Teacher seduces student
- 3 years ago
- 31
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I spotted Amy walking down the aisle between the tables, a tray in her hand and her eyes scanning. I stood and waved. When she saw me, a cute little smile appeared on her face, and she made her way over, sitting down when I made room for her.
Jamie, who was sitting on the other side of me, got up and gave her a quick hug and whispered in her ear. They exchanged smiles and Jamie moved back again, just winking at me and returned to eating.
The easy conversation flowed around Amy, or so it seemed, but her lively eyes followed the flow around the table, smiling a nodding. She didn’t speak though, but did give me a little hip check when the lunch break was over and we all rose to toss out our garbage.
With a smile, I pointed over her shoulder as if someone was calling her. When she turned to look, I leaned down and blew in her ear, bounding out of the cafeteria as she turned in surprise. Looking back, she was smiling like she had on Saturday, a wide, friendly and open smile that made her pretty face look beautiful.
The rest of the week followed suit, with Amy becoming a regular face at our table, always at my side and never speaking. The rest of the regulars got used to her being there and even got used to her being so quiet, but making regular opportunities to include her in what was being talked about.
At night, we spent hours chatting, getting to know one another. There is something about chatting online that encourages people to open up a bit. It is easier, sharing something private and, potentially embarrassing or sensitive, when you don’t have to watch the other person’s expression. You rely on their words, learning the way they express themselves, learning how they display emotion.
Within a month, we were closer than I had ever been to a girl. Closer, in fact, that I had ever been with anyone. I had asked her out on a date, about two weeks in, but she wasn’t ready for that, insisting that she wanted to be friends. Another two weeks passed before I asked again. Again she refused.
I thought for sure that she was just sensitive about her stutter, and that she just wasn’t comfortable enough with me, but I could feel myself falling for her, wanting more than just words on a screen.
It all came to a head one Friday night. I had asked her again, this time being more insistent.
[TLH] Why won’t you go out with me? We get along great, we laugh, we cry. You know more about me than anyone in the world.
[Amykins] I told you, Leo, I am not ready to date. Can we just drop it, please?
[TLH] I don’t want to upset you, but I get the feeling you don’t trust me, that you think in person that I won’t like you because of the stutter. You don’t talk at school, I get that, but you know me. You know I care about you.
[Amykins] Leo, no. I am sorry, maybe I led you on, maybe I made you think there was more, that there would be more between us. I like you, I even love you as a friend, but we are not going to date, and I am never going to be in your bed.
[TLH] Wow.
[Amykins] I’m sorry, Leo. I never meant for us to get this close, but you are just so easy to talk to, like Mark. I know he never made a move because he is gay, but I guess I assumed you would be the same, a great friend I could chat with, someone I could talk to even when I can’t talk.
[TLH] I don’t know what to say, Amy. I am not going to lie, I am disappointed. No, I am more than that. I don’t know how to describe it. Look, I am going to sign off. I need to think. I’ll talk to you later.
I sat back and stared at the screen. How could I have been so wrong? How could I have gone this long without noticing? Did I delude myself? Did I see something that wasn’t there?
I switched off the computer and stripped, climbing into bed.
Just fuck. FUCK!
Amy stopped coming to the lunch table. People noticed right away, and I saw them looking around as if she was just late, or maybe lost. The second day, people started asking, but I shrugged, missing her already. Jamie was there, her shoulder pressed against mine, but she didn’t say a word. Her presence was enough, it was comforting and solid.
I kinda went into a bit of a funk. Maybe I was pouting. Mostly I was crushed, thinking I had fooled myself, that I was desperate enough to drive away someone who was a good friend.
I texted her that night, apologizing for pushing her, for assuming and for making her uncomfortable. She didn’t reply.
The holidays rolled around and I was still in a shit mood. I had told Mom what happened, admitting that I had assumed she felt the same and that I had driven her away.
She just hugged me and told me that it was part of growing up, part of dating. Sometimes it didn’t work out, and you just had to learn how to take your lumps.
Thanksgiving was a quiet meal at home, but It was nice anyway. I managed to pull my head out enough to be decent company, and we sat talking, long after we were too stuffed to eat, just being family.
The weeks leading up to Christmas were quiet. I did a little shopping, finding something for Mom and Dad with no problem, but I was having a hard time finding something for Jamie. She had been a good friend, a strong ally and I wanted to get her something special.
I was wandering through the mall, not without some trepidation since it was my first time back since the fight there, and inspiration struck. A little seasonal shop had a Kachina doll set, those Russian nesting dolls where one fit inside the other. I bought a set and hurried home.
Using my phone, I spend a half hour getting just the right picture, then printed it and, using an exacto knife and some glue, wrapped it around the smallest doll so that it became a tiny me.
Satisfied with the way it looked, I put the dolls back together again and wrapped the box, setting it aside until I could give it to her.
A week before Christmas, my parents told me that Dad’s brother had called and really wanted some company for Christmas. His wife had died two years in October, and last Christmas had been a total bust, miserable for him and for his three girls. This year, he was begging his brother for help. He wanted the Christmas to be special for his daughters. He wanted family around.
The day before we left, I made a special trip over to see Jamie, after making sure she was home. Not wanting to deal with her parents, she asked me to meet her at a coffee shop near where she lived.
When I walked in, she was sitting by herself, but there was some guy leaning over her table. She looked uncomfortable, scooting back in her chair as far as she could get.
“Sweetheart! I am so sorry I am late, I hope you didn’t wait too long!” I boomed, louder than needed, and heads turned to see me striding through the place with a big smile and open arms.
The guy at the table looked around in irritation, but Jamie smiled so bright that I laughed. She smirked at the guy, leapt from her seat and threw herself into my arms. She gave me a solid buss on the lips and then, taking my hand dragged me back to the table.
“Hey, I was talking to her.” the idiot whined.
“And now you are not. You can leave, or I can break both of your legs and drag you out.” I growled, towering over him.
“Fuck you man, you don’t scare me.” he blustered.
I was about to reach for him when he seemed to throw himself, face first, into the table top. In surprise, I looked over and saw that Jamie had a smile on her face, and the idiot in a wrist lock.
I just laughed. “Go easy on the putz, baby. Remember what it cost us last time you broke some idiot’s arm? Hell, they charged us what? $3500 a screw? Twelve screws, baby, twelve screws!”
“I know pumpkin, but I had to put up with this sleezy maggot for ten minutes while I waited for you.” she pouted giving me a little wink. “I think I deserve a prize. What if I am careful and just break enough for one screw? I am worth one screw, right?”
“Baby,” I said, barely able to talk I was laughing so hard, “You are worth all the screws.” I had to sit down, my sides aching from laughing so much.
Jamie, unable to keep a straight face, let the jerk go, giving him a little push off.
“Just leave, dickhead. If I can break both of your arms without even trying, you don’t want to know what my boyfriend can do.”
The guy, without another word, scurried off, leaving the shop like the seat of his pants was on fire. Surprising us, there was a round of applause from the other patrons.
“Serves him right! The asshole hit on my too, and I was nursing my son!” one lady said, indignant.
Things calmed down quickly and Jamie thanked me for providing a distraction.
“Here, I am leaving for Christmas with my Uncle’s family, and I wanted you to have this before I left. You have been the best friend I could have these last few months, and I wanted you to know I appreciate you.”
“Leo! You didn’t have to buy me anything!” she protested, but her fingers were already finding the seams in the wrapping paper, an anticipatory gleam in her eye.
When she opened to box, she laughed and pulled out the Kachina dolls. She opened the first, setting it aside with its top, and immediately did the same with the next. As she continued setting out the dolls, I told her why I bought it.
“They reminded me of you and no, not the chubby Russian farm wife. On the outside, you are this sexy kitten with a body that makes men stop in their tracks. Inside, you are incredibly smart, “ I reached out and touched the second largest with a finger tip, “Perceptive.” I touched the next. “Caring, loving, actually are a sex kitten at heart.” I said, touching each doll. When you get to your core, touching the second to last doll before she could open it, tapping on its head. “You are driven to succeed. Finally, the last doll, well, that’s me, That is my hope that you will keep me with you, somewhere deep inside. Remember me when you are out there, conquering the world. Maybe think of me every now and then.”
Jamie opened the last doll and saw the little mini-me, and tears started streaming down her face. She climbed up in my lap, my little figure clutched in her hand, and cried.
When she managed to stop, wiping her eyes on my shirt and her nose with the hand that wasn’t holding mini me, she kissed me. A toe-curling, hair-raising, soul-searing kiss that made me forget my own name, if only for a minute.
“Theophilus Leopold Hadrian, you are an amazing man, and I love you to death. I am even in love with you.” she said quietly, then hushed me before I could speak. “I have a plan. I have a goal and I will. Not. Let. That. Go. I can’t be with you, not now, and it hurts. I thought I could pawn you off on someone else, find someone who could love you, make you happy. Now I admit it, I want that to be me, someday.”
She pulled back enough to see my face, to look into my eyes. “Leo, I am leaving in January. I will only be back long enough to finish paperwork. I am graduating early and I have been accepted for the spring semester at Penn State. I am leaving, and I want you to date, to find love if you can. I want you to be happy. But I am not giving up, Leo. When I am done, when I have met my goal, I will be coming for you. If you aren’t married, I will come for you. I can’t promise that I will be faithful, and I wouldn’t accept a stupid promise from you like that. We have lives to live. I am just promising that I will never marry until I know you are lost forever. If you are single when I am done, I’ll be there, waiting.”
I could feel my own tears on my cheeks, and I let them flow. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, but it was so very Jamie. Joy and heartbreak all tied up in a desire to hold her, to love her and protect her.
“Jamie, stuff happens, we know that. Just promise me, if you meet someone and fall in love, call me. I will come to wherever you are, and if you love him more, I will walk away, but you have to call me and give me a chance.”
“I promise, baby.”
We clung to each other until she absolutely had to leave. I kissed her goodbye, whispering just four words in her ear before letting her go. “I’ll wait for you.”
I went home, lay on my bed and dreamed about the future.
The trip went smoothly, we arrived in Boston where Uncle Marty lived in a great big place just outside of town. He was an architect who had turned his vision for building into a firm that was worth millions. His wife had been hit by a drunk driver, the kids were all in school at the time, and Marty had been at work. He had almost fallen into a bottle, but the pain his daughters were going through made him take notice, and turn to them instead.
The first Christmas after her death had been horrible for all of them, but this last year they had made great stride to rebuild their family. This year, he wanted them to smile, to sing carols and decorate. He wanted to me shop and laugh and eat too much candy. He wanted family around him and his girls.
Uncle Mary’s three daughters were nineteen, sixteen and fifteen. They all took after their mother, with dark hair, green eyes and, Marty swore, the same evil look in their eyes when they were up to something.
Marty had sent a limo to meet us at the airport, swearing that it would be faster than trying to drive ourselves, and saying that he had a few last-minute details to take care of, but would be at home to greet us.
The last minute details turned out to be a fifteen foot banner proclaiming “Merry Christmas Hadrians!”
Uncle Marty and his daughters were waiting on the steps when the limo pulled in, and Marty was there, opening the door and hugging Mom as she stepped out. Mom gave him a kiss on the cheek and moved to the girls, while Uncle Marty physically pulled Dad out, wrapping his arms around him.
“Jesus, it is good to see you, Markus. I have missed you guys something fierce. Now Dad is not a demonstrative man, not much of a hugger, but he was pounding Uncle Marty on the back like the man was on fire and he was trying to put it out. It was quite a sight!
When the two bulls finally stopped pounding on each other, I climbed out and Marty stepped back in surprise. “Jesus Christ, Leo! What the hell are they feeding you?” he said, shaking his head and then latching on to me too. I managed to break free with only a couple of bruises, and went to join Mom and Dad on the steps, and to say hi to my cousins.
The three girls were all of a height, more or less. Jean was maybe a half inch shorter than the other two. They all had the same hair color and eye color, and they were all dressed warmly enough to almost conceal the curves they also shared. It was looking at triplets.
I got the fish eye from them too before getting a warm (and soft, Squishy!) hug. “Wow, Leo, you don’t look much like we remember. You were what, ten? Ten when we last saw you.” Jessica mused, looking me over.
“And you three still look like triplets and are more beautiful than ever.” I replied, getting warm smiles from the trio.
The house was huge and spacious, two stories but it was spread out over a lot of ground. The pool and tennis courts were in their own, privacy shrouded areas, and there was a jogging track that circled the five acres of property. Uncle Marty was a bit of a car guy too, and besides the four-car garage that was attached to the house, he had a building that used to be a stable and housed half a dozen more, including a British Sunbeam Tiger that was slowly being restored.
After the tour, the girls let me up to my room and we sat around catching up and getting to know one another all over again.
Jessica was a college freshman this year, going to Boston Architectural college and wanted to design custom homes. “I seriously thought about going to Boston U, they are a serious party school, but I just couldn’t. As fun as it would be, I have my heart set on being an architect and I used to spend hours with Mom, talking about some of the fantastic old homes here in Boston.” There was a sadness in her still, obviously mourning her mother, but she was, at heart, a bright and happy young woman who seemed to have a grip on her loss.
Janet was a sophomore and was enrolled at a magnet school with a great rep. “It’s cool, you know, most of my friends go there, but we have to wear uniforms.” I must have let my thoughts show on my face because she rolled her eyes while the others laughed. “Yes, Leo, plat skirts and white blouses. Why do guys think that is so sexy?”
“Maybe it is not the uniform, really, but how sexy you look in the uniform that makes us smile.” I said, shrugging. “In fact, I think you should model it for me so I can give you an informed opinion.” That remark resulted in a bombardment of pillows from all three.
Jean was a freshman at the same school and I was willing to be she was absolutely adorable in her uniform. A touch shorter and a bit thinner than the other three, she had this sense of innocence about her, a shy smile, a quicker blush and an openness that the older girls had lost somewhere along the way.
“What about you, Leo? Tell us about your school. Dad said you got hurt and put in the hospital?”
I spent the next half hour telling them the story, though I glossed over the reasons for the original fight that started it all, just saying that Andy had been picking on me and I lost my temper. I described the fight that put me in the hospital, and my injuries, then told them about running into the brothers at the mall.
They sat there, wide eyes and fascinated by the story, but I just felt disgusted at the whole thing. Changing topics, I asked them about the dating scene in Boston, if they were all wrapped up or if they were still playing the field.
That worked for almost an hour! It turned out Jessica was dating a bit, but no one special “I am a college freshman and it is like chumming the waters for shark. The juniors and seniors think it is great sport to corrupt as many freshman as possible.” she scowled, shaking her head. “I am very careful about who I date, where I go and I never, ever take drinks from anyone, even at parties. Too many horror stories.”
Janet had a beau, a fellow sophomore who was on the LaCrosse team and whose father was friends with Uncle Marty. When I asked if she thought they were bound together for long term, she just shrugged. “I doubt it. I like him a lot and we have fun, but I am not, like, in love, you know what I mean?”
Jean wasn’t dating, Uncle Marty had laid down the law for all three, and neither of the older two could date until they turned sixteen, so Jean was waiting anxiously for her birthday to roll around. She had a specific fellow in mind, but declined to tell us about him, blushing and shaking her head when her sisters pressed the issue. “No! Because I know Janet would start playing Nancy Drew.” she said, laughing.
“Oh, so he probably has brothers or sisters ... maybe someone I know?” Janet looked at her sister speculatively.
“See?” Jean grumped, glaring at her sister while Jessica just laughed.
They turned the question around on me, but Uncle Marty chose that minute to get on the intercom.
“Dinner in five, Leo. Have you seen the girls? No answer in their rooms or the game room.”
“They are here with me, Uncle Marty, we were just catching up.”
Dinner was a buffet layout, Uncle Marty not sure if we would feel up to going out our first night in town. It was a nice meal, all of us chatting and making plans for the vacation. The girls had relatives from their mother’s side of the family coming in. Their mother’s parents, an Aunt and her daughter also, all from New England. They were arriving the next day and the girls filled us in on who was who.
Grandma and Grandma Dewitt, both retired and living an easy life in Nantucket, and Aunt Christy and her daughter Debbie, who were living in New York city, were all travelling to be with the girls over the holidays.
Their Aunt Christy had gone through a rough divorce several years ago, and was still a bit man-shy, or so it was explained. Her ex-husband, Debbie’s father, had kept a stable of girlfriends around the city and had even had an apartment where he would spend many an afternoon with them, and with his secretary. The divorce had been bitter, dragging on for more than a year, but Christy had come out of it with, as their grandma would have said, with both ears and the tail.
The alimony alone was enough to set her up in style, and it included both the penthouse they had called home and a house at the short where they had vacationed. The child support her ex was paying had Christy in a top-notch prep academy and would fund her college as well.
The girls all seemed to like Debbie and were excited to see her again, so I figured it would be an interesting holiday, in a house with four women in my age range!
After dinner, we all moved to a very comfortable family room, and Uncle Marty broke out a couple of bottles of wine. He offered a half glass to each of the girls and, after a nod from Dad, one to me as well.
“Family! When I was growing up, I loved them all, but couldn’t wait to get shut of the lot.” he said, getting laughs from everyone. “As I get older, I realize what I was missing when I struck out on my own. No regrets, really, since it brought me the love of my life and these three, beautiful, intelligent and loving young women.”
That earned him kissed from all three daughters.
“As I was saying before being rudely interrupted.” he said, winking at his daughters, “Family. Now, more than ever, I want family around me. I want to mend fences, rebuild relationships. Markus, I missed the hell out of you, brother, and I am so glad you could come and spend the holidays with us. Cheers!”
The balance of the evening was again split by generations, with the girls and I retiring to what they called the game room. It was another living room upstairs that the kids had claimed as their own. Comfortable furniture, bean bag chairs scattered all over and an huge entertainment center, I could see where it would be the focus for younger folks. There was room for twenty people, if they were friendly, and the biggest flat screen TV I had ever seen. There were game consoles and a stereo as well.
The three girls, in what was obviously a well planned, masterfully executed ploy, all insisted on taking up where we left off.
“Leo, you owe us a dating update. You managed to get all of our secrets before dinner, but you got saved by the bell ... or so you thought.” Jessica said, maneuvering me towards the couch. When I was where she wanted me, she surprised me by giving my shoulders a shove. I toppled back onto the couch and was instantly surrounded.
Jessica took the spot on my left, Janet on my right and Jean had a bean bag at my feet, facing me as she reclined.
“Damn, Leo. Pushing you was like hitting a brick wall.” Jessica said, looking speculatively at the sweatshirt I was wearing.
I shrugged. “I like to lift weights. Not much of a sports guy, but I love working out.”
That was a mistake. Suddenly I had three teen girls, all promising dire consequences if I didn’t ditch the sweatshirt. Giving in, though it wasn’t much of a surrender since they were all very attractive, cousins or not, I stood and stripped off my sweatshirt. Underneath I had one of those sweat-wicking under armor shirts on. I liked the way they fit and feel, and the added bonus of looking like a second skin was no bad thing either.
“Holy shit!” Janet was first to comment. “When you said you lift weights, I was thinking more ‘Man Mountain’ that I was ‘Mr. Universe’. You look fantastic!”
The other two just nodded, and Jean surprised the hell out of me, seeming to be the shyest of the three, when she reached out with one hand, running it over my pecs and down to my abs. She seemed mesmerized...
“Is the rest as ... built as your upper half?” Jessica asked, grinning at me.
“My legs? Sure. I would look funny walking around on toothpicks if my upper body is looking good.” I replied, purposefully misconstruing her comment.
“Uh huh.” She said, arching an eyebrow. “I read somewhere that guys who lift a lot, some of them take shortcuts and use steroids, and that it makes certain parts shrink.” Now she had a wicked gleam in her eye, and I had to laugh.
“Jess, I have never touched the stuff an never will. You can tell those guys right off. Bad skin, acne and whatever, plus a bad attitude too. If you are willing to cheat when building your body, you have other personality flaws too.”
“But what about the other part? Is it true? Do you know any guys who have had, um, problems?” she asked, pushing the point.
“I only know one guy who even lifts weights, and he is a power lifter. He is all about strength and doesn’t bother with sculpting or defining. He is built like a fire plug, almost as wide as he is tall, but strong as a bull. I lift at home, not at a gym. It is a personal thing for me, not something I do to show off.”
“She’s just teasing you, Leo. You look awesome though, I must admit.” Janet said, laying her hand on my forearm. “Now, quit distracting us by being all Flexy McFlexington, and tell us about your love life. You owe us!”
“Hear, hear!” the other two chimed in.
I took a minute to gather my thoughts.
“I don’t date, really. I used to be really shy, still am, most of the time. I was a skinny little kid, shorter than most until puberty, and I got picked on. I kinda got into lifting weights as a way to get some control over my life. This year I actually went on my very first date ever. Two of them, actually, and they were a disaster.”
“What? Why? You are smart, seem very nice to us, and you are a stud, obviously. As handsome as you are, why aren’t more girls knocking on the door?”
“I didn’t say that I didn’t have friends, just that I don’t date. There was a girl that I liked a lot, and we kinda worked our way into a friends with benefits thing, or that was the plan anyway. She had a hang-up about dating, but we had a spark so ... The first time we tried to get together, we were undressing and she freaked. Now she doesn’t even talk to me anymore.”
“You said you have others though, right? I mean, you aren’t gay or a monk.” Jean asked quietly.
“There is a girl I care very much about, but she is off to college and has a plan for her life. We decided that if, when she is done with college, if we were both available, we would try again.”
“That is so sad. Romantic as hell, but sad too.” Jessica said.
“I don’t get it, Leo. I could introduce you to a dozen girls tomorrow who would fight each other to jump your bones, and another dozen who may not spread their legs the first date, but who would find you irresistible. Surely the girls out there aren’t all blind and stupid, so what gives? You aren’t one of those closet misogynists, are you?” Janet was like a hound dog after a scent, unwilling to give up.
I didn’t know what to say. I had made strides and, in fact, hadn’t even brought my mask with me, but I wasn’t comfortable just telling people. Should I? Could I? These were my cousins. Would they freak out? I could just imagine one running down to tell Uncle Marty.
Little Jean seemed the most intuitive, watching me closely.
“Let it go, Janet. There is something, but he isn’t comfortable. Let’s not push him too hard.” Jean said, surprising me. She smiled at the look of appreciation I gave her, glad to have someone who, while not knowing, still understood.
“Let’s just say that I have issues, okay? Everyone had secrets, right?”
Janet looked disappointed, but nodded. Jessica looked intrigued but she agreed too.
We spent the balance of the evening just talking, comparing schools, classes, lifestyles. It was very cool to sit and chat with three smart girls, no dating pressure, no worries about anything, really, since we lived thousands of miles apart.
The girls were all planning on attending Christmas parties being put on by friends, Jessica’s with her college chums, Janet and Jean with friends from high school. I was surprised, and even gratified, when they invited me to go along. Jessica’s was first, on the 22nd, and the party that Janet and Jean were attending was on the 23rd.
We called it a night about eleven, the girls yawning even though for me, it was only eight. Still, travelling tires you out so I was just as happy to get a shower and head to bed too.
The shower in my room was big enough for several people and had multiple shower heads. It was a pleasure and I spent, probably, longer than I should have. When I got out, the room was full of steam and rather than wait for it to clear out, I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to get some shorts on in the bedroom.
I was rummaging through my suitcase when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. Startled, I spun around and Janet was sitting in an arm chair, her legs cross and hands in her lap, and smiling like the Cheshire cat.
“Sorry to startle you, Leo, but I knocked and there was no answer. The light was on and when I peeked, you were still in the shower. I just wanted to see if you wanted to head to the gym with me in the morning, I don’t lift or anything, but I do like to run and with all the snow, the only place I can do it is at the gym.”
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Nami Dahlia is super petite and twice as sweet. Her smile brightens the room, and just her overall personality is incredibly bubbly and kind. Watching her tiny yet stacked body bounce around the lving room was not just a pleasure, but a priviledge. Before Nami gets ready to engulf our studs gigantic cock, she lets us know that “it dont matter how big you are, shes still tight” which is quite the great statement. Our stud then whips his cock out onto Namis head, and its just as big...
xmoviesforyouI was awakened by the sound of trickling rain. I sat up and looked to the right to find my mom out of bed. Then I stood up and saw that my mom was out on the balcony, under the rain. My mom had always loved the rain and she liked to get soaked under it. She said it felt fresh and loved the way it felt as it fell on her face and on her body. My mom's room was on the second floor of the house and it was the biggest room in the house. I stepped outside and hugged my mom from behind. She leaned...
IncestHello guys, this Kishore. This is my first story so please excuse me if there are any mistakes. So let’s begin. I will start by introducing myself. I am Kishore, good-looking guy. I have a 6 inches long tool that can satisfy anyone on the earth. A brief description of myself. I am 180cm tall with a good body. I go to the gym and play professional cricket. I tend to attract girls due to my good looks and my down to earth character. Girls like me because I give them respect and treat them fairly....
IncestThis story happened in a village where I come from. I stayed in this village until I completed my school. I had my first opportunity of reading a sex story book that I borrowed from one of my class mates. I discovered the pleasure of sex that was unknown to me once I read through my first sex story book. I got this weird feeling to play with my cock while reading the story. I was just fondling with my cock as the story I was reading was taking me through a new journey of pleasure. To my shock,...
Sarah Kay and her boyfriend Steve Q just can’t get enough of one another. Steve carries Sarah to the bed as their lips stay locked. When he lays Sarah down and presses his hardon to her creamy pussy, they can each feel the heat through several layers of clothes. Steve is quick to fix the clothing problem, relieving Sarah of her top and panties before leaning in and putting his tongue and big fingers to work seducing Sarah’s fuck hole into slippery readiness. Relieving Steve of his...
xmoviesforyouWalking into your room leaves me breathless. The night still young has left us both cloaked with a light chill and mischief. Coming up from behind me you pull my hair off my shoulder, I lean back against you, as I offer you my neck. trailing your kisses down to my shoulder I softly moan your name. With a final kiss to my shoulder I can feel your smirk, you know just what you've done to me. Turning with a cheeky grin of my own I tell you to strip and sit on the far back of your bed. You look at...
Hello friends main aaj ek khoobusrat housewife ki kahani unhi ki zubani likhne jar raha hoon. Aap hume ya gmail.com par msg kar sakte hai.Mera naam Neetu hai meri umar 28 varsh hai, rang gora, height 5’4” aur figure 36d 28 36 hai. Mere pati aur meri sex life kaafi acive hai par woe k baar se zyada nahi kar paate. Aisa nahi ki wo mujhe satisfy nahi karte par mujhe ek se zyada baar karne mann bahot karta hai. Ye ghatna pichle mahine ki hai, mere pati ke client Zafar ghar par dinner ke liye aane...
Hi there. It is me Domaeque once again. Been rubbing my pussy from reading the hot stories that all have written. This is little story is about how my own mother taught me how to masturbate like the big girl do. It all started one Saturday night while I was sitting alone at the house. Mom was on base taking hi his dinner while he was pulling duty. Something like, Charge of Quarters. Some of that military stuff is so hard for me to understand but most of...
IncestI chuckled, put the phone down and ran to Mom in the kitchen asking her if Claire could come over in the morning to practice. Of course, she said, “Are you ready to be a proper gentleman this time, young man?” I bowed my head and said, “Yes, ma’am. I have got Claire holding on the phone. Could we get her this time, instead of one of her family having to drop her off, please?” That probably sounded a bit needy. “That was the perfect amount of groveling. Go tell her we will be coming to get...
Readers will note a strong resemblance between this story and "Teaching the Tomboy" by Jenny and Homer. Much of the language is the same; yet ultimately it turns on a different plot device and goes in the direction of the Fertile Valley/Cutters Creek universe. Toni had just finished fixing the neighbor's car sitting in the family driveway when she heard her mother call her. She took a final swig from the Diet Coke that was never far from her hand. "Hurry up, Toni darling. We don't have...
Hi, my name is Gina and this is a story about my first naked in public experience. I worked for a small publishing company that shared a building with a construction company. The two companies had been together for several years and we had a friendly competition going with them. It was a Wednesday afternoon and myself and three other girls were eating lunch on a picnic table just outside the building when a couple of guys from the construction company joined us. We talked about the softball...
The Cock & Ass tavern was undeniably the most popular pub in the valley. Everyone for miles around, old and young, would gather there every night to unwind from a tiring day in good company. Well, not exactly everyone. This pub was really only frequented by the men in the valley, and the reason the public house was so popular with them was also the reason women tended to steer clear - the landlady, Erica.It was 8pm on a typical Friday night at the Cock & Ass, the bar was reasonably...
As the sun set, small lanterns and scattered tiki torches softly bloomed across the party. A stereo speaker blasted music but she hardly felt like dancing or singing along. Rather than joining the people laughing and smiling around the bonfire, she chose to stand just out of view, alone with her thoughts. Friday night gatherings should be fun and exciting but this one left her feeling inexplicably bored.‘Perhaps if he were here,’ Sara wondered, imagining Ben’s warm body wrapped around hers....
CheatingJulia woke up that morning singing and danced her way through the house. She sang loudly in the shower and then to her three kids as she woke them. She sang as she cooked and even made the kids pancakes with happy faces on them. Her happiness had everyone in the house asking if she was okay. Julia was just fine and was more than okay. Julia had gotten the kids off to school and ran a few errands as quickly as she could that morning. She had to get home to her John. They had planned to spend...
InterracialMaking love is a fantastic thing, but, sometimes, you just want to fuck. Sometimes, you just need to get a big cock shoved inside you and ride it like you could never get enough of it. To have it fill you, to stretch you, and to pound deep inside of you. I heard my husband wake up a little earlier than me. He got up and went into the bathroom where I heard him brushing his teeth. As he went through some of his morning habits, I slowly awoke. Finishing in the bathroom, he walked back through the...
ToysThe second part of a real event that happened to me in the past, when lust clouds our judgement Disclaimer: This story is based on an event in my life that actually happened, so I thought why not share it. If you like, ill be more than happy to continue with the story! Anyway, happy reading! The plane touched down in the place I was born and raised: Los Angeles, California. Of course, I wasn’t thinking about being back home. I was thinking about E3. It has always been my dream to go there,...
Then when we were quite young, she broke up with her boyfriend and I broke up from my girlfriend and the stars aligned. It wasn’t until I was pretty drunk at a party in a small beach town that I finally worked up the courage to make a move. She was fairly tipsy when I approached her and asked her to take a walk on the beach with me. She agreed and we set off along the front beach of one of my favorite places in the world. As we sat down on the sand dunes I felt the liquid courage that alcohol...
"Stephanie, I never said you weren't pretty. I just said that some men prefer, well, different types of women." Joanna grunted as she lifted a sack of potatoes from the car. "You can't expect every man to drool over you." Stephanie continued to sort through the brown grocery bags, searching for the one with lightest load. "And why not, Joanna? You don't really expect me to believe those boys were looking at you in THAT way, do you?" Joanna, a tall, slim woman of about 40, pushed a...
This is the fifth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. While it can be read on its own, it may be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Part One won an Editor's Pick award. Robert and Juliana have been enjoying a vacation week in Paris. They have had a number of sexual adventures including a game of submission and dominance. They are preparing for a night at the Paris Opera, black tie for him, a vintage designer dress for her, and more romance and desire for them...
Love StoriesThe Impossible Dress By Emma Smith Wednesday It's been playing on my mind again lately. It always happens at this time of year. It's wedding season again and some more of my friends are getting married. There's nothing wrong with that; I like them both and I wish them all the best. It's just that my chances of ever getting married seem to be zero. I've always wondered what I'd look like if I did marry but I've never known how to make it happen. I confess I did nearly get to be...
I suppose I should tell you a little bit about my wife and me before I give you all of the gory details about our sex life. I first met my stunning wife Jilly, 17 years ago the night she was celebrating her 20th birthday in a nightclub in the centre of Nottingham. It was love at first sight for me but it took a while for her to fall in love with me in the same way; in fact I’m not sure she’s ever loved me as much as I love her. She stood out from all of the other girls on the...
The world of Dragon Quest is a big and sprawling one, though many people pass on, one thing remains consistent. The Monsters. Throughout time many heros live and die to be remembered, and while that specific Slime or Platypunk won't be remembered, the species will live like nothing changed. This is a collection of when heroines of legend had some 'intresting' encounters with monsters. What story do you wish to follow first?
Friday evening, Sept 8, 2028It was actually pretty good, the In’n’Out Burger Shack. I had a very healthy, low-calorie double bar-b-que cheeseburger with ham and lots of fries. Tanya and Addie had a salad. Salad… in a burger shack? I don’t remember about Tanner, don’t care. I still didn’t know what the hell we were doing in Umatilla, other than that I was anticipating what I hoped would be happening that night with the beautiful Tanya. It had been over a month since I’d had any sex and was...
Wife LoversThis story is meant as an erotic fiction, not real life. Nikki loved Christmas. She loved everything about it. She loved the music, the presents, the food and of course, she loved Santa. It was Friday, 2 weeks before Christmas and Nikki was home alone at night. He parents, Leslie and Trish, were at Leslie’s office party. Per Trish’s request, Leslie went dressed as Santa. Trish has always had a strange Santa Clause fetish and loved her husband dressing like the mythical Father...
That whole day at work I was useless. I couldn’t concentrate; I kept wondering what my wife was doing. I didn’t know what was happening at my sister-in-law’s house and I couldn’t imagine what was happening. Maybe my nightmare was over and one night of Jeannie fucking a black man was all I had to deal with.When I came home from work my first day my worst fears were confirmed. My wife and Heather’s boyfriend were out by the pool laying in the shade of an umbrella, naked. My wife was on her...
Hi….a continuation from the last story encounter….Tanya took my hand and leads me to the bathroom. She went to the cupboard and got a towel and placed it on the rack. I must admit for a lady of her age she has a fantastic body and a nice thick ass which I do love. She got the shower ready and told me to get in. ’Oh I forgot something Ben I’ll be right back’. While waiting I casually washed myself with a sponge and liquid body wash. I looked down @ my cock and it was semi hard again and getting...
My first attempt so don’t be too harsh. Feedback will be appreciated. I don’t remember my father much, just that he had long dark curly hair, dark eyes that always seemed to glisten and what I now know to be an athletic body. He died whilst I was quite young. My mother struggled to make ends meet after his death and worked as much as she could but made sure that her “little treasure” (me) was always her first priority. I don’t recall missing out on much until about 10 years old...
First Time“Do we need something from the store?” I asked Lydia while standing on the doorstep.“Sure. Get some bread. Oh, and get a bottle of coke,” she answered while approaching me. She kissed and hugged me, then continued: “When will you be coming back?”“I dunno… Around eight, maybe? Let’s say eight-ish,” I answered, already closing the door.“Cool. Oh, and I forgot to tell you – Snowy’s coming over sometime before eight o’clock,” Lydia announced casually. Snowy – or Snoween (yeah, really) by her full...
When the best season starts you start to peek always with a little more attention, especially if you have the sis very good, like in my case :-P. It was spring when I opened the door of my palace and, at the beginning of the ladders, i've find front of me, sitted, my sis, with a boy sitted beside her, I do not know if he was a boyfriend or a lover: -P, my sis had a nice pair of black-transparent pantyhose, with low shoes, and a skirt more or less at central-thigh, legs bent and closed, but in...
This is a work of fiction. Hence not a real event, just for arousal purposes only. Hello Readers, here’s my first story for ISS. I’ve been reading stories here since a long time, specifically years I should say, years which I should kinda say inspired me to write this too. So not boring you much, I’ll just jump to the story. So here it is! So, here I was in my 19th year of life, just experiencing my ultimate fantasy. Well let me start from the beginning. I’m Rohan average built with wheatish...
We sat in the hot tub in my backyard in the cool spring night. It had been almost two years since our first forbidden tryst and I had since broken up with my would-be fiancée. She had married hers. There was no alcohol that night, but she gave me the first foot massage that didn't tickle and that was intoxicating enough. When it was over, I hugged her tightly with gratitude, but a new feeling came over me. We'd only just begun seeing one another again and having her in my arms was...
I was a student at an all girl boarding school and I was in my last year at the school. I was 18 and no longer a virgin. It was taken by the principal of the academy.It happened one day after I was taken to his office for the 20th time that month. I was what all my teachers called a trouble maker, a rebel. This last time I “accidentally” blew-up our science lab, which unfortunately resulted in me being taken to the head masters to be expelled or so I thought. What he had in mine was to teach me...
Opportunity Knocks, Literally Living in the Mid-Atlantic area provided me with a lot of fun as a cross dressing slut. There was the Baltimore and the D.C. area and lots of kinky people in that hugely populated region. I had already made a lot of friends and had started my experience in being a submissive to a wonderful and beautiful dominant mistress. I had also found several bars and clubs where my kind were in high demand. Public sex was easy to accomplish at least from spring through...
Day 42; Nadil I appeared in William's bedroom. The bed was soaked with blood as I knelt over him. I held my hand out and a spray bottle appeared as I gripped his left hand. I twisted it over so I could see the wound and then sprayed the cut with the mist. "You idiot, I offered you a new world to help to grow, and you act like a foolish child," I snapped out at him. I reached for his other hand and when I grabbed it, a razor blade dropped from his fingers. Spraying his wrist, I then...
Heyyy guys… This is crazy harsha again… Thank u for the guys who gave me reply for the previous stories….For better experience read my two previous stories And without wasting any more time rolling into my story.. This had happened before two months. I and Divya became very close after that farewell in which we had an amazing fun. Time passed by and I, Lakshmi and Divya atleast fucked once in a fortnight. One day while we are talking we discussed about going to a tour to Chennai. After a...
I was a slow starter, and didn't lose my virginity until I was 21. I was at university and had been out for the night with some friends, we were in a club drinking heavily and at about 2am, decided to leave to head back to a flat for more beer. There were four of us, me Dave, Max and Max's girlfriend, Sally. During the course of the evening, we had bumped into a friend of Sally's called Lara. She was quite quiet, but was drinking rather heavily. Lara decided to join us, so the five of us...
First TimeThis is my first time writing a story on here. Just thought I’d give it a go and see how it’s received. More to come if you like what you read. Comments and feedback welcome! There is no sex in the first couple of chapters that I’ve planned so far. Just establishing relationships and build up etc. Thanks for reading! ***** ‘Michael, come on, I don’t want to go!’ I protested, as my brother persisted in dragging me towards my room to pack. ‘Tough! You’re not spending another summer in your...
After almost a week Sarah got her second day in court. A judge vacated her charges and returned her bail to her mother. When he came to me with the results of his consult with the deputy district attorney, Melvin had been all smiles. “She is free of the murder indictment and the District Attorney is going to decline to prosecute her for distribution of a controlled substance,” Melvin said. “In exchange for Sarah agreeing not to file false arrest charges against anyone?” I asked in front of...
Do you know how long a week is? It's supposed to be seven days, but this one felt like a month -- no -- a year. Seven days could not pass soon enough. Jenny was in my mind 24 hours a day. I fantasized about her at work. I imagined her as I eyed cute girls at the shopping mall or the sweet college-age cashiers at the supermarket. At night time, oh how I hated night time! At night I would try (and fail) to purge her image from my mind. I forced myself not to masturbate. I needed to save every...
Eolfica hid behind the dense tangled brush and watched the small gray hare leap away. “It is your lucky day, little one,” she called after it. “I am not so hungry today that I would kill—” She stopped herself in mid-sentence when she saw the blood on the leaves of the thicket. Looking down, the lone huntress saw the impression of a large boot on the mossy forest floor. She discovered another footprint nearby. After drawing an arrow from her quiver she followed the trail deep into the...
Who am I? Think of me as your confessor if you are in that church, or the closest friend you've ever had, someone who you have known intimately since almost birth. The co-resident within the privacy that other people believe they have in their own thoughts. They don't but you're the only individual I have allowed to realise this. You, unfortunately for your own mental state, know otherwise, don't you? What am I? I am your worst nightmare personified. You have no secrets from me as...
Chapter 6. New master at the workhouseMargaret sat at the computer again the following afternoon. She was a little tired from the morning’s exertions and Jeremy had given her the afternoon off but she wanted to find out more about Josiah Winsberly. The pair had spent the morning in the punishment room sweeping and vacuuming and looking over the apparatus there. Moving the items around was heavy, dusty work particularly as some of the frames were constructed of heavy timber and wedged in...
My To start with let me take you back in time to 2003 I was not well on a very hot day and sixteen years old hormones running wild. So my Mother allowed me to stay home From college so I was very I'll on the sofa and the door knocks!It's mother's friend Toni (Total Milf)in she walks this fifty-something year old wearing her usual leopard skin shorts her black leather boots and her white T-shirt with black bra her make up on amazingly as she was once a makeup artist.She sits on the single chair...
Feeling the warmth of the sun on my face I woke. I smiled a child like smileto the world. A world being seen for the first time. How did the same worldsee me? I don't know, I do know its perception of me will be totally differentby tonight. Given what was to come, I felt strangely calm as I leaned against the windowsill.The sun mirrored my mood as it dragged itself off the purple hued mountainsto the East. Would that be his direction, East? Where do the internationalflights come from? I smiled,...
Hello indian sex stories dot net readers, I am Kevin, I am going to narrate a real incident happened to myself. It was 2 years back when I joined this mnc as an intern. I was fresher. On day one, head hr gave us induction training . Her name is Angela. 38-40 years old, unmarried. I must tell you this, she was looking very hot in her skirt and a maroon top. She has maintained her body quite well. She has 38-30-32. Fair as milk. Her ass and boobs were calling me to fuck them. She was the perfect...
to most people, and I always got along fairly well. I treated her decent and liked her cooking and her daughter was happy with me and I guess that was what she cared most about. She had a small apartment on the first floor of the same building occupied by the family business. There were two bedrooms and a smaller apartment on the second floor and a quite large loft area on the third floor. When my wife, Glynda, and I were there we stayed in the small apartment. Our two daughters would...
Hi Friends, This is Kajal from India. Little bit about myself. I am sexy and hot married woman of 26 years age who loves to enjoy a lot. I love to wear sexy and hot clothes. I love to tease men. I am working as a personal secretary in export-import Company. I am 5.8ft tall, sexy long legs, very fair look, long hair, dark eyes and sexy figure of 34-26-36 with Cup size “C”. As you know my boss has shared me with few clients and now was nothing to hide from him for me. Day by Day my old boss...
Kathy and Jerry were your typical power couple. They both worked hard and played even harder. They were lucky because they had the most wonderful babysitter. Tara was her name and how the children loved her. Tara was very studious and seemed to be quiet and reserved, however, when she came to babysit, she seemed to become a different person. The children enjoyed when Tara babysat.Tara had been babysitting for the Winger's for about four years now. Recently, Tara had been accepted into an ivy...
Group SexThe old man took a few drinks from his refilled goblet and began again. Deke and Keal shook hands and warned the other not to get killed, then turned and moved off to start their mission, Raiffe going with Deke and the other four following Keal to their horses. Keal, Bo-Jo, Kay-Lor, Malak and Gada discussed battle plans and tactics as they rode toward the Goblin force marching toward them. It was decided to dismount leaving one guard on the horses while the other four ambushed the front set...
Grey Wardens have a limited life span: thirty years, give or take, from the Joining to the Calling. When the Calling comes, there are two choices: find a way to die, or be changed into a darkspawn, the very creatures you've sworn to protect against. So most Grey Wardens go to the Deep Roads: ancient Dwarven tunnels, now crawling with darkspawn. They swear to take out as many of the monsters as they can before succumbing to axe or spear or arrow in the bowels of the earth. My firm knock on...
Hi, I'm tori. You can see photos of me on my profile; they may come in handy while reading! A quick summary of my personality is that I'm secretly a slut. You would never know it just by meeting me, but it’s true. I love doing absolutely filthy things to myself, especially in public. It really turns me on, the idea that people don’t know who I am when nobody else is around. I've never been caught, at least not yet.This story is about a wild time I had at the beach over this past summer. I was...
MasturbationFriday night, in the living room, the eight of us were all gathered together. I had spent an hour, after dinner, in with all my children, playing a little, but mostly making sure that I had a chance to spend time with each of them, holding the youngest ones in my arms. They were growing so quickly, changing it seemed, every time I was gone, even if only for a few days. I had been explaining the progress being made at Macklinson's, and the difficulties I was experiencing by needing to deal...