Serious RelationshipsChapter 10
- 4 years ago
- 26
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The dress I've been ordered to wear to school today wouldn't have been a problem if all the boys at school didn't already know they have permission to do just about anything they want to me. Because I can't defend myself I know these damn snaps will quickly become a problem. The boys at school are going to start messing with them as soon as they see me. I know all too well the harassment will start from the moment I step onto the school grounds. By now every boy in the building knows about me.
I waited for Reggie at the end of her street with as many snaps on the front of my dress unsnapped as I dared. She inspected me when she came out. She seemed satisfied that I was exposed enough. But that didn't stop her from tormenting me.
She smiled as she looked me over, undoubtedly in anticipation of the humiliation we both know I'll be forced to endure at school today. It's obvious how much she enjoys this. She said, "Remember yesterday? You earned a punishment. Lift your skirt up to your waist and turn around slowly so I can inspect you."
If you asked me I would have said I was punished plenty yesterday. But without even looking around I lifted my skirt, held it at my waist and slowly turned around as ordered. Just like last Friday, there are kids walking to school everywhere I look. And just like last Friday they all stopped to watch as I performed this degrading slow motion pirouette.
Some of the closer small groups of kids commented loudly enough to be heard. The boys all think the show we're putting on is exciting. Big surprise there!
The girls all think I'm a terrible slut. Unfortunately, now they're right.
Reggie made me stand there like that for a long time. You might think she'd be embarrassed to be seen on the streets with a girl wearing nothing from the waist down. But she obviously revels in it. For her it's all about the power. Before she let me drop my skirt back into place she put the dog collar around my throat. Then she stepped back and smiled at the effect.
She let me go off on my own when we got to school. She ordered me to meet her at lunch time under the same tree in the student parking lot and went off to join her friends.
I no longer have friends. I wasn't left alone for long, though. The girls shun me now. But as I made my way across the schoolyard the boys took up right where they left off on Friday.
I was groped by nearly every boy within reach as I walked through the schoolyard. Several times I was forced to come to a stop while a hand reached into the top of my dress and squeezed a breast or reached up under my skirt and rubbed my hairless pussy or groped my ass. On more than one occasion those hands inadvertently unsnapped more of the snaps on my dress as they pulled away.
I quickly snapped the ones I'm permitted to have fastened. But not usually before any number of kids got a good look at my exposed flesh.
I was only half way to the school building when I was pulled into one group of boys and surrounded. They eyed my exposed flesh, lifting my skirt and commenting on my bare pussy. They laughed among themselves and groped me freely while I stood there helplessly and permitted it.
I'm reasonably certain I would have been forced to stand there like that until the bell rang if Trish had not come over and yelled at the boys to leave me alone. She pulled me out of the circle they had formed around me and led me away with everyone staring after me.
I quietly said, "You shouldn't be seen with me, Trish. Thank you for what you did. But it doesn't matter anymore."
She can see I'm struggling to hold back the tears. She put her arms around me and said, "No one tells me who the fuck I can talk to! What the hell is going on? Why are you letting those boys do that?!"
She guided me to a relatively quiet place away from most of the kids standing around waiting for the bell to ring. I looked around to see if anyone was listening. A lot of them are watching us. But I don't think anyone is near enough to hear us.
I said, "You really shouldn't be with me, Trish. You'll get a bad reputation. And you don't want to get Reggie mad at you."
She got a disgusted look on her face and exclaimed, "I don't give a damn about Reggie!"
I smiled wryly and replied, "I didn't either. That was a mistake. Now I'm her little sex slave."
Trish looked shocked. She furrowed her brows and asked, "What the hell do you mean by sex slave?"
I shrugged. I noticed the big change in me now. Only days ago I was more like Trish. Now I'm docile. I'm like an animal that's been beaten too much. I wiped my eyes and said, "I do whatever she tells me to do with whomever she tells me to do it. I have to. And there's no way out of the mess I'm in. She set out to destroy me. She accomplished it with remarkable ease. I appreciate your concern. I really do. But there isn't anything anyone can do now. It's gone too far. I have become what she wanted me to be.
"It's just a game for her. She did this to me for the fun of it. And believe me; she's having a hell of a good time! I appreciate you giving me a chance to explain. But if you don't want to get in trouble I recommend that you stay the hell away from me. She might decide to do this to you next. And before you stand there and tell me it could never happen, I didn't think it could happen to me, either."
Trish stared at me as if I'm the scene of a terrible accident. But of course it was no accident. This all happened to me on purpose. She demanded to know how Reggie could do these things to me, turn me into what I've become.
I shrugged and said, "It was surprisingly easy. She did things to me. She tortured me until I couldn't resist any longer and she made me do things, horrible things. And she took pictures. She took pictures and made movies that I'll do anything and everything to keep my parents from ever seeing.
"That's all I have left now, Trish. The relationship I have with my parents, their love for me. That's the only good thing left in my life now. Everything else is gone.
"In the beginning she let me hope that it wouldn't get around school. But as you've seen I don't have that hope any longer. I'm washed up at school and I know it. The next two years will be unbearable. Look around us. I've lost track of how many of those boys have already had sex with me. But by the time school gets out I'm reasonably certain every single one of them will have used me. I was a virgin a few days ago. I'm whatever the exact opposite of that is now. But I can't fight her. I'm going to let them do whatever they want to me. I have no choice."
She stared at me in shock. She's obviously disturbed by the changes in me. She started to ask for specifics. But before I could be forced to decide whether I should share those with her the bell rang and everyone started for the door.
At first the boys left me alone while I was walking with Trish. But as the press of bodies around us closed in the hands soon resumed their groping. Trish noticed, of course. Everyone can see what's happening to me. I couldn't be certain if she's more disturbed because they're treating me this way or because I'm allowing it.
I enjoyed a short break from all the sweaty, groping, male hands when I got to my homeroom. As we filed in and took our seats Mrs. Thomas kept her usual eagle eye on the class. But I barely had time to catch my breath before the bell rang and it started again.
As soon as I arrived in English class, before I even had time to put my books on my desk, Barry and Darren were standing on either side of me and leering down at the wide expanse of flesh left exposed due to the limitations Reggie put on how many snaps I'm allowed to fasten. Barry took my books from my hands and put them down. He grinned at me and casually reached into my top and cupped one of my tits with the entire class watching.
Darren pointed out to him that there are only a few simple snaps holding my dress closed. He looked down and smiled. His hand released my tit and slowly slid down to the first of the snaps Reggie allowed me to fasten. He applied a gentle pressure until the snap opened. It wasn't until I heard that faint, innocuous sound echo loudly around the room that I realized the entire class is staring at us in disbelief. No one is speaking. No one is moving. They're all frozen in place, watching Barry slowly unsnap the front of my dress.
My heart is beating so rapidly I fear it might burst. I wonder for a second if it would hurt if it did. And then I thought maybe it would be a good thing. My horrible life would be over. But of course that didn't happen. Instead I stood beside my desk blushing furiously while all the kids in the room watch two boys slowly and calmly bare my body.
It seems to be happening in slow motion. There was a long pause between each of the three snaps he unfastened. He stopped at my waist. He spread my top open, baring my small breasts to the entire class. I didn't move when he leaned down and sucked on one of my hard, sensitive nipples. He bit it lightly and I felt Darren's hand reach in and start playing with my other nipple.
The three of us stood beside my desk like that for several minutes before Barry straightened up. He grinned and said, "A lot of guys are into big tits. I'm kind of partial to little ones, myself."
I might have been happier to hear that if it was just the two of us doing this in private somewhere. This little exercise in sexual abuse has driven home to me that, although I've given up all hope and resigned myself to years of this sort of treatment, I'm still capable of being extremely humiliated. Every kid in my class is watching me let two boys bare my breasts and feel me up.
Darren took his hand from my breast and reached under my skirt. But before his fingers could do more than glide softly over my smooth, hairless vulva there was a noise at the door. Their fun is over for now. The teacher is coming in.
The boys casually turned and walked to their seats while I frantically pulled my dress over my breasts and refastened the snaps they just pulled open.
I was afraid we'd been caught. But the teacher is reading something as he enters the room. He didn't even seem to notice that almost the entire class is still standing and facing me.
I sat down and studiously avoided looking around. I can't look any of these kids in the eye anymore. But then, that's rapidly getting to be true of every kid I know. At the rate things are spiraling out of control around me, by the time school finally lets out for the summer I'll be surprised if every boy in school has not seen and touched my naked body. And by the end of the summer vacation it's highly likely that most if not all of them will have had sex with me. If Reggie has her way there's no doubt in my mind that's what I have to look forward to.
Our class today consisted of a review of the final we took on Friday. He isn't finished grading them yet. But today he went over the questions and gave us an idea of how we did on the test.
I wasn't listening, though. I have no doubt I did well on the test. I tuned out the review and sat at my desk, staring at my hands and listening to the blood rushing through my veins while I tried once more to decide if it's worth it to go on living this way.
I was so distracted by my thoughts that when the bell rang I almost cried out in surprise. I started to get out of my seat when another girl brushed past me and roughly pushed me back down on her way out growling, "Stay out of my way, you disgusting slut!"
I didn't say anything. I understood perfectly. And what the hell, she's right. That's what I am now.
I looked around for Matt when I got to math class. On Friday he made me hold my skirt up around my waist and turn around, re-enacting what Reggie made me do earlier on the sidewalk at the end of her street. The entire class had watched me expose myself from the waist down. And then he had sex with me under the bleachers at lunch time after paying Reggie for my services. Since my life keeps going from bad to worse I can't help wondering what horrible things he'll do to me today.
I breathed a sigh when a quick glance around told me Matt isn't waiting in the classroom to humiliate me again today. I hurriedly took my seat. Maybe I'll get lucky and he won't be in school today. Or he won't have time to fuck with me. But that isn't the kind of luck I have.
He came in, talking with a friend and laughing as if he has completely forgotten I exist, until he saw me. He smiled, dropped his books on his desk and casually sauntered over to my seat. I'm sure everyone in the room has vivid memories of what he made me do before class started on Friday. They all fell silent as he approached my desk.
He smiled down at me and said, "Stand up."
I glanced at the clock. There are still four minutes before class starts and our math teacher has a habit of never appearing before the bell rings. As I meekly stood up I wondered how much torment Matt can squeeze into four minutes.
He noticed the snaps running down the front of my dress and said, "That looks like an easy dress to get out of."
To demonstrate just how easy it is to everyone in the class he reached out and quickly unsnapped my dress all the way and let it fall open. On Friday he opened my top and made me lift my skirt and hold it around my waist. I was more exposed then than I am now. But this feels worse. I feel so naked this way. My ass was exposed on Friday. It, at least, is covered now. But Matt held the sides of my dress open, baring my entire front to thirty kids. Maybe it's just because that was then and this is now but I feel much more naked this way.
He grinned and said, "I see you got rid of your pussy hair. You weren't naked enough on Friday? You really love this shit, don't you?!"
But he doesn't really believe that. He knows the truth. I can see it in his eyes.
I would expect the boys to get a kick out of this. But I'm still having trouble believing the reactions of at least some of the girls. I can't understand why so many of them seem to find this horrible treatment amusing. Maybe they think that since I've suddenly turned into such a terrible slut I deserve to be treated this way.
Kirby, a boy sitting one row over and one seat up from me exclaimed, "She don't have much in the way of tits! She looks like a little girl."
People all around me found that amusing.
Matt replied, "You're right. She has tiny tits. But I love these nipples. And she sure is a good fuck."
There was more laughter. Then, innocently, as if he doesn't already know, Kirby asked, "Can anyone fuck her?"
Matt nodded and said, "Yeah, pretty much. You just need to talk to Reggie."
Another boy sitting nearby asked, "Reggie Kunkle?"
Before Matt could answer, a girl sitting in the next row asked, "Why is it up to Reggie?"
Matt shrugged and said, "I don't know. But she fucks or sucks off any boy Reggie tells her to."
The bell rang at long last. Matt let my dress fall back into place around me and went to his seat.
I suddenly realized I'm holding my breath. I exhaled loudly and I hurriedly snapped those snaps Reggie allows me to fasten. I sat down just as the teacher entered the room. We sat through fifty minutes of test preparation. But during the entire class I remained the focus of more attention than the teacher.
I spent most of my time trying not to think. I tried not to think about what just happened. I tried not to think about what my life has become. And I tried not to think of what my next class with Mr. Curry will be like.
Strangely, my next class with Mr. Curry was one of the easiest classes of the day. By that I mean he was already in the room when I entered. The boys were forced to leave me alone. And during the class he treated me no differently than he's been treating me all year. You'd never know that he spent an hour having sex with me after class on Friday.
When the bell rang he let me go, saying only that he explained my absence on Friday to my Spanish teacher and there would be no problem when I got to his class.
It was like Friday never happened!
I hurried to my Spanish class and just as Mr. Curry promised, Mr. Perez never even spoke to me. He did give me an appraising look that made me wonder what Mr. Curry said to him, though.
I worked my way through the groping hands to my locker after Spanish class let out. I put my books up and went out to meet Reggie under the oak tree. She walked up behind me before I made it to the parking lot and tapped me on the shoulder.
I turned around and when I saw who it was I stopped. Tara and Steph are with her. Steph already has the movie camera in her hand. Reggie unsnapped all but the one fastener at my waist. I was then ordered to follow her. My dress billowed out in the breeze as I followed along behind her at a brisk pace. Steph ran ahead and got some footage of me walking through the crowded grounds with my breasts and pussy on display.
I wasn't surprised when we ended up under the bleachers again. I wasn't happy when I saw who's waiting for us. Standing there in the shade are four boys from our class, smiling excitedly as they watched me approach.
Before we even reached them, Reggie ordered me to remove my dress and hand it to her. I was naked before we even got to the bleachers. By the time we came to a stop in front of the boys they were already rubbing their erections through their pants and joking with each other about what a slut I've turned into.
I watched as they each handed some cash to Reggie. Then I was ordered onto my hands and knees. This time someone thought to bring a blanket. It's already spread out on the ground behind them.
I tried not to think about what I'm doing. Instead I tried to count how many boys I've had sex with in the last five days and how many of them are from my class, boys I've known and with whom I've been friends for years. Now they're happily paying Reggie for the opportunity to fuck me or have me kneel in from of them totally naked and have their cocks sucked out in public where anyone who wishes can stand around and enjoy watching a free sex show.
I've been forced to have sex with so many boys since Reggie first attacked me that I'm beginning to lose track. While Turk shoved his cock down my throat and Larry stuffed his into my pussy I let my mind wander back to Thursday and tried to count the cocks.
Including the fourteen young men who raped me out at the farm yesterday, in the last five days I've had sex with more than forty guys. Of that number, thirteen or fourteen are in my class. It's hard to concentrate while two boys are fucking me, though. If I want to keep track I'm going to have to take some time with a pen and paper and make a list before the memories become any more jumbled than they already are. On the other hand, do I really want to keep track?
Larry was the first to reach orgasm. He left his cock buried to the hilt in my pussy while Turk held my head in his hands and fucked my mouth. The others stood around and encouraged him with obscene, derogatory comments made loudly at my expense.
I have mixed emotions about what he's doing. I hate being treated this way. But I notice that his average size cock slides right down my throat almost effortlessly. There hadn't even been any pain!
I don't like pain. But I think what he's doing to me is supposed to hurt. I'm not sure I want to be the kind of girl for whom this sort of behavior comes easily.
Turk finally blasted his cum down my throat and slowly removed his cock from my mouth after first letting it drain for a moment. After he pulled his cock out, Larry pulled his soft cock out of my pussy. Without giving my actions a second thought did what I've been trained to do. I turned around and cleaned him with my mouth.
It wasn't until that moment I realized a dozen kids have followed us under the bleachers and are standing around watching me kneeling in the nude, fucking and sucking my classmates because that's what Reggie told me to do. No threats. No violence. She ordered me to undress and allow these boys to have sex with me and I obeyed without a word of protest.
They probably don't realize I've sunk too low to complain now. I got back into position on all fours. Almost before I had time to draw a couple of deep breaths Tommie and Dave immediately replaced the first two boys. From the very start they began to violently slam their cocks into me. That seems to be the way everyone uses me, violently. I realize I should expect nothing different from these kids. No one is here to make love.
They didn't last very long. I cleaned Dave's cock when they were done with me. I studiously avoided meeting the gaze of any of the growing number of kids in the audience. I looked over at Reggie for permission to get up and get dressed.
She checked the time and turned to the boys, and to the girls, who are standing nearby watching. She announced, "We finished up early. I'm selling her mouth and cunt for twenty dollars and her ass for thirty dollars. She's been a busy girl lately but I hear she's still pretty tight. She was a virgin just last week. Anyone interested?"
Reggie pocketed five thousand dollars for my movies yesterday. I know damn well this isn't about the money. She's doing this because she gets off on humiliating me.
It's working. This degrading treatment in front of so many of my classmates is gut wrenching even after all I've been through.
I tried to keep the despair from showing on my face. But one look at the pleasure on Reggie's face made it clear she knows how much I'm suffering from this horrible treatment.
Reggie wasn't disappointed. Two more boys stepped forward and after a brief discussion of which orifice they wanted to stick their cocks in they paid Reggie and got into position to take their turns. These two boys aren't in my class but everyone knows them. They're seniors. They're on the football team. They're two very large black kids.
Toby knelt at my face and Link got behind me. I got nervous when Toby pulled his long black cock out and pressed the fat knob at the top of it against my sore, puffy lips. There was a murmur from the crowd when they saw the size of his cock. It isn't as big as Rosey's, or even Tank's. But it's long and it's fatter than any of the other cocks I've been forced to suck this afternoon. It's fatter than any cock I've taken into my throat except for the last time Tank fucked my mouth and finally managed to get his cock in my throat.
I offered no resistance when Toby shoved his cock into my mouth. I didn't dare even though I knew he was going to try to fuck my face just like the first two boys did. I moaned in despair as he gripped the sides of my head. I knew this was going to hurt, a lot.
I was right. It did hurt. But much to my surprise his fat cock slid down my throat with astounding ease. Thankfully, within a couple of minutes my throat adjusted to the increased girth. His massive cock felt only slightly more uncomfortable than a more average sized cock when it slammed into me.
Everyone was watching Toby fuck my mouth. Even Link! He's as curious as everyone else to see how I handle Toby's cock raping my throat.
Once Toby was fucking my throat, though, and it became obvious I'm going to survive, Link turned his attention to working his even larger cock into my pussy.
Link's cock is significantly larger than any other cock I fucked today. I'm kind of glad he didn't go first. I appreciate the extra lubrication that's been deposited in my body by the boys who preceded him.
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=======================================================================s t a r t r e a d i n g This happened two years ago, more or less. A friend of mine toldme that she discovered a new resort somewhere in Tanay. The gang and Idecided to visit it. The designated meeting place was my house. Thenight before the said trip, one of our friends came to the house, Ben,with his friend Wacky. Since they lived somewhere far in downtownMetropolis, they decided that it would best that they stayed...
Hi fellas, its vincent again I am a male escort serving women from posch society who want safety and secrecy I giv companionship for reasonable rate Feel free to contact me at my mail id ( ) my services include massage dating house company and intimate services Now lets go to the story My last story is about a shy muslim woman with whom I made love this story is about a unmarried north indian women who is my first client After I registered as an escort I got my first call after 2hrs told her...
"Come on out, Linda," Judge Herns told me. "I don't want to," was my reply back to her. "I look ridiculous!" "It can't be that bad," I heard Dr. Green say. "Yes it can," I responded through the closed door. "Why do I have to do this?" "Because it's part of your agreement for having me change you back into Linda," Judge Herns replied a little sternly. "Now come out here so we can see how you look." I reluctantly opened the door and stepped out wearing the ridiculous outfit...
“Genevieve, What the hell mess have you got yourself into?!” Boatswain Genevieve Arthur knew Captain Pierce Masters, formerly Number One of the Bunte Kuh, was really upset and worried. He only called her ‘Genevieve’ in the heat of passion, sexual or otherwise. She answered carefully, “Just following orders, Sir. Bossie can verify that Dreck, err Captain Dreck, called ‘No quarter,’ so I gave none.” She added, “He gave no additional instructions, so I followed his standing orders to the...
For some it’s the desert, for others it’s the ocean. Myself, I find solace at the end of my weekly hikes. My destination is always the same, a waterfall. I’m blessed to live in the Pacific Northwest where there are no shortages of hikes or waterfalls. Alone with my dog, I can take in the sight, sound, smell, and even the taste of the air as water crashes off the rocks around me. It’s here I can clear my head and breathe deep. Most days I allow myself to linger just a short time before turning...
It was a frosty, uncomfortable weekend between Laura and me. She'd come home in the wee hours of the morning and spent most of Saturday with a hangover so bad the slightest noise caused her pain. After suffering Laura's short temper for a time, Alyssa and I bailed out and went to the park and we didn't come home until after dinnertime. That didn't suit Laura very well at all. She lit into me when Alyssa and I got home, expressing her opinion, at length, of a husband and daughter who...
In my teens, I had a best friend named Amanda. We were really close. We did everything together, we even took baths together. We slept over at each others house all the time. In fact, that is where this story takes place, at my house during one of those famous sleepovers. It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, and my best friend was over at my house sitting on my bed in my room, it was like her second home. I called my mom into my room and said, “Hey mom, can Amanda sleep over tonight?” I asked....
BisexualThe three of us waited. I was getting a bit antsy to get out of this tub. From above I heard arguing. Woman arguing. One voice was definitely Bobby's. I wonder what she had done wrong. Fuck this, I'm leaving. So up the ladder I went. As I climbed toward the opening, I could tell something was not right. "Listen bitch – turn your ass around and head back into that sub!" I slowly peeked over the edge of the round hatch. We were in some sort of subterranean cavern. The sub was moored to a...
Today was the day Hazel had been looking forward to for a long time. It was the swimming sports day at Lighton Girls’ High School and that meant one thing for the cute little 14 year old: swimsuits. All day she could watch the girls parade around, their tight black swimsuits hugging their bodies, exhibiting many pairs of beautiful breasts, hundreds of pert asses and more luscious legs than Hazel could handle. However, the best thing about today was before and after the parading: the...
Preston Whitcomb, in his Newark studio apartment, rolled out of bed from a night of restless sleep and poured himself a beer. Old newspapers were scattered about. Unwashed plates on which he ate his microwavable meals were fixed to the coffee table. A pile of laundry surrounded his bed. A wilted plant lay half-dead on the window sill. He had a view of an alleyway a couple of floors below, and when he looked straight out of his window he stared at a brick wall. The only thing that Preston kept...
349 Cuckold by mutual agreement.Peter was a rose grower, a bricky by trade but that only filled in the days, in reality he now lived for his roses. His first wife had died after 20 years of a great marriage, she had been a model wife, soft, loving, caring and wonderful she had had the dreaded big C. He had been devastated, as you would expect. luckily, they had had no c***dren, and though not rich, at 39 and fit he had taken life by the reigns got off his backside and gone looking for...
Chapter 2 As the sun rose in the early morning sky, it crept in through a window in the cabin, the room became flooded with light. The room was clearer now. Clothes of all description littered the floor and even some sexy toys. The light hit Edward hard, as he began to stir from his slumber. Bryony was still naked and asleep, just resting on his chest and breathing softly. The fire was now just embers that glowed faintly in the early morning light. Birds could be heard outside with their...
I met my group at the end of Morton Farm Lane. All the girls along with Jenna, Jason and Norman Pyle - the construction estimator for Bob's Construction - were waiting for me. When I made the turn off the highway, I knew why the name Crash Morgan sounded familiar to me. Years ago, long before I went into the Marines, Jake had just gotten his drivers license. The only way that Mom and Dad would let him and Crystal go out in the car was if I was with them. They were using me as chaperone,...
Chapter 16My office feels unusually quiet as I continue to stare at my computer screen, not really reading anything. It’s the same thing I’ve been doing all morning.In the past, I’ve always been able to work through any personal turmoil I'm going through. But with this situation, I can’t seem to parse out the personal from the work because it’s all intertwined.It doesn’t help that I got so little sleep last night. By the time I got done finalizing the exploration questions with Jackie and...
LesbianShe had always been a pretty girl and now firmly in middle age she was still attractive, she knew that she could still turn a few heads in the high street, a pity that her husband showed so little interest these days. Sex had rapidly declined in the last ten years, now, if it did happen it consisted of a quick grope of her boobs, then him lying on top as he humped and groaned to a quick orgasm, then rolling off and falling asleep. Vera could remember her last orgasm, the only problem she had...
It was August and for the past six weeks Pennsylvania had been in the grip of an unrelenting heat wave.My girlfriend at the time Pam and I had plans to attend a local yearly festival in a large city twenty miles from our home where home made pies were always judged the final day of the celebration.Pam had taken first prize in the judging the past three years,with the delicious variety of apples that we harvested from dwarf trees in our back yard.She had spent the morning preparing the pie crust...
"Oh My GOD. OWW, OWW. It HURTS!!!! I should have never done it the second time on a brand new vagina." Apparently Angela was awake and tried to use the bathroom without thinking about the potential soreness from last night's hyperactivity. When I walked in she spun around, pointed to her red and puffy vagina, and shouted, "You did this to me. You MADE me do it for so long, and you didn't stop until I was too dry to continue. WHY did you let me browbeat you into continuing when you KNEW...
A Different Kind of Lover Chapter II (fiction)The last story I wrote was of my exciting lover Jenny who had a very special secret. As I related in the first story, I had no clue whatsoever that my friend Jenny possessed an anatomical difference which I had never dreamed really existed. I had read of myths, legends, and lore which had described her hermaphrodite status, but I was mistakenly thinking this was fictional poppycock. After finding out about Jenny, oh what a world, what an intriguing...
The Kingdom of Helm has always been the envy of all civilized nations upon the world of Kjeldorn and beyond. With a rich ecology and plentiful resources,a warm climate and an abundance in rains, Helm has always been the crowns' gem for the human Empire. The majority of Wars have been fought for this land, and the worlds' very history unravels around Helm's fate. For over five hundred years, the various races have fought each other for the right to rule these divinely blessed-or some would say...
FantasyI can already tell the music is on point before I ever step foot into the club. I can smell the sweet aromas of tobacco and marijuana as a fog machine from within pumps a foggy illusion through the doors, colored and flashing lights adding to the effect. Once inside, I am intoxicated by the atmosphere and am quickly trying to match the feeling with alcohol, quickly drinking a beer and then another. One cute girl pulls me onto the dance floor and we shake it for a while, but she soon wanders off...
FetishCHAPTER 1 Riley Hall found out his Australian wife of seven months intended to divorce him for ‘irreconcilable differences’ and he mused about that. He had no idea what her beef about difference problems with him were but she’d become a pain in the ass in recent months, at him all the time to work longer to earn more money to buy the things she wanted. Jesus, what a selfish woman. Anyway, she’d left the rented house, taking most of her things, leaving just junk, and taking some of their...
This is a true account of what happened a few years ago.Jaq was always getting me to lick the juices from her dildo; it was something that turned her on. One evening after a horny session, she blurted out that she would really enjoy watching me suck a cock. This was something that I had often thought about but never had taken any further. Jaq decided that she wanted to add this to our growing list of sexy adventures; many of you reading this will know that even now in our late fifties, that we...
First TimeHOT & HEALTHY HABITSHomeRETREAT!!SHOPBlogAboutWhat This Spray Tanner REALLY Thinks of Her ClientsAmanda Adams, CPTIt was one of the best, yet saddest jobs I ever had.In college, I worked at the only tanning salon in town. Confession: I loved it. However, there was one part of my job that I dreaded more than any other—giving spray tans. (But not for the reasons you might be thinking… keep reading. And if you've read this blog before, you need to read it again).Since this was the only spray...
All characters are over 18. Characters and story are purely fictional. It had been a few years since I had been home. I was in the Marines and stationed overseas. My parents greeted me at the airport. We got caught up on things during the 2 hour drive to our home. My parents did not like living near the city, so they found a home on a couple of acres 10 years ago and bought it. I was 18 and fresh out of high school when I enlisted. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life and didn’t want...
IncestJerome sends me a gift and a friendFriday afternoon I came back home after a very busy day at my office.My loving husband Victor had flown out of town and would come back on Monday. On the veranda I found a package at the door. It had a note on it:“Bitch, I will be there tomorrow; I bought some nasty whore outfit for you”.The note was signed by my old black lover Jerome. I opened the package in my bedroom. It was a very sexy white trim thong bikini that would look great against my tanned skin...
Michael was at work and as was his habit several times a week, he checked the MW4M section of the Craigslist Casual Encounters Personals section. Ever since his wife had died, he never had the desire to even attempt another love connection. He was always on the lookout for couples seeking a BBC to make a connection with. This satisfied his sexual needs with no strings, no romance, just pure primal lust. Since Claire was gone he continued enjoying white women, especially married white women, and...
InterracialCharity seems to have the whole scheming process drawn out in her mind, like this isn’t the first family she’s screwed with, literally. She knows that Mr. Chase has some deep dark secrets, and the evidence she got from Bookworm’s visit to poor uncle Roger’s house proves to her, the fact that he wished it was him taking bookworm’s virginity! When she presents the evidence to Mr. Chase, he becomes infuriated, almost acting out against Roger, but Charity seizes the...
xmoviesforyouEven with the shock and daring of The Blade, Rebecca considered her first gathering with the full circle on Lughnasad to have been a high point of her life. There were more celebrations, dancing, and even couples slipping into the shadows of the huge stones to make love. After the circle had dispersed, Rebecca and Mrs. Weed made their way back to the Bed and Breakfast in Keswick. Breakfast Sunday morning was a typical English affair with boiled sausages, beans, soft boiled eggs, and dry...
I watched the young upstart approaching and sighed in exasperation. Across the spacious living area, our gazes met and the loathing I felt for him was mirrored equally. I didn’t have any rational reason for disliking him so much, but there was something about him that unsettled me… to be more precise, something I didn’t trust.It wasn’t just his meteoric rise up the agency ladder that twitched my antenna. Although it was unprecedented and widely disliked — mostly by the bruised egos and trampled...
MILFI arrived at her house and she greeted me wearing a long silk robe. She was wearing heals and it looked like a half bra and stockings. She led me into her room and we sat to talk. She reminded me about the instructions, and I agreed. She told me to sit on the floor and worship her feet. I am not really into feet, but whatever. I sat down and slowly took off her heals and began kissing her feet. I sucked on her toes as I caught glimpses of her panties. While I was kissing her feet, she...
By Jax_Teller I had been working as a live in building supervising superintendent in a upper class high rise apartment building for two months when I first noticed a young attractive black women entering the building. She was particularly beautiful and her skin was so clear and glowing. As the week went on I noticed her coming in just before five pm almost every day. I actually found myself placing my self in her path to see what she was doing in the building. We had personal care aides,...
Wonder if they have somewhere with a big juicy steak close by. One with those dimmed lights and dark booths along the wall. I got teased by all Molly, Jan and Jon about having to show off at both the bathing suit and underwear stores. “Hey, they needed someone to show them they don’t know as much as they think. Seriously, those women in the underwear store have been doing that for at least half their lives. All of them were wearing the same badly fitting bras they fit on other women because...
Lisa put together some last minute things, cosmetics, and her light blue wraparound dress in case she and Dan were to go out for the evening. She knew that John would be balls deep in Karen as often as possible and she wanted that same feeling from Dan. “Girls make sure you have everything in case we spend the night at Dan’s home!” Lisa shouted to Hanna and Jennifer. “And make sure you’ve taken your birth control pill!” “Yes, Mom!” Hanna acknowledged. “And speaking of birth control, I...
I again went to the gay pick up down at the woods near my home wanting a hard cock inside me rather than a dildo I drove down and saw a few cars parked at the verge close by. Feeling my cock rage inside my jeans as I drove past I decided to about turn and let my curiosity and bulging urge take over. As I strolled through the trees I noticed signs of previous action with some empty condom packets and tissues s**ttered in various places. Then I saw them, 2 guys in the opening ahead, my heart was...
In our first year of marriage, Tammy and I went to visit her family for the holidays. By this time I was beginning to embrace the fact that my wife enjoyed sex with multiple men. I had come to be aroused by that fact. I had yet to share her in our marriage, though. Her family was very nice, but there was one man at the gathering, about 10 years older than her, who paid particular attention to her. In fact, they were constantly flirting. When we left, they had just a little bit longer than...
I was on my way to the airport with Kendal. We were going to be gone for a four day weekend to finish up the on-site work for the movie. Our destination was the Northwest Territories. We would be staying in the small town of Yellowknife. It was called The Gateway to the North. I was excited about finishing up my portion of the movie. There would be some big chase and fight scenes that would allow me to use my newly acquired gun skills. Craig had called me earlier in the week and told me he...
I was able to get in to see Captain Crowley on Thursday morning. Another young officer, African-American this time, was the one who escorted me in, and this time Crowley had some paperwork on his desk. I got the impression that after this meeting it would be time to shit or get off the pot. Crowley outlined the procedure to apply, and then reviewed the pay and benefits. “Grim, as an Administrative Assistant you make a bit more than minimum wage, but it’s a full-time job and it qualifies you...
Charlie POV: When we arrived back at home, we were totally disoriented as far as what time of day it was. When the whole episode with the assassins started it was around 4:00 pm on Friday. Looking outside, it was twilight and all the workers were gone from the back yard. It was very quiet. All of the babies were hungry and needed changing. We all pitched in taking care of the kids, even Sheila and Joni. Rex and Jeremy took orders for carryout chicken and took off to get dinner. The kiddos...
Hi, I am simmi from Amritsar. Hum do behane and ek bhai hai. We live in a small house at amritsar. Bhai and Didi ki bahut banti hai but woh mera koi kehna nahin maan ta. Hamare ghar mein do kamre and ek kitchen hai. Mere mom and dad ek room mein sote hai. Mein (22 yrs), mera bhai rahul (20 years) and Didi shveta (24 yrs ) ek kamre mein sote hai. Is se pehle hum joint family mein rehte the so sab ladkiyan ek kamre mein and sab ladke doosre mein sote the. Hamare kamre mein do bistar lage the ek...