Work Hard Play Harder
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. Then I went home and put away my groceries. When I got home I found that I had an emergency message from one of my larger clients.
Several of the local banks are clients of mine. While the actual hours that a bank is open may leave something to be desired by the bank customers, the amount of work that is done when the banks are closed by the people that process the transactions overnight and on weekends is huge.
I'm on call 24/7 in case there's a computer problem. Fortunately, when I get these emergency calls it's normally a case of operator headspace maladjustment. More often than not I can go in, find the problem and fix it in ten minutes.
I don't usually fix the problem in ten minutes. I don't want to make what I do look too easy. I usually screw around and spend a little over an hour so that it looks like I had to actually work. It helps when it comes time to prepare my bill. I often spend that time working with the operators, trying to teach them the error of their ways so that future problems can be avoided, though that isn't a part of my job. I don't just sit there watching the clock.
It was a beautiful day. So I got on the Harley and rode down to the processing center. As usual, the problem was a poorly trained and not too bright employee in data processing screwing everything up. I straightened out the problem and showed the operator what she was doing wrong.
Training these people wasn't part of my job. But if I didn't want to spend my life fixing things that weren't broken I had to try to educate the people running the systems.
I worked just enough more than an hour to be able to bill for a second hour and went out for a cheeseburger at my favorite biker bar. There's a place down by the river that has a deck out over the water. On nice days, especially on weekends, it's a very popular place. Today was a perfect example of that. The parking lot was full of beautiful, expensive bikes.
I went in and although there weren't any empty tables on the deck I found a seat with a friend at his table. We sat out there and watched the people and watched the bikes coming and going.
While I was waiting for my hamburger I heard about the great show that I had just missed. Some guy had come in with a mother and her teenaged daughter and the two women both had their nipples pierced right out there on the deck in front of everyone. After piercing all four lovely tits, two guys had fucked the mother as she bent over the railing right out there in front of everyone!
I always miss out on the good shows like that!
It took a while. But I finally got my burger. After eating and washing it down with a beer I went home to check my email.
I put the bike in the garage, went in and fired up the computer. Karen must be frantic. I had three messages from her. The first had been sent shortly after she left the mall. She was begging me to call her, to tell her what had happened, and most importantly to destroy those pictures.
When she didn't receive a response to her first email she wrote again, offering me anything in exchange for destroying those incriminating photographs.
The final email had just come in before I turned on my computer. The lack of a response from me was driving her crazy. She promised me anything, sex, money, whatever I wanted, as long as I didn't ruin her life, her marriage.
The punishment that I had already extracted from her far exceeded an appropriate response to the humiliation she inflicted on me so many years ago. It's highly unlikely that she even remembers me. If I was to remind her about that moment that had been so profoundly hurtful to me at the time she would probably not even remember it.
It occurred to me that I don't even know what kind of person she is now. She has obviously matured and may have become a very nice person. No matter what kind of person she is now I knew that what I was doing to her was all out of proportion to what she did to me back in college.
But it wasn't about that anymore. I had to admit, tormenting her like this was really turning me on. I probably wouldn't be doing this if it had been any other woman but her in the club on Friday night. I'm reasonably certain that I would have gone up to a strange woman if I had seen someone drug her drink and I would have told her what had happened. Or, if I left a club and noticed an obviously drugged or intoxicated woman being taken into an alley by two men I would have interceded.
I let it happen to Karen because of who she was and what she did to me seven years ago when she was a shallow college student. What I was doing now, though, what I was contemplating doing in the future, these things had nothing to do with the past. I was taking advantage of this situation now because it turned me on. I was a little bit shocked at how much I enjoyed tormenting and embarrassing her.
I still hadn't decided what to do with her next. But I knew one thing. I was getting horny as hell. I couldn't keep doing these things to her without getting some relief soon.
There are a couple of young women that I date from time to time. Our relationships are really nothing more than relief valves for us. But there is that dance that you have to do with a woman before you can have sex with her. You have to take her out and wine her and dine her and make her feel good about herself. It's a charade, and you both know it. But it's a necessary charade.
Instead of contacting one of those women I decided that it was time to see just how sincere Karen is, and just how desperate she is. I prepared a carefully worded email, after thinking about what would be the best way to do this without revealing my identity, at least not yet. I included several more pictures from Friday night and I asked her if she was serious about being willing to do "anything" for me in exchange for keeping those photographs private.
I sent the email and almost as soon as it went out I received a one word answer, "Yes."
I grinned at her immediate and revealingly brief response. I'm sure that it must have been an evil grin. After all, what I was planning was terrible. I had every intention of blackmailing Karen and seeing if I could turn her into a sex slave until her husband returned from Iraq.
That wasn't my original intention when I took those photographs. But the plan quickly began to evolve.
I can't say that I was doing what I was doing to Karen without some nagging from my conscience. Unfortunately for her, as the hours passed and I got more involved in my little game, and as I contemplated how much fun it would be to have access to her beautiful body, my nagging conscience was getting easier and easier to ignore.
I can't look at that beautiful woman, picture her the way I saw her in that alley and not want her. Any man that can is gay.
Karen was a blonde in college. Since then she has allowed her hair to return to its original light brown color. Or at least I'm assuming what she has now is the original color. She's about five foot, four inches tall and probably weighs about a hundred and ten pounds. She's very slender with a nearly perfect body and long, shapely legs.
She has small breasts, probably an A cup. Certainly they were no more than just barely a B cup. That was fine with me. I've always been attracted to small breasted women. To me, small breasts seem more feminine, more petite. That isn't to say that I would ignore a set of large breasts leading some woman down the street. If I were to choose a woman based only on her breast size, though, and I don't, I would choose a woman with smaller breasts.
I sent her another email. I told her that she was to put on a dress, no underwear, and walk to the park that was several blocks from her home. She was to stand near the bandstand and wait for me.
I promised her that she would not be harmed. I reminded her that it was I who dressed her and drove her home after she was unfaithful to her husband on Friday night. If I wanted to harm her I could have done it then.
I told her to stand with her back towards the parking lot. I would approach her from behind when I arrived. I wasn't ready to allow her to see me yet, though I doubted that she would recognize me. Still, I was enjoying the idea that she had no idea who was tormenting her and that the suspense was killing her.
I ordered her to wait for me to come up behind her and that she was not to look around or I would leave and start emailing pictures of her all over the world.
I asked her if she agreed to comply with my instructions and she sent back another one word email, "Yes."
I went to my bedroom and grabbed the blindfold that I sometimes wear when I have been working all night and I have to sleep during the day. I got in my car, rushed to the park, and parked in the parking lot before she had time to get there on foot.
It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon. There were quite a few couples walking around the park or sitting on benches or on the grass relaxing. Fortunately I didn't see anyone on or near the bandstand at the moment.
I watched as Karen entered the park and without looking around walked over and stood near the bandstand. Even from behind I could see how nervous she was as she stood there and faced out into the park. I let her stand for a moment and just watched her. She's really beautiful. That, too, was obvious even from the back.
I let her stand that way for long enough that I was reasonably certain she was going to comply with my instructions. I noticed that she never turned her head, staring straight ahead as I ordered.
I got out of my car, walked quietly down the path and came up behind her. She heard me. I was walking quietly but I wasn't sneaking. She didn't turn around or speak. She waited for me to do something, or say something.
I stared at her for a moment. She was wearing a light sundress. It wasn't anything inordinately sexy, just a light, summery dress. I suppose that everything she wore must look sexy on her.
I stood three feet behind her for a moment, and then I said quietly, "I'm not ready for you to see me yet. I'm going to put a blindfold over your eyes. I promised you that I wouldn't harm you, and I won't. But that is the only promise that I'm making to you. Do you understand?"
She nodded.
I stepped up closer behind her, slid the blindfold over her eyes and made sure that it was in place. When I was certain that she couldn't see I stepped back again and watched her for a moment. I couldn't get over how beautiful she is. But it was her helplessness, her surrender that was turning me on.
I've never experienced that with another woman. I've made love to, or had sex with, quite a few women since Phil took me under his wing and dragged me out of my shell. Like most men, my sexual encounters have all been by mutual agreement, a tacit coming together to enjoy each other's company and each other's body for a brief sexual encounter intended to provide sexual satisfaction to both parties. That is definitely not what this was.
She was nervous and the silence and the darkness were making it worse. When I didn't immediately begin to speak, or to molest her, she seemed to grow more nervous. Finally she quietly asked for permission to speak.
"Go ahead," I said.
"Do I know you?" she asked.
"We've met," I answered. "It was a long time ago and I doubt if you would remember me."
She was silent for a moment and then she asked, "Did you rape me Friday night?"
"No," I answered. The truth of my answer must have been obvious in my voice. She seemed to accept it.
"Do you know those men?" she continued, trying to find out what happened.
"No, I never saw them before that night."
"But you know what happened? Don't you? You know that one of them must have drugged me and you know that they raped me in that alley, don't you?"
"Yes. I saw you in the club. I saw you dancing with one of them and I was sitting at the bar when he came up and got your drink. I saw him slip the drugs into your drink. I'm reasonably certain that if it had been anyone but you I would have interfered. I would have said something to you, or kicked his ass. Not for you, though."
"Why not for me?! What did I do to you?"
It sounded like she was going to start crying.
"Calm down," I said quietly. "Take a deep breath."
I watched her as she followed my instructions. When she seemed to have regained her composure I said, "There is something that happened in our past that I hold against you. To be honest, that's not why I am doing this. It was not my intention to blackmail you or torment you when I took those pictures.
"However, now that I have this power over you I have discovered that it turns me the fuck on. It's now my intention to abuse and humiliate you until your husband returns from overseas."
She sobbed then and pleaded, "Please, I don't deserve this! Just tell me what you want. Do what you are going to do and let's get this over with. But not like that! Not for almost a year!"
I made note of the fact that she did not refuse. She begged. But she didn't refuse.
"I may release you sooner."
I said it more to give her hope than from any possibility that I might tire of using her before her husband returns.
"But for the immediate future, the idea of using you really turns me on. Now lift the back of your dress, I want to see your ass."
I looked around before I gave that order. I knew that no one was near. No one was watching us.
But she didn't know that. Since I've already forced her to exhibit herself in the food court at the mall she had no idea who might be watching her now.
She hesitated only a second before reaching back and lifting the back of her dress up to her waist. She has a truly beautiful ass. It's high and tight and firm and smooth. I'm not a big fan of anal sex. If I was, her ass would be irresistible.
Of course I've already seen it. I got a good look at her naked body in the alley that night. But this time she was aware of it. This time she was being forced to show her ass to me and she was aware that I was looking at it. That made it a much more erotic sight.
I stepped closer again and my hand gently caressed her exposed ass for a moment. She flinched when my hand came into contact with her soft skin. But she didn't pull away. She didn't speak.
I moved my hand lightly over her exposed flesh. By the time I let her drop her skirt back into place my dick was so hard it hurt.
I told her that she has a beautiful ass. No doubt she was already aware of that fact. But how often do you get a chance to say that to a woman?
She had no response.
"I'm going to guide you up onto the bandstand now. I'm going to sit down and get comfortable. You're going to kneel between my legs, bare your breasts, and then you are going to suck my cock."
She gasped. But other than that she was quiet. She didn't beg. She didn't argue. She didn't refuse.
I continued, "I'm pretty horny. I've been looking at your pictures all weekend. After culling out the rejects I have nearly two hundred of them. You really excite me, Karen. So I expect that I'll cum pretty quickly. Once I have cum in your mouth you will swallow. I'll let you know when it's alright to cover your breasts."
She didn't say a word. She didn't resist me as I took her arm. I led her to the stairs that led up onto the bandstand. I guided her up the stairs and we crossed the bandstand. I pulled my zipper down, pulled out my very hard cock and sat down on the bench directly across from the stairs so that I could look out into the park and see if anyone was approaching.
I guided Karen to her knees between my legs and I watched as she unbuttoned the top of her dress, exposing her beautiful breasts. I touched them for a moment. I moved my finger tips over them and teased her nipples. They seemed to be very sensitive. Despite the nature of this meeting she seemed to be fighting to keep from reacting.
It occurred to me that she has been married for more than a year and is probably accustomed to a more regular sex life. Her husband has been overseas for a couple of months. She might be nearly as horny as I am.
I reluctantly removed my hands from her breasts. She took that as her cue. She put her arms out, feeling her way. Her arms came to rest on my thighs and she followed my thighs up to my exposed cock. She ran her fingers over my cock and it throbbed wildly at her touch. She took a deep breath as if to gather her strength. She moaned pitifully but then leaned down and took my cock into her mouth.
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This incident happened during my first year in college. It was a Thursday night, which meant that most people at my state school were out partying, drinking, and having a good time. Unfortunately, I had to take an exam the next day, so I was stuck in my dorm, studying.I was busy reading in my floor's common room until well after midnight, when all the students eventually returned from their nights of debauchery at one of the campus frat houses or wherever they had been. Most of them were, of...
I had known Tom for awhile now, we met at work. Over time, we all started to hang out. First a dinner, then bbqs on the weekends. He was married, and his wife, Jenny was a very attractive lady. So it was a surprise when she told my girlfriend that her and Tom had not had sex for years. “How could that be?” I asked my girlfriend, on the drive home. “I don’t know” she said, “but I think Jen is having an affair.” “She thinks Tom may even be Gay.” “Maybe Tom is just having an affair, too” I said....
So as you saw in the past episode I went to the stripper experience and I invited Alix Lynx And Anna Bell Peaks Back to my house for some late night fun. OMG they looked so good in those stripper outfits and my cock was so hard. Money can buy you anything so I asked them to suck my cock before bed and they went for it. Imagine two of your favorite pornstars looking up at you when they are sucking you off, well that’s was my amazing experience and I bust a fat load on those two sexy...
xmoviesforyouRose is almost finished at school. Shes knows me as her teacher. I have a second relation as birding friend.I take her on walks to watch them in private. I watch her as well secretly with my binoculars. It is number three.Rose knows now I watch her bedroom window at night and also I know her secret sex storie. It is number four.I slowly let her find out and want me. Rose finally gets what we want allthough it againts my will, become my love! Rose is cfirst only a long series of short sexy...
I made my way up the crowded hallway and into Mrs.Holloway's class and took my normal seat, the one in the back corner. I sat down and watched as everyone else entered the room, I was really just waiting for "HER." I waited and waited and waited some more, the classroom was practically filled now and my hopes of seeing "HER" were gashed. Mrs.Holloway walked to the door and began closing it, "Just my rotten luck," I thought. Suddenly a lone voice rang out in the empty halls, "Wait...
The girls had me washing their hair like it was some sort of odd punishment. I don’t get girls. While we were in the shower Paula and Lenny made a run on the pizza. When they said they were good the rest of us finished it off. I told the girls I was willing to braid their hair, which they seemed to have heard that I was actually pretty good at, if I got to pick the channel on TV. Not sure why they all rushed off upstairs. Must be a girl thing. I put a towel under me as I took the prime...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Haunted Woods I trembled beneath Argil, fear flooding through me. The barguest, in his human form, had me pinned to the ground. I shook my head. I couldn’t...
As if he were the kindest father on the block, Jim Simmons left his daughter writhing helplessly on the sofa and went into the kitchen to fix coffee for her and himself. When he returned with two cups, setting them down on the coffee table, Linda stared at him in disbelief. How could he be kind to her after what he did? "Have some coffee, baby," her father said casually, as if this were a normal morning. He sat on the edge of the sofa near Linda's feet and sipped from his cup. "Mmm,...
Hello to all sex story readers, Myself Choon. 26 Year old. Single. I’ve moved into a flat which is in a gated community in Hyderabad. It’s an amazing flat. No restrictions or surveillance. Calm and peaceful. I hook with a strange girl whom I’ve met on Tinder. We went to a pub. She had loads of drinks and completely out. I know my limits coz I need to drive again. So I’ve just stuck to a couple of drinks. While coming back I’ve stopped near a medical store where I’ve bought vibrating ring along...
The Article 5th July 2011 Amanda Jones third article in her series on the disciplinarian service offered by SDL and RDL, this time shadowing RDL disciplinarian Ruth Atkins. Ruth Atkins is 29 years old, slim, smartly dressed in a blue skirt that stopped just above the knee, a white short sleeved blouse, and a jacket. Quite the business woman actually. “I trained as a school teacher and was a firm believer in corporal punishment which I discovered if used correctly produced well behaved and...
Kathy Grainger lay sprawled in her lounge chair at the side of the pool at her apartment complex, relaxing as the midday sun worshipped her bikini clad body. She smiled to herself, thinking that the oral sex her boyfriend had given her just two hours ago had warmed her almost as much as the sun rays were doing. Two of her friends who shared an apartment in her complex approached. Dani, a blonde, sat down in a lounge chair beside Kathy. Her other friend, Sasha, took a seat on the other side of...
Oral SexThe young members of the group were upset and nervous, knowing something important was going on. I found I was exhausted and soon excused myself. A six-year old led me to a large, airy room, filled with bunk beds. "Here, Brother David," the young man said. "This bunk is empty." I thanked him, dropped my shoes and sat on the lower bunk. I looked around. I felt a lurch in my mind. Five young men shared this room, ages six and up? This wasn't good! I lay down, still dressed except for my...
I married my wife a little over 7 years ago and she had two daughters from a former marriage. Their names were Brenna, 12 years old and Stacy, 11 at the time. While things between my wife and myself were good at times, we also had our rough times. We did the best we could and I pretty much accepted the girls as my own. We did all the family things, took vacations, went out together and pretty much acted like a whole family. Things between my wife and I pretty much went south in the sex...
To Recap: Our heroine is failing at her goals to be a proper wife. After so much neglect, she is being exposed to more sex than she has in years, and she is starting to crumble. Her tormentors have included one of her high school students, her boss’s supervisor, and her next door neighbor, an obese Hispanic man named Roberto.Her husband, Dan, is aware of these, for the most part, though he has his own problems, as his career is in jeopardy for a failed performance. Forced to travel, he is away...
My migraine was out of control and I needed you to pick me up from work. The sexy gentleman that you are you arrived at work and rescued me from the place that was doing nothing but making my head so much worse. When we got to the car you opened the door and there in the seat was a pillow, sunglasses, a blanket, and a beautiful rose. I had to kiss you, leaning in close my hand on your hip to steady myself and to feel you body touching mine. You wrapped one arm around my waist supporting me and...
So first a bit of background knowledge, I'm a young man, late 20s living in china. I've always been a bit of an exhibitionist and wanted to try my hand at some nude photography. I advertised on several sites for photographers who want to use me as a model. Being in china there weren't many takers apart from afew gay men who clearly wanted to just get off to seeing me naked. I was at the point where I almost took one of them up on it. Until one day I got an email, it was from a Chinese woman...
Frought over his plan to pass the company-ordered urinalysis, Michael finished his preparations to head into work. Of course, while his idea even grossed him out, he could find no other way to satisfy what was going to be asked of him, and keep his secret alive. Michael got into work about 8 o'clock that morning and walked over to his desk. While he was booting up his computer, a man and a woman approached him from behind. "Mr. Collins?" the woman said. "Yes?" "I'm Janet...
Hi indian sex stories dot net friends I am Nikhil again, meri bahut sari stories upload ho chuki hai Indian Sex Stories dot net par, agar aap mere pehele ki stories padhna chahate hai to yeh link hai padhe aur maja le. Aaj main jo story share karne jaa raha hu usme main apko bataunga ki kaise meri ek choti si galti mere liye naya sex ka romance le aya. Padhe maja le ke hilaye ya ragade par like aur comment karna na bhule aur mujhse...
Liv Wild is a sexy schoolgirl that gets taught a lesson by Manuel! Liv is a Latin spinner wearing a plaid miniskirt with a tight white top, black stockings and a collar & tie. She makes her way down the stairs so she can tease Manuel with the petite body as he reaches out and explores her curves. He helps her pull her panties down to give us a great look at her young snatch then Liv fingers herself and licks her fingers clean. She makes her way down the stairs ad goes outside where Manuel...
xmoviesforyouDannye was my seventeen year old step-sister. She became my step-sister when my dad married Marianne, my new step mom. My real mother had abandoned our family for another guy, and while my mom and I were still close, that special bond we had never really solidified as I got into my teenage years, especially since her new husband didn’t want “bratty teenagers” around his house. I was happy when my dad married Marianne, because for the very first time in a long time, there wasn’t a lot of...
TabooTakashi stared silently for a moment then nodded silently, he reached up, yanking his bandages from his face and mumbled very simply, ‘Good, one less grave to dig.’ He silently stared, before considering, no doubt it’d be her first time, a gentle touch would be needed. He moved forward and placed his mouth over hers.Tomo’s first instinct was to pull away from the unfamiliar touch and feeling, but she kept herself where she was, feeling and learning the soft shift of his lips. Hesitantly, one of...
My girlfriend & I are both in our early 60s but we still are sexually active.We fuck every day but she refuses anal. I try but her arse is too small for my 9 incher. We recently moved into another village & were invited to a local pool party to meet our new nieghbours.Everything was going well until the drink came into play. Slowly. one by one the woman there started taking off their tops & showing off their floppy tits.Most of the folks there were also in their 60s so we felt well...
She was just walking off of the plane when she looked around and saw him. Her words couldn't express what she felt at this moment. She has waited long enough to finally see him and now he is right in front of her. She must be dreaming, she thought. He was wearing a scruffy beat up t-shirt and dark washed jeans. In his hands, he was holding a sign that read "Sarah." She couldn't help but think of him as her chauffeur, in his sexy suit uniform and the hat, when she started to run to him. "It's...
Love StoriesThe wedding took place a month later, held in the register office in Cairo. Commodore Silverman and his wife Doctor Helen Silverman, Cookie, and Prof with Barbara sporting an engagement ring. Ted Frazer, now a Lieutenant Colonel, and Bobby sporting a cast on his arm, learning later he was on sick leave due to run in with a German patrol. At the reception in the gardens of the Nile Palace Shaun thanked everyone for attending amid ribald remarks from Bobby and Cookie. At five the Commodore...
"I'm telling you the truth, auntie." Jordan rubbed his forehead as he sat at his aunt's kitchen table, pushing the mop of messy, matted, curly, mousy-brown hair out of his eyes. "If we have to stay in quarantine much longer, I swear I'll go out of my mind!" It had been fifty days since he'd had to abandoned his dormitory in New York City and take shelter with his aunt and his cousins in rural Massachusetts. Mary took a sip of her coffee and shrugged at her nephew. "I don't know what to...