- 2 years ago
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The man dismounted and started looking at the hoof of one of the mules pulling the wagon. We walked over to where we could hear him mumbling about dad blamed mules anyway.
"Howdy," I said as we walked up. "I'm Ed Hill. Are you having problems?"
"Howdy, I'm Mort Stern. Yeah, this dad blamed mule has messed up his right front leg. I don't know what happened, but I'm afraid he's gonna have to be put out to pasture for a while."
"That's a shame. They probably have mules here you can buy though."
"Yeah, the only problem is I have all of my money tied up in trade goods." The man brightened a little and asked, "Say, I couldn't interest you folks in a rifle or a shotgun, could I?"
I had to smile. We had just been talking about guns. "You might, if they're good quality," I said.
"The best quality you'll ever see," Mort said. "I'm on my way to the fur trappers' rendevous. They won't buy if the guns aren't the best."
"Show us what you've got then," I said and pulled Tina up beside me. "We're interested in a rifle, a shotgun and a revolver."
Mort had a mile wide smile as he started taking the tarpaulin he had over his wagon loose. "Let's look at the rifles first," Mort said. He pulled out three different rifles. The first was a typical woodsman's rifle. It was a .45 caliber and had a walnut stock with iron butt plate. It was a serviceable weapon and was very popular with trappers.
The second rifle he pulled out was shorter and heavier. It was a .56 caliber and would have been excellent for buffalo. The third one caught Tina's eye. A .40 caliber Pennsylvania Rifle, it had a curly maple stock with an inlaid silver patchbox and silver cheek piece. The lock had a scroll design inlaid into the silver.
"You like this one?" I asked Tina.
"I like it, but it's much too fancy. It'd cost a fortune."
"Could we try this one out?" I asked Mort.
"Sure," he said. "Let me get out the fixings."
As Mort was getting out a patch, ball, and powder, I walked off fifty paces and put a mark in the dirt. I looked around for something to shoot at. Nothing was apparent, then I saw some small gourds, about an inch and a half in diameter, sitting along the front of the ordinary. I picked up one and set it on my mark.
"Is that too small?" I asked Tina when I got back to where Mort was loading the rifle.
"Not if it's a good rifle," Tina said.
Mort handed the rifle to Tina and she hefted it. "The weight's not bad," she said. She raised it to a firing position and said, "The balance is good."
She aimed at the gourd and squeezed the trigger. The gourd exploded into a thousand pieces. "Not bad," Tina said. She started to hand the rifle back to Mort, but I stopped her.
"How much?" I asked him.
"Forty dollars. The bullet mold is extra."
"I'll give you forty for the rifle, the mold, and a thousand caps," I said.
"Make it a hundred caps and you have a deal," he said.
I nodded and asked, "How about a revolver and a shotgun?"
"I've got two types of revolver," he said. "I have a Paterson Colt in a .36 caliber and I have the new Colt Walker in a .45 caliber."
"Can we see them both?" I asked. I had a Paterson myself, so I knew what they looked like, but I wanted to make sure the one he was selling wasn't something that had been damaged.
He brought both of them out and I knew immediately we'd want to stick with the Paterson. The Walker was a nice looking weapon, but it weighed about four and a half pounds. Much too heavy for Tina.
We also selected a shotgun. We got a bag of shot, black powder, and caps for all of the weapons. By the time we were finished, I had to pay the man almost eighty dollars. Mort was happy and Tina was ecstatic over her new rifle.
.oO~Oo. Tina thanked me a million times that evening for the rifle and for the shotgun and the revolver. She vowed she'd do all of our hunting until we got to St Jo.
Sam: Day 33 of the Dayton to St Joseph trip
It was still raining when we got up, so we ate some jerky and got moving again. It rained all morning and it was the middle of the afternoon before it quit. Andy came by and said there wasn't any use in stopping yet, because there wasn't any dry wood for a cook fire.
We only made around fifteen miles for the day, but Andy somehow managed to find enough dry wood that we could have a hot meal for supper. I think it was the best I'd ever eaten.
Saturday, April 8, 1848
Ed: Day 20 of the Boston to St Joseph trip
We followed a road for a ways after leaving the ordinary this morning. But after a while it turned northwest and headed back into the hills surrounding the lake, so we set out across country. We hit another east-west road by the middle of the afternoon.
As we were riding along, Tina asked, "So, what are Sam and Delia like?"
Cassie spoke up while I was trying to frame my answer, "Sam is the kindest, most loving person I have ever met. She's also as brave as a mountain lion and as fierce as a mama bear protecting her cub. She and Ed fit together like two peas in a pod."
"Sam is a planner and a doer," Kate said. "She likes to figure out how something should be done, then she goes ahead and does whatever it takes to make it happen. We have some good men who are part of our family, but I'd bet you any amount of money you'd care to wager that Sam is the one in charge while they're waiting for us."
"When I met Sam, I didn't know if she was a boy or a girl. Her step-father had mistreated her and she was afraid he was going to rape her. She was living in a park, eating things other people had thrown away. I was in a bad way myself. I was thinking my life had ended. Although Sam's situation was much worse than mine, she helped me to get back on my feet. I love her with all of my heart," I said.
"But you love Cassie and Kate and Delia too," Tina said. "I can see that from how you treat Cassie and Kate."
"Yes, I do. I had been taught all my life that you can only love one person. I believed that," I said, then I looked at Cassie and smiled. "Then I met Cassie. Cassie was in pretty much the same situation as Sam had been, only with her, it was a stepmother that was the problem. Before we even met Cassie, Sam said we should try to help her."
Cassie giggled and said, "I was a mess. I had been on my own for a couple of months. I was kind of watching Sam and Ed from a distance. I was hoping they'd leave something on the bench they were sitting on, then Ed got up and left. Sam started talking loud enough for me to hear. She was talking about how she had been living in a park, but that things were much better for her now. I just had to come out of the bushes and talk to her."
"What happened then?" Tina asked.
"We talked until Ed came back with a bunch of bags. I started to leave, but Sam said they had bought me a meal. God! What a meal! There was a big steak, a large salad, a baked potato, and cheese cake. When I had finished eating, Sam asked if I'd like to come back to the inn they were staying in and get cleaned up. The next morning, Sam asked me if I'd like to go with them."
"Weren't you afraid of going off with a couple you had just met?" Tina asked.
"Tina, you spent one evening with us, then when your mom and dad were killed, you traveled almost a hundred miles to meet up with us. There's just something about Ed and Sam too that makes people trust them."
"Yeah, I guess you're right. You said Delia had been a slave. How did you come to buy her?"
I explained to her about the auction and what we had seen. I went on to tell her about buying Jud, Mina, Delia and Dalia. "Being a slave is a very hard thing. It takes away a person's self respect. It was much harder on Jud than it was on Mina and the girls. Jud is only around thirty-five years old, but no one at the slave auction thought he'd live more than five more years. He had been worked hard all of his life and if he slowed down, they'd whip him."
"Jud has come a long way," Cassie said. "All four of them have. Delia is our treasure. We're so proud of her we could just burst. When they first came to live with us, none of them would even think of making a decision for themselves. Now, they contribute to the family discussions and help make decisions for all of us."
"None of them could read or write," I said. "Now, Delia and Dalia can read and write as well as any of us. They've also started making their own decisions."
"Delia is a big tease too," Kate said. "These guys tell me she never even smiled when she was a slave. Now, she'll pull some tease on one of us and she'll giggle like the rest of us. We all love her."
"From the way it sounds, you all love each other," Tina said. "I think that is great. That's the way mom and dad were. They were always teasing each other and always touching each other. It might be just a touch on the cheek, but you could just see the love that was there between them."
We found a nice ordinary where we could spend the night and we dined on roast pork with all of the trimmings. We managed to crowd four people into the same bed again.
Sam: Day 34 of the Dayton to St Joseph trip
We had a much nicer day for traveling today. The sun was shining and things were starting to dry out. We didn't have any major creeks to cross today. The little creeks were bank full, but none of then were deeper than the axles on our wagons, so we didn't have any problem with them.
The Wagoner boys say we're only a couple of days from St Joseph. I must admit I'm anxious to get there.
Sunday, April 9, 1848
Ed: Day 21 of the Boston to St Joseph trip
It was a wonderful day for travel, but if it hadn't been for the conversation of the three lovely women with me, it would have been a boring day as well. The land was as flat as a table. The weather was nice and warm enough we didn't even need coats.
Tina asked about the other members of our extended family, so Cassie and Tina spent most of the day telling her about them.
I'd say we traveled thirty-five or thirty-six miles before we pulled in at an ordinary for the night. I know we have to have come at least half way from Boston to St Joseph. I can't wait to get there. I really miss Sam and Delia and I can't wait to get to know my daughter.
Sam: Day 35 of the Dayton to St Joseph trip
Becky was fretful today, so I spent the entire day in the coach. It was trying for Delia and me both.
Monday, April 10, 1848
Ed: Day 22 of the Boston to St Joseph trip
We had a great breakfast before we took off this morning and the serving girl packed us a nice lunch. From there, the day went downhill. Nothing bad happened, it was just boring. I think everyone had talked themselves out over the last few days, so even that was absent.
We had to cross three good sized creeks today, but none of them were flooded, so there wasn't even any excitement there. The only good point of the day was that the tavern keeper where we spent the night said we were only one long day's travel from Fort Wayne.
Sam: Day 36 of the Dayton to St Joseph trip
St Joseph, Missouri! We made it! Nothing ever felt so good. We made a permanent camp on the north side of town, just where the Missouri River makes a swing to the west.
Stu had to take the cattle a couple of miles farther up the river to where he could find enough open range for the cattle to graze for the next few weeks. The Wagoner boys and the Whites and Vencilles stayed with the wagons, but the rest of the men set up another camp close to the cattle.
We didn't get much else done, except getting the camp set up. Mina and Maddy made us a wonderful supper and we all relaxed for the first time in over a month.
Tuesday, April 11, 1848
Short shore story of love to me by a young beauty and her momWhen I washed ashore, I was completely wasted and exhausted.I was so lucky she found me... Camila took care of me well!She dragged me to her mothers house at the beach by my arms.They washed me. Wetted my thirsty lips and I slept long.All kind of weird images in my mind: shipwrecked, swam so long.Long for the shore and life... I want more love in my life...When I woke up, she smiled at me and told me her name.Hi, I'm Camila. You must...
We did get a breakfast fixed of sorts and we ate it with relish. "You know, we probably don't have more than ten or twelve miles before we're in Portland," I said. "We could see about spending the night in a tavern if you guys would like." "I'd be a little bit afraid to, Ed," Sam said. "We'd either have to leave all of that gold with the horses, or we'd have to lug it up to our room. I'm afraid that either way it would be noticed." "Damn, you're right. You know, we might...
Brainwashed By Cassandra Morgan The Americans entered the village silently, covered by the dark of the night. Helicopters had transported them through the nearby Kush Mountains, and then they'd made their way on foot to Biryam. There, like death in the darkness, they made their way through the streets, not speaking, communicating only by hand gestures. There weren't that many soldiers. There had been more during the great wars. But most of the local terrorists were scattered now,...
Day 71 - Saturday, July 10, 1847 The tavern we stayed in last night was very nice. The beds were comfortable and everything was clean. We had a wonderful seafood dinner before we retired to our room. When I awoke this morning, I was just feeling lazy, so I asked everyone if they'd like to stay over a day. I didn't hear any objections, so we decided we'd just make today a lazy day. We finally got dressed and went down for breakfast. It was every bit as good as dinner had been last night....
It was late by the time I got to the gym. The parking lot was half-empty and the last few patrons were already trickling out. Still, according to my heavy schedule, I had a short half-hour to exercise. I hoped that I wouldn’t be turned away. I’d only signed up for the trial a couple of weeks previously and this was my first time there since I’d moved into town. The receptionist warned me that I was quite late getting started. “It’s ten after eleven, so you’d better be done soon,” she said, “We...
Gay MaleWashed, Waxed, and Polished By Jena Corso Edited By Julie Manners Part 1 Jordan pulled up to the high end auto spa and stepped out of his red Ferrari convertible. He slapped hands with the workers and sat on a bench outside the place as they began their weekly routine of washing, waxing, and polishing his car. He looked down at his ipad, watching a movie, until he heard the cackling of the girls as they parked in the lot next to him. "There's your weird friend again, Jodi,"...
Washed, Waxed, and Polished By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 2 "Candice, please be careful," said Jordan as he squeezed into the front seat next to Jodi. "Oh stop worrying." Candice buckled up and pulled away from the curb. "This is going to be fun." "But how about not making me vomit, though? Teased Jodi as Candice was quickly stopping and starting, jerking everyone back and forth. "Shut up," Teased Candice. "It just takes some getting used to. This is...
Day 36 - Saturday, June 5, 1847 We spent all of the next day making a trip to Newry and back. We ate lunch there and this time we were treated to home made bread. Sam stayed with Mrs. Jenkins for a while after Cassie and I left for the general store. The storekeeper was surprised to see us again. "We still haven't seen hide nor hair of that brother of mine," I said. "We'll hang around another month and if he hasn't shown up by then we'll go on to Bangor." "I sure hope nothing's...
She was wearing a bikini which was barely covering her nakedness, and even as I tried to rouse her, my cock jumped to hang fuller, unconcealed by clothing. I didn't even notice; I was desperate to get some sign of life from the woman. I listened at her chest, my ear on one of her pert breasts, and heard breath. The sound of breathing was like the most beautiful music in the world, and with that music in my heart I squatted over her with my hands on her shoulders, shaking her...
Now suppose it wasn't just a joke... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam was barking again. When we'd first washed up on the beach a month ago, I used to get nervous whenever he'd bark, but now it just annoyed me. "Shut up dammit!" I yelled into the darkness and tried to go back to sleep. But Sam wouldn't stop barking, so I finally opened my eyes to see the sun peeking over the top of the waves to the east. Dawn on a desert...
Want to know more? How hot cute Camilla and lovely Laura washed and wasted me?We were wet from sweat and our love juices after our sexy sixty-nine.Laura had watched us and could use a shower herself as well. She took us.She just grabbed a hand of each of us, pulled us up and walked us to the bath.Soon warm water was coming from all sides. We splashed, soaked and soaped. We tickled and giggled. We kissed and caressed. Hot hands and lips everywhere.Some special private parts of our bodies rose to...
To tease me, Camila had dressed up a bit, but only in her skimpy mini-skirt.Laura had left us alone, knowing that her dear would take well care of me.What had happened to me? I hardly could remember ... I washed ashore and she saved my life by dragging me off into this paradise ... Was I really alive?Soon I was back again where I was, as Camila carefully caressed her cleavage along my small sailor-mate, who was also waking up to the pleasant preasure.Saluting to her attention he stood firm and...
Day 89 - Wednesday, July 28, 1847 Andy woke me up sometime after midnight and said for me to get up. I dressed and got out of the wagon, then asked in a low voice, "What's up?" "There are four men camped about a half mile to the east of here. I think one of them is the man who was bidding against you at the auction." "What do you think they're up to?" I asked. I was scared, but I hoped it didn't show in my voice. "I think he wants Delia and Dalia. What is he willing to do to get...
Sam: Preparing for the trip to St Joseph Okay. Tomorrow we leave for St Joseph. I thought it had been frantic the other day when the men left with the cattle. It wasn't half as bad as it was today. There were still nine family members at the ranch and I think they must have asked nine questions each before noon. To top it off, Becky picked this morning to be cranky. She spent a lot of time crying and I kept trying to get her to stop. Finally, Delia put Becky in her carrier on her chest....
Sam: St Joseph, Missouri Well, Becky is two months old today. It may sound silly, but Delia and I made a big thing out of it. We both spent a lot more time holding her than we normally did. Becky is a treasure. She's old enough now that she can control her head movements. She loves to grab your finger and hold on for dear life. She also has a smile that lights up my world. We didn't have any more shootings today, but we did have another family come in. The Tiptons are an early twenties...
It's the 12th day of research, and you're starting to regret taking this assignment. You walk the deck checking the various instruments mounted along the ship, for the 5th time that day, out of boredom than any concern. "Relax, doc!" The captain smiles you pass him. "Nothing but clear skies and smooth seas for miles." He motions to a small red cooler of beer at his feet. You wonder how much of the hold is devoted to this man's beer. You start to correct him, but have come to take the term as a...
The steaks were huge, around a pound each. Sam finished hers and about a third of the one I had before she pushed back from the table. "What was that wonderful salad dressing?" she asked. "Just something I whipped up. Actually, I've been trying to perfect the recipe for a long time. I think it's getting close." "Close, hell. If it were any better, it would be illegal." Sam had a way of making me laugh. After we had eaten, Sam moved her clothes from the washer to the dryer and came...
Day 0 - Sunday, April 17, 2005 When I woke up, Sam was still in my arms. I could see the clock from where we were sleeping, so I knew we had plenty of time before our flight. I let Sam sleep another fifteen minutes, then woke her with a gentle kiss. She stretched and groaned, then her eyes flew open. "Today's the day!" she said. "Yep. It's going to take us almost all day to get there. The last leg of the trip is by charter, since there's no scheduled air service to...
The GPS said we were less than five miles from Bangor when we camped for the night. The skies were really starting to cloud up as we made our camp and pitched our tent. We fixed dinner quickly and had just finished eating when the first raindrops started to fall. We went into the tent and got undressed. When we were in our sleeping bags, I kissed Sam and started to fondle her breasts. "You said you used to make out with another girl," I said. "Did she ever lick your pussy?" "Yu, yes,"...
Day 12 - Friday, April 29, 2005 When Sam and I awoke, we were warm and snug, cuddled together in our sleeping bag. The problem was, outside our sleeping bag, it was freezing, literally. You could see every breath we took. "I don't wanna get up," Sam whined. "I wanna lay right here all day and snuggle." "It's not going to get any warmer, Love. They have some really freaky weather here in Maine in April." "Yeah, I know I have to get up. My bladder will burst if I don't. I just...
Our imposing man had an imposing horse as well. It was a huge gelding that Andy said would carry him all day without getting tired. He also had a young, strong pack mule. We made quite a procession as we rode out of New Brunswick. Andy kept us entertained all day with tales of his experiences while he was trapping. I'm sure some of the stories were even true. Well... At least some of them had parts that were true. Well... Maybe some of them had a small part that was true. Others, I'm...
Special powers, magical items, aliens, monsters, and all manners of mind controlling devices. These are the recipes for mayhem. Through the actions of the controllers and the controlled, it will be the start of something truly corrupt, degenerate, depraved. It would be a cataclysm, a nudge down the wrong direction, to come spiraling down into endless orgasmic fantasies of shameless sex and licentious debauchery. There will be no inhibitions. No sense of logic or reasoning. No holds barred. No...
Mind ControlI didn't know if I should meet. Mr. and Mrs. Bohner were expecting me for my first visit and my inspection. I had been waiting for this day for a long time, but the seriousness of what I was getting myself into was only now hitting me. I had told Mrs. Bohner that I was willing to submit to her and her husband. I had made promise to be subject to their desires and to be trained to fulfill any need they may have in their family. Now as I stand at their door my heart is racing with thoughts about...
Slowly his eyes opened, bringing the room before him into focus. It was not the most well-lit room in the world, but as he adjusted to the gloom, he began to notice two things. One, that he was nude, and two, that he was secured into a chair by steel manacles on his ankles, thighs, waist and neck. His arms, oddly, were free.“Awake at last, I see,” Purred a feminine voice from nearby.He moved his head about as much as the neck restraint would allow, but she was walking around to stand before him...
And then there was the ewe. I could recognize her by her eyes as she stared out of the flock at me. Her black face and ears contrasted with her pure white wool, making her sparkle in the light of the afternoon sun. She seemed happy to see me too, trotting over and looking up at me with those big dark eyes that I couldn't get out of my mind. I knelt, putting my head down until our faces were close, and then nuzzled her soft jaw with my nose. She ran her head down to the crook of my...
"You're amazing," she said, collapsing to the sand after I finally finished, panting from exertion. "I've never had a man who could get me off so many times without cumming. What's your secret?" I couldn't tell her, couldn't bring myself to even admit the reason to myself. "It's all in the mind," I sighed, settling with a half-truth. "You're pretty amazing yourself." I meant it of course, but not completely enough to deserve the look she gave me as she rolled over, her...
Every night after we returned to camp, Sam would run off to do whatever it was he did and I would eat whatever fruit there was nearby and then settle down for the night. I tried hard not to, but every night, as soon as I was lying on my back, of its own volition my crotch surged to life and I got harder than I'd ever been before. I would fight it for a few minutes, but finally give in and begin slowly stroking myself, trying to picture one of the women I'd bedded in the past rocking on...
It's the summer after graduation, and I've decided to treat a few friends to a celebratory cruise. Just me, the guys, and hopefully some hot babes stuck on a boat in the middle of the ocean. But recently, the waves have gotten rougher, and the captain just warned us to stay in our cabins cause some sort of tropical storm is coming. Sounds like bullshit to me though. My pals decided to stay in the cabin, but it got too stuffy for my tastes, so I headed out for the deck. Once I got out there, I...
TeenMy boss was a pure ass. I was about fifteen minutes late getting in and he saw me. "What the hell are you doing, coming in late?" he practically yelled. I saw several heads popping up over the walls of cubicles wondering who had made the boss mad this time. "I'm fifteen minutes late, Dale," I said. "That's right and I've been looking all over for you. You need to be on a plane to Denver in less than two hours. The site is shut down until you get there." "That's not going to...
There are a hundred little spots along the Grand River where people go down to the river to fish, or the high school kids get together for their beer and bong bashes. A guy I worked with owns one of them that is usually frequented by the kids. He was out of town for the next few weeks on a job and since it was the middle of the week, I knew there wouldn't be any kids there. I knew he wouldn't mind if I camped there. "Sam, how would you like to camp out for real tonight?" I asked...
Day 17 - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 We spent the night in the B & B again and went over to the restaurant for an early breakfast. When we left, we took off in a southwesterly direction. By noon, any worries I'd had about Cassie being able to keep up were gone. I think she could have walked Sam and me both into the ground. The area we were hiking through in Vermont ranged from hilly to mountainous. We tried to keep to lower ground as much as possible and we still made good time. We managed...
Day 20 - Thursday, May 20, 1847 Sam and I woke up with Cassie between us. Somehow, during the night, Cassie had managed to get across Sam. Since we were awake first, we just laid there looking at each other and stroking what we could reach of each other. Finally, Cassie opened her eyes and smiled at both of us. "Good morning," she said. "Good morning, Cassie," I said. "Young lady, we need to get something straight. Sam is my wife and I sleep next to her." Cassie just grinned and...
Day 24 - Monday, May 24, 1847 Nothing was said about what happened last night when we got up this morning. I built a fire and the girls fixed breakfast. We had all of us ended up sleeping on top of mine and Sam's sleeping bags. I was in the middle and it sure felt nice to wake up between two naked girls. We got an early start, and it was only shortly after we had stopped for lunch, when we crossed a road. "This is probably the road between Newry and North Newry," I said. "If we turn...
My heart was soaring as I rode back to camp. The girls came running out when they saw me. "Did you do it?" Sam asked. I got down from Hawk and gave them both a big hug. Then, I showed them the certificate of deposit and the bag of gold coins. All three of us were laughing like idiots. "So, do you want to go on into town and get some lunch and maybe stay in a tavern tonight?" I asked. "Could we stay here tonight?" Sam asked. "I have an idea of what to do with the gold coins and I'd...
We got all the new stuff distributed on Homer and Jethro, then took off out of town. "Where's our next stop?" Cassie asked. "Probably Hartford, Connecticut," I said. "We're not going to push it, so it'll probably take us a week to get there." "That's okay," Sam said. I could tell that Hawk was feeling his oats this morning. He'd had a good rest and now he wanted to run. I waited until we were out of town the asked, "Mandy, would it be okay if we let Hawk run for a...
"You keep out of it, you little snot," the man said with venom. I guess that or the fact that the girl was being manhandled got to Sam as well. "You wouldn't know what to do with her if she gave herself to you," Sam told the man. "I'm sure your pecker is smaller than my little finger, so you wouldn't do her any good if you could figure out where to put it." A couple of men at another table started laughing, but the abuser and his cronies didn't think it was funny at all. The guy...
Sam and Cassie came back just before the auction started. It seemed Mr. Wilson had died and they were selling off everything he had. They started out selling furniture, then they started selling livestock. The last of the livestock to sell was the slaves. They auctioned off half a dozen young black men. I wished we could have bought all of them and released them, but there was just no way we could afford to do it. Finally, they brought the black father out on the stage. The auctioneer had...
Some time later, I managed to get Cassie off by ourselves. "Cassie, my love," I said. "I have asked Sam to marry me at the first town we come to that has a parson, and she accepted." I could see several emotions cross her pretty face. There had been happiness, maybe some doubt, some fear, then resignation. "When we come to the second town that has a parson, would you marry me as well?" I asked. Now there was only one emotion, Joy. We had been riding close together, side by side....
Even with the stop for Cassie and me to get married, we made twenty-four miles for the day. Mina actually let my wives help with supper. While we were eating, Delia came over and sat beside me. Sam was on the other side of me and Cassie had scooted over to let Delia sit beside me. "Hi," she said and then looked down shyly at her food. "Hi, yourself," I said. "Do you mind if I eat with you?" she asked. "I never mind when a pretty girl wants to eat with me," I said. "Do you think...
Delia was attentive, but she was also uncoordinated. I probably let her fire fifty shots before the wagons caught up with us and she didn't come within six inches of what she was shooting at from twenty feet away. When we were discussing the problem over dinner, Mina asked, "Could I try it?" "I don't see why not," I said. After we had eaten, I set up a target quite a ways away from camp and showed Mina how to aim. Her first shot was better than Delia's best attempt and by the time...
Day 100 - Sunday, August 8, 1847 We passed White Sulphur Springs, Virginia today, which in just a few years will become White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. Even in this era it is a resort town, where rich people and politicians come to take the water and to relax from their "trying" lives. We replenished our food supplies, but didn't make any further use of the town's resources. It just didn't seem right for the white people in the group to be able to go into an ordinary for a meal,...
Day 107 - Sunday, August 15, 1847 The next three days were more of the same. The mules toiled pulling the wagon and we helped as much as possible. We were all getting very tired, so we decided to take a day off. We picked a great day for it. I awoke to birds singing and sun brightening the canvass of our wagon. The four of us were naked and we had kicked the covers off during the night. I was between Sam and Cassie, and when my eyes started to focus, I saw Delia watching me across...
Day 109 - Tuesday, August 17, 1847 We got on the road early, after another of Mina's wonderful breakfasts. We let Rawhide ride the horse Tommy had been riding and Tommy rode behind Mindy. I don't think he or Mindy either one minded that. The road was mostly down hill today and we made a lot better time than we had in a while. I think we probably made close to seventeen miles for the day. M & M rode on either side of Rawhide for most of the day. Every once in a while, I'd hear Sam...
Kate proved herself to be an excellent trail cook when she made dinner for all of us that evening. She made an Irish Stew that was delicious. "Where are you from, Kate?" I asked as we were partaking of her stew. "I'm from Pennsylvania. We had a farm there. We'd had a couple of bad years before pa left to go trapping and we were also having problems with one of our neighbors. He and pa had a real feud going." "What happened with your neighbor after your pa left?" "He was quiet for...
Cassie wanted to take a walk later that afternoon, but Sam and Delia said they wanted to help Maddy with supper. We started walking toward the corral and Cassie put her arm around me as we walked. I returned the favor and gave her a little squeeze. "Did the excitement earlier get you all fired up?" I asked her. "Yep. Why does something like that get my juices flowing? Am I some kind of pervert or something?" I had to laugh. "No, sweet love, I think what it is, is that our bodies...
Day 127 - Saturday, September 4, 1847 When we took off on our first circuit this morning, Kate asked if she could ride with Sam and me. "What about Stu?" I asked. "Angie is going to ride with Stu and I don't like her mouth. I still want to do my part though." "Do you think Angie and Stu have a thing going?" Sam asked. "I think they do. Not that I'm jealous or anything. I just don't like to be called a floozy or a bitch." Sam and I laughed. "I don't think I would either,"...
Monday, February 21, 1848 One of the things we had gotten for Christmas was a bed that was big enough for all five of us. I don't know what time it was when Sam awakened me, but it was early, or late if you want to look at it that way. Sam shook my shoulder and when I started to wake up, she said, "Ed, I think I'm going into labor." "Oh, shit," I said. I was immediately awake. "It's a little too late to be saying, oh shit," Sam said. I couldn't tell if she was angry or teasing....
Sam: Preparing for the trip to St Joseph I awoke snuggled up to Delia again. I guess I must be related to a puppy as I really enjoy cuddling. When Becky awoke and started making her needs known, I held her to me and fed her a nipple. I'll swear it felt like the love was flowing out of my body and into hers. Feeding our little one was one of the greatest feelings I have ever had. At breakfast, Andy said they were going into town to pick up four wagons. I reminded him to check with the wagon...
Sunday, March 19, 1848 Ed: Day 24 of the Dayton to Boston trip It seemed almost sinful to sleep late, then wander down for a leisurely breakfast. We didn't let that bother us, though. Kate had never been to Boston and she had never seen the ocean, so we decided to do a little exploring. We wandered around the city for a while. Since it was Sunday, all of the stores were closed, but there wasn't anything we wanted to buy anyway. I had always been fascinated by sailing ships, so I asked...
Monday, March 27, 1848 Ed: Day 8 of the Boston to St Joseph trip We made over thirty miles today through relatively level country. We could see hills on either side of us, off in the distance, but none of them intruded on our route. We managed to ride close enough today to keep up a conversation. Ted is an interesting guy. He lived on a ranch all of his life, until his parents died a couple of years ago. Since then he has worked on building a railroad and he trapped one winter in...
Monday, April 3, 1848 Ed: Day 15 of the Boston to St Joseph trip The area we were traveling through had some hills, but the traveling was easy. It was also easy for us to talk. "Ed, how did you end up with four wives, with one of them being a black woman?" Tina asked. "Cassie looked at me and asked, "Can I tell it, Ed?" "Go ahead, love." "Ed and Sam were together first. They were just traveling around, exploring the country. I had been having trouble with my father's second...
Sam: St Joseph, Missouri Andy, Rawhide, and Stu took off again this morning looking for livestock. I really wish Andy had been here, because not long after they left, a guy stopped by and asked if we were forming up a wagon train. He introduced himself as Mark Lester. "Well, Mr. Lester, we're looking to either start one or join one. We won't be able to leave for a couple of weeks yet though." "There's really no hurry in getting started. You could wait a month and still get through...
Sunday, April 16, 1848 Ed: Day 28 of the Boston to St Joseph trip Wow! What a day! It started off innocently enough, but before noon, Cassie and I were shaken to our roots. Su Li and Tina pushed Cassie and Kate aside this morning and fixed breakfast for us. I'll have to admit, they are both good cooks. We got a nice early start and were making good time when it happened. I was riding, thirty feet or so in the lead, when four people stepped out into a clearing a hundred yards or so in...
Friday, April 28, 1848 Ed: Day 40 of the Boston to St Joseph trip When rolled out of bed this morning, Cassie, Kate and I were as happy as we'd ever been. Today was the day we'd be back with our family and friends. While the women fixed breakfast, I worked with Billy, Jeb and Zeb to get a semi-permanent camp set up. We went through everything and made sure they'd have everything they needed until we could get back to them. Even with leaving Billy's group behind, we were still going to...
The wagons were roughly surrounding a central, open, area. Mark rounded up all of the people who were going with us and herded them into the open area. When everyone was there he and Jim Crockett climbed up on a freight wagon and he started talking. "I'm Mark Lester and this is Jim Crockett. I am the Wagon Master of this wagon train and the guide who will get you to where you want to go. I think I've met about all of you at one time or another," he said as he looked around the...
Prudence and Clell showed up right after supper again. We had done the shuffle on the wagons when we circled up, so I knew she didn't want to complain about the Jamisons again. "Mr. Hill, after the Jamison kids finally quieted down last night, Clell and I thought we were gonna get some sleep. It wasn't to be though." "What disturbed you, Mrs. Hankins?" "It was them Jefferson people. Mr. Hill, we could actually hear them fornicating in their wagon. That woman is too old to have...
It was just after supper when I saw Sally go over and whisper something to Andy. He whispered back to her and she came back over by Sam and me and said quietly, "I was telling Andy I was going out into the bushes soon. He is going over to find Harter." "Okay, I said. "You might need to do this several times before we catch him following you." "Yeah, I know, but it seems like I feel him there every time I go out. Maybe we'll get lucky and catch him the first time." She waited a few...
Sam: Ed and I held on to each other until I saw the jury coming back. "They're coming back already," I whispered. Ed hugged me tightly, then went back over to where he had been sitting. When the jury was seated again, he asked, "Have you gentlemen reached a decision?" "Yes, we have, Ed," Jacob Caldwell said. "We all think the bastard is guilty." "Do you all agree with that?" Ed asked. Every man on the jury nodded his head. I could see Ed let out a big sigh, then he said,...