A Benign SomethingChapter 6 free porn video

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We traversed the sidewalk leading to the front door, where she held it open, gesturing for me to enter. Then we slowly tromped up the steps, where she held the door for me again. We stepped to hers, and she fumbled momentarily with her keys, and then carefully opened it and stepped inside, as I followed her lead. She flipped on the living room lights, and then closed the door behind me. I heard a dull metallic clunk behind me and turned to see her locking it.

"Wanna take your coat off?" she asked, as she unzipped hers.

I nodded nervously.


With hers draped over her arm, she helped me with mine.

"Thanks," I said softly.

"Want something to drink?" she asked, walking to the closet by the kitchen.

I pushed my hands into my back pockets and pursed my lips.

"Umm... Yeah, that'd be fine."

As she shut the closet, she glanced at me and smiled, and then turned into the kitchen.

A minute later, she returned holding two cups.

"Just ice tea," she said, handing one to me.

"Thanks," I said, as I took a sip and tried to keep my hands preoccupied from their incessant trembling.

"Wanna sit?" she asked, gesturing to the couch.

I nodded, and, as I walked over to the couch, Gayle went to the stereo and turned it on. She ran her fingers over a stack of CD cases, and, when she found one in particular, she plucked it out and opened it. She tapped a button on the stereo, and a tiny tray slowly emerged. Then she gently set the disk onto it and tapped the button again. Seconds later, the room was filled with soft music, setting what was surely meant to be a romantic air.

Gayle came over to the couch and sat down next to me, scooting closer, as she placed her cup on the coffee table. Then she leaned back, and I felt her hand against my back. Her hand rubbed gently at first, and then slowly moved up to my neck, where her fingers began a light massage, easing the tension in my body.

"How ya doin'?" she asked softly.

I was resting my elbows on my knees, as she continued rubbing my neck, and then let my head slowly fall forward.

"Good," I replied, in a near whisper.

Gayle's hand eased down my back and began further exploring, first down my spine to the small of my back, and then to the sides, up and over my ribs. When I lifted my elbow, her hand came up and gently cupped my breast. And, as her fingers caressed it, she asked if I wanted a massage. With my eyes closed, I slowly nodded.

Gayle stood from the couch and said I could change in her bathroom.

"There's a robe in there you can put on," she said, as she walked down the hallway toward her bedroom.

Although, in the back of my mind, I knew where this could lead, I found myself in a calmative state of mind, relaxed, as if in a hypnotic mode. I rose from the sofa and walked to the bathroom. There, I turned on the light and shut the door behind me.

As I stood unbuttoning my blouse, I felt very calm. The anxiety, which had been racking my body on the drive there, was no longer tormenting me, and I felt as comfortable undressing in Gayle's bathroom, as I would in my own. So, I thought nothing of it, when I dropped my shirt to the floor and unzipped my jeans. I pushed them down my legs and stepped out of them, but paused, wondering how much further I should go. But, again, it wasn't from prudishness or nerves, rather a legitimate question in my mind. Did she want me to completely undress?

I looked up and saw myself in the mirror, wearing nothing more than my bra and panties, and wondered what she saw in me. Then there was a soft knock on the door.

"You ready in there?"

I reached for the long blue robe hanging on a hook by the shower.

"Yeah," I replied.

I slipped my arms inside and tied the front shut.

As I walked out into the living room, the lights were turned off, but the room was filled with the soft orange glow of candlelight.

Gayle was kneeling by the coffee table lighting another candle. Next to her on the floor was a long dark green foam mat with a pillow on one end, and sitting aside the mat was a small bottle. I put my hands in the pockets of the robe and slowly stepped over to her. She blew out the match between her fingers, and then turned and looked up at me. Then she grinned and patted her hand on the mat.

"Ready?" she asked.

I nodded and stepped around to the other side of the mat opposite her. My hands pulled the belt loose, and then reached up and eased the robe down my shoulders. It was only then that I noticed Gayle had changed clothes, wearing a white t-shirt and black spandex shorts.

I laid the robe on the sofa and lowered myself to the floor and kneeled, asking how she wanted me. She picked up the small bottle, replying, "Let's start with your back." Then I watched, as she opened the bottle and poured a small amount of liquid onto her hands. Gayle must have thought I was wondering what it was, and she stopped rubbing her hands together and held one out to me.

"Massage oil," she said with a warm smile. "Lavender."

I leaned forward and sniffed her hand.

"Smells nice."

Her grin widened, and then she scooted back, holding her hands up like a surgeon ready to perform delicate surgery.

I moved onto the mat and lay on my stomach, pulling the pillow further under my face. Then I heard her clear her throat and ask if I wanted to remove my bra. I lifted my head and peered over my shoulder. Gayle was still holding her hands up and wiggled her fingers.

"Don't wanna get any of this on it," she said with a smile.

Laying my head down on the pillow again, I reached back and unclasped my bra. Then I sat up on my elbows and pulled it off entirely, setting it of to the side.

Just as I was about to lie down again, I sat up on my elbows and quietly asked if she wanted me to remove my panties, as well. There was a brief pause, and then Gayle replied only if I wanted to. I slowly nodded and heard her whisper ok. I lay my head on the pillow, and then reached down with my hands and lifted my hips, carefully rolling my panties over them. It took some awkward maneuvering, but I finally pulled them from my feet, dropping them next to my bra.

As I lay there listening to the music, I brought my arms up and around the pillow, and then felt Gayle's hands come to rest on my shoulder blades. Her fingers began gently kneading my muscles, and I sighed softly.

Over and around my shoulders, down my back, and then up again, applying a soothing pressure. She grazed her fingers under my armpits, and I giggled.

"Ticklish?" she asked.

I nodded.

Then Gayle moved around my body, stretching out my arm and running her strong fingers up and down its length. She massaged the top and bottom of my hand, carefully pulling on each finger. And, when she moved to the other arm, I sighed happily at her delicate touch.

After finishing my arms, she maneuvered around until she was kneeling in front of my head. She placed her hands at the top of my shoulder blades again and splayed her fingers, slowly pushing down my back. When she reached my hips, she rotated her fingers inward until each hand firmly clasped a cheek of my butt. Her fingers sank deep into my flesh and began squeezing softly, pushing and pulling.

An odd feeling came over me, a feeling as if I should be nervous about her touching me like this, but the anxiety wasn't there, and I only took a deep breath and sighed.

All too soon, however, she stopped and moved down to my legs. Just as with my arms, she ran her fingers up and down their length, pressing into the thick muscles. And, when she worked my toes, as she had done to my fingers, I giggled, as her hand brushed lightly against the sole of my foot.

"Ticklish there, too, huh?" she chuckled.

"Yeah," I whispered softly.

Gayle lifted my foot, giving it detailed attention, and, when she had finished with it, she placed a delicate kiss on each of my toes, and then moved to the next foot.

When done with my feet, she slowly ran her hands up my inner thighs, drawing closer to my vagina. But, as she neared, her hands twisted outward and came to rest atop each cheek of my butt.

I felt her move up to straddle my legs, and then her hands resumed massaging, gripping the flesh of my butt hard and doing as she had before, kneading my flesh.

My breathing was shallow, but I could feel my heart beating faster, as Gayle manipulated my body. Then I felt her thumbs go deep into the crevice of my butt and spread me open. I tensed, as her thumbs carefully moved closer to my anus.

"Just let your body relax," she whispered.

No one, not even my husband, had ever touched me in such an intimate manner, let alone down there, so it took a great deal of concentration on my part to force my body to relax under her hands.

Gayle's thumbs were now gently massaging the sensitive skin around my anus, not touching it directly, but very close. As she pressed her thumbs into my flesh, I could feel the tender skin of my anus rolling out and spreading, sending just a tiny hint of tepid pain up my spine. My fingers and toes responded by curling tightly. But, after a few seconds, her thumbs followed her hands up my back to my shoulders, and I felt her leaning across me. Gayle pulled the hair from one side of my face and brought hers closer.

"You have really nice legs," she whispered, as I felt her warm breath swath across my ear.

I smiled and whispered thanks in reply, and then she planted a gentle kiss against my ear, leaving a trail of them down my neck.

She sat for what seemed a very long time on my lower back, straddling my body, and working her fingers on my shoulders and upper back. But, all too soon, she stopped and rolled off me, patting my butt.

"Ready for the other side?" she asked.

I lay there motionless for a moment, as I reveled in the wonderful feelings she had imbued in my body and soul, but reluctantly forced myself up onto my elbows. As I rolled onto my back, I opened my heavy eyelids and saw Gayle kneeling beside me, applying more oil to her hands.

"How is it?" she asked.

I lay my head on the pillow and stretched my arms over my head and pointed my toes straight out. Then I let my body suddenly relax, placing my hands on my stomach.

"Amazing," I sighed, closing my eyes.

"Good," she whispered.

Gayle repeated the same procedure she had used on my back, but seemed to avoid getting too close to my breasts. She massaged my arms and legs, as before, once again eliciting a gentle giggle from me.

When her hands moved up my legs from my feet, it was almost as if they slowly spread of their own accord. My mind wondered if they moved in response to some unconscious directive from my brain or if Gayle was pushing my legs apart. In either case, I was too far-gone to care. I stretched my arms over my head and let my knees fall open. Then I sighed happily, as I felt her thumbs, those wonderful instruments of sensual pleasure, softly ply the flesh on either side of my vagina.

As with my anus, she never made direct contact, but just enough to feel good, to let me know she was intent on pleasuring my body.

Her thumbs carefully spread my folds, and I felt a cool draft against my warm flesh. My head lolled and my neck arched, as I moaned softly. And, while my body took in the sweet sensations, my mind began wondering how it was I could feel a cool draft on such a singular part of my body.

My hands gripped the pillow below my head, and I sighed, as I thought I felt something warm and wet lightly grazing up the length of my exposed vagina. But I didn't care, only smiling in response. Then I felt Gayle's hands move up my body, up across my stomach, until they landed softly on my breasts.

I could feel her straddling my waist, as her fingers began massaging my breasts, squeezing the soft flesh, and occasionally rubbing her palms against my nipples.

"You have beautiful breasts," I thought I heard her whisper.

Then her fingers drew inward to the top of each where they gently pulled on my nipples.

I could feel them steadily harden and become increasingly sensitive, as Gayle continued to manipulate them. Then, just as with my vagina, I thought I could feel something warm and wet envelope a nipple. I groaned and arched my back, and felt something pulling sharply on the tip of my nipple, stretching the flesh far. This same mysterious act was performed on both breasts, and, after a final rubdown, Gayle dismounted my body.

My eyes opened lazily, and I saw her sitting next to me, resting her hands on her thighs. She reached up to her face and brushed the hair from her eyes with the back of her hand.

"How was it?" she asked.

I let my eyes slowly close and shook my head back and forth, inhaling deeply. As I exhaled, I sighed and opened my eyes again.

"Incredible," I mumbled.

Gayle chuckled and picked up a small washcloth, wiping her hands.

"Wanna take a shower and get cleaned up?" she asked, as she set the washcloth down next to her.

I stretched my arms and legs and nodded.

"Mm... Yeah," I replied with a happy groan.

She reached for my hand and helped me sit up, and then she raised herself off the floor, pulling me with her. I rested my hands on the back of my hips and closed my eyes, slowly rotating my head in wide circles.

"God, that felt good," I sighed.

When I opened my eyes, Gayle was placing her hands at the bottom of her t-shirt and, in a very deliberate motion, pulled it up her body and over her head.

That's when I suddenly became conscious my own nudity.

My heart started pounding in my chest, as her small breasts were suddenly exposed in front of me. They were small, smaller than mine, jutting out from her chest like pointy cones, but with nipples nearly the same size as my own. I gulped and felt the trembling in my knees begin to wax once more.

Gayle let the t-shirt drop to the floor, and then I watched in stunned silence, as she slipped her thumbs under the waist of her shorts and carefully ease them over her hips. She leaned down and pulled out each foot and let the shorts crumple to the floor atop her shirt. Then she gave me a brief smile and stepped over to the stereo where she retrieved one of the small candles. She slowly turned to me, shielding the tiny flame with her hand, and asked me to get the one on the coffee table. I didn't move right away, until her eyes met mine. The candle Gayle held eerily lighted her face, but when she smiled, her teeth shone brightly and I slowly nodded.

"Ok," I whispered.

I turned, taking half a step, and leaned down for the candle. When it was in my hand, shielded as hers, Gayle nudged her head, gesturing for me to follow her.

As we made our way down the dark hallway, in the faint light of our candles, I could make out her nude body in front of me; the shape of her back in the form of a V, the apex unintentionally drawing my eyes down to where her long legs met her torso.

In the bathroom, she set her candle on the counter, and then took mine, placing it next to the other. Gayle asked me to shut the door, and then she turned toward the shower. As I turned back to her, she was bending over, holding onto the shower curtain rod and working the faucet. A spray of water suddenly shot out from the showerhead, and she stood upright, holding her free hand under it. After a few seconds, she pulled her hand out and glanced back at me.

"Ready?" she asked with a grin.

I nodded nervously and followed her into the shower.

She stepped inside and turned to take my hand, helping me in with her. We stood there, side-by-side, naked from head to toe, our bodies assuming the classic just-got-in-the-shower posture: head cocked back slightly, eyes squinting, and hands held out in front, as the water splashed against our chests and our bodies adjusted to the sudden change in temperature.

Even though the candles gave off a very faint glow, there was still enough light that I could see Gayle's nipples poking out from her small breasts. My gaze drifted up her chest, to her neck, and landed on her mouth. She was gritting her teeth, and then startled me, when she suddenly looked at me.

"Brrr," she said with a chuckle, wrapping her arms tightly to her chest. I giggled nervously, and then she turned around, placing her hands behind her and lowering her chin, as she allowed the water to splash against her back. I wasn't quite sure what to do, so I simply followed her lead, assuming the same position. Then she turned her head to me and whispered.

"So, you liked it?" she asked.

"What's that?" I replied tensely.

Gayle rolled her eyes, and, just as she went to speak, I said, "Oh... the massage?" She nodded. "Yeah," I mumbled. "It was good... really nice... felt good." And then my words trailed off, until the only sound to be heard was the water spraying against our backs.

We stood there staring at the bottom of the tub, down to our feet, neither of us speaking. I glanced at Gayle's pubic hair, sparse and light brown, neatly trimmed. Then my eyes drifted to mine, bright orange and not nearly as well groomed. But, in my defense, it wasn't as though I was expecting to be presenting it to an audience.

Gayle wiggled her toes, and I chuckled. Then she slowly rotated her foot and tapped it against the top of mine.

"No rough housing in the pool, please," I chuckled sheepishly.

She laughed, causing me to snicker along with her, and then she reached over for a bar of soap and handed it to me.

"You're such a cutie," she said, as she turned to face the water.

Unlike the massage, there was nothing remotely erotic about our shower together. I washed the oil from my body, while Gayle shampooed her hair, and then we swapped, and she washed her body, as I did likewise with my hair.

Toward the end, she was standing at the back of the shower with one foot propped up on the edge of the tub, as she leaned over and shaved her legs. I was standing under the water watching, holding my hands close to my chest with my elbows tucked in, almost striking a skittish pose. And, in a sense, I was. I was nervous about what we were doing, about what we had done and where it was leading, and how it was affecting me. But, in my heart, I admitted to wanting this. I wanted the physical and emotional intimacy of a romantic relationship, and, even if it were with another woman, try as I might, I couldn't find any reason not to take what this beautiful person was offering.

I reached out a hand and let the tips of my fingers touch Gayle's back. As she continued to work the razor on her leg, she turned her head, glancing back at me, and smiled. Our eyes met only briefly, and then mine turned back to the hand touching her warm skin. She resumed shaving, standing up to switch legs, and I let my hand trace down her back, finally coming to rest on her buttocks. But then Gayle stood and turned, facing the spray and holding her razor under the water. There was no obvious reaction on her part to my touch. I reached my hand out again, this time bringing it to her breast. She kept cleaning her razor, but did turn slightly so I could touch her more easily. My fingers gently grazed over the soft flesh, and then she reached over and set the razor on a small wire shelf hanging from the showerhead.

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The knock at the door came right on time. Doris glanced in the mirroron the wall justbefore reaching for the knob. She smiled to herself, knowing she wasboth excited andnervous. With a swing of the door, his smile put her at ease."Hi, I'm Brian." She returned his smile."I'm Doris. Thanks for driving down.""My pleasure. Now, you said something about a cabinet door thatwouldn't shut." Dorisopened the door and motioned for him to step inside. Brian was just ashe had describedhimself. He stepped...

1 year ago
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Serving My Sister

"Billy, come here!" my sister loudly demanded. "I need a favor." So I stopped what I was doing and crossed the hall, not wishing to anger her since she was a tyrant when she was mad. She was flat on her bed, naked, one knee raised and smiling at me. I blinked at her and waited, feeling my cock tremble. My sister is super hot, a high school senior with a killer body, a fine athlete and a real brain. She smiled at me and licked her lips. Her pussy lips were bulging out and quivering. I...

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Cuckold Training my Husband

When my husband first admitted to me that he wanted to watch me have sex with other guys he had no idea of the Pandora's box, or should I say Cassandra's box he was opening!Over the last 5 years I have transformed my husband from a dominant and jealous man into a totally submissive cuckold. He used to get angry whenever another man so much as looked at me and now he is completely trained and willingly submits to watching me getting fucked by other men. This is because he knows it is only when...

1 year ago
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Aching for some Red Hot Pie tonight? Shit, I feel you because it feels like it’s been hours since I last ejaculated into an old gym sock. Seriously, though, the pandemic was a bad time for trying to find some poon on the Internet, but it seems like the clouds are finally starting to lift. Maybe you’re vaccinated, or perhaps you just never gave a fuck, but either way, I think it’s about time to get back into the game.To that end, RedHotPie.com.au might have precisely what you’re looking for. As...

Hookup Sites
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Spiritual UnionChapter 8

"So Lesley ... Is she Irish or something?" Julie asked on the ride home from classes one evening. Her hair was still slick from the pool, and the soft scent of chlorine was present in Trish's little car. "I'm a little curious about that too." Trish spoke up brightly. Her face took on that same faraway look that crossed her features whenever Lesley was mentioned. "I don't really know." I admitted, shifting slightly in the passenger seat. "She's got an accent I can't really...

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Alternate universe

A parallel universe, also known as a parallel dimension, alternate universe or alternate reality, is a hypothetical self-contained plane of existence, co-existing with one's own. The sum of all potential parallel universes that constitute reality is often called a “multiverse". Uni Please Use the Variables (will be put up soon)

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Guilty Pleasures Chapter One

Dear Diary,  I was so nervous to be doing this. Hi, my name is Raven and I am quite successful but there is a part of me that wants to take control, that wants to feel alive. Its very sad when no one knows about my secret. Im waiting for her to come out of the bathroom now. Im so nervous and excited. I just can't stand it. I wonder how many people will watch live this time. I am a Christian Psychologist by day and a lesbian webcam model by night. I met this particular girl online. I met her on...

3 years ago
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Our Path to Husband Swapping Part 2

The next week Stacy and I talked a few times. Turns out they had a similar experience when they got home. Tom couldn’t wait till he took their babysitter home, so Stacy blew him in their car. At home, Stacy was waiting for Tom to fuck her before they could ever get upstairs to their bedroom. She told me they had their best sex since before their baby was born. Stacy said she really enjoyed flirting with Sam and would like to do it again. I brought up the idea that maybe we should try making out...

3 years ago
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Captured During WarChapter 2

Then I heard a voice,“Hey bitch, don’t bother trying to break loose. You won’t succeed.” The instance I heard the voice, I jerked my neck as a reflex to see the person. My face immediately smashed onto the floor again, there must be something tied around my neck to the ground. I groaned and weep faintly on recalling what had happen. My panties was still in my mouth and it was saturated with my saliva. I smelt the air around me, there was a scent of liquor and wood in the air. I must be...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 95

The only light in the room came from a green LED display on a piece of machinery off to my right. It gave the white wall of the sanitary room an eerie glow. I didn’t really give a shit. My head was still foggy from the anesthesia and the medication. It took me a few seconds to open my eyes but then I was completely awake. I hurt. I hurt in places I had never before hurt. I hurt in places I didn’t even know existed. It wasn’t the constant ache that I’d learned to live with. It wasn’t even...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 241

Idaho Springs, Wednesday Morning, December 4 Matt and Courtney had finished their breakfast, but were still sitting at the kitchen table having a second cup of coffee and chatting when the phone rang. "Why weren't you at breakfast with us?" Diana asked when Courtney answered. "Uh, I had to fix Matt's breakfast for him before he went to work." "I thought he was going to get off today." Courtney turned to look at Matt as she replied. "He's taking off at noon. We'll be on our way...

4 years ago
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Friday night pt 1

Women are strange creatures. Which I guess any man will tell you. You can’t always believe what they say either. This girl I’m sitting opposite is claiming she hasn’t come out for the sole purpose of picking up a guy to fuck her. Lots of women go out for a good time which may or may not involve getting picked up. So it might be true. However not many of them dress like this girl. She has some of those platform high heels popular with the porn stars and a dress on. It’s possible I suppose she...

1 year ago
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Me And Dad Fucked My Mom And Sister

This is my true story happened 2 weeks back. My family contains me(19yr),father(42yr),mother(38yr),younger sister(priya 18yr).This story involves all 4. About my mom super sexy damn hot lady(like tabu), sister hot chick(like alia butt)We live in mysore(outside city) near by there is forest like thing and only our house(great grandfather’s) is there in between and there is not even a single house in 5km radius and all relations quarelled with us due to some matter and they left us and settled...

2 years ago
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Oh Danny

Danny Dugan was enthralled. And who in his position wouldn't be? What was happening to him now was so unbelievably erotic that it dwarfed any experience the newly minted college freshman had ever had. Mary Gray, the Mary of his wet dreams for years was kneeling on the edge of his bed. The silk nightie she was wearing was so filmy that he could see her breasts gently swaying through the fabric, see the perfection of the hard pink tips, even the hint of the brown triangle between her legs. She...

3 years ago
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A old evil awakens part 2

James just laid in bed naked letting himself get used to his new dark powers his 11 inch cock still completely hard because he can make it hard whenever he feels like it . His sister laurien laid next to him also  naked breathing deeply from the fucking she just got cum stil spilling out of her pussy with a smile on her face knowing her brother is now her master  . James turned to laurien and says " alright let's make some rules " he stands up infront of her his cock pointing at her " you...

3 years ago
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Every Day Will be Like a Holiday Chapter 4

Rick and I avoided any kind of drama we feared our kids might put us through if they knew we were seeing each other. In fact, Kellie, by way of Brandon, provided him with all kinds of information about me in order to pull off some unexpected surprises. He bought gold circle tickets to see Diana Krall. He sent me a basketful of candles that I lit all over my room whenever he came over for marathon sex sessions. He surprised me with homemade gnocchi and Marinara sauce, my favorite, and the best I...

3 years ago
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The Naked Weekend

Friday: We both get off work and meet at the bar with about 10 great friends. I change shirts in the parking lot. You change at work into a tight strapless dress and a see-through blouse over it. We get there about the same time and greet each other with a big hug in the bar that last about 30 seconds. Then a kiss on the lips that lasts more than 10 seconds. It is great to see each other. We then separate and start to mingle with our friends, laughing and having a great time. After...

2 years ago
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A DecisionChapter 3

Soon only Sally and Melinda remained, seated at an angle by my chest so they could face me. It seemed like the time for an explanation had arrived. Melinda stroked my cheek while Sally began speaking. "That's the gang. We're been together as friends since at least fifth grade. The sex part started in high school. We were all virgins and we were freaked out about STDs and AIDS. Our solution was to keep it all in the family, if you would. We all pledged that we would only have sex with each...

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Little Red Riding Hoodie

The afternoon summer sun felt hot as I reached for my drink. Relaxing in a chaise lounge, wearing only my sunglasses and swim trunks, I had just gotten out of the water and toweled off after a much deserved swim to cool off. Most of Saturday morning into the afternoon was spent mowing the lawn, working on the dock, cleaning the boat, etc. It was nice to finally be able to take a break and relax and enjoy the beautiful summer day.I had our summer lake home all to myself as my wife Lorene and...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 91 Ascent

For the next several days, we relaxed in between going to meetings with Sereda. She had already made sweeping changes, instituting a new 'military' caste that took anyone who could fight regardless of previous caste (or lack thereof). She had the recruits, mostly former casteless, training under the supervision of a few open-minded Warrior caste veterans. She'd opened up the castes to accept the children of a union whether or not the gender lined up with the casted parent, and as a result,...

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Matt and Natalie

It was a cold, breezy Friday night. You could see your breath as you exhaled. On the middle floor of a stylish hotel in the heart of the city, a young woman was waiting for a phonecall.. the phonecall. Natalie is a curvy, sensuous and seductive girl in her early twenties. Long, flowy red hair, big green eyes and tonight has an insatiable appetite for one man.. and he’s coming. Matt is a guy from a far away place.. well.. London. He’s nearly in his mid twenties, dark haired, handsome and wears a...

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Across the BorderChapter 26

Lisa’s wrists were yanked hard to both sides and held tight. Her feet were spread wide and pulled up above her head, causing her torso to rise up above the bed. This made it so the guy standing over her could push the bottle straight down into her. “Hold her tight.” She felt the cold bottom of the bottle being ground into her until it finally forced its way inside. She heard herself scream as he continued to hammer the neck of the bottle with the palm of his hand until it disappeared into...

1 year ago
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EdenChapter 66

Meiersdottir was adamant about having her baby on Eden itself rather than the Gardener. "It's not really about what I promised Gagugakhing, although I do think of that," she told Igwanda privately. "It's just that we have a perfectly good planet right here and I want our son"—routine prenatal care had revealed the sex—"to have a birthplace he can point to, at least on a star map, rather than just having to say he was born 'somewhere in space.'" Predictably, both ship's doctors...

2 years ago
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Sorting things out in the Archive

Early in my career I worked in a company that was located in an old building in the city center. One of my tasks was to "manage" some of the IT equipment we had stored in cellar. Managing meant taking things in and out, lifting and throwing away old equipment. One evening I was working on unpacking new deliveries down in the cellar I heard the all-to-familiar sound of heels clicking from the archive area.I was trying to make some sound so who ever it was would know that she was not alone. Did...

4 years ago
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PART - 11 SEX IN CAR I was waiting for my boyfriend at my home because we had planned for a long drive before I go to Italy for a business trip and he was to go Delhi for a job interview. There was time of one week in our hands to proceed on our jobs but we had to prepare a lot for our job and we both were not sure whether we would get another chance of meeting, so we made an immediate program of meeting (Readers knows it very well that not only for meeting but much more than a meeting) ...

3 years ago
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Family Fuck

My little sister is a senior in high school, but she definitely still doesn't look or seem like an adult to me. She has always been a homebody, spending most of her time hanging out with my parents or reading books. She is barely five feet tall and weighs maybe 100 pounds. She has a cute face, I guess, but never wears makeup or dresses to look attractive. Her wardrobe is basically the same as it was in middle school. I couldn't even tell you her bra size, because she doesn't really need to wear...

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The Reunion Part 2

The searing feeling of being caught doing something naughty burned up from my pussy to my cheeks as I realised he was ogling at me. I saw his mouth stammer something in shocked delight, yet he didn’t take his eyes off mine. The blood pumped in my pussy, drumming around as I poked at my tight cunt. He jumped as the car behind us beeped. The fear that initially shocked my system had converted itself into a state of lust. He drove on, the colour leaving his face, which was more than likely going...

4 years ago
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lucky guy part 6

I enterered the house and made for the kitchen,i fancied a drink.Then i caught a glimpse of May,oh shit,she was in her night clothes and had had a bath.This meant one thing,she wanted a fuck.This was the last thing on my mind and worst still i knew what was coming.The routine,i guarantee i know what she is going to say.I get myself a lager from the fridge and enter the lounge,sure enough May is right on cue...with an (empty)glass hand she looked at me and said(as she always does)"dya wanna fill...

4 years ago
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Washing Dishes

You are standing in front of the sink washing dishes. And you don’t hear me come in and you jump a little as I wrap my arms around you from behind. You smile as you realize who it is and go back to washing. I pull you back against me pressing my hard cock against your skirt.I start kissing the side of your neck gently, holding you tight against me. You move your hips back and forth slowly, allowing my cock to slide back and forth across your ass. The embrace on you lightens, my hands move to...

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Natalia Feels Like Watching Porn Natalia Part Five

My relationship with Natalia was amazing. I had been with her for three months now, and I felt as if I was in heaven. Natalia was a very smart girl, really easy-going, she was very affectionate, and we understood each other quite well. Oh... And the sex was amazing.One Saturday morning, we woke up in my bed naked after a wild night. We hugged and kissed, and ended up having sex again. Then, after a couple of orgasms, we began talking about sex. I asked her if there was something she wanted to...

College Sex
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RebelChapter 20 Lula

There I was, tied to a post in a dirty barn, stripped bare to the waist and facing as nasty a crew as I had yet found. They did not give a damn about rebels and Tories or anything else. They wanted money and they had mine and hoped I would lead them to more since my purse had been heavy with blood money. I had at least one tooth that was loose, and my eyebrow was dripping blood. I worked on my knots, rubbing my hands up and down the rough post, failed to get the thick pole moving by pulling...

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Just Another Day In Norfolk

Even though the shades were drawn, the sun still managed to shine in through a gap in between them and the window, lighting up the bedroom just enough to fill it with a subtle early-morning glow. The room was fairly large, but still felt cozy due to the amount of furniture that filled it. There were two beds, one on each side of the room, and two desks on opposite walls, as well as one large closet that was basically overflowing with clothes, which were also strewn about the floor. The house...

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Building a Perfect Life

All through school and even before, Don Brown and Tammy (Tamara) Stone had been a pair. From the first day of school when their mother's had put them on the bus together they had sat with each other, played with each other and, later, learned about the opposite sex with each other. Unfortunately, Don had a dream—a dream that not even the love of Tammy or the needs of the family farms could dissuade him from following. Don had fallen in love with the sea when he began reading history in...

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What We Do for LoveChapter 12 Dave Takes Patricia Evelyn to Dinner

I had my first contact with the VP of marketing on Saturday. Although not in my direct chain of command, he’s considered ‘brass’ and is to be obeyed when he tells an employee to do something. He wanted the financials on one of our accounts on his desk, so I printed out the sales data and took it to him, literally laying them on his desk as he’d ordered. He wasn’t there, so I returned to my work station. A few minutes later, I got an email. He was not pleased. “What the fuck do you call this...

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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 11 Becky the Conqueror

Sean ran for the swinging doors that led to safety, but Becky moved with lightning quickness as she cut him off and pushed him to the ground near the quartet of girls. They were still laughing as Sean pulled himself up to his knees. Becky blew a pink bubble and pushed her glasses up as she walked to Sean and put her right hand on his right shoulder while straddling his left leg. “I didn’t say you could get up,” Becky said, as she pushed downward with her right hand while twirling her pigtails...

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