Miss December
- 2 years ago
- 27
- 0
Naturally, we weren’t there, but all this was relayed to us later by our family and the police. I’m putting it together, best I can, as they said it happened.
The house phone rang. Ivan answered it. “Casper residence.”
“Yeah, right. Listen, little man. I have Gregor and the American and your Nana. You tell your mother and your auntie Anya I want ten million, American, quickly, or your Nana dies, along with her boy toy and her bodyguard. I’ll get instructions to you.”
“We haven’t done anything to you. Why are you doing this? I want you to bring my Nana back. We’ve done nothing!”
“You haven’t? No? Really? How about if someone snapped your brother’s neck, you little shit? Huh? How would you like that? Fucking worthless little bastard. No police. We’ll know.” Click.
Ivan wrote down the entire conversation, word for word, from memory. Photographic memory. Including the train, a slow one, and the airplane, small, propeller type, in the background.
He ran to the study to tell his mother and Auntie Anya. He read to them what he had written. Ivanya, through her tears, hugged him to calm him. It was Anya who had to calm them both. Ivanya was a wreck, and Ivan was feeding off of that. Anya called a friend at the police department. She told her it was most probably a family member and she’d explain when she got there.
Ivanya was devastated. She put two and two together as well. Rikard Gasst. Frederic’s brother. They hadn’t seen that side of the family for twelve years.
When the police came, the friend of Anya’s, a detective, spoke to Anya, greeted her, then took Ivan into the kitchen and looked down the paper he wrote. “What is my full name, Ivan.”
“Detective Stepanov, Detective. All I got was the last name, I did not hear your first name.”
“You did not hear her call me Malia?” the detective asked.
“Or Mylashka or Myla? Yes, Miss, I did, but I did not think those were your names. My Auntie is a very loving woman, detective, and it would not surprise me to have an old girlfriend from school she would call baby or cutie. She sometimes calls me kotyk, even though I am a boy, and often Nana’s little man, but that does not mean that I am little for my age, or a man, for that matter.”
“I’ll take you at your word then, Ivan. Sign your name, first and last, at the bottom of that paper. You are a wonder, little man. A wonder.”
“Thank you. Please look for Rikard Gasst, detective. He is behind this. I will bet my education on it. Only he would know the one thing said, and one of fourteen that would know the others. Three are his father, mother, and sister, he would be one. Seven of those are in this house right now. The other three have been kidnapped. His father was my mother’s uncle. My grandfather killed his brother while that brother, Frederic Gasst, was raping my mother and wound up making me. He is behind this, ma’am. Rikard Gasst. Please don’t forget the plane, a small piston single engine aircraft and a slow-moving freight train. He is near the private airport by the freight yard northwest of the city. I think.”
The detective shook her head and went to talk to Anya. She made a call on her phone and told the dispatcher not to release it over the radio, but to call the patrols in and start the search after each had gotten some instructions directly. They were probably listening over the radio.
No sign of us was found until the day when things sort of fell apart for everyone.
The previous evening, we were tied to chairs, just like in the movies. Gregor was out like a light all night long and woke early in the morning. Svetlana and I were awake and could see the sun coming through the windows in the roof of the building. Gregor finally woke up, and just like in the movies, he was a groggy mess, drugged up pretty badly, but had a thing in his belt. It took him two hours to get to it. He finally cut through one of the cable ties on his wrist, and carefully, so as not to make any noise, cut the other, keeping a very close eye on the doors and hallways. It was a warehouse of some sort, and we were in the office area, not in the middle of the warehouse area, like some might have in the movies.
He got himself undone, then started working on me. He heard a noise, handed me the little blade and pulled a little LCP looking gun, a Baikal PSM, out of his sock. They took his Vektor pistol and found his Makarov in a holster in the small of his back, but not the little thing in his sock.
The door opened and when the guy saw Gregor up on his feet, he shot, hitting our friend in the side. Gregor got a shot off and put one through the guy’s forehead. He was an excellent shot, even with a little peashooter like that. I got myself cut loose, got Gregor’s gun and went to Svetlana to start cutting her loose. She tore my shirt off of me, a cotton button up, and started working on Gregor. Patched and wrapping his belt and some twine she found around his middle, she thought she had the bleeding stopped. Two holes. One bullet. Good news. I handed her the gun for a minute and pulled him to the wall behind a desk and waited. She was taking care of him, and I sat, aimed at the door, waiting. First one, then the other, came through; I got one in the shoulder and the other in the neck. Both left, I heard stumbling, and a moan, then a racket like a bowling ball on the stairs. I could only hope. Svetlana got on the phone and called their police, telling them what was happening, then had me get a phone on the next desk and call the house.
That was the fun part. Marta and Lena’s English teacher had been sent a note to bring to the house. It gave instructions on how to get ten million bucks into a couple of boxes and drop it off out in the country. It was quite an elaborate scheme, but Gregor Yovich ruined their day.
Detective Mylashka Stepanov was handed the phone by Anya. Svetlana and she ripped off an entire conversation in Ukrainian, then she talked to Anya for a bit, and before the phone was hung up, we could hear sirens.
Ivan told me later, she turned to him when she handed the phone to Anya so she could speak to Svetlana, “Everyone is going to be fine, Ivan. Your Gregor was wounded badly, but all should be OK. Ivan, my name really is Mylashka. My father has a sense of humor. I am his cutie, he always says. Your Auntie Anya calls me Malia because we were girlfriends in school. Don’t tell your uncle. He doesn’t like me. He was always afraid I would take her from him.”
“Myla, my uncle is no longer in the picture. But I don’t think the guy on the other end of the phone will let her go very easy. They love each other quite a bit. You’ll see. My new Grandpapa, Charlie, is a cool guy.”
“I’m sure he is. Your Auntie Anya thinks so, anyway. I will meet him soon, I am sure.”
We were taken to the hospital, Svetlana and I checked out and released, and Gregor was held for a couple of days to make sure he started mending properly. His wound looked horrible, and bled like crazy, but we found out he was on blood thinners. The bullet went in the front and out the back, only about an inch deep into his side, missing anything important except muscle. It went between his ribs, brushing one, but not damaging it badly. It felt broken, but it was hardly touched. He wouldn’t be able to pick anything up for a while, though. Gwen wouldn’t leave his side for the entire time, and then waited on him hand and foot seemingly forever when we got him home.
Rikard was the one that got hit in the shoulder. His buddy fell down the stairs and got beat up pretty badly, but he didn’t die. We found later that they’d had a conversation with his cousin Willem, and figured if Willem was pissed off at me, what the hell, he’d just see what he could pull off. He claimed Willem wasn’t involved, but I wasn’t buying it. Hey, Willem didn’t trust me, why should I go out of my way, right?
A week after the kidnapping, Willem stopped by the house to see his wife and talk about the divorce and the papers, but Anya wasn’t ready for that and went to her room. When Willem saw Gregor walking stiffly, being assisted by a frail little woman half Gregor’s size, he thought he’d get a bit forceful and push his way around.
I interceded. Gregor laughed.
“Willem, Anya does not want to see you. You have the number to her legal team. I suggest you use it,” I told him.
“Shut up, Yankee dog. This has nothing to do with you. She is my wife and she will do what I tell her. I will recommend you stay out of my way or I’ll wind up beating you both.” He walked toward the hallway that led back to the bedrooms. Gwen left Gregor’s side and quickly stepped in front of Willem.
“Mr. Gasst? Is that right? You would be Willem Gasst, oldest son of Svetlana and the famous Ivan Karloff? How interesting.” Willem stopped and looked at her. He was the center of attention! That was all I needed. Gwen was a treasure, distracting him just long enough. I just walked up behind him, touched his shoulder and swept his leg as he turned, popping his knee. Gregor laughed.
“Willem, Gregor had specific instructions not to hurt you. They knew better than to tell me that.”
He reached for his gun, but I caught his wrist, snapping it, and he shot himself in the hip.
“Bad boy. Pistols are illegal in Ukraine, Willem. What is a loan officer at a bank doing with a pistol in his mother’s house, anyway? Did you come to shoot the Yankee dog, Willem? MARTA! BABY! Call the police and an ambulance. My stepson is an idiot and has injured himself.”
Gregor laughed. It must have hurt when he did, because the laughter was through a wince.
By that time Svetlana had come in and had seen what was going on. She’d already formed an opinion and started yelling at me. Ivan forcefully pulled her into the study with Ivanya and Gregor right behind. Gwen followed when the ambulance crew had Willem on the gurney and the police had the gun. I met Detective Cutie that Ivan told me about. Anya had good taste in women. They were afraid the cases might be related, so Detective Mylashka Stepanov came with the response. Anya left me with Marta and Lena and took her old cutie into the study following the rest of the family. Yuliya and Alina were in school or something, so they didn’t have to worry about the madness at home. I doubt they would have wanted to see their father being a bully. A bully with a gun.
It was twenty minutes later when she came out, the powerful woman, the doctor, the millionaire in her own right, and the figurehead of the Gasst and Karloff fortunes and businesses. This wasn’t that woman. This woman was shy, withdrawn, apologetic, and maybe even a touch afraid. Everyone left the study with her, walking behind her, following her as she approached me. When she took my hand and pulled me to our bedroom, Marta followed. I was extremely relieved.
Once in the room, Marta knew the protocol. “Miss, is there anything I can do for you or Sir before you tell me to leave you alone?”
“Yes. Get us each a drink of Charlie’s sweet honey whiskey. With ice, please, Marta.”
“Yes, Miss, right away.” Marta scampered out.
“Lana, are you mad at me?”
“I was, until Ivan told me what happened. I thought you had shot my son.”
I smiled. “I kind of did, but he really shot himself. I never held the gun.”
“Do you love me, Charlie?”
“More than life itself, Lana. I’ve been telling you that for over a year now.”
“It must be hard when people are kidnapping you, pulling guns, and trying to take your girlfriends.”
“She loves and respects you too much, Lana. Anya would not have gone with him. He had a gun. I had to stop him. I think he might have harmed Anya when she rejected him.”
“You knew he was under arms? That he had a gun with him?”
“Yes. So did Gregor. It is easy to see when a man is carrying a weapon. They walk differently. They even talk differently. It’s a psychological phenomenon. If you know and have seen someone without, you can tell when they are with.”
Marta returned with our drinks. Svetlana told her to please sit next to me and to please remain silent. Each of us sipped, Marta taking a sip of mine.
“Then instead of being the savage brute I convinced myself you were, in that very short time, without really thinking it through, you were actually the hero. I need to talk to myself about that. I am sorry for doubting you. I do not know how to compensate you for that. I do not think that will happen again, though. Gregor and Ivan have both told me to do so could be to my demise.”
“I will never, ever, hurt you on purpose. I guarantee you that with my life. In fact, I will go out of my way not to and use my own life to prevent it.”
“Like you did today. Good. Please accept my deepest and sincerest possible apology.”
“Accepted. Marta, please hold my wife and help put her into a nap. It’s been a really, really shitty day. Thank you, baby doll.”
“Yes, Sir. Miss?” I left them, knowing that Svetlana would do nothing except what I wanted for quite some time. Today, I really just wanted her to nap. It was a very trying afternoon, and she needed rest. One thing I knew, though, I wanted my wife back. I loved this meek, apologetic thing but she was not my wife. I also wanted a drink. I had left my drink with Marta. She later told me they talked a bit, sipped a bit, and fell asleep in each other’s arms, just as I had asked.
We had a visitor the next morning, it was a Friday, leaving Alina and Yuliya out of class for the morning. They walked into the study, the three of them, Nana’s babies and Violetta Romany, the gorgeous redhead from the party. She asked me how I was doing and naturally, macho man that I am, told her a lie.
“I’m fine, Violet. How about you?”
“I will be honest. I am fine if not thinking about Alina and Yuliya. I am liking them much. You are the family to them, so I worry about you and Missus Casper as well. I hear of the kidnap, and Gregor get shot, then I hear of their father here and shot. I want to know my girlfriends’ family is safe and ask if I can help.”
“Thank you. That is a generous offer. Have you met their father?” She nodded. “You can go beat him up for me. I don’t think their Nana wants me to do it.”
Violetta Romany broke out with the cutest laugh. She really was a doll.
“You are a pretty girl, Violet. You take care of our babies, OK?”
“Yes, sir, I will do that, sir. Thank you for let me talk to you.”
“Anytime, good lookin’. Anytime.” She smiled and the girls walked out with her, back to their room.
It was kind of funny asking her to take care of Alina and Yuliya. She was a bit shorter, a bit slighter, and way more feminine than either of them.
Svetlana asked me how it went. It was a setup.
“How would you like to take them to Ibiza for a graduation present, Charlie? All three of them.”
“You’re serious?”
“Yes. Marta, Gregor, Violet, the babies, and us. Lena wants to stay with Ivan, and Anya and Ivanya said they will wait for later since you’ll be so busy.” She giggled.
“You are bound and determined to put me with that beautiful trans girl, aren’t you?”
“Not just me, honey love. It is a much larger conspiracy than that.”
“Well, I have a few months to dig a hole and crawl in and bury myself then, huh?”
Instead of being there for me, consoling my misery, helping me with my problem, or even fixing what ailed me, she just nodded and told me she loved me.
“Someday, love, you will understand the methods to my madness as was said. Until then, just know you and I have the same values for each other. I will never hurt you, and I will insure you never spend a lonely day in your life.”
I pulled her to me and decided to do the math. Two plus two equals four. She was surrounding me with people who have decided to love me. People who are lovable, and feel that she, I, and this family are what they need for their future. I couldn’t fault that. I had no idea how to count my blessings, though, as this part of it wasn’t addition, it was exponential growth. My two plus two was more like two hundred and fifty-six or so with my wife calling the shots, not just four.
I made a decision at that point in my life. The same one I made the day before and the day before that. I’d take the world on for another day and try to live through what life threw at me. It had been throwing me home run pitches for a long time. Let’s see what tomorrow brings, I told myself. Let’s just see.
Willem was charged with having a handgun, pled guilty before a magistrate and lost his ability to apply for a permit to have a handgun. He was pretty influential, still, even though he was still going through the learning process at different phases of their company holdings.
At present he was a loan officer at one of their more prestigious banks, close to becoming a director of that department when his training was deemed adequate by his handlers. He would be in that position for two years, then move out of banking into a different arena. Manufacturing was supposedly next, I think Svetlana told me when we discussed his issues with Anya; his philandering and his hatred of the Yankee dog. It was something his grandfather had set up for him to make sure he would be prepared to stand with his mother, father, and sister, and any other blood relatives to run the organization.
He was the highest paid loan officer in the world, most probably, unless some other rich old man had his family set up the same way. He had money out the wazoo, but he didn’t have a certain pretty wife anymore. I’m not gloating, just stating facts. You can’t fix stupid, to quote one of history’s most famous philosophers, Ron White.
Ivanya went to law school instead, opting for a more steady employ with the family business, but unsure that she really wanted to help run it. She had provided the male heir for the next generation. She had help, yes, and it was painful and devastating to the family, in its entirety, but Ivan was healthy, and brilliant, and a Gasst, and that was something.
The life of Charlie Casper was interesting, educational, and extremely happy. We made several trips back to our house in the states, where Marta now referred to as home, staying for weeks at a time. I did have a company to run, after all. Marta was always with me, at a minimum, and Svetlana was pulling back in her duties at the clinic and the hospital, taking as many of the short trips as possible. Anya generally traveled with me as well, unless the girls needed her for something, or she had a hearing or such for the divorce. Willem was fighting it. He was just wasting money, but he wouldn’t listen.
The decision was made to keep both homes and for the family members to choose their citizenship based on their desires and what we could work out with the American government at the time something was needed. Svetlana opted for a work visa, green card status, if you will, as did Ivanya, at least for now. They both had responsibilities back in Odessa above and beyond their day jobs. Anya asked for help becoming naturalized and wanting US citizenship, as did her daughters. Again, I was told there was a reason. ‘Not two plus two plus two, Charlie,’ I told myself, but two TIMES two TIMES two and so on. It was clear as mud at that point, but the dirt was starting to settle.
I had to fly back home just after the babies, who were twenty and twenty-one at that point, graduated with their initial university degrees. Violetta Romany graduated with them. Go figure. Actually, I’m pretty sure I knew that was going to happen, as we were all headed to Ibiza in a couple of weeks.
They still considered teaching but had postponed their graduate work for a year. I got curious one evening while we were sitting on the back deck, watching over a vast area of grasses and trees, a most relaxing view, having two good sized Canadians in me. Two fingers in each of two rocks glasses with a bit of ice in each. I was sitting at the table, with Yuliya in my lap, Violet next to me on one side, Marta on the other, wrapped around my arm, and Alina sitting across from me. I was watching their mother swim. Anya was a beautiful woman, and her swimming naked in my pool did nothing to dissuade me of that opinion.
I got curious and asked about ages. Yuliya, it seems, was pretty bright and was boosted a year after primary school, so she and her sister were in the same grade level. I asked Violet, who pinked a bit and admitted to being twenty-two but had been set back a year between the fifth and sixth grade due to her transition, a couple of minor surgeries, and a chance to settle emotionally into her new existence. When she entered the sixth grade, she told us, she was not a boy in a girl’s body, wearing a dress, but a girl in a skirt, and rockin’ it.
She laughed, then giggled, then went a bit somber. “I am all natural, Mr. Casper...” I interrupted her. I meant to earlier but was distracted.
“Violet, please. We’re going to be spending a lot of time around each other for a while. Please call me Charlie. Just Charlie, for now.”
“OK. I will, Charlie. Yes, that is good. Charlie. I am all natural, Charlie. I have had minor things done to make me more feminine, but I will not do other things. I will never give the birth, so I do not need the vagina. I have never had a man, so none of that matters anyway. I just want to be a girl and live like a girl and to be honest, kiss a girl. Yuliya has shown me I can love and be loved, and Alina assures me I do not need a man to be a happy person. They say you are frosting, but they were happy with the cake of each other before Charlie.”
“I can understand that. Not being gay myself, I haven’t witnessed that firsthand, but I have been with my girls and watched them together, both in and out of the bedroom, and can see how that would be true. So, you are a lesbian?”
“I do not know. I have never been with a man. Someday, maybe I will know. Until then, I am just Violetta, the girl.”
“Violetta, the horny girl. She is an insatiable flirt, Charlie, and as beautiful as any woman I have ever seen. Come, girls. I want to swim with Momma.” Anya was floating at that point, breasts, pubis, and thighs breaking the water, just breathing gently and calmly. Naked as the day she was born. She liked the smooth look and was lasered from the neck down, like Svetlana and Ivanya were. Come to think of it, I think Nana’s babies were as well. Marta had a little patch now but asked me if she could have it removed forever. I kissed her clit when she asked but I told her it was hers to do with what she wanted. I wouldn’t miss it, though, I told her, if she just had to have an answer. I’m pretty sure she’d have it done one day. Lena was letting Ivan make that decision, so she wouldn’t know for a few years yet. Until then, the tightly shaved patch was all she had. Unless she had her sister wax her. That was noisy, let me tell you, and not the least bit erotic until about fifteen minutes afterwards. Then, running my tongue through the crease of her thighs was an experience of great sensual magnitude.
The girls all went inside, leaving Marta with me. She climbed into my lap. “I miss Miss.”
“I do, too, baby doll, but we’ll go back in a week or maybe less, depending on work, and get her and take these ruffians to Ibiza, OK?” She nodded and lay back on my chest. She was wearing a little bikini and was just as sweet and cute as she had ever been.
When Alina led the other two back out, they had towels wrapped around themselves and were wearing high heeled sandals, I’m sure it was to see if it affected me. Marta giggled and moved her bottom back and forth on my firming dick. It did. I got a kiss from each of them, first Alina, then Yuliya, then Violet approached me, gingerly.
“May I?”
“Do you want to?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Do you answer every question with a question?”
“Do you?”
“Yes, what?”
“There you go again.” I chuckled and reached up for her cheeks. “Yes, I want you to. Do you want to?”
“Very badly, Charlie, and have for many months now. I have permission, Charlie, I just did not have the nerves.”
I pulled her face to mine and kissed her, holding her there, licking her lips. She put her hands on my shoulders to steady herself. I could feel her tremble. Marta put her hand behind Violet’s neck, and when our kiss ended, Marta pulled Violet to her and kissed her as well. That was not a friendly kiss. That was my concubine inviting a beautiful woman into my life. That was when I knew for certain permission had been given and Svetlana wanted me to experience my oldest and greatest fantasy.
“She trembled with the emotion of your kiss, Sir.”
“I know, pumpkin. Same as you do. Scary, huh?” She nodded.
The three amigettes stood at the edge of the pool, casting a shadow and thankfully getting Anya’s attention. If they hadn’t, they may have drowned the poor woman. They took their towels off, turned toward me, then one at a time, threw them at me, kicked their heels off, and jumped in. Naturally, Alina was first, and Violet was last. She was pink as pink can be when she jumped in, but she showed me her entire front, feet slightly apart, then turned and bent a bit, showing me the rest, then jumped in.
“That little girl is fucking fantastically beautiful.”
“I know, huh?”
I had said it out loud, unintentionally, and my Marta concurred, probably under the same pretense.
Watching her dry a half hour later was no different. Marta stared. I cupped her vulva in my hand and could feel the heat and the dampness immediately.
“She’s beautiful, Daddy.”
“She is that, precious.” I held on tight and adjusted my grip. What she was feeling from me and watching of Violet caused her to orgasm right there in my hand. She moaned and buried her face in my neck.
After dinner, we sat for a movie and popcorn. Anya’s girls snuggled up to her on the love seat, and Marta and Violet snuggled to me on the couch. It was a good movie, having several parts that were a bit, if not just outright, steamy. Marta was subconsciously rubbing my leg during one of them, which was normal for her. She generally rubbed a little farther over on the second or third sexy scene, trying to tease me to come in my pants.
What I didn’t expect was for the little redhead to subconsciously do it on the other thigh. Her hands were small and soft, and the way she was dragging her fingernails excited me to no end. I was afraid to say anything, and I was afraid not to. If either of them had touched my cock just then, I would have had to change boxers. I opted for silence. The second scene, several minutes later, raised someone’s awareness. Marta looked over at Violet’s hand, seeing her rubbing my thigh, laid her own hand on my half hard member. I looked down at her, meeting her looking up at me and kissed her. She squeezed. I hunched up a bit. Violet noticed and looked at Marta. Marta reached with her other hand and pulled Violet to her by the neck for a kiss. As Violet leaned, her hand moved and was now on Marta’s hand manipulating my erection. Marta put her hand at the top while she took the bottom.
Marta broke off her kiss, licking Violet’s nose and pulling her face over for me. The second of my Violet kisses caused my demise. At least the demise of my current erection. During the kiss, I sucked her tongue into my mouth. She moaned and squeezed the top half of my hardon and rubbed the wet tip with her thumb through the cotton of my boxers. Marta felt the movement, caressed the lower half and I just lost it. I spurted against Violet’s thumb, dribbling my semen onto my lower abdomen, pulsing in the girls’ hands and sighing.
I opened my eyes and looked at her. We kissed again, a romantic, long, loving, wet, tongue filled kiss. She pulled my tongue into her mouth and sucked on it, causing a couple more spasms and pulses of my semen to fall. When it ended, she lay her head on my chest and cried. I held her. Marta held her. Anya and her girls watched as we held her.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
She trembled. “Nothing. Not one thing is wrong.” She raised her voice a bit. “Yuliya, I’m not lesbian.”
Everyone in the room laughed. Even her. I stopped pretty quickly, though. I needed another one of those kisses.
She spent the night snuggled to me in bed with Yuliya behind her. Marta was on the other side, Anya and Alina were snuggled next to us.
We found ourselves alone in the morning, her sprawled all over me, arm across my chest, breasts pushed into my ribs, her knee on my soft dick, and her little sprout against my hip. She was beautiful even sleeping all awry, legs and arms akimbo.
I just watched her sleep for a while, drinking in her attractive features. When I saw an eye flutter, I kissed her forehead.
“Good morning, precious angel. How are you this morning?”
“Better than my whole life? Does that make sense?”
“If you are happy with a strange man holding you to him, admiring your beauty, about ready to yell for my concubine to bring us coffee, yes, it makes lots of sense.”
“I am.”
“And I love you, Sir. Violet, baby, how do you like your coffee?”
“One cream and two sugar.”
Marta nodded, kissed me while holding my cheek, held Violet’s with the other hand, and kissed her before she left.
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May December Fuck StoryBy: Londebaaz Chohan “Can you believe Mr. Kaushik”. Darcy said to her neighbor. “I am in a senior year at school but my mom still thinks, I cannot take care of myself and she had told me many a times of getting married to my father when they were still not graduated from the high school. Mr. Julian Kaushik just gave her a big smile and told her that her mother was only trying to be a mother and Darcy should not forget that due of the fact of her mother being married so...
Judy Weinberg was pondering her life one afternoon. She was sitting in a lounge at Finley Hall, the student center building for the City College of New York. It was near the end of a cold and bright day in December 1974, just before the winter break. She had one more exam in two days, and then she faced about two weeks of unstructured time for herself.I should get a job, she thought; even when classes were in session there were plenty of hours during the week for something like that. At the...
MasturbationHi indian sex stories dot net friends, This is Karanveer from Bhopal. I am 36 and 5’8″ and a good looking man. I have been a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories dot net but never thought I will be submitting my own story. The story which I am going to narrate is 100% true and genuine. I don’t like fictions and I don’t want my readers to read something which is fiction and not a true story. This story is dated back to December 1999 when I was studying engineering. We went to Jaipur for the...
The run up to Christmas was always a bad time of the year for Pippa. Her birthday was on December the 15th, (and she was at an age where she dreaded that extra year being added) and the 16th of December was the anniversary of her finding her husband in bed with their daughter and his mistress; she had spent the next two Christmases after that trauma in those less than festive venues of Pentonville and Holloway prisons. So it was probably a bad decision for her to accept an invitation to a...
Back home after December hols. After a wonder December holiday at the coast, enjoying plenty of sexual experiences I found myself back home and a bit bore after all the fun. My girlfriend Amanda was due back in a few days time, just after new years and I couldnt wait to see her. Thankfully the days went by rather quickly and before I knew it it was new years eve. My mate Mike was gonna sleep over as well as my sister's friend Carry, and our we were more just gonna chill with my parents and...
After a great two fun packed days with Caitlyn I decide to relax in a hot bath. Although cheating on my girlfriend Jessica and being very unfaithful I was really looking forward to seeing her and spending some quality time with my girl. Once out the bath and dry I got dressed and made myself dinner before turning into bed. The next morning when I woke up I saw I had a message from Jes saying will be home late this afternoon so will only see you tomorrow sorry. We exchanged a few messaged and...
Once in bed Monday night after looking at the calendar, I messaged Cassi asking her if she would like to spend the day and night together on the 28th after my parents and stepsister have left and before her parent come home. She replied saying that's awesome and asked if I minded her coming to my place. I didn't mind at all and we continued exchanging messages. I then decided to message Claire to make sure we still on for Thursday and she replied back definitely and she's looking forward to...
During the coarse of Friday I went to my girlfriend's house for dinner with her family. She had started her period after the previous days rough and well needed pleasure. After supper while relaxing together we started making plans with a number of close friends to go out on Saturday the 10th for one last big party together before everyone goes their separate ways for the December holidays. By 10pm when I left plans were all complete and we were going to a club nearby to Jessica's house. The...
Once back home after a good December holiday, my husband was back at work and it soon was the first weekend since back home that I would be off my period. It was a Saturday afternoon and while my daughter was playing, my husband and I were sitting at the outside table having a drink each and chatting.This is when I reminded him of our little deal we made at our over night stay on our way back from our December holidays at my parents in Jeffery's Bay. He remembered and said that tonight it will...
After a good December holiday at my parents home in Jeffery's Bay, it was time to head on back home. We left at 6h00 on the Tuesday morning and we had booked ourselves into a little farm guest house cottage just a little further than half way home. It was 6 days since we last had sex in the hotel room that we booked in for a bit of fun. My hubby and I were still pretty horny from the lack of sex and unfortunately I had started my period the day before we left so it would be a few days till I...
(In 2005, Troy Xavier and I co-authored a story here called "Mona Lisa Life," about two TG fiction fans being transported from the early 21st century to the middle of the 20th century to assume the lives of two small-town young women, who were raising two young daughters. There were many generous reviews, and several requests for a sequel. Here's a long- delayed response to those requests.) Mona Lisa Life: December '63 (Oh, What a Night) By Heather St. Claire The wrapping...
HistoricalMy brother is 10 years older than me and last year he retired and moved into a retirement park in Central Florida. He raved about the place and wanted all of us (4 siblings) to come and visit. This past December the snow in Montana had me depressed so I decided to make the trip to visit my brother Vince. Vince is 55 and I just turned 45. I own 9 franchised pizza and salad locations, have a great management team and can let them run themselves with little overseeing. I’m also a financial advisor...
December 5 Katie is elated that she’s not pregnant, but the downside is that she is on her period. That means she hasn’t felt like fooling around much after school. Not that we’ve had much time for that, anyway. We had rehearsals for the preschool concerts every afternoon this week, and the concerts are going on today, tomorrow and Saturday mornings, plus an evening performance tonight. That means four rounds of wearing my toy soldier suit, which is OK except for the big circles of red...
December 14 Because we were getting closer to Christmas break and the end of the semester, and had so much homework from our classes, Katie and I hadn’t gotten together after school this week. We also had extra rehearsals for the band’s winter concert on the 19th. We had plans to make up for all that on Saturday. Katie and I were both extremely horny as the week progressed but we had promised each other not to masturbate. We planned to have a week’s worth of climaxes in one day. I woke up...
Almost a year and a half went by like it was nothing. The sun was shining brightly on the Nevada desert. Even if it was December, the heat was still there. It felt like nothing had happened, yet it did. Many things did happen with some things that might have occurred or never occurred at all. The one obvious thing was that everything was usual in the desert. Tumbleweeds blew across the sands and shrubs that grew by the road. Located on Route 50, the long stretch of endless road would be the...
“And I’d give it all away.” Sometimes I wonder if it all means something. Love, hate, jealousy, mockery, lust, rage; its all part of this world, but I continue to wonder why. These emotions overwhelm us everyday, but for what reason? People say we need balance to bring us peace. If we need balance, then why is the world constantly at war? Everyday the news flabbergasts us with a new report, but why does it not surprise us? Because we live in a world where disgust is normal. Normalcy has created...
LesbianQuite frankly, I can understand how some guys become child molesters or start sucking schlong. Having a little wee-wee leaves them with few other alternatives. But if it were me, I would shamefully hide inside my house, never to go outside, if I had anything less than nine inches swinging between my legs. And although I wouldn’t be biting pillows or feeling on little kids, I sure as hell wouldn’t feel confident enough to get naked in front of any fine female if I knew that I couldn’t...
I sometimes write for a local amateur dramatic company. My aim is to write for the available cast, rather than script a play and for them, then, to find people to play the parts. This isn’t as easy as I had hoped but it seems to work sometimes so I probably write something for them once a year. The process is simple, however. The group arranges a meeting, usually in a room in a pub so everyone can get drunk, and we discuss what sort of show they want to put on. It it’s musical I may be asked to...
The morning and early afternoon passed without incident. As the hot Spanish sun began its first, late afternoon move towards early sunset, Doris spotted Tristan through the vented shutters of her suite, wandering back from the beach.He had his swimsuit on again but looked so beautiful still. So sexy and windswept. Doris might have swooned were it not for the fact that the same woman that had joined Tristan in the water the day before was walking next to him again. She was roughly her age;...
MatureOur second date was on December 28, 1974. I got up around 7 am, cleaned up and went to the mess hall for breakfast. Didn’t eat much since I wasn’t used to eating at the mess hall – but it was bearable – just. I then drove around the base to become familiar with the layout, where I would be assigned, etc. There was a lot of construction going on at that time with new buildings being put up everywhere – it was nice to see. I went over to the bowling alley which was open with league bowling going...
Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as s****rs, they remained close, it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both ‘married well’ and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic — Doris in Los Angeles, Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris’s marriage had ended in divorce...
December chill has hit us but I still long for attention and fun. A few recent swingers parties were okay at best — but they keep me hungry for more.I'm very fortunate that I live this lifestyle and I wish that I’d started younger. My husband is awesome — he just is. I never really write about him much because he doesn't know I keep this journal. And he certainly doesn’t know about some of the things I do. They would probably crush him. I step out more than I should but we have a “don't ask,...
SwingersNeighborly May DecemberBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was hard to believe, how many girls; Dylan had fucked by now. Even more difficult to believe was the fact that he was so spellbound by the sexy girls and the most surprising was; though, he did not feel or want to be a girl but he very much enjoyed seeing himself as crossdresser and look like a girl. Being in a broken family and living with the single mom; it was very easy to wear her panties and bra stuffed with socks and hose and even the high...
December at the coast part 7We arrived home home after great Saturday night, Steven and I greeted our dads who waited up for us. While Steven went to shower I chatted to my dad and uncle about Sunday plans, which were again to have a family braai. Soon Steven was done and I went off to the bathroom to freshen up for bed. After showering and getting into bed, Steven was already pretty much asleep, when I looked at my phone for the last time. I saw that I had a new message, from Samantha, asking,...
December at the coast part 6Waking up Saturday morning after a good restful sleep, it was rather late in the morning and most of the family was still asleep after the late night. Missing Samantha again as I went for my morning piss. After washing my face and waking up I head back to the room to get dressed before making my way to the living area where I was greeted by my mom and aunt. The rest of the family slowly joined us a bit after 10am and we all helped made a well needed brunch to give us...
December at the coast part 5Waking up Tuesday, once again I got up to go for my morning pee. On this occasion on my way to the bathroom I didn't bump into Samantha like the previous number of mornings. After letting go into the toilet having a great morning piss while thinking about the awesome naughty night I had with the sexy blonde girl. After a good piss, I brushed my teeth and washed my face to awaken properly before heading back to the room. Steven was awake and pretty much dressed as he...
December at the coast Part 3Waking up Saturday morning, once again I got up to go for the morning piss and yet once again I bumped into Samantha in the passage. This time she covered her nipples and I teasingly said, no poking nipple view this morning. She smiled at me as she blushed and headed back into her room. Taking a good long morning piss thinking about the pleasurable blowjob from sexy Jessica, my cock started growing as I finished pissing. I washed my face to wake up properly and then...
December at the coast part 2Waking up Friday morning, getting up to go for the morning piss, again I bumped into Samantha in the passage. Greeting her again, but this time she didn't cover her tits and it gave me a view of her nipples through her top. "Cute nipples," I commented making her blush and covering up on her way to the room. After having a good long morning piss I head back to room. Steven soon awaking and we got up and made our way to the lounge to plan our day. Planning on taking it...
December at the coast. Part 1The school year ended, as well as the work year for my parents and like most inland families, mine headed to the coast to have a relaxing holiday after a long busy year. A parting different ways from my girlfriend Amanda as her family went to a different holiday destination. It was always gonna be hard not seeing her for almost a whole month, but once arriving at the coast fun soon began as my cousin Steven was and his family were also down for holiday. My dad and...
It reached the final Friday before my parents return from their 2 week break. As I woke up counted the cash I had left R525 and then made up my mind being single that I'm going to go out to a club and have one fun night out before my parents return. Friday went by rather quick as I did a few house chors making my life easy for tomorrow and Sunday so I could chill. It soon reached 6pm and I made myself two home made hamburgers for supper and after eating I went to my parents bedroom where I ran...
Back home Sunday evening after dinner while laying in bed, I decide to message the stripper who saved her name on my phone as Jessica. I said, hey Jessica it's Cane from Friday night. You gave me your number after the private booth dance which I thoroughly enjoy. Just thought I'd message you and say hi even though you said I should message you on Monday but you been on my mind the whole weekend.I laid waiting for her reply but soon fell asleep. Waking up the next morning the first thing I did...
After a good long year it eventually reach December holiday time and like usual my husband, myself and our daughter would go visit my parents at there house in Jeffery's Bay. Once arriving down at the coast and staying with my parents for 3 weeks, my husband and i normally have very little time for any sexual fun while in the house together.We arrived on the Saturday evening and after a lovely dinner with my parents, we all made our way to bed. Sunday morning arrived and I got dressed into my...
Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as sisters, they remained close; it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both 'married well' and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic -- Doris in Los Angeles; Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris's marriage had ended in divorce...
Hey guys this is Sayali. Just completed engineering this year now doing interior design course diploma of one year in Pune. I am 21 year old and fair in color & height is 5.2 inch & figure is 34d-28-34 just trying too losing some weight.Had lost my virgnity about four year back to a sir. I had an accident. Because of that I broke my leg & my parent knows that I am poor in maths. So they hear a sir to teach me at home. Any way we had sex after couple on month’s he got married after...
Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as sisters, they remained close; it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both 'married well' and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic -- Doris in Los Angeles; Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris's marriage had ended in divorce...
Our second date was on December 28, 1974. I got up around 7 am, cleaned up and went to the mess hall for breakfast. Didn’t eat much since I wasn’t used to eating at the mess hall – but it was bearable – just. I then drove around the base to become familiar with the layout, where I would be assigned, etc. There was a lot of construction going on at that time with new buildings being put up everywhere – it was nice to see.I went over to the bowling alley which was open with league bowling going...
Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as sisters, they remained close; it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both 'married well' and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic -- Doris in Los Angeles; Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris's marriage had ended in divorce...
I sometimes write for a local amateur dramatic company. My aim is to write for the available cast, rather than script a play and for them, then, to find people to play the parts. This isn’t as easy as I had hoped but it seems to work sometimes so I probably write something for them once a year. The process is simple, however. The group arranges a meeting, usually in a room in a pub so everyone can get drunk, and we discuss what sort of show they want to put on. It it’s musical I may be asked to...
LesbianCheck out the in the month of December 2018. These quality erotic tales are surely going to give you the best reading experience and make you horny! By My Payal aunt was a very horny lady and we enjoyed fucking each other while there was a Pooja going on in my house. We escaped and went had great sex. “I lowered her pant and kissed on her panty. She was wearing a light pink color panty. I kissed on her thighs and then lowered her panty. There it was my door to heaven. She had trimmed her...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net There I am. Unexpectedly. But yes! Let’s track this from the beginning. I am Kushagra, an introverted, simple guy living in Kolkata. I am 23 years old blessed with a decent organ. After completing my degree, I got a job here and rented an apartment. My apartment is situated inside a society, so there are many blocks. She lived in the same block as mine on a different floor. I live on the fourth floor. The building has five. I...
CALENDAR GIRLS DECEMBER - Don We Now Our Gay Apparel by Tammy Fairbanks April spritzed herself with perfume and looked at herself in the mirror. It was still hard for her to believe that the glamorous blue-eyed blonde reflection staring back at her was that of a man just two months ago, but she was slowly becoming more accustomed to her new life. She looked around her new apartment for her purse and transferred the essentials she would need into her evening bag. The doorbell...
Dear Readers, let’s bid adieu to 2020 with the best stories of the month. We present to you the 10 best stories of December 2020. 1) Studious Ajay is excited about having Sneha over the next day for a study session. But he comes up with a problem, a boner! Who will help him get it down? ‘Before bed, Ajay wanted to read through his book to prepare for the next day’s class. Flipping through pages one by one, suddenly out of nowhere, the images of Sneha’s previous events giving him a hand job....
Hi Readers, these are the stories that you guys loved in December 2021. 1) By: Read how my big boobed mother-in-law got attracted to me and flirted actively with me. It ultimately led to her submission and fingering in swimming pool! ‘I told her to catch the handrail with both her hands and extend her legs outward and start swinging her legs by showing a demo. She did as I said. She could swing her legs for a few strokes only and later they were going deep into the water. She couldn’t float...
Reality made itself known very gently. Dave was thankful for that. Mornings were bad enough without a rude start. The weak December sun was beginning to peek over the horizon. The light was pale grey, cold as the air. He turned to look at the young woman sleeping next to him. Her light auburn hair was half covering her face. She looked so peaceful. Looking back, even as recently as the past summer, Dave wouldn't have believed that he could have such a beautiful college freshman as a live-in...
A scrungy old neighborhood bar in Detroit barely hanging on by its fingertips financially with a half a dozen or so neighborhood people having a drink and talking about how boring life seems these days. All the kids got their faces buried in their god damn electronics all the time and the skinny gawky fourteen year old black girl looks up from her computer and gives them a 'little do you old farts know about any of this stuff' look and goes back to her book report and from her school books...
December 7 The last of the concerts for preschool kids was this morning at ten. Katie and I got changed out of our costumes and kissed goodbye before we left the band room. Her dad was waiting outside the band room to take her to his house for the weekend, so she introduced me as her boyfriend. He just smiled and said he was glad to meet me. Becky had been to the concert, as well, and caught up with me right as I was walking toward my dad outside the auditorium. He was talking to Mrs. K. and...
December 19 Tonight was the winter concert for both bands. This is when we present all the music we’ve been working on since Marching Band ended. I wasn’t nervous about any of it except my ‘solo’ part, which was actually a brass quintet part that only ran about 20 measures, something less than a minute long. I’d practiced it on my own at home, after school with the rest of the quintet and countless times with the full band during two months of rehearsals in class and after school. Mr. J....
December 21 I know most guys my age would sleep in on Saturday mornings, especially during Christmas break, but I have my reasons for being awake. Saturdays have been sex days since November. That’s when Katie ‘tricked’ me into coming over to her house on a Saturday morning, even though she was spending the weekend with her dad. She tried to explain in a note she left with her mother, and after a phone call to her at her dad’s, she persuaded me to let her mom, Becky, teach me all about...
December 28 I was up early again today, which has become typical for Saturdays since November, when Becky began giving me sex lessons at her daughter’s request. Both Katie and I have been getting eager for her birthday on January 10 to hurry up and get here. That will be the evening when she gives up her virginity to me. She won’t be my first though, because my own first time will be the weekend before that with Becky. Yes, my girlfriend’s mother is going to take my virginity in order to...
December 31 I spent New Year’s Eve at home with Mom and Dad, watching the parties in Times Square and other places. It’s what we do every year. It was boring, really, but there wasn’t much I can do about it at age fourteen. Besides, my girlfriend is at her father’s house and she’s on her period. Plus, I don’t know if Roger Schuman would be as cool about his daughter’s sex life as his ex-wife is. Talk about cool, Becky is even teaching me what to do with hands-on sex lessons. This coming...
“So what’s the verdict?” April asked, curling her hair behind her right ear, and leaning in the driver’s window. “We love it, we’ll take it!” Karen smiled. Brad also smiled, looking down at April’s blouse again. “That’s great news, you and Dan can come into my office and we’ll do the paperwork.” Karen parked the car, and Dan instructed the kids to go and wait in the TV area. April led Dan and Karen to her office, closing the door behind them and taking off their coats. Karen looked so sexy...
"I've got it, don't bother." Earl's voice on the phone assured me he was at the site and the heater was on. "I'll come in if you need me to." I told Earl. It was a very cold December for this far south. I'd guessed the mountains being so near made the difference. The site had a few people working today to do basic things that needed to be done before the next step kicked in. Then they were to head home. It was a Friday and a cold one. There was no need to push for a full day's...
Val noticed the spotting following her usual Thursday tennis game with Bernie. "Jesus Christ, Bernie, I ... I ... I'm bleeding!" "What?" Bernie replied, obviously concerned, but not wanting to alarm her friend. "Maybe it's your period." "I'm pregnant, Bernie. I don't get a period, and I shouldn't be spotting." "What's the number of your doctor, I'll call him. We'll head on over there." Val gave Bernie the number; she called the doctor and explained the situation. He...
Brad was feeling exhausted from his hockey game. The intensity of the match, along with not working out for a few days, prior to his game, was affecting him. His right leg felt a little cramped as he left the dressing room. He passed by the Dragon’s room when the door opened and Jake Campbell came out. There was a moment of silence as the two competitors eyed each other. “You played a good game, Brad.” “You weren’t too shabby yourself, Jake,” Brad replied, and they smiled at each...
The cab driver kept giving me funny looks as we drove through a deserted Aldershot. I could see him peering in the rear-view mirror at me but when I glanced at him he quickly looked away. He dropped me off outside the barracks and drove away shaking his head and muttering, "Squaddies today what are they like?" It was only when I got into my room and saw myself in the mirror that I realised what he had been looking at; my mouth was smeared with the vermilion lipstick from Emma's nipples....