Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 18 My Homecoming Date
- 2 years ago
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For the next few weeks, things stayed in a routine. An overworked, stressful, pressure-cooker of a routine, but a routine nonetheless. We played our games, and our practices also progressed very well. My professors kept on piling on the work, but we still found a little time to goof off and relieve the pressure, if only temporarily.
We lost a non-conference game to the University of Miami Hurricanes by an embarrassingly lopsided score, but we had an excuse. More than half the team was struck by the flu that week, and a few guys, including Bryan and Rick, were so sick they didn't even make the bus trip down to Coral Gables. Even with every one of our available bench players starting, we still had to field a team that included three very ill players. Pick tried to keep the sickest players out of harm's way, but he had no choice but to put one of them in midfield. He tried to work out a substitution rotation that would spell the ill players often, but with only one half-healthy substitute, it just couldn't be done.
Martin and I were also down with the flu, though we did manage to make the bus trip. I would have been a lot more comfortable dying in my own dorm room bed instead of trying to find a comfortable position that didn't make my stomach do flip-flops on a swaying bus, but it wasn't an option for a lowly freshman like me. Even being a freshman, though, Pick and Eddie could see I was way too sick to even try to take the field. What little food I was able to force down didn't stay down, and even water was squirting out my backside like floodwaters on the muddy Mississippi. I was so miserable, I felt like I would have to feel better just to be able to die.
Our backup keeper had also been stricken, and Pick was forced to start Dan Ortega in goal. Dan was a little unnerved, having not played keeper since before high school, but he did his best. With no help from his defensive line, what with all three of us down, it was a lesson in humility for him, and for us as a team. Our small consolation was that, looking at the film the next week, we all saw where we could have exploited their weaknesses, if only we had been at full strength. As it was, losing 6-1 was about as good as we could have expected.
Homecoming for the University of Florida was scheduled for an early weekend of October. Homecoming week in Gainesville was crazy. The entire campus, students and faculty alike, was going nuts all week, and the town joined in on the celebration. Local businesses put up signs and banners, the bars were practically giving away beer, and the streets around campus, and even into the downtown area, were all decorated with flags and streamers in orange and blue.
Very little in the way of constructive schoolwork got in the way of the festivities. Naturally, we practiced every day, but classes were pretty slipshod, there was very little work assigned, and everybody seemed to look forward to the weekend. Many of the professors looked down their noses at what they probably considered to be undergraduate foolishness, but behind the scowls and the gruff tones some of them took during lectures, a tiny bit of indulgent amusement could be detected. This was underscored by the easing of the workload during the week, even by the most cynical of instructors. By the time the end of the week was approaching, the entire area around campus was overflowing with clumps of students, alumni, staff, and faculty, all gearing up for the festivities of the weekend.
And what a weekend it was. Classes had been cancelled for Friday, so everybody could either march in the parade down University Avenue, or watch the parade from a porch, curb, or lawn chair. Bryan, Melanie, Reggie, and I watched from a table outside The Glass Onion, courtesy of Skye and Stone. Joining us was Jesse and his homecoming date, Brittany Erickson, another sorority sister of Melanie's. Just before the first float slowly rumbled down the street, Skye came out with two bottles of wine and six glasses.
"It's from our personal stash," Skye said with a sly wink. "It's homemade by some friends. I think you'll like it."
Homemade hooch sounded a little dangerous, but I reached for the bottle anyway. What the hell, it's Homecoming, I said to myself. I filled each glass about halfway, and the six of us raised them in a toast to a glorious weekend.
"Down the hatch!"
And I brought the glass to my lips.
It was very tasty, a sweet and fruity berry wine of some sort. We all made murmurs of appreciation, and I lifted my glass and saluted Skye, inside her store, minding the counter. She smiled and waved, and Stone flashed us a peace sign from his window in the kitchen.
We cheered as the Phi Kap/Omega float went by. Captain Jack was, of course, in the pilot's seat of the nautically themed float, taking it all way too seriously. He waved down at us, looking imperial in his Horatio Hornblower getup. I got the feeling he really didn't recognize us sitting there saluting him. He turned and waved to people on the other side of the street, never changing expression at all as he swiveled back and forth in front of his big spoked wheel. We laughed a lot at Jack's expense after the float passed us by, fueled perhaps by the berry wine. We sat back and enjoyed the rest of the parade, watching the other floats rumble by, interspersed with local high school marching bands putting on their displays. We jumped up and cheered when the UF marching band came strutting down the street, blasting out the UF fight song, Orange and Blue. As the last float rolled by, we joined the thousands of others who filled the street, following the parade until it rolled into the stadium.
Later that night, the six of us crammed into Florida Field for the giant Homecoming pep rally, called the Gator Growl. We were joined by 72,000 of our closest friends in the newly renovated and expanded stadium. The festivities went on for hours, led by Albert and Alberta, the Gator mascots. The school always managed to bring in a big name from the entertainment world for Gator Growl, and the headliner for the evening was Bob Hope. I was thinking he was kind of old-fashioned for a college crowd like us, but he worked the stadium like the old pro he was. By about the fourth or fifth joke in his routine, he had us on our feet, stomping and clapping and laughing.
I should have expected it, actually. It should have been obvious to me that Hope loved college football. Why else would he host the College Football All-American show every year on television? And that observation was confirmed that night as he welcomed each starter on the team up to the stage, and had a joke prepared for each one.
When Dantrell Sinclair was introduced, for instance, Hope said, "Dantrell Sinclair, a junior halfback. That's not to say he's a junior, as in lightweight. Look at those arms!" Hope gave one of his classic pauses, and then continued. "Dantrell is fast, too. In fact, when I asked him how fast he ran, he told me he was so fast, he had already played in tomorrow's game!"
As Lamarr Elliott stepped up to stand next to him, Hope gave him one of his patented stares, looking up at Lamarr as he towered over the comedian. "The University of Florida has 30,000 full-time students," Hope said into the microphone. "Lamarr is one of the reasons they buy enough food for 34,000."
At the end of his show, the football team took the stage once again, lining up behind the comedian, and off behind the stadium, fireworks were set off across Lake Alice in a display to rival the Fourth of July.
By the time the show ended, I was hoarse, deaf, and half-blinded by the fireworks. Reggie and I held hands as we shuffled out, flowing with the tide of students out of the stadium, so that we wouldn't lose each other in the crush. Once we got out onto the street, we stepped aside and waited for Jesse, Brittany, Bryan, and Melanie.
Once we all found each other again, I said, "Where to now?" I was too pumped up to want to just go back to my dorm room.
"Party at Jeremy's place?" suggested Bryan. Jeremy Peters, one of our midfielders, lived in an apartment with three of his fraternity brothers.
"Sure," said Jesse. "Sounds good. That work for you, Seanster?"
I looked at Reggie, and saw agreement in her shining eyes. "It works," I said.
It was already kind of late, but we were all pretty wired from the rally. I wanted to stay out late and have a good time with my friends. The Homecoming game was in the afternoon, and I had to work the gift shop the first half, but that was okay. We were playing at home on Sunday, so there wasn't any real pressure to get to bed early on this night.
Reggie and I held hands and skipped down the sidewalk, feeling silly and free. Jesse and Bryan were laughing at us, and I could hear Brittany giggling. Melanie looked amused, but there was something else in her expression I couldn't put my finger on. I really didn't care, though, and I wasn't going to let her spoil our exuberant mood. Reggie and I outpaced them by about a block, and then waited for them at the next corner. The two of us were practically hopping around as we waited, and as soon as the group caught up to us, we skipped off again, leaving them behind to wallow in the echoes of our laughter.
On the last street corner, Reggie and I waited for the group, and we all walked the last half-block together to Jeremy's apartment building. Jeremy and his roommates lived on the second floor, and we climbed the wooden staircase that had been tacked onto the outside of the yellow frame house, to the plain wooden door. I had to look twice to make sure the heavy bass beat pounding from inside the apartment wasn't rattling the door in its frame. I opened it and was almost forced backwards by the wall of sound. I held Reggie's hand and forced my way into the apartment, and into the crowd already there.
It was very warm in the apartment from all the hot, sweaty student bodies crammed into the place. There were a couple of window air conditioners struggling to cool the air, but with the door constantly opening and closing, and with all the people moving about, the poor little units just couldn't keep up. The door opened into the main living room area. Through the crowd I could see bright light spilling from another room, and there was a second dim room ahead of us, which I assumed was a dining room or, more likely, a television room for the guys who lived there.
Our group kind of split up and found friends and acquaintances to greet. Many of the guys were teammates of ours, there with their dates, and it was kind of cool to see everybody on a social basis, and on their good behavior. As Reggie and I made our way deeper into the apartment, I was surprised to see Westy there, along with Jason Emerson, the kid who lived across the hall from us in the dorm. They both had girls standing with them. Westy saw me at the same time I spied him, and before I could turn away, he was waving us over to where he and Jason were standing.
"Yo, dude, what are you doing here?" shouted Westy over the music.
"Jeremy's a teammate," I said.
"No shit? I didn't even know he was on the team."
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"All the guys who live here are Sig Taus," he replied.
Well, there you go, I thought. I didn't even know Jeremy belonged to a fraternity, much less the same one my roomie had pledged. Small fucking world.
Westy suddenly remembered his manners, and he turned to his date, a short and busty brunette with big, thick glasses. "Yo, Sean, this is my date, Angelina Turner. Angelina, this is Sean Porter, my roommate."
"Pleased ta meetcha," said Angelina, thrusting out her hand. She had a twangy New Jersey accent that immediately grated on me. I silently asked myself, Why am I surprised Westy found somebody irritating? It really shouldn't come as much of a shock.
I introduced Reggie to the group, and Jason introduced his date, who was apparently Angelina's roommate. She was a very large girl with the unlikely name of Kitten Springerdale. She was hanging on to Jason's arm as if it was a turkey leg and she hadn't eaten in three days. The poor guy was hopelessly lost. She had to outweigh him by a good thirty pounds, and she wasn't about to let go of her prize for the evening. I could see the amusement on Reggie's face as she watched the two of them, but she was much too polite to say anything. I, on the other hand, had no such qualms.
"So, Kitten, are you and Jason enjoying yourselves?" I asked.
Kitten squeezed Jason's arm even tighter to her bosom, and Jason's face got even redder from the pressure.
"Oh, it's so wonderful," she gushed. "The ... what do they call it, Jason?" She turned her flushed face to him, but just as he was about to answer, she turned back to us. "Gator Growl? That's right, Gator Growl, it was just so exciting, wasn't it? Wasn't Bob Hope just the most fun?" The inflection of her voice rose with each syllable, until it screeched almost into the ultrasonic. It was nearly enough to set my teeth to itching.
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As soon as Spencer and I got settled in our apartment, I began to write to Kayla. I needed to attack my mistake, take the aggressor's role. Tough to do when you're a thousand miles away, but I had to try. I had the time to compose the proper letters, as we were there for a couple of weeks before classes started. There were a few kids who had spent the summer working in Gainesville or going to summer school who were in town, so aside from the townies, the campus was pretty much populated by...
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I was sitting on the floor of Alex's apartment on Sunday evening, reading Steppenwolf. It was a dark and grim read, almost too depressing even for me. I had the television on for background noise, and I kept on getting distracted. Alex was at a Little Sisters meeting, and had left me to my own devices, promising she would stop at the grocery store and pick up something for our dinner on her way back. Pru and Meaghan weren't coming back from Daytona until the next morning, and Savannah was...
Westy Bridges turned out to be an asshole. He disguised it pretty well, but inside that great-looking swimmer's body, beyond the sharp eyes and the long, wavy hair and the puckish charm, lurked an arrogant, supercilious, and disdainful male slut. He readily admitted to me he had a girlfriend back home in Atlanta, a very nice girl his parents adored. A rich girl whose father liked him. A girl who, according to Westy, was a sweet Georgia peach to everybody, a pleasant and demure girl who...
“That’s crazy. Let’s just stay watch the game. We’re going to get caught.” “No, we’re not. And even if we are, what are they going to do? It’s about two years too late to expel us. And it’s not like they’re not going to call the cops. After all we’re alums. Potential donors.” Clara was right, although that attitude came naturally to her. Although she came from an enormously wealthy family, she was not in the least snobby or stuck up. It was impossible, however, for her to be unaware of how her...
Homecoming Ch. 08 Edited by Frinkles© 2007 This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Alright, alright…UNCLE! For those of you who are disappointed in Daniel’s actions, believe me so am I. The guy is human. He’s a bit of an idiot at times. He’s letting his little head do the thinking rather than the ‘big’ head. He knows he screwed up which is why he’s in the dang farmhouse praying...
Author Notes: Last we saw Jay and Amanda is when Jay learned that one of his family relatives was coming to stay with him and his parents for some time. His cousin, Moira. As far as Jay knows is he is unsure what his girlfriend, Amanda, thinks of his cousin. That and he’s unsure if Moira likes Amanda. The only thing he knows for sure is that Moira approves of Amanda, at least that’s what he thinks. The only thing is he is unaware if his weekend arrangement is going to change or not. What will...
The rest of the week was pretty frustrating as Megan’s and Christie took every chance they could to tease me around school. I managed to survive the week of football practice with Christie and the squad practicing around in short shorts and sports bras. Christie was a huge tease as she would often talk dirty to me during our nightly calls and even email some naughty photos. She told me not to jack off all week because she wanted me to save it for Homecoming. Through it all, I received good...
Author Notes: Last we saw Jay and Amanda is when Jay learned that one of his family relatives was coming to stay with him and his parents for some time. His cousin, Moira. As far as Jay knows is he is unsure what his girlfriend, Amanda, thinks of his cousin. That and he’s unsure if Moira likes Amanda. The only thing he knows for sure is that Moira approves of Amanda, at least that’s what he thinks. The only thing is he is unaware if his weekend arrangement is going to change or not. What will...
Love StoriesClasses didn't start for another week, and already I was tired. Because we didn't have any distractions from schoolwork, Pick took up the slack, working us nearly to the point of collapse in the Florida heat. Since Gatorade had been formulated and tested here in Gatorland (hence the name, see?) I learned to like the taste, and I drank as much of it as I could pound down, on the theory it would help me out. Maybe it did, but I was too exhausted to tell. Between sprints, agility drills, and...
I kept up my schedule through the end of the school year. Since I didn't have a girlfriend to spend any time with, I kept on running, with and without a soccer ball. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I worked with Davey, Kip, and Justin before the Warriors practices. I wasn't sure how productive these sessions were, but we had fun goofing around in the park, at least. And, at that age, any time spent working the ball was time well spent for a kid who wanted to be a better player. The recreational...
I was nervous as hell. It was Friday night, and I was going back to the Phi Kap house. They were having another party, this one much more informal. It was kind of an end-of-Rush party for the members and their guests. They would find out how big their pledge class would be sometime during the evening, so the members and their guests were hanging out together while they waited for the paperwork to arrive from the Hellenic Council. Bryan and Melanie had decided this would be a good...
The Greatest Lie, Chapter 14 From Prom Night to Homecoming Alexandra Rios [email protected] For me, my hometown, L.A., is not the sexy, sweaty night clubs of West Hollywood nor the porn scene of the North Valley. Though I feel more at home there, that side of L.A. is not my home but rather the world into which my transsexual destiny exiled me. Home is the leafy, moneyed boulevards and side streets of Brentwood and Bel Air, California. Beneath the swaying palms and in the...
HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she wouldn't have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her two...
It was early in October of 1977. Kelly and I were high school seniors. Our school celebrated homecoming for an entire week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after school we had crazy contests like tricycle races and stuffing a Volkswagen (for which the puny little freshmen had a built-in advantage). Thursday evening was the parade through downtown followed by a big bonfire at a farm just a mile away from the high school.Kelly looked great that night, as always. She was wearing a pair of short,...
TeenFriday October 14 I woke to my hound licking my face. It seemed someone had to go out... right now! I managed to put on a pair of shorts without passing out from the pain and hobbled down the stairs. Precious met the two of us at the back door. She was starting to really show. I did a little internal calculation and figured she should have her kittens in a couple of weeks. I groaned when the cat darted into my apartment as Duke went out. I was in no mood to play ‘find the kitty.’ When I made...
True to her boast, Kayla found a new way to wake me up in the morning. We were sleeping together on one of the double beds in our hotel room, having fallen into slumber as we snuggled beneath the covers. Sometime during the night Kay had stolen the blanket, and one side of me had gotten cold enough I woke up. I moved closer to her and pulled the covers back over me and went back to sleep, with Kayla's body heat warming me. As morning approached, she must have backed into me and woken up...
We finally disentangled, but I still wouldn't let Kayla go completely. I kept my arm around her and pulled her with me back to my chair. She sat down next to me, pulling her chair close so I could keep my arm across her shoulder. She leaned in to me and put her hand on my thigh, wanting and needing the physical touch as much as I. I looked around the table as Eric and Keisha got settled in. "Were all you guys in on this?" I asked. Jesse smiled and nodded. "Yep. Everybody except for...
Kayla came to me then. I shifted over on the bed and held the sheet and blanket up for her in silent invitation. She sat on the bed, her back to me, and used the remote control to switch the television off. She turned to me, and even in the darkness I could tell she was smiling. "I don't want you distracted by the TV," she said. She giggled softly as she slipped into bed beside me. There was no way any television show was going to take my attention away from my luscious angel, but I...
The shit really hit the fan on Wednesday after Homecoming. Fortunately, it was blowing in a different direction than at me. Westy and Jason, along with everybody else from their pledge class, got summoned to their fraternity house that evening after dinner. They left the dorm thinking it was just another pledge hazing, joking a little and complaining about the short notice. They returned to their rooms three hours later pale, very quiet, and still sweating. I watched Westy rummaging around...
Greek Rush started the next Monday evening. I had promised Bryan I would go to the open house at the Phi Kappa Phi house, so after a long day in class, and a long day on the practice field, I put on some actual dress-up clothes. I was standing in front of the tiny mirror in my dorm room, trying to remember how to tie a Windsor knot, when Westy came in from taking a shower. "How come you're all duded up?" he asked as he toweled off his hair. "Rush," I answered. "I'm going over to the...
Carl McHenry looked up from the textbook spread out on his dorm room desk and out the window at the now dark sky. He had been trying to understand the last economics problem in the review for the last hour and still couldn't get it. Maybe he was just overtired, he told himself. After all, he had been studying non-stop for the last nine hours. Attending the University on a scholarship, Carl needed to maintain at least a B average. It was because he was having problems in a few of his classes...
Introduction: I fuck with my new boy toy during Homecoming week.. I last left you with telling you how I had found a way to control my jealousy. While at the same time, get some attention, especially when I went along with John when he was making personal appearances somewhere. If you need to know, more read my last story Becoming the Slut. I also told you about Adam the nerdy boy I had befriended at college. I had more or less seduced him at our apartment after school. I enjoyed it even more...
Introduction: Banished for chosing the white mans ways, they choose a life with the white men. Paradise Valley 2, Homecoming Tall Elk rode warily, with one eye on the sunset, the other on the canyon ahead. They were minutes from home now. The nearby canyon protected Paradise Valley from outsiders arriving from the south and it was a bad time to be approaching the canyon. With most raiding parties riding south, that is the direction of the greatest threat. Any pursuers would be ambushed there...
Jock Tales---Homecoming PT 2“May I have your attention please---all members of the freshman football team are to report to cosmetology following the final bell”.Four hours to kick off. As the team gathered in the 'hair club' I explained to them the orders we had been given to get hair cuts. “I know it sucks guys, but we don't want the rep from other students accusing us of being privileged cause we're jocks, either. The handbook says 'off the collar, and above the ears'. So---that's exactly...
Best friends Lexie and Samantha, (better known as Sam) were really excited that it was working out perfectly to double date to their prom. Both juniors and best friends since third grade, Sam was dating Josh, a football player, who had recently introduced his buddy Zack to Lexie. They hit it off and all agreed to attend the Homecoming Dance together. The girls were both cheerleaders and so very excited about the Friday night game as well as Saturday's dance. The boys, both seniors playing their...
SpankingTwo weeks after I finally asked Kelly to homecoming, we had the dance. During the time between the two, I started hanging with Kelly more and more. We'd walk to school and back home together, she'd sit at my table at lunch, we'd sit on her front porch swing and talk for hours about ourselves. She was finally getting me out of my shell, but I'd still get goosebumps when she would hold my hand, or kiss my cheek. At the end of each segment of time I spent with her, she'd say, "Bye JJ, I can't wait...
Love Stories