SomedayChapter 3 free porn video

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Finally, laughing delightfully, she said, "Alright! I give up!"

"Good," Doug breathed a low whisper and covered her mouth with his. It tasted faintly sweet, like the strawberry margaritas she'd consumed.

Her response was immediate. Her arms went around his neck and her kiss went harder with passion. She spread her legs wide for him and planted her feet in the still-warm sand.

It was a simple move to slide deeply inside her. Doug pulled back and stared down at her face, luminous in the moonlight. She smiled up at him earnestly. A wave broke on the shore at their feet and white foam came up around them, fanning her long hair out like a corona.

"I love you," he whispered. Her smile deepened demurely and she lifted her head to meet his lips again.

The lovemaking was slow and gentle, like the waves that flowed around and over them. He just wanted to be inside her, to feel that intimacy last forever and the more time he took with every stroke, the longer it lasted.

He lowered his head and sucked lightly on a nipple, tasting the sand and salt on her, but also her own tantalizing flavor underneath. When he felt her begin to cum, squeezing him with those tight muscles and whispering his name, he couldn't hold off. He filled her to overflowing, trying to will her to understand his love for her with every drop he gave her.

Doug shivered as he came, then dropped his head down against her neck. He smelled the beach, the salt, the oil she'd used earlier and even her shampoo and he filed that scent away as a souvenir of tonight that he knew he'd look at every day after he left her. Of course, right now, he just didn't want to move at all.

The spirit of the alcohol seemed to have been tamed because Cassie was content just to lie there under his warm body and run her fingertips lightly over his back and shoulders without needing to speak. He watched her eyes and the way they examined every part of his face. She seemed pleased with what she saw there.

"It's a long drive back," she told him a little later, tickling his ear with a fingertip.

"It can't be that far," he smiled, "It's just a little island."

"We're going to go from one side to the opposite side though. It'll take about forty-five minutes."

"So you're ready to go?"

She nodded. "Yeah, it's getting a little cold out here."

Doug stood and helped her up.

"Whoa!" she exclaimed, grabbing his arm for balance. "Head rush!" The alcohol was still active.

He slipped an arm snugly around her waist and she did the same to him as they walked back up the beach. The air on naked wet skin was a bit intense.

"I hope I can find my clothes," he said, suddenly considering the possibility. The drive back might not be so bad if the didn't find them, but going up to their room could prove be a bit awkward.

Finding them turned out not to be a problem. Getting the sand out of them and out of his bodily nooks and crannies took a little longer.

Cassie shook her hair to try to get as much grit out of it as possible. It lay in dark wet ribbons down her naked back.

Doug put the top up on the car to keep out the night air. Cassie's skin was covered in chill bumps and she shivered now. Her system was showing signs of slowing down, the alcohol taking its sedative effect. She looked exhausted. Instead of putting the bikini back on, she unfolded the sarong and tied it around herself, making it a dress now. She curled up in the front seat, bringing her feet up beneath her and hugging herself.

"You better tell me how to get back to the hotel now," he said. "I'm guessing you're going to be asleep soon."

Again the directions were easy. The road curved up a mountain, turned into an expressway, merged with another expressway, turned into a four lane street that went through downtown and eventually came to a red light. One right turn would put them right in front of the hotel.

"Sounds easy enough to me," he smiled and started the car.

Cassie propped her head against the seat and the door, staring out the window into the darkness. Her back was to Doug and he thought she was already drifting off to sleep. She managed to stay awake though for about ten miles, until they passed the road that led to her house. She wished her husband and daughter sweet dreams, turned to smile at Doug and put her head on her hands against the seat back facing him. In minutes, she'd sank into slumber.

Her instructions were perfect and the drive was quiet and uneventful. At every stoplight though, he glanced over at her, curled into a ball and breathing softly. Her face was smooth and slack, her features peaceful and beautiful.

It seemed a shame to wake her when they reached the hotel. Doug could have sat and watched over her all night if the valet hadn't stood outside the window waiting to park the car.

"Sweetie," he called softly, leaning over to brush some damp strands off her cheek. "We're there. Wake up."

Cassie stirred slowly, her eyelids fluttering a few times before consciousness took hold. She grimaced at the light shining under the hotel's canopy.

"You okay?" he asked, digging in the floor for her bikini. "Can you walk alright?"

"Yeah," she sighed sleepily. "I'm okay."

Doug got out and went around to her side to open the door and take her hand. She adjusted the sarong to cover any peeping body parts and they went to the elevator.

"You look so tired," he commented.

Another heavy sigh. "Kinda."

Once upstairs, he ran a deep warm bubble bath for the two of them. He climbed in behind her and felt the hot water take away the chill he'd had earlier. Cassie let him wash the sand and salt out of all that golden hair of her and shivered pleasantly when he soaped her back and shoulders. They lay together as the bubbles evaporated, she with her back against his chest and he legs over his. He had his arms around her, lightly dribbling warm water over the exposed parts of her breasts and upper arms.

Soon after getting comfortable, Doug noticed she'd not moved or spoken in the last few minutes. He leaned around her and saw that she'd floated off to sleep again. But it felt so good, he didn't want to move.

However, when the warmth finally dissipated from the water, he woke her again. This time she would only come halfway awake. He helped her get dry, then lifted her in his arms and carried her to their bed. She blinked a few times as he tucked her in warmly and kissed her forehead.

"I'll be right back. Just going to brush my teeth."

She nodded and snuggled down into the pillow.

While he got ready for bed, he heard her voice in the other room, almost a whisper, saying, "I love you, goodnight."

For a moment, he assumed she was talking to him, but then he heard, "Give her a big hug from mommy in the morning" and he realized what she was doing. With a quiet pang of melancholy, this only emphasized that tomorrow was his last day with her.

By the time he was back in the room with her, she seemed to be right back asleep. However, when he crawled under the covers, she rolled over and wrapped an arm and warm thigh across him. He kissed her gently once more and let sleep bring him dreams of the ocean, bright sunlight and Cassie's soft body.

Doug woke first on Sunday morning. Before Cassie opened her eyes, she heard the low sounds of a TV program and smelled something like frying bacon. Her eyelids weren't awake yet, even though they kept trying to open.

She felt for any signs of a hangover before she even tried to move. Three drinks wasn't a lot, but...

Thankfully she seemed to have escaped the headache and queasiness and her only problem was a very dry mouth.

As she began stir, Doug stretched out on the bed beside her, propped on his elbow.

"Good morning my love," he whispered, stroking her cheek. "How ya feeling?"

Cassie yawned and stretched her arms above her head. The blood started to flow again and she sighed. "I'm okay. No major malfunctions."

"I'm glad to hear that. Hungry?"

She sniffed the air again, sure now of the smell of bacon. "Yes, I am," she answered. "What smells so good?"

"I ordered up breakfast. It just arrived a few minutes ago. Want to join me?"

She smiled and nodded and eagerly accepted the light good-morning kiss he offered.

Doug was happily surprised when she didn't bother putting any clothes on before following him to the table beside the balcony window. He'd opened the curtains a foot or so to let in the sunlight.

There was bacon - like she'd guessed - eggs, ham, potatoes, toast, pancakes and melon. It wall looked so good that she wanted to try a bit of everything. However, she settled on toast and melon, and of course some bacon.

"So, what do we do today?" Doug asked her.

Cassie shrugged, her breasts bobbling nicely with the motion. He couldn't keep from glancing down at them.

"I don't mind," she said, "Is there anything else you'd like to see or do?"

"Just what I'm looking at now," he leered, winking at her.

She blushed, a charming reaction, and rolled her eyes.

"I need to get some stuff for some of my friends," he said. "Souvenirs."

"They've got a million shops all along this strip," she pointed out, biting off a piece of ripe, sweet melon. "There's a place down the road where a person could spend all day walking around. It's called the International Marketplace."

"That should work," he agreed. "I guess we'll eventually get there."

"What do you mean 'eventually'?" she asked.

Another of his nasty smiles. "Well, when you're done, I'm going to show you a neat trick with that syrup."

Raising her eyebrows in curiosity, she asked, "Oh yeah? What?"

"You'll see..."

"Okay..." she said doubtfully, however, she did return him a smile of anticipation.

Her meal didn't last very long - after being kind of drunk the night before, she didn't want to risk making herself sick. When she was finished, she pushed her chair back and stretched long and yawned.

Doug stood, grabbed the small bottle of syrup and offered Cassie his hand.

"So, this is going to mean another shower?" she wondered.

"Not necessarily," he pointed out. "I'm pretty thorough."

"Oooh, I know," she cooed.

"Lie down on your back," he whispered and Cassie crawled up on the bed obediently. Doug sat beside her and simply looked at her body, exploring every inch of her skin only with his eyes. He continued to whisper about how nice and edible she looked and what he liked about each part of her anatomy, about the softness of her skin, the curves of her body.

Without even feeling a physical touch, Cassie could sense his attention as a tangible thing. It seemed to lie over her like a light blanket. She wasn't surprised when she felt wetness between her thighs.

The bottle he held was chilled and condensation had formed on its outer surface. First, Doug touched the bottom of it to each nipple and cold drops ran down her breasts. Even though she hissed when she felt the cold and pulled away slightly, he held it against the little pink point until it became fully erect.

Next he tilted the bottle and let a thin line of the cool, thick liquid spill down over the breast. With his warm tongue, he caught the end of the spill and licked upwards towards the aureola. The contrast in temperature was wonderful and had her breathing very hard very quickly. Then he repeated the process on her other breast, while squeezing the first one firmly. And he was thorough. There was no hint of stickiness after he was done.

Doug pulled away from her and stood up by the bed. She was concerned that this was it, the trick he wanted to show her. He couldn't possibly leave her in this heightened condition, could he?

But she realized he was very erect and knew he wasn't nearly finished with her.

He went to the end of the bed and crawled up between her legs, propping high on his elbows. With one hand, he opened her puffy labia, exposing the clit and inner lips to the air. With the other hand, from about a foot above, he poured the syrup directly on her clit.

Cassie moaned in surprise but felt her pussy throb. This was such an alien feeling that she nearly came then.

What he did with the bottle, she wasn't sure but he used both hands to hold her open wide as he put his tongue inside her, spreading the thick, gooey stuff around. He licked from her opening up to her clit, catching every single drop of the

sweet syrup and her sweet juices. She couldn't hold off her orgasm for more than a few minutes and she soon shuddered, her pussy clamping shut on his tongue.

"Oh, yeah," he whispered. "That's so good."

She murmured something unintelligible he took to mean she heartily agreed.

"No while I have you at my mercy," he said, dipping his finger inside her, "I want to fuck your ass. So turn over for me."

A look of fear crossed her face, but it was mixed with an expression that told him she kind of liked some fear like that. She bit her bottom lip trying to make up her mind.

"Now," he commanded in a deep, powerful voice. It was not in her nature to resist that tone and she quickly turned over and got on her knees, her decision made for her.

She closed her eyes and pulled a pillow up under her chest to clutch, hoping the pain would be bearable. Sometimes it wasn't.

He began by using his finger in her pussy again, getting it wet and sliding the juice up to moisten the tiny little rosebud of her ass. Slowly and gently, he inserted a finger, massaging in a circle to loosen the area.

"Oooh!" she squealed into the pillow. This was a feeling she loved.

Next, he added another finger and stretched with two for a few minutes, also rubbing her clit to minimize any pain he might be causing.

She didn't want to cum again so soon, especially before he was inside her, but what he was doing was the very act that sent her to climax faster than any other.

He finally withdrew the fingers and got on his knees, leaning over her back to whisper, "Just relax, okay? Tell me if it hurts too much and I'll stop right away."

Cassie only nodded and wrapped her fingers in the pillow, preparing for his entry. He didn't know just how much pain she had learned to accept from practicing a d/s lifestyle for the last year. Often, the more intense the pain, the more she could feel her mind floating away with pleasure.

Doug lubricated himself with her endless flowing juices and placed the head of his iron-hard cock against the opening. With slight movements of his hips, he pushed into her slowly.

She cried out and gripped the fabric so fiercely her knuckles went white. But since she didn't tell him to stop, he continued. With several more gentle thrusts, he was completely in her, his balls resting against the soft swollen lips and his wiry pubic hair brushing her firm ass cheeks.

The pain was exquisite as he began to move, a deep searing burn centered around his invasion. However, it was mixed with sheer physical pleasure brought on by her mental pleasure in the illusion of vulnerability that this act gave her. The sounds coming from her throat were that of a wounded animal, but she was soon grinding her hips back against him as his thrusts grew faster.

He was experiencing his own mounting emotion. She was so tight around him that he almost felt as if she was peeling him like a banana, but at the same time, the muscles inside her kneaded him, building him to climax very quickly.

Doug grabbed a handful of her hair, remembering that she'd told him her fantasies of playing rough. He tugged it until her chin pointed up and she couldn't move her head. Smiling, he noticed her moaning grew louder.

"Do you want to feel me cum in your ass, Cassie?" he asked her, his voice a low growl.

"Yes..." she stammered, "Yes... oh please!"

"Then tell me," he demanded. "Tell me what you want, little girl!"

"I want you to cum in my ass!" she whispered frantically, her hips pumping him wildly.

"Do you want to cum with me?" he asked.

"Yes, oh yes I do!" she cried.

"Then cum now!" he told her. "Cum for me now, cum with me now, Cassie!"

Doug felt himself swell nearly to bursting inside her, then felt the release come immediately, shooting his hot, thick semen deep inside her. Suddenly Cassie screamed and he felt her sporadic contractions that seemed to keep squeezing him much longer than he was accustomed. During her spasms, she sounded as if she was fighting for every breath, almost like she was sobbing.

When the waves stopped, she collapsed the upper part of her body, flopping down on the pillow panting. He carefully withdrew and stretched out beside her, rubbing her back.

"Are you okay?" he asked, worried that he'd injured her. "Did I hurt you?"

"It was... just so... intense," she huffed, dropping her lower half to the bed now. "Wow!"

Doug smiled his satisfaction and continued to stroke her back until her breathing returned to normal.

"It's a good thing we're going to be walking around today," she laughed, "I don't think sitting would be too much fun."

He laughed uneasily, hoping she was only kidding.

They cuddled together for another quarter of an hour until Cassie felt herself getting comfortable enough to fall asleep. "We better get up," she said, "Or I'm not going to move all day. Except to get closer to you."

"Okay," he sighed. "If we have to."

"Well, I need to go wash off a few places," she said primly. "Or wash out... more like it." Her blush was charming.

The dress Cassie wore today was a light floral print, fitting snugly at to top to accent her breasts and flaring into a short flouncy skirt that ended just above the middle of her thigh. She braided a loose ponytail into her hair, leaving her smooth brown shoulders bare. It all gave her the look of a delicate, graceful lady - an amusing contrast to how she'd appeared at the restaurant the night before.

"You're gorgeous," he told her as they exited the room together. "You make me just want to stay here all day."

She smiled and rose on her tiptoes to give him a soft kiss on his cheek.

They both found sunglasses necessary today, especially walking beside the street where the glints of sunlight bounced off chrome like laser beams.

The Marketplace was only a few blocks up from the hotel. They walked the whole area over, looking in every shop. Doug bought several things for his sister and her family and some of his friends at work. Everything was beautiful and new and interesting to look at but he kept finding himself distracted by the girl who walked beside him and trustingly held his hand.

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Hi friends m sam eb bar fir aapke saamne hu meri pichle stori “Bhabhi Bani Se Teacher” ko aapne bahut pasand kiya or jo response mila uske bad m apni agli story likh rha hu my email id is Jaisa k bhabhi k baare me maine pahle btaya tha k eo 36-26-38 figure ki ek haseen orat mujse pyar karne lgi thi or m unse usne muje sex karna sikhaya or maine unko har tarah se kissing me expert banaya jaisa k m humesha movies me dekta rahta tha male ko female ki yoni ko such karte orek lady ko aadmi...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 359 April Takes A Boat Ride

That makes sense. If you are on duty and need to pee, you must do something. We soon reached out to the carrier for them to direct us in. I knew how to land on the ship, but that didn’t mean I had a clue how they would guide me in. Movies always made this big deal about calling the ball and similar things. I followed their instructions to line up the glide path and then flew right in. My tail hook hit the first arrestor line, and they didn’t need the nets they had up if I screwed up the...

3 years ago
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Ratricha Pravas Marathi Story

Hello friends, me ahe tumcha raj..punha ekda tumcha sati gheun aloy ek swanubhav. Story avadlyas mala yavar nakki kalva. Marathi kaku, vahini, mulgi konala secret relation tevayche asel tr nakki mail kara.Even fake account varun chat kela tari chalel. Tar hi gosht ahe me Raj ani eka unknown lady chi. Punyat engineering che shikshan purn karun me banglore la job karu laglo hoto. So 3-4 months made punyat yene jane chalu asayche. Asach ekda sutti sati punyat alo hoto. Pan return jatana railway...

3 years ago
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14 February 2007Chapter 2

Dan came home and was greeted at the front door by one of the loves of his life, his wife, Karen. She was now wearing a bright red dress, very low cut, and extremely high above the knee. “Like my Valentines dress?” She asked, twirling around in a circle. “I love it!” Dan smiled, taking her in his arms. She accepted his tongue into her mouth and felt his right hand fondle her left tit. “Happy Valentine’s Day, my love!” Karen beamed. “Happy Valentines Day to you too, my lovely wife,” Dan...

1 year ago
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Sissy Farm Chapter Six

The Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff. List of Characters. Me: Michelle, A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr. Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist;. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: My transvestite uncle. Sissy Farm - Chapter Six Undressing for...

2 years ago
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Train K Bad Hotel Me Gand Marai 8211 Part 1

Humne hotel k liye cab kar li.Raste me maine uncle se pucha ki unhe kaisi ladki pasand h,wo thode surprise ho gaye,fir samjh gaye ki main driver k karan aisa puch raha hu. Fir humhone kaha ki mujhe traditional ladkiya pasand h,main samjh gaya ki aage kya karna h. Hotel pahcuh kar uncle bada se double bed room liya. Room k andar jate hi uncle ne mujhe hath pakad kar khicha aur bistar par daal kar mere upar chad gaye aur mujhe zor zor se lips par smooch karne lage,,main b unka sath de raha tha,...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Oh Whats This for

Chapter 1 About two years ago, the house next to us was sold after standing empty since we moved here a year earlier. Not only was it a happy occasion to finally have the house next door occupied, it was occupied by a very nice couple, near our age, that we've become quite friendly with. Logan and I soon met our new neighbors, Tucker and Angie Wills, and invited them over for a get-to-know-you supper and we all really seemed to get on well. We quickly became quite good friends, often...

1 year ago
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The Lovers and Losers Part 1

I couldn't believe I had such a beautiful woman. The last time I saw her, she was 5'8 with long, brown hair, and DD cups, and a massive, thick ass. Just thinking about her sent my back into chills, and my pussy wet. I quickly dove my fingers DEEP into my pussy, relieving myself of my aches. I moaned loudly in pleasure as I started to rub my clit hard and fast, picking up pressure and pace along the way. UGGHHHHH!!! I moaned once again as I finger-fucked myself unconcious. Today was our...

3 years ago
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Anjaan Ladki Aur Uski Friend

Hi friends this is sushant from delhi….I was reading indian sex stories from long time….Aaj main aapko apni story bataunga and feedback dena na bhoole…….Anyone who needs sex chat can contact me in gmail by mailing me at …..But only girls, married women, unsatisfied women’s, divorcee women can contact me. Ab thoda sa mere baare main…Main 18 year ka ladka hu….Abhi 12 k boards diye hain…..Engineering ki taiyaari kar rha hu….. Abhi main aapko apni story bataunga jab main apni coaching classes jata...

1 year ago
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Its Not Rape If I Like It

Let me describe a woman to you. She’s eighteen years old, about five-foot-five, and probably around a hundred and ten or so pounds. Now that we've gotten the statistics out of the way, let me paint her picture in your mind. Straight, black hair frames a pale face, whose complexion is dotted with hundreds of freckles. High cheekbones, large, piercing, blue eyes, full, pouting lips, and a thin, pointed nose, structure this canvas. Her ears perk out from her head wider than normal, but that only...

3 years ago
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Road RashChapter 13

You really haven’t lived until you have watched a bevy of beautiful, naked young women move, in Noah-like fashion (you know, two by two), through the showers. As each pair emerged, I set to work rubbing down legs that I was assured were sore. I mean, would any of my teammates lie to me about a physical condition? Would they? I set up one of the beds as a massage station, pulled back the blankets and such, and set out a few towels so as not to have any stray oils transferred to the sheets....

3 years ago
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Friendly surprise 2

From the last story....I awoke to my cock in a mouth...Lilly's mouth.I looked down and saw Mandy with a strap on pounding Lilly's ass, she was moaning as she sucked my dick. Mandy looks at me and says "Glad you are up now, wanna take a turn on the sissy?" I said "Sure, If you want" She pulled the 10" dildo out of Lilly's ass and tells me that she is good and lubed up and to take her hard. I grab a condom, skin it on and get behind Lilly doggy style and start pounding her ass. The Strap on was a...

2 years ago
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Solo Vacation part 3

I knew what Island House was going to be, sort of a clothing optional resort with a little bathhouse element to it. For my first vacation by myself I thought I would give it a shot and see if I would be brave enough to participate in the possible goings on. I arrived on Saturday December 13th and got a quick tour and went to my room. I spent a few days wanting to get naked and wander around to see what would happen, especially in the “video room” with 24-hour porn and a sling table! I hoped...

1 year ago
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As You Wish

The flesh was warm and soft against my cheek. Between my lips I felt the hard nub as I suckled. My mouth was filled over and over with the warm sweet liquid. I felt the large firm globe my hand caressed and gently squeezed. A hand smoothed the hair of my head as another firmly grasped and stroked my turgid manhood. "Shouldn't you save some for your Father," she asked quietly? Filling my mouth one last time I released the long thick nipple and swallowed the warm breast milk. "Why, has he...

2 years ago
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The Society

Julie sat in The Society Director's antechamber nervously drumming her fingers on a file folder almost an inch thick. She glanced at her watch. 2:59. She wouldn't have much longer to wait. She had heard about The Society from an old boyfriend. He had been a member before he met her, but he lost his job and couldn't afford the dues anymore. He told her stories she could hardly believe.  The Society was, the way he told it, the ultimate sexual match-making service. They would set members up for...

4 years ago
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20 years younger than me

She was a language nerd, and yes, there really IS such a thing. Pretty? Not so pretty that she'd turn your head if you passed her on the street. But she moved nice. And when she smiled her brown eyes lit up and her lips parted just so. She wore her pants at her hips, and once in a while she wore tees that would ride up a little bit and reveal just a little of her soft white belly. She was 20 years younger than me, and she WAS pretty, and damn sexy.She was hired as an assistant to the CEO, a job...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Fruits

The first time for an angelic country girl Lacey looked around the room - being a country gal, but with a love for the far-flung ocean, she'd decided to take advantage of coming to University in the "big smoke" and join its sailing club. She could see all the instructors at the back, being easy to identify as they were all well-tanned and equally well-muscled. She shrank back into the milling crowd of first-timers, not sure if this had been such a good idea. Jocks such as these were the ones...

First Time
2 years ago
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How I Became an Executive Assistant

How I Became an Executive Assistant By Sarah Dechand It had been a while since I had thought of Emily, but there she was, right in front of me, in DuPont Circle, looking almost exactly the same as she had when we went out a decade ago. Well, a little bit of gray in her hair, but her skin was still smooth, and eyes bright. And she seemed happy to see me. So I stopped ? and it was one of those awkward moments, where I wasn't sure whether to shake her hand or give her a kiss hello....

3 years ago
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 5

I jumped back and looked at Martinez. Well, I would have if he had been in his own body. You can't really jump back and look at somebody who's in your body, now can you. China?? We can do that? How? I thought to Martinez/myself. Then I remembered that there were other people on this party line. "How, Master Chief?" I said aloud. "I don't know how, yet. We haven't started to plan this thing out. I just know that we can do just about any damn thing we set out to do. Io says this is...

3 years ago
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Step Brothers Bride Pt4

It had been just over 2 weeks since the wedding. I had agreed to pick up the happy newlyweds after their honeymoon in Majorca. I was looking forward to seeing them especially Jennifer. They were flying into Glasgow airport which was almost a 2-hour drive from the small town we lived in. Jennifer had text me to let me know they had landed, so I parked in the short stay and awaited them. I noticed Jennifer first, her red hair and bronzed body attracted most men’s eyes. Then I saw Shaun,...

1 year ago
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After a hard days work

It was a Friday evening, we had been together for six months now, we had a table booked at 7 pm for a local restaurant for our anniversary. You phoned me just after 6 pm saying you had to work late as something important had come up and had to be completed by the weekend so you couldn't leave it. You had said that you were getting something delivered to the office so it would be best to cancel the restaurant. After I came off the phone to you, I called the restaurant immediately to cancel the...

3 years ago
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The Stacks

John? I'm not wearing a bra. See?""Pull your sweater back down. This is the library, for Pete's sake, not your bedroom. Besides, you never wear a bra.""I'm not wearing panties either.""Debbie, please. I've got a heat transfer final tomorrow.""Heat transfer? I've got some heat for you. I'm really hot. Feel.""Debbie, please.""Well?""You're warm.""And wet. Wouldn't you like to stick your pecker in there?""Debbie, please!""I know! I'll just sit here on the desk and put your stupid calculator...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 247 Maddened Nerves

Enishi: I'll kill you--I'll kill you--I'll kill you!! (He is taut with rage; veins seem to stand out all over his body.) Misao: Wh-wh-wh-wha? Aoshi: I knew I wasn't imagining the things standing out on his cheeks before... Saitou: So you noticed them too? What are they--you don't know either? Aoshi: No... Even with the knowledge of 200 years of Oniwabanshu martial arts, I've never heard of a technique like that... (Enishi screams.) Kenshin:... Enishi? Misao: That's so gross!...

2 years ago
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The SaviorsChapter 22 Recovery

The morning came with the three snuggled together, it was not cold, and they were together for comforting one another. Kathy awoke and smiled at her two bed partners, Troy on one side and Suzie on the other. She got up and walked into the medical lab. Kurt was sleeping peacefully. She left and returned to the bedroom/kitchen and got coffee and a bagel. Troy awoke and joined her and Suzie did the same shortly after. Kathy looked deeply into Troy's eyes leaned across the table kissed him, and...

3 years ago
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Alice A Paul Purple StoryChapter 7A

Alice So I was left in this large foyer while Master Paul was in the courtroom for who knows how long! I tried to sit on one of the benches but it was too hard so I looked around at the pictures on the wall. A youngish woman, about 30 or so, was pushing a girl in a wheelchair; she looked about 11 or 12 and bored out of her mind, I'd seen them in the park. "Excuse me, would you mind looking after Liz while I watch one of these cases? She doesn't like these places and I want her to be...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Valentina Jewels Step Cousin Wants My Dick After Girlfriend Stands Me Up

My girlfriend called to let me know that she wasn’t going to make it to my parents place for dinner tonight. She always does this, and I’m honestly over it. So when my step cousin comes in to bring me a full plate of food, I couldn’t be any happier! But she was being extra touchy with me tonight. She rubbed her hand up and down my thigh, and I even saw her bite her lip when she looked at my crotch. I could tell she wanted me, and I was ready to give it to her. Watch my step...

1 year ago
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Masters ThreeHole Fuck Toy Part Two

She made it across the street, through the hotel lobby and up to John’s room with two minutes to spare. She wasn’t quite sure how – her legs were now shaking so badly, she could hardly walk another step. She took a moment to collect herself, took a couple of deep breaths and knocked on the door. She could feel her heartbeat pounding in her throat. John opened the door, pulled Kitty into the room by her arm and shut the door firmly after her. The next thing she knew, he had both of her wrists...

1 year ago
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Money part 2

--- Money, Part 2 (Mf, cons, inc, oral, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- On Monday, Janey had trouble concentrating at school. She had let her stepdad go down on her...and she had loved it! She wasn't attracted to him, though... Was she? He had made her cum hard, but was that because of him, how forbidden it was, or his tongueing skills? What was that called? Cunning linguist? She asked her best friend Trissa at lunch. "Cunnilingus," the curvy brunette replied, making a V with...

3 years ago
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Farm LifeChapter 5

When school started Belinda’s oldest daughter, Tammy who was 16, was allowed to drive her sisters (Pam – 15 and Suzy – 14) and me to school because we lived so far out of town and the school bus took forever. Although Pam and I were the same age she had been held back a year so her and Suzy were in Jr. High while Tammy and I attended High School. On the second day of school Tammy dropped her two sisters off and started driving out of town instead of to our school. I gave her an inquisitive...

4 years ago
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Puberty and the AftermathChapter 3

After about another hour of gardening, most of which I spent perving on mom's dangling breasts, she finally straightened up and asked, "Well, we've done quite well considering that your mind didn't seem to be completely on the job. Where would you like to go for lunch? My treat." I didn't have to think for long as I had been thinking about it since Mom first mentioned it, "It's such a lovely day and since it's mid-week there won't be too many about. What do you say to taking some...

4 years ago
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Forever Again Ch 07

Author’s Note: This story depicts graphic lesbian sex, female masturbation, lactation, vampirism and mind control. If these topics do not interest you or are prohibited in your area please back out now. This is the seventh installment of a long story. Those that have read my other stories will know that I tend to have some story behind the sex so if you’re looking for a quickie this story may not be to your liking. For those of you that haven’t backed out, I hope you will enjoy my words. ...

4 years ago
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PortalsChapter 9

"Weep not for your loss, for the males have lost much more than you." --The Teachings of Gran Ch. 12 Line 1 Dahra waited in the wings for Lissa to finish her introduction. In Dahra's opinion, Lissa was doing a remarkable job, speaking in front of such a large audience. Dahra had originally intended for the symposium opening meeting to be held in classroom one, like all the other of her little meetings; but the response was so over-whelming, she had no choice but change its venue to the...

2 years ago
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City Doctor In Horny Village 8211 Pt 3 A Cuckold Story

The next day Ramla was in my clinic as I was sure she had trouble to walk. Who would not after having her their anal sex. It was an off day and I was alone with Ramla. I was getting her ready for enema. I had left her a note last night saying: “You may not walk properly for some time after this. Drop by the clinic tomorrow around noon. Thanks for your undies.” After the enema, Ramla was in the toilet for a while. It was pain at first but soon she was sweaty nude asking for her clothes. I told...

3 years ago
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Snake Part 10

Snake 10 ? by: Beverly Taff Jackie and Ellie shared the driving to Seattle whilst Sissy sat securely strapped by the seatbelt in the back seat. She realised fearfully, that the straps were necessary for she could not have sat upright unsupported for long. Despite the essential support of her corset, her slender back and wasp waist would have soon tired from the frequent winding bends and lateral forces to her unsupported spine. Without the support of the harness, she would have...

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