Summer With My Granddaughter, Part 4 free porn video

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Cory was younger than I am; about 40 or 45 would be my guess. He had never been married I found out but had settled up here in Dawson Creek about 15 years ago when he got out of the service to get away from people. What he found was that he didn’t mind people, but just certain types of people; the phonies. The people he discovered up there were definitely not phony.

He started up a guild service and had been successful ever since. He took hunters, fishing groups and explorers out into the wilderness to experience Northern Canada to its fullest and the tales he could tell would keep us up all night in stitches. He had a way about him that just made you want to laugh and after a few minutes of listening to his stories, you couldn’t help but roar. The girls loved to listen to him spin his tales and most every night they would come in and ask for another story before bedtime.

The three of us played a little game of rotating beds. One night we all slept in my bed together while the next night it was Cathy sleeping alone out on the couch. Sometimes I would let the girls sleep in the bed and I would take a turn out in the other bed. But Kristy always managed to sleep with at least one of us most every night. The one exception was when she was visited by Mother Nature again.

When she announced that she was taking the couch for a few days, I suddenly thought that I didn’t remember Cathy having to spend time in solitude with her period. I began to wonder about this oddity and as she walked into the bedroom that night, I asked her about it.

“I have a very unpredictable cycle,” she explained. “In fact, since I started when I was 13, I’ve only had maybe a dozen periods. I’ll go 6 months or longer sometimes in between periods. Then I’ll have two or three right on schedule. I never know when I will be blessed with this nonsense.”

“Have you gone to the doctor to try to regulate it or anything?” I inquired.

“My Mom never seemed upset over it and neither did I, so no, I’ve never seen anyone about it,” she shrugged her shoulders in an accepting way.

I pulled back the covers and slid my naked body into bed as she crawled in on the other side. Cathy and I never actually made love before. We would cuddle and coo, fondle and touch but we never had intercourse. I don’t know if it was that I wanted to be invited or I didn’t want to risk Kristy getting upset or jealous or if we wanted to maintain the relationship just the way it was, but it seemed to work for us and I wasn’t about to upset the apple cart.

As she slid into my one armed embrace, she snuggled her cheek on my chest and let out a contented sigh. She stayed like that as I slowly started to go under. Suddenly as she spoke and I was jolted back to reality with a jerk.

“I’m sorry Gramps,” she said in apology. Both of the girls had started referring to me as Gramps and I kind of liked it so I encouraged the name to stick.

“Oh that’s alright,” I said opening my eyes. “You were saying?”

“I was just wondering that’s all, about that time when Kristy put your thing into her mouth all the way. I mean, where did it go, down her throat? I mean, she didn’t even gag or anything,” she said in amazement.

“Cathy, I think you need to ask Kristy about that. All I know is that she is a very talented girl. I haven’t had that many blow jobs in my life but I can’t think of a better one than what Kristy gives me. The first time she went down on me I just couldn’t believe it. She tried real hard to take it all the way in but couldn’t. Then the next time she gave me one, down her throat it went. I couldn’t believe it. She said that she practiced on carrots and pickles until she could do it without gagging,” I recounted the story.

After a second, Cathy said to me, “She real does love you, you know. I mean not like a Grandpa but as a man. She is so lucky to have you.”

I pulled her into my chest with my arm to acknowledge her comment as I smiled to myself in contentment. After I few more minutes, Cathy once again broke the silence with her question. “Gramps, do you think Kristy would mind if I tried to stick your thing I my mouth?”

I stammered out my response by saying, “I don’t know, why don’t you ask her?”

She jumped up out of bed and went to the door to open it and then asked out loud into the dark room, “Kristy is it okay with you if I stick your Gramps’ cock in my mouth?”

Kristy let out a squeal of surprise as she responded, “What does he say?”

I heard her question so as Cathy was about to relay it to me, I said out loud, “I was just answering her question. She asked me if I though you would mind it if she put my thing in her mouth. I said to ask you. Now if you’re asking me what I want, then it’s “Hell yes”.

Kristy responded, “Can I watch you do it?”

“Kristy, can I just tell you about it tomorrow,” she answered almost in a begging manner.

“Okay,” she said in disappointment, “but remember to suck on it all the way through to when he squirts into your mouth.”

Cathy returned to bed with a puzzled look on her face, wondering what she had gotten herself in for, but slowly pulled back the covers to expose my growing cock. She looked down at it and reached out her hand to touch and fondle it. She had touched it before but she was studying it now, as if trying to figure out how she was going to do this thing.

Suddenly, she bent down and with her mouth, started rubbing the shaft up and down with her lips. Then she stopped, changed positions to her knees and placed her lips on the shaft again. Running her mouth along the skin was not getting the job done so after a few passes, I suggested, “Use your saliva and get it wet and then your lips will slide on it better.”

She acted almost relieved having someone telling her what to do as she wet her lips with her tongue and transferred the moisture onto the shaft of my cock. Now she was letting her saliva flow freely over the skin and it acted nicely as lubricant. She continued to slide her mouth over the skin of my cock but soon I wanted more.

I started to take over the instructions of how I wanted this fantasy to play out and told her, “Now take your lips and place them around the end of my cock. Make them nice and wet and slowly close them down around the tip. That’s it, nice and slow. Now move my cock around between them a little and suck on it like you would a Popsicle or something. Oh that’s nice, Cathy, just like that.”

She was a fast learner and soon had the end of it wet and well sucked upon. She had moved her hand to my shaft and was holding it steady as she was working the head between her lips. She was sucking and rotating it around in her mouth but never took that much of it in between her luscious lips. I had to feel more of her mouth so I suggested that she take it further in her orifice and wet it fully with her tongue and saliva.

She proceeded to insert my cock into her mouth, but drug her teeth over the shaft as she took it in. This sent an alarming sensation throughout my body and I naturally jerked my hips free of the pain. She stopped immediately and looked on with a surprised look on her face.

“Oh Cathy, I’m sorry. But it was a natural reaction to feeling your teeth on my cock that’s all. You have to be careful down there with your teeth. It’s very sensitive. If you want to use your teeth then you will need to warn me. It can feel hot as hell if you do it gently and with warning. Why don’t you just be careful with your teeth for now?” I suggested.

She nodded her head in agreement and opened her mouth again and placed her lips around the shaft without touching her teeth. Gently closing her mouth around it, she started to drag it out between her lips but she forgot to suck on it. I said, “Cathy, that was nice but you have to use some suction to make it feel right. Try it again,” I told her.

She repeated the procedure and this time when she slid it out between her lips, I could feel that she was sucking on it hard as it slipped out of her mouth. There was a loud “Pop” coming from her mouth she was sucking so hard and then her lips turned upward as she asked, “Is that hard enough?”

“That was perfect,” I said with a smile on my face. “That was perfect.”

She opened her mouth and went down on me with more force this time as she sucked her cheeks in and slid it out once again. This time I told her, “Now take it and slid it out but don’t take it out of your mouth. Suck it in like that and let it come out to the head, now suck it back in. That’s right, suck on it hard as it comes back into your mouth.”

“Oh Cathy, baby that feels so good; you’re getting the hang of this cock sucking stuff real good. Oh yes, now take it in a little further this time; take it in as far as you can,” I encouraged her.

She did as she was told and took it further in between her lips and as it touched the back of her throat, it tripped her gag reflex and she had to come off of it with her mouth wide open and a little bit of bile sticking to the end of my cock. Through her teary eyes, she said, “Whew that was too far.” She took a second to clear her throat and brushed the tears from her eyes but went back down on my cock with all of the enthusiasm of a horny teenager.

This time she moved her hand down to where she could take it in to just before she hit her gag reflex and then she used her lips to suck it out of her mouth. Now she had hit her stride and was ramming my cock in and out of those two precious lips, sucking the “be Jesus” out of me and sending me into a swirling cycle that had but one ending.

I felt my balls start to tighten up as the ecstasy of this lovely girl’s mouth sucking on my cock brought me to the brink. I knew it was but a matter of time as my hips started to involuntarily thrust upward. I could take it no longer and as I reached my pinnacle, I spewed out a rope of sperm that splashed off the back of the poor unsuspecting girl’s throat. This caused her to start coughing and sputtering for air as she slid off of my still shooting cock and received the balance right on her face and neck.

After she regained herself and cleared her air passage, she collapsed next to me on the bed, wiping the blobs of sperm off of her face. She cleaned most of it before she asked, “What was that? Was it your sperm that you shot into my mouth? It took me by surprise as it hit the back of my throat and I gagged. Did we do it? Did I suck your cock just like Kristy does?”

I was trying to catch my breath and regain my senses, but I replied, “Yes it was and yes we sure did,” I managed to answer through my closed eyed, dreamy state. “And yes you did Cathy, just like Kristy does.” It wasn’t exactly like my darling Kristy does it, but I didn’t want to discourage this fine little cock sucker in her first attempt. I lay there contented and sleepy for a little bit and Cathy just sat there waiting for me to fully recover.
As I opened my eyes after dozing for a few minutes, Cathy greeted me with a shy little grin on her face that broke into a broad smile as she snuggled down into my shoulder. I put my arm around her and hugged her gently into my embrace. We lie like that for a few more minutes not saying a word, but soon I broke the silence by saying, “That was absolutely wonderful, Cathy. How can I thank you for that experience? You gave so much to me, how can I repay that loving act of generosity you have shown me?”

“How can you repay me? My God Gramps, that is the least that I can do for you. And don’t even talk to me about generosity. Don’t even go there,” she said emphatically.

“Well, I feel that you went over and above anything I had ever imagined in the arena of payback and I just wanted to tell you that. Thank you Cathy, it was special,” I reiterated.

She just cuddled deeper into my shoulder and a broad smile spread over her face. She continued to cuddle into me with my arm still around her shoulder when her leg came up and over my thigh area. She slowly looked up into my eyes and moved her mouth closer, giving into the emotions of the moment. I lowered my lips into hers as I kissed her gently upon the mouth and slowly spread my lips a little and darted out with my tongue.

As she received my linguistic advances with those of her own, I lowered my free hand down to her butt and slowly guided her on top of my naked body. She rearranged her torso on top of mine and as she came off of my arm, I slid my now free hand down to join with the other and grabbed her by both cheeks of her panty clad rear end and pulled her up onto my growing cock. She was kissing me harder now, seeking me out with her tongue in an effort to find and fence with my own.

Her breath was ragged now as she ground her crotch into my growing erection. My hands were pulling and separating her two cheeks as I pressed my crotch up into hers. I was starting to feel those emotions again. It always seemed to amaze me just how these two girls could stimulate this once dead libido into action the way that they do, but I was proud of my new found stamina and recovery powers and was so glad that they weren’t letting me down now.

I ran my hands under her tee shirt onto her bare back as I continued to embrace her with my emotions. Rubbing all around on her back, I was massaging her flesh as I was kissing her lips; hard with force and the hunger of lust started to build in my being. This ravishing little girl was driving me crazy, just like my granddaughter does, and I had to have her.

My hands went up to her shoulders, taking the tee shirt with them and then as I retracted my chest from hers, I slid the garment over her breasts and made contact with her skin to skin. The sensation was breath taking for both of us as a groan escaped her lips. My hands removed her top and as she lowered herself back down upon my bare chest, I let out a loud sigh and grabbed her by the butt once again.

I pulled her up until her breast area was hovering right over my mouth. I looked at her young globes, hanging there above me; swaying just a little, begging to be sucked. They weren’t so big as to jiggle and move violently with her movement, but were soft and firm and just right to suck into my mouth. So wide mouthed, I rose up and devoured one into my open orifice. I played with it with my tongue and sucked it into my mouth all in the same second. I concentrated on her nipple with my tongue but I also used my lips to pull it away from her skin.

She was sighing loudly and making this funny little face as she closed her eyes and opened her mouth. I went over to the other one and duplicated the oral process I had mastered. Hooking my legs between hers, I spread my legs out wide driving her legs apart until she had to bend them at her knees and draw them up under her. This left her panty covered crotch completely open so I lowered my hand down between her legs and settled my touch right at her junction.

This sent a warm, open mouthed groan to escape from her lips as she settled down upon my hand and ground her crotch into my touch. With one strong thrust of my arm, I rolled her off of me onto her side with me following her. My hand never left the comfort of her warmth and wetness and as she found herself flat on her back with her legs splayed wide and my touch pressing down into her wanting pussy. I could feel her moist lips start to separate just a little under the pressure of my finger’s penetration so I slid it upward until it met with her clitoris. The contact sent a wave of electricity throughout her body as she screamed out softly, “Oh yes, Gramps, my God right there!”

I slid the silkiness of her panties right over her nubbin several times; each time bringing a cry of lustfulness out of her mouth. She was getting very turned on by this clitoral stimulation and was starting to beg me not to stop. So I switched the pressure to my thumb as I lowered the assault with my finger down to her opening. I found it soaking with her fluids and with my first touch on her vaginal canal; she bucked her hips upward as she tried to make an insertion through the panty material.

I instantly withdrew my hand and dove down inside of the wet crotch area of her panties. Finding it incredibly sloppy from her juices, I re-inserted my thumb and finger to where they had previously been but this time my finger went in unobstructed. I found her hooded node standing tall, waiting to be touched and stimulated be my thumb so I roughly pressed down on it. At the same time, my finger slid into her opening with ease and was soon buried to its limits.

All she could say at this time was, “Oh God, oh God, oh God” as she was writhing herself into a frenzy. Then as it continued to build within her, she strained every muscle in her body and held her breath for what seemed like an eternity. She was arching her back as she pressed forward with her crotch until she suddenly screeched a high loud scream and then released herself into the most orgasmic display of emotions that I have ever seen from this beauty.

She was thrashing from side to side with the sheet balled up in each hand. She was ramming her crotch skyward into my thumb and finger, trying to force them harder into her sensitive places. She was screaming, “OH GOD GRAMPS, OH GOD!!!” as she forced the last bit of energy out through her opening. Then she collapsed in a convulsing, quivering mass of nerve endings as she tried to come down from this monumental experience. He eyes were closed as she rolled over onto her side with her arms locked in between her knees. She was whimpering softly and then she was asleep.

I slid my hand out of her panties and lay back down on my back to catch my breath when I heard the door shut softly. I smiled to myself and wondered just what my beautiful little granddaughter had seen and if she was as satisfied as I was or at least used to be. Right then I needed someone to help me get some relief but all available people were otherwise predisposed. So I turned out the bed light and rolled over to join Cathy in sleep.

When I awoke the next morning, I was alone in the bed. I checked my watch and it said that it was 8:30 and time to get up. I could smell the bacon frying as I went into the bathroom to shower and when I came out into the living quarters of the coach, I saw the two girls, still in their night shirts just putting the food on the table. I greeted them warmly and sat down to eat with them.

We talked and joked but nothing was said about the events of the prior evening and that was just as well. Long after we finished eating, we were still sitting at the table talking when a knock came to the front door. I went to answer and seeing that it was Cory, I shouted out to him, “I know, I know, it’s late and we aren’t even dressed for the morning.” Opening the door, I said, “Come on in and I’ll fetch you a cup of coffee.”

As he came up the steps, he glanced over at the girls who were still sitting at the table. Both greeted him with a warm smile and a cheery “Good Morning” when he noticed what they were wearing. His mouth dropped and his eyes opened wide. He didn’t say anything but his expression sure gave his shock away. He abruptly turned around with his coffee cup and headed back out under the awning with me following close behind.

“Sorry about the way those two were dressed,” I said off handedly. “We must have lost track of time. The girls fixed me breakfast this morning and we were just talking and stuff.”

His look said volumes but he said nothing except, “Why I came over this morning is I was wondering if you’d like to go out on a trip up to Northern Alberta to Fort Chipawyan on the Lake Athabasca shoreline. I’ve got a large group of fisherman coming in from the lower 48 and I need a driver. It’s just an in and out thing and my usual driver is out sick today. Could you help me out for the day?”

Without hesitating, I said, “Heck yes I’ll drive for you. What’ll I drive and when do we take off?”

What he needed was for me to follow him up in his 4 WD and pick him up and bring him back to the cabin for the week. Then, presumably his regular driver would be okay to drive him back up to the lake, pick up the fishermen and drive the bus back to Dawson Creek. They would keep the bus up there with them for the week and utilize it for storage and in case of an emergency.

It was a long, slow drive up to Fort Chipawyan but the scenery was breathtaking. It was so peaceful and calm, almost surreal and I had to keep telling myself that this was the true wilderness of North America. By late that day we had arrived in tandem and seeing that his guests were well taken care of, he said goodbye and good fishing and we headed back to Dawson Creek. On the way we talked about everything under the sun and then the topic turned to something that had been bothering Cory for a longest time; my relationship with the girls.

“John,” he said hesitantly, broaching the subject. “What’s going on between you and your granddaughter anyway? I mean, I know it’s none of my business and tell me to butt out but I know something’s not right there and you know you could get yourself into a lot of trouble.”

“Cory ol’ friend,” I said very slowly, “I know how it looks and damn it to hell; I never wanted this to grow as much as it has, but what can I say. Cory I love the girl. I know that sounds childish, foolish and down right absurd, but you’ve got to know the rest of the story before you judge me, please.”

“I ain’t judging nobody, John,” Cory responded, “I’m just observing that’s all and warning a good friend.”

I waited a second to gather my thoughts and then I said, “Kristy’s parents are fine people, both of them. They just shouldn’t have had Kristy that’s all. Her Dad flies for Delta and is gone all of the time and her Mom, my daughter, is consumed by her own career and doesn’t have the time or the desire to see to her own daughter. She just got a promotion and has to go to London to work and live. Do you know that she wants to put Kristy into a boarding school so she won’t have to raise her like a normal mother does?”

Cory did what he does best and just listened to my explanation and kept his mouth shut. “I tried to take over her education since I’m a retire high school teacher, but my daughter is fighting me on that idea. I don’t know Cory, all I know is that I love that girl, both as a grand father and a young woman and I just want the best for her.”

After a long moment of silence, Cory asked, “What about Cathy?”

“Well that is entirely another story,” I said and related how we had met her on the road and basically adopted her when we picked her up. I told him the story that we had been told at the beginning about her father molesting her but I had to admit any details about the girl were pretty sketchy.

We drove along in silence for the longest time. The more I thought about it the more that I needed to head out. If I was in as much trouble as Cory seemed to think, then I didn’t need to bring him into this mess and so I mentioned to him, “Cory, I’ve been thinking about heading up to Alaska and I’ve been mooching off you enough, so I think if don’t need me for anything, I’ll be heading out by the end of the week.”

Cory knew my mind better than I did but all he said was, “Naw, Dave should be back by the time I have to pick up this bunch and nothing else is on the horizon. How are you going to get Cathy over the border? She does have a passport doesn’t she? What about her last name?”
“I’ve got a notarized statement from my daughter granting me permission to take Kristy over the border but I’ve never even thought about Cathy. I don’t know I guess I’ll have to ask her.” I felt foolish all of a sudden and I think Cory’s opinion of me dropped a little.

We arrived back to the cabin about 11:00 that night; the sun was almost on the horizon. As I went to the coach, Cory stopped me with a comment about our conversation. He said, “John, I’m sorry for prying into your affairs today. I hope this doesn’t change anything between us but I think you need to make some plans and see if you can’t get yourself free from some of the messes that your big heart has gotten you in. Think on it tonight, Ol’ Buddy. Goodnight.”

I found the girls asleep in my bed; Cathy was nude while Kristy had on her panties that contained her padding. They were spooned together with Cathy in front, sleeping like babies. I watched them for the longest time, wondering what the next couple of days would bring.

I slept out on the couch that night and awoke to a kink in my neck around 6 in the morning. The sun was up already and as I drug myself into the bathroom, I had a feeling of dread before me that day. I got dressed and went into the bedroom to wake my two sleeping beauties. They were both lying outside of the covers and I was taken by the sheer breathtaking beauty of their bodies.

Cathy was splayed out at an angle on the bed with her head pointing towards the middle and her feet were almost off the mattress. Kristy was lying at the opposite angle with their heads meeting at the top. Both of them were lying on their back and while Kristy’s legs were straight out, Cathy had her right knee pointing at right angles to the other one. This exposed her little bush to my view and I started becoming aroused.

I suddenly couldn’t control myself and as I walked around the bed to Cathy’s side, I started to undress myself. My eyes were glued to the sight of Cathy’s pubic mound and her young breasts lying flat on her chest and by the time I was standing over her, I was removing my boxers over my now erect cock.

I moved right over her and was standing up, looking down at her beauty. My hand gently went down to her right thigh and stoked it lightly and gently. My touch startled her out of her dreams and she looked up at the intruder in a shocking awareness and then, seeing who had dared touch her nakedness, smiled and opened up her legs once again. She stretched a big long stretch and glanced over at her bed partner. Seeing her still asleep, she scooted over and made room for me to lye down with her.

But I had other ideas so I went down on my knees and pulled them apart around my torso. She got the idea and allowed my face to go down between her legs as I kissed her junction. She groaned in appreciation as I moved her lips apart with my tongue and tasted the saltiness of her night’s sleep. I wondered if Kristy’s tongue had been where mine was only as few hours ago and if I could make her cum even harder than she had.

Her groans became louder and louder as I began inserting my finger into her opening. Suddenly I felt someone pulling on my shoulders in an effort to get me to rise up from my knelling position. It was Kristy doing the pulling and as I realized it, she said to me, “Come on Gramps, get up and lye on your back so I can get to your cock with my mouth.”

I flipped myself over Cathy’s body and landed on my back in the middle of the bed. I pulled Cathy’s body on top of my face and soon she had arranged herself so that she was sitting on and straddling my face. I instantly opened her back up with my tongue and she cried out in ecstasy.

Kristy fell down between my legs and had taken my erect cock right down her throat and was giving me a blow job that only my granddaughter knew how to give. She was sucking on it hard with her lips in between swallowing it down into her throat. She was driving me crazy with her oral assault. I was starting to use my teeth gently on Cathy’s clitoris as we both were becoming near the brink. I could hold it back no longer as I arched my back, and started gushing my sperm into and down my granddaughter’s throat. She seemed to relish the idea of taking all of my sperm down into her tummy because long after I had stopped squirting, she was still sucking me dry.

As I was shooting, my mouth was devouring Cathy’s pussy. I was licking her slit clean of her juices and then I made a digital assault on her opening. Feeling her fluids spewing out onto my hand, I couldn’t resist a manual insertion into her vaginal canal. Ramming it in as far as it would go, I curled my finger just a little and felt for the rough area where her G-spot was located. She started reacting violently as my finger rubbed over her sensitive little spot and then she tensed up her body and yelled at the top of her lungs, “OH SHIT I’M CCCUUUMMMMING!!!” and thrust up her hips into a mad orgasm that shook the entire coach.

Over and over she thrust up her hips, trying to extract the greatest amount of pleasure out of her release. Finally she relaxed her body and slumped down once again on the bed, making the contented sound that lovers make after their adventure together. As Kristy let my flaccid cock escaped her mouth and brushed upon her cheek, she also make that contented sound and I though to myself, “Now that’s what I call a great love in.” We rested for the better part of an hour; just the three of us, lying on my bed, naked and content.

Later that morning, all three of us went over to see out host and talk to him about us going up to Alaska for a couple of weeks or so. Cory had been up there innumerable times and since I’d only traveled into the Last Frontier once before, I thought we should take advantage of his wealth of knowledge. Over a cup of coffee, we started planning our trip and the more we planned the more excited I became.

What a wonderful learning experience for Kristy in several fields of education; biology, geology, history, volcanoes, marine sciences, environmental issues and the economic studies of each. What a wonderful class this will make and to think that Kristy’s Mom doesn’t think there is anything to learn out on the road. I’d show her.

“You’ve got to go on up the Dawson City, either coming or going and take your Jeep over the “Top of the World Highway”,” Cory told us. “If you go up there on the way up to Alaska, you can make your re-entry back into the States just to the west of Dawson City and then you won’t have to worry about checking in again until you come on back down this way. You do have your passports don’t you?”

“Oh yeah,” I said. “We had to show them when we entered Canada.”

Suddenly Cathy got this look on her face that both Cory and I caught. He looked at me as I looked at him and then I asked Cathy, “You do have your passport on you right?”

Cathy looked mortified. She could just shake her head no as she explained, “I didn’t know I would be traveling out of the country that night that I left home. I just wanted to get away from my father that’s all. I went out to the Freeway and stuck my thumb out to get a ride out of there and the first truck to stop gave me a ride heading north. It was three in the morning and I was sleepy so he told me to crawl up in his sleeper and get some shut eye and when I woke up, we were in Canada heading towards Winnipeg. He wanted repaid for the ride but I didn’t want to, so he dumped me off at that truck stop where I met Kristy and her Gramps. You all know the rest of the story. I don’t even own a passport.”

The look on Cory’s face grew darker, as mine got pale as I thought, “Oh my God, now what do I do?” I suddenly realized that I was harboring an illegal alien, had transported her through another country and I was almost trying to smuggle her into the United States. Man I was in big trouble and Cory knew it.

I slowly but thoughtfully said, “Cathy, this creates a whole other set of problems. Cory what can we do to get her back into the States?”

He thought for a second and then he said, “Well you could try to smuggle her back in by hiding her in your coach somewhere. They don’t check out your coach that thoroughly do they?”

“Well, as a general rule, no. But one time when I crossed back into the States, I was there for an hour as they did a damn good job of searching,” I said.

“Well, how lucky do you feel?” shrugged Cory.

“How about going to the United States Embassy or something?” I inquired.

“And tell them what? I’m sure they would want to know about you picking up an under aged runaway and transporting her across another country,” he said sarcastically. “I’ve got to give this some more thought.” He then turned to Cathy, smiled at her and put out his huge hand and placed it on hers and said, “Don’t you worry, Cathy I’m going to make sure you are taken care of. I’ll think of something.”

What he thought of seemed logical, so I pulled the coach out of Dawson Creek and headed it north along the Alaskan Highway, there was just Kristy my granddaughter and me. Cathy had reminded behind with Cory


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Fun With My Cute Granddaughter

Hello, everyone, this is the first time I am writing a story on this indian sex stories dot net site. The story which I am writing here is not a typical sex story. I am Madanlal Mukherjee from Kolkata. I am 90 years old right now. At first, I should describe my family. I have 2 sons. They are of 61 and 59years old (Their names are- Brajesh and Naresh) respectively. They are all married (Brajesh’s wife is Uma- 51 years and Naresh’s wife is Suchandra- 50 years). It has been 5 years since my wife...

3 years ago
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Pappys WetPussied Granddaughter

Pappy’s Wet-Pussied Granddaughter Normally a very heavy sleeper in the mornings, Bethany awakened to the sound of a familiar voice speaking. While the voice had a tone of familiarity, the words which were spoken did not. As a matter of fact, she had never heard her grandparents speak so intimately before. “Quit it, Sam!” Bethany heard Grammy exclaim from the bedroom across the hall. “You’re a randy old goat who just wants some early morning pussy!” Not to be put off so easily,...

2 years ago
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A Cruise with My Granddaughter Final Part

I didn’t know what to make of it, but something seemed wrong. I thought that the role playing that we did was a turn on. I mean shaving your granddaughter’s pubic hairs and eating her out on the floor of the suite we were staying in, what’s not to like about that. She was so turned on by the act we had performed, my gosh, she came so hard. Why couldn’t I go to sleep that night? About four o’clock in the morning, it came to me. I had shaved a gorgeous little slut and filled her cunt...

3 years ago
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My Granddaughter Missy

Warning: This is more of a story with sex in it than a sex story, but more sex than I can post other places. I was thinking about my father when I wrote this. He's the right age and the right personality, and has had a few flings since my mom died. Before that I think she kept him from straying by making it fun to stay at home, fun in bed that is. I think they were still doing it like rabbits into their 60's. BTW - I had some help on this from Cathy Cook. ...

1 year ago
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Grandpa Teaches Young Granddaughter

Tom was in a deep sleep when his phone rudely woke him up. He glanced at his clock as he reached for the phone and wondered who in their right mind was calling him at 2:13 am. Lifting the phone to his ear, he heard the voice of his youngest daughter, Renee. As his sleepy mind began to function, he asked her what was wrong. She told him that she was at the emergency room and they were getting ready to admit her. He continued to listen as she said they were going to do surgery to remove her gall...

2 years ago
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best Friends Granddaughter

But I was proud to go and do my patriotic chore. In 1969 Kenny Rogers sang the song, Ruby Don’t Take Your Love to Town, written by Mel Tillis, 1967. Lyrics included: It wasn't me that started that old crazy Asian war But I was proud to go and do my patriotic chore. …………………………………… My friends call me “Bud.” I am a disabled veteran, live on the outskirts of town on fifty acers, in an old saltbox type home, which I have completed remodeled over the years. The family farm was passed down to...

3 years ago
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A Cruise with My Granddaughter Part II

Went we finally awoke, the ship was gently rolling from side to side, indicating that we were nearing our first destination, Nassau. We were to dock there at about 10:00 in the morning so I determined that it must be about 8 or 8:30 went I woke up. Kristy was snuggled up to my side with her sweet little head resting on my chest. Her arm was draped over my stomach and her tender heaving breasts were cuddling up to my waist. She had her leg lying over my thigh and her crotch was barely...

2 years ago
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Pappys WetPussied Granddaughter

Part 1: Morning Mischief Normally a very heavy sleeper in the mornings, Bethany awakened to the sound of a familiar voice speaking. While the voice had a tone of familiarity, the words which were spoken did not. As a matter of fact, she had never heard her grandparents speak so intimately before. "Quit it, Sam!" Bethany heard Grammy exclaim from the bedroom across the hall. "You're a randy old goat who just wants some early morning pussy!" Not to be put off so easily, Pappy reached for...

1 year ago
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My Temporary Granddaughter

"Come and live with me Vanessa. I've a spare room, or will have when I clear it and you could live in and be a sort of temporary granddaughter to me. It would solve many of your problems at one go without costing you anything." She looked at me with contempt. "You just want a young girl to replace your dead wife, no doubt in bed as well as in the kitchen. Just because you're rich you think you can buy me like a whore. I'm not a whore... or perhaps I am after what happened." Tears sprang...

2 years ago
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A Cruise with My Granddaughter

When I did talk to her, nothing was ever said about our time out on the road, not even a hint of any impropriety. It was as if it really didn’t happen, like I had had a very wonderful dream. I loved that dream, I felt close to someone again. Someone really loved me. I was not alone. But here I was, alone in a campground, sitting in my 45’ pusher diesel wondering what I was going to do today. It was late winter when I received the call from my daughter asking me the favor. I was...

3 years ago
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Grandpa Teaches Young Granddaughter 2

Scott roused about 6:00am after only a couple hours of sleep. His thirteen year old granddaughter was still cuddled up to him and it felt so good and he hated to leave the bed, but his old bladder gave him no choice. After relieving himself, he looked outside and saw that it was snowing. He made his way to the livingroom and turned on the morning news and watched the school closings scroll across the bottom of the screen. Eventually, he saw that the county schools were closed. He turned off the...

2 years ago
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My lover my granddaughter

Two years ago my wife died after a long illness. She and I had worked in my office together for many years, and when we found out that she was ill, we hired her granddaughter, (her son by a prior marriage's daughter) to learn what my wife did in the office. After my wife died, I slowly returned to work, and my granddaughter, Karen, ran the office. My wife and I had always had an active sex life, even in our mid-fifties. We had enjoyed "nooners" in the office on the couch, on the floor, bent...

3 years ago
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A Granddaughters love

When it it all started, was all most a year after my wife had died, which at the time of her death, my step-granddaughter was s*******n and just short of graduating high school, which she turned eighteen one week after graduation, then about one month after that she came to live with me, to go to the collage that was just a few short blocks away from my house.Thursday morning when the phone rang I answered it, "Hello.""Hi grandpa.""Well hi there Pumpkin. How are you doing now that your out of...

4 years ago
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GRANDPA TAKES IN HIS GRANDDAUGHTER The initial characters:Grandpa: Dan is 68, a widower, very healthy and alone for several years.Granddaughter: Jane, 18, a pretty, very beautiful teen, unmarried with anew babyGranddaughter's best friend: Misty, 16, petite but very pretty, Asian,High school student Misty's friend: Lisa, 18, cute, very petite and also Asian, High SchoolStudent CHAPTER ONE: At first, when Dan found out about his Granddaughter's pregnancy, he wasshocked and a bit angry,...

4 years ago
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Sex With A Patient8217s Hot Granddaughter Part 8211 1

Hello friends..This is my 2nd story..What I share with you every time is totally real and true..I never like to add extra and imaginary things in my from delhi so delhi ladies and aunties you can msg me on my mail anytym to a doctor too so you can discuss your personal problems also..Or any girl and aunty can meet me at my independent flat also if she wants.Everything will bhi totally secret and confidential .Mai love wgara me yakeen nahi rakhta. Sidha funda hai life...

1 year ago
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My Neighbors Granddaughter

Every morning, I’d get up and before I would leave for work, I would water the plants on my second-floor balcony, except of course, during the winter months, when I’d bring them into the apartment. I always looked forward to the springtime, because the plants would be relegated to the confines of my small patio area and I enjoyed sitting around on my patio.This was how I met Gladys. Gladys was eighty-one and a flirt. She saw me one day, watering my plants and she hollered up to me to say...

2 years ago
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My Little Granddaughter

I have the cutest little granddaughter you ever wanted to see. Jessica is four years old and is just as pretty as her mother, my daughter Heather. Heather got married at eighteen to her husband when she was six months pregnant. Harold was twenty-one years old and not very likable. I always thought that he was a loser and that she could do better. Apparently I was right. Well one day when I was home alone I was in the bathroom taking a shower. When I got out of the shower and was drying my...

3 years ago
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Sophie is asked to seduce her granddaughter while on holiday in the sun

Since Wendy’s school trip to Paris, we had become very friendly with her teacher, Miss Roberts. Angela, as we had come to know her proved to be a good companion, and what is more interesting, an insatiable and imaginative lesbian. She often used to visit us and her relationship with Wendy blossomed into a passionate love affair. I was never excluded, however and after they had slaked their lust for each other I was always invited to join them for many come soaked sessions. Angela often...

3 years ago
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granpa and granddaughter

When their father died, Mike and Michelle's Grandparents moved in with them and their mother. They were the paternal grandparents. Their mother Georgia, was devastated and the John and Martha decided to help her. John was 62 years old and Martha was 59. Mike was in his bedroom looking at the newest edition of Nude Girl magazine, and had just began to stroke his hard cock. Martha unexpectedly entered and saw him with his 8 inch cock in his hand. Mike quickly covered himself and was very...

2 years ago
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Granddaughter Gives Me A Hand

When I was growing up, sex was something people got into gradually. Birth control was available but not like it is today. And, well, girls just didn't fall over and spread out at the drop of a hat. I was 19 when I had my first time.Looking around now, music, movies, TV, well it's a different wold, I guess. I just missed out on all that and I'm sure there are a lot of guys in my age group who feel the same way. That doesn't mean that I don't like sex, of course I do. I'm only 64, hardly that...

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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 3

Her face went to a look of discomfort as I'd entered my 18-year-old granddaughter with my 58-year-old erection, but it quickly washed away to a look of deep satisfaction, as she smiled at me. Her breasts, probably full C's, were right in front of my face. Before I started thrusting inside her I leaned down and licked each of her nipples, causing a slight tremble to her body. I began my thrusting, as she placed one of her hands on my butt, trying to help me, I think. "Can I kiss you some...

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Grandma Granddaughter

Grandma Granddaughter I was visiting a friend of mine in Boston. Sue is a little older than I am at sixty-six while I am sixty. She has a beautiful daughter named Alyssa that is now thirty-six and has a daughter of her own Jamie that is only five. Then of course there is Grandma Grace that is ninety-four years old and suffering from Alzheimer. So to recap the four generations of women living in the house there is Grandma Grace, her daughter Sue, her daughter Alyssa, and then her...

3 years ago
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MY DARLING GRANDDAUGHTERMy darling granddaughter, I have just received your letter this morning, and as I sat on the porch swing reading the beautiful words that you have put to paper, I can still see your beautiful face that first morning when you arrived. You looked so much like your mother, and for a moment or so I was back in time, seeing my beautiful Sadie when she was your age. The minute you walked though my front door I knew that we were in for an incredible week of passion. Yes your...

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Grandfather Fucked His Granddaughter And DaughterInLaw 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone. Myself Rachit. I am back with my second story on Indian sex stories and with a BANG. I hope you all will enjoy this and will leave comments on Now, without wasting time I will start with the story. There is a very religious and cultural family situated in Gurugram. Everyone respected the family very much. They own a big bungalow because of their high status and money. Yes. They are the Grovers. The family consisted of a grandfather (66), father(45), mother(40) and a...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 6 The Don and His Granddaughter

July 1980, Colerain Township, Ohio “What’s going on with you and Jennifer?” Larry asked. “She’s upset, but she won’t tell me what happened.” “We’re in a pretty bad place,” I said. “I’m not sure there’s really any future between us at this point.” “Why? You guys managed for a year while you were in Sweden. You can manage another year before college.” “Maybe if she had told me about it right away. Maybe if we had talked about it. But she knew in March and I only found out when her mom...

1 year ago
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My Lover My Granddaughter II

When I woke up later that morning, I looked at the young woman in my bed, and wondered what in the hell I had gotten myself into. As I stared at her, her eyes opened up and she smiled at me. I looked at that face that I had known almost all her life, which was so familiar, and yet had changed so much, overnight. "Good morning, Gpaw." She smiled at me and leaned forward and kissed me."Good morning to you , Karen. What am I going to do with you?" Saying that, I swung my feet out of bed and got up...

2 years ago
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The Vicars Granddaughter

"This is my granddaughter," said the vicar. "Emma is with us for the summer."Stanley nodded to the young lady who was stretched out on the vicar's sofa reading a magazine about horses. She barely acknowledged the visitor, lifting her black eyelashes fleetingly, and continued reading as if her attention had been uninterrupted. Stanley was nothing much to look at of course, just an aging podgy snub nose Englishman though he did have a slightly mischevious twinkle in his eyes.The weather was...

Straight Sex
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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 2

With her acquiescence, I put my hand a little higher on her leg. Conversely, she pressed her palm tighter against my groin. "Jamison?" she said with a lilt in her voice. "Y-Yes Dani?" "Are you hard because of me?" "Y-Y-Yes Dani – I'm sorry?" "What for, how long has it been since you've ... been with a woman?" I started to cry as I took my hand away and removed hers from me. She got up a little and asked, "What's wrong?" "I'm really sorry – you make me feel like I...

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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 5

We got to the airport in plenty of time, saw Elexus as she came out of the departing corridor, with Dani giving her a great big hug, then I did as well. Elle, my nickname for her, had been crying. We went to the baggage area, not talking much, got her three suitcases and her small bathroom suitcase – and went to the car. After we started home to the house I asked, "Elle, what's happened?" Breaking into tears again, she answered, "I've left that bastard Richard – he loves his job more...

2 years ago
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Meals on Wheels 6 Teaching Ruths Granddaughter

Introduction: A volunteer finds his gateway to the maure women he desires She gave my ass a little squeeze as we made our way out. When we got into the car and started on out way back, Ruth turned to me and said: So I was wondering if you would do me another favor.&hellip,. &hellip,continued Well, considering what you asked for last time, this should be interesting. Ruth gave a little chuckle and said: I guess I have been asking quite a bit of you, never mind. I got the feeling that Ruth...

4 years ago
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Pops favorite granddaughter

“Good morning; how’s my favorite daddy today?” It was my daughter, Jennifer. She called me every day and started the conversation the same way each time. “Well, Honey, I guess I’m doing fine. I already had two cups of coffee, took a good crap and now I’m fixing breakfast for me and… my ‘house guest.’ Y’all on your way home?” It was common practice for Cassie, Jen’s step-daughter, to stay with me when Jen and Gary travelled, which was every weekend. They always took little Jack with...

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Meals on Wheels 6 Teaching Ruths Granddaughter

“So I was wondering if you would do me another favor.”…. …continued “Well, considering what you asked for last time, this should be interesting.” Ruth gave a little chuckle and said: “I guess I have been asking quite a bit of you, never mind.” I got the feeling that Ruth was feeling a bit hurt. “No, I didn’t mean it like that, I was just saying that we keep going further every time we get together.” “Oh, yes, well I guess that may be the case here, too. My granddaughter...

3 years ago
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The Vicars Granddaughter

‘This is my granddaughter,’ said the vicar. ‘Emma is with us for the summer.’ Stanley nodded to the young lady who was stretched out on the vicar’s sofa reading a magazine about horses. She barely acknowledged the visitor, lifting her black eyelashes fleetingly, and continued reading as if her attention had been uninterrupted. Stanley was nothing much to look at of course, just an aging podgy snub nose Englishman though he did have a slightly mischevious twinkle in his eyes. The weather was...

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The neighbors granddaughter

Ahhhh, the sweetness of a girl, barely of age. My neighbor's granddaughter had been staying with her grandmother for several months. She had gotten into a bit of trouble back home, and placed next door for a few months. He would visit. We would talk about anything that struck her interests. One afternoon, she came to visit. Unannounced and unexpected, I might add. I had just finished jerking off. Cock still hard, covered in lube and jizz. I stepped out my backdoor for a moment...and there she...

1 year ago
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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 4

After she took my dick and let me erupt inside her mouth, we took a shower together – a lessor man might have collapsed, but we got clean! She slipped into her room and found a pretty paisley dress that must've been her mother's. Her voluptuousness was barely contained, but she came in just as I had put on my shoes. "My, you look fabulous, Dani – I feel so lucky to be your grand..." "Lover, Jamison?" "That's a term I haven't heard – Grandlover, it makes feel younger already," I...

4 years ago
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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 8

The days and nights have been going by so quickly; Dani was approaching graduation from college. The little ones were all growing up, with Grant having a birthday in a few weeks – and Olivia just after that. Elle and I took the two of them to see Dani graduate. It only took her an extra year from her original plan; Grant was the reason, of course. The cribs, we bought in haste, were practically grown out of, so we planned to sit down and discuss what came next. We stopped at a Dairy Queen to...

2 years ago
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Jacobs GranddaughtersChapter 22

Monday September 14, 2015 Chicago Jessica reached across the seat and touched Natalie’s hand. “Are you okay?” Natalie turned from the airplane window and looked at her friend as a mix of emotions crossed her face. “Right this moment ... I think I am...” She made a half-hearted attempt at a smile, “but give me five minutes and I might burst into tears.” Jessica took her hand. “Roller coaster ride of emotions with a whole new experience ahead. Doubts?” Natalie stared at Jessica. “That...

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Summer Fun Chapter 4 Private Party

Marc and Jeff have been getting a little peeved at me for not being around much lately. Between working at Pizza Depot, and fucking- I mean, working, with Renee at the apartments, I can see their point, I’ve probably been a little scarce. Today, I have the day off and I’ll make sure to spend some time with them. We want to go swimming again today, but not at the community center pool, so we ride our bikes out to Tucker’s Pond. The pond is a hidden away, deep swimming hole, just past the...

3 years ago
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Sex With Neighbour8217s Granddaughter

Hi readers, I am Virat from Pune. I am 5″7, very handsome and athletic built. Disha used to visit my neighbour (her Nani) every vacation. It was her maternal grandparent’s place. She looked like Urmila Matondkar. She was 5″6, extremely beautiful and well shaped. Disha also had a sexy accent. Disha and I knew each other since we were 12 years old. She used to like my accent. We were 18 years old when we made out and had sex. I saw her from my balcony one day. She told me that she had come for a...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

1 year ago
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Jacobs GranddaughtersChapter 23

Saturday, September 19th Continued Kate had never fainted in her life, but she could tell she was on the verge. All the blood rushed from her head and suddenly her legs would no longer support her. She sat down hard on the wood step directly behind her. If she hadn’t instinctively reached for the stair rail, she might have pitched forward onto the gravel as she fought a wave of dizziness and nausea. The many nightmares of discovery she had lived with all these months was beginning. “My...

3 years ago
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Jacobs GranddaughtersChapter 26

Christmas Day Jessica glanced at the red numerals on the bedside clock. It was almost seven, but it was still dark. She cuddled against Harrison and smiled. It’s Christmas! She had lots to do today, but what she really wanted to do was just snuggle in bed with Harrison for a couple more hours. Lots to do today? She had to stifle a giggle. That’s funny – lots to do every day! Before Natalie left for Chicago she warned her that she needed to start saying, ‘no.’ Now she had over sixty...

4 years ago
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Bubbles LaRues daughter and granddaughter

Sherrie Longley Whitney grew up a privileged spoiled brat. The daughter of Charlotte Longley Whitney and Alfred Hugh Whitney.The Whitney family came from high society and were not all that happy when Alfred married the gorgeous and beautiful Charlotte who was born outside high society. Charlotte never knew her father. Her mother, Abigail Longley, was a Burlesque dancer and stripper, whose stage name was Bubbles LaRue.Charlotte used her incredible beauty to meet men. Many of them wealthy, and...

First Time
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Ashley My Step Granddaughter

I never thought I had it in me to become an escort but sometimes you have to do things you never thought you would do to succeed in life. Even selling, or giving my services every now and then to keep up with bills. To get started, I searched the Internet and found an escort service web site used by many girls in my area. I liked the looks of it so I thought I’d give it a try. I’m a 25 year old woman and I have confidence in my looks. My profile photo show’s me lying on my back, legs bent...

1 year ago
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Grandmother and Granddaughter

My grandmother has huge breasts, maybe a F or G cup, and she’s thick all around. I love to sit on her lap and rest my head against her soft breasts. One day when I was sitting on her lap I was feeling giddy, I kissed her cleavage and rubbed my face against them. I could feel her nipples harden through the blouse she was wearing. “Mmm”, she moaned, “that feels good, please don’t stop”. I saw her hand moving between her thighs. “Grandma, what are you doing down there with your hand?” I asked her....

3 years ago
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Hi I'am Tazz. No thats not a nick name for something else, just Tazz. I am 18 yrs old and attractive, blond and blue eyed. My mom works out everyday and she started me on the same schedule when I was 12. I recently got my high school deploma as a home schooled kid. So needless to say I don't have alot of friends although I do have a best friend. Her name is Elizabeth and I call her Liz. We do everything together and I mean everything. I remember the first time I went down on her and found out...

2 years ago
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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 6

I woke up about five hours later, my dick still inside Dani, but sadly deflated. I saw my daughter naked and asleep next to me. I looked up into Dani's face and I flexed my dick and I heard a moan from her, which in turn woke up Elle. I saw her eyes flutter open and a smile appeared on her face that was ... brilliant. Whispering she said, "I suppose you want to know how I knew that Dani was pregnant? When I went into her room, I saw a used pregnancy test meter and it was still showing the...

1 year ago
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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 7

Two days later, I brought Elle and baby Olivia home – I'd realized I needed to get some cribs, so I had ordered a couple over the Internet, with Dani's help. They arrived and I quickly did the little bit of assembly, putting one in both my girls' bedrooms. There was again the sound of infants in the house, and a definite odor as well. I did the best I could helping the ladies with their newborns. Dani got back her gorgeous figure within five months of having Grant. Elle was having a time...

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Summer Voodoo

Continuing the Summer saga, this story picks up where "Summer is Hot in Cozumel" left off. "So, John, what's the deal with you sexually propositioning Aaron?" "WHAT?!" Grinning, Summer poked him in the ribs. "Don't try to deny it, you glorious freak. I heard you on Dave's phone call, trying to talk Aaron into helping you join the Mile High Club." John leaned back and laughed, "Oh god, you heard that? Okay, fine, Summer, you're onto me! My secret is out!" Still grinning,...

3 years ago
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Summer CampEpisode 15 Departures

That morning, every one was pretty excited; the word had come down a couple of days ago that Hartwell would be gone for four days for a camp director's conference, out of state. He had left the afternoon of the day before, leaving Jennifer in charge. In order to cover their asses, both Pete and Lisa had made 'official' requests for outings; Pete saying that his cabin had wanted to see the damage at the girls' camp while Lisa's cabin was supposed to paddle to Hawker's Cove to see the new...

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Summers Story

The two of them walked through the double glass doors of the convenience store with a whoosh of wind following them, blowing through the center aisle way next to the service counter, magazines and pages flipping through the wind. There was no one else there but Jeff, the clerk working the register, who at the moment was using the customer restroom on the other end of the convenience store. The cameras were the only things that caught them at first.One was male, tall and skinny, seemed to hide...

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Summering in Femininity Part 12 Summers End Continued

The next morning, a Saturday, Taylor was awoken by a gentle knock on his door. He sat up to see Aunt Agnes waiting by the door. "Is something wrong?" Taylor asked, yawning. "I was about to ask you the same thing, Emily hasn't come by yet and I got worried," Aunt Agnes stepped into the room. "Worried? Why?" Taylor reached for his phone and realized that it was nearly noon. "Wow... She let me sleep in?" "Did you two have a fight?" Aunt Agnes asked. "No," Taylor replied. "I...

2 years ago
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Summering in Femininity Part 1 A Bummer Summer

A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...

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Summer Is Hot in CozumelChapter 3

"Aha! I see you found the old tank top," Dave said, hugging Summer from behind as she stood at the kitchen counter chopping potatoes. Wrapping her arms around his, Summer smiled. "Did you think there was any chance I wouldn't? I'd already found it way before you left your phone message." "Well, I was right, you do look absolutely amazing in it." "Thank you, sweetie. I'm glad you like it on me. It's shorter than that little nightshirt you love so much, which at least sort of...

3 years ago
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Summer My Sisters Best Friend

This is a Summer Lovin’ contest story. Please vote. * Stephen’s love of his life is his sister’s best friend, Summer, a woman eight years older than him. Summer, I’m in love with Summer, my sister Christine’s best friend and I don’t know what to do about it. Love at first sight, it all started the first time I saw Summer in the summer of 1968. She was in the backyard with my sister in the pool. As if my sister was swimming with an angel, a woman with a model’s face and a porn star body, I...

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Granddaughters like to play 2

Sleep did not come easy last night. My dreams conflicted between remorse for taking advantage of my teenage granddaughter and my unbridled lust for sex with young girls. Sometimes I'd dream of being caught by my wife while naked and ravaging the girls and other dreams showed that I was trying to devise a plan for including all 3 of the girls in my dangerous new game. In order to ease my conscience I promised myself that I wouldn't take advantage of young Kellie. I awoke from a fitful sleep...

2 years ago
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Jacobs GranddaughtersChapter 3

Monday December 8, 2014 Kate came awake slowly. It took her awhile to figure out where she was. It was dark and Sam the cat was pressed against her side. She stretched, trying not to disturb him, unkinking her muscles after what felt like a long sleep – she wondered how long it had been. The soft bed above the garage would certainly have been preferable to a sleeping bag on the floor, but she had slept in worse places. At least she was warm and out of the weather. How long that would last...

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