Devlin's StoryChapter 52 free porn video

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In his last phone call Evan said he had tickets all the way through to Bloomington so she wouldn't have to take time away from class to drive up to Chicago. She'd insisted, he'd insisted, she'd insisted, he'd insisted, and then he'd reminded her that he already had the tickets. He'd be there a little after 4 p.m. on Thursday.

She hung up feeling good and bad at the same time. It had been their first argument, and she'd lost. She knew gals who said a girl should never lose an argument with a boy, no matter what; it made guys think they could dominate the relationship. But this had been such a trivial thing, and, as much as she hated to admit it, he'd been right. She finally dismissed it and concentrated on getting ready.

She had too much time on Thursday. She'd already had her hair done for the trial, but she went back to the salon and lucked out. Marie was there, and quickly agreed to her request.

"You look too dowdy." She held up a strand of hair. "There's so much I could do with this."

"Really, Marie, it probably just needs a little of this and a little of that."

"I'll be the judge of what those 'this' and 'that' are." Marie smiled, laughter dancing in her eyes. "After all, it's what I'm good at."

"If you insist."

"I do," she laughed. After all, I'm the trained professional here. A little trim along the sides, a little work with the bangs, and I think it'll flatter your looks."

Reluctantly Devlin agreed. By the time Marie finished--she brought half the staff over to watch what she was doing and why making Devlin squirm at being the center of so much attention--her hair did look a lot better than it had for the trial. Somewhere in the whole process of wash, rinse, cut and style she lost the Plain Jane look she'd worn when facing the jury.

"I think you were right," she said, examining her hair in the mirror. "I look more like I think I should look."

Marie gave her a hug. "I'm glad. Now go have fun! How often does a gal have her sweetie come calling in this day and age?"

Back in her room she changed clothes twice. The hands of the clock seemed to stop; it was only when Sarah asked her if she was going down for early dinner that she finally began to settle herself.

"You act like you've never been on a date before," she said as Devlin kept standing, sitting, pacing, and staring at the phone, trying to decide if she should call the airline to check arrivals for the fifth time that afternoon.

"I have."

"Uh huh. I know you're nervous, but c'mon, Devlin, this is a guy. Girls go out on dates with guys. It happens all of the time."

"This is a very important guy in my life, Sarah." She took another turn around the room, caught sight of herself in the mirror and debated whether to wear a different dress. This one was black with a thin yellow chord for a belt and looked so formal. "I suppose you've never been nervous about meeting somebody you haven't seen in a while."

"When I left for college. Bob couldn't go, of course, and I--"

"He couldn't go? Why not? What happened?"

"His folks don't have the money, and his grades weren't good enough to qualify for a scholarship."

"What did he do? What's he doing now?"

"He got accepted as an apprentice electrician. He has classes to take, but it's better than some of the other things he could be doing. He wants to be a master electrician. Now take a deep breath, sit down, and relax. You're getting me all worn out with your pacing."

Devlin did as Sarah bid, but popped to her feet a minute later when she looked at her shoes. She had her 3" heels on. Would that make her too tall? Should she wear smaller heels? She asked Sarah.

"How tall is he?"


"And you are... ?"

"Just over 5'6"."

"Heels will add 3", which should be just the right height so you can rest your head on his shoulder when you dance, so I would keep them."

Devlin nodded and resumed pacing.

"For goodness sake," Sarah finally said, "why don't you get yourself off to the airport? His plane doesn't arrive for at least two hours, maybe a little longer. But at least you won't be wearing a hole in the carpet."

"Thanks," Devlin said, grabbing her sweater. She stopped and looked at herself in the mirror again. "Do you think this dress... ?"

"Your dress is fine. You're fine." Sarah waved at the door. "Go!"

Devlin ran out the door. She was halfway to the parking lot when a woman who looked vaguely familiar stepped in front of her.

"Devlin McCabe?"

"Yes," Devlin said. The woman looked like she was 20 or 21 and wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. She was probably a student, and that meant she was probably wanted a bra, or wanted to attend a bra fitting.

"I'm Eileen Mahoney. I just thought I'd tell you that you won't be seeing me around any more."

"Eileen... ? Look, what's this about?"

"Jack Roget hired me to follow you. But that's fallen through, so I'm off the case."

"You were hired to follow me?" She thought of the trial. That was over! It had to be!

"Jack couldn't do it, but his client was insistent. Well, with both him and the client going to jail, that's pretty much a moot point."

"Why did he want you to do it?"

"Because I could go places he couldn't, and because he had a restraining order against him. I didn't see the point, but his client was kind of loopy, but her money was good. Anyway, I thought I'd tell you that that's over with."

The woman started to turn away, but now Devlin stopped her. "I'm curious. I heard what he said in court. What did he want you to find?"

The woman smiled slightly. "You're a difficult person to trail," she said. "You got me completely fooled with those trips out of town. You're not as clever as you think, though. I know you were sleeping with Daniel Mitchell. I saw you two in a hotel room." She shrugged. "It's no skin off my nose what you do. I debated telling Dan Mitchell's wife, but she's pregnant, and I didn't want to upset her."

"She knows."

The woman nodded. "I kind of figured she did. Don't ask me why, it's just a hunch I had. Anyway..."

"Where did you see us?"

The woman shook her head. "See? You just confirmed my statement. You shouldn't do that." She sighed. "And where I saw you... you were in Houston. It didn't take many smarts to figure out where you were, or what room he was in. You should really have closed those curtains."

"Are you... you're not going to do anything with what you know, are you?"

"Nope. There's no reason to. The only one who could possibly be interested is Mrs. Mitchell, and if what you say is right, she wouldn't care.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I really must be going." She turned and walked briskly to the parking lot, where she got in a car that was more Bondo than paint.

"Well," Devlin said to herself. She'd have to tell Danny. And she'd have to learn to be a little more careful. She'd have to tell Denise, too. She dismissed the idea for now. She had something more important to do.

She'd expected the airport to be empty, but apparently some plane had come in and there were people everywhere. She pushed her way through them, and after passing the gate with the plane, the concourse emptied out. There was a bored looking woman at a booth selling cigarettes, candy and magazines, an older man pushing a broom, and a police officer ambling down the concourse, obviously in no particular hurry.

Devlin settled in a seat and watched CNN on one of the overhead televisions. She was still waiting, but at least at the airport she felt like she was doing something.

An hour passed, she finished three crosswords in the book she bought, and read a couple of chapters in the romance novel she'd shoved in her purse. She glanced at the time. Evan's plane should be arriving in a few minutes.

She went to the Ladies Room to make one last check of her hair and clothes, not that she could do anything about her dress at this late date. But her hair was perfect, and her nails glistened in the late afternoon sun. She would have to say something nice to Marie the next time she saw her.

The plane, she thought it was a DC-9, not that it was important, nosed up to the concourse and a jetway was connected to the door. After what seemed like an hour, but was probably only a couple of minutes, people began to emerge through the door. She began shifting from one foot to the other. Her heart was pounding, her palms were all sweaty, and she could feel a faint tremor in her legs.

Finally Evan emerged, a jacket over one shoulder, an overnight bag in his left hand. His lean body was silhouetted by the setting sun. He looked around. She thought her heart about stopped. She knew she was moving forward, but she couldn't see the other people around her, she could only see him directly in front of her.

He saw her, then. His bag and jacket seemed to disappear, and they were suddenly together, touch, kiss, taste, her senses were overwhelmed as they were there for each other.

She finally remembered to breathe, and she slowly lowered the leg that seemed to have come up. Her lips were tingling, and she could feel the heat of his body through their clothes. She took another breath, a heady mixture of his scent, and then slowly edged back, still touching him, not wanting to let him go, as if she needed this touch to prove that he was here.

"I have missed you so much," she whispered air.

"Not half as much as I have missed you," he said, hugging her tightly.

She kissed him again, surrendering herself into his embrace. He surrounded her, he engulfed her. He wasn't a distant voice on the phone, he wasn't a letter she read three times at the mailbox before going back to her room to read it twice more. He was here, now, and she kissed and touched him, reaffirming what every sense was saying. She wanted to sink into his eyes and lose herself forever. But they couldn't, not now, not here. Instead they stood there for a few seconds, drinking each other in.

"I suppose we should get your things and be on our way," she said at last. The crowd of people had diminished to the normal flow.

"Probably," he said. He gave her another kiss, and then, arm in arm they headed down the concourse toward the baggage carousels.

"Are you hungry?" she asked when he finally got his bags. There were two of them, the second of which was clearly filled with athletic equipment. That one he carried. She pulled the handle out and dragged the first one behind her toward the parking lot.

"Some," he said. "They fed us, but..." He shrugged. "It was airline food."

"I had more than my share of it this last summer," she said, laughing. "Let's get you settled, first."

"Fair enough. What did you have in mind?"

"Well," she said as he picked his stuff off the carousel, "you're staying at the Ramada Inn, right?" He nodded. "That's only a few minutes away, and if we don't like what they have in their restaurant there are all sorts of other places around. Most are inexpensive--this is a college town after all--but a lot of them are pretty good."

"Do you know how pretty you look?" he asked as they headed towards the door to the parking log. "You are the loveliest woman I've seen."

"Oh, you must say that to all the girls," she said, secretly flattered. He'd noticed!

"I see a lot of women," he said as they stepped outside. "And you beat all of them, hands down."

She turned him with a touch. "I don't think I've ever seen a man as handsome as you, Evan," she whispered.

He kissed her, then, a long, deep, lingering kiss that left her gasping with weak knees in the cool evening air.

She finally had to force herself to think... one of them had to. They couldn't stand here forever... though she wanted to. They had to get him settled. They had to get dinner.

Staring at the ground, she slipped her arm in his and started slowly, reluctantly, toward her car.

"What are you going to do when I'm in class?" Devlin asked.

"Work out." Evan grimaced slightly. "I've got an off-season regimen I need to get started on, and I'm going to play some Winter Ball in Puerto Rico, so I want to keep my conditioning."

"Oh? Where in Puerto Rico?"

"This town a little south of San Juan. I'm only going to pitch part of the season for them. I'll be back home at the end of December, and report to Spring Training in mid-February."

"I thought you had some job in the Keys."

"I do. Office manager for a fishing charter. When I get home I'll be doing that. They're busiest time of the year is in January, which works out."

"I thought it would be later. You know, during the summer tourist season."

"They're busy then, but in January you get the corporate trips. The kids and families are dropped off somewhere, and the corporate bigwigs go out for a day of fishing, drinking, and deal making. It's sunny and warm, they're away from the hordes on the cruise ships and other snowbirds, and they throw money around like you wouldn't believe. Tom Manley, my boss, makes enough money in January to pay for the rest of the year."

"And you don't enjoy that?" she asked, teasing.

"The only part I don't care for is if some corporate honcho gets it in his head to do something other than fish. Last year one of them heard I was a pitcher, and wanted to 'hit a few' off of me. I had to ask myself: should I blow it past him, or should I do the 'customer-service' thing and let him actually hit it."

"And did you?"

"I lobbed him a few while I warmed up my arm. When he finally realized I was soft-tossing he demanded I throw him some heat. By them my arm was ready--a lot of these people don't realize you can't throw 95 miles per hour with a cold arm--and I gave him my heater."

He grinned. "I even told him it was coming. "Here it is, Old Number 1. Hit it and I'll introduce you to my manager." And then I gave him a two-seamer at the knees." He shook his head. "He swung 6" over it."

"I heard an announcer say something about that," Devlin said. "Two-seamer, four-seamer, cut-fastball, split-finger... what's the difference?"

He laughed softly and dug into his bag for a baseball. "It's all on how you grip the ball. Do you grip it across the seams, along the seams"--he shifted his grip to show her--"or some other combination. You can split your fingers apart, or dig them in, or even snap your wrist when you throw it. These all impart different spins on the ball, and when the ball spins the laces bite the air and make the ball turn."

"So a curve ball really curves?"

"From the perspective of the batter. It also drops sharply, so it's changing trajectory in two planes. A batter gets used to a ball behaving a certain way, and when you can make the ball do something else, that's a plus. Remember, they're hitting the ball with a round bat, so you don't have to miss by more than a couple of inches to turn a base hit into a foul ball, or a miss."

Devlin gripped the baseball, trying the different grips. "So the differences..."

"Generally speaking, a two-seamer drops more than a straight fastball. A four-seamer doesn't drop as much as a straight fastball--a lot of batters say it actually appears to rise, which means they were really expecting it to drop more than it did. Split-fingers drop even more, and cut fastballs actually curve slightly. So when I threw him my two-seamer at the knees, it was basically unhittable. He was right-handed, so I threw it in on him, what would have been the inside of the plate. For a right-handed batter that can be an impossible pitch."

"So why don't you throw that all of the time."

He chuckled. "The difference between a Corporate VP swinging a bat and, say, Pudge Rodriguez, is that the VP will see the ball and take his hack, and that's the end of it; he missed. Pudge will look at what I threw and make an adjustment. Last spring in a B game I threw Pudge my two-seamer just twice. The first time he swung and missed. I came back with it, and he hit it 450 feet into the right field bleachers."

"This Pudge is a major-league ballplayer?"

Evan nodded as he got in the car. "His name's Ivan Rodriguez, and he's a catcher for Texas. He's also one of the best hitters in the game." He chuckled and shook his head. "A few days later I faced a guy who makes Pudge look like a hacker: Edgar Martinez. He needed at-bats, so he was batting third in every inning for both teams. Gar had 10 at-bats in the first five innings of the game and he had six hits off of me. He has no holes in his swing, and..."

His voice trailed off as he looked at her. "Here I am, rambling about baseball. How've you been? How's school been going?"

"I thought you knew? We only talk a couple of times a week."

He just smiled.

"All right, my GPA is up, I'm at a 3.32 right now, but I think it'll go up after this term. My new roommate is relatively sane, at least compared to Connie, who got married to some guy I think she met at an orgy of some kind, and..."

"An orgy?"

"Don't you know?" she teased. "College is a non-stop orgy with wild sex-parties and binge drinking every night. Every coed has a lesbian lover, spreads her legs for every football player with a bulge in his pants, wears designer clothes, and can have sex with the entire basketball team without batting an eye."

He started laughing halfway through her speech. "I didn't realize college was like that. Maybe I should have gone to school instead of accepting that first contract."

"Seriously, Connie hooked up with some group that had sex parties somewhere off campus. She met somebody, she didn't say whether it was at one of the parties or not, and got married over the summer. No surprise, she'd mainly come to college to find a husband."

"Do a lot of women do that?"

"More than will admit it openly, but not as many as people think." She started the car and backed out.

"Did you?"

"No. And you'll note, I didn't meet you at a college function."

"True. What else is going on?"

She saw an opening in the traffic and accelerated into it. She had an impish thought. If he could go on about how to hold and throw a baseball, why couldn't she do the same?

"I had this one gal at a bra fitting, she was more of a challenge than most of the gals I sell to. Most breasts are round, though you get a few that are more pointed than round, especially in girls who are late bloomers. And her right boob was that way, though her left wasn't. What was worse, the center of gravity of her left boob was well away from the rib cage, so she had one that really drooped. So I had to fit her with completely different cups."

"She was lop-sided?"

Devlin laughed. "That's one way to look at it, though she didn't think of it that way. She really had a self-image problem, and to make them come out even I knew I'd have to add padding or something. In this case it was a 'or something'. I found her some gel inserts that added bulk without losing support and made her look rounded on both sides. I did the same for her other breast, and the added bulk meant she needed an underwire, which really made her brighten up." She paused, waiting for the inevitable question, and he asked it.

"All right, I know what underwires are, I've seen 'em in the catalogue, but why were they important in her case?"

"It meant her boobs were big enough that they needed the extra support. Most women think that, but they don't realize that a breast's center of gravity can also dictate whether you need an underwire. You don't with an A cup, of course, but with anything larger you might. The center of gravity on most breasts is right next to the rib cage--you can tell because the breast might be big, but it's spread out more across the chest--and so you don't need an underwire until you get up to a large C cup. But for those gals with a center of gravity that is out farther--you can tell because they have more of a droop--you have to get them an underwire despite their size.

"Now in her case, she knew she was... lop-sided... I'd never use that in her hearing, and so when I evened her out she was delirious. Of course that changed her proportions, but she didn't care that she'd have to go up a size on her sweaters and blouses to get them to fit right. Getting your clothes tailored because of that costs a fortune, but it's better than wearing ill-fitting clothes. Girls my size are always in dread of the blouse that gapes open. And this girl's going to have to buy a whole new wardrobe. But she thought that was a small price to pay."

He waited until they had pulled into the Ramada Inn's parking lot. "So she's happy?"

"Ecstatic is probably the best word for it."

"I think the difference between you talking about the challenges of fitting lingerie, and me talking about baseball," he said as he got out of the car, "is that I'm a guy and I'm interested in women's breasts."

"I should introduce you to Doug. He's a guy, he's not gay, at least I don't think he's gay, though he's not so sure, and he's not that interested in a girl's anatomy."

"If he isn't gay, and he isn't straight, what is he?"

She opened the trunk and pulled out his bags. "Confused. He also likes wearing dresses. He has this one black number that's similar to one I have, and I hate to say he looks better in it than I do, but I think he does."

"I find that hard to believe."

She smiled at the compliment. "Well, he does. The only way you can tell he isn't a she is the way he walks. He's an Associate Professor at the University, by the way, and, no, I don't have him for any of my classes."

"Doesn't walk like a woman?"

"It's in the pelvis and hips." She started toward the lobby, emphasizing the 'model walk' technique she'd learned the first summer she'd been in Chicago. "No guy could ever walk this way."

"I'm sure we could."

"But unconsciously? A girl walks this way normally." That was only a slight exaggeration, as the fashion consultant had pointed out. Guys walked a little more open-legged than gals. Devlin smiled, remembering the class. There had been titters all through the room as the woman had raised her eyebrow and added '... because there's something in the way'.

Evan threw up his hands. "I won't argue."

She kept walking 'that way', carefully placing her feet just inside of each other so she got the most sway from her hips. She smiled slightly. She felt warm, knowing exactly where his eyes were focusing.

After Evan got unpacked he reminded her about dinner. "What's the schedule for the rest of the week?" he asked as they crossed the lobby.

"Well," she said, "tomorrow night Krissi and Steve have invited us over. Steve--I think I've mentioned this--is her boyfriend, and Krissi is making some long-term plans around him, and I think he knows it. He hasn't actually asked her, but they're getting close."

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Jenny Visits The GloryHole

As a little background, Nick, my husband of thirty years completely owns my pussy. My pussy has been 100% faithful to him since our first date many moons ago. My mouth is another story. I am a cock sucking slut. I LOVE to suck cock and swallow cum. Any size, as long as it’s hard, clean and very well trimmed or shaved. My motto is “blow and go.” I pick out random strangers and find a way and a place to do what I do best. I never schedule dates or make arranged meetings. That would seem too much...

2 years ago
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Finishing School For Young Ladies Chapter Seven

Finishing School For Young Ladies By Michele Nylons Chapter Seven - Bethany Valerie lay in bed fast asleep. As usual she was dressed in a satin negligee, nylon panties, satin brassiere and had left on her stockings having had sex just before falling asleep. She was enshrouded in satin sheets and enraptured by the feel of the silky, slinky, feel of her lingerie cosseting the bed linen. The feel of the gossamer-like garments against her sensitive flesh invoked memories which...

2 years ago
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Dare Book IChapter 6

July was a good month for me, the best yet by far. It was hot outside and I turned dark all over, coffee colored, with just a bit of cream and a lot of sugar. My hair was longer than it had been in a long time, since I'd been a child really, and it was a thick black mass falling over my shoulders. I had muscles under my skin, hard and lean muscles that worked effortlessly as I ran with my mates. I had small scratches, the occasional scrape and bruise, but largely I was as comfortable naked...

2 years ago
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Suzannaacutes tale part 2

As she lifted the dress over her head, her brown hair became a mess. Suzanna was looking at absolutely nothing, even though the inspector of her old dorm was standing a few feet away. She was naked not, apart from her red Converse. She carefully folded the black dress and placed it on a dusty shelve next to the door. Then she stood erect, her arms folded below her small, pointy breasts. “Start turning around, slowly” he said softly. She obeyed silently. Now was not the time to ask questions or...

4 years ago
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Steamy 3sum

Angel & Melanie were best friends growing up. They did everything together. That’s what she told him. He had been dating Angel for a few months now, and they were getting pretty serious. When she said that she wanted him to meet her friend Melanie, he was looking forward to it. He had heard all sorts of stories about the two of them. Grade school antics, dance recitals, junior high, cheerleading, gymnastics, High school, they even applied and attended the same college. Angela told him that they...

1 year ago
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Outpost Bisexual EditionChapter 5 Personal Space

When the pack had warmed up, they ate again, sitting around the fire pits in groups of three or four and sharing meat. This was more casual than the feast had been, less organized. Schaffer found himself in the company of the two identical males that he had seen at the table during the previous night’s event. Their height, coloration, and markings were all exactly the same. Apparently, these aliens could produce twins like many animals on Earth. They seemed overly curious, borderline...

2 years ago
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A Scintillating Tropical Romance

He initially spotted her, on line, checking in well ahead of him. First glimpse was from behind but spectacular. Fitted shorts and comfortable looking 3 inch heels beautifully highlighted gorgeous, shapely legs, and a terrific rear. Streaked, shoulder length blonde hair came to rest on a tight, semi-sheer white halter top. He figured she was probably about 5’8′ tall, obviously in great shape, and likely in her early 40’s. Spinning away from the desk she was all he could have hoped for and...

4 years ago
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Nadias Wanton WeekChapter 3

Of course Siggy couldn't resist his new found addiction to voyeurism, and by late afternoon the following day, not having run into Nadia as he had hoped, he stationed himself in the stairwell to see who arrived first, Nadia or Marianne. As luck would have it, Marianne drove up in a new BMW with a blond haired Adonis. At least that's how Siggy viewed him, for he was over six foot tall and rather broad of shoulder. Siggy saw this fairly close-up from the landing above Marianne's...

4 years ago
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Classic Sex With Classmate

Hi this is Anuraag, Here is another story how I had sex with my classmate Pooja. Send your feedbacks at . She is an average figure and comparatively had black skin. But she is pretty and active girl. We were doing lots of activities together hence we used to roam around the college together. I don’t know when I got attracted to her. But I loved to her smell. It was arousing me always. I always had hard on when I get to smell her. So I always making ways to stay near to her and smell her. She...

2 years ago
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Changing the Game

The season was only two and a half games old when Jordan crumpled to the floor of the gym, clutching his ankle. We gathered around in gathering horror as he rolled around in agony, beads of perspiration accumulating on his already-sweaty brow. Jordan was our biggest and best player by a significant margin, and had led us to a winning season in the tough conference last year. Chris and I helped him to the bench, but the trembling I felt in his shoulders told me he was done for quite a...

1 year ago
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Chachu Ki Chaal

Hi friend’s mera naam rani hai mere ghar me mummy, papa, dada, daadi hai ek chachu(24) hai jo study karne ke liye dehli gaye hai or MBA kar rahe hai. me dikhane me sunder hun or thodi helthi hun mera figer 32’28″33″ hai matalb age se badi dikhti hun meri age 18 year hai or kuch din pehle 10th clear kari hai abhi mene elevnth class me addmisson nahi liya tha. sab soch rahe the ke kon se school me addmission dilwaya jaye taki achi tarha pad sake to daadi ji ne kaha dehli bhej dete hai iske chacha...

1 year ago
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Breaking the norm revised

Breaking The Norm Ch.1 Workout to Remember It was a Tuesday morning and I was back to the daily hustle and bustle of the everyday grind. Perhaps it sucked that much more after having just returning from the sunny Caribbean, fresh off of my first cruise. (Sighs) I am already missing the fine sand between my toes, yet here I am stuck in traffic 30 minutes into a 75 minute commute to my first call of the day. Here I am 23 years old and had been working as a computer technician for...

2 years ago
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The Husbands Boss Number One

So many porn stories have a beginning with a tedious detailed description of an unrealistic wife’s anatomy and thrust by thrust graphic telling of the sex act. What I am going to do is try and supply what is clearly a clichéd story but in a way that may be a bit more interesting.... I hope soThe annual work do was pretty much over, the band had stopped playing and the remnants of the guests had decanted to the bar. It was getting quite late and she found herself between two mingle groups. Her...

3 years ago
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College Girlfriend Ki Pehli Chudai

Hi, main saif or main Mumbai ka rehny wala hn.fir se ek nayi kahani ke saath aur main aasha karta hoon ki meri pehli do kahanyon ki tarah apko meri ye kahani bhi pasand aayegi, please comment jarur karna mujhe apke comments ka intzar rahega, ab jada bore na karte hue main sidhe kahani pe aata hoon. Ye baat tab ki hai jab main college me tha aur apni graduation kar raha tha dikhne me main kaafi handsome hoon shuru-shuru me jab college me the tab to ladkiyon me jada interation nahi tha, lekin...

1 year ago
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Showering With SisterChapter 9

Had I stayed awake for the whole conversation between Jenn and Kay, I would have heard things get a lot friendlier. I’d have heard plans being discussed. Jennifer woke me up when they were finished and I could tell instantly that she was in a much better mood. It’s pretty much impossible to think a woman is mad at you when she’s sucking your dick and obviously having a good time doing that. Said organ was fully erect when I woke up because she’d been sucking it for a while. I was dog tired...

3 years ago
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Yes Officer

I worked in a dry cleaners for almost ten years. I've seen it all. In that industry sex sells. Men pick up their clothes and they want to see a hot bitch barely dressed. They need her to flirt. You get deep in their heads asking 'how their day went?' Suddenly, you seem to care about them more than the trophy wife at home.If you want a rich husband, working at a dry cleaners is a good place to look. I don't do the suit and tie kind of guy. I had a boyfriend. Most girls cheated. We were all alone...

3 years ago
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NollieChapter 12

We soon learned that college is vastly different than high school. The atmosphere is easy-going, and there was a lot of free time between and after classes. However, unlike high school, you never asked a teacher to repeat a sentence. We had to pay attention in class, because if you didn't get it the first time you got left behind. Most classes were lecture-style and we took copious notes. The books we needed were expensive, and the tuition - although cheaper than a regular college - made a...

3 years ago
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Travel Adventures

The hostel is smaller than what it looked like online – just one single building in what looks like a suburban part of the town. You're lucky that the town is small enough that nowhere is particularly far from the centre. You sigh, but remember that it was the only hostel with free space you could find on such short notice. At least you can console yourself in that you're not paying a lot per night. You open the door, put your bag down in front of the reception area, and ring the small bell in...

2 years ago
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Camping on the Darkside

I am a 42 year old white male, named Daniel and I am very happily married to my wife, Beth. My wife is a beautiful brunette, who keeps her hair cut short. Her short hair serves to emphasis her physical attributes. Beth is 5'8" and has huge 38 DD breasts. At the age of 40, my wife's boobs don't ride as high as they use to, but that's fine by me. This just causes them to jiggle and bounce around more. She has a voluptuous, heart shaped ass that just begs to be squeezed. Overall, Beth is in good...

1 year ago
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Super girl humiliated by Lana luthor

Super girl aka Kara Danvers is stood in Lana luthor’s lab Lana is Kara’s best friend and also nows that she is super girl. Super girl is in her costume as Lana requested. Lana enters Hi Kara ohh sorry supergirl she grins. Super girl smiles hi Lana why Iam I here, Well I have been working on something and need your help to test it. Super Girl says ok anytime Lana giggling says thank you as she press a button then the room fills with a yellow glow Supergirl can feel her powers drain. Lana wait...

3 years ago
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Unlimited wishes

I was just standing in my room. And suddenly a genie appeared next to my shoulder. He said to me you can have unlimited wishes all you have to do is just think "I wish... " Followed by what you wish for. I was still a little skeptical but the genie already disappeared before I could ask anything else.

Mind Control
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Acting out on fantasy

When i was about 17 i lived in a nice suburb with my family. Across the street their was another family. In this family their was a beutiful daughter. She was about 12 years old with long blond hair, a pettite body, tiny tits, and long gorgeous legs. Her window was right across from mine, and the nieve little girl she was she would leave her blinds open every night. Like clockwork every night she would practice her dance moves in her bedroom. She wanted to be a cheerleader...

2 years ago
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Max Adventures Part 1 The Edge

It had been a few months since Max and I first had sex. We were closer than ever to each other, and we might as well have been dating, if we didn't both agree to not cross that line with each other. We had an amazing friendship (with some amazing benefits. We didn't wanna ruin that by letting romantic feelings get involved. We just wanted to be best buds...who fuck on a regular basis. So we were. ;)Anyways, Max and I were invited to a costume party, as it was around Halloween. We were going to...

1 year ago
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Liquid Mind MachineChapter 11 Yasuko

Jessie watched as Neil slept in the early morning light. She pulled the sheet down and admired the massive tool as it hung down over his hipbone, the head resting on the sheet below. "It's not natural." She thought, "Someone so thin having such a large penis, she meant to make it hers and hers only." "And of course, all his money that she could spend along the way." She giggled and reached for it. Neil awoke to the warm feelings of Jessie's mouth, she had sucked his limp cock all...

2 years ago
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Succubus Summoning 101Chapter 14

"It's time," she said, her lips curling up in a cruel smile. Her words sent splinters of ice through Phil's naked skin. A few months back Phil would have expected finding himself naked and lying underneath a beautiful, voluptuous and above all naked blonde girl to have provoked a range of strong emotions. Most of them would have been the obvious ones, but he wouldn't have been too surprised if a little fear or apprehension entered the mix. Back then he'd still been a virgin, so a few...

2 years ago
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Dan Meets Meraina

It was a normal Sunday night at Maria’s house. The gaming group was ready to go. 15 of us were scattered around the living room. Some of us were on the furniture, and most were on the floor. I was happily ensconced by the fireplace when Dave walked in. Dave was interesting, it was 102 degrees outside and he was wearing jacket. He came and sat down next to me. He smelled good. Kind of like vanilla. He looked over at me and grinned easily. I grinned back and spent the next few hours paying more...

3 years ago
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Dark Lord Rising GAME

Foreword from the author: in case you didn't get it from the tag in the name this is a story written to be read in game mode, given the way it is written reading it without game mode active has no interest as I didn't add a Canon path to be followed and a lot of text and options will be missing. Fools, everyone of them! What right do they have to expell me? To banish me? How could I have guessed that the girl I gave the love philter was the arch chancellor's little niece. Besides if that old...

2 years ago
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My First Experience As A Maid

My first experiences as a maid Hi, I am Mariëlle (28) and I like to tell you about my first experiencesas... a french maid! I hope my (rather naughty) story does not only turn youon, but may also inspire you. I know there are a lot of people (both men andwomen) who fantasize about being a maid or having one, but usually people don'tspeak our about it. Not even to their partner, because they feel ashamed orsomething. Something they shouldn't be! I have had submissive feelings as long as I know....

3 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 26

Monday night. Stan was late – he’d been pulled into a ‘five to five’ meeting with Percy, much to his annoyance – and didn’t get home until well after his normal time. He hurried, but Anne still rang his doorbell before he’d finished getting dressed. ‘Come in, Anne!’ he called, and Anne used her key to open the door. She found Stan sitting at the bottom of the stairs, bare-chested, with one sock on and trying to get the other one on his still-damp foot. She couldn’t help but laugh, and Stan saw...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Davina Davis New To The Sex Game

The TeamSkeet crew knew the very second Davina Davis walked in the room for her first audition that she was going to be stellar. Beautiful face, sexy provocative eyes, long gorgeous hair, and a body sculpted to perfection. She also has a dirty mouth with nipples that harden when she talks slutty. She strips nude for us and I can’t tell you how thrilled we were to rip into this new pussy. Davina, is also massively skilled with a dick in her mouth. She gives a blowjob that got our guy’s cock...

2 years ago
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INFATUATION First let me tell you, my name is Joseph. This is a story of my past. I have been gay my entire life, but found that I always felt more comfortable around straight boys. But not just straight boys, young straight boys! Hanging around, talking sports and just being one of the guys. Gay guys made me feel uncomfortable. I wasn't one of those gays that flaunted my sexuality. Not that there's anything wrong with it. It's just I didn't want to 'act' like a queer. I was just...

4 years ago
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The Stewardess And Her Daughter Part 3

The Stewardess And Her Daughter: A Bangkok Slaver StoryBy Marlissa Tam clapped her hands. "The crowd is pleased with your slutty little act tonight girls -- that means a special treat. We'll give you something you can't give each other -- something that each of you hot sluts wants very, very badly. Know what that is...Annie?"The thirty-six year old blonde replied hoarsely in dull heat. "A c-c-cock, Mistress Tam?" Her eyes were still resting on her daughter's with a weird, twisted...

4 years ago
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The Breeding of the Triplets

The Breeding of the Triplets                                                Chapter 1This is a tale that occurs sometime in the future, eight unfortunate females, from the same family, two pair of triplets, and their mothers who just happened to be twins were captured on one of the daughters wedding day, they were transported by ship to my island, unfortunately for them it was a slow ship allowing plenty of time for modifications to be made to their bodies, the modifications were designed to...

2 years ago
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Toms AdventuresChapter 18

When Tom woke the next morning he was surprised to see that it was already light. Kelly was already up and dressed, with John and Ben sitting at the fire. He had hoped that they would have woke him for a patrol, but was also glad that they hadn't. He got to his feet and went to wash up. Once washed and dressed he made his way to the fire and sat down. Kelly came to him, leaned down and kissed him passionately. "If that's the way that all Indians make love, then paint me up, because I am...

3 years ago
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Billys Hot MomChapter 7

Donna stripped her panties off and dropped them to the floor. She could not resist taking a quick suck of her son's cock, and the slight taste of shit served to excite her. She nuzzled into his cock and balls, looking up at him with smoldering eyes. "Do you mind the things I do with you, Billy?" she asked. "I don't mind at all, Mother," he said. "I like it." "You don't think I'm horrible because I suck on my finger after I've had it in my ass, or cunt? Or suck your cock after...

1 year ago
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Clich 7 Cologne

Edited by Barney R. The errors ar all mine. All of the cheating stories have their clichés – I came home unexpectedly – she (or he) stopped or slowed way down on sex – he (or she) started using anything for an excuse to start an argument – bills from hotels that you had not been to – gas receipts from areas that your spouse wasn’t supposed to be in. They are clichés because any and all of them have happened enough that they become somewhat commonplace reasons for adulterous divorces. Mine...

4 years ago
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Vicki Gould

Vicki Sanchez My name was Victor Sanchez. My mother is Polish and my father was from Mexico. He was never around much as I was growing up, preferring to avoid our Chicago winters by going back to Mexico. I was about ten years old the last time I saw him. He just stopped coming back North. Mother had her own problems, mostly of a mental nature and when I was eleven I was placed in the first of a series of foster homes. In Illinois when you turn eighteen the state stops paying for...

3 years ago
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Cuckolded by His SonChapter 2

The next afternoon Rob waited around the corner till he saw his mom jogging across the junction and along the street to her house; then he hung around for another ten minutes before heading to his parents house and letting himself in through the back door. He quietly passed through the kitchen and began to climb the stairs. Just as he got to five steps from the top he stopped dead in his tracks; his mother was not in the shower as he expected; for he could hear her moaning in the bedroom. He...

1 year ago
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dark alleyrevelation ch 1

Immediately i tried to get up what i saw confused me,she pushed him off her, stood up and said "all you men are the-same, you are horny all the time yet you don't value the opposite sex,you are very selfish and cruel that is why i will have a clear conscience" she moved up to him and started a wet kiss. The wet kiss seem to last forever when thy started striping each other and they flay on the ground with the man laying on top of her.he started on the nipples playing with the left and...

4 years ago
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The Love Shared Part 7

I turned my head and looked at her, she was beautiful. Her hair was spread over the pillow as if it were laid out for a photograph. She was blissfully asleep still and I really didn't want to wake her. I felt her stockings rub up against my leg as she moved, they were the one item of lingerie that had remained on her body last night. I don't even know what time we finished with one another. It was the second night in a row that we had shared the same bed, and for the second morning in a...

2 years ago
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The Dark Lady Ch 03

The morning after Kim’s return from Mexico, I wandered into the dining room, where brilliant sunshine blasted in from the desert. Two nymphs in football shirts had the coffee going and were setting the table. I fondled each behind in turn and declared my instant lust for them. I was handed a tall glass of orange juice and asked what exotic place I was taking them for ravishment. I stood in the window and pondered my choices. There was much work today, and Sarah needed to get Karen and Marty...

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