Night of the Living Pussy
- 3 years ago
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The four of us loaded into the car, headed to an all-night pancake house just up the road. The girls exchanged knowing glances, giggling all the way from the lobby to the car.
I questioned the sanity of drinking coffee at 10 o'clock at night, so we opted for hot chocolate instead. The pastries that came with it were not as sweet as the little redhead sitting next to me. I looked at Alan. "This is a new one for us. Cindy has never asked for a late-night snack."
Cindy giggled. "Not one that we had to leave the building for." Big grin. "But this is kind of a special occasion. It's like I found a new sister that I didn't know I had." Her eyes gauged the three of us. "And we found out that she's married to Dan's best friend."
"That's how I feel," Tina said. "Cindy and I are not gonna let this drop. You guys should have kept in touch."
Alan spoke. "Yeah, I know. But you know, guys are like that. And if Dan and I had been in each other's back pocket, we might've missed you two. It's almost like it was meant to happen this way. Dan and I get to work on a job together, become good friends, split ways, find the loves of our lives, and then our paths cross again. If we weren't sitting here at this table at 10 o'clock at night talking about this, I'd think it sounds like fiction."
"I have to agree with that," I said. I laughed. "If we've been working on the same job, we would probably be out running the roads. I don't know, maybe things would've been a lot different, but I certainly don't think they could be any better." I looked at Cindy. "Cindy came along at a time when we needed each other. I didn't know I needed anybody. But then Cindy popped up. I found out that sometimes you need things that you don't even know about. Like cute redheaded girls."
Cindy smiled. "I needed somebody. I needed a friend. I didn't know what a friend would look like. I mean at school, I was kind of on the outside. A lot of kids didn't associate with me because they knew what my mother was. And even in Alabama, living in an RV park sets you off as different. And people knew that I'd been living in an RV park for years."
Tina reached across the table and patted Cindy's hand. "I know some of the stuff you're talking about, you know, the mama thing. I had it good as long as I was staying with Grandma. But when she died, my life went downhill fast. It's like it caved in on me." She sighed. "When we loaded up to evacuate from the hurricane, I honestly didn't think I'd get back home alive. Mom's boyfriend was crazy. Not to mention that some of her friends were already making comments like they wanted to do things with me that I didn't want to have done."
Alan said, "See, that's another example. If Dan and I had been working on the same job, I would'nt've been driving up the road that day." He paused. "I mean, I'd been fighting traffic for three hours, and I stopped for breakfast, and all that crap broke loose. I figured it was just what I needed to end an otherwise horrible day. And look how it ended up. It's funny how life twists around. Sometimes tragedies are just doors opening for some really good things."
Cindy slid tight up against me in the booth. She turned half sideways, wrapped both arms around my bicep, put her chin on my shoulder, and smiled. "Best possible outcome," she smiled. "I know my life has been fantastic. It's been some kind of funny fairytale with a funny looking little castle on wheels."
Tina said, "Tell Alan about your college stuff."
Cindy smiled. "No, I don't want to sound like I'm bragging."
Tina laughed. "It's not bragging, Cindy. I think it's neat. Tell him. I know you're not bragging."
"Okay," Cindy said. "Right now I have gifted scholarships. I interviewed with the deans of two engineering colleges in Alabama. I'm still trying to figure out which way to go."
Alan smiled. Actually he laughed. He looked at me and said, "Engineering? Electrical engineering? "Engineer's Apprentice" thing, isn't it?"
"Yes, Alan," Cindy said, "the first time I saw Dan in his element, I knew what I wanted to do. Since then, every time I visit the project, it reinforces what my first thought was. I want to be an engineer like Dan."
I shook my head. "That's not the worst of it, guys. She's had letters of interest from a lot of schools. We even had conversations about MIT and Stanford."
"But I kind of want us to stay in Alabama," Cindy said. "Dan and I talked, and we figured that it would be a lot easier for him to work down here. And The University of Alabama or Auburn, they both have great schools of engineering, and graduating from either one of those would be just fine."
Tina smiled. "That's funny, Alan and I have been talking about my college. I used to think about college when I lived with Grandma, but when I moved in with Mom I gave up on any dreams of college. The first thing Alan talked about was getting me through high school. Since he found out how well I was doing in high school, we been talking about college. Up until I met him, I had no idea about a major. Guess what. I have an idea now."
Alan laughed. "See, Dan. You're not the only one that could delude a young lady."
I looked at Cindy then Tina. "Tina is an honor student too?" I looked at Tina. "How's your math, Tina?"
Tina grinned. "AP classes, Dan. Straight A's."
"That'll do just fine, then," I said. "I think math's the hardest part."
"I don't think she'll have a problem with any of it," Alan said.
Cindy's the one who dropped the bombshell. "Why don't y'all move to Alabama." Her biggest brightest grin. "We could go to school together. I think that would be an absolutely wonderful thing."
Alan and I looked at each other in amazement. "You know," he said, "there just might be something to that."
I looked at Cindy. "Sometimes you amaze me." I paused. "No, make that 'you amaze me just about every day', little girl."
Sometimes it was fun to watch her when she had a little bit of encouragement. She started, "I mean, come on guys, doesn't that really make sense?" She glanced around the table. "I mean, you two, maybe you can work something out as far as where you work and what you do." She looked at me. "Dan, you were talking to that new powerhouse bunch. That's always an option. You talked about the money and you said that that would keep you in the area. But maybe there's a way that you can keep doing the "let's get that 'Dan' guy," thing. I know you can make more money doing that, but you wanted to be around while I was in college. But if we had our own little community..."
Alan looked at her. He looked at Tina. He looked at me. "Maybe she's on to something."
Tina smiled. "That's my little sister!" Giggle.
"Well," I said, "it's something to think about. And we don't need to make a decision tonight."
"Yeah," Cindy giggled. "We can sleep on it and make a decision tomorrow!" Another giggle. "No, seriously. I was just thinking and I thought I would put it on the table."
Alan looked serious. "No, Cindy. I think it's an interesting idea. Like you said though, we can sleep on it, we can go home with it, we can think about it, and we can talk some more. Dan and I need to toss some ideas around for the business angle and see if we can come up with a model that makes sense."
I laughed. "There you go talking like an MBA. When you start tossing words like 'model' around, I start getting nervous."
Alan countered. "You know exactly what I mean," he said.
"Okay," I said. "Let's think about it."
I looked at Cindy and she had that "you know I'm right" smirk. Tina was smiling, too.
The next half hour's conversation was about the upcoming concert and some of the concerts we'd listened to in the last few months.
Tina was telling us about some of the bluegrass concerts that she and Alan had been to. She smiled at Cindy. "Of course that's not the same thing as standing up on the stage." She playfully elbowed Alan. "Don't you wish you could play a musical instrument?"
"I do, baby," he said. "Actually I play several."
She looked at him quizzically.
He had an evil grin. "Yeah, CDs, iPod, and a bunch of ancient instruments, Dan knows about 'em, things like cassette tapes and vinyl records."
Cindy giggled. Poor Alan got another jab in the ribs. I laughed.
Alan and I got into another minor altercation over who paid tonight's ticket. I gave up this time. We paid and we all piled into the car to go back to the hotel. Back at the hotel, we agreed to meet for lunch the next day. Alan and Tina headed up the hall to their room, and Cindy and I hit the elevator.
When the doors closed, Cindy squealed and jumped into my arms. I love it when she does that. Her bright young face melts my heart. She could tell me to jump off the roof with that smile, and I'd get a running start.
"Baby, I didn't mean to put you on the spot." Her eyes were twinkling. "But sometimes I get an idea, and I just kind of blurt it out."
"Oh, sweetie, you didn't put me on the spot. You came up with a good idea. And you put it in front of the people that need to discuss it." The elevator doors opened. We walked up the hall and into our room. I locked the door behind me.
She started undressing, smiling. "You know how," she grinned, "you're all relaxed after sex, and it's so easy to go to sleep, and you sleep so good?"
I couldn't help but smile. "And where exactly is this leading?" I grinned.
She flashed those green eyes at me with a mischievous smirk. "Well, just maybe a little bitty one for each of us, you know, so we'll sleep good."
We slept VERY good. The next morning, we lounged in bed, cuddling, playing, until about nine. We got up and dressed casually and went downstairs. The hotel had a continental breakfast set up. We had a couple of pastries and a couple of cups of coffee. Then we got the car and drove around town, following a traveler's guide and seeing sights.
Nearing 11, we were in the vicinity of the hotel again. "Why don't you give your sister call?" I said, smiling at Cindy.
She giggled. "It IS kind of like that, baby. I mean, she and I have so much in common. Don'tcha think that, since you and Alan have so much in common, that you'd both be attracted to the same kind of people?"
"Yeah," I said. "You're both girls." I laughed.
"You know exactly what I mean. She's even got red hair!"
"No, sweetie, she's got auburn hair, you've got red hair."
"And she's an honor student."
"Yeah, well, some of us guys go for the bright girls. I always said that after the sex and after your buddies have seen what you brought home, you've got an awful lot of hours where you have to talk to the person."
She looked at me smiling. "Now isn't that rather clinical," she said.
"Yes and that's quite a statement, and from Little Ms. Analytical. But it's the truth. You have any idea how many marriages fall apart because two people can't sit in a room and carry on a conversation?"
"You're probably right, when you think about it. Remember when we first got together? And I told you it wasn't just sex for me? And then I felt like you wanted me for something besides sex?"
"Uh-huh," I said. "And I meant it. That was one of the first things I noticed about you. When you and me would sit by the pool and we'd talk. You didn't sound like a 13-year-old girl. You had ideas and opinions and you stated them well. I didn't know what to make of you."
"Dan, I think that was the first thing that attracted me to you. You didn't treat me like a kid. You did not act like I was bothering you. And we actually talked about things, you know, questions and answers. And it wasn't just me doing the questions and you doing the answers."
"I know," I said, "and that's why I was happy to be your friend and to be your tutor. I could see you were smart and I could see that you are interested otherwise you would'nt've asked. And then, as things went along, it was like I planted a seed, and this wonderful little flower blossomed."
She smiled, reaching across the console, patting my forearm. "You'll never know how much I love you," she said. She pulled out her cell phone, flipped it open, and punched a button. She held it to her ear. "Hi, sis! What are y'all doing?" Pause. "We're a couple of blocks from the hotel and its getting to be lunch time." Pause. "Okay! We'll meet you in the lobby in five minutes."
"Sounds like a plan," I said. "Maybe a light lunch? The concert starts at seven so we can do some place nice for dinner in the vicinity of the concert hall and have plenty of time to get there. We've got reserved seats, so we don't need to get there too early."
"But I certainly don't want to get there late," she said.
"We're not going to be late, baby," I said. "I've been wanting to hear the Brandenberg #3 performed live all my life."
"Me too," she said, beaming. " And a year ago I didn't even know what Brandenberg #3 was. You're the one responsible for creating THIS monster, you know."
We pulled into the hotel parking lot, parked, and walked in holding hands. Yes, heads turned. Trouble was, I didn't know if it was her University of Alabama sweatshirt, or if it's because she was a stunning little redhead with green eyes, and she walked in, an obvious teenager, holding hands with a middle-aged guy.
When we got inside, we didn't see Alan and Tina, so we sat on a sofa in the lobby. An older gentleman walked by, saw Cindy's sweatshirt, and stopped. "Don't see too many people wearing that shirt around here," he said and laughed.
"I'm really FROM Alabama. We're in town for the concert," Cindy grinned.
The guy looked at me.
"Don't look at me, I'm from Louisiana," I said.
"What concert?" He asked.
"There's an orchestra from Europe that's touring the U.S.," Cindy chirped. "We're here to listen to Bach concertos."
The guy laughed. "Well, welcome to North Carolina, even if you do have the wrong shirt on. I hope y'all enjoy your concert."
Cindy handled herself well. "Why, thank you, sir," she said, flashing a winning smile, her emerald eyes glittering.
Alan and Tina walked up in the middle of this conversation. Alan said, "What'd you do? Get caught wearing enemy colors?"
Cindy laughed. "Apparently some people attach more significance to the color of the sweatshirt than the fact that it's warm."
"Oh, yeah," Alan said. "It's even worse during football season. A guy wearing the wrong shirt can get the crap beat out of."
I added, "Of course, they'll probably exempt cute little redheads."
Alan asked, "So where are we going to have lunch?"
Tina looked at Cindy. "Did y'all talk about doing something light? For lunch?"
"Uh-huh," Cindy said. "We thought we'd put more effort into dinner before the concert. And then after the concert, like we did last night."
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Tatted up cowgirl Gina Valentina is ready to take on the world with her riding abilities. She wants to show off just how well she can keep a cock up and work her hips into a friction frenzy. Today, she gets her chance, riding our studs prick as she moans in pleasure. The gorgeous brunette shows off her bubble butt and her petite physique as she plays with his prick, letting it slide down her hungry throat. Then, she launches into the rodeo ride of her life, taking a big shlong deep inside her...
xmoviesforyouA few times when I was younger, I sometimes managed to find myself in dangerous situations – where I was going to be at least seriously embarrassed, or even exposed as a solo-sex pervert mac-wanker. Although I loved the thought of girls knowing my guilty secret, that didn’t include being in a situation where I was expected to be like normal men, to be able to perform. Obviously, I’m not saying I was ever ‘propositioned’ – that’s too ridiculous to imagine – but here are a few examples of when...
it wasn’t just her lips that drew attention. When she wore leggings, they hugged her body in a way that left little to the imagination, accentuating every curve of her thick thighs and that delicious outline that teased just enough to make me lose focus. We’d known each other for a while, working side by side, sharing the same office space, and exchanging playful banter. There was always that lingering tension between us—a chubby, confident girl with a bright smile and curves that...
FriendNot what I expected That night I look through my emails and immediately open the one from Chris. There is no message only photos. These photos are all closeups. One showing my recently fucked face with the blindfold, closeup photos of my nipples poking through the fishnet and some very erotic closeups of my pussy from all angles. They all look beautiful and I am already very wet as I relive our encounter in my mind. I email Chris. “The photos as always are beautiful. You really know how to...
VoyeurThe Mermaid and the Dagger by shalimar They called me Boris. I was the younger of two brothers who were considered outlaws by our King. He was a good king, and fortunately for us, our offenses were minor and limited to hunting in his private preserve, a forested area on the border of our kingdom and two others. Sergie, my brother, and I often told the authorities about incursions from one of those other kingdoms. I believed we were tolerated and not hunted down like the deer we...
Once he realized what was going on, he tip-toed over to the basement stairs and listened carefully to what was being said and the moaning of sexual relief. Almost instantly he heard a young girl's voice say, "Spray my titties with your sticky cream Cory!" which was all the motivation he needed to sport a full-length woody. A big smile spread across his face, as he knew a plan could be hatched . . . to have these young girls share their services his way as well. Carl...
Mistress Amy had told him and Jill that it was National Nude Day. Mark strongly suspected that that wasn't a federally recognized holiday. He also strongly suspected that she was just using that as her excuse to get them outdoors naked - and he was quite right. Not that he would do anything about it. And not that Amy really needed the excuse. Mark was twenty four and his wife, Jill, twenty six. They'd been married for two years when Jill met Amy in a group on Facebook. At first, the...
Chapter 1 [From the original] Sliding the glass doors open to the patio he stepped outside. As he slid the door closed he heard his wife's sobs. [And now-- ] Early stood in the darkness of the patio, looking at the clouds overhead. He sat heavily on a chair and looked back through the patio door at his wife. She had stopped sobbing and went to the kitchen. She got herself a glass of water and gulped it down. Wiping her eyes, she straightened her shoulders, and opened the door. "Early,...
Tragedy Towards the end of my junior year, the absolute worst thing ever happened. My beautiful wonderful girlfriend Jamie decided it was time we started seeing other people, and by “we” she meant “she”. I couldn’t believe it! Here I thought we were rolling happily along and then she just drops this bomb on me out of nowhere. I was stunned. This is when I discovered that I’m really not as smooth and smart and clever as I like to think I am. Jamie told me that she knew all along that I...
When I arrived at home with a huge big hard cock, the first thing I did was going to the toilet and help myself to a nice orgasm to relief the pressure. This while I was already thinking about an opportunity to meet with my hot neighbor Diny again and what I would love to do to her.The opportunity came faster than expected. It was the next Thursday I arrived home from college at around 1500 hrs. to discover there was nobody home and had forgotten my keys that morning. Thus I was forced to stay...
Tracey always watched with curiosity, from a safe and sometimes not so safe distance. What would it feel like to be screwed by an older man? She didn’t mean like 10 or 15 years older, but a man almost old enough to be her father. She was 24 and he was 55. He didn’t look his 55 years either, he was tall, broad shouldered and in great shape, not muscular or tough looking but strong. His hair was thinning but his eyes were deep brown and his face well-defined, and his skin with a healthy glow (not...
Hello indian sex stories dot net doston, ye kahani meri bua ki hai jo ek sarkari teacher hai,38 saal ki auart hai aur do bachchon ki maa hai. Ye baat 5 saal pahle ki hai main 12th ke exam ke baad bua ke ghar gaya tha jo ki up me hi ek chhote shahar me hai. Tab bua koi 30-31 ke aas paas hogi aur ek hi beti thi jo 3-4 saal ki hogi. Meri age tab18 saal thi, bua mujhe bachche ki tarah pyaar karti thi aur mujhe bhi unke sath achchha lagta tha. Fir ek din aisa aaya ki sabkaafi kuchh badal gaya, bua...
Well i was having a bath in this room and this woman was washing me and making sure i was clean . Then you walked in and made the lady leave. You made me get out and dryed me off and put some furs from the bed on me then made me turn around a put a big gold necklace on me. I then kissed you to thank you and took off all your heavy furs and armour. I joked about ur dirty hands so you slipped them under my furs on my body. We started kissing and tlked how long i hadnt seen you.. You threw the fur...
Author's note: Please note that the following story contains some non-con and mind control fantasies. This story is completely fictional. I get off the phone and a huge smile appears on my face. I just got a call from a lawyer that a relative of mine passed away. I mean, I know, you shouldn't be happy that someone died. But I was listed as his only heir. Surprisingly as I never met him but who cares. My mom told me about him a long time ago and said that he was rich. But not just rich. Scrooge...
Mind ControlA Sunday School teacher was speaking to her class one morning and asked the question, "When you die and go to Heaven, which part of your body goes first?"Bethany raises her hand and said "I think it's your hands Miss""Why do you think it's your hands, Bethany?" asked the teacher.Bethany replied, "Because when you pray, you hold your hands together in front of you so God must takes your hands first.""What a wonderful answer!" the teacher exclaimed. "What does everyone else think?"Young Timmy...
I was so excited to finally be moving in with you, in a new house...a place where we could start our life together fresh. We’ve had fun setting up house and picking out furniture, especially the bed….a king size, tall, cherry wood four-poster deal. It’s gorgeous, and we have a mountain of pillows to go with the soft cotton sheets. It was barely in the house and set up before we had stripped each other’s clothes off and spent an afternoon making love all over it…. We decide to throw an...
The Whole Gang (Secret Powers 12 - Final)continued from Loving LydiaI wake up and see that it's 1:00. We have napped for a couple of hours. I nudge Lydia and say, "Wake up, sleepyhead, I'm hungry."Lydia grudgingly rouses herself and crawls out of bed. We take turns in the loo and go to the kitchen. Lydia tosses sandwich makings onto the counter. I help myself and make a salad sandwich.I sit and munch away, gazing at Lydia's awesome body. I can't get over how her tiny boobs attract me so much. I...
LesbianMeg the next generation part two of “Generations”Hope Springs had changed quite a lot in the previous seventy years. The British had gone. General Cornwallis had fled from Georgetown. The British had returned for a while and gone once again.It was eighteen thirty one and Hope had more than doubled in size. The great estates of cotton plantation were making a fortune on the backs of slaves imported from Bristol and Liverpool and cotton was King everywhere …………… except in Hope...
‘Paetin will be along with our refreshments shortly. In the meantime, I invite you to make yourself comfortable.’ ‘I can see why the others speak so highly of this place. You live like a king, Sire Mastro.’ ‘Pah, no need for the formalities.’ ‘Well, before we relax entirely, I hear rumors that you have something here. Quite a prize.’ ‘Oh? And what prize is it that I am supposed to have?’ ‘They’re only rumors. A great work of art, an incredible weapon, a font of knowledge? A prize to...
The next couple of weeks weren't much fun for me (and later, I found out that they weren't much fun for Riley, either.) I missed her -- a lot. My desire to see her, talk to her, touch her was palpable. At home, I hung a couple of pictures on my fridge -- the "silly face" one from the lobby bar, and the picture of us together on the balcony on the last morning. I put the the other two pictures -- the formal one and the one of Riley kissing my cheek on that last morning -- in frames on my...
I always dreaded my office's annual work trip. A whole ten days dedicated to trainings and lectures with the other members of management. A small upside was that it meant a week away from the hassles of my k**s and wife. My wife and I got married right out of college and had k**s immediately. Now we were in our mid-thirties and it was nice to get away every once in awhile. I would never cheat on her but I felt there was no harm in hitting the strip clubs with a couple of the other guys and...
Cabin 4I dried off headed to the bedroom.HOLY FUCK Shannon the MILF from the front desk was laying naked across one of the double beds smiling. The bed sheets covered with plastic.WTF??She was blonde like me only blue eyes not green. Big MILF tits, huge areolas, shaved pussy with nice meaty brown pussy lips vibing her clit.I'm so fuckin' horny. I see you were at the cabin. I go there too. Bound and fucked over and over. Cocks nutting, spewing their jizz on my face, my tits, in my pussy and ass....
You might remember today’s Ambushee from ExCoGi, Amber Green, who was exploited in the car and hotel room and is back for more big cock action but not with Jake, who she thinks she’ll be shooting with today. Today Amber will be surprised by Isiah and she’s NEVER had a black guy before so it’s a First for her, her First BBC! What we like about girls like Amber is when there’s a big hard cock around, they’re quick to drop to their knees and get to work and work...
xmoviesforyou“Hey Diesel, do you and your gal have plans for the weekend?” Bob asked with his deep low voice. I shook my head no. “Nope, she had to go out of town for some training. Why do you ask?” Bob sighed. “I have tickets to a concert but my blind date canceled. I don’t want them going to waste.” “I’ll go to it with you, been trying to think of a reason to get out of the house anyways.” I said and smiled when Bob’s face lit up with his own toothy smile. “Right on, it’s at seven tomorrow. Want to go...