The Pretend He Couldn't PretendChapter 6 free porn video

Jarod's bedroom
8:04 a.m.
Jarod wakes up to someone knocking on his bedroom door. He looks at Micheal, asleep, laying on her stomach, her hair falling out of the ponytail, facing away from him. "Come in" he says softly, trying not to wake her. Emily walks in, dressed and smiling. She walks over and sits on Jarod's side of the queen size bed. Micheal stirs a little but doesn't wake up. "I hate to wake her up cause I'm sure she didn't get much sleep with you snoring." Emily teases. "I don't snore." he defends smiling. Jarod leans over and kisses Micheal's cheek lightly. Micheal shoos him away mumbling, "Not now, sleep." Jarod starts to laugh as well as Emily. Micheal sits up on her elbows looking at the two of them, sleepily, in pain, her back needing to be cracked. Micheal flops her head back down, hugging the pillow, falling back asleep. "Come on lazy bones, we've gotta get going. The spa is expecting us at 9 sharp and I don't know about you, but I don't want to be late." Emily says excited, snatching the covers off the bed.
Emily burst out laughing at Jarod's boxer's that have 'Ren and Stimpy' all over them. Micheal hides under her pillow grumbling something they can't make out. "Nice underwear." Emily laughs out, starting to tug on Micheal's leg, trying to get her out of the bed. "Micheal, Micheal!" Emily yells her face against the other side of her pillow. Micheal throws the pillow, turning over, then abruptly falls off the side of the bed with a loud 'thud'. They burst out laughing and Micheal sits up cussing the small bed and glaring at the siblings. "Shut up!" she yells rubbing her butt, that broke her fall, walking over to her suitcase. Micheal picks out a short set, rubbing her butt every now and then, "I think I'm going to have a bruise."
Micheal sits on the side of the bed, still grumbling about how small the damn bed is, pulling on her shorts. "You wouldn't happen to have been a chiropractor in any of your pretends?" Jarod nods 'yes' just staying silent, trying not to laugh. "Good, crack my back. It's killing me." Micheal demands laying in the center of the bed, pushing him out of it. Jarod gets back on the bed straddling her legs and proceeds to crack her spine. Micheal moans at every crack saying, "Oh god that feels good. This is almost better than" she stops herself before saying 'sex'. "Really? I'm next." Emily declares hopping up onto the bed, pushing Micheal off. Jarod looks at his sister, mortified at the thought of her having sex.
Micheal walks out of the bathroom dressed and ready to go. Jarod finishes Emily's 'adjustment' and hops off of her. Emily rolls off the bed, her back feeling great, "God you're right. That is almost better than sex." Emily mumbles smiling happily, feeling great, "If only he wasn't my brother I might have enjoyed it a little more." she adds sarcastically. Micheal covers her mouth to hide her smile, thinking, that was the thing she was loving the most. Jarod's hands on her back, sitting on her, just touching her. Micheal stops biting her lower lip and kisses him, telling him thanks and that they will be back around 5 or 6 tonight. Emily and Micheal walk out of their bedroom, both smiling, but for very different reasons. Micheal is brought out of her very explicit and hot fantasies about her and Jarod when Emily announces that they have arrived at the spa.
Jarod gets Dad and JJ to help with what he wants to do tonight. They load up Emily's jeep with a huge tent and sleeping bags, wood for a fire, lanterns, food, and Jarod slips a bottle of champagne in his duffle bag so his father doesn't see it. "I know what you're planning." Charles informs him, slapping him on the back, smiling. "I don't know what you're talking about." Jarod defends innocently. "Right. You just want to take Micheal out into the woods, beside the lake to go camping." Charles laughs out, shaking his head at how oblivious he's being, "I'm surprised you're not bringing a bottle of champagne." he adds smiling.
They all climb in the jeep starting to leave. Charles looks over to Jarod, who's behind the wheel, cranking up the jeep. "Aren't you forgetting something?" he asks smiling. Jarod looks at him a second, thinking, I've got condoms don't I? Then remembers he put them in his bag. "No, I don't think so."
"A radio?"
"Mood music." he clues him in, smiling. Jarod snaps his fingers, thinking, Damn, I almost forgot. Then looks over at this father, who's still smiling, "I told you. You're not the only one who's pulled this little trick."
"Please, don't say anything else. I'd like to keep that image out of my head." Jarod says frowning, trying very hard not to picture his parents having sex. Jarod hops out and runs into the house, in search of the portable radio, finding it he runs back out to the jeep, tossing it back to JJ. They drive threw the back gate down the worn path heading towards the lake, that's about 2 miles away sitting on the edge of their property.
Margaret drives the Lexus into the yard, loving driving this car. They all climb out, feeling wonderful and completely relaxed except for Micheal, who insisted on getting a bikini waxing. The guys walk out on to the porch to greet them. "Micheal, you cut your hair."
"Yeah, you don't like it?" she asks spinning around so he can get a good look at her hair that used to be almost down to her lower back and is now in the middle and layered. "Yes, I love it. I just was surprised that's all." Jarod says recovering quickly hoping she doesn't get mad and decides to not go camping. Charles lays his hand on his shoulder letting him know he did a good job of covering his mistake. All the men ooo and ahhh over how good the women look but are a little surprised when they show them their ankles, where they had Indian ink applied in an intricate design.
"Cool huh?" Emily asks looking down at the matching designs on her's, Micheal's, and Mom's ankles. "It didn't hurt or anything. Just took a long time, I swear it felt like that girl was taking forever." Margaret complains, "Oh yeah we decided that we are going to head to New York in 2 weeks." she adds smiling. "Why? The wedding's not for a few more months?" Jarod asks confused. "Because I want them there." Micheal informs him, walking past him into the house. Emily and Mom smirk at him as they pass, walking into the house behind Micheal.
Jarod walks into his bedroom and sees Micheal digging in her suitcase. He closes the door and sits on the bed, looking at her back, "Micheal why do you want them there so long?" trying to understand her motivation in asking them. Micheal walks over and kisses him smiling, "Because now I know what I've been missing for so long. So, I want them there the whole time, under stand?" Jarod nods smiling at how Micheal has come to love his family, as they have her.
Micheal turns and walks back over to the suitcase returning to her search. Micheal takes out a gray velvet box, stroking the top gently, thinking about what it carries. "What's that?" Micheal turns back to Jarod, still holding the closed jewelry box, looking at it fondly. "I'll be right back." Micheal closes the bedroom door behind her, in search of Margaret, enlisting the help of Emily.
The three of them meet up in Margaret's bedroom. Margaret walks in and sees Micheal sitting on the edge of her bed, crying. "Micheal honey. What's wrong?" Margaret asks sitting down beside her with Emily on the other side. Micheal wipes her face, smiling, "Nothing, I promise. I wanted to give you something." Micheal takes out the gray velvet box handing it to Margaret. Margaret opens the lid and sees a very old cameo. "Micheal, it's beautiful."
"It was my mother's. I'd like you to have it." Margaret looks up surprised, "No, I couldn't possibly."
"Yes, I'd like you to have it and maybe wear it at the wedding. I know that you have children of your own and I'll only be one by marriage, but I'm more than willing to take what I can get." Micheal explains as a tear falls down her cheek. She looks up and sees Margaret and Emily crying too. Jarod opens the door and sees them in a big hug, crying and smiling. He closes the door, standing in the hall, shaking his head, thinking, Women are insane.
Jarod stops Emily's jeep beside the tent that took him and JJ an hour to set up, with Dad yelling instructions at them and finally walking away in frustration. Micheal climbs out the jeep, looking at everything Jarod did today. The huge tent set up, wood built up ready for a fire, a log laying beside it for them to lean against while watching the flames. Micheal looks in the tent and sees a sleeping bag spread out as a mattress and one laying over it turned down with 2 pillows at the head of the makeshift bed. Jarod walks up behind her with her bag over his shoulder. He tosses it in the corner of the tent, next to his, then wraps his arms around her waist from behind, "So, what do you want to do first? Eat? Swim?"
"That sounds good. Let's go for a swim just let me get my suit." Jarod stops her as she tries to move out of his arms, starting to unbutton her purple button up top. He slips the shirt off her shoulders letting it fall to the floor of the tent.
Micheal turns in Jarod's arms in her bra, shorts and sandals. She starts pulling his t-shirt up from the waistband of his jeans. Micheal slips her hands under the hem, running her hands up taking the shirt with her, feeling the rise and fall of his chest, lifting it up and off. The shirt falls from her hand as Jarod starts kissing her, his hands over her ribs, moving stealthily to her back and his goal. Micheal stops his hands from unclasping her bra, guiding them down to her shorts with one hand, while the other unbuttons his button fly jeans. Jarod moans in her mouth, from some of the pressure being taken off of straining erection, when she unbuttons his, suddenly tight, jeans. Jarod undoes her shorts and slips his hands just inside the waist, the tips of his fingers playing with the elastic of her French cut panties.
Micheal starts tugging on his jeans as she kisses down to his neck, sucking and nipping it. Jarod finally rids her of her shorts and unfastens her bra, running his hands up and down her back, feeling her soft skin like this morning but, now being able to do something other than fantasize about touching her again. Micheal steps back from him, looking him in the eyes, as she slowly strips off the lacy black bra, then hooks her index fingers around the tiny elastic band of her black, high cut, French bikini, lace, g-string panties. Jarod licks his lips absently as he watches Micheal stripping excruciatingly slow in front of him. He reaches out to touch her, unaware he's even moving. Micheal takes the raised hand and starts to kiss and lick the center of his palm. Jarod steps closer to her, bridging the gap between their bodies.
Micheal keeps eye contact as she slides his middle finger in her mouth, swirling her tongue around, licking and sucking it slowly. He closes his eyes, trying to swallow, his mouth quite parched all of a sudden but, her's is wet and inviting. Jarod can't contain his desire for her anymore and takes his finger out of her mouth and kisses her hard. Micheal presses her naked body against him wrapping one arm around his neck and sliding the other inside his boxers, gripping him harshly. Jarod starts to push her down to the floor, forgetting about the sleeping bags and everything else as well. They roll around on the floor, both vying for control. Micheal pushes Jarod's shoulders up, pulling back, breaking the enthusiastic kiss. "Condoms" Micheal gasps out, thinking of him not herself, she could care less, but he seemed to have a thing about them. "Fuck'em" he breathes out, leaning back down, starting to kiss her again.
Jarod shifts his body, to where he's between her legs. He lifts the leg that's stroking his thigh, curling it in the crook of his elbow, bringing it up when he lays his hand down next to her shoulder, as she raises her other, wrapping it around the middle of his back. Jarod looks down to her face as he propels into her. Micheal throws back her head as she arches her back, trying to draw him in further. Jarod elevates himself up onto his knees dragging her hips to not break contact. She starts to roll over and he stops her, keeping hold of her leg as well as his rhythm. Micheal digs her cappuccino brown nails into the sides of his thighs, pulling him into her deeper, moaning out "Harder". Jarod leans down, bracing his body on his hands that are placed on either side, kissing her ardently, swirling his tongue with hers.
Micheal threads one leg in between his slightly parted ones, laying on her side but twisting her body to still have her shoulders on the ground. "Yes baby... Oh god... Don't stop." she screams, one hand gripping the sleeping bag, the other digging her nails into his tense thigh, her orgasm piercing her very soul. Jarod lifts her top leg up, as he throws his head back, his own orgasm seizing his body, moaning her name with every ragged breath as he pounds into her.
Jarod lets her leg fall, unable to hold it, his muscles weak and twitching from his energy-draining orgasm. He lays down on top of her, their sweat slicked bodies sliding over each other, as he kisses her softly. Micheal wipes the dripping sweat from his brow as she kisses him back lovingly. He finally breaks the long, ecstasy-filled kiss, and smiles a completely satisfied smile down at her face, that's mirroring his look of delight. "I thought we were going for a swim?" she teases, as Jarod extricates himself from her. "We are. We just took a long time getting undressed." he answers ironically, considering he was planning on skinny-dipping.
Micheal lays straight, trying to stretch out her muscles, that were in a bind from that particular position. "I think you threw my back out." Micheal comments with a painful look on her face, up to Jarod who is standing naked at the entrance of the tent. "I'm sorry, are you alright? Here roll over." Jarod straddles her legs, his thumbs pressing on her vertebrae as he slowly moves them up her back, his fingers spread out over the rest of it. Micheal moans when he hits a spasming muscle on his way back down to the top of her butt. She starts to giggle when she remembers how he did this just this morning and the hot fantasies that arose from something as simple as a back rub. Jarod leans over her back, "What's so funny?" he whispers on the skin of her shoulder, kissing it open mouthed, his tongue artfully tasting the skin there.
Micheal reaches back slapping one of his legs, "Stop that." she laughs out. "Stop what?" He keeps kissing but a little more forcefully now. Micheal lifts up onto her elbows, looking back at him sternly. "Let's go swimming." she proposes smiling, trying to get rid of the erotic thoughts she's having. "Fine" he sighs out climbing off her legs then stands up holding out a hand to help her up. Micheal stands up and wraps her arms around his neck kissing him, sliding her tongue in swirling it with his, affectionately. Jarod slides his hands from her hips around to her ass, massaging them as well. He starts to squeeze the mounds harder as he deepens the kiss she started. Micheal can feel him becoming erect again and starts kissing down to his neck and chest, in long open mouth kisses, her tongue sneaking out to tease him. She finally moves down low enough to where she gets down on her knees. She takes the semi-erect cock in her mouth, tasting herself on him.
Jarod groans at the scorching mouth surrounding him, sucking him till he's fully erect again. He tangles his fingers in her hair, his fingers massaging her scalp as he starts to thrust into her soft sweet mouth. Micheal digs her nails into one of his ass cheeks as the other rolls his balls, while sucking him hard in luxuriously gradual strokes.
Micheal lays nude on the sleeping bag with Jarod laying on his side in between her legs, her back against the log, both watching the flickering flames of the fire. She looks down to the top of his head that's laying between her breasts, playing in his hair. Micheal leans down and kisses it, wiping away a tear of sorrow from what he just told of his life inside the Center. Jarod felt like a mountain had suddenly been lifted away when he finished telling Micheal everything that had happened to him. From the time he was kidnapped till his escape, all his feelings, his losses, his triumphant, and even about Parker. He was thoroughly astonished when she said she didn't care about what he did when they were apart those few months, even though she'd not been with anyone else, just that she understood that he needed comfort and Parker just happen to be there. "Plus, with your history together, it's not all that surprising." her words echoing in his head, like in an empty canyon.
In a way it was empty. Having finally told her about all of his fears. His control issues, his fear of enclosed spaces, his utter detest of needles, the nightmares that have constantly plagued him his entire life. Until she pointed out, he hasn't been having nightmares that ever woke her up. He sits there thinking about that. He knew his nightmares were violent from the evidence he would find in the morning. Ripped sheets, sometimes no sheets, even broken lamps from nightstands that were too close to the bed, and once a hole in the wall directly in the center of the bed. His knuckles scabbed and dried blood on his hand proving his assumption that he was responsible for the hole in his parents wall. Micheal's voice cuts threw the thick fog of his thoughts, "Baby lets go to bed. It's getting cold out here, even with the fire. Besides this log is killing my already worn out back." she says smiling.
Jarod picks up the sleeping bag they were laying on then extinguishes the fire. He walks into the tent and sees Micheal laying on her back waiting for him. He lays down covering them up with the clean side of the sleeping bag. Jarod lays over her just as he was outside. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep." he mumbles, "Tell me something about you." he adds looking up at her, hopefully. Micheal strokes his cheek, looking in his eyes. The full moon giving them enough light to where they don't even need the lanterns he brought. "I'll tell you anything you want to know."
Jarod leans up and gives her a quick kiss, wrapping his arms under her. He lays his head over her heart and listens to it beating, soothing him. "When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?"
Micheal plays in his hair as she thinks about his question, looking up at the roof of the tent. "I wanted to be like everyone else. Anyone but who I was." she answers honestly, making Jarod look at her in confusion. "What do you mean, who you were?"
"I was very sick when I was born. And later when I was 3 I had leukemia. My father, I mean, my grandfather found out about the Center and their medical research in cures and treatments for cancers. It's really rather ironic, the same place that saved My life took Yours. Because of the treatments they gave me I was placed in"
"Isolation" he whispers looking in her eyes, picturing Faith. She just nods 'yes' "I was so sick for so long that my body wasn't able to fight off any infection, not even a cold." Micheal looks back up to the ceiling, "I so wanted just to be held or given a hug. It's a horrible thing when you can see your father sitting in front of you and not be able to just touch his hand or have him kiss you and tell you everything's going to be ok when you're scared and little. I guess I was so young that I didn't quite understand. I would cry every time I saw him. The look he'd have on his face, he looked almost scared to be in the same room with me. I remember thinking I'd must have been really bad for him to be looking at me like that. I'd lie awake at night trying to remember what I'd done to make him not love me anymore. Once I got better he explained how he so wanted to pick me up in his arms and hold me, kiss me, but that the doctors told him he could kill me if did any of those things while I was still so sick. Later when I started school none of the other kids would play with me. They were scared of the bodyguard my grandfather sent everywhere with me. Then I moved from Russia and she had one too. So, we'd play together while our bodyguards would smoke and drink coffee talking to one another."
"Why did I have a bodyguard?" "I's last name is Ivanivich. Her father is the head of the Russian Mob in New York. You wanna here something funny? Myrtle, I's mother, is from South Carolina. You should hear her speaking Russian in that southern accent of her's. It's hilarious." Micheal snickers thinking of the first time she heard Myrtle yelling in Russian. The words sounding horrible with her thick accent.
Jarod notices the darkness in the tent had faded away. "I can't believe we've stayed up all night talking." Micheal lifts her head from his chest. She rests her chin on her hands that are laying folded across it. "I can't believe I've been here 4 days and have yet to sleep a whole night. That's what I can't believe." she says smiling at him. Jarod runs his fingers threw her hair, noting the light reddish color in it. "This might sound crazy but I feel pretty good for having no sleep. Even with how you wore me out." Micheal shakes her head smiling at him, "That's because you are crazy." she informs him. Jarod starts to tickle her, flipping her over to where she's trapped under him. "I'm crazy?"
"Stop Jarod" she screams laughing hard. "Say it."
"NO" Jarod starts tickling harder, "Say it."
"No, I'll never say it." she laughs out. "Say it and I'll stop."
"Jarod's the man." she laughs out, gasping for breath. "Say it all." "Jarod's the man of my dreams and the one I'll love forever." she laughs out, turning red from laughing so hard.
Jarod stops tickling her and gives her a quick kiss, "Now that wasn't so hard now was it." he teases smiling. Micheal raises up her leg that's in between his, making him move so she can see, "Actually, not hard at all." she slyly hints smiling wickedly beginning to grind her hips invitingly against his. "Oh you think you're slick, huh?"
"Why don't you find out for yourself." she suggests, running her hands down to his hips. She holds his still as she writhes beneath him. Jarod moans closing his eyes, hanging his head down, leaning his forehead against hers. Micheal easily rolls him over and straddles him, smiling down at him as she grinds her hips a little harder. She strokes back and forth over his now fully erect penis, it spreading her labia, her wetness lubricating him.

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