Puzzle Box Genie 2 0Chapter 5
- 3 years ago
- 59
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With a bit of help from Amara, the rest of my class and I got dressed, cleaned up all the puddles of cum everywhere, cleared up the smell of sex, and fixed any messed-up hair just in time for the end of the period bell. After some quick deliberation with Amara, I decided that the best way to proceed was to have my classmates remember this period only as an unexpected, but enjoyable, dream, one to be remembered but never spoken of. I left a few suggestions to fill in the gaps with vague or ambiguous memories. If asked about their tutor period, they would reply:
“Nothing much,” “same old stuff,” or my personal favourite, “same shit, different day.”
Usually, the school day would start at 8:40, with a twenty-minute tutor period. This was typically used for taking attendance, school announcements, and other minor administrative tasks. Some students used it to finish forgotten homework, and some teachers did occasional pop quizzes.
The rest of the day was split into five, one-hour-long class periods, with two breaks throughout the day. There was a fifteen-minute break at 11AM and a forty-five-minute lunch break at 1:15PM, followed by our last lesson that finished at 3PM.
On the first day back, however, the tutor period was extended by an extra 15 minutes ending at 9:15AM, making our first-period class 45 minutes rather than 1 hour. On the first day back after the holidays, there were usually more announcements and administrative tasks to work through. Things like program changes going into the New Year, timetable and class changes, etc. It wasn’t supposed to be used as an opportunity for a class orgy, but I don’t remember the school rule book explicitly stating it couldn’t be.
That was pretty much the only difference on the first day back. The rest of the week would be more business as usual, aside from the various sports teams and student clubs accepting, recruiting, and trying out new members.
I wasn’t on any teams or in any clubs, so at 3PM, I would be a free man. The twins had both their junior cheer practice on Tuesday and Thursday after school, and performances at large games. They also attended their ballet lessons every Wednesday after school and on Saturday mornings. Their Ballet school’s schedule was synchronised with the regular school schedule, so this would be their first week back since before Christmas.
The twins had been on the junior cheer squad since the first day of Year Seven, and they had been doing ballet since they were five. With all of their experience in ballet, both were extremely flexible, talented dancers, and used to learning new routines, so they were a perfect match for the cheer squad. Being cute, and identical twins to boot, hadn’t hurt their chances of making the team either. Their position in the Senior squad when they got to Year Ten was a sure thing.
This week would end with the first American football game of the year. At the start of each year, we would have a friendly match against a team from the neighbouring town—another local school trying to emulate our school’s success after being Americanised. The games were consistently popular, with a good chunk of the student body, a number of teachers, and parents usually attending despite the cold winter weather. When the weather was more agreeable, there would usually be a bonfire or picnic following the game, letting the students blow off steam and celebrate their school spirit.
My first class of the day was history, which I actually quite enjoyed most of the time. I felt Amara was fairly excited too, which kinda made sense. She had spent most of the past millennia, completely unaware of the passage of time around her. Any trace of her people, and magic in general, appeared to have been completely wiped from the history books. She surprised me when, after taking our seats, she slipped on a pair of stylish, thick-rimmed glasses. She didn’t need glasses to see, her eyesight was beyond 20/20.
“Glasses?” I asked curiously.
“Cute aren’t they? ‘ She asked rhetorically, turning her head toward me and smiling.
“Yeah, they look great on you. I might have to ask you to wear them later tonight” I replied.
“Maybe, if you’re good. We’ll see.” she teased.
The glasses really did look pretty hot, in a geek-chic sort of way. They tied her whole schoolgirl look together really well. At least, that’s what I thought. My fashion sense didn’t really extend much beyond black on black, or jeans and a tee-shirt. Any one of my girls would be a better judge of fashion...
“Okay, class! Quite down! We have an hour’s worth of work to do today in only three-quarters of the time.” Mr. Henderson said before launching into his lesson about the lead-up to the Wall Street crash.
He was one of the few teachers that had been invited back after the new headmaster restructured the school’s staff. This was his last year teaching full-time before retirement, but he still taught with all the energy of his much younger co-workers. He was genuinely passionate about, and loved history, and it came across in his lessons.
After the morning sex with Elsa and Elsie, and fucking half my class in a glorious display of debauchery, I was in a pretty mellow mood, despite the crazy amounts of pheromones and sexual tension that hung in the air in a school filled with teenagers. It was almost palpable, and I used to be one of them. Okay, I still was one of them, but I could do something about it now. Every flash of thigh from a girl in uniform, or every low-cut top had once threatened to make me start to pitch a tent. Now I had better control over myself than most, but the trade-off was being able to feel everyone else’s lust and desires as well as my own. Luckily, those same powers afforded me the ability to affect myself and dampen those supernatural senses.
So, while Amara studiously took notes, I resisted the temptation to start another orgy. Instead, I focused on devising different ways of re-wording my ‘base harem command’ regarding the perception of my powers. The current command had both mine and Amara’s use of powers go completely unnoticed, limiting the girls’ abilities to react to them. Just this morning, the twins had shown that knowing about my abilities could be a real gift. If they hadn’t known, this morning might not have involved Elsie riding a cock that was thicker than a pint glass. Even worse, if they hadn’t asked for it, their big, beautiful, button-bursting new boobs probably wouldn’t be full of delicious milk right now.
I needed to adjust the command I had given them so that Lacey, Pip, Emily, and any future girls I added would still be able to take advantage of my powers, without spilling all the beans to everyone. I wasn’t entirely sure whether I should tell all my girls about my powers like I had my mother, sisters, and Laura, or if I should find some sort of middle ground or compromise where they were unaware, or only partially aware of my powers. I realised about halfway through the class that despite being focused on my own brainstorming, that as long as I didn’t entirely shut out Mr. Henderson’s voice, I still absorbed and remembered most of his lesson.
While I had been weighing the value of continuing to stay in school versus using my powers to graduate early, I was nowhere close to a decision. Even if I did decide to leave school early, discovering this new skill of mine was an interesting development, and it would certainly come in handy in the future, whatever that looked like.
Either way, when the class ended forty-five minutes later, I had several working ideas on how to reword my base harem commands, and was able to remember enough of the lesson that I wouldn’t need to copy Amara’s meticulous notes. I was still no closer to figuring out whether or not I would stay in school, though.
“So, how was your first class at a modern school?” I asked Amara as we made our way to our second period class.
“It was interesting getting to keep my clothes on. Most of my education was much more clothes off, hands on, so to speak.” she answered.
“Sounds like my kind of school. I thought you might find history interesting, after missing so much of the last thousand years.”
“Money lending and investing was much simpler in my time. If you borrowed more than you could repay, you’d wind up in chains and be brought before the Sultan, and he would decide your fate. Usually, until you worked off your debt, whoever owned your debt owned you.” She replied.
“So if you couldn’t pay it back, you became a slave?”
“Essentially, yes. More often than not, men were sold into hard labour, and women into prostitution. Some were lucky, and wound up serving in some wealthy merchant’s household, but many were not.”
I tried to picture a well-dressed stock broker swinging a pickaxe, or mucking out stables, and but couldn’t quite manage it.
It was only a five minute walk to our next class, but even that was enough to set my mind racing with ideas; there was just something so inherently sexy about a girl in a school uniform. I was sorely tempted, but as much as I would like to, I couldn’t turn every class into an orgy. Well, I could, but I shouldn’t. As appealing as a life of hedonism was, I still felt that at least some balance was needed.
On a more personal note, with as many students and teachers that I wanted to screw, I needed to avoid the temptation to add half the school’s population of cute girls into my harem. Some fun and no-strings-attached sex, sure, but the life-altering change of joining my harem? I need to be careful with how I went about doing that. So far, every girl in my harem had seen a significant quality of life improvement since I added them.
Laura escaped her dead-end job, abusive douchebag ex-boyfriend, and sexually bland life. She now had a loving girlfriend, a fantastic sex life, and new family. Emily’s acute nymphomania had been spiralling out of control, making maintaining a job or relationship nearly impossible. Her hypersexuality and hardcore masochism were more than most people could handle; she was a perfect fit for my harem though. I had given her more control over her sex drive, and provided her with an environment where she could let her freak flag fly. She was happy with me and my family, and things were looking up.
Even Pip, whose life had been uncomplicated and happy, had gained something by joining. She had outgrown what her parents could provide, and was ready for the next step in her life, a new stage she could find with my harem. Her own high sex drive and outspoken promiscuity were well suited to the lifestyle I now lived.
All of that’s not to say I would entirely avoid entertaining the possibility of adding a few of my female peers, but they would have to be more than just a “hot piece of ass’ to become a permanent addition to my life.
Despite my day so far leaving me buzzing with sexual energy, the thick air of testosterone and oestrogen surrounding all the students had my cock demanding attention. I had to discreetly adjust myself as Amara and I took our seats in English class.
“Go ahead, master. Indulge a little. Take the edge off.” Amara whispered in my ear, sensing my arousal and extending a hand towards my crotch.
“So many horny girls just waiting to submit to you,” her hands rubbing my cock through my jeans.
While I usually took control in my sexual encounters, I wasn’t overly dominant in the same way my mother was. Even Amara calling me ‘Master’ was usually more a term of endearment than submission. That being said, I wasn’t opposed to playing the role of a Dom with my girls. I certainly got the appeal in making a girl into my sexual plaything, whose only purpose was serving and pleasuring me. I just usually preferred them to be equal and engaging partners. Having been raised in an entirely female household had left me with nothing but love and respect for the fairer sex. Besides, even with all my new abilities, I still felt an almost natural urge to listen to my mother, and the twins knew they had me completely wrapped around their little fingers.
With Amara whispering temptations into my ear, it was hard to resist the urge to outright dominate one of my classmates. She knew what she was doing, and I’m sure that if she had her way, I would add every cute girl I passed to rapidly amass a massive harem of willing and devoted sluts.
“How about her?” She purred, pointing out a girl a couple of rows ahead.
Diana Reed, 16, not a virgin.
I only knew her in passing, but I wouldn’t mind getting more intimately familiar. She was cute. She had the tall and slim build of a runner: long legs, slim waist, smallish but well-proportioned tits, and a pretty face. The leggings, skirt, and tee-shirt combo wasn’t overly sexy, but did a good job of showing off her athletic build. I wasn’t all that into the whole super-fit and ripped girl aesthetic, but could appreciate the dedication it took. I found the slender athletic build Diana had much more appealing than a more muscle bound, bodybuilder shape.
“Or maybe you would prefer her. She seems your type,” she said, redirecting my attention to a short, half-Asian girl.
Suki Hara, 16, Virgin.
She was definitely my type. While Diana was tall and slim, Suki was barely five feet tall and, despite her otherwise petite build, had an impressive pair of C-cups that looked quite large on her small frame. She was cute, sexy, and a virgin to boot!
“Oh, you like her, don’t you, Master?” She said, her hand feeling my cock throb and twitch as I admired my short classmate.
“Just imagine her small hands stroking your cock, her soft lips stretched around your big dick, her tight virgin cunt split by your massive cock. Or maybe you would rather bend her over the desk and pound her tight little ass. Hmm, imagine how hot she would look with your cum all over her face!”
Hot Damn! It looked like I had my target picked out.
Her golden olive skin from her mixed-race heritage was a few shades lighter than Amara’s own tanned complexion. Suki looked to have inherited most of her features from her Japanese mother rather than her British father. She had a kind of Ariana Grande look going on, only with bigger tits and Asian. Her height and overall petiteness was pretty spot-on with the sexy, pint-size pop princess.
Once the class was underway, I set up a few commands and spheres to let me make the cute Asian scream her pretty little head off without issue. Unlike the earlier classroom orgy, I added a bit more nuance to my commands. Instead of just cranking her arousal up to eleven, and dropping her inhibitions to the point she would give her virginity to anything with a pulse, I looked a little deeper. I focused specifically on her kinks, turn-ons, fantasies, and naughtiest secrets.
Instead of just a fixed command, I tried to tease out her desires, and build her lust slowly until she couldn’t resist any more. At the same time, there was no reason I shouldn’t enjoy myself while she worked herself up. So I gave her a mental command to come over and sit on my lap. No one gave her a second glance as she weaved around the tables and crossed the room.
She was dressed somewhat modestly compared to most of the girls in our class. She wore a tight black cardigan, with just the top two buttons undone, revealing a purple t-shirt beneath. While it didn’t expose any skin, it was tight enough that it made it impossible to ignore the fact that she was surprisingly busty for her size. On her legs she was wearing black skinny jeans with a few stylish rips in them. Her outfit was finished by a pair of plain black plimsolls. Her long, silky, black hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail.
When she reached me, she held on to my shoulders to steady herself as she swung a leg over mine and sat on my lap, straddling me. I gave her a soft mental nudge, and she leaned in to kiss me. She was tentative at first, but slowly grew more confident and involved. She got more and more into the kiss, her body leaning into mine, and a hand reaching up to the back of my head. I let my hands freely roam her compact body, and she responded to my touch, moaning into our kiss.
My mind wasn’t idle during all of this though, I was moving through her mind, searching for areas that connected to her growing arousal, gently feeding and encouraging those sensations. I also accidentally discovered that she was really into anime, and was quite the artist herself. That in itself was of no real note, but then I saw her discovery and fascination with hentai.
What had started off as a vague curiosity, evolved into her watching and reading more sexually explicit content, and eventually to drawing her own lewd scenes. Over time, her tastes expanded from busty schoolgirls, to horny catgirls, before eventually taking a dive down the deep, dark hole that was tentacle porn.
I had watched the first seasons of both Sword Art Online and Death Note, and had even tried the live-action version they made. That was ninety painful minutes of my life that I’ll never get back, but Asuna from SAO was pretty cute. I wasn’t so much into the whole tentacle rape thing, but busty school girls and cat girls was something I could get behind.
I had to physically push Suki back, my hands pressing firmly against her shoulders, to break the kiss. She looked adorably dejected, and whimpered breathlessly, clearly not wanting to stop what we had been doing. Her slightly crestfallen features quickly shifted into a naughty smile as my true intentions became clear.
I made quick work of the buttons on her tight cardigan, which she fought her way out of as I pulled my t-shirt over my head. She purred as she delicately traced the well-defined muscles of my chest with her soft hands, before pulling her own t-shirt off, exposing her large C-cups cradled in a simple black bra.
She leaned in to kiss me again while I reached around her back to unhook her bra. Less than a month ago, I had been completely unfamiliar with the black magic that bras appeared to operate on, and I would have made a complete fool of myself by fumbling with the clasp. Since then, I had had plenty of chances to practise over the Christmas break, despite how infrequently my harem wore them now. I had to break our kiss again in order to slide the bra off her shoulders and down her arms. This had the pleasing side effect of baring her tits to my hungry gaze.
Full, perky round orbs of the same smooth golden olive colour as the rest of her skin, her nipples just a shade darker. She was almost as slim as the twins and only about an inch taller, so her breasts looked quite large on her slender frame. I slid my hands under her ass and lifted her slightly, bringing her breasts closer to eye level, and more importantly, mouth level.
I quickly sealed my lips around a nipple and gently flicked it with my tongue. A few things happened all at once. Suki gasped and let out a stream of Japanese. She thrust her chest forward and pulled my head against her breast as if trying to force more of her tit into my mouth. As that happened, I saw a bright flare of light illuminate her mind.
Following it, I discovered the spike of arousal came from one of her biggest fantasies: lactation. A few months ago, she had stumbled across an anime about busty school girls who, for some reason, had started to lactate. She was surprised at how hot she found it, and it had quickly become her go-to porn. Over the last little while, her newly discovered kind had developed into fantasies about being milked.
I knew I shouldn’t, I had only just been thinking about controlling myself, but I couldn’t resist. Suki’s tits expanded under my power, growing into a mouth-watering pair of DD’s. They dropped a little under their extra weight, as sweet, delicious, warm milk flooded my mouth.
Suki came instantly. Her greatest fantasy became reality as she felt that first gush of milk flow from her tits. Again, she let out a stream of fast Japanese as she shuddered and shook through her orgasm. Leaving her nipple behind, I kissed her with a mouth full of her milk, and she almost came again.
I could have drank her delicious milk all day, but the call of her virgin pussy was just too alluring to resist much longer. I stood up from my chair, her arms and legs wrapping around me, and shuffled forward and laid her down on my desk. Amara calmly moved her pencil case to the side and turned her attention back to the teacher. Unlike the rest of the class, she could see and hear everything that was going on. I had no doubts that she would be getting turned on by what was happening right beside her.
Now laying on her back, Suki quickly realised that with her larger tits, she could lift them to her mouth and suck her own nipples. Caught up in the act of breastfeeding herself, I don’t think she even noticed me peeling off her skinny jeans and panties. Her pussy lips glistened in the light, dripping with arousal beneath a neatly trimmed patch of dark hair as I stepped out of my jeans, I made one last quick check. She felt that she was ready to lose her virginity. She had been ready for about three months and was going to give it to her boyfriend, but the idiot broke up with her before she had the chance to tell him. Now comfortable that I wasn’t doing something awful to a classmate, it was time to get down to business.
Her pussy was already soaked from her recent orgasm. I ran my cock head through her pretty pink lips, the heat of her pussy radiating down my shaft and making my balls tingle in anticipation. I nudged the tip against the tiny entrance to her pussy until the thick head of my cock met some resistance.
That was enough to rouse Suki from her milk-induced stupor, and she raised herself onto her elbows to get a better look, her tits shaking and jiggling on her chest. She looked down to where the tip of my cock was parting her lips.
“Are you ready?” I asked, speaking for the first time.
She bit her lip and looked up at me, and nodded. Her deep brown eyes were bright with passion and excitement.
“I’m ready. I want to feel you inside me.” She said in her sweet, high voice.
I hooked her legs over my arms, my hands holding her slender waist. Then, as slowly and as gently as I could, I pushed my hips forward. There were a few brief seconds of resistance, before her juicing slit gave way, and my cock pushed into her virgin pussy.
“Holy fuck, that’s good!” I groaned. Her pussy was incredibly tight, wet, and hot as it spread around the first 3 inches of my cock.
Tight, wet, and hot: the trifecta of a perfect pussy. The only holy Trinity I would ever worship!
“Oh blessed Inari!” the petite Asian girl gasped.
I had some faint recollection of Shinto from our religious studies class last year, where I was actually in a group with Suki, but beyond remembering that it was her chosen faith, I didn’t remember anything about it.
I pulled back a bit, her lips tightly gripping my shaft as I did, before forcing another inch into her blessedly tight, virgin pussy.
“Fucking hell Suki. Your pussy is fantastic!” I growled, forcing even more of my cock inside her.
The busty, petite teen dropped back flat on the table, her big tits bouncing as she did. She was back to muttering under her breath in Japanese again. I forced my way deeper and deeper into her constricting pussy, delighting in how she felt around my cock. With still another two inches to go, my thick shaft started pushing up against her stomach, making a slight bump.
Laid back as she was, and with her hips slightly raised, Suki’s stomach appeared slightly concave, her hips and ribs clearly defined. She didn’t have the same core strength or muscle definition as the twins, but there was very little excess fat on her body. I pulled my hips back, her tight virgin cunt squeezing me tighter the further I withdrew. With just my head still locked inside her, I looked directly into her eyes and pushed the full nine inches of my cock as deep inside her as I could.
Suki screamed and came again as my balls slapped against her, my cock creating a now-familiar golf ball sized bulge. She grabbed her tits as she came, streams of milk running between her fingers and down her tits. I kept my dick buried inside her, letting her get used to the new invader, and savouring the wild convulsions of her cunt as she came. It was only when they finally slowed down and grew more sporadic that I started to properly fuck her.
I pushed her body to its limits, and possibly a bit beyond, as I pounded her repeatedly with powerful thrusts of my cock. Her tits bounced wildly as I slammed my hips against her ass. She was almost insensate with pleasure, her voice reduced to a cacophony of gasps, moans, screams, and a nonsensical mix of English and Japanese.
After half an hour and nearly a dozen climaxes for Suki, I felt my cock start to tingle and swell as it prepared to deliver its load. With a final grunt, I slammed myself deep into Suki as my balls clenched, and the pressure at the head of my cock reached a peak. The silken embrace of her pussy, never before fucked, overwhelmed my resistance. I let out a strangled cry as my cock erupted, flooding Suki’s virgin snatch for the first time.
The burning hot feeling of my cum splashing deep inside her set her off again as her pussy went wild around my sensitive cock, amplifying my climax. My cock throbbed as I painted her cervix white and filled the teen’s pussy with cum for the first time. The rush of energy I received as I came inside her was so intense I lost my footing.
I fell back into my chair, my cock leaving her pussy with a wet “slurp” sound, and firing a few more strings of cum wildly into the air. Her stretched out pussy quickly, shrunk shut, trapping my jizz inside. Her body needed every last drop to recover fully.
Amara took a thirty-second study break to suck my cock clean, and lick up some cum that had landed on her desk, before returning to her role of a model student once more. I wondered how long she would be keeping up this whole ‘model student’ thing. I had vague plans on enjoying every beautiful girl my school had to offer, and I hoped she wasn’t too focused on learning to join in. To be fair though, she was experiencing an entirely new world, and I couldn’t fault her enthusiasm or dedication.
I turned my attention back to Suki, who was busy trying to process the most intense sexual experience she had ever been a party to, and considered how to handle things. Giving her the same breastmilk enhancements as my mother and twin sisters had was a little rash, and a definite lapse in my self-control. With my mind no longer clouded my lust, I understood that I couldn’t leave things the way they were, but I had come up with a somewhat plausible solution. I slipped into her mind and used her existing memories as a starting point. After a few tweaks, she would now believe that just before Christmas, she had visited her doctor, complaining of painful and swollen breasts.
Her new memories included a number of physical examinations, that all culminated with her starting to lactate mid-appointment. After insisting that she couldn’t be pregnant, and returning a day later for a blood test, her doctor determined that her lactation was the result of a hormone imbalance. Her doctor had told her that ‘galactorrhea’ was uncommon, but not overly concerning.
After the diagnosis, her doctor had initially proposed a number of possible treatment options, but Suki had other ideas. My power created a number of new memories that followed, mostly involving Suki drinking directly from her swollen boobs, and masturbating while trying to squirt milk streams as far as she could manage. The only further change I made was to limit the amount of milk she would produce. She would still produce almost four times the milk that normal pregnant or breastfeeding women would, and if she didn’t express it regularly, her breasts would start to get sore and begin to leak. I left all the other benefits of the lactation add-on, like keeping her breasts from sagging, in place.
I looked around and collected our clothes as Suki slowly sat up, with a dreamy look on her face.
“That was ... Subarashī,” she said, still panting slightly.
“Is that a good thing?”
She nodded eagerly, a wide smile lighting up her delicate features.
“It means amazing, wonderful, terrific,” she said.
“Su-bar-she,” I said.
She laughed at my butchery of the correct pronunciation.
“Su-bar-ash-e,” she said, sounding it out phonetically.
I tried again.
“Close enough.” she said, although I had a feeling it was only to make me feel better about my poor attempts.
As she dressed, we quickly realised a problem. While her tee and cardigan would still fit, although with a few less buttons able to close, her c-cup bra would be too tight and uncomfortable.
Taking a gamble on a theory I had, I quickly checked the other girls in our class. Bingo, Tracy Redman. The girl sitting at the front wore a DD but was actually a C. Talk about false advertising. I had bet on at least one girl padding her bra, and Tracy had done exactly that. Taking Suki’s bra, I swapped it with Tracy’s, sneaking a peek at the other girl’s medium-sized boobs as she casually stripped her top off in the middle of class. She did naturally have nice tits; decent size, nice shape, and cute brown nipples. I didn’t see much of a need for her to pad her bra, but that was her choice, I guess. I decided to give her a small favour, and tweaked her hormones so that over the next few months, her breasts would grow to the D-cup size she pretended to be.
Elsa bit her bottom lip in a cute and sexy but also slightly nervous mannerism. She nodded her head slowly at first but quickly gained confidence. She gave her hips a little wiggle. Her pussy stretched wide around the head of my cock. Her tight pink lips were rubbing over the hyper sedative glands of my cock. The thick tip of my cock brushed across the thin veil of her hymen. I held her slim waist, holding her steady. Her waist, barely 22 inches, looked even smaller with my hands around it....
I woke just a few hours later, when my phone alarm blasted out its tune. It was already 7:25 am. What the hell? I swiped the screen to dismiss the warning when the alarm note popped up. Work 8:30 – 12:30. “Ah crap.” I tried to move but was trapped by Amara, who held my arm tight to her chest. My right hand was lightly holding one of her large breasts. My morning wood snugly nestled between the perfect globes of her ass. I enjoyed the naked embrace for a few moments longer while I fully...
Amara’s hands tugged at my shirt as we kissed, becoming more and more emotionally and erotically charged. Breaking our kiss, I sat up and threw my shirt aside before diving back down and sealing my lips back against Amara’s. I kissed down her neck to the swell of her cleavage, working my way from left to right. Amara moaned softly, her hands running through my messy hair. Sliding my hands up her sides, I pushed the delicate lace bralette up and over her big DD’s. She raised her arms, letting...
Within seconds of getting home, the twins came thundering down the stairs, both still completely naked. “Thor!” Elsa said while launching herself from the third step, forcing me to catch her. Elsa kissed me fiercely before letting go and dropping to the floor. I pulled Elsie in for a kiss who was slightly more tender and reserved than her sister, but no less passionate. “Notice anything different?” Elsa asked. She and Elsie stood next to each other. Both had their hands clasped behind...
When I woke up, Amara was pressed against my right side in her usual place. Her warm body moulded against my side, with her soft breasts pressed against me, one leg hooked over mine, her bronzed skin feeling like smooth silk against my own. Elsa and Elsie were spooned together on my left. Elsa pressed close against her sister’s back, holding her twin close. She had one arm wrapped around Elsie’s waist, the other gently cupping one of her breasts. One of Elsie’s hands was over her sister’s on...
Chapter Thirteen: Sultry Genies Naughty Competition By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Corey Derrickson – Wednesday, September 9th The four genies' delightful mouths all pressed into my cock. They knelt around me as I lay on the bed in the center of my new dorm suite. The genies had arranged that, too. They wanted me close at hand. Their tongues all fluttered against my cock. Four of them at once, bathing my shaft. It was delicious....
Almost as soon as I stepped out of my room onto the landing, I heard a vocal expression of climax just as I felt a big hit of sexual energy. I felt the energy flow into me with that now-familiar rush. The female cry of ecstasy emanated from my mother’s room. I was just about to head across the landing when a small hand tugged at mine. “Thor,” Elsie said, still slightly sleepy but beaming with happiness. “Hey there, sexy. How about we see what sort of mischief your sister and Amara are up...
Our first lesson of the day was math, something Amara wasn’t all that interested in, so she decided to do something more fun. (Spoiler: It was me, I was the fun thing she wanted to ‘do’) A few minutes into the class, she started to tease me beneath our desks by stroking my cock through my trousers, before unbuttoning my jeans and slipping her hand inside. Beyond a small naughty smirk playing at her delicate lips, she gave no outward indication as to what she was doing. She sat quietly in her...
“Aaaaggghhh!” Pip screamed as her fifth orgasm tore through her, before she passed out from the overload of pleasure. She was face down, ass up, with her legs hanging limply off the edge of the bed. Both of her holes were leaking my cum, the viscous white liquid slowly working its way out around the base of my cock to drip down her legs. Next to her on their bed was Lacey, the younger blonde slightly more coherent than her girlfriend. Seeing that I was done with Pip, Lacey crawled over to...
Although the massive magnitude of the orgasms and sexual energy I’d absorbed from the cum-denied Emily had almost short-circuited my brain, physically, I felt like the Energizer Bunny. So, after only a few hours of sleep had given my mind a chance to recharge, I was wide awake much earlier than usual. Since it was only three am, I was missing my usual morning wake-up call of a warm, wet hole being wrapped around my cock. Instead, my early-morning wood was trapped against my stomach by Amara,...
Chapter Twelve: Exposing the Naughty Genies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...
It took me longer than expected to find the small shop again. The first time I visited “Black Cat Curiosity’s”, I found it by complete chance. I noticed the shop when I had just dashed into a side street to get a moment’s respite from the biting, snow-laden wind. Leaving my Christmas shopping until the last minute had left me with limited options. I had hoped the strange store might hold the last present I was looking for. Something for my hard to buy for older sister. After the strangest...
Amara busied herself making 3 fresh cups of tea while I sat opposite my mom. She seemed a little confused why I asked Laura to leave, not believing in my excuse of Pip asking for her help. There was a slightly awkward few minutes of silence until Amara took her spot next to me after handing out the three steaming mugs. I felt nervous. I hoped I was making the right choice and tried to ignore the fears that distracted me. I needed to focus. Taking a steadying breath, I composed myself and...
“You’re screwing the twins?!” she shouted disbelievingly, still staring at my phone, and swiping through my gallery. “Lauren, it’s not-” “And Mom too?!” she screeched, her voice going even higher. “No, well yes- but it’s not what you think!” I said, fumbling my words. “So, THIS. THIS isn’t what I think it is?!” she said, stomping towards me and thrusting the phone in my face. The photo was from the morning orgy I had with my mom, Laura, and the twins. It showed mum, sandwiched between...
I sat across from Laura and Mom at the kitchen table; the same position I had been in just a few hours earlier when I told my mom the truth about Amara and my new ability. I was filled with trepidation then, but I was even more nervous now about telling Laura. Of all the girls in my harem, Laura was the only one I had directly commanded to have sex with me. I had made Laura break up with her boyfriend over the phone while fucking her. When she returned home to collect her belongings, her...
Pip was waiting for us in the school car park, leant back against her sporty little Fiat 500 hatchback. While her father may have wanted her to work a normal job to keep her grounded in reality, he had always enjoyed spoiling her. She always had nice, stylish clothes, and her car had almost all the extra features that were available. Dressed in tight-fitting ripped jeans, a low-cut tee, and a loose jacket, the sporty blonde was attracting a fair bit of attention from the male half of the...
Chapter Eight: Submissive Genie's Cherry Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...
First out of the limo was Amara, then followed by Mom, Laura, Elsa, Elsie, Emily, Lacey, and finally, Pip. A few of the restaurant’s other guests were looking out the window at the arrival of our party. As each girl emerged from within the limo, I sensed some measure of interest, curiosity, and even jealousy that grew as they came into view. The limo itself was nothing new to the restaurant’s usual clientele; I would bet that the car park was full of Maybachs and Rolls-Royces, and a number of...
There are few simple pleasures in life greater than waking up with a beautiful woman in your arms. When that beautiful woman is your soulmate and partner in life, it’s even better. Sadly, it’s an experience that many unfortunate souls will never get to have. Even fewer can have the experience, and claim that their other half is a powerful sex genie who can grant wishes and make you one of the most powerful humans on earth. As if all that wasn’t enough, add the feeling of two greedy mouths...
Breakfast was the first thing on my mind. The energy I received from Lauren did little to curb my appetite. It increased it. I’ve been eating more and more recently, and my body has been growing more muscular and defined by the day. My body needed the extra nutrients to sustain my growth. I made myself some cereal, and Amara stuck to coffee. She said she had already eaten, eying my crotch and licking her lips seductively. My cock twitched at the idea of a second serving. However, my hunger...
Amara pulled Laura inside and took her into her arms, comforting her. “I quit my job and went home expecting my ex to be long gone,” she sniffed and shook, clearly holding back tears. “He wasn’t. We argued, both shouting and getting mad. I told him to get out, he punched me and...” she broke down at this point. I pushed the anger down long enough to glean the rest of the story from Laura’s mind. It only took a moment. The bastard beat her, then raped her. I lost the battle to hold back...
I was alone in bed when I woke a few hours later. The bed had clean sheets, which I presumed was Amara’s doing. Being alone disappointed me and not for the base reasons you might think. I mean, don’t get me wrong, waking up with your little sister’s lips around your cock is incredible. With Amara, however, it was more than that. I would be happy to wake up with her in my arms every day, just to have that skin to skin human contact with another person who loves you wholeheartedly is something...
“You’re going to love the rooms I got us,” I told Lauren as she marvelled at the fact we had a private elevator. “This is crazy,” she said quietly as we sped upwards. “Seems like a day for crazy things, doesn’t it?” I asked. “That’s an understatement.” As the elevator ascended, I wondered about Maria, Lauren’s roommate. How would she and Lauren adjust to their sudden separation? Both Lauren’s and Maria’s bubbles had said they were single, so I guess theirs was a relationship of...
When I woke up just a couple of hours later, I still had one of my sexy little sisters sleeping atop me with my cock firmly lodged inside her womb. This was definitely one of the best ways to wake up every morning. With my morning wood surrounded by a wonderfully tight, warm, young pussy. It wasn’t just my cock that was enjoying my little sister’s presence. I loved feeling the slight weight of her soft, warm body laying atop mine. The silky smoothness of her toned legs entangled with mine,...
Jean groggily wakes up from her nap with a splitting headache. She hasn't had a headache this bad since the 1800's, when a drunken wizard sealed her in a bottle of brandy. Fun time while in there, but always filled her with an immediate hangover when released from the bottle, which is a terrible Pavlovian reaction towards her opinion of humans asking for wishes. Entitled bastards... Jean then blinks the tears from the headache from her eyes and sits up to find out what all that noise is, and...
Mind ControlThe house where Ruby lived with her father was a fairly modern one they had moved into just a few years ago. It was in a fairly well off area of town that had seen a lot of renovations and complete rebuilds in the last decade or so. I had only met Ruby’s father in passing, either when he was picking up Ruby from our house, or dropping the twins off after being over at Ruby’s place. He was a pretty unremarkable man, being of a medium build, albeit with a few extra kilograms around the middle,...
The stadium neighbouring my school was quite impressive, and much larger than a town of this size warranted. Ten-thousand seat capacity, concessions, commentary box, VAR, and a broadcast booth. It was even laid out for track and field events, and most perhaps most importantly, considering how rainy the UK is, a retractable roof. While Wood Green Secondary was better funded than most public schools, a multi-million-pound stadium was far out of the budget. Generous donors, grants, and...
With my hands in theirs, the twins impatiently dragged me to the master suite, eager for their night of debauchery. Before the door had fully shut behind us, they guided me towards an armchair that had been placed at the foot of the bed. With soft kisses and lingering caresses, they quickly stripped me out of my clothes, lust and excitement burning in their eyes. After giving my raging erection a few light, teasing strokes, they pushed me down into the chair, then stepped away. When the...
Jeanie the GenieCopyright Oggbashan August 2015Edited September 2015The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.The information about genies is fictitious. Don’t try any of the information on your neighbourhood genie. September edit is to correct a minor plot...
I was roused from sleep while it was still dark outside. I don’t remember when Amara and I had come apart, but I felt more energised than ever. Sexual energy may be a poor substitute for a hearty meal when hungry, but it seemed to reduce my need for sleep considerably. I was wondering what had woken me when I heard a rattling sound, followed by a few distinct thumps and some unintelligible speech. Usually, I don’t think I would have heard it, but I had discovered recently that it wasn’t only...
I gave my name, and he checked the list. “Ah, of course, Mr James. Please accept my deepest apologies for the disgruntled customer you had the misfortune of meeting. Please follow me to your table.” As we moved through the busy restaurant, I could see and sense the stares of the men, usually quickly followed by the jealous stares of their significant others. Even with all the costly jewellery and designer dresses adorning various lovely women in the room, my mother was easily the most...
When I awoke just a few hours later, the morning light had yet to break over the horizon and banish the heavy winter fog. I was cuddled close against Amara, her back to my front. I had my right arm over her, my hand gently cupping a breast. Her arm was laid over mine, her hand holding mine against her firm tit. I gave it a soft squeeze, drawing from her a happy “hmmm” sound. She wiggled her ass back against me while using her hand on mine to squeeze her breast a little harder before her...
I held Lacey close as we floated on our shared orgasm. I enjoyed the rush of orgasmic energy, while a cum drunk Lacey lay limply in my arms. My cock remained hard inside her, acting as a plug, keeping my cum inside her. She would need all of it if she wanted to receive the full range of benefits my cum could provide, and feel no worse for wear after the punishment I had inflicted upon her tight, teenage pussy. Thinking about it made me wonder about the effects of my cum, and more...
Wood Green Secondary school was not your average British school. It had been highly Americanised. About a decade ago, you could have described it as very ‘middle of the road.’ Not the worst school in the country, but not the best either; just average. Then, at some point about fifteen years ago, wealthy people started to move into the area to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. With this influx of wealthy residents, came a demand for the kinds of things rich folk enjoy having in their...
Before I could delve into Ellie’s mind, I needed to find her. I had gotten lucky with Cathy, spotting her in the hallway on the way to class, and with Maya, I just had to go to my normal class that she shared with Amara and I. No such luck with the petite fourteen-year-old redhead though. Maybe I could ask my sisters, who were in the same year and likely shared some classes, but for the most part I had no idea where to begin. With Amara, Lacey, and the twins, I could tell exactly where in...
The Genie of the Lamp By Janet Harris, copyright 24/9/99 Now I know it sounds very corny, but when I saw the tarnished old Arabic oil-lamp in an antique shop, I just had to buy it in case it was Aladdin's. Don't worry, I told myself how silly I was being. I'm not really a superstitious man at all, quite a cynic of things spiritual on the whole, but perhaps it was my self-denied belief that such magic does exist which caused it to actually happen. I remember that I carefully avoided...
Genie Wishes By Morpheus Peter was my best friend and had been since we'd first met back in high school. We were both 24, but he was 6 foot even, nearly two inches taller than me and somewhat more athletic. He was also the more outgoing of the two of us and something of a ladies man. At least he never seemed to have a problem finding a girlfriend, just keeping them. As for me, I was Larry Collins, 5 foot 10, average build and with a mop of dark blonde hair on top of my head. There's...
Harry looked around the bed at the chaos on it. His duvet (Not a problem, since his room was always at a magically perfect temperature) and bedsheet, along with both pillows, were on the bedroom floor, having been lost in a fit of pleasure. The mattress itself had been dislodged from the intense acts of passion that had taken place on it. Harry watched the 6 girls sleep, all worn out from having had their way with Harry the previous night. Their bodies, as well as large portions of the...
THE GENIE By Katharine Sexkitten It was my parents' fiftieth wedding celebration. They'd decided to take all their kids, and grandkids, and some nieces and nephews and cousins on a trip. We all piled into an airplane and flew to Mexico. A beach- side resort. There was twenty-three of us. We all got along pretty well, actually. So that part of the trip was cool. But I was by myself. Divorced, with nothing on the go, and nothing since my divorce, which was almost ten years...
The best part of living near the beach was being able to go down any time and look at the eye candy of the beautiful men hanging out in just swim trunks. Today I was just walking along. As always, there were some great looking men, and I could get to them and let my fantasies go wild. Unfortunately, it stopped at fantasies. I wasn't bad looking, but I was a bit shy, so I didn't approach any to have a "beach encounter" that I could remember for the rest of my life.Enjoying the walk, I kept on...
Disclaimer: Adult content and sexual in nature. If you are not at least eighteen years of age, please do not read this story. Author's Note: This is the fifth Spells R Us story that I have written. If you would like to read more of my stories, you may contact me at [email protected] and I can provide you a site which hosts my other stories or provide you a link to my own site. This is a 'jdw' proofread. Spells R Us: The Sex Genie by JR Parz I. Tony Rodgers was so...
“What is it Johnson?” asked the man. “Sir, we have a problem,” said Frank. “How interesting,” the man said, taking another sip. “Asrah’s been taken.” “WHAT!?” “I’m sorry Mr Brookman, our plan failed. They worked out a way to remove Asrah from my control.” “DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE DONE!? They’ll destroy us now! Kill us, or worse, and destroy everything we’ve worked for!” “Not quite sir, before they could manage it I released another genie and re-instated all our protections.” “Well...
I was on holiday in Morocco, not in one of the touristy areas like Marrakech but being a bit more adventurous. Currently I was pottering around a village souk way out in the mountains. In hindsight it was probably overly adventurous because there were a couple of guys bothering me a bit. To get rid of them I ducked into what in England would be a junk shop selling all kinds of stuff a bit tatty and dusty. I have spotted that at the counter was a woman and I hoped she would help. Once inside the...
Andy cursed as he rummaged through the old storage unit. It was full of dust, droppings of animals, and who knows what else. "Couldn't your old man auction this lot or something?" he asked his best friend. "This ain't storage wars," Kyle shouted back from behind some boxes. "We are in bumfuck nowhere. Good luck finding bidders out here." Of course, Andy knew he was right. Sighing he did get back to work and started sifting through the boxes. There was his Sunday going down the drain,...
“This is so much fun, don’t you agree, Dan?” Charlie said as they walked through the city. “Loads of fun,” Daniel said. “Oh come on, don’t be like that. Why don’t we go and get you something?” “I’ve got plenty of clothes already.” “So do I, but you can always get more. Now come on, let’s go and check out the market.” Late that afternoon they took the bus back, and parted ways, Charlie carrying her plethora of bags with her, after being unable to convince Daniel to come and carry them for...
“Charlie?” “Morning Dan. Have fun yesterday?” Daniel sat up, and realised he was in Harry’s room. Memories of the previous day came flooding back to him. “Yesterday? But it was like midday?” “You slept all day and night. You were exhausted.” “I’m not surprised. What the fuck did you do to me?” “I made you shoot half a litre of jizz. You passed out after that, so the girls just made love to each-other while you slept.” “Oh my God…Where are the girls, anyway?” “I sent them home to get...
Chapter Two: Step One: Never Trust Another Genie! To say that the old apartment building was dilapidated would have been diplomatic. It had to be a serious fire hazard, with the roof sagging like that, and most of the paint coming off in dangling strips. But it was the correct address, he was positive of that. There was only one Georgia Street in town and this was it. Well, I wanted to know where she lived, Avery thought, as he made his way up the creaking steps and onto the apartment’s front...
In a medium-sized but well-furnished house, an old man was sat on an armchair, sipping at a glass of wine. His laptop began to ring for a Skype call, and he answered it. “What is it Johnson?” asked the man. “Sir, we have a problem,” said Frank. “How interesting,” the man said, taking another sip. “Asrah’s been taken.” “WHAT!?” “I’m sorry Mr Brookman, our plan failed. They worked out a way to remove Asrah from my control.” “DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE DONE!? They’ll destroy us now!...
Being a genie has its perks, my breasts are perpetually firm and they never sag. My immortality lets me keep my youth. While being blessed with the vitality of a young woman is fantastic, to be honest, sometimes the wait to be found can be most annoying. It may not feel as long as it actually is, but sitting in my bottle for decades on end sure can be lonely. I've come across some of the most interesting people with this life. Not many people know how we become genies and most don’t care, they...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi(Author's note: While the events in this story are based off real life, there are some obvious embellishments. Also, all the characters involved in sex acts are at least 18.)I woke up with Ms. P’s soft skin pressed against my back, a ray of sunshine peaked through the mini-blinds warming my abdomen. Groggy, it took me a second to recall the night’s events: I had fucked my best friend's mom!Ms. P was an attractive middle-aged woman. The first thing any man noticed about her was the flaming red...
Harry awoke the next morning with a smile on his face. Of course, this wasn’t a particularly unusual occurrence. Since finding Sarosa’s lamp 7 months ago, his life had been perfect. His every desire had been granted to him by this magical girl, who desired only to please him. Someone up there must like him, he figured. Harry looked around the bed at the chaos on it. His duvet (Not a problem, since his room was always at a magically perfect temperature) and bedsheet, along with both pillows,...
************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan May 2003/October 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Reginald was a nerd, a geek, a wimp. He was the man who had sand kicked in his face, who...
Genie had been serving his master Aladdin for some time now.Sure he thought of Aladdin as a friend, but as a genie he was never able to make his own fantasies come true. Always having to grant wishesto make other people happy.Aladdin said he would be setting him free and once he did, Genie was going to make his own come true.It took a long time, Genie had to go through all kinds of bullshit because of Jafar wanting more power. But finally Aladdin made his last wish and set him free.Now that he...
The opening of Chapter 1 was originally written by Oren the Otter for a contest a couple of years back - which I humbly acknowledge winning - (I was the only entry so obviously no one felt they could top my story in the contest. :) It was rewritten late in the last millennium. The Genie And Adolph Hitler By Caleb Jones CHAPTER 1 Adolph didn't know what to expect when he opened the box, but this wasn't it. What hovered before him was a wisp of smoke from the waist down. From...
I've always told my mother that she works too much.She's a full-time attorney by day, and she somehow finds the time to teach a few evening classes per week at the law school which I attend.As a result, her love life had really suffered. Her workaholic behavior came as a result of the divorce several years ago. Overworking was her way of coping and moving on, and it left her in a cycle of being lonely and longing for the perfect man in her life.The Sex GenieIt was late in the afternoon and I...
Matt laid on his bed, nude, thinking about all that had happened recently. Many times in his life he’d imagined what his life would be like if he found a genie. Of course, once he’d hit puberty, his thoughts had turned to all the sex he’d have. To some extent, that had come true, since he very much doubted he’d ever have had an orgy with an entire girls’ PE class without magical help. He’d probably not have gotten a girlfriend for a while either, and he was happy to have Sophie. He’d always...
“Are you alright, Master?” Asked Alexis as she walked back into her Master’s bedroom. “Yes, I’m fine,” replied Leonardo. “My soul is cleansed. At least I hope so.” “I still don’t understand why you insisted on getting that priest in anyway.” “Alexis, nearly five decades with you would be enough to test anyone’s faith. But even you cannot determine or even know what lies beyond this life. Think of it as attempting to cover my bases.” “Master, I do not know if there is any sort of...
“Mistress, calm down,” Afericus said, trying to comfort her. “Everything will be okay.” “Of course it’s not, they’re going to destroy the universe!” Charlie shouted. “Oh shut the fuck up,” Sarosa said to her. “Well sorry, I just don’t like the idea of not existing!” “Any reality where I don’t have to listen to your whining is a good reality.” “Girls girls, break it up!” Daniel shouted, getting between them. “Honestly, is it me or do humans get less intelligent as time goes by?” Alexis...