GolemChapter 16 free porn video

The future
The director frowned at the Lead Scientist.
"what do you mean the Golem has been damaged?"
The Lead Scientist looked over the report again.
"It appears that it was damaged in the reactor failure."
The director scowl grew.
"How bad is it?"
"Ma'am I would say it would take a few days to scavenge parts from the others in storage, the reactors safety in the golem seemed to have failed somehow, causing several systems in the golem to short out."
The director frowned looking at the worm hole through the observation window.
"Get it done, Now!"
Ogna had agreed to have the village head out at first light, It was still dark out when I went back, I could detect deposits of the debris spread across the land, I headed toward the largest deposit. The sun was out by the time I came across the first piece, it was torn and twisted. I ran a hand over it detecting the radiation. I scanned through my files finding a process to make it safe, I placed both hands on the metal using a form of electrolysis to purge the radiation from the scrap, the hunk of scrap was larger then I was, it took several hours to purge the metal enough to make it safe, while I was doing that I detected Shanor awakening.
"Yes Shanor?"
"Where are you?"
"I am retrieving the material I need to fix you and Entoch."
I could almost see her expression, I wondered if it had to do with the number of nanites now in her system.
"I still can't see Laura"
I could hear the fear in her voice.
"Shanor, with what I have found it should be enough to take care of you two, please trust me, Ill take care of you."
"I trust you Laura, how is Entoch?"
I checked his vitals.
"He is stable Shanor, he will take a good deal more to fix, but he will be okay, I promise. Try to get some rest, ill be back in a few hours"
"Okay Laura."
I switched back to the hunk of metal, I detect traces of tungsten carbide, titanium and lead, I tested the weight of it, I found I was strong enough to lift it, it threw off my balance but I could carry it, I gripped it tightly and hefted it above my head, I began the long trek back to the cave.
Ogna had woken up the members of the village, he had each one swallow the capsule Laura had given them, he organized the 20 adults and 12 children into groups to follow him up river, he had told them about the land being tainted, and about Laura's plan to meet up with them later. Many of the Villagers where horrified at the wounds the children had, not believing that they could live through it so thought that Ogna had just said Laura would heal them so they would not feel bad about leaving them.
They set out to follow the river, half way through the day the elders noticed that they did not feel fatigued from the walk, nor hungry, Ogna informed them that it was the capsules Laura had given them, saying that they would not need to hunt for several days thanks to her. The nanites from the capsule streamed through their systems increasing their bodies efficiency.
As they went they collected wood, using what they had happen to have with them at the time they fled to the cave to create rudimentary tools and travios to carry the fire wood, some of the men used some flint to carve fishing spears, by night fall they had set up camp and started the fire. Some of the men had been successful in catching fish with the new spears. Only a few had furs that could be used as bedding, thankfully the time of the year was warm enough that they would not freeze in the outdoors.
Ogna was startled by the sudden voice in his head.
"Ogna, how is the village, don't worry it is Laura"
"Laura we are fine so far, how are you talking to me?"
"Um it is a form of magic I use"
"Oh, okay, Laura when will you be meeting up with us?"
"Hopefully soon Ogna, I found the material I needed much faster then I had hoped, keep the village heading north, if you having any questions just speak my name out loud."
"Laura you are the most powerful Shaman I have ever heard of, our village is lucky to have you!"
"Thank you Ogna, I promise when I come back to you I will help to the fullest of my ability to rebuild the village."
"Okay Laura take care of our children."
"Ogna, I swear the children will be fine"
"Laura may the spirits guide you"
"You as well my friend, goodnight"
I had spent the day processing the metal, using my cutting laser to melt it down, the nanites would do the majority of the work, leaving it up to me to do the final detail work, I I used the remains of the probes sensors to create a set of optics for the children, Shanor sat near the cave entrance talking to me as I worked, I explained the work I was doing to her, she was exited at the prospect of being like me. I was worried about the surgery that would be required but the files I had should help me through it all.
It was getting dark when Shanor and I heard Entoch voice in our heads.
"Whats going on, whats happen to me?! Laura, Shanor? I cant feel anything or see or hear? Am I dead?!?!"
"No Entoch, you and Shanor have been badly injured, it will take some time but I can fix you both"
"Entoch, Laura says that we will be similar to her when she is done, it will take some time."
"Laura, Shanor, I am afraid, its dark here..."
I glanced at Shanor who had started to cry, she was trying to reassure Entoch, I focused trying to call up the A.I. Within me, with in moments I was standing in the darkness facing her.
"Yes Laura?"
I walked toward her.
"Is there a way I can bring the children here, so they can have something to do while I work on fixing them?"
She seemed to think for a moment.
"Laura, since time passes slowly here this may not be the best place for them."
I frowned.
"Well what about an artificial world, like the V.R. Games children play? I could use it to teach them since they will be here for awhile."
The other me smiled.
"I think I have an idea."
She waved her hand, soon we stood in classroom, I looked around, outside the window I could see a playground and grass fields.
"This is perfect, can I teach them here?"
She smiled.
"No, you have work to do, but I however can."
I smiled at that.
"You need to teach them the basics of all the infrastructure we will need to set up, starting from the beginning"
She nodded to me.
"I have the appropriate information"
I nodded.
"good, now how do I get them here?"
She pointed to the back of the class room, there stood Shanor and Entoch, they looked around stunned.
"Laura what happened?"
I smiled at Shanor.
"This is where you will be while I fix your bodies."

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