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This was shocking for a young boy but he was pack and he got his thoughts from the rest of us. I said, "No, we better interrogate her while we can."

Tiffany and Nicolas went over to Knox. We watched in case anybody else decided to try to enter or leave. Our guns were hidden and cars even came by. The drivers noticed the iron gates on the ground and I worried even more. My arm hurt like hell but there was little I could do.

We stood guard as the house was searched for people. There were only two at this point. The garage was opened and everybody herded in. There was no electricity so we had no lights.

Tiffany got the pickup truck and we dragged the gates out of view of the road so the portal would just look open. There was still no sirens and I wondered if our luck would hold out. It then occurred to me that the neighbours could not phone the police.

Dina stood guard alone at the front gate. She was not sure of this but would do it for the pack. I was driven back to the house to organise. Bodies were piled up near the crematorium but only the smaller ones. There was one body about seventeen. I had not seen her before and she did not look like security. There were lots more bodies but we didn't have any people able to move them except Brandon.

I saw him come out with tears in his eyes as he brought a body out. Behind him, Tatum and Nicolas used a stretcher to bring another. Nobody was happy about the results. The cost had been too high.

I wasn't the only one hurt. Missy had an arm wound that had shattered the bone. She wasn't doing bad but we kept her on a pallet we had made for her. William and Tiffany had been grazed but both refused to let up.

Knox was dying. Basically, our objective was accomplished. We obtained a lot more information from her mind only because she was unconscious and not fighting us. I found out about a camp set up outside the property where Knox winnowed out the useless from those she could use.

I had to decide what to do. At this point we could leave with all the documents we could find. The new information in Knox mind gave a second choice a lot more weight. It was also far more risky though it would give us a sort of freedom later. We had assumed that the people here would talk to the police and we would be fugitives for the rest of our lives.

I looked through those we had collected. There were five security people and three of them were wounded or otherwise hurt. The house staff had all survived and this represented four people. Three others lived off the property and basically took care of the grounds.

There were three young and one older girl that could only lick cunt. Three more were slated to be shunted into businesses if they proved themselves. Two of the three girls used for sex were here only a little over a week. Three other girls had been transferred to a house that served women clients. It was prostitution but apparently the madam treated the girls better than most.

Four espers were found but one was not likely to make it. Another was wounded and he was being tended to by one of the women in security.

None of the teachers were here. They had been given other jobs and they took them. They had little choice when Knox wanted something. In all I had twenty people here and three more were coming the day after tomorrow.

When I walked into the open garage, everybody stood. I simply went down the line reading the thoughts of everyone. When I got to the less wounded esper, the man of thirty would not drop his shield.

I said simply, "I killed lots of people today. I'll kill you here and now unless you drop your block."

He snarled at me and I was sure he did not believe me. I took out my gun and moved it to my good arm. The block was still up so I lined up on his head and shot him.

I moved to the next esper that had a similar snarl but his shield was down now and he was very anxious to give me anything I wanted. The next two espers were women and they gave no trouble either. The girls were petrified of me and two had peed themselves.

With no more trouble I had the two healthy espers carry the body to the crematorium.

When they came back I said to all of them, "Sheila Knox tried to kill my family. We ran. She found my husband and kidnapped him. I killed a total of eighteen people and Knox is near death.

"I have a few options at this point. I kill all of you and leave scot-free. I know that all of you believe me on this point. Another option is to take over Knox's position. She had you all watched. If you ran you died or were sent to a foreign brothel to live out the remainder of your days. Some lucky ones became stars in some snuff films.

"Some of you are ready to run. Since I read minds, I know just who. I am going to make work details. You will each work as hard as you can to please me. Failure to do so is detrimental to your well being."

I divided up the people and sent them with some of my own to clean up. Some got a hose and a broom and started washing blood from the concrete of the floor.

Tatum had seen me kill the man. She had pled for the man's life. I could not take chances at this critical time. If I did less, I would have untold problems later. To prove my case I showed the mind of the seriously wounded man and the woman. They were crazy and would kill as easy as I did but for their own interests. To loose them on the world would be the greatest of evils. They had found how to make the drug.

Tiffany phoned Ellen to say that everyone had survived. This is how we knew that the lock had been removed from the cell site. Ellen was invited to come in the main gate. Tiffany talked around the topic but said that there was a severe trash problem. It was her way of saying that there were a lot of casualties.

Tiffany then called hydro and complained about coming home to a dark house. The damage to the transformer was insignificant to what had happened in the buildings.

The streetlights came on so either they were on a different circuit or hydro had repaired the breakers. What we had done was sure to trip them.

With the bodies near the crematorium, we attacked the damage to the house. It would take weeks of work just to do the exterior. The interior bullet holes would take at least a week but the electrical system would take months. The damage to the other buildings was at least similar.

An hour after Ellen arrived Knox died. I felt a great relief with her dead but some felt at least a little sadness. Death was not common in our culture and we had to deal with it in wholesale amounts now.

Ellen was appalled at what she had found. Herb was only starting to recover and he felt the same way.

We had our first fight. Kim sided with me because I was fighting for the pack. I had a new total of all the people Knox had killed but somehow that figure didn't matter as much as what we had done.

I tried to be reasonable but I found I had turned into a hard person that had to things no person could do and stay sane.

I said, "Bad people died. There is no way around it."

"One girl was not shooting."

"The bullet went through a wall. The death was an accident."

"But you caused the accident."

I got angry and said, "How the hell could you be a paramedic and a PA? You jump on one death when you see many. How much have you campaigned to get alcohol removed so nobody will drink and drive? How much have you campaigned to make sure nobody speeds? You're a hypocrite."

"You could have called the police."

"What would happen to our country and the world if this secret got out?"


"You're irrational and a liar."

The fight went on but mostly it was some post traumatic behaviour.

Ellen stayed out of the fight and just tended to all the wounded. I think she fell in love with the pack that night. It wasn't sex but she felt she had found her place. It had all started when Bobby had cried at what he had to do to save the pack and soon more had joined him.

I put on a false front but I was appalled at what we had done. None of us were that rational and I tried to form some structure so we could survive.

The next day Herb went out and bought four large generators. Ellen was not sure if he was coming back but I was fairly certain he would.

The essential services apart from electricity still worked. The motorhome provided breakfast. There was lots of food that was going to start going bad soon.

Herb came back with his shield up as high as it could go. He didn't want to talk to me or Kim. The pack gave some sympathy. Bobby hugging Herb like he would his father if he knew who he was.

The crematorium was fired up and we threw bodies in as good as the SS had done during WWII.

Knox had a contract for all electrical work and the four women came over to inspect what had happened. The motorhome blocked the driveway so they had to walk to the house. They were not criminals or her lovers, just women that were electricians. Tiffany and Knox' surviving security said that Knox had fled but left orders that the property be repaired as good as knew.

The bullet holes were easy to see and they were not hid. A story was concocted that a team of commandos had attacked the house but were driven off by security. Many of the security people were reported to be in the hospital.

The tradeswomen were not prepared to deal with this type of mayhem. Tiffany read their thoughts and worked hard to shore up their mental structure. Good pay given in cash was a good incentive. They would tie in with hydro to get this all fixed.

The police came when the electricians were here. Tiffany again had to be our spokesmen. The police would like to get to the house but they had no excuse to do so.

The corporal asked, "Do you know who sabotaged your electrical system?" They knew of the phone lines being ripped out and the cell site shut down.

Tiffany tried to act haughty like Knox and said, "Miss Knox was attacked before. It can only be the same people."

"We'd like to talk to Miss Knox."

"She does not wish to talk to you. She fled until the repairs are complete. The best I can do is pass on your request if and when she decides to call me."

"Surely you have some idea where she is?"

"She did not want me to know. People have tried to assault if not kill her and she is not about to invite them to where she is now."

"We would like to see the damage."

"You will not get that without a search warrant. Her lawyers were already appraised of what happened. They will be protecting her rights in her absence."

The cops left with the intention of seeking such a warrant and Tiffany collected the names of who they would have to talk to do this. One of the legal firms Knox dealt with was contacted and told that Knox had been attacked again. Knox would usually demand that they come here so Tiffany demanded this in Knox name. The pending search warrant was mentioned. The name of the probable Justice of the Peace the police would use was stated.

The seriously wounded esper's mind was searched. He was not a good person and never would be. In fact, he was a thoroughly nasty man. The other two were only less so. These two I questioned in depth about what they knew about Knox and her operation. They actually knew quite a bit. I learned that there were three others at large that had the knowledge of how to manufacture the Abicore.

One of them was a younger women that was very submissive to Knox. Knox made sure she was pleased sexually and almost fed from Knox' hand. This was just a way for Knox to have a person she could dominate and would do whatever her mistress wanted. In this case it was to monitor the espers and the new ones being produced.

The espers as a group would tie in with security every once in a while. They came here to pick up the drug so they could continue their search for us. They had intimate knowledge of where Knox had set up her camp. This had to be closed down and everybody concerned with it captured.

We found out why the espers were so good. They had been subject to torture in various forms until they could read minds very well and also erect a block. I was appalled to find that some of them had some talents that were in line with what Brandon could do.

One woman was reported able to fly like Superwoman. Knox did not know of this. They rightly figured she would have the woman killed. Knox' surrogate was developing some sort of shield that would stop bullets some day. So far it only stopped stones thrown at her. The last was a man but he never claimed to do anything special.

The man here that we had captured was named Pete. I said to him, "Show me your ability."

"It's minor and doesn't work very well. When I'm nervous it doesn't work at all."

I said nothing but waited. Nothing happened but I felt a tickle around my block. I read his mind and called Laura. She was the other esper. "What did you see?"

"Pete flickered but I raised my block a bit and he stayed solid."

"Have you known him to completely disappear?"

"Yes, twice. Both times he was drunk and trying to impress me."

I said, "Do it again, Pete. Both of you stay out of my mind while I look."

"Yes, ma'am."

I saw what he did and how. I allowed his commands to reach my brain but not his other thoughts. He had disappeared. The reason I asked instead of just reading is because it was easier to gather data if the person was thinking of what you wanted to find.

Kim came over with crutches and she had witnessed what could be done. She said, "Three people attacked us near Orillia a while ago. What could they do?"

Pete said, "The man could float above the ground. He leans somehow and he can drift the way we walk and run. He could not go fast. He was with Miss Knox longer than any of us and he could see through walls."

Kim said, "Anything else?"

"One of the women could float but not very well. I think she was the one that was the best at forming a shield. She was also the best at tracking. The other woman couldn't do much except project fear. If she did it the right way, you didn't know somebody else was making you afraid."

Kim said, "Go through your mind studying what you know about every person in your group so I have an idea of how they did everything."

The man did as he was asked and Laura had to do the same thing. Joseph was the wounded man and also he gave up any secrets he had. Sometimes searching someone's mind was like looking for facts on the net without a search engine. It all depended how organised a person was. Somebody like Knox was a pleasure to search apart from the cesspit she had where we had a conscience.

Ellen came in with Tiffany and they went immediately to Joseph. They laid hands on the man and concentrated. I could feel them try to heal but Ellen had very little to offer. Ellen asked, "Will you two help us?"

I didn't really mind if Joseph died. I saw him as a person that was someone that could not be reformed. At the same time I wouldn't object to it.

I said, "We can all try." I looked at the three espers and sent them what we knew about healing. This way Joseph could try to heal himself. Tiffany was more of a conductor and she got each of us to do something a bit different so we learned. This is the way we worked in the pack usually.

This seemed to work well because Josephs pain decreased. It tired us out, though. The investigator in me wanted to explore this a bit more. A good way to start would be to heal the pack and then the rest.

We started on Tiffany though she tried to refuse. Kim was next and then I had my turn. For some reason I healed Laura and Pete though they had little wrong with them. I know I felt better after being treated but what repair was done or being done was unknown.

The work details picked up the spent cartridges and the pieces of damaged plaster. Blood was in may places and had to be removed.

All of the electrical equipment that was working was destroyed and some units that were turned off were fried when the high voltage jumped across switches. I ordered temporary refrigerators and freezers be found. The emergency generator was protected and out of the circuit and it was only damaged. If we could get it to work it would be a big help.

The lawyers came and Tiffany laid down the law in Knox' name. Tiffany said that an attack had happened on the house and a lot of damage done. The lawyers suggested insurance. She didn't mind this since most of the public in Canada got screwed for car insurance. The investigators would see the damage done by bullets and this would interest the police.

We worked through Tiffany to pluck what knowledge we could from the two lawyers. They were not honest people but I guess were honest enough for our interests. She had to keep them talking because there was a lot of data to be mined. The lawyers only took care of some segments of Knox' empire and had almost no knowledge of the rest. This is what Knox wanted.

Ideas were formulated in our minds on how to transfer Knox' assets to us or to institutions we controlled. The school was already set up and a good start. The lawyers left to talk to a magistrate about putting a restraining order on the police. This was just the first step because we then had to move up the ladder to more important members of the judiciary. Stopping the search warrant may still be impossible. In any case, the electricians and other people repairing the property would be questioned.

The phone rang many times and we had to take turns managing the empire from the knowledge we had leached from Knox' mind. Knox would not even trust encrypted cell phones and face to face meetings were necessary in some situations. The prostitution of girls was just one such situation. Usually all dealings with crime figures was the same way. Here it was kidnapping, slavery, snuff films, drugs, an ongoing investigation of Colins, and the search for our pack.

I knew this was complicated because we had been going through Knox' data we had on DVD. Managing what she owned was an order of magnitude greater. Knox used her own people for this and she managed them.

Nicolas was called in here because he was the best with numbers. Some of his knowledge was termed abstract but he had a solid grounding in accounting practices. When Nicolas was near we had his knowledge available the same way we shared any data any one of us had gathered. In some cases it wasn't necessary for everybody to store data. In others it was necessary that we could act independently and had to store our own copy.

We now managed assets that had been purchased. This was fairly simple. What Knox had left after we ran was the basic engine for generating this wealth. This engine had to be constantly tinkered with because of unforeseeable changes in the financial markets. In our case we had to alter the focus of some of the businesses and possibly disband some. The operation that produced espers was one needed drastic changes. Ones dealing with prostitution and other criminal activity needed to be destroyed. Slavery would actively sought out so those that bought other people could be exposed.

Herb worked hard to get us up and running. Again Bobby and Joy were nearby to be with him. They couldn't stay with him all the time because they had work to do themselves. His shield never came down. We had to go by what he said and how he said it to find out how he felt. Kim's crying was hard on him and she cried often. She would hold her abdomen at the same time as if cradling a fetus placed there by Herb. Kim wasn't acting and I figured Herbs resolve was crumbling.

The captives looked to Herb as well. He wasn't one of us but had some influence. The boys were afraid of men but would do whatever they could to find some sort of safety.

Knox had felt that three of the girls showed promise in a business sense and I called them over.

I knew their names and history from Knox' mind and from their own. I said mentally, "Please have a seat on the grass with me." The girls took this as an order. "You know I can project my thoughts into your heads. I can also read thoughts and you have all surmised this. There were four groups here. Security and the staff to run the property is easy to understand. The other girls were to please Knox in bed but also do the same for you three. Knox told you she had plans for all of you and this was true. She needed people to run her businesses. These people have to be trained and this is what she was doing. Are there any questions so far?"

Nobody said anything but they did mentally. "My plans for you are the same. You'll work for me instead of Knox. You were also wondering if I'll kill you. My people come first with me. If you are part of this group I'll actively protect each of you. If I was sure of each of you I'd send you off to do what you wanted in life and simply forget you. Even though I can read minds I have no way of knowing when you might someday talk about what happened here."

Amber was the youngest and she said, "Why did you kill all those people? They didn't do anything to you."

I tried to act nonthreatening and said, "You have a lot to learn about Knox. There are some new girls here. Do any of you know what happened to the ones that were here before?"

Nobody spoke because they did not know. "Knox had a lot of businesses. One was an organisation that sent girls to rich women that like girls to lick their pussies. This is prostitution and slavery. One of those girls was rented for a year to a woman in the United States. The other girl went to a home where women rent her services by the hour."

They didn't believe me so I pushed what I learned about this portion of Knox empire into their heads. They saw what Knox saw and experienced the selling of human beings. The girls broke down and cried so I only continued for a bit longer. I made sure they learned how some girls worked in snuff films.

One girl retched at this and was followed by the rest. They had also retched when we took the property.

When they recovered enough I sent them away to clean up the mess and in ten minutes they returned.

"You learned that Knox was not nice and I have to tell you that she killed many more with her experiments. The living failures were killed and disposed of the same way we are doing now. Thankfully, the incidence of brain lesions has been reduced because a good portion of them died of cancer even when they didn't gain telepathy."

Amber said, "I don't want to be here anymore."

"I sympathise with you but you have to stay until we're sure of you."

"I want to go home." She broke down and cried.

We had to wait until she recovered. I knew she would run at the first opportunity. I wanted to allow her to gather some sort of support but the pack was busy.

Sniffer was resting nearby and I called her over. She got up quickly and came to me. I directed her to the girl and the dog sniffed Amber's face and managed to get a few licks in. Amber weakly fought Sniffer until she had to hold the dog. That was enough of an invitation for Sniffer to lay herself down on Amber's lap.

Amber started to relax and then began to pet Sniffer. The dog took the abuse like a pro.

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“I’m close, Lou!” Drew gasped and raised his head briefly before dropping it again and continuing to pummel his wife. He sawed into her with the same determination he did every Sunday night and the occasional Friday or Saturday, if she was really lucky. She dug her nails into his shoulders, raised her knees as high as she could and pressed her heels into his buttocks, digging them in and feeling the satisfaction as his cock began to graze her g-spot, barely. His belly bumped against hers,...

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The German Prince or Princess The Nubian

“Greetings, Your Serene Highness,” the aging butler saluted the 4th Prince of Altberg-Langenstein-Briersdorf. “Good morning,” replied Maxmilian.“I have drawn your bath, sir.”“Very good, Finkel! I will make me way into the wash room shortly. Please have cook prepare potato pancakes and fruited sausage for me. Kuluc, be a dear and inform Finkel of what you wish for breakfast,” the thirty-three year-old sovereign said to his bedmate.Kuluc yawned and rolled over. Maxmilian Ferdinand Ernst Georg,...

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Jack and DeniseChapter 6

Staci woke up an hour and a half later. As she stretched, she noticed that Jill must have gotten up at some point because she was alone on the bed. Reaching up behind her head, Staci rolled over onto her back and grasped the headboard while straightening her legs and pointing her toes towards the foot of the bed. She held the stretch for a moment before relaxing her arms and legs. Satisfied with how loose and relaxed she seemed to be, Staci sat up on her elbows and regarded her room. Deciding...

1 year ago
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ModernDaySins Nicole Doshi Anal Envy Juggling Priorities

Alex Jones has been having an affair with his mistress, Nicole Doshi, behind his wife Helena Locke’s back. Nicole comes into Alex’s home and they greet each other excitedly. They don’t waste any time and start making out right there in the living room. ‘Shouldn’t we go to the bedroom?’ Alex asks, but Nicole shakes her head- she wants to do it right here, right now. Nicole has only been able to see Alex once a week when his wife goes to yoga class, or when...

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Rick X Morty

Rick works diligently on a fun new toy, the problem this toy is made to fix is the cock-blacking Morty. The ray makes you have no regrets and willingly.. almost as if you thought it your self follow commands. As Rick finishes up the final touches, a little dial here for power and rang, and radar dish on the front for desired aria of effect. Rick: "Done!" his voice slightly razed picking up and holds like a pistol. Morty: sleepy walking into the garage, rubbing his eyes and with a slight yawn...

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Fuck Pass VR is a little harder or a little easier than most porn sites to enjoy in public, depending on how you look at it. On one hand, if you’re watching it via the magic of virtual reality, as you’re intended to, the other Starbucks customers won’t necessarily know you’re living an immersive, 3D porno fantasy. On the other hand, it's hard to stay aware of your surroundings with a futuristic pair of sex goggles strapped to your face. One minute you’re smashing a famous pornstar in 8K, the...

VR Porn Sites
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Out Of The ShadowChapter 6

When the other clan leaders came in I showed them the web page and explained that I had checked on updated web pages. The web page I was looking at belonged to the MS13 gang out of Los Angeles and they were talking of the problems they were having getting enough food for the winter. They apparently knew of the clans up north and were talking about raiding them for food and slaves in November, which was about four months away. They were talking on-line as if they had no worries about anyone...

1 year ago
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The AppointmentChapter 2 A punishment

In his hands, the crop. "Forty today" He says; his only words to me today. He moves to my left. I nod, close my eyes, and take a deep breath. I hear the hiss of the rattan crop through the air, and the crack against my skin, before I feel the burn of the first cut on my ass. I throw my head back but manage to contain my scream. He waits for the burn to subside, a few seconds and then "Crack" a second cut on my ass. I stifle a whimper. A pause, then a third strike, I whimper again. It...

2 years ago
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Im My Bosss Whore Chapter 2

The next day was raining, as it often is in Seattle. But unlike the rain back home, this was a cold rain–one you didn't want to spend too much time in. Not having an umbrella or even a decent raincoat, I ran from the cab in my very short black knit dress and high heels like I had been ordered to wear. I clung to my dress coat, feeling my breasts bouncing in the low cut material of my dress.I was angry he was making me do this, but also strangely aroused at knowing I didn't have a choice. I...

Office Sex
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Dolly part 4

I set off in good time to arrive at Mummy's house at the appointed hour. Under my male clothes I was of course wearing my favourite pair of silky pink knickers, suspender-belt, stockings and my teen bra. I was carrying a bag with a nightie, some knickers, my shoes and my full cup bra. It was a little early when I arrived so I walked past. There was a ladies underwear store just along the street. My eye was caught by a display of pretty knickers. I stopped and checked my watch. A few more...

4 years ago
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Suit Shopping

Wandering around the men’s department you’re checking out all of the suits we have to offer here at Macy’s. You reach your arm up and stroke each jacket testing the feel of the wool on your fingertips. I saunter up in a tight black pencil skirt hugging every curve that you can’t take your eyes off of, and a pair of bright red paten leather skysc****r heels. These shoes say fuck me all over them… I ask you, ‘is there something I can help you with, sir?” You tell me you’re in the market for a...

2 years ago
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One Night In A Bus With My Chatting Friend

I am frequent reader of ISS from past 5 years and decided to share my experience also with my fellow readers. It is my first story here so please kindly bear if there are any mistakes. I am open for suggestions and any hook up with beautiful ladies in Hyderabad. I will make sure to satisfy you to the core. I used to chat in a sex chat group where I met this beautiful girl Srividya. Initially we chatted like friends and as days passed we started exchanging our personal stories and feeling as...

4 years ago
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My First Call Girlescort

I was at home and just messing around looking over some porn sites getting more and more horny when I came to one for call girls, I flicked through the models till I came across this cute little asian, she had sort black hair and a tite little body perfect firm tits and the cutest bum.Because I was getting even more horny by now I decided I would go for it, I had never order a woman for sex before shore I had met woman online and we would meet up for a fuck but this felt so much naughtier as I...

3 years ago
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5 Cheerleader Sex Slaves Chapter 18

This is the story of 5 high school cheerleaders who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves. Thanks for reading...Chapter Eighteen “So boys, do we have a deal?” Mack stared at Tara’s body intently, her breasts shuddered enticingly in front of him, mere inches from his face. “I won’t ask you to sell me the bitch now, but take the other...

2 years ago
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AhhhWhat8217s Your Name Sir

Hey, this is my first story so pls comment on it.. criticisms are welcome. Anyway, this is a story about Shobha Roy, a successful young executive living alone in her apartment of two bedrooms, a beautiful kitchen, a giant bathroom and a balcony overlooking the great ocean. All of which, finely put together to give a very feminine presence. She was 26years old and could never justify why she needed such an oversized shelter just for herself nor the need of driving a Silver VW Beetle to office...

1 year ago
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Married lover and friend

I had been having an afair for a few months with a married woman who was 21 and I was 32.She was hot and we got together whenever we could. The sex was hot and there wasn't a position we didn't try. We used to meet for lunch twice a week tomake a time we could both get out and I would book a motel for a few hours.She told that she had been telling a girl she worked with about my 8 1/2 cock.She was a year older that me and had only ever been with one guy her husband who had a 5in cock and really...

1 year ago
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Human ManChapter 12

Summer classes were something he'd always enjoyed, at least he thought he had. The condensed schedule, semesters measured in weeks rather than months should have been perfect for him. Instead, he felt restless. Things he would have let ride in the past bothered him. The little things, the bullshit, he didn't have the patience for it. Scott could feel anger, like a pressure building within him. Workouts helped, but the student athletic facilities didn't have a heavy bag. A million dollar...

1 year ago
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Saas ke hath me

Hi friends mera naam sonu (name change) hai main Ludhiana ka rehne wala hun meri age 26 hai main shadi sudha hun meri shadi ko 1 saal ho gaye hai aur meri highet 5’7″ hai meri body average hai aur mera lun 9″ ka hai aur main ek punjabi hun to main apko apni story ke barin mein batata hun, ye meri real story hai isme mene jo likha wo ekdham sachi kahani hai, ye baat karib 20 din ke hai meri saas mere ghar par rehne ke liye ayi thi mere ghar main hum 3 log rehte hain mein meri biwi and mere dad...

4 years ago
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My Evil Twin Chapter 5

Waking up in the morning used to be a happy time for me, but now I hate it. I wish I could just sleep all the time so my evil sister couldn’t do anything more to me. I hated her so much now, that if she died, I would party and laugh about it. But I did wake up, and when I opened my eyes, Mandy was right there. Damn, I thought, when will she leave me alone. I sat up and she said, “Get in the bathroom whore, I need to piss. No clothes yet.” Once in the bathroom, she sat on the toilet seat and...

1 year ago
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Aunty Gave Me Her SIL

Hi this is Manu, 26, again after 2 posts which were well accepted by all of you. I had earlier written my experience with Bhanu Chechi and my new house owner aunty….I am still staying with them in Ernakulam, Kerala. For guys who have not read my earlier post, I stay with Aunty shobha who is now 38, loves me to the core and had taken revenge with her husband by being with me whenever she felt she wanted her sexual urge to be relieved. I too was fully engrossed in the experience I was getting...

3 years ago
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First Wave

He was tired. Really tired. His day in the hospital has been long and tiring. All he wanted now is a glass of whiskey and a bed and fine, a woman to warm his bed. Dan Wildreese, a surgeon in his mid-thirties is currently contemplating whether to sleep in his car or actually find energy to crawl to his bed to sleep. “It’s not like I’ll get a good sleep here in my car, might as well drag my ass to my bed. Hopefully I’ll make it.” He thought. Out of the car he went. Sighing deeply he walked up...

3 years ago
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A House in Disarray14 A Small Event

Amanda pulled to the curb in a beat-up, older model Nissan, and lowered the window. “Hop in.” Em tossed her small bag in the back seat and jumped in. She was used to getting up and moving, rather than primping and preening, so she’d only brought the bare minimum. “Wonderful car. Couldn’t bring the Beemer?” Amanda laughed as she pulled into traffic. “Nah, it’s in the shop.” She turned the music up, so Em assumed they wouldn’t talk much. Amanda also didn’t seem dressed for a long drive,...

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The Masterton Covenant

"I know why you're here," the old man says. He is sitting at the back of the club, still wrapped in a shawl despite the roaring fire behind him. He doesn't bother to turn, instead staring into the flickering flames as he sips a glass of brandy. "I've seen that look before, that hunger. You think you've exhausted every pleasure this world has to offer and you're looking for some new thrill to ease the tedium. Then you heard about them and you wondered if it was possible, without dying...

1 year ago
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Late At Night

It was late, closing time to be precise; the Bar staff began to clean away the day's business as the final punters finished their drinks. Couples began to retire for the night and drunks stumbled off into the great beyond (sleep). It was only a short walk from the bar to Susan's house, which she walked with her friend Jon, they had known each other for over a year and they had become friends, though a different kind of friendship, lived in computers this was the first time they had met. Jon had...

2 years ago
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Vacation With My Hot Mom

First of all, a big HI! to everyone. I am long time reader of Indian Sex Stories. This writing is about me and my mom and this is my first story. We have had a lot of sex about which I write for days. My dad working for a chemical industry on its administration side is currently in Dubai. I am the only child to my parents and we stay with our grandparents. My mom, 40, well-educated was working in an MNC as Manager till 2015. She then resigned as my grandma got sick. My mom is stylish and hot....

3 years ago
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Baby Sitting The Niece Part 2

Baby Sitting The Niece Part 2Few weeks go by since the last incident.. Things felt a little different after leaving a little cum on my sister in laws face. Not sure if this what a regular person would catch but anything she wore.. I could see through it all.. Her nipples through her white shirts with no bras or when she's wearing her leggings her pussy lips just seem to shine through. It's hard for me not to get hard but I hide it as much as I can. Ever since then whenever I had my own solo...

3 years ago
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In his small but immaculate barracks room Marine First Sergeant Jake Weeks took off his uniform for the last time. In his mirror he saw a man who was more at home in a uniform than jeans and a pullover shirt. Tall and lithe with cropped grey hair, blue eyes and leathery tough skin, he looked exactly what he was: a warrior. Or at least what he was up until today. He had spent the afternoon in the NCO club laughing and joking with old friends and avoiding the question of what he was going to...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Destiny Cruzy Kiara Cole Thirsting for Roomies Boyfriend

Ladies should never leave their men unattended, especially when naughty sluts like Destiny Cruz and Kiara Cole are around. Lucas Frost chills in the front yard, minding his own business. Unbeknownst to him, Destiny is playing with herself while watching him. Kiara enters the kitchen, catching Destiny thirsting for their roommate’s boyfriend. The naughty hotties argue for a while before reaching an agreement. Destiny and Kiara go outside to carry out their plan. They start teasing Lucas...

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Jones Beach

Jones Beach by Pamela ([email protected]) Chapter 1 Cathy Margolies, blonde and pretty with a sunny disposition locks the front door of her modest home in Seal Beach, California, and walks behind her fianc?, Brad Featherson, as he carries her luggage to his Jaguar XKE convertible parked at the curb. Brad, sandy-haired, tall, well-built and well-dressed is driving her to John Wayne A...

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Chandigarh Mei Aunty Ko Choda Part1

So hello everyone, my name is ishan. Phele apne bare mei thoda sa btata hun aur fir kahani pr ata hun. Main chandigarh padhne ke liye aya tha aur ussi saal meri virginity loose hoi thi. Pr long distance ki vajah se needs poori nahi hoi. Fir maine yhn pr patana shuru kara needs poori hoi pr fantasy thi ki aunty ko chodun .. toh issme meko 1.4 saal laga .. main phele saal hostel tha aur ab flat main aya .. maine jaan kar ek society main flat liya ki yhn pr koi aunty ko set karna hn.toh aise...

4 years ago
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Calebs Growing Up SummerChapter 4

On the day after July 4th, Caleb and Annie sat across from Bill Simpson and waited for him to finish reading the medical report in front of him. Finally, he looked up and said, "Well this ought to do it. Dr. Friedman says X-rays show some evidence of a mild case rickets in the wrist bones and knees. On top of that, some of the lab reports suggest long-term vitamin and mineral deficiencies. He's amazed that Caleb grew to be so tall in spite of his poor diet, and says it's a case of nature...

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Desert Flower

Running Eagle, naked except for a leather breech-cloth, a red headband and moccasins, heard the melodious humming coming from the camp before he could see the owner of the voice. The naked figure of his female patient, extending her arms above her head greeted him. She looked like a mountain lion stretching her limbs after a rest in the shade. Despite the apparent danger, his gaze zoomed in on her taut breasts and her long spread-out legs. Her smooth pussy was prominent and the sight caused the...

2 years ago
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Suddenly Stephanie

Stephen has had a long week as a handyman but it has been profitable. Stephen was looking forward to driving the 2 hours to Boulder to see the University of Colorado Buffalo football game. He was able to get home by 3:30 Friday afternoon which he wasn't able to see much of the last 10 days. Stephen was 5'9" and weighed 170 lbs had just a little longer than collar length brown hair, beard and brown eyes. He stepped out of his pickup when his neighbor Rochelle came over as fast as she...

1 year ago
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My Sexy RedHeaded Stepmother

I had secretly lusted after Alice, my sexy red-headed stepmother, for a long, long time. She had a habit of walking around the house late at night in a silky, nearly see-through, light blue nighty. It was obvious that she was completely naked underneath because I could clearly make out her dark nipples and the little tuft of hair that was just above her pussy. I was convinced that she knew I could see everything and that she wore the skimpy nighty to intentionally drive me crazy. Many a night I...

2 years ago
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Secret Love Affair 8211 Part 3 Sneaky Sex

I still had a fear of waking Shoba and told my concerns to Ajayan. He suddenly kissed me, and I was completely lost in it. After about 10 minutes of kissing and caressing, he took me to my room. He made me sit on the bed and removed my nightdress. I was now in my panty and bra. He helped me remove my bra and kissed my neck. He made me lie down and removed the panty. Ajayan kissed my thigh. He placed both his hands over it and pressed them. I could feel his warm breath over my wet pussy. It made...

4 years ago
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Dawn And Patti Move To Denver

Part One: Preparing to MoveI returned from two weeks in Kansas with Patti. During that time, she insisted I dress as a woman. This had worked until my purse spilled and Patti’s friend Brenda Hess picked up my driver's license. Fortunately, Brenda was very accepting, even encouraging me to transition into living as a female full-time.Patti and I were introduced to swinging with Brenda and her boyfriend, Martin. The initial purpose of my trip was to appraise the property Patti’s parents had owned...

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a midday romp

This happened 20 yrs. ago I was dating a petite dark haired beauty with glowing skin like milk and deep blue eyes she was around 5 ft. tall me being a little taller than 6’1′ with an athletic build, we were both mid 20’s then she worked as a chef me I had just gotten my certification as a consultant. It was a slow start and my g f her career was heating up she was getting offers from just about every well known restaurants around the globe. She had a hot little friend that did prep work in the...

3 years ago
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AgainChapter 11

After spending some time in Vehmersalmi at the family digs with the wicked stepmom and the children, I wandered down to the bar with Wendy. I think we both had the same idea in mind, but I noticed the old Rally cars. Poor Wendy. I called. "Dal?" I asked. "Yah?" "Those old cars in the barn," I asked, "Who do they belong to?" "The family, I suppose," he said. "Do they run?" "Mostly, why?" "I want to run one in the nostalgia race," I said. That got a hmm. "The Triumph...

1 year ago
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An Intermission Amongst Equals

As always, I can’t thank Lireal enough for her help. On more than one occasion have I had an ‘iffy’ idea, ran it by her, and she’s helped me come up with a better one. This story would have been completely different if I hadn’t consulted with her first, and probably not very good. ‘Deepening shadows gather splendor as day is done. Fingers of night shall soon surrender the setting sun. I count the moments, darling, til you’re here with me. Together, at last, at twilight time.’ -The Platters,...

2 years ago
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Owned TeacherChapter 2

When Lisa got to the door she turned and told Mary, "Follow two steps behind and act normal." How could she act normal. Her nipples were rubbing on her blouse with every step, her pussy was bare under her skirt and much to her dismay, becoming more moist by the minute. With the buttons open as Lisa had ordered she was showing more cleavage than she felt was acceptable. "Yes Ms. Simon," she replied. Lisa opened the door and lead the defeated teacher through the halls of the school into...

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