10% Book2Chapter 3 free porn video

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One morning, Kim said, "Piper, we're getting low on Abicore. We need to find a chemical supplier."

Kim sounded grouchy but she got that way when her period was due. I replied, "I already lined a few up but haven't gone further."

"I'm not grouchy."

"Kim, I love you, but you are a bit grouchy at this time of the month. You can't help it any more than I can help being a bit pushy. At least you get over it while I'm that way all the time."

"You're not pushy. You know what to do and people need a leader."

"I feel more like a mother some days."

From another part of the house we heard Joy say, "Mommy, my cunny's sore."

Outside came the thoughts from Bobby, "I'll come in and look at it for you, sweetie."

"Mommy uses her tongue and you use your dick. That's why I'm sore."

There was no hiding from a group of telepaths unless I hid my thoughts but this was not considered a nice thing to do. Everybody knew everything that was going on. I kept a partition buried deep where I hid some of the thoughts that made me what I am.

"I was talking to Kim, guys. I'll look after you tonight if you have your chores and your studies done. A test is coming up and you better pass."

Both children, with all the rest, said sarcastically in unison, "Yes, Mommy." Many of them were older than me. They were not being cruel because I felt their love for me and their affirmation that I was the one to lead the pack.

I fired my computer up and connected to the satellite. With the money we had, the cost of the linkage was almost nothing. Dial up was the only substitute and it wasn't much of one.

The chemicals we currently needed didn't require permits. Diethyl ether did but we had enough for another batch. At some time in the future we would have to find a source or prepare our own. It was easy to make and organic chemistry was such an interesting subject to learn.

My memory was near photographic since the drug changed me. I recalled the companies, their URL's, and their addresses. One business in North Bay was too close. There was news in the paper that Knox had survived her wounds. Evil people seemed to live forever. If she caught wind of the purchase she would be on our trail.

I chose a company in Brampton, just northwest of Toronto. What I wanted was available there or some other sources near Toronto. I could make a phone call but not from here. It frightened me to enjoy organic chemistry, be really intelligent, and also be paranoid. This reminded me too much of what Knox was like.

This was not that big of a trip but we didn't get out that much. I was always fearful of the pack being found. It was a lot of work but the alternatives meant we would be dead. My fears did not carry strongly to the pack but they were not carefree either.

We would only be gone a full day but I wanted to swing by Knox' home and find out what she was doing. I caused her a world of grief but she would use that emotion to hunt for us when she wasn't working on killing people to find answers about the drug. This may take an extra day or two. Tiffany would go home right away with the truck and supplies because she still breast fed.

Our van was prepared as an escape vehicle. It had three pistols, ammunition, four grenades, a good medical kit, bug detector, phony papers, and lots of cash. Knox had a similar cargo in the automobiles she usually drove, or she did after she was attacked. The windows were all heavily tinted so people couldn't look in. Our hair colour had changed and we wore sunglasses most of the time. Kim could wear any glasses she wanted and now she had good hearing aids. She was almost deaf without them.

Jess came to drive the van. It was Kim's turn to go with me. Tiffany came to drive the rental truck home.

I said to Tatum, "I know you don't like me to treat you like a child but I worry."

"I know. Keep vigilant, know where everybody is all the time and look for ways to escape no matter where I am."

"Thanks, Tatum. I knew I could depend on you."

"There's nothing to do. The pack knows what to do and they do it. I'm a figurehead."

I held Tatum and kissed her with both passion and care. I loved her and the rest. I then went through the entire group. I even hugged Sniffer and Dancer because I was taking Turbo and Sparky with us. They liked to travel and they didn't get much of a chance. We were still saying goodbye when we were two kilometres away. Our range had improved considerably.

As the trip progressed, I relaxed more but I was always scanning the minds of those that passed in other cars. I had the drug strattera though we tried to use it as little as possible. I hoped to build up to a point that we would not need the drug to keep the minds of all those around us out of our heads. We still avoided large concentrations of people when we could. In some cases we felt pain as if too many people were clamouring to get into our heads at one time.

We stopped every few hours to stretch and allow the dogs to water the daisies. They could hold it a long time and told us when they needed to go. I just didn't like being confined in a car for too long.

Near Toronto we pulled over and Tiffany fed a public telephone some coins. We called six places even though the first had what we wanted. Paranoia was a good thing to have if you wanted to stay alive.

Our next stop was a truck rental business where we rented a cargo van with one of our sets of phony papers. With it we got a lot of blankets and nylon straps to hold the cargo.

It was still nearly an hour to the business in Brampton. Jess drove to the area first and we scanned the area for somebody excited about a hunt. Tiffany drove in after we finished the search.

I went in with Tiffany. The counterman only admired both of our bodies and Tiffany preened for him.

"I did not."

"You did too. You wiggle your bum for me too."

"You know a good bum when you see it."

"I certainly do. Now get to work."

"Yes, fearless leader."

"You call me that and I'll start making quotes from Rocky and Bullwinkle again."

"I learned my lesson."

The counterman stood straight and preened himself. "What can I do for you ladies?"

Tiffany smiled seductively and gave her list verbally as she handed over a listing on paper of the articles. There were different purities of product and we tried to get the best. She claimed to work for a new plastics company in need of some odd raw materials to do some research.

The counterman filled the list but didn't work very fast. He liked Tiffany and I got a few glances myself. This didn't hurt my ego but I didn't prettify myself the way Tiffany did.

"I did not."

"That was only a thought to think about, not send."

"You're forgiven but I think you turned to show him your profile. He likes you. If you climbed on the counter, I bet he'd be kissing your lower lips in seconds."

"You're just a pig." I waited a while and said, "But a pretty pig."

Two men helped load the rental truck and we drove out of the gate.

We got on the 401 because we didn't want to use the electronic tollway. This would leave tracks. Knox lived in the east near Unionville. Tiffany was going to head north on the 400 and home but we stopped at a busy restaurant first. We found a parking space right away but it took a while for Tiffany to find one for the truck. The dogs had their kibble but we would still bring a treat to them.

Just after our meal was delivered, we heard Sparky growl mentally. There was a threat to the pack. We hurried out to see what was happening. We could sense Sparky and Turbo and they were mentally pointing to a far corner of the lot.

There were two people in that corner and when we went purposely toward them they got in a car and left.

The waitress came out thinking we had skipped and Tiffany said, "Somebody was fiddling with our car."

"Did they break in?"

"We have a radio operated alarm. They didn't get into the car, they were just trying. We better get our meal packaged. I don't feel comfortable here."

The waitress said, "I'm sorry to hear that. We don't usually have problems like this."

The meal was put in Styrofoam boxes and we got some plastic cutlery to go with it. While Tiffany paid, I said to Jess, "Those two people were not thinking of Knox but they were certainly looking for us. I don't know if they saw our van or not but I think we have a bug someplace."

We used the bug detector and found it attached to the bottom of a plastic container that had a heavy ridge around it. We searched the rest and even checked the van in case they planted another beacon but the detector found nothing more.

Kim was the most nervous but the rest of us weren't far behind. She said, "What are we going to do?"

"Find a public phone and call home. They're probably safe. We have to get the reagents home and ditch the two vehicles. Those guys are still around but can't see us. They're waiting for us to leave."

We used the phone in the restaurant. Tatum was upset but seemed to be handling the stress fairly well. We had fire drills all the time but they were intended for intruders. This would be just one of the scenarios and they would be on the lookout.

One more call was 911. "Hi, My name is Mary Snyder. I'm in Keelson's Restaurant near the airport. I saw two men. One of them has a big black gun with something like a pipe on the end. I saw it when the wind blew his jacket open."

"Where are they now?"

"They stopped and talked near a Ford Taurus licence plate LMN 438. They seem to be looking around as if they're hunting for somebody."

From a few metres away, Tiffany said loudly, "Come on, Mary. We're not staying here any longer."

The police wanted more info. "I have to go. My sister doesn't want to be around if there's shooting."

I hung up and I got some weak smiles from the girls. We waited long enough for the police to arrive and we left. They even gave chase to the car. We headed north to Woodbridge and rented another truck from a competitor of the one we got ours from. The cargo was transferred and we drove back to where we rented the original truck and turned it in.

Tiffany said, "I trust you, Piper, but this makes me nervous. Not so much for me but for you guys."

"We'll do just fine. Tiffany drives up the 400 with us a few kilometres behind. If something looks suspicious we head east instead of west. We can't have the pack found. Maybe it's time to move again, anyway."

"I guess so but I love our house and property."

"We can find another just as good."

"Yeah, I guess."

We travelled up the 400 highway and kept in touch with our cell phones. I needed Jess to drive but Kim stayed with me instead of going with Tiffany. She was just too worried and held onto my hand as if I were the big sister. This thought had to be hidden deep with a lot of other thoughts or it would hurt her feelings.

When we got to a small community south of Newmarket, we stopped early for the night. If we were followed I wanted to know before I got home. We got a suite at a hotel and studied how to defend our temporary home and how to flee if the need arose.

The dogs were walked every hour. This was not for their benefit but to have an excuse to make our rounds. At least one of us was awake and ready to hurry to assist the one on patrol.

At three twenty, Kim woke me. "Somebody's looking for us."

This woke me up with a jolt of adrenaline. Instead of waiting for her to give me the info I dug it out myself. They had gone near the minivan first so there must be something there we missed or they were searching at every spot we could possibly stay at. The latter was too improbable.

There was no block on the men so Kim and I searched through those that were near us until I found another man. The rest of the girls were awake now and ready to fight or take flight.

Jess said, "I found the other."

Tiffany looked at me and I said, "We go. Maybe we can slow them down." The girls read my idea and smiled gamely this time. Even the dogs seemed to like the idea.

We gathered our property and left quietly. We took the service elevator. There was some night staff but nobody bothered us. Kim had us stop in one area as she concentrated. Through her link we found some of the parts to the puzzle. It was not Knox but Carstairs that was after us. He was the one that was hired by Colins to kidnap Knox and failed. He managed to capture Tiffany, Tatum, and Brandon. We killed a man in the process of rescuing them. Knox had killed a few more because she was going to kill off the pack starting with the three that were captured.

Carstairs didn't know of our abilities. He was wondering, though, how we always out thought him and he was a professional. Knox was still actively searching for us and the two forces had a sort of truce since the fight at the farm. We came to their attention when we purchased more than one of the chemicals needed to make Abicore. I could only surmise that somebody had placed the tracker and fled before I could detect his thoughts. This inferred that they knew we could read minds but it could be a coincidence.

The cargo van had another tracker on it. It was one that transmitted intermittently so it would be difficult to find.

The bill for our room had been paid in cash and ahead of time. A phony credit card was used to confirm our fake identities. We could not be traced back by that route. We learned one more fact. Another car with four people in it was due to arrive right away. We saw that they were going to follow us but one man thought it was possible to rush the room and capture the four of us.

I considered leaving the cars and calling a cab from someplace down the road but I didn't want to risk walking at this time of the night.

It was twenty minutes later that the other man's cell phone rang. He gave directions and in five minutes the car pulled in with four men in it. The two original men kept their posts and the four joined them for a conference.

Jess and I hurried across the parking lot and used our knives in the sidewalls of the back tires of both cars. We hurried to our vehicles. Tiffany had the new tracker in her hand and Kim had the one that was on our minivan.

Kim said, "What do we do with them?"

It took only a second to think, "We take them with us. Tiff goes home with the truck. Its night and she can get pretty far before someone could go on visuals only. We take the two trackers and go east. At a truck stop I'll put one on a transport truck. We'll go further east and do it again. I guess we'll sell the van and buy another to get home."

We got out of the parking lot without anybody noticing. It took only a few minutes to get on the highway. With a lot of tears and recriminations, Tiffany continued on while we turned east. Kim would be an asset to her but she figured that she was in more danger and didn't want Kim. She tried to hide this but my sister and I were stronger than any others in the pack.

I felt like crying but I couldn't. I was the leader and had to shepherd my flock by example or we could fall apart. We drove for a few hours and at the first truck stop we pulled in. We walked among the trucks. The drivers were sleeping in their cabs. It was not hard to find someone that had to get up early and was going west. This truck got Tiffany's tracker.

We stayed on Highway 7, the Trans-Canada Highway. We stopped for a quick breakfast and a chance to walk the dogs. The highway lead to Ottawa but we stopped in Perth, where we dropped off the other tracker and called home. Tiffany had made it safely and we all felt relieved.

I considered ourselves safe and backtracked down the Trans-Canada to Madoc and headed north so we could go above Lake Simcoe and then head home.

The roads were paved but weren't highways because they went up and down a lot. We were tired when nightfall came. We had little sleep though Kim and I got some in the seats.

Orillia was about the best place to stop for the night. Jess was familiar with the area because she used to live here at one time. We phoned home later to find everybody safe. They were happy to hear from us. Even Sparky hammed it up by barking to his other two mates. Dancer barked back as if they could really communicate.

A new batch of Abicore-Q was made but we were not explicit on the phone for obvious reasons. Everybody had been involved in its manufacture so they knew what was happening with their own eyes.

We found a nice motel but none of us slept well. Even the dogs were twitchy. Early in the morning I took a gun and the dogs and went for a walk. The cool air had the smell of the lake on it but it didn't relax me.

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 Where the fuck is this Jerry bloke! The lady on the phone at the cab office told Caroline he would only be ten minutes; it's getting on for twenty now.She's getting cold standing here outside the red telephone box from where she made the call. The autumn morning air seeps beneath her long coat and chills her flesh. For all the warmth the skimpy satin nightie she wears beneath it provides, she may as well be naked under there. She has fastened all the buttons, the top one tight against her...

Group Sex
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Dawn of The Anal

This is a continuation of my relationship with my 66 year old lover Dawn, we had just spent the night having dinner at a posh resort. To my surprise Dawn had rented a room and I had just finished our usual half hour love making session and I knew she must have been exhausted. I had only cum once and my 43 year old body was not done for the evening. I knew granny would be getting a second load of my sperm before the night was over. Dawn was lying on her stomach with her head buried in a...

2 years ago
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Once upon a time in Italy 2

“Ok. But why? Nothing there I haven't seen yet.” He shrugged. “It is kinda weird you know? What we did is. And now you are staring at me again. The same way you did yesterday. With the same hunger.” He shivered. “But you liked what we did, didn't you?” All this really wasn't helping with my confusion. “I did”, he said looking directly at me. “But I was drunk and,” he broke off and sighed. “I think I just need some time too think about all this.” Looking back now I should probably have...

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The real promise 1

Note : THis story is completely fictional! Hai readers here is a family holiday with different Incest story feel the difference and taste the Incest fruit write to me. The family used to go on camping and motorcade holidays regularly when the kids were small, but since all three had gone to University, Mark and Lucy had taken the opportunity to see a bit more of the world. Spain and the Med, Italy, France and further afield - California and Florida. Now though, as the eldest, Jerry, was nearing...

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African American in Ottawa

People are always surprising me with the shit they do, man. My name is Christopher Spence. I’m a big and tall young Black man living in the town of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. The most politely racist town in the world. The Capital of Canada. What possessed me to leave my hometown of Boston, Massachusetts, to come here? I honestly don’t know. Oh, yeah. I do know. My parents, friends and a whole lot of people got fed up with me in New England and I skipped town because, um, I didn’t want to...

3 years ago
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Painted Touch

His phone rings in the midst of the night… ‘Hello,’ she replies in a saddened tone… ‘I need you baby, please come over,’ and hangs up. His heart for her beats so deeply… he jumps out of bed and rushes to see her. He takes out the key… and unlocks her door… opening it in a hurry to be with his love… to comfort her. Little did he know what was truly waiting behind that door! As it opens… the room is lit up with candles… her furniture pushed back making a clearing in the middle of the room…...

2 years ago
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Lady In The House Chapter 17 The Conclusion

Lady In The House Chapter 17 - The Conclusion By Michele Nylons After putting this story to bed in July 2005 and then reviving it again in March 2007, I have finally run out of ideas for our intrepid transvestite prison prostitute. That said; after you read on and see how I have concluded the series, you could argue that there is plenty more to explore in this story; especially the development of the characters...

1 year ago
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The starlet and the prison guard

(First name = you, Last name = starlet's name) You are a guard at a jail in the Hollywood area. It's not a bad job, all things considered. The vast majority of the prisoners are non-violent offenders, who are only in there for a few months. The serious criminals go to one of the bigger prisons elsewhere in the state. The occasional celebrity makes an appearance at the jail, although you've yet to have one in your area. From what you've heard though, they make the worst prisoners, from the...

1 year ago
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Lap LessonsChapter 2

"I can't suck a man's penis!" wailed Leaf Campbell. "Yes, you can," said Crystal. "It's really very sexy, especially when they break and you feel all that hot, wonderful liquid spurting in your mouth. After you do it once, the flavor is great and the feel of their hard shafts jerking in wild spasms drives you out of your skull in happiness." "Ohhhhh, Crystal," moaned Leaf. Crystal sat on top of the soft girl's belly, doing Leaf's face makeup. Leaf thought that Crystal was the...

1 year ago
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My Shaved Cock ndash 2

My Shaved Cock – 2This is a made up story about coming of age in a household with my brother and yes it is a gay story. None of this ever happened except in my twisted old mind.I woke up to the sound of the vacuum cleaner in the hallway. My hand went to my shaved cock, it was still smooth and soft and I looked over at Jim’s bed. His bed was empty which was not unusual for a Saturday. He usually spent most of Saturday at his friend Tim’s house.My fingers wrapped around my hard cock and I ran it...

3 years ago
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Bua Ki Ladki Ko Fasaaya

By : Anujkumar Hi iss readers .mera naam anuj hai.main delhi ka rahane wala hoon.meri umar 32 saal hai.aaj main aapko apni ek story ke bare main batata hoon ye meri real story hai.ye story us samay ki hai jab main iss ki story bahut padhta tha. meri buaaji bhi delhi main rahti hain unki 02 badi ladkiyaan hain aur ek chota ladka hai.dono badi ladkiyon kiran aur mauli ki umar 24, 20 saal hai aur Praveen 18 saal ka hai.aise to dono hi sundar hain lekin mauli kuch jyada hi khoobsuat hai. mere...

2 years ago
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The Killing

It was a bad season for colds everyone agreed. Almost everyone had gotten a cold this winter, one that seemed to hold on for weeks. Nobody thought anything about it, it's not uncommon to get a cold in the winter after all. Then the dying started. Within weeks of the start of spring people started dying of all sorts of strange diseases. By mid April the mass die offs began. By the time it stopped only one in two hundred in the United States still lived. Other places where AIDS or a lack of...

2 years ago
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It was Columbus Day, a Monday, and both Mommy and Daddy were home. I woke up around 8 and they were still sleeping, so I went downstairs and made pancakes, eggs and bacon. Toast, too, with strawberry jelly. By the time you’re fourteen, Deedee, you know how to make a darn good breakfast, and I knew they liked to sleep late if they could. I wanted to do something special for Janice and Daddy. I masturbated last night – it’s wonderful that I can make myself come now, Deedee. I was a...

1 year ago
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Sigil and Seduction Part Two

Sigil and Seduction Two Solkah grinned to himself as he shoved his leanly muscular leg into the empty leg of the skin of Lady Ravenshield. She was quite a bit thinner than him, which wasn't a problem, but the large empty sack of the belly was new. The drow began sliding his body, still slick with sweat and fluids after the sex into the empty suit and he relished the feeling of the empty skin sliding over his thick member. He was getting erect again, and knew he had to work fast....

3 years ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 7 London Visits Her Son In College

I licked my lips nonstop as I calmly made my way down the hallway. 'This is an excellent school, but I have no interest in seeing it, I only want to see a hunk in 1D, and no it isn't Pete. I can't wait, Joe, I want your hard cock inside me, and hopefully we'll have a little privacy,' I thought, keeping my eyes on the door. 'I'm just wearing a sexy short skirt and a spaghetti tank top too,' I thought before I halted at the door. 'I'm wearing a bra and thong though; I wouldn't want the...

1 year ago
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The Vicars Wife

My sister Cindy and I had always been very close, and like most older sisters she tried the big sister act on me wherever and whenever she could. However, much to the amusement of her husband Sam, I quietly resisted all her attempts to control my life without upsetting her. . At the tender age of 32, I had resisted all attempts of hers to marry me off. I had a string of girl friends, but none measured up to the standard that I had subconsciously set. I was basically very happy. I had a well...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Maybe Lovers

Maybe Lovers She leaned forward slowly, so slowly that it seemed that she was moving in slow motion. This gave me the opportunity to gaze at her; her face, her closed eyes with her lightly covered eye-shadow that complimented her skin, her tone, and she moved forward, still. Her hair was swept over to the right side of her forehead parting just past the middle, falling down each side of her face, beautifully framing her delicate features. She looked totally ravishing and, if I thought this,...

Love Stories
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Encounter With a classmate

This is my first story in juicy!! And this is about an unexpected encounter with my classmate in the terrace of our flats!!! Hello everyone....I am Rohit from Chennai...I am 20 years and this is my first story in juicy. The story is about the losing of my virginity to one of my classmate when I was 16.I lived in a flats during schooling. I also like everybody of my age, masturbated atleast twice a week. I used to masturbate by watching porn and sometimes fantasise about actresses and some of my...

3 years ago
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Island SexChapter 3

Robert’s intuition was right on. Moira’s pregnancy inflamed her already substantial sex drive. He and her two island sex-buddies had their prostates constantly emptied. If it weren’t for their bedroom help it would be difficult for him to meet his work and school obligations in addition to his wife’s needs. The men roomed together on campus and she would go there between classes, sometimes more than once a day, and fuck them both until they were limp. Robert filled her craving pussy morning...

2 years ago
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A Matter of TrustChapter 3

"Jeff," she said, "You have to find someone else to cash in as the winner. Someone you can trust to give the money back after all the excitement dies down." Of course I'd thought of that. The catch was that there was no way to make a legally enforceable agreement, like a contract. Normally that would have to involve a lawyer, and any lawyer would be duty bound to reveal the existence of the deal once he or she learned about the divorce. What we were talking about would be a transparent...

3 years ago
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On the Job Training Part Two

The next day I walked into the office on shaky legs. I was hyper-aware of my breasts, loose under my thin silk blouse, my nipples hard from rubbing against the soft fabric. I was sure every man in the office could smell my wet pussy as I walked by to take a seat at my desk. My phone buzzed almost immediately. It was Mr. Decker. "Karen, please come to my office." I knocked on his door and entered, closing it behind me. "Lock it." I did, and stood waiting. "Mm, I see you remembered my...

Oral Sex
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Retribution The Grandparents Turn

Zoe phoned her close friend Hannah. “Guess what, Grandma and Grandpa are coming for lunch and Grandma has asked me to find a reason to spank Grandpa.” “ No kid,” Hannah exclaimed. “How will you work it Zoe?” “ Grandma is a wily so and so and I guess she will give me all the ammo I will need.” “ You gotta come over later and tell me all about it. We’ll have the house to ourselves.” “ Great. I’ll give you a call first.” Zoe’s Grandparents arrived for lunch and for once her parents, Marty...

2 years ago
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Neighborhood NymphoChapter 4

A few weeks later, Tammy lay on her bed counting a large stack of dollar bills and checks. Some of the money was her share for selling the most glass ornaments at school, but the majority of it was her payment for pictures of her that Ted had managed to sell. For a while now, the young photographer had been using Tammy and Chris as models for various projects. And his clients had liked them so much they'd commissioned him to do a whole series with the two girls. Tammy's only problem was...

2 years ago
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Original Cindy the Panties and My Revenge

“The fucking whore wrote her phone number on the receipt!” I was slightly furious.He just looked at me and shrugged, not fathoming the meaning. “I guess she does that to provide better customer service.”He is always so oblivious. “It’s her damn cell phone number! The store number is right here on the top of the receipt!” I shoved the newly crumpled receipt into his face.In a sarcastic slut-voice I mocked her assumed behavior. “I’m Cindy the lingerie salesperson.” I shimmied my body in a...

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The Next Three Days Next Door 8211 Part 4

It is said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, somebody told this once to me, and I do not know about others but this was absolutely true in my case. I love eating delicious food and the food she cooked, umm, was just awesome. She was a perfect whore in the bed and just as perfect a chef in the kitchen and both are my weak areas. After two exhausting but memorable morning love making sessions I was very hungry. We had our breakfast looking at each other feeding each other,...

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Loss of Innocence Chapter Two

"Calm down, boy", she said as she stroked his back. "First, we go for a ride. Then we will come back and have some fun". She saddled him and climbed on, riding out into the open field. As she rode, she felt every bump of the ground inside her wet cunt. And the cool leather of the saddle felt good against her pussy. "I don't know why I never thought to go riding without panties before", she said as the saddlehorn rubbed against her clit underneath the summer dress she wore. She rode...

2 years ago
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Summer of Love Week 4

Aaron thanks her for it and begins toweling himself dry, when to his complete amazement, the MILF drops to her knees in front of him. “I know you have your needs,” she says, boldly reaching out and undoing his jean shorts. Holy shit! the mind boggled stud thinks to himself. Is this really happening??? Instinctively, his love worm starts hardening with excitement as Jo Anne pulls down his shorts and then his briefs. “Wow, you’re big,” she states in a matter-of-fact tone as Aaron’s tool visibly...

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MAU Slayers I Close My Eyes And Then Drift Away

[Special thanks to Allen W for his assistance with a piece of dialogue and finding one character's voice] Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers took on Angel and Spike who were in possession of an active MAU. Both vampires were killed during the battle. During the confusion, Faith was kidnapped by Dennis, an user of the MAU who had given himself the power to control people by touch. MAU - Slayers - I Close My Eyes And Then Drift Away Three Weeks Later... Dennis...

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I made One of My wifes Fantasys Come True

Part of it is actually true and is one of the things we have done in the past My wife has had fantasy's about black men that started after we were married. This was do to several things that happened during the first several yrs and have continued for most of our married life. However most were only fantasy's, but on this particular night the things that happened to her would not be fantasy! Some Years ago even before and after we were married I frequently use to take my girl parking...

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