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The next fortnight turned out to be hectic. I spent a couple of days sorting out the CareSpan project plan, mapping out initial impressions of staff strengths and interests (from their CVs) against the organisations targets and ambitions. These would feed into the early scoping interviews with senior staff and thereafter the CastList model that would eventually produce the bulk of the outcome. Simultaneously, I was dealing with Debbie at PCW and beginning to engage with the American side of the operation. The former simply involved arranging a move in date and ordering stuff for "my" new offices at Hertford Square- basically a couple of PCs for the Linux side of things and some white boards. (PCW being PCW these turned out to be the interactive, electronic variety: Apparently they didn't know there was another type.)

As for the States, actual conversations turned out to be limited - I quickly realised that Carla was even busier than usual - but e-mails were extremely frequent and from a bewildering number of different people in C's organisation. Virtually all of these concerned money and corporate technicalities which I simply didn't understand and frankly I asked Debbie so many questions that she finally just got me to forward them on to her to deal with. Which delegation worked surprisingly well - at least for me - until the thorny issue of the details of corporate structures finally had to be resolved.

At this point I also became aware that at some point I had been allocated a basic salary of € 100k, which Debbie had helpfully negotiated up to 150k - plus bonuses. Which was OK: I couldn't possibly imagine spending that much in a year but I knew that there were loads of charities around who undoubtedly could, so...

It became a problem, though, when I suggested that the operation should be as far as possible worker owned. OK, Carla and PCW had put up a lot of dosh, but future activities - and the return on their investment - would depend on the people doing the business. Specifically, me and the people working with me. So I thought it was only fair that they should have a stake in the thing - preferably at least a fifty per cent stake. And, I felt, there should be a strict limit on the salary range within the team - a crucial word, from my point of view - so that no-one could earn more than five times more than anyone else. This last went down like the proverbial lead balloon.

Even Carla - who presumably had a better idea of where I was coming from than most, given that she'd got me into this in the first place - seemed appalled that we could be employing a photocopier assistant on € 30k a year. Personally, I couldn't see why we would be employing a photocopier assistant in the first place - the things aren't that complicated - but it was a matter of principle for me, and thus non-negotiable.

I'd already had my feet under the (trendy, solid ash) desk and my bum on the all singing, all dancing executive chair for a few days when all this came to a head. Actually, I'd just shown CareSpan's Head of Finance out of the office (why use their place for interviews when I had such a nice space available?) when Debbie came in. Specifically, Debbie came into the office looking unusually severe, with a crease to her business trousers you could have cut yourself on and a look on her face that would have terrified a lesser man. Or maybe just a more observant one.

"Have you seen this?" she said, brandishing an e-mail print out.

"Umm, no, probably - I thought that was your job. The detail stuff, anyway..."

"My job, Dave, is to maximise my employer's shareholders' returns." I was impressed that she managed to keep a straight face. "Not", she went on, "to wipe your bloody arse!"

OK, it was serious. I'd never seen Debbie lose her rag before. I stopped scrolling through CastList code and sat up facing her, looking for a clue as to what the problem might actually be.

"Your American friends are sending some guy called Zhu Lui over to meet with my bosses to, and I quote, 'finally resolve outstanding difficulties'. From this, it appears that he might just get round to meeting you at some point as well. It looks to me, though, like politics hereabouts have just shifted to a higher plane ... and we're not in a particularly brilliant position."

Brilliantly, my brain focused on the 'we' for a moment - quite a happy moment - before engaging with the issue at hand. I took the e-mail from her, quickly read it. We had a week, basically, I mused. Not a lot of time for politics, even if I wasn't committed to spending so much of my time with CareSpan - in fact I was due to meet their Chief Exec, May, that afternoon. I decided to do what I do best in a crisis: Delegate.

Debbie didn't look remotely surprised when I asked her what she would do.

"Think, obviously. Which requires both caffeine and nicotine on both our parts. So I suggest a quick trip to Romano's - let me just let the boss know that I have some more than usually complex hand holding to do and won't be back for him to patronise..."

She made the call on the way down the street, while I took the opportunity to get hold of May and suggest that she try the cafe first in case I wasn't back in time. Debbie bought the coffees - it occurred to me that I was now possibly earning more than her, though for how much longer was in some doubt - and thus gave me time to write a short list of options, which I handed to her as she sat down.

"Hmmm ... OK. Lets see. Three options, then?", she said, glancing at me over the paper. "Give in, walk away or come up with something brilliant." She paused. "You know, I think this may be quite the best strategic options paper I've ever seen. And produced so quickly, too."

Even I can recognise sarcasm - or was it irony? - when I hear it, so I felt the need to explain. Which I did: I felt that I could simply agree to be an employee of a conventional company - at least in theory - or I could just go back to doing what I'd been doing before, which is to say broke but almost completely unstressed. Alternatively, I thought it might be possible to pull some sort of force majeure in the next few days. Getting a few employees in on binding contracts might complicate the matter a bit, I thought, and there were Carla's frequent references to my being 'indispensable' to the operation - and presumably to PCW, too. Though admittedly the latter was not something I actually wanted to rely on, while the former would be difficult to do and - even if successful - would simply make things difficult in the future.

Debbie thought so, too. "Actually, you'd have difficulty in recruiting at the moment - the corporation doesn't legally exist until all this stuff is sorted out. Not to mention the fact that we'd have to find people in days. Against that, though ... frankly I don't see what the Lords and Masters back at PCW see in you [she did smile, slightly, as she was saying this] but I can tell you for a fact that they wouldn't touch you with a bargepole if they didn't think there was money in it. So you do have that as an edge. Shame that the basic software this is all based on is in the public domain, of course - you may - or may not - have some unique skills, but there's always someone else out there willing to bodge things if you don't."

She paused, sipped her coffee and took a drag on the roll up. "You could just compromise, of course. You'd still end up rich and might still have some sort of positive influence - you know, humanising global capitalism and all that bollocks you were talking when we first met."

I shook my head. "Bollocks or not, the Unique Selling Point, so far as I can see, is precisely that this is a different approach to managing people. Which I think necessitates practising what we preach. Actually, I don't think that: I know that. I would rather walk away completely, let them either drop the idea or have someone else balls it up, that's up to them."

She looked thoughtful. "Yeah, I thought that would be the line." Shrugged. "Actually, I'd have been disappointed if it hadn't been. I'd hate to think of you as just another bullshit merchant, talking the talk right up to the point that serious money enters the equation."

She paused and I began to interject - something self effacing, lovably modest, you know the score - but she went on, resignedly. "I've been working with you for a week now and in that time you haven't patted my bum, stared at my tits or even developed sudden deafness when I made a suggestion. Ten years at PCW and that is one hell of a breath of fresh air, believe me ... So, I'd like to help any way I can."

"And sod the shareholders' returns? That might not be a brilliant career move if/when this whole thing goes pear shaped."

"Sod the shareholders, the management, the executive, the subsidised sodding staff canteen." She laughed. "Yeah, even unto the highly generous Pension Plan and comprehensive private health care."

Which was a bit of a turn up for the books. I thought for a second - my coffee was untouched but cold, I noticed - then acted on impulse.

"If you feel like that about PCW, why not relocate to Hertford Square, at least pro tem? I mean, you could tell your lot that it was necessary in a last ditch attempt to get me back on track - no point in burning any boats - while I could use someone competent around the place at the moment. Also, it would be nice to work more closely with you while we have the chance..."

She gave me an old fashioned sort of look, saying merely, "Why, Dave, and I never knew you cared..."

"Oh, shit..." I said, quickly " ... Sorry. I mean, if that sounded like some sort of chat up line ... like I was coming on to you ... well, look, I'm sorry..."

She leant forward, cupped my chin in her hand and asked seriously, "And quite would that be such a disaster, Dave?"

I didn't get a chance to respond. Her eyes flicked away from mine, looking over my shoulder. I turned and saw May coming into the cafe, smiling happily and waving at us both.

Debbie left to go back to PCW after all, and I finally got to drink a coffee with May, who was in expansive and relaxed mood. She'd just come from a management team meeting, she explained, and people were already excited by the way the project was going: How the questions we'd been asking had made them think, some of the new ideas it had suggested. I pointed out that it was early days yet and that the proof of the thing - actually, the interesting bit - was involving the more junior staff, given that the executive worked closely together and might be expected to agree on a lot of things.

I probably sounded a bit glum in saying this because she asked me what was wrong - and why I was sitting in a cafe in the first place. So I explained some of what had been going on, and the decisions that needed to be made. Unsurprisingly, she agreed totally that "selling out", as she put it, was not an option but didn't come up with anything brilliantly new, either. I did reassure her that the work I was doing with CareSpan was not a problem, though, given that I didn't have an exclusive contract - any contract at all, actually - with my putative other employers and anyway could be presented to the latter as a useful exercise in honing the CastList toolset. So we went back to the office and talked about CareSpan.

Which was a useful meeting - we got the CastList matrix pretty much resolved, at least in an alpha version, and had a perfectly pleasant afternoon to boot. I kept one eye on both my e-mail in-box and my mobile but there was no further contact from either PCW or California - it seemed I was definitely out of the loop, a fact that bothered me a great deal less than it probably ought to have done. In fact by the end of the afternoon I was feeling about as relaxed as I had for some weeks: May was very easy going company - how did she ever get to be a chief exec, I wondered? - but I was also firmly back in my comfort zone, doing stuff I knew I was good at, making a contribution I was sure of.

I was more than happy to take up her offer of a drink at the end of the day, again, so we walked back down to the river, going to the Barrowboy, a barn of a pub just on the south end of London Bridge but which had friendly staff and was close to May's train home. That it was just over the road from PCW's offices only occurred to me as we were on our way but once it did I thought I'd give Debbie a ring on the off chance she fancied a quick half, too.

She did. In fact, she was at the bar when we arrived, fending off the attentions of a bunch of guys who turned out to be from PCW, too. OK, so it was a poor choice of pub after all. And maybe I should have mentioned that May was going to be there, too. Still - an interesting exchange of dirty looks - from the PCW gorillas at some hippy usurping their evening's plaything and, more restrainedly, from Debbie towards May. Well, I thought, file that one for future reference, however unjustified. We repaired to a conveniently vacant table, supped drinks for a while in companionable silence. Or silence, anyway.

I broke the ice with some formal reintroductions but May saved the day by being exceptionally charming - probably, I realised, the secret of her success, professionally. Debbie relaxed very quickly and was soon sharing her news: Her boss had agreed to the suggestion that she should relocate for the immediate future - with a subtle barb or two about her risking going native or otherwise being tainted by the experience - and had also implied that things were even less rosey than we had thought, in terms of PCWs attitude to the project. Apparently, they really had only bought into it on the basis that Carla was so enthusiastic and now found themselves dealing with less convincing people over the water - I guessed the mysterious Zhu Lui - while I was acting like some sort of anarchist and ... well, they had a bad case of cold feet. Possibly to the chilblains stage. And not showing any signs of improvement.

All of which was hardly promising news but was at least a significant increase in the data we had to go on. We toasted the spy - discretely, the gorillas were still at the bar, albeit involved in an interminable arguments about (what else?) football - and got down to discussing options.

I'm not quite sure how May got to be so centrally involved with the discussion, or why she was quite so interested in how everything panned out - the work I was doing for her would be completed regardless - but she turned out to be a veritable fount of ideas, and of common sense, both of which we needed. After a lot of debate, we agreed that I would make a concerted effort to actually talk to Carla directly and get her back on board - I had to explain the details of my previous relationship with the woman, which got me a couple of pointed looks - while Debbie would do what she could with PCW. Central in all of this, we realised - OK, May rather forcefully pointed out - was using the CareSpan work as a practical demonstration, given that no-one else involved had ever actually seen a completed CastList project. And, conveniently, it was a big enough charity to draw useful parallels between its experience and the corporates our "partners" were targeting.

All of which felt good, and would have done even without the alcohol that had liberally fuelled proceedings. When May left for her train, she got a hug from both of us, hugged both of us just as enthusiastically back. Debbie and I lingered on the pavement for a while, smoking. I tried phoning Carla but got her voice mail again. Debbie took a call herself, wandering a few paces away as she talked to whoever and then returned smiling slightly bashfully.

"Sorry about that ... just..." she paused..."A Friend." Another pause. "But anyway - I really should be going. One thing, though? Tomorrow morning, given that I'm going to be seconded to you, what's the corporate dress code?"

"God knows - there isn't one and isn't going to be one while I'm around." My turn to pause, looking carefully at her now slightly rumpled suit. "Personally, though, the dominatrix look never did anything much for me, so..."

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TouchMyWife MJ Fresh Unexpected

My wife MJ Fresh is a real dirty girl. She has confided her fantasy of getting fucked by 2 men to me before. When we got back from a party late one night, I had a surprise in store for her. I brought back 2 studs to fuck her hot brains out. Brian OMally comes out behind her and puts his hand over her mouth, shocking & exciting her! Danny Steele starts feeling her up, they both grab her tits & smack her ass. She starts sucking Danny’s cock and then asked to get fucked from behind....

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Kendra Lust Big Tit MILF Has The Biggest Black Cock Of Her Life

JJV fans get what they want and they obviously want what anyone in their right mind would want – to see KENDRA LUST taking the BIGGEST BLACK COCK ON THE PLANET – MANDINGO! The supremely hot MILF isn’t wearing any panties because she knows what the fuck is coming and she isn’t playing around. Lust is up to The Mandingo Challenge and she owns that BBC! They simply do not make women hotter than Kendra Lust and dicks don’t come bigger than Mandingo – a natural...

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DDFBusty Alura Jenson Bit Tits With Frosting

Alura TNT Jenson is an absolutely hot blonde stunner from the United States of America. The blue-eyed Milf with enhanced tits and a big curvy ass stars in today’s Busty premium porn by DDF Network alongside partner Ryan McLane. She made some cake and proudly presents that delicious dessert to her boyfriend who doesn’t really seem to be interested in that tasty bite. He rather grabs her big melons and squeezes those enormous hooters which give that busty bombshell shivers of...

2 years ago
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I am a Slut Wife

When Robert pulled up next door, I looked to see that no neighbors were out and as Robby came up the steps, I took his hand and led him into the house.We sat on the couch and watched TV with some small talk, As he was saying that he shouldn't be in the house because he would get killed if Ron found out I, I reached over and pulled his face to mine and gave him a long passionate kiss. He started kissing my neck and shoulders. I got up and let the bathrobe fall to the floor. He groaned and pulled...

2 years ago
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The boy next door

"Son of a bitch." The words slip from my lips as the door shuts behind me, and bumps against my ass. I clutch the white towel tightly around my body and turn around to bang against the door with my fist. "Open the door, Leah!" I yell, praying that she'll unlock the door and let me back into my apartment. "Hmm, let me think about that... nope!" Her voice carries through the door, and I stomp my foot in a childish manner. "Damn it, Leah. It's my apartment!" I pout and continue to pound my fist...

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Hotel Whore

It was early evening and I was a passenger in our people carrier, along with my mum, aunty, my son Rob, and his girlfriend Kari. The driver being my husband Chas. We were on our way back from a show we had been to. We had been driving for about one and a half hours when Dave said he was parched and could do with a drink. We all agreed. At the next pub we came to we pulled into the car park. It looked quite a rundown place on the outskirts of a small town. Chas parked the car and we went...

3 years ago
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The Incest Universe

Welcome to the Incest universe! The world is like ours in various ways but different in the fact that people are only sexually attracted to family members. On the 18th birthday the parents welcome the traditions by having a threesome with them. It has been like this since ancient times and no one has questioned it. It has just become normal for families to fuck each other. In fact, it started happening so much that it became law. It also became normal to see families fucking in the street. The...

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Game WorldChapter 71

It had been a month since that night and I was no longer at the resort or Oak Hall or anywhere on that other Earth. Instead I was in Africa. To be precise, I was in southern Africa on the east coast and I had been there for almost a week. I was alone now. I had left my mates and my friends behind me and I had returned to wandering like I had done the first few weeks of my time on Game World. Like then I was on foot and I was armed only with what Victoria's people had given me. I had no...

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Suzi and Chris pt1

Suzi was sitting in her recliner, drinking a JD and Coke. That seemed to be all she did these days. Life consisted of waking up, masterbating if time allowed, and jumping into the shower before running out the door to work. As a chef, it meant Suzi worked all hours, which had a pretty adverse effect on her social life. Infact, the only thing keeping her interested in work was the new guy that had started this week. His name was Chris. He'd just moved state from Washington and he was HOT. Tall,...

2 years ago
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My husband and I have been married for 25 years. We are in our mid-fifties. We are attractive and fit. Our sex life has always been very good. We have been occasionally been adventurous. WE have had a number of mfm threeways, we have a once in a while play time with a couple who are good friends and we have had the very occasional dalliance outside the marriage. We tell each other all about those. My husband is bi. I wouldn't say I am bi but have done things with the female half of the couple...

3 years ago
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The Day After IV

Another chapter in the life of Sammi the Genie The Day After IV by Bill Hart I just loved being inside my lamp. To put it quite simply, the land inside my lamp had to be the very best of all possible worlds. This wasn't the first time I'd had that thought. I doubted it would be the last. Even though I'd been born a mortal man, that seemed a long time ago now. I could think of absolutely nothing I'd rather be than the genie I currently was. The world inside my lamp was always...

2 years ago
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A mature man has a sex relationship with elderly lady

It was six weeks since I had first had sex with my partners Aunty. In her mid 70’s Aunty was still active and very attractive for her age. Our first session had been a hurried one resulting from an unlocked bathroom door and her walking in on me in the shower whilst I was sporting a substantial erection. It had lasted only minutes and had taken place with her bent over the basin with her blouse and bra rucked up, skirt up over her back, knickers round her knees and me fucking her from...

3 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 28

After Veronique had pushed on the doorbell, they had to wait for a few seconds and then the intercom came to life. "Yes?" said a woman's voice coming out of the intercom. "It's Nikki," Veronique said. "Oh, I'm right there!" Sandra and Veronique waited at the front door, while Sandra looked around her, she could see that most offices were already closed around them. This was the only building left where she could see some lights coming from the inside. Sandra started looking...

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Australian StoryChapter 28 The girl who came out of the shadows

Wednesday 12-Sept 2007 They came to the school gate just a little before lunch. Chris was surprised to see a bunch of year-seven students hanging around the gate, even though it was still in period. He shrugged, and they passed through the gate. Chris took a deep breath. The first battle was about to commence. Lisa had arrived within minutes, out of breath. He'd shown her the letter, and she'd gone berserk. Once she'd settled, he'd explained his plan, and she'd signed on immediately....

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The tickets went unused and the hotel suite stayed empty. Phone calls went straight to voice-mail. My wife, our two kids and my parents did not attend my unit’s redeployment ceremony at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Fifteen months in Iraq, seven months since I last saw them on my mid-deployment leave. I talked to them over a week ago from Kuwait confirming their attendance and my love. My wife had mentioned ‘payback’ before hanging up. Now, nothing. Have to think about this. Put on a happy face....

3 years ago
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The Bouncer

So I started hanging out at a nearby club. I knew a few of the guys there. The guys that I knew there had mediocre dicks. Rarely would let any of them fuck me but I would let them finger me and suck my tits and pussy often. Doug was generally my go-to guy. He had a decent size dick and I had rode it a few times. But on this particular night, I wanted my pussy eaten. Like normal, Doug was sitting at the bar. I walked over to where he was and sat on the barstool; ever so slightly spreading my...

2 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 106

“Those sweet lips. My, oh my, I could kiss those lips all night long. Good things come to those who wait.” —Jess C. Scott, The Intern I LIED TO CINDY about taking Tuesday off. The truth was I didn’t want to let her down in the rehearsal room. I’d been playing the lute guitar for the past ten days and hadn’t been on the concert guitar at all. The concert guitar has a wider neck than the lute and, though it might not sound like much of a difference, I don’t feel confident enough in my...

2 years ago
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Swiss Girls Finishing School Part 3

John had been stood up. He had been meant to meet his friend David for a drink, but just as he was arriving at the bar, David called and said that he’d managed to get a date with a girl he’d been trying to screw for months. Obviously, John could hardly begrudge him that. He decided to go in for one drink anyway.  With his drink in hand, he sat at a small table by the wall. He surveyed the girls at the bar. One in particular caught his eye. She was about 5’8, slender but curvy, with long blonde...

1 year ago
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Educating the Capo Ch 02

I wrapped the bathrobe around her and led her into the house. This had all of a sudden become a real security issue, so I led her into the library, which doubled as my office. I sat her down on the leather couch opposite my desk, and quickly poured her another scotch, which she took with trembling hands. The tears were flowing freely now and I sat and watched as she sobbed silently. Loath as I was to disturb her I had to get a couple of quick answers from her before I could proceed. “Honey, I...

3 years ago
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The Whore in Me part 3

I kept Jenny satisfied as much as physically possible. If I laid the ground work now she’d be mine for as long as I wanted. We’d sneak around between classes and fuck, skip classes and fuck, finish school and fuck. A new world had been opened to her and she wanted to experience it all. I’d been teaching her how to eat pussy and she was getting very good. She even surprised my one night by skipping my pussy and heading straight for my asshole. She’d eaten like she was starving and I’d cum hard....

2 years ago
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Stranger in journey

Hi, this is crazy back with another story for all gay lovers I got good response for my previous postings I hope you’ll enjoy and have a immediate jerk off after reading this. Send me your comments or wants I remember the sound of luggage rolling across concrete as he turned. The ripple he made in time frozen on my brain, the image of his sway. I stole that parting glance and tasted the air through which he had passed, brushing against me a sweet memory. He said something, or hinted at...

3 years ago
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Flight To Miami

Last year in late summer I booked a flight to Miami. My husband was already there. He works in international finance and real estate business with an US-American partner. The two have a joint office in downtown Miami. My husband booked me into a hotel in Miami Beach on Collins Avenue. The proximity to the beach and the better environment make the difference.It was the night flight with Lufthansa. Through 'miles and more' I had a first class ticket and was looking forward to the flight. The...

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Benji and the Blonde Sorority Chick

The names in this story have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent, but the characters are real people. This is the true story of how one of them, an old fraternity brother of mine, finally lost his virginity.My fraternity was made up of some real characters. Many were severe party animals bent on the mass destruction of property… then there was Benji. Benji was Vietnamese. He was born in the States and grew up with a very traditional Vietnamese family in a predominantly Vietnamese...

College Sex
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Guy gets some from Victoria Justice after a date w

I had only been working on the set of Victoria Justice's new show "Eye Candy" for a couple of weeks when I noticed that Victoria already seemed to be taking a shine to me, always smiling flirtatiously at me and asking me what I was doing later.Well, as any man would do when a girl as sexy as her is making it clear that she would be interested in pursuing things with you, I asked her out.And much to my surprise, she said yes, so we agreed to meet for dinner and drinks at an upscale place in the...

4 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 28

Stacey Dixon was lying in his bed, reading a magazine, when the phone rang. He was home alone, so he grabbed the phone next to his bed and said, ‘Hello?’ ‘I’d like to speak with Stacey Dixon, please,’ a sultry voice on the phone said, sending thrills down the young man’s spine. ‘Ah…that’s me…I’m Stacey,’ the young man replied. Who was this? ‘My name is Rita Meckler,’ the caller said, ‘Nicole Everett suggested I call you.’ Excitement rushed through the young man. If Mrs. Everett told this...

1 year ago
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The Best Time In Operation Theatre

Hi everyone. This is Steve. I am from vadodara , Gujarat. This is my first story so I would like to narret few things about me. I am 22 years old and studying in MBBS. As its my last year , I will be a doctor soon . I regularly visit gym so I have athletic body and pretty attractive look. I would not say my dick is 8-9 inches but it is of good  length of 6.5 inches .  you can give me feedback on my id so without wasting much time i will move straight away to the story. This  happened about 15...

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Letter to My Navy Man

I sat at the table for two, sipping my iced tea. The waiter had refilled my glass three times by the time my Bri arrived--always outrageously late but generally worth the wait."Sorry I'm late, hon" She said loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear. "I was getting a bikini wax and it took longer than I thought."She always could make a stunning entrance. I looked around, but fortunately the place was relatively deserted."Just sit down. I'm starving.""Perhaps I should order oysters. I'm...

Love Stories
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In the night, when everyone was already asleep, Haley went to Jeff’s bed. “Hey! Haley, why aren’t you asleep yet?” Jeff whispered to Haley. “Jeff,” Haley was actually crying, “can I sleep with you tonight?” “Hey! What’s wrong?” Jeff wrapped his arms around Haley and held him close to him. That was what his role was always was, to comfort Haley everytime he cries and to protect him everytime he is in trouble. Jeff is the closest thing that Haley had to a brother. Haley knew no family and the...


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