Lucy And Jo Go Into Business Full Time
- 3 years ago
- 38
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Jo and Lucy could not believe how well their business was going. Karen was now employed every weekend and got fifty pounds per day and was happy with it. After all, she had been sitting around at home complaining she had no money.
Jo thought she was not trying very hard to find work either. After all, Karen had finished college eighteen months ago and had a diploma in Business Studies. She had graduated with honours as well.
When Karen arrived for the fifth weekend, she spoke to the girls.
"You have got about five and half thousand pounds here," said Karen. "I had to take some of that money and go and buy a little safe to keep it in and then keep it locked up. I have also been keeping a record of every person who comes here, their offence, wherever it was their first offence and date, that sort of thing. A computer though would be far better, then I can give you a print out of each person before they come if it was their first offence, what they have been found guilty of and so on. You have a number of repeat bookings as well."
Both the girls stood there wide-eyed and their mouths hanging open.
"We have got how much?" said Lucy.
"I said about five and half thousand pounds," said Karen.
"I thought that was what you said," said Lucy. "I just did not think I had heard you right. So, what should we do with that money? I mean it can't just sit around here. I did not realise we had that much."
"I think you should open up a bank account for what you take here. Also, I would suggest that you get a card machine, so people can pay like that. Banks are always happy to put one in for you, it means possible more business for them," said Karen.
"Now, your advert," Karen continued. "I suggest making it a bit bigger, putting your hours of business in. One flat rate for the role-play and caning, your restrictions, like no under twenty one and no sexual activity. Then underneath it, put a picture of a person holding a cane, ready to swing it. How does that sound? The current advert is due to expire this week, so I can go down and make sure it goes in again and is changed," she added.
"You seem to know a lot about running a business," said Lucy. "Is this the kind of thing you learnt at college?" she asked.
"Yes, it is," answered Karen.
"Is there anything else you need to make this business run well?" asked Jo. "Come to think of it, some of our canes are looking a bit the worse for wear already, a bit brittle and some splitting," she added.
"Are you keeping them moist?" asked Karen.
"Well no," said Jo. "Should we?"
"Well, you must," Karen said. "You see if you do, they will stay flexible for much longer and won't split as quickly. I suggest you get something like antiseptic wipes, to wipe them off after each time, and a sterile solution to keep them in overnight."
"Oh I see," said Jo. "How do you know all this?" she added.
"I know from watching and learning from porn channels," said Karen.
"KAREN! Really," said Lucy horrified. "You are just like your sister, you say whatever is on your mind, never mind if other people want to hear it. I mean, watching porn channels is one thing, many people do, but learning from those disgusting things and then admitting it, is quite another."
Jo, by now, was laughing out loud.
"Oh, there goes Lucy," she laughed, "showing her prudish side!!!"
So, the girls went shopping. Lucy went with Karen as she had a lot to carry. They came back with a computer, a small printer, and various bits of stationery. Also, they had changed the advert and made sure it went in again for five weeks. Karen had a lot of good ideas for making the business better.
Once Karen had set up, she handed Lucy a printout.
"This is your first customer, a Ms Davenport," said Karen. "She has been sent here by her Matron for bullying a junior nurse. While she is thirty, the junior nurse has just started, he is only eighteen and one of the few male nurses. The Matron has suggested five strokes of the cane, but we are welcome to use our discretion. The Matron has stressed that Ms Davenport must be taught a lesson."
"Right," said Lucy. "Very interesting. Ms Davenport is due here in fifteen minutes, so I suggest we go and get changed."
Ms Davenport arrived and Karen took her through all the formalities and what would happen. She told her to get herself undressed in the bathroom. She told her that only two people would be in the punishment room, Matron Armstrong and Sister Little. Karen stressed that she was only to speak when spoken to. She then led her into the punishment room.
"I am Sister Little and this lady here is Matron Armstrong, who will give your punishment," said Jo. "You have been sent to us by your Matron, because off your continued bullying of a junior male nurse is that correct?"
"Yes, it is," Ms Davenport answered.
"I see you have been making this poor nurse do all your running..." said Jo.
"Oh, come on, this is a joke," said Ms Davenport.
"Excuse me, but did I ask you to speak? Did our receptionist not tell you only to speak when spoken to? Would you like me to add an extra stroke for speaking out of turn? This is your first and only warning, next time I will be adding to your punishment," said Jo.
"Right, I shall continue," said Jo. "You have been making this poor nurse do all your running around, told him he risks his job if he doesn't and making sexual remarks to him. I believe he is not the most confident of people as well. You say things like and I quote, 'hey babe, get me a coffee, unquote, when you are on a break and sitting next to the coffee machine and he is working and busy. Also, and I quote again, 'Oh big boy, what is it you have down your trousers? Wouldn't you like me to bend for you so you can lose your virginity?' unquote. You have been shouting at this nurse, using and abusing him, until he is in tears. There is plenty more as well and this has been going on for about ten months.
Ms Davenport butted in, "This has now gone beyond a joke."
"Excuse me," said Jo, "Did I ask you to speak? I have not warned you before about speaking out of turn and what would happen in future if you did. It seems you took no notice of that warning so I will add a stroke on."
Se continued sternly, "I sentence you to six strokes of the cane, to be given with a medium adult cane. Your Matron recommended five strokes but said we are welcome to use our discretion. I have added one stroke for speaking out of turn. Your Matron has said that you are to report to her when you arrive for your shift tomorrow, with proof that you have been here and the punishment was carried out. We will provide that proof."
Ms Davenport looked at the spanking bench and the row of canes and suddenly did not feel so confident of herself.
Then she started to think. 'I was never caned at school, but plenty of people I know were. They all said, sure it hurt at the time and you had to be careful sitting down all day, but it was really nothing to be scared of or worried about.'
"Now, come with me over to the spanking bench, and I will strap you down. The person who is going to give your punishment is Matron Armstrong. You will address her as Matron at all times. Is that understood Ms Davenport?" said Jo.
"It is, Sister," said Ms Davenport, who by now was getting nervous and unsure of herself.
Jo asked Ms Davenport to bend over the spanking bench so she could strap her down.
"Ms Davenport is strapped down firmly, Matron," said Jo. "The punishment can begin."
Lucy fetched the cane and flexed it twice as well as giving it a few good swishes through the air.
She gave Ms Davenport's bottom two taps to get her aim. The cane came down, swish, thwack.
"FUCKING HELL!" shouted Ms Davenport, "That hurt."
"Excuse me," said Lucy. "We do not accept any foul language here. Next time I will be adding another stroke of the cane on to your already growing list. This is your first and final warning. Is that all understood?"
"Yes Matron, it is understood," said Ms Davenport.
Swish, thwack, as the cane hit.
"No, please I won't bully anymore," Said Ms Davenport.
"Four to go," said Lucy.
Swish, thwack the cane came down and hit Ms Davenport's bottom.
"FUCKING HELL! Shit, that hurt like hell," said Ms Davenport.
"Did I not warn you about that foul mouth of yours a minute ago, young lady, and what would happen if you opened it again? You don't seem to listen. So seven strokes it is then. Is that all understood ?"
"Yes Matron, I understand," said Ms Davenport.
"Good, four strokes to go then," said Lucy.
Each further stroke was met with cries of, "no please, I won't do it anymore," and, "I promise not to bully anybody again." The tears and Ms Davenport's mascara were now running down her face like rivers.
"One stroke to go," said Lucy.
When the last stroke came, Ms Davenport was past screaming, as her tears and mascara were running down her face.
"Sister Little, please unstrap Ms Davenport," said Lucy.
"Ms Davenport," said Lucy, "please go and get changed now.".
"Sister," said Ms Davenport, "you said that you would provide evidence that I had been here, that I could give to my Matron?"
"You have that evidence," said Lucy, "it is the seven stripes across your bottom. They will still be there for a while."
"Karen," said Lucy. "Phone Matron Taplow at Collingford hospital and tell her Ms Davenport has been here. Tell her we took her advice about the five strokes, but because of continual speaking out of turn and very bad language, it was increased to seven. Tell her also that we did warn her on both accounts before increasing the number of strokes."
"I wonder how Jo and Lucy are getting on with their business?" said Dave, one day as they were sitting in a bar having a drink. "We have not seen them for two weeks now, because of our bloody shifts."
Then they heard a noise coming from a table over in the far corner.
"Oh no, it is that bloody officer John Smith," said James. "He has got the biggest, loudest mouth I know, and most of the time, just plain rubbish is coming out of it."
"Call him here," said Dave.
"What is it that you all find so funny?" asked James.
"Some slappers have opened up their own caning business in town," said John. "We have got their advert there and having a laugh at it."
"What advert is that?" said James.
"Here, I will show you," John said.
He bought the advert over to Dave and James and they saw that it was Lucy and Jo's advert. It was like a red rag to a bull, but they managed to control themselves.
"I mean," said John, "how well can a woman cane?"
"Well," said Dave, "the policewomen at the station do a good job of it. I know I have witnessed them and would not like to be on the receiving end of that cane."
"So why do you not try them out"? asked Dave.
"You mean to go there, get caned for fun, to see how good they are?"
"That is exactly what we mean, "said Dave. "Or are you too chicken to go?"
"No, of course, I am not too chicken," said John.
"Okay then, so make an appointment and go. You are off next weekend and the advert says they only work weekends."
"What must I tell them? They say they want a reason so they can organise their role play," asked John.
"We will think of something, probably before we finish here," said James.
So Dave and James had a think and came up with a story for John.
"Call him back here and tell him," said Dave.
"Right, here is your story. You are a private in the army who is cheating your partner, she has caught you three times, shagging three different slappers, and each time she takes you back. This time though is the last time. Either you come here and get caned, and hopefully learn your lesson or that is it, she is finished with you. We will get a woman to phone for you."
"Okay," said John. "Go for it, it should be a good laugh. A woman caning, yeah, sure. Be the best one hundred and fifteen pounds I have spent in a long time. These sergeants who cane at the station have all had the training to do it, as well as being witnesses."
So Dave and James made the arrangements for John. All he had to do was turn up. They knew how Lucy and Jo could cane from the practice swings they took on them and most likely had got better at it.
"You go at three pm next Saturday. All the arrangements have been made for you." Dave told John the next day. "Oh, one other thing, we want to see how it went, not just have you tell us, okay?"
So Saturday came and John went. He was happy and believed he would have a good time and a laugh. Little did he know who had taught the girls.
"You have a private John Smith next," said Karen. "Here is the printout of his offences."
"I see," said Jo who was going to do the caning. "Well, we shall teach him a lesson not to cheat?"
John arrived and was taken through all the formalities and told where to get changed. He was told there would be two people in the caning room, a Sergeant Armstrong and a Corporal Little.
"Get changed?" said John.
"Yes," said Karen. "Behind the bathroom door, you will find a robe, like a hospital robe. Take all your clothes off and put that on."
"Oh, okay," said John, who had not been expecting that at all.
John was shown into the caning room.
"I see you have been cheating on your partner," said Lucy. "Is that correct?"
"Yea," replied John.
"YES, WHO?" shouted Lucy. "When you address a senior officer you will stand to attention, address them by rank and with respect. Any more insubordination from you, Private, and I will be adding to the number of strokes of the cane you receive. Is that understood?"
"I understand, Sergeant, and yes it is true that I have been cheating on my partner."
'Wow,' thought John, 'these girls role-play well. When it comes to the caning though, I will be thinking to myself, has the cane come down or not.'
"Good. I have here that you have been cheating on your partner She has caught you on three occasions, having sexual intercourse with three different women. The poor woman has taken you back twice, but this time she has said that unless you come here and hopefully learn your lesson, she will not. This woman most love you a lot. My personal opinion is that if I caught you once I would have kicked you out, but that is my personal opinion. I am going to pass sentence now."
Lucy continued, "You will receive four strokes of the cane. Three for each occasion that you were unfaithful and one for actually getting caught. You are lucky I am feeling lenient and not making it one stroke for each occasion you were caught. The strokes will be given with the repeat offender cane. Move over to the spanking bench now, so that I can restrain you. You will receive your punishment from Corporal Little."
"Private Smith is restrained," said Lucy. "The punishment can begin."
"Right," said Jo, fetching the repeat offender cane.
She gave it a few swishes through the air and flexed it a few times.
"Right, Private Smith, let us do our best to teach you not to cheat on your poor partner," said Jo. "Four strokes it is, I believe Sergeant Armstrong sentenced you to."
The first stroke came down with no warning.
"Please, no," cried John. "I won't cheat anymore."
A welt appeared straight away on Private Smith's bottom.
"Three to go, Private Smith," Jo said.
The next three were all met with cries of, "no please, I won't do it again," and, "no, please stop."
John had four welts on his bottom, which were proof to his partner that he had been there.
"So, how did it go,?" asked James the next day when they were in the bar. They noticed that John was standing all the time.
"I take back everything I said about those women. They are not just two slappers who have opened a business thinking that it would be easy money, they really know how to cane. Why do you think I am standing, not sitting here?"
Dave and James were both smiling now.
"Well show us the end result, then," said James.
So they all went into the toilet and John took down his trousers and underwear, to reveal the four thick welts he had across his ass.
"Ouch," said James. "That must have hurt like hell!"
"It did," said John. "Those women were good at role-play as well. One was dressed as a Corporal and the other as a Sergeant. It was the Corporal who did that. Corporal Little, I think her name was. The one who read out the charges and gave the sentence was Sergeant Armstrong."
"Oh," said Dave. "It looks like Jo has got very good at it."
"You know her then?" said John. "Have you been canned as well?"
"No, I have not. She is my girlfriend. Sergeant Armstrong, that's Lucy, is James girlfriend. That is why when you referred to them as two slappers, we saw red and then pushed you to go. You see we taught them to cane properly," laughed Dave.
"You bastards," said John. "So you knew all along what was going to happen."
"Oh, Lucy," Karen called. "I have called Matron Taplow and told her that Ms Davenport has been here. I told her that we took her advice on the five strokes, but because of the continued speaking out of turn and swearing, which is was warned about on both occasions, it was increased to seven strokes. She was very happy and said that although Ms Davenport is a very good nurse, she is also a known trouble maker, a bully, is dominating and pushes people around. Teasing, she knows happens and she accepts that, but not bullying. Despite having repeated warnings she has carried on. She also added, that she hoped she would not get any further trouble from her and Ms Davenport has been told to report to her and she will say that she wants to see the evidence that she was here."
Both couples were sitting in Jo and Lucy's lounge having a drink and relaxing.
"We have not seen you for two weeks now," said Jo. "Only lots of sex texts and phone calls." She then whispered in Daves' ear, "it is going to be great, going into my bedroom, bending for you, feeling your cock hard up inside me, and getting a good spanking, which I deserve."
Lucy knew full well what Jo said and very soon they all vanished and all that was heard from both rooms were cries of pleasure which went on all night, as the four of them fucked the night away.
Karen arrived early the next weekend. She wanted to speak to the girls.
"Have you two ever thought of taking this business full time? From everything you say, it sounds like the company you work for is going downhill fast. By the sounds of it, the next step for them is into administration. I have done some calculations and it seems like, taking all expenses into account you will make a very good profit. The company would have to be registered to make it legal and there are various bits of paperwork that have to be done, but I can do all of that for you. The added advantage for me is that I would have a full-time job as well. I would suggest you work five days a week, as you do now, but keeping your weekends because we know they are profitable. I would suggest giving it a trial run as such, say for two weeks, then see how it goes."
"That all sounds great to me," said Jo.
Lucy was a bit more cautious. "We will be self-employed, which is always a risk, but you say that you have worked everything out. If everything you say and have worked out is correct, then yes let's go for the trial run. How would we do that though?"
"I will tell you," said Karen. "When I come next week, I will have it all worked out properly for you both."
The girls eagerly waited for the following weekend.
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Lucy Hogarth and Mary Littleton were now having lesbian sex at every opportunity and Mary had given Lucy another caning but Lucy found the caning strangely underwhelming because she now felt that she needed more than Mary could give her regarding corporal punishment.What Lucy wanted now was a real thrashing which she knew would be incredibly painful but she also knew that it would probably take her to heights of sexual stimulation that she had never reached before.When Lucy had taken the public...
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Saying, "Oh, sir," Lucy blushed and got out of Harry's arms. He wanted to embrace her again. Giggling she ran and flopped herself on the bed. She lay face down, deliciously naked, her full round buttocks and gorgeous thighs presented a voluptuous view. He fell over her lower body, hugging her at the hips and started to kiss and lick her lovely buttocks. Lucy squirmed, enjoying the stimulation. Harry crawled up and lay on top of her back. His towel had fallen off and he adjusted his big...
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The public caning that sixty-year-old Lucy Hogarth had been a twofold success in her view because it raised funds for the local Women's Institute and it brought Lucy sexual pleasure. It had also caused sexual excitement for some other ladies present, one of whom was Mary Littleton. Prior to the evening Mary, who was some three years younger than Lucy, had never had any serious sexual thoughts regarding the application of corporal punishment but she had found the occasion hugely erotic, so much...
SpankingLucy is a dwarf. She is four foot nine inches tall. I have never thought about a dwarf this way but there is just something smolderingly sexy about her. She has long fire red orange hair she keeps it up in a bun most of the time showing off her long thin neck. She has amazing violet eyes and her body is normally proportioned like a regular size woman. What is not in proportion however are her breasts. She is sporting large b cups. Does not sound huge but on her they are a nice size. ...
My Sexy Aunt Lucy Part 3I woke up Tuesday morning, refreshed and relaxed, and was in anticipation on what the day would bring. I felt Lucy stirring on the other side of the bed. She said, “Wake up lover boy, it’s almost noon.” She threw the covers off and seeing a naked Aunt Lucy was the absolute best way to start my day. Amazingly, I wasn’t hard. Lucy got on her hands and knees and crawled to my crotch. Without saying a word, she took my limp penis in her mouth. I was totally erect in less...
Lucy's eye's flickered open, her brain booted up bringing her back to where she was and what had happened. She was laying on her back on the bed with her legs raised up and over her head, a cord was tied to her ankles and tethered to the corners of the top of the head-board of the bed. Her wrists were also tied with a cord and her arms outstretched were tethered to the sides of the bed. She felt a draft of cold air run across her wet pussy accentuating the tingles coming from there which...
LOANING LUCYBy VelvetgloveCopyright and Disclaimer ‘Loaning Lucy’ is an original work of fiction and neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality. Any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. Codes: F/f, F+/f, D/s, consensual, humiliation, serious, interracial. Copyright is asserted by the author and no reposting to other sites or commercial use whatsoever is authorised.LOANING LUCYAlice sat, gently grinding her hips, enjoying the feel of the hot, wet tongue up...
Faith is belief in the unbelievable….the more unbelievable something is….the stronger Faith needs to be. Lucy Holt had Faith; it was the only thing in her life that she did have in abundance. She was as God-fearing as anyone in Caleb County, a county renowned for its fear of the Almighty. She prayed every evening at the supper table with her parents, Seth and Annie, and every morning when she got out of bed. The Holts were one of many poor families barely eking out an existence on small...
Erotic FictionTwice a week now, for the last three month’s, Uncle John has called round for a visit and when Lucy had turned in for the night she would hear her mother and uncle whispering as they made their way to her mothers bed, and then the groaning would start about five minutes later. Lucy had listened as her mother started off with “Oh yes John eat me, eat my pussy”, then she would groan for around ten minutes and then it would be, “Come on big boy, fuck me” followed by another ten to fifteen...
Well a few weeks have passed since my niece Lucy and I enjoyed each other's company. She has text a few times sending me pictures of her fingering her wet pussy and a glorious shot of her with two fingers up her tight arse! I must say I had a good wank over those!!Anyway, I was on call this weekend and the wife decided to venture off to her mothers with the k**s as usual. The phone rang, it was Lucy asking if she could visit as she was missing me! Of course you can I said, she said that her...
"Ah John," My father greeted me as I arrived at Greatby in great haste as the summers afternoon became the early evening, "You're here at last." "At last?" I queried as I stood in the entrance hall all filthy from the road, tired and hungry as I had ridden like a madman and quite ruined my horse in the process, "What do you mean at last?" "I sent for you to come at once," he insisted, "Mr Braithwaite has gone long since." "Braithwaite," I queried, "Who is...
I quickly drank the rest of my coffee as it was now time for me to prepare for Lucy’s return. I opened the cupboard in my study and reached for the strap and the cane which would be used on her. I would though, start with an over the knee hand spanking, both buttocks spanked soundly until every square inch glowed as red as a perfect Mediterranean sunset. Just thirty minutes earlier Lucy had stood before me in this very room and allowed the contents of her inner mind to flood out, she had wanted...
After a 4 hour bumpy carriage ride, Seth waited in his room for his mother to greet him. He had not seen his mother in three months, and was now waiting for her to show him his new brother. Seth liked Charleston, but enjoyed the open space of his family's plantation. Having a house in the city and a large plantation meant he was forced to travel between the two at times. The five hour trip had taken its toll, and his eye lids were giving out. Staying on a large plantation in 1850 had its...
This installment of the saga follows on from the episodes linked here: This story has anal, first time, blow jobs, gay male, lesbian, crossdressing, voyeurism, taboo. Pick your poison.Lucy had been masturbating while she watched...
The Improbabale Tale of Lucy and the Camera ClubAs is usual on Wednesday night I went down to the local camera club. This particular night was very special, as the club secretary had arranged for a friend of his to come in to do a glamour shoot. The term glamour has many connotations and when I asked the secretary exactly who the model was and what we would be doing he gave me a strange look and said, “I am sure she’ll add a little poetry and magic to the evening”. I arrived early to find the...
Earlier tonight I prepared myself for what I thought would be just another lame-ass party, with everyone getting pissed and puking on the tube on their way home. Maybe you'd think a Christmas party where everyone's expected to dress to the theme of Pimps & Hoes would be awesome, but chances are your absolutely wrong. I figured, maybe only a handful of people would dress up that way and end up being made laughingstocks, people would start acting inappropriately and end up getting mad at each...
Lucy couldn't deny she was nervous. For weeks she had planned to attend the annual "Halloween Leather and Lace Fetish Ball" held in the nearby city with two close friends, Hayley and Kelly. They had all thought it would be a liberating experience and were all anxious to see attend an adult themed Halloween party. Now, she sat in her car parked alone, as her friends had backed out unexpectedly at the last minute. She seriously considered just leaving, but the ticket hadn't been cheap. The drive...
BDSMLucy sat at the dark corner table in the restaurant, barely able to sit still from the anticipation. The mix of fear and excitement was heady and powerful. She looked around the restaurant. It was dark, and sparsely populated at this late hour. Her husband Ben was not there yet. It was their 5th year anniversary and she wanted to surprise him in a way he would not expect. She had often fantasized about sex in public but never had the nerve to try it out, until tonight.Lucy looked at her watch...
The night continued with both Linda and Lucy trying to see who could embarrass who the most. I decided to start giving Lucy single shots again, although I never told Linda. I didn't want Lucy so out of it that she went to bed early. Plus, she was amazing to look at.I managed a sneaky look down her top every time she reached for her drink or snacks from the table. Her nipples were very erect with all this naughty chat, as were Linda's.Linda explained that after Lucy spat the cum into her mouth,...
This arse was tight! Lucy 2 bent over and just one finger up her arse and it was so tight! How was I supposed to loosen her up! My Lucy had started to rub her clit with her fingers and her pussy was nice and wet but I really felt like fucking this other young girl's arse wasn't going to happen."Lucy", I said. They both replied "yes". I indicated that it was for my niece! "Nip to the cupboard under the stairs, you'll find a small briefcase, bring it here please", I asked."OK", she replied.A...
Lucy woke up to a loud beeping noise coming from the opposite side of the bed. Sean woke up and reached over and tapped the alarm clock, silencing the alarm. Lucy thought it was obnoxiously loud, but she knew that Sean was a very deep sleeper. It made sense that he'd need something raucous to wake him up. But wasn't today Sunday? She looked over at her phone, which was in a charging stand on the bedside table on her side of the bed. Yes, it was, indeed, Sunday. Sean said, "Rise and shine. I...
BDSMAUNT LUCY(This is a story I wrote many years ago and which is in my Hamster stories but in French (called Tante Germaine). I wanted to translate it into English for those who don’t read French. I am not a professional translator so I apologize for any mistakes)It was drizzling when I got off the TGV at the station in Nancy but the gloominess quickly disappeared when I saw the silhouette of Aunt Lucy on the platform, her head taller than those around her. She was dressed in a light green...
Two days after Lucy’s birthday, her cousin Nick called to say he wanted to stop over at Nick’s house on the following Saturday, because his parents and two younger sisters were away at a soccer tournament. It was kind of an unusual request because they went to different schools and didn’t hang out other than when babysitting, but Lucy agreed, figuring Nick would have some alcohol and weed. Just before they hung up, though, Nick said, “I invited Brett over too. We’ll have fun.”Lucy shuddered,...
It would be helpful to read my prior story about Lucy’s blind date. It had been a week since Lucy last heard from Jake in the chat room. He told her, she was his and that she could play with herself but she couldn’t cum. This was driving her crazy. Every day not hearing from Jake just made her hornier and hornier; her grades were starting to suffer. Kim, her friend, had noticed a change both in Lucy’s demeanor and in her dress. Lucy was on edge but was also dressing more provocatively. She...
Oral SexI welcome comments that will help improve my story telling. If you are one of those people that get off making negative sarcastic remarks. but no honest critique, I would rather not hear from you. It was another boring day at the corner drugstore. Jim had to force himself to tend to his duties at the soda fountain. He had to wipe down the counters and fill all the drink boxes. Everything was routine until a cute little Blonde came in the side door from the parking lot. Jim knew the moment she...
Lucy had had a night where her boyfriend had arranged for her to have some sexy fun with five of his friends. It was something that they had talked about and when it actually happened Lucy couldn’t believe it. She went along with the game and very quickly realised that she was having a ball. Basically giving five guys head, one after another. After she had finished, they all sat around the table and decided that it would be a nice way to finish the indiscretion by Lucy meeting them separately...
SeductionI’ve always been around my sister for as long as I can remember, our mother washing the both of us in the bath together probably the start of my memory. My sister called Lucy is three years older than me and I would sit in between her legs as our mother washed me then we would play in the bath as the water rushed out the plug hole. Towels wrapper around us, we would get dress in front of the fire dancing about as our mother tried to dress us.As I grew older, I was always part of her games,...
Carl closed the door and went into the living room where the girls where. “So…..anyone want a drink or anything” he asked “Carl we’re not guests” Jasmine said “they practically live here” “I wish” Carl mumbled. “Anyway, what have you naughty girls been getting up too” Carl said with a little smile, expecting Katie and Lucy to wonder what he was going on about. “oh you know, licking each other out, fingering each others assholes, Cumming all over, the usual” Katie said, taking notice of...
Today was going to be a fun day, thought Jess to herself. Tonight she wasgoing to fuck Lucy. She wanted Lucy's body so bad... to enjoy those lovelybreasts, to squeeze that nice, tight ass that she had been waiting for forso long...Jess was blonde, aged just 15. She had nice breasts for her age, and longblonde hair that she held back with a scrunchie. She was a very prettygirl, and loads of guys fancied her. Lucy was shorter, aged 14, and hadlarger breasts and a nice ass. She had long, very dark...
Gina kept moaning and panting, her neck still bent back while she caught her breath. As she did, Lucy was still busy between her legs, now licking Gina's thighs and Venus mound in slow lapping caresses. Lucy slowly slid her palms up and down along Gina's heaving sides, caressing and soothing her through the aftershock of her violent climax. With a loud groan Gina looked down at Lucy, reached for her head and pulled her up until they could kiss again. While they did Gina rolled on top of...
lucy of little-hope.chapter 1.By j.If only anyone would care to notice, the sublime picture-of-girlish-perfection that is thirteen year Lucy Green would seem utterly inappropriate for the tiny decrepit bedroom where she now sits.With blonde hair as yellow and shining as a summer cornfield, so neatly arranged into a pair of ribbon adorned bunches, the beautiful nymph-like girl glows, despite the barest of illumination. Just a flickering 20 watt bulb hangs above her, from the now-rusty ceiling of...
Lucy skipped as she walked down the tree-lined avenue towards her boyfriend's small house and had to check her directions; she had only been there once before and it had been dark then. Since that time Jack had expressly forbidden her from going back, saying that he lived in a dangerous part of the town and that she would be at risk if she visited. Lucy didn't feel in any danger. The road was well lit and although the Sun had long since disappeared below the horizon, being replaced with a...
Lucy's tongue lightly twirled on the woman’s thigh only inches away from her ultimate target. She had tasted a woman’s pussy only once before many years ago. She hadn't particularly cared for it then but now found herself anticipating the nectar that awaited her. The woman had her skirt bunched around her waist, her hands holding tightly to the table she was sitting on. As soon as Lucy's tongue made contact with the extended head of her clitoris one of her hands came behind Lucy's head...