RedemptionChapter 34 free porn video

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Tuesday, the next to last day of December, started with a mix of humor and tenderness. Dex was already in the gym when Morgan and Elise pretty much staggered in. He almost laughed and was about to ask why they had bothered, but he noticed a hint of contentment showing through the sleep fog on Elise's face. That was definitely a good thing, so he held his peace. There was no question the two would be returning to bed after breakfast to replace the sleep time they must have talked away through the night. To their credit, neither woman was grouchy, and they showed admirable determination as they finished their workouts.

Not thinking it necessary to tell anyone else, Jeannette had invited Harv to come early for breakfast. She had become so comfortable herself with the 'family casual' mode of dress for breakfast, that it never occurred to her that it might cause some embarrassment.

Yesterday, her first day of work, Sandie had done her hair and makeup, then eaten breakfast before donning her work outfit. Since the ultra-shyness of her first day, she had worn just a rather revealing nightie to breakfast. Reminiscent of Kirstin, the freedom to join the group so scantily clad seemed to be important to her.

Only Jeannette was in the kitchen when Harv arrived. She wore only a nightie, as well, but it was more demure than the one Sandie preferred. Harv was drinking coffee and chatting amiably with Jeannette when Sandie emerged from the stairway with Eric right behind her. Sandie saw Harv and gasped. Her sound made him look toward her and jump to his feet.

Although Sandie was probably unaware of it, as she came out of the stairwell, the patio door to the deck was directly behind her. The morning light through her flimsy garment gave the impression that she was naked, surrounded by a halo. Her surprise was such that Harv was given a momentary visual snapshot of the beautiful tableau before she could cover up and duck back behind the wall of the stairwell.

There being no universally accepted measurement scale for embarrassment, it would have been hard to say who was the most affected. Jeannette realized instantly that she had made a big mistake. Harv felt terrible for Sandie, and was ashamed of the unmistakable twitching in his crotch that the view had caused. Sandie was temporarily incapable of thought. Only Eric seemed able to keep things together.

Jeannette started to cry as she dashed after Sandie, further confusing Harv, and she literally bumped into Sandie, who was standing only a couple of steps down, out of sight. As Jeanette started to apologize, Sandie put her hand over the distraught older woman's mouth and actually gave her a mischievous smile. Now totally confused, Jeanette stood motionless as Sandie made the sign for silence.

"God, Eric! I had no idea," Harv lamented. "She must feel terrible! Damn, things were so nice, and now she won't want to speak to me! Why? I mean the nightie and..." Eric carefully explained about the self-image issues and how well Sandie had responded. "Shit!" Harv exclaimed with feeling, "now I've probably set her back! I just hope I never meet that asshole husband of hers. I don't think I'd like jail very much." Eric tried to assure Harv that it was not his fault and that Sandie would not be angry at him, but with little affect.

"I'd better call and see if I can roust out another driver. I don't want her to be late, but she won't want..." Harv was interrupted by Sandie's voice.

"You mean you don't want to drive me any more?" Still in just the nightie, Sandie walked right up to him and looked him in the face.

"Oh, Sandie, I'm so sorry, I didn't..." Harv started.

"I'm not! I learned an awful lot about you just now, and it's all good." Wrapping her arms around him, she ordered him "Hug!!" The others who joined the two at breakfast had no need of sugar, syrup, or jam to sweeten their toast, coffee, or whatever.

When it was time for Sandie to leave, Morgan was about to put her through the drill again, but Jeanette saw it and frantically pulled her granddaughter aside and gave her a quick review of what had happened. Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Morgan just hugged Sandy and wished her a great day.

Barely outside Dex's gate, Harv pulled over and parked. He looked straight ahead, marshaling his thoughts to say what was on his mind, but Sandie beat him to it. "Do you think I'm a brazen exhibitionist?"

"I think you're delightful, unbelievable!" She beamed, and there was silence for a little longer.

"So, Eric told you why I was, um, barely covered for breakfast."

"Yes, he did. You're a gutsy girl, Sandie. It's hard to imagine what you've been through."

"You, um, weren't turned off by how I look in the morning?" There was a hint of a plea in Sandie's voice.

"Turned off!? What I wouldn't give to see that sight every morn... Shit! Me and my big mouth! I'm sorry, Sandie."

"Harv, if I can show you everything, don't be afraid to tell me everything, OK?"

After another pause, Harv dove right in. "You know, sometimes in the Service, a guy would meet a girl on leave and come back married. I never understood it. Now, I'm starting to."

"Harv, somebody very wise told me to treat this like it was forever until one of us decided it was not. I'd like to stick around until you're tired of me."

"Tired of you? Couldn't happen, Angel!" He hadn't meant to say 'Angel, ' but that was the impression still on his mind from the sight of her earlier, and it just popped out.

As he signed for his belongings at the jail early Tuesday morning, Craig was working hard to keep his anger in check. There was still enough rationality left in him to know that blowing up on county employees would get him nothing but another night's stay. The cost of bailing his Lexus out of the impound lot was trivial compared to the wad he habitually carried, but it was one more piece of fuel for his anger. The leisurely pace of the lot attendant was like throwing lighter fluid on his ire. After barely kissing a hydrant with his bumper as he peeled away, he pulled over and forced himself to calm down before continuing.

Craig was a promoter, a deal-maker, a closer. Contemplation, particularly of himself, was not in his nature. If it had been, the changes in him over the last year or so would have alarmed him. When he had started his little skimming tricks, he had felt invincible. Several years laundering for the mob had made him rich, and he was sure he was absolutely indispensable to them. By the time he realized how stupid and trivial his skimming was, it was already a death sentence if discovered.

Even without contemplation, the reality of his situation had finally sunk in, scaring him badly. He had become a frightened bully, a species ranked among the most despicable on the planet. Megan had been a convenient outlet for his bottled up fear and rage, and her escape and fighting back had accelerated his deterioration.

Alex Kokchek was very tough. Only the very tough got to be metro bosses and stayed there. Craig Wallace was his find - his creation. It had been acclaimed as an innovative approach to laundering, and the association had been extremely profitable for all parties. Though dapper in appearance, Alex was a reserved, calculating sort. Meticulous planning and covering all angles where what had brought him his success.

Alex and Craig had become friends of sorts. At least, they spent a fair amount of social time together. Being the boss, it was not comfortable for Alex to socialize with underlings, and he knew few people who were not in the business. Craig was more an associate or a contractor than an underling. Besides, he had in spades the hard partying personality that Alex lacked but secretly envied.

Just two weeks ago, Alex's nice setup had started to unravel when Craig's bitch boogeyed on him. Not that Alex gave a shit about Craig's wife, except that he never got that long-promised roll with her. Why her escape had Craig so bent out of shape, he could not understand. Sure, she was choice, but Craig had always seemed as cavalier about his women as Alex himself was. Hell, he had his previous wife offed without a tear.

Well, whatever was screwing up Craig's head, Alex had to get things back on an even keel quickly. He did not want to see the money flow stop. It was now expected of him, and it would be Hell trying to set up a new arrangement. It did not help that Craig had stewed all night in jail, but Alex had been under strict orders not to pull any more legal strings for a while. He was waiting rather glumly for Craig's call, as he had received word of the release.

"Why the hell didn't you get me out?" Craig yelled, not even waiting for a 'hello' when Alex picked up his call.

"Dammit, Craig, not on the phone. Your office, right away."

"Hey, wait!"

"I said, not on the phone!"

For some reason, Alex had not considered the possibility of Craig's office being bugged, so he talked freely when the two met there several minutes later.

"We let you sit in jail because you didn't follow orders. We're not going to jeopardize our judge on you any more when you're thinking with your dick."

"That was humiliating!"

"What's humiliating is when they fish your body out of the river. This shit has got to end! Either you sign that deal and get over the cunt, or our business arrangement is terminated. I think you know what that means!"

"But she'll get half a mil!"

"No she won't, she'll get one mil! You can afford the money, but we can't afford anyone checking your assets. You got that?"

"Dammit, Alex! You need my deals! We've got a sweet thing going here."

"I know that as well as you do! But you're making way too much noise, and attention is the last thing we want. Now, you have the million in your lawyer's account before the banks close today, and tell him you're ready to sign. That's not negotiable! Do you understand?"

"After all the money I made you, you're just selling me out like that?"

"Craig, it's a business, remember. You're starting to look like less of an asset and more of a liability." Craig followed Alex out the door, and Alex tried to soften the blow a little as they approached his car. "Here, just to show you it's nothing personal." Alex handed him a slip of paper with 'J.D. Madison' and Dex's address on it.

"What's this?"

"Where she's staying. I just found it out. Now, don't do anything stupid, got it?"

As Alex drove off, he nodded to two men parked in sight of Craig's car. The two settled in for a long day of tailing Craig.

Randy had been monitoring the bugs and called Dex as soon as he lost sound from Craig's office. Dex called his hacker friends immediately. This was their perfect chance to discover the codes and procedures to hijack Craig's Cayman account.

Morgan was a little upset with herself. Ten days ago she was a virgin and thought she was fine with that. Now she was climbing the walls just because she hadn't had a cock in her for three days. She was very tired after her extended talk with Elise the night before. Her mind told her she should just go and take a nap. Her mind also knew it would lose out to the hormones that were pulling her toward Eric's room.

It was a while after breakfast, and Eric had gone back to his room, presumably to get some more sleep. When Morgan eased his door open, she saw him sleeping on his side toward one edge of the bed, facing the center. Dropping her clothes, she was about to slide in with Eric when she mentally swore at herself, then put her clothes back on and headed to Dex's room. He was in the office on the phone, so she took a condom from the nightstand, then went back for two more without him noticing her.

Back in Eric's room, Morgan laid the packets on the stand, undressed again, then slid carefully into the bed with her back to his front, close but not touching. Not quite sure what to do next, she amazed herself by deciding that a nap would be great, and waking up should be very interesting. She was asleep in less than a minute, her soft snores mingling with Eric's.

Dex was a bit startled to see Elise standing in his office doorway when he hung up from his hacker friends. To his quizzical look, Elise said "Can I tell you about 'before?'" He guided her to the loveseat and sat beside her. Still being careful of her reactions, he held out his hand palm up. She gave him a wan smile and put her hand in his.

"I take it you had a good talk with Morgan last night?" Dex asked.

"Mmm Hmm. I keep telling you all these sad things about me, but do you know I haven't had a close woman friend since my college roommate?"

"Well, you couldn't pick a better friend than Morgan."

"I wish I could get over this feeling that I'm coming between you and her," Elise lamented.

"Has Morgan said something about that?" When Elise shook her head, Dex pressed further. "Have I let on I thought you were doing that?" Again, she indicated 'no.'

"From our very first time," Dex explained, "Morgan and I were clear about no commitment and no regrets. I meant it, and I believe she did, too. That doesn't mean it's easy, but we both think it's right. Look, I met Morgan two weeks ago tonight. I've known you, what, five years or more? Morgan and I shared an intense week or so, but you and I have a lot of life experiences that draw us together."

"I'm sure you and Morgan have talked about my demons. I think she knows those demons would have kept me from ever marrying her." Dex saw the implied question in Elise's eyes, and it tore at his guts. He put his head in his hands with his elbows on his knees and sat motionless for a while before softly saying "I know what you want to ask. I just don't know the answer, yet." Both were silent a while longer before Dex sat up, took her hand again, and told her "Hey, you came to talk about happy things. Tell me about 'before.'"

For an hour and a half, Elise told the story of an amazingly typical All-American girl. Family, girlfriends, boyfriends, scholastic honors, music, sports, scholarships, the whole nine yards. At the beginning, her recounting was reserved, almost apologetic. As time went on, she became more and more animated. Sometimes, she took his hand in both of hers and bounced it up and down in excitement. That reminded him of Amy as a little girl. At other times, she had a faraway look and a contented expression. A few events evoked tears during her telling. Only a couple of times did she exhibit any bitterness.

It took no effort at all for Dex to listen to every word and examine every expression. Minute by minute, his whole mental image of Elise was being redrawn. The new version was almost hypnotic in the way she drew him in. Along with the strength, brilliance, caring, and determination he admired so much in the old image, he could now see & feel the imagination, the gaiety, the loyalty, and the joy of the new image. Had she really hidden this image from him, or had he just been blind?

Elise eventually fell silent, and Dex took a small chance. He put his hand under her chin and turned her face up toward his. "I am so glad to finally meet you, Elise Padilla!"

That was probably the perfect place for a tender embrace and a loving first kiss. That was definitely what Dex wanted, and he was pretty sure Elise did, too. He had promised to let her take the lead, however, and he would keep his promise. His hand on her face was already a new level of contact. For just an instant, she seemed to move her face toward his, but only lowered her eyes and blushed. Claiming the need for a bathroom visit, she was the one to break the moment.

It was some time past mid-morning when awareness very slowly returned to Eric. He had just established enough motor control to effect a small stretch, and was thrown into drowsy confusion when his leg encountered another body. That hastened his waking enough so he could first wonder why his mother was still home in bed, then clearly remember her floating out the door on Harv's arm earlier.

Morgan! Smell, aura, logical deduction: for whatever reason, Eric was absolutely certain she was beside him. Two things happened instantly upon recognition of his bed partner. A great feeling of warmth welled up in his heart. His mother had been his introduction to sex, and she would forever be exciting in a unique way. Morgan, however, was his introduction to open, uninhibited sexuality. Her healthy, luxuriantly padded body would forever pop first into his mind at the word sexy. There was more than sexuality to Morgan, however. The care and the respect she had shown him and his mother caused him to love her like few people he had known.

Along with the feeling of warmth welling up in Eric's heart, an even stronger welling up occurred at his groin. Just a week earlier, his erection would have been cause for shame and a little self-loathing. No longer. He pushed his crotch forward, pleased that his cock encountered what could only be Morgan's ass. Moving the rest of his body forward, he reached his upper arm over her, and carefully worked his hand around until it cradled her bare tit. Having learned the positive results of boldness from his mother, he wriggled himself into maximum contact along her length.

Eric realized with a little dismay that his shorts and shirt prevented the skin to skin contact that he really wanted. Unwilling to remove the hand from her tit, he contrived to unsnap his shorts and push them down with his underneath hand. That accomplished, he pushed his cock down so it pushed upward against her crack, almost coming from the thrill of that contact.

The extra motion from Eric's disrobing and repositioning was enough to rouse Morgan. In the middle of her stretch, she breathed out "Oh, Honey, I knew you'd be good.

Still stretching a little, Morgan sat up and reached for a condom, then turned and rolled Eric onto his back. "I'll put this one on, then we'll teach you, OK?" she told him, almost panting in anticipation as she tore open the packet.

Morgan had the condom over Eric's tip and was about to roll it down when she stopped and pulled it away. Grabbing his T-shirt, she pushed it up and worked it off over his head and arms. "I hope this isn't a favorite," she said as she wrapped the shirt around his cock and stroked vigorously. Her decision had been correct, as he soiled the shirt after twelve or fifteen strokes. Keeping the shirt around him with one hand, she leaned over his face. "I would have done it with my mouth, but I wanted to kiss you."

The searing kiss Morgan laid on Eric should have fried his circuits. Instead, he returned it kilowatt for kilowatt, and reached his hand to her pussy. Sensing her mood correctly, he skipped the teasing caresses and tentative probes. He grasped both her labia together and pulled on them while squeezing firmly. When she squealed through the kiss and pushed her crotch down onto his hand, he rolled a nipple with the other hand.

The dual stimulation had Morgan squirming around, emitting little squeals and moans. On impulse, she moved over his crotch and held his cock at her entrance, ready to impale herself.

"Morgan! Morgan! I love you like crazy, but I'm not quite ready to marry you, yet!"

"Oh, damn!" She scrabbled around impatiently, looking for the condom she had set down. Failing to find it in the first three seconds, she lunged over to the night stand for a different one. Her hands were shaking as she got it on him with more determination than technique. Technique was still not her concern as she got back in position over him and worked her way down.

It had now been a few minutes since Morgan had milked Eric, and the activities since, even putting on the condom, had worked his arousal to the verge of coming again. Fortunately for Morgan, his aggressive fondling of her, on top of three days of celibacy, had left her with a short journey to ecstasy, as well.

When Eric was barely sheathed enough to prevent falling out, Morgan started moving up and down rapidly. By the time she was all the way down on him, his mouth fell open in disbelief at how fast she was moving. His awe probably helped forestall his ejaculation for a while, but there was nothing stopping Morgan. In a short time, even for her, she clamped down hard on him, then shook vigorously. Just watching her would likely have taken him over, so erotic was the sight. Her internal movements around him made it for sure, and he jetted forcefully into the condom.

All of her energy had gone into that climax, and Morgan collapsed forward onto Eric's slight frame, stretching out to lay completely on top of him. After they panted in chorus for a little while, Eric began running his hands very lightly over the slopes of her ass cheeks.

"I think I said this once before, but you're just like Dex."

"I hope you still mean that in a good way," he responded. After a bit of silence, he asked "Is it going to be tough for you, always having to compare every guy to Dex?"

"Hmmm. He was my first, and maybe it wasn't good to start right out with the best. Could make for lots of disappointments, couldn't it?"

"Am I a disappointment?"

"Not in the least. Not in the least. Especially your recovery powers!" With that, she began wriggling against him with the clear intent of bringing him back to hardness.

"God, Morgan! You could give a corpse a hardon! Uh, let me get the condom off or we'll have a mess here." Giggling, she made him work to get unsheathed, refusing to stop or even ease off on her sexy writhing. The filled condom was no sooner off than she sat up and gave him a fresh one. Her stimulation had worked beautifully, and it was time for his first lesson. Her less than expert tutelage was not improved by her impatience to get him back inside her, but it did get it securely on. She just knew she was in for a good long fuck after his two ejaculations with her and the high probability of a couple the night before.

Morgan was in no way disappointed when Eric was finally ready to enter her again. She got on her hands and knees and he knew right away what she wanted. Once they were coupled, the vigor of his thrusts belied his slight build, and it was indeed a long ride. What surprised Morgan more than his vigor and endurance was his natural inventiveness. Instead of just stroking, he used all sorts of sideways and rotating motions to get the greatest possible sensation, stimulating her delightfully in the process.

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Hi my name is Ram. I am living in a village near Tamil Nadu- Kerala border in India. Well the incident, which I am going to narrate, happened in my 12th standard annual vacation. Now I am doing my U.G. in a college in b ‘lore India. I have changed the name’s to protect our privacy. Well my elder cousin sister’s name is Vimala .She is a normal Malayalee girl she is related to me is the fact that her relation married one of mine and I am a tamilian. Vimala had completed her D-Pharmacy and working...

3 years ago
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A Side I Had Never Seen

This is a hard story for me to tell, not that the story is hard, but my cock just won't stay down thinking about it. My wife teaches college and sometimes does private tutoring, herein lies the story, but a little info first. Susan is a gorgeous creature, short blonde hair, 32a-24-34, with an ass to die for. She had told me that she had given up that sweet ass when she was younger, but I don't know why, but she wouldn't let me have any. Not that the rest of her was bad, but I just always...

4 years ago
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Undercovers Detective Chapter 8

FrankDuring our engagement dinner with Alexia’s family, I received a text message from my precinct saying Captain Greer was shot. After I showed the message to Alex, we both maintained our composure and hastily said our goodbyes. Her dad seemed visibly upset with our unexpected departure, but I assured him it was all routine.To begin with, Alex’s father had never been happy with her choice to join the police force instead of following him in corporate law. I chuckled to myself, wondering how...

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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Brandi Love Second Appearance

Life has been tough without Mr. Palms around. Recently he has been committed to a rehabilitation facility after suffering a breakdown. Apparently his life of cuckdom has affected him quite badly. His wife Brandi has been fucking so many men. He has even been forced to watch. Now his son is left bitter and upset having to look at his horrible stepmother. What more pain could she possibly inflict on the family. Today young Johnny would find out. Chilling with a couple of his childhood friends his...

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Sales Meeting

I had only been hired a week before, just enough time to do some preliminary training in the home office. As luck would have it, I was just in time for the regional sales meeting. I had only met a few of the guys and everyone seemed friendly enough and I was eager to get to know the ropes. Being in my late 20’s it was only my second sales position but I knew what to expect. The days would be filled with a lot of product details, the dinners would be a combination of buffets and sit down...

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Growing Up In The Country

The events that are unfolded here are all real and not just a part of my fantasy world that I must admit I do often sink into.I was born and lived in a small Village in the countryside of the East of England, and it was not too long after the war so most of the people around us were sort of poor (like us) and many were farmers too.Life was easy going and as a teenager who needed pocket money ? I was doing my daily "Paper Round" delivering news papers and magazines to many of the local farms...

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Mileys Harem Ch 02

Actually, Anna was very horny. That double fucking had turned her on despite her efforts not to be, but she hadn't orgasmed as the pain of her asshole getting stretched by Mark's huge cock had hurt a good deal, suppressing the waves of pleasure. After dinner, she slammed her fingers into her pussy and fingered herself until she came. A couple of hours later, Miley went to the fun room and had the doors all opened. As her four captives entered, she had them all crawl over and sit on the...

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Kierans LoverChapter 4 The Bet

I came back into the room to find the pair of them knee to knee, heads bent, giggling. Yes, giggling. It was not a completely unknown aspect of either, but one does not often return to a room to find the Prince of Hell and your own lover, Lord in GateWay, two of the most powerful people on the planet, sitting there giggling. They stopped when I entered, carrying the tray of drinks they had asked for. Sure, I could have made the house get them, but Kieran's deep blue eyes had given a signal...

2 years ago
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Parts House Striptease

Zack had finished counting down the first register of the night. He just had to wait on time now. The parts store he worked at closed at 9, and they rarely had business after 8. Why they even stayed open was anybody’s guess. He and his closer for the night, Chastity, usually started their duties around 8:30, so they could leave almost as soon as they closed. Right now he was watching the front as she swept the store. Chastity was not herself today, and was a lot less talkative than usual. They...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 427

The Retreat ...”Yes, Sir,” Jeff responded through clamped teeth. “Colonel, we’ve been over this before. Ship, out there,” he said while vaguely motioning toward the back of the Retreat, “is too important to our planet to risk. And before you say anything, “yes, I certainly know there isn’t anything on Earth that could destroy her, but she has already told you that she must have a Prime ... and you’re it. What would she do if you got yourself killed, hmmm? Would anything keep her on Earth?...

2 years ago
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Hockey buddy and his wife 3

The next week when I arrived at the locker room at the rink, Pete nodded at me and I knew were on. After our game (we won, both Pete and I scored) I got in my car and went to Pete and Katie's house. When I arrived Katie greeted me at the door in a pink robe. Katie is awesome. She is cute with sparkly eyes and she loves sex. She is open and willing to talk about sex which I love. I gave her a kiss and reached inside the robe and caressed her breast which made her moan. Pete came over to us...

4 years ago
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a foot perv 7

I woke up Sunday morning kind of late and headed down to the kitchen follow a few minutes later by Kate and Ann. Grabbing something to drink we all sat down at the table and I ask the girls if they had seen Doug yet this morning. Ann told me he had left early because he had to help his dad move some wood. With a stern look at Ann I said I hope you didn't do anything you'd regret last night. Being on the subject I asked them how they learned so much about sex being that I could count the guys...

3 years ago
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Martin and James Quickie At His

James was gay, Martin was bi-sexual and both of them had been exchanging images of themselves over e-mail for a while. James went to school with martin a year ago and both were in scouts together where they found their sexual attraction. When James invited Martin over for a good time, Martin couldn’t resist the chance to dominate someone. James was willing to be dominated by Martin, despite his usual position. Martin entered the house and pushed James aside as he attempted to kiss him. He...

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Wife story nr1

Decited to post some stories of my adventures. They all are based on real, no fantasy! Let' s begin by first one.It's hapen aprox 3-4 ago, when I was started interested in SW theme.In local sex add, I started to contact with some nice couple, whose wife was in Theme (husband loves to share the wife), they were doing it for an long time. In some autumn day, we set up a meeting in some coffe. I was sitting & tasting a coffe and then they come in. It was a 1-st time i saw them. She was dressed...

4 years ago
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Ms Ann breaks another Black Buck

Ms Annbreaks another Black Buck Ms Ann breaks a Militant Black Buck 2007 Please note I am not a professional writer so if every I is not dotted or T not cross don?t get upset. This story contain use of the N word if you are offended do not read this story it is my fantasy  Main Charters John Hall white head of the mind control center of Mississippi State Prison Ms Ann Hall Voluptuous white wife of John Hall Black Inmate LATIF Jackson Pan African Movement Several White male guards...

4 years ago
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The Great Zoe and Elizabeth

I use to go to a Maltese prostitute called Vivian. On my request she arranged for a threesome with another bisexual lady.I arrived and Vivian greeted me with a long French kiss. She introduced me to Elizabeth. Taller, more beautiful with amazing long legs. I went and kissed her letting her feel my hard on and I felt her hard nipples. This was going to be a great meeting.We undressed and Vivian and Elizabeth started a great lesbian encounter for me to see. I managed to kiss them both and made...

2 years ago
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Dream or NightmareChapter 4

I woke up and saw the sun streaming in through the blinds. There were two rumpled spots in the bed next to me, but no girls. Considering the morning wood I was sporting, that was good. I staggered to the open door and stuck my head out. I checked left and right, and felt for a moment that I was in an FBI sim. I walked across the hall to the bathroom and found all my stuff spread out around the sink. That was nice of them. Somebody was taking care of poor old Dad. I clicked the lock, and...

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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 3

When my shell-shocked state allowed me to, I finally upped and left the club and headed home to our lonely home. Our daughters were gone to college, and now their mother was gone too. Gone to the condo of a well-endowed black guy who we’d found on the internet. We’d only planned to meet for a meal and to get to know him a little. But by the end of the evening, Claire was gently telling me that she’d agreed to go back to his place and that this time I wasn’t invited. The house would be a lonely...

Wife Lovers
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Babysitting Sis Part Two

Introduction: The affair escalates… Babysitting Sis Part Two It was late at night and he couldnt sleep. He and his thirteen year old sister had had sex together in the family pool earlier that evening while he was supposed to be babysitting her, and now he couldnt stop thinking about it. He had a raging hard on as the scene played through his mind again and again, one hand stroking the rock hard cock as he pictured what had happened. All he knew at that moment was that he wanted his sisters...

3 years ago
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Pirates of Caledonia II Learning the RopesChapter 6 Games

Holly seemed to avoid eye contact with me all day, which suited me fine. I think she must have thought that I had arranged her being woken from her bed, stripped, whipped and then abandoned, but I knew nothing about it. The Captain accepted that morning when she asked me again about the scenes we had witnessed the night before, that I was genuinely not involved, and was earning some sort of respect with her crew. She seemed happy at this, but was still not happy with the actions of the Gang...

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Sex With Neighbor Aunty Sumithra

I am Roshan, 24 from Bangalore. I am working at own company. Married ladies, lonely housewives, and college girls if you want any kind of company and fun. I am always available your privacy is kept safe and secured. Coming back to the story, the heroine of this story is my neighbor aunty, Sumithra 30+ years old now and have the right amount of flesh at the right places. She is from Kerala and has two kids and her husband is working in a bank.My parent went to our native for a function and they...

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Early Day

David Taylor grinned, feeling pretty good. He had managed to successfully merge his company with another, which would rake in millions. It took a shorter time than expected, so he was going home early to spend some time with his wife. He decided not to call her, thinking that he would surprise her. David entered the house, not hearing anyone in it. Shrugging, he decided that his wife must have been out for sometime, so he went to the kitchen, hiding under the table like he used to when he was a...

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Loving My Lady Love My Anshi 8211 The Beginning

Hi guys its deva(name changed for obvious reason) I am in my early 20s residing in raipur,chhattisgarh. I am a good sports person and have a 6 feet tall structure. The incident I am going to share with all the readers is my love story which came to a tragic end after 6 months of a healthy relationship. Now coming to the characters of the story anshi(name changed), my lady love. She is a cute little girl in her teens.Her vitals are 30-28-34 which changed after coming in relation with me and...

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Camealot Tales

Camelot a shining beacon of hope in the darkest times. In a world run by tribalism and corrupt warlords. Chivalrous knights traverse the realm righting wrongs and protecting from the mythical threats of the forest and the city itself provides a flexibility in status seldom seen in these times. Camelot is a place where dreams can true if one is willing to work hard enough for them and people flock from lands both near and far to take advantage of these opportunities. You are one such ambitious...

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Lab PartnersChapter 4

Kit sat with Nichelle at the Sweet Bean and sipped from a tall masala chai. She reached for his hand and they locked fingers. “This was a good idea,” he said. “Live music ... good coffee and chai ... tasty snacks.” “Friday is an open jam session,” she replied. “What kind of music do you like?” “I like about anything that’s done well. I don’t have a favorite genre.” “I’m the same way ... except for country.” “Yeah ... There is some country I can listen to. I kinda like Bluegrass ... in...

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Mom Enjoys With Her Hot Son 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, This is Vicky (name changed) again with the next part of my hot story those who didn’t read my last story I suggest them that they have to read that first. Before that I introduce myself again that I’m a well built body boy and my cock size 7”.in my last story I told you guys that how the hell I fucked my busty whore mom for the first time and after that day I am fucking her everyday and with mom’s help I have fucked many of mom friends too. So now let the story begins that how I...

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Best together

Karen Marking pulled into a space in the small car park alongside the school. She sat for a moment or two collecting her thoughts. She knew that she may have to face one or two awkward questions from the man she’d come to interview, Yorke Millen, the acting headteacher, and she needed to make her guarded answers acceptable. Three years earlier she had interviewed him in very different circumstances. Then she had been a television presenter on a weekly current affairs program, confident, brash,...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Football widow

"I'm just sick of it," Terri said after taking a sip of her coffee, "the stupid season just started and Chuck is already ignoring me completely on Saturday and Sunday, and I think it's hopeless, he's never gonna change!!!" "I hear ya," Valerie replied, "Brad spent all weekend glued to the TV watching wall to wall football, and what's worse, those idiotic pre game show now are about as long as the games themselves, and then don't let's forget Monday night, crimony, that's the holy grail of...

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Night Trawling The Trucker

It was one of those suffocating August nights. The air was heavy and seemed to suck the energy right out of me. It was the end of an uncomfortable and painfully dull day and my mind wondered aimlessly as the evening hours ticked by. As midnight approached, I began to feel a heat that had nothing at all to do with the sweltering humidity outside.I was single at the time, so dealing with that urge for sex wasn't as simple as climbing into bed with a significant other. I thought about calling one...

Gay Male
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A Quickie in the Woods II

Here I was again at the cruise parking lot, and again I was sitting in the van looking across the lot at the swimming beach, loaded with folks enjoying the beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon. I was enjoying seeing the hot girls...and guys in their small tight suits!I noticed a grey truck park a ways up in the lot, and out got a mature guy, short, HWP, he looked toward me and then walked into the woods.I looked around, got out and locked the door, and took my path into the fun area.It took a few...

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Daughter Shopping mall slut

Introduction: Mom finds out her daughter had sex at the mall...the perfect opportunity to teach her womenly love.Something was going on with her daughter Tatum. Mellissa knew it. Ever since she and had picked her up from the mall she seemed distant, and agitated. She had asked her in the car if everything was okay but Tatum just shrugged. She would sort it out when they got home. For now she would just enjoy the quiet. She looked over at her young daughter and felt it again that twinge deep in...

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Butt Sniffing Ch2

As I've mentioned in earlier posts, I rent out one of my rooms to college girls every year. This year is the first time I've actually had one stay the whole summer, and looks as if she's staying another school year. We do fool around and you can read about her in my "Fetish For Panties" series. But this post isn't about Kimmy, it's about a girl I rented to three years ago, and her name was Cassandra, but she prefered to be called Cass. Cass responded to my newspaper ad and met with me a few...

2 years ago
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Sally 10 till 2

Sally 10 till 2 I settled back on the couch with my cup of tea, and imagined Laura doing the same with her coffee on the other end of the phone. Laura and I were friends forever and lovers often, despite our respective marriages. She was well on the way to being rich and had easily hit the absolutely gorgeous checkpoint with no effort. I had managed to parlay my wit and humour past the obvious mis-match in out attractiveness and lifestyles. She was capable of being wild, filthy,...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 3 Ch 08

At seven pm, Sharon opened the door to Tom and Ashleigh. Just behind them, coming up the walk where Dave and Diane. The women were barely dressed with see-through blouses and short skirts while the men were dressed in slacks and t-shirts. All of them wore shoes and socks so the clothing count was even, since the women hadn’t worn bras. Hugs and kisses were exchanged all around before Sharon ushered them into the family room. In the center of the room was an object covered by a blanket....

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23 November 2006Chapter 2

Dan could feel his nervousness growing as he, Karen, and Vicky returned to their home. Coats and boots removed, he immediately began pacing the living room floor. “Look at you. You’d think you were at the hospital waiting for Karen to give birth!” Vicky teased. “In a way, it sort of feels the same way. I’m meeting not one, but all three of my children, my real children, for the first time,” Dan compared. The next fifteen minutes seemed like an eternity to Dan. He was very anxious, and...

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Black Gang Bang Virgin Pt 2

As I stood there in Stilettos, suspender belt and stockings, the reality of the situation hit me. The other five in the group had already striped down to their boxers and Steve was hurriedly joining them. Lining up in front of me, as if on parade dressed only in boxers, their toned athletic body’s glistening in the flickering light from the real fire in the corner. I could tell they had done this before. My heart was racing, one by one they pushed their boxers to their knees and stood to...

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The LibrarianChapter 6 Returning to Reality

"Look at the time," Jake said tapping the non-existent watch on his wrist. "It's getting late ladies, and we have school tomorrow. We need to head back to our dorms." He had started blushing before stepping into the study. "Not so fast," Leslie replied. "We need to get a review before leaving." Lesa was laughing as she followed Jake into the large room where Leslie and Sara had been surfing the Net for what was known about the Confederacy and their 'pickups'. "Give him a chance...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Girl Needs Help Part 2

I finally regain my senses and pull her to me, our lips connecting for a long, slow, sensual kiss, our tongues dancing around each other as my hands slide down, cupping her ass, grabbing all that I can get my hands on. As I squeeze her ass cheeks she moans in my mouth, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me even tighter to her, forcefully rubbing her tits on my chest. Finally she breaks the kiss, coming out for air. Breathing heavily, she looks at me with lust filled eyes, grabs her...

3 years ago
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PART – 6 WITH BOYFRIEND (1) I was 18 and student of first year commerce in a college Goa. College was about 20 kms away from our house. I told my dad to get me a two wheeler but he told me to wait for one more year and asked me to use bus service which was quite regular and good service for attending college. My friend Angelina was also with me in same class. We both used to go to college together. I was seeing a handsome boy daily, traveling in the same bus up to the college. My friend...

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