A steamy photoshoot
- 4 years ago
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"I need forgiveness something awful."
I moved position and even though I was juicy he dug right in. It was starting to get interesting when I saw Ellen and Melissa eye Herb's slowly growing member.
I said, "Melissa, suck on Herb for a minute. He likes you too."
"Yes, Mistress." She liked to use the term and I kinda' liked it too.
She did this very tentatively. She had very little interaction with men because they usually abused her. She licked to get a taste and then went back to work. Ellen was almost green with envy and in a moment Melissa pulled off Herb and pushed Ellen down. She only fought for a fraction of a second and then sucked Herb in like a pro.
I looked into Herb's mind. He told himself that he couldn't see so it had to be Melissa still sucking on him. Deep inside he liked what his grandmother was doing to him.
I passed the information on to Ellen and she started to really work on Herb. There was movement and Herb's knees came up and I could feel in his mind how a finger was slipping into his bowels.
Moments later Herb was ready to erupt and I beamed as many images as I could into Melissa and Ellen and they came only a few seconds after Herb. I guess it was exciting for me because I came too.
Herb hurried to turn me around so he could kiss me. In a moment he also saw Ellen and Melissa passing his semen back and forth with their mouths.
"She doesn't look like she needs rescuing."
"Not any more but I plan on breeding her soon if I can find a stud that will impregnate her for us." This was not a cruel jest but something Melissa wanted but had never expressed.
All of a sudden I had a lot of very aroused people looking at me.
Herb slept with us that night. Everything felt right with the world apart from imminent doom falling upon us. Colins and Carstairs had two functional espers but little Abicore. The drug had been in Colins' hands before and he had no doubt done some research on it. It wasn't that complicated to make because we did it.
When we had last read Colins' thoughts we knew he wanted to keep the secret. The men we ran into knew nothing of the importance of the drug. The secret might be held by one man or just a select few.
The end result was that a competent researcher knew about the specifics of the drug. It was a given that the two espers would talk under torture of the effects of a truth drug.
They knew lots about Knox' organisation and Colins would dig it all out. The first time we met a threat by taking Knox' money and running. Living in fear was something I didn't plan on doing for the rest of my life.
Colins would see us as competition to control the drug and want to kill or capture us. We were also a threat to his organisation because of what we knew. Even though they knew a lot about us they would still worry and do something. I would rather attack them than to have them come here. If I could I would kill all of them and work slowly to bring the drug to the world.
Melissa was accepted by the pack. Bobby wanted to do all sorts of interesting things to her as did Missy and Joy. The woman did not really object to the thoughts because there was a sort of love behind the ideas.
Now that Herb and Ellen were starting to read minds we let them learn about Melissa's ability. I could float and drift much better than she could but I let her demonstrate this.
Ellen said, "My god! How can she do that?" Herb's shield immediately went up because he was so shocked.
We talked about Melissa's ability for an hour. None of us admitted to being able to do interesting things at this time. Bobby and Joy threw stones at Melissa and they bounced off the shield she formed. We found a length of lumber and ran at Melissa with it. She was pushed back so she was anchoring it to herself instead of the ground around her.
When Melissa was flustered or worried the shield didn't form. She would not be able to use it in a stressful situation. We studied the workings of it.
The tracking ability was explained but there was little we could do to experiment with it.
I said, "Tell us about the two espers." We were trying to get Melissa's feelings on the matter instead of formulating our own opinions from the data she had in her mind.
"Emily had a hard life. She tries to be nice but her true feelings come out. She is not energetic and hates all sorts of authority. She likes girls but turns this around by hating lesbians or even bisexuals. I had a hard time getting her to work. I just tell her what Miss Knox wanted but she did nothing. She can float very well and do it up to four metres high but her strength is in broadcasting fear. Miss Knox wanted this ability to increase but she didn't work at this with a wish to succeed."
I asked, "What could she do to help Colins?"
"I see what he's like in your mind. He'll beat and torture her. He won't let her get away from him. She will learn to obey quickly. She can track fairly well but she has to focus on the target first. She could be a good warning device for him if she tried. She doesn't like guns and noise so she might not be able to function during a fight. Flying may allow her to see people coming but she can't do it if she's frightened."
Melissa went on and discussed incidental points about Emily. Afterwards we started to ask questions. Melissa was upset because she couldn't answer all of them. Ellen hugged the woman and she tried again to help us.
Later she said, "Andrew can float and somehow he's pretty fast now. He can see through walls. We found out that Miss Knox knew of this ability but never told us anything about it. He's a poor tracker. He likes to shoot. He also likes to frighten people to make himself feel superior. He has sex with Emily but he isn't very good. He's lazy. He hates, with a passion, the people that sent him to Miss Knox. He wants to kill them and he even dreams about it. I guess we all want revenge but he wants them to suffer a lot."
I said, "It seems he will fit in well with Colins and Carstairs."
"I think so. They're good at chasing me and I only got away because I wasn't at the site at the time and because they knew where I would go to get away. I used their own knowledge against them."
"Knox attacked that house before. We didn't think it was their main base."
"I don't know about that but they were strengthening it. I don't think you want to attack them there." She read my mind for the answer and said, "But I guess you have to anyway. You're probably right. They will be attacking you soon."
"Melissa, it's all of us that will be attacked. You're part of the pack now. You've found a place here."
A big smile came on her face and a bit more of the structure that supported her ego firmed up.
I turned to Herb and said, "Melissa isn't the only one who can levitate."
"Who else can?"
"Bobby, Joy, Dina, and I can do it too."
He just looked at me. His block went up. I asked verbally, "Did I frighten you?"
It took a while and his face changed expression. "A little maybe. I don't understand any of this."
"Then lower your block so we can talk." When he did I said, "I said this to you before. Our world had many more dimensions than the three we can perceive. When they learn this fact most people tend to deny the idea because it disturbs them. When they see something that contradicts their simplistic comprehension of physics they blot the image out of their mind as impossible."
I added seriously, "As the father of my children, it's up to you to try harder than most people to grasp what is being learned."
I smiled and levitated ten centimetres and kissed the stunned man in front of me. He didn't respond to the kiss at all. Then I leaned back, moved away from him and made a circle around him. The next time around I did Bobby's version of the 'moon walk' where I went backwards while appearing to walk forwards.
When I stood in front of him again I said, "Don't play cards when you gamble with Kim. She's one of those people you hear about in tests that can read the cards you have, not your thoughts about them." This was something perhaps more familiar to him as he had read about it in books on ESP.
He thought, "Does that mean she can see through walls?" His shield wasn't activated and I knew he was still worried.
"Not yet, but think on this. You're the next best thing to a doctor. What if Kim looked into a patient and gave you the info you needed to remove a tumour, bullet, or fragments of bone. Think of what this could do for you if you developed this skill. You could operate through a small incision and not be as intrusive on your patient."
"I can't operate. I'm not a doctor."
"You could be if we have no other threats."
Herb thought about it. He wanted to help people without spending too many years in school. He had already spent five years though some of it was only night school and summer semesters.
He said, "I see you think I should go for it."
"Only because I see in your mind that you want it. It might be fun to have more doctors in the family. Kim was thinking of doing this and this was before she could see the front of cards."
"What about you?"
"I like helping people but I want to work with drugs. I was going to specialise in finance but Nicolas is too good. We can work together and make some discoveries that will benefit mankind."
Herb liked this and saw that I was aware of this fact. He just accepted it like the rest of the pack did.
He said, "How do I learn to see through skin and bone?"
"We haven't found out quite yet. We get hints from those that can do it and try to copy them. All I can say is try it. Do you want to take a look at what I've found so far?"
Herb looked through my mind and I thought of what I had learned. I also presented him with all the minor and major skills that Nicolas, Brandon, and Anthony could do. He stopped and studied Pete's ability to tell somebody that he wasn't there and then Melissa's when he found out she could form a shield. He had already seen Brandon's strength but hadn't understood what it was.
The final set of images showing our research into healing was presented slowly and in detail. Tiffany was good at it and we were getting better ourselves. Ellen also seemed to show some talent.
"You can heal people that well?""You got a lot of attention from us."
"I know that. My bruises left much quicker than they should have. I see that Joseph may pull through."
"He will and in a way I'm glad he didn't die. He was a nasty person when we found him. He has been around us long enough to get some feedback about his previous actions. He now sees the error of his ways. Before there was a negative reinforcement which pushed him the other way."
"So, is he going to join the pack?"
"He has to. The positive reinforcement has to continue. We can't have rogues doing harm to civilisation."
"You sound like one of those world leaders that try to appear concerned but I know you really are. What are you going to do with the pack?"
"I'm the leader in a way but I'm actually the spearhead that the pack pushes forward. I can shift the pack but they are the strength and provide the basic direction."
"Where does that leave you and me?"
I read his thoughts better and said, "We're forming a family within the pack. We have to interact within the pack to a small degree but we're already starting to segregate. The older boys like each other's bums but each would like a female of their own. Each woman would be a sort of wife. So far they have being working Ellen over quite well."
"Ellen!""Four horny boys poking her all the time makes for a happy woman."
"I — I thought she was trying the girls."
"She did that when she was young. She still likes girls but she's basically more interested in guys."
"What about Melissa? Ellen likes her a lot."
"Melissa is the easiest. She likes everybody and responds to love and affection. She will be part of the mortar that holds the pack together. I wasn't joking because she wants your child too. She may even have children by other members."
Herb was a little shocked. "She sounds like a baby making machine."
"This is where she binds the pack. She accepts the males and the females. She even likes the dogs but not sexually. The dogs like her in return. All this and she hasn't had that much of a chance to get to know anybody."
Herb said, "She's smart but not as smart as you. You started out smarter. Do you think it has to do with taking the drug directly?"
"I believe that the indirect method is best. It's also slower. Another factor is that I'm still growing. She took the drug too late in life.""So I won't get that smart?"
"The slow way is best. We also made a revision of our own to Abicore. Ours is stronger and longer lasting."
"Was it wise to take a new drug?"
"The discovery was serendipitous. We took it unknowingly at first. I think you're coming along faster than I did with the older drug."
"I'd love to learn how to heal."
"Then give it a shot. Kim's still hurt and I'm not 100%. Let's try."
Kim was busy but was very happy to join us. We sat on the living room floor in a equilateral triangle. Kim asked, "What do you want me to do?"
Herb said, "Better ask Piper."
"How about you look into your leg and see where the damage is. We'll try to piggyback on so we can see."
Kim did the looking and Herb and I viewed what she saw. This was difficult for Herb because he hadn't tried to mesh so close before. It was almost twenty minutes before he could do it on his own. We could feel his pride in this. We supported him without being condescending.
When he mastered it to the extent he could we tried healing what we saw as wrong or not finished. This was tiring for us but we stayed at the job until we just had to quit. I was surprised to see that hours had passed and there was a noticeable improvement in Kim's leg.
Herb got up with difficulty and helped both of us up. It was nice to have a strong man around the house to take care of a girl when she needed it.
Herb said to my inner thoughts, "I have quite a few strengths as well."
We were worried about Colins. He was going to learn nearly everything and come looking for us. But he might not think that we would attack first. So far he had been the aggressor and we had just reacted.
Missy was at the strategy meeting and I asked, "Missy, will you look in Melissa's mind and get a feeling for Emily and Andrew."
Melissa could more readily think of Emily when Missy tried to snuggle up to the image. It worked better when she snuggled up to Melissa too. Finally Missy's arm came up and pointed. The direction was in the direction of Carstairs' base. If I had a compass, I would be even more sure.
Knox had good maps of the base since she attacked it once and got shot for her trouble. Digitised versions were copied from Knox's DVD's to our own. Oddly, Missy could even point to where Emily was on the property and we found this revelation very interesting.
Herb seemed more committed now and talked with the group so we had his input. We had to assume that there were at least a dozen adversaries to deal with. Since we had one person from security that had been on that raid we got an idea of how the house was defended and how Knox attacked it.
We made our own tentative plans based on the failed one. Actually, it didn't fail because Knox people had taken the house. She just found few people in it and all of them were dead or dying.
She had to be carried to the house at the time. In a fit of anger she shot the last survivor. When she was treated by her own doctor for the gunshot wound she had gone into an even worse fit when she learned that we had all fled. Knox even had to be sedated when she found her money gone and the tax people knocking on her door.
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xmoviesforyouMy Miraculous Period, By Sandy Brown I have seen many posts on places like voy.com and Petticoat Discipline Quarterly about sissies being forced to, or voluntarily, trying to simulate a woman's time of the month. I'm sure that for many cis girls, this might seem a bit crazy. I mean, there are so many wonderful things about being a woman, but most would agree that having your period is not one of them. That only someone not in their right mind would want to go through that...
The first time we did anything we had been joking around about cock size and he kept insisting his was bigger than mine. We had seen each other’s cocks and his looked to be the same as mine. But he claimed his got much, much bigger when it got hard. He said it was almost 8-inches long. I had measured mine and knew it was somewhere between six and seven-inches. After much arguing back and forth David said there was only one way to know and that was to get hard-ons and compare. With that he...
I was a privileged son of wealthy parents in St. Louis. My father was the head of a Fortune 500 Corporation and my mother was a former beauty queen. During my colleges days at Yale University, I had become addicted to cock and cum to the point that I neglected my studies and flunked out. Returning to St. Louis, my father kicked me out of my home and cut me off from all financial support. Sitting on the banks of the Mississippi river contemplating suicide, I was rescued by an older gentleman and...
BisexualClaudia Ryan gazed over the sound stage looking in vain for Aldo Marchetti. "Christ, Joan," Claudia questioned her chief assistant, Joan Walker, "didn't you tell Harry to make sure that Aldo would be an extra during this shoot!?!" Joan staring at the nearly empty sound stage herself replied quickly, "Of course I did, I practically made Harry sign a blood oath that he would have Aldo here for the entire shoot, I have no idea where he is!" "Goddam it," spat Claudia, "get Harry on the fucking...
EroticSo it was about 11 o'clock at night I was sat down my local industrial estate in my car, smoking a joint. Somewhere it was quiet were I could relax. When I heard someone approaching my car I could hear it was a woman straight away from the sound of her heels. She tapped on my window and asked me what I was doing? She then asked me if I had any money for a taxi home as it was a 3 mile walk. I told her that I didn't have any cash on me, she looked at me and said well can you give me a lift i can...
Season's greetings to all my readers. I thought I would share a very memorable New Year's Eve true experience with you. This true story happened a number of years ago, but it remains our most unforgettable NY Eve ever. Hope you like it, and comments are always welcome! Photos posted on KB with story.For Christmas that year, I had given my wife, among other gifts, a set of adjustable nipple clamps, connected by a chain. It was apparent that she got turned on when I or another BBC played rough...
I had this neighbor that was Arabian most likely in her 40's. She had a nice body for her age, her ass was huge with a bit of cellulite, her curves were mesmerizing and her tits were 36 C.I was secretly in love with this woman. I would sometimes peep out the window just to get a glance at those cheeks jiggling in her dress when she leaves her apartment. My cock would always go rock hard with my imagination running wild for her ass. I usually tried timing taking out my trash when she took her's....
[responsivevoice_button rate=”0.9″ pitch=”1.1″ volume=”0.8″ voice=”Australian Male” buttontext=”Listen to Story”] This story is of about two days after our marriage, during our honeymoon. It was not an arranged marriage, so we were already close. Reshmi, my wife, completely stands up to her name. She is 23 years old and is at her prime. Her measurements are 36-28-36, a perfect hourglass shape enough to hypnotize any man. I had fucked my wife many times before marriage and so, it wasn’t unknown...
After Monica had left, Houlihan got up from his chair and changed into his sweats. He always brought an entire change of exercise clothes to work every day. He’d put himself in a precarious situation, but among the faculty and administration, Monica O’Toole caused mixed reactions. She was one of their brighter students, but her reputation baffled and even ashamed them. It was known that she was picking on Brenda Hartley, Brenda seethed under the verbal jabs, but hadn’t gone to school...
(Eloise) Sometimes he looked at her in a certain way and it no longer seemed possible to speak. There were words right in her throat at the moment, climbing up her tongue and then slipping back down again and again like Sisyphus’ boulder.He led her to the wall, pushed her gently to the floor, then stood in front of her. The robe was fuzzy and warm on her, but she could feel the air conditioning on her breasts and sex.He crouched down to one knee, like a coach giving a pep talk. “Ever touched...
First Time“So, have you two ever done butt sex together?” I asked Mireya on about the seventh stroke as Ernie plundered her snatch with his uncut rod. “On his birthday and during my period, all the time, papi! Some other occasions, too. Why have a back zipper skirt if you don’t mean to use it? You’re all papi to me, by the way, if that’s okay with you guys. All three of you men,” Mireya answered as she welcomed another hard thrust. “Works for me, at least,” Jonny confessed. “I’ve got no problem with...
Halfway there! A month and a half ago, my amazing, sexy husband agreed to three months of constant tease and denial, without release. Since then, almost every night, 7 nights a week (and sometimes in the morning, too!), we work together to make me cum as much as I want, then I edge him intensely, over and over again, to my heart’s content. Sometimes we’re quick – half an hour and off to sleep. Sometimes we linger – time flies when you’re having fun. But the key is that we make time to do it...
She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. Ruffling the short, soft spikes at the back. She was waiting for him but knew he’d come from nowhere and when she least expected it. She fiddled gingerly with her lip piercing and adjusted her sweater. She was nervous and she knew it. It had been so long since she had seen him but they had been texting constantly for the last few months and it was comfortable. She glanced around the museum again and then returned to gazing blindly, dead ahead. ...
Olivia tugged at the hem of her skirt as she climbed the stairs out of the museum. She had decided not to wait for Claire and Lexi — she really needed to pee, and anyway she sensed that Claire and Lexi might not be done with each other for awhile.Halfway up she paused and looked back at the gigantic picture on the wall — a picture in which she appeared completely nude, engaged in graphic sexual activity with another female. From this perspective she noticed that her face was a little blurry;...
One Thursday after our parking lot conversation, Maryann asked if I could run her home after work since her car had died. "You don't live very far from me. Would you, please?" "Sure. You know the dress code, right?" "Huh?" After a moment, she reconsidered. "Do you mean... ? I waited. "You want me to take my bra off?" "Yep. That will work for me!" "Didn't we do this once already?" "And, didn't you enjoy it?" She glowered at me a moment. "Yeah, it thrilled me. I was...
When stepdaughter Alison Rey finds a coupon for a strip club in the kitchen, she assumes that her father’s being untrue to her stepmother Alana Cruise. She’s about to rat on her dad when Alana comes home in a cab, plastered in makeup, and wearing the sluttiest leopard print outfit. Alison quickly deduces the coupon belongs to Alana and waves it in her face confrontationally. Alana reluctantly cops to the fact that she dances at the club. She begs Alison not to tell her father. She...
xmoviesforyouAls ich meine Lieblingsnichte Julia zu Beginn der Sommerferien vom Bahnhof abhole, bemerke ich zu meinem großen Erstaunen, dass sie sich in den letzten Monaten sozusagen fast über Nacht von einem unscheinbaren Kind zu einem bildhübschen, blonden Teenager mit endlos langen Beinen und erregenden Kurven entwickelt hat. Zur Begrüßung schlingt sie ihre Arme um meinen Hals und drückt sich erregend eng an mich. „Bist du aber groß geworden!“ lobe ich sie bewundernd und drehe sie langsam um die eigene...
Well our neighbors , Mr. And Mrs. Johnson were arrested due to numerous complaints of smells coming from their car, and were convicted of murder. Worked out perfectly didn’t it? And Ashley knew to keep her fucking mouth shut. So now that your all caught up, lets get on with part 2. Ashley’s birthday It has been 4 year’s since I’ve seen my family and what a better day then my sister’s birthday? Mary and I were driving to my parents house which was an hour away without traffic. We...
DarkFyre Chapter Fifteen The next day was lost to the blizzard. They spent the better part of it huddled together in their blankets, pressed in close, as near to their small fire as they dared. The stone cliff was a forbidding face of rock and ice, and even with the nearby fire, the ice held strong, glittering with stubborn beauty in the firelight. The blizzard outside was a wild, angry thing. The winds were a deep, soulful wail echoing through the canyons of the mountains. Very briefly, Rael...
Novelsthis is our first story.About how i met my wife and how we ended up having a wild time at worki knew a member of her family as a co worker, my wife came in for an interview i just said hi as she went past but thought to myself she looks sexy as hell i wouldnt mind fucking the arse off her. A few days later i was told by the boss she had got the job and i would be her mentor to show her the ropes, as she would be working nights i would have to stay over. after she had been in the job for a week...
When we moved to Savannah, I got a new gynecologist doctor. He was a black man, in his early fifties.At my first appointment, a nice young black nurse led me to the examination room and told me to strip and put on a special gown. A few minutes later my new Doctor came, asking me how I was doing. I confirmed him I was there just for a routine checkup. He surprised me by telling I was a very attractive woman, although I was in my late forties. I blushed a bit, but thanked him. Then he asked me...
Joanne and I had a month alone together with her aunt, my sister-in-law, getting out of the hospital at the following week end from the week end that I had come back home to help Joanne out and for me to get to work each day myself.Sunday, the day after my return home, when Joanne and I had our first night of sex and loving each other, we just kinda lazied around the house and played around with each other and had some good loving sex in the kitchen, living room, and the bathroom, while we were...
After my parents got divorced, I lived with Mom. She had a good job and apparently was well paid because we never seemed to lack for any necessities. She got a recent promotion, though, and now she has to travel quite a bit. Although she seems to really like her job, having to leave me alone bothers her a whole lot. I'll have to hand it to Mom-- she's very conscientious and seems to worry considerably about being a good parent. More than anything else, she worries that I won't get proper care...