Indian WinterChapter 9 free porn video

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Jake's mind gradually made the transition from, 'where am I?' to 'oh shit!' The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was a glaring shaft of sunlight through unfamiliar, orange drapes. It bore into his brain, he winced, and closed his eyes again. The next time he opened them they were a little clearer and he could make out some detail.

He was on a sofa and his neck had a crick in it. On a far wall was a painting of Shiva and next to it, the Taj Mahal. A joss stick was burning in a brass holder on the mantle and the room bore the powerful aroma of sandalwood. The white, brushed wool carpet had an expensive look to it and, on the whole, the room appeared to be part of a reasonably swanky apartment.

For instance, the wide screen plasma TV was patched to a 5 channel home theatre. The sofa he was on smelled new and the polished, mahogany veneered table was unstained. In fact, everything in the room looked liked they'd barely been unpacked from their boxes. Someone had been spending a great deal of money, or flogging their Mastercard to death.

On the table, however, was something he never expected to see. Casually placed, as though someone had taken it out of their pocket, was a 9mm Steyr Automatic pistol. By the look of it, Jake was fairly sure it was a cheap Chinese clone. A box of ammo lay beside it.

There was a menace about it, which transcended its deadly purpose. Jake had guns himself, but always locked away in accordance with his arms licence. Why any responsible gun owner would leave a thing like that lying around, he'd no idea.

It's also illegal to possess one, except under specified, and rare, circumstances, unless professionally disabled. Jake felt a knot of fear begin to develop in his stomach. What had he gotten himself into?

He began to piece together events of the previous evening. He and Mary had a fight, although he thought it was over nothing. He remembered the bar, the late night crowd, and drinking far more than he was used to. He thought of the cigarettes he'd smoked, proffered by some instant friend he'd found. He recalled standing in the smoking area outside as people milled around and laughed at corny jokes.

Then he was sitting in the driver's seat of his car. He was staring at the clocks, knowing full well he was unable to drive. He wondered where he was going to spend the night and thought he might stay there, in his car. His keys had not made it to the ignition and lay at his feet. That was probably what saved him from a night in the cells.

There was a loud rapping on his window and he saw the Nightview, flourescent white letters 'POLICE' spread across the man's chest. The man stood back as Jake opened the door.

"Are you intending to drive, sir?" The cop said, kneeling, in a faux assertive voice.

"No!" Jake said.

"What are you doing?" the cop continued. Jake shrugged his shoulders and he heard squawking voices as the guy listened to his radio. "May I see your license?" Jake fished out his wallet, spewing his cards all over the passenger seat. He handed the cop his license and he walked back to his car to verify the details. "You can't stay here," the cop said when he came back. "Have you anyone you can call to pick you up?"

"Sure, sure," Jake was desperate to sound cooperative. First he'd called Mary's number but she'd turned off her phone. The only other number he could think of was Sharmila's. He'd copied her number into his phonebook earlier in the day.

Her voice had sounded sleepy. He'd explained his predicament and she asked to speak to the officer. He'd seemed satisfied, then, and, after stressing it was illegal for him to drive, seemed content at the outcome and went away. Jake waited another half hour before Sharmila turned up in a taxi. She was happy to drive him home, she'd said, and took him to her place.

He was not too plastered to remember that nothing happened. He'd sat on her sofa and he must have drifted off. Waking later that night, he'd found Sharmira had thrown a rug over him. He was far too gone to have initiated, and too bombed to respond.

But he knew he shouldn't be here. He thought Mary would be willing to take him back after cooling off, but this situation wasn't going to improve his chances.

The door to the bedroom opened and Jake was confronted by a vision straight out of a soft focus softcore video. Sharmila didn't so much as walk but glided into the room. She was dressed in a pale blue satin nightdress that clung to her body like a second skin. Her full breasts were barely restrained below an acre of sexy, brown cleavage. She'd been brushing her hair and it was long, loose and shone with copper highlights. Sharmila looked at him and smiled so that the room seemed to increase in temperature a few degrees.

"You're awake?" she asked in her lilting, exotic, New Delhi accent. "You look terrible."

"I feel it," Jake told her, his voice rasping through a cracked throat and a mouth like sandpaper. He felt truly ill from a hangover and his voice sent stabs of pain through his temples. "Ah... ya shouldn't leave that lying around," he croaked, nodding towards the gun. "You get caught with that, the police will throw the book at you."

"I'm sorry," she replied, "it was my husband's. I was just seeing if it was still in working order."

"Why? Expecting trouble?" he grinned. He couldn't imagine any trouble Sharmila could get herself in requiring artillery of that magnitude.

"No," she smiled, "but it's wise to have protection even in this country."

"What the Hell for, Sharmila? It's crazy to have a gun like that. It's the prerequisite for a tragedy."

"How so?"

"Because it's too convenient to grab when you're scared by some noises in the night. You could end up blowing some poor bastard away just for asking directions to the nearest gas station. Even worse, if you were confronted by some villain, without training you could wind up being killed by your own weapon. This is not America, Sharmila, no-one needs a thing like that." The speech exhausted him and he was wracked by a fit of coughing. He really shouldn't have accepted those cigarettes last night! "A kick in the bollocks is all you need!"

"I'm a single woman, Jake," she explained. The words were loaded with emphasis. "I don't have a man to look after me. I must accept responsibility for my own safety."

"Sharmila, I..."

"I will put it away," she told him, "now, do you want some breakfast?"

Mary gradually became aware of the body lying in bed beside her. She thought it was Jake and rolled over for her good morning kiss. She realised her mistake, then, when she saw the dyed blonde curly locks of her friend, Catherine Sullivan. Cath stirred, rolled over and looked at her.

"Hi, how you feeling, hon?" she asked.

"Like shit!" Mary groaned, "did we drink last night?"

"Just a bottle of wine. I pushed OJs at you for the rest of the evening."


"Because I'm an alcohol and drug counsellor and it's not in your interest to get plastered."

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you, too. Jake called you?"

"Dunno... turned the phone off."

"Check your messages. The poor guy's probably been going frantic."

"I know... serves him right."

"Well, call him and patch up. Y'know where he would've gone?"

"A motel, I suppose."

"You told him to go and fuck Sharmila?"

"I know!" Mary groaned, "I was mad at him."

"Serves you right if he took you up on it. Shit, Mary, a night on the sofa would've sufficed. Why'd you go and throw him out for?"

"I don't know... I lost my temper."

"The Hell you did! Check your messages? Anything there?"

"Yeah, Jake. Three... no four times. Last one 2 in the morning. Poor honey must've been going nuts. Fuck, I'm a silly bitch!" Mary checked her messages from Jake on her cellphone. As she listened, she groaned some more and bit her lips. As she got to the last one, however, she sat up. "Oh, no, Cat! Listen to this last one?"

Cath pressed the phone to her ear. She had trouble making out the slurred speech but it was obvious Jake was calling for help, that he'd been picked up by the police and needed rescuing. "Shit, shit, shit. You'd better call him and see if he's all right."

"Yeah!" Mary speed dialled his number.

Sharmila waited patiently for Jake to finish talking on the phone. She sat at her table, where they'd been having breakfast, and Jake had fled to the other side of the room when his phone peeped. She asked him if everything was all right and he came back, grinning.

"It was all a mistake," he explained, "she got mad. She wants me to come home."

"There, see?" Sharmila said, "I knew it would work out. It was your first fight?" He nodded. "Then you must go home as soon as you can. Bring her flowers?"

"I will."

"And give her a big hug? Kiss her sweetly and take her to bed?"

"Not sure I'm up to it," he replied, abashed.

"You will find the energy," Sharmila laughed, "when you see her, everything will fall into place."

As Jake left, Sharmila stood by the window for a while. When she saw his car take off down the street she went back into the kitchen. Picking up the pad by the phone, she opened the first page and stared at the address hastily written down there. She then got out her road map of the city and ran her finger along the 57 bus route.

Mary rang her service administrator and rearranged her appointments for the week. She decided to have the day off to make things up with Jake. The woman told her she had a message from the refuge for her. Sharmila Devi had checked out early that morning leaving a message that she was going home.

Mary marked the information for future reference. No-one could stop her leaving at any time, it was not a prison. At the end of the day, women were responsible for their own safety. The refuge could only offer support.

Jake had told her he'd stayed at a friend's place. He'd been a little evasive and Mary had guessed it was someone he'd just met at the pub. Some sympathetic mug had given him a roof for the night. He'd also explained he'd talked himself out of trouble when confronted by the police. He'd got someone to drive who was sober. Mary put her suspicians behind her, even though she could feel them gnawing away. She'd hadn't been in the mood for another scene, or a lengthy interrogation. As Cath explained, there had to be a time for trust, and, she'd figured, she'd better start now or the relationship was doomed.

She'd jumped when she'd heard his car crunch up her driveway. She'd opened the front door and watched him saunter towards her carrying a huge bunch of flowers and a grin. He knew he'd done good, she'd thought, and he was rightfully smug about it.

Mary ahd taken the flowers inside and had fussed about for a vase. The bouquet languished for the time being on the table, however, when he'd put his arms around her and hugged for a full ten minutes.

She'd quelled his attempt at apology and sniffed, moist eyed, into his neck. She'd mumbled she was sorry and asked him if he was hungry. She hadn't made a move to the kitchen, however, preferring to stay where she was.

Jake reeked of stale booze and cigarettes. Mary'd ordered him to the bath immediately and he'd asked her to scrub his back. She'd waited impatiently while the bath filled and heard him splashing. Quickly, she'd stripped and went in to join him.

Mary'd lathered up his hair, kissing his shoulders, and revelling in the contact, skin to soapy skin. She'd maneuvred around so she was facing him, legs twined around his. She'd kissed and stroked and kissed again, played with his equipment while he'd fumbled around between her legs. She'd thought about fucking right there in the bath, but it was too awkward and she'd worried about vaginal infections with the dirty water.

She'd stood, took his hand, and guided him out of the bath to the towels. They'd dried each other, before strolling hand in hand to the bedroom.

And now, here they were, sitting naked in their bed poring over the atlas spread on the sheets.

"Here," he said, "Severodinsk!"


"It's a cool name."

"Twit! So you think the Trans Siberian? Then we could catch a flight from Vladivostok to Vancouver?"

"And down here through Seattle... the West Coast Highway, maybe by motorbike? Y'fancy being a biker chick?" He knew she hated the word 'chick.' Rather than a telling off, however, she playfully batted at him with the back of her hand.

"Honey? Where'd we stay? Y'thought about that?"

"Wherever you like. Motels, Hotels, Camping grounds, in a tent..."

"Not in a tent, baby. I've lost the urge to rough it."

"Then maybe one of those Winnebago thingies, with all the modcons?"

"That sounds more like it," Mary chirped, "more my style. Hot and cold, indoor plumbing..."

"You don't piss in the woods, then?"

"All right for you guys," she laughed, "all you have to do is flop it out."

"So!" he summed up, "we do Europe, across Russia, then down the West Coast of the States. What'd we do after that?"

"Isn't that enough?" she said, "I've got a job, remember?"

"Yeah, and you've got twenty years' leave built up. I reckon that must be over a year."

"Not quite. I haven't always worked for the service. I've done other stuff, y'know? I haven't got that much leave owing."

"How much, then?"

"Um, about 30 weeks, I think."

"Well, that's seven months."

"It is? No kidding? Shit, I suppose it is. I've never really worked it out before."

"Why the Hell have you never taken a holiday in 20 years?" he asked.

"I suppose... well, it kind of crept up on me. My life is, was, work. It defined what I am, I allowed it to define me. I had no other life outside of work. I even socialised with the people I work with. What would I do with a holiday? I'd have probably moped around home, bored as Hell, or gone out drinking with Cath or something. Not very healthy, huh?"

"Maybe. But I can understand that," he replied, "I lived above my work. I never left it except to go shopping. Didn't much like pubs..."

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I'm Kevin, 29 years and my wife is Nisha, 26 years. We are a marred Indian couple, staying in India. We have been married for five years now and in those years sex has been mind blowing. Nisha loved to fuck, anytime and anywhere and she was never ever shy in admitting it. But, I was my desire to expose her in revealing clothes to other guys and also see her getting fucked. One day, I spoke this with her and after bit of hesitation, she agreed. But, she had a few conditions. One of her...

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Indian Neighbors put on Window show

It is late. Mom used to say, "Nothing good happens after midnight." This story proves Mom was wrong~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With the recent upsurge in summer heat, I went for my evening jog later than usual. I started at 11:15 and since it was my six mile day I wound up jogging into our quiet little dead end street about 12:20 a.m. I walked down the sidewalk drenched in sweat, heart pounding and a ton of endorphins flowing through me making me feel like anything was possible.I stopped at a...

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Indian guy sucks a BBC on Miami Beach

This is a real story.A little about me. I am a 27 year old Indian guy. Decent looking. I live in San Francisco. I am str8 but have always wanted to please good looking white or black guys.This happened I went to Miami in Sep 2013 with a couple of other Indian friends. The very first night we all went to a club and got pretty drunk. I slipped out of the club and went to the beach. It was very dark and I started walking on the beach. While walking I saw a black guy sitting all by himself next to...

3 years ago
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Indian sikh girl finds an Arab muslim cock to fuck

I had just moved to Bay Area, California for my new job. I was pretty lonely, so I posted an ad in the personals section of Craigslist. In a few hours, a girl named P. Kaur (withholding her full name) sent me an email. We exchanged a few emails and I sent her my pic and asked for hers. She told me she is from a very conservative family, so she is reluctant to send a pic. She said she would instead meet me at a bar that evening in Dublin.I was a little late for our date, so when I reached the...

3 years ago
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Indian Actresses In Porn

Hello, My Dear Readers. I always wanted to write stories based on Indian actors. was my first attempt on the same. We have all imagined how our hot actresses will look in extreme erotic sequences. And with this new series, I am trying to portray our beloved cum-queens as professional adult stars, acting in porn movies. I will be adopting a template similar to galleries in porn sites, to write down this story. I will try my best to explain the sexual acts in detail, but also not drag them. So,...

1 year ago
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Indian Wife Gangbanged For Greencard In The USA Part 1

Sriram Iyer had dreams of moving and working in the USA since he was young. He grew up in a conservative Brahmin household and only studied while growing up with no social life. His hard work paid off when he was able to get engineering seat at IIT Madras and succeeded well getting his degree. He applied for colleges in the USA for masters and was able to get a good college in New Jersey, USA. He worked hard finished his masters and got an IT job in North Carolina, USA. When he started his job...

3 years ago
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Indian Traveller In Nepal

I was browsing internet searching for websites to meet gay guys. I stumbled upon an Indian chat site and registered myself as “bottom_nepal22”. I always had loved Indian men and the idea of being fucked by an Indian man excited me. I talked with few guys on the chat site and there was one particular guy “ramesh80” who was traveling to Nepal in a couple of weeks. We then shared our Kik contacts and started chatting over there. He was 37 years old, married, and been with a couple of guys. I told...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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indian girl become bbc slut

"kasem, are you seeing that little indian girl again tonight?" mumtaj khan asked her eighteen year old son. "Yup," he replied while combing his hair, "I think we'll hit a movie and stop off for some burgers after the show." mumtaj leaned against the bathroom door jam while admiring the build on her only son. Solid as a rock without and ounce of fat and handsome to boot! "Don't you think it's time you brought her around to meet me?" she asked casually. "Not yet, mom," he replied softly. "Maybe...

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Indian Mom

I dont know how many of you love i****t or have tried it out..but for those who have had a chance to try it out..i should say its awesome..its the best thing you could do on earth before you could hit the grave.So here is my one time true experience with my mom...My mom is one of those typical Indian women who always d****d themselves in the traditional saree and there is nothing better an Indian woman can wear.My mom was the average kind of woman..not too fat but not on the skinny side...

4 years ago
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Indian Student Goes To UK For Studies 8211 Part I

I was lucky enough to be sent to UK for higher studies by my parents. Before I could enter university I was required to attend the language school to get certification in English language. This was the first time I had actually been away from my family and had celebrated my 18th birthday before leaving India. My accommodation was arranged by the language school as a paying guest in a private house which was about 15 minutes’ walk from the language school. The house was old style built around...

4 years ago
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Indian Summer pt3 TRUE STORY

The week was over and while k**s were leaving school running home to go to parties and the mall we teenagers were interested in lol, Karithy and I rushed back to her place and eager for a hot steamy wild fuck session. We waisted no time , we pushed our horny bodies close together and kissed so passionately as we ripped our clothes off each other, we were completely nude as we kissed i pushed her on her bed and sat her on her back , she spread her legs exposing her puffy pink wet pussy to me i...

4 years ago
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Indian wife discovers lesbian love1

Always, in the evening, I love to hold my beautiful Indian wife Anita in my arms and gently caress her soft and smooth body. She is 34 years old and very feminine. Her body is naturally curvaceous – with generous breasts and nicely rounded arse. But she looks after herself, exercising regularly and keeping her stomach nice and flat and her legs well-toned. Her hair is deep black and her skin dusky – its richness set off by her red lipstick and the golden bangles and necklaces she loves to wear....

1 year ago
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Indian Fighters White DeathChapter 9

That trip back to the North farm had reminded me how much I hated the Comanches, so I wanted to start back to hunting them right away. My wives (that sure sounds good to me) were happy when I said that I would be gone all day. They had a lot of things to do on the house to turn it into their idea of home, and I would have just been in the way. We kissed goodbye as I left to go hunting: Comanches or outlaws, I really did not care which one came up first. I headed for the Comanche camp and was...

1 year ago
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Indian wife turns a slut

Me and my husband have been married for a few years. We have a decent sex life but was not a extremely hot one. He was good in bed but I always felt it lacked heat. He was a business man.. decent built and good last long in bed but was soft and loving. People have had a notion about indian women that they are a little conservative, but once you get them going they can rock your world. I was going to do something like that myself. We moved to a new city a few months back. We bought a luxury...

Cheating Wifes
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Indian Fighters White DeathChapter 10

I was received at home with hugs, kisses, and a thorough examination to determine if I might be hiding a wound somewhere that my wives could take care of. The only such "wound" was in my balls, and my wives were soon draining them to make sure that they were going to recycle properly. Luckily for all of us, there was no problem there, and we had an extended session to demonstrate that. The next morning was one of those where I was full of piss and ginger. My wives knew that there was only...

1 year ago
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Indian Hot Wife Cuckold Trying BBC

How we started, mainly me as a cuckold to my super gorgeous wife!Over time, I have ultimately decided that maybe my place in life is to be her cuck. This story happened early in our relationship, but more importantly, is our current situation as well. Till cuck do us apart;)When my wife (Soni) and I were dating, we both casually wondered what it would be like to experience other people, not for a relationship, but for curiosity. We both grew up in America and in the south, albeit in the...

1 year ago
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Indian Delight

It had been a long, dark, and stormy day in central New Jersey. A large hurricane had broken up off the coast of the Carolinas, and its remnants were moving up the eastern seaboard. I had not been anxious to tackle the fourteen-hour drive home in such a storm. So, I had slept a little later than usual. It was late morning when I finally checked out of my motel room near Patterson, NJ. The desk clerk warned me of the approaching storms. Road conditions were expected to deteriorate and become...

First Time
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Indian Nerd

Nirmala stood at the coffee shop counter reading her favorite computer magazine and waiting for her shift to end. She worked until noon every Saturday even today – her 19th birthday! No one had even said Happy Birthday! Not her dad, not her mother. Her parents wouldn’t even let her have a party. Her friends all had parties! It was so unfair!Straightening her over-size, crooked glasses again, Nirmala sighed looking at the pathetic cupcake with a single candle; a birthday present from the girl on...

2 years ago
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Indian MILF Landlady Made CumSlut By Tenant

So being caught up between work, work, and more work, the time had come where my tenancy agreement was coming to an end with my landlady. This whole year we had grown quite close sharing intimate things, watching films a few weekends together (when my girl had gone on holiday) helping out each other, doing chores for each other, etc. I had hoped my milf landlady would have forgotten about the tenancy agreement but I was taken back when she mentioned during November that I should start looking...

2 years ago
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Indian Princess Revisited

It's been awhile since I posted my experience with my Indian Princess. Since her schedule and mine do not permit frequent visits, so we get what we can.It so happened her flight schedule matched my travel plans, and we were able to reconnect in-person. Since she has an early flight tomorrow, I'll keep this brief.I picked her up at the airport after her last flight. We had a very warm welcome, embracing and kissing briefly before we departed the terminal. Holding hands while managing luggage was...

4 years ago
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Indian Family In USA

Sunita, and Anita were both born in India. Their father had join a software firm in USA and moved his family to the U.S. when the sisters were very young. Sunita was now 18, and Anita was 19, and they were very close. Their parents had raised them very strictly according to Indian culture. Anita had just gotten her own apartment, and to her parents disapproval, moved Sunita in with her. As the girls spent their first night away from home, it was as if a new world had opened up for them. Anita...

3 years ago
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Indian ladki ko US mai choda

Hi friends, this is Dipesh from Mumbai. My age is 24 years, height 5.7 with fair color. I am very big fan of ISS. I frequently read stories in ISS.. Most of the stories which I like are Desi stories.. So now I will write in Desi language…mujhe ye stories padhke bohot HOT feel hota hai. Socha mai apna experience bhi aapke sath share karu. I’m sure aap sab logo ko meri ye story pas and aayegi… Its a real story. Mai Mumbai ke 1 leading MNC mai kaam karta hu. Yeh story 1 month pahle ki hai. Because...

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Indian Delight

It had been a long, dark, and stormy day in central New Jersey. A large hurricane had broken up off the coast of the Carolinas, and its remnants were moving up the eastern seaboard. I had not been anxious to tackle the 14-hour drive home in such a storm. So, I had slept a little later than usual. It was late morning when I finally checked out of my motel room near Patterson, NJ. The desk clerk warned me of the approaching storms. Road conditions were expected to deteriorate and become...

1 year ago
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Indian Fighters White DeathChapter 3

I could not wait to try out that shotgun! Before I quit because I had run out of daylight, I shot up all 12 of those birdshot cartridges and one of those loaded with buckshot. Oh, God, I think that I was in love with that gun! I got to the gun shop just before Mr. Schmidt closed his door for the night and left him the spent shells to reload for me. He promised to have them ready by tomorrow afternoon when I came back to town. All right, I will admit it: I slept with that shotgun next to me...

3 years ago
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Indian Massage Experience

I recently started working in Bangalore which is the Indian Silicon Valley of sorts only with much more crazy traffic. Most of my weekdays would be spent either traveling to and fro from office and at office itself. I use to stay in a shared apartment with one more guy. He was a software developer and would keep to himself.Since weekdays were hectic, weekends were all about relaxing and unwinding. I use to hit the gym or swim for a change. One other activity, which I would do at least once a...

2 years ago
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indian mother made as slut by son

Disclaimer: The following narration is a true description of events which took place a few years ago. Names of characters and places have been changed for concealing the identity of the individuals in question.Hello everyone my name is Anirudh Nayar and this is not my story, but it is a story which no one can tell better and it is a story that needs to be told. This story revolves around an incident which took place way back in 2008 and I had just turned 18 that year and was in my 12th grade. I...

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indian family reunion

Indian Family Reunion by maha1975© Usha walked gingerly down the small trail in the woods of Kodaikanal, looking for the brook. She could hear one down below. She dodged low branches of the lush trees that lined the narrow trail, making her way down to the water for a refreshing bath. She was wearing a knee-length robe over her underwear, and carried a small plastic bag containing her fresh clothes. She had come to this heavily wooded campsite with her 19-year old son Ashok. It had been their...


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