Number 42Chapter 4 free porn video

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Janis said, “Master, I know I don’t deserve to be forgiven, but I offer you my body, without restriction, to use for your pleasure. Perhaps by making myself into the best fuck you’ve ever had I can dull the pain I caused you enough so that the memory becomes smaller.”

I said, “Connie dear, let’s take this girl up to your bedroom and see if she can keep her promises to you.”

I led Janis up the stairs and to the master bedroom.

I said, “Connie, please lie on your back in the middle of the bed. Now Janis, straddle her pretty face and gently lower your sex down to her lips.”

I put a hand on the back of her head and pressed her face down into the gash between my wife’s legs.

“Now lick Connie’s clit the way you’d like yours licked and make my wife cum,”

I knew both girls were virgins with another woman, so I talked dirty to them to get their imaginations and sex drive going. As I expected, Janis came first. After her body stopped thrashing uncontrollably, Janis ate Connie’s pussy like there was no tomorrow. My wife came fairly quickly too. Connie growled just before she came, like a feral female animal in heat.

“Don’t stop. Keep licking each other,” I commanded.

I got behind Janis and ran the head of my cock up and down her dripping slit. When I rubbed the head over her clit, she moaned. I got lined up and shoved my dick, balls deep, in Janis’ cunt. I fucked her until she came on my cock for the first time. My ego swelled as Janis had one screaming orgasm after another.

Sometimes I get so excited when I’m fucking a woman that I feel on the razor’s edge, but I can’t cum. I took advantage of that quirk to fuck Janis for two hours. I fucked her until she had a massive orgasm and passed out.

I helped Connie get out from under her, put my wife on her back, and fucked her until she was begging me to have mercy on her. I grinned at Connie and whispered, “One of these days, it won’t be practice and I’ll knock you up. You will look so sexy with my baby growing in your belly.”

Connie whimpered, “Yes, shoot me full of your baby making sperm. Get me pregnant. Fuck a baby girl into my belly Georgie.”

I exploded and sent an incredible volume of thick, hot cream gushing into Connie’s pussy as it was convulsing from multiple orgasms. Our hips kept thrusting, trying to get my cockhead as deep as possible inside her fuck tunnel. We wore each other out and collapsed on the bed.

I wrapped my arms around my wife. Connie said, “I wish I could think an adaptation to my body, and yours, babe.”

“What did you have in mind?” I asked.

“I’d make your dick longer, with a thinner tip and a fatter root. The thin tip would let your cock head go through my cervix and into my womb. I’d move my G-Spot to encircle the opening of my cervix, and then when you shoved your spear into my womb, I’d cum from the G-Spot nerves and my clit would get pulverized by the fat root of your dick. It would make it so I could only be bred by an Alpha, like you, who had a prick big enough to go into my womb. I’d only have the best orgasms I could have with you. Maybe it would be your huge cock going through my cervix and triggering G-Spot orgasms that made me able to be bred,” Connie said.

“Damn girl, you think of the hottest things! Would you give me a knot, the way dogs have one to hold the baby batter inside the bitch? I know I wish I could get hard any time you sucked me and that I had zero recovery time if you were still horny. I’d like more semen volume, and I’d like to be able to blast you full of spunk at least ten times a day, every day.” I said.

Janis woke up and said, “It would be nice if a girl got pregnant and knew she was knocked up as soon as the cock head went through the cervix and into the uterus. Also, if you have instantly ripe ova, why can’t the lining of the uterus develop from the same trigger, so that it’s there and ready when the egg gets out of the fallopian tube? That would get rid of periods and make things more efficient. In addition, a woman would only need like twenty or thirty eggs, so she would have less chance of getting ovarian or uterine cancer, because fast cell growth would only happen a few times in her lifetime. Anyway Connie, I really like the idea of only being able to breed if the cock was big enough to penetrate the cervix and go into the womb.”

Connie said, “Janis, we are kinder to you than you deserve. You do seem to be a good fuck though, and I’m going to keep you around and train you to take care of my Georgie if anything ever happens to me so that I can’t. If I forget and treat you like a person, just remember that you are my slave and you don’t get to fuck my husband unless I give you permission.”

“Yes Mistress,” Janis said.

Connie decided Janis should get her Library Science Masters and then go to work to help support our micro-commune.

One night after I’d fucked her particularly well, Connie whispered, “Have you always wanted to fuck young teen girls?”

I said, “I’ve wanted to screw young teen girls since I was a young teen boy and it was totally appropriate. Unfortunately, my desires never kept pace with my age. Right now, I get a hardon for any good-looking female from fourteen through forty. Truthfully, if a girl wanted to, I’d do her as long as she liked it and it didn’t hurt her.”

Janis added, “And she looked good!”

We all laughed.

Janis said, “Have you ever had a fantasy where you had a harem?”

“Not so much a harem, as when people asked me, ‘Ginger or Maryanne?’ I wondered what they would say if I answered, ‘Both.’ After all, they had such different personalities, there wouldn’t be any redundancy having both. I suppose that was before I met Connie and found out one woman was horny as much as I was and could keep me satisfied,” I said.

“Suck-up!” Janis said.

“Babe, you know Jan could take care of you by herself if I didn’t pull rank and keep most of the time for myself. You are just too yummy to put myself on a diet when it comes to getting my mouth and cunt filled up with your cream. Sorry Janis, but it sucks to be you some days. I have to keep you reminded that you could have had our stud all to yourself if you hadn’t been so dumb,” Connie said.

Janis got her MS in Library Science and went to work at the Iowa State University Library in Ames. I got my doctorate in Plant Genetics and went to work as the number two research guy at Poweshiek Seeds. Connie still didn’t know what she wanted except for me to fuck her as often as possible. Connie and Janis got to be almost friends and they did a lot of eating each other if I was at work and they were at home.

The head librarian at the college retired. Janis applied for the job and got it. She moved to Grinnell to live with us, and we found a whole, old Victorian house to share. Life was good for all of us, and nearly perfect for me.

Darla got tangled up with a man-whore, and everything at work turned to shit.

Fortunately, there wasn’t a non-competition clause in my contract, so I quit. I took everything I’d learned and Connie and I started Amana Hybrids. The colony board was modernizing, and I was able to lease all the land north of I-80 and south of the developed areas, from Marengo to Oxford. I took advantage of the well-known Amana name and their reputation for wholesome food and high-quality products, and booked all the sales I could supply for the next planting season.

Connie had developed an interest in the climate and we looked at trends that led me to go for maximum drought resistance plus complete nutrition in my first batch. Connie was right, and our customers did appreciably better than their neighbors using any other brand of seed corn.

Janis had subscribed to a clipping service for us that sent us news and articles about corn from all over the world. She reviewed the articles, passed what she thought was important on to Connie, and she discussed ones she thought were important with me. I was very excited to find out about an archeological expedition in South America which found a cache of seed corn. I called up my dad’s friend, Neil Smith, and the Representative put me in touch with the State Department. I was able to get an allocation of the seed and the right to germinate and grow a sample.

There was a trucking company that was based in Montezuma that had just gone under, abandoning thousands of square feet of warehouse. I swooped in and bought their assets from the bankruptcy court for pennies on the dollar. I had the latest indoor growing equipment and lighting installed. I also installed air filtration equipment so that the pollen from the ancient corn could not get out into the central Iowa fields of modern hybrid corn and the modern hybrid pollen could not get into the experimental growing facility. I met the leader of the expedition in Washington, D.C. and gave his sponsoring university a modest gift. I collected my bag of ancient seeds, and headed home to Iowa.

Connie and I started Montezuma Heritage Hybrids to develop any beneficial genetic traits in the South American seed corn and engineer and market a separate product line from our Amana Hybrids varieties. One of the marketing strategies for the Montezuma line was, “All Natural. No Genetic Engineering.” Connie came up with that, and it seemed silly in the 1970s, but it sold a lot of seed for us in the Twenty-First Century.

Now if you want to get rich fast, don’t get into the seed corn business. It takes lots of money for the R&D plus more for any genetic engineering and then you have to grow the new variety, measure the yield and test the nutritional value of the variety, then grow enough seed to supply your early adopters, document their experience growing the variety, market the variety based on that data, grow more seed, and slowly increase your market share.

I knew the kind of farmer who would buy our seed corn. They are independent, spit in the face of authority kind of people, which can mean they are difficult and demanding. The corporate farm and the family farm run like a corporate farm are going to take the safe path and buy Pioneer or if they have certain problems with soil where a DeKalb variety is a better fit, then they will buy from the Illinois company. My customer is looking for a better price, a less restrictive contract, and better service.

When I leased the farm land from the Amana Colony board, I also leased all their elevators and storage facilities. I also had the ability to load freight cars as well as trucks. I offered post-harvest services at a discount to justify the expense of maintaining the facilities and keeping people employed. It was also a feature that helped sell seed around Amana.

Now as we got established, I saw a trend from the big seed companies that disturbed me and terrified my customers. The contracts kept getting longer and more complicated. The seed company had patented their varieties, and of course I had too. However, the big companies were putting in prohibitions for saving any of a crop to use for seed the next year. The greedy big guys wanted to contractually ensure the farmer had to buy new seed every year.

If you buy the seed from me, it comes to you treated with fungicide and packaged so it won’t rot on you before it gets planted. There’s also nematode protection in the seed coating. If you save field grown corn for seed, you have to store it over the winter, protect it from rats and other critters that can get into your storage bins, hope you got it dry enough so it won’t rot, and when you plant it in your dirt, it’s vulnerable to whatever Mother Nature sends your way. In addition, your seed isn’t going to be quite as good as mine, and in a few years, you’ll definitely see the difference in a side by side plot test.

However, I’m just a guy who likes to help nature give her best, so if you buy my seed, it’s yours, to do with as you see fit. I wouldn’t feed it to animals if I were you because of the coating, but it’s yours, end of story. The big guys want to tell you that corn grown in your dirt can’t be kept on your property and used for seed. They want to tell a farmer he has to sell his entire crop and they want to monitor every little thing he does so you basically have to prove to them that you aren’t guilty of saving corn for seed. To me, that’s just greed run wild and down-right unamerican.

I testified in front of the Senate Agriculture Committee and said as much. Now the big guys hate me and I’m getting hit with piles of nuisance patent infringement suits. The thing that saves me is that I’ve always kept really good records. It’s just a big waste of my time and or course money, and they know it. I got tired of the war of attrition and always being on the defensive, so I got together a few lawyers from little country towns and we launched a bunch of “restriction of trade” and “conspiracy to restrict trade” suits. We got enough Federal Courts to rule our way that it started to cost the big guys, so they finally backed off with the nuisance suits. I also started counter suing to recover my legal costs on anything that got thrown out for lack of evidence I stole their intellectual property.

It got a little difficult to manage everything with facilities all over the Amana area, Grinnell, and Montezuma. I’m a hands-on kind of guy, so things seem to go smoother if I turn up in person regularly enough for all my folks to know I give a shit about what they do. Driving around from place to place was taking too much time. We tried using fixed wing, small aircraft, but the landing strips were usually not where I needed to go, and there was still a lot of driving involved.

I met the founder of an electric car company that was trying to out Tesla Mr. Musk. I got him working on a higher capacity lighter weight battery. I bought out an experimental helicopter company and moved them into the Amana Appliance factory that was left vacant when Raytheon stopped building refrigerators and air conditioners in Iowa. We developed an electric helicopter that flew at nearly the speed of a fixed wing aircraft. Using light weight composites, we were able to fly a reasonable distance on one battery pack. We had charging stations at all our facilities, and we would pull out the battery packs and slap in fresh ones after every flight.

The great thing about being able to fly was that Connie, Janis, and I could all live in the same house; and I could get home at a reasonable time every night. We built a new home outside Homestead so we had room for the helipad. The electric motors are very quiet, but the sound of blades slicing through the air can be annoying, so we made sure we were far enough away from the town. We built on a hill so we had a great view of the valley. The surrounding farm land is some of the most fertile in the world. The view of our seed corn growing, especially in the soft light just before sunset, is hauntingly beautiful.

Somehow the time never seemed right for either of my girls to get pregnant, so we never had children.

One of the things left behind when Amana stopped being a communal living group was that the dormitories and kitchens were left vacant. Following my pattern, I bought up that property. I thought I’d demolish the structures and build rental retail space for tourist shops and restaurants. However, Janis came to me with a proposal for a charitable foundation that would provide homes for troubled youth. It would operate like the Amana Colonies had and be a living history museum to preserve the history of the most successful communal living experiment in American history.

Janis got so involved in the foundation that she resigned from the college library and became the foundation director.

I mostly thought of the foundation as a way to reduce my tax liability, but my view changed dramatically when Janis came home one night with a flaxen-haired girl in tow. She introduced me to McKenzie, and the girl launched herself across the room and landed in my lap. Her arms went around my neck, and the child looked up at me with big blue eyes shining and said, “I NEED a daddy. Will you be mine?”

I was taken aback, so I asked Janis, “What’s the story here?”

Jan laughed and said, “Mack, you will never get what you want in life when you hint around. George is my husband and he isn’t going to scold you for being a little different from most girls your age. He likes the same things I like, so don’t be afraid, sweetie.”

McKenzie looked into my eyes like she was looking for confirmation down to the depths of my soul. Finally, she grinned and said, “I’ve always dreamed of a daddy of my very own. But my daddy wouldn’t just tuck me in bed, he’d get in bed with me and we would kiss and touch until my whole body was on fire, and then he’d make love to me until he made me shiver and shake and cry out from the pleasure he made me feel. So, would you be MY daddy, Mr. George?”

Janis giggled, which was totally out of character for her. “Mack was showing me how much she likes to cuddle and kiss and be all lovey-dovey, weren’t you sweetie?” Jan said.

“Oh yes, Mr. George! Of course, I’ve had lots of practice with other girls, but I really want to do things with my daddy, not some dumb boy. Would you like to teach me how to do what you like and show me what you can do to make me feel wonderful? Would you like to be my daddy?” McKenzie asked.

“You know I’ve always wanted a little girl of my very own who loves me very, very much. I’d love to answer all your questions and love your beautiful little body in all the ways you want. It’s very important to me to only do things a girl likes and that feel good to her. If we were playing in bed and something hurt you, I’d want you to tell me right away so I could do something different that didn’t hurt you. You’d always tell me right away if something hurt or you didn’t like it, wouldn’t you, Mack?” I said.

“Yes daddy. I think the same way. A daddy should never force his daughter to do something, especially something she doesn’t like, except things like going to school. A daddy shouldn’t do anything to his little girl that hurts her either. But you know what? A daddy should not be afraid to let his daughter love him the way she wants to. A daddy should be brave enough to accept all the love his little girl wants to give him.

“Now can I show you the kind of love I want to give you, daddy? Will you teach me how to do all the things you like? Will you show me everything that might feel good to me?” McKenzie asked.

“Is Miss Janis going to be your mommy, Mack?” I asked.

“I’m going to have two mommies, daddy! Miss Janis, and Miss Connie are going to be my mommies and teach me all about how to be a woman and how to make my daddy very, very happy,” Mack said.

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Number 67 Story by MrsAnaC Part Two

NOTICE: This story is fiction, no resemblance to RL context/characters/names so on doesn't apply. It is my intellectual property and any individual or institution is NOT allowed to redistribute it without my written permission. I didn't plan to write more so soon, but hey, inspiration hit and it hit me quite good (rofl)... Enjoy the second part here, let me know if you do, and stay tuned for more! This part is... a bit more special... you'll see why :) Part One here (Introduction, so that you...

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Number 19

The cat lost her balance and fell off. This was immediately followed by a loud splash, a piercing feline howl and a blinding orange blur flying through the living room-a trail of wet paws left in its wake. Sy, as usual, was in his boxer shorts and white tank shirt, reclining in his BarcaLounger-the remote control in one hand aimlessly flipping through the channels. A can of Krutchman's Double Malt Super Suds in the other. Channel surfing was much too elegant of a term for Sy. It might imply...

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Number one fan

The shorter man looked upon the sight on the deck below and swallowed. Then he licked his lips and looked at his partner. "Some piece of work, these babes, ain't they?" The taller man didn't answer. They have been waiting for almost ten minutes to see if there were any other threats beside the skipper and the cameraman who was tied up and gagged in his cabin, but apparently there were none. Only them, the four voluptuous young women tanning obliviously on the deck, and their job. He took...

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Number 42Chapter 2

We went back to making out. Connie said, “I know that you know about the clitoris because of you and Janis dry humping. You need to know that every girl is different, and what worked for your last girlfriend probably won’t work for me. My clit is really, really sensitive, and you can’t just start rubbing on it. That’s why I left my panties on. It seems to work best if you tease me through my panties and make me cum a few times before you touch my bare skin. Then, you need to touch around the...

1 year ago
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NumbersChapter 2

"I don't really know," I said, eventually, "and I suspect that Debbie has a rather different take on things, but ... there was just so much expectation around ... at least for me ... we'd both got into expecting that somehow we were going to get together – that it would all be really simple and easy and stuff – and, somehow, it just hasn't been. I mean, since her ex-partner died, she's been up here, then I was in hospital, then we had the Big Crisis meeting and ... well, after that it...

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NumbersChapter 3

After a fairly sleepless night I wasn't really at my best when Gareth pitched up at some unearthly hour of the morning – about 9:30, to be honest – but I got it together to make him coffee and even some breakfast – he'd left his parents place in North Wales considerably earlier still – and we sat companionably enough in the small kitchen of the flat I'd slept in - Debbie and my flat, according to the plans we'd made in London. Not that he commented on her absence, possibly because the...

4 years ago
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NumbersChapter 4

It was odd being with Debbie when neither of us had a laptop or mobile, neither of us had anything very pressing to do and – I realised – neither of us was in a bad mood. To be honest, I was feeling distinctly nervous and I think maybe Debbie was, too. Once Fergus had gone back to doing what he did best – ignoring the customers – and we were effectively alone, though, it became surprisingly easy. OK, so it wasn't the Great Conversation we both knew we needed to have – we actually talked...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Curse of Emerald Witch Part V

PART V *Gasp!* Heather quickly sat upright in her bed, panting heavily. She was completely drenched in sweat from head to toe. The amulet beneath her night dress was glowing brighter than ever, pulsing and pounding like a beating heart against her chest. She placed her hand on her chest as she tried to catch up with her breath. For a moment she thought she was hyperventilating. Then, she thought she was dying. "Oh no," gasped Heather. "No, no, no!" She thought she'd never get...

1 year ago
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Cousin Sandy

Cousin Sandy I had forgotten about my new DVD camcorder that Mom and Dad had bought me for my birthday a few days ago. I really wanted to show it to my cousin. We hadn’t gotten too far away so Sandy and I went back to my house and up to my bedroom. Sandy’s parents were visiting my parents and they had sent us out to play. They just wanted to get rid of us for awhile. Dad even gave me money to buy Sandy something to eat at the local Burger King. We hadn’t tried to be quiet, that’s...

3 years ago
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Sun Salutation A

I had just gone through my first Vinyasa of the day, my back arched, eyes closed with the morning sun warming my face when I heard Mr. Hill come out onto his porch next door. He had a cup of coffee and a newspaper, and when he saw me, currently holding my Upward Dog pose, my sports bra-clad tits thrust out, he smiled and raised his steaming mug in my direction.“Good morning, Mrs. Simmons!”“Morning, Mr. Hill!” I called back, shifting my body into Downward Dog, so now it was my ass pointing...

2 years ago
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Thief Gone Rogue 2

Chapter Two Sensations overwhelmed the new Jacob as he explored the skin on his arms. The bed was where he was, still naked, enjoying the feel of cool air and a textured comforter. It wasn't until he rolled over that he had noticed just how cold it was. In a much too feminine voice he giggled and wrapped his slender arms around himself enjoying the softness of his own body. Even his new hair held his attention for several minutes, it was long, soft and raven black, much different...

3 years ago
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Playing with myself dressed

I lived by myself for a while so no problem there, so after showering and shaving my balls and butthole, I set up my dvd player, (yeah it was a while ago), to play Ladyboys in Latex. I retreated to my bedroom to choose an outfit.Hmmm, I feel naughty and nice tonight, so white, definitely white. I chose a white silky bustier with spaghetti straps and garters, and some brand new thigh high sheer white stockings. After I attached the garters, I pulled the laces on the back as hard as I could and...

1 year ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 63

For once, Diane actually wanted to go to the abandoned church. Jason had infiltrated her dreams again. She had awoken that morning with a wet and aching pussy that would not relent. She had been forced to let her slave persona take over, whereupon she moaned and writhed through an extended masturbation session, all the while imagining Jason's nice hard cock slow-fucking her. She had had her feelings largely under control until Richie's comment about her boots, then all her slave ego could...

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Jody cuckolds me

I was in jeans and short, but underneath I wore a corset, stockings and panties. And of course that nasty chastity device.Jody said she would be driving my car on our shopping trip. I nodded in agreement. She stopped me at the door and took out some lipstick. My heart stopped. It was clear I was going to have to go out wearing lipstick. Jody giggled at my face as she applied it. And told me not to smudge. Or I would look like I had been sucking cock.I was relieved, if a little surprised when...

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Introduction: Cheerleader Captain gets group raped by nerds April My name is April Caughman. This is a story of the day that changed my life. I was 18 when it happened. I am 510 with long brown hair. My 36c breast always caught the attention of most straight males. I have been involved with Cheerleading my whole life. So my body was lean with long muscular legs. I was the Cheerleading Captain for my high school. While most of my friends dated a lot I had only had a couple boyfriends. I had sex...

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CuckoldSessions La Sirena 02092020

Lasirena69 loves dick. She’ll take any color, but her favorite? The one her boyfriend can’t give her of course. A big, thick juicy black dick. She loves the contrast against her pale skin and the sensation of her holes being stretched beyond their limit. She especially loves fucking her boyfriend after she’s taken a good black pounding because she usually can’t feel him at all. After their party, when just one guest is left, Lasirena69 enters the room with no top on and crawls across her...

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Bus Mein Mili Ek Sexy Ladki 8211 Part 2

Hello all. Main Rahul. Aap logo ne 1st part ‘Bus Mein Mili Ek Sexy Ladki’ mein dekha kaise maine bus mein Muskaan ki body ke maze liye. Aage badhte hai. To aag dono taraf lagi thi. Prayagraj mein raat mein maine usko Whatsapp kiya. Usne mujhe turant reply kiya jaise mera intezaar kar rahi ho. Kuch time formality karne ke baad hamari horny baat shuru huyi. Me, “Muskaan tumhari choot ke liye pagal ho raha hun. Bus mein tumne mujhe bohut jada hard kar diya.” She, “Yaar main itni jada kabhi wet...

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the making of white sissy girl for moms black love

When he replied to my ad online, Steven said he was an attractive, 30-something, successful white man who was willing to explore the wild side. When we met in person, I was more than a little bit disappointed. Attractive was a stretch of the imagination and I told him so right off the bat. He acted as if I’d said something to offend him and responded by saying, “Well, no one’s ever told me that I was unattractive.” When I suggested that was because no one had had the occasion to be brutally...

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Unexpectedly Gangbanged By My Friends In Their Flat 8211 Part II

Hi friends. This is Ruchita once again. I wrote my first story “Unexpectedly Gang-banged By my friends in their flat” and I got amazing response but I could not reply to all mails. So I just decided to write the things which further happened with me after that enjoyable day. After the day I had gang sex with Rohan, Ankit, Dhananjay and Malik. I really regretted a lot after going to my room. I had a constant thinking in my mind that what have I done. Even though I enjoyed the acts I felt that I...

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Team Building

I heard she was a demanding boss, but being two levels below her, I never really had to interact with her. I sure enjoyed watching her though. She wore a black dress that barely concealed the perfect curves of her body. Her breasts were average to small, but framed against a flat chest with broad shoulders for a woman, they stood out as a firm reminder that she was a powerful woman. She had curly black hair that cascaded about her shoulders, and coal dark eyes. You could always hear her...

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Daughters Horny Urges 5

Introduction: Janie and her fathers first time John peered back at his daughter through his own hazy lust. A few beads of sweat had formed on his forehead and his muscles were tensed as he held himself poised over Janies body. His balls rested against her puffed out cunt lips and his cock was lodged up her hungry cunt all the way to the thick root. Her pussy lips were split widely, taking all of his big cock. They were stretched about as tightly as they could stretch without tearing the soft,...

1 year ago
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Path To GloryChapter 6

By late February, Mom and I both realized she wasn't going to beat this. The cancer had spread too far for even the most advance medical treatment. It became enough that Mom was comfortable. I decided there was no way I was going to South Bend, Ind., while my mother lay dying. The school graciously released me from my letter of intent — something they didn't have to do — and it looked like WVU might just get the top-ranked quarterback recruit in the country as a walk-on. But the NCAA ruled...

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sex with my maid

Hi, I’m Tony. 6 ft tall and well built. This is the story of my maid Sita. This happened many years ago when I was working as a manager on a large farm. We, the senior staff, had bungalows and were given one of the lady workers to do all the housework. About 2 years after I joined, a new maid Sita came to work for me. Sita was about 32, pretty, with a figure of 32B-24-34. She was a mother and had a drunkard husband. One day she didn’t come to work. I sent for her and she came with her husband....

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TeenPies Avery Moon A Quiet Fuck

Avery Moon and her man are scared. All the lights are out and they are sneaking around in the dark, trying to find a safe, quiet place to get their freak on. They find their way into the house, and try not to make a sound so that their assailants will not attack them. Our stud keeps Averys mouth covered while she slides up and down his greased up pole. Then Avery covers her own mouth while she rides his big fat cock. Somehow, she even keeps from moaning as he rams her from behind. But our stud...

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BadMilfs Amber Addis Rachael Cavalli A Seductive Stepdaughter Staycation

Busty MILF starlet Rachael Cavalli has been looking forward to going on vacation with her man for months, but just as she is ready to go, he delays the trip! Her ginger stepdaughter, Amber Addis, can see how upset Rachael is, so she tries to comfort her. Just before dinner, the boy next door comes over looking for work. Rachael has just the task for him. She invites him to pleasure her irresistible curves, taking the stud to the backyard for some serious bonage. When Amber sees what her naughty...

4 years ago
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The Writer Likes to Be Watched

Her computer open before her, she slipped one finger down the centerline of her chest, taking her time along the slant of her ribcage and past the soft curves of her stomach to the hallowed place between her legs. Ever so lightly, she dragged her finger along her clitoris, spread bare by her wide open legs. She relaxed into her breathing, easing into the sensation coaxing her along. Back and forth. Just one finger. Back and forth. Eyes closed, she eased into the sensation, letting it move her....

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 13

My friends were not the only people that seemed reluctant to have the evening come to an end. The parking lot still held hundreds of cars and I estimated 200 people were lining the metal barriers that offered Liz a route through the crowd. Eric, Rick, Chris and Susan had made their way to their cars and headed homeward. Ryan had added Matt and Sarah’s dark SUV to the formation of cars that the drivers pulled around to the exit. It came from a different manufacturer but it looked close enough...

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A Command Performance

A few years ago my husband and I had fallen on some tough times. Mike and I were from a really small town in central Texas where everything was dependent on farming and ranching. Unfortunately, if you didn't own either one and had to do work at one of the local small companies you were pretty well doomed to a meager existence at best. Being right out of high school, the best he could do was a job at a small feed mill and I waited tables when I could at the local café. The town was so small...

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Caught in lingerie

Caught in lingerieIt was in and around early seventies I was working at a large house in the country, the lady of the house was absolutely stunning and her husband well to put it bluntly a real ars, he tried at all times to make his wife look a complete waste of space, I have not a clue as to why she put up with him.well as I was doing the job they had employed me to do, it was a day like any other day I was up stairs working when she came in to the small box room with tea and biscuits I said...

2 years ago
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An Adventure in Home Depot

It was still raining and windy when I left my house at about 4:30, and it was just getting dark. I was wearing jeans, no panties, a v-neck sweater and bra. I had the anal plug wrapped in a cloth in my purse. Despite the weather the parking lot was crowded, but I managed to find a spot not too far from the entrance so I wouldn't get soaked. I do have an umbrella but given, my assignment, I didn't want to have to be thinking about keeping track of too many things. As I went in I...

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Life Under MistressChapter 12

When Peter Pan and Wendy meet for the first time, Peter was attempting to reattach his shadow to himself. Since soap failed to glue his shadow back onto himself, Wendy offers to sew his shadow onto Peter with a needle and thread. Peter crows at his reunion with his shadow and Wendy sulks as Peter acts as if she had nothing to do with it. But when Peter tells her that “one girl is more use than twenty boys,” Wendy is so excited by his compliment that she offers to give him a kiss. So Wendy...

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Black Maled

Ronald Waterman had the perfect life. He was an annuities manager at an investment firm on Wall Street making more money than most people could ever dream of making. Hed made a few sound investments and done some trading that wasnt really above board but he didnt get caught and he made a bundle in the process so debt wasnt a huge issue. He and his wife were empty nesters, their two boys were in college and staying relatively out of trouble, at least not the sort of trouble that would get them...

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WildOnCam Nicole Aria Sexy Babe Nicole Aria Loves Sex Live

Newer to the industry hottie Nicole Aria is excited to be LIVE on cam with her fans so they can see just how naughty and sweet she is. Nicole is joined by Dan Ferrari and he gets right on that pussy eating out like she has never been before. She just loves feeling his tongue all over her clit and pussy lips. He spreads her open to show you just how wet she is! Nicole wants that cock so Dan delivers fucking her with every inch of that hard shaft. Pound her harder and take her in doggy. She wants...

3 years ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 3

I saw to it that all our water bottles and skins were filled up before we started. We ate a couple of energy bars for lunch and then we headed out. It took us all day to work our way down from the cave to the edge of the tree line. The first five hundred yards was so steep that all three of us had to shift one sled, and then return for the other, to get them both down. I had to tie a rope to the sled and anchor it with my weight as Clara and Gabby guided the sled down the slope to where the...

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