Priestly PromiscuityChapter 4 Priestly Penetration
- 5 years ago
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As much as he was enjoying the compliant submissiveness of the girls in Heavenly Dove Brother John was taking special note of a more mature woman, Irene. She was more than ten years older than he and she came to the convent once a week to give instructions in household arts such as cooking and sewing, subjects that the nuns were unable to teach and as he looked at her firm body, her long legs and shapely ass and her sexy mouth he had designs on her. The friar suspected that she was capable of giving instruction in another household art, as well; one that he had been practicing with the nubile pupils but then he learned that she was married.
Actually, as evidenced by the way he took advantage of the schoolgirls of the convent, Brother John had little respect for women. And he was especially disrespectful of married women who strayed from the marriage bed such as his mother whose adultery broke up his home. Irene by virtue of her marital state became suddenly off limits ... until...
The libidinous monk had received a pornographic video from one of his monastery friends. They pretended their interest was only in the sociological aspect of such material but John had found them to be a source of ideas of how to enjoy female companionship, close female companionship.
To his surprise the door to the little lounge where the VCR player was located was locked. He had a passkey that gave him access to everywhere in the convent (including the schoolgirl dormitory) so he opened unlocked the door and entered.
The room was quite dark but he heard a strange buzzing sound. He paused and as his eyes adjusted to the dim light from the TV screen he saw, sprawled naked on the open hide-a-bed a naked woman. The buzzing sound he heard was a large vibrator that she was holding against her thickly bushed pussy as she writhed in the throes of sexual excitement. And on the screen a woman was on her knees getting it doggy style.
It's a shame you won't share that with me, Irene." the monk said softly as the woman slowly subsided from her climax.
"OH! OH MY GOD! Oohhhh." the shapely woman cried out in shame and embarrassment as she realized she had been caught. "Ohhh, Brother John? Oohhh nooo? What are you doing here?" And she grabbed blindly for the sheet to pull it up over her naked body.
"I guess I don't have to ask you that." he replied. "Maybe I had some of the same ideas as you. To watch a video, I mean. Finding you here is a bonus. Perhaps we can help each other?"
Irene wasn't sure how she should react. Momentarily sated, she thought mainly of her violated privacy and the intrusion on her modesty. But she thought also of the way the Mother Superior would react if she ever heard about this. No more job, for sure. And she needed the money, especially since she'd just split from her philandering husband.
"Do you like taking big cocks, Irene?" he asked in a soft, conspirational voice. "Do you cheat on your husband to get more satisfaction from them?"
"Don't, Brother John. Don't make me feel any guiltier than I already do. Please?" the embarrassed woman said, pleadingly. "I? I? I couldn't help myself. I've never done anything like that before, Brother John." she added, untruthfully. "But my husband left me. I've always been a chaste wife but he went off with a younger woman."
"I don't know why anyone would leave a woman as lovely as you, Irene." the horny monk said, consolingly. "Are you sure you weren't sleeping around? I've seen enough to tell me that he wouldn't leave you for lack of passion." and as he spoke he placed his hand on her belly. Beneath the sheet, he felt her firm flesh jump and quiver and, seductively, he stroked her gently.
"Please, Brother John? Please let me leave? Promise you won't tell what you've seen? I'm so embarrassed. I just couldn't help myself."
"You don't have to feel embarrassed, ma'am." he replied. "I have similar problems keeping to my vow of celibacy." Then, from the pocket of his robe he took out a video cassette and, getting up from the bed, he exchanged it in the VCR for the one she had been watching. "This is what I came here to watch. We can watch it together."
"But? But? Oh no, I can't?" the woman answered, wondering how she was going to extract herself from this situation without angering the big, young monk.
"Sure you can, Irene. And I can help you, too." John said as he sat again on the bed and, once more, placed his hand on her nervously churning belly. "And you can help me." With that statement he took the remote control and started the video.
"The woman lay tensely as the credits rolled and then the screen was filled by a shot of a fat-lipped pussy. As the camera lengthened its range, a huge-breasted young woman came into view and Irene felt the now familiar pang of envy. Her husband had left her for a big-titted girl like this one. Then, as the soundtrack played soft music, a well endowed man knelt between the girl's widespread thighs.
"I often wonder, when I see this kind of scene, Irene, whether the woman actually enjoys this. See how she has to pump him to get him harder. He's getting it in but he still isn't completely erect. Do you think either one of them likes it as much as we would? I know that just seeing you has certainly given me a full erection
Please, Brother John? This is awful. Please let me leave?" the woman asked in a faint voice, trying not to imagine how it must feel to take such a thick cock as the one on the screen, even if it wasn't as hard as it should be.
The monk picked up the vibrator that was still on the bed beside the supine woman and, switching it on; he pressed it to her groin.
Even through the sheet, Irene felt a wrenching spasm as the big, padded knob vibrated against her pelvis. "No, John! Oh no!" she exclaimed and she tried to twist away. By so doing she allowed the sheet to fall away from her breasts and her large, erect nipples came into view.
"I'll do it for you, my dear." the monk said, "And you can do the same for me with your hand. It's no more sinful than if we were doing it alone." Then he took her hand and slipped it under the front of his robe to touch his raging penis.
"Oh my God! Oh, John!" the woman cried out when her palm pressed on the hot, hard shaft. And, with unwilled, lustful curiosity, her fingers wrapped around the silky-skinned surface, her mind not at first, comprehending that she could barely span its girth.
While Irene was yielding to lewd temptation, the monk was pulling down the sheet and placing the vibrator against her bare, hair crowned vulval region and, with unwilled excitement, her long, shapely legs were spreading open.
"Use both hands, Irene. Look at it and pump it. I'm in pain." he said softly
The friar had expected a different response and, emboldened by her apparent acquiescence, he placed a hand on one of her large nippled breasts. Irene's nipples were a significant secondary sexual feature. Since she was fourteen she had been able to bring herself to orgasm by manipulating them and, when the man gently fondled the rubbery erectiles, she felt her passion growing hugely.
"Oh my God! Oh God!" the woman cried out suddenly when, despite her arousal, she realized it wasn't idle fantasy. "No! Stop! Stop it!"
Irene had been unable to assuage her yearnings with her fingers although she tried to, several times each week. Chastity was an outdated concept and she was foolish to retain hers, she rationalized. But it wouldn't be right? Not with this man, as much as she liked him. She'd have to make him stop. In a moment.
Irene let that moment get longer and longer. As the heat in her belly approached a conflagration she managed once more to protest.
"No Brother John! No! We can't,"
Brother John wasn't about to stop. This attractive, mature woman was in need and, after several days without female companionship, he was in need also. And anyway she was a faithless slut who'd been committing adultery by fantasizing while watching porn. Ripping his robe open, he threw himself on top of her nude body and, before she could close her widespread legs, he was between them.
"Relax, Irene. You need this." he said as the bulbous knob of his mammoth dong battered the hair-cushioned softness of her pussy, blindly seeking the portal.
The woman reached down to try and push him away and when she did, her hands of course once again contacted the monk's mammoth dong. She tried to turn the threatening weapon away from its course but it was already too late. John's blind thrusts had found the hot orifice and he was pushing into her and her hungry cunt blossomed with heat at the contact.
"Oh God John, I can't stop you," she moaned as she surrendered to her need. Irene tilted her broad pelvis as the bulbous knob of his mammoth dong battered the hair-cushioned softness of her pussy, blindly seeking the portal.
"It's so big?" she said breathlessly as she reached down to grasp his marvelous tool and guide it to the hot portal to her inner body. "Promise you won't tell?" Her legs bent then, her feet flat on the mattress, as she positioned herself to take him.
"Oh yes, baby. Oohhh yeessss," John sighed as he slowly thrust into the snug, moist depths of her vagina. "Oh God, Irene. You feel so good. So hot and snug, baby. I've wanted to fuck you since I first saw you. I knew you needed this." Then, with a lunge, he buried all twelve, thick inches in the woman's body, driving the air from her lungs as she was penetrated beyond anything in her limited experience.
Irene's long legs rose to wrap around his hips and, using that leverage, she pulled him even deeper. Her arms enclosed him and, as he began to fuck her, she felt the unmistakable surge of orgasmic heat in her loins.
"Yuh ... yuh ... yuh..." she panted as her hips rocked beneath him. "Yuh ... yuh ... yuh ... gonna cum ... gonna cum..."
The monk felt the first twitch of her sheath as the woman lost her rhythm and he reached under her to clasp her flexing ass cheeks and pull himself deeper. Irene's hands were on his buttocks also as she tried to draw him deeper into her spasming cunt.
He rode her firm body and she panted and grunted, her belly convulsing as he brought her to a stupendous orgasm. And then her legs fell away and she lay, limp and quivering, beneath him.
"You liked that, didn't you, Irene." he said softly as he slowed his tempo. "You're really good, you know. You're built to take me ... some girls ... women ... find me too big ... but ... you wanted more, didn't you?"
"Oohhhh John ... I ... I should feel ashamed ... but I don't know ... it was wonderful ... never felt so ... so satisfied..." the woman panted weakly.
Brother John raised his upper body away from hers and began to fuck her supine form with full-length strokes of his mammoth fleshpole. Irene looked up at the man above her, then down to where she was being skewered by his thick, long cock. She knew that this was sinful and she wondered how she could confess her sin to the priest. Her thoughts of sin did not, however, last very long.
"Love the way your juicy cunt clings, baby." the horny monk said and, as he pinched her large, rubbery nipples, he continued, "You're a real hot piece, aren't you, Irene. I bet you dream about fucking, don't you." Then, as he hammered her firm hips with a series of fierce lunges, he added, "Am I giving you enough
Huummpphh ... uuummpphh..." Irene grunted as she took the hard, driving thrusts. "Uuummpphh ... yuh ... yuh ... love it ... fummph ... fuck me, Brother John ... Fuummph ... fuck me harder ... love your big cock...".
And then her legs bent and, with her feet flat on the bed, she began to rock her hips, her sheath tightening and relaxing with the alternating tilt and withdrawal of her pelvis.
"Guh ... guh ... gonna cum again ... fah ... fah ... fahhssterr..." she gasped and her hands gripped his buttocks as she rocked her hips with increasing tempo. "Cuh ... cuh ... cuuhhmmm ... cuhhmmiinngggg..." she cried out and he felt her fuckwell flutter, then contract on his cock.
Brother John's opportunity came sooner than he expected. In fact, it was the following night. Jan, her young pussy still tender from the priestly penetration of last night, had agreed to go out one more time with Jim. He was a nice guy and, until two days ago, she had intended to marry him. It had seemed only fair to spend one more evening with him and, as usual, they had spent much of the time in a close embrace. Father Murphy may have sated her the previous evening but her desires seemed...
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Introduction: Authors Note: I hope you Enjoy the story. Feedback, and Comments, even Critisizam is much Appreciated. I will admit I am a Horrible Speller. This is a story I thought up, and it took me a few hours to put it down(about 6). Sorry, but being Single, and horney contributed to the story, but not getting any for years doesnt help as I was hard almost the entire time I took to write the story. Ive been on a business trip, and I was only supposed to get home the day after tomorrow. But I...
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Premium Scat & Piss PornAlex Coal and Spencer Bradley are ready to settle in for a good time together. Wearing matching white shirts, they make use of a bottle of oil to really get their party started. It’s not long before those white shirts are nice and transparent, revealing a tantalizing hint of nip to stoke the fires even further. The oil drips lower, making their white thongs nice and see-through, too. The girls can’t keep their hands off one another. Their breasts are nice and slippery as they rub...
xmoviesforyouI walk back to the other room, opening the front door, which has a clear view right into your dining room. I grab the bag i dropped and walk slowly back toward you, fear showing on your eyes, but i know that anticipation is lurking right behind that fear. i open the bag and pull out a knive and cut your robe up the back, and down the sleeves, pulling it off of you leaving you completely naked, a breeze from the door putting goose bumps on your naked body. I put the knife aside and pull out a...
Gentlemen, I cannot speak for lesbians, but I can assure you that the rest of us, to the last woman, want you to be aggressive and dominant. Last weekend, I was in bed with a guy who kept asking permission: ‘Is it okay if I do this? Is it okay if I do that?’ Needless to say, I never came close to cumming. The fucking twerp left me wanting a REAL man! (He also left cum in my cunt, for which he apologized! Jesus!) I’m originally from Indiana, a place where guys know to ignore a chick’s protests...
Phaeka would do anything to save her daughter. That urgent motherly instinct surged in her despite the nightmare unfolding. The petite noblewoman had endured the worst of the rape already – or so she hoped. Now it was just one man fucking her, lying on top of her, pinning her to the patio table. He was a muscular specimen – brutish but not unhandsome. The whipcord muscles in his arms bulged as he tensed his body and kept thrusting. The Prythian noblewoman felt his cock plunge deep inside her...
"What are you doing here?" I asked. "Mum said I could come for the meal. And she said I could stay the night," she said excitedly and I looked at my mother who was smiling knowingly. "I spoke to Angela last night," she added by way of an explanation. "And I promised her that Sarah would be home by midday." My eyes must have twinkled for a moment and she added. "Tomorrow." "Oi ... get a room you two" Rhea shouted from the sofa as Sarah and I squeezed each others' hands. "You...
You sit and sip your drink slowly, while watching your surroundings. The bar is not the worst place you've been in, but it's not far behind. You wonder for tenth time what convinced a [A1]Man [A2]Woman like you, to come to this place. Drinks were awful, the information scare and food – you wouldn't touch it with 10 foot stick. You thought that this would be a good place to celebrate the successful completion of your last contact. But in hindsight,...
Hi, I am Raja (name changed) from Mumbai slum area I am going to tell a story which is real to some extend let me start with some details. We are 5 members in the family father mother 2 sisters and I, father and mother always fight with each other and father stays away from home till his mood changes sometime even 6 months mother makes and sell idli for our living sisters name is Priya (20) and Sudha (19) (both name changed) And I am Raja (18) these age are before 5 years at the time this...
IncestAt her “sweet 16” birthday party my sister’s friends got together and gave her this very realistic dildo. I mean it’s realistic if you think there are some foot-long cocks out there. The thing is huge and curved like a banana and made of stuff that really feels like skin. And it has a big set of balls in a wrinkled sack as a kind of handle and a head that looks like a helmet. I found where she hid it two days after the party. Now my sister is a very pretty girl, and she has lots of eager boy...
IncestTV Stardom - Part 2 Chapter 8 - Trouble of being a celebrity Although Mark and I had been together for 6 months, we still had to be somewhat cautious every time when we go out. For Mark, since he is a high rank officer for a world famous financial institute, he couldn't afford to be with a woman like me. Me on the other hand, I just want to protect him from the media. Despite my work schedule was so unstable, I cherished every minute I spent with Mark. Sex unfortunately was never...
It all started with a friend request and subscription to my youtube channel.Inbox(1). I clicked it to open a message from Andi:Hey I just watched your video and I think yo are so adorable. xoxo Andi
Josh Tylers was a good looking 19-year-old black male with a promising day ahead of him. He was leaving to go on a date with his girlfriend 20-year-old half-Asian bombshell college sophomore Jade Pond. Josh was pretty sure he was going to lose his virginity this time too. She invited him to her dorm room and even threw in some suggestive language to the text message she sent him. They have been getting close to having sex before. Like the time he was fingering her and she was playing with his...
InterracialTuesday morning when Shannon and I walked into the office everything looked like it was back together. I walked into my office and you couldn't even tell that anyone had done anything in here. I walked out of my office and went into Shannon's office and it looked good as well. "Not like we left eh," I said. "No, it looks really good," Shannon replied. I turned around and walked from office to office, I couldn't see anything out of place at all. I headed downstairs to talk to the...
"So, do you like that stuff bro?" I asked. He hadnt heard me come in and he jumped and quickly tried to hide it. "Which do you like? The guy or the girl better?" "Ummm, I like the guys cocks' better." He replied. "Well, your in for a treat today, bro." I saw his eyes glance at my croch where my dick was waitng for action. He looked back up at me, and saw me nodding my head. He came over to me on his knees as I slowly undid my belt and unzipped my pants. "You wanna...
"How's Liz doing?" Mattie asked as she entered the van, closing the door behind her. Alice halted her singing, turning to answer her friend while clutching Liz's hand to maintain the physical connection. "She's showing symptoms of the other plagues and is in pain, but hasn't started losing consciousness yet. How did your meeting go?" "Antario doesn't have any symptoms. He insists he's careful and Lassie gave him the all-clear. He and Sandra are out collecting supplies at...
Hello friends my name is Suraj. I m 23 years old. Lived in Nashik district . About few days ago i came to know about this site. And now I am the big fan of this site. I read most of the stories and I also want post here something like that. Namaste dosto maine abhi meri padhai puri ki hai aur job searching kar raha hoo. Jaise ki Mere story ka title hai usi tarah mai abhitak vergin hoon maine abhitak sex nahi kiya hai. To aap soch rahe honge mai yaha kya kar raha hu. Mai aapne college ke dino ke...
The first time I fucked myself with a bottle was back in my college days. Four of us had spent a quiet evening in my dorm room, drinking wine and telling tales. As the wine flowed, the stories got lewder and an impromptu truth or dare, without the dare option, broke out. More wine and I found myself grinning madly as we each admitted to indiscretions and fantasies. One of my friends, reached to pour out the last of the bottle of wine and paused just before picking it up. The bottle was light...