A Horseshoes LuckChapter 12 free porn video

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Aston studied the frozen meat and then the cooked meat on the metal skewers. He tasted it and found it was juicy as well as hot. “This changes things quite a bit Ledger. The only thing we will need to stock up on is hay and grain for the horses.”

“Don’t forget vegetables and fruits,” said Brena. She had followed Ledger and was glad to see that Aston liked this turn of events. She continued, “The children need more than just meat like you carnivores prefer.”

This brought a smile to Aston, “That’s fine Brena, we can stock up for the long run at the next town.” Now he paused thinking about the route they were on. “It will be the last town of any size for at least a week, maybe more depending on our speed before reaching the Rampart Range. I recall seeing several smaller names listed, but none that have the facilities for caravans.”

“That will have to do then,” said Brena. She paused and turned back to Ledger. “Could you make a cooler box to store the fruits so they won’t spoil so quickly?”

Ledger smiled, “If we have a good box, it is easy.”

“Good. I need to get back to Andrew. His arm is going to cause him a lot of pain tonight. I will see to him. You two need to see to the needs of Adora and Alba. Night, night boys. She smiled a wicked smile and sashayed her way across the small camp, then around the wagon out of their sight.

Aston and Ledger just looked at each other after she vanished. Shaking his head, Ledger went to the pot with the rabbit and made the pot heat up more quickly and soon the meat and broth were bubbling hard. He added a bit of flour to thicken it and once it was how he thought it should be, he let the pot return to normal. He retrieved his bowl and called out that the evening meal was ready. Taking a smaller portion, he sat back and watched as Adora set her trio up with their portions. ‘I wonder if the forge could be heated enough to bake fresh bread,’ he thought, then shook his head. ‘Later Ledger, later.’ He used a small amount of water from the barrel and noted they needed to refill it soon. His bowl now clean, and thirst slaked, he went to his tent and made ready to get a little sleep before he would have to get up and stand watch. He was just finishing repacking when Alba joined him.

She knelt across from him, head and eyes down. She asked, “Could I stay with you tonight Enchanter Ledger?”

Ledger had been addressed in many ways, good, bad and indifferent, but never had he been called this. He reached to Alba and touched her chin, lifting her face so he could see her eyes. “I am not noble or high born Alba, I am just Ledger Fireham. Just a nobody from the back-end of nowhere.”

She blinked at this, not sure of herself. Despite the life she had been forced to live up to this point in her life, few had shown her kindness and compassion. “You don’t understand Enchanter sir, I have heard tales of wonder about those that make things that burn without fire, freeze without ice. Lamps that glow without oil. Wonders that are of great wealth and power.”

Now Ledger was interested in what she had to say. “Tell me these tales about Enchanters of wonders.” He settled down and got comfortable and indicated she should do the same.

Once she was seated next to him, she began. “I worked as a whore Ledger, so I would hear things. Men would talk openly as if we were not there with them. One older man, he would come once a month, choosing a different girl each time. He liked to tell tales and brag about his life before he retired. He traveled with a large company that solved problems for others.” She saw a look in Ledger’s eyes and answered before he could ask. “Yes, he chose me one time. He was gentle and caring, a rare thing to have in that position. He told of several folks in the company that could do what you can do. The most powerful of them was a woman. He never said her name, but she had joined the company after a battle on the road.” She could see a dawning light in Ledger’s eyes. “You have heard of her then?”

Ledger had to think about this, did he want to admit that the woman in question might be his mother? Then again, did it really matter anymore? “Alba, I think he was talking about my mother,” he said.

Alba’s eyes went wide in wonder. “He told many things, one of them was a royal patent that several of the folks had earned. She was one of those so graced, or so it was said. They had been involved in stopping the killing of a person of great importance.”

Ledger was taken aback by this revelation. This caused many things in his life to suddenly come into focus. ‘His parents had been deeded the lands and surrounding villages, no wonder his brothers and sister had wanted them,’ he thought sadly. ‘And the way the man had reacted to Andrew, that had to be part of the reason as well. What of Brena and Aston, had their parents been part of that as well?’ Ledger took Alba’s hands in his own and asked, “He never gave any of the names of any of those that were given that royal gift, none?” he asked.

Alba struggled to recall the tales, but her life was busy and she had not been able to hear entire stories as she many times would be selected by the next man wanting her services. She shook her head sadly, her face down, not wanting to look at him. “No sire, he never did while I was present.”

Ledger lashed out verbally without thinking, “I am no noble, so don’t call me that, I am just Ledger!” He immediately regretted his sudden outburst. “Oh Alba, I’m so sorry.” She had dropped her head to the ground, almost groveling, begging forgiveness. He lifted her and pulled her to him and held her, stroking her hair telling her it was going to be all right, that he wasn’t mad at her. They sat and he comforted her as the night settled in. He spotted Aston and said, “I will take first watch tonight.” Aston glanced his way and nodded.

Aston finished wiping down the grooming tools and getting everything put away for the night. Adora had the kids settled in nearby in a small tent to keep them out of the night air. She joined Aston, helping with the last of the chores for the night. “Ledger is taking the first watch,” he said. “I need to get some sleep since we are down one man with Andrew hurt.”

“Would you like some company?” Adora asked quietly.

Aston glanced at her and said, “Depends on the company.”

“Tonight, just comfort and company. I am not sure I want to bed you,” she said, then smiled, “At least not tonight,” she finished. She picked up her sleeping roll that had been recovered from the first ambush camp and laid it next to his. He drank some water then went to the area away from camp that had been designated the privy. When finished, he removed his tunic and pants, then lay down, covering himself with his heavy blanket to ward off the cold. As they had climbed the latest range and the fall season progressed, it was getting colder every night. When Adora lay down, he could see her blanket was very thin and not large enough to fully cover her. He lifted his and whispered, “Come under my blanket with me, you will be warmer.” She slid over without a word and curled up to him. He felt her shiver but didn’t think it was from the cold. He closed his eyes and was asleep in a few minutes.

Brena made sure Andrew’s wound was still clean and no infection starting before she laid down next to him. She was worried, Andrew had been very quiet the last few hours and that was not like him. “Andrew?” she asked.

“Brena,” he said in reply. He sounded tired and sad.

“I know you are hurting, is there anything I can do right now to help?” she asked.

“No,” he said. “Yes, my arm hurts like hell and I am unhappy about that. It comes with the territory. As to you doing anything, no. I need to heal and you need to rest as well. The others need you to help lead them. Aston can lead in a pinch, but he was never trained to it. Ledger will never be a leader. He isn’t sure enough about himself to be trusted to command in a pinch. The slave girls can travel with us as long as they like. Aston can keep teaching the kids and that will help greatly when we hit the snowline in two or three weeks.”

Brena could see the look of concern on Andrew’s face in the dim light of the nearby fire pit. “We will make it Andy, I know it, and you will heal up and be stronger for this.”

“Don’t call me Andy. It makes me feel like I am five again,” he snorted. “I always hated that, even more than my full name.”

Brena lifted on one arm and looked at him with an evil grin. “And what pray-tell is your full name?”

Andrew looked at her and frowned, “I tell you and you will use it to get at me, of that I am sure.”

“Never crossed my mind,” she said, trying and failing to sound innocent.

Andrew snorted again, “Well, it can’t hurt I guess. My full name is Andrewel Salandin Markenin. Don’t ask, I never did and don’t want to know.”

“Salandin? Andrew, that name, I know it,” said Brena.

“And where would you have heard that name before?”

“It’s not a name. I suspect your real name was meant to go more like this. Andrewel Markenin of the Salandin Estates.”

“What?” His eyes narrowing in suspicion at what she was about to say.

“Andrew, my father was part of Mercs as well. He had a map in the main hall of the guild. I used to study it and Salandin was a fairly large Dutchy not far from where you said you lived if I have my locations right.” She looked hard at him, “That slaver, he thought of you as a member of the court. His reaction and acceptance of your judgment over him, it makes better sense now. Your eldest brother may very well be the Earl of those lands by now.”


“Yes, Andrew?”

“Never, ever refer to me in that manner. I don’t want to be part of that political zoo.” He settled down further into his blankets, trying to find a position his arm wouldn’t hurt so badly in. “I’m sorry Brena, I am not a royal and never will be one if I have any say about it. I just want to protect my family and friends from the evil that is coming our way.”

Brena laid her head on his good shoulder and held onto him. “We will be staying here for a day or two to let one of the horses rest and heal and for you to heal a little bit more too.”

“I know and I’m not pleased about that. We will barely make it by mid-winter as it is now. Too many more delays like this and we will miss the target dates.” He sighed and went on. “But I agree, the horse needs a day or two to recover. I am going to try to sleep now. I have the last watch,” he said.

“No, you don’t,” said Brena. “You rest and recover. I will take your slot.” She could tell Andrew was unhappy but she couldn’t let him strain his arm until it was mostly healed.

“Damn it, I can sit up and watch for trouble,” he snarled, now getting angry.

“No Andrewel Markenin, you will rest until you are healed enough to at least lift that sword to swing it.”

He froze in mid retort, turned his head to face her, “I knew it, I just freaking knew it.” He went silent and stared at her for a few minutes. He could see the smile and knew the argument was over, for him at least. He thought about his parent’s journals. He knew his mothers had a hand-drawn map in it, but he had never studied it closely being as old as it was. He would look at it in the morning. Now he needed sleep, his body was worn out from the last few days.

Halfway through the night, Ledger woke Aston to take over the guard. Aston grumbled but climbed out of his warm covers. Adora whimpered and complained about the sudden cold draft but stayed asleep. He pulled on his clothes and got a coat out of his pack. It wasn’t heavy, but it would do for the current conditions. He added a log to the fire and did a quick walk around the camp. He heard some movement but only felt a few wild animals nearby. He looked at the sky but didn’t see any stars tonight. The clouds had moved in and that was never a good thing this time of year.

He sat and listened with his ears and his mind. After a while, he began to feel the faint feeling of human minds. They where distant and not growing any stronger so he decided it was quiet and calm of the night that was allowing him to reach further. After one walk, he returned to his seat and was startled when he saw a woman sitting across from him. He didn’t make any sound, nor did she, but she spoke in his mind.

‘Don’t worry, I am dream walking and you are wide open at the moment,’ she said. ‘We are still several weeks behind you and will remain so from the looks of it. We will join you and your party at the Cove after mid-winter if we make it over the Rampart before the snows come.’ She vanished and he startled as if suddenly waking from a bad dream. He was certain he had not fallen asleep. He remembered her as the green eyes but had never seen her face before. He knew her looks alone would haunt his dreams for nights to come. The remainder of his time was quiet and he woke Brena four hours before dawn. Brena reported she heard a few bush’s rustling in the dark, but nothing else disturbed her or the camp.

With the dawn came the morning noise of birds chirping and screaming. They were as bad as any rooster as far and Andrew was concerned. He worked his way out of the tent, pulled on his pants, and made his way to Brena. She was sitting up, looking around as the noise level rose. She jumped when he said, “I hate birds almost as much as I do roosters.”

She stood up and faced him, her face a thundercloud. “Andrew, don’t scare me like that! I almost drew on you.”

He looked at her, now worried and upset with her. “Next time, you had better damn well draw on whoever sneaks up on you like I just did. You can always say you’re sorry if you avoid gutting them.” He pulled his shirt around his shoulders. This one had tie-downs down the front so he just needed to get it over his bad arm. Brena assisted him and he was now slightly warmer. He returned to his tent and pulled out his boots. After shaking them out, he sat on the log that had been pulled to the fire-pit and pulled them on. Pulling them on one-handed wasn’t easy, but he managed it.

Brena had started water heating over the fire and was preparing the mixes for the men and kids. She had a separate small kettle for the women. Andrew knew better than to ask, but wondered why they needed a different mix until he saw the leaves she was using for their mix. He knew from his limited study of herbal medicines these were slightly toxic and could prevent animals from becoming pregnant. Now he knew he had to remain silent on the matter.

Brena had seen his look and understood he knew what she was making and why. That he remained silent heartened her as well. He sipped at his morning tea when he finished that, he ate some of the cold cooked rabbit meat. The discovery of what Ledger could do with food to cook and preserve it for long periods by deep-freezing it had taken several worries from his shoulders. He wanted to be on the road again but had agreed it would be wiser to spend a few days preparing meat for the long trip ahead.

Ledger crawled out of his tent after untangling himself from Alba. She had clung to him all night and at one point almost choked him when he rolled away from her a little. He joined Andrew and Brena for tea and was soon awake and ready for another day.

Ledger began by discussing what would need to be done to prepare the meat for freezing. It had to be drained, gutted, and skinned for best freezing. “We will need a way to wrap the meat after it is frozen to keep bugs and dirt off of it.” He paused, considering what he would say next. “Alba told me about one of the houses she was sold to. A customer would tell tales about his life before he retired. Andrew, Brena, he knew our parents. He never mentioned names, but could describe my mother and her talents perfectly. He said that Enchanters were highborn and royalty. He also apparently said that a number of the team she was part of had earned royal Patents at some point, making them members of the royal house.”

Brena gave Andrew a look that said, ‘I told you so.’ His look back was of the sort that said, ‘Not one-word, woman.’

Ledger didn’t notice this brief, silent exchange and went on. “If this is the case, we may more than a few problems coming our way later. My siblings had really screwed up the Dutchy of Salandin before I had fled.” He did see when Andrew’s hand came up and face palmed himself. Brena just started giggling maniacally.

“What,” asked Ledger, “What did I say?”

Brena looked at Andrew and he just waved for her to go ahead and ruin his day further. “It would seem we have here the fourth Earl in line for the Dutchy of Salandin with us.”

“Huh?” grunted Ledger.

Brena pointed at Andrew. “The big oaf here, his family was part of the group if your Alba had her facts straight.

“Brena,” growled Andrew, “I told you no.”

Brena looked over at him and saw he was not going to entertain any teasing on the matter so decided to drop it for the time being. “Well, whatever happened back then will have little effect on us until we actually arrive and get settled in.” She took a sip of her tea and grimaced. The Tanis was very bitter. She would have to be careful with the amount she used. This fresh batch seemed stronger than her older mix. “Ledger, will you and Alba be staying as a pair while we travel?”

Ledger blushed before answering, “Maybe. She has a lot of issues from her time as a whore. I will help as much as I can, but I am not ready to marry, now, or maybe ever.” He sipped his tea and took a bit of the cooked, but cold rabbit and concentrated on it for a second. It began to steam lightly as it suddenly became hot in his hand. He ate his hot breakfast as the other two stared at him in disbelief. He finished eating and went to begin searching downslope, for a stream or spring of fresh water.

Andrew shook his head in wonder, “That was just so wrong in so many ways.” He worked his way to his feet and went back to the wagon to clean his injury and re-wrap it. Brena didn’t say anything, just sat, thinking about what that boy will be like as his power and skill rose.

Aston woke to find he wasn’t alone in his tent. Adora was still with him and cuddled through the night after he returned to the tent. He nudged her gently, saying, “Wake up sleepy head.”

Her eyes slapped open and started to panic when she realized she was in his tent, not her own. She started to scramble away when he took her in his arms and held her. “Calm down Adora. You’re not in trouble, in fact, it was nice waking with you in my arms like this.” He looked closer and could see fear still clouding her face. “In fact, if you don’t mind, you can join me every night if you want to. It’s nice being able to stay warm with another under the blankets.”

Adora stopped struggling and pulled back into his arms. She was crying quietly and was afraid of his reaction to her being in his bed. Now that he had seemed to accept her, she was relieved but she didn’t want to grow to close to this man that she hardly knew yet. “If that is what you want, I will join you at night.”

“You are welcome Adora, but only if you want to be here. I won’t demand it nor push you to be here,” he replied. He could see that with the way her life had been, she was dependent on another for guidance on her day to day living. He leaned to her and gave her light kiss on the forehead and said, “Time to get up Adora. We have a lot of work to do today to be able to get back on the road tomorrow.” When he lifted the blankets, he saw she was wearing a light shrift that barely covered her at all. He felt his body react but savagely suppressed it so as not to scare this sad woman. She climbed out, grabbed the blanket she had brought with her, wrapped it around herself, and walked back to the larger tent they had set up for Adora and the children.

Aston crawled out and pulled on his boots without checking them first. He pulled them off when he felt something crush as his foot went in the left boot. Looking inside both, he found a large, crushed bug spreading goop inside the boot. He knocked it a few times, making the shell drop out. He grimaced at the smell, he knew his feet didn’t smell like that, he had crushed a stink bug. He used a dirty work rag and wiped the mess out of the boot, then took off the stained sock. It smelled worse as the crushed guts had soaked into the fabric and gotten on his skin. It took Aston close to an hour of scrubbing to get the mess off his foot and he suspected the sock would not come clean anytime soon.

Andrew had come over to see what had Aston so worked up this morning until he got close enough for the odor to hit him. Standing back a few yards, he asked, “What happened?”

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Making Whores

*Please contribute to this story - I might add real pics to your section* Wife: Name: Cheri | Age: 40 | Ht: 5'4" | Wt: 130# | Sexy body, but not fit | C-D Cup Tits | Blonde Hair to Shoulders | Full Lips | Waxed Pussy It's a nice business deal, I kidnap your wife, with your help and the dirty pig will make us a lot of money. 50/50 split. but I get to use her for my pleasure whenever I want also. A hot big titted blonde like her is in demand. My place is secluded so I can get something going...

1 year ago
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Doggie style sex with Jane

She jumped off and knelt on the side of the bed. She has learnt her position well. As I walked behind her cunt was placed exactly where my cock would meet it, no need to stretch on my tip toes or scrunch down. I felt her back with my two hands rubbing her butt cheeks as I went. Her pussy was sodden and ready willing to take me inside. Once inside after my taxi blow job, I went straight to the shower. I had a quick wash and then found Jane in her bed fucking her sweet hole with her blue bird...

2 years ago
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The Story Of K Part 1

This is part one of the story of K, my 1st wife. We were together for 15 years; this is how she went from “Girlfriend” to “Wife”, then to “Submissive Sex Slave/ Wife.” I honestly never intended or planned this outcome, this was just how our relationship evolved, and it is a story worth telling. It was Saturday night February 28th 1987, two weeks prior I had broken up with the 2 women I was dating and having sex with. One was Cherie, 26 years old and cheating on her husband. The other was Rosie...

1 year ago
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Sally gave a soft, almost inaudible giggle as her son told her she looked very sexy. For most of the afternoon she had been lying in the back garden, sunning herself. Used to sunning herself topless, and even on occasions nude, she had worn her skimpiest bikini, which, although she didn’t realise it, didn’t hide her pubic hair completely, and only barely covered her nipples, which she did know. Her son, nineteen year old Gareth, had climbed over the back fence as a shortcut home from work,...

4 years ago
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The Girl 1

THE GIRL by: sissy property of Mistress _____________________ As a reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper, I hear all kinds of stories. Some are cold hard fact, some are pure fairy tales and a lot are in between. But this one? I think I'll let you decide. For security reasons I cannot give real names and places. A few days ago, a young woman sat at my desk here at the paper. She was 5'2", about 120 pounds, blue doe eyes and long fiery red hair. The short black sheath...

4 years ago
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Spa Manager Gets Horny Massage

I am working as a manager in a spa. I have the upper hand in the branch and have to control each and every one in the branch as well I have to work for the development of the branch. As you all know that the staff in the spa should like angels and have to support the customer requests and demands strongly. Unfortunately in my branch there are 14 members which include massage therapists, store keepers, front end support and the customer service desk staff, in my branch all the candidates are...

3 years ago
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Date Night Part 2

As I lay in bed, I was thinking that everything was happening way too quickly. It turns out that reason Brenda came home early is that her boss had summoned her back one day ahead of time to let her know that she had been promoted to a regional manager position. She was going to be in charge of five offices and almost a thousand employees. She wanted to tell me the good news in person, not because we were married, but because she considered me one of her best friends. But now, she knew...

2 years ago
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Date With a DrifterChapter 2 Tough as Leather

Matt followed her through the door of the bar, the stink of cigarette smoke and booze immediately stinging his nose. The dingy room was lit by yellow lamps, casting their dull glow through the hazy atmosphere, almost like smog rolling in over a city as it lingered in the air. Flickering neon signs pierced the gloom in bright blues and pinks, advertising different brands of beer as they hung above the bar. Their light reflected on silver taps that lined the counter and the shelves below them...

3 years ago
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Eternal Slavery I Her first punishment

Rome, in the year 1600, Lorenzo da Roccia’s antique palace. Smooth and intense was the smoke that arose in the sombre atrium of the palazzo. It came forth from the last of the beeswax candles which had died out. She liked it that way. Darkness surrounded her, soothed her, while she was looking out of the open window and let her long, curly hair and flowing gown flutter in the fresh night breeze. Her sensuous mouth curled into a soft smile.Her Master was out there. She knew he would come very...

2 years ago
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Origins of the Personalia

Personalia: their origins and development [The following paper, ( amended from a talk given to the Rehome Historical Society, which later appeared in the "Journal of the Rehome Historical Society", issue no. 73), is a brief historical review by Robert Kempe, junior, of The Personalia from their ancient origin to their present interactions with the human race.] Author: Robert Kempe, eldest son of Governor Bob Kempe and his first wife Diane Enloe. Background of the author: My father has...

3 years ago
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Damn, I had just flooded my panties with a hot load of cum - well not MY panties, my daughter's panties. What was I going to do, they were such petty panties, soft, lacy nearly see through and my hard cock looked so good in them now, they were a sticky soggy mess - how could I put them back in her panty drawer. Then just as things could not get any worse my stepdaughter, walked in on me.... Shit happens So, she caught me, 45 years old, slim, and fit, wearing the...

1 year ago
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Daft Porn! Talk about having a place where you can see some of the most bizarre porn out there. Daftporn.com really doesn’t disappoint when it comes to having some of the most interesting porn in pretty much every regard. You can find some funny stuff here, but not just that you can also find some of the most extreme porn here as well. The site prides itself on its versatility, and I can see why since it has a lot to offer. Is it all that good though? Or are there some things that can be...

Funny Porn Sites
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An Accidental Woman

Introduction: A man has no choice but to become a woman Both my parents died when I was 13 in a car accident. With no family and no where to go, I became a ward of the state, and once I turned 18, I was turned lose, with little to no prospects and only a college scholarship and the money that was placed in trust when I became and orphan. Life had not been that great. I had learned to be alone, to not trust people, and was extremely awkward socially. The other guys at the home told stories about...

2 years ago
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Thirumana Nigazhchiyil Auntyai Usar Seithen

Vanakam friends, en peyar Ragul, vayathu 23 aagi irunthathu, en nanbanin annavirku thirumanam nadanthathu. Naan antha nigazhchiku sendru irunthen, angu niraiya pengal vanthu irunthaargal, athil oru auntyai paarthu uras seithu eppadi aval veetirku sendru oothen enbathai intha tamil kama kathiayil ungalidam pagirugiren. Antha thirumanathirku en nanbanudan sendru irunthen, naangal jollyaga sight adithu kondu irunthom. Niraiya pengal vanthu irunthaargal, auntyaiyum nandraaga sight adithu kondu...

1 year ago
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My girlfriends brother

He and I were in his room getting stoned in front of the open window while my girlfriend was in the kitchen cooking. We were relaxing and talking as the smoke took effect. I was very relaxed and lay back on the bed as he was changing the CD, he put on some heavy metal. He came over and sat next to me on the bed and was talking about the band. He turned and looked at me and got this funny look on his face. He then leaned back on his arm next to me and with his other hand he ran his...

2 years ago
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Ritas Humiliation

Rita is a high powered executive with a large company. Through her work she has great responsibility. Recently she realised how stimulating and relaxing it could be if she was controlled. If she was made to do things, she no longer had the burden of responsibility. However giving up control could make her vulnerable. She may have to do things she didn't want to. That, though, was strangely exciting. The first experience for this 45 year old woman, of the thrilling excitement of handing over...

1 year ago
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Aroused as stranger watched me Breast Feed

Erotic Lactation is the medical name for it, breast-feeding and experiencing an orgasm, and I recently, and embarrassingly, experienced it.I am a woman who has ultra sensitive nipples and my mind goes into an erotic overdrive as milk flows through my nipples.Not long after giving birth I was breast feeding alone in my hospital bed. I found the feeling pleasant enough, but when a friend of my husband suddenly appeared unannounced, the look on his face triggered an immediate sexual response.I was...

3 years ago
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She rang the bell, and waited. “Okay...hope this is the place.” She kicked a pebble down the steps and paced back and forth. She hated John. She wanted to murder him. She had a choice...She could have said no. That wasn't the issue. But the choice—Well, it was just good enough for her to say yes. That's why she hated John. Asshole. She stopped abruptly, and looked down over the railing. Below, a sweaty old man in tiny blue shorts jogged toward the parking lot. “Ew, faster, faster, go away,”...

1 year ago
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Amelie part 5

In spite of the new job and all the strange things that had begun to happen to her in the last week, Amelie got out of bed early on Saturday morning, because she had things to do!A new gym was opening just down the block and she had managed to get a coupon that would get her a large discount by joining that day AND there would be an additional free first session with a personal coach to the first 10 new member!She had never had a personal coach, so she wanted to get there really early, to at...

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Strings Attached

I slowly open my eyes, with a great difficulty. I almost feel as though there are weights attached to my eyelids. I’m not exactly sure where I am, or how I had even arrived here. I vaguely remember being here yesterday though, and a sense of anguish. I try lifting my head but again there seems to be a resistance even though I don’t feel anything around my head. There’s also a throbbing pain through my wrists and ankles, but I can’t seem to find the strength to look. Moments go by and a young...

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Last Wives Club 2 Taking the Oath

"Okay, you want me to help save the world. You've got my attention. But I can't imagine that you aren't just being a bit melodramatic." "Maybe so, Cath. But wait until I put it all in context and make my offer." She had just licked my pussy and given me the best orgasm I'd ever had. Adding that to the weekend at the spa, I owed her a good hearing. For the rest of that evening, and all the next day as we enjoyed our spa treatments, she explained. I asked many questions and she was very patient...

1 year ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 167 Renewing Aquaintances

Saturday, the day after the opening ceremonies, was the day the Olympics began in earnest. It was also the first day of figure skating--the pairs' short program. It was considered the most wide-open contest of all the figure skating events. The field was led by the defending Olympic champions and the home country favorites, Jenny Sellers and Denis Poulin. However, they'd had a rough year. They'd lost the last World Championship to Andrea and Brett, and had had a rough time at December's...

2 years ago
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Meet me in the Hotel Lobby

I told her I'd meet her in the hotel lobby. I'd be the guy with the Wall Street Journal. She was encouraged to wear a skirt with no panties and high heels. I saw her coming toward the door from behind the mirrored glass of the lobby. She had done as I'd instructed. Her tanned, toned calves were exquisite in her stiletto leopard-print shoes. The skirt was just above the knee, but you could tell she wasn't used to being pantyless. Her heavy breasts were showcased in a blouse with plenty of...

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Cousin Freda

Ted got a phone call. It was from his cousin Freda. She needed help. The furnace was on the blink, Ted felt sorry for her. Her husband was in the Navy and she was all alone."Who was that?" ask his wife."My cousin Freda, she needs help"Ted drove to his cousin's apartment and she let him in."I didn't mean to bother you Ted but I didn't know who else to call" she sighed."That's ok, I am glad to help" Ted looked at the furnace. The pilot light was out. He lit it and soon heat filled the...

3 years ago
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My First Threesome True Story

This happened in the mid-1970s. It's all true, to the best of my memory:I was 19, home for the summer after my freshman year of college. I was hanging out with a friend of mine in a local bar, drinking beer and playing video games. We finished up a game and my friend went over to the bar to get a beer, stopping to chat with a pretty girl I'd never seen before who was sitting there. I figured it was a friend of his - when I went off to college, he stayed at home and got a job, and knew some...

2 years ago
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Silver Linings

I read the short email that came to my computer that morning: "I cannot thank you enough for what you did. You saved my life that day. I know that it cost you dearly and you may not want to see me and relive the accident, but I would very much like to meet you and thank you properly for your courage and sacrifice." Martina It had been a terrible accident. I had been driving on what we call The Grapevine just north of Wheeler Ridge where the I-5 splits from HWY 99. It was really foggy that day...

Straight Sex
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Living the DreamChapter 6

11:30 AM SATURDAY Master had been gone for a few hours with our two sons. Miss Claire went into her room and ignored me. That was not at all unusual for us. She frequently ignored me as I flitted about the house performing my chores and training in the nude. He left me with my hands cuffed behind my back and a long list of chores, including yard work. It is not as easy as you may think to run a vacuum cleaner when your hands are behind your back. My solution was to pull it behind me. He...

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Confessions of a first time dogger

I’d been dressing for some years at home before one day, I dared step outside climb into my car and go for a drive. I was dressed in my school girl outfit which was quite daring considering this was my first public appearance. I headed straight for a local dogging spot I knew. An old stretch of road that is now only used as a cut through for the odd bit of thru traffic. I drove slowly up and down passing a few parked cars and vans whilst cautiously looking at the drivers to see if they were...

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one on one is good but one and two is even better

Max enjoyed his work as a professor at a small college. He especially enjoyed watching the girls in his class show off themselves either accidentally or on purpose. Right now as he looked out over the class he could see up the dresses of at least a half dozen girls. White cotton panties, sheer pink panties and lacy panties with holes were among this mornings selection. One girl, Sheri, absent-mindedly was scratching her leg. Her pussy must have been itching as she put her finger under the band...

Group Sex
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I had only been going out with my new girl friend for less than 2 months when she asked me to go her parents for Christmas. We live in Florida and her parents and relatives live in Vermont. I am not a big fan of snow but I grew up in Buffalo so its not a big deal. I said ok, but she had to promise to give me a special Christmas gift and we would have fun.We flew in on December 22 and drove about 4hrs through the woods and back country to get to her parents. Margie was happy and could not wait...

3 years ago
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Vacation With Your Best Friend

[First Name = Your Name] [Last Name = Friend's Name] The sun is shining brightly through the car windows as you speed along the highway toward your destination. You yawn lazily from the passengers seat; getting up at five in the morning is not your idea of a relaxing vacation, especially after two months of working at your summer job. Now it's only a few weeks until college starts back up again and you've only got a week of true vacation. Thankfully, you're spending it the only way you can...

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Thank you god

Disclaimer: This is my first story. It's a work of complete fiction and something that has evolved as I've been writing it. I wanted to write something that would really get me going, if I read it. So, in an attempt to make it as hot as possible, I wrote this story over 1 week - during which I did not have any sex. Whenever I sat down to write; I watched porn (usually deep throat gangbangs - a fetish of mine) and masturbated regularly, keeping myself as close to the edge as possible, but never...

1 year ago
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10 Book OneChapter 12

Late the next day, I emerged with Jess and Amanda. We were alone except for the dogs and I wanted it that way. I took them for a tour of the grounds. The property was beautiful but I happened to know that evil lurked here. The pack was waiting and I indicated that Bobby and Joy come over first. Jess liked Joy and she was surprised and then delighted that the girl participated in sex games. It was a second later that they saw that Bobby was the same. Amanda was completely over her sedation...

2 years ago
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FORBIDDEN FRUIT (1) Farmer’s Daughter (part one) There ought to be a law against a man’s daughter growing up to be so goddamn sexy! If there was such a law, that daughter of mine would most certainly be breaking it. Why, they’d throw the book at her, lock her up, and throw away the key! These were just a few of the thoughts running through my mind as I stood at my daughter’s bedroom door watching her sleeping. Morning sunlight beamed through her window illuminating her...

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working with will

Will and I are on a business trip together trying to land a major sale with a key customer. We've been working very close together on this project for a long time. We are both in a meaningless marriage and we frequently voice our frustrations, but we always have kept things between us as friends and coworkers. Finally after weeks of preparation and long hours together, we finally land the sale after a long flight from home to our customer’s headquarters. As we leave the building, we high five...

4 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 34

Chuck Yesterday's trip to St. Louis and Chicago was successful. I was able to clean out two more safe deposit boxes and take a look at the two residences. In St. Louis, there was a house in a decent subdivision not that far from Lambert field, the airport there. The branch bank was just up the street from the house in a small shopping plaza. They were very nice and were happy to see that I shaved that horrible beard. Chicago was more of a hassle, as the lady was saying I should go to the...

2 years ago
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My wife and our new neighbor part twelve

Christy told me that, the following morning at eight fifteen, Greg knocked on their bedroom door.“Kevin called him in and he brought coffee to us,” she went on, “I was laying down and the covers were down enough to expose my naked breasts.”“So, he saw your tits again?”“Yes, Steve, he saw my breasts again.”She told me that she sat up in bed and the covers were now down to her waist as she drank her coffee. Greg was sitting on the bed and talking to Kevin. She told me that he kept looking at her...

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