Parthas (Paradise)Chapter 22 free porn video

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The following new characters appear in this chapter:

Wallace Humphreys

Senior Representative, 5’-7’’ tall, 240 pounds, 43 years old, mostly bald, weak blue eyes

Arlene Jorgenson

Representative, 5’-5’’ tall, 230 pounds, 40 years old, more fat than figure, ratty brown hair, brown eyes


Magic user, 5’-10’’ tall, 155 pounds, 27 years old, only partly enhanced, shaggy brown hair, hazel eyes, weak Talent

The local man who ran the forklift in the warehouse returned the next day. He was very apologetic about missing work but cited first the Army roadblocks and then the earthquakes as reasons that he hadn’t been able to get here. When notified of his return, the Colonel was anxious to speak to him, as he was the first civilian that we had seen since the earthquakes.

“What are conditions like now where you live?” the Colonel asked him.

“It was really strange. The earthquakes destroyed many of the big business buildings and their owners’ homes, but skipped the houses of the workers and us poor folks. The winds though caused a lot of damage everywhere. Things were pretty bad the first few days, but then a lot of those who had been in the Army returned and brought what they could with them. They also brought their guns with them and were able to chase away those who would have taken all that we still had.

“Soon after that, we started getting help from the government. They came around with water and some food. A lot of us were used to doing without electricity, so it being out wasn’t much of a hardship. There were some doctors and nurses who also came around to help folks who had been injured; them as was still alive,” he told us. We weren’t sure which government had sent the relief workers: the old one or the new one.

Our other workers soon learned that he had returned and wanted to know how their families were, but he couldn’t tell them much. This upset them, as they were worried about their families, especially the children. They were so worried that it affected their work. Trish decided that we needed to do something for them.

“How can we help them?” she asked at an impromptu staff meeting.

“Words won’t do them any good. They need to check on their families. Maybe take them some money or food,” Luther told her.

“Yes, but if they walk, they will be gone for two days or more. How do we get them back sooner?” Trish asked.

“There are all of those vehicles that we rounded up when we thought we would need to relocate,” Captain Roanoke suggested.

“Yes, that would be quicker, and they could take food or other things with them. Who should drive them, and should they have any security?” Trish asked.

“Let the forklift driver do the driving. He is more familiar with the area. I can see if anyone wants to volunteer to go with them, but only a couple of people, say two or three at most,” Roanoke suggested.

“All right, let’s do it. Captain Rodeo, what do we have that they can take with them to take care of their families?” Trish asked.

“We have some Emergency Aid packages. I was surprised to find them on the TO & E, and even more surprised to find that we actually had them in stock. They could take some of them with them. They include blankets, some food and medical supplies,” Rodeo told us.

“All right, issue each of the workers at least one of them, plus an extra one for the woman who is their leader, and one for the forklift driver,” the Colonel instructed him.

The Marines had located a couple of small buses while collecting vehicles, and one of them was brought to the compound for our workers to travel in. Two of the Marines had volunteered to go with the workers, and P.O. Aston also went along with her aid-bag. They departed at about 0930 and were gone all of that day. They returned the next morning in time to go to work.

The information that we got from their Marine escort and P.O. Aston, was that several of their husbands had been privates in the Army. They had returned with their weapons and other items they had taken before departing. Their houses weren’t in great shape, but they hadn’t been much better before the earthquakes and storms.

The Colonel agreed that they could continue to use the bus for transportation to and from work. Several Marines had filled in as kitchen help while they had been gone. Laundry work had been put off for that day. A different question had raised its ugly head while they were gone. The Colonel was the one who brought it up.

“What will happen to all of the people who worked for the various industries that have been put out of business? I’m sure that those doing the fishing will continue to be employed, but what about the miners and those who processed the mineral materials they produced and the petroleum workers? There are also those in the electric and electronic industries, and vehicle manufacturing and repair, plus all of the other businesses?” she asked.

“I’m not sure there will be jobs for all of them. However, they will still need vehicles and aircraft. The same goes for electricity and electronics plus a number of related jobs and industries. What they won’t need is a large Army, and that will put a lot of people out of work. Perhaps they can get the former government’s friends and allies to take some of them. Additionally, they are going to need more farmers to feed the remaining population. They will still need police also,” I reminded her.

“There are also the businessmen who they hold. They will surely exile them, less their fortunes and most of their possessions, I’m sure,” Joel told us.

“I believe that we will have little, if any, input to what they do and who they send off,” Lucy told us, and that was pretty much how things went. The Speaker did visit us for some advice on what industries to keep and at what level. We gave him the best advice we had, and what our experience told us they would need to keep things operating. How much of that they would implement was up to them.

As far as we were concerned, our job here was about ended. We had accomplished the mission that we had been sent here for. That it ended differently than we had expected it to wasn’t our fault. However, there were still a number of odds and ends that needed to be taken care of. The Marines were one and the representatives of the Unity Government were another. Lastly, there was transportation back to Ainalhai III for us.

The Marines were the first problem that we faced. Two days after our employees had returned, we received a message from Franklin commo.

“Franklin Commo to First Mobile Commo. Come in. Over.”

“Franklin Commo, First Mobile Commo. Send your message. Over.”

“First Mobile Commo, Franklin Commo. Admiral Stanfield sends: When will you be able to release the Marine contingent that you have currently? Over.”

“Franklin Commo, First Mobile Commo. Have good copy here. Will forward to our Commander. Out.” Specialist Franks brought the message to me in S-3 a few minutes after receiving it.

“Sir, this just came in from Franklin Commo,” he told me handing me the printed-out message. On reading it, I just knew that this would be a big problem.

“I’ll take this up to the Colonel, but I’m not sure when we will have an answer,” I told him.

“Yes sir, we all figured it would be a problem,” he told me with a smile before leaving, and I went up to see the Colonel.

“Good grief!” was her first reaction on reading the message. “We need to talk to Speaker O’Domhnaill and get him to ask the Entity how we get shuttles down here to pick up the Marines,” she said on further consideration.

“Do you think the Entity will allow them to send shuttles down here?” I asked.

“We’ll only know after we ask, but we’ll have the same problem going home. They will have the same problem shipping people or anything else out of here or importing anything. Get Lucy. I’ll let Kanisha know that we will be gone for a while,” she added.

We had just left the hotel with Lucy, when suddenly a small 6’-0’’ tall Pillar appeared in front of us, startling the three of us.

“There is no need to bother speaker O’Domhnaill. He is busy in any event. I heard the message when it was sent and have been considering how to answer it,” the voice from the Pillar told us.

“I will allow sufficient shuttles to pass through the shell from the area around the space station to retrieve the Marines and their vehicles. They may exit the Shell to the area around the space station before returning to their ship,” It told us before adding, “Arrange this over your radio, and I will listen in and have the shell open at the time you agree upon.” It disappeared then.

“Franklin Commo, First Mobile Commo. Come in. Over.”

“First Mobile Commo, Franklin Commo. Send your message. Over.”

“Franklin Commo, First Mobile Commo. Colonel Ferguson wishes to speak to your Operations Section. Over.”

“First Mobile Commo, Franklin Commo. We will need to get someone. Wait one.”

“First Mobile Commo, This is Lieutenant Commander Chilton. What do you need? Over.”

“Commander Chilton, this is Colonel Ferguson. In regards to the return of the Marines currently assigned to us, we have arranged to have the Shell opened to allow sufficient shuttles to pick up the Marines and their vehicles to enter Parthas air space from the vicinity of the space station, and to exit to that area when loaded. We need to arrange when this will be done. Over.”

“Colonel Ferguson, you have! We presumed it would require considerable time to arrange that. It would be best to arrange things directly with Captain Roanoke. We can pick them up whenever they are ready to be moved. Will you require any of the Marines to maintain the security around your facility? Over.”

“Commander Chilton, perhaps a squad or two would be good to maintain security here. We haven’t had many problems so far. I don’t believe they would require their vehicles, however. We have an adequate a number of extra vehicles if they or we should need to go anywhere. I will coordinate with Captain Roanoke and will advise you of what we determine. Out.”

Coordination with Captain Roanoke went very well, and he agreed to leave two squads here. We even got to select which squads remained behind. Of course, we selected Sergeant Hanson’s and Sergeant Gram’s squads, since we knew them. Roanoke told us that it would require two days to have everyone ready to depart, and we arranged to have the shuttles land at noon two days later. This was agreeable to Franklin Operations.

Late on the morning of the second day, we escorted the Marines to the airfield. The runway was empty and there was no one in what was left of the Control Tower. All of the remaining planes were parked, but no one was in evidence around or in them. Again, three shuttles landed while three more flew protection for them. All of the returning Marines and their vehicles were soon loaded and returned to the Franklin. We returned to our headquarters. The remaining Marines moved into the hotel with us, and building 3 was left empty but with a ward around it.

The following day, our workers arrived with a convoy of other somewhat decrepit vehicles. They had their families with them in the other vehicles.

“We would like to take over the third building since it is empty. It has gotten more dangerous where we have been living, since people know that we are working here and have money. If we live here, we won’t need to travel back and forth every day with its problems, and won’t have to worry about our families when we are gone,” their leader, who was an older woman, told us.

“Do you have beds or bedding? What will your families eat?” Trish asked.

“We have bedding and can get food. You pay in hard money, and that will buy food where local paper money won’t,” the woman told us.

“What about security? Do you want us to ward the building?” Trish asked.

“Some of our men was soldiers and can provide security. A ward at night might be good though,” the woman agreed.

“The children will need to remain in your area and out of ours. You can park your vehicles in the lot behind the building. There is also the building where you stayed previously, if some of you need some privacy,” the Colonel reminded her to a smile.

“Yes sir, we won’t be no trouble, and it’s safe here,” the woman told us, as their families unloaded and entered building 3. The vehicles entered the parking lot once empty.

“Cleve, see Captain Rodeo about supplying them with some bunks. See Sergeant Bell about getting them some electricity also,” Trish told me.

Three days later there was another message from the Franklin.

“Franklin Commo to First Mobile Commo. Come in. Over.”

“Franklin Commo, First Mobile Commo. Send your message. Over.”

“First Mobile Commo, Franklin Commo. Admiral Stanfield needs to speak to Colonel Ferguson. Over.”

“Franklin Commo, First Mobile Commo. We will need to alert her. Wait one.” Sargent Niles hurried into S-3 to alert me to the call.

“Sir, the Admiral wants to talk to the Colonel,” he informed me.

“I’ll alert her. Pipe the call up to her office in a couple of minutes,” I told him.

“Sir, there is a call from Admiral Stanfield coming through,” I told her after knocking and being told to enter.

“Let’s see what the Admiral has to say. Our final report isn’t finished yet, so it can’t be that,” she told me. Shortly the video screen lit up with a picture of Admiral Stanfield.

“Colonel Ferguson, the representatives of the Unity Government have arrived and wish to land on Parthas to speak to the leaders of the present government. Over.”

“Admiral Stanfield, that presents certain problems. The first of which is whether the present government has any desire to meet with the representatives of the Unity Government. I will contact the Speaker and determine what they want to do.

“The second problem is obtaining permission from the Entity for their shuttle to pass through the Shell, if the Speaker approves meeting with them. Over.”

“Yes, those could be problems,” the Admiral admitted. “Do you foresee any problems with the Speaker or Clan Leaders agreeing to meet with them? Over.”

“Can any of them do Magic? Are any of them Enhanced or have a Partner? Over.”

“They have one Magic user as part of their security detail. None of them are Enhanced or can do Magic,” the Admiral said, but he was interrupted by a heavy-set man in an expensive fashionable suit.

“Listen to me, Colonel. If you know what is good for you, you’ll arrange this meeting and fast. We don’t intend to sit up here and waste time. If these people don’t cooperate, we’ll blacklist them, and no one will trade with them. They had better shape up or else,” he finished and turned to walk away, as the Admiral returned to the screen.

“You see what we have to work with. Over.”

“Admiral Stanfield, we will do our best, but I will tell you now, the people here will not deal with someone with that kind of attitude. Out.”

“This is not going to go well,” the Colonel told me as soon as the screen went blank. “Get Miranda, and we’ll go to see Speaker O’Domhnaill and maybe speak to the Entity again,” she added.

Miranda transferred us to the field near the Assembly building. Arriving there, we found the Speaker and several of the Clan Chiefs already speaking with the presence of the Entity in the Pillar there. They all turned to look at us when we arrived.

“We know why you are here. We have already heard your discussion with Admiral Stanfield and the rude person who interrupted him. We will not treat with such a person. He and the others with him sound like they are not here to treat with us respectfully or as equals, but are here to dictate to us what they want and demand. We will not be dictated to on our own planet. The British did that to our ancestors many long years ago in Ireland.

“We would like you to meet with this Magic user with them and determine what they want. Also see if that person is worthy to be allowed on Parthas. I will send my granddaughter, Eachna, with you to help in the evaluation,” the Speaker told us.

“Where will we meet with them, if not on Parthas?” the Colonel asked.

“On the space station. The Entity has moved some of our police forces there, and they have assumed control of those running it. They have also taken control of the ships that were sent to the former government’s friends and allies.

“We are not worried about being blacklisted by the Unity Government. We can obtain most of the things that we require from those who came to the assistance of the former government. There are also still those whom we have traded with previously. They, obviously, have little respect for the wishes of the Unity Government, and they will have an easier time delivering things to us now,” the Speaker told us.

“What if the Unity decides to blockade the planet?” the Colonel asked, as it was an obvious move on their part.

“Remember how their firing circuits failed to function after they fired at the Shell. I can do the same thing again and to their entire power system if necessary,” the voice from the Pillar informed us.

“That would definitely put a crimp in their operational ability,” the Colonel agreed with a smile.

“Arrange to meet with these representatives and their Magic user. Eachna will join you when you are ready to depart,” the Speaker told us.

“How will we be going to the space station?” I asked.

“I have repaired the two shuttles that the previous government had. Their crews are ready to move you when you have made the arrangements. They would be needed in any event to bring the representatives down here,” the voice from the Pillar told us.

“Thank you,” the Colonel told them before Miranda cast the transfer spell to take us back to our headquarters. On reaching there, I alerted commo to contact the Franklin so we could speak to the Admiral. The call quickly went through and soon the Colonel was speaking to Admiral Stanfield from her office.

“Admiral Stanfield, we have spoken to Speaker O’Domhnaill and the Entity. They will arrange for part of Tiger Team to meet with the representatives of the Unity Government and their Magic user on the space station. It is imperative that the Magic user be there. When will we be able to meet with them? Over.”

“Colonel Ferguson, you have moved much quicker than I believed possible. Would tomorrow morning be convenient? Say at around 1000 hours local time? Over.”

“Yes, that would be fine, Admiral. We will be bringing one of the Speaker’s granddaughters with us. She will be evaluating the representatives and their Magic user. Anything else? Over.”

“We will have the Unity Government representatives on the space station prior to 1000 hours. Nothing follows. Out.”

“So, we are set for 1000 hours tomorrow. It will need to be Lucy, you, and me plus Eachna. I don’t believe that we need to have Luther up there, unless he really wants to go. We will need to leave here by about 0815 in the morning, as we have no idea how things will go at the airfield. The Eagles will need to fly a patrol this afternoon to check for problems and any obstructions on the way to the airfield, Cleve,” she told me. The new survey that afternoon didn’t show any new problems, and the airfield was clear. Joel had decided that he could skip meeting with the representatives.

The next morning, Eachna arrived just before we were ready to leave. The shuttle was ready to launch when we arrived at the airfield, and we were on our way before 0900. After passing easily through the Shell, we arrived at the space station in plenty of time for our 1000 hrs. meeting.

Unfortunately, the Unity Government representatives were not on time for the meeting. It wasn’t until 1030 hrs. that part of their security detail arrived to check out the conference room that we were meeting in. They were a couple of hard eyed men with an expected sense of respect that they had obviously gotten from those they guarded. They didn’t seem impressed with the Full-Dress First-Class Uniforms that we were wearing to meet with their bosses. They completely ignored Eachna, which was a major mistake.

It was closer to 1100 hrs. when the Unity representatives actually arrived in the conference room. There was the fat man who we had seen with Admiral Stanfield. He was followed by an equally fat woman. They were accompanied by four nondescript assistants, several more security personnel and the Magic user. We had all detected him when he arrived on the station some 45 minutes ago. To say the least, he did not have all that strong a Talent and wasn’t a strong Magic user. When he entered the room, Lucy seemed surprised.

“He was one of the worst students at the school. I was in favor of dropping him from the program, but the other instructors kept him on. I can see why now. They obviously knew where he was going,” Lucy sent to us over our mental net.

“He is not suitable to have his Talent expanded. He is barely able to do any real Magic,” Eachna sent to us.

“I think this whole meeting will be a disaster. We should have never agreed to it,” the Colonel sent to us in an unhappy voice.

“Well, where are the representatives of the Parthas Government? We don’t have time to waste on you Military people,” the fat man demanded on looking around the room.

“And just who are you?” the Colonel demanded back in her most condescending voice.

“How dare you address me in that manner! I am Wallace Humphreys, the Senior Representative of the Unity Government’s Department of Settlement and Expansion. With me is Representative Arlene Jorgenson. WHO are you?” he demanded in return.

“I am Lieutenant Colonel Patrisha Ferguson, Commander of Special Operations First Mobile Headquarters Team; with me are part of Tiger Team. The Leaders of the Parthas Government requested that I meet with you to determine your suitability to be allowed on the planet Parthas. So far, I am not impressed with either your tardiness or your attitude, sir,” the Colonel informed him.

“What do you mean by ‘suitability to be allowed on the planet’? WE are here to determine if Parthas will be allowed to join the Unity. They will need to meet our strict requirements for membership. We demand to be taken down to the planet and have its leaders come to meet with us once we are in suitable accommodations,” he told us with a sneer.

“IF you are allowed on Parthas, you will need to meet with the Clan Chiefs and Elders at their Assembly Hall. They will not be coming to you, and they will not be interested in your demands,” Eachna told him in very clear and loud Standard.

“You have no Talent. You can’t do Magic, and the Magic user that you have with you is at best a poor one. Even children on Parthas have stronger Talents than he does. Finally, you cannot speak with your mind, so will be unable to converse with the Clan Leaders and Elders. Because of all of that, you WILL NOT be allowed on Parthas,” she finished.

“Who is this impudent brat? What does she have to say about anything?” Humphreys demanded in an angry voice.

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Micheal looked at me pained and panting as Bruce hunched his bung, his eyes pleading me as I looked over their heads and saw Daniel in the dim light nodding his head up and down. Charlie was behind me and kicked my feet apart and said hold his head and kiss him bitch...' Naked and straddling the bench, I raised my hands and took hold of Micheal's face and begin to kiss him. Micheal broke down and started to cry in earnest as our lips met and my tongue explored his mouth. I twisted his head to...

1 year ago
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Spied On By The Kids Next Door The Sequel

Cody:I woke to the aroma of fresh brewed coffee and thoughts of yesterday played out in my mind like a movie. Getting out of bed, I slipped on my boxers and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Joni, my wife, was sitting at the kitchen island, sipping her coffee. I walked over and kissed her cheek before pouring a cup of joe for myself.“Good morning, sleepy head, I see you're still excited from yesterday,” she said, putting down her cup and noticing the long tent pole straining the front of my...

Group Sex
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MyFamilyPies Madison Summers No Fapping To Your Stepsister

Madison Summers is pretty offput by her new stepbrother Rico Hernandez. Rico loves to watch porn and to jack off. Madison walks in on Rico watching some hot lesbians in action and wrestles for the control, then tells him he’s a perv who’s probably going to go to his room and leave another sticky mess. Pissed, Madison storms out of the room. Rico comes into the living room later to find his stepsis reading on the couch. Not wanting another argument, he tries to sneak past her....

2 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 86

Time: Thursday, May 14, 2019 5:14 PM Aggie was totally focused, Aggie was on her game, Aggie was in THE ZONE. Ashley was currently working as her teammate and calling out the codes, and Aggie was speed jumping through the ring-pair list. She was averaging under 30 seconds per pair, and there were many pairs that she double jumped in 24 seconds, the theoretical minimum. When the pair of codes shared the same first-tumbler or second-tumbler setting, Aggie could consistently eliminate the pair...

2 years ago
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Neha K Sath Maze Kiye

Hi friends mera naam Ronak hai me gujarat ka rahne wala hu or mujhe sex stories padna pasand hai, hala ki me new hu par i hope ki apko meri ye story pasand aye jo ki 2 din pehle ki hai. Me ek normal family se belong karta hu, physically attractive hu or bdy bhi achhi khasi hai, ye baat us samay ki hai jab mere ghar par meri padosan Neha ayi thi jo ki roj ati rahti hai. Dekhne me kamal hai hieght karib 5.4 hogi or figure 36-34-36 ka hai jisme uske boob kafi kahar dhate hai rang gora hai or ankhe...

1 year ago
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A New PastChapter 17 Autumn Interludes

It was strange shifting my work week around for my new project. I usually got home from football practice around six. Jeryl would come over to the office by seven unless she had excessive schoolwork. Even if she did, she often preferred to do it at the office instead of at home. Being the only daughter left at home made it strange, she said. We would then work on our search for a couple hours. After talking it over with Mom, I decided to do the bare minimum of company-related work during the...

2 years ago
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Crowded Bus Made My Sister A Slut

My cousin sister is 11 years older than me.Her name is Sheetal I am 23 and she is 34. She is much more like an aunty to me, married, 2 kids, a loving husband, a financially sound background, a beautiful family and a horny brother like me who has a crush on her ever since she got married. That was the day i noticed her in all of the lustful ways. I wished it was me in the ‘Suhagraat’ room tonight instead of my jiju. But God had something else planned for me. She use to visit us oftenly as her...

1 year ago
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ParenthoodChapter 16

It was a week before her college was supposed to start when she called me in the middle of the day, sounding a bit distressed. "Do you have everything OK, Honey Bun?" "Yeah, Daddy, I'm OK. Look, have you heard about Ryan?" "Only from Sean that he's having some wild times now, but that he is otherwise okay, why?" "Oh, I just talked to Madi. She asked if you could come here and visit the office." "Sure, right now?" "As soon as it's okay for you." I wondered for a moment...

2 years ago
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Me With Friend And Teacher

Hi guys I’m Arjun presently 18 living in Hyderabad and I’ve been an avid reader of this site since the last 2 years and finally decided to share my personal experience with you This was my first sex encounter with my school teacher and happened when I was in my tenth standard. i and my friend Praneeth used to sit together in the last bench as we were very tall and we both were sex lovers and often used to fantasize being at bed with our loved ones. Many teachers in our school were sexy and we...

2 years ago
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first anal experience

Jade had slumped down onto his legs, six inches of his half-hard cock still in her pussy and wondered if she was relaxed enough to fit this wonderful a****l cock into her hungry ass.Now Jade had never had a cock in her ass, or anywhere else. We had talked about various different ways to cum and so she had learned the pleasures of fingering her ass when masturbating. So, she knew with all the lubrication covering Mike's cock there might be a chance she could get it in there. Mike's head has...

2 years ago
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A Tall Ship

I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by; And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking, And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking, I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied; And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying, And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the...

2 years ago
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Mein Aur Meri Dur Ki Bhabhi

Hi to all Mein hun rishi abhi meri age 25 years hai mene last year apna college khtm kiya hai. Mein apko apni life ki ek real story btane ja raha hun. Aaj se 5 saal phle mene jab collge mein admission liya mujhe hostel nahi mil payaa mein ek dusre shehar se aaya tha. Mujhe ek room ki tallash thi. Tab mujhe pta chala ki ek dur ke rishtdaar bahiya aur bhabhi isi shehar mein hai aur unko bhi ek kiraaeydar chaiye tha. Toh bs mein ukne yahan paucha aur unhe sab btaya aur unhone mujhe ek room de...

3 years ago
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Breaking In Elizabeth Part 2

I throw the driver a fifty, and tell him to keep the change. At this point, I'm not interested in waiting for it. All I want to do is get inside and have my way with her. Hang on, what have I become suddenly? This is not who I am. I'm not one of “those” guys who goes home with just anyone. I barely know this girl. Where are my morals, my respect for her? I don’t just hop into bed with people like this... Oh fuck it, I can make an exception this time. She was the one who came onto me. Yeah, so...

Straight Sex
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Orgies With My AuntChapter 4

The recently concluded disastrous Sunday was really not as bad as I thought it was at the time. In fact, My mum was much more understanding of the way her sister Maggie and I managed to get a lot closer than blood relatives are intended to become. Our mutual friend Mary was a slut of the worst sort, but she was extremely giving in the sense of making certain we both experienced proper releases when push came to shove. The (ever ready to copulate) Mary called Maggie early the next Saturday...

1 year ago
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Office fun with Lisa

Lisa was a new employee at the office I worked at. She worked in a different department but, we saw each other all the time. Turns out she was loosely related to a friend of mine who also worked in the same department as I did in the office. Because of their relationship Lisa and I quickly became friends as we shared the same level of sarcasm and fondness for the inappropriate jokes and one liners. Not long after she started working, I noticed an attraction for Lisa growing but, it wasn’t the...

1 year ago
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One Night In Bangkok

‘You wanna buy a watch pretty girl ? Rolex, Cartier, Gucci – I give you best price.’ The young Thai market trader held out his wares and smiled. ‘Maybe you want designer handbag instead, I have ………..’ ‘We’ll have plenty of time for shopping tomorrow before we have to be at the airport, honey. I have other plans for tonight. Come on let’s go get a beer’ Steve took Abi’s hand and gave her an encouraging tug. Both laughed as they made their way through the street market towards the tacky neon...

3 years ago
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TandraChapter 54

Bassinda said incredulously, "How can we do this? This ship doesn't even have engines." A loss of a shield or a computer does not represent the problem it once may have. I plan on taking all the toys away from the Samutz as soon as possible." Even with all the things I already did, she was very sceptical of what I could accomplish. I directed the captain to break up the meeting and to take up general quarters as we would be at the empire I thought was lying doggo. We left the system as...

2 years ago
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"Aurelia" or "Be careful what you wish for" By Sylvia Wechsel Aurelia poured some tepid, aromatized water over her body, using a golden cup. She enjoyed watching the water flowing over her perfect body under candle light of the tepidarium. She had perky, perfectly formed breasts, not so small and not so big, her belly was flat, with almost no sign of extra fat, she had large hips, indication she would be a good mother when the time came and, of course, she had smooth arms and legs,...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Surprise Suspense

My life had very quickly become boring in the aftermath of ‘Pure Lust’. After we parted ways, we had kept up with our usual chats on Lush, but I just couldn’t remain happy with this form of communication for long. She was so alive in person, and text just wasn’t cutting it any more. So, I decided I had to act quickly before I ended up in a straight jacket! I made my arrangements and managed to score quite a good all-in-one package on line. That’s when the countdown began, and I spent my nights...

2 years ago
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1994Chapter 14

Jerry Bastian picked me up at the airport, and asked where I was staying. I told him to take me to the building, and that I'd check into the hotel later. Sandra Lynch was waiting for us, well, really just me. She looked surprised when I introduced her to Jerry. Sandra was no stranger. She hadn't changed from when we'd met at the Denver building. Her straw colored hair was longer than I recalled, but she still carried herself with an air of authority, and I found it hard to turn away from...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Gracie May Green Tiny Petite Gets Some Liquid Skeet

Gracie May Green has been told countless times by her stepdad not to touch his stuff, but she is a carefree petitte who just likes to have fun! After a day of fucking around with nearly everything in the house, Gracie got told off by her stepdad. He could tell she had been touching all his shit, so he had to make himself clear once again. Of course Gracie did not listen and started prancing around the house until she came across stepdads shiny wedding ring. She decided to play catch with it and...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Girlfriend Chapter Two

BEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP ‘Shit,’ I exclaimed, ‘the fire alarm!’ Katherine and I had been locked in a passionate kiss when the alarm sounded, meaning my decision was to be delayed. Everybody had to pile out of their blocks immediately. For a moment, Kath and I looked into each others eyes. In her piercing blue eyes, I could see what I thought to be love and longing, but also sadness. I know that in mine, she would have seen the same. We hastily put our clothes back on, which had already been...

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The Pastors Property

I Wouldn't be lying if I didn't say I was nervous. We just moved into this community 6 months ago and only got accepted into the local church last month. It was honestly an honor. Pastor Marvin and his family have been known for their work, but are famously secluded. In was only through a work contact and a dinner with a well sitting family in the church that we were asked to attend services. That was 3 months ago. I was interviewed last week, It's my wife Melissa's turn this week. ...

1 year ago
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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 21 Canberra II

I looked at my notes. They were neither orderly nor compact. But they were terse and they represented, in some way, my thoughts. return to work find a place to live (do P&R want the house?) make friend[s?]? retire in eighteen months do something else (entomology; school; write;?) other? It didn’t look like much. Six points. The first and fourth were straightforward. The second was tough. Or was it? Did I want to relocate for two years or five or... ? If I were to retire, what sense...

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JapanHDV Ruri Narumiya Ruri Narumiya goes to meet a fan as an AV Actress

This is our famous series called, Deliver AV actress to your home and today the actress we have to deliver to some randomly selected nerd is Miss Ruri Narumiya. This series is a member favorite as all members wish they could be selected to receive a visit from their favorite sexy AV actress. IT is the epitome of fetish wild adventure to have the young lady you have spent every evening jacking off to come to your house and visit the exact spot where they have been watching your videos and...

1 year ago
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Stolen Smile Chapter 1 Cockloft

I shut and locked my truck and briskly walked towards the collection of handsome brick buildings, dropping my keys in my jeans, and taking a deep breath, I was nervous and excited. I have never considered myself a ladies’ man, and up until this point, online dating had been a fools errand. I will be the first to admit my online flirtatious skills are somewhat lacking which made the events of the past week leading to this moment all the more surreal. A week ago while lying in bed I had...

3 years ago
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Only One Night

Carl thought to himself "It is only for one night, I can do it. I made a mistake, no I messed up. My wife wants me to do this to make amends to her and I can. It is only for one night and I can do it." Carl was right in thinking he was wrong. He did more than make a mistake, it was so much more. He hurt his wife Pam so bad. He cheated on her. It was a kiss, he would never think it was only one kiss which happened only one night, but that is all he did. Carl knew he was wrong as soon...

1 year ago
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CompanionChapter 12 The Date

Caleb drove JJ to Refugio, the little mom and pop Mexican restaurant that he frequented. The food was as authentic as you can get, north or south, of the border. After parking in the darkening parking area to the side of the restaurant, Caleb saw two of the tricked out cars that gang-bangers preferred. They were parked at the back of the lot. There were some gang-banger types leaning on the hoods, and standing around the cars talking and smoking. Caleb walked around his rental car and opened...

3 years ago
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Naturist SchoolChapter 5 Making a Connection

Before I'd taken more than a few steps Marian reached forward as if to steady herself by leaning on John's shoulders. John's triumphant grin was quickly replaced by a mask of pain when Marian kneed him in the testicles before jumping away and blowing her whistle. "I said no!" Marian screamed to the now prone John who lay crumpled on the ground. Marian was shaking, but unhurt, when I arrived at the scene. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, just a little rattled," she quivered. I...

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Night Wolf Ch 10

Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Author’s Note: The English-Cheyenne word translations come from the Cheyenne Language Web Site, one that I’ve found extremely helpful for the telling of this tale. * Ione rolled over...

4 years ago
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Threesome Experience

Hello, all. It was indeed a very long interval I am writing a story, All details enclosed. I was very excited writing this mail. Hope you people will also like this sex story of mine.This is a real incident no fantasy involved. As you know, I was physically involved with Asif for quite some time. This incident was a shocking experience to me as I thought Asif was also physically and mentally involved with me but after this incident, I realized he was only sexually attached to me and even I...

1 year ago
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My wife Joy is a slut

Joy was once gang banged by a group of her teachers when she was seventeen in high school in the principal's office during school hours. She has no inhibitions about doing a guy or group of guys in public. In fact, having a group of people watching her suck cock or getting fucked turns her on. She especially likes the feeling of being a slut and being used like a sperm bank. The following story is about an event that happened to my wife a number of years ago. My wife, Joy, went to her company's...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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PalimpsestChapter 14 Reconciliation and Reinvestment

"Good morning," smiled Marianne looking up from Joe's naked and engorged penis. He learned not to wear boxers to bed. Her mouth returned to the task of making him cum. "Good morning," chorused Mary and Marta, curled tight together inches from Joe. Mary caressed Marta's lovely full breasts, pulling her nipples stiff. She kissed Marta's neck and her lips when Marta leaned her head back. "Hop on Sweetness," suggested Joe. "You ready?" "Been for hours," Marianne replied, delighted...

3 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 4 Jennys Mantra

Jenny arrived at Dana's on Saturday morning for coffee. It looked like she was after more than talk. As usual, she looked like a well-turned-out junk wagon. Great clothes, well-chosen, becoming colors and not cheap - that she wore like gunny sacks. "What's on your mind?" Dana asked, after they'd settled down in the living room with their mugs. Jenny fought a losing battle with herself. You could see it on her face. Indecision, resolve, doubt, uncertainty, hopelessness. The feelings...

4 years ago
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JAN and TED 7

The following Wednesday, Jan had just finished her usual mid week call to Uncle Ted, and Mike had been listening in. “So, he's been shopping, has he? Buying knickers for you?” he asked. “Snooping again, eh? Don't you detectives ever have a day off?” she laughed.“Yes, he has, remember he kept two pairs of mine last weekend....and I wouldn't want them back after he's been using them for you know what!” she replied. “He tried washing and ironing the first pair, and ruined them, so it's new...

2 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 6

Kim awoke, got up, and went to the window. As she looked outside she noticed that it was already dark. She went downstairs to find the rest of the two families watching TV in the den. "Well hello sleepy head," her mother said. "Did you have a nice nap? How are you feeling?" "Much better," Kim said, "The pill made the cramps go away." Kim sat on the floor near her brother to watch TV, when she did Jack got up and went into the kitchen. Kim looked at her brother as he walked away,...

2 years ago
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Sissyfied By A Big Black Bull

Last night my life changed forever. We have new neighbors move in next door ,they were two big strong very buff black guys that were drop dead sexy ,as soon as a saw them moving in I was perving at them through my window and my sissy little white dick was hard in an instant as I have been fantasizing about being with a black man for a while now . I decide to put on some sexy under garments and my ugly male clothes over the top to...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 404

... Turning, the General called out, “Sergeant, see that my wives get home safely.” “Yes, Sir,” the Sergeant responded, snapping off a salute before hurrying to get their luggage. “My office at the Retreat, or shall we use the Lieutenant’s office here?” “Let’s use his. I want him to be part of this, anyway.” The General stopped to kiss his wives tenderly and quietly tell them something, then followed Jeff toward the Security building. A few minutes later, Whitworth rapped on the...

2 years ago
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My day 32711

Home from work and very horny im a waitress so i see many hot men all day but cant do anything about it .. I get so horny it starts to hurt i guess its a case of female blue balls :) So while i was getting all wet reaching over these sexy men to fill their drinks i brushed my breast agianst a female that was sitting their at the same table she looked up smiled and winked at me .. Mind you im only 20 so i have not yet exp. with women yet of coarse i have made out and touched a lil but nothing...

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