Episode 15 UKPI Awards Biographies
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A few minutes later we called time out on account of breathing, which is something neither of as had been able to manage very well during the lip lock. Even then, it was all I could do to just remain upright by leaning on his chest and feel his heart pounding in the same rhythm as mine.
"Wow!" He took the word right out of my mouth.
If that kiss was any indication of what a plain old Michael could do then clearly I'd been wasting my time with pretty boys like Adam. I skootched down a little further into his lap, not quite as comfy as it had been now that a hard, hot poker had made a surprise appearance, but infinitely more interesting. I was just tilting my head up for round two when the Miss Manners section of my brain kicked in.
I hate when it does that.
"You know," I started reluctantly. "We probably should try and get up and get moving again. Somebody's bound to show up here eventually and it might get a little embarrassing."
His lips started an exploration of my neck, "But it's so cozy here." He whispered as he bit softly down on an ear lobe. "We aren't bumping into things," he kissed my hair. "We aren't getting hit by falling objects," his lips found my eyelids. "We're not even lost."
He had a point. At least staying still had the advantage of not risking further injury to Michael, who I had to admit, had been taking a pretty good beating since he'd assumed the role of my rescuer. We could stay here and wait until somebody found us and in the meantime... I thought made me straight up.
Michael tried to pull me back into kissing range, but when I wouldn't comply he sighed and said, "What'd you forget?"
"Rats," I repeated.
"You know, as in, Here kitty, kitty?" I sang the last three words.
Michael had a great flight or fight reflex, I'll give him that. One minute he's all stretched out with me sitting semi-demurely on his lap and the next he's up and I'm the one with my butt making contact with the dank cement. I didn't stay there for long. As soon as I realized my change in location, my own instincts for survival kicked in and a second later I could feel myself standing next to his heavily breathing body—not that I had any illusions that I was the cause of all that gasping.
"I guess break time is over," I said a little wistfully.
I wasn't anymore excited about the possibility of meeting up with Ben's great-great-great-great-great-grandson than Michael, but I couldn't help but miss that warm lap—and what it offered. This was so not turning out to be my night.
Michael reached out and after a little unnecessary fumbling, managed to grab hold of my arms. I was hoping for another lip lock, but instead, he firmly placed me in front of him.
"It's your turn to lead."
There are moments when I truly hate woman's lib.
I sighed and stumbled forward in the direction where I thought one of the doors was located—and promptly banged into a wall. I made a right turn and tried again and almost landed back on the floor when I stepped on one of those damned cans.
"Laugh and you die."
Michael turned his snorting into a cough.
The third time, as they say was the charm. Now we had another problem. My sense of direction is usually pretty good, but on the few times I do get lost, I really get lost. Unfortunately, this looked like one of those times. I hadn't been paying attention to where Michael was wandering when we'd first stumbled into the canning closet and even if I had I wouldn't have been able to guess which of the doors we'd gone in—or for that matter if it was the same one we were at now.
"Do I go right or left?" I have no idea why I thought Michael would be any better at playing Sacagawea than me, but it was worth a shot.
"Beats me, we walked straight into Mickey's playhouse if you remember."
I didn't, which was why I asked in the first place, but it seemed a little churlish to mention it. I put out my hands to see if I hit anything. Nada. Oh well, I turned to the right. Michael's hand squeezed down on the shoulder he'd been holding.
"Don't you think it would make more sense to go left?"
"You want me to lead?" Okay, so churlish it was going to be. "I'm leading."
We turned right and managed to go about fifteen steps without hitting a wall. I started feeling confident and started to walk with a little more assurance. This guide dog thing was easy. It wouldn't be long now, I figured, until Michael and I could bid a not so fond adieu to our subterranean house of horrors.
I was wrong.
I realized this when one moment I was prancing merrily along and the next I was bouncing, yeah bouncing, flat on my face on something that felt a lot like a giant trampoline. I tried to grab hold of whatever the hell it was, but couldn't find any purchase. All I could manage was to flip over on my back. Oh what the fuck, I thought, and settled in to enjoy the ride.
"Elizabeth? Liz? Where'd you go?"
How sweet, Michael sounded like he missed me. Of course, that could have been because he realized he'd now have to go back on point if Hell House had killed me. The mystery tramp finally stopped throwing me up in the air and I rolled over in an unladylike sprawl.
"Down here."
"Keep talking, I'll come to you."
"No don't move!"
I was too late.
"Huh? Oh shit!"
The next thing I knew I was being thrown up in the air again. Michael apparently was more of fighter than I was, or at least heavier because now this personal amusement ride of ours was really bucking. I tried again to find something that would keep me from being thrown onto the damp, hard floor and was more or less successful depending on your point of view, since I managed grab on to a big hunk of Michael's hair. I pulled him towards me until he was stretched out on top of my bod, which pinned me to the rubber underneath and felt pretty good too. All and all I didn't think it was a bad deal, but for some odd reason Michael wasn't so thrilled. Of course, the fact that I was still yanking on his hair might have had something to do with it.
He tried to pull away, but that wasn't an option as far as I was concerned. If I was going to fall off this damn whatever, so was he. But that really wasn't my goal and I decided to point this out to him.
"Hold still," I hissed.
"Then let go," he hissed back.
I did and he returned the favor by collapsing back on me, which was a good thing except for one small detail. Michael had managed to back a fair distance off of me, at least as far as my arm would stretch, so when I let go he fell between my legs. Face first.
It was awfully quiet all of a sudden. The bouncing slowly lessened to a gentle undulate. The storm was taking one of those breathers like they do when they're either about to die an early death or the class five tornado it's spawned has just turned in your direction. The house of course was still silent from the lack of power. Far in the distance, I could hear Larry the Lhasa pissing and moaning about being locked up with only Elmo and Barney for company, but other than that there wasn't a sound—except for Michael breathing directly on my crotch.
Have I mentioned the dress I was wearing has a tendency to twirl?
I felt like this was the point when I should maybe say something. Or scream. The only thing was, I didn't feel much like saying anything—except possibly suggesting a little lower would be better for me—and if he did that, the screaming would come naturally. Like I said, it had been a long, looong time. Still, I'd been raised to be one of those boring 'nice' girls and that kind of training has an unfortunate habit of kicking in right when you start to enjoy yourself.
"Uh, I think you should move."
Okay, it wasn't brilliant—or even especially forceful—but this wasn't a situation I remembered covering in Miss Marianne's dance and deportment class for young ladies that my mother had insisted I go to every Saturday morning for two interminable pre-adolescent years. Besides, I'd flunked.
Michael didn't seem to be any more up on his manners than me. Not only didn't he move, but my Knight in the Order of the Obvious felt the need to point out something I was only too well aware of already.
"You aren't wearing underwear."
No shit, Sherlock.
"You know," he continued dreamily. "The gentlemanly thing to do would be to get up and pretend this never happened."
He stopped and seemed to be waiting for a response from me, but for once, the snappy comeback lobe in my brain wasn't working. Of course, it's a little difficult to come up with the spare witty riposte when it's taking all your strength not to shove your whole pussy into the face of a stranger. Or rather a strange face.
Michael, damn him, seemed to sense this. He laughed softly and nuzzled me a bit with his nose.
"Aren't you glad that I'm no gentleman?"
He'd sounded sort of smug, which might have pissed me off enough to actually do something if he hadn't actually moved first. Lower.
Oh God.
I'd already accepted the idea that Michael could kiss. Very well in fact, superbly even. But now we were into his true talent. He was to oral sex what DaVinci was to painting, Mozart to music, Shakespeare to... I think I've made my point.
It wasn't even that he really did much of anything, at least not at first. Hot puffs of damp breath on shivering skin, tiny flicks of a wet, soft tongue, the smooth glide of finger tips over trembling muscle, these were the opening salvo's and my oh my were they effective. A couple of minutes of them and I not only was talking to God, I was banging on the gates of heaven.
But Michael had no intention of letting me open that door. Instead, he leaned back and slid his hands down my legs. I tried to tell him that foreplay wasn't always as necessary as Cosmo made it out to be and when that didn't seem to phase him, I threw away what little pride I had left and begged. It didn't matter. He was in full tourist mode on my body, taking in all the sights, the smells, exploring all the crannies and soft, rounded edges, a whirlwind tour of the country of Liz and each touch, each swipe of the tongue marked me, changed me. Leave no footprints, take only pictures was not a concept this man seemed to be familiar with and I realized he was no daytripper, but an explorer—the Captain Kirk of lovers, discovering new worlds and boldly going where no man had gone before except of course they had, but never like this, never so thoroughly, never so good.
I arched into that hot mouth and it was so wet, so sweet, so goddamn thrilling. The heat and the smell of him overwhelmed me, I forgot I was in a damp basement, lying on God knows what with a no-last named Michael. It was only me and my shadowy lover. The one who had at least one extra hand and a couple of tongues.
"Oh god, you smell so good, taste so good," he mumbled. "Please don't say you want me to stop."
Was he out of his fucking mind? Wasn't the fact that I was humping his face like our old poodle BooBoo used to do to Reverend Schmeltzer's leg giving him a clue? I didn't want him to stop, ever, and I'd have told him so if I hadn't been so busy trying to get his damn zipper open. Somewhere in the last few minutes our bouncing bed had managed to move us around so that while we were still connected at that all important spot, there was now a possibility for me to do a little quid pro quo'ing and it was an opportunity I had no intention of turning down.
He took that as the sign it was, "Oh yes, thank you, thank you, thank you."
No, thank you, I wanted to say, but the zipper decided to finally give up and slid down and something hot and heavy and wet was straining through the thin fabric of silk boxers and it claimed all my attention and all my concentration and I didn't care about anything else, but getting acquainted with that fat cock, touching, tasting...
"Wait," and he pulled my hands away from him before I reached my goal and pulled me around till our noses bumped.
Huh? "No," I shook my head like he could see and started to whine. "No wait. Why? I thought you wanted... I thought..."
It had worked once and Michael obviously subscribed to the don't mess with success theory of life, so he to shut me up, he kissed me. Over and over again. Soft and damp and sloppy, fucking my mouth, biting my lower lip, my Kissable lower lip, while his hands were busy, so busy, unzipping my dress and pulling it down farther and farther over my arms until the top met my skirt in a frothy lump at my waist. He let go of my arms then and I could've reached down, but Michael had moved, sliding his world class mouth in a slithery trail from neck to nipple and he licked and, oh Jesus, he nibbled and there was nothing I could do but reach up and cradle his head and pull it into me demanding he take more and more until I wanted him to just suck the whole damn breast into his mouth, and he did. Oh God.
"Mmm, like that do you?"
I was so far gone I didn't even mention how bad his Yoda impression was, "Naked," I gasped. "You need to get naked."
I do so love a man who obeys.
He was quick too, in a good way that is. Ten seconds after I'd made my demand I felt the first touch of Michael skin. Smooth, sweaty, sizzling skin—all my favorite alliterations. I took in a deep breath, all male, yummy. And to make sure I took a taste, yup, as good as it looked, felt —whatever. My legs did that Pavlovian thing they do and curled around his hard butt, pulling him closer until that hard little appendage (not so little, thank god) found a home—or at least a vacation hideaway—in the lips of my pussy. Fuck, if Michael wanted to play explorer, the least I could do was show him the way to the secret passage.
Apparently, he approved of my revelation. He started to do that sliding thing with his hips and like everything else he did it was great, fabulous, better than... Okay, I was going to say sex, but that was stupid because it was sex, wonderful sex. Messy, swollen, dripping sex complete with squelchy sounds and moans and groans from both of us. Up and down he moved, over my clit, making me squirm and damn, it was almost perfect.
But not quite. Because up and down is great, but in and out is better. I wiggled an arm in between our sticky bellies and latched on to the object of my intentions.
"Don't!" Michael moaned, "I'll come."
"Not on my watch," this movie line thing was catching.
But the meaning was clear to Michael, especially when I did that squeezing thing I'd perfected on my third to last boyfriend, Will "Quick Draw" Dawson. A minute later and things were back in hand, so to speak.
"Now fuck me."
I could feel Michael grinning again. "A smart ass and easy. I think I'm falling in love."
If ever a comment deserved a comeback that was it and I would have answered, really, but my hand had been doing it's 'this way to the treasure' thing and something very hard and very hot was right there, pointed at that spot where all the fun starts and it was too much and not enough and who the hell has time for comebacks when your just about to get stuffed full of big, drippy, glorious cock and obsessed with another type of coming altogether.
There was a huge crack of thunder and the house shook, or maybe it was me, or maybe it was Michael, but suddenly nothing was funny, this was serious. Oh god, serious and we froze knowing that a minute from now there wouldn't be any stopping, wouldn't be any time to rethink or regroup and maybe it wasn't right and maybe we'd both regret it, but it was too late, too far along to worry about that and I wanted one of us to move, to start, to just goddamn get on with it.
And then we both did.
My hips pitched forward and he slid into me like he'd been there before. Like he was made for me, just me. All the bumps and veins fit perfectly, filling my empty spaces like... Like... I don't know what like, but it was something— hard and hot and thick, very thick. Thicker than anyone else I'd ever been with. Thicker than I thought I could take, but I did and oh god, why hadn't I known that thick could feel this good? Why hadn't someone mentioned it before? The way it stretched, pulled, took away my breath, made me feel stuffed and plugged and utterly, utterly fucked. Feel the burn, Liz.
Michael paused over me, not touching anywhere, but there. And there was enough, perfect even. Maybe he was average in the light of day, but not now, not here. Now he was huge and solid, a mountain suspended above me, an avalanche waiting for a sign from me to trigger, and god I wanted it. Wanted to be buried, engulfed, swept away in a mass of Michael.
IntroductionThis story follows on directly from https://xhamster.com/stories/episode-153-iqras-brother-10042244 , which I urge you to read first to make any sense of this perversion. Iqra wishes to deny she has approved any use of her name in this or the previous episode, but I am hoping that Mistress Susanna and Mistress Nuri give their approval before publication..At SchoolThe headmistress announced that this week's Muslim Sex Ed Class was going to be a rather different affair for Iqra,...
IntroductionThis story follows on directly from https://xhamster.com/stories/episode-153-iqras-brother-10042244 , which I urge you to read first to make any sense of this perversion. Iqra wishes to deny she has approved any use of her name in this or the previous episode, but I am hoping that Mistress Susanna and Mistress Nuri give their approval before publication..At SchoolThe headmistress announced that this week's Muslim Sex Ed Class was going to be a rather different affair for Iqra,...
BackgroundRegular readers of my Jenny episodes can skip this paragraph – you already know who is real and who is fictional.Jenney (Cumslut) and Rob were ch1ldhood sweet-hearts – fucking each other’s brains out since High School. Unfortunately, now they are married to two different people and Rob’s rare army leave the opportunities for a weekend of bliss are limited. Rob’s wife Ana knows all about Jenny and hates her with a vengeance; Jenny pretends that her husband John is blissfully unaware of...
Author’s NoteThis story is part of a mini-series that started with a little girl called Grace going shopping with her Dad for a new black bikini in Episode 83.No characters in this episode are real except for Alia (sorry babe – only a brief mention) and Lola G-spot (who might be able to read it if she ever gets her PC working properly).All events are purely the result of my warped imagination.At the time of writing, I believe that no SexBots are quite as advanced as Suchi – we wait in...
Please remember this Episode is entirely fictional, following on from Episode 86. Mary dropped me off at Heathrow Airport terminal 5 for my BA flight to Denmark and the unscheduled Sex Therapy conference. I leaned in through the Tesla model 3 driver’s window for a brief kiss: “take good care of my baby” then looked into the back seat where my daughter Sam and her new best friend Alia were quietly tribbing. Sam managed a brief “bye Mum – you’ll knock ‘em dead in the practical sessions” before...
This short episode contains no inc*st, no s*x with anim*ls, no explicit und*rage encounters and hopefully nothing to bother the f*cking censors:Hi my name is Timmy; you might remember that Molly and her mum Natalie came to live with us in episode 1. Molly is gorgeous – long dark hair, big blue eyes and tits to die for. Her mum's not bad either, once my dad married her, so she became my step-mum, she would walk around the house half-naked with her bunch of lesbian friends, who didn't seem to...
Author: XXXAuthor This is the 52nd episode of Prem Niwas, India’s first ever sex soap opera. The journey which had started on the 15th January 2013 have now completed one full year of exciting actions and events. Our ten central characters had spent one full year in each other’s company – loving and hating each other at the same time. Let’s take a look at their sensual journey over the last one year. Mrs. Nair was a lonely and frustrated widow at the start of her journey at this place. She was...
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Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 37: Light My Fire A few months passed before we broke our pledge of monogamy. Seriously, In this house, with Stephanie and Sandy just a few feet away, that’s quite an accomplishment. I bet if you put Stephanie in a convent, in a month you would have a whole bunch of bi-curious nuns. Of course it was Stephanie that ended our monogamous relationship. It didn’t matter though; Holly and I had gotten back the confidence in our relationship that had...
The day before my new wife Angela and her teenage daughter Debbie were due to fly back from the Gina Gerson Porn School in Jeju (see Episode 146) they got news that their flight home had been cancelled and they would have to stay another week to make more sex tapes.The local men had been queuing up every evening outside the studio to get an abuse selfie with these two Dommes, desperate to be kicked in the balls for a brief glimpse of bare thighs.They rarely met anyone else out on their early...
Readers with a long memory may recall my stories featuring Professor Lola G-spot,starting in Episode 86 and left where she was chairing a Sex Ther@pists conference in Copenhagen.[anyone wanting to read my set of stories featuring Lola and all my other characters (real and fictional) should consult thes google sheet identified in my profile]Now Lola is back home, studying the mating habits of pan-sexuals in Long Beach, California.Her favourite hunting ground for new subjects is the Shoreline...
Ms Jones, the junior school Sex Ed teacher, visited Molly and Rachael's sixth form college to ask for their assistance in producing some new training material,she thought they might enjoy.The new guidance, due to become compulsory in September 2020, requires the teaching of age-related Relationships and Sex Education in all UK schools.The college had recently obtained a number of Virtual Reality headsets and was keen to demonstrate that it's psychology students could assist in evaluating some...
IntroductionThis fantasy follows directly on from episode 124, in which Justine posts the video of Molly squirting on Sam and examines how much friends are willing to share Sam's HouseSam was furious - how dare that little redhead bitch squirt on him?Molly was thrown onto the floor, collapsing in fits of giggles, as her Dom stormed off to the bathroom to get cleaned up SmartphonesThen the video started to arrive at the Submissives WhatsApp group.Suzy and Anita sat up in bed, wakened by the...
IntroductionThis story follows on from episode 112; it's now nearing the end of the long school holidays.Charlie woke up with a hot sticky raging erection - not that unusual for a young boy.But this morning his cock was actually in a girls mouth: "Molly?" he cried in delight, struggling to pull down the quilt covering her head between his legs Instead a pale blue face smiled up at him, taking his cock to the back of her synthetic throat:"good morning young man, it's Sophie - remember now - you...
IntroductionSince writing this episode, Ellie has confirmed that Anna Dominatrix and posh-slut are not currently living together, so although the characters are real, the events are just my fantasy. HampshireIt’s a surprisingly hot day in mid April, puss has ‘retired’ from submission and returned home to look after her cats. Mistress is inspecting slut for any permanent damage after being loaned out to a Dom for a week and worm is nursing his bruises and flayed skin in slut’s cage.“Come on you...
IntroductionWhen I first started writing this episode it was a mixture of conjecture and fantasy; my ‘virtual’ Mistress Anna Dominatrix and her real sub Dave have confirmed that most of it actually happened last night.All characters are real users here on xhamster (their profile names in brackets), except for Gillian who as my teenage avatar is able to go places I never could.Stockbridge, HampshireSunday morning Dave (used_sub) collapsed into the softest armchair in his Stockbridge pub after...
Apart from the topless dancing with the 3 teenagers Molly, Amy and Rachel, Gillian's strongest memory of suzy's retirement party was kneeling under the tables, satisfying the older women with her fingers and long tongue.Gillian was a natural submissive, learning to take enormous cocks to the back of her throat from long before puberty. Once her wicked dad considered she was old enough to fuck properly, Gillian was loaned out for weekends to her ‘uncles’ and even some ‘aunts’ to take advantage...
IntroductionThis story follows on directly from Episode 103: A Day at the Races, so if you haven’t read it recently, I humbly request that you do, Mistress.GillianAn email arrived the day after the racing orgy, featuring Mistress Anna and slut suzy, stating that Gillian would be delivering a special package this afternoon, together with a set of very compromising photographs of Daddy and several jockeys jacking off over his pretty daughter.Looking out the front window suzy first spotted...
Hello, my name is Annie, but you should call me Mistress Anna.David invited me to collaborate on this episode, and I’ll allow him a few paragraphs if he follows my rules to the letter (no mention of those horrid c***d-like sexbots he loves to play with).After the sex in the park, posh slut and Mistress Anna met up with slut’s son Mike in the Anchor Pub. “Mum, meet my new girlfriend hannah - I think you’ll agree she makes a pretty hot sub”.hannah was about Mike’s age (17), but looked a lot...
IntroductionThis is probably the final story in the mini-series that started with Episode 83, featuring Grace and her teenage sister Alia. Professor Lola G-spot is hosting the third day of the Copenhagen Sex Therapy conference with a session called Dogging. As her author, we actually met for the first time in the restaurant last night and then her bedroom. The raised leather-topped bed that Lola presented from yesterday had been replaced by a white Tantra Chair. Sitting in the front row it was...
This is Part 2 of my story 'Jessica's Wedding' - if you haven't already read Episode 74, my author David provides the following precis: I was always a complete slut at school, and by college age had found my kink in submission. I was pretty enough to get picked up by most girls, or boys, or often both at once. If any couple needed an extra pussy on her knees for a hot threesome, I was their girl. Then Alexis installed me in her East London flat; all cock forbidden - so when SexBots...
IntroductionLucy woke up first, stretched and looked over at Amy laying face down beside her. A shaft of low autumn sunlight from a crack in the curtains illuminating her gorgeous long blonde hair. Lucy brushed it aside, softly kissing the back of Amy’s neck. As she gradually kissed down Amy’s spine, her breasts stroked the back of Amy’s arm, making her nipples harden; Amy stirred in her sle•ep. Lucy pushed down the white cotton sheet, exposing Amy’s bare taut buttocks. Lucy kept kissing lower...
You really need to read Episode 68: Andrew's First Sex to get my take on his inc*st confessions with his sisters and step-mum, then exposure to Mr Jones.Luckily Friday afternoon at school was Games, as Andrew couldn't sit down after Mr Jones Russian wife Olga had repeatedly abused his virgin arse with a giant strap-on.They suggested going along to the old Dance Studio above the Co-op for 'CD Night' on Sunday; hinting that Andrew might enjoy some Double Penetration. He looked confused: "Just...
"The Mark of the Dungeon Master"DM is having fresh strawberries for breakfast . He has asked the staff to order more for lunch, and breakfast tomorrow. You are the First Shield Maiden, his favourite new sub, but still badly in need of training and discipline after her recent indiscretions (See 'Welcome To the Dungeon of Delicious Debaucheries' and 'A Walk in the Park')."What's with all the strawberries Master?" you ask.The Dungeon Master indicates that it is part of the longer term plan for...
"A Walk in the Park"The Dungeon Master has decided to take action after the First Shield Maiden indulged herself with sub matthew one too many times. It is not her that is to be punsihed however, and after dinner the DM has attached matthew's leash to lead him off by his collar for his punishment...You follow to watch, a sultry smile on your face, but the Dungeon Master stops you. His plan not to have you witness the punishment, but to know that you have brought it about by your slutty...
IntroductionThis episode continues from Goldilocks and the Three Bears.The Three Bears must be out playing in the forest, because they don't appear in this story.So there is no opportunity for any sex with a****ls, or indeed between a****ls (to avoid upsetting Jenny Cumslut). We discover that Goldilocks has an identical blonde twin sister, named Spike, and they used to play a masturbation racing game involving bed knobs. Unlike the previous story featuring the ch1ldren Jade and Grace, there is...
IntroM0thers and daught*rs love to share everything: a pot of ice cream with two spoons, a favourite romantic video, boyfriends, helping choose each other’s erotic underwear, that purple double-ended dildo, Dad.This is a story of love and sex between consenting females who just happen to be related by birth, so don’t read if easily offended by young pulsating flesh driven to multiple orgasm by older women and sex toys.Ellie and KateIt was a long, boring Saturday afternoon. Dad had taken Ellie's...
Episode 11 of the 'cocksucker' series. The title has not limited the action.As I sat on the couch with my teacher, her husband Dave remained on his hands and knees in front of us. He was watching as I fingered his wife's pussy. Her encouragement was in the form of little whimpers as I rubbed her clit with my thumb as my four fingers went in and out of her cunt. Mick was behind Dave with his cock firmly in Dave's ass. It had slipped in easily, lubricated by the cum I had just deposited there....
Introduction'Episode 33 – Second Homes' started ‘Hi my name is Stephanie, I’m quite petite – slim, high breasts, short-cropped blonde hair and deeply tanned all over. I’m nearly 16 now, but with the right make-up and choice of underwear, I can be any age you want. I keep my cunt shaved to within an inch of her life – I hate pubic hair – it always gets stuck in your teeth. I was born Stephanie in this tiny village on the south Cornish coast, but most of my friends call me Steph, except for the...
Usual Health WarningThe largest parts of this story are pure fantasy; the Mummy and Daddy episode in the hospital car park has a lot of truth. The author has no wish to promote u******e sex; but if that does appeal, then restricting your urges to your own ch1ldren has merit for the wider society.This story does contain (hopefully) fairly graphic scenes of fami1y intercourse, so please do not read if easily offended. Fami1y OutingTwo weeks after Ellie lost her anal virginity to her Dad during...
You might remember the Dogging Bus from Episode 15; Dee the Porn Director stumbled across it in the woods on her morning run. Most of the seats had been replaced by mattresses for fucking on and the few touches of class were the massive monitor down one side for watching porn and straps from the ceiling for the odd bit of BDSM. Dee had met some very tasty cunts in her quick stop and discovered some new ch1ldren to audition for her videos.This coach was nothing like the tired old bus rusting in...
Kelly and her dad were out walking in the park one autumn day; Kelly skipping along in a short summer frock, kicking through the fallen leaves. Kelly occasionally flipping up the back of the skirt to reveal the bright pink boy panties that her dad loved. He would often just lie on the sofa stroking and licking the tiny crescents of her bum cheek exposed by the panties; sometimes without even fucking her properly. Once aroused she would flip his hard erection out of his trousers and into her...
Hello, sex story readers. She gave the biggest look ever. She dared not say anything to anyone. But she lay still, as she was shaking the bottle, she opened and a thrust of fizz flowed on her naked body. The whole fizz oozed out on her and she took a finger on the oozed out fizz and licked it. There he stood just beside her watching her having fun with herself. He too gave a look and waited for a while. Not a while ago, he heard a door open and waited for the next claim. She entered on her half...
This is probably Timmy's final episode of the series; it doesn't contain much i****t and hopefully no u******e sex. No characters actually fuck members of their own family during the story, but they might occasionally cuddle intimately. No c***dren join in with the adult orgies, but are encouraged to watch and learn by playing with themselves or each other.New House In the autumn the Ami twins moved into their new house, number 69, with their dad Bob, and were still planning their triple...
This is another story starring pre-pubescent Lucy and friends and thier close family relationships; please do not read if offended by u******e i****t.In BedEarly one morning about a month after little Lucy was a*****ed by the r****t builder and rescued by Giselle (in Episode 17); she slipped into her parents’ bed, and snuggled into the moon-shaped space between mum and dad. Dad was behind her and Mum in front; both slept naked so she could feel Dad's hairy chest against her back and Mum's bare...
Author: XXXAuthor Kiran had completely cured her feel of guilt of cheating on her husband, was now back in a new bold avatar. In the last episode, she cheated on her best friend and seduced her husband, Arindam, to spend a night of sick fun. Now that she no longer felt like cheating, she was hungry for more pleasure, and also didn’t care any longer for her husband. Gautam on the other hand, was not behind too. He too, was taking full advantage of Kiran’s absence from the city. And was secretly...
In the last episode, Sowmya was blackmailed into having sex with Reddy. Though the two had enjoyed a lot, Reddy was often drifted in thoughts of Kiran. Off late he had not been so much satisfied with anyone else, as much he had been with Kiran. And since the day Kiran had silently disappeared, he had been longing to get her back. Kiran too, in the meantime, had cured her guilt with a little help from Dr. Roy, and was now eager to get back and get laid by Reddy. And while she waited, she enjoyed...
In our previous episode, Borah and Juhi were having fun at their deserted office. Borah who was working late to finish some urgent work was seduced by the beautiful Juhi. She, in the pretext of thanking Borah for helping her out in the past, took him to one of the deserted meeting rooms and then surrendered herself to him. Borah too, took full advantage of the situation – he made her come by eating her cunt nicely. And then he had fucked her at least twice before leaving. In the meanwhile, back...
In the last episode Sowmya had finally received her first task from the blackmailer. He had asked her to go and have sex with the only person in the building who she didn’t like – Borah. At first she felt disgusted with the idea, but then started making her resolution stronger as she had no other choice but that. And then started thinking about an excuse, and waited for the night. In the meantime, Kiran had started enjoying, in Gautam’s absence, in Kolkata. The visit to the counselor turned out...
Author: XXXAuthor Kiran had her eyes closed. She had come to Dr. Roy to cure her feeling of guilt, she thought it will be difficult to discuss about such stuff with a counselor. But she had never imagined how such a plain visit to the doctor can turn out to be so thrilling. Dr. Roy, made her very comfortable to start with, and then insisted her to narrate what had happened between her and Reddy. He wanted to hear everything in minute details. Kiran tried to be as explicit as possible, and then...
Author: XXXAuthor In the last episode we have seen how Borah watched hiding in the darkness of the staircase. He saw Rahul waiting at the door of Mrs. Nair’s flat, and then the door opened and the two went inside. Though he caught only a glimpse of Mrs. Nair, he was sure that she was naked under that long, silk bath robe of her which she was wearing. Rage and jealousy filled him up again. Borah had been a virgin until he had met Mrs. Nair, and felt indebted towards her ever since. But since the...
Author: XXXAuthor In the previous episode, Gautam had met Divya on the train. Divya was a bored and lonely housewife. She was travelling with her husband who too looked uninterested and equally boring. After eyeing each other throughout the day, the two finally found courage to meet near the toilets. Divya’s husband was asleep when she had silently followed Gautam to the passage, near the toilets. No words were spoken, and Gautam had then silently led her inside one of the cramped toilets. And...
Crowded pub in NewcastleA couple sat at table in the pub, when 2 gorgeous chicks walk in, stand hips touching at bar. Man cannot keep his eyes off their long legs and tight denim-clad bums, wife notices his gaze. "Stop drooling, they're much too young for you... wait a minute isn't that blonde Becki from your favourite porn site?"How did you ...?""Easy, just click on your Most Visited page on Chrome; you really should be more careful on the Junior Porn Club site " she said raising her voice...
Author: XXXAuthor In the last episode, Sowmya finally got a date with Mr. Shah, who had promised her of an opportunity earlier. She was unaware that they didn’t have any intention to give her any real break nor were they any producers from any rich company. Both Mr. Shah and Mr. Gupta, along with the casting agent were in the business of providing young and attractive girls for erotic photo shoots, often as escorts as well. They usually pretend to be producers and casting agents to trap young,...
In the last episode we have seen how Kiran drifted in memories of Reddy while her husband made her wet. She imagined all the good times she had spent with Reddy, the thrill of that illicit affair, the excitement, and the passion both of them shared. She remembered how accidentally she came close to him and then how they enjoyed every day after that. And then suddenly again she felt the guilt of cheating on Gautam and withdrew herself. In the meantime, Aarushi too allowed her professor to...
In the last episode we have seen how Rashmi took advantage of Kiran’s absence to make out with her husband. It was risky as Kiran was in the bathroom, while the two made love in the living room. Kiran continued talking to Rashmi from the bathroom, while she was being fingered at her cunt by Gautam. It was hard for her to converse back with Kiran, and she struggled but somehow managed to keep responding back while Gautam kept sucking and fucking her at will. Gautam grabbed her nicely and then...
Author: XXXAuthor In the last episode we have seen how Anita was utilising Kiran’s absence to the full. She had been jealous of Kiran and Reddy’s closeness and wanted to seduce Reddy for herself. Later she was successful in blackmailing Kiran away from him. And then slowly worked herself closer to Reddy, until he was all hers. While Anita was robbing Kiran off her illicit lover, back at Calcutta her sister was robbing her off her husband too. Gautam, Kiran’s husband, was involved in a similar...
In our last episode, Aarushi couldn’t help but to give in to her professor’s demands. A gamble she had taken consciously to own his favours during the exams. But soon she had realised how, by doing so she had become a mere sex toy for him. Not only he fucked her well and thoroughly that day, but also made sure that she was bound to come back until the exams were over. Aarushi had no other choice but to agree. While in the meantime, Anita too was having her share of the fun. With Kiran out of...
In our last episode, Aarushi was concerned and stressed about her exams which was just a few days ahead. And she was not prepared for writing the exams. Alike most of her other friends she too was seeking help from the rest of her classmates, but they selfishly refused to help. But just when the rest of her friends were about to lose all hope, Aarushi had her own ways of getting what she wanted. She approached Mr. Agnihotri, their professor, directly. He was at the library when Aarushi...
In our last episode, Rahul and Aarushi were seen enjoying a cozy time with each other. They both liked each other from the moment they had seen each other. And finally that night it transpired into that steamy love making. Even later, both longed to see each other again, and love each other again. So was Anita, she too was longing to get close and being loved by her dream lover – Reddy. And slowly she was getting closer in realizing that dream. She had already joined Reddy’s health club, in...
In our previous episode we have seen how finally Borah got rid of his virginity, and had a fulfilling experience with Mrs. Nair. And Mrs. Nair too experienced the pleasure of being fucked by someone after a long time. Borah was not all that experienced as she would have liked at the first place, but she didn’t mind at all to train him to suit her need. While Mrs. Nair was busy enjoying with the naïve Borah, her daughter Sowmya was busy in chasing her ambitions. She always dreamt of becoming a...
In our previous episode we have seen how Reddy inspired the residents of the building to join his health spa. Few of them had already decided to join and start enjoying the benefits at the earliest. Meanwhile Mrs. Nair was convinced that Borah had a crush on her, and so she too decided to take things in her hand to take that little crush forward. Aarushi was away from the building all the while but definitely not missing the enjoyment any bit as she ended up having a fuck with her boyfriend in...
A new and fresh morning had greeted all the residents of our Prem Nivas apartment, though Borah and Mrs. Nair were the first to greet it but slowly all the residents were getting involved too. And most of them had gathered at the lawn to enjoy the freshness of the morning. The Chatterjees were enjoying a leisurely stroll on the lawns with their new born. The baby was on a stroller which Gautam was pushing with Kiran walking by his side. The Sharmas’ were at their second floor balcony, enjoying...
Following the sex-picnic with the twins Sam and Tony, our identical 14 year old lesbian twins Amy and Amilie are sat at their laptop writing a thank you email. Sweet-Ami wrote that her cunt had itched while Tony was shagging Tangy-Ami's arse, and was very aware when her sister climaxed. They wondered if there was any scientific explanation for twins – identical or fraternal – coming together, and would love to take part in an experiment with Sam and Tony.Tony couldn't believe his luck and...
At the pubThe 14 year old Ami twins were dressed identically in very short black skirts, that hugged their young bottoms, and low scoop-necked tops that provided an excellent view under their breasts if you looked carefully from a certain angle. This video features the girls standing at a bar ordering drinks, leaning slightly forward to entice the barman, while two older boys jostle to get the best view of all four tits in the skimpy tee-shirts. The girls are identical with long black hair,...
Male versionOne hospital A&E department had to ring Mike the inventor when an enthusiastic experimenter stuck both probes of his sister's mk4 up his arse with the chain wrapped around prick. The probes became entangled and could not be removed without castrating himself.Mike put a suitable Health Warning on the web-site and set about designing a male version, by removing the 'C' probe and extended the chain into a tight loop. Becki called in to the workshop for a chat and took away a few...