DóchasChapter 5 free porn video

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Once outside they walked four abreast with Rusty in the middle and their arms intertwined. The view down the valley in the late evening light was picture perfect. The sun was just touching the edge of the cliffs at the end of the valley when they came to a small overlook. After pausing to look around, Sarah guided Rusty to sit in the middle of a bench. She then straddled his lap facing him so his cock lay nestled between her warm wet labia. Terry and Sally sat straddling the bench facing them placing their arms around them. All they heard were the faint sounds of animals foraging, the chirp of an insect or the leaves moving in the very light breeze. After a few moments Sarah said, "I have never felt as close to anyone as I do to each you."

"Well we could be a little closer if you rose up a bit and sat back down," said Rusty. "Two parts of us would be much closer, and mine would be very warm." The girls glanced down and saw the head of his cock peeking out between Rusty and Sarah causing them to laugh.

Sarah rose up to let his cock head slide between her labia and when it reached the mouth of her sheath, she slowly sat back down. She sighed and said, "Now that was an excellent idea. I hope we can talk now without me being too distracted. So, what are we going to do? I love all of you. My preference is for all of us to be together, including those who aren't awake yet. From my point of view, our group of eight is my family." A tear rolled down each cheek. "In a larger sense, that includes those at Bob and Nancy's as well, but I think you knew what I meant."

"I do and think that is true for me as well," responded Sally. "In the past, we've always been frank and open with each other, so I hope we continue that way. My preference is that we stay together. To me the questions boil down to: Should we stay here? If not where should we go? Back to Nancy and Bob's? Another location? Or, did I miss-read our situation?"

"Not from my perspective," replied Terry. "Even before this when we were at Nancy and Bob's, we stood out. Now we will really be noticeable. I am afraid it wouldn't take long before someone concluded that we were unnatural. This plus how much we now resemble each other adds to the curiosity. Undoubtedly some will associate our change in appearance with receiving a genetic virus treatment. Once the assertion was made, we would be potential targets for eco-terrorists, religious fanatics and general harassment. If we were at Nancy and Bob's, they would be at risk as well. Then again, perhaps no-one would notice."

"Looking at it from a strictly security issue, I think, as I said earlier our wisest choice is to stay here," said Rusty. "Although, the condition to do that was for us to help them repopulate their crew and, I am not the one carrying babies. I don't think we could find better health care. In light of what we have heard, felt and seen, this seems to be an ideal location. While it is isolated, it appears that we will have access to all the supplies we need. All of us have skills that allow us to work remotely, although promoting them and getting jobs maybe a challenge. One possibility is to start out working through N&R Security. To me, the key to us doing well while living so close together, is to have something to occupy our time besides babies and general chores. It should be possible to set up Internet access and voice communication. This access is a key aspect of working remotely and being successful. The one downside is that there are people who know of this location as they said they bought it from someone."

"I like the idea of staying, in fact, I think, I like the thought of carrying our babies," said Sarah. "I am not sure about letting them go to someone else to raise. I wonder, if between all of us, we couldn't raise them here and give them an education."

"Do you realize that in ten years we would have 120 children calling you three "Mother"?" asked Rusty, causing everyone to gasp. "And if those still recovering follow the same path, the numbers more than double. This is not considering whether Dorothy, Maria, or any others join us. That is a lot of children in 10 years at 2 sets of twins every year per woman."

"Wow," said Sarah.

"You think, they will join us here?" said Terry.

"Once they know about this place, I wouldn't bet against it," responded Rusty.

"Wait. Let's take this one step at a time," said Sally. "To me the children are a side issue, although an important one. First, I think, we know, we want to stay together. We suspect the other four will feel the same way. Realistically this location is our best choice, for the reasons Rusty pointed out, so we ought to stay. Now with respect to children, in the past I wasn't sure I wanted children, but by staying here, I'm now advocating having 40 or more. My uncertainty before was the thought of the responsibility of raising one by myself, as at that time I had not met any acceptable partners. Due to our relationship, that is no longer an issue. I like children very much. Just being around Janice and Thomas reminds me of how much I like them."

"I agree," said Terry, Sarah and Rusty together.

With progress on that decision out-of-the-way, they sighed as it felt like they were now on firmer ground.

Sally said, "We should raise the baby issue with Amy's group. If the babies remain here, then I suspect there is an optimum ratio between adults and children."


"You know," said Sarah. "Maybe I am obsessing, but I like the changes in me as well as the way you all look. I don't think, I would have done it on my own even if I knew it was possible. The idea of a mane or tail wouldn't have even been considered. I believe, I am comfortable with them, but I guess I'll really know when I meet those who knew me before."

"My thoughts as well," responded Sally. "Once things have settled down I would like to explore creating some symbol that shows we're a family unit. That is a discussion we should have utilizing our mind-link, so we clearly understand each other's feelings and ideas."

"You're thinking of something other than rings."

"Not sure. Even before the idea popped up from time to time but never progressed very far. I really liked the meaning we associated with wearing a collar during our show. For something to think about, and since we are naked nearly all the time, wouldn't body art be more appropriate?"

"Hm ... body art. I hadn't thought of that," responded Terry.

"So, you like our mind-link?" asked Sarah.

"Oh, Sarah, I think it is wonderful. Now I feel so much closer to all of you. Now I definitely know what I missed before. It will, I think, be a great benefit to us in the future." Everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"Did you notice that the sunset has been over for some time?"

"Yes and no. I can tell it is nearly dark but I can still see quite well."

"I wasn't sure what Betsy meant by a change in our vision, but now I know," said Sally. "It's different to when the sun is up but it is still easy to make out the detail."

"Do you think our ability to hear is more sensitive?" asked Terry.

"Why?" responded Rusty.

"Well to me I thought I heard more natural activity around us just as the sun was setting."

"I didn't notice so it didn't stand out for me."

"Come on let's go to bed. I want to try the dream walk again, but first there is something large pulsing in side of me that needs to be satisfied." Sarah began to slowly contract and relax the muscles of her sheath. This caused her vaginal muscles to ripple, caressing Rusty's cock. "Do you like that?"

"It's wonderful. Those balls really seem to have helped," said Rusty.

"What are you doing? What balls?" asked Terry.

"Remember Rusty gave me a set of Ben Wa balls when we did the show," responded Sarah. "I liked the way they felt so I wore them a lot. There was a loose weight inside them which added to their motion. The sensations were fantastic. After wearing them a while, the muscles in my sheath and pelvic strengthened. It also seemed like it helped me improve my control of them. When I was exploring my mind before Rusty woke, I found the spot that enhances active use of those muscles. I think I'll see if we can get another set."

"Probably a couple of sets. Can you show us how you control those muscles?"

"Sure it was pretty easy to do."

"I can see my tombstone now, 'Killed by a snapping pussy.'" They laughed. "Seriously it feels very good and you are about to receive your award." Just then Sarah moaned as she felt his cum. Her orgasm prompted Sally and Terry to sigh as they felt the sensations. They sat there with their arms around each other while Rusty and Sarah recovered.

"Sarah, when you stand up would you hold your labia together until I can cover it with my mouth," said Sally in a pleading voice.

"I wanted that for desert," said Terry with a whinny voice

"I spoke first," replied Sally sticking her tongue out and smiling. "Don't worry, I'll share," she added, as she moved quickly to kneel next to them, causing everyone to laugh. As Sarah stood up she tightened the muscles in her lower mouth as his cock slid out. As soon as it was out, Sally pressed her open mouth against Sarah's labia. She slid her tongue between the labia, to collect some cream then said, "I'm ready."

Sarah relaxed her muscles as Sally lightly sucked. When her mouth was full, she said, "Terry, my mouth is full and there is more." As she spoke Sally reached over and pulled Terry down next to her. Once Terry was in position, she quickly moved to the side. By the time, Terry had her mouth under Sarah's labia, cum was beginning to ooze out between them. Terry dutifully sucked then licked off anything remaining. While collecting the cum Sally managed to keep most of it in her mouth. When Terry finished, she turned to Sally then pressed their lips together. As they kissed, they opened mouths to share the cum then swallowed a small portion before separating. Then they kissed Sarah and Rusty, each time sharing some of the cream. After sharing kisses, they swallowed the rest.

"Guys, your mixed cum tastes very good," said Sally. "Good grief, Rusty you must have pumped a week's worth into her."

As they walked toward the house hand in hand, cream leaked down their legs. On entering the house, Donna said, "Guys, your larger suite is ready. It is near Sarah and Rusty's initial rooms and the door is open."

They went to the room. Terry exclaimed, "Yes, this is perfect and will easily accommodate all of us." Looking at one another, they chorused, "Thank you, Donna and friends." Then giggled.

Their interlude at the overlook had left them feeling very relaxed. After freshening up they laid down and cuddled up to each other. Sleep quickly overtook them as it had been a busy day, and they were tired.

They slept for several hours before Sarah and Rusty began their dream walk. If someone looked in their room at that time, except for increased eye and facial movements, they would appear to be asleep. As their dream began, Sarah and Rusty kissed then they kissed Sally and Terry. Holding hands they proceeded down the path opening before them. They soon realized they were in their favorite meadow near the main house on Nancy and Bob's estate. Vignettes of their times in this meadow surfaced briefly. After looking around, they moved toward the buildings then went through them. In each, they noted the changes and additions. Two strangers were sitting in the office monitoring the alarm console. Pausing they studied the console and noted how much more automated it was. There were more cameras and sensors covering the grounds.

The lights in the house were off when they entered. First they went to their rooms. They looked like just like they remembered leaving them. It was obvious that they had been cleaned and dusted. They felt a sense of sadness in the empty rooms and by extension in their friends.

Sarah turned and led them to Bob and Nancy's bedroom. After passing through the door, they saw Nancy, Alice, Susan, Julia, Stan and Bob sleeping, cuddled together on the large bed. It reminded them of the way they slept. The changes in Julia and Nancy that Betsy mentioned were obvious. They thought there were some changes in Bob as well although the way they were laying made it hard to tell.

Sarah reached out with Rusty to examine their thoughts without disturbing them. After a quick look, they took a moment to push to them a feeling that they were okay. Together they then focused on giving Nancy a dream of a possible future. Initially she seemed startled, but then relaxed as her dream began unfolding. In it, with Rusty by her side, Sarah spoke answering questions she had about them and included views of the others. Nancy seemed to sense differences in Sarah, but this was over ridden by her desire to know how they were. Sarah closed the dream with the idea that an opportunity would soon arrive in the form of a project at a remote location. It would be to configure surveillance and security systems covering a large area and would need everyone's assistance. As they backed away from the dream, she emphasized that all of them were to take part in the project.

The four slowly pulled back from their dream walk. Sarah woke momentarily and said, "Donna can you place a gallon of our milk in Nancy's refrigerator?"

"I'll check."

"If you can put a note on it saying, "Drink this, then you will know. By the taste you should know who sent this. It was more than a dream." Then sign it, "From your friends.""

"Okay. Sleep well."

Rusty woke at day-break with a stiff morning cock and a full bladder. He gently tried to extract himself from the group without waking them up. Before he could reach the edge of the bed the women were stirring. Looking at them he could tell that their breasts were very full.

By the time he had used the toilet, everyone was up and moving around. Rusty moved to his exercise bench and started his exercises. As each of the women used the facilities, they went to their benches. Once in position, they started their exercises and released their milk. When the exercises were finished, they went to shower. Just before entering the showers, Rusty gathered the group in a hug. As he pulled them close and he linked with them. "Good morning. I love all of you. You make every day worth living. Last night was exciting and disturbing at the same time, but my instinct tells me we all will be together again very soon." He kissed each in turn.

"Good morning, husband." They chorused together then laughed.

"Good morning, my beautiful wives." His joy of being with them was clear by the expression on his face, the light in his eyes and the sensations they felt.

As they finished their showers, Donna said, "Jim and Amy would like to meet them right after breakfast."


"Would you guys assist your sleeping friends with their morning routine? Dorothy and Maria went to assist Jim's group and it doesn't look like they will be back in time."

"Donna, is anything wrong?" asked Sarah.

"Only in that when Erica reached Sylvia's farm, she immediately summoned assistance. Jim went with 2 drones and 4 androids. Later Amy sent a shuttle from here with Dorothy and Maria. So I don't know if 'wrong' is the correct word."

"Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help. You will need to monitor us as we assist our sleeping friends, as only Rusty and I have been through the routine and then only once."

"Sarah, I will monitor you just as I do Dorothy and Maria. This is to document their care, but I think with your experience the four of you will have no problems. Can you hold off on breakfast until this is done?"

"Yes and no. Coffee would taste great along with a bit of fruit beforehand," said Rusty. "That shouldn't delay us very much."

"Okay. The coffee is ready now, as I anticipated that. There is fruit in the walk-in. Oh, Jim just indicated he will be back shortly. He asked if he can meet with you at breakfast."

"Of course," they replied.

After their coffee and fruit, they helped their friends through the morning routine of exercising, letting their milk down, eating and freshening up.

"Now I know why this felt so familiar," said Sally when they were part way through. "It's what we did when we were asleep."

"Yes," replied Donna. "The routines are very similar but there are small nuances due individual differences. It is those differences that have kept Dorothy and Maria on their toes. I expect Jill and Janet will be ready to wake in a few days, perhaps sooner. Perhaps Judy as well, as she is progressing more rapidly since her recent contact with you all. This is also true for Joyce. You must all be healers or magicians."

"How can they do the things, they do without waking?" asked Terry.

"They are brought up to a light sleep so they can let down their milk, eat and exercise. The first few sessions are the most challenging because their care giver is teaching them what to do. When they lay back down, they go back into a very deep sleep. This lets all the food intake go to fixing their bodies."

"So it's like sleep walking."

"That sounds right, but that is a term I am not familiar with."

Sarah added, "Terry, from my understanding I think that is a good approximation."

When they were back in the kitchen Sally said, "You know I would really like a big hot breakfast this morning. I'm hungry and I feel we will need all the energy we can get."

Sarah looked thoughtfully at her. "Good idea."

"Well after our intense exercise last night, I am hungry."

"Okay, Rusty, can chop some peppers, ham and onions for the omelets," said Sally. "Terry you fix the biscuits Sarah and I will prepare the potatoes and cook the omelets." Just then her stomach growled causing everyone to laugh as they moved to start their tasks.

Breakfast was ready before the biscuits were done. As they finished their preparations, two columns of blue light began to shimmer by the doorway signaling the arrival of Jim and Amy. Today they were naked.

"Would you two like an omelet?" Asked Sally.

"We've never had one," said Amy. "We would like to join you."

"Okay with us. We'll fix you one as it won't take long. If you don't like it, I'm sure as hungry as we are, it will be eaten."

While they were talking, Sarah and Rusty noticed how much Jim and Amy resembled them, although Amy's breasts were not as large, and her muscle tone was more apparent. Their mane and tail resembled theirs. Sarah went over and touched Amy and Jim. The touch caused a feeling of warmth flow into her. Her nipples and labia swelled some indicating a growing arousal. Sarah shuddered as she felt other sensations. Amy turned and looked into her eyes. With their eyes locked, Sarah heard Amy say, "Go slowly. There is much we need to share but we, Jim and I, can't let it overwhelm you." Just then Sarah sat down breaking eye contact, reducing their beginning mind-link. Everyone in the room had felt Sarah mind-link with Amy.

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At the Pool

I've been looking to work out a bit more, maybe shed a couple extra pounds and to generally feel better. So in my efforts, I've started heading back to the pool to swim laps before work. I've always loved the water, and always thought of myself as a bit of a water baby. To make things faster and easier, I always put my suit on before leaving the house and just through on a pair of sweats and a hoodie.I get to the pool and head to the change rooms to score myself a locker and drop my stuff. I'd...

2 years ago
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Unto the Gates of Poazach

********************************** Hi Everyone, votes and comments are really appreciated so I can get an idea of what I’m doing right and wrong. I’m just trying to find a niche who can agree that they like my style. ********************************** UNTO THE GATES OF POAZACH: PART I: The Argument of the Moralists ‘What? This is a travesty of justice, an abomination of the moral code! You cannot twist our values so that we might sacrifice the woods! Have you any conception of the horror...

3 years ago
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Cock Worship

I've said it before and i'll say it again. I love sucking cock.The feel of a man's hardness filling my mouth is one of the best pleasures of life. Some times I like it rough, to have him use my face, my only purpose an object for him to thrust into in order to orgasm. Other times I lovingly suck him, getting him to his full size before penetrating me. There is simply no limit to how many different ways I can enjoy sucking his cock, but I think my favourite is to tease, to worship, praising his...

2 years ago
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Busting Sexy Niece

Hi, My Name is Sahil. I am now 40 year old. This is a story about me and my niece Vanshani who is now my wife. I am living in Florida, USA. Me and my wife were moved to Florida when I was 30 year old. My wife was youngest child in her family. She has one two older brothers. Her oldest brother had a daughter, Vanshani who was 21 year old. It was winter break in her college when Vanshani came to Florida. I went to air port to pick her up. I was seeing her first time after three years. When I saw...

1 year ago
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Posted an ad to host a couple and watch It Worked

The ad reads: If you are a couple in need (MF, FF) of a friendly place to be together, and don’t mind someone watching you while you do it, I can host you during the morning or early afternoon hours. I can provide light refreshments, a comfortable house, DVD, TV, beds and shower. If you don’t want to spend money on a hotel, and like the idea of being watched, then please think about it. I will not get involved at all other then maybe some self-gratification which I can do clothed. 2 days later...

4 years ago
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Long Awaited Love

With a start I wake up, sweat soaking through his tattered old t-shirt. I look around my pitch black bedroom, my eyes lingering over the right side of the bed, where he should be. The room lights up with a strike of lightening and the house seems to shake with the following rumble of thunder. I tug the string on my bedside lamp, but the power seems to be out. With a sigh, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and slip on a pair of gym shorts that I left on the floor yesterday. I traipse...

2 years ago
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Twin Switch Chpt 610

Again this is a fictional story and should never be practiced in real life. Age brackets and plot of this story were developed by Salon Fetish. If you do not like severe female domination don't read! I appreciate comments both good and bad as long as the commenter understands that this is fiction. I would never condone such actions in real life but the fantasies are different. Downloads are permitted for personal use only and any other use or republication is strictly forbidden. I may...

2 years ago
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Her first gangbang Part 1

Hi, I am writing after a long time and this time I was inspired by someone who wrote about her sexual experiences here. And this is about how reading a sexstory on ISS I was moved to share my girlfriend Roshni for a groupsex. For a quick recap, Roshni (name changed), is a busty slut. Her vital stats are to die for; 36-32-38. She has had but never before had she gone for a groupsex. So the other day I was reading a very dirty story on how a woman was turned into a slut by men who forced her...

1 year ago
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Brother and Sister Discover Eachother

My name is Josh and I’m 15 years old. I’m about 6 foot and well built with a 9 inch dick with a 7 inch girth. I have a younger brother, Matt, at 12 years old. I have one sister, Ashley, who is also 15. I never really paid that much attention to her when she was younger until now because she has a perfect body with nice sized tits and a nice round ass. My story starts when our parents went on a weeklong vacation leaving us at home alone. They felt it was ok because we were both perfect student....

2 years ago
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Battlemage Book 8 Origins and Dark RevelationsChapter 11

First thing Aric noticed was that he heard a soft crackling fire as he tried to open his eyes. The pain was extremely intense behind his eyes and it felt like someone was trying to beat their way out from inside his head for a few moments. Taking a couple deep breathes he tried to move again, and even though the pain was just as intense, he found he could start to sit up. The thick blanket that was over him fell away and he realized that it felt as if he was on top of a couple more blankets...

1 year ago
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Another Day With Drugged Mom

Thank you to all the readers for liking my first story, “Day with drugged mom”. As I had told that my mom had become pregnant after my first sexual encounter with her. After 9 months, a baby boy had been born, though I had no idea if it was my brother or my son. 6minths had passed since my brother’s ( as I would call him in this story), was born, my mom’s body seemed to respond in all nice ways. Due to her regular breastfeeding of my brother, her breasts had become enlarged and she used to wear...

2 years ago
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The Bradley BunchChapter 2 The Kids

Christopher Taylor was uncertain about his new, blended family. Before, he had been the only boy in the house, now there were two others, plus a new dad. It was hard enough to be sixteen years old and gay, but to be suddenly thrust into a home with three hot guys—two new step-brothers and a step-father—was frustrating. He knew his new step-brothers from high school and they were straight jocks, always dogging after the girls. At least Michael Bradley, the older one, was. Evan, a couple years...

3 years ago
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Megan woke up without knowing where she was. It was dark and humid and the floor felt cold and wet against her back. There was a soft light coming from the ceiling but it was different from the normal radiance of a light bulb. She looked more carefully, realizing that the light was coming from some sort of worm attached to a stone wall. Megan was in a cave! What happened? She thought, bringing one hand to her forehead. She wondered how she got here. The last thing she remembered was...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Girlfriend

Hi my name is Santosh, height 5.6” n athletic figure. My girlfriend’s name is Suji (name changed) she has a figure of 34-30-36. She got round breast n brown nipples and a round shaped hip and cleaned pussy and waxed body. One day my girlfriend asked me to come to her home as soon as possible. I reached her home as quickly as possible. I rang the bell she opened the door. She was wearing a green anarkali dress. She smiled and greeted me. And then asked me to come inside quickly and she shut the...

1 year ago
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My First Trip to Africa

When I began my fund raising for my trip to Africa I asked a question. Is a dream a lie if it don’t come true? Now, I’ll admit that I took that straight from a song (The River, Bruce Springsteen) but it seemed fitting at the time. Since my trip my motto has changed. Those of you who have received e-mails will no longer see the Springsteen quote, but a sad statistical fact. One child dies in Africa every three seconds. Think about it. Count that out for a minute, click your fingers every three...

2 years ago
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The week gets better still Pt 4

Introduction: what a way to have fun, I woke to feel the bed moving slowly, Grant was spooning Liz and fucking her from behind, we played for a short while, licking and kissing one another, all still sexually content from yesterday, but horny, I knew Grant had most likely started to fuck her because of his morning woody, and was warming her up for the days fun, so I pulled Liz into the shower, soaped her up a bit, then I got her to kneel down, and saw Grant with cock in hand, I said how would...

3 years ago
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Drawn to YouChapter 19

Belle and Jeffrey made love. Their lovemaking was slow and passionate in ways and hard and lustful in other ways. It was perfect, she thought. Everything she wanted and needed. Finally they got out of bed and dressed. They realized that they needed sustenance because of their exertions. Belle quickly telephoned work stating that she was going to visit Jeffrey's work site for some last-minute double-checks. Jeffrey was fielding phone calls and all the while they were working together in the...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Vanessa Sky What Does My Stepdad Do

When Vanessa Sky comes home from college for the summer to stay with her mother she finally gets to spend quality time with her new stepfather. Her mother recently remarried after a whirlwind romance so other than a few pictures she saw of the man she knew nothing about him. Yet his face was so familiar to young Vanessa. Why did she feel like she had met this man before. Then it hit her. Her mother had married a former porn actor the world renowned Steve Holmes. After quickly overcoming the...

2 years ago
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Introducing Thomas Brown Ep 3

There were no cracks in the ceiling of Thomas Brown’s bedroom to conveniently draw her eye. So she simply stared up at the expanse of white emptiness, wondering at the strange turns life sometimes took. She sifted through her memories, trying to pinpoint a moment, an event where she could say ‘aha!’ that was when the path to this place was irrevocably set, if she hadn’t chosen that action at that time she would not be here, staring up at her ex-fiancé’s ceiling, his heavy body smothering hers,...

2 years ago
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Lady CharlotteChapter 7

Anna was confused. Part of her dreaded going to Lord Michael’s library, the other part was excited. She never had been exposed much to boys or men, her father protecting her, almost too much. Lord Michael had ignited something in her with his dominant personality. There she said it, dominant. If that was true, then she was either submissive or docile. Sexually docile. Strange thoughts raced through her mind, Lord Michael taking advantage of her body like he did yesterday, masturbating his...

1 year ago
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Angies An AdultChapter 6

"Well?" Miles Sloane asked somewhat impatiently, as his daughter Angie and his wife Pamela left the bathroom at the Sloane house, where they decided to gather this time. "It's official. You're a grandpa!" Angie shouted excitedly, kissing her own father on the lips with more than a hint of tongue. "How does that feel, baby, to know that this might be your child as well as your grandchild?" Pamela, herself pregnant now with Sven's baby, teased her hubby, "I frankly hope that it is....

3 years ago
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Persephone in Winter Chapter 111

Chapter 1It wasn't quite as though she was cheating. He had known for some time. And she knew he knew. She couldn't help crying out a bit louder when she came. She had always been quiet, her small throaty moan rising on those few special occasions when she seemed especially wet.Now she came with mouth wide open, filling the darkened bedroom with unfamiliar words, telling him over and over how she wanted him, how she loved his cock inside her. When she straddled him and played with her breasts,...

Wife Lovers
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Magnificently Lusftul Seven Ch 1

Rathgar groaned in pleasure, his muscular arms wrapping around Shakara’s toned body. Both of them warriors, Rathgar’s and Shakara’s muscles rippled and flexed as their bodies slammed together over and over again. Shakara faced the wall of the tiny cottage, her hands pressed firmly against it as Rathgar penetrated her from behind. Her long, blonde hair, usually tied into a tight braid to signify her female warrior status, hung wild and disheveled in front of her beautiful, twisted face. ...

2 years ago
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The Other Side of Crash Course

Author’s note: this is a true story. I never thought that I could ever want something so much or so hard, literally. I had known Ashley for about six months at the time and god did I want to make her mine. I mean I had thought about girls before, but never like this. I had seen her around campus a few times and a friend of mine introduced us one time, but I hadn’t seen her for a while since then. She was the epitome of any straight guy’s dream girl, and I’m totally serious. She wasn’t just...

1 year ago
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Renee adds to our Marriage

Like I said we were not compatible in the bedroom. I always felt there was something wrong or missing. So it was not a real surprise to me when she dropped a loaded question on me one day 3 years ago. “Dick,” she asked, “as you know I have got to know a woman on line very well. We have been talking for the past year; she is married but is not happy and wants out of her marriage. We have become very close and I want to have a relationship with her. She wants to leave her husband and move...

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Inkaar Karti Payal Ko Itna Seduce Kiya K Usne Meri Bajaa Daali

Hi to all..Me rajkot gujarat se hu..28 saal..Average looking middle class average guy..With thick and a bit long dick..Story desi english me likhi he taaki aap ko mazaa aaye..My partners name is payal.. Aap bhabhi ho to aap ke liye wo payalbhabhi.. Aunty ho to payalaunty.. Girl ho to payal..Esa isliye k aap ko mazaa aaye.. Saamne vaale ko agar mazaa aaya to aap ka kaam ho jayega.. Wo khush ho kar jaisa aap bologe waisa karega hi.. Der lagti he.. Lekin milta zaroor he.. Payal or me whatsapp or...

3 years ago
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House Girl IXSri Lanka

On the tarmac waited my CIA provided driver and car, a black Mercedes S500 with heavily tinted windows. Bulletproof, undoubtedly. Rick introduced us: “Dr. David, this is Shaw.” I reached out and shook his hand, transferring a flood of nanobots onto his skin and they immediately began burrowing into his pores, infesting his bloodstream and connecting him to my neural network. “Glad to meet you Shaw. Do you know where we’re headed?” “Yes sir. The drive will take less than an...

2 years ago
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Navsari ki Nisha

sab iss padhane walo ko mere land ka salaam. ye meri paheli story hai to mein aap logoki (Khas karke larkio ki) prati kriya jaanne ke liye bekarar hu. aap log mera contact par kar sakte hain. main navsari ke pas ek gaon ka rahne wala hu. mera naam sanjay hai. meri umar 25 saal ki hai. ye ek sachchi kahani hai. mere ghar ke samne hi ek larki rahti hai, jiska naam nisha hai. wo 24 saal ki ladki hai, are larki kya ye to etom bomb thi. wo bachpan se mere saath hi padhati thi. hum dono saath me hi...

1 year ago
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New Beginnings Pt 3 Ch 05

Elaine, Marla and Annalisa watched joyously as the inner doors to the gigantic vacuum chamber swung open to admit the very first spaceship ever to come from Earth. They had flown straight up for several miles in order to view this momentous first entry. It had been an easy flight in the null gravity above Northern Depot. Although the enormous space doors opened quite rapidly, the winged girls were so far away that the entrance seemed to be opening inch by laborious inch, creeping wider and...

3 years ago
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Digital Manipulation

I wanted him from the moment I saw his hands resting on the counter that rainy Friday afternoon at the pharmacy. They were neither callused, like a construction worker’s, nor effete. His nails showed no signs of the dirt or grease that would evince a farmer or mechanic. They were trimmed to the quick, but the beds were long—a perfect end to the shapely fingers they capped. He waited patiently for his purchases to be rung, tapping his fingertips in time to the inoffensively boring music that...

2 years ago
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Midnight on the Road to Nowhere

It was already past ten on a quiet Tuesday night when the small bell that hung on the back of the office door rang, causing Carolyn Hendricks to look up from the textbook she’d been reading. The short haired brunette’s first thought on hearing the sound was that her relief had come in extra early tonight. That notion instantly faded, however, when she saw the tall, caramel-skinned woman coming in from the rain. Carolyn didn’t need to wonder long what had brought the unexpected arrival to the...

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Stigmata Martydom Ch 03

4. Ben stared at the poster awestruck. He held the poster in his hand as he slowly walked down the street. Where was he, this man who could heal any wounds? He had to get to work, the newspaper archives might have some information on this man. He headed to the printing press. It was a few blocks away in the brick covered city. The sun was beginning to come into full dawn lighting up the sky with both majesty and beauty as it did. He saw the small building that was right in the middle of the...

4 years ago
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Dau was Made for Sex 2

*****My thoughts, that morning, turned to Sharon. I had promised to call her early this week so we could get together and I could keep her company while she nursed her broken leg. I picked up my mobile phone and called her."I'm sorry I haven't been in touch sooner but my brother David is here for a few days and I've been a little busy looking after him." "Is he the handsome one or the dead gorgeous one?" Sharon asked with a giggle."Whichever one you want him to be," I replied laughing. "When...

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