past few hours ebb from his body, like tides slurping down drains. That was a mixed metaphor, but on the other hand, fuck off, Merton was tired. As he lay there, the door opened and he felt a warm body thump across his belly. Merton wheezed and sat up – and saw Julia sprawled across him, as if they were a sexy, humanoid + sign. Though finally, he had some fucking pants on. That was nice.


Brash landed on Julia’s butt and curled up there, like a kitten. “I claim this butt for dragon kind.”

“Welp,” Julia said, her voice muffled. “You heard him, Merton. Relationship over, I’m a dragon’s pet now.”

“Yay!” Brash cheered, then sobered. “W-Wait, no, I don’t want you to stop nose nuzzling!” To demonstrate this, he shifted to his humanoid boy form and rolled off of Julia, with the side effect of mashing Merton back onto the bed, since he now had a girl on his belly and a dragon-boy on his chest.

“Why am I under at least two people?” Merton asked, his voice muffled by Brash’s hip.

“Because Speccy is a slave driver. Who knew that sneaking into the biotech lab and secretly giving myself magical powers would lead to some kind of ramifications?” Julia asked.

“Gasp!” Brash said. “Ramifications? They’re my least favorite kind of ifications! My favorites are centaurification, girlification, goldification...”

“Brash...” Merton said, slowly, his voice constricted. “Why is your favorite centaurification?”

“Cause centaurs are cute and also, if you have the biggest dong, they’ll be like, ‘yay, you have a dong of exactly the right size, for I am a horse!’” Brash said, cheerfully. He was still sprawled on Merton’s chest. “Also, you should bang!”

“We should bang,” Julia said. “Save that I’ve been dumping level one spell slots into the whipple shields to start the re-calibration process. By the way, Speccy says we should be heading out within the hour.”

Brash snorted. “I’ll use magical powers to make you all excited for sexy times!”

“But I’m tired too, Brash?” Merton said.

Brash scoffed. “That’s why I, Brash, am here to help you!”

“Brash, wa-” Merton started – but it was too late. The by now very familiar feeling of Brash’s body enfolding and connecting to his swept Merton from head to toes. The click in his ears was almost missed in the sudden rush of energy that surged through Merton. He wondered how Brash was doing that. The first thought was gross, but effective: He was likely circulating Merton’s blood and hormones through his dragon body, and using the natural regenerative powers of a dragon to clean out fatigue toxins. The end result was that it only took six heart beats for Merton to feel as perky as if he had snorted a line of cocaine.

Space cocaine.

The third most addictive form of cocaine. Right after snuggle cocaine! Which was totally a thing!

“Brash, are you influencing my thoughts?” Merton asked, his hands going to his muzzle and rubbing against his eyes.

“ ... no...” Brash said, sounding guilty. “That’s ... natural ... wibbly ... interference from ... snuggle fields...”

Julia had rolled off of Merton’s lap. Looking down at her, Merton felt the normal rush of love and happiness that seeing Julia inspired in him. He might also be feeling feelings for Relix – though they hadn’t had time to talk about them since the Ouster raid – but Julia had been with him longer. And seeing her lithe perfection transformed from words on a screen to real life (with a slight detour into “finding out she was trans and hadn’t transitioned yet”-ville) was enough to send Merton’s heart racing. His cock hardened and he gulped as he saw the unique, draconic shape of it. Red, with ridges along the bottom edge, and a triangular tip, already welling with eagerness.

Julia’s tongue flicked along her lips as she looked his cock.

“Want me to, uh ... spice it up?” Brash whispered in Merton’s ear.

“How so?” Merton rumbled as he watched Julia pull her arms under her body and push herself up to her hands and knees. Julia crawled forward, her rump in the air, giving her a sleek, kittenish look. Her tongue darted along her lips and Merton felt his dick getting even harder.

“Well, we’re a living, breathing, shapeshifting fuck machine. I can add more dicks. Or less dicks, if you wanna be a lady! Or I could add an aphrodisiac to our pre-cum, so one lick will drive Julia so wild that you’ll have to fuck her into the deck to get her satiated. What’s your favorite?”

“Julia,” Merton said around a clenched jaw, his fingers digging into the matress underneath him as he tried to keep from just pouncing on her. Her lips touched the firm scales of his balls and she shivered slightly as she slipped her tongue between his nuts, her eyes fluttering shut as she breathed in his musk. Part of him wondered if she was already drugged – but she merely drew her mouth back and whispered, huskily.


“Do you want, uh, an aphrodisiac? On my cock?” Merton asked. “Our ... cock? Is this technically a threesome?”

“Technically, it’s an awesomesome,” Brash said, loud enough for Julia to hear it.

“I’m not sure what the proper terminology is for a fuck-session with a dude, a girl, and his kamui,” Julia said with a wicked grin.

“A god robe?” Brash asked, sounding confused.

“You speak Japanese?” Julia drew her head away from the bright red cock that she had started to quietly lick – more like a kitten than a girl getting ready for a blowjob.

“Well, I am a dragon,” Brash said, sounding smug. “But seriously, what is a kamui?”

Merton bit his lip, then closed his eyes and thought everything he knew about the anime Kill la Kill at Brash. He remembered being able to select targets and such with a thought. And Brash had already demonstrated an ability to do information retrieval, considering he had pulled several songs from Merton’s iPod and played them in Merton’s head. A moment later, he heard Brash gasp. What happened next was utterly disquieting and completely discombobulating. Merton felt as if his entire body had been grabbed. But it wasn’t just his skin. No.

His bones felt as if something had them in a vice grip. He felt his heart beating against the pressure of a wrapping that didn’t penetrate his skin, and yet managed to enfold his every organ. It was not painful, but it was weird as fucking hell. Then the grip shifted and squirmed and within a few seconds, he felt as if bits of him had been tossed into the air and juggled. Again. No pain. But in the same way that a dentist picking at plaque isn’t painful, but still feels weird as hell ... this felt weird as hell.

He screamed the whole way.

And thus, he was able to hear his voice stretch up the register, like Captain Rhodes from Day of the Dead.

From the scene where zombies tore his head off while he was screaming at the top of his lungs.


Again, not painful.

But it still left Merton panting as he sat on the bed, blinking.

“Tada!” Brash said, cheerfully.

“Oh. My. God.” Julia had drawn back, her jaw hanging open. Merton stood stock still, shivering, looking at a fringe of black that hung before his head. He normally cut his hair pretty short, since he hated bangs. But now he had them. Then his brow furrowed and he saw a band of ... red. In his hair. His hands went to his head and he saw he was wearing a thick red glove on one hand and a red wrist band on the second. Also, his fingers were ... not dainty. But they were a fuck of a lot thinner.

“What the-” Merton heard his voice pitched up a few registers. “EEEEEEE!” He squealed.

Or, more accurately.

She squealed.

She looked down at her breasts and saw that not only did she have breasts, but they were contained in a black and red patterned Japanese school girl uniform. A familiar looking black and red patterned Japanese school girl uniform.

“BRASH!” Merton screamed. “What the FUCKING HELL!?”

“Y-You don’t think it’s neat?” Brash asked, sounding like a puppy, post newspaper booping.

“Ahhhhh myyyyyy gawwwwwwwwd!” Julia squealed. “You’re Ryuko Matoi! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh you’re SO FREAKING CUTE!”

Merton stood up. He – she – tottered, her arms flailing in the air as she tried to keep her balance with a brand new body. She scrambled to the mirror that was set in the dressing room of the palatial quarters she shared with Relix. Looking into the mirror, she saw that not only did she look exactly like Ryuko Matoi from Kill la Kill, but Brash had even replicated the anime asthetic in real life as close as he could manage. So, she actually looked a little inhuman. But, in the same way that an anime character could look really attractive within the framework of an animated picture, Ryuko looked cute as heck in the real world, skirting the edge of the uncanny valley with a deftness that shocked Merton to the core.

“S-Sorry for not asking permission first. I just kinda got excited when I figured out how to do the shifty shapes with you. Basically, I just surrounded your cells with my cells, and snuggled them and since they’re snuggled, they feel safe and I can keep them happy, and then put them together again when you wanna shift back!” Brash said – and yes, the replica of the sentient school girl uniform that granted superpowers (Kill la Kill was a weird fucking show, even by Japanese anime standards) wriggled as Brash talked. Just like from the show.

Merton breathed slowly out. “Well. T-This ... is good.”

“I’ll say...” Julia purred, her tiredness forgotten. In the mirror, Merton could see her checking out her new ass. Merton spun around, her cheeks flushing as she glared at her girlfriend. Julia grinned back at her, unapologetic.

“This opens up a lot of tactical options. Can you...” Merton paused. “Can you shrink while I’m wearing you?”

“Sure!” Brash said. “I’ll just extend a magical whatsit field to make your cells tinier!”

Merton crossed her arms over her breasts, then blushed as she felt her own breasts squish underneath her arm. She wasn’t sure if Brash was jacking her sensitivity up in an effort to make this sexier, or if that was just a thing that was different between girls and boys. But she did feel her nipples hardening underneath her clothes. “I’ve noticed dragons use their shapeshifting in their combat. Now, if ... when we fight dragons, I won’t be disadvantaged.”

Julia grinned. “And you have a super cute ass.”

Merton blushed and giggled. Then she stopped, at hearing how she sounded. “G-God, is this what you felt like for years?”

“No,” Julia said. “Firstly, I was...” she paused, then looked aside. “I was ugly. Not just because I was a dude. I love dudes. But I was an ugly dude, you know?” She nodded, slightly. Merton stepped forward and almost tripped over her own feet. She tottered over and knelt down beside the bed. She took Julia’s hand, squeezing. The feeling of Julia’s soft fingers against Merton’s new fingers was enough to send lightning bolts of erotic sensation crackling along her spine. “You might not want to be a girl. But you’re a pretty one.” She smiled. “Also, knowing you can become a dude again at any time prolly helps.”

“Yeah. It does.” Merton murmured. She leaned forward and kissed Julia on the cheek. Julia giggled, then turned her head and kissed Merton back. Their tongues played together. Their breasts pressed together and Brash obligingly became as thin as silk, so that Merton could feel the deliciousness that was two breasts squeezing together, two pairs of hard, sensitive nipples teasing against one another. And it wasn’t like dudes didn’t feel pleasure from having their nipples played with, but ... this was a whole new level. Merton drew her mouth back, gasping, a line of saliva connecting their mouths for a moment.

Merton’s cheeks flushed. “I ... I think I...” She blinked. “I’m...”

“What?” Julia asked, grinning.

“Y-You know!” Merton stammered, her cheeks growing even redder as she looked aside. She had never known that she could feel so flustered. Let alone feel so fucking turned on by it.

“I wanna hear you say it...” Julia’s voice husked in her ear as she leaned forward. Her teeth nibbled along the sensitive edge of Merton’s earlobe. “I wanna hear my pretty new girlfriend say it. Out loud.”

“ ... wet...” Merton whispered, her fingers clenching on her skirt. She felt the thin strip of panties that was all that she wore ... tighten. That press of silk against the sloppy folds of her eager, eager pussy was enough to remind Merton that she was wearing another being. Another male being. The caress of a bra on her chest wasn’t a bra, it was Brash’s body, pressing to her more intimately than anything she had ever felt in her life. Somehow, it felt different when she was female. And horny as hell.

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This is Pranay from Vizag. I am 5 7 in height and have average weight. This is the sex story explaining how I got laid with the wife of my distant cousin. Girls who are interested can contact me and give feedback at I will be waiting for that. Sorry for my narration as it is my first sex story. All the character names including mine are fictional. This happened when I was 20. I was studying my bachelor’s and having a lot of fun but didn’t have any encounter till then. I came to know that my...

4 years ago
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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

4 years ago
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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

2 years ago
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Hot Actress Lookalike Made Me Her Toy

Hi all the fans of this wonderful site. Hey there friends myself Sam. I’m 23 year old guy from Jaipur . I have an athletic ripped body with some really Whitish fair and hot looks. My height is 5’11″ and my tool is as big as 8 and 2’5 cm thick I am an MBA from a well reputed college. This is a real experience which happened to me exactly few Months before.. Lets start the story I was living at a PG in Delhi for my studies. There was a Hot Mature aunty which resides near our Flat.! Her name was...

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uk daphne fowler lookalike 65

One week earlier in summer i had been off work with a bad shoulder,so after a few weeks i was getting quite bored,only so many times you can sit at the computer wanking..One night the mother in law had popped round and in conversation said i was bored,she suggested that the charity shop where she worked was really short staffed,as one of the helpers out the back had broke her hip,so why dont i help out there,your having a laugh i said no chance.its ok she said your be out the back helping out...

4 years ago
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She Really Likes It

My ex girlfriend let’s call her Shel and I had great sex and I want to share with you our first time and then how I taught her to give the ultimate blow job.   I noticed Shel at work and how well she filled her jeans out, so one day I asked her supervisor about her. The Supervisor being a female that I had also tangoed with was very direct, she’s easy go for it. Soon a date was arranged and we hooked up at a company party. We danced for hours then I ask her if she wanted to follow me...

Straight Sex
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Aadhichu polikeda mone

Hi! Ella malayalee vayanakkarkkum vayanakkarikalkum ente namaskaaram. Enttammo o! Enthoru sukham, pattathiyude aa neyappa pooril aadichu kayattumbol; aa maathanga mulakalil onnu thottal pinneh parayukayum venda. Iyppol. 42 years, 5” 10” height, 42” chest, 80 kgs weight (9”x 4” size) ithu ennude thu; inni en pattathi yudethu 39 years, 5”7”, 42-32-38”, 77 kgs (venna niranjha ponthiya neyappam) 11 years munne widhva yayi., iyppol keralathil sthira thamasam, 2 sons + prayamaya amma ithryamannu...

2 years ago
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Actress Vidya Balan Lookalike Aunt Boldly Fucks 8211 Pt 2

Hi guys, this is Sujan back with another part of my story. Sorry for delaying the second part of the story, as I had been busy with office work at home due to the lockdown. Thanks, everyone for your suggestions and feedback on my previous story. Those who are reading this story for the first time, I request you to read the previous part to get a background about myself, my aunt, and how it all began. The link to the first part is given on top. Let’s continue from where we left off. I dozed off...

1 year ago
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Sex Like Real aka SLR VR! You’re ready for the future, aren’t you? Hell, you’re already living in the future. That’s why you’ve got your VR headset all set to pump hot sex directly into your eyeballs, letting you live the dream of fucking your favorite pornstars. Your only problem now is deciding which of the VR porn sites are worth your hard-earned spank money. Today, I’m going to take a look at Sex Like is fairly new to the sex movie industry, but so is VR tech....

VR Porn Sites
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I Like Comix! Do you like comics? That’s really more of a rhetorical question, because you probably wouldn’t be reading this review if you didn’t give a shit about them. More specifically, though, it’s porn comics you like, huh? Well, the aptly titled ILikeComix has exactly those, and they’d like your has been around in some form or another for the better part of a decade. The current domain wasn’t registered until 2018, but the archive stretches all the way back to...

Porn Comics Sites
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Kelly Girl 6 Not Very Ladylike

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 6 -- Not Very Ladylike By Wanda Cunningham "Did I hear my name?"...

3 years ago
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Why I dislike most porn 3

I have seen a lot of it - Some is quite good - See here my more than ten thousand favourite videos!I have seen also many videos without acting or directors, why are they always better than pro-porn?I am amazed as pleased by extreme success of the first episode with over fifteen thousands readers!I especially like the serious and lengthy feedback in some of the comments which invoke my interestI am keeping half an eye on the second installment, very well read so far in first few hours upI am...

2 years ago
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Likes and Dislikes

For each activity, there are two answers. The first is whether you have done the activity, and the second is how much you enjoy the activity or (if you’ve not done it), or how much you want to try it (if you haven’t already) answer with yes or no.SEX:Anal Sex (get): YesArmpit Sex (get): NoAss Cheek Sex (get): YesButt Plugs (get): YesDildo – Anal (get): YesDildo – Oral (get): NoFinger Sex (get): YesGenital Intercourse: YesHand Job (give): NoIncluding others: NoLicking (get): YesLicking (give):...

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likes and dislikes

For each activity, there are two answers. The first is whether you have done the activity, and the second is how much you enjoy the activity or (if you’ve not done it), or how much you want to try it (if you haven’t already) answer with yes or no and numbers 1-5 for degree of interest with 1 being low interest and 5 being highest.SEX:Anal Sex (get): + 5Armpit Sex (get): - 1Ass Cheek Sex (get): +3Butt Plugs (get): + 5Dildo – Anal (get): + 5Dildo – Oral (get): + 5Finger Sex (get): + 2Genital...

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Look Alike Revenge

Look Alike Revenge by Diana Kimberly Heche Terence stared quietly at the man who sat across his table from him. For obvious reasons, he viewed this man with great suspicion. Terence could not shake the odd feeling that this was a chess game and it was now his move. He clasped his hands together, his brow furrowed with concentration, as he spoke his voice was the only thing breaking the silence of the massive dining room. "I want to make sure I understand this...

4 years ago
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They dressed alike

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

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Why I dislike most porn 2

I have seen a lot of it - Some is quite good - See here my more than ten thousand favourite videos!I have seen also many videos without acting or directors, why are they always better than pro-porn?I will list below some categories where well intended 'amateur'-shoots are almost always a failureI will list the alternatives and explain why those takes can not possibly fail in any way whatsoeverIt is always the guy who organises it who is to blame for the failure of his well-intended enterpriseIt...

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Godlike Wink

Today was no different than any other day in your average life. You went to your same old boring job at a marketing company. It had been a hard day at work, so you went to bed early, hoping to get some rest from the world. You didn't notice you left your clothes on In your dream, you found a strange looking textbook. You picked it up, and noticed it had only one paper left in it. The other ones were ripped out of it "Whoever has a piece of this textbook in his hand, in his pocket or anywhere at...

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2 Love Birds Alike

2 Love Birds AlikeBy: Londebaaz Chohan If not the ultimate, Jim was almost pretty close to be the geek of the high school. Accepted that he was virgin but far more than that; he was the model boy of being so desperate for the pussy and a physical contact but absolutely unable to succeed because girls always backed away from him. Surely this impossible distance between him and all sorts of femininity gave him a rigid and hefty hard on all the time to carry in front of him, between his legs. He...

4 years ago
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Why I dislike most porn 4 BDSM

I have seen a lot of it - Some is quite good - See here my more than ten thousand favourite videos!I have seen also many videos without acting or directors, why are they always better than pro-porn?I am amazed as pleased by extreme success of the first episode with over fifteen thousands readers!I especially like the serious and lengthy feedback in some of the comments which invoke my interestI ended the third installment of this series of serious essays with my offer of three next subjectsI...

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Virutal Likeness

If you notice any grammar or punctuation that needs to be correct, please contact me. As it says on the right side, you have Your name 'the son', your moms name and your sisters name. For the sister, if it still says Madison when you type in your own. Then I have not updated that page. Give me time. I also need to add the Aunt and several others. The current options below. First option - Son creates a virtual reality system where he uses it for mostly sex. But to help humanity as well. Also he...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Likeness

Copyright© 2004 There was a parcel tightly wedged in the mailbox when Bill got home from work. It wasn't all that big, but damn, it was heavy for its size. Priority mail, and insured, too. Very mysterious. He couldn't remember having ordered any merchandise recently. Bubble wrap and plastic peanuts littered the floor under his kitchen table. And there, up on the shelf above the stereo, there it stood. The contents of the package. A statuette. An five-inch tall highly detailed rendering...

2 years ago
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An Unlikely Business Meeting in Paris

The taxi pulled up at Brussels Midi and Rose stepped out into a small puddle of water. She smiled at her own misfortune, which was common. The whole square had one puddle, and it just so happened that this was where she would put her stiletto. Somehow, despite her best efforts, complete elegance always eluded her but she accepted her flaws, as they were a reminder of her many blessings and as far as flaws go, the odd puddle was nothing to complain about. Rose walked calmly through the station...

Love Stories
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Kittens Unlikely Allies

Kittens, Unlikely Allies My mother sat in her seat surrounded by her kittens and her Advisors as the Fang sped toward the Sol system and the tiny planet called Earth. If I didn't love being a girl so much I would have happily shed my skirts for rough trousers and leather armor. I hadn't been born a girl, but my mother had been the youngest of her sisters and no one had paid attention to her or her offspring since it was her oldest sister who was in line for the throne of Lyconia....

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The Most Unlikely

Where is the most unlikely place to pick up a willing sex partner? In that place who would you expect to be the most unlikely person? What if I said a funeral and the person the grieving widow? Well that is where I picked up Hilary Simpson-Jones, a fifty four year old, very severe lady, yes lady. Hilary was a real Lady and the guests at the funeral of her late husband Sir James Simpson-Jones were mostly of that class. Myself I was there only because my best friend had asked me to go with him....

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Hormones Part 2 Share and Share Alike

--- Hormones Part 2 - Share and Share Alike (Mf, ff, 1st, cons, inc, nc, oral, impreg, voy) by Krosis of the Collective --- Six weeks after Alie had been impregnated the second time by her Uncle Rob she found that she was incredibly horny. Her breasts were sore but felt good when rubbed, and so she started fucking her uncle again, though she had to find excuses to go out because by that time it was near the end of summer break and she usually only went over to her aunt's and...

2 years ago
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Too alike to be different

It began as something to pass the time, to have fun , flirt and maybe play . After so many years of being alone and empty inside I found this site through a friend.. Ther were a number of woman to whom I was sexually attracted to and would love to have an encounter or two with. Then , accidentally I stumbled along this profile , she quoted I'm here for the porn , don't cam and won't meet . If you don't like this then delete me. Wow, I thought her photos were so sexy, and the girl has...

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Demonstrating The Celebrity Look 8211 Alike Scenario In A Seminar

I am a professor at the irrational school of drama as well as at the south Asian sex film academy at an undisclosed place.At both the institutes applied part of the performing arts, particularly abhinaya ( enacting ) , is shown to the psychiatrists and criminologists who wish to alter the pathogenic behavior of patients and criminals.It is no secret that certain people like to be associated with the certain famous people in a non-descent manner; I mean such pathogenic persons do like to...

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My Unlikely Experience Chapter Three Wrestling Seriously

We met a great couple a year or so ago when they moved in just down the street from us. They seemed like nice people and Sam (Samantha) and I agreed, they weren't at all bad to look at.Dave and Jackie both have blonde hair and blue eyes, average heights and they appear fit. In my opinion, Jackie's not as pretty as Nicole Kidman, but she has a similar look. She has a long, slim body and long legs. She's a treat to the eyes. Sam really likes the way Dave looks as well. She thinks he has a...

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General Jacksons Unlikely Legacy

Please note that this is not an erotic story but rather a story of Civil War and Civil Rights. Please forgive me if you have come looking for titillation and found it not. This is a different kind of story but an adventure nevertheless. General Jackson’s Unlikely Legacy.It would, I suppose, be hard to discern the link between a peaceful English park full of happy revellers in the year 2012 and a tortured bloody battlefield in North America in 1861. It would take, in fact, the...

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Kittens Unlikely Allies part 2

Kittens, Unlikely Allies, 2 With sore bottoms, Tarriana and I stood at our Dorm room window watching as both the Fang and the Dagger lept toward the stars. "Hey you two," began Saffrella. "Look at you both holding hands." She giggled. "Erika, watch the door," she urged, then produced an apple from the dining hall. "No you two stay just like that, don't move." She did something and split the apple in half, then turning them she bit into each one in several places. Then kneeling...

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Kittens Unlikely Allies 3

Kitten's Unlikely Allies, 3 By: Malissa Madison Standing beside Niesha, we followed Morella into the Throne Room to begin the Open Council Meeting. Niesha handed her a few pages with the Council Agenda on it as we each took a seat, Niesha to her right, myself to her left. She rapped the base of her scepter three times, "I call this open council meeting to order. First order of business," "Why is the Wolf Pup here?" interrupted someone from the...

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Kittens Unlikely Allies 4

Kitten's Unlikely Allies, 4 It was a sorrowful burial ceremony as Junior Captain Shields and the lost Troopers were laid to rest. My sister Lamella had been retrieved from the Kitten Academy by a Military Courier to attend since the pair had been engaged before he was assigned to the Transport. She insisted on wearing a black veil as if she was actually a widow. But refused to go to the ceremonies for the Lyconian and other Troopers. She swore that she would never fall in love...

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Speaking With Your Demons08 Unlikely Teachers Unlikely Lessons

“Ah, our honored guests arrive,” UW President, Nathan Kelly, announced, standing. Phil and Meg entered his office. “We asked where we should go, and they directed us here rather than the research lab,” Phil explained, glancing around. “That was my fault,” Nathan answered, leaning over to speak into his intercom. “Virginia, could you call Nancy and Tracy in?” “Already done, Dr. Ellison. I called them as soon as Mr. Walker arrived. They should arrive shortly.” “Excellent, Virginia. Thanks,...

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Missy Likes It Chapter 02 of 05

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

4 years ago
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Missy Likes It Chapter 02 of 05

Introduction: A five part story of a young woman growing up in a BDSM family In Chapter 02 she talks about her junior high years. WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the...

2 years ago
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A Prize Unlike Any Other

"A prize unlike any other," they advertised. "Take a test and receive a prize. The first person to receive a Perfect Score gets a mystery prize unlike any other." You expected something the likes of details pertaining to Einstein's contributions to Physics and the things that stemmed from said contributions or the finer working of Chaos Theory with such a billing. You were even expecting something insulting, like a test on the history of the United States being held by some smug Europeans whose...

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What Helen Likes

What Helen likesA lot of you have asked questions about my dear wife, Helen – what she likes and does not like.Physical things first – she is in her mid to late 50s. She is 5 feet 10 inches tall. She weighs about 80 kilogrammes – (which is about 175 pounds)She is a size 14, sometimes 16. She has a narrow waist but quite full and curvy hips and a round full bum.Her bust size in the UK is 34E or 34F. Her tits are full, but heavy and I like them a lot because whilst they are heavy, they do not...

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Schoolgirl Most Likely to Succeed Ch 2 a Frankel story

Originally written by Frankel. I thought Mr Saunders was going to be a push over and I was right. How anyone could be such a pervert and still be a teacher was beyond me. In phys-ed he would make us get down on all fours and do leg stretches for ten minutes at a time while he patrolled the room. He would start at the head of the class and look down the girls loose fitting tops before moving around behind us so he could see up our mini skirts. I just knew he was imagining taking us...

2 years ago
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Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes Part 03

by Vanessa Evans Part 03 It was on the Thursday evening that Jade and Eva went to the keep fit class in the gym. Neither of them expected to have anywhere near as much fun as at the swimming pool but the both realised that they did need the exercise. Jade chose a pink leotard and Eva a yellow one and they walked to the gym wearing dresses that were so short that their butts were only just covered and their slits weren’t. It was a male instructor, Don Little, that greeted them and he gave...

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Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes Part 05

by Vanessa Evans Part 05 As Eva was coming out of her room to get some coffee on the Friday morning she saw Jade coming out of Jason’s room. “You did say that it was okay didn’t you?” Jade asked Eva. “Of course it is Jade, was it good?” “And how.” They talked as they got the coffee and decided that they were going to a strip club that night. During the day they both did some research and when they got back they compared notes and decided to go to one that was advertising ‘amateur...

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Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes Part 04

by Vanessa Evans Part 04 There was what could well be a nice restaurant there but it was all shut up for the winter and they wandered around and found a bar that was open. They went in and saw about 8 or 9 men who all turned and looked at the strangers who had walked in. “Hi everyone, we’re not disturbing anything are we?” Eva said. “Fucking hell lady, no, come on in, park your cute little ass over here.” One of the customers said. Jason was starting to thing that going there was a...

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Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes Part 02

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 After a restful night’s sleep Eva was more settled with the changes that happened to her since she got to university, and when she went to the kitchen she didn’t even think about putting any clothes on and wasn’t really surprised to see a naked Jade there as well. Lewis was also there eating some cornflakes and wondering what the hell was going on. He hadn’t been at the party so hadn’t known that Jade had ‘come out’, and hadn’t really been expecting Eva to wander...

4 years ago
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Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes Part 01

by Vanessa Evans Part 01 Eva is a 20 year old girl, slim, small ‘A’ cup breasts and dirty blonde hair. When she was a little girl her parents had trouble getting her to wear clothes. Most of the time she’d struggle as they were forced on her then she’d tear them off as soon as she could. Eva finally got the message and she was quite ‘normal’ right up until she reached puberty. It was then that her desire to wear very little or even nothing resurfaced and she hung on to her old clothes for...

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Dislike of clothes

As far back as I can remember I hated wearing clothes. I'd strip down every chance I got. After my father left us we had to move somewhere my mom could afford.We ended up moving to a big city, into some cheap apartments.Mom took a job that had her working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. I'd get home and strip down in my room and start doing my homework. Not knowing at the time, the sheer curtains that let you see out in the day, allowed people to see in at night with the lights on. One day it...

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