BBS To Bullets free porn video

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If you’d asked me to describe my life/marriage/family one year ago, and are expecting me to say it was “perfect,” that was not my life. I’d have called it “great,” but not some upper-middle class model of perfection. I had a great wife, a good income, and two kids that were healthy and usually happy. But perfect? No.

Who gets perfect? No matter how good things are, there are complaints. My two sons, Luke and Christopher are good kids, but they were a handful. At the time “The Conversation” took place, they were both teenagers. “Handful” became “Hellspawn” in my darker moments after a bad day. Not anything to be bothered about.

In southern small town New Jersey, it’s an acceptable way of letting off steam. It’s just how we talk here. The more we rib someone, the more we love them. It’s people who are nice to you here that really don’t give a shit about you.

I own my own business, but that is as much a nightmare as a dream at times. I live in a small town with all the benefits that come from that, as well as all the distractions that come from that. My wife was the most “perfect” part. Yet not even that was perfect. We had spats. We didn’t always see eye to eye. However we always went to bed together and woke up next to each other. I really had no serious complaints and I don’t think she had either.

It’s odd how you never recognize at the time the seemingly minor thing that has dramatic consequences down the road. It’s only with hindsight you realize that one of those key moments had ramifications not recognized then. Mine came after the kids were in bed and Brenda and I were relaxing with a bottle of wine. Then out of the blue, the bomb dropped.

“Honey, how would you feel if I got breast enhancement surgery?”

There wasn’t any part of our conversation leading up to that. In fact, I don’t remember what the conversation we were having actually was. It was a total surprise.

The first thought that went through my head was, “Here there be dragons.” This was a potential trap like, “Do these pants make me look fat?” Or, “Do you think my sister’s attractive?”

My wife, previously Brenda Benson until she took my family name of Lykaios, was cursed with a flat chest. I don’t mean small boobs, I mean ... she didn’t need to wear a bra. The only reason she did was to keep those attention-seeking nipples from poking out. She had pokers. Do I like boobs? Hell yeah! Under the circumstances though, I felt, “Hell yeah!” was not a response that would go over well.

There was no question of being able to afford it. We had the money.

I didn’t grow up exactly poor, but my family never had the money to spend on luxuries that I do, and by extension my own nuclear family does. I made my own modest fortune. My secret? Choosing a career that paid well. I became a dentist. While we’re not rich, we go on vacations wherever we want, the kids are in private school, and we live in a neighborhood where you can forget to lock your door and not be overly concerned about it. All this, while still putting away enough for a decent retirement.

Sipping my wine I said, “Honey, I think you’re perfect just the way you are.”

Apparently I gave a good answer. “I know that honey. Even after all these years, you still look at me in a way no other man does. Still, I notice when we’re on the beach, a pair of big boobs gets your attention.”

I knew she’d noticed that. She’d given me an elbow a time or two. I hadn’t thought it had bothered her. “Brenda, you are the love of my life. Boobs are to a man what a laser pointer is to a cat. It’s a response wired into us, we can’t control where our eyes go. They just go there. I’m sorry if you ever had the thought I loved you any less. Don’t feel you have to do this for me.”

She put her hand on my knee. “I don’t want you to feel embarrassed love, or that I ever resented it. I get it. You’re a man, men like boobs, and you are one Hell of a man.” She paused while I grinned. It wasn’t that she was shy with compliments, she wasn’t. They are still always nice to hear. She continued, “Vincent, I’d be doing this for me.”

I knew then this wasn’t a lighthearted conversation. She mostly calls me “Vince” or “honey,” but never says “Vincent” unless she’s putting me on alert that this is a serious discussion. I don’t know if she’s aware of it or not. Okay, she’s a woman. She’s obviously aware of it. I sipped my wine again, to stall while I was considering how to navigate through this minefield. “Honey, I’ll support whatever you want. I love you.” That seemed safe.

She beamed at me. “I know it sounds like vanity, but you have no idea how a woman with a flat chest gets treated. Men and women just perceive you as less feminine. I’m still asked what sports I played in high school and college.”

Given encouragement, I respond with more confidence. “Honey, I do cosmetic dentistry all the time. I do braces, implants, whitening, you don’t have to rationalize it. If you want this, or if you don’t want this, I’m in your corner.” That said, I was thinking, please want this.

She took my hand. “I heard it all in high school. I was president of the ‘itty bitty titty committee’. People would see my bra straps and ask, if I had no hands would I wear gloves? I heard it all.”

I’d heard this before. She seemed to feel it necessary to reiterate it. So I just gave her a supportive look.

“My initials were BB, so people called me Beebe, but that became BBs. It was meant as a knock on my lack of boobs. People would actually look at my chest as they said it and smile, thinking they were getting away with a joke at my expense. It couldn’t have been more obvious.”

Once again I took a sip of my wine while squeezing her hand, “Honey, high school can be a cruel time. I fell in love with the you you were when I met you. I’ll love you the same no matter what your body looks like. If this is what you want, I want it for you.”

I did mean that. I was also hoping that me saying so, wouldn’t make her cancel her plans. I needn’t have worried.

“Thank you Vince, your support means everything to me.”

We kissed, then just discussed the details. I didn’t get crazy sex that night, just good cuddling. We did have children in the house after all. Still, it was as intimate a snuggle as we’d had in a while. I felt good about the whole evening.

Life happened, as it does, while we went forward with scheduling this new thing in our lives. She had to schedule time off from work, I had to make sure I was available in case there were any complications, and I was going to have to keep the demons from putting pressure on their mother during that time. That part was the hardest, she was clearly their favorite parent. I’m not complaining. She has a measure of patience I don’t. I like a certain amount of order, teenage boys are chaos.

After working out the logistics, she went in for surgery. Our small hamlet doesn’t have a plastic surgeon, but Philadelphia is a short drive away. Many people who live in our residence commute there for work. Our neighborhood may be well-off, but most people make their money somewhere else. I was one of the exceptions.

I could have spent some time in the city and just waited for a phone call when it was finished, but I stayed in the waiting room the whole time. It was similar to when she was in labor. Sure, she was giving birth to boobs, but I felt like being there was important.

When she came out, there was a very noticeable change. She didn’t go for anything gargantuan, she had picked boobs appropriate to a person of her height. There was no way I couldn’t notice, but that was not the time to ogle. We had both read the literature about what to expect, so I wasn’t horny and am absolutely certain she wasn’t. What I did was took her home and let her have her recovery and adjustment period. I was on my best husband behavior.

I was very patient. The surgeon had made it clear there was to be no sex for two weeks. After two weeks, we could be careful. Any pawing of the boobs would have to wait until four weeks after that. I had the date circled on a calendar. That calendar was in our kitchen, and when the kids asked what that was for, I responded with, “That’s the day you’ll be out of the house.”

“Why Dad?,” Luke asked a moment before Christopher.

“Yeah, why Dad?”

I managed to say with a straight face, “We’re having an exterminator come over.”

While we did resume sex, it was gingerly and tentative. We made love exactly twice during the next four weeks. Part of it was life of course. The boys demanded a lot of attention. Part of it was also my nervousness about keeping my hands off her new breasts. It was like knowing in advance your Christmas present, but not being able to play with it until Christmas.

She spent a lot of her free time shopping. I hadn’t actually considered that she’d need a new wardrobe, as strange as that may sound. She was excited about it, and wanted me to do it with her. I did it once and it was torture. I don’t like shopping for myself, much less watching someone else shop. If I had to choose among things I’d prefer rather than watching someone else shop, waterboarding would be on the list. She understood. She was happy, that’s what counted.

She returned to work. I shared her happiness at the stories she had to tell about the effect her transformation had on those that knew her.

“Honey, it’s like people look at me as though I’m a different person.”

“Is that bad?”

“No! It’s all positive.”

“They’re just seeing you for the wonderful woman you are. It’s a shame how superficial some people can be.” I hoped she hadn’t noticed me dropping my eyes for a moment to look at her chest. That might have seriously undercut the sincerity that comment was delivered with. I just couldn’t help it.

She didn’t seem to have noticed. “You’ve always seen me as special honey. All those new looks will never replace the looks you’ve always given me.” She gave me a kiss.

The neighborhood get togethers were a bit different. Three weekends out of four, we’re at someone’s place in our community or they are at ours. Her surgery wasn’t a secret, it’s the kind of thing freely discussed. What I hadn’t accounted for, was the reaction. I have only myself to blame for that. She had told me her stories repeatedly. It just didn’t hit me until I saw it playing out.

The first event we went to, was at the home of Dexter and Lisa Evans. Casual friends with a kid friendly gathering, as were most of these get togethers. No big deal. Except this time it was, and Brenda was the topic du jour. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t overt from the moment we walked in. The hellions had already found their peers before I got a bit uncomfortable. Alcohol had been consumed by this point.

My first bit of unease, is when she hugged Stu Anderson. I should say he hugged her, and she hugged him back. I had made it a point not to hug Brenda or do anything overtly demonstrative with her new boobies. Sure, I looked at them. But I was hands-off following the doctor’s guidelines.

The Andersons, Stuart and Debbie, live a block and a half away. It really wasn’t that hard to walk, but Stuart “All my friends call me Stu” Anderson always drove. He loved to show off his new gold BMW. Projecting wealth was important to him. He owned a car dealership, but always liked to boast about his investments and the money he made from them. I also invested in the stock market, sensibly and designed to minimize risk and maximize retirement down the road. I really felt no need to discuss it. If you believed Stu’s narrative, he was some kind of Wall Street genius. I noticed he still hadn’t quit his day job though.

The hug wasn’t that unusual, Stu always liked to be touchy-not-quite-feely with the ladies, and always had a handshake for the men. Sometimes he hugged them too. It was what he said when he hugged Brenda. “Heya, Bullets.”

“Hugs to the jugs,” she replied.

Bullets? That bothered me. Hugs to the jugs? That bothered me even more. After Stu and Debbie moved away and mingled with others, I looked at Brenda and said,” Bullets? What did that mean? Also, hugs to the jugs?”

Brenda gave me the right look, I don’t know a better way to describe that look. She didn’t minimize my concern or try to laugh it off. “Honey, you know I tell the BBs story to people I am comfortable with. I told it to Debbie and Stu. You were there.”

I was. I’d forgotten about it. She does tell that story in our circle. Other people share their embarrassing teenage memories, she shares hers. It shouldn’t have been an issue, but it was. Stu had hugged my wife and she had just responded. Stu got that first hug. Rather than her saying, “I need to be careful,” she gave a flirty response. Stu was a bit aggressive tactilely, and so I could see Brenda just responding socially. I let that pass, even though I was bothered. The rest of the day didn’t help.

Nobody did or said anything inappropriate. It was just both men and women commenting on her tits. After a certain point, it seemed it had become fair game to talk about them. Brenda was eating it up. I did get the occasional, “You and Vince are going to have fun the next few days,” but it seemed an afterthought after I had felt left out of the conversation. The day ended and we went home. Brenda didn’t ask if I was fine. I didn’t act like I wasn’t. I decided this was her “coming out party,” and my concerns were pretty stupid. We slept comfortably that night.

The day I’d circled on the calendar marking the moment the boobs were no longer off-limits sexually finally came. As it turned out, we didn’t send the boys away. Brenda’s mother, “Grandmama” to the kids, “Mom” to me, was watching the boys at our place. Brenda had decided we’d do a short “staycation” for the weekend. A mini honeymoon. Helen Benson had no problem at all watching her grandchildren. She lived ten minutes away, and she often was the babysitter when Brenda and I needed a night out. Not since they were young, was having them at her home an option.

The boys hated being at her home. I understood why. Her husband had died in a car accident, and her house was like a shrine to their life. She had no interest in remarrying, just preserving her house as though she expected him to return from the dead. None of the furniture was friendly for two teenage boys. All their games and movies were at home. Also, she ran through a lot of Kleenex when they were there. It was easier all around if she came to us.

As a bonus, she always cooked far more than needed to feed herself and the boys, and that woman was a damn fine cook. She loved making things from scratch, and her pasta gravy was to die for. People outside our area wrongly refer to it as “sauce.” You live here, it’s gravy and always will be. She always made enough to last for a week.

Everything was set when Brenda and I left for the weekend. We fed off each other’s excitement as we headed out of town. We’d booked a room at one of the big hotel chains, and those weren’t an option where we lived. The sexual tension was palpable. It was there as we drove, it was there when we checked in, it was screaming at us as we walked down the hall to our room. Once the door was opened, I was ready to throw Brenda down on the floor and fuck her. The bed seemed a few steps too far away.

She had other plans. She told me to sit on the bed, then went into the bathroom. She took her overnight bag in with her. I was curious what she was doing. She was in for fifteen minutes. Was she checking her tits? Did she get an unexpected early period? Damn. I was curious and being horny wasn’t helping.

She stepped out, looking exactly like she did when she went in. No clues there. She did have her phone in her hand. Maybe she needed to text Mom about the kids? Did we need to go back home? No.

She gave me a seductive look, “Well honey, are you ready for your show?”


She guided me to a chair. I sat in it as she played music from her iPhone. It was Middle Eastern music. I was rapt as she started a striptease. She had a new see-through bra and matching panties that I hadn’t shopped with her to get, or even seen.

She took her time stripping, timing each move to the music. It was clear she’d rehearsed this. I’d seen those boobs since the surgery (even looked at the scars), but not like this. That night held the promise of full contact. It was everything I’d been waiting for. I watched entranced as she danced and unveiled each garment.

“Honey, you can look but don’t touch. You can touch when I say you can.”

This presentation was was a fantasy I didn’t know I had coming to fruition. The delayed touching was a wrinkle I hadn’t expected, but I was her slave at that point. I was just a passenger on this journey.

She took her time dancing. One song ended, the next one played. Brenda can dance. Once she saw “twerking” was a thing, she committed herself to doing it. My wife is both sensual and sexual. She had my full attention as she removed the last piece of her clothing. I was riveted. Every move, every gyration. It wasn’t just a striptease, it was a performance. Then she came over to me, music still playing.

“No hands,” she said as she worked on my pants. My hard cock made it difficult to undress me, but she did. She pulled my pants and underwear to my ankles. I was raging hard, I wanted to just grab her. I’d been waiting for this. Six weeks for this. Her instructions were clear though, not until she said I could. It was frustrating and erotic, and I had precum before there was any skin on skin.

Brenda took my cock and put it between her boobs. She massaged me with them as she smiled. “Do you like this?”

My brain shut down. I didn’t care about the appropriate response. “Yes!”

She gave me a kiss on my tip, then said, “Good. But I want you inside me. Do you want that?”

I wanted anything that would give me release. I just whispered, “Uh huh.” My vocabulary had exited my brain.

She mounted me on that chair. She pressed those new tits in my face. I grabbed them and squeezed them while she teased my cock by rubbing her pussy over it. It was like making love to my wife, but also having sex with a different woman. I was excited with the anticipation of being inside this new woman, even though I knew it was the same wonderful pussy I’d been in many times before. It somehow felt like the first time, even though she’d had a boob job and nothing below the waist had changed.

When she finally slid down on me, it was all I could do not to cum right then. I’m not sure how I managed to avoid it; it was like I wanted to impress a first date by not prematurely ejaculating, I suppose. As she got close to her orgasm, I let go of her tits and grabbed her ass. It’s what we’d done many times in this position. The tits may have started the evening, but in the end, we came as we always did. Except for me it was much more intense. Judging from her reaction, it was for her too. I get a bit giddy after sex, and everything always strikes me as funny. The thought that went through my head while she was in my arms was, “This is the best damn investment I ever made.”

After that night, we played a lot with those toys. We had to work it in around parenting, but we found the time. Everything we had done sexually before, took on that same feeling of newness. Missionary, I grabbed them. Doggy style, I grabbed them. Her on top, definitely grabbed them.

We even did a tit fuck. She didn’t exactly take to it the way I would have liked when we started. Brenda doesn’t use profanity, not even in the bedroom. She doesn’t mind when other people do, she just doesn’t. It happens to be part of my vocabulary when I socialize, as it is with most people in Jersey. Some stereotypes are true. Brenda didn’t fit that mold. So dirty sex talk wasn’t part of her repertoire.

“You like the way my breasts caress your penis?”

This was something I’d never done before, and I wasn’t a bit put off over the fact she thought it was ridiculous. Mostly not put off.

I tried to encourage the response I wanted, not that it mattered in the end, I was loving it. “I love the way my COCK feels, FUCKING your TITS.”

She suppressed a laugh. Barely. Then her face went semi-serious.

“You like pushing between these melons?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Slide that thing through my cantaloupes. They are yours for the taking.”

Okay, a weird compromise involving fruit, but it worked for both of us.

Our sex life had been invigorated, sneaking in fucks while parenting. It was like the opposite of having to sneak fucks as teenagers away from our own parents. It had that same intensity and thrill, aided by years of experience. That should have been perfect. As I mentioned earlier, no one gets perfect. If you asked me what I thought would happen, I would have said my wife would be pleased at the new attention, and I’d be the sole beneficiary. I was, and I wasn’t.

The neighborhood get togethers didn’t seem to have let the newness of my wife’s tits fade into the background for the new shiny thing. The hugs increased. The attention she got from men increased. The “accidental” contact with her boobs increased. One Saturday at our place, one moment showed how everything had changed.

We have a trampoline we bought with the boys in mind. They love it. Brenda loves it as well. She was proud of being agile. This time was different. Now when Brenda jumped, so did her boobs. Suddenly a common occurrence no one previously really payed attention to, had eyes locked on every bounce. It’s a miracle applause didn’t break out.

The stories she told from work were constantly about new opportunities and greater appreciation. She would mention her boss, Alan Harrison, had begun to compliment her on her work. I really tried to be accepting of it. Alan Harrison was an old coot that I knew Brenda on her worst day would never have sex with. We laughed about it. Still ... there were some moments that had me on full alert. One was when I came home early after a cancellation.

When I arrived, Stu and Brenda were there. No one acted awkwardly, as though I’d interrupted anything. It all seemed on the up and up. Still, Stu made his exit quickly. If it had been innocent, why would he do that?

After going through some normal conversation, I started fishing. “So ... what were you and Stu talking about?” I was trying to keep the suspicion out of my voice. I don’t think I succeeded.

“He was talking to me about my implants. He’s been talking to Debbie about them.”

“Why isn’t Debbie over here asking?”

“It’s an awkward subject Vince. He doesn’t want to offend her by suggesting it, even though he thinks Debbie would love it.”

I had to admit that sounded reasonable. I also thought it was reasonable that Stu was taking an interest in my wife that was no longer casual. Six in one hand, half a dozen in the other.

This was just another one of those things. It wasn’t the fact she got attention, it was the way she responded to it that had my Spidey sense tingling. She didn’t shut it down. She encouraged it. She hadn’t done anything to show it would go beyond that, but she never gave any indication that there was a line somewhere that shouldn’t be crossed. It’s not that anyone did anything questionable, it’s just that it seemed things were slowly escalating and I wasn’t comfortable.

I did bring it up, albeit not forcefully. It was awkward. “Honey, I’m happy you are getting the attention you always wanted. I am a bit bothered though, that you don’t draw a line on the flirtation. I’d like to hear you say you are loyal to your husband from time to time. No wait, not loyal. In love with your husband.” Yup. Awkward.

It was like I’d slapped her. She looked distraught for a moment, then said, “Honey, I am in love with you. I can’t believe you question that. I am yours. No flirting I do will ever go anywhere. If I’ve done something that made you uncomfortable, tell me and I’ll be sure not to do it again.”

The thing was, there was no one thing I could point to. I felt bad. I saw the look in Brenda’s eyes and knew I’d been responsible for that. I immediately embraced her, and just kissed her like it was a third date. We had a great night of sex. It was only in hindsight I realized that she hadn’t agreed to draw a line in public. She was asking me where the line was, and I hadn’t given it to her. However, she had made her case that her flirtations meant nothing.

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BB Part 3

Introduction: Poor poor BB… Just trying to avoid her horrible fate. Like always – check out my stuff. Rate up or down. If your a fan, lemme know, erotic writers dont get the opertunity to get a pat on the back often so. I write for money – email me at [email protected] if your interested in your own lil smut tale. ENJOY BB P3 Part 3: Blackmail fun Becky, aka BB, was so stunned and shocked that the day had been utterly lost to her. Her mind worrying about those photos that were taken that they...

2 years ago
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MBBS Diaries 8211 Part 3 Acrobatics

Now we had a place to make love and have sex, we used to meet just 2-3 times a week because of hectic duties. Sometimes never found time in a week. After all, we were doctors and didn’t mind the frequency. She had suggested we should start early in the evening. So that on the same day, we can try multiple sessions of intercourse till late at night. For me, stamina improved from 6 minutes to 12. Not that whole session lasted just 12 minutes. Our foreplay would go for hours. Because for me after...

3 years ago
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MBBS Diaries 8211 Part 2 Preparation To Please

After the first time euphoria, my mind was occupied with my girl, her body and pleasure. Accidentally we found a place to meet. Now I couldn’t settle for that, I needed more. My girl, all she used to tell was, “I want it again.” You don’t need any motivation other than a girl’s seductive voice. During OPD hours I managed to get a replica of one of the OPD. But this time, not ENT, it was gynecology OPD. It was the corner most room so that we could be a bit loud. Other reason probably medicos can...

2 years ago
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MBBS Diaries 8211 Part 1 The Beginning

Introduction: To begin it was my internship (last year of MBBS). It’s a fun year for young doctors after 4.5 years of heavy studies. My girlfriend and I stayed in our respective hostels hence never had time or place for a fun time. We used to meet in the evening after the outpatient department closed on the 2nd floor. There we could just hug and give a peck. 3 months had passed. Our sexual desire was restricted to sex chat and a few light moments here and there. Sexchat gave creative ideas and...

3 years ago
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MBBS Doctor Fucked In Hospital

Pichle hafte mere cousin ka accident ho gyea tha.Uske parents usko hospital le gye vo kafi serious tha mujhe uncle ki call ayi vo mujhe bole aap hospital me aa jao.Uska dhyan rkhne ke lea maine sham ki train li aur pahunch gyea. Accident bahut major tha he was in emergency dr. Boli operation krvana padega knee tut gyea tha mera uncle roo rha tha har taraf matam shea hua tha relative or friends aa rhe tha sabhi patients ke.Ma patient ke ps baitha hua tha mujhe bahut tensn ho rhi thi ma upset...

4 years ago
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BB Gun

About two-thirds of the barracks was on her side, cheering her on. That left one third, nine or ten of them, tacitly supporting Kowalski, hoping more for the battle to go against Burnett, than they were enthusiastically for Kowalski. On the face of it this was not going to be close, Kowalski easily had 5 centimeters and 20 kilos on Burnett. For a girl, Burnett was large, but did not come close to matching most of the meatheads in the room. Though Paul could only assume that she'd...

3 years ago
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BB Part 3

I write for money - email me at [email protected] if your interested in your own lil smut tale. ENJOY BB P3 Part 3: Blackmail fun Becky, aka BB, was so stunned and shocked that the day had been utterly lost to her. Her mind worrying about those photos that were taken – that they could be circulated at anytime but at Mr. B’s word, they would not be until he had reason to. This is from the man whom had taking advantage of her repeatedly during the last few days. She quickly left the...

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BB and Dra Ch 2

We join our lovers at the beginning of THIS chat… * * * * * Xan: Hey Xan: Guess what I’m wearing B B: Oooo, WHAT? Xan: I took like an hour-long bath then put on… Xan: Your favorite robe, Uncle Chris! B B: Ahh, wonderful… Anything else? Xan: Earrings B B: And a SMILE…? Xan: Now I am B B: oooo B B: How was your bath? Xan: Wonderful Xan: Wonderfully orgasmic *grin* Xan: I shaved and then was running my hand over my skin to make sure I got all the hair… and well, I just...

1 year ago
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BB 3

I write erotic stories for clients. If interested, email me at [email protected] P3Part 3: Blackmail funBecky, aka BB, was so stunned and shocked that the day had been utterly lost to her. Her mind worrying about those photos that were taken – that they could be circulated at anytime but at Mr. B’s word, they would not be until he had reason to. This is from the man whom had taking advantage of her repeatedly during the last few days. She quickly left the boys room, dashing out the...

2 years ago
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BB And Dra

(We join our ‘lovers’ in mid-chat) ____________ B B: How are YOU at back-rubs? B B: Massages? B B: Sensual or otherwise? Xan: Really good….. REALLY GOOD Xan: I should have made a profession of it Xan: An all around good back person B B: I am, too!!! B B: Backs, Fronts, Legs, Feet… I’m GREAT w/ FEET B B: necks B B: buttocks B B: thighs B B: arms B B: shoulders Xan: Okay, I get the picture B B: pussies Xan: OKay Okay Xan: I gotta go to bed Xan: I’m about to pass out from the...

1 year ago
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BB tournament

Once again you find yourself at the boy’s starting line, facing the next wave of the girl’s team at the other end of the field. Their firm, busty tits and perfect, shaved pussies are making all the boys rock hard. A long line of rigid dicks point straight out towards 'the enemy', each with 2 tender orbs sitting below them. The whistle blows, and both sides rush at one another!

3 years ago
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BB virtual

Ho comprato un particolare visore per la realtà aumentata, iper realistico al punto che si possono pure toccare le sue proiezioni ed essere toccate da esse, ha una grandissima memoria di personaggi famosi e celebrità, basta dire il loro nome e compariranno, facendo ciò che gli si chiede. O almeno questo è quello che mi ha detto l'ex proprietario, che mi ha venduto il marchingegno ad un prezzo stracciato, e ancora non capisco perché. Ora lo sto per provare e ho intenzione di divertirmici come si...

2 years ago
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BB Tournament 2

Girls and guys stand opposite each other waiting for the tournament to begin. All the girls are standing completely naked. While they’re farther away, you can still see their shaved pussies and beautiful tits glistening in the sun. Your dick is already pulsing and your nuts are filled. As the rules of the tournament go, guys are not allowed to cum 14 hours prior to the start of the tournament. You give your balls one light feel making sure they’re in place. As you feel a slight drip of precum....

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Wearing nothing but a robe and tennis shoes, I sit on the couch starring out the picture window of our living room. It’s 1:00pm on a Saturday and I can’t relax, and for good reason. My wife and I are expecting visitors. What’s happening today started out as an idle fantasy, something that Heather and I had come up with over late night chats in the bedroom. We are admittedly a rather kinky couple. Case and point, we own one of the strongest shock collars on the market, but have never owned a...

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The Slow Paced Bullet

It's still very early in the morning when the bus pulls in at the station in Stryn, so the streets are still almost empty. Only a few people have braved the early Sunday morning to greet friends arriving with the bus, and a few stragglers from Saturday night are trying to make their way home. This is the end of the line for most of the passengers, and they groggily started milling about for bits of personal effects, luggage, shoes and sweaters. Outside it is even worse: In their sleep-deprived...

1 year ago
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A Tale of Two SidneysChapter 6 Dodging a Bullet

The flash from the digital camera caused Julia to raise her face from Gwen's thick black pelt. On knees and elbows she looked over to see her husband standing in the bedroom doorway. Melissa, her other playmate, who was laying on her back between the red-haired hostess's thighs also stopped her pussy licking to see who the intruder was. Sid looked from one to the other and his cock throbbed its way to full and somewhat uncomfortable tumescence. There was no screaming or rushing to cover...

3 years ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 46 With A Bullet

Seeing you, Or seeing anything as much as I do you. I take for granted that you're always there. I take for granted that you just don't care. Sometimes I can't help seeing all the way through. --Hello, It's Me (Todd Rundgren) On Sunday afternoon, we had lunch on the patio outside the Solarium at the Swift's main residence. Kristen, Lynette, and I arrived with me carrying a bowl of Lynette's delicious macaroni salad that she made earlier that morning. "Kristen tells me that...

2 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 13 Treason by Dagger and Bullet

Later Noia listened as the master of the training ship spoke to Captain Amby's junior officers, Captain Amby at his side. "Here you will learn your basic duties. We will sail down the bay, and out into the Great Eastern Ocean, and then due east for a day, then return. Listen to the bosuns -- they'll tell you what to do. The officers tell the bosuns, and I tell the officers what I want and the captain tells me what he wants. That's how things work on ships. "As trainee officers each of...

1 year ago
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BangBus Gracie Gates Thunder Fuck

Gracie Gates was enjoying the Boardwalk when this white van / bus pulled up. Three guys were inside and girl, could they talk. Anyway to cut a long story short there was a huge storm coming. They could already hear the thunder. The boys gave her $600 just to come inside the van and flash them. Plus they would keep her dry and drive her home. As they were driving this young fellow named Tony Rubio confessed how he liked to be a nudist and stripped naked. He had the biggest dick Gracie ever saw...

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Welcome Home Master

Her body naked, as she waited patiently for him. Her ass was high in the air, facing him, her hands crossed behind her back, and her head placed gently on the floor. He walked to her, crouching down and gently rubbing first her back, then her ass. He gave her a hard slap on both ass cheeks. "My good girl" he praised, gently grabbing a handful of hair and coaxing her to her feet. He headed into the living room and sat down on the couch. He picked up the remote and turned on the...

4 years ago
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Wife Cuckolded By Friend

I have known Saurabh for about 7 years now and we used to study our management together in Delhi. Saurabh had quite a reputation with the ladies. And I knew he was well endowed I got married about 4 years ago and I have a healthy sex life with my wife. Neelam is about 32 years of age. She is 5’5 in height, beautiful silky black hair to her waist. Her soft boobs but firm globes are a knockout. She is about 30 in waist and has a fair complexion. Saurabh came to Mumbai from his hometown in Bhopal...

2 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 16

Gordy "OK," Charlie began after we'd washed and lunched. "Here we are. Maddy, how many cattle you got?" "'Bout 100." "Right. Looks to me like we got three bores on your land an' at least two on mine. I'd like to git them bores workin' but I'm not sure how good them windmills are." "The one I started yesterday's an old IBC mill. I'm not sure but it's a 12-footer and must be 40 years old. The one we saw today is that age or a bit more." "IBC?" "Intercolonial Boring...

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Aunty Pam2

My Aunt was named Pam and I thought she was beautiful. Most people on the other hand don’t. See she is a large girl. She is about 5’8 and 225lbs, so she isn't a small woman. I believe that’s why she is single. A lot of guys don’t appreciate her beauty, but her nephew does. She is 48, has long brunette hair and green eyes. At 48 her D cup breasts have started to sag, but no more than any other woman. She was stunning, but her ass was the greatest part about her. It was very big. Wide and...

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The sunflower field

This is a true story also and took place before the earthquakes in April 2009.It took place in a sunflower field near my home in Central Italia. I remember it well and also in the after days of it happening wrote about it on my HD.That is why it is quite detailed. I tend to write the memories and rate the places out of 10.We went for a picnic the weather was sunny but only a little warm. Its the best thing fields and fields of sunflowers and red poppies here in Toscana. I love them they are my...

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Escaping From a MurdererChapter 12

Margaret sat in Iain's front room and took a gulp of the whisky Shona gave her. "I'll look after it," Shona offered. "'Til your ready." Margaret downed the two shots and panted. "I can manage." "Ah know," Shona sniffed. "Ahh but ya've been through a lot," she was told. "Shock. Yer've had a big shock." Shona looked up at the solicitor. "Please." Margaret's eyes dropped and looked at the baby in her arms. "Ah want another bairn but Iain says no. Ah, for one...

1 year ago
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Wagons Ho The Early YearsChapter 2

August 12, 1845 Ah, a day of rest. A day to sleep in. Then why couldn't I sleep late? I woke up between three lovely naked women, and one naked little girl. I lay there, just watching them for a while. Then I had to get up and take care of my necessaries. I managed to get out from among them without waking them, and got my clothes on. I climbed out of the wagon, and saw that Pris was already up. She had coffee made, so I went over and begged a cup from her. "I haven't gotten to talk...

2 years ago
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Coming of Age 2

"Mmmm" was the sound I heard repeatedly as my Mom sucked away at my thickening cock.  Her moans were sending vibrations along my length.After a few times of this, she came up for air after taking my cock into her mouth."Happy Birthday, baby," she whispered with a seductive smile.  Then she went back down onto my cock, slurping and sucking away as I got thicker and harder.I lasted about three minutes.  That was longer than I even expected.  Jacking off in the shower to the view of my naked...

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Another fantasy with a grain of truth....Whenever there is a big bush fire, the service calls up its volunteers, organises them into strike teams and sends them out to fight. A strike team is 5 trucks, each truck with nominally 5 crew, a command vehicle with 3 crew and sometimes a quickfill with 2 crew to supply the frontline trucks with water as quickly as possible. This is usually done by finding a river, creek or other water supply and pumping out of there and into the trucks.Generally...

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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 11

The question that Jane asked stunned Marie, so that she couldn’t comprehend what she had just heard. Did her innocent daughter, who claimed to be a virgin, just ask her mother to teach her how to suck her boyfriend’s cock? And how could Marie possibly do that without Jane finding out what a slutty whore she had been in Dubai? Jane took the initiative and said, “I can see that you enjoyed it when Brad sprayed your face with his cum. Where did you learn to like that? Because I am sure that...

4 years ago
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Call Boy Kese Bana Or Kese Ki Gujrati Bhabhiyo Ki Chut Sant Ki

Hello friends me gujarat se hu or ye meri paheli story hai joki 6 month pahele ki hai mera name dhreet hai or study karta hu or paisho ki problem ki vajah se callboy ki job karta hu ab or bor na karte hua story par ata hu ye bat us time ki hai jab me colg ki exam dene gandhinagar joki ham p.G rahte the tab hamari baju me ak mast bhabhi rahti thi or vo bahot sexy thi uska figar 34 28 36 tha mast mal thi me unko bahot dekhta tha or mene kabhi sex nahi kiya tha to. 1 din me apne balcony me jab...

2 years ago
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 41

After some thought, Sally chose to appear in a tank top with a halfway decent but not bulletproof bra underneath, a miniskirt that wasn't as tiny as Teela's, but displayed an amazing expanse of gently tanned thigh, a thong in red for Lon to admire -- and the inevitable rubber flip-flops. Upon discovery, Lon's eyes popped, "Wow!" "Oh, come on, it's not THAT great..." Sally protested -- but Lon didn't waste his breath; he got inside her guard and changed her tune by applying his lips...

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Circle of friends

Disclaimer: The characters here are all ficticious, as are the events. Any similarities to anyone ‘real’ are purely coincidental. Husband dropped off at the station, kids dropped off at school, Karen lay back on her sofa and logged on. Four unread messages, three friends online – the screen advised her. Within seconds the first request to chat appeared. Martin says: I’m so glad you’re here, I hope you’re well. xx A smirk crept across her face, she slid her laptop a little further down her...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 8

Kal looked down, “Why is it still hard? I haven’t been thinking about anything to keep it that way since Aradelle was about to attack me.”Aradelle shrugged looking embarrassed, Ikuno’s brow furrowed in thought, “perhaps there’s more to ‘Dell’s aphrodisiac then just making men mad with lust. There may be something else in the dust that makes a man hard for a time as well, whether he wants to be or not.”Aradelle looked at Kal, “I don’t know, my dust has always worked, so this has never happened...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Wild in the CountryChapter 28

Robin had seen Priscilla go at high speed and had tried to follow her, but the older girl was a better rider and had a long headstart, so that soon Robin was forced to admit that she would never know just why her flighty and enigmatic cousin had rode out like the devil on some evil mission. Turning back, she hurried toward the house at a greater speed. The reason for her haste was the sight of a huge, wolf-like German shepherd watching her from a rock with baleful, yellow eyes. She did not...

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Sexy Drive

I am sharing my fantasy here if anyone like the story feel free to email me at I am a very attractive woman, 36-25-26 is my size and i am –years old i guess no one need to know my age or single status!! We are here on this site to enjoy our sexual desires and by reading story we want to arouse our inner sexual sense so write me whatever u think after reading my story. I am quite pretty girl. 36-24-36, tall, fair and long silky hair, brown eyes just like Rani Mukharji!! That time I was in my...

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College Changes a Boy Part 2

College Changes a Boy - Part 2 Taylor Jordan AUTHOR's UPDATE: I'm incredibly flattered by all the compliments on Part 1. That encouragement has inspired me to write more. I intend to write several chapters, as long as there seems to be interest in the story. Part 2 appears below, and I'm nearing completion on Part 3, with more to come. One of my readers was kind enough to send me photos that could depict my characters. Thank you, Michael! I've also added a few photos that I've found....

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The Troubled Celestial RiverChapter 5

After the weeks-long vacation from work Hiro was eager to arrive at Kuniumi to start the next chapter in his life. Ship travel was not to his liking, despite the opportunity to spend time with so many colleagues he had previously been apart from. During FTL travel everyone was cut off from everything outside the ship, from the colony, from the other ships, and from what had been transpiring in the Confederacy. One existed in a bubble of ignorance, and that was disquieting to Hiro. When the...

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Miss Callahan Ch 13

Time seems to stand still for a minute as we all just stand there awkwardly. My heartbeat is so fast, I can feel it ramming itself against my chest. I know I should be the first to speak but I feel paralyzed between Jackie’s glare and the woman standing behind me.The sight of Jackie’s face moving from angry to crushed causes a wave of guilt to crash into me all at once. This is not how I wanted her to find out and I know I should have just told her when I had the chance in the bar last...

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The Wardens Whore IIChapter 2

Becky lay on her back on the warden’s desk with Hannah busily devouring her tender breasts. Becky was in heaven, enjoying Hannah’s hot mouth and warm tongue playing over her hard, stiff nipples. She was moaning and writhing and grasping at the desk edge as the sensations began to take control of her mind. But as much fun as he was having watching Becky squirm, he knew she could do more. He didn’t want her to just squirm and moan ... he wanted her to beg! Grabbing Hannah by her auburn hair,...

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Wife Trained Abused and Bought Back

My name is Sanya. At least that is my name today. I do not know what it will be tomorrow or six months from now, but that matters little. It shouldn't matter at all. Not to you. I will try to tell you everything you need to make you cum. Knowing that while I'm writing this, I have a vibrator strapped between my legs and I have to stop every few minutes while I cum. It turns me on to describe to you that I am not good for anything but abuse and humiliation. It turns me on, it makes me hot....

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 20

What with one thing and another, it was another week before Mark could get out with Cumulus for some serious training, even though he'd begun sooner. He'd begun with trying to teach Cumulus the difference between "Gee" and "Haw" -- right and left, respectively, in animal driving, although Mark had to call down to a guy near Albany River who had a draft horse team to confirm it for himself. Mostly, the training at this point came when Mark and Cumulus went for their runs; Mark would...

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RuneswardChapter 63 Ground Forces

Radu stopped outside the chamber, his hand coming to rest on the sill of a window. For a moment, he reflected on the beauty of the stained glass. Its theme was a simple hunt, with a bowman, his dog at his side caught in the middle of a bark, and his arrow pointed at a distant deer. It was an uncomplicated scene and Radu had always enjoyed looking at it. It was a picture of a simple, joyful moment caught in glass. A simple scene for simpler times. Sadly, the simpler times were fading...

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Lynns Next Sexcapade

"Really, you're not upset about my being so slutty or wanting to have sex with a dog. "My reply was "No, I get hard just thinking about you with a dog or fucking a group of young boys." "Didn't you say something about a Gloryhole, last night?" "Yes." "What's that?" I explained that at the adult bookstores they have movie booths and in the walls there are holes that go thru to other booths and guys will stick their cocks thru hoping for a hand job or blow...

4 years ago
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True story

Tom in sw1ONLY for older men.The older the BETTER.Fuck suck wank and spank.CmnmMassagePhotos filmsA regular group organised at a friends in sw1Replying to my ad, he said he was mid 60s lived in London and was looking for a relaxing time for a couple of hours.We arranged a Wednesday evening, I asked if he wanted or needed anything bringing, he said just yourself.I arrived and was offered the usual drink and invited to freshen up, which I always do even if I have just showered and had a sauna...

1 year ago
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I love computers. I’ve loved them for a long, long time. I’ve been designing them for over forty years. My computers make machines tick and make me enough money to do whatever the hell I feel like doing, which usually has something to do with a computer. Because of my work and my familiarity with the little devils, I get a little deeper into them than the average user. Sometimes it comes in pretty handy. My granddaughter Sara got sent to live with me because she was simply raising too much...

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