Madison,Wisconsin free porn video

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Every one of her stories reminded him of one of his own. She was an organizer and so was he and they’d been through practically the same shit. They drank gallons of coffee afterward, getting chucked out when the restaurant closed and migrating to a cafe on the main drag where they had low tables and sofas, and they never stopped talking.
“You know,” Hilda said, stretching and yawning, “it’s coming up on four AM.”
“No way,” he said, but his watch confirmed it. “Christ.” He tried to think of a casual way of asking her to sleep with him. For all their talking, they’d hardly touched on romance—or maybe there’d been romance in every word.
“I’ll walk you to your hotel,” she said.
“Hey, that’s really nice of you,” he said. His voice sounded fakey and forced in his ears. All of a sudden, he wasn’t tired at all, instead his heart was hammering in his chest and his blood sang in his ears.
There was hardly any talk on the way back to the hotel, just the awareness of her steps and his in time with one another over the cold late-winter streets. No traffic at that hour, and hardly a sound from any of the windows they passed. The town was theirs.
At the door to his hotel—another stack of the ubiquitous capsules, these geared to visiting parents—they stopped. They were looking at one another like a couple of googly-eyed kids at the end of a date in a sitcom.
“Um, what’s your major?” he said.
“Pure math,” she said.
“I think I know what that is,” he said. It was freezing out on the street. “Theory, right?”
“Pure math as opposed to applied math,” she said. “Do you really care about this?”
“Um,” he said. “Well, yes. But not very much.”
“I’ll come into your hotel room, but we’re not having sex, OK?”
“OK,” he said.
There was room enough for the two of them in the capsule, but only just. These were prefabbed in bulk and they came in different sizes—in the Midwest they were large, the ones stacked up in San Francisco parking spots were small. Still, he and Hilda were almost in each other’s laps, and he could smell her, feel wisps of her hair tickling his ear.
“You’re really nice,” he said. Late at night, his ability to be flippant evaporated. He was left with simple truths, simply declared. “I like you a lot.”
“Well then you’ll have to come back to Madison and check in on the ride, won’t you?”
“Um,” he said. He had a planning meeting with Luke and the rest of his gang the next day, then he was supposed to be headed for Omaha, where Tjan had set up another crew for him to speak to. At this rate, he would get back to Florida some time in June.
“Perry, you’re not a career activist, are you?”
“Nope,” he said. “I hadn’t really imagined that there was such a thing.”
“My parents. Both of them. Here’s what being a career activist means: you are on the road most of the time. When you get on the road, you meet people, have intense experiences with them—like going to war or touring with a band. You fall in love a thousand times. And then you leave all those people behind. You get off a plane, turn some strangers into best friends, get on a plane and forget them until you come back into town, and then you take it all back up again.
“If you want to survive this, you’ve got to love that. You’ve got to get off a plane, meet people, fall in love with them, treasure every moment, and know that moments are all you have. Then you get on a plane again and you love them forever. Otherwise, every new meeting is sour because you know how soon it will end. It’s like starting to say your summer-camp goodbyes before you’ve even unpacked your duffel-bag. You’ve got to embrace—or at least forget—that every gig will end in a day or two.”
Perry took a moment to understand this, swallowed a couple times, then nodded. Lots of people had come in and out of his factory and his ride over the years. Lester came and went. Suzanne was gone. Tjan was gone but was back again. Kettlebelly was no longer in his life at all, a ghost of a memory with a great smile and good cologne. Already he was forgetting the faces in Boston, the faces in San Francisco. Hilda would be a memory in a month.
Hilda patted his hand. “I have friends in practically every city in America. My folks campaigned for stem cells up and down every red state in the country. I even met superman before he died. He knew my name. I spent ten years on the road with them, back and forth. The Bush years, a couple years afterward. You can live this way and you can be happy, but you’ve got to have right mind.
“What it means is you’ve got to be able to say things to people you meet, like, ‘You’re really nice,’ and mean it, really mean it. But you’ve also got to be cool with the fact that really nice people will fall out of your life every week, twice a week, and fall back into it or not. I think you’re very nice, too, but we’re not gonna be a couple, ever. Even if we slept together tonight, you’d be gone tomorrow night. What you need to ask yourself is whether you want to have friends in every city who are glad to see you when you get off the plane, or ex-girlfriends in every city who might show up with their new boyfriends, or not at all.”
“Are you telling me this to explain why we’re not going to sleep together? I just figured you were dating that guy, Ernie.”
“Ernie’s my brother,” she said. “And yeah, that’s kind of why I’m telling you this. I’ve never gone on what you might call a date. With my friends, it tends to be more like, you work together, you hang out together, you catch yourself looking into one another’s eyes a couple times, then you do a little circling around and then you end up in your bed or their bed having hard, energetic sex and then you sort out some details and then it lasts as long as it lasts. We’ve done a compressed version of that tonight, and we’re up to the sex, and so I thought we should lay some things on the table, you should forgive the expression.”
Perry thought back to his double-date with Lester. The girl had been pretty and intelligent and would have taken him home if he’d made the least effort. He hadn’t, though. This girl was inappropriate in so many ways: young, rooted to a city thousands of miles from home—why had he brought her back to the hotel?
A thought struck him. “Why do you think I’m going to be getting on and off planes for the rest of my life? I’ve got a home to get to.”
“You haven’t been reading the message boards, have you?”
“Which message boards?”
“For ride-builders. There are projects starting up everywhere. People like what they’ve heard and what they’ve seen, and they remember you from the old days and want to get in on the magic you’re going to bring. A lot of us know each other anyway, from other joint projects. Everyone’s passing the hat to raise your airfare and arguing about who’s sofa you’re going to stay on.”
He’d known that they were there. There were always message-boards. But they were just talk—he never bothered to read them. That was Lester’s job. He wanted to make stuff, not chatter. “Jesus, when the hell was someone going to tell me?”
“Your guy in Boston, we’ve been talking to him. He said not to bug you, that you were busy enough as it is.”
He did, did he? In the old days, Tjan had been in charge of planning and he’d been in charge of the ideas: in charge of what to plan. Had they come full circle without him noticing? If they had, was that so bad?
“Man, I was really looking forward to spending a couple nights in my own bed.”
“Is it much more comfortable than this one?” She thumped the narrow coffin-bed, which was surprisingly comfortable, adjustable, heated, and massaging.
He snorted. “OK, I sleep on a futon on the floor back home, but it’s the principle of the thing. I just miss home, I guess.”
“So go home for a couple days after this stop, or the next one. Charge up your batteries and do your laundry. But I have a feeling that home is going to be your suitcase pretty soon, Perry my dear.” Her voice was thick with sleep, her eyes heavy-lidded and bleary.
“You’re probably right.” He yawned as he spoke. “Hell, I know you’re right. You’re a real smarty.”
“And I’m too tired to go home,” she said, “so I’m a smarty who’s staying with you.”
He was suddenly wide awake, his heart thumping. “Um, OK,” he said, trying to sound casual.
He turned back the sheets, then, standing facing into the cramped corner, took off his jeans and shoes and socks, climbing in between the sheets in his underwear and tee. There were undressing noises—exquisite ones—and then she slithered in behind him, snuggled up against him. With a jolt, he realized that her bare breasts were pressed to his back. Her arm came around him and rested on his stomach, which jumped like a spring uncoiling. He felt certain his erection was emitting a faint cherry-red glow. Her breath was on his neck.
He thought about casually rolling onto his back so that he could kiss her, but remembered her admonition that they would not be having sex. Her fingertips traced small circles on his stomach. Each time they grazed his navel, his stomach did a flip.
He was totally awake now, and when her lips very softly—so softly he barely felt it—brushed against the base of his skull, he let out a soft moan. Her lips returned, and then her teeth, worrying at the tendons at the back of his neck with increasing roughness, an exquisite pain-pleasure that was electric. He was panting, her hand was flat on his stomach now, gripping him. His erection strained toward it.
Her hips ground against him and she moved her mouth toward his ear, nipping at it, the tip of her tongue touching the whorls there. Her hand was on the move now, sliding over his ribs, her fingertips at his nipple, softly and then harder, giving it an abrupt hard pinch that had some fingernail in it, like a bite from little teeth. He yelped and she giggled in his ear, sending shivers up his spine.
He reached back behind him awkwardly and put his hand on her ass, discovering that she was bare there, too. It was wide and hard, foam rubber over steel, and he kneaded it, digging his fingers in. She groaned in his ear and tugged him onto his back.
As soon as his shoulders hit the narrow bed, she was on him, her elbows on his biceps, pinning him down, her breasts in his face, fragrant and soft. Her hot, bare crotch ground against his underwear. He bit at her tits, hard little bites that made her gasp. He found a stiff nipple and sucked it into his mouth, beating at it with his tongue. She pressed her crotch harder against his, hissed something that might have been yesssss.
She straightened up so that she was straddling him and looking imperiously down on him. Her braids swung before her. Her eyes were exultant. Her face was set in an expression of fierce concentration as she rocked on him.
He dug his fingers into her ass again, all the way around, so that they brushed against her labia, her asshole. He pulled at her, dragging her up her body, tugging her vagina toward his mouth. Once she saw what he was after, she knee-walked up the bed in three or four quick steps and then she was on his face. Her smell and her taste and her texture and temperature filled his senses, blotting out the room, blotting out introspection, blotting out everything except for the sweet urgency.
He sucked at her labia before slipping his tongue up her length, letting it tickle her ass, her opening, her clit. In response, she ground against him, planting her opening over his mouth and he tongue-fucked her in hard, fast strokes. She reached back and took hold of his cock, slipping her small, strong hand under the waistband of his boxers and curling it around his rigid shaft, pumping vigorously.
He moaned into her pussy and that set her shuddering. Now he had her clit sucked into his mouth and he was lapping at its engorged length with short strokes. Her thighs were clamped over his ears, but he could still make out her cries, timed with the shuddering of her thighs, the spasmodic grip on his cock.
Abruptly she rolled off of him and the world came back. They hadn’t kissed yet. They hadn’t said a word. She lay beside him, half on top of him, shuddering and making kittenish sounds. He kissed her softly, then more forcefully. She bit at his lips and his tongue, sucking it into her mouth and chewing at it while her fingernails raked his back.
Her breathing became more regular and she tugged at the waistband of his boxers. He got the message and yanked them off, his cock springing free and rocking slightly, twitching in time with his pulse. She smiled a cat-ate-the-canary grin and went to work kissing his neck, his chest—hard bites on his nipples that made him yelp and arch his back—his stomach, his hips, his pubes, his thighs. The teasing was excruciating and exquisite. Her juices dried on his face, the smell caught in his nose, refreshing his eros with every breath.
Her tongue lapped eagerly at his balls like a cat with a saucer of milk. Long, slow strokes, over his sack, over the skin between his balls and his thighs, over his perineum, tickling his ass as he’d tickled hers. She pulled back and spat out a pube and laughed and dove back in, sucking softly at his sack, then, in one swift motion, taking his cock to the hilt.
He shouted and then moaned and her head bobbed furiously along the length of his shaft, her hand squeezing his balls. It took only moments before he dug his hands hard into the mattress and groaned through clenched teeth and fired spasm after spasm down her throat, her nose in his pubes, his cock down her throat to the base. She refused to let him go, swirling her tongue over the head while he was still super-sensitive, making him grunt and twitch and buck involuntarily, all the while her hand caressing his balls, rubbing at his prostate over the spot between his balls and his ass.
Finally she worked her way back up his body licking her lips and kissing as she went.
“Hello,” she said as she buried her face in his throat.
“Wow,” he said.
“So if you’re going to be able to live in the moment and have no regrets, this is a pretty good place to start. It’d be a hell of a shock if we saw each other twice in the next year—are we going to be able to be friends when we do? Will the fact that I fucked your brains out make things awkward?”
“That’s why you jumped me?”
“No, not really. I was horny and you’re hot. But that’s a good post-facto reason.”
“I see. You know, you haven’t actually fucked my brains out,” he said.
“Yet,” she said. She retrieved her backpack from beside the bed, dug around it in, and produced a strip of condoms. “Yet.”
He licked his lips in anticipation, and a moment later she was unrolling the condom down his shaft with her talented mouth. He laughed and then took her by the waist and flipped her onto her back. She grabbed her ankles and pulled her legs wide and he dove between her, dragging the still-sensitive tip of his cock up and down the length of her vulva a couple times before sawing it in and out of her opening, sinking to the hilt.
He wanted to fuck her gently but she groaned urgent demands in his ear to pound her harder, making satisfied sounds each time his balls clapped against her ass.
She pushed him off her and turned over, raising her ass in the air, pulling her labia apart and looking over her shoulder at him. They fucked doggy-style then, until his legs trembled and his knees ached, and then she climbed on him and rocked back and forth, grinding her clit against his pubis, pushing him so deep inside her. He mauled her tits and felt the pressure build in his balls. He pulled her to him, thrust wildly, and she hissed dirty encouragement in his ear, begging him to fill her, ordering him to pound her harder. The stimulation in his brain and between his legs was too much to bear and he came, lifting them both off the bed with his spasms.
“Wow,” he said.
“Yum,” she said.
“Jesus, it’s 8AM,” he said. “I’ve got to meet with Luke in three hours.”
“So let’s take a shower now, and set an alarm for half an hour before he’s due,” she said. “Got anything to eat.”
“That’s what I like about you Hilda,” he said. “Businesslike. Vigorous. Living life to the hilt.”


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Tanner suggested drawing an outline of my apartment to practice on, I thought a scaled down model would do the job. Tanner quickly recognized my intent and told me to make the outline as close to the actual size of the apartment as I could. He told me his reasons too. “There are two things to get out of this exercise: You’ll embed some of your Magic into the drawing and the more you do, the better this will work. And you’ll practice your recall skills. With the Law of Secrecy, we’re not...

1 year ago
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kate monday

I woke up at six , I was alone, I walked down to my room Kate’s door was shut I got dressed and went to make a cup of tea, I walked through the lounge, sally was still laying there on her stomach, her blanket was half on the floor her dress was half way up revealing her bum, her knickers half between her cheeks, she was sound asl**p I made some tea and looked out the window,it was pouring with rain just what I needed on my paper round, I finished my tea and went to put my cup in the sink,...

4 years ago
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Escaping the pain chapter 1 twas the day before Christmas

Gustavo "Tavo" was abandoned when baby in a basket in front of the convent, kind of clich?ut it happened, the mom was kind enough to leave the birth act, when the police went to confront her she was already dead, her boyfriend beat her till she was dead and he grew up in the nursery, he now was a thin brown skinned, dark haired boy, good in sports, especially running (could say it was essential in that place). Jose "Pepe" was another tragic story, his folks were not rich but they weren’t...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e11 Caitlyn 22 student from Penzance

Series 3, Episode 11: Caitlyn Welcome to the tight streets, narrow roads and tall shopfronts of Penzance, in Cornwall, England. An almost forgotten corner of the country, about as far west as one can go in the UK without leaving the mainland. We meet our next subject behind the counter of a small tea-room in the middle of one of these shopping streets. She’s a skinny girl with pale, pretty features and an extremely wide mouth. She could use a little time in the sun, and good meal too,...

1 year ago
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Slippery when Wet

As i walk in from pom practice i enter the lockerroom and see you standing there. Your shirt is off and your ripped jeans hang loosly off your hips. Your chest glistens with sweat and I can tell you're hott for me. I slowly let my hair down, out of it's high ponytail and it cascades down my shoulders falling onto my A cup breasts. I'm wearing a tight white tank top and short shorts. Hot from practice, sweat drips from my neck down into my cleavage. I approch you slowly and walk back behind you....

3 years ago
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Salma and Shabbir 4

Thank you ISS and readers for the support. I am looking forward to more feedbacks from you for Part.No.4. Please send your comments to A brief summary of the Salma & Shabbir’s saga so far. Shabbir had managed to seduce his mother Salma and their lives changed thereafter. Tabassum, Shabbir’s girl friend was invited by Salma without knowing that the young girl was a bisexual. Tabassum is taken aback by Salma’s sharp features and successfully entices her into lesbian sex. Just about when Salma...

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My ss First Anal

I can still remember the night I got the call. My sister was crying on the phone. Her girlfriend had just left her for another woman. After crying for several hours she said she was going to be staying some local hotel to which I told her no way. She would come and stay with her big brother.My house is nice. I bought as a steal from a couple going through divorce who just wanted to get rid of it and split the cash. The house has a bar with game room, a pool table, and I keep the bar stocked....

2 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book I The Dream BeginsChapter 11 Water Hazard

As the three friends -- and now lovers -- reached the campsite, Jennifer kissed Dave goodnight with a gentle passionate kiss before going to her trailer. Dave's parents were outside sitting in the lawn chairs talking with Jennifer's parents. Dave explained, "Ann, I have to use the bathroom, then we'll go over to the golf course and do some putting." Ann looked at Dave a little surprised about this new plan but covered quickly saying, "Okay, I'll wait here." Dave went in the trailer,...

2 years ago
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Got To Fuck My Dream Girl 8211 Amisha

Hi everyone. This is Affy here 39 years old married and residing in Mumbai. For any comments and feedback please mail me on . I believe sex is something that should have more of foreplay because it’s more satisfying and pleasurable and the female gets a good orgasm before the sex begins. Now let’s come to the story which happened a couple of years back. It was with my cousin’s wife who has 2 kids and still looks very young. She is good looking and has an average figure. Yet something about her...

1 year ago
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Bam Bet! If you are ready to get your gamble on without having to visit your local, icky, sticky, gooey local casino, then you are in luck! That is because Bambet has all kinds of ways for you to get your bet on and find new and exciting ways to win the big one! Bitch, I don’t fucking care if you get off to sports betting, casino betting, or something else entirely. If you want to win that big enchilada, you will want to visit Bambet today! Now fucking get to it!Bet on your favorite sportsLook,...

Betting Sites
2 years ago
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Anglian Water

She backed her car into a secluded water station entrance, we got out of the car to get comfortable in the back where the blacked out windows would  offer some privacy but she wanted to put her jacket in the boot. I followed her to the reared the car, I eyed her up and down as she opened the hatch back. She was wearing a short green dress with poppers down the front and a black pair of heels set off her bare legs.She was teasing me bending into the car, a naughty look a knowing glance. I...

3 years ago
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Baby Sitting Hell

I’m seventeen years old, five feet five inches tall, and I weigh one hundred and ten pounds. My measurements are 34B-24-34 and I have been told that I have the ideal body. My light brown hair hangs straight down my back to my waist. Whenever I walk men turn to look at my ass. More than one have walked into something as they look over their shoulders at me. My face is free of blemishes and my skin is smooth. I go to a tanning salon and have a great tan. I bought the perfect tanning suit. It is...

2 years ago
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Hot Damsel From My College 8211 Part 1

On the first day of college. I saw a beautiful and hot damsel with blonde hair wearing a tight red shirt which was showing off her big boobs (34 was what I guessed at the moment!) and her sexy stomach. During the registration process, I sat behind her just to smell the fragrance of this beauty and try talking to her. I was not successful that day, but my fate was with me (or I thought so!). We were allotted our departments and to my luck, we both were in the same department! I was successful in...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 14

Elaine touched up her lipstick and went to the toilet again. She’d eaten little and her stomach warred against her. When she returned, she slid twenty bucks and her front door key into her pocket and stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, taking a deep breath. Her heart was thumping and she couldn’t stop trembling. Her reflection stared back at her. I don’t know if I can do this.   The faces of her roommates appeared at her door. “What’s taking so long?” asked Kendra.   “You’re going...

3 years ago
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Fucked the taxi man I got home from town

So I received a text from the girls, asking me to come out last night. (Sunday) with it been the bank holiday, and not been out in some time, I said yes.Hubby minded the k**s and gave me the hall pass lol.Went into town (Dublin city) hit a couple of different night clubs, and had a great night.Obviously loads of flirting went on lol, but nothing really worth following up on.Think last orders was about 3am, which was 3 pink gin cocktails.There was 4 of us in total, 2 from north dublin and 2 from...

2 years ago
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How I Had Sex with My Neighbour

Am Achu from Bangalore, I am 30 years old now. I have had good experience after my first fuck with a maid. Hear I want to share my sexual encounter with my Neighbor. Her name is Bharati… She is an attractive woman with whitish complexion, and a sexy figure about 35 years of age. When I saw her first i did not feel anything. Slowly I started to watch her daily she was very good looking. I masturbated thinking about her. One day her cooking gas got over and she did not no how to replace the...

1 year ago
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Private Lisa Sparkle Enjoys Interracial Threesome with Anal

Brunette, sexy and big tits too, it’s of course none other than the busty Lisa Sparkle, a Private babe with an insatiable sexual appetite and if you haven’t seen this girl before, you’re in for a treat! In yet more never seen before gonzo action from Private Gold, Cum in my Limousine, this wild beauty takes on her chauffeur and husband, Kid Jamaica and Brad Russel, as she demands cock from all angles and enjoys an interracial anal threesome that has her moaning with pleasure until her perfect...

4 years ago
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I Always Want Her

This incident of mine refers to the wife of one of my “hanging out with often” friend’s. I have not been in touch with many friends from college, but this particular friend of mine (lets call him Ajay) surprisingly kept in touch with me till now. I never thought too much of him during our college, as he was neither too good with studies nor was a generally smart. But to my surprise he did really well in life and is now on a pretty good post in one of the leading MNC banks. We used to hang out...

2 years ago
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Unexpected pleasure

Was out the other day running some errands and picking up a few things from a local super store near me. I had a bit of time to kill before I had to be somewhere later in the day, so after I picked up the things that I needed I went to this cute little boutique and second hand store hoping to find a few nice things that would fit my fancy. While just roaming the isle I noticed this young man about have my age crouched down looking at some very sexy lingerie and women's clothes. My curiosity got...

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Humiliation by My Boss

PART 1 I met M at the work place, he was the CEO of a major corporation that I was working for. I was in my mid 20s then, and was at middle level management in the company. I enjoyed working for M and was learning lots from him about organizations and business under his tutelage. Little did I know then, that I would also be learning many other things from him. M was a boss with outstanding leadership skills and almost everyone in the organization both men and women held him in very high...

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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Kianna Dior Busty Cum Slut 9 8211 Scene 7

Buxom MILF Kianna Dior shakes her glowing globes for director/performer Jonni Darkko’s caressive camera lens. Still masked in strands of semen from a previous porn scene, insatiable cum slut Kianna demands more sperm spackling for her photogenic face! Jonni obliges by submerging his pole between her gigantic jugs for a thrusting, big boob titty fuck. He pumps her cleavage as she makes direct eye contact with his POV lens. Kianna gives Jonni a blowjob. She strokes his schlong while laying...

3 years ago
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Mommys Sweet Seduction

By : Adventure Boy Hi, this is Adventure boy with my first story. Comments and suggestions welcome. A work of fiction. Once upon a time, there lived a couple named Ankit and Reshma. They had a son named Rohit. They lived in Jamshedpur, which is located in the state of Jharkand. Ankit was a 40 year old man, and his wife Reshma was 38. Their son Rohit was 21 years and had just completed his engineering, and was looking for a job. Ankit worked as a manager in a reputed bank, and Reshma was a...

1 year ago
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How High a Price Contributed Conclusionsby the Drifter

After a long pause, with Susan trying to say something a couple of times, but each time failing, Early finally said, "You and John Stickner, your lover, have destroyed the marriage we had. It was based on love and trust. Since you and he have destroyed the trust completely there is no longer a marriage. I will always be wondering if you are in his bed again when I can't reach you. I can't live like that Susan. I think you knew that, yet it didn't stop you from showing your appreciation...

3 years ago
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Tutoring My Friends sister in Sex Ed Part 2

A month had passed since I taught Sam how to handle a cock. She told me that she had jerked Oliver off 10 times since then and I was honestly a little jealous until she let me know that it was time for her next lesson. I'm going to pick up the story with what should have been the ending of Part 1 but reliving that first day with Sam had me shooting a huge load before I even finished telling the story. I walked Sam to her car from the library. We exchanged a somewhat awkward hug after what had...

2 years ago
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Mom After Mom 8211 Part 5 The Confession

Me – “What are you talking Di. Why would I act? And for what?” Di – “Why were you running away now?” Me – “Why would I run away? From whom?” Di – “I know you. Don’t try to fool me” Me – “I am not able to understand. What are you talking about?” Di – “Why were you hiding away from me now?” Me – “No Di. I didn’t notice you. I just got a big project. So I was checking the details of it” Di – “I saw you walking in sometime back, checking me at times. But you were occupied with your clients. So I...

4 years ago
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Ill See If He Will Sis

Just when life can seem regular and uninteresting, a sharp turn can take place. That recent sharp turn in my life was brought about by my wife of two and a half years, Elaine. Now, wives often cause life to be rather exciting and mine is no exception. Elaine is a pretty twenty-three year old blond, medium length with blue eyes, exactly five feet tall, right on the money. Yes, she’s fairly short, just don’t kid her about it, it does piss her off, I might add. She’s rather feisty, one...

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My First Time

My First Time This is a true account of my first visit to the wonderful dressing service I use. Everything happened as I describe, except for the fact that I have changed the name of the dressing service and the two lovely people who run it. Over the years they have become good friends and I want to preserve their privacy from casual readers. If, however, after reading of my experience, anyone thinks they would like to make a visit themselves, they are very welcome to email me and we...

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Gamer schlief mit 11 Frauen in 2 Wochen

Seven ist 38 und eigentlich nur am Computer um zu gamen. Doch eine Fantasie liess ihn nie los. Er wollte einmal mit möglichst vielen Frauen Sex haben. 1zu1 oder auch geile dreier. Diese Fantasie liess ihn nicht mehr los. Es war an einem regnerischen Sonntag, als er sich endlich den Mut nahm und im Internet nach geilen Kontakten suchte. Das zeigte sich als äusserst schwierig, bis er dann endlich auf eine scharfe Webseite stiess mit vielen Frauen, welche echte Dates suchten. Also registrierte er...

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Cuckold Training my Husband

When my husband first admitted to me that he wanted to watch me have sex with other guys he had no idea of the Pandora's box, or should I say Cassandra's box he was opening!Over the last 5 years I have transformed my husband from a dominant and jealous man into a totally submissive cuckold. He used to get angry whenever another man so much as looked at me and now he is completely trained and willingly submits to watching me getting fucked by other men. This is because he knows it is only when...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 83

Eli was standing just inside the main barn when he saw Caleb and Abigail walking toward him. They were holding hands and smiling as they approached him. He remembered the trip to Fort Worth and seeing Caleb with Abigail. Eli smiled as he thought of his son and the day they met those Texas girls. That was only the beginning and now those wild Texas girls are here to stake a permanent claim on his Young Bucks. “Dad, Pike said you wanted to see Abigail and me. We were hoping we could talk to...

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Beths Reformation

Beth knew. She'd heard the same stories everyone else had. The reform schools had total authority over their charges and exercised that authority in the form of rapes and brutal tortures. The story of Sally Richter was popular when Beth was in junior-high. Sally had been a bright girl. Popular, beautiful, and intelligent, she seemed to have a promising life. Until she was caught with a dime bag of heroine. The new drug laws mandated a year long stay in a reformatory. Sally had been in for...

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