My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery
- 4 years ago
- 36
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A morning sometime in Early August
Cyndi sat at the dresser putting on her makeup; a lot more makeup than she used to apply but she had watched the other girls carefully and had learned what to do and what to expect.
A large flat screen television was playing porn movies above the large, round bed. The screen flickered badly and there was a strange white noise behind the grunts and moans but Cyndi was now so used to the sound that she hardly noticed.
She felt happy; happier than she had been for a long time. Here in Amanda’s she really felt she had left her worries behind. It didn’t matter how much extra concrete was used; it didn’t matter how late the project was, it didn’t matter what Brian Bloody Barlow said or thought.
Now she saw things with a much clearer perspective; her life with her husband had to come first. That was why she was on earth; that was why she had been created. She had made the right choice coming to Amanda’s.
Cyndi couldn’t quite remember how she had learned about Amanda’s or when she had first arrived, but it was certainly an interesting place and she was learning so much and making so many friends.
All the other girls there were about her age or younger; one or two a lot younger. Most of them arrived in the morning and went home in the evening but Cyndi stayed there all the time. They were really friendly too, always joking when they weren’t having their clients round for an hour or so during the day.
Most of them had a lot of clients. Cyndi had lots of clients too, so far all of them men. Her husband Peter would be proud of the way she had made all these new friends. She looked forward to showing him all the new things she had learned from them, especially all the new and exciting ways she had found to have sex.
Cyndi was very excited about trying those new ways with her husband; she remembered how much he enjoyed fucking – almost as much as she did herself.
She had a vague, niggling memory that once upon a time she had avoided sex with her husband, but knew it couldn’t really be true. No real woman would ever refuse to have sex with a man as gorgeous as Peter. Just in case, she would make up for it when she went home again, but right now she didn’t want to go home. She was having too much fun and, to be honest, too much good fucking.
And for Cyndi, fucking was the most exciting thing in the world; it was what she had been put on the earth to do.
Luckily for her, Peter was the best lover any girl could possibly want; he deserved to be married to the best lover she could possibly be. Cyndi knew she could be that lover if she really tried and right now, she was trying hard and learning fast!
It was a pity she only saw most of her clients once; she was sure she would learn much faster if she saw them more often. Some wore wedding rings like she did. Most did not. Some had come back to visit her several times and she had got to know them a lot better.
Cyndi preferred being fucked by someone she knew and liked; it was far better than being fucked by a taciturn stranger but being fucked was better than not being fucked so she threw herself enthusiastically into every encounter.
And there were plenty of encounters every day.
But deep down she knew that nothing she had enjoyed since she had been there would come close to the lovemaking she knew she would have with her wonderful husband Peter when she eventually went home.
She sometimes wondered whether he would come to get her. She missed him; in a way she would have liked him to come soon but she was discovering so much every day. Cyndi knew that the longer she stayed the more she would learn and the more she learned, the better she would be able to surprise and delight him when they were back together.
So she would stay with her clients and the other girls a bit longer.
Cyndi found the other girls fascinating as well as friendly. Three or four would arrive every day, different girls on different days of the week and different times of day. Only Cyndi was there all day, every day.
When they arrived in the morning, the girls looked ordinary but once they had changed out of their street clothes into their lingerie and put on make-up, they looked really nice. Most of them wore a lot of make-up, like Cyndi herself now wore. Several of the girls had tattoos and piercings and wore jewellery in strange and exotic places like in their mouths or nipples or even between their legs.
Her own ears had been pierced years ago but that was very boring. Cyndi was fascinated by the girls’ exotic piercings and wanted to have some herself. She had asked Amanda and to her delight, had been told that she could have more piercings but that they took time to heal and might interfere with the fucking. Cyndi had pleaded with her, promising to have extra sex with her clients both before and afterwards to make up for any lost time.
Finally, after making a phone call to someone Cyndi couldn’t quite overhear, Amanda had agreed; Cyndi could have her piercings. It had been arranged straight away; in a few weeks she would be pierced in several places.
Cyndi was as excited as a kid at Christmas.
The piercer would come to her room so she didn’t even have to leave the house. Cyndi never left the house apart from going into the garden with its high walls or eating with Amanda at her home so there wasn’t any need for her ever to wear anything but lingerie and high heels. She was really pleased that she looked so sexy in her lingerie. She enjoyed looking sexy and it was always nice and warm in the house so she never got cold.
Cyndi looked at the clock on the dresser and smiled; her first visitor would be there soon and she had several more appointments later. It was going to be a busy day.
Amanda or one of the other girls usually either brought the men to her or brought her to meet them and introduce herself. Cyndi enjoyed meeting new men; most of them were friendly but looked nervous. Fortunately, she had learned how to put them at their ease.
Cyndi liked Amanda. She had been warm and friendly from the moment Cyndi had arrived. When Cyndi had explained how much she loved sex and how she wanted to learn all about it to make her wonderful husband happy, Amanda had seemed to understand everything straight away.
After only a few questions, she had gone out of her way to help, bringing Cyndi sexy new underwear and explaining everything she had to do.
Amanda chose Cyndi’s boyfriends for her too, advising how to make each one happiest; what to say, what to do with them and what to let them do to her. She talked everything through afterwards too; how to keep looking her best, how to stop her pussy getting too sore - all good advice to make sure she was even better for her next visitor.
And amazingly, Cyndi hadn’t had to pay anything for this amazing education! Cyndi had seen the other girls handing over money at the end of the day but she had never asked Cyndi for a penny.
Most of the men liked to talk a bit before having sex with her on the big bed in her room. Others just wanted to have sex. Cyndi didn’t mind either way, she enjoyed meeting new men; she enjoyed the sex.
At first, she had learned from the other girls how to pretend to enjoy having sex; what to say and what noises she should try and make but in truth, she hadn’t needed to pretend. After only her first day, Cyndi had found that she could reach a real orgasm with any of her clients any time she wanted – there was no need to pretend at all – and it made the men so very happy when she did cum for them!
It made her happy too; she had never had so many orgasms in her life and loved the way they made her feel.
Once or twice she had a client who liked to do strange things to her. Several of them had wanted to have sex with her bottom rather than her pussy. She had been very nervous at first until one of the other girls had explained that this was what A-Levels were!
After that, Cyndi had agreed without hesitation. She had been a little surprised how much it had hurt at first but she was more used to it now and had actually started to enjoy it quite a lot.
Amanda was always pleased after Cyndi had done A-Levels.
Cyndi had been spanked a few times too. She wasn’t quite sure what she had done to deserve it but she was sure there must have been something and had taken her spankings quietly, always smiling and thanking her client politely afterwards.
Maybe Peter would like to fuck her bottom or spank her too? She was looking forward to finding out.
Yes, Cyndi was very happy. She liked the girls, she liked Amanda, she liked the men and she had learned so much already! Peter would be proud of her when she showed him just how good in bed she had become.
This was what being a real woman really meant! Being adored, being desired, being fucked!
Her makeup finished, Cyndi stood in front of the wall mirrors and looked at herself. She really did look great in her lingerie; long slim legs, a flat tummy, long blonde hair and a pretty face. She wished her boobs were bigger but the push-up bras she wore helped make them look a lot sexier.
Cyndi knew she had never looked as good as this before. And it had all come simply through discovering how to dress properly and knowing how important it was to have lots of sex!
Why hadn’t her mother told her about this when she was young?
In a short time she would have her new piercings too and would look even sexier and more sophisticated.
She couldn’t wait
There was a soft knock on the door. Her first client of the day had arrived. Cyndi wondered what he would want to do this time. Would it be something new and exciting? She hoped it would.
“So there’s no news?” Lucinda’s father asked his son-in-law over the phone.
“Sorry Hugo. I’d have called. There’s been nothing. Her credit card has been used a couple of times, all for online orders but the amounts are trivial so it's unlikely to be stolen.”
“Have you heard from the Police again?”
“Only what you know; that she’s gone of her own accord; that she’s an adult and if she doesn’t want to see us, she doesn’t have to.”
“It’s so frustrating,” the older man exclaimed. “I’m so worried; she was acting so strangely before; I wonder if she’s had a breakdown somewhere.”
“I’m sure the Police think she’s hiding from me,” Peter sighed. “They think I’m a wife-beater and she’s run away.”
“I can see why they might,” her father said. “But we know what was happening to her before. If we told them that then they would think differently and…”
“We can’t do that to her Hugo,” Peter interrupted. “If we tell them that, it will be all over the papers and she’ll never be able to return with dignity. If she’s unwell, we need to find her and help her.”
“You’re a good man, Peter. You’re right; we’ll keep on looking. I’ve set my Head of Security onto it. He can be trusted.”
“And I’ve got my best paralegal on it too. We’ll find her, Hugo.”
Early September
It was late morning and nearly time for her first visitor of the day to arrive. Cyndi was excited; it was the first time any of her clients would be able to see her new jewellery; she couldn’t wait to find out what they thought of it.
She had washed, dried and brushed her hair and it would soon be time to put on her lingerie but right now she was standing naked in her heels in front of the big bedroom mirrors, studying her reflection and feeling pleased with herself.
Peter would be pleased with her too; after weeks in Amanda’s she had lost a little weight, her legs and body were much more toned and of course she was so much, much better at fucking than she used to be. All the practice with her clients was paying off, she could tell. When it was time to go home, her husband would be thrilled with her new skills in the bedroom. She couldn’t wait to surprise him.
She couldn’t wait to surprise him with her new jewellery too. Cyndi posed provocatively in front of the mirror, thrusting out her chest. The new, bright, shiny gold bars that passed horizontally through her nipples made her breasts look and feel much more attractive than before.
She smiled and stuck out her tongue, admiring the single bar that transfixed it half way into her mouth.
Even more pleased, she opened her legs, thrusting her hips forward in a very provocative pose. From this angle she could only just make out the gold bar that passed vertically through the hood of her clitoris but she was sure her clients would love it when they got close.
Most importantly, Peter would love it!
Dave, the man who had pierced her and given her all this wonderful new jewellery had been amazed how calm and compliant she had been throughout. Making the holes in her nipples, tongue and hood had hurt – the hole in her tongue most of all - but blessedly the pain hadn’t lasted long.
She had enjoyed having sex with Dave before he pierced her. He was quite old and ugly and covered in tattoos and piercings himself but, despite his bushy beard and huge belly, he had been very gentle with her in bed. His cock had been simply huge too and had been pierced in three places. All that metal had felt amazing inside her pussy.
Yes, Cyndi had really liked Dave.
She had been disappointed to learn that she wasn’t allowed any other clients for days afterwards and even now had to make sure she cleaned herself carefully every time she had sex to make sure there was no infection.
But that had been worth it. Now she felt like the other girls; bold, bright, pretty.
Someone her beloved husband could be proud of.
The bell on the front door rang in the distance announcing her client’s arrival. One of her regulars, the man had first found her only a few weeks ago but since then had been coming back every few days. He was tall and muscular, had a scar on his left cheek and looked a bit intimidating but had been really nice to her; so nice that she had agreed not to use those horrid condoms Amanda had insisted all Cyndi’s clients wore.
Unknown to Amanda, Cyndi had half a dozen clients she fucked without using them. She knew it was naughty but fucking felt SO much better skin-to-skin than with a plastic barrier in the way.
But what she really enjoyed about her scar-faced client were the new things he liked to try with her each time he came. He had already spanked her twice and given her A-Levels three times so she was sure he would love her new jewellery.
Cyndi pulled on her tiny panties and wrapped her bra around her boobs. The cups had no ends so her nipples with their new gold bars stuck right through them. It made her feel really sexy.
She could hear footsteps outside the bedroom door and felt her heart thumping excitedly in her chest.
Yes! Her husband would be really proud of her when he learned all she had done to make him happy!
Saturday 27th September
“Peter! Peter!”
His father-in-law’s voice was anxious and animated when Peter picked up the phone on a warm Saturday afternoon. Peter was in his office with Victoria, his new young secretary working on an appeal which had to be put in front of the Judge at nine o’clock on the following Monday.
“Hugo! What is it? Tell me!”
“We’ve found her! We’ve found Cinders!”
It was two months since Peter’s over-privileged young wife had disappeared after two weeks of increasingly bizarre, inexplicable but decidedly sexually-oriented behaviour. Peter and her father Hugo had met or at least talked every day of her absence as both they and the security team from Hugo’s large infrastructure corporation searched for her without success.
“Jesus Hugo! Where? Where is she?”
“She’s in Portsmouth. I’ve just this minute been told.”
“How did you find out?”
“Your girl Victoria did it. She turned up a clue, told my Security team and after a few false leads, one of them finally found her.”
“Was she kidnapped?”
“No! She... she went of her own accord like the Police said. But Peter...”
“But what? Hugo! Tell me!”
“I don’t know how to tell you this...”
“For God’s sake Hugo! She’s my wife. I love her! Tell me where she is!”
There was a long pause before his father-in-law replied and when he did it was in a low, horrified voice.
“There’s no easy way to tell you this Peter but Cinders is working in a brothel!”
“If you really want to hear me say it, my daughter and your wife is right now working as a whore in a Portsmouth cat-house!”
“Christ almighty”
There was a long pause before Peter spoke again.
“Is she being forced? Coerced? Blackmailed? Held against her will?”
“Not if my man is anything to go by. He said she was very happy, very willing and eager to learn.”
“You mean he fucked her?”
Peter’s voice sounded angry.
“He says he didn’t,” her father replied doubtfully. “But I don’t believe him. I’m dealing with that but at least he told me where she is.”
“Is she still there?”
“I assume so. He’s just left her and called me straight away. So I called you straight away.”
“I’ve got to get her! What’s the address? Have your security guys meet me there!”
Peter drove like a man possessed towards the coast and his missing wife while Lucinda’s father despatched two of his security team immediately to meet him at the brothel. For Peter, the journey was painfully slow despite there being little traffic but eventually he drew up his Range Rover outside the terraced house on a back street that Hugo had directed him to.
He sat fidgeting in the driver’s seat while he waited for the security staff to arrive. Within fifteen minutes a Jaguar pulled up behind him and two young, fit, strong men stepped out.
“Mr. Mountfield?”
“Yes. Which of you found her?”
“I did Sir,” answered the larger of the two men with a rather guilty look and a deep scar on his cheek.
“Where is she?”
“In the basement room on the left.”
“Is there anyone there we should worry about?”
“I didn’t see anyone.”
Peter took a deep breath.
“Okay. Let’s get her now!”
The surprisingly small number of staff at the so-called massage parlour offered almost no resistance when the three men arrived and started searching the place room by room. It took barely two minutes to find the basement door and descend the stairs to the hidden rooms at the back of the building.
Both rooms were locked on the inside.
Peter arrived first, went directly to the left hand door and rammed his considerable weight against it. The lock splintered and the door flew inwards. Peter let out a triumphant cry as he rushed into the room.
The room was large and square with a huge circular bed in the centre of the floor. The mattress was covered by a scarlet sheet on which lay four pillows, two leopard print, two black. The walls were deep red with large rectangular mirrors; the ceiling and carpet both black. There was a large circular mirror mounted directly above the bed.
There, lying on her back on the bed in the middle of the rumpled, encrusted sheet was his wife. She was naked apart from black hold-up stockings and a pair of shiny black, impossibly high heels. Her long, dyed-blonde hair was fanned out over the pillows and her legs spread impossibly wide.
Peter knew it was her though her torso and face were obscured by the pale body of the obese, naked man who lay between her thighs, his flabby, spotty bottom rising and falling clumsily as he thrust himself in and out of her vagina.
His wife was clearly enjoying the experience immensely if the moaning and squealing that filled the room were anything to go by. No fake orgasms for Cyndi; she was very obviously climaxing freely and readily as the fat man fucked her mercilessly.
“Lucinda!” Peter yelled as he burst in on the copulating couple.
“What the fuck?”
The fat man gasped aloud, his thrusting coming to an instant halt. He pulled himself violently out of Cyndi’s body bringing a look of shock and disappointment to her pretty face, then jumped to his feet by the bed as if expecting to be assaulted or even robbed.
His small, curved cock was still ludicrously erect glistening with the girl’s copious vaginal juices.
“What’s going on?” he yelled angrily. ”I’ve paid already. Wait your fucking turn! It’s not as if her cunt’s going to wear out!”
The fist that slammed into the man’s chubby face took him completely by surprise. His knees buckled instantly and he slumped to the floor.
“Peter, no!”
Cyndi cried out in horror as her husband ran to her bedside, drawing her to the edge of the mattress, pulling her bodily towards him until he could wrap her in his arms. Her skin was hot and sweaty and smelled of sex; her hair smelled of cheap perfume but he buried his face into her badly styled locks, murmuring all the time:
“I’ve found you! I’ve found you! I’ve found you!”
“Peter! Peter! It’s so good to see you but ... but…!”
His wife was obviously pleased to see him but there was no suggestion of desperation in her voice or even a hint that this was a rescue.
“What have you done to my friend? You hurt him!”
Her voice had changed! The strong, commanding tones of a top female executive had gone completely. It was still his wife’s voice, but she now spoke with a simple, immature, almost childlike lilt.
“Bugger him,” Peter growled roughly.
“I liked him,” Cyndi protested. “He was sweet to me. He was gentle every time he fucked me. ”
“Don’t use that word! He’s lucky just to get a broken nose,” Peter sneered.
For a few moments she seemed more concerned for her would-be client but her anxiety faded when the fat man scurried from the room, grabbing his clothes in a bundle from the chair with one hand while trying to stop the blood from flowing from his nose with the other.
“Leave us alone!” Peter’s voice was commanding.
The two security men immediately left the bedroom leaving the couple alone. Peter crossed to the door and closed it. There were locks on both the inside and outside. An uncooperative girl could have been imprisoned in that basement but there was no indication his wife had been anything other than a willing, eager participant in her own prostitution.
He returned to her side.
Half an hour later, Peter was driving too fast along the lamp-lit motorway towards the country home where his wife’s parents lived. The traffic was very light and he was making good progress. Somewhere behind him the two security men were making their own way home, their wallets rather fuller than when they had arrived and with the promise of even greater rewards to come as long as their mouths remained tightly and permanently closed.
Peter had wrapped his near-naked wife in an overcoat and blanket before carrying her bodily to his car, placing her on the rear bench seat and speeding straight to the childhood home where her father and mother were waiting.
Lucinda dozed much of the way, tired but apparently unperturbed by her supposed ordeal. He had tried to talk to her a little on the way but her responses had been so vague he had stopped trying.
The Range Rover came to a halt outside the grand front entrance rather than the more discreet door at the rear of the house. By the time he had scooped his puzzled wife from the back seat the main door to the house was open and two familiar shapes were standing anxiously on the threshold.
Peter carried his wife into the warmth of the grand hallway where he tried to lay her on a low couch.
She protested, immediately rising to her high-heeled feet, still wearing her husband’s coat and with the blanket still wrapped around her shoulders.
Her mother ran to her side and grabbed her daughter, holding her in her arms and hugging her for all she was worth. Her eyes filled with tears of relief. Hugo was beaming too as he grabbed Peter’s hand and shook it firmly.
“Peter! Thank God! I can’t tell you how relieved I am. How is she? What’s been going on?”
Peter’s face bore a puzzled look.
“I can’t understand it Hugo. It’s just as you said; she’s been working happily as…”
His father-in-law hushed him.
“Let’s get her upstairs with her mother. The poor woman’s been going out of her mind with worry. Then we can talk in private.”
Hugo turned to his daughter.
“Why not go and have a bath, Cinders. Have a good relax and change into something more… comfortable.”
“Thank you Daddy,” Cyndi smiled. “It is a bit warm in here and I’m not used to wearing so many clothes. Can someone please take my coat?”
And with that she shrugged the blanket from her shoulders, peeled Peter’s overcoat off and handed it to the housekeeper – who immediately dropped it on the floor, her mouth gaping open in astonishment.
“Oh my God!”
Peter thought Lucinda’s mother might have a heart attack on the spot as her daughter turned towards her wearing nothing but stockings and heels, the gold bars in her nipples clearly visible to all.
“Lucinda…” her father began but his voice gave way.
“I’d love a bath,” his daughter said in a baby-face voice. “It’s very nice of you to offer. I’m very sticky. Peter pulled my client’s cock out of my pussy while he was still fucking me.”
“Oh God no!” her mother’s hands were clamped over her mouth in horror
“I’ll just head up to my room, shall I? I’d forgotten what a very lovely house this is.”
All four heads turned and all eight eyes bored into Lucinda’s back as she slowly, sexily, mounted the long flight of stairs.
“I can’t believe it,” Hugo whispered, stunned. “If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes…”
“It’s hard to get one’s mind around,” Peter concurred. “How did you find where she was?”
The two men had gone downstairs. Peter had taken charge and poured them both a large whisky while Hugo called his private doctor on the phone then took a long, stiff drink.
“It was your girl; Victoria. She heard about a ‘posh girl’ in one of the city massage parlours. It seems she was suspicious of some things she found in your apartment, so started scanning sex chatrooms. She’s being a bit evasive, so I reckon the software she used wasn’t strictly legal. I can’t think where she got the software. Anyway my guys went to find out and eventually one of them found her in a basement room working as a prostitute.”
“She’s quite a girl,” Peter said, genuinely impressed.
“She certainly is,” his father-in-law agreed. “And totally loyal to you. We should do something to express our gratitude.”
There was a brief pause during which Peter contemplated how best to reward the young blonde and Hugo plucked up the courage to ask the question that had been troubling him.
“I need to ask a question you might find difficult to answer but I really want you to be honest with me.”
“Okay,” came the uncertain reply.
“Was… Was Cinders actually… doing it when you arrived?” her father asked hesitantly.
“I’m afraid so.”
“And you saw it all?”
Peter nodded.
“With a fat old man?”
He nodded again, rubbing the knuckles on his right hand.
“I’m afraid I lost my temper with him. Broke his nose.”
“I don’t blame you. I would have done the same.”
“And she was enjoying it? She wasn’t being coerced in any way?”
Peter shook his head slowly.
“She actually complained when it had to stop. I’m sorry. It can’t be easy for a father to hear.”
Peter put his hand on the older man’s shoulders.
“Or for a husband to see,” Hugo sighed. “Can you really bear to be with her now?”
“She’s unwell, Hugo. I’m holding onto that thought. If she’s unwell, maybe she can be made better again.”
“Christ I hope so,” her father sighed.
But there was no real belief in his voice.
Cyndi waited at the top of the stairs for her mother who led her into her old bedroom and began to fill the tub in the en suite bathroom. Her mother seemed very agitated, almost in tears. Cyndi could understand it; she hadn’t been able told her parents where she was going of why; it had all been arranged so quickly she hadn’t had time.
She looked around the familiar room; the room that had been hers before she had married Peter; the room she had occupied when she had still been a silly, success-obsessed girl. Now she understood her place so much better, Cyndi realised how superficial and trivial clothes, jobs and all that went with them actually were.
For a woman, only fucking, making babies and being a good wife mattered. Everything else was unimportant; window dressing, childish, just like the ugly and boring clothes her mother was laying on the bed for her to wear after her bath.
Although she had enjoyed her time at Amanda’s, Cindy was pleased her husband had come to collect her. She couldn’t believe how good looking Peter was and couldn’t wait to show him all she had learned from her friends and clients over the past… Cindy couldn’t quite remember how long she had been there but that wasn’t important now; all that mattered was being the kind of wife her gorgeous husband deserved.
The bath was ready; Cyndi unwound the towel from around her body and turned around to hang it on a hook. As she turned to face her mother, the older lady gasped in horror and clamped her hands over her mouth.
“Oh my God! Oh no!”
“What’s the matter?” Cindy asked, genuinely concerned.
“Your’... Your breasts! Those piercings…!”
Cyndi smiled proudly.
“They are good, aren’t they?” Cyndi wobbled her boobs towards her mother. They’re real gold too. They make me look much more sophisticated, don’t you agree?”
“But… But…”
“I’ve got one here too,” she said, sticking out her tongue to prove the fact.
“God! No!”
“But the best one of all is here!” Cyndi announced, spreading her legs and parting the outer lips of her vulva to show off the gold bar through the hood of her clitoris. “My clients really like this one. I like it too; it makes me have lots of orgasms when they fuck me.”
Cyndi’s mother literally ran from the room in tears.
October 25th
After her arrival at the family home four weeks before, Cyndi had spent two full days indoors, recovering. A very well-paid, very private doctor was in sporadic attendance, but his presence had not been necessary other than to confirm that she had not contracted any sexually transmitted diseases.
It was abundantly clear to all that Peter’s wife and Hugo’s daughter had gone to the brothel entirely of her own free will and, far from enduring weeks of torment, had thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.
It also became clear that something within her had changed, possibly forever. In only a few weeks, Peter’s bright, pretty, intelligent, high-powered-businesswoman wife and his in-laws’ precious daughter, had turned into a slow-witted, hot-bodied stranger whose entire reason for existence was now sex.
Once the doctor was satisfied with her physical health, Cyndi - the only name she would now respond to - was allowed out of her room and around the house.
To her parents’ horror, she refused to wear any of the expensive clothes her husband had brought from her closet at their apartment, preferring to go around only in lingerie whether the staff were present or not.
A day later she was allowed to go shopping for clothes with her mother, but even then, she would only buy and wear the tightest tops, shortest skirts and highest heels that she could find in the local mall.
After a number of arguments with her parents it was equally clear that she would only comply with direct orders coming from her husband. So, in an attempt to bring peace to the household, the following weekend Peter brought her back to their apartment and tried to establish some form of normal life again.
It was immediately difficult; Cyndi still refused to dress modestly. If left to her own devices, she was quite capable of going to the supermarket or into town dressed in the sluttiest clothes imaginable. Her nipple bars were clearly discernible through the thin cotton of her tight shirts and her panties, when she wore them at all, were easily visible under her micro-skirt.
Her parents were at their wits’ end, more so when a few weeks later, the non-arrival of her expected period was noticed and a home test confirmed that she was eight weeks pregnant. The simplest of mathematics showed that conception could only have happened during her time in the brothel.
To her parents’ astonishment and relief, her husband’s devotion to his wife overcame even this terrible revelation. Peter took his caring duties very seriously, looking after Cyndi himself whenever he didn’t have to be at the office and employing only the most discreet female housekeepers at all other times.
The even more discreet family doctor then referred Cyndi to a specialist in mental illness who, after spending several hours with her, was unable to explain either how her transformation had come about or whether the change was likely to be permanent.
She did however, note that Cyndi seemed very happy with her current condition and that so far, there was no suggestion of coercion or abuse.
“It’s good of you to take this on,” Hugo said quietly to Peter as they sat side by side in the older man’s ruinously expensive office. “A lesser man would have…”
“She’s my wife and I love her, Hugo,” Peter interjected.
“And the baby too…”
“How could I let anyone else take responsibility?” Peter asked quietly. “Besides if she’s living with me, when she gets better I’ll be on the spot to see all this is reversed and she can take charge again.”
“And you’re sure you’re happy to join the business? It means giving up that independence you fought so hard to keep.”
Peter waited just the right amount of time before replying.
“Hugo, I would do anything to support my wife and her family. When she’s well again, I can always go back to my law firm.”
“You’re a good man!”
Hugo patted his son-in-law on the shoulder, tears in his eyes.
“Are you gentlemen ready to sign?”
The solicitor was old and impressively formal but his preparations were meticulous. Once signed, the power of attorney Peter would hold over his wife and her property would be water-tight.
Hugo seemed to have aged ten years during the last months; watching the apple of his eye behaving like an Edwardian stage prostitute had laid a heavy load on his shoulders.
A load he was about to pass on to her husband.
With a heavy heart and a heavy sigh, Hugo leaned forward and placed his signature at the foot of the page. Peter’s heart missed a beat. Then he took the offered pen, leaned over and added his own signature.
Finally the two clerks added theirs as witnesses and the process was over. Peter now had control over his wife’s entire portfolio; over the money, the property, the trust fund. Only the shares in her father’s empire remained in the care of her trustees.
Peter Mountfield had just become one of the most financially powerful men in Britain.
Fortunately he now had a highly paid, highly trusted, extremely efficient and attractive, personal private secretary to help him with his considerable burden. Victoria had accepted his offer to leave the law firm and join him in his new role over a very pleasant, very discreet dinner the previous evening.
He was very much looking forward to working with her.
23rd December
Just before Christmas, a smartly dressed man sat in a café in the checking-in hall of London Heathrow’s smart Terminal Five. Across the table sat an equally smartly dressed woman, her straight blonde hair falling over the shoulders of her black suit jacket.
She sounded upset but her anger was constrained by the presence of other travellers in the café all around them.
“That was not part of our agreement, Alan,” the woman said coldly to the pale, geeky young man across the table. “I did not agree that you could fuck her and you know it.”
“But you had me send her to a brothel,” he protested in an anxious whisper. “She’s been fucking all kinds of men for weeks. Surely once or twice with me doesn’t matter!”
“It’s a question of trust. I have to know I can trust you. Can I Alan? Can I really trust you?”
The younger man paused for a moment.
“Of course you can. I’m as deep into this as you are.”
“You’re bloody lucky she didn’t scream! In her apartment was one thing, but doing it in the meeting room for Christ’s sake!”
“I know. I thought about that afterwards. What if she hadn’t gone under fully? Hypnosis isn’t an exact science, I told you all along that it might not go smoothly. But in the end it went almost perfectly.”
“You were lucky,” the woman said grudgingly.
“I’m sorry, really I am,” he insisted. “But she was just too hard to resist. There she was, dressed the way you wanted and nearly fully converted so I knew she’d let it happen and like it. You wanted me to fuck you often enough, didn’t you?”
The woman ignored the insinuation.
“You didn’t even use a condom. You could have knocked her up too early!”
“You wanted her knocked up! What’s a few weeks? Anyway, after all we had already made her do I just couldn’t resist pushing my luck that little bit further. I didn’t really expect it to work so well.”
The woman snorted.
“You could have blown the whole thing. I should slap your stupid geeky face for that! But life’s perverse so here I am, persuading Peter to promote you instead. Head of Technology wasn’t an easy thing to get for you, Alan.”
“You’re pleased with the result though, aren’t you? You got what you wanted; now we both have!”
The younger man was beaming with excitement and it was becoming infectious.
“It was a fantastic opportunity too even if it was a lot of work. Creating hypnosis programmes for all her computers, TV and videos and getting them installed wasn’t easy – probably the best piece of work I’ve ever done. And all based on those old CIA files I hacked into at college.”
“And they say crime doesn’t pay,” the woman smiled, raising an eyebrow.
“We’re going to make a fortune, you know that? In ten years, construction will just be a side-line for the corporation. There’s nothing we can’t do with this technology.”
The woman sighed; her geeky friend was right. The potential of mind control software was enormous, even if it wasn’t ethical. The defence potential alone was bewilderingly large and as for the commercial opportunities... Peter was going to be staggeringly rich.
Her companion smiled then looked at his watch.
“I’d better get going; I can’t risk missing my flight with the rest of my career waiting for me over the pond.”
The two stood and shook hands then kissed briefly on the cheek before the brand-new Head of Technology for the USA began to walk to the check-in desk. A few feet away, he stopped and turned back towards the woman.
“Cyndi was an amazing fuck,” he said in a hoarse whisper. “You and I made her that. But to be honest, you’re the best fuck I’ve ever had. I hope Peter appreciates you.”
She looked at him, horrified as he grinned.
“Merry Christmas, Vicky!”
Before she could respond, he had disappeared into the waiting crowd.
Cyndi closed the oven door firmly then wiped her hands on her kitchen apron.
How she enjoyed cooking for her husband! How she loved making house for him. To think that she used to go out to work every day… Or so they had told her; Cyndi’s memory was a bit hazy about that kind of thing.
The others had told her that she used to work in a big business; that she had been a high flyer, whatever that was. All Cyndi could think of was what a waste of time it would be for a girl like her.
Now she saw things clearly; she understood what a waste it was to go to work when she could be at home, keeping the house tidy, keeping herself pretty and making everything nice for her wonderful husband.
The thought of Peter made Cyndi shiver with pleasure.
At first, she had missed Amanda’s and had made quite a fuss when they told her she could never go back there. She was still a bit sad about leaving; she missed her clients, she missed the girls, she missed having lots of sex every day but she had soon found that fucking with Peter was better than any sex she had ever had before, even at the brothel.
Peter understood her; Peter was special. How she loved him!
He would be home soon and she would be ready for him. Tonight’s meal would be even more special than usual. She planned to serve it wearing only the new lingerie that she had found in her closet. She must have ordered it months ago when she had been unwell. The satin and silk garments were soft and silky and very, very small. Peter would love them and love her for wearing it.
They would dine together and then he would take her to bed and they would fuck all evening – all night if she was lucky. Maybe they would start doing it even before they reached the bedroom.
Cyndi loved having sex with her husband; it was what she had been created for. Nothing really mattered apart from making him happy. And fucking really did seem to make both of them happy. Feeling his long, thick cock thrust high into her belly made her happier than she had thought possible. Feeling him ejaculating deep within her, knowing that his seed would soon be absorbed by her body made her feel as close to him as any woman could be to her husband.
She had a special reason for fucking that night; Cyndi had some very special news for her wonderful husband.
A baby! She was going to have a real baby! And very soon too.
She had put on a little weight since she came back from the brothel and had been a bit worried that her wonderful husband might find her less attractive. She had gone to her father’s private Doctor to ask him about it and he had given her the wonderful news straight away without even doing any tests as if he had known already.
She would be a mother in only a few months’ time.
She would be happy; her parents would be happy; her wonderful husband would be happy.
Cyndi would soon have everything she could possibly want out of life.
14th February
It was late when Peter Mountfield entered his London apartment after a very pleasant evening in the small but spotlessly clean North London flat of his one-time assistant, now mistress and Personal Private Secretary, Victoria.
With Peter now famous across the city, it had been too risky for them to go to a restaurant to celebrate Valentine’s Day so Victoria had cooked a delicious dinner for two in the flat she used to share with her boyfriend.
A boyfriend she had now traded in for someone better, richer, more impressive.
The food had been as delicious as Victoria was efficient – which was very. She had excelled in other ways too, from her stylish, sexy clothes to the ease with which she had allowed Peter to remove them.
Her performance between the sheets thereafter had been nothing short of exceptional.
Everything about Victoria had been a little better than he had imagined; her body slimmer and fitter than expected; her legs longer and more flexible. Her breasts were a little larger than her work attire had led him to expect too; her nipples longer and much more sensitive and her enthusiasm simply perfect.
After all her training in the brothel, no-one could compete with his wife in terms of technique in oral, vaginal or anal sex, but Victoria’s vagina had been so much tighter, so less well-used than Cyndi’s and she was so fresh and at the moment, unspoiled.
The contrast with Cyndi could hardly have been greater, he thought as he looked into the bedroom to find his submissive, highly pregnant wife asleep on their large king-sized bed.
Cyndi lay on her side, her long, cheaply-dyed blonde hair spread over the pillow in a halo, but that was where any resemblance to an angel ended. Her equally cheap, skimpy clothing and multiple piercings removed any remaining doubt what kind of girl Peter’s wife had become.
Even now with her belly swollen and the baby due within days, she refused either to conceal or remove the metal that transfixed her body in so many places.
Her reluctance to remove her tongue piercing was perhaps understandable, but how she thought she could give birth with a gold ring through her the hood of her clitoris was a mystery, and God alone knew how she intended to feed a tiny baby with gold bars through both nipples.
Even at this late stage in her pregnancy she couldn’t be persuaded to dress modestly – at least not modestly enough to accompany him in public. Her wardrobe was full of short skirts, short dresses, tight tops and not much else.
He was married to a whore!
Victoria Pelham lay naked on her back in the bed in which she had so recently and so comprehensively been fucked by the man she had silently worshipped for the last two years.
She positively glowed with contentment; he was hers now, and she was his.
Okay, she might never be his legal wife, but being the acknowledged, long-term mistress of one of the richest men in the country was a good, solid second-best. Once he had knocked her up and she had given him a baby, her position in his life and in society would be secured.
It might have already happened; she had stopped taking the pill weeks ago and he had cum inside her many times since. Still, better not to get her hopes up too soon. Patience and determination were what was required, and she had already shown she had both of those by the spadesful.
Victoria raised her knees and set her mind to remaining in the position for at least an hour, giving the millions of sperm in her belly the very best chance of finding one of her eggs.
Life was good, she reflected, and was getting better every day. And all because, months ago, before he had first bedded her and when she had been genuinely working late with Peter at his apartment, his angry, spoilt, bad-tempered wife had had foolishly left her laptop turned on with a first draft of the letter to her solicitors on the screen, instructing them to start divorce proceedings.
Victoria had read the letter and known it for what it was; both a huge opportunity and a serious threat to her intended future life. It had taken only forty-eight hours for her to put together her plan; the plan that had now proved so successful.
First and foremost; the divorce had to be prevented. Life with a penniless Peter did not feature in Victoria’s vision and she wasn’t going to let an over-privileged Sloane Ranger ruin the future fortune she had planned for herself.
Thank God she had remembered that conversation at the company’s Christmas party years ago, when spotty, nerdy Alan Reid had tried to talk his way into her knickers with boasts about his past as a computer hacker.
Thank God she had been actually paying attention instead of pretending to listen when he bragged about the mind-control software he had recently stolen from a CIA server.
Letting the geek fuck her at all, let alone so often had been a distasteful but necessary part of her plan to get him on her side and to take such an important role in the process, but Victoria had never been afraid to get her hands dirty in pursuit of a greater goal.
Still, it was a relief not to have to put up with his considerable ego and excessive self-confidence in bed. She smiled wryly and her face blushed pink. Well, if she was honest, that confidence had been at least partly justified; the geek had had a few surprises in his trousers as well as up his sleeves.
Once Alan was on board, careful planning and execution had been essential, but Victoria had always been good at planning. As Peter’s confidential assistant, she already had copies of his apartment keys and the code to the alarm. Loading Alan’s software onto all the devices had been tricky; some could be done remotely over the internet but others required her to sneak into the building with a flash drive in her hand and the new, revealing, slutty clothes in a backpack ready to slip into Lucinda’s closet.
It had been dangerous; the risk of discovery had at times been high but it had paid off! The plan had gone so well; she had been both careful and lucky.
And the little geek had proved to be a genius after all; Lady Lucinda had fallen under the influence of the hypnotic, subliminal messages faster and more completely than Victoria had believed possible. It had been exhilarating to hearing the stories of Cyndi’s descent into whoredom and, thanks to Alan’s hacking, watch it all happening on the company’s CCTV system.
Her job in the law firm had brought her into contact with the woman who called herself Amanda early on in her career when she was just starting in the law firm, had large student debts and needed money badly. Victoria had worked part-time in the brothel herself for a year or more, and had grown to like and respect Amanda.
As her career progressed, a little clever manipulation of evidence by Victoria had managed to keep the authorities away from Amanda and her enterprise on several key occasions. The woman owed Victoria big-time and could be relied on to help in her plan.
From what he had told her, Peter had swept into the brothel like an avenging angel and hauled his poor, abused wife to safety in front of her father’s security team. Even better, the very first place he had thought to take her was to the safety of her own family rather than to her own Kensington apartment.
The fact that her mother and father had actually seen their daughter looking like a full-blown whore was a considerable bonus. Victoria could only imagine the look of shock on Hugo’s face when they unwrapped the blanket to see his beloved daughter with all her piercings and a swollen, shaved, recently used vulva.
Now the family’s sympathies were all with Peter; the big, strong, noble husband who fate and their daughter had treated so abominably. Peter had stood tall and done the right thing by his troubled wife. Peter knew how the upper echelons of society should behave; Noblesse Oblige!
Hugo was only too pleased to be able to rely on his son-in-law. Peter would take over his father-in-law’s business empire and keep the family’s name unsullied while they looked after his beloved Cinders in private.
And throughout it all, loyal, reliable Victoria would be guarding his back, constantly by his side.
Now Alan Reid had been bought off with the promise of money and power in America and she was free to help Peter run one of the most powerful business empires in the country. When his wife’s father eventually died, Peter was exactly the right man to take charge of her enormous private wealth too.
Well, that’s what he thought would happen. Victoria knew better.
Though Peter had reached an exalted position in international sport, he was as susceptible to subliminal female influence as any other heterosexual man. With full access both to his business and personal secrets, Victoria could not be better placed to exercise financial and personal power through the man who would soon worship and respect her as strongly as she had always adored him.
And if that didn’t work, she always had Alan’s software to fall back on.
But for now, Peter Mountfield was a man one could really trust. With a confident, capable, efficient partner like Victoria by his side and the silent complicity of his wife’s family, marriage or no marriage, the world could be their oyster.
23rd April - Epilogue
Cyndi sat in the deep, comfortable armchair in the corner of her the bedroom she shared with her wonderful husband, feeding her four-week-old baby. It was his mid-afternoon bottle and he had already taken half in a very short time.
What an appetite the child had!
She looked at the beautiful creature in her arms and a warm glow came over her. She had it all! She was a mother to this tiny person, a wife to the best husband a wife could ever want and the best lover a woman could desire too!
In a way she wished she could breast feed her baby like other Mums did but the bars through her nipples made that impossible and she couldn’t risk taking them out in case it made her less attractive to her husband.
Besides, she didn’t want to risk damaging her new boobs. The breast enhancements Peter had paid for since her rescue were the finest quality and she was proud of their considerable size.
Anyway, the little child was simply thriving on the bottled milk. Strong from the moment he was born and growing so quickly, he would be a perfect part of her new family. Someone to be proud of; from his strong hands, his sparse curly dark hair to his glistening ebony skin, he would make their family proud one day.
For some reason her father and mother had been upset when little Steven was born. She couldn’t understand it; wasn’t he the grandchild they had always wanted? Her mother in particular had burst into tears and run from the room when the midwife had presented the new arrival. There had been crying and shouting for hours.
At least her husband had been pleased, she thought with an increased glow. Peter was proud of her and had told her so many times how much he cared for her and wanted to look after her.
Only a week ago she had overheard him talking to her father about her and about the new baby. His words had made her glow within and proved how much he loved her so much that tears had formed in her eyes.
What was it they had been saying?
“And you’re certain you can live with her Peter? No-one who sees the baby will be any doubt. It can’t possibly be yours. He’s black for Christ’s sake!”
“Hugo, she’s my wife and I love her, whatever she’s done. She’s unwell; I can’t possibly just abandon her now.”
“I mean it! Okay, this isn’t the best thing that could have happened but we can’t blame her and we certainly can’t blame the child. Cinders has changed but she’s still the girl we both love. She’s looking after the baby well and he is adorable, you have to admit that.”
“You’re right, he is adorable and she clearly loves him. You can trust me to make provision for him too.”
“Thank you. I knew you’d do the right thing.”
“You’ll get full power of attorney next week?” Hugo asked.
“If the Doctors and Lawyers get their act together. It’s uncontested; diminished responsibility.”
“Then at least the business will be in safe hands. The thought of all those shares in the hands of a... a…”
“A person with problems, Hugo!”
“At least with you in control of all her finances and the business too, I know she’ll be safe.”
“I promise Hugo; I will take care of her as carefully I always have.”
“I know you will.” There was a pause before his father-in-law spoke again, and when he did, it was softly and conspiratorially. “Peter?”
“Yes Hugo?”
“With Cinders being... the way she is, if you felt the need to… um… find an alternative outlet for your... um… needs, I would understand. As long as you were very discreet, it wouldn’t affect our friendship or… um… any of the arrangements we have made.”
Cyndi smiled when she remembered his kind words and a warm glow washing over her. How she loved Peter. He loved her too, he loved their beautiful black baby. They were a real family.
They would have more babies too; have the big family she had always wanted. She couldn’t wait to be pregnant again, but this time by her wonderful husband.
Meanwhile she was free; free from having to worry. Free from construction sites, free from bad tempered Site Managers, free from concrete, contracts or time pressures.
Everything that really mattered in life was either in her arms or would soon be between her thighs.
Peter would look after her. She was free to be the real wife, mother and above all, the real sexual woman she always should have been.
Sometimes Cyndi thought she didn’t deserve to have such a wonderful life.
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When we reached Psi Serpentis we were astounded to find a water-ice bearing superplanet just outside the Goldilocks zone. Even more amazing we found an abandoned starship embedded in solid ice. It was much smaller than our great ships or even our moonlet ships. It was only a about 600 meters long and barely a quarter of that in diameter. We managed to slice it free of its entombing glacier. Once we could examine it, we found what appeared to be an emergency crank to open the hatch in the...
Duncan took Blanche’s hand, kissing it gently as he smiled in secret victory. Investment or not, he knew he would enjoy tonight. He wondered if underneath the quiet, reserved gentlewoman before him lay a fiery, unquenchable sexpot. Deflowering her would be most pleasurable either way. Trying to keep his calm presence, he stood, still holding her hand. Lust overwhelmed him at that moment, and he knew that his gamble in asking her to his residence tonight had paid off. “Let me walk you over to...
SteampunkFrom 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...
“Tim, we have got to talk!” Leslie said in a strange tone the moment I showed up for work the next day. I assumed I was either in trouble or getting fired or both.“What’s up Les,” I asked nervously.“The ladies don’t want Ellen back as their lifeguard. They want you,” she said. “You made such a nice impression on them that they want you to be their regular lifeguard. And obviously naked, of course,” she grinned. “Did you ever think that you would be paid for walking around nude?”“I don’t...
MILFI just turned 16 and my parents strongly encouraged me to find a job. I say “strongly encouraged” because they were cutting off my allowance now that I was old enough to work. Fair enough.I checked the want ads in the local paper and didn’t see anything that sounded remotely interesting. This was going to be harder than I thought. But then on Monday, I went to PE class and saw a help wanted ad on the locker room bulletin board. A new local health club was opening and needed a lifeguard for...
MILFIt was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...
Summer vacation in my younger years was a magical time in my life, filled with exciting, erotic discoveries. The thrills of the time actually started during the last week of school when I made a new friend. I’d always admired and envied him. His name was Bobby, and he was so cute; but we had nothing in common. He was the star of all the boy sports that I hated. I preferred to play on the swings and monkey bars; and when I was lucky, jump rope and hop-scotch with the girls. So I was confused...
Original Story Date: Saturday, September 3, 2005 Heavily Reedited and Revised Mar. 27, 2020 Special thanks to DLAussie for his expertise in editing and proofing June 1, 2020. There was little joy riding my school bus at six in the morning, especially in late fall. Since the school administration changed the bus schedule my life had been upside down. The weather was not the greatest at this time of the year. With fall closing in it was getting colder and colder each morning. My uniform...
I guess that there have been some notable discoveries in science that have happened accidentally. Maybe penicillin is the most notable. But there has been one other discovery that has happened. It will not be placed in the public domain however. It so happens that I have found a way to become invisible. It began with my desire to create the best listening device for music. I designed and built a specially constructed hut for listening. Its materials allowed for hearing without extraneous...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...
When writing erotica, I live and enjoy the story as much as the sex. What a great way to spend a little free time, but being stimulated mentally AND physically. If you like what follows, please let me know. If you don’t like this piece, I need even more to know why. Thanks for sharing your precious time with me and I sincerely hope you enjoy Accidental Discovery. ============================================ Another drop of the clear yet surprisingly viscous liquid grew and grew, until it’s...
Chapter One: Rebecca's Taboo Futa Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 October 13th, 2041 – Rebecca Woodward Today, my half-sister turned eighteen. Music thudded through our house while she and her friends giggled downstairs. Brita sounded like she was having a great time. I could hear their feet swishing over the carpet as they danced to the latest single from my other half-sister, Nari. I had a lot of futa-half-sisters out there. I was one of Becky Woodward's daughters. She had...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Daughter's Naughty Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah My nineteen-year-old daughter Leyla slumped to the floor, trembling from the force of her whorish orgasms. Her naked, dusky body was flushed, her round breasts rising and falling as she sucked in deep breaths. Her brothers' cum leaked out of her pussy and asshole. She took their dicks in both her holes at the same time,...
Introduction: A teenage girl discovers the joys of masturbation Discovery Part 1 It was on that Thursday in June last year that Laurens life completely changed. It was coming up to their schools prom and a boy called James had recently asked her out, and on the Wednesday night he had taken her on her first date to the cinema. The film was average but Lauren had hardly noticed because of the close attention that James had been paying to her. It had started off with the yawn-arm round the...
Alice’s Discovery Early one Sunday afternoon, Alice couldn’t resist the good weather during one of the last warm days of fall. She left several uncorrected papers on her desk in her cottage and crossed campus to the high fence that bordered a district park. Her faculty key let her through the gate. Students with permission could obtain keys to enjoy unspoiled nature in the park also. Alice wandered the trails rather aimlessly. She knew the area well and had no concern about getting lost. She...
Tinkerbelle Ch 4, a voyage of self discovery Life with her Master, Captain Hook was increasingly thrilling to Tink. He was an imaginative and kindly lover and a strong guiding presence in her life. She simply adored the man and everything about him, his appearance, his commanding voice, even the firm stroke of his hand reddening her bottom when she needed correction. On a day like any other, Tink flew high over Neverland and made her way to town to see if anything was new in the lives of the...
Amanda’s Discovery Ted sat up in the double bed, sipping an electrolyte drink, surprised at how much better he felt. The last attack, over an hour before, had been much less severe. By now, he was feeling back to normal. The program on TV bored him, so he turned it off. He showered and looked at himself in the mirror, shaved, and combed his black hair. Pulling on a pair of pants, he walked to the kitchen and made some toast. At the kitchen table, he saw mail stacked to one side. Evidently...
Introduction: Yuri Discovery By Misty Schaeffer (C) 2010 I began this as a Yuri, so I tried to stay withing the realms of young teenage love rather than blatant down and in your face sex. It is dedicated to Juliet, with love. The Juliet in this short work of fiction resembles the Juliet for whom the story is written.(Just a little older) The writer can be contacted at [email protected] It was just after her 13th birthday, when her family moved to England. The move was just the second step of...
Peaks was your usual midwestern industrial town, although a bit larger than most. The summers of my youth were always the best times, accompanied by my small tribe of friends. Cicadas would call indefinitely, the trees whispering as we romped around those places in your hometown that one might overlook entirely, unless they were yours, and you had to find entertainment in them. We didn’t have a movie theater in town, and none of my buddies had a car for us to venture over to neighboring White...
Gay MaleDiscovery, one of the greatest fears he has. All others take a backseat to his fear of being discovered indulging in his passion. You see Kyle is a cross dresser.Like so may others he doesn't know where this desire to dress up came from, but soon it was too strong to ignore. He started out with pilfering a few items from his sister's room and wearing them behind closed doors when the house was empty. But it wasn't enough.To his delight he discovered that there were literally hundreds of sites...
CrossdressingThanks go out to Bob, SexyShay66 and LovesCyber for their review and editing of this story. This was my first attempt at writing erotica. Bob and I had a little contest so I can't wait to see what everyone thinks of this story. Thanks, Kati Self Discovery It had already been a very cold winter in Minnesota and I was looking forward to an escape after all the busy holidays. Ken had a business trip he had to go on and had invited me. I was so excited I would be spending two weeks in Hawaii at a...
MasturbationChapter 1 – The DiscoveryIt started as a fairly normal trip to New York with my wife, Stacy, tagging along. I travel a lot in my job and so spend a lot of time there, among other major cities. Of them all, New York is our favorite, so from time to time, she'll travel with me when I make the trip. Since I have to work while there, she generally shops and relaxes while I'm at work and then we get to spend the evenings together enjoying the city. We've been married almost 25 years and love each...
Twins get closer than ever in the third row of the minivan.~~~~~~~"Are you two awake back there?" Judy asked, peering toward the back of the minivan."Well I am," Darren replied, looking up from the book he was reading, "But I'm not so sure about Beth.""Oh don't worry, I haven't quite nodded off yet," Beth replied, sitting up straighter from the position slouched against the window of the van."Well at least Henry and James are sleeping," Judy smiled, glancing at the 18 month old twins whose car...
Twins get closer than ever in the third row of the minivan. ~~~~~~~"Are you two awake back there?" Judy asked, peering toward the back of the minivan."Well I am," Darren replied, looking up from the book he was reading, "But I'm not so sure about Beth." "Oh don't worry, I haven't quite nodded off yet," Beth replied, sitting up straighter from the position slouched against the window of the van."Well at least Henry and James are sleeping," Judy smiled, glancing at the 18 month old twins whose...
LAURA'S DISCOVERYby: Shiva PEEPHOLE A short story by: SHIVA_________________________________________________________________Laura stepped out of her shoes as she closed the door behind her. With asigh she wiggled her toes on the lush carpet."Thank God it's Friday," she said as she walked over to the couch and satdown. Immediately she raised her feet and placed them on the foot stool infront of her. As she laid her head back on the couch, she closed her eyesand reviewed the...
Chapter 3: Summer & Jordan - Discovery Summer strode through the corridors from Dee Dee's laboratory towards the infirmary. She had her skirt and bikini top on, as was common among the girls on the Island, but she was still getting continual stares from the girls she passed, thanks to her new height of nearly seven feet. No one had raised their voice to Summer, but she knew instinctively that it was better to obey quietly, rather than rock the boat and ask questions. Neither Dee Dee or...
Chapter 1: DiscoveryRhiannon led the way into the Island complex with the five other Vectran girls following closely behind her. "Nice layout they've got here," she remarked. "They certainly didn't cut any corners when they built this place," said Rayleena. "It's all carved out of the solid rock of the Island." "All right," said Rhiannon. "Whatever it is that they do here, they aren't hurting for money; that's obvious. Let's concentrate on finding our missing technology, and then getting...
The Discovery by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The fist came crashing into my head from out of nowhere. My Father, in another one of his drunken rages had attacked me for some unknown reason. Shouting, and cursing the whole time, he was destroying what little respect I had for him. Running for my life, the fear of my Father chasing me, I dashed out the front door and into the secure darkness of the street. When I got there, I was once again on my own, running from...
Mary's Discovery. by Trish Linda Write assumed that the students next door were out when she got home from work, owing to the lack of thump-thump music through the wall. They had been her neighbours since the start of term, in early September and at first she had resented their presence. As she had got to know them she changed her mind and began to almost enjoy their madcap company. There were three of them sharing the house, Mike and Bob were third year art students and Tom was...
Mary's Discovery - by: Trish Shaw Owing to the lack of thump-thump music through the wall Linda Write assumed that the students next door were out, when she got home from work. They had been her neighbours since the start of term in early September and at first she had resented their presence. However as she had got to know them she changed her mind and began to almost enjoy their madcap company. There were three of them sharing the house, Mike and Bob were third year art...
The Discovery By Summer I. We had been friends for years, so when I asked my future husband on a date, it was really no surprise that he accepted. We went to this crazy, lame block party in our town with friends, both unsure of where we stood with the other. But, by the end of the night we were flirting and kissing like old partners. The first thing I noticed was that his touch set me on fire. That sounds so corny and harlequin romance, but it is nonetheless the...
She made the discovery late one Saturday while we were cleaning house. Generally I did the cleaning, but when she really wanted something cleaned she would do it. In this instance, she was toiling away in our closet. I was slaving away in one of the bathrooms and had no thoughts on where she was or what she might find. "Whose are these?" "Whose are what?" I asked without turning my head. "These shoes." "What shoooo..." I started to say before it dawned on...