The Pretend He Couldn't PretendChapter 7 free porn video

Vera Wang's Design House
Manhattan, NY
6 days and counting
Micheal walks out the bathroom, feeling and looking, like death warmed over. Sweating profusely, dark circles under her eyes, nauseous, dizzy, and with a headache big enough to make her feel like ripping off her own head just to make it stop. "Sweetie, come over and sit down. You look awful. It's just jitters, you should've seen me when I was about to marry Charles. I was throwing up right up until the time I was supposed to walk down the aisle. My poor father, he" Micheal jumps up running for the bathroom covering her mouth, hoping she'll make it, slamming the door behind her.
Margaret looks up at Emily on the pedestal wearing her floor length silk, strapless, lavender dress with Vera leaning over adjusting the hem. Both looking at the door as if they could hear Micheal puking her guts out. "Nerves" Margaret announces smiling reassuringly. They both nod and continue like they never saw Micheal running for the bathroom. Micheal comes back over and sits in the chair, apologizing to everyone. Margaret takes her hand, patting it, smiling at her. "You wouldn't happen to have any Tylenol or anything?" she asks hopefully. Micheal smiles at everyone racing for their respective purses searching for whatever they might have to make her stop throwing up. Parker wins the mad dash presenting Micheal with a bottle of Motrin. "Thank you." Micheal says popping the top and shakes out four into her palm. She tosses the pills in her mouth reaching down to her bottle of water beside her chair, chugging the cool liquid.
Micheal steps up onto the pedestal in her silk slip of a wedding dress, feeling her stomach churning. She closes her eyes and tries to think of anything other than food at this moment. "Micheal have you lost some weight? This fit you tight just last week?" Vera asks concerned. "That's about the time I started getting sick, I've become a wedding bulimic." she answers, her voice scratchy and raw sounding. Micheal breaks out into a cold sweat and the room starts to get amazingly hot and small. "I'm not feeling so good. Can I sit down for a second?" she mumbles starting to sway. Everyone rushes to catch her as she falls off the pedestal toward the earth. Margaret feels her head and her fever almost burns her hand, "Emily, go get a cold rag! Hurry!" I and Parker help Margaret slip her dress off handing it to Vera as Emily returns rag in hand. Margaret starts wiping down her body trying to lower her body temperature.
Micheal wakes up dizzy and disoriented. "What happened?" she mumbles trying to sit up. "You just lay still OK. You passed out. I think you might have the flu. You have a fever. How long have you been feeling sick like this?"
"About a week. I figured it's just nerves like you said earlier. It can't be the flu because Jarod would be sick too, especially with the way he kisses." she surmises since he's not sick. "Maybe you should go to the doctor." Parker suggests leaning over her, looking at her pale sweaty skin. "I'll be fine in a minute. I probably just passed out cause I haven't eaten today." Micheal sits up from the cold hardwood floor. Margaret helps her sit in a chair and I hands her a new bottle of water. "I, would you go get her a coke. She needs something with sugar I think. Ya'know something with a high calorie content."
"Sure" I runs to the door, heading for the kitchen area of the design house.
"I can't believe the first time in my life that I don't have to count calories is right before I get married. Is that irony or what?" she jokes while sipping the can of cola, already feeling better. "Alright give the dress back and let's try this again." she says standing up from her seat with her hand out. "Micheal the dress is ready you don't need to try it on again, or come back. I'll bring it with me to your house about 4 hours early to help with any problems you or the others might have. You just go home and rest cause I'm sure you've been running yourself ragged getting this thing together." Vera says smiling, the dress draped over her crossed arms. "Yeah I have. Maybe I'll just go home and to bed or something."
"I'll make sure of it. Don't you worry." Margaret says hugging her shoulders. "I'm sorry Vera."
"Don't be, you're not the first one to get sick here and I'm sure you won't be the last. You should've seen me when I was pregnant and had the fall collection to put out at the same time. I wore a permanent path to the bathroom." Vera comments starting to laugh.
Margaret, Emily, Micheal and I climb out the car walking up to the house, before anyone opens the door Micheal turns to face them, "Alright you guys. I want each of you to promise you won't say anything about what happened today to Jarod. I mean it Margaret. He worries about everything and like you said it's just the flu so, nothing, not a peep OK?" They all agree and Micheal opens the door to the smell of food making her stomach jump. Micheal runs pushing her father out of her way in the hallway heading for the bathroom.
Micheal lays in their bed, the blankets pulled up to her neck, shivering like she's in the artic or something. Then suddenly breaks out into a sweat, kicking the covers off of her and Jarod, who's asleep beside her oblivious to her hot and cold flashes. Micheal looks over to the clock, 3:17 a.m. She gets up knowing she won't be able to sleep, her insomnia, keeping her up again. "3rd time this damn week." she mutters shuffling out their bedroom heading down stairs to the kitchen.
She opens the fridge looking at all the food, trying to figure out if she's hungry. Micheal pulls out a Tupperware container, opening the top. She quirks her lips looking at the hour' derves left over from the party Myrtle threw for her and Jarod 2 nights ago. She sits down at the table with the container and a carton of orange juice and proceeds to stuff her face with lobster puffs, mini-quiches and tiny sandwiches she guesses are made of cream cheese and pineapple. Micheal suddenly jumps up running back upstairs and to their bedroom. She comes back down about 5 minutes later and sits in the seat eating absently and then realizes she's eaten the entire container. Micheal picks up the empty container turning it over and shaking it, not believing she ate the whole thing.
She puts the lid back on it and puts it back in the fridge and prays no one notices. She refills her glass and puts the juice back as well. She shuffles around down stairs, trying to wear herself out enough to where she'll be able to sleep for a few hours. She starts yawning and makes her way back upstairs to their bedroom. Micheal tosses her robe on the foot of the king-size bed then climbs in. Jarod rolls over and leans against her back draping his arm across her waist. She lightly scratches his fore-arm, back and forth, as she lays there starting to get sleepy. She checks the clock, 5:21 a.m., before she drifts off.
Jarod wakes up to the sunlight coming in the window shining on his face. He lifts his hand laying it across his face. He runs his other hand up Micheal's back and to her hair. He gently strokes her hair, gentle enough not to wake her. He finally looks down and finds her drooling on his chest, snoring softly, dead to the world. He'd never seen her sleeping so hard before. It almost looks like she's passed out, he thinks, starting to move her over. Jarod rolls her off him and she doesn't even move or wake up, which he thinks is strange. She should at least move a little.
He finishes getting ready for work and kisses her cheek before heading downstairs for breakfast. Jarod walks into the kitchen and finds everyone up, dressed and talking around the kitchen table. He pours himself a cup of coffee and sits down beside Vincent. "Where's Micheal?" Em asks between sips of her own cup of coffee. "I left her sleeping. She must really be tired. When I woke up I found her drooling and snoring." starting to laugh at catching her snoring with all the grief she'd given him about it. "Well with her not fe" Em stops abruptly and sips her coffee praying that no one was paying attention to her. "With her not what?" Vincent asks a little concerned. "Oh well she told me that she's not been sleeping all that well lately. Ya' know the wedding and everything." Margaret lies, smiling at them. Em looks over at her mother shocked that she is even capable of lying but proud of how she covered for her.
Jarod looks at his watch getting up from the table, "Well I'd better get going. Tell Micheal I'll be home early tonight. I've kinda been neglecting her lately. So, I figure we can spend tonight together, go out to eat or something." He leaves the kitchen and Vincent waits until he's sure he's gone before starting his interrogation. "Alright, now someone's going to tell me what she doesn't want Jarod to know." he announces, making Margaret and Emily look at each other. "Well, she just said we couldn't tell Jarod. She didn't say anything about anyone else." Emily comments looking at her mother shrugging. "She's been sick for over a week." Margaret says informing her father. "Yeah, she passed out when we were at our last fitting." Emily adds frowning a little. Vincent starts getting really worried as the two continue telling him of just exactly how sick she is. "I'm going to make an appointment with her doctor for today. She shouldn't have asked you not to tell Jarod. He would have at least made her go to the doctor."
"Vincent, I think it's just the flu and nerves about the wedding. Everyone gets the jitters, I was a wreck for a whole month before mine. So was Charles but if it will make you feel better make her see the doctor. I'm sure it's nothing." Margaret assumes smiling.
Micheal shuffles into the kitchen and sees her father's face and turns around heading back up stairs. "No young lady, you come back here right now. You aren't married yet and your still my daughter." Vincent says sternly, making Micheal turn back to the kitchen. She flops down in a chair, glaring at Margaret and Emily, knowing they ratted her out to her father. "You stop that right now. You should have told me about you not feeling well the second you got sick the first time."
"But Daddy"
"Don't 'But Daddy' me. You have an appointment with Dr. Lewis at 2 sharp and I will be accompanying you just to make sure you go."
"Fine" she says hatefully. "Don't start little girl." he warns frowning at her. Margaret and Emily frown at each other not wanting to get her in trouble, which is what they did.
Vincent sits in the waiting room, nervously flipping a magazine, waiting on Micheal and the Doctor. A nurse walks out looking for "Mr. Mancini" Vincent stands up and follows the nurse into the Doctor's office. He sees Micheal sitting in one of the leather armchairs and Dr. Lewis sitting behind his desk. "Ah Vincent, it's so good to see you again." he says smiling holding out his hand. Vincent smiles back shaking the offered hand. "So, how's my little girl?" "Oh, she's fine. I'm sure you were worried about the leukemia returning but let me assure you, she's still in complete remission. It's probably just the flu. She told me she's getting married in a couple of days. That's wonderful, I'm sure he's a wonderful man other wise I'm sure she wouldn't be marrying him."
"Yes he is. He's very good for her as well. I think that's why she didn't tell him about being sick. He worries about her, you know."
They stand up leaving the office and the doctor stops Micheal, "Just do as I told you and you should be feeling better in no time." he says smiling. "Thanks Doc, will do." she answers brightly, smiling back, before leaving.
Micheal walks into the kitchen and hears Bell fussing about how someone ate all the hor'derves she was planning to use as appetizers for dinner tonight. Micheal pours a glass of warm coke and sits down at the table sipping it, yawning every now and then. "There you are. I've been looking every where for you." Jarod exclaims finally finding her. He walks up to her bending down and kissing her. Micheal starts deepening the kiss wrapping her arms around his neck. He pulls back a little out of breath, "Man, what was that for?"
"Just because I love you." she answers smiling brightly. "Come on I want us to go out tonight."
"Would you be mad if I didn't want to?"
"Are you sick or something?" Micheal freezes "You always want to go out." he finishes making her relax. "I'm just really tired." She stands up in front of him wrapping her arms around his waist, "How bout if we just veg out in front of the TV tonight. Ya'know snuggle up and watch a movie or something." she proposes smiling.
They lay on the couch together with Jarod channel-surfing, trying to find something interesting to watch for longer than 5 minutes. He looks down and is surprised to find her already asleep. He finds a movie on that looks pretty good and drops the remote to the floor and wraps his arms around her as he watches 'Lethal Weapon 4'. He starts laughing at how one guy made the other strip and dance like a chicken as a distraction, then remembers she's asleep and tries to stop, letting a chuckle slip out every now and then.
The movie ends and he gropes around on the floor trying to find the remote. Finally finding it, he cuts off the TV and shifts Micheal's sleeping body to where he can get up. Jarod lifts her up in his arms and carries her upstairs. He notices how much lighter she feels but, dismisses the thought considering he hasn't picked her up for awhile and maybe she was always this light.
Micheal wakes up and finds she's in bed, with Jarod laying against her back, stirring a little. She gets up out of the bed, heading for the shower. She washes as she thinks in just 4 days she'll be Mrs. Jarod Russell. She smiles at the thought of having his name. "Damn, now I'll have 3." she groans out. "3 what?" Jarod asks, poking his head in the shower door, with his toothbrush sticking out the corner of his mouth. "Names" Micheal answers reaching for the shampoo. "Huh?" not following her train of thought. "Mancini, Corleone, and Russell." she clarifies rubbing the shampoo into her hair. "Oh," Jarod closes the door starting to brush his teeth again, "Which one are you going to go by!" he yells so she can hear him over the shower. "I guess I have to go by all of them!" she yells back rinsing the shampoo out. She turns off the water and opens the door seeing him leaning against the counter looking at her, "What?"
"Why do you have to go by all of them?" he asks confused. Micheal grabs a towel and wraps it around her, "Well I can drop Mancini but I have to keep Corleone, for now anyway, because of Immobarlarie"
"Oh, for a second I thought you didn't want to use my name."
Micheal steps over and gives him a quick kiss, "Stop acting silly. Of course I want your name. That's the whole reason for getting married. Which reminds me, have you written your vows yet? Only 4 days left before You start calling me 'the-old-ball-and-chain'." she teases wetting her toothbrush, starting to brush her teeth. "Oh don't you worry about it. And besides I'd never call you that. You're definitely 'Old lady' material" he comments slapping her ass as he walks out the bathroom, making her almost choke on the toothpaste.
Micheal walks out of the bathroom holding her toothbrush in her hand, with the other on her hip. "Excuse me?" she demands. Jarod turns around and burst out laughing, "Oh no, I've already got you foaming at the mouth." he snickers out, commenting on the toothpaste in the corners of her mouth. "Just you watch it. Or you might have a very lonely honeymoon." she warns pointing her toothbrush at him, flicking toothpaste on the floor. Which just makes him laugh harder at how ludicrous this whole conversation is turning out to be. She stomps back into the bathroom finishing brushing her teeth. She starts rinsing her mouth and it makes her extremely nauseous. She kicks the door shut and Jarod just looks at the closed door. He shrugs and buttons up his jeans as he walks out the bedroom.
The night before the wedding
6:48 p.m.
Vincent sits a blindfolded Jarod into a chair, smiling over at Paulie. He jerks the covering off his eyes and Jarod squints, his eyes trying to adjust to the blinding lights. They finally adjust and his mouth drops open at the totally nude women dancing in front of him on a stage. "You brought me to a strip bar?" He spins in his seat looking back at Vincent and Paulie, who are just smiling beginning to laugh. Paulie slaps him on the shoulder, "It's tradition. Your poor brother I think is in shock." Paulie laughs out pointing to JJ sitting in a chair, his eyes bugging out of his head with Charles trying to cover them with his hand.
JJ keeps dodging his father's hand, gawking at the naked women in front of him. "Dad, I'll make you a deal. I won't tell Mom where we went if you'll stop trying to cover my eyes." Charles thinks about it for a second then drops his hand starting to sip his beer. JJ turns back to the beautiful dancing women in front of him, simming all kinds of scenarios in his head, "Ya' know an imagination is a wonderful thing." JJ comments to Dad smiling, watching a blonde leaning down in front of him, stroking his cheek.

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