The Pretend He Couldn't PretendChapter 8 free porn video

Jarod excuses themselves and leads Micheal inside the house threw the bustling kitchen to the living room. He finally decides they're alone enough before turning to face her. "You're what?" "I'm pregnant." she repeats but this time aloud. "Wha... How did this... When did..." he stumbles trying to ask too many questions all at once. Micheal sits him down on the couch and sits beside him, taking his shaking hand laying it on her flat stomach over their baby. "According to the doctor I'm 7 weeks. I've been really sick for 2 weeks now. We all thought it was just the flu and jitters about the wedding. But after I passed out. Your mother told my father." "Wait! You passed out? When? Why didn't someone tell me about it?"
"Well... I kind of made them all promise not to. It was at the last fitting we all had. I'd been throwing up all day and was so tired from not being able to sleep, I think that's why I passed out."
"When did you find out for sure?"
"When we were leaving, Vera said something about when she was pregnant and it got me thinking but, it really didn't hit me that I might be until about 4 that morning. I checked the calendar and did the math. So, I kind of knew but not for sure until your Mom and Em ratted me out to my father. He took me to the doctor thinking it was the leukemia. But the doctor just confirmed what I suspected. I made him swear not to tell my father. And I wanted to surprise you. So I waited until after the wedding, I'm just glad I didn't throw up during it."
Jarod looks down to his hand that's laying on her abdomen and her left hand laying over his. "Oh my god, Are you serious? This isn't a joke or something, is it?" he asks running his hand threw his hair. "Jarod, look at me. Do I look serious? Am I lying?" He really looks at her and knows for sure. "I know you're not happy about this and the timing really stinks. I'm sorry." her voice cracking as tears start to stream down her cheeks. He sits up taking her in his arms. "I'm thrilled really, just a little in shock at the moment. You sure know how to upstage a gift, huh? This totally puts mine to shame." Micheal leans up wiping her tears away, "Do you really mean that? I know your scared. So am I honestly. I don't know the first thing about babies." "Yes I mean it and I guess we'll learn together. I took care of a baby once. He was so cute and it made me really want one of my own."
"There you two are! I should've known you two would sneak off together to be alone. Just because this is your day doesn't mean you can be rude." Margaret says sternly then notices Micheal's tears. "You told him, didn't you?" They look at her stunned. "What are you talking about?" she asks innocently. "You know exactly what I'm referring to. That you're pregnant." she says matter-a-factly. "How did" Margaret raises her hand up to stop Jarod where he is. "I guess you two forgot I've given birth to 3 children huh? I can spot morning sickness a mile away." she informs them smiling. "Yes I am." Micheal confesses wiping her face again. "Man, first you give me my son back then I get a new daughter and now I'm going to be a grandmother. And just think the year's not even over yet. So, when are you due?"
"March 17th, St. Patrick's Day." "Well, if the baby's early maybe you can have a beer." Margaret teases smiling really big.
They all walk out to the tent after Micheal makes them swear not to tell anyone. Jarod takes her out onto the dance floor and dances slow as they wrap their arms around each other just looking at each other, lightly kissing. "I have a feeling I'll be a grandpa before long." Vincent comments to Margaret as they watch their children dancing, kissing. Margaret looks over shocked, "Now, why would you say that?"
"Come, come Margaret. I know she didn't have the flu. When is she planning on announcing it?"
"I don't have a clue what you are talking about."
"You really shouldn't try to lie. You're horrible at it. You know just as well as I do she's pregnant. Did she tell you when she's going to tell people?" "I can't talk about it, excuse me." Margaret walks out cutting in. She starts dancing with Jarod as Micheal starts dancing with Vincent. "He knows." Jarod looks over to Micheal as her father talks to her. He stops dancing when she does seeing the shocked look on her face.
Jarod cuts in on Micheal and Vincent, "I'd like to dance with my wife if you don't mind." he comments pulling her into his arms, smiling. "Sure thing Daddy." Vincent snickers out, smiling at the shocked look on her face. "Did he say how he knew?" he whispers as he dances her around. "Ohmygod, I can't believe this. The one time I could really use a drink I can't have one." she moans out against his shoulder, "He said he figured out that it wasn't the flu cause you weren't sick too." she answers frowning. "Did he say anything else? Is he going to kill me or something?"
"Let's just put it this way. If Uncle Paulie ask you to go for a ride in his car. Turn and run as fast as you can." she answers sarcastically, laughing at his question. "You just think you're hilarious, don't you?" he asks dryly, rolling his eyes. "Yes and you love me for it." she laughs out.
6 weeks later
Bi-Lo Grocery store
Jarod stands leaning against the grocery buggy, watching Micheal picking grapes off the stem popping them in her mouth, munching happily as she tries to pick a good head of lettuce. "Alright, how about countries?" he suggests, as they try to pick a baby name they BOTH can agree on. "OK" she shrugs tossing the picked head into the metal cart. "Austria?" he offers smiling. Micheal laughs under her breath then offers, "France?" making him laugh as they peruse the aisles, tossing a few items in every now and then. "Ok seriously, how about England? It has a continental ring to it." Micheal bends over laughing so hard she can't breathe. "No way, England? Are you serious? OK, OK, how about Ireland for a girl?"
"Yeah, but Ireland what?" "I want a name that sounds like a boy's too so... Jessica? We could call her Jessie and that would kind of be close to your name too."
"Jessica Ireland Russell" he says trying the name out. "Jessie Russell, naw too many ss's. She'll sound like she's slurring." he dismisses, reaching down for 2 cans of 'Pringles' potato chips. "Hey! It's better than ENGLAND." she defends. "What if the poor kid has a lisp. She won't even be able to pronounce her own name." he justifies making her think about it. "Fine. Then how about Paris?"
"What are you doing? Running down the places we went to on our honeymoon?"
"Yeah, why not?" she shrugs leaning over grabbing 2 gallons of milk.
"Alright forget countries. How about uni-sex names like Spencer?" she suggests then pops another white grape into her mouth. "Did you want this?" he asks pulling a box of strawberry 'Nestle's Quik' from the shelf, showing her. "Yeah, toss it in. So?"
"Ok so we're off countries and on to Uni-sex, right?"
"Well that way if I'm having twins we'll already have names." she comments looking threw their half-full buggy searching for some peanut butter. "Is that possible?"
"Anything's possible. I'll find out next month for sure when I get the second ultrasound. Hell, for all I know I could be having a liter."
"Enough smart-ass, so back to names. Cameron?"
"I've got it! The perfect name! Jaden."
"That's a little too close to mine isn't it?"
"It's close but not too close. That way they'll be named after you but not exactly share your name. See, it's perfect." she exclaims happily. "Well that's one down and only three more to go. How about Jordan?" Micheal smiles smugly at him. "What?"
"I knew you liked the idea of the baby being named after you." she answers triumphantly catching him. "Yeah, Yeah, so, Why aren't we trying to find a name to rhyme with yours?"
"Because I don't want it to. And that makes only two left."
Micheal starts fanning herself with a copy of 'Vogue' waiting for the check out girl to finish ringing them up. She breaks out into a sweat and starts shaking her blouse trying to circulate cool air. Jarod watches as Micheal starts wiping her sweaty brow, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I just got hot all of sudden. I'll be fine. I probably just need to lie down when we get home." "Yeah, I'm sure you're tired. We have been running around allot today."
"I'm sure I'm just tired."
"That'll be 155.87" the check out girl announces, smiling plastically at them.
Trump Towers
Floor 57
Micheal puts away their groceries as Jarod starts cooking dinner. "What are you making?" she asks looking over his shoulder at the something she's not even sure is edible. "It's called a 'Casserole'."
"Ha!Ha! Funny Man. It looks more like a science experiment."
"Well if you feel that way maybe you just won't get any."
"Get outta here. Making fun of my creative cooking skills. You always like my combinations", he mutters to himself as she walks out of the kitchen.
Ten minutes later Micheal walks back into the kitchen sneezing, wiping her nose with a Kleenex. "I think my allergies are acting up." she offers sniffling, opening the fridge. She pours a glass of oj and walks back to the bedroom of the apartment Jarod had bought for them to live in, his wedding gift. He follows behind her after placing his concoction in the oven to bake. He finds her sitting on the side of their king-size bed blowing her now stuffed-up nose. Micheal sighs heavily wishing for some nose spray so she could breathe again. She sneezes 3 times in quick succession as Jarod comes over and sits beside her. "Why don't you take a long hot bath? It'll help clear your head." he suggests starting to rise from his place.
Micheal follows him into the huge master bathroom, decorated in black and white. Jarod starts the water running in the sunken Jacuzzi tub. "Are you going to help me christen it?" He looks back at her smiling down at him. "Do you want me to?"
"Well. never mind." she answers unbuttoning her blouse revealing her red lace bra that matches her blouse she just tossed to the floor carelessly. She starts to unzip her pants when his hand closes over her's effectively stopping her. She looks up into his face with a look like 'What are you doing?'. "I'm helping my beautiful and pregnant wife get undressed." he answers her silent question, smiling seductively as he finishes the job he'd fired her from.
Micheal reaches back and unfastens her bra as Jarod gets down on his knees in front of her kissing her slightly swelled belly, running his hands up and down the backs of her thighs to her ass. Micheal moans as she feels his fingers spreading her cheeks stroking from one hole to the other as he bites her threw her matching lace panties. She grips his hair as he pulls down on the lace nipping her tender clit making her spread her legs a little for him.
Jarod presses an index finger down following the g-string of her panties, pushing the elastic into each hole a little using the scratchy material to excite her more. He's rewarded with her deep moans and gripping fingers in his hair as he keeps flicking her clit with just the tip of his tongue. Micheal starts to sway from his nimble fingers and talented tongue already making her start to orgasm. She grips one of her breast, squeezing it in her palm as her fingers clench her flesh harshly. She feels movement below her and looks down to find Jarod ridding himself of his own clothing recklessly.
Micheal grabs his head tugging him up. She steps out of her panties that he pulled down, unbeknownst to her. Their hands colliding, both trying to tug clothing off of his body at the same time. "Water"
"Huh?" she asks confused, not following him. "I need to cut off the water." he repeats turning away and starting to bend down. She climbs in the half-filled tub, sighing as the steaming water surrounds her body as she lays down in the built in lounge seat. Her eyes jolt open at the jets starting up, startling her. Jarod steps down, the hot water flushing his skin red from it's warmth as he moves over laying down on top of her.
Micheal lifts a leg laying it over the side, her heel resting on the white tiled edge of the carpeted bathroom floor. Jarod starts kissing her, ruling over her lips and tongue like a mad dictator, as his hand moves from just below her swollen breast to the hip and thigh of her raised leg. She moans, laying her head back against the water-proof pillow, feeling two of his fingers massaging her internally as his thumb takes over where his tongue left off. He kisses the arched neck in front of his face, speeding up his finger's thrusts, his tongue stroking her sweating skin in counter-point to his thumb strokes. She arches her back, gripping his shoulders, her nails digging into his tanned skin as her orgasm slices threw her.
Jarod feels her wetness even in the hot water, his fingers slick with it as he keeps his rhythm going. He starts to shift his body over her's needing to be inside her. Micheal wraps her arms around his chest, lightly scratching his back as she kisses his neck open-mouthed. Her leg wrapping around his hip as he holds himself up on his arms beginning to press just the head inside her. He fucks her with just the head, not giving her anymore. She grips his ass pushing him to penetrate her, lifting her hips at the same moment trying to draw him in. "Tell Me" he murmurs on her lips, as he brushes his over her's back and forth, not really kissing, just contact.
"Tell Me" he repeats, since she didn't respond, this time looking in her eyes. He'd never seen her eyes filled with so much passion before. The color changing as he watches. A dark deep rich brown to an almost golden with flecks of green. "I want you to fuck me." she finally answers, her wet hands holding his face as she looks just as deeply in his, watching as they turn almost black with her words allowing him to lose control.
Jarod drives completely inside her to the base making the bubbling water slosh. Micheal arches her back, tightening her leg around him as he pounds into her. "Do it Baby... fuck me", she starts moaning continuously as he slides a finger into her ass stroking her in the opposite rhythm of his cock. He groans, feeling his own thrusts threw the thin flesh separating each passage, curling his finger, his fingernail almost scratching his cock as he fucks her. He slips another finger in, spreading them, stretching her tunnel.
"Let's switch" she murmurs, loosening her leg's grip. Jarod slips completely out of her, moving over to lay on his back on the other side of the two person tub. Silently patting himself on the back for demanding this particular one. She climbs over just laying on his body, her knees bent to keep from locking her legs in the long but, not long enough tub to stretch out her long legs completely. They kiss, caressing each other's bodies. She breaks the kiss as she rolls over laying her back on his chest. "I've got a better idea." she says climbing out the tub and lays down on her back on the black carpet.
He climbs out, starting to kiss her toes moving up her wet body until he's kissing her neck, grinding his hips against her's. Micheal pulls his hips up toward her face, wanting him in her mouth. He turns around so they both can do what they want. Jarod spreads her legs as wide as possible as he buries his face in her crotch. She grabs his ass, spreading his mounds as she swallows him to the root. She crawls back a little with her shoulders and starts licking and sucking his substantial testicles.
Jarod snaps his head up, turning back to look at her, feeling her lips and tongue caressing his opening. He leans his head against her thigh as she devours him, making him moan raggedly at her teeth scraping over his tender flesh. Micheal circles his anus with the tip of her tongue then leans back blowing on it before leaning back biting it between her teeth, loving eating him out like never before. She reaches down to his face and slides her index and middle fingers in his mouth. He latches on to the offered fingers, sucking them with abandon as her tongue presses into him. A thought hits her out of nowhere as she feels his hand wrapping around her wrist forcing her fingers deep into his throat, sucking them like a cock. He's bi-sexual! Then another thought crosses her mind, but of course he would be. He's curious about everything so why not sex too? She curls the tip of her tongue, loosening the ring of muscle.
She removes her now saliva lubricated fingers and presses just the index finger against the crinkled opening just pushing her fingernail inside. Jarod screams feeling her fingernail twisting and turning, scratching him as her tongue lavishes his pierced hole. Micheal scoots back a little more on the floor until she can lean her head against the wall. She removes the alien fingernail and her mouth as she sits up against it. She pulls his hips back burying her face into him again, stabbing him completely this time with her tongue. She separates his cheeks as far as she can then slides her index finger all the way inside, twisting it as she slowly removes the probe.
Jarod tries to catch his breath as her fingernail scrapes his prostate, flooding his body down to his toes with exquisite pleasure. It catches as he feels the second finger joining the first still inside him. Micheal slowly thrusts her fingers, in and out of his ass, watching his body trembling each time she stabs his prostate. She can sense how close he is now and decides to stop, removing her fingers she licks his flushed opening then propels her tongue in as far as she can. She curls it inside him, tasting and feeling the folds of his internal flesh.
Micheal pushes on his hips to lay down beside her. She leans down to kiss him softly and he attacks her mouth, sucking and licking her lips and tongue like never before, unable to get enough of her in his mouth. She pulls back smiling smugly, "You liked that huh?" she gasps out then turns around crawling down his body and gives his neglected weeping cock a good wet lick. She hefts it from his stomach and slams down on it to his balls, making them bounce off her clit. She bends over a little and makes him spread his legs as she continues her assault on his cock. She slides the two fingers back deep inside his ass as she bounces on his cock, doubling his enjoyment. He grabs her hips moaning with every exhaling breath as he's fucked exquisitely. She spreads her fingers out stretching him to the point of pain, her fingernails and tips stroking his prostate over and over again.
Jarod starts slamming her down as he feels his cum surging up his surrounded shaft. He grunts as he cums over and over up in her, his body numb and tingling, hot and trembling all at once. Micheal feels his cock exploding inside her with every spurt of his hot cum as he fills her completely. She turns around to face him, never letting him come out even for a second. She just sits there looking down at his face. The incredible look of utter satisfaction on his features as he smiles with his eyes closed, exhaustively satiated. He finally opens his eyes and sees her looking at him, her face only inches away from his. "Why didn't you tell me you're Bi?" she asks, just curious.
Jarod turns his head away, almost like he's ashamed or embarrassed. "I don't care. I was just curious." she assures him softly, turning his head back to look at her. "I mean I've had sex with women but I just like men more." she offers hoping her confession will help him with his. He slides limply out of her and her arms starting to get up. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have pushed... Jarod?" she calls as he walks into their bedroom. Micheal stands up and grabs her robe hanging on the back of the door. She ties the sash as she walks into the bedroom but doesn't see him. She walks into the kitchen and finds him cursing over the burnt casserole he'd made and then forgot about. "I'll understand if you don't want to talk about it. I mean when I started with Becca I really didn't have a clue what I was."
"I don't know how many men I've had sex with." he sighs out interrupting her, leaning over the stove not looking at her, not able to face her. "Huh?" she asks confused, thinking, How could he not know?
Jarod sits her down on the couch and sits in front of her on the coffee table holding her hands in his. He sighs heavily, hoping he'd never have to tell anyone about what he'd done. He looks down to their hands and fingers laced together, his palms sweating and her thumbs stroking the backs of his hands reassuringly, "Baby it's OK. You can tell me anything. It won't change the way I feel about you." Her soft voice bringing him back from his all too vivid memories of what he'd done all for the sake of a man he'd never even seen. "It was a pretend I did a couple of years ago. There was a man who suddenly couldn't even leave his home. Afraid of every man he saw. He warned me not to try to catch the man who'd taught him the lesson that sent him into seclusion. But I just wouldn't listen. I guess my ego got the best of me and I completely ignored his warnings AND his words. It wasn't until after the pretend was over that I finally understood what he'd been trying to tell me." He looks up the second she starts to speak, "Oh god you were raped. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. I didn't mean to make."
"I wasn't raped. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. Well... sort of. I mean I knew that I would be having sex with a man. I just didn't know what else would happen."
Jarod sighs trying to figure out how to explain or find the words for the explanation. He starts at the beginning with how he had 'auditioned' just to get close to the man he thought was responsible and the piercing he had done by the request of the gentleman. Daniel, a name and a man he'd never forget. "He took me to a beach front house. It was beautiful. I've never seen a more beautiful house before or since. It reeked of money and power." He laughs out bitterly the word, "Power" again but avertering his eyes from her's. "Where was this?"
"San Francisco."
His words so soft Micheal has to lean forward to hear him spinning the tale of his awakening. Of his learning about himself as well as what the world is really about. "I learned so much about myself from those men. Men, I never even saw or spoke to. There could've been five or fifty, I'm not sure since I never opened my eyes to taken in where I was." he finishes softly looking in her eyes. He sees love in them looking back at him, as well as something else. Understanding. He lifts a hand holding it against the side of her face. "I love you"
"And I love you" she responds in a far away voice as she searches her memory, seeing the whole scene play out in her head. Some of the things he'd said registering within her. Daniel. Twins. Hetero-sexual men having families. But, the house and his description of it sending chills up and down her spine. She knew the house, knows it. Knows it, all too well.
They sit across from each other at the coffee table, eating the pizza she had delivered after his fiasco of a casserole being burnt. "So" she says picking the olives off her pizza. The tone of her voice making him stiffen a little, thinking she's going to want to talk about it even though she's not mentioned it since he finished departing his experience to her. "We're set on Jaden and Jordan right?" she asks finally ridding her slice of all of the unwanted toppings.
Micheal looks up when he doesn't answer her. "Hello? Anyone one home?" she mocks smiling. "Yeah, I'm sorry. What?"
"We're set on Jaden and Jordan?"
"Yeah" he answers nodding, grabbing another slice out the box, relieved. "But, we still need two more. I figure we can use Jaden as a girl's name if that's OK with you."
"Whatever you want." he says shrugging, then stuffs the pizza in his mouth. "Don't do that."
"Do what?" he asks with his mouthful. "This isn't my decision alone. This is your child too. I want your input." she answers sternly, pushing some hair out of her face that had fallen out of her clip.
"You're right. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry just participate." Micheal reaches over wiping his mouth with a napkin. Jarod takes her hand and kisses the back, looking in her eyes, smiling at her. She smiles back, leaning across the table. He meets her halfway and they kiss softly. She starts laughing, tasting his slice of loaded pizza on his lips. "What?" Micheal pulls back sitting back down on the floor shaking her head. "I can't believe I'm in love with someone who actually eats anchovies." she mutters to herself. "I heard that."
"So?" Jarod gives her a playfully warning look as he picks up his slice taking another huge bite.
Micheal rolls over propping her head up on her arm looking at him. She knows he's not asleep by the way he's breathing, "Can I ask you something?" Jarod turns his head, opening his eyes. He'd been waiting for this, her wanting to talk about it. He rolls over onto his side, hugging the pillow under his head. "You know you can." She leans over and quickly kisses his lips then lays her head down beside his still looking at him, his eyes. "Did you enjoy it?" she asks very seriously. "Yes and No. I mean, I enjoyed the sex but, a part of me was humiliated. I wasn't even a person to them. I was just a cock. A thing to be fucked, used to satisfy them." he sighs then continues, "I understand why. I just don't know how they knew who I was. It's the only thing that's bothered me about the whole experience."
Micheal looks back up to the ceiling, rolling over onto her back. "This changes things between us, doesn't it?" She looks back over to him, still laying in the same position, fear etched on his face. "Of course not." She rolls back over but, this time wrapping her arms around him, "Nothing you've ever done or do can make me stop loving you." She whispers, stroking his cheek with her thumb. "I love you with all my heart, nothing will ever change that. You know I'm telling you the truth just like I know you are too." she assures him, kissing his cheek softly. She kisses over to his lips, just kissing the top one and then the bottom one, her tongue teasing lightly.
Jarod rolls her over to where he's laying over her. Micheal raises her leg up wrapping it around his as he returns the kiss. He runs his left hand from her back and massages her breast threw the thin silk of her nightshirt. She moans in his mouth feeling his gentle grip on her. He kisses down her neck and over to her breast soaking her shirt with his watering mouth as he sucks her hard nipple. He unbuttons the shirt keeping his mouth over the taught nub, biting it softly. He leans up after the last button slips from it's binding. He lays his weight over on one arm, looking down at her smiling face as he slowly moves just one side over revealing the now slippery nipple. He teases it with the tip of his tongue as he moves his hand down and feels she's not wearing any panties tonight. He looks up to her smug face, her nipple still in between his lips.
Jarod lets go with a 'smack' to look at her better. "You knew didn't you?"
"Knew what? I don't know what you're talking about." she asks acting innocent. "You some how knew we were going to make love. But how? I mean did it"
" "Instead of talking why don't you come up here?" she suggests pulling his face towards her's.
Russell Apartment
Floor 57
2:27 p.m.
Micheal paces the living room, fidgeting, trying to calm down. The sound of the front door opening makes her spin around. Her breath catches at the sight of Jarod home in the middle of the day. "Hey you! You're home early. Is something wrong?" she asks as casually as she can. "I just forgot some files I was working on last night. Are you OK? You don't look so good." Jarod steps over to her and feels her forehead. "You're a little warm."
"Only because you're sooo close." she whispers leaning over to kiss him. "Oh no, I don't have time." he murmurs threw her lips trying unwrap her arms from around his neck. "Fine, be that way." she sighs out letting go of him.
She watches as he walks into the bedroom disappearing for a few seconds, then reappears files in hand. Jarod gives her a quick kiss mumbling about being late tonight. She breathes a sigh of relief when the front door closes and he's finally gone back to work.
45 minutes later there's a knock on their front door making her jump off the sofa and bolt for the door. She opens it and jerks the man inside checking the hallway before closing her door. She turns to her visitor, walking over to where he's made himself comfortable on their couch. "Get up." she barks out snapping her fingers. He obeys like a well trained dog, standing in front of her. She snatches the large manila envelope out of his hand.
Micheal opens the seal looking in, inspecting it's contents. "Were there any copies made?"
"No Ma'am." He answers instantly looking in her eyes. "Good. You may leave now." she dismisses curtly, waving her hand towards the door. The man starts to the door thankful he wasn't killed by his boss. He lays his hand on the handle starting to turn the nob. His hand tightens as she addresses him again, "Daniel, I want the house destroyed, understand? Burn it, blow it up. I don't care but I want it gone."

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