CindyChapter 36 free porn video

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The four of us loaded into the car, headed to an all-night pancake house just up the road. The girls exchanged knowing glances, giggling all the way from the lobby to the car.

I questioned the sanity of drinking coffee at 10 o'clock at night, so we opted for hot chocolate instead. The pastries that came with it were not as sweet as the little redhead sitting next to me. I looked at Alan. "This is a new one for us. Cindy has never asked for a late-night snack."

Cindy giggled. "Not one that we had to leave the building for." Big grin. "But this is kind of a special occasion. It's like I found a new sister that I didn't know I had." Her eyes gauged the three of us. "And we found out that she's married to Dan's best friend."

"That's how I feel," Tina said. "Cindy and I are not gonna let this drop. You guys should have kept in touch."

Alan spoke. "Yeah, I know. But you know, guys are like that. And if Dan and I had been in each other's back pocket, we might've missed you two. It's almost like it was meant to happen this way. Dan and I get to work on a job together, become good friends, split ways, find the loves of our lives, and then our paths cross again. If we weren't sitting here at this table at 10 o'clock at night talking about this, I'd think it sounds like fiction."

"I have to agree with that," I said. I laughed. "If we've been working on the same job, we would probably be out running the roads. I don't know, maybe things would've been a lot different, but I certainly don't think they could be any better." I looked at Cindy. "Cindy came along at a time when we needed each other. I didn't know I needed anybody. But then Cindy popped up. I found out that sometimes you need things that you don't even know about. Like cute redheaded girls."

Cindy smiled. "I needed somebody. I needed a friend. I didn't know what a friend would look like. I mean at school, I was kind of on the outside. A lot of kids didn't associate with me because they knew what my mother was. And even in Alabama, living in an RV park sets you off as different. And people knew that I'd been living in an RV park for years."

Tina reached across the table and patted Cindy's hand. "I know some of the stuff you're talking about, you know, the mama thing. I had it good as long as I was staying with Grandma. But when she died, my life went downhill fast. It's like it caved in on me." She sighed. "When we loaded up to evacuate from the hurricane, I honestly didn't think I'd get back home alive. Mom's boyfriend was crazy. Not to mention that some of her friends were already making comments like they wanted to do things with me that I didn't want to have done."

Alan said, "See, that's another example. If Dan and I had been working on the same job, I would'nt've been driving up the road that day." He paused. "I mean, I'd been fighting traffic for three hours, and I stopped for breakfast, and all that crap broke loose. I figured it was just what I needed to end an otherwise horrible day. And look how it ended up. It's funny how life twists around. Sometimes tragedies are just doors opening for some really good things."

Cindy slid tight up against me in the booth. She turned half sideways, wrapped both arms around my bicep, put her chin on my shoulder, and smiled. "Best possible outcome," she smiled. "I know my life has been fantastic. It's been some kind of funny fairytale with a funny looking little castle on wheels."

Tina said, "Tell Alan about your college stuff."

Cindy smiled. "No, I don't want to sound like I'm bragging."

Tina laughed. "It's not bragging, Cindy. I think it's neat. Tell him. I know you're not bragging."

"Okay," Cindy said. "Right now I have gifted scholarships. I interviewed with the deans of two engineering colleges in Alabama. I'm still trying to figure out which way to go."

Alan smiled. Actually he laughed. He looked at me and said, "Engineering? Electrical engineering? "Engineer's Apprentice" thing, isn't it?"

"Yes, Alan," Cindy said, "the first time I saw Dan in his element, I knew what I wanted to do. Since then, every time I visit the project, it reinforces what my first thought was. I want to be an engineer like Dan."

I shook my head. "That's not the worst of it, guys. She's had letters of interest from a lot of schools. We even had conversations about MIT and Stanford."

"But I kind of want us to stay in Alabama," Cindy said. "Dan and I talked, and we figured that it would be a lot easier for him to work down here. And The University of Alabama or Auburn, they both have great schools of engineering, and graduating from either one of those would be just fine."

Tina smiled. "That's funny, Alan and I have been talking about my college. I used to think about college when I lived with Grandma, but when I moved in with Mom I gave up on any dreams of college. The first thing Alan talked about was getting me through high school. Since he found out how well I was doing in high school, we been talking about college. Up until I met him, I had no idea about a major. Guess what. I have an idea now."

Alan laughed. "See, Dan. You're not the only one that could delude a young lady."

I looked at Cindy then Tina. "Tina is an honor student too?" I looked at Tina. "How's your math, Tina?"

Tina grinned. "AP classes, Dan. Straight A's."

"That'll do just fine, then," I said. "I think math's the hardest part."

"I don't think she'll have a problem with any of it," Alan said.

Cindy's the one who dropped the bombshell. "Why don't y'all move to Alabama." Her biggest brightest grin. "We could go to school together. I think that would be an absolutely wonderful thing."

Alan and I looked at each other in amazement. "You know," he said, "there just might be something to that."

I looked at Cindy. "Sometimes you amaze me." I paused. "No, make that 'you amaze me just about every day', little girl."

Sometimes it was fun to watch her when she had a little bit of encouragement. She started, "I mean, come on guys, doesn't that really make sense?" She glanced around the table. "I mean, you two, maybe you can work something out as far as where you work and what you do." She looked at me. "Dan, you were talking to that new powerhouse bunch. That's always an option. You talked about the money and you said that that would keep you in the area. But maybe there's a way that you can keep doing the "let's get that 'Dan' guy," thing. I know you can make more money doing that, but you wanted to be around while I was in college. But if we had our own little community..."

Alan looked at her. He looked at Tina. He looked at me. "Maybe she's on to something."

Tina smiled. "That's my little sister!" Giggle.

"Well," I said, "it's something to think about. And we don't need to make a decision tonight."

"Yeah," Cindy giggled. "We can sleep on it and make a decision tomorrow!" Another giggle. "No, seriously. I was just thinking and I thought I would put it on the table."

Alan looked serious. "No, Cindy. I think it's an interesting idea. Like you said though, we can sleep on it, we can go home with it, we can think about it, and we can talk some more. Dan and I need to toss some ideas around for the business angle and see if we can come up with a model that makes sense."

I laughed. "There you go talking like an MBA. When you start tossing words like 'model' around, I start getting nervous."

Alan countered. "You know exactly what I mean," he said.

"Okay," I said. "Let's think about it."

I looked at Cindy and she had that "you know I'm right" smirk. Tina was smiling, too.

The next half hour's conversation was about the upcoming concert and some of the concerts we'd listened to in the last few months.

Tina was telling us about some of the bluegrass concerts that she and Alan had been to. She smiled at Cindy. "Of course that's not the same thing as standing up on the stage." She playfully elbowed Alan. "Don't you wish you could play a musical instrument?"

"I do, baby," he said. "Actually I play several."

She looked at him quizzically.

He had an evil grin. "Yeah, CDs, iPod, and a bunch of ancient instruments, Dan knows about 'em, things like cassette tapes and vinyl records."

Cindy giggled. Poor Alan got another jab in the ribs. I laughed.

Alan and I got into another minor altercation over who paid tonight's ticket. I gave up this time. We paid and we all piled into the car to go back to the hotel. Back at the hotel, we agreed to meet for lunch the next day. Alan and Tina headed up the hall to their room, and Cindy and I hit the elevator.

When the doors closed, Cindy squealed and jumped into my arms. I love it when she does that. Her bright young face melts my heart. She could tell me to jump off the roof with that smile, and I'd get a running start.

"Baby, I didn't mean to put you on the spot." Her eyes were twinkling. "But sometimes I get an idea, and I just kind of blurt it out."

"Oh, sweetie, you didn't put me on the spot. You came up with a good idea. And you put it in front of the people that need to discuss it." The elevator doors opened. We walked up the hall and into our room. I locked the door behind me.

She started undressing, smiling. "You know how," she grinned, "you're all relaxed after sex, and it's so easy to go to sleep, and you sleep so good?"

I couldn't help but smile. "And where exactly is this leading?" I grinned.

She flashed those green eyes at me with a mischievous smirk. "Well, just maybe a little bitty one for each of us, you know, so we'll sleep good."

We slept VERY good. The next morning, we lounged in bed, cuddling, playing, until about nine. We got up and dressed casually and went downstairs. The hotel had a continental breakfast set up. We had a couple of pastries and a couple of cups of coffee. Then we got the car and drove around town, following a traveler's guide and seeing sights.

Nearing 11, we were in the vicinity of the hotel again. "Why don't you give your sister call?" I said, smiling at Cindy.

She giggled. "It IS kind of like that, baby. I mean, she and I have so much in common. Don'tcha think that, since you and Alan have so much in common, that you'd both be attracted to the same kind of people?"

"Yeah," I said. "You're both girls." I laughed.

"You know exactly what I mean. She's even got red hair!"

"No, sweetie, she's got auburn hair, you've got red hair."

"And she's an honor student."

"Yeah, well, some of us guys go for the bright girls. I always said that after the sex and after your buddies have seen what you brought home, you've got an awful lot of hours where you have to talk to the person."

She looked at me smiling. "Now isn't that rather clinical," she said.

"Yes and that's quite a statement, and from Little Ms. Analytical. But it's the truth. You have any idea how many marriages fall apart because two people can't sit in a room and carry on a conversation?"

"You're probably right, when you think about it. Remember when we first got together? And I told you it wasn't just sex for me? And then I felt like you wanted me for something besides sex?"

"Uh-huh," I said. "And I meant it. That was one of the first things I noticed about you. When you and me would sit by the pool and we'd talk. You didn't sound like a 13-year-old girl. You had ideas and opinions and you stated them well. I didn't know what to make of you."

"Dan, I think that was the first thing that attracted me to you. You didn't treat me like a kid. You did not act like I was bothering you. And we actually talked about things, you know, questions and answers. And it wasn't just me doing the questions and you doing the answers."

"I know," I said, "and that's why I was happy to be your friend and to be your tutor. I could see you were smart and I could see that you are interested otherwise you would'nt've asked. And then, as things went along, it was like I planted a seed, and this wonderful little flower blossomed."

She smiled, reaching across the console, patting my forearm. "You'll never know how much I love you," she said. She pulled out her cell phone, flipped it open, and punched a button. She held it to her ear. "Hi, sis! What are y'all doing?" Pause. "We're a couple of blocks from the hotel and its getting to be lunch time." Pause. "Okay! We'll meet you in the lobby in five minutes."

"Sounds like a plan," I said. "Maybe a light lunch? The concert starts at seven so we can do some place nice for dinner in the vicinity of the concert hall and have plenty of time to get there. We've got reserved seats, so we don't need to get there too early."

"But I certainly don't want to get there late," she said.

"We're not going to be late, baby," I said. "I've been wanting to hear the Brandenberg #3 performed live all my life."

"Me too," she said, beaming. " And a year ago I didn't even know what Brandenberg #3 was. You're the one responsible for creating THIS monster, you know."

We pulled into the hotel parking lot, parked, and walked in holding hands. Yes, heads turned. Trouble was, I didn't know if it was her University of Alabama sweatshirt, or if it's because she was a stunning little redhead with green eyes, and she walked in, an obvious teenager, holding hands with a middle-aged guy.

When we got inside, we didn't see Alan and Tina, so we sat on a sofa in the lobby. An older gentleman walked by, saw Cindy's sweatshirt, and stopped. "Don't see too many people wearing that shirt around here," he said and laughed.

"I'm really FROM Alabama. We're in town for the concert," Cindy grinned.

The guy looked at me.

"Don't look at me, I'm from Louisiana," I said.

"What concert?" He asked.

"There's an orchestra from Europe that's touring the U.S.," Cindy chirped. "We're here to listen to Bach concertos."

The guy laughed. "Well, welcome to North Carolina, even if you do have the wrong shirt on. I hope y'all enjoy your concert."

Cindy handled herself well. "Why, thank you, sir," she said, flashing a winning smile, her emerald eyes glittering.

Alan and Tina walked up in the middle of this conversation. Alan said, "What'd you do? Get caught wearing enemy colors?"

Cindy laughed. "Apparently some people attach more significance to the color of the sweatshirt than the fact that it's warm."

"Oh, yeah," Alan said. "It's even worse during football season. A guy wearing the wrong shirt can get the crap beat out of."

I added, "Of course, they'll probably exempt cute little redheads."

Alan asked, "So where are we going to have lunch?"

Tina looked at Cindy. "Did y'all talk about doing something light? For lunch?"

"Uh-huh," Cindy said. "We thought we'd put more effort into dinner before the concert. And then after the concert, like we did last night."

Same as Cindy
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crying orgasm

I can remember my first time being penetrated and cummin! It was mind blowing! For as far back as I can remember, I always had this tingly itch deep inside of me that would drive me crazy to the point that I started finding objects to stick up in me to scratch that itch, and any chance that I had some alone time, I would explore what I was feeling with whatever I could find to stick inside of Me. The first thing I ever used was my drum stick from my drum set. All I know was it felt amazing! to...

4 years ago
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Entonyan Entrapment

Entonyan Entrapment Synopsis ? Stealing the money so temptingly laid out would have brought punishment and given them the hold on me they wanted, but that would have been mild compared to what I received for the insults and racial slurs I levied on the owner and his people. ? Obohobo / ENTONYAN ENTRAPMENT ? by obohobo ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended...

1 year ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 29

It was close to the time Mrs. Sonneborne was going to arrive for our evaluation and exam. This was what we were working towards all week. We still had several more weeks of Summer before our training ordeal would be over but we were told how we performed would determine how much we learned and what we needed to work on next week. It would also be used to give us a ‘grade’ and the highest grade would be “Slutadictorian” in the end and be the boss of my mom for an additional week. Mom made us...

3 years ago
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Mrs Hill

She was my granny’s neighbor. She was a fat elderly woman of about 65-70 with huge boobs and enormous ass. That summer I was helping my granny with the house and her neighbor Mrs. Hill often asked me to help her too. She lived alone, her husband died, and her relatives didn’t visit her often. Now and then I felt her looking at me in a strange way, but didn’t really pay attention to it at all. It was Sunday, I spent the whole day helping both of the ladies round the house, it was night, and I...

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Blue Heat

Chapter One ‘Three King Ten…..’ the radio crackled, on a relatively boring night. Sgt. Rick Thorn picked up the mike, and spoke back to the dispatcher, ‘Ten, go agead.’ ‘1345 Euclid, Apartment 1C, see the woman, possible prowler.’ ‘Damn!’ Rick swore to himself. Fourty-five minutes to end-of-watch, and she gives me a prowler call! ‘Ten, clear,’ Rick responded. As he made a U-turn to go to respond to the call, he was fuming. He WAS a sergeant, after all, the supervisor of the shift, and he...

3 years ago
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Perfect Stranges

After seeing a photo of Sharleen on a network channel, Jay could not get her out of his mind. She was beautiful. He was a lover of good women and saw them as pieces of art. She was the best; nice composition and a lovely facial angle. He loved her radiant smile. Ted so much wanted to meet her in person. All he had to do was make contact; he knew he had to make the first move. One night after work he went home. After shutting off his computer much later, he still could not get her off his mind....

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Keeping the Guys Happy

Molly was the only woman in the room with the five men; all of them were naked and each of them had already had his way with her at least once. One of the men who'd just pleasured himself with Molly, was her own father, Frank. He'd been having sexual relations with her since her early teen years, and now he really got off on sharing her with other men about his own age. The other men were all his buddies and they'd nearly all had sex with Molly at other times before this evening. Molly was...

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Caroline Ch 1201

(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! After a number of, I hope, hot episodes another quiet chapter. Again, I don’t know anything about IVF so please remember that it is fantasy and that the IVF serves solely as plot development.. Non erotic He woke us both in the morning with a, ‘Come on sleepy heads,...

4 years ago
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A Drabble Assumptions

Drabble - Assumptions By Deane Christopher "Hey, I thought you were going to help me with the housework," Janice groused. "Well, you do know what they say about assumptions and how they make an ass out of you and me?" her husband quipped as he picked up his golf clubs. "Ass my foot!" Janice fumed as she wriggled her nose. "Oh, and speaking of asses, honey, I hope you like that new derriere of yours. Aghast at the realization that she was wearing a French maid uniform, and...

2 years ago
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The CircleCast

Cast of Characters in The Circle (In rough order of appearance; members only) Men Jim Wilson Bob Cooper Matt Saddler Don Young (Monica's father; Michelle's husband) Alex Saunders Nathan Pocher Kyle Broadhurst (Lynn's son) Derek Dawkins Brad Ross (Nancy's father) Bill Jenkins Steve Wallace Kurt Thadani Mike Licata Darrell Brinnell Rob Minchen Women Sheila Parkinson Marshall Parkinson (Sheila's child) Zoey Frye Ashley Frey (Zoey's child) Monica Young Alyson Young...

2 years ago
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Hi guys and gals! This is your Rahul, with a virgin teen my sister’s sister inlaws daughter. Her name is Sakshi let me describe all you of her features. She is about 19 year’s old and very fashoinable young teen. Always loving to wear tight jeans, Tshirts, minis etc. which always exposed her beauty. She had good pair of tits and very beautiful ass and well built for her age.One fine day she came to our house and there was nobody in my house. When she came I was enjoying the porn in the net. As...

4 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 94

" ... Care to enlighten me?" Phip Battenberg asked. There was no undercurrent of threat or fear. Just a request among equals for the sharing of information. Clare giggled, "Damn, I hate it when I do that. Suits. From the bit where you went off to your cabin... Cedric had accelerated the first scout up to SOL 6..." "SOL?" "Speed of light. "Sundowner" can only manage SOL 2 in hyper but the scouts can manage six for a short burst..." Phip's eyes bulged as her cortex did the...

3 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVIII 3 Womans Right to Change Her Mind

I had promised my mom I would spend that Sunday with her and Richie, and despite the fact that I wanted to spend every minute of it with Jennifer, I did actually enjoy some parts of the day. Richie was christened that morning for one thing, and I was made his Godfather which meant I held him while they made his fussy mood worse by sprinkling the holy water on him and making him outright cry. Oh, I shouldn't really complain though. I was happy to do it, especially since I didn't have a...

3 years ago
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Swetha Revenge Against Her Groom

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last sex story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is my experience of fucking a girl before her marriage. Now coming to the sex story this is my experience of fucking my friend Swetha three days before her marriage. Swetha was my friend since my college days...

4 years ago
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The Bracelets

After three years of war peace had come to the Kingdom of Valark. Tonight, was Lady Seranna’s wedding night. She was supposed to have married Prince Thelrian, but he had fallen in battle. So, she had married his younger brother Prince Nelralan instead. Seranna was an elf as was her husband. She had lived 21 years while he had lived 15. In the time they had known one another, they had gotten along splendidly. Although Nelralan felt that Seranna saw him as nice little brother instead of as a...

3 years ago
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Fourth of July

I said, “ I'm glad you are here.” “ I’m glad you asked me to join you." She said. With that said, I didn’t reply. She felt my hand grab her shoulder and spin her around. She gasped, " I am going to rip your panties off and fuck you up the ass, right here and now," I said as I moved my big strong hand to the waistband of her skirt unzipping it and letting it drop to the floor. I grab her panties just above the crack of her ass pulling them up to invade her crack to prove my point. " Do...

3 years ago
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I Found My Son 8211 Part 1 Moms Honeypot

Hello! This is Sarayu, a young lady 40 years with good physique and statistics. Ours is a rich family and we live in a posh area in Hyderabad. We have an import-export business. My hubby is 45 and of course good looking. In a high society where we live, maintenance of a figure for a woman is as important as a high bank balance for a man. Because of this, I keep my body fit, trim and attractive. Whenever we go for a social gathering the men ogle at me. If a chance comes they try to touch me here...

3 years ago
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Best Friends Camping Trip Part 11

*NOTE* All characters depicted in this story are considered to be at least 18 years of age and older. So this story takes place a little over 20 years ago with two best friends since nursery school named Blake and Pete who were about to be out of school for the summer and couldn’t wait to be going with Blake’s family’s on their awesome annual camping trip...... But they had no idea just how awesome it was going to be. For the past 5 or 6 years, Pete had been going on these week long camping...

1 year ago
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How to Properly Edge Him

The real art with edging is to learn exactly how to get him as close as possible to an explosion without actually allowing him to erupt. If you pay close attention while you fondle and play, you’ll learn precisely the clear warning signs of an imminent ejaculation. There’s nothing quite like edging for subliminally building a guys libido and desire. Not only will he cherish you more, thanks to neurochemistry, but within a short timeframe his vulnerable and exploitable mind will be totally under...

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1994Chapter 7 Sammy is Indispensable

Mr. Tom Collingsworth's visit to his new space in our building was heralded as a major achievement for us. Having a member of the board of directors of some of our realty trusts house his company in the headquarters building was viewed as a prestigious event. John Oldham and Suzanne joined me in welcoming Mr. Collingsworth, and they hung around for the complete tour. Daniel McDonald actually wore a suit for the occasion. He proudly pointed out how effectively he had interpreted the...

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You are a brilliant physicist who has been working on a side project at home for quite a while. At last, success! You can create spatial portals that allow objects to cross through one and come out the other no matter how far apart they are! You can also polarize them, so that solid objects can go in either direction, but light and sound go only in one. The size of the portals can be changed while they are active, although changing the size of one will necessarily change the size of its...

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Martha Space MadamChapter 28 Losing My Touch

Martha first realised that Jacqui was doing more than expected when Karl started booking her in two hour slots several times a week. Checking the 3V during one of these sessions, Martha was horrified to see that Karl was using a whip which he had brought with him on Jacqui. Karl had already made a series of a dozen or so weals across her back at an angle which showed they were inflicted from one side. As Martha watched Karl moved to the other side of the bed and started again. CRACK! The...

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Sex Diaries The Affair

Adam Davis admired his 22 year old secretary from the doorway of his office. He watched her as she was bent over the cabinet filing away some papers. Her tight black skirt showed no signs of a panty line. Adam ran his eyes down her smooth long legs as her feet disappeared in red three inch heels. She scooped some of her auburn hair around her ear to keep it from getting in her face. While admiring this view Adam started to reminisce to the day Riya walked into his office for an interview. She...

2 years ago
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Im on my way home from a night out in the City and I stopped for a cigarette

Introduction: m on my way home from a night out in the City, Ive been out drinking in bars with my mates and I dressed up for the occasion. Black knee high boots with a thin metal stiletto heels, and a tight body fitting summer dress showing off my cleavage, legs and thighs. As I walk through my local tube station my skirt rides up higher, and when Im standing on the escalators I realise all the suits behind me have a view of my ass cheekily exposed. I tug my skirt down conscious that Im...

4 years ago
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How my wife got her swinger cherry popped

It started innocently enough. After a few glasses wine, my wife, Amber, became predictable horny, and on this warm summer night, unusually adventurous, and suggested that we have sex outside on our deck! Given how conventional our sex life was at the time, this mini "walk on the wild side" was a new and much welcome surprise! Amber was already dressed for bed, which meant that she was wearing a short, cotton gown, with nothing on but panties underneath. Now, as bland as this sounds, it is...

2 years ago
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Five minutes in Hell

(This is my first story here.) "Your rent is over-due." My flat mate Angus stared at me reproachfully. "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to being this busy. I'll get it to you as soon as I can." "It's not good enough, Hannah. This is the second time." "I know, I..." He held his hand up to cut me off. "You're still learning. You're only 21. But you have to know there are consequences for your actions." I gasped. "Please don't throw me out." "I really should." Angus was my live-in landlord. He...

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Followup to Bi meeting

As I wrote earlier wife and I had some great anal sex but when I fuck her ass I always think of a guy. She doesn’t know and I would never tell her. Because of the Coronavirus and everyone being quarantined it seems that you just have to get out of the house. Originally we were going to meet on Monday but we had to change it to Wednesday because of conflicts in scheduling. His wife is considered essential personnel and my wife works part time and her job is also considered essential. We decided...

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Nude Beach for Christmas ndash Day 2

Nude Beach for Christmas – Day 2The next morning we met Nick and Suzette for breakfast but saw no sign of Rolf and Heather. During breakfast we decided to hit the nude beach again in the morning before the sun got too hot and then see some of the sights in the afternoon. After breakfast, we got our stuff, picked up some bottled water from the resort and the four of us headed to the nude beach. Being it was a Sunday morning, we were not that surprised to see the beach virtually empty and then it...

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The Storm Concludes

Quinn could not accept what he was seeing. First, his best friend knocks the piss of him. Then, he drags him here to watch him fuck around with his girlfriend. It was true that he had left her, but it was not like they were finished. Sitting here wat ching Scott lick and suck on Kat's pussy, Quinn wanted to be angry, but couldn't. For some odd reason, this was turning him on more than anything he has ever witnessed. Here he was tied to a chair watching the scene in front of him unfold, and he...

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