To Be WantedChapter 2 free porn video

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I saw Jesse a half-dozen times after she left the hospital. The first time I took her to lunch at the Mexican place by the railroad tracks. We got there early like I was wont to do. That meant that we had to help sort the pinto beans, an honored tradition for regulars. That was always worth a Tiny. I grabbed a water glass for Jesse and filled it with half the beer. It was fun, picking the rocks and detritus out of the beans. We talked about nothing and everything, laughing a lot.

I was amazed that she put away three of the fiery Chile Rellenos and a Tiny of her own. I felt really comfortable with her, but whenever I touched on more personal topics she backed off. I told her the funny and weird things that happen to interns and she laughed a lot. It was good just to see her laugh and have fun. I was worried about my feelings.

And I did have feelings; I couldn't deny that. But Jessica was so skittish I didn't know how to express my growing attraction. I couldn't believe that other men hadn't recognized the jewel that she was. I had to learn to take it slow with her.

The most fun was the day we went to the Zoo and the Museum of Natural History. She seemed the most relaxed since I had met her. I tried to call her regularly; feeling she needed contact with people to keep coming out of her shell. At least that's what I told myself why I was calling her.

The last time I saw her was in mid-March when I helped her pack a rental van. She was going to get a new truck from her job so she was renting a van to take her stuff to Grand Junction. I was going to carry all the heavy stuff, but she surprised me again when I saw how strong she was. I kidded her about it, but she replied seriously.

"Cal, I've been working all my life. For too many years there was no man around our farm, so I had to do whatever needed doing." She smirked a little, and continued, "You better not ever get me mad or you will find out how strong I really am!"

When she was ready to go I stood by her window as she started the van to say goodbye. There must have been something wrong with her because she looked a little blurry.

After she was gone I felt empty. It was like being in the sun on a warm day and a cloud passes over. You don't realize how good the sunshine was until it was gone. Was Jessica my sunshine?

The girls I had dated and worked with seemed pale and boring now. It was a strange interlude for me: my internship was coming to a close and I had a new life awaiting me in Grand Junction. I was going to realize my lifelong dream and be a family doctor. I was excited about being back with my family. Even with the frequent visits through my school years, I really missed them.

So with all my life ahead of me I couldn't understand why everything seemed so flat! It was like one of those movies that start in black-and-white to establish the mood, and then fade to color and then back to black-and-white for the credits. After the color and life of Jesse, everything seemed lifeless and grey now.

Jan kept me abreast of what Jesse was doing — it seems they had become best buddies. I was happy about that. I also heard from my parents and from my older brother Jake about her visits to the ranch. I was curious to see her little horse ranch in De Beque.

Winter quickly turned to summer as it does in Colorado. We had eight inches of snow at the end of May and three days later it was in the mid-eighties!

I didn't think I would be able to make the big family get-to-gather for the Fourth of July but suddenly it worked out. I would have a full week at home. It had been months since I had seen Jesse and I was excited about seeing her again. I wouldn't be able to take all of my stuff but I got some boxes and filled up the back of the truck and took off on a warm evening heading west.

As I got near the rest area where I found Jessica that fateful night I felt a strong impulse to pull in. I don't know what I was expecting so I poured a cup of coffee from my ever-full thermos and sat on the hood, remembering that too cold night, slowly sipping the coffee. After I finished the coffee I walked over to a pine tree and broke off a handful of needles, crushing them between my fingers. Holding them to my nose and inhaling the sweet, pungent aroma, remembering the sharp scent in the air that cold windless night... I knew I was in love with Jesse. More than in love, I knew that Jesse completed me.

Strangely the thought came to my mind that we were like two pieces of a jigsaw story: individually we didn't mean anything but together we had a story to tell. That image comforted me on the long drive up and over the mountains, to the dry hot mesas of western Colorado.

I was excited but tired as I drove down the long driveway at the ranch. Pulling into the yard in front of the house, I stopped and looked at the sun setting over the mesas to the west. The sky seemed on fire with golds and reds and oranges smeared together in a panoply covering the sky; a magnificent display of the wonder of life... and love. It was a sight I never forgot and one I always associated with the deep love I developed for Jesse.

It was great to be with the folks again, and Jake and his family. I was thrust into the limelight, feeling like the prodigal son. The love of family is a special kind of love and it felt good. But it seemed as if something was missing, a piece of the puzzle of life not there; and by its absence I was reminded how much I wanted and needed it.

Jan and her husband and her fast growing baby came over for dinner. It was great to see her — because of the age differences (Jake was ten years older than me but I was only about eighteen months older than Jan), I had always felt the closest to her. After dinner she walked me out to the corral. There was a colt with its mother there, the colt couldn't have been more that a month old. It would dance up to us, curious, interested. The slightest movement and it would bound away. A few minutes later it would come nosing up again, curiosity overcoming fear for a moment.

This was repeated a number of times and then Jan put her hand on my shoulder, nodded at the colt, and gently said, "Cal look at that colt. That's Jesse. Watch it move... see its love, its fear. If you love Jesse, and I think you do, remember this. You need gentleness and patience to win her over. Even then, there will be times she shies away. Just wait for her; she will come back."

"But, Jan," I stuttered a bit, "But, Jan, how will I know what she feels about me?"

"Well, Cal, how do you feel about her?"

Simply, I said, "Jan, I love her. Do you remember that song about a never-ending love? How does that go?"

"I've got a never-ending love for you
From now on that's all I want to do.
From the first time we met I knew,
I'd have a never ending love for you."

"That's how I feel about her!"

"Well, when she talked to me she said that she had, "A Forever Kind of Love" for you! You guys better get your stories straight!"

I had to laugh at that. And maybe, just maybe, Jan was right.

I slept great, as I always do when I come home. Unfortunately, being home revived old habits and I woke well before dawn. I walked down to the corral and saddled a spirited roan that I always liked to ride. I eased into the saddle and after pissin' and moanin' a bit with little hip hop jumps, the roan, Sundance, took off for the eastern horizon.

It felt good to breathe the crisp morning air. Later it would be hot, but in the pre-dawn hour at the 6,500-foot elevation of the ranch, it was crisp! The sun slowly edged over the mesa in front of us. Just by its promise it warmed me up. The roan settled down into a steady pace and I finally felt I was back in a place I belonged.

I started thinking about Jesse's ranch. After hearing Jan's description I was very curious: how was she doing with the horses. More important, how was she dealing with being alone all the time! I knew she would be here for the Fourth celebration in a few hours, and suddenly pulling Sundance up, I reined around and together we raced for home. The way his mane lay back in his race for home I wondered if he too was looking forward to seeing her!

I got back just in time for breakfast. I'd been used to the puny food I prepared at home or worse, the pathetic food at the hospital, and was awed at the array of hearty breakfast foods waiting for me along with the "bottomless" cups of coffee that were a tradition of the ranch. The give and take at the table was fun... I had missed this more than I knew. For a minute I dreamed that all I wanted out of life was to have a table of my own like this someday; wife, kids, grandkids all sitting around in a large loving family.

Some of the hands were going to do the grilling and the womenfolk seemed to have every thing else under control so when Jan suggested I call Jessica and offer to pick her up I jumped at the chance. I grabbed the phone and dialed the number Jan had given me.


"Jesse, this is Cal. Jan asked me to see if you wanted me to pick you up for the big barbeque?"

"Cal? Cal... is that really you? How are you?"

"I'm sorry, Jesse. How are you getting along? Is it okay if I pick you up?

"Sure, Cal... that would be... great."

"Hey! Can I come early and take a look at your horse ranch?"

"Cal! It's no such thing! It's just a little place compared to yours. I... I really like it though. I've been happy!" she said a little wistfully.

I picked up on that and remembered what Jan had said.

"Okay, I'm leaving now but I want the grand tour before we come back here, okay?"

"Okay, Cal. I'll be ready."

I jumped in the truck and hurried along the Colorado River, turning off to Jesse's small ranch. I was surprised at how neatly organized everything was. As I stopped, the horses ran to the edge of the corral, looking at me with such longing I wished I had brought some apples or carrots.

Jesse came running out with a small bag, smiling and trying to explain: "Jan said to plan on staying overnight, that there might be dancing later! I got one of my 4-H kids coming in tonight and in the morning to take care of everything. Do you like my place? Do we have to leave now? Do you have time to look around? How are you, Cal?"

Laughing, I responded, "Whoa! We don't have to hurry and I'd like you to show me around. I'm fine. I like your place. Yes, there is dancing later! We have a great band coming up from Delta! It's great you can stay over. Now, did I miss anything?"

Jesse blushed and didn't say anything; she just took my arm and started showing me around.

I really liked the place. I didn't say anything to Jessica but I could see in my mind a wing coming off each side of the house. The master bedroom on the left of course, to take advantage of the view. On the right I could see a children's wing... my God, what am I thinking of?

The rest of the property was also better than I expected. The barn was fairly new and seemed sturdy. The corrals were stoutly made. There was plenty of grazing along the creek and room for expansion further up along the creek. Jesse was clearly proud of the place and what she had done with it so far.

Finally, we jumped in the truck and headed for the family ranch. It seemed a disorganized madhouse but as we looked around we could see that it was just organized chaos. Jan came running up and gave both of us a big hug and an even bigger smile.

"So, big brother, how did you like her ranch?"

I smiled at both of them, and honestly said, "It's great. It looks like a wonderful place to live." Nodding to Jesse, I continued, "Jesse has done a great job with it."

A little wistfully, I added, "It only needs a family to make it perfect!"

Jesse turned red at this.

The day was perfect. The steaks and ribs were just right along with all the accouterments the womenfolk had been working on for a couple of days. Sometimes Jesse was with me; sometimes she wandered off with Jan or one of the kids. She seemed like a girl at her first circus: running around constantly to make sure she didn't miss anything.

After dinner we all moved to the biggest of the barns. It was always fixed up on the Fourth for the big dance, and neighbors from all over the valley showed up. The dance was always the highlight of this holiday weekend — everyone had great fun.

Jesse came in dressed in tight jeans, a flashy cowgirl shirt with a leather vest and new cowboy boots. She looked lovely. When the band started playing, I walked over to her, bowed, and asked, "Milady, may I have the pleasure of this first dance?"

Jesse seemed embarrassed and asked," Cal, could I wait a little? No one is on the floor now. Ask me the first slow dance? Okay?"

I smiled at her and answered, "Sure, Milady!"

After four or five songs, the band started playing, "Tennessee Waltz." I looked around for Jesse but I didn't see her. Suddenly, a heavy weight almost knocked me over. It turned out to be Barbara, my steady girl from high school. A lot of people thought we would wind up getting married but she went to school in Colorado Springs and I went to medical school in Denver and we lost touch with each other. I'd actually almost forgotten about her.

She threw her arms around my neck and gave me a passionate kiss. I guess she hadn't forgotten about me! Before I could say anything she started dancing the slow song with me, molding her body to mine much more than I was comfortable with. Looking around the only one I saw was Jacob. I gave him a sharp nod and he picked up on it right away. He walked over and tapped on my shoulder and cut in.

I gave Barbara a helpless shrug and mouthed, "We'll dance later."

I hurried off looking for Jesse but I couldn't find her anywhere. Finally I asked Tom, one of our long time hands and he nodded.

"Yeah, I think she left with Jeff. He's one of the new hands — I don't think you know him. He thinks he's somewhat of a ladies man! Say, isn't that the girl Jan said you were sweet on?"

I grunted some reply and walked back by the stables. As I thought about it I got kinda pissed! She was so shy with me but with this flash cowboy she just takes off. The more I thought about it the unhappier I became. I stalked back to the tub of long-necks in front of the barn and grabbed a couple of bottles and went to the front of the house and sat down. As I was nursing the second bottle, Jan walked up looking worried.

"Where's Jesse? Have you seen her? She wanted to help put the little ones to bed."

"No, I haven't seen her and I don't care if I ever do!"

Jan looked at him with a horrified look, "What are you saying Cal? That's doesn't sound like you at all!"

"Well, she said she wanted to dance with me but when I went looking for her I couldn't find her. Finally Tom said she left with that damn cowboy, Jeff. If she wants to be with him instead of me, that's her damn choice!"

"Cal, Jeff is a great worker but when he has been drinking he has a bad reputation with the girls!"

"Well, that's her choice. I'm not going to beg anyone to be with me. I'll just go back and dance with Barbara some more."

"What do you mean some more? What happened, Cal?"

"Well, I was going to dance the first dance with Jesse but Barbara showed up and threw her arms around me. She pulled me on the dance floor and stopped and gave me this god-awful kiss and started dancing again. I finally got Jacob to cut in on me so I could find Jesse. But she had already left with that damn Jeff. She made her bed and she can lie on it!"

"Cal, you idiot! Don't you know anything about women? Jesse must have seen you kissing Barbara and fled in a panic, humiliated. She must have asked around and Jeff offered to take her home. We have to go right now. Do you have the keys to the truck?"

Damn! I hadn't thought of that. We ran to the truck and took off for Jesse's place. When we turned off we could see the lights on and Jeff's truck in front of the house. I parked the truck and as we got out we heard a scream from the house. Leaving Jan to catch up, I sprinted to the house. The door was locked so I kicked it in with a big crash.

Jeff was on top of Jesse on the sofa. He looked up, saw me coming and jumped upright... just in time for my boot to catch him in the stomach. I looked down at Jesse and her shirt was torn off and a flimsy, lacy bra was half-torn. She was having trouble breathing, but Jan came in and took over. She got Jesse up and walked her back to the bathroom; she was crying hysterically all the way.

I stood there feeling helpless, feeling sad. I looked at it the way Jesse must have seen it; being honest with myself I guess I would have had a strong reaction too. I kept my eye on Jeff, getting more pissed off as I looked at him. From the look on his face, I must have broken something when I kicked him but I didn't give a shit.

About twenty minutes later Jan came in.

"I'm going to have to stay with Jesse tonight; she is really upset. She was doing so well; really gaining some self-confidence, but now she is a mess. I explained to her what had happened with Barbara and now she is more upset with that than she is with what happened with Jeff. She is horrified at what you must think of her. We must move slowly so she gets past this.

"I need to nurse the baby in about an hour. Go pick up mom and the baby and bring them back here. I'll call mom and tell what's going on and what to bring. She can stay here tonight. Take that piece of trash back to Jake and have him pay him off... and run his sorry ass out of the country. It would totally humiliate Jessica to have this come out."

I nodded and grabbed Jeff's arm and yanked him roughly up, ignoring the flash of pain he felt. I threw him in the back of the truck not even wanting to be in the cab with him. When we got to the ranch I asked one of the hands to fetch Jacob. I walked around to the back of the truck and drug Jeff out and let him bounce on the ground. I knelt down and looked him in the eye, grabbing his ears to make sure he made eye contact.

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Halloween CD Slut

Halloween. It's just an excuse to go out drinking with friends like anyother night, only this time in a ridiculous costume. And since my friendsand I definitely like to party, it makes sense that I dress up for theoccasion.This year, I decided to surprise the guys by dressing up as a girl. Atcostume shops they have a thousand different "sexy" costumes. Sexy cat,sexy cop, sexy pirate...I always loved it when I saw girls wearing thesecostumes, so I thought it would be fun to put one on myself. I...

1 year ago
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A Strangeness In The Sorority House

A Strangeness at the Sorority House Part 1 - Starting a New Term by Bill Hart The first thing that Chris Wagner saw when he woke up was his best friend and roommate Terry Jenkins reading the final draft of the paper he'd been working on into the wee hours of last night. Noticing that his roommate was awake, Terry set the paper back down on the desk. "That's a nice bit of writing. It's short and straight to the point." said Terry. "Quite eloquent, in fact. But then,...

4 years ago
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The World of Erasthay The Son of Lust Chapter 3 Dominating the Sylph MILF

Chapter Three: Dominating the Sylph MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea “You want me to fuck you, don't you?” I growled, my twin...

3 years ago
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Watching Wife Get Screwed Via Internet

I’m traveling on business for several weeks. I’m meeting with some of our branch facilities and with several prospective clients. It’s a very intense trip and so far I’ve managed to resolve several problems at two of our facilities and close a multi-million deal with another company. I’m in my fourth city in 9 days and feel like I’ve away from home and Babs for a month. Last night I got back to my hotel room and just wanted to relax after meeting with another client at dinner. The dinner went...

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How I Seduced My Neighbors Maid 8211 Part I

Hi readers, I am a new author. My name is Yash. I am six feet height and have a bulgy body with a 7 inch cock which can make any women go mad. I am from Chennai. I am fat but girls do like me because of my attitude and my dressing sense. So this is the first time I am writing a story so if there is any mistakes please pardon me. Let’s come to the story now. It was a summer time and I have a habit of flashing my dick to strangers; girls or aunt where I find privacy and think they would like it....

1 year ago
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Probably the hottest story ever by a girl

You know my name and you may as well know I lost my virginity at twelve. Some girls, and I am one of them, have feelings beyond our years, it's a fate of mother nature herself, that sexualises young bodies such as mine, to want to do the things men dream about.1.) The big day I said goodbye to my hymenMy friend Cathy, introduced me to her brother on the morning of a stay-over at hers. She called him into the bedroom the following morning as we lay in bed, we both were naked and giggling and had...

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THE Harem Tales 1 The Times They Are A ChangingChapter 17 The Final Lap

Morning came, but I had no idea what day it was. We breakfasted and set out in the same formation we used to get there. We left the house an hour after the sun rose, and I called Sheriff Naile to let him know that we were on our way. My next call was to Marshal Pope, who assured me that there appeared to be no Sa'arm activity in our direction. He reminded me, "You know that can change, so all of you listen for your phones. We've been able to set up so that there are phone alerts like you...

3 years ago
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My Date With Emily

Let me tell you, getting diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor three weeks before my eighteenth birthday was one of the worst things that could have ever happened to me. Tonight though would be one of the best nights, if not the last night I had a chance to go out and enjoy myself. I was given around nine months to live, and already three of those had passed. My body starting to feel the effects of the drugs they put me on just to try and keep me from suffering, doctors said I didn't have...

2 years ago
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410 Daves reassuring hand holding pt2

410 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt2They sat at the table she naked, he in PJ`s, coffee and a chip and egg meal, filling empty stomach`s, it was the Sunday evening and she had been sleeping all day after her overnight ordeal. He too had slept after masturbating a number of times watching the video and marvelling at her absorption of the pain she had endured. They were both wondering how to break the massive silence between them. In the end it was Gaye who spoke, “Well? Am I the biggest whore...

1 year ago
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Musings Ken sat quietly one Saturday morning thinking about his wife, Barbara, as they both sat at the kitchen table talking to the neighbor’s daughter, Beth, who had just turned 19. Looking at the hunger Beth caused his thoughts to drift back to the beginning of his relationship with Barbara and how they developed into what it is today. He remembered when they first met. Barbara was a senior in high school and had just turned 17. He, on the other hand, was 22 and had a good paying job that...

3 years ago
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My First Time Chapter 1

My First Time Chapter 1 By Sara TV Slut It was Friday night and I had just gotten home from the bar, around 11:30 P.M. There wasn't anything on TV that I wanted to watch. So as I sometimes do late at night I decided it would be a good time to let Sara out. Sara is my female persona. First I jumped into the shower then made sure I was shaved smooth from my face to my toes with just a wisp of pussy hair above my cock-clit. Next I carefully applied makeup being sure to use my...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 331

There was only one thing left on Friday's agenda and that was to meet Linda Koons at her house. We needed to be there at three. She decided she wanted an attorney there, who was a friend next door. We left Morton at 1:30 and landed at Lancaster Airport at 2:15. We six girls, Jason and Jeanna made the flight. The paperwork for the CD's needed to be signed and witnessed by a bank officer. Marcy did a quick audit on the MAAR site there then we took two cars to the Koons' house. There was...

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3 way part 2

3-way Part 2Jake was a little upset and I told him Charlene wanted this and so did I. I want to see you suck a cock and get f**ed in the ass. Jake said he didn’t want to but I told him if he did what I wanted then he and Charlene could use me however they wanted. He readily agreed after that. I knew I would get it but it would be worth it. We untied him and I told him to get on his knees and suck Charlene’s cock. He knelt and took it in his hand then rubbed it and then lowered his mouth and...

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I had been working for the Robinson family for about 4 years, before the incident had occurred. They were a friendly family, Don, the father was in his early forties, Mike, his son, had been off to college for a few years at 20, and Vicki, the daughter, was only 9. Their mother had sadly passed away 8 years ago, shortly after Vicki had been born. So that's where I came in. Don was a private surgeon, and a good one at that, but found himself oftentimes away from home, burying himself...

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DeannaChapter 24 The Wedding plans

The wedding was rapidly approaching and Dee was being a typical woman awaiting her wedding. She was squirrelly with stress and bouncing off the walls. Fortunately she wasn't working alone, and I had given her carte blanche to do whatever she wanted to do. After all, weddings are usually for the bride; the groom is just along for the ride. When things got started Dee didn't have any idea of what to do, so Carol was a good sounding board. She had planned her sisters wedding as well as the...

4 years ago
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Virgins no More

This is the concluding part to Seduced by the Milkman and details an event which lead to our lifelong friendship. The idea of returning home to my boring parents did not seem appealing, for following the fucking I had just received from Brian my inhibitions now were almost zero and my sexual fantasies were focusing on having some real hot sex with him. “Brian…can I stay at your place” I asked in a very subdued manner. “Well…err… if you don’t mind roughing it,” came his reply. On several...

1 year ago
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YesGirlz Natalie Brooke Beautiful Built Blonde Natalie Begs For Brutal Banging

Hot PAWG Natalie Brooke comes in looking fine as hell in her hot pink fishnet set… Every curve on her body just begging to be touched. She gives us a little show playing with her beautiful soft pussy and bouncing around that thick glorious ass- when it comes time to get that dick in her face, she goes right for it. This girl has an appetite, and she sounds hot as fuck with a throat full of cock… When she’s done choking on it, she has got to get it inside of her- and this girl fucking rides. She...

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Star BrightChapter 2

The Hereditary Priest of the Hidden Temple of Ra (don’t worry if you never heard of it, it was meant so.) received a message from his God. It surprised and shocked him, as he thought the whole gig was just a sinecure that was passed down his blood-line. It wasn’t language or conversation but the meaning gradually distilled into a command to bring the strange ones into the light of day. By now, every one knew that the Aquarians couldn’t tolerate sunlight. Roger Boney groaned, he had studied...

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BadDaddyPOV Trinity St Claire Caught Steeling From Her Step Brother

This family is getting crazy! Trinity St Claire has been a bad girl. Her step brother was in the shower. He is getting ready to go out with his friends. When he walks in the room to gather his wallet, he sees his step sister about to go through and steal his money. Trinity St Claire is caught. The skinny brunette has no choice but to submit to his authority. She argues with him at first. Trinity believes he owes her money because she bought him dinner the other night. The bad step brother...

3 years ago
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Taking on a tight littel SIL

Hello to all ISS readers this is JJ once again with an incest experience with my tight little sister in law. My wife and I have been married for over 5 years now, not saying it’s always been easy, but we have survived it! She has three younger sisters and has always felt like she was the second mother to them. Over the years we’ve all been close, but recently about 2 years I had come too close to my sister in law,. Her name is Sophia. She was separated after her marriage and lived alone, I...

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Naughty TeachersPart 4

Everything remained quiet and normal. Tina and I abstained from school students, and we remained very good friends with Grace and Don, and, of course, our special friendship with Amanda. Oh, we kept our word and had no more sex with Amanda. She had her boyfriend with whom she was very happy. But when we went on picnics, trips or other family functions with the Johnson's — Amanda was there with us and sometimes even brought Bobby with her. She kept talking freely about everything and asking...

2 years ago
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Marriage Boot CampChapter 4 The first lesson

"Do you mind me playing with your breasts, your tits Lynn?" They lay side-by-side on the bed at the end of the row that they now considered 'theirs'. The others in the group and the officers, sat watching the lunchtime news on TV and Karen, ensconced in her little office, typed her report of the morning's session. Lunch that day was a quiet affair. The chairs, comfortable enough in normal circumstances, felt very hard on their tortured bottoms and the group returned to their room as...

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The Old Man and the Porch

The old man was on his porch. He sat in his rocking chair. The morning sun shone on his face. His eyes were closed. He did not sleep. He rocked. His chair rocked in a gentle rhythm. The neighborhood and its houses stood empty. The men had long left for their work. The women had gone to their shopping. The children had been sent off to their schools. The houses and the bushes belonged only to the old man. He rocked. An old tom sauntered by him. It glanced at the old man. It saw he was not a...

1 year ago
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The Widows Horny FamilyChapter 3

Peggy found herself happy the next day, very happy. She no longer found it necessary to torment herself with erotic thoughts, remembering how it had been when her husband was alive. She could now indulge those sweet, beautiful desires to their fullest. Donny, she knew, would be an eager partner with her. He was so sweet, she thought as she went about her morning rituals. She didn’t mind when he was aggressive, not at all. At least it was now open. She knew what he wanted and was more than...

2 years ago
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What Price Power

This is purely a work of fiction….*wink* Or is it?```````````````````````````````As the fury of the storm built, she looked again at the deceptively simplecard gracing her palm.Do you have any idea how crazy this is?""Do you think I have any choice? This will make me a major league playerat twenty-six. There is no way in heaven or hell I will pass it up. In theworld in which I grew up, dirt poor would have been a step up in life and Iwill never go back to that. Not now… not ever. This is the...

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The Kick Part 4 As a Senior

The Kick Part 4 - As a Senior (The changes in Drew's body continue and he begins having sex with Jeff and dressing as a girl.) As the warm weather returned that summer, Jeff started suggesting that we should go over to the community pool and hang out there. I was a little concerned because I had tried on my Speedo that spring and there was no way I could go to the pool and wear that - you could clearly see the rounded mound between my legs. So I replaced the Speedo with a pair of...

2 years ago
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A Hot Summer Night

A short romantic story and yes the young people are assumed to be over 18! * The last night of summer on the beach, it was hot and luscious, fires dotted the beachfront with small gatherings of people having a good time, some making out here and there, mostly young people. A lone figure walked, following the surf, delighted by the activity. She wore a mere wisp of a skirt and a light see- through cotton wrap with nothing underneath. It hung with style just covering her breasts. Her bare...

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Prodigal SonChapter 5

Sun Hair leading his other horse sped from town. He knew the general direction that the attackers had taken from Wilkins and soon found their trail. Five riders at a fast gallop were easy to spot. Sun Hair rode as fast as he could without caring too much about his mount. He planned to ride as hard as possible and catch up to the group. He would then switch mounts and let the winded horse loose. He knew that he held that advantage on the group. They had no remounts. Thirty minutes into the...

4 years ago
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New Office Secretary

Kamala never thought that she will ever have to go back to work. Her husband Sri was well employed as an engineer with a foreign firm and was handsomely paid until the economic downturn affected the apple cart. His firm had to shed some highly paid employees and he was one of the unlucky few who had been made redundant. Even though he was given a good termination package, it was a concern how long they will be able to manage on that, being accustomed to a certain quality of living. She was also...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Elsa Jean Elsa Jean Gets Busted

Elsa Jean was on the phone planning a night out partying with her dads new car. The problem is that she didn’t have permission to use the car, she doesn’t have a license, and her stepbrother was spying on her. All of the sudden she was very nice and apologetic, but her stepbrother wasn’t having it. She’s alway mean to him, so he decided to get his revenge. He told her to take off her clothes. She slowly and shyly obeyed revealing her fit sexy body. Then he had her open her legs on the bed so he...

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Even Hotter

I mentioned on a previous occasion that my fiancée, Mary, has a world-class, perfect, female ass.  I love to admire it, to caress it, even to kiss it, but what I love most is to spank it.  Mary has let me spank her three times, not vicious, hurtful spanks, more playful but attention-getting spanks.Each time I’ve asked her, Mary has responded, “Alright, but if you spank me, I get to spank you back at a later place and time of my choosing.”  I’ve always agreed, it’s only fair, but so far, she has...

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Banged by Buster0

Bri waited until her parents had gone down the driveway and drove out of sight before running back upstairs. They were going to Vermont for their anniversary, and she had the house to herself for the weekend. She was eager for time alone so she could experiment without getting interrupted. At fourteen, Bri was just discovering masturbation. She had had no idea it existed until reading about it on a sex site. Bri's mom was too uptight and prudish to talk to her daughter about the birds and...

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