RedemptionChapter 34 free porn video

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Tuesday, the next to last day of December, started with a mix of humor and tenderness. Dex was already in the gym when Morgan and Elise pretty much staggered in. He almost laughed and was about to ask why they had bothered, but he noticed a hint of contentment showing through the sleep fog on Elise's face. That was definitely a good thing, so he held his peace. There was no question the two would be returning to bed after breakfast to replace the sleep time they must have talked away through the night. To their credit, neither woman was grouchy, and they showed admirable determination as they finished their workouts.

Not thinking it necessary to tell anyone else, Jeannette had invited Harv to come early for breakfast. She had become so comfortable herself with the 'family casual' mode of dress for breakfast, that it never occurred to her that it might cause some embarrassment.

Yesterday, her first day of work, Sandie had done her hair and makeup, then eaten breakfast before donning her work outfit. Since the ultra-shyness of her first day, she had worn just a rather revealing nightie to breakfast. Reminiscent of Kirstin, the freedom to join the group so scantily clad seemed to be important to her.

Only Jeannette was in the kitchen when Harv arrived. She wore only a nightie, as well, but it was more demure than the one Sandie preferred. Harv was drinking coffee and chatting amiably with Jeannette when Sandie emerged from the stairway with Eric right behind her. Sandie saw Harv and gasped. Her sound made him look toward her and jump to his feet.

Although Sandie was probably unaware of it, as she came out of the stairwell, the patio door to the deck was directly behind her. The morning light through her flimsy garment gave the impression that she was naked, surrounded by a halo. Her surprise was such that Harv was given a momentary visual snapshot of the beautiful tableau before she could cover up and duck back behind the wall of the stairwell.

There being no universally accepted measurement scale for embarrassment, it would have been hard to say who was the most affected. Jeannette realized instantly that she had made a big mistake. Harv felt terrible for Sandie, and was ashamed of the unmistakable twitching in his crotch that the view had caused. Sandie was temporarily incapable of thought. Only Eric seemed able to keep things together.

Jeannette started to cry as she dashed after Sandie, further confusing Harv, and she literally bumped into Sandie, who was standing only a couple of steps down, out of sight. As Jeanette started to apologize, Sandie put her hand over the distraught older woman's mouth and actually gave her a mischievous smile. Now totally confused, Jeanette stood motionless as Sandie made the sign for silence.

"God, Eric! I had no idea," Harv lamented. "She must feel terrible! Damn, things were so nice, and now she won't want to speak to me! Why? I mean the nightie and..." Eric carefully explained about the self-image issues and how well Sandie had responded. "Shit!" Harv exclaimed with feeling, "now I've probably set her back! I just hope I never meet that asshole husband of hers. I don't think I'd like jail very much." Eric tried to assure Harv that it was not his fault and that Sandie would not be angry at him, but with little affect.

"I'd better call and see if I can roust out another driver. I don't want her to be late, but she won't want..." Harv was interrupted by Sandie's voice.

"You mean you don't want to drive me any more?" Still in just the nightie, Sandie walked right up to him and looked him in the face.

"Oh, Sandie, I'm so sorry, I didn't..." Harv started.

"I'm not! I learned an awful lot about you just now, and it's all good." Wrapping her arms around him, she ordered him "Hug!!" The others who joined the two at breakfast had no need of sugar, syrup, or jam to sweeten their toast, coffee, or whatever.

When it was time for Sandie to leave, Morgan was about to put her through the drill again, but Jeanette saw it and frantically pulled her granddaughter aside and gave her a quick review of what had happened. Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Morgan just hugged Sandy and wished her a great day.

Barely outside Dex's gate, Harv pulled over and parked. He looked straight ahead, marshaling his thoughts to say what was on his mind, but Sandie beat him to it. "Do you think I'm a brazen exhibitionist?"

"I think you're delightful, unbelievable!" She beamed, and there was silence for a little longer.

"So, Eric told you why I was, um, barely covered for breakfast."

"Yes, he did. You're a gutsy girl, Sandie. It's hard to imagine what you've been through."

"You, um, weren't turned off by how I look in the morning?" There was a hint of a plea in Sandie's voice.

"Turned off!? What I wouldn't give to see that sight every morn... Shit! Me and my big mouth! I'm sorry, Sandie."

"Harv, if I can show you everything, don't be afraid to tell me everything, OK?"

After another pause, Harv dove right in. "You know, sometimes in the Service, a guy would meet a girl on leave and come back married. I never understood it. Now, I'm starting to."

"Harv, somebody very wise told me to treat this like it was forever until one of us decided it was not. I'd like to stick around until you're tired of me."

"Tired of you? Couldn't happen, Angel!" He hadn't meant to say 'Angel, ' but that was the impression still on his mind from the sight of her earlier, and it just popped out.

As he signed for his belongings at the jail early Tuesday morning, Craig was working hard to keep his anger in check. There was still enough rationality left in him to know that blowing up on county employees would get him nothing but another night's stay. The cost of bailing his Lexus out of the impound lot was trivial compared to the wad he habitually carried, but it was one more piece of fuel for his anger. The leisurely pace of the lot attendant was like throwing lighter fluid on his ire. After barely kissing a hydrant with his bumper as he peeled away, he pulled over and forced himself to calm down before continuing.

Craig was a promoter, a deal-maker, a closer. Contemplation, particularly of himself, was not in his nature. If it had been, the changes in him over the last year or so would have alarmed him. When he had started his little skimming tricks, he had felt invincible. Several years laundering for the mob had made him rich, and he was sure he was absolutely indispensable to them. By the time he realized how stupid and trivial his skimming was, it was already a death sentence if discovered.

Even without contemplation, the reality of his situation had finally sunk in, scaring him badly. He had become a frightened bully, a species ranked among the most despicable on the planet. Megan had been a convenient outlet for his bottled up fear and rage, and her escape and fighting back had accelerated his deterioration.

Alex Kokchek was very tough. Only the very tough got to be metro bosses and stayed there. Craig Wallace was his find - his creation. It had been acclaimed as an innovative approach to laundering, and the association had been extremely profitable for all parties. Though dapper in appearance, Alex was a reserved, calculating sort. Meticulous planning and covering all angles where what had brought him his success.

Alex and Craig had become friends of sorts. At least, they spent a fair amount of social time together. Being the boss, it was not comfortable for Alex to socialize with underlings, and he knew few people who were not in the business. Craig was more an associate or a contractor than an underling. Besides, he had in spades the hard partying personality that Alex lacked but secretly envied.

Just two weeks ago, Alex's nice setup had started to unravel when Craig's bitch boogeyed on him. Not that Alex gave a shit about Craig's wife, except that he never got that long-promised roll with her. Why her escape had Craig so bent out of shape, he could not understand. Sure, she was choice, but Craig had always seemed as cavalier about his women as Alex himself was. Hell, he had his previous wife offed without a tear.

Well, whatever was screwing up Craig's head, Alex had to get things back on an even keel quickly. He did not want to see the money flow stop. It was now expected of him, and it would be Hell trying to set up a new arrangement. It did not help that Craig had stewed all night in jail, but Alex had been under strict orders not to pull any more legal strings for a while. He was waiting rather glumly for Craig's call, as he had received word of the release.

"Why the hell didn't you get me out?" Craig yelled, not even waiting for a 'hello' when Alex picked up his call.

"Dammit, Craig, not on the phone. Your office, right away."

"Hey, wait!"

"I said, not on the phone!"

For some reason, Alex had not considered the possibility of Craig's office being bugged, so he talked freely when the two met there several minutes later.

"We let you sit in jail because you didn't follow orders. We're not going to jeopardize our judge on you any more when you're thinking with your dick."

"That was humiliating!"

"What's humiliating is when they fish your body out of the river. This shit has got to end! Either you sign that deal and get over the cunt, or our business arrangement is terminated. I think you know what that means!"

"But she'll get half a mil!"

"No she won't, she'll get one mil! You can afford the money, but we can't afford anyone checking your assets. You got that?"

"Dammit, Alex! You need my deals! We've got a sweet thing going here."

"I know that as well as you do! But you're making way too much noise, and attention is the last thing we want. Now, you have the million in your lawyer's account before the banks close today, and tell him you're ready to sign. That's not negotiable! Do you understand?"

"After all the money I made you, you're just selling me out like that?"

"Craig, it's a business, remember. You're starting to look like less of an asset and more of a liability." Craig followed Alex out the door, and Alex tried to soften the blow a little as they approached his car. "Here, just to show you it's nothing personal." Alex handed him a slip of paper with 'J.D. Madison' and Dex's address on it.

"What's this?"

"Where she's staying. I just found it out. Now, don't do anything stupid, got it?"

As Alex drove off, he nodded to two men parked in sight of Craig's car. The two settled in for a long day of tailing Craig.

Randy had been monitoring the bugs and called Dex as soon as he lost sound from Craig's office. Dex called his hacker friends immediately. This was their perfect chance to discover the codes and procedures to hijack Craig's Cayman account.

Morgan was a little upset with herself. Ten days ago she was a virgin and thought she was fine with that. Now she was climbing the walls just because she hadn't had a cock in her for three days. She was very tired after her extended talk with Elise the night before. Her mind told her she should just go and take a nap. Her mind also knew it would lose out to the hormones that were pulling her toward Eric's room.

It was a while after breakfast, and Eric had gone back to his room, presumably to get some more sleep. When Morgan eased his door open, she saw him sleeping on his side toward one edge of the bed, facing the center. Dropping her clothes, she was about to slide in with Eric when she mentally swore at herself, then put her clothes back on and headed to Dex's room. He was in the office on the phone, so she took a condom from the nightstand, then went back for two more without him noticing her.

Back in Eric's room, Morgan laid the packets on the stand, undressed again, then slid carefully into the bed with her back to his front, close but not touching. Not quite sure what to do next, she amazed herself by deciding that a nap would be great, and waking up should be very interesting. She was asleep in less than a minute, her soft snores mingling with Eric's.

Dex was a bit startled to see Elise standing in his office doorway when he hung up from his hacker friends. To his quizzical look, Elise said "Can I tell you about 'before?'" He guided her to the loveseat and sat beside her. Still being careful of her reactions, he held out his hand palm up. She gave him a wan smile and put her hand in his.

"I take it you had a good talk with Morgan last night?" Dex asked.

"Mmm Hmm. I keep telling you all these sad things about me, but do you know I haven't had a close woman friend since my college roommate?"

"Well, you couldn't pick a better friend than Morgan."

"I wish I could get over this feeling that I'm coming between you and her," Elise lamented.

"Has Morgan said something about that?" When Elise shook her head, Dex pressed further. "Have I let on I thought you were doing that?" Again, she indicated 'no.'

"From our very first time," Dex explained, "Morgan and I were clear about no commitment and no regrets. I meant it, and I believe she did, too. That doesn't mean it's easy, but we both think it's right. Look, I met Morgan two weeks ago tonight. I've known you, what, five years or more? Morgan and I shared an intense week or so, but you and I have a lot of life experiences that draw us together."

"I'm sure you and Morgan have talked about my demons. I think she knows those demons would have kept me from ever marrying her." Dex saw the implied question in Elise's eyes, and it tore at his guts. He put his head in his hands with his elbows on his knees and sat motionless for a while before softly saying "I know what you want to ask. I just don't know the answer, yet." Both were silent a while longer before Dex sat up, took her hand again, and told her "Hey, you came to talk about happy things. Tell me about 'before.'"

For an hour and a half, Elise told the story of an amazingly typical All-American girl. Family, girlfriends, boyfriends, scholastic honors, music, sports, scholarships, the whole nine yards. At the beginning, her recounting was reserved, almost apologetic. As time went on, she became more and more animated. Sometimes, she took his hand in both of hers and bounced it up and down in excitement. That reminded him of Amy as a little girl. At other times, she had a faraway look and a contented expression. A few events evoked tears during her telling. Only a couple of times did she exhibit any bitterness.

It took no effort at all for Dex to listen to every word and examine every expression. Minute by minute, his whole mental image of Elise was being redrawn. The new version was almost hypnotic in the way she drew him in. Along with the strength, brilliance, caring, and determination he admired so much in the old image, he could now see & feel the imagination, the gaiety, the loyalty, and the joy of the new image. Had she really hidden this image from him, or had he just been blind?

Elise eventually fell silent, and Dex took a small chance. He put his hand under her chin and turned her face up toward his. "I am so glad to finally meet you, Elise Padilla!"

That was probably the perfect place for a tender embrace and a loving first kiss. That was definitely what Dex wanted, and he was pretty sure Elise did, too. He had promised to let her take the lead, however, and he would keep his promise. His hand on her face was already a new level of contact. For just an instant, she seemed to move her face toward his, but only lowered her eyes and blushed. Claiming the need for a bathroom visit, she was the one to break the moment.

It was some time past mid-morning when awareness very slowly returned to Eric. He had just established enough motor control to effect a small stretch, and was thrown into drowsy confusion when his leg encountered another body. That hastened his waking enough so he could first wonder why his mother was still home in bed, then clearly remember her floating out the door on Harv's arm earlier.

Morgan! Smell, aura, logical deduction: for whatever reason, Eric was absolutely certain she was beside him. Two things happened instantly upon recognition of his bed partner. A great feeling of warmth welled up in his heart. His mother had been his introduction to sex, and she would forever be exciting in a unique way. Morgan, however, was his introduction to open, uninhibited sexuality. Her healthy, luxuriantly padded body would forever pop first into his mind at the word sexy. There was more than sexuality to Morgan, however. The care and the respect she had shown him and his mother caused him to love her like few people he had known.

Along with the feeling of warmth welling up in Eric's heart, an even stronger welling up occurred at his groin. Just a week earlier, his erection would have been cause for shame and a little self-loathing. No longer. He pushed his crotch forward, pleased that his cock encountered what could only be Morgan's ass. Moving the rest of his body forward, he reached his upper arm over her, and carefully worked his hand around until it cradled her bare tit. Having learned the positive results of boldness from his mother, he wriggled himself into maximum contact along her length.

Eric realized with a little dismay that his shorts and shirt prevented the skin to skin contact that he really wanted. Unwilling to remove the hand from her tit, he contrived to unsnap his shorts and push them down with his underneath hand. That accomplished, he pushed his cock down so it pushed upward against her crack, almost coming from the thrill of that contact.

The extra motion from Eric's disrobing and repositioning was enough to rouse Morgan. In the middle of her stretch, she breathed out "Oh, Honey, I knew you'd be good.

Still stretching a little, Morgan sat up and reached for a condom, then turned and rolled Eric onto his back. "I'll put this one on, then we'll teach you, OK?" she told him, almost panting in anticipation as she tore open the packet.

Morgan had the condom over Eric's tip and was about to roll it down when she stopped and pulled it away. Grabbing his T-shirt, she pushed it up and worked it off over his head and arms. "I hope this isn't a favorite," she said as she wrapped the shirt around his cock and stroked vigorously. Her decision had been correct, as he soiled the shirt after twelve or fifteen strokes. Keeping the shirt around him with one hand, she leaned over his face. "I would have done it with my mouth, but I wanted to kiss you."

The searing kiss Morgan laid on Eric should have fried his circuits. Instead, he returned it kilowatt for kilowatt, and reached his hand to her pussy. Sensing her mood correctly, he skipped the teasing caresses and tentative probes. He grasped both her labia together and pulled on them while squeezing firmly. When she squealed through the kiss and pushed her crotch down onto his hand, he rolled a nipple with the other hand.

The dual stimulation had Morgan squirming around, emitting little squeals and moans. On impulse, she moved over his crotch and held his cock at her entrance, ready to impale herself.

"Morgan! Morgan! I love you like crazy, but I'm not quite ready to marry you, yet!"

"Oh, damn!" She scrabbled around impatiently, looking for the condom she had set down. Failing to find it in the first three seconds, she lunged over to the night stand for a different one. Her hands were shaking as she got it on him with more determination than technique. Technique was still not her concern as she got back in position over him and worked her way down.

It had now been a few minutes since Morgan had milked Eric, and the activities since, even putting on the condom, had worked his arousal to the verge of coming again. Fortunately for Morgan, his aggressive fondling of her, on top of three days of celibacy, had left her with a short journey to ecstasy, as well.

When Eric was barely sheathed enough to prevent falling out, Morgan started moving up and down rapidly. By the time she was all the way down on him, his mouth fell open in disbelief at how fast she was moving. His awe probably helped forestall his ejaculation for a while, but there was nothing stopping Morgan. In a short time, even for her, she clamped down hard on him, then shook vigorously. Just watching her would likely have taken him over, so erotic was the sight. Her internal movements around him made it for sure, and he jetted forcefully into the condom.

All of her energy had gone into that climax, and Morgan collapsed forward onto Eric's slight frame, stretching out to lay completely on top of him. After they panted in chorus for a little while, Eric began running his hands very lightly over the slopes of her ass cheeks.

"I think I said this once before, but you're just like Dex."

"I hope you still mean that in a good way," he responded. After a bit of silence, he asked "Is it going to be tough for you, always having to compare every guy to Dex?"

"Hmmm. He was my first, and maybe it wasn't good to start right out with the best. Could make for lots of disappointments, couldn't it?"

"Am I a disappointment?"

"Not in the least. Not in the least. Especially your recovery powers!" With that, she began wriggling against him with the clear intent of bringing him back to hardness.

"God, Morgan! You could give a corpse a hardon! Uh, let me get the condom off or we'll have a mess here." Giggling, she made him work to get unsheathed, refusing to stop or even ease off on her sexy writhing. The filled condom was no sooner off than she sat up and gave him a fresh one. Her stimulation had worked beautifully, and it was time for his first lesson. Her less than expert tutelage was not improved by her impatience to get him back inside her, but it did get it securely on. She just knew she was in for a good long fuck after his two ejaculations with her and the high probability of a couple the night before.

Morgan was in no way disappointed when Eric was finally ready to enter her again. She got on her hands and knees and he knew right away what she wanted. Once they were coupled, the vigor of his thrusts belied his slight build, and it was indeed a long ride. What surprised Morgan more than his vigor and endurance was his natural inventiveness. Instead of just stroking, he used all sorts of sideways and rotating motions to get the greatest possible sensation, stimulating her delightfully in the process.

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Hands on Hardcore presents an intense threesome for you to stroke yourself wildly over. Kai Taylor and his hot Hungarian wife, glamour model Isabelle Deltore are in the midst of an afternoon romp and the blonde beauty is caught riding her man’s cock when her best friend, Cayenne Klein comes over and unexpectedly finds the two fucking. Cayenne can’t help but want a piece of Mr Taylor’s huge shaft in her ass, and you get to watch as her anal sex wishes come true. With his wifey...

3 years ago
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jona sister

I was really disappointed. For months I had been anticipating my big sister coming home from college and jumping into my bed. For months I had been planning how I would fuck her and how surprised she would be when she found out what I could do and how much I had grown.Almost every day this spring I had been mounting a full grown woman after I cut her lawn, and every single one of them orgasmed and praised my efforts as well as giving me some money, in fact a lot of money. I was ready, ready and...

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Mistis Adventures Part 197

The following day, the four of them "slept in" until almost 7 in the morning. Mike and Van were awakened by Misti, and Ben and Val were awakened by Sam. It was done, by both, by simply jumping in the bed WITH both pairs of lovers, and kissing them both until they opened their eyesWhen she saw they were both awake, Misti pulled back the covers, to reveal them in their birthday suits. She knew that Mike always slept "in the raw", and figured, knowing her husband so well, that his partner would be...

3 years ago
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The Allure of VirginityChapter 3 The Little Boy Next Door

"The boy next door always looks at me," Lily said. I froze, confused. "Who... me?" "No, not you, silly. The other boy." "What other boy?" She grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs. "I'll show you." In the living room downstairs, I stood near a large window looking outside to the house next door. "Look at the window at the top," Lily said. I poked my head out and had a look. Unlike my house, Lily's other next-door neighbours had a brick house. It was two-stories high...

4 years ago
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Katlas Enslavement Ch 02

Laaous gazed down at the sleeping girl, smiling sadly. When he saw her on the slave block, he was transported back 40 years in his memories. He had seen another white female, and so transfixed by her beauty, he paid all his money to get her. He never regretted his decision, as they had fallen in love. Sadly she contracted a disease and died 5 years later. This girl reminder him so much of his old love he had to buy her, if only to keep from a cruel master. Bringing himself back to the present,...

4 years ago
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A pleasant long night with a BBC

My beloved husband had gone away from town in another boring business trip and I had to work on Monday; so, I could not go with him.Friday night I felt so fucking horny home alone. I played with my cunt under the warm shower and later on I pushed some of my favorite dildos up my wet hot cunt and my very tight asshole…After midnight I was still very aroused and horny; so I checked some mails and looked for some porn site in the net.I met a young black guy and started to chat with him. His name...

2 years ago
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The Artist Is A WizardChapter 5

It took a few moments for the king's daughter to convince him we had rescued her. He dismissed the guards, but only after I had been relieved of my sword. The dagger I was allowed to keep. "You two have my gratitude for rescuing and returning my daughter to me. The best of our wizards has been sent for, but he will not arrive for some little while yet. Tell me, how is it you were able to find her when others couldn't? Also, how did you break the spells in the walls, and use magic to enter...

3 years ago
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Plan To Bring Home Some Creampiecouple

Alex called up my wife to set up a follow-up date after their furious lovemaking in the motel the previous month. He almost desperately told my wife, "Princess, I want to make love to you .I terribly miss you." My wife was shocked by his temerity. She replied, "Huh? Ok... when do you want to go out?" Alex seized the moment and told her, "Let's meet on February 15, the day after Valentine day." My wife was curious about the day and asked, "Why February 15?" Alex laughed and said, "Well, February...

3 years ago
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Blue Balls 1 Introducing Tiffany

Summary - Tiffany plays a naughty trick on her older brother. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes deep psychological damage. This story is provided for...

3 years ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 7

The crew of the Perseus gathered together, each member making their greetings with one another. The general mood of the group was of both relief and thankfulness. Everyone was crying tears of happiness as they all came together in a group hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes, glad they were all still alive. It wasn’t long before they remembered that they were in the presence of an alien tribe and were likely infringing on their home. Korsa spoke, making apologies for their rudeness,...

4 years ago
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Ambushed at Home

Ambushed at home by Danielle P (If you have any ideas on how to continue this story, please send me an email to [email protected]) Please tell me what you think...this is what I call "biographical fantasy" starts off true to life, and then becomes what I wish my life was like. I had been dating my girlfriend for about 18 months when we moved in together. We were a typical yuppie couple, both working in finance and being promoted up the corporate ladder quickly....

2 years ago
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mom and her son

My son was growing up, and as he developed, I couldn’t help but notice what a hot body the young man had. He looked like his father — tall and dark. Judging from the big bulge in his pants, he was probably built like his father, too.Looking at Thomas, I wondered what he did for sex. I knew that he didn’t date a lot of girls, and I brought up visions sometimes of how he looked, lying on his bed, stroking his big, fat cock in his hand. I guessed that just about every mother wondered that about...

4 years ago
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The Beginning of the Domination of Randi 14

Chapter Fourteen:The ladies prepare for their vacation and Jill talks to Jack about Daddy.With about three weeks before Jill left for college, Mike suggested that the three of them go to the Bahamas for two weeks. Both women agreed that it sounded nice, but Randi was worried about how Bill would take it.“Sir, would you consider no cage on Bill while we are gone?” she asked Mike.“Kitten, why do you ask this of me? You know the rules, but if you have a good argument, I will consider it.”“Sir,...

1 year ago
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Hot Shorts Vol 02

Swap Meat I got to the swap meet first thing in the morning, and it had paid off for once. There was a time when I made good money buying vintage video games on the cheap, and then reselling them for a handsome profit online. Unfortunately, a lot of other people had started doing the same thing. That meant the games were harder to come by, more expensive, and went for less in the end. That day, I’d happened across a new seller with a large stack of NES games who had no idea what she had....

3 years ago
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Sex With Neighbor teacher In Mysore

Hello friends! This is Deepak, 26 years from Mysore. This is a true incident related to how I fucked my neighbor aunty which happened few years back when I was PUC (+2). I am extremely interested in girls and aunties. Those who are interested can mail me to and also comments about the story are appreciated. I was very good in my studies but very weak in Mathematics. Somehow I used manage to pass in Maths. But I failed in 12 STD mathematics, so it made me to sit in home for one year. My mom was...

4 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 25

Time: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 3:40 PM “Fresh Dill!” the woman at the lounge entrance yelled out to the kitchen crowd. “I just remembered! Toshi would always put fresh dill on a roast. It’s a great idea, and I forgot. But I know where it is!” She turned around and ran back into the kitchen. Toshi grabbed Mark’s hand and together they ran out of the elevator. The door began to close the instant they left, and just a couple of seconds later Mark and Toshi slipped into the vestibule...

2 years ago
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• He should be half our age • Physically attractive • Very well hung, much bigger than me • Outer sex only. • Needs to be enjoyable for all three • He needs to enjoy watching us • No kissing and no intercourse with the other man. • I can tongue kiss you while another man licks you to orgasm. I can masturbate while another man licks you to orgasm. Other connotations to please you - and me Her reply read: All your rules are fine but one exception you would just have to just watch...

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It was an hour before Futters would open and people would come pouring in through the front door for a chance to have some of the unique services or foods/drinks that Fuuters provided. For example, the creamy milkshake had a huge amount of futa cum, usually the cum would belong to the futa that the customer wanted to taste the cum of. They also did a complimentary facefuck to all new customers and had prices for other facefucks, anal fucking etc. Of course, this is only for people over 18 and...

2 years ago
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A Chance Encounter

Part Two. ‘That’s enough talking for now,’ he said as he kissed me and moved down the bed, kissing and nibbling at my nipples before taking me into his mouth again. I groaned at the pleasure of his hot mouth taking the head of my cock back inside and gently nibbling round it as he sucked. As much as I liked him doing this, I couldn’t wait to come so that I could do the same to him. I came, bucking my hips as my sperm came out into his mouth which he swilled around the head before he swallowed...

1 year ago
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Hades University for Men

Welcome to Hades University, a place of myth, magic, and potent masculinity. You are a first year student, enrolled without your knowledge, by a father you have never known. As you were raised by your human mother, you had no knowledge of you mystical, possibly infernal legacy from your father's side. Suddenly, on your 18th birthday, you started developing in frightening ways that you couldn't begin to explain. Your always doting mother told you she had hoped your genes would have skipped a...

4 years ago
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Hoofdstuk 1. Ik heb een baan gevonden. Eindelijk. Het is wel niet bij ons in de buurt. Maar helemaal in Den Haag. Dus ik moet op kamers gaan wonen. Weg bij mijn ouders in het kleine dorpje ergens in het zuiden. Ik ga naar de grote stad. Dus zet ik een advertentie in een krant. Koop een paar kranten en ga een paar adressen af. Maar het is niet veel bijzonders. Op de advertentie krijg ik een paar brieven. Weer een paar adressen langs. Maar nee, het loopt niet erg. Maar dan komt er...

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Innocent Mother

Hi I'm Jane, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother's gone and my mom's a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. - Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she...

1 year ago
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TeenyTaboo River Lynn Stepdaughter River learns how to cum from Stepdad

When teen River Lynn comes back from her first semester of college she had learned a lot of new stuff. One thing she learned was that most of the college boys don’t know how to give a girl an orgasm. So, when she found out her mom wasn’t going to be home for her first weekend back, she decided to get some help from stepdad. He gave her more help than she was expecting, and after a few minutes she was so happy she did. Soon she was cumming all over his fingers, tongue, and cock....

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FamilyStrokes Fiona Frost Intercepting Slutty Stepdaughter

When Johnny Tattoo notices that his stepdaughter Fiona Frost is wearing slutty outfits, he asks his stepson Nicky Rebel to help him keep an eye on her. Nicky agrees and later that evening he catches Fiona trying to go out so he stops her and confronts her about the way she’s dressed. This is when Fiona tells Nicky that she knows he’s been taking pictures of her while she’s pretending to be asleep and if he wants to fuck her he just needs to ask! Their stepdad catches them in the act and Fiona...

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The Naked InheritanceChapter 21 The Compact

Wendy woke up first. "Cole, wake up. Cole, are you awake yet?" She shook his shoulder and grabbed his penis under the covers. "Cole, you got a very lovely woodie!" She gave it a gentle squeeze Cole shuddered and snapped his eyes open. "Oh man, Wendy, stop that. I got to take a leak. Stop before I go right here in the bed." He rolled over away from her and shoved himself into a sitting position. He was secretly proud of the way his body grew a little stronger every day. Cole grinned as...

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Son of Martha 2 Jim and Su

Hi! My name's Jim Price, and I'm a Son of Martha. You don't know what I mean? It comes from a poem; The Sons of Martha by Rudyard Kipling... "It is their care in all the ages, to take the buffet and cushion the shock, it is their care that the gear engages, it is their care that the switches lock." I wouldn't have known about it, but I was introduced to it by my girlfriend, Petra. I didn't know that poetry could be like that. The poem talks about the people who have to sort things...

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Legion of LightChapter 10 Revolving Doors

We made it to the Meditation Chamber right on schedule, and our session that morning was less an exploration and more of a reinforcement of our connection. We joined, briefly, merging into that many-minds-as-one feeling we had grown to recognize during its fleeting appearances. I always felt sharper and more alive after one of these kind of meditation sessions, but this morning I could tell that everyone was feeling the same way, perhaps even more than normal. Con had not joined us, which...

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I Just Want To Grow Up

I Just Want To Grow Up by Littlemalcolm ------------------------------------------------------------ Malcolm woke up Monday, exactly a week from the first day of 7th grade. He was beyond excited. He was growing up! Finally, he'd be getting the respect he deserved. Before he knew it, he'd be starting highschool! Malcolm was extremely short for his age. Most of the other boys in his grade are a year older and nearly a foot or two taller! He hopped out of bed and strolled into the...

1 year ago
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The Italian Affair

It was in the Italian city of Livorgio that Arabella’s father had his annual business trip; Arabella always tagged along to explore the new bits of Italy. “Father? Do you mind if I go out?” She asked one bright morning. “Not at all Arabella, just be back by six.” At just the ripe age of 18, Arabella set out to find something new and adventurous. In a pink pea coat and gray cloche hat, she began to wander the orange cobblestone streets. She passed several small stores which sold anything from...

First Time
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Sagging Boobs Ugly NipplesChapter 3 Getting Comfortable

The days went by. The condos were three quarters sold, and the building was almost complete. Sherrie and Norma were swamped. The purchasers were all well to do, and demanded the best. David and Charley were spending long hours on furniture designs. Luckily most of the customers were inclined towards traditional furniture and were easy to satisfy. About one out of ten wanted something different, a few were really demanding. Sherrie, Norma, David, and Charley had many meetings to stay on the...

2 years ago
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CATHY. (Ch.1) Hi. My name's Craig. Well actually my full birth name is Craig Ulysses Thomas Eugene Young, but I don't know how long it's going to be, before something takes place to change that fact, because my nickname around the house is "Cutey" which I really hate. I'm 9 years old going on 10 and I live with my mum and have 3 sisters, all of whom are older than me. We live in a quite large house in a suburb called Gordon, which is on the North Shore of Sydney and that's in...

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Policy Violation

Otto glanced at the time in the corner of his screen. Another Friday evening working late, but he had told his boss he would have this ready before he left. One more data set to pull, a half hour of spreadsheet work and he’d be wrapped, he’d be out by 8:30. He could email it before he left and Vince, his VP, would see it on his blackberry. A little obvious, but brownie points were brownie points, and Vince was on his way up, and if Otto could ride that wagon he’d move up with him. At thirty-two...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 35 Visiting

The coronation went well. Four of the five Lords attended. The fifth was the one was who caused a lot of speculation. He had sent word that he was indisposed. They had an illness affecting his people, so they didn’t even send a representative. Ryan told me Lord Mark Metal owned a valley that was further away than many of the others. He was also very old and being indisposed wasn’t something new to them. While the Lords operated the Shires in a rough semi-circle around Weston, Mark’s Shire,...

2 years ago
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Before the Act

My nose brushes against his and my lips graze his stubbly skin. My eyes are closed and I quietly listen to his breathing while my left hand cradles the curve of his head, just above the back of the neck. My fingers graze his hair while I inhale his presence. My right hand is flat against his black hoodie. I can feel his heart beat through the fabric of his clothes. I take a step backward and pull the man by his hoodie towards me. My hands find the sides of his face. My fingertips dance over the...

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Priscilla the Slut

Matt had long found his sister-in-law, Priscilla, very attractive. Married to her sister, Sondra, he had gotten many eyefuls of her voluptuous body. The two sisters were very alike in personality. They also looked much alike in their faces. Both of them had long brown hair and a good tan. But Priscilla was 3 years older than Sondra and Matt at 28. She also had bigger breasts than her sisters. Sondra had a decent pair at 32B, but Priscilla carried her 44DDs very well. She always wore tight...

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Seit etwas mehr als einem Jahr war Tommy Auszubildender. Er hatte damals sehr viel Glück gehabt den Ausbildungsplatz zu bekommen, nicht nur weil er so seinen Traumberuf erlernen konnte, sondern auch weil die Firma als Aushängeschild der Region galt und auf jede offene Stelle unzählige Bewerber kamen. Selbst wenn er seinen Arbeitgeber in Zukunft wechseln wollte, hätte er die bestmögliche Ausgangssituation, da der Betrieb für seinen hohen Ausbildungsstandard bekannt war. Zu diesem Zweck...

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Maryanne is officially knocked up again

I'm having fun with her. Quite often asking "Who's the Daddy?". She has little sense of humor on the subject matter.Readers need to go back to our jointly written story about "Sharing my BBC".After the 1st time with Frederick she did the morning after pill. No black babies for her. I thought that pill wiped her out till her next cycle. Nope. It just negates anything taking hold.I say 1st time because once the d**gstore dipstick showed her loaded, we both had another go at Frederick. We...

3 years ago
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Brandt keeps fucking me

Some days ago I had let Brandt, my good neighbor Shelley nice Lab dog, fuck me in a very hard way as I accidentally bent over close to him.He had fuck me so good, better than my own hubby or my nasty toys…My poor cunt was sore for a couple days after Brandt used me at his will. But a horny pussy like mine needs to be filled and it was not long until I felt better and worked up enough nerve to take his huge dog cock once again. Since the first night he had fuck me, I had left him outside my...

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