Touring Under PressureChapter 9: Would Energy By Any Other Name... free porn video

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Alex awoke to the sound of the hotel room door opening. He wasn't quite aware of anything yet, so he simply rolled over and glanced wearily at the door.

"Hey, just came by to bring you something to eat," Cate said by way of a greeting. "I figured that none of you would manage to get moving yet."

"Man, how come my sister never brings me stuff to eat in the morning?" Brittany complained, as she tried to find a sheet to pull over herself.

"Hey, I think angels just have very angelic sisters," Jamie suggested. "She certainly watches out for him."

"So how'd it go last night? Did everyone get boosted?" Cate asked as she tossed Alex a bag full of goodies, just to show she wasn't that interested in her brother. Gail, who'd come in with Cate, was eager to hear the results as well.

"It went wonderfully," Jamie replied cheerfully.

"In case you couldn't tell, she was the control group," Steph explained. "She had her mind officially melted. She passed out for a while."

"I would have worried," Brittany said, "but Alex had just finished with me and I could feel her emotions as she went under. It was the weirdest thing. I could literally feel an inkling of what she was experiencing."

"That was nothing," Steph added. "I had a little orgasm when she did. That got me prepped for my own."

"We meant did you each get boosted, not how it was sleeping with my brother," Cate pointed out, letting the girls think she didn't like hearing about Alex's sex life.

"They each did," Alex explained as he started eating things from the bag that Cate had thrown at him. Jamie tried to sneak some grapes, and he playfully slapped her hand before sticking a couple in her open mouth before continuing. "As Steph explained, Jamie got the full treatment. Steph had the buildup but I skipped the simultaneous orgasm, and poor Brittany drew the short straw. She didn't get the big build up but I tried to give her an orgasm when I did, but I was off by a few minutes."

"So I was right, then?" Gail asked, trying to drive her point home. "You don't really need to work so hard to achieve the same results." Alex agreed with her summation, so she continued. "I think that demonstrates you've been standing in the way of your own abilities. Maybe if you stopped trying to analyze and control everything you might be able to figure out this spontaneous boosting ability."

"I prefer the old way, myself," Jamie replied as she stretched out, not bothering to be as self-conscious as Brittany was. Brittany figured she was fighting a losing battle, so she dropped the sheet she was covering herself with and started picking up the scattered pieces of clothing she found lying around the room.

"So it worked with everyone?" Gail stressed. "Did you try communicating with anyone?" she asked Stephanie.

"Yeah, I said hello to Anh just to see how well my telepathy worked. By the way, Alex, she said she's anxious to speak to you today."

"Yeah, she can wait until we hit the road later. Right now we need to get cleaned up and dressed. I think we're all ready for breakfast." The three girls agreed.

"I think Steph and I should get to share the shower with you this morning, to make up for not getting the full 'mind melting' treatment last night," Brittany teased as she handed out the various pieces of underwear she'd collected. Once Cate was sure they were all moving in the right direction, she returned to the other room to give them a little more privacy. She'd learned what she'd wanted to find out.

"So, what do you think about this 'spontaneous boost' issue?" Alex asked, once they'd escaped the heavy downtown traffic, allowing them focus on Alex's outstanding issues. They'd gotten an early start, since they had no one to meet and were anxious to get out of the city. Gail had informed them she had a late morning public meeting with the mayor where they were going to give her a key to the city for saving people from the attack at the Cotton Bowl Stadium, so Alex and Cate were on their own for the day. She'd try to catch them when they stopped for the night, but she didn't know how soon she could get away, or how long it would take her to catch up with them.

"Well, as usual it's complicated," Cate said diplomatically. She turned to watch him as she got comfortable, preparing to discuss the issues at length. "First of all, I'm not sure 'spontaneous' is the best word to use. I was thinking of 'autonomous', since it occurred independently of your conscious mind, but that doesn't seem to be much better. But aside from that, there are a lot of outstanding issues about it."

Alex was pleased to see Cate getting back into her 'science mode', which is where she felt the most comfortable and enjoyed herself the most. He knew she was uncomfortable constantly watching out for him, and he knew she was much better exercising her mind instead. What's more, Alex had been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to explore the issues that had arisen lately. There were a lot of things they had no explanations for, and they really needed some handle on them to know how best to approach them. He knew Cate was the best person for that role.

"And those issues would be?" he prompted her, even though he already had his own list.

"The whole premise behind your boosting the women during sex was predicated on the extreme mix of hormones in the brain during sex combined with the heavy brain activity occurring during orgasm, and the necessary emotional link you seem to need to make the connection. It just doesn't make sense you can bypass all of that."

"But you heard what happened last night. Apparently all those steps I was taking were unnecessary. I boosted the girls without them."

"But that's just it, just because they don't need a simultaneous orgasm doesn't mean they don't require the hormones, the increased brain activity or the emotional connection. There's clearly more to it than that. There's something else we're missing, although the rest is a part of it as well. If you don't need the other things to achieve the spontaneous boost, then you probably don't need them otherwise. But our focus needs to be on how you achieved it in the first place."

Alex could see that Cate, once again playing the role of scientist, was again calm and detached, evaluating the issues on a logical basis, not on the emotional one he was considering them on.

"So what do you suggest as an alternative?" Alex prompted her again.

"The idea you could do such a thing from a distance, to people you hadn't even gotten to know yet, goes against everything we've assumed about the process up to this point, so clearly those assumptions were incorrect."

"You do remember that incidents of violence have generally—" Alex began.

"Yeah, I know," she said, but then continued as if he hadn't said anything. "Thus we have much of the same ingredients. You have the emotional connection, because you're concerned about the women due to the perceived threat to them, and you have the excitement level which seems to be a major component for you, but what's missing is the women's responses. Apparently they don't need the big build up. Apparently the only requirements are your own. Whatever you manage to do you do on your own, with no requirements on their part."

"You don't think the adrenaline rush they got from being shot at made a difference?" Alex asked.

"I'm not sure, but I don't think it was a major component. Instead I think it was a component for you, and as I said, the worry about one of your followers was threatened would force you to identify with them. I suspect the long process is so you'll trust someone enough to relax, but if forced, you can make the jump that much sooner."

"So you're suggesting the hours long lovemaking is just to make myself feel better about the whole process?"

"I didn't say that, but we may need to examine it as a separate issue. Right now I want to examine what's essential to the process and what's not. I'm thinking this is more about your ability to create and enhance links in their minds. Again, I'm thinking the boosting, at least for the Seers, involves recreating or enhancing the existing links you've already created in their minds."

"And the Watchers?" Alex countered.

"I suspect you're doing something similar, but it doesn't involve anything nearly so complex it would show up on a brain scan. I think you're probably doing something with a quantum-mind, you're essentially sharing a portion of your mind, or possible the Seers' minds, with the Watchers."

"Wait, this is the same quantum mind you think I've somehow accessed in another dimension, and which fosters both the telepathy and gives me my extra energy?"

"Yeah, and we need to come up with another term for the energy," Cate said. "It gets too difficult talking about two different types of energy using the same terms. The energy you give off is clearly different than the biological process of converting fats and food into biochemical energy to propel muscles. It's a whole different beast."

"Well hold off on that thought for now, since I've been debating that myself. I've got an idea, but I want to discuss it with the others first."

"The others?" Cate asked, although she had a good idea what he was saying.

"But if I do it by triggering the link I created in their brain, then wouldn't it mean that all I need to do is tweak that linkage again?" Alex asked, avoiding answering her question immediately. "Couldn't I then boost someone without doing anything specific? Couldn't I just access their minds directly, make a slight adjustment and get out again, without getting anyone worked up?"

"That's something we may never know," Cate advised him. "You have no conscious control over the aspect of your mind which handles these things, so we don't know how to control or even access it. Thus we've got to rely on what we know will work, and try to refine that process. Simply hoping for the impossible won't advance anything."

Alex was still mostly convinced it was a combined process between him and the girls, but he wasn't quite willing to rule anything out at the moment, especially since their best theories had just been knocked for a loop. The idea he may be able to boost people without having to take them to bed was vitally important to Alex. He continued to feel bad about what he was doing, like he was using everyone's perceptions of him being more than the naïve young man he was to take advantage of people he barely even knew. What's more, the conflict over who to boost, and whether they were currently involved or not, was a constant source of worry for him. The incident with Megan and Ryan still bothered him tremendously. He'd made a stupid mistake in ignoring his better instincts and had almost responded by inflicting permanent damages on someone who couldn't handle the situation. Such a scene just illustrated why this whole process was so dangerous. He was playing with people's lives here. And although he had powerful motives for doing it, he couldn't shake the perception he was only doing it to get his own rocks off, effectively making him no better than any of the other high profile people who have a string of sexual dalliances then proclaim shock and dismay when eventually exposed. Alex could only imagine when he was eventually exposed. Man, the number of people who could publish a book about their experiences with him would be almost unlimited.

"The shared quantum-mind would certainly explain a lot. It would explain the tremendous link we share between us. You know I feel as strongly about my Watchers as I do the Seers, despite the direct brain connection I share with the Seers."

"Yeah, while that's one of the more 'far out' conjectures, it also makes the most sense," Cate said, blowing a stray hair out of her face. "Luckily we don't have to account for how it could occur, since we're simply assuming you're utilizing a pre-existing quantum mind which you're using to share your own abilities with the girls. If I had to explain the whole thing in a science paper, it would take another hundred years, at the very least, but if we simply assume it's an already working system, we can skip most of those problems."

Cate was frustrated not by her brother and her inability to answer his questions, but because she was distracted at the moment. The back of the small car was filled with cages of hyperactive mice whose continual chittering kept diverting her attention. Since they'd had to leave town ahead of Patricia and her band, and would probably be separated from them for over a day, they'd decided to bring Cate's lab mice with her so Alex could continue giving them their twice a day exposure to his energy, testing how they responded to it over time so Cate could determine the effects of long term exposure to Alex's energy.

She'd dedicated certain mice to specific tests, namely the 'Alex mice' (who'd get a massive exposure equivalent to what Alex was getting), the 'Seer' mice (who'd get a much smaller dose representative to what they'd get), and the control group, who'd receive none at all. She was currently trying to settle both Anh and Brooke, two mice named after two of his earliest followers. Alex had already spent enough time with them he could actually identify which little furry creature was which. Neither Alex nor Cate felt comfortable riding in a car full of mice, since all it would take would be one simple accident, or his hitting the brakes too hard, and Cate's precious experiment might be seriously compromised. But they couldn't leave them behind, and there was no way to secure the cages like they had in the touring van. Still, they tried to ignore the disruption and continue the conversation.

"So, if we agree there's something in me which can achieve this spontaneous boost without my getting physically involved with the women—excusing any obvious puns, since I can't imagine anything more 'physically involved' than monkeying around with someone's brain—then how do we figure out how it operates, so we can figure out how to access it?" Alex asked, starting to feel frustrated since they weren't coming up with any clear solutions to his central underlying problem.

Cate simply shrugged her shoulders. "You can't. There could be any number of different factors occurring, and we have no way of tracking any of them down since we don't have access to subconscious mind. But we have some decent ideas, so hopefully we're narrowing it down. You just can't get frustrated yet. This is a big step, as you said, so it doesn't make sense to rush it unnecessarily. It's worth taking a structured look at it. If we can crack this particular nut I have a feeling we'll figure a lot more as well. So that makes it even more important than it is at the moment. After all, this one little detail, the unlocking of this mystery, could mean the difference between boosting dozens and thousands of individuals."

"As if I'm not feeling stressed enough about it at the moment," Alex groaned, but he knew she was correct. Just as she usually was. He sat there for a moment considering it.

"I think I may have to take Anh's advice on the topic," Alex suggested.

"Anh's?" Cate asked. "What did she say about it?"

"Just what she's always said, that there's more to what's happening than simple science can account for. She keeps harping on my spirit having crossed over from the spirit realm to guide me in this, just like the other girls keep telling me that I'm being led by God. Maybe that's the simplest explanation. Maybe there's some outside influence pulling strings we simply can't see."

"Alex, while I still believe in God, I don't believe in a paternalistic deity who has the time to sit around listening and responding to individual prayers of each individual animal in his kingdom, nor that he controls each and every physical response in the entire universe in each second of its existence. I believe he set the universe up to operate according to very specific rules, and that those rules are what governs its functioning. Science has answered most of the major questions for the last 2500 years, the same questions religion has failed time and again to answer, so I can't see any point in abandoning a reasoned response now."

"That's not what I'm suggesting," Alex calmly explained to her. "All I'm saying is that, given our inability to come up with a rational explanation, we may have to forego explaining it right now. I'm thinking that maybe someone else is doing the activations instead of me, for their own reasons. So instead of stressing about what's causing it, we need to focus on what we're going to do about it."

"Oh," Cate responded, looking momentarily surprised by that response. She waited a few moments before responding again. "Well, what's the next step? You've been trying to repeat the process without any luck, so it doesn't look like you can force it. You and I need to figure this out. You, because it will solve a major problem, and me because it might provide a clue to how everything works. And, frankly, attributing it to an 'unknown entity' seems like just throwing our hands in the air and giving up."

"Again, that wasn't my attempt in suggesting it. I was simply trying to say that maybe I'm not directly responsible for it. But you're right, it's too soon for us to assume that. Gail seems to think I 'need to get out of my own way' in the matter," Alex reminded her. "That's a familiar refrain, as Anh always said that as well. They may have a point. Maybe if I just stop stressing about it, I'll stumble across how to do it."

"That's hardly a plan of attack," Cate said. "Telling someone to relax is almost guaranteed to make them tense up. Telling you to just ignore it means you won't be able to."

"OK, it looks like we may need the big guns to figure this one out. Why don't you try calling Anh and ask her if she has any ideas? I wanted to speak to her about what happened to them anyway."

So Cate got her phone out and dialed the number, putting it on speakerphone as soon as it started to ring.

"Hello? Cate?" they heard Allison answer.

"What's this? No 'Angel Vision Foundation'? We leave for a couple of weeks and suddenly everyone forgets the proper way to answer the phone?" Cate teased her.

"No, it's just that we've been anxiously waiting for your call. We checked it was you calling before I answered," Allison replied.

"And who is 'we'? We were hoping to ask Anh a few questions," Cate told her.

"I'm here," Anh responded.

"Yeah, Anh, Shani and Liv are all here. We knew you were anxious to discuss what happened, so we took the day off just so we could be here for this call. That's why I was so nervous when I answered," Allison responded.

"Was there something specific you were looking to say?" Alex asked, slightly concerned.

"Not specifically," Shani responded, "but we had some things we wanted to convey which we figured out from our little mishap, but mostly we're just here for you. After all, we hear from you so infrequently, and we're used to you relying on us a lot. Plus, we figure you had a lot to tell us about what you learned in New Orleans."

"Yeah, can't we just be glad to talk with you?" Allison asked.

"OK, sorry for asking then. It's good to speak to you all again, and I'm glad you're all there," Alex said. "So how are you feeling? Have you recovered from the other day?"

"We're fine," Shani assured him. "It's just like you always do, we just needed to eat and we eventually recovered, though we seemed to take a bit longer to recover than you usually do. I'm guessing the energy you have constantly pouring through you makes a pretty big difference."

"What about you, Anh, any after affects with your head injury?"

"No, I'm fine. If there was any injury, they seem to have taken care of it. I had a bit of a headache, but no more than I used to get once a month, so it wasn't anything major," she explained.

"You know, I've been thinking about what to call this energy I'm taking in. Simply calling it 'energy' causes a lot of confusion. By referring to everything as energy we aren't being very precise."

"I agree, we've found ourselves caught in the same word trap," Liv replied. "Do you have any suggestions on what to call it instead?"

"Actually I do," Alex responded. "I definitely don't want it named after me. First of all it would sound boastful, which just isn't like me, but more importantly I don't want anything which refers back to me, since it would make talking about it in public difficult."

"So... ," Shani prompted him, knowing he'd already come up with something.

"I was thinking of making it personal, but still nonspecific enough so no one would be able to figure out what it was. I'm thinking of simply calling it BCM energy, or just BCM for short."

"BCM?" Cate asked, glancing at her brother.

"It stands for 'Becky, Cate and Melissa'," Alex answered. "That way it gives credit for what they are each doing for me, since I know one of the three will likely eventually unlock the secrets to it. I figured I might as well give them credit for it upfront, rather than creating some meaningless abbreviation.

"What's more, it's nonspecific enough no one will know what we're referring to. If anyone manages to overhear one of us referring to it, and asks what we're talking about, we can always claim it stands for 'British Comedy Measure', meaning it refers to how dry or abstract the person's humor and personality are. That way we can make it sound like we're talking about individuals, rather than about a scientific principle, but it would also be so esoteric it would never catch on and anyone hearing it would quickly forget about it."

"You've clearly given this some thought," Shani replied. "And you seem to be the resident expert on esoteric names," she said with a laugh.

"Actually I think he may be onto something," Cate said. "It would be easy enough to drop in conversation, it wouldn't mean anything to anyone listening, and it's got a quick response if anyone does ask about it. Although it hardly slips off the tongue, I think it does everything we'd need a name to do for us. Although I take exception to the idea that Becky may isolate and document it before I do," she added with a little edge to her voice.

"You know, speaking of names, how about we change what we call the Watchers," Shani suggested. "Every time someone says it, I see Natalie wince."

"What's wrong with Watchers?" Alex asked, clearly surprised to hear anyone had an objection to it.

"Well, frankly it's a little demeaning, as if they aren't as committed or as motivated as the Seers are," she replied.

"And it's not just the Watchers who feel that way," Allison told him. "I see the girls from your school who help out around here react whenever the term comes up. They glance at each other, as if asking 'if they say that about them, then what chance do we have?'"

"So what would you suggest we call them?" Alex asked a little irritably.

"Hey, you're the man in charge," Allison told him, "you should be the one to choose. After all, BCM was nicely handled. We're just bringing a problem to your attention."

Alex looked a bit frustrated to be presented with this at the moment, especially since he had no ready response to it.

"Well, I'll take it under advisement. What other topics did we want to discuss?"

"So is Becky there?" Cate asked. "I had something I was going to ask her as well."

"No, she had school today," Allison said. "She was interested in talking about what was happening, too, but she's been busy doing her work trying to sequence your genome. We told her we'd take care of this and let her know what we found out."

"What did you want to ask her?" Shani asked.

"It's not worth getting into just yet," Cate answered. "We've got a lot of things to discuss, and I'd rather get to the more important things first."

"So what's first on the agenda then?" Liv asked.

"I'm very worried about my inability to duplicate the spontaneous boost I achieved yesterday. This is something that's vitally important, since it means the difference between boosting one or two girls at a time and boosting everyone we meet."

"Not to mention it also eases your guilt about having to sleep with everyone," Shani guessed, once again knowing just how Alex's mind worked.

"Guilty as charged," Alex answered. "I'd love it if I didn't have to continue making love every damn night, nor having to worry about crossing some unseen line each time I do. It's stressful enough doing what I have to do, but adding making love to a string of strangers at every stop just makes it uncomfortable for everyone."

"Well, not everyone," Shani answered with a quiet laugh. "We all seemed to appreciate it, and I'm sure each of the girls you spend time with treasures it tremendously. Methinks you focus on the negatives too much. I don't think it's as much of an issue as you're making it into."

"Well, we had an embarrassing scene the other night when I went against my own better judgment and took an established couple to bed, simply because the guy said it was alright. It almost went tragically wrong."

"Wait, you took another guy to bed?" Allison asked, sounding shocked at the very idea.

"Alex wanted to boost a specific person," Cate explained, "and her boyfriend agreed it made sense, but he insisted on being there just to ensure she didn't fall for Alex and out of love for him. Everyone agreed, but the guy turned into a real ass about it when they got down to it. Alex was about to do something very stupid when we jumped in, saving his ass yet again."

"Yeah, I could see where that would be problematic," Shani answered. "But that kind of thing hardly happens very often. I still think you're making a mountain out of a molehill here."

"That may be so, but it's important to me," Alex responded. "It makes it unfair to the women who chose to not make love to me, like Caity or Kelly Ott, plus it makes me feel like I'm taking advantage of everyone. It makes me feel like I consider myself more important than anyone else, and it causes me nightly stress as well."

"Alex, I hate to tell you this, but in regards to this mission of yours, you are more important than anyone else," Liv reminded him. "Only you hold the key to the future of this new race. If you can sire an heir with your genetic ability then it could very well live on and form the basis of a large community. But if you start getting self conscious it could mean the whole thing goes nowhere and we all eventually die out as a simple momentary blip on the evolutionary scale."

"Well, debating the merits of Alex's worry isn't answering the question," Cate pointed out. "Does anyone have any ideas about how we may be able to unlock this new ability of Alex's?"

That got everyone focusing, and they tried various suggestions, although most simply duplicated the things Alex and Cate had already either discussed or tried. No one seemed to be getting anywhere. Finally Alex grew frustrated.

"Anh, you always seem to come up with amazing new insights when everyone else is stymied," Alex said. "What do you have to say? You've been pretty quiet up to now."

She took a moment to respond. "I think yours is an old problem, older than time itself. You have to ask yourself, what does the turtle do when it encounters something it no understand?"

"A turtle?" Alex asked, surprised by the question.

"Yes, a common turtle. What does it do when it runs across something it cannot figure out?"

"Uh, I have no clue," Alex answered, sounding befuddled by the question.

"It simply goes around it," she answered simply. "It no worry about what it cannot understand. If you get more information, then you go back and try again. But if you no understand enough to answer question, then it's simply not worth bothering with."

The simple wisdom of Anh's advice surprised everyone. Alex wasn't happy having his worries effectively shunted aside, but he had to admit that no one seemed to know enough to offer any significant advice, so he figured Anh had a good point. If there's no way to figure something out you simply put it aside, only going back once some new information offers you the chance of unlocking it.

However, Anh's advice effectively shut down the conversation.

"OK, there are other issues," Cate pressed. "What did we figure out from your misadventures the other night?"

"Just a second," Alex said, interrupting her, "what did you figure out about Frank Osmon? The two of you talked the other morning, but you never told me what you figured out about him. Is he like Peter and David in New Orleans, you know, having an extra X-chromosome?"

"Well, he wasn't aware of it if he was," Cate replied, remembering their conversations back in San Antonio, "although it seems many people with that condition never do. It's estimated it occurs anywhere from one out of every 500 to one out of thousand men. They wouldn't show any symptoms as long as the NRY region of the Y-chromosome, the noncombining genes, prevents the expression of the female-specific genes on the X-chromosome. However, if that were the case then I'd expect they wouldn't be able to utilize the gene in question, since we have good reason to think the gene which governs the Watchers and Seers are within the sex specific region of the X-chromosome. A more probable hypothesis is that they're actually chimeras, or someone actually possessing two different chromosome pairs. If parts of their brain had some XX chromosomes while the rest of their body was a normal XY it could account for it, although it would be difficult to test for. Generally, you can only determine it if a specific medical issue points out a specific region of the body to examine for it. Chimerism is generally associated with the body's absorption of a twin's body before it can develop. It's fairly complicated."

Same as Touring Under Pressure
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My Love Towards Our Maid Cum Cook Sukanya

Since Anita frequency dropped; the maid Sukanya continued coming to my house and had no bad intentions for her. Sukanya was 5’2” in height dark complexions with small A size boobs; though she was dark she had a cute and luscious black lips with white teeth making her look beautiful as she had a flawless skin on her face. When she started she was 20 years and married with a kid [girl]; then the next year it self she gave birth to baby boy. During her maternity period, too I had paid her money...

2 years ago
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Fate Of Lavanya From Rich To Bitch

Hi, this is south Indian fucker back with another story of a fantasy of my reader… I hope you all enjoy my stories… The names may have been changed in the story. … Kindly keep supporting me…. Please give your valuable comments and views on my stories My email… This story is about a young girl and her experiences I will be narrating as the third person…… The story begins…. Lavanya’s parents are quite rich and she is living with them in a posh apartment… This apartment was 5 floors with only...

2 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 16 Another Lady in the Night

"Man, I can't believe this is happening to us," Wendy Branch said to Sarah Mitchell, someone she'd only known for a couple of hours but already felt was closer to her than her own sister. "I know what you mean," Sarah responded. "My whole life was changed in a single moment, in just the amount of time it takes to make eye contact with an angel." Alex had asked Wendy about her name after they'd met earlier, and she'd sighed. "My father was always a practical joker, he wanted to...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 23 Spy and Kempoist Hanya

Hanya: A spy of Edo Castle's Oniwabanshuu, Hanya. As ordered by the Okashira, I will guard this place to the death! Kenshin: I would avoid an unnecessary fight if possible. Will you stand aside? Hanya (striking his fists together): The commands of the Okashira are absolute. Sanosuke: A metallic sound... the bastard's wearing metal guards under his gloves. So that's why Kenshin didn't hurt him last night... Kenshin: The guards will certainly take the shock of the blow, but the act of...

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Fucked Saranya And Her Mom Together

Hi all, Hope you guys are doing good.I thought to pen down my memorable experience I had with my darling Saranya and her mom, since a month ago. A quick intro about ourselves.. I’m 25 single, living in Coimbatore and she is 29, lost her husband, just 1 year after her marriage. She lives with her mom, in next street to my home. She has 6 months old kid and she works in a private concern. I was close with her family since 3 years so we used to have a casual talk whenever we have free time. One...

2 years ago
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Sex With Village Virgin Cousin Lavanya

Hi, I am Madhu, an engineering graduate and I am from Andhra Pradesh, residing in Hyderabad. I am 6 feet tall with fair complexion and an athletic body (being a sports player), with a perfect thick dick. I am a horny guy who started to masturbate since my high school. Coming to the story of , this incident happened during my intermediate summer vacation. As my second inter was about to start, we were given only 10 days holidays. I decided to go to my grandparents’ house in my village which was...

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When Sukanya And Me Enjoyed Part 8211 2

Hi, This is ansh and I stay in Delhi. I am reachable on Sorry to keep you waiting for so long but I promise the wait would be worth it. This is part 2 of previous experience with Sukanya (an Indian Sex Stories reader) whom I met and we were having an awesome time together where I was being the Dom and Sukanya was acting as a slave and I was enjoying teasing her and a=making her beg for all the erotic experience and pleasure. I had blindfolded her and was exciting her arousement by merely...

3 years ago
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Sexperience With Lavanya 8211 A Great Adventure

Hi dear ISS readers, this is again your raj from chennai. You might have read my previous story “Night halt with a lady dentist – a great experience”. I have got some good responses from you, hope my next experience continues will make you to stick on your eyes in my story. So my dear iss readers continue your support in reading my experiences and place your comments either in the iss portal or through to my mail id: I have changed all the names in this story for security reasons. Now have a...

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Gangbang Of Slutty Lavanya 8211 Part 1

Hi, everyone. I am Rohan, 20M, new here. This is my first story, and the first part. I will soon publish the remaining parts and write kinkier stories on different categories, including personal experiences. I usually write in detail, so let me know if you would want me to change my style. Mail me at for anything ;) Enjoy. Lavanya woke up early that morning. She could not sleep well, knowing well what a fantastic day it was going to be. She searched around for her alarm clock, and saw there...

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Consensual Bondage Group Sex With Lavanya 8211 Part 1

Hey this is Rohan with my second story on Lavanya. Hope you like it. Mail me at for feedback, reviews or anything you may want. Also read my other work. Lavanya had had a long day. In the morning, she had woken up extremely horny and craving for a cock. She had none, so she had to make do with a dildo whose battery had died down. Needless to say, it was not satisfying at all. So she was really frustrated and sex-starved when she reached college. The first lecture was by the really boring...

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Touring Under PressureChapter 3 The Fear of Angels

"Did you really agree to what I just heard?" Cate asked her brother after they'd gotten into the car and underway. "Yeah, he did. I'm waiting to see how this all falls apart," Gail laughed at the mess Alex had just gotten himself into. "I'm telling you, Alex, if that creep tries anything... ," Cate said, leaving the rest of the threat unstated. "I'm sure he's not going to ... never mind, I'm not so sure of that, myself," Alex replied. "If he tries anything with me, you may...

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Gangbang Of Slutty Lavanya 8211 Part 2

Hi, everyone. This is the second part of the story, The Gangbang of Slutty Lavanya. Do read the first part before this. Mail me at for anything. Thanks for the responses on the first part :) So to summarize the situation till now, Lavanya, a naughty 19 year old college girl, with a secret insatiable lust for sex, asked his friend Amit for a gangbang without any limits. Amit obliged, and brought along two of his friends, Rahul and Mohit with him to Lavanya’s apartment. They had a steamy...

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Playboy Diaries 8211 Busty Manya Fulfilled 8211 Part 1

Read the previous story to get the full flow. Feedbacks to I received the call late night from Divya that day. She had just returned from her office duty, which included satisfying her company’s rich bosses and much needed customers. Me: Exhausted Divya? Divya: Damn those bastards. Three grim old men fucked me throughout the day Me: Any chance for me tonight? Divya: You brat, not today. You are ready for Manya? I had a busy day and I almost forgot about the proposal Divya told me in the...

4 years ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 4 Desh and Manya talk about the future

Later that night... A very exhausted and a very satisfied Manya lay in bed as her son went to sleep with his head on her boobs and one finger in her ass. The experience with Prem was more than satisfying, and she was certain Deen was watching the entire scene. Her saree was wet when she wore it and she couldn't help but suck his sperm out of it. It tasted wonderful, sweet even. She couldn't wait to read what he would write in his diary tonight. The events of the day bothered her less and...

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Saranya Aunty 8211 Part 1 My Tenant8217s Sexy Wife

Hello ISS readers. This is Arjun. This story is about how it all started with my hot neighbor aunty Saranya. You can read of my friend’s mom Shreya aunty, parts one and two, to understand why I am writing this story. It’s not a problem even if you don’t read that, you can enjoy this story to the fullest. I don’t like to exaggerate anything for the sake of my story. I am just telling whatever happened. It’s purely for my own satisfaction purpose. Just like a diary but on a public platform. So...

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Manya 1

The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya’s body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure child, his breath carrying the odor of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...

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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 10

The young girl lay on the bed, mashing her boobs as if they were grapes. For a girl of 18, she was very well built; was the envy of all her classmates and most of her teachers. The fact that this was an all girls college did not stop her from experiencing the joys of sex with boys. In fact, she was well known in the campus as a girl who would let just about anyone fuck her. This reputation was bolstered by the knowledge that just a few months ago she had given birth to a healthy bouncy baby...

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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 8

It did not take long for Tiger to recover, and his keen nose picked up the arousal of two bitches in the room. More than that, he picked up a delicious smell two feet from his nose on the floor where Manya had just been fucked just a short while ago. He reached over and start licking the ground to clean up any residual deposit and followed the smell to its source. Sana and Manya both stopped talking at this point and watched Tiger with their utmost attention and Sana, to her credit dropped...

1 year ago
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When Sukanya And Me Enjoyed Part 8211 3

Hi Friends, Sorry for bringing this part so late. Couldn’t pen down this experience. Whenever felt like writing this down, either some urgent work came up or couldn’t control my excitement. Please read the earlier parts before this one. I am Ansh, 26 living in Delhi. I am reachable at Feel free to ping me for suggestions, feedback and fun. Now coming back to the story. My friend Sukanya was lying on the floor and her hands and legs were tied. She was down to her panty and bra and was...

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Touring Under PressureChapter 5 Further Experimentation

Anthony Barlow picked up the phone as soon as it rang this time. He wasn't about to miss this call. Things were getting more extreme and he was anxious to get a handle on them. "Good evening, Barlow residence," he answered. "Hello, Mr. Barlow. This is Harry Wittmore again," answered the reassuring voice he'd been so anxiously awaiting. "What have you got for me?" Anthony asked, hardly able to contain his nerves. Things hadn't been going well at home. "Well, I've got some...

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Dhanya8217s Diary Chapter 8 Turning A School Trip Into A Blowbang

Dhanya looked at the room in the resort. It was of a decent size, with a couch, a table, and a queen-sized bed. “No wonder these guys chose this room,” she thought. She sat on the couch. Thomas and Ajit sat on either side of her, Sameer brought the plastic cups from Akhil’s bag. Rohit sat on the floor opposite the couch looking at his teacher. Dhanya was wearing a knee-length skirt, a jacket which was zipped up halfway through. Akhil poured everyone a glass, without adding water. Thomas, Akhil,...

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Virgin Lavanya Turned Into A Slut

Dear friends, this is Nalini (changed) with my new story of my college friend Lavanya, and thanks for your comments on my previous stories, and please don’t forget to comment on ISS too, and male readers stop asking about my personal details and don’t invite me on hangouts.Girls and Ladies can mail me at I am a newly married housewife aged 26 years with a 34B-26-36, enjoying and satisfied with my husband’s love making in bed, but still yearn for a feminine body touch which I am missing from...

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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 7

Binu woke up to the most heavenly sight in the world; his mother's tits a hair's breadth away from his lips. It took him not even a second to swing into action and he pulled his mother on the bed, rolling over on top of her. His hot and hard cock came into contact with her belly and the contact was electric, sending sensations she had been craving for days. The contact of her son's cock with her body was more electrifying than all the fuckings she had received. That did not mean that she...

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Touring Under PressureChapter 2 A Big Night

Alex and the others got to the Reliant Stadium early, though still later than Patricia and her band had. Still, their passes gave them access, although the door guard gave them a wary look. Alex knew that band members typically gave these types of passes to groupies that would sometimes hang around the entrance, so he could only imagine what the guard thought of him and the women surrounding him. However the man didn't say anything, simply shaking his head as they walked past. Strangely...

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Touring Under PressureChapter 13 A Few Different Perspectives

While they ate dinner and continued to hold court with the many women both lesbians and straight, who wanted to speak to him, Leanna went off to call the detectives back. She was gone for a while, but Alex wasn't worried. If anything was wrong she'd alert him, and if she was talking to them then they'd be unlikely to just drop by. "There you are," someone called out from the doorway. They turned, only to see Patricia and the rest of her band, including Chelsea and Jordan. "I might...

3 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 17 Testing for a Double Negative

"And then he says ... pardon me, that's my phone. I'll finish up in a second. "Hello, Patty Moore's line?" She listened for a moment as the others continued with their breakfast. No one else paid much attention, but Alex couldn't remember her getting a lot of phone calls in the past, so he was curious who might be calling at this hour. 'Alex, I think you'll want to hear this, ' she warned. 'Go ahead, just let me listen in, ' he suggested. "Excuse me, but we were talking and I...

4 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 21 Visions Nightmares Sickness and Hope

"Well, I guess it's time to get down to business, huh?" Alex asked as he pushed his plate away. Breakfast had been a dour affair. None of those in Alex's group felt like talking, given what they knew they'd be dealing with later. Their Native American hosts were, as ever, aloof and taciturn, and today they were even more serious, now that their entire future rested in Alex's nervous hands. Or at least that's how Alex viewed it. It was hard to tell what the mostly silent village...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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The Golden Shower Virgin Part 2 Anyas Bottom

By RayneDor When I Anya discovered she enjoyed peeing on me as much I enjoyed being peed on it didn’t exactly mean that the flood-gates were open for me (so to speak). In fact, Anya took pleasure in doling out that particular favor only at odd, seemingly random times. As with the rest of our sex-life, she is always the one who decides when, where and how we will play, and making me wait for something is clearly part of the excitement for her. When Anya wants sex she will frequently announce the...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Cuckold Husband Introduced Milky Wife Ananya

Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here with a story of a cuckold husband. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Dhanya8217s Diary Chapter 7 A Trip With Her Students

Dhanya lay in bed, wide awake, the digital clock on the table on the left side of her bed read 2:20 am. In a matter of hours, she would have to reach the school campus. It was the time of the year when the junior college students were to be taken for their final year school trip. She knew it would a headache, especially with the students who were repeating the junior year. But she knew it would be her responsibility and the principal trusted her. “I might as well get this done with,” she...

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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 12

If there was one person in the world who knew how to fuck Manya, it was Deen. Even though Deen had never fucked her, or any other woman for that matter, he knew perfectly well what his mother needed. Gone was the woman who loved romantic lovemaking. She was replaced by a perpetual bitch in heat. Gone was the woman who liked to have her body worshipped when being made love to. She was replaced by a whore who liked to be fucked hard and fast, treated like a ragdoll. Getting bolder by the...

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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 13

After getting her morning charge by getting fucked by the milkman and the paper-delivery boy, Manya sipped her cum-filled tea seated across the table from Deen. Deen had obliged to put the icing on the tea by masturbating in it and then watching her drink it. Of course Manya was naked, and she sat with her legs wide open giving Deen a clear unobstructed view of her shaved pussy. Sitting across from his mother, Deen sipped his morning milk wondering how he could establish more control over her...

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Ananya Made Me Forget Preeti Pranitha

Hey guys,I’m viraj here.First I need to thank all the readers for liking all my previous stories.But the number of feedbacks I’ve received are less in number.If you give your feedback to us it’ll be good for us to know and write in a better way.I hope I’ll receive a good number of feedbacks this time.Your privacy will always be safe.Mail me @ Hot girls and sexy aunties from andhra & telangana can mail me for a sexy chat or more.So now let’s head back to the story… As many people know that I...

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Dhanya8217s Diary Chapter 6 Extra Class For The Horny Student

“Ma’am, is this the paper you are looking for?” Kiran exclaimed holding up a letterhead. Dhanya was barely listening. She had Tony’s hands on her breasts, He held her right nipple between his thumb and index finger. The bliss she was experiencing was exhilarating as she slowly started losing a sense of her surroundings. “Ma’am, is this the paper?” Kiran repeated the question. Dhanya turned around disinterestedly and in a feeble voice, she replied, “Yes, Kiran, that is the document I was...

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Dhanya8217s Diary Chapter 5 Work Place Shenanigans

“Who is playing that song this early in the morning??”, Dhanya muttered to herself, trying to cover her ears with her pillow. The song kept playing away, battering her semi-conscious mind. “Oh crap!! That song is my alarm!”, she woke up startled, took the vibrating phone in her hand. It took her a moment to realize that it was the first day of her vacation. Ten gruelling months of rigorous teaching, correcting exam papers and internals and dealing with the lazy students had made her mind used...

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An Afternoon With The Angel Ananya

Staring with me, I am from Chennai. 21 years of age and with brown skin, 5’9’ in height and a 5.5 inch thick cock. I will narrate about how I met to girl how it lead to sex.Let me get into the story with a short intro. After completing my bachelors I had a few days off. I planned not to waste my time and thus decided to join an internship. I decided to move to Chennai and there I joined a company for the internship. I had a great time working in office. Days went by and 4th day of office got...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Lavanya Blowjob Practice

Hello, sex story readers. This is the true sex story. As Lavanya changed out of her office clothes, she wondered if she would be able to go through with her plan. Outside her bedroom, in the living room, Ajay waited for her to return. He was as conflicted about what was about to happen as Lavanya. He couldn’t believe that he was here to get a blowjob from his best friend’s wife. He had known that Lavanya’s marriage to his friend wasn’t going well. From the heady days just after the marriage...

2 years ago
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Screwed My Cousin Lavanya After Her Engagement

Hi to all iss readers. This is my first story hope you all will forgive my mistakes. Being an iss reader since many years….  I always waited for an experience as i read in the stories. I am Madhu from Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh and now i am staying in Hyderabad. I am good-looking guy with athletic body. Coming to my cousin…. Her name is Lavanya, she is a prefect structured girl with 36-28-36. She is 3 years elder to me. This incident happened in august 2013. I went to my granny’s village after...

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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Lustful Desires 8211 Part 2 Dhanya Prajwal8217s secret

Hi, I would like to share this story to tell the incidents with a pinch of erotism in some, sometimes more of it confined. In turn, this story will take some time to unfold, unlike other fiction stories. Where people get into action in the next minute, I have planned many parts of this series. Please don’t mind if the contents are less or sometimes more. The story A girl was sitting opposite me at the party, and I soon realised it was my ex-girlfriend Aarti. Priya came and sat next to her,...

4 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 15 Some Initial Tests and Preliminary Results

"Holy shit, you've got to be kidding me?" "Nope. It's true. Cate thinks she's uncovered the key to how Alex activates people. But more than that, she thinks she knows how to detect who's a Seer and who's a Watcher." Dr. Ryan Moore stood up, enthused at the prospects this brought up. He started excitedly pacing around the room. "Man, this is a major break. We've been piecing things together for a long time, but ... So how does—" "She thinks the key is that both the Seers' and...

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Saranya Aunty 8211 Part 2 Fucking The Tenant8217s Wife

Hello ISS readers.Welcome to the story. This is the continuation of a story named Saranya aunty. Read and enjoy. She dropped her robe on the floor and sat on the sofa with her sexy legs crossed. She is in her skimpy nightgown which covered till her thighs. It had thin straps and gave a good view of her big boobs cleavage. She was looking at me straight into my eyes. I felt nervous as it was my first time and was unable to look into her eyes. I was looking at her thick thighs and semi-naked...

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