favoritepet s tale
- 4 years ago
- 43
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A strong breeze lifted the kite into the air at Mt. Trashmore Park, here in Virginia Beach. Yes, I said "Mount Trashmore". At one time, many years ago, the site of the park was a landfill. However, it was filled in and the environmental engineers in the city had done what was needed to convert it to a place where people could come and relax and take part in any number of fun activities.
Along the many walkways, were benches where a person could relax. Many of them were dedicated in memory of someone, their family having paid a fee to have a small plaque affixed to the back of the benches.
Looking at the name inscribed on this particular bench, I had to close my eyes a moment to press back the tears. A small hand slipped into mine.
"I miss her to, Daddy."
I looked over at my daughter and managed to smile. "I know you do, darling. And she loved you SO much. More than you can imagine."
The child who looked so much like her mother, nodded. "T" gave my hand a tug and we wandered across the grass.
Women are encouraged to do a self exam on their breasts regularly, so as to locate any unusual lumps or something else that may cause a concern. By the time it was found, the cancer that was called "Invasive Ductile Carcinoma" had spread to the lymph nodes and into several areas that were of life threatening concern. The cancer had started so deep inside, that it was almost impossible to detect by touch. Only a routine mammogram had found it. A double mastectomy along with radiation and chemo treatments did little to stop the progress.
When the prognosis came to us that it was only a matter of time, she decided to have treatments stopped so she could enjoy the rest of her time remaining not feeling the effects of the medical exercise in futility. We laughed, we loved, we cried, we ranted at God for allowing this to happen.
But we were blessed with one final Christmas together.
A few days into 2010, Jacqi left us.
Across the grass, Kitty was chasing our other daughter, "R" who was holding the ball of string that played out to a brightly colored kite zipping overhead in the sky. They were both red-faced with laughter and exertion from running. The sad smile on my face was replaced with a happier one as I watched them. "T" let go of my hand, and ran to join her mother and sister, saying that SHE wanted to fly her own kite. (I'm a reasonably smart guy, I would like to think. If you have TWO kids, they will be hard pressed to share ONE toy.) Kitty helped "T" get the second kite aloft, and then strolled over to me.
"Hey sugar," she grinned. "Did she have anything to say?" Kitty knew that every time we came to the park, I made it a point to stop at the bench and reflect.
"She told me that you still look sexy as hell for a mother of two. But," I paused, "she also mentioned that she is in no hurry for all of us to be reunited."
"Maybe I'm up on the 'sexy quotient' simply because of the two kids, I only squirted out one of them!" Her laughter was a bright sound easily heard across the field.
Now you will recall reading in the previous installment that Kitty gave birth to our first child, a girl that in this installment I will refer to as "T". Oh, the joy of having a child of our own! Our lives, already wondrous, were made even better. I will not bore you with the typical details of how perfect this baby was, how beautiful, how smart, how she would capture my heart with a gurgle and coo when I snuggled her. Suffice to say, this child had three loving parents. Jacqi was sort of the "extra", filling in sort of as a mix between a mother and an aunt.
"T" grew up in a home filled with love and although the adults in her life had a somewhat unconventional lifestyle, she thrived and accepted it. After all, why not? As Kitty would often say; "Just more love in the house, sugar."
So, if I mentioned that "T" had an OLDER sister, "R", you might ask "How did THAT happen?" Well, as I can safely say, sometimes Truth is stranger than Fiction...
"Tom, I need you at the house right away! It's an emergency. Nobody is hurt, but I need you here NOW. Please!" Kitty filled me in on the details over the phone as I drove out of Portsmouth and towards home. Thank goodness traffic was light.
My face was grim as I listened. It was a year and a half after Jacqi's death. In that time, a new family had moved into the neighborhood. A couple with a girl a year older than "T" who was soon at our house daily and quickly inserted herself into our family. Shortly after that, the parents had a setback. The husband, Joe, did something stupid, got arrested and went off to prison for the next 10 – 15 years. No, this wasn't what Kitty was telling me about as I drove. The mother, Calista, had done her best working as a waitress and other part time jobs to try to keep their financial heads above water after that. Many a time, Kitty and I would take the child with us to the movies or Busch Gardens or North Carolina, since there was little chance of her mother having the funds to take her.
Speaking of "funds", Calista was past due on rent and a few other bills and had decided to do something drastic. She signed up to work at an "Escort" service. And wouldn't you know, she was caught in a "sting" for prostitution. The wie that the cop wore had recorded her statement that "extra services" would be available, for a fee. She was in lockup, and her daughter was being held by Child Protective Services (CPS). Kitty was going crazy, recalling her own CPS horror story, and had demanded that we take the child in as emergency foster parents. There was no local family to take her. I told her that I was 100% on board with the idea and told her that I would make a few calls. The first was to my lawyer. I wanted him to know what we were thinking about. He agreed to get paperwork together to present to the courts, and to petition for emergency custody. The second call was to a friend who actually worked at CPS. She was "mid-level" there, but it was worth a try.
By the time I got home, Kitty was running out the door and hugged me tight. "I don't know what you did, or how you did it, but we have to go to Family Services RIGHT NOW to pick her up!" The right strings had been pulled and we had the frightened and confused child home a few hours later. Calista was at the hearing with the CPS Judge, saying that she wanted "R" to stay with us and not with strangers. My friend was also there saying that she could personally vouch for us and that we did have the room to take the child in and provide shelter and comfort.
Joe died in prison. Something about a knife fight and a gang thing. We never got the details and I am okay with that. Calista was raped in the prison that she was sent to (it happens more than you might care to think about) and contracted HIV-AIDS. She knew she had to do something to help her child.
After long talks between Kitty, myself, Calista and several lawyers, we petitioned the courts to formally adopt "R" and make her our daughter. The child was seeing a counselor 2 days a week and was slowly making progress back to being a "normal" kid. She was given her own room, but she liked to stay in the same room as "T". I thought my daughter would resent having her space invaded, but she showed me that her heart is indeed full of compassion and she insisted that it was right that as sisters, they share everything, including a bedroom.
When she was released from prison, Calista came to work for me part time, so I could place her on my company insurance plan for her medications. AS I type this, she is (thankfully) still alive and able to maintain a somewhat "normal" life, but one that avoids physical intimacy (her choice). She lives in the loft apartment in the building where I have my office. The expense to me is minimal, and "R" can still spend time with her mother, who she calls "Mommy".
She also calls me "Dad" and Kitty is "Mom-Cat". The only annoyance is the fact that "R" has a small dog that she brought to the house when she moved in. A Chihuahua mix named Memphis. He is cute, as far as small dogs go. He loves the girls and will allow Kitty to baby him. Me? Even after all this time, he is unsure around me and won't come near me unless I am putting food in his bowl. Oh well. Benedryl is my friend.
Come on guys! What about the sex stuff! We want to know! (I can almost "hear" your thoughts as you read what I have typed.) Okay, so before I fill you in on that aspect of things, allow me to insert something that could be listed as "Kids say the damnedest things!" Here are some amusing questions that "T" and later "R" have asked me and Kitty. It's not quite "David Letterman Top 10", but...
1: Mommy? What is an 'arrg-azzam'?
2: Daddy? When I grow up, can I have a husband and a wife also?
3: Mommy? How come you and Daddy always stop at this row in the store? (The "ropes & chains & respective hardware" aisle at Home Depot.)
4: Mom-Cat? Is that a doggie collar you are wearing? Why?
5: Dad? I wish our other friends had parents as cool as you and Mom-Cat and let us all walk around the house without clothes. It's nice! (Our home remains "clothes optional" even now. We didn't change because "R" came to us. This was reviewed fully with the court, and while they raised an eyebrow slightly, it was no major roadblock in the adoption process.)
6: Do you guys HAVE to make so much noise at night after we go to bed? ("T" replied with: "It was louder when Aunt Jacqi lived here!")
7: Mommy? A boy tried to kiss me at school today so punched him. Is that ok?
8: Mom-Cat? I saw a boy try to kiss "T" today and after she punched him, I ran up and kicked him in the nuts. Is that ok?
10: Wait, you mean that when I get older this happens to me EVERY month???
Oh the joys of having kids in the house.
The girls were away for the weekend on a Girl Scout Camping Trip. The leaders had them all weekend at the Izaak Walton League Park in Suffolk and Kitty and I were alone. I hate to say it, but age was starting to catch up to us. Kitty was trying to twist and turn her back in order to get her spine to "crack" and allow some relief. No luck.
Winds of Change Feeling completely relaxed in the warm, tingly afterglow of the best orgasm experience in her life, Jean felt different. The fog of satisfaction coated a dull but persistent feeling that something was different. It was easy to ignore however and shifted her attention back on the pictures and video Ben took of her. She felt like an exotic creature of the woods. Lying on the ground naked in the forest, her senses heightened, the mental wash of the high energy level of...
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I would like to say first that I appreciate your comments on my first version of this story. They helped me focus on a few things that needed attention which encouraged me to write this revised edition. If you have read the previous version, please read this one. I would like to know your take in a sort of "before and after" snapshot on whether the story flows better or not. By all means, keep the comments coming. Also, if you’d like, please send me a private message to discuss the...
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One day we were doing the usual. I was playing computer games and he was rubbing my special spot when his ham moved down and went up inside my vagina. My whole body shook with excitement. His finger was going in and out my tight hole it felt so good. One finger was going in and out the other was running my clit. I didn't want it to end. I wriggled down a little and his finger went deeper it made me moan. But I knew I had to be quiet or someone would come in the room. It wasn't long before...
I dont remember what time I feel asleep I awoke to find myself naked and alone in the twin bed. I quickly got dressed and snuck into the house. My mother was in the kitchen making breakfast..Andraya Marie did you fall asleep in the poolhouse again? my mother said while whisking pancake batter. Yes ma'am Im sorry I replied. Well what's done is done hurry up and shower then come eat your dad and I are taking Elise and Davis out for a spell so your more than welcome to go over Shanna's house....
Illusions Ben went in to the kitchen and noticed the back door was open but the screen door closed. The slight movement of air through the opening smelled of earth, grass and flowers. The musty smell dissipated quickly and he took a couple of deep breaths. Jean rounded the corner into the kitchen. "I opened the windows in the bedrooms to let the place breathe some and clear the air." She said and then noticed him standing at the rear doorway of the kitchen. She came up behind him...
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INTRODUCTION: My summers had been the same deal for the past four years: Anticipation, arrival, fun time, departure, and longing for the next year to come. The summer was split up primarily into three parts including exams, at home and in Ontario. Mom and dad had split up five years back and we moved to Vancouver BC from the little town of Kingston Ontario to go live with our grandpa. I had two sisters (still do) both a year apart from me. There was Keira at 16, me at 17, and my older...
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The next morning, we both woke up feeling a lot better than I figured that we would. At Martha's insistence, we even had what she called a "quick one." Three fucks in 24 hours, when you count in tonight, was heaven for a man my age. We got dressed, and I felt almost funny in clean clothes. Martha announced that we were going to buy me some more clothes so that mine could be washed once a week. I thought that was pushing things a bit far, but I was not going to argue if she was going to do...
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I glanced over at her for the fiftieth time. Two rows ahead of me, two machines to the left. I quickly forced myself to look back at the row of TVs hanging from the ceiling, not wanting her to catch me looking at her again. Not that she had any idea I was even alive, mind you, maybe I was more afraid of being embarrassed by someone else catching me ogling the ultra-fit redhead with the ponytail effortless gliding away on the elliptical machine. So instead I kept sneaking peeks every 30 seconds....
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Many years ago, when I was about 20, I had a friend who started bringing his young new girlfriend to parties. She was kinda trampy, from a different school (wrong side of the tracks) but was funny, pretty and sexy... in that “wouldn’t take her home to meet my mother” kind of way. I recall after meeting her a few times, the three of us were sitting together on a couch at a party, drinking, joking around and telling stories, and I noticed she kept staring at my crotch. Suddenly, right in front...
Keilani Kitas mom and her stepdad are going through a nasty split up, and unfortunately, Keilani has to witness it all. According to her mom, Keilanis stepdad just needs to sign some papers and it will all be over. But when they show up at his place, Keilani and her stepdad have some things to sort out. Her mom gives them some privacy, and Keilanis stepdad tries to explain why he and her mom are breaking up. But one thing leads to another, and soon Keilani is cross examining her stepdads long,...
xmoviesforyouSoapy leaned against the counter at the Little Shop, pondering his next Vicodin purchase. He'd spent a month at Ivy Hill, getting spin-dried by the counselors...but let's face it, ? Soapy wasn't a drug addict, he was a junkie. Addicts went to meetings. The raucous laughter from the Dominas Anonymous meeting upstairs was really making him irritable. What was wrong with those women? ? As he heard more annoying peals of mirth, Soapy looked behind the counter at H.Singleton Soreson Bailey,...
Hi all Iss readers…this is my first story…its not true as I don’t lie…About Myself: I am from Gurgaon (Ncr)…I am tall, handsome boy of age 23 with good physique…mera lund 8 inch lumba air 3 inch mota hai…agar koi female meri help chahti hai in haryana or Ncr can contact me at my mail …and send all ur responses on this mailthis story is about some Raj and his Sali…now enjoy and don’t remember to comment…Mera nam Raj hai. Meri umar 19 saal ki hai. Ghar par mere alawa kewal mere bhaiya Mohan aur...
IncestShe appeared to be in her fifties, with a figure that was not slim, but not conspicuously overweight, either. With wide hips, a modest waistline, and a generous bosom, she was what some men might describe as "on the solid side." She was dressed in a white blouse, gray skirt, nylons, and sensible flats. Her jewelry was not ostentatious, and she wore a minimum of make-up: a little lipstick, some nail polish. There was nothing to call attention to her except a quick smile and an expression in...
Christmas morning in Wyoming was beautiful. The snow had stopped sometime during the night and at least 16 inches were on the ground. It was very light and dry powder ... the kind skiers love. Julia and Cliff were up early to prepare the milk mixture for Nick. The air was very cold and the slight wind blowing made it even colder for their walk to the barn. Nick was waiting for them as they entered his warm stall. He walked directly to Cliff, who was carrying the bottle, and bumped his hand...
I surprised her by picking her up and carrying her back to the bedroom, almost like the proverbial picture of the groom carrying his new bride across the threshold. Upon entering the bedroom, I gently laid her on the king size bed and rested her head on a pillow. She laughed, as she kicked off her shoes and settled in."Let's take this slow," I told her, as I settled in next to her on the bed. "I mean, even with everything we've done already, I haven't even given you a proper kiss yet. Let's...
Hi, this is Rohan. This is a true story. It’s about me and my elder cousin sister Reena. This happened in jan ’14 when she came over to my place. First of all let me tell you about myself, I am 24 years old, handsome, single, working in Delhi, where I live alone. Reena is 29 years old, married for 2 years. She lives with her husband in Agra. Reena (I call her “di”) is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. And I’m not exaggerating when I say that she is like an angel. She is 5′...
IncestTwenty Seven Years Later. It was called ‘The French Cafe,’ which would normally be the kind of place I would avoid, but one of my co workers got me hooked on the french vanilla mocha latte. I now went there every Sunday like clockwork, placing my order before sitting at my favorite table near the back. I would read my Sunday paper and watch the happenings in the small town I called my home. I didn’t interact much with the people, that was my wife’s job throughout our marriage as she never met...
Eight hours later, Clegg was walking along Haymarket in the early evening. He was pondering the problem of the girl that he was planing to pick up later that night. Added to that, Angela had wanted the two of them to get together again. Their tumble had been fun but he'd got work to do and that came first. The problem with the new girl was going to be transport. He had a buyer but they weren't keen on coming to London. Freddie couldn't blame them. He side-stepped a small pile of rubble...
The next morning announced itself with a bang as Jason smacked my ass with his hand. Talk about waking up with a jolt! I was profoundly glad that I was lying ass up and not tits up. But that, unfortunately, meant that I was lying on them. Quite frankly I don't know how I was. Jesus, did they ever hurt. Then none of me was in the comfort zone, but I had no complaints. "Rise and shine, sleepy head. It's a bright, new day that I've got some great plans for." Really. Jason was just too...