Dream Four
- 3 years ago
- 16
- 0
Aston studied the frozen meat and then the cooked meat on the metal skewers. He tasted it and found it was juicy as well as hot. “This changes things quite a bit Ledger. The only thing we will need to stock up on is hay and grain for the horses.”
“Don’t forget vegetables and fruits,” said Brena. She had followed Ledger and was glad to see that Aston liked this turn of events. She continued, “The children need more than just meat like you carnivores prefer.”
This brought a smile to Aston, “That’s fine Brena, we can stock up for the long run at the next town.” Now he paused thinking about the route they were on. “It will be the last town of any size for at least a week, maybe more depending on our speed before reaching the Rampart Range. I recall seeing several smaller names listed, but none that have the facilities for caravans.”
“That will have to do then,” said Brena. She paused and turned back to Ledger. “Could you make a cooler box to store the fruits so they won’t spoil so quickly?”
Ledger smiled, “If we have a good box, it is easy.”
“Good. I need to get back to Andrew. His arm is going to cause him a lot of pain tonight. I will see to him. You two need to see to the needs of Adora and Alba. Night, night boys. She smiled a wicked smile and sashayed her way across the small camp, then around the wagon out of their sight.
Aston and Ledger just looked at each other after she vanished. Shaking his head, Ledger went to the pot with the rabbit and made the pot heat up more quickly and soon the meat and broth were bubbling hard. He added a bit of flour to thicken it and once it was how he thought it should be, he let the pot return to normal. He retrieved his bowl and called out that the evening meal was ready. Taking a smaller portion, he sat back and watched as Adora set her trio up with their portions. ‘I wonder if the forge could be heated enough to bake fresh bread,’ he thought, then shook his head. ‘Later Ledger, later.’ He used a small amount of water from the barrel and noted they needed to refill it soon. His bowl now clean, and thirst slaked, he went to his tent and made ready to get a little sleep before he would have to get up and stand watch. He was just finishing repacking when Alba joined him.
She knelt across from him, head and eyes down. She asked, “Could I stay with you tonight Enchanter Ledger?”
Ledger had been addressed in many ways, good, bad and indifferent, but never had he been called this. He reached to Alba and touched her chin, lifting her face so he could see her eyes. “I am not noble or high born Alba, I am just Ledger Fireham. Just a nobody from the back-end of nowhere.”
She blinked at this, not sure of herself. Despite the life she had been forced to live up to this point in her life, few had shown her kindness and compassion. “You don’t understand Enchanter sir, I have heard tales of wonder about those that make things that burn without fire, freeze without ice. Lamps that glow without oil. Wonders that are of great wealth and power.”
Now Ledger was interested in what she had to say. “Tell me these tales about Enchanters of wonders.” He settled down and got comfortable and indicated she should do the same.
Once she was seated next to him, she began. “I worked as a whore Ledger, so I would hear things. Men would talk openly as if we were not there with them. One older man, he would come once a month, choosing a different girl each time. He liked to tell tales and brag about his life before he retired. He traveled with a large company that solved problems for others.” She saw a look in Ledger’s eyes and answered before he could ask. “Yes, he chose me one time. He was gentle and caring, a rare thing to have in that position. He told of several folks in the company that could do what you can do. The most powerful of them was a woman. He never said her name, but she had joined the company after a battle on the road.” She could see a dawning light in Ledger’s eyes. “You have heard of her then?”
Ledger had to think about this, did he want to admit that the woman in question might be his mother? Then again, did it really matter anymore? “Alba, I think he was talking about my mother,” he said.
Alba’s eyes went wide in wonder. “He told many things, one of them was a royal patent that several of the folks had earned. She was one of those so graced, or so it was said. They had been involved in stopping the killing of a person of great importance.”
Ledger was taken aback by this revelation. This caused many things in his life to suddenly come into focus. ‘His parents had been deeded the lands and surrounding villages, no wonder his brothers and sister had wanted them,’ he thought sadly. ‘And the way the man had reacted to Andrew, that had to be part of the reason as well. What of Brena and Aston, had their parents been part of that as well?’ Ledger took Alba’s hands in his own and asked, “He never gave any of the names of any of those that were given that royal gift, none?” he asked.
Alba struggled to recall the tales, but her life was busy and she had not been able to hear entire stories as she many times would be selected by the next man wanting her services. She shook her head sadly, her face down, not wanting to look at him. “No sire, he never did while I was present.”
Ledger lashed out verbally without thinking, “I am no noble, so don’t call me that, I am just Ledger!” He immediately regretted his sudden outburst. “Oh Alba, I’m so sorry.” She had dropped her head to the ground, almost groveling, begging forgiveness. He lifted her and pulled her to him and held her, stroking her hair telling her it was going to be all right, that he wasn’t mad at her. They sat and he comforted her as the night settled in. He spotted Aston and said, “I will take first watch tonight.” Aston glanced his way and nodded.
Aston finished wiping down the grooming tools and getting everything put away for the night. Adora had the kids settled in nearby in a small tent to keep them out of the night air. She joined Aston, helping with the last of the chores for the night. “Ledger is taking the first watch,” he said. “I need to get some sleep since we are down one man with Andrew hurt.”
“Would you like some company?” Adora asked quietly.
Aston glanced at her and said, “Depends on the company.”
“Tonight, just comfort and company. I am not sure I want to bed you,” she said, then smiled, “At least not tonight,” she finished. She picked up her sleeping roll that had been recovered from the first ambush camp and laid it next to his. He drank some water then went to the area away from camp that had been designated the privy. When finished, he removed his tunic and pants, then lay down, covering himself with his heavy blanket to ward off the cold. As they had climbed the latest range and the fall season progressed, it was getting colder every night. When Adora lay down, he could see her blanket was very thin and not large enough to fully cover her. He lifted his and whispered, “Come under my blanket with me, you will be warmer.” She slid over without a word and curled up to him. He felt her shiver but didn’t think it was from the cold. He closed his eyes and was asleep in a few minutes.
Brena made sure Andrew’s wound was still clean and no infection starting before she laid down next to him. She was worried, Andrew had been very quiet the last few hours and that was not like him. “Andrew?” she asked.
“Brena,” he said in reply. He sounded tired and sad.
“I know you are hurting, is there anything I can do right now to help?” she asked.
“No,” he said. “Yes, my arm hurts like hell and I am unhappy about that. It comes with the territory. As to you doing anything, no. I need to heal and you need to rest as well. The others need you to help lead them. Aston can lead in a pinch, but he was never trained to it. Ledger will never be a leader. He isn’t sure enough about himself to be trusted to command in a pinch. The slave girls can travel with us as long as they like. Aston can keep teaching the kids and that will help greatly when we hit the snowline in two or three weeks.”
Brena could see the look of concern on Andrew’s face in the dim light of the nearby fire pit. “We will make it Andy, I know it, and you will heal up and be stronger for this.”
“Don’t call me Andy. It makes me feel like I am five again,” he snorted. “I always hated that, even more than my full name.”
Brena lifted on one arm and looked at him with an evil grin. “And what pray-tell is your full name?”
Andrew looked at her and frowned, “I tell you and you will use it to get at me, of that I am sure.”
“Never crossed my mind,” she said, trying and failing to sound innocent.
Andrew snorted again, “Well, it can’t hurt I guess. My full name is Andrewel Salandin Markenin. Don’t ask, I never did and don’t want to know.”
“Salandin? Andrew, that name, I know it,” said Brena.
“And where would you have heard that name before?”
“It’s not a name. I suspect your real name was meant to go more like this. Andrewel Markenin of the Salandin Estates.”
“What?” His eyes narrowing in suspicion at what she was about to say.
“Andrew, my father was part of Mercs as well. He had a map in the main hall of the guild. I used to study it and Salandin was a fairly large Dutchy not far from where you said you lived if I have my locations right.” She looked hard at him, “That slaver, he thought of you as a member of the court. His reaction and acceptance of your judgment over him, it makes better sense now. Your eldest brother may very well be the Earl of those lands by now.”
“Yes, Andrew?”
“Never, ever refer to me in that manner. I don’t want to be part of that political zoo.” He settled down further into his blankets, trying to find a position his arm wouldn’t hurt so badly in. “I’m sorry Brena, I am not a royal and never will be one if I have any say about it. I just want to protect my family and friends from the evil that is coming our way.”
Brena laid her head on his good shoulder and held onto him. “We will be staying here for a day or two to let one of the horses rest and heal and for you to heal a little bit more too.”
“I know and I’m not pleased about that. We will barely make it by mid-winter as it is now. Too many more delays like this and we will miss the target dates.” He sighed and went on. “But I agree, the horse needs a day or two to recover. I am going to try to sleep now. I have the last watch,” he said.
“No, you don’t,” said Brena. “You rest and recover. I will take your slot.” She could tell Andrew was unhappy but she couldn’t let him strain his arm until it was mostly healed.
“Damn it, I can sit up and watch for trouble,” he snarled, now getting angry.
“No Andrewel Markenin, you will rest until you are healed enough to at least lift that sword to swing it.”
He froze in mid retort, turned his head to face her, “I knew it, I just freaking knew it.” He went silent and stared at her for a few minutes. He could see the smile and knew the argument was over, for him at least. He thought about his parent’s journals. He knew his mothers had a hand-drawn map in it, but he had never studied it closely being as old as it was. He would look at it in the morning. Now he needed sleep, his body was worn out from the last few days.
Halfway through the night, Ledger woke Aston to take over the guard. Aston grumbled but climbed out of his warm covers. Adora whimpered and complained about the sudden cold draft but stayed asleep. He pulled on his clothes and got a coat out of his pack. It wasn’t heavy, but it would do for the current conditions. He added a log to the fire and did a quick walk around the camp. He heard some movement but only felt a few wild animals nearby. He looked at the sky but didn’t see any stars tonight. The clouds had moved in and that was never a good thing this time of year.
He sat and listened with his ears and his mind. After a while, he began to feel the faint feeling of human minds. They where distant and not growing any stronger so he decided it was quiet and calm of the night that was allowing him to reach further. After one walk, he returned to his seat and was startled when he saw a woman sitting across from him. He didn’t make any sound, nor did she, but she spoke in his mind.
‘Don’t worry, I am dream walking and you are wide open at the moment,’ she said. ‘We are still several weeks behind you and will remain so from the looks of it. We will join you and your party at the Cove after mid-winter if we make it over the Rampart before the snows come.’ She vanished and he startled as if suddenly waking from a bad dream. He was certain he had not fallen asleep. He remembered her as the green eyes but had never seen her face before. He knew her looks alone would haunt his dreams for nights to come. The remainder of his time was quiet and he woke Brena four hours before dawn. Brena reported she heard a few bush’s rustling in the dark, but nothing else disturbed her or the camp.
With the dawn came the morning noise of birds chirping and screaming. They were as bad as any rooster as far and Andrew was concerned. He worked his way out of the tent, pulled on his pants, and made his way to Brena. She was sitting up, looking around as the noise level rose. She jumped when he said, “I hate birds almost as much as I do roosters.”
She stood up and faced him, her face a thundercloud. “Andrew, don’t scare me like that! I almost drew on you.”
He looked at her, now worried and upset with her. “Next time, you had better damn well draw on whoever sneaks up on you like I just did. You can always say you’re sorry if you avoid gutting them.” He pulled his shirt around his shoulders. This one had tie-downs down the front so he just needed to get it over his bad arm. Brena assisted him and he was now slightly warmer. He returned to his tent and pulled out his boots. After shaking them out, he sat on the log that had been pulled to the fire-pit and pulled them on. Pulling them on one-handed wasn’t easy, but he managed it.
Brena had started water heating over the fire and was preparing the mixes for the men and kids. She had a separate small kettle for the women. Andrew knew better than to ask, but wondered why they needed a different mix until he saw the leaves she was using for their mix. He knew from his limited study of herbal medicines these were slightly toxic and could prevent animals from becoming pregnant. Now he knew he had to remain silent on the matter.
Brena had seen his look and understood he knew what she was making and why. That he remained silent heartened her as well. He sipped at his morning tea when he finished that, he ate some of the cold cooked rabbit meat. The discovery of what Ledger could do with food to cook and preserve it for long periods by deep-freezing it had taken several worries from his shoulders. He wanted to be on the road again but had agreed it would be wiser to spend a few days preparing meat for the long trip ahead.
Ledger crawled out of his tent after untangling himself from Alba. She had clung to him all night and at one point almost choked him when he rolled away from her a little. He joined Andrew and Brena for tea and was soon awake and ready for another day.
Ledger began by discussing what would need to be done to prepare the meat for freezing. It had to be drained, gutted, and skinned for best freezing. “We will need a way to wrap the meat after it is frozen to keep bugs and dirt off of it.” He paused, considering what he would say next. “Alba told me about one of the houses she was sold to. A customer would tell tales about his life before he retired. Andrew, Brena, he knew our parents. He never mentioned names, but could describe my mother and her talents perfectly. He said that Enchanters were highborn and royalty. He also apparently said that a number of the team she was part of had earned royal Patents at some point, making them members of the royal house.”
Brena gave Andrew a look that said, ‘I told you so.’ His look back was of the sort that said, ‘Not one-word, woman.’
Ledger didn’t notice this brief, silent exchange and went on. “If this is the case, we may more than a few problems coming our way later. My siblings had really screwed up the Dutchy of Salandin before I had fled.” He did see when Andrew’s hand came up and face palmed himself. Brena just started giggling maniacally.
“What,” asked Ledger, “What did I say?”
Brena looked at Andrew and he just waved for her to go ahead and ruin his day further. “It would seem we have here the fourth Earl in line for the Dutchy of Salandin with us.”
“Huh?” grunted Ledger.
Brena pointed at Andrew. “The big oaf here, his family was part of the group if your Alba had her facts straight.
“Brena,” growled Andrew, “I told you no.”
Brena looked over at him and saw he was not going to entertain any teasing on the matter so decided to drop it for the time being. “Well, whatever happened back then will have little effect on us until we actually arrive and get settled in.” She took a sip of her tea and grimaced. The Tanis was very bitter. She would have to be careful with the amount she used. This fresh batch seemed stronger than her older mix. “Ledger, will you and Alba be staying as a pair while we travel?”
Ledger blushed before answering, “Maybe. She has a lot of issues from her time as a whore. I will help as much as I can, but I am not ready to marry, now, or maybe ever.” He sipped his tea and took a bit of the cooked, but cold rabbit and concentrated on it for a second. It began to steam lightly as it suddenly became hot in his hand. He ate his hot breakfast as the other two stared at him in disbelief. He finished eating and went to begin searching downslope, for a stream or spring of fresh water.
Andrew shook his head in wonder, “That was just so wrong in so many ways.” He worked his way to his feet and went back to the wagon to clean his injury and re-wrap it. Brena didn’t say anything, just sat, thinking about what that boy will be like as his power and skill rose.
Aston woke to find he wasn’t alone in his tent. Adora was still with him and cuddled through the night after he returned to the tent. He nudged her gently, saying, “Wake up sleepy head.”
Her eyes slapped open and started to panic when she realized she was in his tent, not her own. She started to scramble away when he took her in his arms and held her. “Calm down Adora. You’re not in trouble, in fact, it was nice waking with you in my arms like this.” He looked closer and could see fear still clouding her face. “In fact, if you don’t mind, you can join me every night if you want to. It’s nice being able to stay warm with another under the blankets.”
Adora stopped struggling and pulled back into his arms. She was crying quietly and was afraid of his reaction to her being in his bed. Now that he had seemed to accept her, she was relieved but she didn’t want to grow to close to this man that she hardly knew yet. “If that is what you want, I will join you at night.”
“You are welcome Adora, but only if you want to be here. I won’t demand it nor push you to be here,” he replied. He could see that with the way her life had been, she was dependent on another for guidance on her day to day living. He leaned to her and gave her light kiss on the forehead and said, “Time to get up Adora. We have a lot of work to do today to be able to get back on the road tomorrow.” When he lifted the blankets, he saw she was wearing a light shrift that barely covered her at all. He felt his body react but savagely suppressed it so as not to scare this sad woman. She climbed out, grabbed the blanket she had brought with her, wrapped it around herself, and walked back to the larger tent they had set up for Adora and the children.
Aston crawled out and pulled on his boots without checking them first. He pulled them off when he felt something crush as his foot went in the left boot. Looking inside both, he found a large, crushed bug spreading goop inside the boot. He knocked it a few times, making the shell drop out. He grimaced at the smell, he knew his feet didn’t smell like that, he had crushed a stink bug. He used a dirty work rag and wiped the mess out of the boot, then took off the stained sock. It smelled worse as the crushed guts had soaked into the fabric and gotten on his skin. It took Aston close to an hour of scrubbing to get the mess off his foot and he suspected the sock would not come clean anytime soon.
Andrew had come over to see what had Aston so worked up this morning until he got close enough for the odor to hit him. Standing back a few yards, he asked, “What happened?”
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Hi readers and this is Chetan, I am going to write my experience in life. I am 26yrs old and I am working in a Mnc and coming to story and I am staying away from my home Hyderabad due to my job in Trivandrum and I used to travel my home for every 2 to 3 months. This incident happened when I went to my home last time and after I reached home. I was bit tired and went to sleep, next day my parents are going for a marriage and as I am not interested I did not went. So I was alone in my home and I...
Hi friends, en peyar Arun, vaythu 26 aagugirathu. Thirumana vayathil thirumanam seiyaamal irunthen, en veetil naan oru paiyan matum thaan. Veetil enaku pen parthu kondu irukiraargal. Enaku oru nanban irunthaan, avan pengalai niraiya matter seithu seithu enaiyum pengalai matter sei endru soli irunthaan. Naan ithu naal varai entha pennaiyum oothathu kidaiyaathu, enaku pengal mulai endraal migavum pidikum. Vaitha kangal edukamal mulaiyai paarthu konde irupen, oru naal nanum en nanbanum theateril...
I had expected roast, or perhaps a baked ham, even a broiled chicken. But when we sat down to dinner, I was totally surprised. Mom had made a rather extravagant looking pasta dish. Mom never made pasta! And I knew then that between Irene, mom and Bella, the three of them had managed to put together a rather fine affair. Even dad seemed pleased. But that wasn't the only surprise waiting for me as we all sat down at the table together. Mom was wearing a new dress, and this one a bit more...
Introduction: A mother watches 21 yr old daughter get fucked senseless every day. Harder! my twenty-one year old daughter Emma cried out. I knew what was going on. I just dont understand why. For forty-seven I was in great shape. I ate healthy and I always kept myself well cleaned. Yet, my daughter was in my bedroom getting fucked beyond her limit by her dad, my husband. Emma and I had a great relationship. I remember from the time Emma was four, until ten, I would read her bed time stories...
Not long after I got out of the service, I met Trish at a house party. She was a hot little brunette with a great body and we hit it off right away. After a few months of dating we ended up moving in together and she was a great lover...with one little quirk. She always wanted me to wear a pair of her panties while we were having sex. I readily obliged because she was so good on her back and also gave the best blow job I've ever had. I got used to wearing her underwear and have to admit that I...
CrossdressingOne Thursday, the Riders seemed distracted. Mary asked why. "Jane's in trouble," they said, but gave no more information. But when Jane came into the clubroom, her face was shining; her grin spread from ear to ear. "What's up?" Mary asked. "I just got back from the principal's office and I feel great." "What the hell does that mean? Tell us about it." The girls gathered around. Jane looked at Mary. "At lunch today, I was just sitting there with Ginny, eating, you know? And...
Sundays afternoons are always twinged with twilight. The setting of the weekend, drawing long shadows of an impending Monday. As days of the week go it’s my least favourite, reminding me of my own middling years, overwhelmed by the dawning considerations of old age. These are symptoms that need self medicating, a gloom only cured by a specific light. My prescribed treatment? The pursuit of sexual gratification, willing or otherwise. To humiliate others distracts from my own inadequacies and...
In twenty years of marriage, I’ve always been happy and satisfied with my wife; my daily married life is definitely a pleasant reality. But in addition to reality, there is also fantasy; and for twenty years, my fantasies have revolved around my wife’s younger sister, the free-spirited Carla Jean. I first met her when she was twenty-four; now in her mid-forties, she was still as beautiful and sexy as ever. Carla Jean, never married, was the type who loved to play around, flirting with men but...
TabooThis is not a erotica but a recounting of a real event that happened to me. Getting the call as i approach the half way mark of the lap at the darkened football oval. looking to the only lit area of the entire place the car park. seeing her car pull in i cant help but get excited telling her i will be right there i jog over to the car. the door opens and there she is the most beautiful woman in existence. helping her out of the car she jumps on me planting a soft yet ravenous kiss on my lips...
Part 5 The walk to Victoria's Secret was short but extremely humiliating. Frankly, I was worried about being caught by mall security. After all, everylevel of decency was being surpassed here. With every click of my heels I wasannouncing to the world, most of which were watching; here goes a boy toy slutready for action, right here, right now, give it to me. I want it, I need it,and make it hurt. I was going to get thrown out of the mall, I just new it. Safe, if there is such a...
I am Christa. 28 years old, 5’2” Long curly brown hair, hazel eyes, nicely built. I have 36D breast that are quiet perky very thin waist but shapely hips. I have been involved with a guy named Michael for about 3 years now. We don’t live together, but we do spend a lot of time at each others homes. One summer evening Michael and I were having our usual dinner with a movie night. We always have a great time when we are with each other. This night for some reason seemed different. When we were...
EroticI writing about a fantasy that I have had for sometime now. I thought that it might be fun for others to read so please read below and let me know what you think.This story is about my “step mother” or as my siblings and I call her my dads wife. My parents were divorced about 20 years ago or so and my father remarried not to long afterwards. He married a woman about his same age and we will call her Florence for this story.When I met Florence about 20 years ago she was a very quiet woman who...
Debuting for you today on Private is Marie Berger, a beautiful Russian who has come to Private Specials, Elegant Babes 2 as a rich and capricious girl who will go to any length to get the juice out of her hung butler, Jesús Reyes. With her spectacular body and seductive eyes to match, Marie wastes no time letting her intentions be known as she strips off her clothes and offers up her ass for eating. Then watch the rest of the action as this horny babe gets a taste of dark meat before going on...
xmoviesforyouOne day, when I returned from college, my mother greeted me excitedly. She said, “We’re going to go to Dubai for three weeks next month. Remember I told you about the Sheik who regularly buys me for making videos? His son is getting married. They have guests from all over the world.” “He wants me to be available to please them and make videos with them if needed. I convinced him that I need to bring you too. At first, he didn’t agree, but when I told him more about you, he agreed because women...
IncestThat late night I had fucked my sexy wife for all it was worth.But Ana then told me she was in the mood for hard sex; involving other men of course. She asked to get some black guys to fuck her.I made just two phone calls and set things up.Ana was satisfied about hearing that some black men would meet her at the dance club on the next evening…Anita came downstairs wearing a tiny black halter top, her shortest jean skirt and a pair of sexy black stilettos…She looked really like a bitch in...
Look at me, I have two updates within a month. This chapter came out rather quickly, and I hope to have more soon. The recovery process is not always 12 step. I think we’ve established that 12 step doesn’t work for her. The story showcases her struggles with all forms of addiction. Will she find love along the way? That remains to be seen. Everyone is over 18 etc. Comments and feedback are always welcome. Enjoy! ***** Peas, carrots, and something vaguely meat all swam before Leslie’s eyes....
No doubt protocol dictated it, but she examined Roger first. He, of course, was highly embarrassed when first of all she prodded the muscles of his tender backside and then pushed his reddened cheeks apart to look at his bottom hole. "Nothing to worry about there," she commented, " Minor bruising and soreness but that will soon go. No need for any treatment." Obviously, what to us was a major thrashing, on her scale of things it was only a trivial punishment. Compared to Velisi's, I...
It was a beautiful Monday morning in the Collins family, the sun was shining down from a bright and cloudless sky with only a small breeze ruffling the trees. The mother of the family, Christine, was in the kitchen making breakfast. She had loaded up the coffeemaker and was currently frying eggs, bacon and some sausages for the family when they would eventually come downstairs to eat. The father of the family, Matt, was in his den; finishing up on his work so he could send it off to his...
IncestIt was always my dream to be loved, as would anybody elses dream be by the time that they were the age of 19. But ofcourse with the luck that i had it seemed as if i was never going to receive my shot at something real. Besides my fantasy unlike most other peoples was to have sex with an amazingly strong woman. i had searched the intranet wide for someone who could fit the tyoe of profile i was looking for. Tight abs, hard legs and big lushes boobs. it all seemed at lost until one fine day i...
FetishMy mother-in-law, Beatrice, is one fine looking lady. In fact, I was trying for Bea when I met her daughter Mary who eventually became my wife. Bea was working behind the bar at my favorite watering hole and I had been trying for months to get her to give me a tumble. She would just laugh at me and remind me that she was an old married lady, but I sensed that she would eventually cave if I just kept after her. One night I was sitting at the bar watching Bea's fine ass wiggle as she walked...
Famous actress Riley Nixon books an appointment with masseuse Giselle Palmer to get hands on experience for her upcoming role. Giselle is thrilled to receive her famous client. The diva celebrity strips out of her outfit. Giselle points out that her high-quality lingerie will get ruined by the oil. Riley removes her bra and panties and then she lies down naked on the table. Giselle narrates what’s she’s doing to her neck and shoulder, and reminds her to apply lots of oil to the...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Banging the older woman next door is every teenage boys fantasy, but actually doing the did turned out to be better than I ever dreamed. My name is Nicholas, but everyone calls me Nick, or Nicky. My parents were barely teenagers when I was born, so most of my parents friends are still pretty young. In fact, my parents best friends are barely in their thirties. My dads best friend, Steven, had known my dad since before I was born. Steven married his wife, Megan, when I was still in...
CHAPTER 57: STELLA PARSONHelen found herself in the unique situation of being able to help three friends at the same time. Since the visit from Anne and Betty that led to the three of them going horseback riding and the two young lawyers getting their first experience with a dog by way of Kaycee’s tongue, Helen’s contact with them had significantly increased in regularity. Often it was simply staying in touch by phone call or text messages, but the three had quickly moved from ‘friendly...
https://xhamster.com/stories/not-my-mom-lol-985945https://xhamster.com/stories/not-my-mom-lol-part-2-9972679https://xhamster.com/stories/not-my-mom-part-3-9976734https://xhamster.com/stories/not-my-mom-lol-part-4-9980125The first four chapters, read on. Brady and I took our bikes out and ended up at the local fishing/swimming hole. Played ball with friends talked shit about girls and long term plans for the future. Got invited to a couple of parties later in the week, promised to bring some...
Young Stepmother Part 9 By Mark Dayette When Reginald asked me to marry him I was terrified, I knew this decision was serious and would impact my entire future. I had nothing against him as a person and he was definitely wealthy and nice. I asked him if he could give me time to think about it. I went back home and my Stepmother told me I should have said yes immediately and that I was running the risk of offending him. However, I told her to give me a few days alone upstairs in my...
Not So Subtle SeductionWe kissed lightly, exploring. Her breath warm and damp against my mouth.Gaby made little whimpering noises as we kissed, turning me on evenmore. Her hands were everywhere, exploring me, searching, feeling,touching…My hands too were busy…from time to time we got in each other’s waybut found ourselves adaptable, our excitement rising. Gaby began topush on the top of my head. I got the message right away and sliddown to taste her nipples after gently kissing down the...
Greetings to all ISS readers and wish you an amazing sex life. I am a big fan of ISS and have been reading sex stories for a very long time. I am writing my first ever sex story and hope that you all will have a great time and it will sexually arouse you at an extreme level. I will be building up the story and it gradually escalates. Since there are many diverse readers, I will narrate the story in English but will use some Hindi too during the dialogues (tharki waali feeling tabhi ayegi)....
IncestMarried! And Tina wrapped around my arm as we shook hands and smiled and received congratulations from a happy little crowd. I shook hands with Bill Hurley and got pulled into a manhug. “Man, you don’t know how much I owe you, Bill,” I said. Next hug was from his wife, Sharon. “Congratulations, Alan,” she said. Tina was in the middle of the office ladies receiving similar noises, and worked her way out to Bill and Sharon. Uncle Jimmy waited his turn to kiss the bride, and I shook his...
Carlita's turn: Day Three of the Great Sadness. Brindy and I went to the clothing store ... Listen to me. When I was in Guatemala, the 'clothing store' for us was one shop that handled second-hand clothes sent from America to Pastor Bob at the orphanage. Now I am IN America and there are too many clothing stores for me to list and Dave has money for me to no longer need used clothing. Brindy and I have the sad task of buying dresses for Pat's memorial service. Pat. My sister Pat, who...
Jeanette laid there for a few seconds before she said anything. I think she had never ever been so embarrassed in her life. I wasn't sure what she would say. “Hi dad, I was just passing by, and couldn't help but hear all the moaning and everything else going on in here,” Jeanette said. “But why are you in your bra and underwear and a little sweaty too. Were you masturbating while you watched us?” John asked. Then she got up and looked at us, neither one of us covered up though and she just spit...
NovelsDear friends, this is the story when Neeru, my sister-in-law, could achieve her desire to sleep the whole night with me ending up having sex multiple times. It happened in our house in Bangalore, which is actually smaller than my in-laws’ house in Chennai. This shows that we can plan hundreds of things, but when things happen, they just do. Let me start at the beginning. My in-laws and Neeru came visiting us in Bangalore during the monsoon time. Our house is small and they were staying for a...
IncestI didn’t even bother knocking. Testing the door, I discovered it was unlocked and walked straight in. Thank god for Canadians, I chuckled to myself, admiring the photos on the wall. Two girls - twins, by the look of them - and a son. And, of course, Mom and Dad, standing in the family portrait, with their arms proudly around each other. A perfect nuclear family. There’s nothing I enjoy playing with more. They were even having dinner together. I could’t believe it - the son must have been a...
Ashley Wants It By SpectreOfHell “You don’t mind?” Helen asked again. She pulled her robe tighter around her body and sneezed. “I don’t mind, I promise,” Jeff told his wife. “You’re sick. Go to bed. I’ll get Ashley to help me make you some soup.” “I feel bad leaving you to babysit,” she said, sniffling. “I told her mother I’d watch her.” “You should have told her you had a cold,” he chided. “But it’s okay. Ashley and I get along just fine. I’ll watch after her. Now get in bed.” “You’re...
The next few days would have been heaven for Sarah if she didn’t sense that Luke was distracted and holding himself back from trusting her. Had he remembered something? Had she slipped up and revealed too much, made him suspicious? No, she didn’t think so. God, she hoped not, anyway. She stood a chance with her husband as long as he didn’t remember what they’d gone through those last eight months together. All she needed was a little bit of time to prove to him that she loved him more than...
On returning I chose the big van to check out, this was one of the vehicles that hadn't been here too long and had no-one in the cab. I went to the back; opened the big double doors; found it was half full of furniture and other domestic items. It looked like someone had been moving house. There were items here that were of no use to us, whitegoods and several electrical goods like a television set. There was a trolley in the back, which would come in handy. But again the van was in the...