A Flawed DiamondChapter 20 free porn video

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Zoe was the first person who called Brock upon his arrival back in Los Angeles. The team had flown out of Milwaukee on Wednesday night and had their last off day of the month that Thursday. Zoe called from work to see how he was doing – and to see if maybe he'd like to have lunch the following afternoon.

Brock had not made arrangements with the team security people for coverage, so he invited Zoe out to his house. She initially declined.

"Um, from a purely professional standpoint, I think I should caution you about inviting someone you barely know to your home," she said.

"I'm not worried," Brock said. "Look, I had the team security people check you out. You're a graduate of Mount Holyoke Academy and Mount St. Mary's University, where you studied criminal justice. You graduated 'summa cum laude' and you were a member of their dance squad your junior and senior years. You were accepted to the sheriff's trainee program last May and graduated from their academy in October. Your test scores at the academy were stellar – top 10 percent of the class. You were one of the top marksmen in the class and you won the hand-to-hand combat ribbon. The note on the file says you defeated the men as well as the women in your class. I figure if you had wanted to hurt me, you would have done it already. Plus, all you had to do was concoct some excuse to run my license plate and you would already have my address."

"That's, uh, well that's very thorough," Zoe said. "How did you acquire this?"

"Cynthia Lu is our head of security and she does some instruction out there from time to time," Brock explained. "She used her contacts. I don't think any of it was confidential. I mean, I didn't get your test scores or anything like that. Although I guess she talked to the psychologist out there. Cynthia said she didn't believe you are a threat. I hope you're not upset."

"No, I'm not upset," Zoe said. "And nothing you've said is untrue. It's just a little disconcerting to have your life spelled out like that but I have to admit that I've done the same thing with you. Yours was a bit easier, I would suppose, since I found most of it in one place. I guess it's good to know that I'm not a threat."

"Hey, even faint praise is praise," Brock joked. "So what do you say? We can have a decent lunch out here; maybe relax around the pool or something. You won't have to worry about some crazy person showing up to accost me and I won't have to worry about interrupting our conversation to sign autographs."

Zoe laughed.

"OK, let's have lunch tomorrow," she decided. "Uh, can you cook?"

"Not a lick," Brock admitted with a chuckle. "But I have a vast array of carryout and delivery menus. Short of that, I can cut up a mean fruit salad."

Zoe had lived in Los Angeles her entire life but she had never had a reason to visit the neighborhood where Brock resided. She was impressed by its security features. It was a gated community but Brock had left her name with the guard. After a thorough inspection of her identification, she had been permitted to enter. The community still had its own security team, although none of them looked as though they would be up to the task of putting down a real threat.

Still, they were quite capable of noticing unusual cars in the area or strangers who appeared out of place. Zoe had come to learn that observation was a fundamental part of police work.

Brock was smiling when he opened the door for her and ushered her inside. The house was much larger than she had expected, given that she understood that her half-brother lived alone. Zoe's entire apartment could probably fit into one room of this home. She suddenly felt nervous to be there. After all, Brock Miller appeared to have it all. He was wealthy and famous. He had dates with sports stars and had actresses showing up at his games trying to get him to notice them.

Why would he want to associate with cop who made less in six months than he made in a week. Still, his enthusiasm in welcoming her didn't seem feigned.

"I'm glad you agreed to come out," Brock said. "I could have called Cynthia Lu and made arrangements but I think they're getting a little tired of following me around."

He gave a crooked grin.

"Plus I think they're worried you might kick their butts again," he added with a mischievous wink.

"This is quite a house," Zoe said, still embarrassed that she had put one of Brock's security team on his butt.

Brock rolled his eyes.

"It's the last time I let my agent make arrangements for me," he said. "I mean, geez, who needs this much room? I'm one guy. Everything I own could fit into the garage."

Zoe smiled back at him. Despite his money and notoriety, Brock seemed as normal to her as anyone.

"I was thinking my whole apartment could fit in this room," she commented.

"Probably side by side with the last place I lived," Brock agreed. "I swear to God, the first time I walked in I hoped it had a map like at the mall. I worried I would pee myself the first time I had to go because I couldn't locate a bathroom."

He gestured Zoe to take a seat and then sat in a chair across from her.

"Thankfully every other room has a commode so I needn't have worried," he continued. "I know it's only 10:30 in the morning but if you're hungry I can scrounge us up something."

"I ate breakfast before I came out," Zoe told him. "I wasn't willing to risk your culinary skills twice in one day."

"Probably a good idea," Brock said. "The first year I was out of prison I managed to eat almost every meal with my neighbors. Otherwise I probably would have starved. I could fix cereal and Pop-Tarts."

The mention of prison jolted Zoe back to reality.

"I've read about a lot of that," she told him. "My mom gave me some of the details. I'm not sure if she didn't know much or if she didn't want me to know. She was very reluctant to tell me much about you."

"I guess I can understand that," Brock said.

"Then you're the only one," Zoe replied. "My dad – our dad, I guess – left me a letter with his attorney to be given to me when I turned 21. It was the typical self-serving drivel you'd expect from a dying man. He said he was sorry that he didn't get to watch me go to prom and walk me down the aisle. Like I've told you, I barely knew him. But the one thing that was of interest to me was the part where he hoped that I had gotten to know my brother, Jordan. I guess he expected that your mom would grab the money and we would have had a chance to connect."

"He didn't know my mom very well then," Brock said. Zoe smiled at him.

"I pressed Mom to tell me about you," she continued. "She was very reluctant. I think she had kept tabs on you. She told me that your mother had died some years before. You had gotten into trouble and finally moved away."

"I did not get into trouble," Brock insisted.

"No, I understand that now," Zoe said. "But that's what I knew. I was a little pissed off at her. I asked her how she could have let you be raised in foster care. I told her that we had a duty, not to my father but to you, to see that you turned out OK. After that, it took me a while to trace you. I mean, there are about 30,000 people named Jordan your age. Mom didn't tell me where you born or anything like that. I finally focused on where my dad was raised. That narrowed things down. I knew he had married my mom before he was 19. Then I got the bright idea to get a copy of Dad's will. That's where I got your full name, Jordan Scott DeVoe, except there was no Jordan DeVoe in the public records.

"I hit Google and found out the rest – although most of it was innuendo or second- or third-hand. I couldn't find the public records anyway and I tried. I was in my last year of college and I drove straight to mom's house. I told her you had not gotten into trouble that you had been railroaded by some corrupt people looking to cover up their kids' crimes. Then I insisted she tell me how to find you. She said you had simply disappeared after high school. I didn't really know about the name change. I mean, I guess I could understand it but nothing I read really connected Brock Miller to Jordan DeVoe."

"Most of the records were sealed," Brock said. "The name change was kept quiet for obvious reasons. My court documents were all expunged. I'm sure they still exist somewhere but they are not supposed to be available to the public. The only thing that really had my new name on it was the financial settlements from Lewis County."

"Which, it turns out, were sealed after a year," Zoe pointed out.

"Yeah," Brock answered. "I wanted them to remain open to the public, mostly because of the embarrassment it caused the fine folks down there but my attorney convinced me that it would be better for me long-term if they were difficult to access. We really didn't want people putting the two together."

"I spent a week in Wilkins and that pointed me to Corbly," Zoe explained. "Corbly pointed me to North Carolina and it gave me a name to look for."

"That's pretty good detective work," Brock joked. "You should be a cop or something."

Zoe laughed along with him.

"I was really surprised to learn you were playing professional baseball," she continued. "You were in Akron when I first figured out who you were. I wasn't sure how to approach you or even if I wanted to. I was equally unsure of whether you would want me to. I had almost decided just to let it go but then you were traded out here. I decided that was pretty much divine providence, as far as I was concerned. I am truly sorry about how we met. If I would have known what was going on, I would have found a better way to do it."

"Well, it's done and here we are," Brock said with a shrug. "I'm happy that you went to all the trouble to locate me. I had the chance to visit with some of my friends during my road trip. I guess I was pretty excited about you ... existing."

He gave her a sheepish look.

"My friends, well, they've been like sisters to me," Brock said. "I mean, it's hard to explain. I've dated them all at one point and two of them are sisters."

Zoe's eyebrows shifted upward.

"Crap, this is not going well," Brock said. "Uh, OK, it's like this. I was pretty messed up when I got out. My mom was gone and I was alone. I had sold the farm in Wilkins and I used the money to buy a house in Corbly. Well, my neighbors were two girls about my age: Jen is the same age as I am; Melanie is two years older. They helped me get my feet back on the ground. Jen and I went out for a while but things didn't work. Melanie and I dated later but, again, it just wasn't meant to be, I guess. Anyway, after a fiasco of a football game in my hometown, I ran into Susan Simpson and Tara Wyatt. Susan is..."

His voice trailed off.

"Susan was the girl being attacked that day," he said softly.

"And she didn't think to come forward to help you out?" Zoe hissed.

"No," Brock said. "In fact, her parents rushed her out of the jurisdiction and then out of the country. She didn't come back to the United States until I had already been released. I think she was really traumatized by what happened to her. Well, when everything was said and done, Susan had to go into foster care. Her parents were in prison – still are, as a matter of fact."

"That's terrible," Zoe said.

"It worked out," Brock said. "She wound up living next door to me – with Melanie and Jennifer Miles as sisters."

"Oh, well, I guess it did work out," she said. "I'm sure you weren't thrilled with it, though."

"Not really," Brock admitted. "I grew to like it, though. Then there is Tara Wyatt. I was dating Tara when everything happened. She would have nothing to do with me. She didn't visit me in juvie. She didn't even write to me while I was inside. The next thing I know, she is living down the street from me in Corbly. Coupled with something else that happened at the time, it was a little too much for me. I decided I was going to live in a remote town in Montana."

Zoe laughed, thinking he was joking.

"I'm not kidding," Brock said. "I drove up there as soon as school was out. I planned to find somewhere I could just hide from everyone, where no one knew me and I knew no one."

"So what happened?" Zoe asked.

Brock shrugged.

"I think I grew up a little on the drive up there," he admitted. "I started to understand that the world didn't revolve around me. I took a few moments to reflect on the situation from other perspectives. I also realized that I enjoyed being around people. I couldn't become a hermit. It's just not in my nature. So I came back to Corbly and made the best of the situation."

"Do you still talk with Susan and Tara?" Zoe wondered. "I mean, it has to be hard to get over something like that."

"It was hard," Brock said, "but I managed. It helps that both of them are super sweet. It took me a while to put it aside but eventually things got better. I'm as close to them now as I am to Jen and Mel. You'll meet them soon. Did you see the story about the women's soccer program in disarray?"

Zoe didn't understand the change in topic but she knew her brother had once dated one of the players.

"Sure, it was all over the news," she said. "I was interested because I already knew about you and Chastity Durant."

Brock nodded.

"Tara did the story," he said. Zoe couldn't miss the note of pride in his voice. "They were all out here to visit. It was during my break. All four of them moved heaven and earth to help out anyway they could. I mean, you have to understand, these people had never met Chastity. The only way they knew her was through me. But they knew I was fond of her so they did whatever they could to help out. That's what I mean. These four are the best people I think I've ever met. I don't think I could have put up with some of the stuff I put them through. I was tough to live around for a while. It was worse when we were in college. We all went together and we all lived together. Yet here we are, four years later, and we're planning to live near each other again."

"That's nice to hear," Zoe said.

"Well, I'm glad you think so," Brock replied. "Because you have to understand, any sister of mine is pretty well going to be a sister of theirs. You thought you had just located a lost brother but it turns out you might have found a whole new family to be a part of."

Zoe wasn't certain things would work out that way but if it did, it would be more family than she had ever dreamed of.

"So, tell me a little more about you," Brock prompted as they dined on delivered pizza. Zoe had to go to work at four p.m. so only Brock sipped at a beer.

"You know the big things, I think," Zoe said. "My mom and I were really close until the last couple of years. I mean, it was always her and me against the world. My dad left us pretty well off. He didn't have life insurance but the studio where he was injured paid out a pretty hefty settlement. I was a day student at Mount Holyoke. That means I lived at home and not in the dorms."

"Are you Catholic?" Brock interrupted.

"Lapsed," Zoe admitted. "Mom went to Mass twice a week. I stopped going except for the required times in college. I gave Mom a Mass of Christian Burial but that was the last time I stepped foot in a church. How about you?"

"I'm not really religious at all," Brock said. "It never played much of a part in my life. I mean, I went to Sunday school when I was little but I think that was so my mom could have a few hours of peace."

"What denomination?" she asked.

It took Brock a minute to think about it. He had stopped going long ago, preferring to spend Sunday mornings in the woods behind his house. His mother still got a respite from his presence so she didn't insist.

"Episcopalian," he answered. "Honestly, I have no idea of the differences. It could just as easily have been a Baptist or a Methodist Church. The Episcopal Church was the nearest to our house so that's where I went. Like I said, it was more a matter of having me out from under foot than it was a need to see to my spirituality."

"Did you have your mom's service in a church?" Zoe asked, ignorant to the pain she was about to cause. She regretted the question as soon as she asked it. Brock's face turned dark and tears welled up in his eyes. It took him a moment to answer.

"She was cremated," he said. "I wasn't permitted to go to the service. My conviction was already under appeal so my attorney took care of the details. We had no service. I think some people who knew her got together at the fire hall for a memorial but, again, I can't say for certain."

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Earth Lehua, Hawaii August 13, 2019 15:02 HST (21:02 EDT) My sisters were very excited, and I think Omar, Yuki and my mom were as well. They’re just better at hiding it. I found that with my long neck, I was able to get a good look at myself. Where Ilnod was a carmine red like his mother, my scales were varied in color. I wasn’t quite rainbow colored, but it was close. There were small swept back spines running along my back and all the way down my tail where they tapered off into a large,...

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BBW fuck buddy

I was filtering through some adult ads on a date site that today no longer exists. I had responded to a few ads but nobody ever wrote back. Finally one day I got home from work and I said Damnit I am going to send every female on that site a damn email and see if anybody really exists or if its all made up shit. I even responded to some ads from women who were in the next state! The next day when I got home from work a actually had an email sent to me from wouldnt you know it, A woman who was...

4 years ago
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With no particular place to go

The dog days had rolled in again. Summer meant not only the end of keeping a regular schedule but also the damnable job of trying to find work. Instead of putting effort into that however, you, busybee that you are, were sitting in the parking lot of 7/11 drinking a Slurpee that was rapidly melting in the sun. You sat on the curb with your tongue turning blue and weighed your options for the day. Regardless of what decision was actually made there was one thing that you were sure as hell not...

2 years ago
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Lesson Learned

Lesson Learned! I learned my lesson early as a young man to be honest with myself and any potential romantic partners about my inner sense of femininity. I learned it the hard way. The only girl I ever got really serious about, to the point of borrowing money to buy a three hundred dollar engagement ring, I wasn't honest with. Her name was Cynthia. I should have told the truth to her, and maybe things wouldn't have happened the way they did. Or maybe it would have never begun. We...

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HighSchool lessons

I'd always been pretty fast in all the strokes and they needed an IM guy so I finally made the squad. Everyone made me welcome because nobody else relished the extra training the Individual Medley requires. I was the only Junior there and coach asked John, one of the Seniors, to mentor me. He was really cool and didn't seem to mind hanging with a younger teammate. He set up a training schedule for me and we spent a lot of time together in the pool in the evenings. I was making big...

1 year ago
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I have been having this wild hot dream of a friend that lives close to me a great tall CD I know on here and have been fantasizing of him getting much taller :I see Rocky walking up the walk my huge breasts are heaving in my tight dress as I rub my big long gurl cock in my tight silk panties ,a knock at the door tells me he is here as I open the door he even with out his heels on is much taller by almost six inches his eyes are wide as he takes in my huge swelling chest that looms just below...

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Convincing My Wife For Exhibiting And Fucking A Stranger

Hi story lovers, My name is AN ( cannot reveal full name for obvious reasons) 31 years old and married to girl who is 26 now. I am working in Riyadh and my wife lives with me here. We have been happily married since last 4 years. I will straight away come to the incident; our sex life was great, we were having sex daily; some days it goes up to twice or thrice also. My wife is not a very good looking type of girl but she is of the kind that when you see her you feel like fucking her. She is...

3 years ago
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Turning the Tide on my Mistress

I was on a date with this new lady I met online. I was hoping to have a connection with it. I mean she was the perfect detail of a MILF. Five-foot seven, one hundred twenty pounds, thirty-sin bra size with a “D” cup, twenty-four waist, and thirty hips. Blonde hair to her waist, blue eyes, and a voice that just sings like a songbird. She would be the definition of a trophy wife. So, how I got lucky I was about to find out. I took her to a nice restaurant, wine, and the perfect dessert. She says...

3 years ago
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My Porn Show Girl Wife

 "Do you suppose that the girls and the guys, but the girls especially, have fun?" Ted asked me."If they don't they should work somewhere else," I answered."How about you, could you see yourself being one of them?" he wanted to know."My upbringing will have me say 'I would die of shame and embarrassment'. But deep down, at the very bottom of my soul, lie some strange fantasies. And one of them has to do with showing off. Being naughty," I confessed."I don't think you could or would be joining...

4 years ago
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Holiday with Mum Chapter seven

"Oh for God's sake," I laughed, "She's at it again."Paige had a hand inside her panties again as she sat between the twins, watching the puzzled expressions on their faces.Their squeals of laughter could have been heard all over the island when, with a flourish, she produced a little silver wrap and showed them the contents.Mum (or Sarah) got the main prize and delighted Paige by sucking lasciviously at the foil, glistening with her juices and then both of them listened while I told them that...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Angelica Cruz My Step Sister Sat On My Dick

Angelica Cruz is sleeping when her stepbrother, Seth Gamble, sneaks into her room to borrow her laptop so he can do a report. When Seth opens Angelica’s computer, he sees that his little sis has been busy posting naughty pictures of herself all over the Internet. He has to admit that it’s pretty hot. As Seth is stroking his boner through his pants, Angelica rolls over so that he also gets an eyeful of her ass in a nice thong. All those visuals get Seth nice and hard when his sister...

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Nan Mom and Me

A bit of family history.  I live at home with my Mom.  My name is Dan and I am a 20 year old college student.   My Nan also lives with us but in another section of the home that my Dad had built when he and Mom first married.  It is a large house and if not for Nan, I think Mom would have moved into something a bit smaller just for herself and me. As I said earlier, I am 20 years old and Majoring in Health Education at College. I have a very fit body and pronounced Abs and muscles throughout...

1 year ago
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BangBrosClips Melody Foxx The French Maid

The maid, Melody Foxx, showed up at a new home to clean. After having some trouble with one of the blankets, she accidentally covered herself. However, fortunately for us, the only thing sticking out from the blanket was her perfect ass. The owner of the house walked by and noticed this. He thought that his wife was the one under the blanket. Believing his wife was just trying to roll play, he walked up and pulled her underwear to the side and quickly inserted his cock. They fucked for sometime...

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my clothing business in NY

My clothing business in NYI am Sharon Patel and have a struggling Fashion dress importing company in NY in the Fashion district. I started this to kill time as my husband always worked and was never home. It started off well but then it went flat. I approached some of the buyers and managers and they would always look at me and would tell me ,, what can you bring for us at the table apart from your designs, I never understood until I met another girl who was a manager in one of the stores. I...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Cousin After Her Puberty

Hi friends, I am Lara back after sometime. This is a story about me and my cousin. Her name is Ammu and she is 6 years younger to me. I am proud to say that am the first man to taste her after her puberty. We will play together from childhood days. So after her puberty also she will play with me as old times. We are always close and she will call me by name even I am much older than her. During our holidays we used spend time in our grandma home. In one holiday time all our family went for...

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Macs Justice

Lt Colonel Sarah "Mac" MacKenzie had just finished a long court case with JAG (Judge Advocate General) with her partner Lt Commander Harmon "Harm" Rabb Jr. Mac was worn out. The case was about defending a marine Capt from a case of kidnapping and rape. The hard part was that he was guilty. Capt Miller also came from a very rich family with himself as the only family member alive. Harm had asked Mac if she had tried as hard as she could to defend the Capt as she could have. Mac was pissed...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 32 Arabella

It took me almost another week to make my report and find that Dan Morgan, Captain Foster and most of my fellow scouts were being pursued by Tarleton's legion in a hit and run series of fights and skirmishes. The British were hitting and we were running, deeper into the hills. By then, just after Christmas this was, Morgan had crossed the Broad River heading west, and, we found out a week later, Greene had moved the rest of his raggedy army, perhaps a thousand men, out of Charlotte and set...

4 years ago
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Flat Mate Part 2

We left off with me with my tongue having been in her areshole and us moving the session to the couch. She straddles me and leave a big patch of girl cum on my jeans before reaching down and undoing my trousers. She pulls out my rock hard cock, dripping with pre cum and pulls my foreskin down to expose my head, she squeezes out some pre cum into her hand and brings it up to her mouth; "oh fuck baby I love the taste of your cock, I'm gonna fuck you with my mouth, you're gonna cum in my mouth...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Kay Lovely 05212022

Kay has come to Sin City to do all the dirty things she ever dreamed about. She started with the obvious strip clubs and sex museums but once you get through those what else is there but one of the cities many Glory Holes. Not knowing herself, she got in a cab and asked him and even he had to call and ask someone. Driving to the area was just the right kind of seedy to get her pussy tingling. And once inside she knew this was the place for her dark and slutty feeling so she dropped right to her...

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Washed Waxed and Polished 2

Washed, Waxed, and Polished By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 2 "Candice, please be careful," said Jordan as he squeezed into the front seat next to Jodi. "Oh stop worrying." Candice buckled up and pulled away from the curb. "This is going to be fun." "But how about not making me vomit, though? Teased Jodi as Candice was quickly stopping and starting, jerking everyone back and forth. "Shut up," Teased Candice. "It just takes some getting used to. This is...

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Dorm room fun

Last school year was the first year in college I stayed in a dorm. The dorm I was in kept two to a room, two single beds on each side of the room, and a bathroom that was just down the hall. It was co-ed but ofcourse guys roomied with guys still. And since I was 15 I have had a sort of addiction to porn a beating my meat. Even if I went to a friends house, I would be doing it while they were destracted, and sleeping. Having a roomate was definately not going to stop me. So after my classes...

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Midnight Mischief

My name is Jake, I’m sixteen years old and last week I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It was Friday afternoon and school had just finished. Usually I would just play computer games at the weekend but this weekend I was having a sleep over at my friend Ross’s house. We had been good friends since we both started the school five years ago and often went around each other’s houses. At 3:45, Ross’s mum was here to pick us both up. She is in her early forties, her name is...

1 year ago
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The Chance Reward of a Random Act

The morning sun streamed through my window, waking me up to a winter wonderland outside my bedroom window. White flakes were still lightly falling as the last vestiges of the storm said goodbye. The overnight snow laid a blanket of three inches outside. The snow glistened as the morning sun’s rays reflected off the pristine covering.There is something so romantic about a new snow. It just calls out to cozy up by a fire or in a warm bed. It invites staying inside, cuddling up and enjoying long...

Straight Sex
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Helping out a Classmate Chapter 6

You woke up naked next to Danielle, who was naked as well. You thought about yesterday. You and Danielle went to the doctor and he told you that Danielle will probably be fine if she gets a surgery. She’ll get it next Monday. She’ll probably have to stay in the hospital for a day or so, which means you can’t fuck her on Monday and Tuesday. Both you and Danielle are keen to fuck as much as possible before the surgery. Since today is Saturday, you’ll have two complete days to do so. It started...

Straight Sex
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 23

The melody of the mobile phone's ring tone woke Drew from his slumber. Tess and himself had woken early this Friday morning and gone out to breakfast together. They then walked through every shopping strip that Tess could find. They had arrived back at the apartment in the late afternoon footsore and tired. Tess had laid her head on Drew's lap when he sat on the couch next to her and they had both nodded off to sleep. He gently shifted Tess's arm off his and picked up the noisy hand piece....

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A Grandpas Lust

Annie was not an exceptional student. She didn't have many friends, and the ones she did have were considered "bad news" by her grandparents, who had been raising her and her younger brother since their mother's death ten years earlier.On this particular morning, Annie had decided she was not going to school. Only 2 weeks away from graduation, 18-year-old Annie had began to test her pending independence, making her own decisions.Her grandma had left for work several hours earlier, and her...

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Making the Most of Our Second ChancesChapter 7

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in my window. Jenny was still cuddled up in my arms. It felt like she belonged there. What didn't feel good was the discomfort from my full bladder. I extracted myself from my sweetheart and made my way to the bathroom. Upon feeling the much needed relief, I went downstairs for some breakfast. I decided to let Jenny sleep in. I entered the kitchen to find my Mom sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and the paper. "Morning Mom." "Good...

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Our Second Adventure Part 1

Following up from my first story, my wife isn’t as persuasive as I’d like her to be at times and is prone to second thoughts. But, I must say something even better happened, and I have to tell you all about it...As I'm the type to gently introduce my fantasies to my wife during sex, I told her of my desire for a threesome with my friend Fred a few times since my last writing, to no avail. She’s remained uncertain about it, and again I’ve wondered if a threesome would ever happen. Enter Charlie...

3 years ago
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Aunt Was Sexually Very Attractive

My name is Raju. Am 26 yrs age. In all my young days till now am quit attracted to matured lady’s specially who are friendly and thinks life is for once , and a person can only live up to his / her given time , and want to enjoy fully out of it. One of such incident happened with me when I was staying in Pune. Actually I was working there, in a reputed MNC company. And I was very far way from my home. I was staying there in rented house of a community with other peoples staying over there. As...

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Twin Sisters And Their Best Friend part 2

Mary sat up and brushed the hair from her face. She looked down and saw the quizzical expression on Zack’s face. “Uh… um… I texted Kylie that we had a plan to keep you hard and you would, probably, pleasure us all.” She pointed to Amanda on the floor still out and then to Kylie slowly walking towards them. “So what was the big idea to keep him hard?” Mary turned to Zack and gave him an uncomfortable grin. “Well he told us that when he gets high that he stays hard after...

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Friday Night

So you some of you boys liked that little story you read in my profile well here is one you real love also. So Friday night i was stuck in SoCa. I'd was really feeling horny all day being I spent the day with two hot studs and my hubby was not there. So late that night after talking on the phone with my hubby when I got back to my hotel room I thought I’d have to do something about it!! So I'm dressed in my little skintight black mini dress and it just covers my ass and my tits are holding the...

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