Rock'n'Roll LifestyleChapter 17 free porn video

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"Hmmm." Corey went. He leaned back as far as he could, till most of Cindy's weight was on her back as she lay back on him. He took his hands from between her thighs, letting her legs settle almost closed as they hung down, her cheeks closing tight around the base of his cock. He took her arms from under his, crossed her wrists, and held them over her head against the top of his chest with his left hand. His right hand reached down and cruelly shoved his two middle fingers into her tightly clenched, slippery little pussy, the fingertips finding her g-spot and pressing hard. His index and pinky fingers spread down her bikini lines and around his cock in her ass, and his palm cupped her mound and pressed her clitoris flat. He straightened up, letting her weight settle onto her loins, and squeezed her pubic bone in his hand.

Cindy's whole body had spasmed when he shoved his fingers inside her, and she'd only half choked back her scream. Now she twisted frantically in his grip and sobbed convulsively while he appraised the view in the mirror.

"Damn. That's hot." he breathed in amazement.

"Holy shit! It looks like you're holding her up by her pussy!" Amanda exclaimed.

"I am, partly." Corey answered absentmindedly. "Or rather, about a quarter of her weight is supported by my hand around her pubic bone."

"Oh I see!" Amanda giggled. "Her pussy just happens to be squeezed between your hand and her pubic bone!"

"Exactly." Corey continued. "Another quarter of her weight is held up by my index and pinky fingers beneath her. I'm pushing her back against me pretty hard, so another quarter is held up by the friction of her butt cheeks against me, even though we're getting pretty sweaty. And I'd say about a quarter of her weight is held up by my cock up her ass."

"Wow! Are you sure it's strong enough for that?" Amanda asked, sounding a little concerned.

"Oh yah." he assured her. "Her tailbone is resting on the very base of my cock. She should be okay."

"No, I meant your cock." Amanda corrected.

"Oh. Well, her body's holding it up, and as long as it can't get bent down, it can hold a lot at the base." he explained.

"Wow." Amanda stated.

Corey began bouncing on the balls of his feet, producing just enough movement to move his cock in and out of Cindy's ass a little, and to rub his hand over her pussy a bit, both outside and inside her. Gravity squeezed her legs around his cock and hand.

Though the movement was small, the sensation was incredible because of the pressure of her weight distributed over her loins, and she found it electrifying.

"Christ! Look at her get off on that!" Amanda said.

The feelings between Cindy's legs soon became so strong that they all blended together, and she could no longer distinguish which sensations were caused by his big cock up her ass, and which by his hand on her pussy or his fingers inside her. Then her orgasm ripped through her, and the sensations spread to every square inch of her skin and overloaded her mind. Her cries became all out exclamations of arousal, indistinguishable as to whether they were those of pleasure or pain, anger or anguish. She shook and squirmed feebly, her eyes squeezed tightly shut.

Since it was working so well, Corey continued the bouncing motion until Cindy's climax started to wind down only a minute later. He knew she was close to being finished for the night by the shortness of her orgasm, and knew he would have to reach his own fairly soon if he wanted to be able to come up her ass.

He turned around and laid her face down, with the edge of the bed under her hips, and unleashed himself upon her. He held her legs tight together between his and fucked her ass as hard as he could, his hands on her shoulder blades pressing her into the mattress. Her hips sunk four inches into the bed with his every slamming impact against her ass, and he grunted deeply with every one. She wailed loudly, her voice jerking with his thrusts.

Suddenly he slid his hands under her armpits and hiked her up the bed till her knees were firmly on the edge of the bed.

"Fuck me, Cindy." he growled. "Fuck me with your ass. Drive it up onto my cock." He held himself about two thirds of the way out her, waiting. After a couple of seconds she held her breath and lifted her bum, slowly swallowing his whole length back up her ass. She lowered herself to the mattress and started to do it again.

"Harder! Fuck your ass onto my cock hard, bitch!" he growled angrily. She whimpered as she complied, driving herself onto him hard enough to make a slapping sound as her ass contacted him.

"YAH! Harder! Fuckin' HARDER! Come ON, you little cunt, let's see some FUCKING down there!!" he yelled, surprising them all with the intensity of his emotion. The girl's hearts started beating a mile a minute as they became intimidated by it.

"I'm... I'm trying Corey!" Cindy sobbed. She spread her knees a bit to get more leverage, and gave it all she had. She started crying again, sweat and tears pouring off her as she impaled herself onto his cock over and over.

It seemed it wasn't enough for Corey. He held still with his eyes closed for a couple dozen of her strokes, found he wasn't feeling the sensation he was hoping for, and seemed to snap.

"AAAAHHH!!! FUCK!" he yelled in rage and frustration and literally attacked her ass with his cock, viciously ripping it into her with jerking snaps of his hips. Cindy was flattened to the mattress, her body jerking and quivering, her voice crying and wailing, her mind on the edge of sensation and emotion overload.

"Squeeze me, dammit! Squeeze my cock with your ass! Hard!" he yelled, sweat starting to pour off him from the pace of his fucking.

"Yes Corey." Cindy sobbed, clamping onto him with her cheeks, too eager to please him to care about the increased pain.

"Oh yah! Fuckin' ay! I'm gonna come in you now, bitch! I'm gonna fuckin' pump my come up your little virgin asshole! Right, fuckin', now!" he growled, then his body was racked by spasms as the ecstasy washed over him. A few seconds into it he started whining like a little boy, and he didn't even notice.

"Oh yes Corey! Come in me! Oh God I love you so much!" Cindy sobbed. The thought of him coming in her ass, the first one to do so, was so powerfully exciting that she reached a mild climax herself as he did.

As his orgasm wound down and he regained control of himself he started thrusting into her with a slow gentle stroke, just enough to keep it going as long as he could, and then to tease delightful aftershocks out of his cock. Finally his motion slowed, then stopped as he caught his breath.

Beside them Amanda was just finishing an orgasm of her own, her knees high, her hands on her twat, her face strained as she watched them and writhed.

A couple of minutes later Corey slid a hand under Cindy's lower chest. "I'm rolling us over." he told her, gave her a second to get ready, and rolled onto his back with a smooth motion to his left. He hiked himself backward all the way onto the bed, and lay back in utterly exhausted, boneless relaxation. Cindy was in the same condition lying on her back on top of him, his still throbbing erection pulsing deep within her ass.

They lay there panting like steam engines while they caught their breath, and then just relaxed in silence for a few minutes.

Then Corey slowly wrapped his arms around Cindy. "Is it alright, Cindy? Are we still okay?" he asked quietly.

"We're great, my love. We're fine. We're beautiful." Cindy re-assured him, laying her arms over his and turning her head to snuggle the side of her face against his chest.

"Thank you. That was... an incredible experience." he said, just loud enough for them to hear. "I'm sorry about the... the mood I had at the end. I don't know where it came from, and as soon as I came it was gone completely."

"That's okay. I asked for it, and you gave me what I wanted. I love you more than ever."

"Mmmm. And I love you." he murmured. He sat up and kissed the side of her face. She twisted almost completely around on his lap to meet his kiss, their tongues and lips caressing each other tenderly.

"Kiss us Amanda." Corey murmured into Cindy's mouth.

"Yes Corey." Amanda said. She straddled both their hips and knelt on Cindy's lap, her weight pushing Cindy down a little further onto Corey's still hard cock, and joined their kiss as Cindy moaned into Corey's mouth.

Corey broke the kiss a minute later and lay back again, too tired out to keep sitting up. "I really love you both." he mumbled.

"And I love you." Cindy murmured as she lay back and relaxed on him, one hand caressing Amanda's breasts.

"I love you both so much I can barely stand it." Amanda crooned, returning Cindy's caress.

They were silent for a few minutes as Cindy and Amanda lazily played with each other's titties, Corey simply lying back in relaxed exhaustion.

"Well, I guess we better get ready for bed." Cindy finally said. Corey didn't answer. "Corey?" she asked.

"I think he's asleep." Amanda giggled.

"Oh. Not surprising I guess. We didn't get much sleep last night, and it's gotta be after five." Cindy mentioned.

"It's ten to six." Amanda said after a glance at the entertainment center.

"Thought so. Well, I don't want to wake him up. He's not gonna get enough sleep as it is, and if he can sleep like this, so can I. Can I get you to towel us off a bit, Amanda? We're pretty sweaty."

"Sure Cindy." Amanda giggled, heading for the bathroom. She was back in a moment with two fluffy towels, and began very gently drying her lovers.

"You know Cindy, you really did take one incredible ass fucking tonight, once you got started. I don't think I could have taken it without begging him to stop at least once. Not that I'd have really wanted him to, of course. I'm very proud of you." Amanda said as she attended to them.

"Really? Thanks Amanda, that means a lot to me. You're gonna like it, I'm sure. Especially after the first time. And thanks for... for goading me into it. I probably wouldn't have gone through with it otherwise."

"No problem. It was the least I could do." Amanda giggled.

She finished drying Cindy's pussy, which she'd saved for last, and slid from the bed to return the towels to the bathroom. She dimmed the lights, raised the setting on the thermostat a bit to make sure they wouldn't need the covers, and climbed back into bed. She leaned over Cindy, and they shared a deep and leisurely kiss.

"G'night Cindy. I love you." Amanda murmured dreamily.

"And I love you Amanda. Good night." Cindy returned.

Amanda lay on her side and snuggled her back against Corey's side, and clasped Cindy's arm between her breasts. They were asleep within moments.

Corey awoke to the realization that he was having an orgasm. His eyes flew open to see Cindy sitting on his cock facing him, her eyes closed, one hand on his chest to steady herself and the other on her pussy, rocking gently forward and back. As the pleasure waves washed over him he thought to himself that she looked like an angel in the bright sunlight streaming through the windows from the open hangar doors.

When his aftershocks had faded she leaned down and kissed him, smiling as she gave him gentle stimulation.

"Good morning lover." she cooed.

"Morning, love. This has to be the best way to wake up there is. Would you like me to... ?"

"That's okay, I got off just before you did." she assured him. "You looked so beautiful sleeping, I couldn't help myself."

"Wow. Have I been in you all night?" he asked.

"You sure have." she said, a trifle smugly. "We didn't want to wake you. You've been inside my ass for over eight hours. It doesn't even hurt now." she giggled.

"Thank you." he told her sincerely. "What time is it anyway? And where's Amanda?"

"It's just after noon, and Amanda's cooking breakfast. She's already showered, and if we get in there now, we should be finished about the same time breakfast is ready."

"Cool. I'd like to tell her good morning first though. Amanda!" he called, loud enough to be heard through the bedroom doorway.

"Yes Corey?" Amanda said as she bounced into the room and onto the bed, wearing nothing but an apron that said: 'Kiss the Cook'.

"I just want to kiss you good morning, Sweet Thing." Corey said as he sat up and gathered her into his arms with Cindy, hugging them both.

"Mmmmm." Amanda hummed as they kissed. Cindy's lips joined theirs after a moment.

"Whew! Good morning Lover!" Amanda chuckled enthusiastically when she sat back a bit. "So, that was some training session last night, huh Corey?"

He started to chuckle, and rapidly built to uncontrolled laughter. It was so contagious that the girls couldn't help but laugh along in a puzzled way, since they had no idea what was so funny.

"Alright, what?" Cindy finally asked when his mirth had faded a bit.

"It's just that I'm six years older than you, and ten older than Amanda. She's had one lover, (me), and you've had, what, eight, nine counting me? I've had hundred's, maybe over a thousand. And you're training me, for sex. For some reason that strikes me as very funny." he chuckled.

"It is, when you look at it that way. But we're moving to a higher level now. Consider it upgrading." Cindy giggled.

"Besides, the whole point of it is: she'll be training you for a couple of days, and then you'll be training me, for a very long time!" Amanda pointed out gleefully.

"And aren't you over-estimating a bit, big guy? My research puts your total number of conquests at around a hundred, a hundred and twenty max." Cindy chided.

"Ah, but there was the L.A. years." He said with a wistful smile.

"The L.A. years?" Cindy asked.

"From when I was eighteen and a half to almost twenty one, I lived in L.A. You must know that." he explained.

"From eighteen to twenty one? From eighteen to twenty one you toured the western states with a bar band. A five piece rock unit called Rampage, wasn't it?" Amanda said, puzzled. "You weren't very promiscuous on the road, either, from what Cindy found out."

"True, but we were based out of L.A." he explained.

"Yes, but you were almost never there." Cindy said.

"You're right. But L.A. is a huge, huge, wonderful place. You can drive for an hour and a half from your house, and be in a whole different world, a world where no one knows anyone you know, and probably never will." Corey said, lost in memory. "The kind of a place where an insatiable young man could unwind from the road by going out and meeting girls. I'd seduce four or five a day, maybe ten if I went to a party that night. Most of my money went on champagne, motel rooms, and gas for the 'Cuda. I was just coming into my power then, realizing that people wanted to impress me or be nice to me because of the image I present. I wasn't very responsible about it back then. I'd wear out most chicks in forty minutes to an hour, drop 'em off somewhere, and go find another one. It was easy. I was just lucky as hell I didn't catch anything, and I don't think I got anyone pregnant.

"Anyway, as nice as it is to be able to tell you something about myself that you don't already know, I think we've got better things to do right now."

"You bet! Breakfast will be ready in about fifteen minutes, and I can keep it warm another ten after that, so don't take too long in the shower! Oh, and Markus and Maggie left around nine this morning to go get something done, so it's just us. They'll be back at one thirty." Amanda said as she bounced off the bed and out the door.

"Mmmm. You mind carrying me in?" Cindy asked, wrapping her arms and legs tight around him. "I don't want to take you out till we're showering."

"I can understand that," Corey said as he stood up and carried her to the bathroom, "Seeing as you must have a cup of my come inside you!"

"Exactly!" Cindy laughed, delighted at his lack of bashfulness on the subject. "Actually, I forgot you have a bidet. That'll be even better. Why don't you let me off here."

"Alright. You ready?" he asked as he stood facing the bidet.

"Yup." she said, reaching for the ground with her feet.

He lifted her slowly up and off his still erect cock, and she clenched her bum tightly closed as it came out. She groaned a bit and her eyelids fluttered as her cheeks finally came together again after so long.

"I'll be right with you." she told him as he set her down.

"Check." he told her, gave her a quick kiss, and turned to warm up the shower.

They emerged from the bathroom sixteen minutes later, naked, Corey carrying Cindy cradled in his arms.

"Having trouble walking, Cindy?" Amanda teased with a giggle, pouring them each a big glass of orange juice.

"Not having trouble with it, just not liking it very much right now." Cindy answered with a smile.

"I'm not surprised, after the ass fucking you took last night!" Amanda laughed.

"Amanda, I don't mind you talking dirty when the mood is right," Corey told her as her settled himself into a barstool, "But don't overdo it. You'll end up wearing out the emotional impact of it, and sounding sleazy besides. And we're running a classy operation here, see?" He did the last sentence as Edward G. Robinson, and did a good enough impression to crack the girls up pretty thoroughly.

"Hey, isn't this the same pattern as the dishes from breakfast the other morning?" Corey asked as the girls' mirth settled.

"They are the set from the breakfast you surprised us with at our house. God, was it only day before yesterday? It almost seems like a different life already." Amanda said as she presented steaming plates of ham and eggs with hash browns and toast.

"Cool!" Cindy exclaimed.

"Really! Damn this smells good!" Corey said, and he and Cindy dug in with gusto.

Amanda poured coffee, then hopped up onto the counter and sat cross legged on it, placing her plate beside Cindy and Corey's on the bar top.

"I didn't even know where I'd get the money for it at the time." Amanda continued. "I just knew I really wanted to have it. When I went outside to call your wardrobe girl, I told Markus that I'd find a way to pay for it somehow if he could get these for us. He said he'd see what he could do, and of course an hour later we went to the bank, so it was no problem. I've got everything that was on our table at dinner that night too, for suppers and stuff, 'cuz that night was so special. That was the night you gave us these," she held up her ring, "And I'll always treasure the memory of that evening."

She paused as she noticed where Corey was looking, down through the transparent bar. "Why Corey! I do believe you're staring at my pussy!"

"I guess I was!" Corey chuckled. "It's beautiful. It's so... neat. That's what makes both of you so pretty there. for most women the term: 'folds of your vagina' is accurate, but yours don't fold. Your inner labia meet in a smooth soft ridge with only a little step where your clitoris is. When you're not excited, they meet so perfectly that the line where they meet is invisible, and even when you are excited and they separate, they still don't fold, they just get plumper. Or more plump. Whatever. And they're very small, so when you close your legs a bit they're completely hidden by your outer ones. I don't know why I find that so exciting, but I do." He went back to shoveling more of the huge plateful into his mouth.

"It's because they're youth characteristics. Women are supposed to reach their sexual peak at thirty-four, but they reach maximum fertility at eighteen, so it's not surprising that men are instinctually programmed to find youth characteristics sexually exciting. And we have girlish pussies." Amanda explained. "On the other hand, maturity characteristics like big boobs and pubic hair are also powerful behavioral triggers.

"What is it you're taking in school again?" Corey laughed.

"Sexual Psychology and Bio-Sociology. There's no specialized courses in Sexual Bio-Sociology yet, it's too new. Still, I think I'll drop the psychology and concentrate on the bio-sociology, I think it has a more accurate paradigm." Amanda rambled around bites of food.

"How so?" Corey asked, and drained his orange juice.

"Well, psychologists try to explain human behavior in terms of the id and the ego and all that Freudian Jungian stuff. Bio-sociology tries to explain human interaction behavior in terms of evolved instincts." Amanda told him as she hopped off the counter to get more food from the fridge. It was huge cantaloupe halves filled to overflowing with vanilla ice cream.

"Sorry these are a little melted. You really didn't plan on doing a lot of cooking here, did you?" Amanda teased as she hopped back up on the counter.

"No. Frankly, I'd planned on just getting all my meals here delivered. The restaurants in airport hotels are generally pretty good, and there's always one close. Is there anything you need for cooking here?" Corey responded.

"Well, there's lots of cupboard space but not much counter space, since I had these delivered this morning so I could fix breakfast." she said, indicating the two-burner hot plate, toaster oven, and a second, larger microwave. "So I'm okay for cooking. I'll get Maggie to help me mount the microwave under the cupboard, and we'll put clamps in the cupboards for the rest so I can put 'em away securely. What I really need is a fridge. And a freezer. This little bar fridge is already half full with just wine, mix and ice, so we might as well save it for that. I figure there's enough room on the wall between the bar and the door to the bedroom for the fridge, and there's lots of room in the rear storage area for a freezer. What do you think?"

"Go nuts!" he laughed. "It sounds like you know what you're doing."

"Thanks Corey!" she said, leaning over the bar top to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "You're so excellent!"

"So are you, Babe." he chuckled. So, what else are you lovelies doing today while I'm at work?"

"I'll work on some drum fundamentals, and some songwriting, and of course go over the first one with Cindy a few times. I'll work on an exercise program, although I won't be able to finalize it yet. And I might work on some choreography with Cindy." Amanda listed.

They turned to Cindy, who was caught with a mouthful. She grinned and held a finger up while she finished it.

"Wow. I can't believe how hungry I am this morning." she said after swallowing. "Anyway. I'll work on music stuff with Amanda, and work out. I've got a ton of new programs to install on my new computer, and then I'll have to familiarize myself with them and optimize them. Then I'll install them on your computers, so we can share files and stuff. And I've got to work on the counterfeit ticket problem with Markus, and me and Amanda have to learn something about running a mobile video camera. That should about do it for today."

"Cool. I'll have the hospital trip, the radio interview, probably a signing or two." Corey listed. "I'm hoping to be back for supper. I'm onstage at eight, so if I can't be back here by six I'll have to go straight to the show."

"That's okay, Love." Cindy said, snuggling against him and caressing his cheek. "Business before pleasure."

"Unfortunately." he agreed. "Oh well. At least I can look forward to knowing there'll be pleasure after the business." he said, returning her cuddle.

"All that you can handle, Corey my sweet." Amanda assured him with a smile, leaning over the bar to wrap her arms around him and kiss him deeply. She whispered in his ear: "I really want to suck your cock tonight."

"I'll be sure to hurry home." he chuckled as she hopped down to begin cleaning up the breakfast stuff.

He called at six to say he'd make it and was back by six thirty, though just barely, and only had thirty minutes to spare for dinner before rushing out to the show. He complimented Amanda on the excellent pork roast dinner, and had to laugh when she sheepishly admitted that she'd been so busy she'd ordered dinner from the hotel restaurant.

The girls were eager to return to what they'd been doing, and they all ate with gusto and listened to the Vancouver rock radio station for the half hour Corey could spare. After quick kisses and hugs, he was gone.

He was back a little earlier than he expected, and entered the plane with Markus to find Maggie in the meeting room, lounging on an inflated red velour sofa that hadn't been there at suppertime. Markus joined her there for a kiss hello.

He was going to join the girls, but he heard them practicing a new original, and it was so captivating he hesitated to interrupt before he heard the rest. It was almost loud enough to make out the words they were singing.

"Didn't we get this wall soundproofed?" he asked absentmindedly.

This brought a laugh from Maggie, who had to stop kissing Markus for a moment to get over it and answer him.

"Hi Corey. I'm sure there's a lot of sound barrier in it, but nothing's totally soundproof, and man, it is seriously loud in there! Those girls are crazy! By the way, I hope you don't mind the modifications in here. I'm supposed to say Cindy did it, so you won't get mad at me if you don't like it. Her and Amanda thought this could be a little homier for me and Markus, and I couldn't help but agree."

"Hell, I don't mind. I'm chagrined I never thought of it myself." Corey laughed as he went to the bar for a Budweiser. "I know Markus is just as comfortable in a pup tent as a palace, but I never considered that my pilot might be dating him, and staying with him, when I was planning all this." They all chuckled at that as Maggie returned to kissing Markus.

'I guess it's time I started thinking of this room and the cockpit lounge area as Markus and Maggie's quarters.' Corey thought to himself, noticing that the large hardwood table that dominated the room had been spit in half and modified so that half of it could be lowered to coffee table height. The chairs around that half of the table had been lowered to armchair height, the lighting was lower and more intimate, and there were some intricate framed pen and ink drawings filling some of the emptier spots on the walls.

The song emanating from the wall re-captured his attention. It was a fast rocker that boogied along like an old Boston tune, yet it had the thumping kick drum and clean sounds of dance mix blended into it in a way that worked surprisingly well.

When it ended he called "Later." to Markus and Maggie, and they waved a bit without interrupting their kiss as he closed the door.

"Corey!" Amanda yelled gleefully as he entered the living room. She ran around the drum set and jumped into his arms, wrapping her arms and legs around him and kissing him hungrily. Cindy approached more leisurely, wrapping her arms around both of them and hugging them warmly while they kissed.

"Hi, Lovetoy." Corey said to Amanda after she'd pulled back from the kiss. They shared a grin for a moment, then Corey shifted her to his right arm so he could bend down, wrapping his left arm around Cindy as he kissed her.

"Hello, Love." he said to Cindy when their kiss was finished. He spoke softly, almost reverently.

"Hello. I love you." she told him, her tone matching his. They spent a long moment gazing into each other's eyes.

"You love Cindy more!" Amanda suddenly stated, sounding happily surprised at her realization.

"I love you both equally." Corey chuckled.

"No, I think you care for us an equal amount. But I think you like me more, and you love Cindy more. It's like Whore-Madonna Complex." Amanda giggled. "I guess that makes me the whore!"

Corey looked back and forth between the two of them for a moment. "I guess. You could be right. Cindy is the love I've looked for all my life. We love each other as equals, as partners, in the way I've always thought true love should be. I've always believed I would love someone like this someday. The love I have for you is a total surprise, like a fantasy I couldn't even admit I had, let alone hope it might come true." he stated thoughtfully as he crouched to slide his left fore-arm under Cindy's bum and carry the girls to the couch, being careful not to spill his beer.

"It's cool." Amanda stated happily. "If you love her more, I mean. It completes the circle."

"How do you mean?" he asked.

"You love her more, she loves me more, I love you more. A circle of love, binding us together in happiness."

"Amen to that, sister." Cindy giggled.

"Yes indeed." Corey agreed. "So, how was your day, anyway?"

"It was great! We got everything done we planned, and a bunch more besides! Like our new fridge?" Amanda asked, pointing it out on the rear wall.

"Looks great!" he enthused. The fridge was surfaced in woodwork that matched that on the bar's cupboards perfectly, and looked like a large cabinet. Only the lighted cold water dispenser recessed into the left door gave it away.

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Jessica was nervous and embarrassed as she parked her car in the parking lot. She was nervous because it was her first photo shoot and she was embarrassed because she was dressed in what she thought was ridiculous clothing. Jessica was currently wearing a black tank top which she wore underneath a pink blazer. She also wore black leggings and high heels that match her blazer. Jessica sighed and got out of the car which was a pink convertible. As she was about to shut the door, she...

3 years ago
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The Absentee Tenant

Tom swore loudly as he watched, from his vantage point of the staircase window of his block of bedsit flats, the youth running down the path towards the back gate. The youth turned round to look up at him as he opened the gate. Tom clenched his fist and shook it at him. “Fucking students!” He swore. Sometimes they could be more trouble than they were worth. Most left their bedsits in a mess when they finished their courses and there were always the late rent payers. The one that had just...

4 years ago
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Undercovers Detective Chapter 8

FrankDuring our engagement dinner with Alexia’s family, I received a text message from my precinct saying Captain Greer was shot. After I showed the message to Alex, we both maintained our composure and hastily said our goodbyes. Her dad seemed visibly upset with our unexpected departure, but I assured him it was all routine.To begin with, Alex’s father had never been happy with her choice to join the police force instead of following him in corporate law. I chuckled to myself, wondering how...

2 years ago
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Mother Blows Best

The following story is a follow up to my earlier story "Like Mother, Like Daughter" and takes up where that story left off. If you haven't read "Like Mother, Like Daughter" yet, please read that story first as it will provide a background to the characters and events here.It had been a couple weeks since that day when Genny found out about her son-in-law, John, and confronted him. She remembered the way she overheard her daughter Lisa and Amy, John's ex-girlfriend, talking in the bathroom of...

4 years ago
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Captain Miller and Brendan were on a winding two-lane highway sandwiched between beautifully manicured hedgerows - barracades of nature separating the filthy rich from the great unwashed. The Impala pulled into a gated driveway. The fat guard in the booth waved them through. A panorama of excess spread out before Brendan for nearly two acres. He took an instant disliking to the residents before he even met them. They were poseurs. He could hear the dinner party conversations in his...

4 years ago
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The NannyPart 3

Athena ran from her room, with Danielle right behind her, only to stop suddenly just outside the door. Her normally deserted hallway was now full of people! Servants carrying bedding were running here and there. Expensively-dressed women with small children in tow were going in and out of the rooms located along the hall. In spite of her outlandish attire, Athena was surprised when, with all those people running about, no one gave her so much as a glance. [It is at this point, gentle...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Celebration

AnniversaryCelebrationby Honda  ©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, AllRights Reserved. This story may be reproduced only in its full, original,unedited and unmodified posting where: 1) full credit is given to itsauthor and, 2) no commercial gain of any sort is realized as a resultof its reproduction. No permission is granted, actual or implied, toreproduce a modified version of this story, in whole or in part, withoutthe express consent of the author.Warning: This story is intendedfor mature adults...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Match

1Part One: The Breakup        It had been a month since Meryn had broken off her relationship with Rick.  They had been going together for over a year, and she had begun to think that maybe this was the real thing.  Then she had found out that he had had weekend flings with not one, but two different women at different times, weekends that she had spent home alone, accepting his excuse that he had to be away on business.  When she had confronted him when she had discovered the truth, he hadn’t...

2 years ago
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Enemies to TGed Lovers

Had the notion that it would be better to make a hub for the different stories I'd like to tell. This will be a collection of stories focusing on male domination of former men, those who have been transformed by their worst enemies or most hated rivals, no longer competitors but a winner and his prize. As long as your additions are in line with the theme (male domination of an unwilling male-to-female transformee) I'll add them in. (1) The Submissive Gene You’ve been strict with your daughter’s...

3 years ago
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Youre Not My Dad

George got an "instant family" - and lost it again almost in an instant. Well, not completely. But the one he was allowed to keep didn't want him. Still, a promise is a promise. "You're not my dad!" I must have heard Camilla say that so many times I've lost count. And it's true. I'm not her father. Only nearly. But no, I'm not her dad. Eventually, that turned out to be a good thing, but for many, many years her attitude pained me. She was seven the first time she exclaimed that....

2 years ago
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Looking Back Through Old Photos

Looking Back Through Old Photos Copyright 2013 TG Stone Looking back through old photos. We’ve all done it – you’re searching in the attic for something, or clearing out a wardrobe when you’re moving – and you find a box. Sometimes it’s marked PERSONAL! in big letters. For some it’s a mystery as to the contents, you don’t really remember what’s in it, you haven’t looked inside it for years. Of course, your curiosity gets the better of you, and you have to open up the box, and then spend the...

1 year ago
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Tempting Fall

Shelby stood leaning up against a post leading into the trails that marked their way through Kinderman’s Woods. She was waiting for her best friend Taylor and her husband David. She wasn’t so fond of the idea of getting back in touch with nature while taking one of these 3 to 6 hour hikes up Ketter’s Mount, but Taylor had begged for so long, she was tired of saying no. She swore it to be beautiful and breathtaking and something that Shelby would not regret, so, here she was, and they were late....

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Hawk Chapter 4

Chapter 4 “Good evening, Mr. Hawk,” a tall, handsome man said as they entered. “I see that you’ve brought a beautiful woman to dress up my shabby restaurant.”Reaching his hand out, Tommy said, “That’s exactly what I’m doing, Dominic. This place needs a little help, and I think when the word gets out that Elizabeth eats here, your business will improve.”“No doubt,” the man replied as he unashamedly checked her out. “Let me assume that with someone so lovely, you’ll not be sitting at the bar....

3 years ago
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Daddy and his girls 3

As I opened my eyes, there are Jenny's shins just inches away. Last night and yesterday came flooding back to me. Jenny, my petite 17 year old daughter and my lover for over 6 months, naked in my bed. Sky, my elder daughter, Jenny's half sister due to an affair I had over 19 years ago, asleep in the bedroom next door. They met for the first time yesterday and twice managed to kiss and fondal each other without my knowledge. Jenny told me all this as she sucked my cock the moment we were...

4 years ago
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The Awakening of Love Ch 09

:: Chapter Nine: A New Beginning:: ‘Shira?’ Jake called, walking out to the garden. Ashira looked up from her book and smiled. ‘Hi,’ she murmured. ‘Are you feeling all right?’ Jake wanted to know. ‘Yeah, just tired,’ Ashira replied. ‘How much longer?’ he asked. ‘Two weeks,’ she answered with a groan. ‘Your back?’ Jake asked. Ashira nodded. Jake straddled the bench behind Ashira and began to gently massage the knots out. ‘Are you excited?’ Jake asked. ‘I’m scared,’ Ashira admitted. Jake...

2 years ago
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Sexy Indian Girl Shows Me Her Naughty Side On Cam

Now look guys, it’s a natural habit of my 20-year-old cousin sister to show off her curvy figure in tight clothes. And in the same way, it’s a natural response of mine at the age of 23 to keep staring at her round ass and perky tits. So, you can’t call me a pervert and that’s that! I become a pervert only when my cousin sister’s mom is not around and when no one else is looking. Also, I consider it a blessing that she lives at a walkable distance from my house. A few days ago, I had gone to her...

3 years ago
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Ericas First Time Masturbating

Twenty year old Erica Jennings closed her eyes under the warm, strong spray of her shower. Her long brown hair stuck to her face, back and neck due to the moisture as she washed the soap from her shapely figure. The water ran down her long, smooth legs and clung to the manicured toenails of her small feet. She turned off the shower and was about to reach for the shower door when she remembered something she heard during an economics class in college.~~~"Ohmygosh Luna, I swear, it was the best...

3 years ago
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London 2012

I am a single guy with a fabulous girlfriend. She is beautiful and smart. The sex is pretty good save one thing. She will not give me oral sex. She will not take my cock into her mouth. I give her good oral sex and she seems to enjoy having my mouth and tongue on her pussy and clit. The most I ever got from her is a little peck on the tip, nothing more. I am telling you this because you need to know how surprised I was at what happened next. I am writing this from my hotel room in London. I...

4 years ago
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Black Power Storie in German

Black PowerEs begann mit den Sch?ssen auf Fort Sumter im April 1861. Meine heile, wundervolle Welt in der ich lebte sah ihre letzten fr?hlichen Tage. Seit meiner Hochzeit mit Ben war mein Leben eine einzige Party gewesen. Unser sch?nes, grosses Anwesen bei Norfolk (Richmond) war bev?lkert von emsigen Bediensteten, Sklaven und G?sten, die kamen und gingen wie die Gezeiten des Meeres. Rauschende Feste und Landpartieen waren der Mittelpunkt meines Daseins. Ben hatte von seinem Vater ein u...

4 years ago
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Fucking Cousin Sister In Field

Hello to all main sagar odisha bhubaneswar ka rehenewala hun. Main ek good looking ladka hun mera height 6” feet hai aur lund ka size 7″ hai age 24 hai. Aur meri cousin sister abhi sadi karchuki hai air uski age 26 hai aour apne huby ke sath maze maini to chudai story pe ate hain. Ya baat many saal purani hai jub main sayad 18 aur meri sis 19 thi tabaki. Main uss time pa sex ke bare main jyada nehini janta tha lekin mustabretion karta tha ok jyada bore nehini karta to baat us din ki hai jub...

2 years ago
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Petition for the Dissolution

Georgia Plummer walked into the lobby of the four-story building, across the marble tile floors, past the polished limestone walls, and to the stainless-steel doors to the elevators. She didn’t bother to stop at the information desk, she had instructions that told her that the office of Smith, Brown & Wilmott, Attorneys at Law, LLP, was on the fourth floor. The security guard at the information desk, hearing the click-click-click of her heels as she walked across the lobby, smiled at her,...

1 year ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 13 Loopholes

The three dads, the von Holton’s, Henry, Captain Clark and Vincent, were sitting in Lee’s old room when they took the cover off. “Hi, Kids, were back, did you have fun while we were jabbering?” Robert asked. “Yep Lee and I were discussing how to make absent dads miserable. But then Sean went and spoiled it by reminding me, I was going to be a dad real soon too,” Kyle said as he grinned at the cringes made by Pete and Antonio. “I assume that discussion is best left until another day,” Lee...

3 years ago
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Homespun FunChapter 10

It was a little after eight o'clock the next morning when Lynn paid off the taxi driver at the front door while Toby carried her luggage to her room. When she stepped inside and closed the door, the boy came back for his suitcase. "Nobody's up, Mom," he said. "Can't hear a sound." "It doesn't make any difference. You go unpack and change, and I'll get some coffee started. I need a cup." After preparing the electric percolator, Lynn went to rouse the girls, and was puzzled when...

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Ma premiegravere sodomie

Cette histoire m'est arrivée quand j'avais 19 ans. Elle a probablement contribué à influencer toute ma vie sexuelle.Je venais de passer mon bac et fatiguée par les révisions je m'étais invitée chez ma tante Jacquie, à Grenoble, pour passer des vacances. Comme j'avais besoin d'argent, elle m'avait dégotté un petit boulot de serveuse dans une brasserie du coin qui commençait quelques jours plus tard.Je pris donc mon billet de train, 8H de trajet entre Bordeaux et Grenoble, quelques bouquins et un...

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Time in New England Part 4 and final

This is the fourth and final chapter of a series exploring the ins and outs of a fantasy with my new friend Rosalind also known as Roz or Wholelottarosie here at Lush. I’m in a bit of trouble with Rosalind. Accidentally, I called her by another woman’s name last night – Jo. Jo is also a Lush member who calls herself Sexywife104. Rosalind isn’t really angry with me but she’s teasing me without a scintilla of mercy and so as ‘punishment’ I’m to give her a full body massage complete with...

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Tere an Older Lady 2

Chapter 2: Tere’s car When I stopped kissing her to look at her, Tere still had her eyes closed. She managed an Mmmm, that feels good, Jun. I then took it up a notch. In the darkness, and due to the full tint of her car, you could not see what we were doing inside it. I reached over her side and reclined her seat and purposely rubbed my forearm against her left breast. It was soft, so very soft, and I wanted to grab it there and then. I hesitated and instead reclined my seat. Her eyes were now...

4 years ago
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RealMe My wife and my Cousin

I have a cousin named Billy Joe, but we all call him BJ. He`s one of the pretty boys...long blond hair, awesome blue eyes, perfect, leathered Indian skin...and some awesome tattoos. He`s really muscular, really funny, outgoing, and an all-around great guy. ALL girls want to fuck him, so why would Diane be any different. So....One day, I was drinking at home, BJ called me, and asked me and Diane to come over for a cookout. I had no problem with it. In fact, we stopped on the way to get...

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The Emperors Daughter

The Emperor’s Daughter Part One Gang Rape By Razor7826 (Copyright 2008) (This story does not reflect the author’s thoughts or beliefs in any way.)        ‘What goes around, comes around’, my father used to say, may he rest in peace. Despite what the peasants may claim, Daddy was a smart and gentle man, even if he had his bloodthirsty moments.  I know that he killed a lot of people, but, let’s face it; the vast majority of them deserved it.I stood by my masked lawyers in the spacious and...

1 year ago
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Sally the Groupie

This happened around 10 years ago, when my wife Sally was in her late forties and at the height of her sexuality. We were on vacation and stopped for the night in a city that shall remain unnamed. After checking into our hotel, we saw that the hotel had a bar with a live band and dancing. Sally suggested it would be fun to go dancing that evening. After dinner we returned to the room and got ready for going to the bar. Sally had a number of outfits that showed off her assets to best advantage....

Group Sex
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The Viramontes House

"OOH god harder Maritza, give me more mistress" her mom moaned. "You like that huh, you fucking cunt" Maritza yelled back. Maria was in shock, she didn't know whether to leave or confront them. But the young teen decided not to stay for the rest of the show. So she walked back downstairs and left the house. Maria came back at the usual time she would come home from school. Once she went in she saw her mother cooking dinner as if nothing had ever happened. "Hi, honey" Eva...

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Mistis Adventures Part 175

Zane had gone to run some errands, including getting some warranty work on his car, done. Falina was puttering around the house, and straightening up a few things, when she heard the front doorbell ringing. She hadn't dressed this morning, and went and looked out the spy hole to see who it was. She was surprised to see the neighbor from down the street, turn his back as if to walk away.She had the chain in place, so she cracked the door and spoke to him. "HEY! Is Zane around? He said he was...

4 years ago
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Cucking my husband with his high school bully

I checked the mail Just before getting ready to go to the beach with my husband and another couple, my husband Paul had gone to school with the guy. I stood at the mailbox, My mouth was wide open in disbelief. It was a letter from my lawyer and his investigator. That asshole! how could he do this to me! Then I got really mad, and then I decided to get even. We met at the beach and they were already sunbathing at the beach. She was nice. A little curvey and nice bouncy tits. Very bubbly as well....

3 years ago
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Hot Thoughts

Sometimes you see a photo of a man and you want to have sex with someone who looks like that. I respond to some gentle porn more strongly than fashion photos, but that’s not my point or my question. Suppose you imagine having sex with that man, what kind of sex would it be?Or sometimes you see a man and you want to have sex with him. There’s a correlation, for me, between what I want to do with my sex partner and the partner’s build and look. Rarely do I want to fuck a strongly muscled man, but...

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sexy secretary friend

black stockings/tights,high heels,greying hair & immaculate make-up,"come in,you must be David, Susans told me all about you" "all good i hope" i replied,"oh yes ,she says your very good" i felt myself blushing at this as she lead us into the lounge & poured us some wine,"could you do me a favour?"Glenda asked"the dog has gone out into the garden & won't come in & as you can see i'm not really dressed for traipsing around out there,would you go & get it in for me please?" o.k. i...

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Ancient Enemy pt1

        The dream had been dark and hazy. The images had rushed past in an incongruent jumble.         Brianna blinked her eyes and brushed a water straightened lock of her normally curly auburn hair off her lightly freckled cheek.         The dream had been to chaotic and unclear. The images had come to fast and to clouded for her to completely unravel its meaning.         The hot water had washed away the soiled feeling of the dream, turning her pale, freckled skin pink in the process....

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Ramya8217 first night

In the many days that I lived at my home town ,every visit Ramya grew up and became more beautiful. Nice round full 36 size bosoms, titillating thighs and those chicken legs and ankles that will erect my tent up in a flash, she grew naughtier exploring me and herself ever so much. Ramya’s parents were poor and one day they decided to get her married to her maternal uncle, who was much aged than her. Ramya came to our house and told this new to everyone and all congratulated her. She came to my...

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Jay shows the way

The love of my life was a man with whom there was no future. He was from a different country, a different culture and was married. We were lovers. There was never a more passionate affair than the one between Jay and me. We couldn’t get enough of one another and in the short time we were together I had more orgasms than in practically any other time of my life. Jay was very dark, not black but the colour of rich, dark walnut. He was compact but beautifully formed with a spread of dark hair...

1 year ago
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A Good Favor

When I reached to answer my phone, still half asleep, Kelly sounded a bit panicked. It wasn’t even 9 am yet? What could be such an emergency? “I have a paper due tomorrow and I so haven’t got a clue what to do about it?” “Umm..okay? How long does it have to be? What’s the topic and all that?” I asked. “History. We have to read this book about colonial living and then we have a few topics we can choose to write on. It’s gotta be 3-5 pages, and I’m totally screwed,” she sighed. “Any thoughts?”...

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MylfXTeamSkeet Sophia Leone Vivianne DeSilva A Convenient Excuse

While on a drive, Sophia and Vivianne get a flat tire, but luckily they were near where Vivianne’s stepbrother Ike lived, so they go to him to ask for help. He meets Sophia for the first time and immediately squeezes her ass, which startles her but she also notices that she liked it. After Ike fixes their tire, they leave, but Sophia leaves something behind to have an excuse to come back. The next day, Ike gets a knock on the door and is pleasantly surprised to find Sophia, wearing a cute...

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Unexpected Desire By Friend8217s Wife

I am Raj, age being 45yrs, from Gujarat and this all started when I was of 32 yrs, at that period when I was really alone as my wife had expired and was not willing to do second marriage but after a gap of 6 year did the second marriage and am really fulfilled with my second wife with all satisfaction. I met Rina her age was 29yrs married, with so many dreams and desire. In our Hindu culture though we being husband and wife and enjoy all aspects in sex but cannot see our desire to each other...

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Health club for women

I am a carpenter and was doing a remodel for a small strip shopping center. When the owner asked me if I wanted to make some extra money giving massages. That's when I found out it was a health club for women. I agreed and the next Monday showed up at noon for my first appt. I was told to dress in sweat pants and t shirt, my first appointment was a women around 40 years old, she was in the room when I walked in and she had taken her clothes off and was laying on her stomach with a towel...

3 years ago
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A New Dimension complete

A New Dimension (complete) By Boredsitting Please do not post this story to any other platform other than Fictionmania. If you want more information about this story, please contact me by writing a review. This is the final run of this story. I chose to spend more time developing my characters and the story than on just the transformations and sex, because I want this to be a character- and plot - driven story. The inspiration came from the story Changes by...

1 year ago
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OnlyBlowJob Anastasia Brokelyn Good Morning Oral

Cutie Anastasia Brokelyn gets a mouthful of cum instead of a cup of coffee from her honey on this hot and heavy morning. John Price needs to blow his load before heading out to the office and who can resist that hot glamour pornstar wife of his with her small tits and curvy ass wrapped up in sexy lingerie in the kitchen? The brunette sex goddess is happy to appease her man, getting on her knees to take his dick deep in her throat and licking at his balls. The petite Spanish Señorita’s...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Natasha Starr I Caught My Wife Fucking The Help

Natasha Starr stops by the jobsite to check on how work is progressing. Isiah Maxwell tells her he’s almost done and shows Natasha around. Natasha is extremely happy with the work so far. Getting a horny look in her eye, she tells Isiah that since her husband isn’t around at the moment, she wants to thank Isiah for all his hard work. She has the PERFECT way to thank him, getting on her knees and sliding his cock down her throat. Natasha just LOVES showing Isiah how much she...

3 years ago
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First things first: There's Red and... then there are other trainers. My writing will follow Red primarily but, should you prefer to follow someone else, the option is there. And with that out of the way, a brief synopsis: Red (unaffiliated with Ash Ketchum) is an eighteen year old guy who has decided to give life on the go as a pokemon trainer a try. He's well built and the ladies seem to fine him handsome. Raised in a fairly liberal household, it's time to forge his own way and see the world....

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ExNavy Fucks Rich Lady 8211 Part 1

Aashka was a 23-year-old college graduate in the subject of economics and finance management. She was a typical college slut, who wears the smallest clothes in the whole college and tries to show off her body. Her height was 5’7” and figure of about 34-25-34. Her skin was white and hair black+blonde. Her small lips were pink, just like her not so used pussy. She was one of the most beautiful babes of the college, and even though, she had not been with a lot of boys. Aashka had taken up an...

3 years ago
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Kay was my first Pt2

>>Hey Kay! I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime this week or sometime soon!Hey! And yeah, how about today? I've already invited some of my other friends, but they'd be happy to meet you.Sure that sounds great! Same time as yesterday?Sure thing! See you then! :)Hey! I had a lot of fun last night and I'm hoping that you can hang out again today.. It's only you and me this time, so we can do whatever you'd like. We can figure it out once you get here too.Just walk into my...

2 years ago
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For SarahChapter 9

Sarah could not change her daughter's mind. More time passed and Samantha was starting to show. Sarah took her to her OB GYN and they learned that it would be a boy. Sarah knew that she had to finally tell her husband and predictably he flew into a rage. Samantha refused to tell them who the father was and went out of her way to stay away from her dad. When Tommy learned that Samantha's baby would be a boy, he was ecstatic. Now he only had to figure out a way to have the last piece of his...

1 year ago
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A Little RR Ch 01

A Little R&R: Ch 1: The Big Picture Reno propped himself against one of the main support for the overhead outside the Shinra building. He flicked the flint on his lighter and touched the sparked flame to the tip of his cigarette, drawing the warm smoke into his lungs. He exhaled sharply and turned his attention to his companion and long time partner, Rude. Rude was generally the silent type and tradition stood Reno always initiated the conversation, usually with something inane. It generally...

4 years ago
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Soup of the Day 125

John Allen Lucy Allen Seabolt / Martin and /Rita Jerome Morris the director of vocational education for the Cleveland school system Bobbi James the radio personality Amos Hardee deputy sheriff Lori Moore deputy sheriff Marcus hostage taker Sara Thomas newspaper writer Everett Martin the current leader of the Cleveland meetings of Freebird. Mark and Happy Jones swingers. Jethro Morris murder victim. ---- It was a Thursday and nothing had been settled. The cops had no idea who stabbed Jethro...

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The Realities of Aging

To say that these past nine months had been a bummer for Ken Winters would be a gross understatement. The bad times started when Joyce, his wife of thirty two years who wasn't feeling well was diagnosed with late stage cancer. There was nothing that could be done to treat the disease and she passed away three weeks after she had received that dreaded diagnosis. Joyce was a loving, beautiful, and popular lady. Her loss was devastating for Ken. The turnout for the wake and funeral was large,...

3 years ago
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Help Woman To Satisfy

Hello friends I am sexy (name changed) I am going to tell you all another incident which happened recently with me as I was in an illegal relation with an aunty who stays in first floor of my building. We both had become very friendly and aunty use to tell me everything about her and all family problems once aunty had some guest in her house those guest were aunty’s own younger sister. And her husband actually her sister’s husband was going out of India for some official work and her sister had...

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