One Month Of Chuck & Steve - An Alternative ScenarioChapter 19 free porn video

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Atlanta – Friday - DAY TWELVE –

When the luxuriously equipped CS&S Lear 60XR carrying the four nurses landed at the Atlanta airfield, it taxied across and stopped between the Air Ambulance and Belair hangars, then swung around as if for a quick exit. The girls wanted to show the aircraft off to their friends however, and the pilots had been briefed by Betty to do this, so he made no objection.

They were quickly joined by everyone from the two hangars, who were soon oohing and aahing over the expensive interior and unique artwork outside. John Williams was staggered when the pilot explained, and that this aircraft, three others like it, and nine 737-700s had been recently purchased by CS&S from a member of the Saudi Royal family.

After the aircraft left, while Archie and John stood on the apron discussing what they had seen, all the Air Ambulance staff gathered in their crew room. They quickly decided that they would all like to transfer to Lutz and work for CS&S; now they just have to persuade Archie to sell.

However, it wasn't necessary, because Archie saw it as a no-brainer and had been working to persuade an already convinced John to come with him to talk to Chuck, provided he would see them. Archie called the number that Chuck had given him, and arranged for the three of them to meet at Lutz at 1130.

CHUCK - Lutz

I had been thinking about the opportunities that owning an air ambulance company would give me, as well as all the ill and injured people that I could help. I had been very impressed with the way Archie had redesigned much of the equipment I'd been shown on the impressively laid out Bravo. It was, I thought, better equipped for its size than any others I had seen. If I could get Archie to move down to Lutz, he would fit in very well with Wes and Dennis, and we might have a brand new business there, as well as being able to build enough conversions to position our own air ambulance aircraft at all our bases. We should not only be able to offer better equipped aircraft, but also undercut our competitors' prices, which reminded me that I need to ask Ben if he has managed to talk to the oil companies yet, so I called Ben's cell.

"I have indeed been making really good progress here," he reported, "One of the larger Texas oil companies and an international giant are really interested. I think they are calculating that if and when we want to sell off our next block of proven Mexican oil wells, they could have leverage over their competition. I've been able to play one off against the other, and significant discounts are already being offered. They have conceded that CS&S can sell cheaper fuel to customers from our existing bases, as well as from any new ones. However, if associated companies are to be included in the deal, CS&S, or you personally, must own at least 40% of the equity for them to qualify. I think this last point is non-negotiable."

That gave me a lot to think about; Steve would be fascinated to hear all this. I called him and was told that they were on their way to Lutz for the big meeting this afternoon. That would now take place later than we'd planned, as Dewey was coming, and stopping at both Spring Field and The Junction for a quick look on the way in.

Wanda then called to ask if I was coming into the station, as there were a few things she could not decide on her own, and I was halfway there when Archie called and asked if he and John Williams could fly down to talk to me. As the big meeting had been pushed back until later, I invited them to come down when they were ready.

When John Williams' old Learjet 28 landed, Steve and his party from The Junction had just got in. He was talking to Wes and Jimmy, and they had to stop as the noise the aircraft's reversers made drowned everything out.

After the Lear's engines had been shut down, Wes remarked to Steve that he could certainly design mufflers for the engines, but he wasn't sure if the resulting loss of performance could be offset by adding winglets. Maybe the girls in the engine shop could rebuild the turbines to make up the difference. Steve was fascinated at the idea, and said that it was worth trying. Anyway, we could easily find an old Lear to experiment with.

I welcomed my two guests and introduced them to Steve.

Once we all had cups of coffee, I invited Archie to begin.

"The four nurses have convinced everyone of the benefits of working at Lutz," he explained. "They were even very excited about life in the trailer park, so I'm prepared to accept your offer to buy the business."

I quickly filled Steve in on my conversations with Archie yesterday, then started explaining the ideas I've had about outfitting a series of the larger Citations as air ambulances and stationing them with crews at each of the CS&S bases provided, of course, that Archie thought he could sell the concept to his insurance company contacts. Lutz should also be a good base for Caribbean operations; I remembered that quite a few American's on vacation became ill or were injured down there and had to be brought home.

At that point, Archie started getting really excited.

"I'm sure the consortium I've been working with will go for the idea, provided the costs are right," he told us, "They've already given me a full contract for the new Bravo."

"Given our charter experience," Steve remarked, "This should not pose a problem.

Anyway, if the rebuilds were done by our people here at Lutz, the capital costs will be far lower." Archie was grinning broadly when I turned to John.

"What can I do for you, my friend?"

John quickly described his present operation for Steve's benefit.

"My most pressing problem at the moment concerns my largest customer," he told us. "They are a medium-sized package freight operation who subcontract all their feeder work. I've successfully worked with them for 6 years, but they are now getting quite a few complaints about the noise the Lear makes from people living close to the airfields I use. This has forced my customer to issue an ultimatum; replace the Lear or lose my contract. So the Lear will have to go, and since I'm only just getting by at the moment, financing a replacement is a real problem.

"I'd like to move my base out to a small country field on the road to Marietta. From there, I'm confident that there's room to continue operating profitably, and perhaps even for some expansion. This is especially so if I can acquire a couple of small freight aircraft. My two Pipers aren't really good for this sort of operation, and they're earning their keep in the passenger charter role anyway."

I smiled at Steve, knowing that he wanted the Lear.

"Why don't we buy the Lear, "I suggested, "Or maybe do a swap? The problem with the Lears is that they require two pilots to operate legally. We have an Embraer Phenom 100 that might be just the thing; you have to take a look at it. It's a bit smaller, slower, and has a shorter range than your Lear, but it's a nice aircraft to fly, and would be a lot more economic for you to operate. I think that's probably the aircraft for you.

"The move out toward Marietta is certainly of interest to us, as Atlanta is an obvious future move for CS&S; would you like to investigate that further, John?" I asked. "There's one aspect that I should mention, and this will be news to Steve, as well. Steve's father-in-law is in the process of negotiating a cheaper priced fuel deal with some oil companies, and he tells me that he's getting some very positive interest. Quite significant discounts are already being put on the table, but one thing is definite; for other companies to participate, CS&S will have to take a minimum of 40% equity interest.

"Does what I'm outlining appeal to you, John?"

John agreed that it did, but that he'd need to talk to his brother who had a small number of shares in his company.

Archie and I needed to discuss the nuts and bolts of our new deal, and we left John a happy man to make his phone call.

I took Archie the long way around to the hangar where Wes was currently performing his magic. I wanted to find Jimmy first, and on the way, I took our guest for a quick guided tour through the various hangars and other buildings. Archie remarked that he was impressed with all the clean bright buildings, and was now absolutely certain that he had made the correct decision.

Both Wes and Jimmy were very interested in what Archie had to say, even more so when I told them that they were to set up a shop to convert Citations into air ambulances. The three of them were soon deeply involved in working out what would be required. When Archie went on to talk about some problems that he had yet to solve, like getting some equipment small enough to fit into the small fuselage of a Citation, Wes phoned Dennis and suggested that he come out to Lutz, as he, Jimmy, and a new man needed the help of S&S R&D.

I left the three men deep in their deliberations.

The big meeting was now scheduled to start at 1700, as Dewey's flight was delayed. It was being attended by all the senior CS&S executives from across the country.

Following a request from Steve, Crystal and Bear, with Jimmy's dad, had just arrived on a scheduled flight from Hawaii into Tampa. Dewey had picked up all the senior staff from Spring Field and The Junction, plus DeDe who had caught Pete's shuttle out from LA early that morning. As soon as Pete Williams heard about DeDe's contacts with the local FAA officials, I was told that the two of them had their heads together for most of the two and a half hour flight.

Dewey had paid a flying visit to each location and had been given a quick tour. They had all spent the trip discussing what had been happening, and the different problems they faced. Dewey was fascinated and confessed that maybe he should get more involved with charters. At the moment, although he owned 10 aircraft, he subcontracted the management out. When Georgie told him that her friend, Jennie, had left the Seattle agency he currently used, and now worked with Star at Spring Field, he realized that an immediate decision was probably needed since Jennie was the person he always preferred to work with.

As soon as Dewey's G-5 landed, I took Bill to one side to discuss the market for aircraft, and Dewey was soon deep in a discussion with Ben about fuel prices. I was much more confident where this evening's meeting would go after this, and I invited John and Archie to join the CS&S executives.

I quickly counted up the numbers, and realized that the crew room we normally used for meetings was going to be too small for the 38 people attending, so I arranged with Betty to take over one of the passenger lounges. She promised to get this quickly organized.

As the time for the meeting approached, people began congregating in the larger of the Lutz passenger lounges, getting cups of coffee or iced tea, and chatting in groups.

I entered with Steve, and asked everyone to pull their seats around into a large circle.

Then I began.

"Thank you for coming everyone; some of you on short notice. The reason for this meeting will shortly become apparent, but so much has been happening in the last two weeks, that I want to keep everyone up to date, and give you all the opportunity to comment and make suggestions.

"First, there are a lot of new faces, so I am going to go around naming each person. Please stand up when I call your name. First, on my left, Steve Sharp, owner of S&S, and one of the owners of CS&S, together with me and your 401K plan. On his left are the financial wizards who make sure we don't make stupid decisions. They are Tiny, Henry, Bart, and Marty; the latter two are responsible for my own personal operations. Next to Marty is Steve's father-in-law, Ben, our principal attorney, who tells me that he has some great news on the price of our fuel.

"Then we have the Lutz contingent; John, who is now the General Manager of CS&S, and Jimmy, our Maintenance Manager, with his No 2, Jake Brewster. We mustn't forget Tank, who runs our rotary operations here. Then there are Betty, Charlotte, and Sookie who make sure the charter aircraft and crews leave on time, and Wes who runs our aircraft manufacturing operation. On his left is Terrell, the head of S&S Construction, who is really busy extending your runways, building more hangars and the necessary infrastructure to allow us to properly operate. By the way, Terrell, I think we need another four hangars here at Lutz.

"Continuing, we have the Spring Field contingent, led by Star. Sitting alongside her are Bill and his daughter, Georgie, who I haven't even met yet. Welcome, Georgie. Then there is Bob Packer, her new Chief Pilot. Next to him is DeDe, currently running our new airline, Halcyon, in LA, and who is handing it over to Carlos Rodriguez today. He's the man on her left.

"I'm pleased to announce that when DeDe is satisfied that she has Carlos firmly in the saddle, she is coming back here to Lutz and will become John's Assistant General Manager and trouble-shooter.

"Next, we have Kurt, who is running our base at The Junction and Doug Schaeffer; these two are going to supervise all our 737 operations. Also from The Junction, I'm delighted to have Cindy, the new Airfield Manager, Pete Williams, and Jack Smith, another new face and a man who I haven't met. I'll come to their role shortly.

"From Hawaii we have Crystal and Bear who not only run CS&S over there, but also supervise all the S&S operations on the Islands, together with their Maintenance Manager, who also happens to be Jimmy's dad.

"We are almost there. Sitting by the Hawaiian contingent is Dewey from Seattle. He is Steve's and my partner in a number of tourist resorts around the world, and also owns a few aircraft. Then there are six more new faces. Archie, who is a medical doctor, as well as a pilot; I have just agreed to buy his air ambulance operation in Atlanta, which we will be expanding and moving here to Lutz. His companion, John Williams, is also from Atlanta where he has a small air charter outfit."

There was a buzz of interest, and after taking a drink of water, I continued.

"You all know Lisa. At the moment, she has been looking after our HR affairs, and next to her is Bruce Rogerson, who joins us as head of HR starting today, so if you need more staff, he's the one to see. That's only been one of Lisa's duties, and in future, she will also be deeply involved in a new area for us, namely security. These other four gentlemen have joined us to directly oversee this vital aspect of our businesses. I'm afraid that from now on, it will be increasingly important. First, we have Buster Isaacson; his sidekick, Mac Melville can't be with us as he is already at The Junction investigating a problem there. Both these two are highly qualified pilots, and also security specialists. Buster reports directly to me on all security aspects, and has direct command, assisted by Mac, of all the specialized personnel we are currently hiring. On his left is Colin Mackenzie, a recently retired Marine Top Sergeant. He commands the new Marine Guard Force, together with Siggy Haraldsen, who until this week was a USAF Air Police Master Sergeant. Airfield security is a specialized business.

"Now, some of you are aware that we were warned earlier this week about direct threats to CS&S from both terrorists and International crime syndicates. I have since been informed that this is a reality, and with the active assistance of Federal Security sources, I am putting measures in place that I hope will successfully protect you, our other employees, and our now very widespread operations.

"Buster will be based here at Lutz, as will Colin and Siggy. Feel free to speak to them any time you have ANY concerns. I've already had to send Mac to The Junction, which we currently believe is the next most threatened location. He is a rotary aircraft specialist and will supervise those operations there.

"This is a three tiered setup. Again reporting to Buster, we have five four-man teams who will each be responsible for security at one of our five locations. Heed what they say, and again, feel free to talk to them at any time. These teams are currently undergoing further training here in Tampa, and I hope will be in place within the next 7 to 10 days. By the way, Washington has approved them all being sworn in as Deputy Marshals.

"The last tier is the Guard Force that I mentioned earlier. They will all be Marine veterans, and their job will be to guard your installations 24/7. We are currently hiring these men. Teams will be located here at Lutz, Spring Field, The Junction, and in Hawaii. All will be led by retired senior Marine NCOs, assisted by Air Police Sergeants. At the moment, we do not anticipate having any with Halcyon in LA".

"Yes, DeDe?" She had raised her hand.

"We already have a definite problem with the outside security firm who are supposed to guard and patrol our hangars. They say it isn't necessary, although they are contractually bound to do so, and the airport authorities won't do anything about it," she explained.

I turned to Buster.

"Buster, I want Mac to go as soon as possible to LA. He is to arrange an early meeting with the President of the Airport Operating Company, and he must take Carlos, Jesse Nicholls, the LA Marshall Station Chief, and the Bureau SAC with him as well. If the airport people won't get the present security outfit in line, or failing that, change them for someone who will, you are authorized to inform them that unless this immediately gets taken care of, the FAA will temporarily suspend the airport's operating license."

There was a hush as everyone looked at each other. They were all wondering if I really have the power to do that, ... Then they realized that I obviously did.

I then moved on to the next item on my agenda.

"Before I ask all the General Managers to report; it will save time if I run through the list of new aircraft you've all heard about. Bill has been doing a fantastic job.

"The G550s and Lears he got for Spring Field, I hear have been earning their keep every day since they arrived. There are another four G550s and some Lears that will soon be ready for delivery, and I propose to assign all these to The Junction. You have all heard about the deal I made with the National Guard in Denver. Star, I know that you have been keeping all these helicopters busy, but I'm afraid that I am going to take away two of each. I want to station one Chinook and a Hawk at Lutz, and the others at The Junction. I want the Lutz Chinook converted to the full civilian spec for a 234MLR, please Jimmy, but before you do that, I want Wes to design and make two sets of pallets for the other two aircraft, one for luxury seating and the other for the tourist type. Please can you get started on that, Wes?"

Bill handed me a paper.

"Thanks, Bill. As many of you know, a couple of weeks ago, Bill and Steve placed bids on 13 aircraft listed on the Federal Disposals Auction Website. They later added bids on 9 more. The economy is so poor that we won them all, and there apparently was only one other bidder, who soon dropped out.

"All of these went to Spring Field, and I'm told Jennie wants even more? Star, are there any that you don't need and can share with the rest of us?"

Star glanced at Bill before replying.

"There's one that you bought in that deal with the Pastor, the Lake LA-270 Amphibian that I can't see us using. There are also Gunter's two Pipers..."

She looked around,

"They are a Seneca V and a Malibu Meridian, which any of you can have if you want, and I recently took a Fairchild Merlin 300 as part of a deal, which is not being used at the moment."

"Thanks. Kurt, you can have the Pipers and the Merlin," I continued. "I think we could probably sell the Lake down here in Florida, so please get a ferry pilot to bring it over.

"Now, there are a lot more aircraft that have been listed for auction in the last two days. According to Bill's list here, there is a large number of small airliners and seventeen helicopters that are available. Most of these have to be seizures, but the type of aircraft and the numbers are surely unusual, so I suspect we can thank the Internal Revenue Service.

"No ATRs, please, Bill; I don't like the concept of stopping the right prop and using that engine to power the electrics.

"There are seven of the big Bombardiers here. Three Dash 8s (2 are Q300As, and one Q400), and some CRJ 900s, two LRs and two Xs. Could you use these in Halcyon, DeDe?"

Both DeDe and Pete Williams said yes at the same time. I let this pass, but they were obviously up to something, and were going to have to explain what later. Carlos looked interested.

"There are also eight Embraer airliners, ranging from a couple of Brasilias, all the way up to a 195, and also a pair of Fairchild 328 jets. I don't think we can use these in our present setup, Bill, but I think we had better bid on these anyway. There are three Gulfstream C-20s, those are military G-IVs. three Citation XLSs, all these will go to Archie's team for outfitting. Also there's a Bombardier Global Express, an XRS no less."

Betty sat up straight, so I invited her to speak. "We've had a lot of requests from two very big companies to quote for direct charters to Sydney, Australia and Tokyo, Japan, as well as other Far East destinations. We've done the arithmetic, and Tiny has looked the figures over. I was going to ask for two 737-700ERs, but one of those and a Global Express would be even better."

There was a quiet "I agree" from Tiny.

"OK", I continued, but I was interrupted by Star raising her hand.

"Can we have the two Brasilias to add to our small fleet which Jenny is keeping really busy flying groups of gamblers up to Reno? She can easily fill these and more."

"Right, the two Brasilias to Spring Field. Now, where was I?

"There are also nine Bells listed here, ranging from some 206Ls, through 412s and 427s, to a 430. I think we'll have all of those. These others look good; three Sikorsky S-76s, those are just what you want to extend your shuttle, Pete, AND four of the S-70 Hawks.

"Crystal, can you use these last three to extend your Island Shuttle?"

"Oh, yes," she immediately replied.

"Betty, what are the stats on our rotary charters? How many people request a club-type aircraft rather than one with 'tourist' seating? Didn't you tell me that it was roughly three to one? OK, let's try for that balance throughout the fleet.

"I think that's all on the aircraft front, so would you like to tell us next about the new fuel offer, Ben?"

Ben looked around, broadly smiling.

"I have received a formal document today that contains a greatly improved offer," he told us. "There is also an expiration date by which we have to accept or reject it.

"They are not only offering a very good basic discount, but it now also has step increases as the volume of use becomes greater. It increases quite sharply, I might add. If CS&S is the base or airfield owner, we are permitted to sell to any visiting aircraft, however any other company must be at least 40% owned either by CS&S, or CHUCK, PERSONALLY, to get all the benefits. I take this to mean that they have discovered that Chuck was the one who hired all the drilling rigs operating off the east coast of Costa Rica, which found the wells that are now producing commercial quantities of oil.

"I have done some research, and this deal is as good as many of those they have with a number of the bigger airlines."

"How long is the contract for?" Steve asked.

"Three years, with no limit on the permitted number of gallons," replied Ben.

"You would advise us to sign, then?" I asked.

"Oh, yes," Ben enthusiastically replied. "It is significantly better than your existing contract, and that already gives you an important operating advantage over your competitors."

"What you're saying is that I've now got to sell 40% of my aircraft company to Chuck," Dewey quipped.

I shook my head, then invited Lisa to speak about personnel.

"Two weeks ago, our Government announced that it was discharging 'several dozen' pilots from the Armed Forces, together with an equivalent number of trained aircraft mechanics," she began. "A couple of days later, we advertised for applicants in both categories. We have already hired some, but as of this evening, we still have 74 fixed wing, multi-engine pilot applicants, and an additional 75 from pilots who are qualified on both fixed and rotary wing aircraft.These figures include 24 qualified instructors. Applications from rotary only pilots are just as good; 72, including 15 instructors. The figures for applications from pilot mechanics are as follows. Fixed and rotary: 23, fixed wing only: 26, with 21 rotary only. We've also had applications from another 80 qualified mechanics."

"I think that is extraordinary," I commented. "There are far more applications here than we are likely to need for a long time. I know that we have recently been able to find flight crews for all the 737s, but we need permanent crews for every one. Also, do not forget that the Civil Reserve Air Fleet regulations require participants to maintain 4 full crews for each aircraft dedicated to the fleet. Now I know that we have so far only received an initial verbal approach on this subject, but we are receiving so much Federal help at the moment, and this is likely to increase, not decrease, that we will find it difficult not to put some of our aircraft in the fleet when asked.

"In view of all this, Lisa and I have been having discussions with the Federal Employment Agency, exploring the possibility of starting a dedicated employment organization to help these people find work. We hope to get Federal financial support to run this. Bruce Rogerson, who is a friend of Carlos incidentally, has agreed to set this up for us on top of his new duties. Anyway, let him, or Jane his assistant HR lady, know your numbers."

John Truant summed up this part of the discussion by saying, "That's really good, especially that we now have our own full-time HR persons here at Lutz to take this part of the load off Ruth's shoulders. I think you have an HR girl in Hawaii, and we should hire some for both The Junction and in the Valley. We also need to hire additional ground personnel at each location; I'm talking about nurses (we've now got an ER specialist at Spring Field, and she is already earning her keep), crash/fire crews, aircraft cleaners, and many more."

I just said, "Do it, get it done."

I then glanced at the clock.

"I think we should now take a break before hearing from Kurt and Doug about their Golf Tours proposals."

Ten minutes later, I called everyone together again and asked them to be seated. I then nodded for Kurt and Doug to continue.

"Golf Tours as we are still calling it, was founded to give golfers from the West Coast an opportunity to play on the wonderful courses in Hawaii, and of course, to fill beds in our resorts," he began. "But, after the purchase of what is now a total of eleven Boeing 737-700Cs, Chuck became concerned that these were not being used cost-effectively, and hired me to run this part of the CS&S business. When he assigned Doug here as my Chief Pilot, we really got down to studying the problem. Our challenge is to keep all the aircraft flying and profitable, as well as to operate a tour service to Hawaii.

"Our first job was to examine the market. I don't think it was realized just how many golf clubs there are in California alone; there are, in fact, several thousand, and if we could get a group together from each of these to spend a week enjoying the Hawaiian golf courses only once a year, you would have to build many more resorts. We have not been marketing the concept hard enough, and Phil, your chief salesman here in Tampa, is taking this in hand and hiring sales teams to support us.

"But we already have a problem; not enough beds in Hawaii. Phil is confident that he can build numbers up quickly enough to keep four or five aircraft busy from both San Francisco and Los Angeles. He considers that there is so much potential that we are likely to be able to bring even more aircraft into the tour operation quite soon. I will come on to this part of our proposals in a minute, but first I want to talk about the Northwest.

"Mr. Dewey already has a 737 in place, and although we think that we can provide a lot of golf tour work for this aircraft, in the longer term it is likely that this one aircraft will be sufficient on its own

"We have spent a lot of time examining all the options to allow us to operate very efficiently in California. In the north, Spring Field is a nearly perfect location to service the area around San Francisco and the northern part of the state, but it is not a cost effective base to cover southern California too.

"The high price of doing anything that's cost efficient and realistic in the area around LAX is getting worse by the minute. I even include landing fees for quick pickups. The Junction will provide an excellent operating base, but our real problem has been how to get our customers there cheaply enough. We have considered feeder services using both fixed wing and helicopters, and various other alternatives, but until we came up with a new idea, none of these were all that attractive.

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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 14

STAR – Wednesday Day 10 part #2 I woke up feeling wonderful. It wasn't only having the woman I love here in my bed, but I had a great feeling of expectation. This was becoming a habit; waking and wondering what the new day would bring. I stretched, opened my eyes and found DeDe sitting up looking down at me with a serious, wistful look on her face. "You've moved on, haven't you?" She asked. "I was watching you with everyone at supper last night. You've now got a quiet air of...

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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 18

STEVE – Day 11 part #3 - Thursday I think that John Truant and Juanita were the only people in the airpark to get a decent sleep last night. Juanita and Mercy traded duties, so that Mercy could catch up on her sleep in the RV during the morning, after staying up with me. The rest of us sat around the table in the large conference room below the tower control room. All night, there was continuous movement both on the apron and on the runway, with C-17s constantly landing and taking...

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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 22

CHUCK – DAY 15 – Monday - Seattle and the North Cascades National Park Last night, Lisa and I were having a last beer in the nearby bar when to our surprise, our old friend and Senior Deputy Marshal colleague, Sam Nightfox walked in. His face was gray and drawn, and he didn't say anything until he'd swallowed half the long neck I put in front of him. "I hoped I'd find the two of you here," he remarked. "Why?" Lisa asked. "Someone is killing Deputies," he replied. "I'm up here...

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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 11

CHUCK - Tuesday Day Nine part #2 Lisa and I quickly changed clothes before we took off. After the usual "Mother/Eyes" exchanges, we were soon taxiing up to the hangars out at the secret training base in the desert. We did our shutdown checks and were taken straight to a conference room. We only waited there for a couple of minutes before our US Marshal walked in, accompanied by a man who I suspected was the Base Commander. After greeting us, the Marshal immediately began asking about the...

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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 6

CHUCK - DAY SIX - Saturday I got home so late last night, that I just crept into bed trying not to disturb anyone. All my women wanted to make up for it this morning, but I did my best and I think managed to satisfy them all. I also managed to get some exercise in; followed by Tai Chi, before we all went down to he patio. The girls were all dressed appropriately for Saturday breakfast. Wow. What would our visitors to the patio make of this, I wondered? After we had breakfast, Lisa went off...

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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 5

CHUCK - DAY FIVE - Friday When I arrived at the patio with my family the next morning, the triplets rushed over to me, stuttering out a plea to be taken immediately to their daddy. Aunt Etta put her arms around their brother, Mike, while I hugged all three together while trying to give them large amounts of loving, calming thoughts. I assured them that their momma was with their dad and the other mommas, and that they would make sure that the doctors did all they could for him. Young Tom...

4 years ago
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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 3

When I woke, I again immediately phoned home and spoke to Nancy this time. She said that they were all thinking of me, and that Julie had got home late last evening from her latest trip back to England. Nancy said she was still asleep, otherwise she was sure that Julie would have wanted to tell me personally that she had finally sold her flat. All the ladies there quickly blew kisses down the phone before we said goodbye. I hadn't had any real exercise since Sunday, so I put my sports leg...

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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 16

CHUCK - Day 11 part 1 Thursday I left the house on my own before 0600 to go down to the patio for a quick breakfast this morning, because I needed to discuss the previous night's call with Sue. Well, she employed thousands of seamstresses, didn't she? Could she use twenty more? She came over as soon as I arrived, and while drinking coffee and munching on a breakfast sandwich, I quickly told her all that I knew. "Late last night, I had a call from an Atlanta Deputy named John Hanmer," I...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 55

Steve I went to check on Chuck and found him crashed back by the kids. Bonita had her head in his lap, snoozing too. Trixie and Dixie were sitting with him with their heads on his other thigh, so he was well taken care of for the time being. Back up front, Mercy and Lisa were trying to explain about the women at Chuck's condo and on the new boat down in Costa Rica. I had to ask, "Mercy, how do you know all this. Did Chuck tell you?" Lisa and Mercy looked at each other and said,...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 16

Chuck Morning is always pleasant, but being between two women is even better. We had enjoyed a great evening at Merlin's and I know Mercy had enjoyed herself by working with her dad. Steve and Sue were going to have to convince Merlin to open another place like that in Tampa to get him closer to Missy and Mercy. Wanda, Lisa, and I were at the airport having breakfast by seven fifteen, in the air by seven forty-five, and parking at the private terminal in Reno at eight fifteen. While we...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 29

Steve Hap and Charlie had gone for a ride and came back to the park a little shook up. Hap parked his bike and came into the patio with Marge, while Charlie put his away. They went to the bar for some beer and also poured some shots. When Margie finished hers, she said she would be back as soon as she took care of Shirley. I didn't know if it was the Shirley over near them or another person, but it sounded like someone unrelated to the park. Both guys gave me a couple of sideways looks...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 12

Steve I was laying on my back, with Gio on my left shoulder and Juanita on my right. I could see the clock on the other side of the room showing that it was right at six AM. We were up later than usual last night. Even after coming to bed, my ladies were more active than usual, but what is normal for these women? Poor Gio, I could tell she wanted to be loved, but all she received was a lot of kisses and hugs. Our baby is more important than sex. The other girls are being almost overly...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 30

Steve I had just discussed the medical laboratory plant with Sue and we agreed that this was an important project. We both wanted to continue to assist Chuck in helping vets any way we could. It was past time to run into work, so I went to see how the company was functioning. A walkthrough of all the shops is always the best way to get a feel for what's going on. I saw Hank in the rear of the motor shop, painting one of Shawna's chopper creations. He was doing it from a chair with his...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 6

Chuck Holy shit! There are babies everywhere. All of them are hollering/crying and they all need attention right now. Literally hundreds of babies were demanding diaper changes, demanding a breast to nurse, and looking for loving attention. All I could do is stand in the middle of the bedlam with my mouth open, too terrified to do anything. Someone was shaking me, "Wake up, Chuck, you're having a bad dream, wake up, Honey." I opened by eyes to find Brandy looking at me with a concerned...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 45

Steve I was having coffee in my room at the resort. I had the patio doors open, looking out from the ninth floor toward the beautiful lagoon or small harbor in front of the hotel. It was still too early for beach people, but there were workers cleaning the beach. Two tractors were dragging the sand, smoothing it out to make it more appealing to the tourists. In the harbor and at the dock were several large yachts and sailboats. None, however, rivaled the Have Mercy, the Mercy Mercy, or...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 25

Steve Mercy was shaking me, "Steve, Steve, wake up. Chuck may need you. I think Maria's in trouble." I sat straight up trying to think why Maria would be in trouble. Oh yeah, she's about to hatch. "What kind of trouble, Mercy, what is it?" Mercy just shook her head, "I don't know, but she just woke Chuck up. He may need us. Let's get over there to make sure they are alright." I began putting some clothes on. Sue, Kathy, Mickey, and Juanita woke, seeing Mercy and me dressing,...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 13

Steve I had been told first by Mercy, then by Sue, that all of the women wanted to talk to me. That usually is almost instant death, or maybe it was going to be an execution, mine. At least they had waited for me to finish eating breakfast before the hanging. It was with great apprehension that I was following Sue, Kathy, and Mickey up the stairs, or more appropriately, the broad curved ladder that goes up to the salon. Mercy was at the helm, with Juanita sitting beside her . Juanita...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 17

Chuck A speaker in the room was broadcasting reveille. It had the desired effect, as I swung my foot and stump out of bed. Across from me, Lisa was sitting up, rubbing her eyes. She looked up at me and said, "Old habits are hard to break, aren't they?" Wanda was trying to pull a pillow over her head, but Lisa gave her a shake and said, "You better get up, or you won't get a shower and breakfast." Lisa looked up at me, "Since you're fast, go do your thing, and I'll go next after I...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 31

Chuck Lisa and I were having fun doing what we liked to do when we were relaxing. We were both sitting on a little raised stage at the bottom of what was like a theater in the round. The platform had a baby grand with a bench and two chairs, with Lisa and me sitting on them. An interesting part of this is that there was absolutely no sound system. If you were looking for un-plugged, this was the ultimate. The acoustics in the theater had been designed so that what was played on the little...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 25

Steve I was up early, as usual, sitting in the parlor on one of the fixed stools at the bar in the suite. You know how it is; waiting for coffee to brew can seem like an eternity when you don't want to sit there and wait. There was no place else to go and nothing else to do. If I went out to the patio, I would just have to come back in. If I went back into the room, I would probably disturb someone. Wonder why I can never sleep late? Only on rare occasions can I sleep until seven or eight....

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 7

Steve As soon as I stepped out on the patio, Tiny came in the back door, waving some papers while grinning his conspiratorial grin. I asked, "What are up to, Tiny? What's got you wound up so early?" "I've just heard from another Saudi sheik who is buying a new 737. The man heard we were buyers and called our office. The night customer service people transferred the call to me and we will get the new or rather new/used bird today. The Sheik's agent said we would like the price. I...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 14

Chuck When Sue and Don relieved me at midnight, I went down to the office to check the rings I was going to hand out later that night. I separated eight of the rings, along with the special one I had made up for Lisa. The only difference between the special one and the others was that it had two brilliant blue diamonds on each side of the big diamond while the other rings had two bright red rubies on each side of a big diamond. The bands were wide, much wider than what a normal engagement or...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 22

Chuck I woke up in a sweat. Remembering the night before didn't help with the PTS, with maybe a D on the end. That was close. I wonder why the bomb detonated, did it have a timer? Was there another person with a remote detonator? I doubt I'll ever know. I do know I was grateful to have carried Lisa out of the way. A heavy-breasted person was at my back and it wasn't Frieda as the belly wasn't bulging. That's when I remembered Gina. My, oh my, what do I do after hearing Giovanni's...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 40

Steve Chuck had come out for breakfast this morning to talk to me about something. When we had our coffee and were sitting at the bar away from people, Chuck said, "There's a bunch of things coming together all at once. Magellan called to say the boat's ready to be picked up. I've transferred funds and paid them, so we can bring it up any time." He took a sip of coffee and said, "You want to go to Hawaii for a few days, which at a minimum is a day going and a day returning. I can get...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 33

Steve Amazing, one night the little ones don't wake you up, and the next they wake up a couple of times. It wasn't bad either time, as Mickey and Giovanna were quickly up to take care of them. I can't imagine what Chuck is doing with ten of them in his big suite. Chuck has made some very nice plans for us, considering I thought the resort was sold out to other customers. Chuck is sneaky that way. He'll have had this planned for months now, and was able to coordinate holding the Costa...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 18

Chuck It seemed like just a few minutes ago I was totaled, dead tired, completely exhausted. So what the heck, what's the matter? I never have trouble sleeping. I can even sleep soundly on the hot sand snuggled up against a track, like an APC or an Abrams tank. The shade is always good unless it's too close to mid-day. What's in my head now that I'm having trouble sleeping? I looked at the clock to see it was only two o'clock, and I was wide awake, tired but definitely wide awake. Oh...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 5

Chuck I heard a baby cry and the bed shifted a little. There was activity over by the small table that I was told was a changing table. I raised my head to see who was up and saw Nancy changing a diaper. Her little one was making noises, but not crying. I suppose since she was getting attention that was what she wanted. Wanting to watch what the process was, I turned on my back and propped my head up on a folded pillow. After she changed the diaper, she put the infant back into the...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 67

Steve We had eaten a great supper and were all relaxing on the patio when Wanda came to get me. She asked if we could go somewhere to talk. Not knowing what was up, I took her to Sue's offices in the other end of the trailer from the bedrooms. Wanda and I sat down and she said, "Steve, I don't know what to do. I talked to Chuck this morning and he's been shot. Lisa, Nightfox, and him, were all shot. He says they're not too serious, but I'm not sure about that. When I called our base...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 22

Steve I had just kissed Sue goodbye when she left the airpark to go to work and Chuck was inside the hangar going over evidence. This was going to be a busy day. Turning back to the charter office, I found a new person at the desk. "Hi, Charlotte, I thought Star was working this morning." "No Sir, Star is right seat on the G5 out there leaving in a few minutes. If you need to talk to her, she's probably on the aircraft now." "That's okay, I'm sure she's fine. Do we have the other...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 43

Steve, Sunday mornings are always fun around home. Chuck showed up with his crew, dressed to stimulate as much as my ladies did. As breakfast was eaten, Chuck said, "I want play with the new boat. What do you think, Steve, could we take it out for a while?" People heard Chuck's request and were speaking up, "Yeah, take us out on the new boat." "Let's see if Chuck can captain his new boat." "Come on Steve and Mercy; let's help Chuck check out his boat." Sue rolled her eyes and...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 57

Steve Now that Chuck was back from hiding out in the Gulf, life around home seemed to be getting back to normal. He was busy with a bunch of federal people and his prisoners were all transported to DC where they would be held or given an option to be bailed out. I told Chuck that I didn't care what happened, as long as they left me and my company alone. Tiny told me that a major military supplier was negotiating to have us produce bodies for their equipment. That is what we wanted in the...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 20

Steve Three weeks later Wes was sitting on an overturned bucket, staring at the right wing of the parts that Jeff's team had molded before he had been hired. He had been determined to have this bunch of parts flying within a week or two. No such luck. He kept finding flaws in how the pieces fit together. He kept checking the blueprints that were downloaded from the internet with the finished product, and found the pre-made parts to be exact to the print. The problem was they didn't fit,...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 52

Chuck This party is an amazing testament to all of the girls' ability to organize, plan, and carry through to their objective. There were many people who showed up that I would not have expected. John, the Marshal, and their families came followed shortly by Dewey and his family. I was honored to have him here, as that man has some "cool." I had to ask John and the Marshal, "I thought you two were staying down in Costa Rica?" John answered, "I wanted to surprise you. You know we had...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 20

Chuck I was on my way to Cut Bank, Montana. Way up in northern Montana. My Aunt Etta-Mae had called saying she was in trouble. Lisa had just asked me to tell her what was really happening. The cabin satellite phone was ringing. Julie went to answer it and looked up at me. I told her I could transfer the call to my headset. "Johnson." "Is this Charles Johnson?" I told the voice, "It is. Most call me Chuck." "Chuck, you have an aunt named Etta-Mae Johnson, right?" Being wary I...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 21

Chuck Waking up in a strange bed, or in this case, on a strange couch is disconcerting. I had to look around to find my leg before going to the bathroom. As I traversed to the toilet, I thought I smelled coffee brewing. When I left the bathroom, I went straight to the kitchen and found Julie and Missy sitting at the big kitchen table with fresh cups in front of them. In a chair across from them was a steaming cup of coffee. Julie smiled, pointed to it, and said, "Good morning,...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 27

Steve Last night had been strange. Chuck was in a fight, no that wasn't right. He really didn't have a fight. That monster guy attacked him, and Chuck just tossed him. He did whack the guy in the nose, but it could have been the heel of the hand into the nose, a killing blow. We all learned that one. That wrist thing Chuck did was so quick that it was just something that happened as the big guy went over the top of him. I was sitting drinking that first cup of coffee contemplating what...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 11

As soon as we all made it back to Mac's after the kidnapping, Sue, Mercy, and Kathy cornered me. Sue said, "You shouldn't have been involved in that. You are the father to a bunch of kids with another on the way. What in the world were you thinking?" Before I could answer, Mercy said, "I know you felt you had to help Chuck, and we all love him, but you have to be careful, Steve. We need you, we don't need you hurt." Kathy actually defended me, "Steve is a man. He has to defend his...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 29

Steve I woke up several times during the night, hearing things that were normal sounds. Sure wish Chuck had stayed, I would have felt a lot more secure. Funny how a guy like that can make you feel safe. He's just a guy, a one- legged guy with a crooked smile, who is as friendly as a kitten. He can be vicious when he's on the job though. Drinking coffee at 5:55 in the morning is a good way to enjoy the day. I called down to the gate guard to see how everything was going and he said that...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 48

Steve (Tuesday) Mercy and I were in the restaurant early, having coffee, when a couple of salt and pepper guys came in. I stood and both came toward me with their hands stuck out to shake. They sat with us and were brought coffee. Bud Anderson, said, "I've been working on this case for a year and thought we had most of it put to bed. There must be more to it, as you've turned up a significant group here in Nevada." Jim said, "Chuck split me off as his backup a while back to work with...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 12

Chuck A few days later, we were passing Gibraltar. Everyone on board was out on deck to view the sight that was so familiar from the kids' geography books, the thick yellow National Geographic magazine pictorials, and advertising. The iconic view we all remember from the Prudential Insurance ads, though, is visible only from one angle, on the Mediterranean side of the Rock. Fortunately, our course kept that view in sight for quite a while. Gibraltar looks unrecognizably different from...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 19

Steve As I passed through the galley, I was confronted by Glenda, still in her robe. I asked, "Are you going to stay in today?" Glenda said, "I think Martin and I have been overdoing it. The scooter thing we did yesterday helped, but we were both so tired last night that we thought we should stay home and rest a little. I can spend the day doing some dusting, and I need to wash some clothes for my man. The two of us could use the rest. I thought I might give home a call this afternoon to...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 11

Chuck The last baby had been fed her middle of the night feeding, and I was really deep asleep. Lisa was shaking me. When I came out of my fog, I heard her say, "Your cell phone is ringing. Hope that isn't a problem." I got up from bed and hopped into my closet/dressing area to retrieve my phone from the tray I put pocket junk in. "Johnson," "You son of a gun, we did just like you've been doing and let it ride, all of it, we kept letting it ride. Brother Chuck, Tiny and I have hit...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 23

Chuck I woke being hugged between Julie and Brandy. The two were really hanging on, but I needed to offload pretty soon. Sliding from the grasp of the two women, I saw that Lisa was sleeping with her head on Gina's cushions. I was going to go back to bed after using the head, but saw it was five fifty already and we were going to shove off early this morning. Instead of going back to bed, I hopped back to the head, showered, shaved, and quickly dressed to go see if anyone else was up. The...

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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 4

Steve On Monday and Tuesday, Sue and I went through our local plants, visiting with the managers and workers, assuring them of what a great job they were doing. A highlight of the visits was my time spent in the recently expanded R&D building. The new guy, Sandy Flowers, had become an integral part of the team there. After setting up software to track testing and modifications, Sandy had begun helping Gerry on one of her quests to create a special polymer composite that would resist...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 58

Chuck Life was settling down all around. I was just doing the usual office work with no flying everywhere on an almost daily basis for a change. John Scott seemed to have settled down in DC and was enjoying his job again. I had the flying lessons and was checked out in the new Citation X but had no reason to go anywhere. The charter company used it once for a quick trip to San Diego and back, but Lisa took that one. She said it was great to have an aircraft that could fly that far, that...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 29

Steve Oh, what a night! My lovely ladies must have thought I needed the attention as they were absolutely on fire. I think they were trying to help me set a record as they all had some of my loving and started over again. The surprise among the players was a sneaky person, as all of a sudden, when Mercy fell to the side, two large bazooms were in my face and they did not belong to Sue. Sue's mother was sitting on my pride and joy, smiling down at me. She said, "Oh, Steve, this feels so...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 16

Chuck How can that be? My cell phone is ringing. I don't remember leaving it on. Jesus, who could be calling at, I lifted my head to see it was six thirty? I was on the outside of the pile of female flesh, so I was able to get up and hop to the table where my pocket stuff and cell phone was. "Hello." A sort of familiar voice said, "Hey, Chuck, how're you and that sweet Lisa doing?" Trying to figure out who this was I said, "We're all fine, ah, who is this?" "Hey man, this is...

4 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 28

Chuck Sunday mornings are fun out at the park. The women wear near nothing, driving us men crazy. I anticipated a good time. When I woke and began my exercises, John joined me on a treadmill, followed by some weights. He said, "It sure would be nice to have you close by. We could workout together. It's a lot more fun to do this stuff when you have a buddy." About that time, Lisa, Brandy, and Tiani came in and began using the other treadmill and the stationary bikes. Little Tiani said,...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 17

Chuck Sunday Waking up in a strange place is always weird, but this is too much. I'm hugging someone different, my hand is around a soft full breast, and if what I feel is real, I'm balls deep in a very juicy unfamiliar pussy that is sliding slowly back and forth. I can feel breath on my shoulder and hear Lisa breathing. She has a little catch to her breathing when she is sleeping and when she's excited. But her hand is holding and squeezing my balls so she is probably not...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 34

Steve We picked up a nice wind the first day out. There was a low pressure area stalled to the northeast of us, providing us with an almost direct stiff wind from the south-southeast. If we can keep this up, we'll be home in four days easy. Chuck had the helm this morning and seemed to be contemplative about going home. I went up and handed him a fresh mug of coffee. "What's on your mind, Guy, anything to worry about?" Chuck smiled and said, "I love being out on the water, but I...

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