Desert Prison
- 3 years ago
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Sometimes the enormity of an event is too big for a person to understand. It isn't real because it's beyond imagining. You have to see it a little at a time and just a tiny fraction, once believed, is still too much. As soon as I saw the ruins of Los Angeles, and that word is much too generous, I felt something dying inside me.
"What did you do?" I asked, blinking at the rush of hot tears filling my eyes.
"I used to live there," Talis said softly. "My name was Kevin and I had parents and friends. I loved that city; the beaches and the hills and all those people in between."
"What did you do?" I repeated.
"I destroyed it," she told me.
I tore my eyes from the hologram, turning my head to see her lower lip trembling and her cheeks flushed and wet. Talis wept silently and with the smallest gesture the hologram filled the room and we were in the middle of a desert. Nothing remained. There wasn't so much as a twisted, blackened girder to mark the largest grave in human history. The sand around our feet wasn't sand at all, I realized, but ash and it swirled in the lightest breeze. Ten million people and everything they'd built and owned and loved, gone forever.
"For the good of the Empire," Talis said after several minutes. She'd stopped crying. "Veils."
The hologram disappeared and the curving bulkhead became transparent, offering us a magnificent view of Earth. A blue girl approached gracefully. Eva was one of many servants and a favorite of the Duchess of Cepheus and Protectorate of the Spinward Marches. She held a thin towel and Talis used it to dry her eyes while I wiped mine with the back of my hand. I wanted to hate her just then, but in all honesty I wasn't sure how I felt.
"Mistress," Eva whispered, bowing her head and disappearing into the darkness behind us.
We seemed to be alone and it had become easy to forget that we never were. Srah stood somewhere in the dark watching me. Jericho, the computer who looked like a high school science teacher, wouldn't be far away. Christian and Ellicent, Gabriel and a dozen others were always nearby. But we seemed to be alone and I stared at her, seeing a sixteen-year-old girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a scarlet robe and accepting sole responsibility for the greatest crime in human history.
"You must never forgive me for this," she said.
"I won't," I told her truthfully. "Nobody will."
"Yes." Talis nodded her head at that. "This is your first day of school and your first lesson. Nothing comes without a price."
"Where are you?" Mom asked me, sounding kind of hysterical.
"I'm kind of on a spaceship," I said slowly and Srah giggled as she rocked her hips, sliding her swollen penis against mine. "Shhh ... Stop it!"
"Not you, Mom." I frowned at the sexy brown alien, but she'd busied herself nibbling my neck.
"What did you say? Where are you? I've been looking everywhere! I called the police!"
"You did?" I swallowed hard. "I'm with the aliens."
It sounded like she'd dropped the phone and Mom didn't say anything. It seemed kind of strange, looking at the Earth from my bed and talking to her on the telephone. I wasn't actually holding a phone, of course; I'd simply asked Jericho if I could call my mom or something and he'd asked me for the phone number. I really hoped this wasn't collect or something and I probably should have asked him about that. We were thirty thousand kilometers above the planet, but we had a great connection.
"Are you there, Mom?" I asked, shaking my head as Srah licked my ear and she loved sex almost as much as Marcia.
I still didn't get an answer from her.
"Hello?" I frowned. "Hey, Jericho ... Did we lose the connection or something?"
"No. Transmission is satisfactory," he said, popping into existence with a flash of purple light. Usually he just sorta faded in, being a hologram and all, but I'd taught him a new trick and it always made me smile. We were still working on a big puff of smoke though.
"Mom? Hello? Srah..." I made a face as she crawled up my body, pushing her erection across my tummy and chest.
"Don't you want to kiss me?" she teased, pushing with her hips and giggling. Srah's uncircumcised dick poked against my chin as she searched for my mouth with it and I turned my head.
"Mom? Hello?" I grabbed her sweet, round butt and squeezed, looking around the girl so I could see Jericho. "She's not answering me. What happened?"
"Orion!" Srah pouted, digging her fingers into my hair and rubbing the shaft of her penis along my cheek. "Kiss me!"
"If I had to guess," Jericho said, "and I'm not overly fond of guessing, I'd say she probably fainted."
"Mmmph?" I widened my eyes as Srah pushed her cock past my lips.
I could already smell her arousal, the sweet scent of honey filled my nose and as her foreskin peeled back I tasted her golden precum. The flavor reminded me of thin maple syrup and I understood why Srah and the other people from her planet were among the most prized slaves in the Empire. Srah had a body perfect for fucking and Mother Nature hadn't skimped in the natural urges department either. She loved sex just as much as Marcia, maybe even more.
Srah rocked her hips quickly as she held my head, cradling me against her pelvis while I slipped my fingers towards her anus. I hadn't fucked her in the ass yet, but I knew she'd let me try it soon. All I had to do was tell her. Srah never said no to anything, but usually she kept me too busy to remember what I wanted and we'd end up doing what she wanted ... Like me sucking on her cock. She loved that more than ice cream, except I wasn't sure she'd ever had ice cream.
I didn't mind it either, to tell the truth. Her cock wasn't really huge, but still a good seven inches at least and big enough around to be a real handful, or mouthful as the case may be. Srah stretched my lips nicely around the dark brown shaft and every part of her felt incredibly soft and smooth. I tickled her cockhead with my tongue and made her shiver because she was always too sensitive there. The foreskin usually covered the glans and she wasn't used to being touched beneath it, but that's not to say Srah didn't like it.
Her fingers tightened in my hair as my fingertips found her asshole and I pushed against it gently. She had a perfect ass and that's a word that seemed invented just for Srah. Perfect. Her butt felt firm and round, soft as silk and utterly, completely squeezable. Her virgin sphincter resisted at first and it felt like a tiny flower, the petals spreading slowly as I pushed inside. I found her dry and tight, the tender ring stretching around my finger as I worked it back and forth in time with her hips.
She fucked my mouth while I finger fucked her ass, pulling me against her with soft grunts and groans. I swallowed her sweet precum and gagged softly when she'd push too far, but that didn't stop us at all. I kept my eyes turned upwards, watching her proud tits rise and fall with her breathing, the dark nipples grown long and fat with excitement. And above those I could see Srah's dark eyes shining with lust beneath her bald head. The lack of hair only made her more beautiful, I thought, although at first it had seemed very strange.
"Orion," she whispered and that seemed strange as well. I wasn't used to my new name yet, but I liked the way she said it.
The bed moved, being something like a fluid and more than completely adjustable, and Srah turned around, pulling her cock from my mouth briefly. My head and shoulders went down while my hips and butt went up. Her knees sank into the bed with her penis positioned perfectly at my mouth and Srah's tits pressed against my stomach as she began fucking me. I could open my throat for her easily as we lay at something like a 45 degree angle and it wasn't uncomfortable at all. She closed her mouth around my dick and nursed eagerly while my throat stretched around her, my nose finding her moist vulva instead of a pair of balls.
She had that beautiful cunt just beneath the base of her penis and I never would have believed a vagina could turn me on, but Srah's did. I held her ass and pulled her into my throat over and over, gasping for air in between, and sixty-nine had quickly become my favorite number. She pumped my mouth and sucked me off, making me cum with a rush of hot semen to fill her alien tummy. What she thought of the taste, I had no idea, but Srah must have liked it. She kept me in her mouth the whole time and never stopped moving her hips.
When my orgasm finished, she found hers in my ass and I'd had to talk her into that the first time. Not because she didn't want to fuck my butt, but only because she wasn't sure if it would be proper. I guess putting her owner on his belly and fucking him like a little girl wasn't something most servants could easily imagine, but that's exactly what I wanted. Jesus! She fucked me nice too, sliding her long cock in and out of my rectum with slow, deliberate strokes. It always took her a long time to get off without some sort of pussy play. When I fucked her, even with my fingers, Srah would cum quickly, but if I ignored her pussy it took an hour, if not longer.
Porn star sex! Marcia would be so jealous.
Srah covered my body with hers, kissing my neck and hair, kissing my face when I'd turn my head, and pumping my horny rectum all the while. Sweet precum filled my ass, making it even better as her orgasm grew near. She pushed herself upright, holding my shoulders with her small hands and pinning me down as she began slamming her cock into my tender hole. It had been a long time since Mr. Moore had stretched my ass and I felt like a virgin again, hot and tight around Srah's beautiful cock. I gasped as she found my prostate over and over, sending electric jolts of pleasure up my spine every time her cockhead would kiss it, and I soon came again.
We turned slightly, enough so I could find her pussy with my middle finger. Pushing it inside Srah easily, her sex felt a lot like a human girl's, I suppose, except it wasn't as mushy. Her hole felt smooth and tight, hot as a furnace and the tunnel of flesh leading to her womb was surrounded with curious bumps and ridges. I tickled and teased her, making her squirm against my back and giggle breathlessly in my ear. Srah had sort of a ticklish cunt, but she didn't seem to mind at all. She only fucked me harder and faster until her cock began to pulse deep in my ass.
She didn't cum like a human either. She didn't ejaculate wildly, but filled me with slow, deliberate spurts measured against the rhythmic clasping of her eager vagina. Her pussy, especially the mouth of her sex, would contract sharply when she started cumming and I loved Srah's orgasms because they seemed to last forever and it felt like a baby's hungry mouth sucking on my finger.
When my dick was inside her, that felt truly awesome and she'd milk my balls dry. Her species didn't believe in wasting sperm and the mouth of her cunt would clamp down around the base of my dick and squeeze the cum out of me. Literally, that's what it felt like, and my orgasms lasted nearly as long as hers. Like spurting inside her for a long minute, or even longer sometimes, and at first it had hurt a little, but I'd grown used to it after a just a few days. We had a lot of sex! Thank God I was only fourteen and had the raging hormones to prove it. Usually I could get another boner an hour or two later and by then, Srah was always more than happy to drain it for me.
For the moment, however, I was full of her golden cum. She'd filled my ass with it and her cock didn't go soft immediately either. Even though she was spent, Srah's penis remained thick and hard, filling my butt and keeping all her juices inside me. She liked to imagine her sperm fertilizing my egg, except I didn't have one of those, and I liked the feeling anyway. I fell asleep beneath her, having forgotten all about my mom for the moment. Having sex with Srah made me forget about everything, even Marcia.
"Where is she now?" Christian asked me as we walked through the private gardens, along a winding cobblestone path between alien plants and trees of every description.
"Still in the hospital. The doctor said he's going to wake her up tomorrow morning," I replied, pulling some hair from my eyes as a small breeze picked up. "How do they do that?"
"The sky?"
We both looked up and saw nothing but a warm, pale yellow sky with baby blue clouds and a distant sun glowing orange. The place looked and felt, smelled and even tasted like a pleasant spring day ... except not on Earth. I could hear the leaves rustling and some birds singing, except Christian had told me they were really some sort of flying lizards, colored like parrots and small like hummingbirds. The singing came from their wings and I really wanted to see one.
"It's a hologram," he said. "But everything else is real. It's nice here."
"Yeah," I agreed. "Do you have to send Marcia back?"
"It's not up to me. Nobody wants her," he said. "She can't do anything here, so..."
"I can't do anything either," I reminded him and I didn't like being told that nobody wanted my best friend. It sounded cold, but I knew he didn't mean it that way. He only meant that the aliens didn't have a use for her.
"Talis wants you though," he told me with a smile. "I don't know what she's planning, but I'm sure you'll find out soon enough."
"I never even see her," I sighed. "She's always busy."
"Tell me about it," Christian said with a sigh of his own. "She's my wife and I'm lucky if we can spend ten minutes alone together."
"That sucks."
"That's love." He shrugged and pointed towards a fountain. "Let's sit down for a minute."
The fountain was round and made of marble, or something like it, and the centerpiece looked like a dragon rising from the calm pool and spitting water down its scales. Much of it had been overgrown with rust colored moss and thin vines with tiny yellow flowers. I found it very beautiful, very comforting somehow, and I'd been told the garden and everything in it had been transplanted from Cepheus. The yellow sky above us, the orange sun so much smaller than Earth's, but just as warm; that's what it looked like where Talis came from and I could understand why she'd miss it.
"So there's no way Marcia can stay, huh?" I asked, returning to the subject at hand and the reason I'd sought Christian's company.
"Not unless someone wants her."
"You mean like a slave?"
"A servant," he said. "There are no slaves, only people who give themselves over to bondage."
"Really?" I looked at him and I still didn't understand how that worked.
I owned Srah, there was little doubt about that, even if I treated her like a girlfriend more than anything else. She still belonged to me and I could sell her if I wanted to, or at least give her back to Talis because that's where she'd come from. Srah had been a gift, someone to keep me company and help me learn about aliens and the Empire and everything else. I kinda loved her though and she was carrying our egg and...
"In theory," Christian explained and I only half-listened to him. "There are black market slavers who kidnap people and sell them, but if they get caught the penalty is pretty severe."
"What do they do?"
"Well, they execute them," he said. "Pirates, slavers, um ... people like that are beheaded usually."
"Oh." I frowned.
"The galaxy is a big place." He shrugged. "The Empire does what it has to, I guess."
Christian was thinking about Los Angeles and all his friends; his first wife who had died there. I didn't know everything, but I knew enough to understand that he struggled constantly with what Talis had done, just as Kelly did. That had been her name before joining with the alien Duchess and sometimes Christian would call her that, but mostly he didn't. At least, not if they weren't alone.
"Your friend might not like it here anyway," he said. "She'll probably want to go home."
"Maybe," I said, but I didn't think so. Marcia was going to like it here as much as I did; we were too much alike not to. I just had to find a way to keep the aliens from sending her back.
"Faggot?" Marcia whispered, blinking her eyes and smiling weakly as she lay naked on the hospital bed.
She looked a lot better now and the doctor had told me she'd healed completely. Marcia didn't even have any scars, but they'd fixed her lungs, removed her old heart, and grown her a new one. They'd cloned it or something and I didn't pretend to understand. But it was her heart inside her, just brand new, and when that technology hit Earth it was going to make a lot of people happy.
"Hey." I smiled back at her. "How do you feel?"
"Ummm..." Marcia took a deep breath. "I feel good, I think. Where am I?"
"In a hospital," I replied. "Are you hungry?"
"Kinda." She nodded and I held out my hands so she could take them. "We crashed."
"Yeah!" I laughed. "You hit a spaceship."
"What?" Marcia smiled as she turned to sit on the edge of the bed. "I'm naked."
"I know."
"I'm skinny!" She blinked, touching her flat tummy and she'd lost about twenty-five pounds probably.
"You were asleep for more than a month," I told her. "Kind of in a coma."
"I was?" Marcia stared at me, her brown eyes getting wide. "Am I okay? Where's the doctors? Where's my mom and dad?"
"You're fine now," I assured her, glancing over my shoulder, but we seemed to be alone. "Um, I kinda gotta tell you something ... weird."
"Wait," she said slowly. "Did you say we crashed into a spaceship?"
"Yeah." I smiled at her. "It was invisible."
"Oh." Marcia stared at me for a second and then laughed. "Shut-up! God! I almost believed you!"
"They had to give you a new heart," I said. "You were gonna die otherwise, so they, um ... brought us here."
"What?" She looked down at her chest. Except for her rather naked breasts which seemed to be a bit larger and definitely more firm than before, Marcia looked perfectly normal. "Brought us where? Who did?"
"The aliens."
She just blinked at me.
"We're on a spaceship."
"You're not kidding, are you?"
"No." I shook my head. "Your doctor is kinda ... blue."
I looked over my shoulder again. "Dr. Yes? Can you come here?"
"Dr. Yes?" Marcia almost smiled.
"His real name is kinda long," I told her with a shrug, but then her eyes got really big as she saw him.
"Hello," he said, tilting his head and looking handsome as ever.
Esyaseyayas had pale blue skin and silver hair and luscious pink lips, and ... Yeah. I thought he looked amazing and my heart always went a little quicker when I saw him. Marcia's too, I'd imagine, and she looked like she couldn't decide if she wanted to jump off the bed and hide behind it, or just jump on him.
"Wow," she whispered and I nodded in agreement.
"Stand up, please," he said. "Lift your arms ... turn your hips to the left ... right ... bend over and touch your toes..."
Marcia did all that silently while we watched and she never took her eyes off him.
"Stand on one leg for me."
"Why?" she finally asked, smiling self-consciously as she balanced on her right foot.
"No reason," Dr. Yes said with a small, innocent shrug. "I just wanted to see you smile. You can put your leg down."
"Thanks." Marcia gave him a small pout, but couldn't help smiling at him. "Am I okay?"
"You're perfectly healthy now," he told her. "We had to put you on a high protein diet to stimulate your heart development, of course. And you were exercised rather vigorously, I'm afraid. We didn't want your muscles to atrophy and your new heart required physical exertion to develop fully, so you lost some weight."
"Yeah," she replied, looking down again. "I noticed."
"Your body fat percentage decreased significantly," he continued. "That couldn't be helped, but I promise you'll be able to replace the fatty tissue in no time. I can have Seyasesa work up a diet to get you back into shape and..."
"What?" Marcia narrowed her eyes. "You want me to get fat again?"
"Well..." Dr. Yes looked at me and I shrugged.
"I look great!" she told him. "Don't I? God! This is amazing! I've got abs! Look at me!"
Marcia did have abs, like a sexy six-pack beneath her flat tummy. She had smooth hips and creamy thighs, a slender waist and even her tits looked firm now. She didn't have any flab at all, not like before when she'd had that jelly roll around her belly. She'd never been an ugly girl, nobody could honestly say that about Marcia; she'd only been overweight and now she looked sorta like a fitness model. I guess a month of intravenous protein shakes and a hospital bed that could make her exercise in her sleep had been just what she needed.
"I'm never gonna get fat again," she told the doctor. "No way! I'm hot now."
"Are you?" Dr. Yes touched her forehead with his hand.
"She means she looks good," I told him with a grin.
"How's my butt look?" Marcia turned around. "Is it awesome?"
"Ummm ... Yeah." I nodded, and it did look round and firm and tight, but not as perfect as Srah's. I hadn't figured out how to tell Marcia about her yet.
"What do you think?" she asked Dr. Yes, smiling at him over her shoulder. "Do you like my butt?"
"I'm your doctor," he replied. "I like you very much."
"Really?" Marcia bit her bottom lip and leaned on the bed, wagging her ass like a bitch. "Maybe you should check it for me."
"I assure you..." he started saying, but I shook my head.
"Just check her out," I whispered. "She's kind of a nymphomaniac."
"Is she?" Dr. Yes blinked his dark eyes. "Diagnosed?"
"Uhhh..." I shrugged.
"Is she getting treatment for her condition?"
"What are you guys talking about?" Marcia wondered with an impatient giggle, spreading her legs slightly and I could see her pussy already moist. She even looked a little smaller down there, her vulva not quite as fat and puffy as I remembered.
"She's asking for treatment," I told him with a grin. "You know what I mean?"
"He's not a fag, is he?" Marcia asked suddenly, narrowing her eyes at me and clearly not liking all that whispering we were doing.
"I don't think so," I replied. "But he did kinda suck me off once."
"Kinda?" She really frowned at that, but thankfully Dr. Yes could take a hint and he'd already opened his trousers.
One thing about those blue aliens, they weren't shy! They weren't quite as aggressive as Srah maybe, or Marcia for that matter, but having sex didn't seem to faze them one bit. I wondered if all the aliens were like that, but I knew they weren't. Ellicent, for example, was probably the most beautiful woman on the whole ship, and I hadn't seen her have sex with anyone. She didn't even flirt with anyone! Most of the others were the same way, just doing their jobs and being normal, whatever that means, but the blue ones...
"Wow!" I blinked at his huge, blue cock. "You've got a big dick."
"Jesus!" Marcia licked her lips. "It's bigger than Mr. Moore's, I think."
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Hello my name is Rahul (name changed).. I am staying in bangalore (vijayanagar). I am 5.5 well built goes to gym every day and ve a good physic… Let me come to the story…. I was visiting to my friends house regularly near by my house and next to his house there was a marwari aunty with a beautiful figure of 26-28-26… Too small but attracting.. She was like a hindi film acctress…. When i was talking to my frnd i saw her near the gate feeding food to her baby… I saw her very closely and she was...
IncestThis came from scanning another fic ("Andrew" by "Grimbo"), analyzing everything i didn't like about it (which was mainly all the cliches from dozens of similar stories), then deciding that it was easier just to write this as opposed to writing a review for it... ------------------------ Terrible Tragic Story by Gregg, [email protected] -------------------------- Jay woke up and realized immediately that there were several things wrong with this picture. Just to...
Coed for Keeps by Karen Elizabeth L. [email protected] I was just a college freshman on a hardship scholarship, determined to make a name for myself in a prestigious university. At first I was concerned that I might not fit in since the school was out of state and I knew no one there. In High School I had developed a reputation with the girls as a sort of bad boy that a girl had to date at least once and once was usually enough for many girls. Looking back I guess you could say...
The sign on the club door will inform you of the rules of the house:- EVERYTHING IS ALLOWED AND NOTHING IS REFUSED!So with your heart pounding you follow me in to the club and in to what looks like a air lock, but it is the security door system to stop anyone from trying to enter the club without being invited or membership. Once we are through the inner door the sound of the music is at a level where it is able to talk without having to shout and the lighting is set at a dim level but not to...
The Friendly Neighbor Everyone likes a good neighbor. But when that neighbor is a hot young blonde with a body to die for, every small glimpse and meeting is a bonus. My neighbor was Tanya, a beautiful young gym instructor who had recently shifted into the apartment opposite to mine. She kept her blonde tresses really short, had a sharp perky nose, her lips always looked red and soft and she showed ample cleavage to go with her long neck. What captivated me was her eyes. Big and...
I am a model AF49-C android. I was initially designed to assist human engineers on earth while they were developing space ships for interstellar travel. I possess artificial intelligence as do the majority of androids that exist. Androids have been around for over one hundred years. We perform many tasks, some that are considered too dangerous for humans, while others are designed to do tasks that require absolute precision, such as certain surgeries. Some serve in domestic situations.Androids...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMichael looked across the crowded ballroom and sighed. This was not his usual scene. The monkey suite felt tight around the neck, the music was a bunch of violins, the people shiny, smiley and fake. But he was trapped and it was necessary he be here. ‘Well that was a big sigh.’ Came a voice from his left. He turned and looked into the friendly brown eyes of his friend Nate. ‘It’s not too late you know, you could forget this whole thing and move on, we could find our funding elsewhere.’ ‘Why...
Twice a neighbour had called the police complaining about the noise. Russell thought it was Janice that had made the calls, even though it wasn't. Because of the calls and another number of disagreements between them they both hated each other. Janice in fact did not get on with any of Russell's family. They were a rough lot thought Janice, Russell was a dustbin man and so were some of his mates. They all ready sounded drunk. In a sudden fit of anger Janice decided to go and give Russell a...
My darling wife, Janice, is a petite brunette with an olive complexion reflecting her Portuguese heritage. She has small pert breasts and fantastic legs. She gets stares from men and women alike when we go out because she is a beautiful, classy lady. We have much in common: we are both 33, we like the same music (classical), Italian and Portuguese food, leather clothing and ass fucking. As to that last item, she likes getting fucked in her small, well-formed tail as much as I enjoy fucking...
Tim watched as the two teens shed their clothes and smiled. Bobby was a good looking boy, if you liked boys. His shoulders were broadening and he was well proportioned for a 14 year old. Tim was surprised at the size of the boys cock. It didn't look like it was as long as his but it looked like it was bigger around and it was so hard a cat couldn't scratch it. Oh that's going to hurt his mom Tim thought to himself. Kathy was a hot little number. Her little tangerine sized tits had puffy...
The light filled the room slowly, filling the room with a soft glow. It wasn't even fully out when the alarm on Tim's phone went off, waking him from his slumber. With a stretch of his arm, the alarm went silent. He smiled from ear to ear, for today his weekend adventure begins. He flipped the covers off his body, exposing a mostly naked male, only having his pink panties on. You see, Tim isn't like most men, he has been a cross dresser since a little boy, and it has only grown over...
Justin Hunt has offered to take his stepsister Danni Rivers and her friend Kiara Cole to a St. Patrick’s Day party. They’re all decked out, but when they spot Justin rocking some beads the girls instantly want for themselves. Justin tells them that they know what they need to do to get them. Kiara is cool with showing her breasts to her friend’s stepbro, but Justin wants to see Danni’s, too. Danni is initially grossed out, but she really wants those beads. Once Justin...
xmoviesforyouOne day my girl decided she was in the mood but wanted me to shower first. As I procceded to head to the bathroom she told me to wait & came up behind me to hand me a bottle of nair, she said "I want to see what it's like with you bare and I mean everywhere". I took the nair without asking any questions, despite my confusion in her unusual request. As I am actually getting in I hear her add, "clean yourself out too, I want to use some toys". I had never used nair everywhere before but had...
I looked around the small bar. It wasn't like most of the sports bars back home. There were no huge televisions that showed multiple sports games at once. There was just one small monitor above the bar. Two ladies were serving drinks and food to the patrons, they weren't dressed in skimpy little outfits, but regular clothes. "We could have done this back home," I shook my head as I returned my attention to my folder. "We were only a few minutes from the Castle," I said with a smile. "It's just...
Horror(I live in chennai, india, fun loving women can contact me at for safe and discreet sex) I am rupert from chennai. I live near the guindy railway station. There is a provision store that i frequent in the area for buying my weekly provisions. I remember seeing two typical upper class bramin women in their mid twenties at the shop quite frequently buying things for their home, but i never bothered to take notice of them as they were what you might call theso called highly upright women who...
I went to Delhi and through my colleague found a paying guest house. I settled for whatever they asked. My colleague took me to their house from office directly. It was a flat and the owner has no children and they were mid forties and they rented me a bed room with attached bathroom, It was a three bed room hall flat. The room had a table and a decent bed. I payed them the advance and with the help of my colleague I brought all the necessary items like mugs, bucket etc. After my colleague left...
The other night a friend of mine needed to ‘de-stress’ so we went out on the town. When we got back to my place we talked for a while and he ended up telling me a story. It is a wonderfully sensual story so I decided to share it with everyone. I hope he doesn’t mind. Here’s the story as it was told to me: They arrived at the party a little late, they were making out in the car. It didn’t matter since it was an eighteenth birthday surprise party for him. He knew all about the party and was not...
by JoelC as told to BrettJ © 2008 * I hope this story can inspire some of you to believe that if you work on a marriage in trouble, you can put new life back into it. I know I did and I am happier now than I have ever been. It wasn’t always that way. Let me tell you my story and perhaps you’ll see what I’m talking about. It had never made much sense to me, why after 5 of what I thought were very happy years, my wife Renee had simply walked out. Nary a word, I just got home from work at the...
In the cover of darkness he moved. Staying in the deepest shadows he crept along the edge of the manor. Looking at the slight sliver of the moon he knew that he didn't have much time to accomplish this. He was paid a lot to perform this and it had to be done. To think that the Lord of this manor had paid him for this. Avoiding the guards again he crept forward, eased the window open and stepped into the room. The moon shone fully into the room he could see the 2 cribs against the wall, the...
Deedee was holding my hand tightly and giving me doe eyes as we were once again on the back roads headed to my first high school party. “No one has ever done that for me,” Deedee whispered. “It was amazing,” she husked. “Done what, exactly?” I teased in a half-whisper. She bit her lip and shoved me lightly. “You know what!” she whispered with laughing eyes. “Oh,” I said in mock recognition, then leaned to whisper in her ear, my voice deepening. “Do you mean the part where I ran my tongue...
Introduction: While working at the library, Sasha gets a lesson she will never forget. When Sasha was 16 she got her first job at the library reshelving books. She stood at 53 with perky B cup breasts and a nice round bottom. She loved to take her time shelving the bottom shelves so that the men could watch her bend over. When shelving the top rows she would stretch so that her shirts rode up and revealed her flat, caramel colored tummy. She was shelving one day when Jeremy walked up. Excuse...
At work I got another cup of coffee and stopped to chat with Grace for a few minutes. I’m not as pressed for time as I was yesterday. Mel and Peter came in while we were talking and admired our outfits. Grace was her usual sexy self, although I notice she’s ramping up the sex appeal lately, too. Not that we’re competing. But she isn’t worried about offending me anymore. I was surprised when I learned that had been a consideration for her. We always comment on how sexy our outfits are now....
In all my trips to the neighborhood, parking was the pits. Because of all the apartment buildings a parking spot was very hard to come by, and tonight was far worse than normal. Not only did I drive around so many times, there were just not the normal number of people moseying around. After about 45 minutes of slow cruising, I did notice a black man that I had never seen before and it seemed he was looking for the same thing as I. I jokingly thought to myself I hope he's is looking for a...
BisexualKathy and Christi skipped hand-in-hand up the school steps. Kathy stopped to admire her beloved in the reflection of the glass front door. Christi was wearing a red and black plaid microskirt and over-the-knee black socks. Her new nipple rings sparked and helped draw the eye to the blue-eyed brunette's beautiful twin globes. Kathy couldn't help but check herself out as well. She'd chosen a fuzzy white, navel length sweater and matching white stockings. She loved the way her white heels...
Hello friend this is jistes from Indore and i am a regular reader of IIS but this is for the first time i am submitting my story on this IIS, so plz forgive me if i done some mistake while writing. Let me describe about my self i am a good looking guy with good built and i am 6 fit tall so if any girl from Indore would like to do friendship with me or want to have fun plz mail me at I am narrating this story about my first time sex experience with my girlfriend in Hydrabad. i am a IT...
No Hands!They play a game where he is in charge, but there are not losers.The rules are simple. No hands. You sit quietly in the chair and cannot touch my cock or balls with your hands. I will do all the work. You can touch yourself all you want, but not my cock or balls. You can touch my ass or my legs or my chest or my nipples, just not my cock or balls. Oh yeah, and no talking. OK? Good! Let's get started. I like the office chair because the height is adjustable. We can lower it all the way...
Straight SexThe Girlfriend - Chapt. 2 - Filled to the Brim with Girlish Glee "Can we practice one more time?" Lissa said. She was the perfectionist of the group, and loved to perform for an audience as I was well aware. I restarted the YouTube video and strains of 'Three Little Maids are We' filled the den, coming at us from Natasha's uber hi-end sound system. Lissa, Jackie, and I began singing the words, dancing in a choreographed routine that Denise had put together for us. She sat on the...
We called her Smiley, simply because we didn't know her name. She worked in the college cafe almost every morning. She wore a uniform that made her look even hotter. The black pants fit her like a second skin. She had a perfect ass. She also had a very nice rack, they fit her body type perfectly, and while the numbers might not be impressive on her petite little body they looked huge. But by far the her most striking feature was her smile. Always present, her smile made her nose wrinkle just a...
I belong to a small town. I got married at the age of 18. My husband is Sunder. He is a Manager in a reputed farm. Actually he was forced to marry me by his grandmother. My husband is 12 years elder than me. Actually his grandmother had promised to my family to make me her granddaughter in law. But when she got seriously ill, she wished Sunder to get married as soon as possible. So sunder married me and took me with his to a big city.At the time of marriage my physical growth was almost nill.I...
I was never quite sure why Emily actually agreed to the date. She seemed often absent-minded and not really interested in me. I wouldn't even call it a date rather a drink after work but at the time I was quite desperate and I classified any meeting with a woman a "date".The bar around the corner was a known hang-out of co-workers and we were not really alone. As usual we started talking about work, interrupted by some colleagues saying hi and chipping in. The conversation took an unexpected...
Harry was sorry to say goodbye to the Burrow. Some of the happiest days of his life had just taken place there. Everything had been so wonderful, he doubted even that returning to Hogwarts, which had always been something he had looked forward to, could measure up this year. His only consolation was that Ginny and all of his friends were making the trip with him. Harry sat in the compartment on the Hogwarts Express next to Ginny. They were listening along with Ron and Neville as Hermione...
Chapter oneHidden In the highest mountain ravines of the western realms, which encircled the realms woodland and forest which over looked the seven kingdoms of Amazonius. Slave wagon with fresh meat was on it’s way through the megalithic mountain landscapes and entered a large cavern , with a brazier burning coal and blue flames radiating from them. Flicking on the stone granite wall’s as the wagon’s passed into the depth of the tunnel over the very treacherous stony ground. Pass the high...
Pushing these thoughts out of my head, I put my hand on the door handle of my old house. I open the door and walk in. Things are exactly how I remember them, everything in the exact place it was before I left. The house is clean, and tidy. I look around and call your name, but I hear no answer. I realize how late it must be, thinking you must be asleep. The wind outside picks up, the light from the moon dims, I hear the faint sound of thunder in the distance. It’s rainy season in...
One time when Annie and I were at the supermarket, a group of young guys in their late teens spotted us. Annie was wearing a pair of butt baring short shorts, sandals with 2 inch heels, and a skimpy halter top. She loved to dress provocatively, and I encouraged it. One of the young guys called my wife a whore right in front of me! And I wasn't man enough to do a THING about it! Annie got hired immediately at the black owned bikini bar in Oakland. That wasn't really in doubt because she is a...
By Lady Regina Drake I feel strangely elated sitting here at the bar with my legs crossed, and my short dress riding above my knees. I just got back from the lady’s room and as I walked back, I watched all the eyes that were glued to my ass and legs. That’s exactly the reaction that I look for, and that’s why I insist on wearing short tight dresses and spike heels. Men are dogs and lets face it they will fuck anything in a skirt or dress, including sexy shemales like me. I love the fact...
The first time I met Jenny Sanders was my first day at Redmont high school. I was a freshman new to the Redmont school system. My father changed companies and we ended up moving from the city to this sleepy town. Now before I get into Jenny Sanders, you should know my name is Alex Ulrick. Like I said I met Jenny my first day at Redmont, since I am new to the school jenny was tasked with showing me around. As I am more reserved and shy I was happy to oblige to this goddess showing me the...
Ever since I can remember, I always had sexual fantasies about my Aunt Nery. She wasn’t the prettiest woman I have ever seen but she could defend herself. Don’t get me wrong though she is a hot Latina woman. Let me give you a definition of her: She is thin, has a nice rounded ass, semi wide hips, B-C cup breast size, and is small in stature (around 5’4”), she looks fit but has a little fat her . She is now her late 30s and I am in my mid 20s so our age is not too far apart. She is lovely and...