ChroniclesChapter 10 free porn video

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This is a double header, told from Dave's point of view when the text is upright, Debbie's when it's italicised. I hope that this is clear enough (and that it works in your browser) ... and be grateful that I didn't go with the original idea of doing the whole thing in parallel columns...

Friday morning and it was raining heavily as I got to Hertford Square, not in the best of moods after a series of delays on the tube had added a little extra sparkle to the joy that is commuting in London. So I wasn't my normal cheerful self when I let myself into the office, observing Seffi already engrossed in an animated conversation on the phone, no Naz, and ... sitting at Naz's desk, Gareth the Legal Bloke, who smiled at me somewhat bashfully. I probably didn't smile back ... to be honest I just wanted a coffee and some space to go through the e-mails, calm down a bit before having to face the world.

However, I am a Brit and politeness is kind of ingrained, so I offered Gareth a coffee, made him – and Seff – one while I was getting my own, then dragged myself behind my own desk, powering up the PC even as I asked Gareth what brought him into the office. Turns out he was taking another illicit break from the day job, his more detailed examination of our contractual position, viz a viz our paymasters at PCW, having revealed some ambiguities which he wanted to talk to me about. Which was admirably keen of him – and, I was sure, the best hope we had of a solution to our various problems – but to be honest my heart fell. I don't do contracts, or at least not the sort of contracts we'd signed when we were setting the company up. I think it takes a peculiarly perverse type of mind to draft or decode a spiders web of interrelated clauses, wherefores and thereunders, conditions and codicils ... and that was one perversity, at least, that I didn't have. Nonetheless, I put on my best intelligent face and sat back to listen to what he had to say.

Half an hour later, Gareth was still talking – Seff still on the phone – and I was losing the will to live. Occasionally, he would come back to something I vaguely recognised as English, my mind would bravely try to catch up and then he was off again ... completely fluent gibberish ... might as well have been speaking Chinese as far as I was concerned. This was all a bit embarrassing as I could see that he was making a real effort to put this in a lawyers equivalent of idiot speak ... and it was still passing me by completely. I was saved by Naz arriving, slamming through the door in what just had to be Naz-in-a-state-of-high-excitement mode, Gareth only just getting out of the way in time as he virtually threw himself into his chair – seemingly oblivious to the fact that someone else had been sitting there seconds before.

Half an hour after that, I was still listening to Naz, talking at me, this time, about air turbulence and fluid dynamics, I think, a subject which had apparently kept him up most of the night – Seff, her conversation paused for the moment, gave an exasperated sigh at that, presumably having been kept up with him – and which promised great but fuzzy – at least to me – benefits to us, the wind generator guys and, hell, the rest of the world, too, by the sound of it. Frankly, I didn't understand a word but it was nice to see Naz so enthusiastic ... and that Gareth, too, was looking a bit dazed by the rant. I felt a headache coming on, wondered which of the two I should try and deal with first ... and then reception buzzed up ... we had a visitor.

I went down myself, if only to catch a moment of sanity, and found myself greeting a tall woman of about my age, dressed in an ankle length black skirt, a very wet black soft shell jacket ... and an emerald head scarf. She smiled as I introduced myself, her eyes a deep golden brown, laugh lines showing against the slightly tawny skin, introduced herself in turn as Niusha. Ah yes, I thought, mentally cursing the fact that my morning had given me no time to either talk to Seff or even check my own appointments, Niusha ... the CareSpan administrator that May had offered to "lend" us so that Naz and Seff could get over to Germany. I asked her to come on up, apologising for the fact that things were a bit chaotic, that we were not as prepared as we might have been for her arrival.

Things had not changed much when we got back upstairs. Seff was still on the phone, albeit now apparently swearing quietly to herself in German, while Gareth was now backed into a corner, taking the full force of Naz's attempts to explain his new ideas, which now included, I saw, a number of complex diagrams ... which didn't make any more sense than the verbiage. I gave Niusha a quick, consoling, grin, then interrupted enough to do some basic introductions ... even Seff briefly surfacing and giving her a quick wave. I made coffee.

At least I understood the coffee machine, I thought...

I got a few hours sleep back at the hotel before coming down to meet Colin for breakfast, watching snow falling heavily outside, already beginning to drift slightly in the breeze. He was efficient and focused, so that I felt the attitude slowly infecting me, displacing the slight vagueness I'd experienced after a night without much sleep and with ... a lot of excitement. We talked about plans.

Colin had prepared a variety of options, as I'd requested, the three most developed ranging from a very basic renovation of the current near ruin, bringing it up to modern minimum standards, through to a comprehensive eco-workover, including heat pumps, wind and solar electricity generation, triple glazing and thermal sumps, reed bed sanitation ... the works. I gave them a brief scan – they were impressive pieces of work, detailed and comprehensive – before indicating the third version.

"Its Dave's decision, of course," I told him, "but he'll go for the full option, I know, so I think we need to work that one up to the stage we can begin tendering for the building work" He looked a bit dubious, pointed out that it was going to be expensive, might be seen as over-the-top by some. I agreed that this was true, but, "Two points, though ... firstly, if the North Atlantic Gyratory does finally switch off, this is the sort of building we'll all need; secondly I know Dave ... and I know that he knows we'll only get one chance at this, so best to do it well. So how soon can you give us the specs? The bill of works or whatever you call it?"

He looked a bit dubious. "Umm, we can do it quite quickly, probably, but to be honest we normally contract this sort of thing out to specialists. If I can get them the plans, and mark it up as urgent, we could probably get it to you in a couple of weeks?"

"So mark it as hyper urgent and get it back to us by next Wednesday, OK?"

He didn't even try to argue. "Oh ... right ... but I need to spend some time with the guys who'll be doing the calculations, so I'll need to go back to London, then ... well, it might be possible."

"Good," I grinned at him. "How much more have you got to do around here, anyway?"

"Not a lot to be honest – talk to your teacher friend Jane about her initial results – she said she'd be able to identify the really high value parts of the existing site even at this stage, so we can mark them off on the plans, structure the landscaping works around them"

"Right, so get hold of her this afternoon, or this evening, you could be back in London tomorrow lunchtime. Gives you almost five days to do the work, get it back to us." He did look like he might be about to protest, for a moment, then remembered who was paying the bills and nodded. I allowed myself a brief moment of satisfaction – it was good to be a bastard at times – then became aware of one of the hotel's staff ... Charlotte, I think her name was ... trying to attract my attention

"Ms Jenner? There's a phone call for you...

Except, of course, that I knew how to make what you might describe as English coffee. Niusha was polite, but you could tell it wasn't really her thing. I raised a quizzical eyebrow, engaging with her more to avoid Naz's continuing rant than anything else.

"Sorry ... I'm Iranian. And while I might not have lived there since my teens, this is still not coffee, in my opinion: It is slightly darkly coloured water. I will have to educate you about this, I can tell."

I was about to say something witty in response – there was something I really liked about her attitude – the provocative grin she gave me as she disparaged my last remaining competence – but I was distracted by Seff putting the phone down, at long last, and doing so with a violent gesture and a vehement burst of guttural German. Now that didn't sound good, I thought.

Actually, Seff didn't carry on yelling, just expressed her frustration briefly, then sat at her desk, not saying anything, not looking at anyone. I got Naz to shut up – by yelling at him, quite loudly, I'm afraid – and then went over to Seff, crouching down beside her. She looked a bit surprised to be the centre of attention, nodded jerkily when I asked if she was OK.

"Yeah ... sorry ... just a bit of an over-reaction, probably. Its just that I've been talking to FreiBank – the people from Baden-Wurttemberg, you know? – and they weren't being terribly helpful ... or candid. They have sent the preliminary data you asked for – you'll see their e-mail – but ... I don't know ... something's up. They were also supposed to finalise a contract – pay us money in other words ... and I can't find anyone who can tell me why they haven't ... or when – or if – they will."

I picked up on the edge to her voice. "It couldn't just be an oversight, I suppose?"

"A bank that size? Overlooking a contract? No."

OK. So how worried should I be? Well, for better or worse, for the moment I wasn't all that bothered ... or, rather, I felt that I had more urgent things to worry about. Yes, they were just about the nearest thing we had to a paying customer, so far, but this was one of the contacts we'd been working on that I just had a bad feeling about. So I wasn't going to loose sleep over it just yet. I stood up, gave Seff my best reassuring smile, said, "Well, lets file it under curious for the moment. I'll have a look at the preliminary stuff as soon as I can. Meantime, I think its about time we got organised."

"Gareth – I think you need to talk to Debbie ... I'm not going to be able to help much with your questions, largely because I haven't got a clue what you're talking about. So ... why don't you take yourself off to Cumbria for the weekend ... kill a few birds with a single stone. That way you get to meet Debbie, at last, see where we're planning on working from and resolve the contracts stuff. If its OK with Debbie, obviously, but if it is, we'll pay hotels, fares all that stuff ... OK?"

He nodded, so I turned to Seffi. "Can you give Debbie a call – its snowing up there, at least that's what Radio 4 said this morning, so she might well be in the hotel. If not, leave a message but check its OK for Gareth to come up, and if so, sort out the necessaries."

"Naz, sit down behind a computer and do whatever the hell you need to do. Then, at some point, you can tell me about what you've achieved – show me a revolutionary turbine blade or something – sparing me the details of just how clever you've been in the process. Not that I'm not interested, but you lost me sometime in the first twenty seconds of the explanation." He grinned, already lost in a sea of equations, algorithms, whatever. He'd emerge eventually, I knew.

"And Niusha, when Seff has a moment free, I need you to talk to her in some detail about just what we're trying to achieve here, what you're likely to have to cover for. And when you've done that, I'll take you and Seff out for lunch ... and we'll try and find some coffee that you'll actually enjoy ... and you can educate us. Now lets get on with things, OK? We have a business to run, here...

It was Seffi on the phone, sounding surprised but pleased to have caught me first time. Well, I was pleased to talk to her, too ... pleased that she sounded happy, not too stressed ... even if the office sounded busier than usual in the background. As usual, she wasted little time on idle pleasantries and quickly explained the call: Would I be OK with the new Legal Bloke coming up at the weekend – some stuff he wanted to talk about re the contracts between us and PCW/Carla – which was OK by me, did I know if the Albion had a vacancy for Saturday night – well, yes, they did, even if they didn't know it yet – and if she was booking train tickets, should they be first class or standard.

"Hell, Seff ... he's a lawyer ... probably sue us if he realised that everyone else around here tends to travel first these days..." Except me, I thought, ending the call with a feeling of relief. With Dave running the show pretty much on his own you just never quite knew what surprises might be in store...

So I walked back over to Colin feeling almost light hearted, watching him watching me with an eager, almost puppy like expression. In fact, I'd almost got back to his table when Charlotte called my name again.

"Ms Jenner? Another call, I'm afraid..."

Niusha and Seff hit it off right away, sitting drinking tiny cups of pretty much solid caffeine outside an Iranian café N knew just behind the British Museum. I admit I was fascinated by her, the easy way she lived across her two cultures, her obvious confidence and competence at work, her deep affection and respect for her homeland. She'd shrugged off Seff's query about the headscarf – no, it wasn't religious, just cultural ... she'd left Iran because her professed atheism and socialism had made her unpopular in certain quarters, did not see any reason to abandon a mode of dress she felt comfortable with just because she was now living in the UK. Which was hard to argue with, not least because some women – and Niusha in particular – do look very nice in a scarf...

I also knew that May was very impressed by Niusha, so I asked her for a while about her experience with CareSpan. Turned out that she'd been one of the people that our CastList work had really impacted on, in her case moving her from PA to the finance director to a free floating role co-ordinating the whole central management team. Which, as she put it, was the job she'd been born for ... no two days the same and every day a problem to be solved. Seff and I laughed at this, said almost simultaneously that we felt that the new placement might prove to be similar in that respect, at least.

When we got back to the office, Seff took Niusha through the work we had planned and in prospect and began to introduce her to some of the systems she'd invented. Naz appeared not to notice that we'd even come back, sitting in his corner typing very rapidly, taking time every now and then to jot something down on a note pad on the desk in front of him. I did take a brief look over his shoulder at his screen, saw quantities of what looked like very complex code, went back to my own desk. He'd come round soon enough, I knew, and in the meantime, I needed to make a start on the FreiBank stuff. And quickly realised that I had a problem.

OK, so all I had to go on were the psychometric data on the banks top hundred or so executives and traders ... all anonymised so that I couldn't even tie it into roles or grades – which could be useful when beginning to sketch out a plan of action. In this case, though, there simply wouldn't have been any point. Not only would that approach not work, but, I quickly realised, neither would any of the others. It seemed that on day one of job one, I'd discovered the fatal flaw. Oh, bugger, I thought.

Actually, the problem was not entirely unexpected, just vastly more apparent than I could have imagined in my most cynical moments. I was used to working with charities and there are a lot of reasons why people choose to work in that field – some people Want To Do Good, of course, others want a family / gay / difference friendly environment, some people see it as an easy life, a cushy number ... though the latter don't tend to last long. In any case, the diversity of the workforce offered opportunities for constructive change. The gentlemen of FreiBank, on the other hand, had a single, universal driver, every single bloody one of them motivated by exactly the same thing.

They wanted to make money, lots of it. And from the psychometrics, each and every one of them would be quite prepared to club new born babies to death with his grandmother to do so.

This was, I realised, going to make it difficult. Identifying alternatives, introducing new factors, changing things around a bit ... what we were planning to do, in other words ... simply would not work. From these results, if it didn't make shed loads of wonga, they wouldn't be interested. It was depressing. It really was.

In fact, I struggled on with the data for a while, drilling down into the level two stuff that this particular organisation had provided. These supposedly indicated more subtle character traits / predilections on a level which HR people rarely bothered with – I wondered whether whoever had set up this system had encountered the same issues – but it didn't help all that much. A few people were marginally honest, while a few appeared to have major antisocial personality disorders, but on the whole the initial impression that these guys were one self sustaining, homogeneous mass was hard to refute. So I made some more coffee, spent some time looking out the window. I find this effective, problem solving wise – do nothing and often things come right all on their own – and in this case my superstition was justified gratifyingly quickly.

Specifically, Seff looked up from where she was talking to Niusha – going through the contacts lists, giving thumbnails sketches of the various individuals she'd been dealing with in getting things even as far as they had with some of our prospective clients – and waved to attract my attention. "Think we may have an explanation for FreiBank's evasiveness earlier on, she said ... just got a non-work e-mail from one of my contacts there ... think its been written in a cafe or something."

Something in her tone ... a sort of grim satisfaction, I think you could call it ... caused me to get up and go over to her desk, leaning over between the two of them to read the message on her screen rather than have her forward it over to me. Interesting, I thought ... definitely wouldn't want that in your work sent items folder...

Another false alarm. This time it was a guy called Carol (he said), been given the number by Rosie, apparently. Oh yeah, I thought – the wind generator guy, wondering how I could help. Turned out he was at Bowmere station, just come up from London, wanted to come and meet me if that would be convenient? I said something about the snow but he laughed in a way that probably meant something like 'wait until you've been here a few years and see if you still call this snow' and I found myself agreeing to meet him at the old slate works in an hour. Well, I'd been planning to go over there later, anyway...

When I got back this time, Colin was packing up, explaining that he was heading back to his room to get started on the really detailed costings – I do so like enthusiasm – and even declined my offer of lunch. So I headed over to the café in Church Gate on my own, enjoying the walk in the snow even as I wondered just how bad this place got in the depth of winter. Soon find out, that was for sure, I thought...

Inevitably, it was Rosie working in the café but for once it was actually quite busy – some out of season coach party, by the looks of things – and I didn't really get a chance to talk to her until the afternoon shift person arrived, by which time I was on the point of leaving myself, heading for my meeting on site. Still, I waited long enough to say hello, as you do, only then to explain that I had to leave pretty much instantly to meet the oddly named Carol in about two minutes. This produced a surprising reaction.

"Karol," she said, eyes lighting up, "Here? Hang on ... I'll get my coat..."

And so, when I got down to the slate works it was in the company of a very cheerful Rosie, who by that stage was hanging onto my arm and giving me a quick run down on a guy – yeah, Karol, not Carol, Polish ancestry, apparently – who seemed to be some sort of walking sex god, at least in Rosie's eyes. And, I admitted to myself, silently, she did could probably claim to be something of an expert...

Actually, by the time we'd walked down the road there was no sign of the mysterious Karol ... just Jane, and a couple of her students, looking busy, and Linda. I shouted hello, wondering how you could survey a site in all this snow. Well, by looking at footprints, apparently ... or at least that's what the students were doing, taking photographs and even casts of the damn things. I wondered whether this would reveal anything interesting or was just a way of giving the pupils something to do. Not for the first time, Jane appeared to read my mind.

"Looks like you've had a pine marten around here last night", she said without preamble, excited as always. I must have looked blank because she laughed. "Be impressed, Debbie ... there's only about twenty of them in the whole of the county ... and to find one here ... not exactly a forest, is it? ... its pretty bloody unusual. We're going to try a trap this evening, see if we can get a live one ... see whether its an adventurous youngster or just a confused elder." She laughed again. "And its not even an endangered species, nationally, so no worries about mucking up all your plans..."

Which I suppose I should have been relieved to hear but, actually, I was just pleased that Jane was pleased, happy watching her corral the kids into moving onto a different area, explaining where best to look for harvest mice and dormouse spoor, otter tracks and the like. Admittedly, it appeared that the former were best found in owl pellets – shit, in other words – but conveniently it turned out that we also had owls. Which at least meant I'd have something to talk to Dave about when I phoned him later, I thought, aware that Linda had more on her mind than zoology.

"I was hoping to catch you," she said as I turned towards her. "Its Andy ... he wants a definite yes/no on your renting accommodation." She saw the look on my face, I think, because she went on quickly. "Yes, I thought it was all agreed, too, but apparently he wants to confirm it personally. Which probably means he's going to try and add a few things to the bill ... although you didn't hear that from me, obviously."

Well, OK, I thought, checking with Jane that she'd be OK with taking Colin through the results to date – she suggested the bar that evening – and with my self that the clothing I was wearing was appropriate. And, yeah ... full waterproofs and a woolly hat. Couldn't have chosen better if I'd planned it. So I nodded to Linda, set off down the hill with her.

Of course, just as we were leaving the car park an old, battered Fiat Panda pulled up – a 4x4 version, apparently – and this large fair haired guy got out. Karol, I assumed, seeing the way Rosie instantly started in on him, while I made complicated gestures to the two of them that I'd be back as soon as possible, else try the bar later? I hoped they understood, mentally preparing myself for ordeal by lech.

In fact, young Andrew was no more unpleasant than he probably was just by nature of being him. Patronised Linda massively, of course, but didn't try anything on with me – not so such much as a lascivious smirk. OK, so he tried to get us to pay for a whole load of the electrical work – in his bloody building – but that didn't take long to sort out (its true ... all bullies really are cowards) and I got the contracts signed, work to be completed within a fortnight. Which was good. I did think of offering him extra – if he would remove himself from the premises for the duration – but let it lie. If all else failed, we could always set Rosie on him...

What Seff had uncovered ... or her mole had revealed, actually ... was that FreiBank were basically on the point of pulling the plug on the whole deal. Which at first struck me as the answer to a prayer – even if I didn't know I'd said one – but on closer consideration looked rather more problematic. In fact, what seemed to be going on was that PCW had 'indicated' – no clue as to how or to whom – that they would no longer guarantee us. Not directly financially ... the actual overheads for the work were so small that we could afford to do it on spec, collect the money on delivery to satisfied customer and all that ... but, rather more worryingly, they were no longer presenting us as trusted corporate partners, suitable to be given access to highly confidential – and potentially highly profitable – information. Which, even I could see, could easily kill the whole thing stone dead. If nothing else, we didn't have either the capitalisation or the track record to insure ourselves against that sort of level of liability so if things did go wrong – deliberately or otherwise – they couldn't recoup the damages by suing us. And even if they tried, from the looks of this, they'd be second in line behind PCW anyway.

I'm not sure that Niusha saw the problem, immediately, but Seffi clearly did. She didn't look too happy ... casting an annoyed glance at Naz, who was still oblivious, wrapped up in his code, typing away ... but not actually distraught, either. I could almost see her brain working, going through all her contacts at PCW, thinking who might be able to provide more information, how she / we might go about getting it. While she was thinking, I filled Niusha in on the implications, watching as it sank in and she had the decency to look quite upset on our behalf. I mean, it wasn't her problem, so...

By the end of the afternoon I wasn't sure it was my problem, either. OK, so I'd ruled out some of the more extreme suggestions – when we'd finally got Naz to engage with reality he'd suggested having a go at some of the gaps in PCW's firewalls he remembered from working there – get the information we needed by simply hacking their systems – though I didn't think that criminal activity was justified just yet – but otherwise Seff sort of took over. She did try phoning Debbie, see if she had any suggestions, but couldn't get hold of her, just left a message to phone one or the other of us – she didn't need to describe it as urgent, Debbie would get the point. Then she made a few phone calls – not asking any direct questions, just getting a feel for the terrain, as she put it. Which revealed nothing more than the fact that people who'd been fine to chat a couple of days ago were a lot less friendly now.

Which was hardly a surprise. Eventually, we decided we'd call it a day. Naz left first, en route to some university library, intent on blagging some journal articles he hadn't been able to find on public access on the web, followed by Seff, still deep in thought but smiling happily enough as she left, giving me a hug and pointing out that these things had always worked themselves out in the past, so...

Which left me with Niusha, looking slightly shell shocked after what had, after all, been quite an eventful first day. So I thought it was only polite to offer her a drink.

I certainly didn't want to start drinking on my own. Not in the mood I was in.

We got back to the Slate Works in time to find everyone finishing up, or, at least, Jane and her students were, while Rosie seemed to be quite deep in conversation with Karol ... wind turbines probably not uppermost in either of their minds, from the look of it. So I suggested that we all head back to the hotel, Linda and I joining Jane's students in the back of the college minibus, Rosie swiftly taking up the offer of a lift with Karol.

Colin was already sitting in the bar when we got back, looking a bit anxious – there was a message for me to phone either Seffi or Dave, as soon as possible, he said, no details given. Well, OK, but the either or both bit suggested that this was out of the ordinary. I decided discretion was in order, so got Colin to buy drinks for the assembled locals and suggested that he might want to talk to Jane before she had to get the students back into town. Then I went up to my room to use the phone there in some sort of privacy.

I called Dave first, chatted for about ten minutes – he was in a bar, of course, this time with our prospective temporary administrator, who he seemed impressed by – and then I called Seffi. She was outside the UCL library, waiting for Naz to get something or the other, and thus actually able to talk more openly, not that I learnt much more than Dave had implied, specific information being one thing we were clearly short of. After which, I sat back on the bed for a while, thinking about the news. It was interesting – not unexpected, I had to admit to myself – and there were people in PCW who might be a little more willing to talk to me than they had been to Seff, people who owed me favours, but that would have to wait till Monday. Anyway, our incredibly keen new Legal Bloke was coming up for the weekend, maybe he'd have a cast iron contractual solution to all our problems. Or, more probably, he wouldn't. Ah, well, I sighed inwardly, then decided to change ... put on something nice for the evening, act happy ... however I felt inside.

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I could see him standing in the threshold, relaxed, but expectant. The neighbors were around and I greeted him by his name. He smiled but didn’t return the greeting. When I reached the top stair, I saw that he grasped the cat by its handle. Its braided tails hung silently along his leg. My thighs tightened at the memory of the last flogging he had given me and how the tails had painted my back, ass and thighs. He smiled. “Hello, Master,” I said, and smiled back. “Undress, Puppy,” he said. I set...

3 years ago
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Two Horny BabysittersChapter 4

An hour later, Terri was sitting in the shade in the back yar4. Keith had. just come out of the house with a bottle of pop for her and a drink for himself. As 1w sat down beside her, his young son looked up happily. "I'm glad you found the babysitter, Daddy. I like her." "I do too," Keith smiled, winking at Terri. Terri went on helping the youngster make a city out of pieces of cardboard and rocks. While she played there, Keith's hand caressed her back. "Don't you think it's time...

1 year ago
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Sex Prisoner

The two brothers had been captured and ther was no way out. The leader of the other side was brute of man, 300 pounds and as rough as can be. He had a reputation for being vicious in his treatment of the prisoners.He walked in to the room wher the brother were shackled to chairs, naked and guarded by an armed men. The leader looked them up and down and without hesitaion began to strip. "This can happen two ways" he announced "I can **** both of you viciously or one of you can give yourself to...

1 year ago
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Gayathri Love And Virginity

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! Yes! Yes! Aaaahh!!” Gayathri screamed as Sammy came inside her. She felt her inside filled with his warm semen. She looked sideways as Sammy collapsed on top of her. He was still inside her and was licking her neck. She could see her bra, panty and clothes scattered everywhere. That morning when she woke her up she was a shy, conservative virgin, but now, she lay there naked, little blood trickling down her thighs, moaning with pain and pleasure as she had sex for the first...

2 years ago
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Shower Sex By Blueheatt him&hellip, ____We laid in bed talking naked. She asked me to tell her one of my hot stories. She loved them, and they got her hot. She rated them by hot, hotter and hottest. I rated them by wet, wetter and wettest, because she was my hot story indicator. I noticed a pattern, any story with two women licking, fucking and having any kind of sex, she got the wettest. I wondered if she had a hidden desire to have sex with a woman again. I knew she had been with a woman...

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The Hendricks Inheritance Part I

The Hendricks Inheritance Part I William Hendricks III was annoyed at his father, and not for the first time. The old man was infuriating every time he went and saw him, and always seemed to wind him up in some way. At times like this there was only one place that he headed for some solace. Normal kids probably had a best friend they'd go to for letting out their pent up rage, but William Hendricks was no normal child. He was the heir to the Hendricks fortune and had been brought up in...

1 year ago
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Illegal Orgasm Part 8 Betrayal And Curiosity

It has been 3 days since Mumtaz’s admirer contacted her. His number seems to be switched off. With the help of some influential people, Mumtaz tried to track him. But to her surprise, they said the number doesn’t exist. The last time he contacted was at Alex’s party through the vibrating panties. Mumtaz still wondered how she moaned and almost climaxed at the dinner table. But what caught her attention was Lissy and the way she jerked off a complete stranger. Mumtaz stared at her computer...

1 year ago
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Barbie Girl

*Author’s Note: This is my first mc story, though I hope to write many more, I have a few interesting ones in the works. I would appreciate any comments or criticism. Oh, and all the normal warnings apply, and you may copy this story only if I gave you my express permission, and my name must go with it. Enjoy.* * Frustrated I know it’s perverse, but I enjoy watching their faces glaze over. I put those snooty and snarky and steely girls under, and when they surface, nothing but slut is left....

4 years ago
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I told everyone under the veranda that I’d be right back. I was at a festival with some friends. I made my way past the food venders onto the lush green grass. The barely there jeweled sandals I was wearing allowed the grass to tickle my toes. I had on a pale green sleeveless cotton dress that matched my eyes. Large black sunglasses framed my face, while my dark brown hair spread across my shoulders in loose waves. I took some deep breaths trying to shake him out of my head. He was a total...

2 years ago
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A Layover

A Layover By strangefun Walking through a crowded airport, I smiled. The clothes I wore under my regular drab felt wonderful on my body - tight, constrictive, kinky, and so inappropriately feminine for a guy to wear under his mundane jeans, tee and sweatshirt. The only thing that could give me away was my footwear - tiny, cute, black canvas Keds with just a little of my opaque, shiny pantyhose showing below the hem of the jeans, but I figured they were innocuous enough not to...

3 years ago
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Photoshoot Part 1 reposted to read easier

I sat in silence with my family eating breakfast. Everybody had different thoughts on their mind. My husband was flying out to Boston this morning for a week. My son and daughter were probably thinking of school. My thoughts carried me to that same time last night when my son asked me if I could pose for him, so he could take some pictures of his bike. How did he put it? He needed a babe in the picture with his bike. He was a teenager, barely turned 18, and his hobby was to ride motocross...

2 years ago
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After Midnight Part two

In part one Candy has been almost killed in a car crash returning from a wild cock fest at a night club and husband Andy has discovered her lesbian affair. Four days later Andy was taking a breath of disinfected air and adjusting to the ambience of the intensive unit when Marsha interrupted him. There was silence at Candy’s end of the ward but he couldn’t see her because there were screens around the bed. ‘What’s happened?’ he said, suddenly fearing the worst. ‘She’s off the respirator. Right...

2 years ago
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Wild Sex Adventure In The Car

Hello friends and fans of this wonderful site. This is gautam basically from jaipur but currently in delhi, india. I am 24 yrs, 5ft 11 inches male with a good physique, with some really hot looks & a very strong sex drive & I have a 8 inches rock hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex. I’m very good in massage and women find it erotic when someone who can satisfy them in bed as we as make their body dip with oil. You can mail me at So without making you bored. Lets just start...

4 years ago
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in the bath with my friend

This is an account of my first girl on girl encounter.My friend Lucy is a wild c***d. She is always up for a laugh and usually the first to go through with a dare or bet when we are out on the town. One time we were in a pub in town and a group of sailors came over to speak to us. We were really flirting with them like crazy and as usual Lucy was getting most of the attention. I could clearly see her rubbing one guys cock through his jeans in the corner of the bar whilst she backed up against...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Funtime

Me and my friend had just graduated high school. At grad night we were hanging out and we started to play truth or dare. She asked me if I had ever thought about being lesbian or bisexual. My reply was that I was lesbian and I had been since we were little. She was shocked it took me until I was 18 to come out to her and that she was bi curious. She said that she had never kissed a girl and asked me if I had. I said yes and she asked me if she could kiss me. I had had a crush on her for years...

3 years ago
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SLUT ASHLEY 16Ashley spent the weekend fucking the shit out of O.J. while he was down. It didn’t help. She didn’t know what has come over her, but ever since her night with Keenum she has been absolutely insatiable! By Tuesday she was dying for a fuck again. O.J. wasn’t coming back until Friday.Wednesday arrived and she was horny while at work. She forced herself to drive a different route home. She could not handle the temptation of Keenum’s place. Thursday was a different story. Ashley was...

2 years ago
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Ginny Exposed

When fantasies are vivid and strong, there comes a point where they must be put to the test. Ginny told her husband that she had a long-standing vision of exposing herself to public view. The fantasy even managed to invade her dreams at night.“How did it make you feel?” he asked.Her face flushed as she tried to compose the right and respectable words. “Well, it was interesting,” she said after a long pause.“Is that an answer?" Will said. "You're playing safe and nebulous,here. Did it excite the...

2 years ago
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Jackson in HRPGWorld 4 Bubble BotherChapter 5

He pushed ineffectually at the elastic walls. Through the translucent membrane he saw Bab looking up at him with an impish smile on her full lips. You really walked into this one, Jackson thought. The bubble continued to float up higher. Jackson's options at this point were rather limited, imprisoned as he was within the sphere. A hamster in one of those plastic balls could at least pick a direction to run in. All Jackson could do was push his hands out against the rubbery membrane like a...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Bella Rolland Lucky Landlord Rent Is Due

Bella Rolland, a masseuse, welcomes Evan Stone into her massage parlor, asking if he’s her next client. However, Evan explains that he’s actually the owner of the building, and he wants Bella out so he can have his own business set up here. Bella tries to convince him that she gives the best NURU massages ever, so she can bring him far more success than any other type of business. He agrees to let her massage him, so he can see just how good she really is. Bella gives Evan a sensual...

3 years ago
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April and AugustChapter 3

On the seventh day, Marshal Sean arrived to inform them that they were all due in court the next day for the hearing on the girls’ old Master. Jacob, Jason and both girls were required to be there. That night Jason required considerable time to calm the girls down as they still feared their old Master. The next day in court the charges were read aloud by the Royal Judge. “Master Daren, you are accused of punishing by whipping two underage slave girls without a hearing on at least four...

2 years ago
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A black guy in a black van

When living in Savannah, I started to think my sensual wife was cheating on me. I did not know who was the lucky bastard; but soon I was sure my sexy Ana was fucking another man…So, one weekend she spent nursing a girlfriend out of town; I bought some surveillance equipment and installed it around the house.Now I could make some monitoring of our house during the early afternoon hours, while I was at work. All I needed was my laptop.Next Thursday morning, as I was getting ready to leave, I...

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Her Mermaid

   She always liked when Helen called her "her mermaid". They had promised each other they would be together forever. Helen kept her promise, but she didn't. She found a wealthy man, and with him, a way to an easier life. She had tried to explain her decision to Helen, but the truth was, she had betrayed their love. Devastated and heartbroken, Helen left the mansion that was to become her ex-lover's new home, with one thought in her mind.   Helen was now prepared. Everything she needed was in a...

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Nan Mom and Me Pt3

After witnessing the sexxion between my Mom and Nan, I couldn’t wait until the next night to tell my Mom what I had seen and what I did later. After dinner that night, Mom said she had a bad headache and was going to bed early.  That shattered my dreams of another good night in her bed. I decided to just watch some TV and Nan informed me that she would stay upstairs and join me for a while.  We watched a couple of comedy shows and then Nan surprised me when she asked if I had any other DVD’s a...

2 years ago
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Dream MasterChapter 10 Explanations

"Wow!" Jamie said when we were back at the house. "Remind me never to piss you off. For a nice guy, you really kicked ass back there." "I figured it would be safer if I did it. You probably would have gotten them arrested at the very least." "The very least," she agreed. "Isn't it amazing how easy it is to work with Amber?" "I wouldn't know," I said. "I've never tried with anyone else." "One of these days you'll find out, and then you can tell me. So what now? It's...

3 years ago
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3 the rival

The elevator started, and Kaede couldn’t feel more uncomfortable about the whole situation.Her tits and pussy still hurt after the latest assault, and the fact that she was all bruised and with her tits out next to one hell of a woman made her feel tense.Katherine didn’t even look at her, she simply clicked the button as soon as she came in, the -1 sign, before speaking up.“I like you... Kaede, is it? The trial went just fine, and yet I want to see you fight properly.”An ugh left the redhead’s...

1 year ago
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A Tale of 2 Nerds School Days 1 A Bro and Sis Couple

**This takes place BEFORE the Stepsister chapter.** --- Welcome to a new section of Tale of 2 Nerds - School Days! Since I had no new ideas for sexual situations (and since the two are teenagers, after all,) I figured that at some point, they would eventually have to go back to school. The next few chapters might be school, or possibly not - I don't know yet. Instead of just giving chapter numbers, I'll start giving them names from now on. I like that more. Since a comment in one...

3 years ago
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My Brothers Toy Pt2

My brother and l got halfway through the pizza when he told me to take my knickers off and lay on the table, Dave tore off a slice of pizza and rolled up the slice then forced it into my pussy and began eating the pizza from my hole although it was exciting the pizza was very greasy, l was loving the things my brother was teaching me about sex. When he had finished eating the pizza and my pussy l was half slid off the table and had my knickers peeled off then got my arse fucked hard by my...

1 year ago
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Big Tits Teen Gets Gangbanged

Liz was blonde, nineteen, petite, extremely busty and attractive. She was quite shy, but because of her looks, men came at her from every direction. If she would have been a little more wise, she would have side stepped a number of these men, but being the gullable girl she was, the clever men always ended up getting in her knickers.One Friday night she was out with her friend and a local sportsman came up to her with his friends and started chatting. He was well known and Liz was very...

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This is sort of fantasy. I went in to a store and it was closing time so the counter man asked me. "Can I fuck you" I was shocked. "Sure why not" So I flollowed him into the bed room and he told me to strip. "So what's your name" "jake" "are you pregnant" he asked me "yes" "how many months" "about 8" "ok then" he took his cloths off and I spread my legs. He teased me with his head. I finally took it and shuved it in. "You want all of me don't you" "yes all 20 inches" "Ok" He lhrust in and out...

Erotic Fiction
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First Times

It was the late 60’s, I was just sixteen, a teenager and sexually innocent. I had just discovered the joys of masturbation. I couldn’t leave my cock alone. I was wanking at least once a day, but felt the need to share my discovery.One night, I visited my best mate at his home. His parents were out so we had the house to ourselves. The conversation quickly turned to wanking. He was as enthusiastic as me, and we agreed to get our cocks out. I had not seen another cock, so I was keen to check it...

Gay Male
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 32 Poor Confused Jack

When Jack opened his eyes he was surprised to find that he was no longer in the alleyway. It had only been a few seconds ago that he had been watching his Lifestyle Nudism ID band de-activate but now he was in bed and staring at the far wall of his own bedroom. Jack was quietly studying all the pendants and posters on that wall and trying to come to terms with what had happened when his bedroom door opened. A lovely face with red hair popped itself around and looked at Jack. “Oh, wonderful!...

2 years ago
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How I told my wifeabout my other self

This is a real story....Since I can remember, I have been living a double life, more like a life and a half. I always have liked to look like a girl but not changing my sex. I am a Cross Dresser. I love dressing like a girl, woman, lady and even cosplay. My desires have been to look like one that as a man would love. However, my biggest thing about looking as a fem is the lingerie. I am a lingerie addict.I have written about it, I do love any piece of undergarments, any kind of panties, any...

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Dual Masturbation

Just another Friday night at our favorite pool place. Laid back, open bar, music blaring. Tonight, I’m working. I have on my see-through white t-shirt and my black skirt and red heels. Always have to throw some color on my feet when I work, can’t stand being too bland. You are playing pool, all tall, dark and handsome, twisting the chalk on the top of your pool cue. You wear blue jeans and a nerdy t-shirt.You stand back from the table and lean on the cue, eyeing your next shot. Your brain is...

2 years ago
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Lottery WinnerChapter 24

Justin asked, “Is the pool open? Is the hot tub open?” I smiled. “Yes and yes.” They trouped outside and all doffed their clothes. I dropped my shorts. With all of us naked, the fun immediately started. Ashley knelt before me and sucked on my cock. She got it wet and then turned and backed on it. I slid into her cunt easily. Heather was in front of her and Ashley leaned further forward and began to suck on her cunt. Heather sat in a lawn chair with her legs spread. I followed Ashley forward...

3 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 7

"Thank you, Mercy," I said, smiling and fidgeting in my seat as the woman served our dinner. She'd prepared a chicken breast, broiled I think, but I have to confess I've never been much good in the kitchen. Mercy was an excellent, however, and she was Mr. Reiser's housekeeper and cook, although only for dinner. He didn't require her to make breakfast and usually had lunch at the office, and on the weekends he liked to fend for himself. Of course, Mr. Reiser had me now and I wouldn't...

1 year ago
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The LibrarianChapter 29 Dust Off

Capt. McGregor spoke into the auditorium PA system, "For the benefit of those who may be disinclined to present themselves to a sponsor for medical or physical reasons let me say that most conditions can be corrected by Darjee medical technology including the unfortunate conditions of being fat or ugly." Capt. McGregor smiled at his own quip before adding "If you're uncertain about your particular situation, please ask one of the large people wearing a black uniform." McGregor...

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Moms Hot DaughtersChapter 8

That evening while her mother and big sister were over at Andy's room, little Kim was extremely restless. She was in a horny mood and Chuck, the young bellhop, couldn't take care of her because he was on duty that night. Knowing that her mother always had a big selection of dildos and vibrators, the youngster opened the connecting door to her mother's room and entered. She was rummaging through her mother's luggage in search of pussy-toys when she heard a knock on the door. Opening it,...

2 years ago
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Hearing Test Appointment

I was moving towards her.. I wore jeans and a button-up shirt. The sound proof test room was large, cold and clinical. It had all the necessary items with a chair in the middle of the room. Then... the lights went out and she heard the door shut. She dropped the items in her hand and ran to the door, She was locked in. " Haha, very funny. You got me; now let me out." She tried to sound brave and sarcastic but her voice was too small and shaky. Her heart was beating in her ears and a rush of...

2 years ago
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From Closet Queen To PRISON Queen

Well, even during my marriage I used to fantasize being a black guy's bitch. When Daniella and I were fucking, I kept it hard by fantasizing that I was with a man! She thought it was her that was making me so hot. Back then I felt so trapped. I knew I was a homosexual, but I didn't want to admit it to anyone - even myself. I had so many fantasies in my head, but I never thought that they would ever be realized. It was just SO frustrating! When Dannie got hired at the bikini bar, it gave me...

3 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 54 Swings and Misses

"Come in Walter," I called. The door opened and Walter strode in dressed in his black leather outfit. He bowed politely to both of the girls and then dropped to one knee as he faced me, with his head down and eyes lowered. "My Lord, I have failed in my quest. I fear what you seek is beyond my ability." "Stand up Walter," I said, embarrassed at his display. "Pull up a chair or something and tell me what's happened." "Thank you my Lord," he said, but instead of pulling up a chair...

1 year ago
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Blood LustChapter 25

Arthur came awake with a shudder. The throbbing of his head and the malaise that gripped his body brought back dim recollections of the hangovers he had suffered as a mortal. He had nearly made a grievous error the previous night. The emotional feedback from his bond to hundreds of ferals had very nearly overwhelmed him. In fact, he almost certainly would have succumbed to the rage, hate and, above all else, hunger that had beat relentlessly at his mind, if the ferals had not started to die...

3 years ago
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A Young Mans Crush

From the late 70's to the late 90's we were members of various nudist clubs and always enjoyed the lifestyle, we watched young c***dren grow to maturity and marry. One family we were friends with had two c***dren the boy Tony was 11 when we first met his sister Lorna 8, Tony was a keen photographer and his photos often graced the club magazine he was also a talented artist at a young age.Now Tony as he grew had a crush on Anne no idea why, he would often be seen following her around by the time...

2 years ago
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Mating Season Middle

I arrived at the Drury Sports Bar a little later than expected on the evening of Valentine's Day. The delay was a result of finishing up a story I was writing called "Mating Season." The story is a remembrance of what happened on a previous Valentine's Day not long ago.This time I was meeting the girl in a red sweater like we had arranged online. When I arrived at the bar, she was surrounded by a half dozen young men. Young men means younger than me, but not much younger. Indeed, my date wore a...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My Best Girlfriend

Chrissy was my best girlfriend, a normal night for us included opening a bottle of wine, gossipping for hours, google searching makeup techniques and trying them out, and playing dressup. There had to be a million pictures of the two of us all dressed up, stashed away in a secret folder on Chrissy's computer. It had to be kept hidden, because in Chrissy's regular everyday life he was Chris, a computer tech with a desk job, and nobody knew his secret but me. Chris wasn't gay, not even bi, he...

4 years ago
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Hot New Teacher

I had been at Greenichville High School for the last year and nothing exciting ever happened. All the teachers wore boring clothes - grey button-up shirts and ties, long, frumpy sweaters and skirts. The school uniform was a black blazer, grey skirt, white shirt, long white socks, and black heels. So cool - I think not.Today, was like any other day, except there was torrential rain outside. The rain pounded on the windows like drums. I sat slouched at my desk looking down at it, but glanced up...

4 years ago
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My name is Swetha. I am aged 24 As the name suggests I am white 5ft 6in height and 55 Kgs weight. I have big boos and nice tits. I am married six months ago. My husband is a software engineer. He is aged 28 years. He always at work. Even at home he works for the company. He earned good name in the company. We live in a two bed room apartment.When ever I get mood for sex either he will be working or sleeping. I get disappointed. Even when he is awake he does not respond to my request. His cock...

3 years ago
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Lunch With DaddyChapter 2

6. The next morning Jena came from her room wearing a tiny half shirt that just did cover her 36-inch breasts and a small pair of powder blue bikini panties "Hi Mom." Jena leaned to kiss her mother and went to get a drink of water. "Sounds like you and Daddy had a good one last night!" She smiled pushing back her long, thin brown hair as she sat across from Lena seeing that her sexy Mom was only wearing a pair of panties. "Mmm, me and Daddy always have fun at night!" She smiled to see...

2 years ago
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Journey Of Sex Started With Virgin Crush

Hi, this is Rocky from Mumbai coming into the story. This incident happened when I was studying in college. Nidhi name changed is my classmate figure is 34 D 28 32. A perfect shaped body everybody had an eye on her when she was around. I spoke to her rarely as I was shy. On the college function day, she came in red color saree and she was close to everyone. She knows that everybody tries to impress her. She was damn sexy in that red color saree which was tied below her navel. Her black bra is...

3 years ago
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I owned a bit of land, to the rear of my house, having no use for it myself I rented it out to a local woman and one her daughters to keep their pony on. Sarah was a short woman, broad in the beam, what you may describe as a “country girl”. Jilly, her youngest daughter wasn’t anything like her mother. Although fairly plain looking she was a ponytailed blonde, very slim, 15 years old but had a rack of boobs far too big for her small body frame, it seemed to have appeared overnight! I often...

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