MageChapter 12 free porn video

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My views on family had shifted but not my perception of how the members interacted. I had seen most other families from the rich to the poor but they didn't have the same glue to bind them. They also didn't have all the sex that was usual in a harem, or a master that had forced this to happen. I didn't force any girl/girl sex recently and regretted doing so with my oriental girls. Now I was forcing all the girls to love other girls by simply having too many woman to comfort and not able to do the job adequately.

I had to take the remaining apprentices and trainees. If they did not treat their slaves right, I would have to take the slaves from them. This lead me to where all of this would ever end. Being one man, even one that had been enhanced magically, was not enough take care of a family the way it was necessary to do so.

I woke up to Sonya investigating my growing erection. It had been very sore last night.

She said, "The spells worked and he looks as good as new. I had him the last time in the morning and now it is your turn."

Sara bent over and kissed Sonya and said, "Thank you Mistress." She then moved to stimulate the needed muscle group with her hand and mouth. Only a few seconds later she was positioning her body over me and slowly settling herself into position.

With only a contented sigh she stayed still. Sonya looked at my face even though I had my eyes closed. "I am going to ride that tongue of his slut. I get my turn where you are too."

"Yes Mistress. I love sharing with you anything I have."

Sonya's weight shifted and I knew they were kissing and Sonya said, "You give me all of you and that is all I need my little slut." This was all said with love and affection and not the way some harsh words would have otherwise sounded.

The two started out easy on me. I assume they were pretending I was asleep but they knew also that this had not happened except at the start of our relationship. The two tried to work independently until my hands and PK started to work on them. Their concentration and coordination suffered and soon they were holding each other for stability and no small amount of comfort.

I monitored each of my girls thinking, for at least the thousandths time, how lucky an old man like me had to be to get these two young girls. Sonya was just sixteen now though in April she would be a year older. Sara was twenty one and her birthday had just passed. Though they were slaves, with one compelled by magic to do what I said, they did what was best for me and what I wanted to accomplish.

Sara was getting ahead of herself and I worked more diligently on Sonya. It took only a minute but they seemed to approaching that point of no return now in tandem. I felt the grid forming now though it would not supply power. The thoughts of all the women around us started to flood in until I made a strong effort to restrict the flow. The connection didn't otherwise falter though and when Sonya and Sara went rigid so did a great number of those nearby.

I had to fight for some air but the girls didn't seem to know of my problem. When they recovered they simply helped each other up and changed places. At least before Sara sat, Sonya was able to look at my wet face and said, "Good morning Master. I hope we didn't disturb you much."

"Not at all my Love. You know I like my girls happy."

"You do that for sure, Master."

They rode me to completion though I only got satisfaction through them. After the second time it was my turn. When the girls recovered I was over Sara and about to enter her. With my member stroking around her portal I said, "Good morning Sara my love. Would you like me to continue?"

"Yes," she said forcing her pelvis around me.

She was well warmed up now and I could see that she wanted some real action. I moved forcefully into her and we changed positions often. When I knew she would have to have her own release I picked her up in my arms and settled her on my erection. With only my hands I elevated her rump and she settled back onto my pelvis with a shock. This happened thirty more times until started to go rigid on me as she pulled me violently to her.

Her come lasted almost a minute. Part way through my own release came and this only made her more wild. I slowed down my actions for our own gratification. I found that all the women around us had their own orgasm too. I just held Sara to me and would love to give her a hug but my hands were holding her up. Her body slowly drooped from fatigue and I lowered her to the floor beside a glassy eyed Sonya.

Sonya was next and by the time we were done the air reeked almost as bad as it had last night. I cast the cleaning spell over everybody present and found that I had encompassed some infants and young girls. The later group were not effected by our link though even the toddlers seemed to have flushed skin. This was not right by the morality I grew up with but I was sure it was no different that the way humans had acted in caves until just recently. A husband and wife simply didn't have the privacy that we now enjoyed and children knew much more about the birds and the bees at an earlier age.

I gathered the dozen older children around me though they were frightened but not as much as they had been earlier. I formed my thoughts and a large meal was delivered onto the floor in front of where I was sitting.

A large pile of pancakes on a large platter was smothered with maple syrup and not an imitation. Beside it was a bowl of warm water and a cloth towel for cleaning. I used my PK now to slice some of the hot cakes and a portion drifted across the floor to a young girl of three. My own mouth opened as I wanted hers to do and I made faces at her. When the hotcake touched her lips with some syrup and pulled away she had a chance to taste it. The next time it was offered it disappeared.

I fed the older ones though it took time for them to get used to me. The more the first ones were fed the more they wanted the food I offered. The worried mothers were watching me, afraid of opposing me but wanting to protect their children.

The pancakes were disappearing and I used the feeding to play a game. The food now tried to avoid their mouths and the girls had to move to get it before it got away. Smiles came where there were few before. When the cakes were done I brought another in with fresh fruit. Christmas time or not was no reason why I couldn't have any fruit I wanted. This time the fruit evaded their mouths but it was not difficult to catch. Many of the children had juicy hands and faces but seemed to be getting full. Chocolate milk washed it all down but this time they did this themselves.

There was some fruit remaining and I sent pieces to Sonya and Sara then to some of the original seven from last night. Everyone ate what they were given but I didn't push any more onto them.

Looking at the large open area and circle in the room reminded me of a gym. A gym though needed equipment. I visualised what I wanted in detail and it began to form just like the food. The first was a small play set with ropes, rooms and slides similar to what I had made before. It grew in modules but soon I had to stop. It was tiring doing this all at one time.

Sitting back now and concentrating on those around me I saw that they were utterly confused at what I had done. Only a few were born on earth and none of them had seen this sort of contraption before. Toys or anything special for the children had never been supplied so the residents didn't know of its loss.

Looking at Sonya and Sara I said, "Well you better show them what to do. I'm too tired." I got only demure smiles from each of them. Sonya took one child and then Sara took another and they walked to the gym. The girls explained what to do then did it themselves. Sonya bent over to climb the rope net and exposed her openings to me. She must have kept tuned into me for she looked back and made sure her legs were wide enough for stability and to give me a nice view.

Bare bums didn't work very well on the slide until I did something to the surface. Then it worked too well. I had to go back to work giving longer slides and a way of slowing them down without hurting their skin on the now frictionless surfaces.

The children and then some of the mothers and older girls investigated what I had made. Sonya and Sara whooped and hollered on the slides though it wasn't that exciting to them. The rest did the same and the rides became infectious. My girls soon slipped away from the rest and came to me.

Sonya said, "They had never seen toys before. Their childhood would be bad even without all the other horrors they had to endure."

Sara said, "I at least grew up with toys though my parents were distant. I don't want any of my children to have to grow up the same way." She looked at me thinking that the secret wish was out and hung her head.

She said to get me off the track, "You haven't seen the three males yet Master."

The males were down a long hallway with a large room of their own. There was a spell over the doorway to keep people from moving in any direction. When one saw us then the other two turned abruptly. The first scampered toward us in an ambling gate that seemed odd. He stopped just before us and stared at the two girls. His erection formed very quickly. A few seconds later the other two were beside the first and just as ready to treat the women to some fun and games.

I tried to read the first young man's thoughts and found them strangely simple. I must have stayed there for a good ten minutes before I came to the conclusion that the men had been seriously altered. They were much more like animals. They could mate and take orders but didn't have much in the way of higher brain functions. This was not normal and has to be what Malochuck wanted. The young men were certainly no threat to him mentally or magically though each of them were in great shape. I had no idea what to do to rectify this situation.

Sonya tugged my arm and said, "Let's see the rest." As we left I heard whining as a dog would when his master left.

There were labs and a large office like all the other mages or apprentices had. Some of the experiments would have to be explained further because they looked like Malochuck was experimenting with more human beings. I didn't want to destroy them now but that may end up being the most humane course.

There was a group of four Plugga troops in a well secured area. With the girls help I took them over one by one though they had been hardened against this. It was assumed that a mage would be too worried about an attacking Plugga to try to control them before he was killed.

There were large storehouses but I would find out what was in them from the listings in the computers or from Malochuck's memories.

We came back to the main room and saw the children and young women playing on the gym. We were close to the exit and quietly slipped through with no notice. Servants were already in place and they hustled us to the dining room where our own breakfast was being held.

On the other side I gave the new spell that would allow them to enter but it had been tailored to them alone.

After we ate I called a meeting of the various managers. Many had been called before and I just got a clarification of the questions that I had wanted answered. We went on to all the other properties and offices that Malochuck stayed at. Malochuck was with us and explained in detail what each was for. Notes were taken of what he said because all of the assets would have to be accounted for.

The various businesses had been visited now by my managers and the only outstanding items were the two large yachts. Mordock and Hassan stayed nearby but tried to handle as much of their own business over the phones as possible. Schedules were made so more of those altered by Malochuck could have their programming changed. None would be removed for security reasons.

Mordock had much more experience in business and I gave him his head. Some of the managers were given other duties to go on top of those they already had. Many of those duties had been held by Malochuck but now that would not be the case. It did allow the managers more flexibility within the new constraints I put on them.

The rest of the day I spent looking at the assets on the ranch and taking care of those stragglers we found. Most of this was done from one of the helicopters and it sped up the visiting immensely.

Malochuck was busy with the lawyers transferring his legal and illegal property to me. Again Hassan and Mordock were at his side. They had been offered tidbits for their help and they were very anxious to do this now.

We came back for supper and I found the Toopics up and around with no apparent problems. Irene came up to me with a serious look as if what she had to say was distasteful.

"Hello, I am sorry but I don't remember your name."

I smiled and said, "Adam."

"Well thanks Adam for what you have done for my family. It appears that we were very seriously hurt and now it is as if it never happened. I am now told that it was magic that cured us. Would you explain this to me?"

"Sure, it was certainly magic. There is simply too much that is not understood about this subject. This is like mathematics taught in advanced classes in university. You know it is there and it is too hard to understand but some people can. Magic is the same way. Some people are born with minds that can manipulate figures and others that can manipulate forces that we cannot see."

"Malochuck is a very bad man. I stepped in and started to correct the problems I found and used your assistance even though you did not offer it. As partial payment I offered Ralph a job but I could not stand by and see people suffer and possibly die. I cannot and should not assist most people but the ones I have met mean more to me than those I have not."

"You and your family are free to stay for a while and free to leave my employ. All that will be required is a small spell to ensure that you do not breathe a word of what you know to about us."

Aaron was the seven year old and he just stared at me with his mouth open. He had been the one most likely not to have lived through the night. Jason the five year old stood no differently though they were not as frightened as their mother. Irene was not too difficult to read her surface thoughts and she relied on what fictional books and movies had to say about magic. To her all of it was bad and how people were sacrificed to appease demons. She was right about this but the demons were within all of us.

Important people came around that night to be reprogrammed and informed of what and how they would do business in the future. Some had fit into Malochuck's old scheme very well and needed little encouragement. Now those same people had to be compelled more forcibly to go against their evil natures.

Plans already in place had to be altered or scrapped. Some were very unscrupulous and these were summarily dropped. In one case I felt compelled to pay one man for his company that was ruined but I knew that this would be only one of many.

Instructions went on until late and I was getting a headache from people supposedly working for me, fighting what I wanted to accomplish. The managers had fought for Malochuck so long in the way that he wanted that a spell was not always enough. When the meeting did break up, Mordock and Hassan assisted me in altering the spells on those most important to us then reinforced them.

I was angry at how slow some tasks were being done but Sonya lead me into the complex and our bed. Instead I found the circle ready and a grinning Sara letting me know that I had work to do instead of sleeping.

The circle had all sixty five women on air mattresses facing the centre and their rumps high ready to receive me. Sonya helped me remove my clothing then guided me to the only empty mattress which happened to be beside Sara.

I worked methodically again but showed love and caring for each and every one. After the first two dozen it was not needed and perhaps counter productive. Sixty six women had been drawn very tightly into the matrix of our emotions and each had their own climax along with the woman I was currently with. Sonya had to have thought of this and I let her guide me when it came to loving those people, it hurt so much. The women could not take that many strong comes so closely together. When just over half were done, I had to stop. They were all quivering masses of jelly and unable to continue.

I cleaned myself up and wanted to just slide between Sonya and Sara when I found some little spies. There was nothing I could do but wave to them and say, "Your mothers and the others are just fine only tired. We will see you in the morning. Good night girls."

They had hurried off at the first mental call but they did hear what I had to say. I tried to be the least threatening as I possibly could.

Early in the morning I found myself surrounded by a pack of children. Without opening my eyes I investigated what they were thinking. My anatomy was now a bit more interesting and a bit less threatening. Others liked to be fed and were hungry. They could get their own meals but liked when I did it. Others just saw all the women sleeping on the odd mattresses and wondered about the noises they heard last night. They had seen this before but it had never been this exciting or animated.

In the distance I knew that some mothers were awake and tending to their infants. Their minds though were very clear and they seemed to be a little happier than they I had seen the day before.

There was never enough sleep recently but I had to do something to heal the children and possibly their mothers too. I concentrated on an individual child and what she was like inside. When I extracted twelve sets of data, I made twelve dolls made of soft material that best represented each of them. When they were all done they appeared in front of each of the girls when the first were thinking of leaving. There were squeals of fright from some but one adventurous one picked hers up. She made a few comments and two more were investigated. This made me pity the children even more. It was hard to imagine how a child could not understand a doll.

One of the mothers of the infants came to the circle and then came over to see what the girls were looking at. It was a little surprising to see that she vaguely recognised the doll for what it was.

The woman's name was Monja. She was a native of a much dryer world and had skin similar to a Polynesian. Not all women were born into slavery the same way. The children around me were but had some idea of a normal family setting. Monja and her parents were slaves but to some nomadic tribesmen. Their living conditions were always tenuous but some did have dolls even if it were tufts of grass tied with other grass stems. She remembered her own grass infant along with her mother before she was sold to someone that allowed her to end up here.

The woman whispered her suppositions to the children after examining one that a child was carrying. "They are pretend babies. They are good to hold onto when you feel bad."

"Why are they here?"

There was a pause while the woman thought and she now was certain that I was awake and also the benefactor. "Our master wants you to have them."

The girls now looked at me and I had my eyes open and a small smile on my lips. "Children need to be protected, cared for and cherished. The age doesn't matter. The child can be younger than Puella or older than Fay that stands with us. Older people should have had a chance to grow up in happy surroundings. I want all of you to be happy and be part of my family. That means from the youngest baby to the oldest adult."

The children were not too upset at me being awake even though it was early and unexpected. Monja was one of the original seven that were less beaten by their old master. I would like to explain more of my feelings and said, "Monja, you have known me for only a short time. I have not hurt anybody and have no plans on doing so unless they are very bad. Will you let me look at the child in your arms? I will not hurt her in any way."

The woman was startled at this request. A master taking a child usually meant that the child was to die. Emotions and thoughts ran through her mind for a few minutes before she came to the unescapable conclusion that she had to do what I said and she was powerless to oppose me.

The baby was placed in my arms very hesitantly. She had a diaper on and a cloth around her to keep off any draughts. The woman stayed very close now as if she would jerk the child from my arms if there was any danger.

Same as Mage
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I first met him by accident earlier that day. It was just after lunch and at the peak of the noonday sun. The campsite boiled in unbearably heat and humidity; hot enough to drive me towards to the cool water of the lake. The lake was Lake Michigan, where the water's vast depth kept it cool and isolated from influence of the blazing sun above. Three miles of continuous beach hugged the state park, all of it covered with a gradual drop-off of sand that made it perfect for swimming. People to...

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All Because of Millie

Dear readers: I know this story is rather long, but it would not have made sense if I had put it in two parts. I hope this does not deter you from reading it because I would love comments. It's my first venture into a "mature" story and I think it came out well. I hope you will think so also. Thanks! All Because of Millie Millie had just turned forty-five a month ago. She had been by herself now for three years and quite frankly, she had gotten used to it. The death of her husband had been...

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District 2Chapter 3

Four months of pregnancy with a trio of little tentacle monsters has changed all of Cat’s life completely and irrevocably. All the squirming in their active phases exhilarates her and makes her horny as fuck. The little creatures already have their own tentacles and can easily use them to explore areas outside of her specially created womb. Fortunately, Cat has the perfect medicine against this kind of feeling right underneath her, on his wonderfully soft body. Of course she always can count...

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SexAndSubmission Jane Wilde Little Fuck Slave

Mickey Mod and Jane Wilde were partners in crime and now that he’s the boss, he keeps Jane prisoner in his house to use only for sex. He’s chained her to a metal table with a gas mask over her head. Her small natural tits are bound in black rope, and leather cuffs surround her wrists and ankles. Squatting, she rubs her pussy as instructed by Mickey. He’s told her to stay right on the edge of cumming, but if she cums she’ll be punished. He unlocks the chain and uses it as...

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Anisha Leads Me To Manisha 8211 Pt 2 Sucking Juicy Boobs

Anisha and her sister Manisha, both of them stood there like ‘Dreamgirls’ in the lingerie they were wearing. Ravishing, sexy, hot and fucking desirable. I could never imagine or ask for a better birthday gift. Anisha asked me who looks better. I said both of you are really sexy and beautiful.  Anisha asked me to check if someone was around. Fortunately, no one was around. Anisha stepped out and pulled me in the trial room and locked it. She made me sit on the stool and sat on my lap kissing my...

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Good things come in small packages Chapter 1

 Chapter 1How it began.I should state from the outset that my wife Mandy has always relished kinky sex. Mandy is 27 years of age, with shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair, and she stands at about 5' 6". She has light green eyes, and full pouty lips set upon a sharply featured little fox face. Her figure could best be described as slightly buxom; she has strong, shapely legs; wide hips support a full, pert butt that curve upwards into a narrow waist, and a magnificent pair of 36D breasts....

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 5 Epsilon Station to Nockatunga Waterhole

The next day I had breakfast at 6 with several hands and then read in the morning sun for a few hours. Then, in mid-morning, I asked the “girl” about laundry. “You gibbit me, I do good job.” “That’s not necessary. I can do it.” “Not job for nungungi.” “I’m not nungungi.” “Nungungi dad’s nungungi.” I had clearly lost the argument. I appealed to my hostess. “Not a chance,” she said. “Better give in graciously.” So I did. Underwear, shirts, pants, socks. It was a decent-sized...

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Female Dominance And Love

In fictitious Sunshine valley, one of the rich flat in luxurious apartments, tony was relaxing on the sofa, with couple of girls next to him sharing the same, few other were sleeping on bed beside him. Tony had been dominated by these group of ladies in the between the age group of eighteen to thirty eight, the whole day. That was one of the casual routine weekend days for tony, he was watching some random channels in TV at is flat, that was the time when he received a call from unknown and he...

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The Invention II Touch of LustChapter 5

Ryan and Karen were pulled to her bed like a magnet. He didn’t remember moving over the piles of clothes, almost tripping over her shoes, or wandering around a stack of beer cans. His whole universe had become compressed to the woman in his arms. He tasted clean water and her sweet flesh as his lips moved down her neck to her collarbone. One of Karen’s hands were between them, stroking Ryan’s hard cock as they moved. She would press it against her cleft, soaking the head in her vaginal...

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The Greatest Lie Parts 1 and 2 The Biggest Lie

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex and forcible rape described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! A previous version...

3 years ago
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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 03

After the four men left, Mark was too stupefied to move, and just laid on the grass while thinking about how incredible the last twenty-four hours had been.Just the morning before, he'd been a virgin. Now, he'd had two cocks rammed up his ass, had sucked two cocks, given a hand-job to another man, and received several blow jobs. And as if this wasn't surreal enough, much of this had been immortalized on video.Mark was terrified by this latter detail. Would the older man use it to blackmail...

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Sneha Part 1

Let’s call her Sneha, a young married Maharashtrian woman who at a glance will never seem to be a mother of a two year old kid. When I met her the first time in May 2003 this petite, shy and demure lady was not what she exactly seemed. She was a real cock tease. I was a sales executive with one IT firm when I was introduced to her. She worked at my first customer’s office which was a shipping company. Since it was a new setup I used to visit there regularly. Slowly at first shy glances were...

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Haley sodomized by her older brother

Haley was a nice young girl who grew up in a small town where nothing much happened. She had a cute little body that hasn't turned into the full woman she would be, she had silky blond hair that reached to her shoulders and the most innocent sky blue eyes. She had one older brother, Brandon. Haley's love for Brandon bordered on worshipping him. He was as far as she could remember taller than her, stronger, he always held her hand taking her to and back from school, he sometimes carried her bag...

3 years ago
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Wiped My Teacher8217s Sweat With My Lips And My Cock

Hii this is Ranjith again with my sex experience with my dream girl who is nothing but my computer teacher. Her name is Thanuja, age 28 with having ultimate figure of 36-26-36. I had this experience when I was in grade 12th. I had friends who thought me to watch porn and masturbate. So my sexual desires started from that time itself. While seeing my teacher’s hot ass I used get erect in my pants. So I was masturbating myself thinking of her. To say about her she was teaching us computer. She...

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The Doctor the ExconChapter 13 Carmine

When she sat down on the couch, I was initially uncomfortable, but when she sat so far away, I relaxed. Having her this close was more than I had anticipated. We were supposed to sit across the table from each other, our hands neatly folded in front of us, our faces relaxed and calm. I would tell her a little about my life with Jerry and what I was doing and then she would begin to tell me how she had been and what she had been doing. Maybe some information on Ruben's life and ... Well,...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 453

From Uther Pendragon 2 Real old ones:???? “A B C D Goldfish?” “L M N O Goldfish.” “O S A R.” A jolly old fellow from Lyme Married three wives at a time. When asked, “Why the third?” He said, “One is absurd, And bigamy, sir, is a crime.”???? Growing old is obligatory. Growing up is optional. “Mommy, why can we land a helicopter on Mars, and we can’t turn on a light in Texas?” “Because Mars is run by scientists, and Texas is run by Republicans.” Her first-year teaching, Miss Smith is...

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Mere Dost Ki Gussel Maa Ko Chod Liya

Mera naam anil hai age 25y. hai maine bahut din se kuch nahi bataya aap logo ko qki is beech kuch hua hi nahi meri hight 5’8 feet rang gora hai chhrhara badan hai. Dosto is baar mai aap logo k liye bahut mast kar dene wali ghatna batane wala hu jyada bore nahi karma isliye aap logo k liye ye story sonata hu Mera ek bachpan ka dost hai sachin naam hai uska mai bachpan se uske yaha aata jata tha lekin kabhi ye nahi socha tha ki mere dost ki maa hamari dosti k 19 saal baad mujhe is tarah milegi us...

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Doing It For Dad chapter 12

DOING IT FOR DAD Chapter 12 It was another excruciatingly slow week at work. Poor old Wilson's face seemed incapable of looking any more worried than it already was. "If he frowns any harder," commented Drew Wardle, "his eyebrows'll become a moustache! Ah, well. I reckon it'll soon be time for a visit to the Jobcentre, Charles." "I hope it won't come to that," I replied. "Though you should be all right if it does. You're a relatively young man, with plenty to offer." "Yeah,"...

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Limousine Service

LIMOUSINE SERVICE By Lisa L. Its Saturday night, eleven o'clock in the evening in lower Manhattan. New York city is alive and well with all of the glam and glitter you would expect to see in the nightlife of such a big city. When one looks closer along the city blocks it is difficult to overlook a celebrity hot spot called The Factory which is frequented by a virtual whos who of the music and film industry. This is a location Steve Wilson is all to familiar with as he is...

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Jack and the RollercoasterChapter 9

Ally started her story. "I don't know why, but six years ago I was really pissed off with my father, and wanted to do something shocking which would upset him. Stupid really, as he could never know what I did, but in my mind I was getting back at him. I had seen this advert asking for potential models, so I answered it. Thoughts of walking down the catwalk in all sorts of glamorous dresses filled my mind, but it wasn't that at all. They were looking for girls who would do nude modelling...

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Am I A Whore Part 1 The Beginning

Hi, I am a simple housewife from Kerala. My house is in Kaipattur in the Pathanamthitta district. It has been three years since my wedding. We have a one-year-old daughter. My husband Vinu has been living in Dubai for over a year. I am living with my daughter and my husband’s mother. Now let me tell you all more about myself. I am white in complexion and also good looking. I weigh 55-60 kg, 32 size boobs with very perky nipples. Vinu married me after seeing my white complexion. I use to wear...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 20

Libra 2:15 pm The conference room was as bland as possible. There was nothing that would give any immediate clue either as to the owner, or the owner's tastes. It was in a building designed to be so ordinary that nobody would notice it, even if they were staring right at it. I arrived and looked at the other eleven seated at the table. As was traditional, none of us spoke. We all exchanged computerized greetings. Sagittarius looked around and then bent over the keyboard in front him. As...

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of Femininity and Sucking Cock

This was his stall. The familiar rough brush of duct tape against the little tip of his nose told him that. Through teary eyes, he could just barely make out the familiar slurs that graffitied the wall above the crudely cut hole. More or less accurate insults of 'slut' and 'bitch' loomed over his head as he gave the shaft in his mouth a very generous suck, letting himself pull back to catch his breath. There was a reason men came to him. Not only because he had a perfect mouth, but...

4 years ago
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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 23

The rest of the crew had taken up the task of lunch preparation. Someone decided that a big pot of soup, and homemade at that, was what was needed. Well, largely homemade. A big container of beef stock from the replicator was the base for the soup. Potatoes and carrots, onion and celery, some peas here, some corn there, some herbs, some spices, salt and pepper and it started tasting pretty good. They left it simmering to marry the flavours. Someone else decided that the crew deserved muffins...

1 year ago
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Revenge and Remorse

The winner got all her love and at last I, Eddy Hanson, was invited to her apartment where she, during a dinner at her apartment, told me that I was the winner. It had been a rough game between Elliot Robertson and me before our dream-girl, Linda, made her final choice. Elliot and I came from different clubs and had signed up at the same time to the local soccer team after it had climbed up to the first division. Both of us did well and got some fame as the new soccer stars in our Scandinavian...

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Perfect WishesChapter 6 A Minor Oversight

My life went on like this for several years. By now I had all my credit cards paid off and was well on my way to paying off the mortgage in less than half the time originally planned. Craig was doing well in college, majoring in engineering and Tim was now a straight A senior in high school. Both were confident and did well with the girls, a fact that would have me worried about paternity suites if I hadn't made sure they steadfastly believed in condoms. With my powers I didn't have to...

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Stealing Jeff

STEALING JEFF by Long Tall MaryFor Laura the evening held great promise. At 6:00 she would have the date of her dreams with Jeff, a prototype alpha, who was quite selective as to whom he dated. But something had gone terribly awry, it was now 5:00, and Laura was naked, tied spread eagled to a bed, in the home of a thirty five year old woman, to whom she had been first introduced less than two hours ago, by her best girlfriend Kathy.Laura and Kathy were both nineteen years old and had been close...

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Ill touch yours if you touch mine

I was sitting on the bench waiting for the bus to school when a guy sat next to me, introduced himself as Troy. I was too shy to do anything but smile and respond with "I'm Lauren." I looked over at him, his black hair fell down almost covering his bright green eyes. My eyes began to wander down his body, amazed at his smooth muscular physique, a tight beater streched across his pecs.. and his arms, they were huge! I couldn't stop thinking what it would be like to be in his arms. My eyes...

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Marty The Golden Boy

(Hope you enjoy this story of my youth. There are many that I am preparing to write. This is my first) I had known Marty all of my young life, well every since I started elementary school that is. I think we all have known a Marty type when we were young. Marty was the handsomest boy in school. He was blond and blue eyed with a killer athletic body. Later I would find out that he also had a huge dick. Marty was linked to a girl named Pamela. In 6th Grade they were the golden couple but this...

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My Husband Fucks a Blonde While I Watch

Martin grabbed my legs and licked circles around my clit knowing I loved it and what it does to me every time. I turned and looked in the mirror there we were the three of us Mel riding my husband, me getting licked perfectly. It was just too much and I came, strong, leaning forward bracing myself on Martin’s hard stomach. My mouth found Mel’s who seeing me start to cum went off to her own pleasure dome. I called Mel and arranged to catch up with her on the bus. I explained to her what I...

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Fire in the Embers Ch 01

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

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Enslaved Chapter 46

“Up... up!”The slim thong of leather in Zelda’s hand flailed across Maria’s flank. It woke the girl from a fretful sleep and a shriek of pain rang through the cell. That shriek penetrated to Heidi, in the neighbouring cell, jerking her up into the stark horror of a new day. So it was not a nightmare after all... There was the agony of the weals, now even greater, it seemed. Still throbbing and burning incessantly. Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Oh... oh... oh... if only it had been a nightmare! If...

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I love my son

I am 35 years old school teacher and have real seductive figures. My husband; an engineer by profession works in an oil company in the middle east and comes home after every six months for a month long vacations. I did not accompany him because of my job, my son’s studies in the same school where I teach and more so because we wanted to save a lot of money for settling down in Switzerland. Let me tell you that we live in a two bed room luxury apartment but my son sleeps with me. The second bed...


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