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December 27, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written December 28]

Rhee, Heather, and I were lounging in the Monstrosity after we woke when Gracey came downstairs.

“Come on. Join us for a shower. We don’t have an even number.”

Rhee and I donned shower caps, then joined the duos of Dad and Gracey and Liya and Heather. The two of us were in the final stages and were facing Gracey and Dad when they finished up.

“Wait, Dad. I want to wash something.”

Gracey lathered her hands extensively, then began washing his cock, slowly and sensually. Dad got hard.

She moaned once he was at full mast and said, “I love that I can turn you on and make you feel good, Dad.”

“Oh, Gracey, that feels so good.” He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feelings for a little while, then said, “I think I can use this for something I’ve been thinking about. Can I get you girls’ help surprising Sandy?”

“Of course, Dad,” answered Gracey.

He explained and we got excited. After we dried off, Dad spent about a minute with his cock in one of our pussies, then we all went downstairs, greeting Inez and Nira when they exited the GL bedroom as we were walking past the door. As expected, we found Sandy and Carol in the kitchen, with Sandy dressed for work.

Dad said, “Sandy Sex Slave, get on your knees and suck my cock for one minute.”

“Yes, Charlie. Thank you, Master.”

Behind me, Nira quietly said, “Oh, fuck.”

Sandy knelt and put his still-erect penis into her mouth, but grunted, then quickly backed off it.

“Charlie Master, you have pussy juice on your cock. Oh, thank you!”

“Sandy, if you can correctly identify whose pussy juice is on my cock, I will lick you to orgasm or for three minutes, whichever comes first, immediately before you leave for work.”

When she had completed the minute of sucking, she said, “Ohhh, I like this game, Master Charlie.” She obviously thought for a few seconds, then said, “Gracey.”

“You’ll be going to work ... without relief, unfortunately.”

Mom stood, then wrapped Dad in a hug.

“Charlie Williams, I love you so much. Thanks for that. I’ll pay closer attention to how our various daughters and girlfriends taste. God! I’ll really have to focus hard at work, today.” She looked around Dad and said, “Yes, Nira, I was serious about what I said concerning the family’s sex slave.” She looked back at Dad, adding, “I loved that. I look forward to many such commands, Master.”

She pasted her mouth to his and kissed him hard for more than a minute, after which we sat down to an oatmeal-and-grapefruit-halves breakfast. All four moms headed to work.

I spent much of the morning catching up on the diary, then joined my sisters in reviewing videos for 15 minutes before lunch. Dad had tomato soup and grilled-cheese sandwiches ready for us. Since he had eaten some of his lunch before we came downstairs, he finished first and disappeared into his room. We cleaned up lunch dishes, during which I whispered a suggestion to the girls, so after we finished, we walked into the parents’ bedroom.

“Dad,” I said, “we want to thank you for lunch, so please lie on the bed with your feet on the floor.”

We met Brett and Lana at The Cold Sweets at 1:30. Lana was quite surprising. She is a strawberry blonde, a couple inches shorter than Brett’s 5’6”, slender, and, as Brett had said early in fall, quite pretty. She has freckles, but nowhere near as many as Heather has. Her most amazing aspect was her startling green eyes.

She also insisted on hugging each of us after we’d each hugged Brett.

She said, “Over the years, Brett’s told me so much about all of you, particularly you, Beth. He first talked about you, then about you and Rhee.” She looked at Rhee and added, “He said a lot about you after you slugged that bully in 7th grade. I so wanted to meet you two back then. Brett’s my favorite relative, and I wanted to thank you. Partly because of that, he opened to me more, asking for my help in becoming comfortable with girls. I had always teased him a little because he was so... ‘scared’ isn’t the word, but it’s sorta close. He was sorta scared of girls. Because of that event, we began spending a lot more time together so I could get him over his shyness.”

She abruptly looked around the parlor, then leaned in closer, and whispered, “One of the ways I got him more comfortable was by convincing him to kiss me.”

Each of us inhaled deeply in response, our eyes wide. I looked at Brett. He was scarlet and seemed to be trying to object, so I shook my head at him.

Lana continued with, “We didn’t do deep make-out sessions...” she looked around the place again “but we’ve kissed quite a lot. He’s gotten pretty good.”

Brett hissed, “Lana!”

She looked at him, put her right arm around him, then responded, “I’m sure it’ll be fine. They’re your friends. Besides, I’m willing to share.”

Her face broke out in a huge grin as Brett dropped his face into his hands and the five of us stared at her. Heather broke the tension by stepping over to Lana and wrapping her into a tight hug.

“Girl, you’re all right!”

Somehow, that encouraged a second round of hugs with Lana that were considerably friendlier than the first round. We walked up to the counter to find that Katie was not working, so greeted her mother and ordered. Liya suggested we get sundaes or bowls as it would make discussion easier, so we did that.

At the table, Lana continued her account, saying, “Last year he began talking about you, Gracey, and you, Liya.” She turned to Heather and added, “But he didn’t begin talking about you until this fall.”

“Yeah, we didn’t know each other before then. This is only my second year in this school system, and the only reason I know the girls is that I joined their soccer team this spring.”

Lana glanced at Brett, then leaned across the table toward Heather and added, “He thinks you’re incredibly cute ... and I agree.” When Heather turned red, Lana giggled and said, “Oh, you’re even cuter when you blush.”

We wound up talking at the table for nearly an hour, then continued our conversation as we departed the store, where Lana said, “I’m enjoying this. We don’t have to be back home until dinner. Could we keep talking somewhere?”

Rhee turned to me and asked, “We know Meka wants to meet her.”

“Oh,” Lana exclaimed, “I really want to meet her. Brett’s talked about her a lot!”

When we gave Rhee no push-back, she pulled her phone from her pocket and texted Meka. It went back and forth a few times.

Rhee looked up and said, “She says to come over and offered to drive them home.”

Lana responded, “Cool.” She looked around at all of us, then said, “I like you guys, so I’ll let you in on a minor secret, although it wouldn’t have lasted much longer as a secret, anyway.” She looked at Brett, who nodded, so she turned back to me and said, “I’ll be living at Brett’s house at least until summer!”

“Wow. That’s great. You’re in our grade. Right?”

She looked at Rhee and nodded, then said, “I don’t know how school will work, but I’m pretty psyched. My mom ... You met my mom. Right?”

I replied, “Meka and I did, along with Brit and Cera.”

“Oh, yeah. I wanna meet them, too. Anyway, my mom got a great job offer, but it requires her to spend at least the next five or six months in southeast Asia. She’ll be doing a lot of traveling there, including to Australia and New Zealand.” She furrowed her brow, then added, “I’m a little jealous. She told me it would be possible to take me as well as Dad, but that schooling would be tricky, and we all agreed I’d stay here with my cousin, aunt, and uncle. My Dad’s taking a leave of absence from his job so he can travel with her, although he’ll come back for a couple weeks in spring.” She slowed down, then inhaled and exhaled and said, “I ... I was hoping I could be ... friends with the ... lunch-table gang. From talking with Brett, I feel I know you to some extent. Brett says you’re all nice, and it would make changing schools a lot easier if I already had friends here.”

Again, it was Heather. She wrapped Lana in her arms.

“That will probably work, although everyone will be really jealous that you’ve kissed him a lot.”


“Sort of. All of us really like him, but...”

I interrupted with, “Why don’t we continue this in the Jacobsen house.”

I thought that if our conversation on the way to join Meka were lighter, perhaps this particular discussion would be forgotten. I did not hold much hope for that, but figured it had some chance. At least, the talk on the walk was lighthearted, and Lana returned to what I take as her more-normal, almost bubbly self. She reminds me quite a bit of Brett’s mom.

“Wow,” Lana exclaimed when we introduced her to Meka. “You’re taller than I thought, but Brett was right when he told me you were pretty. I’ve been so looking forward to meeting you, particularly after my mom got to meet you.”

The eight of us chatted for a couple hours and, fortunately, the discussion never came back around to kissing Brett.

When we were preparing to leave and Meka to take Brett and Lana home, Liya said, “Why don’t you go with them, Beth, so Meka has company on the way back.”

Meka rolled her eyes and said, “It’s not like they live three hours away.”

“I know, but unless you’re into a deep think, it’s always nice to talk with a friend.”

It seemed obvious to me that Liya was trying to give Meka and me a chance to be alone together, figuring that the whatever we have going would advance, even if only micro-metrically. Perhaps she’s as much into Meka as Heather and I are.

As Meka pulled up in front of Brett’s house, Lana said, “Thanks, Beth ... and Meka, for a great afternoon. I’m really looking forward to being in school with you.”

Given that Lana was obviously not a “stick-in-the-mud, I felt that the time was now to explain Friday.

“Brett, Lana, I have to explain something to you, so please try to hold any response until I finish.”

They both looked at me with questioning expressions, and I breathed in and out deeply and began explaining about Thursday nights.

When I got to the end of the first part of what I wanted to say, Lana exclaimed, “Wow. That’s ... I think that’s cool that your parents are good with that. I know my parents wouldn’t be, nor would Brett’s. You’ve obviously got a great relationship with your various parents.”

“Yes, it is odd, surprisingly so, but we girls have proven our ... our...”

“What Beth is trying to say is that their maturity allows their various parents to give them a lot more latitude than most kids get, as the girls have proven that they won’t and don’t take advantage of the various liberties their parents allow. So, it’s just a fun thing we do.” She looked at the two of them and continued with, “Yes, I take part, too, so I know whereof I speak. Yes, it’s a bit titillating, but it’s mostly just a fun little competition among friends.”

Meka nodded at me, so I explained about our asking Brit for ideas and how she had suggested both fabric paint and body paint.

“Oh, that sounds wicked cool! I wish I could take part.”

“Well, that’s why I needed to talk to you two. Brit won’t tell everyone what her plan is, but she did say that it would be quite ... sexy.” I looked straight at Brett and added, “She said your part would be as a model of sort. Rather, she wants your arms and hands as models.” I tuned to Lana and said, “And we could probably use your help in the ... whole production.”

“I’m in,” Lana exclaimed. “I’ll help however I’m needed.”

I looked a question at Brett.

“I’ll probably help, but I’ll need to know the specifics before I agree.”

“That’s perfectly understandable. We can come get you Friday morning. Can you be ready by 9?”

The two of them looked at each other, and Lana nodded. I breathed a sigh of relief, but I was not sure about what I was relieved.

Lana looked at Brett then asked, “Would you two come in and meet my dad?”

Brett’s mom exclaimed when we walked in, complaining tongue-in-cheek that she still had not met the other girls. Lana’s mom was less on edge than she had been when we had first met her, and her dad was nice, and very funny. We left their house after 15 minutes or so. Meka pulled up to the curb by the practice pitch, turned the Suburban off, and turned to face me. We just looked at each other for some time, after which she tilted her head back while closing her eyes and exhaled loudly.

“You’re ... you’re ... too alluring.” She opened her eyes, looked at me, and said, “How do you do it? How do you know what to say, how to ... lead? You’re not even 15 and, in my estimation, you handled that perfectly. I don’t know what Brit’s plan is, but I know she’s really excited by it, and I know what she feels about Brett ... and about you girls. She wants Brett and she really looks up to the Go5, particularly to you. Again, I don’t know what she plans, but I suspect it will be... [she breathed in and out] at least somewhat outrageous.

“I assume you planned this meeting today so you girls could learn what Lana was like before she was involved – in whatever way she’ll be involved – with something that might be very ... not sexy, sex related.” When I nodded, she responded, “Good idea. I have my thoughts on how she’ll react, but I’d like to hear yours.”

I considered telling her that I didn’t have any particular idea, but knew she would not believe me, so I replied, “I think she’ll be fine with it, whatever it is, and I do mean whatever it is. She told us, quite openly, that one of the ways she cracked open Brett’s shell was convincing him to kiss her.” Meka elevated her eyebrows at that, but I continued with, “She also said that they had kissed quite a lot and that he has gotten, in her words, ‘pretty good’.”

“Wow.” She obviously thought for a few seconds, then said, “I can see her argument for that tack. I mean, girls have got to be less ... scary if you’ve kissed one a lot.” Meka shook her head in something like amazement, then said, “You might have some competition from her.”

“Yeah. She said that he’s her favorite relative, but in such a way that suggested ... Well, I inferred that she was interested in him ... romantically, and I don’t blame her.” I tilted my head back and breathed deeply, looked back at Meka, and added, “When she said Brett was a pretty good kisser, he hissed at her. She came back saying that she’d be willing to share. She said that in such a way that it could be interpreted as sort of joking, but I got the impression she was serious. I think she was not the only one under scrutiny at The Cold Sweets.”

“I think you’re right. She seems very bright and, perhaps except for her ... loquaciousness, she might fit well with the LTG. She’d certainly make a pretty addition to the LTG. Those eyes are incredible!”

“I know. I got lost just studying them a couple times. They’re somewhat like Heather’s in that they’re ... sparkly, and I love Heather’s eyes.”

“Yeah, they are wonderful, and I’ve gotten lost in them once or twice. They’re one aspect that makes her incredibly attractive when she’s really happy.”

“I’ve told her that very thing. Her eyes, her smile. And she’s so much happier now than she was when she began hanging with us. She’s grown so much on me.”

I had not been looking at Meka for the last minute or so of our talk about Heather, so it surprised me when she sniffled and quietly said, “Oh, god.” She was clenching her jaws, so I unbuckled myself, hitched up onto the console, and put my arms around her. She threw her arms around me. I put my head on her left shoulder and closed my eyes. We were still in that position perhaps a couple minutes later when there was a tap on her window. I sat up abruptly, hitting my head on the ceiling.

As I was backing into my seat, Meka hit the button to lower the window and said, “Yes, officer?”

“You might want to take that somewhere else.”

I jumped in and said, “Sorry, officer. Meka breaks down occasionally, as her dad is dying. My family is trying to keep friends and family around her to help her through those times.”

“Did you say, ‘Meka’? As in short for ‘Shameka’?”

“Yes. Do you know her?”

“I know of a Shameka Johnson who looks at least somewhat like this woman and that Shameka is an all-state center back on Central High’s team.”

Same as Beth
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I collapsed into my bed with a sense of relief. The clock next to my head told me it was 2 am. I had been staying up to do a sociology assignment in my shared dorm and I was ready to crash. Before I could fall asleep, I could hear stumbling outside my door as someone drunk tried to find their room. I closed my eyes tight in an attempt to block it out. The stumbling stopped right in front of my door. “Shhhh….” Said an all too familiar voice between giggles. “My roomie's probably asleeeeeep.” ...

3 years ago
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Model turns slut

How could I resist calling this girl. In all my years of photography, I never had an offer like this. I have contacts for pornographic material, but never thought I would have a willing model. I wonder if that's what she had in mind? Well, I called her to come in the next day for a photo session. Barbara arrived right on time. She was an extemely attractive young girl. Her picture didn't do her justice. We chatted for awhile, finding out this was her first time modeling, but was looking...

2 years ago
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Ты был молод, силен, полон сил и желаний и тебе стало тесно в небольшой деревушке в которой вы провели всё детсво. Захотелось чегото больше приключений , новых впечатлений и вы вооруженный одной лишь дубиной отправились в путь. Добравшись до спука с горы тебе открылся изумительный вид море деревьев растекающеесяя от подножия гор в самом сердце которого виднелись остроконечные шпили которые казхалось впитывают свет. Огромное озеро в которое втекали множество ручьев и небольшая речка было...

3 years ago
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AlifChapter 2

Binta escorted Ana from the Canteen, along another series of corridors, illuminated by lights over the doors, around a confusion of corners and up disconnected flights of stairs. Ana felt very self conscious of accompanying a naked woman and averted her eyes as much as possible. She had no idea where they were in relation to the Canteen and the elevator by which she had originally arrived, but she understood better the scale of the Brothel. Binta chatted idly to Ana and greeted the...

4 years ago
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Passport Control

The trip started with us spending 3 nights in Florida before flying to the first stopover. We were told that it was better to take US Dollars rather than use the local currency. The flight was a bit scary as it was only a small plane but we finally landed in the Capital. While we were in the line for Passport Control we got chatting to the American couple in front of us. They explained that everything down here works on bribes. They said that we should put some money in our passport before...

1 year ago
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Stepsister8217s Skillful Mouth 8211 Chapter One

Carmelita eyed Mark’s stiff cock with lust. She knew the devilish glint in her dark eyes told him better than words that his new Stepmother was more eat-hungry now than fuck-hungry. She was standing before him, naked from the waist down, baiting him with her cunt, while her wet pink tongue licked still another invitation across her plush red lips. Suddenly her heart was pounding faster when a wicked little smile creased his lips. Without waiting another second, she dropped to her knees...

3 years ago
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My Cousin8217s Wife

Hello ISS readers . Its my first story on ISS therefore if I make a mistake or you didn’t like anything which I wrote please for give me .My name is Anita Brian And I 27 years old and I live in Toronto. My father was from India and mother from Canada and I have a sister Amelia who is 25 years old. We both live together and are lesbians and today I would like to share my story which occurred only three days back when I went tii visit my cousin and his wife. Sorry for the long intro I will come...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Scarlett Bloom Stuffing A Caramel Cutie

Scarlett Bloom is new to the porn game, but this ebony princess has everyone talking. The long legged, intensely alluring babe is ready to prove that she is a sultry sex bomb just waiting to explode. She comes all the way from the south side of Chicago, and she wants nothing more than to please some extra hard cock. This caramel goddess loves spreading her pussy lips and feeling a big boner fill her all the way up. Today, our stud gets his cock slurped by this sweetie before turning her around...

4 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 123

Tod had to go back to the farm that morning, so, right after breakfast, he left. Sam, Misti, Betty, Sharon, and Essie asked if they could tag along. They wanted to see the horses, and maybe go for a ride. Betty wanted to see both of her "babies." The one she had raised from a foal in Texas, and her newest one, that Mr. Goodrich had been so surprised to see her ride. He told them that he would be happy to have the company, Because of the others, Bruce, who had returned immediately after he and...

2 years ago
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Chloroform man

Welcome to CHLOROFORM MAN! Now chloroform man is personally BI to me but this is an anthology! In the dark prison cells of Joey Buscher Penitentiary, in the maximum containment are there is a mysterious entity known only as Chloroform Man. "Sooo.... Since we *are* alone here" flirted Michaels her fingers tiptoeing against Sanchez's back in a feline way "what do you say... We have fun?" She asked slowly raising up packs of condoms. Sanchez smirkes at the offer, woah was Michael's beautiful, with...

2 years ago
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The Half LilinChapter 8

I kept on screaming as I felt myself falling down a misty shaft back first. It was very cold. My arms tried to grab on to the sides without success. As I fell, I thought about my life and my destiny ... namely that jerk Chris. I kept asking myself, "Why? Why? Why?" I had so many questions that I couldn't even tell where I should start. Suddenly the mist disappeared and I fell onto a semi-hard object on top of a very soft surface. Immediately, I heard a disembodied female voice saying,...

1 year ago
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Moving Away

Brr - a spring chill blows down State Street. I have just a short walk to the hotel but I feel almost naked, this is the first time in years that I have ever left the office with absolutely nothing to carry home, no briefcase, no computer, all my personal things have been shipped to my new California address. Approaching the hotel the doorman greets me warmly. I proceed over to the concierge desk where David greets me. "Good Evening, Mr. Coalmen, How was the party today?" "It was very...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Ryan Reid Here To Cheer You Up

Realtor Chuck is a little surprised when Ryan Reid shows up to rent the big house he’s looking after. They do a walking tour of the house and Chuck accidentally starts talking about his recent divorce. Ryan is very interested in Chuck and the house, but he begins to get suspicious when Ryan doesn’t know her credit score, and doesn’t have pay stubs, claiming her job is “entertainer.” Ryan reveals she is actually an escort sent by Chuck’s buddy Smith to ease...

2 years ago
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An August Cruise

An August Cruise It had been seven months now since my partner Helen had left. It was all quite sudden, for me anyway, I hadn’t seen it coming at all. It all came to a head in January when I arrived home from work to find Sarah, her 26 year old daughter having a blazing row with her in the living room. I could hear them before I had the key in the door, it was so loud, luckily we had a detached house and the neighbours would have not heard a thing. I put my coat over the banister and listened...

2 years ago
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The Greek Girls FunChapter 2

Karen and her mom still sat on Anita's living room sofa as she smiled at them, "So you two bitches must do as I say, huh"? Karen and her mom nodded their Blonde heads as Anita thought of how she had dreamt of doing such things for a long time. Anita began asking them questions, who knew they were in Athens? Were they married with children? Were they well off? She learned that it was a last minute decision to come to Greece, so no one knew they were here. Mrs. McDonald was divorced from...

3 years ago
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BurrChapter 44 Making Amends

"Where were you last night?" Becky asked as soon as we met in the cafeteria on Tuesday. "I called you back but you were already in bed," I said, trying to ignore her question. "I waited until eleven. Don't you have curfew?" "What did you want?" I asked her. We were seated at a table with other sophomores but Sid had not joined us. Some of the other kids were watching us. "Do you know Buzz Summers?" What kind of a question was that? Everyone knew Buzz Summers. His locker was...

3 years ago
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Standing out at the new job

"Yes!" I cheered loudly as I danced around my apartment. I'd just got the call for a new job that started the next Monday. It had been a long two weeks ago that I even interviewed and I had convinced myself that they had hired someone else. I called my friend over to help me find the perfect outfit. It was an office job, just the usually thing. But when I went for the interview all the females were dressed... differently than most office assistants. "Are you sure you want to work there? I...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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The Special

My feet seemed to be carrying me around the back of the house without my volition. Following the instructions: through the gate, around the side of the house, under the flowering jasmine, its delicate scent seeming to double the number of butterflies in my stomach, to the door painted red, and knock.I hesitated, my feet had done their work, it was now up to my fist to knock on the door painted red.Today's special: six of the best for $50, find out how it feels, the post had said, email for the...

2 years ago
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The Dragon Part 2

“Good morning Elric.” The Dragon said in that low rumble that still sent the most sensuous shivers down my spine. “Good morning master.” I replied and, being slightly daring asked, “What is your real name master?” (I was so curious since last night he had asked mine.) He looked at me surprised but still answered, “My name is Roland.” “Master Roland,” I whimpered in the best submissive voice I could, “I am really hungry for breakfast…” At this, Roland smiled and gave a cavernous thunder...

1 year ago
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Got Lucky With My Sexy Bua

Hi everyone of indian sex stories dot net, myself srinivasulu from Hyderabad, again and I am a bi sexual (I admit it), I love to have sex with both men and women, I have cross dressing fantasies too.A secret cross dresser and scared to have sex with men though I wanna try I am a complete sex freak and can take it in any possible ways and have many experiences to share. In my previous write up, I told you about my maid love. And also told you how much I love matured aunties, just because they...

3 years ago
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Fire and Ice Part One

She waved her torch in front of the mouth of the cave in anticipation. No one had laid eyes upon this cave for a hundred years, let alone stepped into it. Most cowered away at the mention of Brimstone Caverns. Not Alexis. "I am not afraid to go and seek the dragon," Alexis said haughtily when they had mentioned it at the bar, "A dragon cannot burn a heart made of ice." So here she was, looking thoughtfully into the dark mouth of the ominous caverns. Her mind reeled as she walked deep into...

3 years ago
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flashing the mother in law 3

I had never thought about my mother-in-law in a sexual way during the three years I have been married to her daughter, Linda, even when circumstances caused us to move in with my wife’s parents. But since the time she peeked into my bedroom as I was undressing everything changed. I had never felt so sexually excited. Later that day, when Stella left her bedroom door open allowing me to watch her undress I started seeing my mother-in-law in a different way. Seeing Stella naked made me aware of...

1 year ago
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Dan and Bonnie

Note : This story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live! Dan stopped the lawnmower and wiped the sweat from his brow. If any of the girls from his school had seen him, they would have been impressed. Clad only in shorts, the 17 year old had a lean, tan body - well muscled in an athletic, non-bodybuilder way. His wavy, dark brown hair set off an open, handsome face. All in all, a package that you’d think would have the girls all over him. But, Dan was a quiet, studious type,...

3 years ago
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Robbies Revelation part 22

Author's Note: I wanted to personally thank all of those who have read and left comments. You all have made me feel a lot better about sharing the musings of a mad transwoman's mind. Hehe. I couldn't quite finish Robbie's Revelation with this chapter, so here in the next few days I will be posting the epilogue. Again though... Thank you... ~Rebecca Chapter 22 I was lying in my bed, in the middle of an extremely pleasant dream, when I felt my Mom trying to wake me. "Honey, it's...

3 years ago
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My photographic interlude

I am a photography buff, spending an hour or two most Saturdays and Sundays shooting pictures. If you are in my neighborhood on the weekends, you will see me coming and with my camera bag and tripod. My neighbor, Beth is usually outside tending her garden, and when we see each other, we exchange greetings. Beth asked me what I liked to photograph. It was an innocent question, but I decided to turn our conversation toward sex. I said that I wanted to take erotic pictures of women. She said good...

2 years ago
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People thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn't talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 9 Beth1

Blonde beauty Beth in Britain on a bench interviewed by two guys who shoot her strip during a talkBeth talks openly about her early sexual development but the guys hardly listen as they are lookingBeth arouses my curiousity so I invite her for a serious sexual intimate interview in my sex studioBeth likes my idea as she was never ever in Amsterdam where I will host her during her long weekendBeth was dressed very casual in her first shoot but I like to see her more feminine in a sexy dressBeth...

1 year ago
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Ward 4D

Nurse Beatrice relaxed, she was sitting firmly on the face of her most recent victim, a small boy. She felt his small frame strain and wiggle under her desperate for air. Then it hit her like a wild out of control freight train, a massive orgasm swept over her. Again and again waves of raw passion coursed through her body. Then, as quickly as it had come, it subsided, her victim had died at it’s height, an inadvertent casualty to Nurse Beatrice’s multiple orgasm. Slowly she climbed off his...

Erotic Fiction
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 45 Reviews

March 12, 1987, Indianapolis, Indiana “Morning, Babe!” I said as I walked into the apartment just before 7:00am. “Hi, Tiger! You must have been up very early!” she replied, pressing herself against me for a tight hug and kiss. “And what are you doing here early this morning instead of tonight?” “We finished yesterday, so I decided to surprise you by coming up this morning. This way I get to see you before you go to work! What time does your shift end?” “At 6:00pm. I’ll be home about...

3 years ago
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Video sex game

In the early 90's I had a part time job in a video store. We had a "back room" with all of the adult videos in it. We didn't really advertise, but if someone asked we would let them know. One night I was working by myself and a hottie in her early 20's came in. She looked around a bit and then came up to the counter and asked me if we had any adult videos. She said that she was hosting a bachlorette party the following evening. I told her we did and showed her the door. I went in with her and...

4 years ago
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Shower Alone

In the shower, I thought of you. I was rinsing my hair and suddenly your image blazed into my minds eye. I closed my eyes and pictured you, naked and hard. Just for me. As I soaped my neck and shoulders, fantasies of you whirled in my head. What would your hands feel like on me, in me? Where would you touch me first? My hands become yours, stroking down my shoulders and arms. I imagine our naked bodies touching, yours hard and long, mine soft and petite. My breasts are lightly rubbing against...

2 years ago
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When Lili Blooms At Night 8211 Part I

Hi friends, this is my second story. Let me just give you a small description about myself once again, my name is Chandan by profession I am a Bengaluru based software engineer working at a mnc. I am 6 feet tall, and have a slim athletic body. The story is about my encounter with sexy hot country side girl at my village, that night its hard to forget. The day started with me and my brother traveling to my village, back then I was a pre final year under graduate student. We stared from...

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