Cinder Fella
- 3 years ago
- 42
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Sarah's Clan had just stepped onto the bridge when Shannon said, "Command Staffs, our sentinel ring is detecting a fleet of space ships approaching the outer ring, on the outward side from us."
"Good, that potentially puts the sun at our back," said Crystal of Maureen's Clan.
"We will have a better idea of where they will emerge from FTL in a few hours."
Rusty said, "Let's presume these are hostile and begin preparations. Star sound RL 4."
"Aye," replied everyone as the tones began sounding signaling the change.
Thirty minutes later a monitor showed two groups of Badb cruisers accompanied by several flights of Star Fighters departing. Initially they headed inward then, after cloaking, turned outward in the general direction of where the incoming space ships were expected to arrive.
Joyce said, "The two groups will hold at 9 lh out about 1 lh apart. Each flight of Star Fighters is carrying 3 ferrets."
Claudette said, "An Clochán is launching all operational cruisers and fighters that are assigned to Marthanóir and Fiontar. Once they are off, they will begin preparations to harden the site. Both ships can actively support the fighters."
"I am glad we decided to increase the number of cruisers," said Terry.
"We agree, as the newer version has significantly greater capabilities," added Kelly of Keriann's Clan.
"That's true," replied Tiff of Siobhan's Clan, "but resupply is more awkward due to the way they need to dock. They also need a slightly larger crew since they need to be more self-sufficient."
"Right now those are reasonable trade-offs," responded Chester. "Besides those improvements, they are a test bed for an even larger class of cruisers."
Calvin of Kathryn's Clan said, "Amen to that. With regard to these incoming ships, I feel like we're headed for a brawl with our eyes and ears covered."
"Well if it comes to that, hopefully we will have a couple of hours preparation before we start slugging it out. If they are hostile, it will help if the ferrets can infiltrate them and access their systems."
Rusty said, "I know it's hard, but we need to go about our activities as we would normally do. This will have two benefits. One, it will ease any anxiety the crew may feel as this is a new situation for nearly all of us and two, if they have probes monitoring us, it will give them a false impression of our status."
"Good point," responded Calvin.
It was after lunch when Shannon said to the Command Staffs, "The fleet will arrive around 1600 hours at a location just outside Uranus's orbit, that is about 20 degrees to our port near the elliptic plane. We believe their actual arrival location will only differ by a few light seconds."
Chester said, "With the position of our two task groups, we should be able to get a good scan of them. Sarah's Clan think it would be possible for one of us to project our vision into their ships for a look around."
"It is an interesting idea," said Sarah. "Since plans call for us to take the lead in contacting them we will let you all decide who attempts it, although it should only be a part a group. Let's not forget that there is also a possibility of them doing the same to us. So if we sense telepathic probing, then we need to be very careful."
It was 1538 hours Ód3604 when the unknown fleet began emerging from FTL at 5.83 lh from the sun. The Command Staffs watched the ships appear on their monitors. As each ship appeared it was given a designation, with a class relative to the Órarduine ships. When the transition was complete, there were 53 ships. They consisted of 4 Dóchas Class, 8 heavy cruisers, 16 Badb class cruisers and 25 cargo ships that were more than 5 times the size of a Dóchas class ship.
"With all those cargo ships, it looks like they came to trade," said Molly.
Aine appeared on Dóchas' bridge and said, "I think a better word would be 'acquire'."
"Our cruiser task groups have started their approach," said Terry.
"I am surprised they are not cloaked," said Paula of Siobhan's Clan. "Aine, it sounds as if you are familiar with them."
"The symbols on the ships indicate that they are Imperial Council ships. It is a surprise to see them as their home is a very long way from here. As to knowing them, it is only by reputation, although some of my sisters may have crossed their path. Earlier I used the word 'acquire' due to the size and number of cargo ships. You probably won't detect any life signatures from the cargo ships as the crew is probably in either suspension or hibernation."
"We've heard comments about the Imperial Council," replied Sarah, "but I don't remember seeing any information in the library about them."
"There may not be any. We've known of them for a long time. It is conceivable that those who created your library did not know of them. The word 'barbarian' is a good way to begin a nice description of them. We know that they rule their part of the universe with a very heavy hand. As far as we can tell, they only visit other solar systems when they intend to harvest it. We know of some worlds who sent emissaries into their area of the universe with the intention of establishing trade. Those emissaries were never seen or heard of again. Within a decade the emissaries' home planets were essentially barren and uninhabited. With no natural events to blame it on and the commonality of the circumstances, it created quite a bit of speculation among those traveling the universe, even without any hard facts."
Sarah looked at Aine as she digested the implications of her words, then said, "Dóchas Group, RL 2."
"Phoenix, moving to readiness level 2," replied Siobhan.
"Eagle, moving to readiness level 2," replied Maureen.
As the remaining ships responded, a cloaked Phoenix and Iarracht began moving to their assigned position with their assigned cruisers alongside. With the move underway, they began launching their Star Fighters.
Right after Sarah's command was acknowledged Star said, "Communication AI is having difficulty establishing communication using standard protocol."
Rusty and Calvin both said, "Let's be patient. They are nearly 6 light hours from us. We have time."
"So what are you suggesting?" said Molly.
Rusty responded with, "Let's go ahead with launching our cruisers and most of our Star Fighters. Once we learn their intentions, we can decide on the next step."
"We really need to hold back on launching Star Fighters until closer to contact," stated Chester. "This will give the pilots an opportunity to eat, and us time to tailor the armament they carry."
"Guess I messed that up," said Sarah.
"Not at all," replied Kelly, Chester and Keriann. "This is newer to you than us. We think it will benefit us to appear more naive than we are."
A woman suddenly appeared on Iarracht's bridge near Keriann, startling all of them. "Sorry to startle you all but I didn't see a way to do it less abruptly. I am Morrigan. It would be best to think of me as a sister of Aine's. May I join you?"
"Definitely," replied Keriann's Clan.
Then all the Command Staffs said, "Welcome aboard."
"From our perspective you are not naive. What you do lack is experience, and we hope we can continue to help."
The difficulty Dóchas AI was having in establishing communication was at the direction of the IC Fleet Commander. When he saw the five space ships near the 4th planet, he decided to alter their plan. After a few moments he said, "Tell the cruisers with the cargo ships to hold back. They are not to be seen by those on the 3rd planet until we control those ships near the 4th planet. While I am talking to them, alter our course toward them. Make it so that it appears that we intend to rendezvous with them. Don't show that we mean to attack until we know whether it is necessary. Those ships look new and we could use some replacements, so perhaps we can intimidate them into giving us their ships."
"Do you really think that will work?"
After glaring at the officer for a moment he said, "Well, our probes indicate that those crews are mostly female and not very combative. Whether they let us or not, once we capture them, we will have fresh meat for a change."
"The probes indicated two more ships. There are a number of other inconsistencies in our reconnaissance data."
"Enough. Start the moves. Tell those with the cargo ships to make sure the drug is released over the planet before our ships are seen."
"Yes, Sir," replied the group.
A few moments later an image formed on a monitor on Dóchas' bridge showing the bridge of the Imperial Council command ship. They were bipeds with long narrow faces and pointed ears with muscular bodies completely covered with short fur.
Showing on another Dóchas monitor was the position of the IC ships relative to theirs. As the connection stabilized, they saw a shift in their relative positions. It was now clear that the cargo ships, accompanied by 6 light cruisers, were headed inward toward Earth's orbit. The remaining ships turned toward the Órarduine near Mars. The changes seemed to indicate that Phoenix and Iarracht were undetected. The IC group headed toward them was assigned an identifier ICA, with a number added for each ship. Those headed inward were given an ICB identifier with a number for each ship.
The creature on the bridge of ICA1 said, "You on the ships near the fourth planet, identify yourselves!" As he spoke, the speed of the ICA group of ships increased, while shifting their position in relation to each other.
"You are speaking to the Command Staff of Dóchas," said Sarah's Clan in unison. "Why is your group of Imperial Council ships in this solar system?"
"Just answer my question!" replied Commander of ICA1. "You are to speak only when answering our questions. Any other chatter will be dealt with even more harshly than we normally do to heathens, thieves and renegades."
Sarah's Clan responded firmly with, "Standard communication protocol stipulates that ships arriving in a solar system must identify themselves immediately upon emerging from FTL. By your actions it appears that you are unaware of this, so out of courtesy, the answer is: We are Órarduine. We are the Command Staff for this group of ships."
They could see the ICA1 Commander talking and presumed he was addressing others around him. After a few moments he replied with, "You were told to only answer our questions. Since you disobeyed, you will be punished. In responding you've admitted to being thieves and renegades by being in control of ships belonging to the Imperial Council, in violation of our laws. NOW, you will immediately place each of OUR ships into hibernation mode. Everyone will go to the hangar deck unarmed and kneel with their head touching the deck. You will wait there for our arrival. Anyone who disobeys will experience a slow very painfully death."
"These are Órarduine ships," replied Rusty. "Your Imperial Council, whoever they are, has no claim to these ships. Any attempt to board them without our specific permission will be violently repulsed."
"The Imperial Council has jurisdiction over the whole universe. Everything in the universe is here for the benefit of them. All beings in the universe are there to serve the Imperial Council as they choose. Your occupation and control of our ships is an act of rebellion. By continuing make stupid statements you are only increasing the pain your crew will experience. Your attempt in delaying the hour of your submission to Imperial Council Masters has increased the severity of your punishment. NOW put the ships in hibernation! You have no choice. You will submit to our rule, one way or another."
"You have no authority over us!" replied Sarah's Clan, in a cold firm voice. "We've been told that the Imperial Council is an arrogant and abusive regime, approximating a living cesspool. Now we demand that you open your ships for our inspection, or leave this solar system and galaxy immediately."
"Renegades, you will comply NOW!" exclaimed the ICA1 Commander. The two groups stared at another for what seemed like hours, though it was less than a minute. The ICA1 Commander then continued with, "By your actions you have made your choice, all of you are sentenced to death. Before you die you will watch us devour the crew. In a short time we will begin tasting your luscious bodies." As he finished, his mouth opened and his long tongue licked his lips while showing his sharp teeth.
Before the connection terminated Sarah's Clan said, "When hell freezes over!"
Terry said, "Their shields are up and their acceleration toward us has increased. ICB group has not increased its speed toward Earth's orbit."
"Ferrets have accessed the large ships in ICA," said Sally.
It was quiet for a few moments as the Command Staffs digested the situation then Sarah glanced at Rusty with a grin as she said, "That is an excellent idea."
"What's that?" asked Calvin.
"Let's do what they want us to do."
Laughing she added, "Oops, I left out the word 'appear'."
When the laughter subsided Rusty continued with, "Now all of this is subject to change. First, Phoenix and Iarracht groups will continue with your aspect of our plan for now. We'll get to timing in a minute. Those with Dóchas, pull all the Star Fighters back. When back on-board, the pilots need to eat while weapons are loaded. For Star Fighters, my thoughts are RF lasers, imploder and nuke missiles. Once the Star Fighters are ready they depart on the side opposite the ICA group and immediately cloak. Our cruisers will remain alongside us until the engagement starts.
"Any questions yet?"
"Star, have an image projected on each bridge showing the position of our five ships at about the time ICA will start decelerating in order to board us. If we don't change our orientation, I suspect they will approach us from behind. My thought is to wait until they are fully committed to deceleration, then Iarracht and Phoenix groups attack from this side. At the same time, the Star Fighters will begin attacking from the other side in several waves. The attack should be from above the plane of Iarracht's and Phoenix's attack. Standard fusing settings for this kind of engagement.
"When those attacks start, the five us will accelerate away at maximum rate. Initially it will be down to our starboard then shift up to our port. This will put us in a position to attack from above their plane as we cross their path. Whether our cruisers stay with us or not will be decided as this takes place.
"Oh, I missed a point. Iarracht and Phoenix are to only uncloak long enough to fire weapons. Remember your shield fluoresces when it is hit so cloaking is not fully effective."
Calvin said, "Based on their comments, it sounds like they've done some reconnaissance on this system. Should we add a lot of RF chatter when we begin bringing fighters back on board?"
"It would be nice to know if they sense our targeting system," said Kelly. "But, the way they respond to our attack should give us the answer to that."
"Dóchas, Eagle, Taiséalai, Marthanóir and Fiontar need to begin dancing as soon as the show starts," said Keriann.
"Dóchas group will begin by executing formation B11, 10 degrees to starboard, 20 degrees down, factor 40 acceleration for 30 seconds, then up 20 degrees relative to initial reference. Subsequent course dependent on intercept."
"Aye," said Maureen and Kathryn.
"Let's get resupply of the Star Fighters underway, then we can discuss this some more," added Maureen.
"Intelligence says they expect to hear from the ferrets in the hour," said Alison.
"Aye," replied all eight Command Staffs.
It was 8 hours later when Terry said, "They've begun to decelerate."
"Command Staffs," said Sarah, "30 minutes to show time."
"Our packages are deployed," responded Molly. This was followed by Fiontar, Eagle, and Taiséalai confirming their deployment.
The ICA group's deceleration was nearly half complete when the IC Security Officer said to the Commander, "Sir, boarding parties are ready."
"Sir this doesn't feel right. The burst we saw in their RF right after you spoke to them has dropped off to almost nothing. None of the probes we sent to the ships have reported in after indicating that they were boarding them."
"They are weak ... what the hell," responded the Commander as he watched the Órarduine ships suddenly accelerate away from them. "Maximum acceleration." The ships in the ICA group groaned as they shifted suddenly from deceleration to acceleration. "Set up an intercept. Launch a salvo of long range missiles."
On board Dóchas, Sarah and Rusty watched the monitor showing the response by the ICA group. When their missiles reached the area where the packages had been left, they began detonating. As the last missile detonated, Iarracht, Phoenix and the Star Fighters began closing in on the ICA group.
It was several moments later when the first wave of Star Fighters appeared above and to the side of the ICA group. The ICA ships immediately began to fire at them. Several flights of fighters made a run toward each ICA ship releasing their missiles and veering off. Just as those missiles reached their targets, the ICA group entered the area where the packages had been left. At this time Eagle and Iarracht fired a series of slugs with their rail guns at each ship. The first slugs in a series were designed to kinetically punch a hole in the hull while the following slugs contained explosives in a fragmenting container.
After unloading the first round of missiles, the majority of the fighters and the cruisers with them focused on just a few of the ICA ships. The intensity of the attacks caused the ICA ships to drift apart, increasing their vulnerability. The ICA's cruisers took the brunt of the initial barrage. By the time their momentum took them passed the intended rendezvous point, the cruisers were essentially sitting targets. Many were soon within the range of the ground based lasers guarding An Clochán.
The remaining ICA group was several light seconds away from Mars when the Dóchas group crossed above them. As soon as they were in range, they began firing at the missiles coming toward them. They did well in blocking the incoming missiles and other weapons fired at them but their defense wasn't perfect. Their weapons were more effective in hitting the ICA ships. The rail gun slugs were very effective in opening holes in the ships' hulls, and the subsequent slugs shredded the insides with the fragmentation explosives.
While Dóchas group passed overhead, Iarracht and Phoenix groups passed along each side of the remaining ICA group. By the time they were past, two of the Dóchas class ICA ships were wrecked and drifting but still occasionally firing at the Órarduine.
Sarah said, "Let's end this," as their approach crossed the ICA vector. When the range was optimal, each FCS fired A-beams at each of the two active ICA ships. Iarracht and Phoenix groups focused on the other two ships. When the beams hit a ship, it shook then a few moments later erupted in a blinding flash as it turned into a glowing expanding ball of gas.
During the battle the members of Sarah's Clan had watched it unfold on the monitors, while managing their individual consoles. Rusty had focused on redirecting resources as the battle shifted around them. Sarah, Terry and Sally monitored the different aspects of the battle.
With the destruction of the ICA group, Dóchas group turned their attention the ICB group that included the cruisers and cargo ships. Just as they did so the last two inbound cargo ships exploded. The ships flashed brightly before disappearing, leaving only small fragments and dust.
"Attention Dóchas Group," said Sarah's Clan, "this solar system needs to be checked for any remnants of these people. FOCs will coordinate it. Assume Readiness Level 3."
Sarah's Clan watched the activity on their monitors as Órarduine ships began scouring the solar system for any remaining ships or other objects left by the Imperial Council.
"Sarah's Clan," said Clarence, "our picket line is picking up new signals from the vicinity of Dóchas group. Communication has told me that they haven't made any changes."
"All Engineering groups," said Claudette, "you need to check the outside of your ships. There are reports of us giving off an unauthorized RF signal. Security has the profile."
"Claudette," replied Leann, "do you have any idea what we are looking for?"
"No. Clarence just told us that the picket line is seeing a new signal originating from the five ships that were uncloaked. He has the signature."
"Okay, we will begin looking as soon as we get damage stabilized."
"We need to move quicker than that. Just focus on the critical damage while you see if you can determine the source of these signals. It is critical as we don't know their purpose."
"In that case we will start now."
"Star, pull our damage and injury report together," said Rusty.
"Dóchas group," said Rusty, "please forward a copy of your damage and injury report to Dóchas as time permits. Intelligence groups, we need a combined report on our engagement."
"Command Staff," said Katernia of Shannon's Clan, "our ferrets have brought us data from the ICA group ships. We are beginning to analyze it now. How should we prioritize our efforts?"
"When do you think you will have a handle on the data? One critical item is knowing whether they told their home world of our presence before the engagement. Another is what brought them to this system. Try to get a good overview of what is there and then go for details. If you could have an overview for us by the time the solar system search is complete, that would be great. After that go back to reviewing the data, the goal should be to learn more of them, their travels and capabilities."
"Will do."
"Sarah's Clan," said Kelsey of Samantha's Clan, "we have had several messages from Earth, wanting to know what is going on. Some are from the heads of governments and some are from news organizations. There are indications that some communications satellites were damaged."
"What did you tell them?"
Kelsey laughed and replied, "Not what I wanted to. I simply told them that, at the moment, everyone was too busy to talk to them, and that I would pass their requests on as soon as possible."
"Okay. Prepare a press release that is factual, but shouldn't cause panic," said Maeve. "Lorelei and Earl can probably assist you with it."
"Oh, I am sure they will as they have been down here ever since the engagement started. Can we include damage and injuries?"
"Yes. Make the comments general. We think it is reasonable to describe the Imperial Council as Aine did earlier. Make sure to note that they came to this solar system to harvest food to take back to their home system, as well as taking anything else they found. You should note that they were primarily meat eaters, and not picky about the source of meat, or whether it was cooked."
"We'll quickly work something up and show it to all the Command Staffs before we release it."
"That isn't necessary," replied Sarah's Clan.
"Command Staffs," said Aoife, "we need to call the leaders of several countries on Earth. Let's split them up among us as follows: We'll call Ireland. Siobhan's Clan can call England. Maureen's Clan calls Russia. Keriann's Clan calls the US. Kathryn's Clan calls Australia. Molly's Clan calls China. Amy's Clan calls Japan. Jackie's Clan calls Israel. We are planning on just providing them with a short summary of the engagement then asking them to share it with other heads of state."
"Any particular reasoning to the assignments," responded Amy.
"Not really. We've met all of them. I just picked names as I looked down the list, which I think all of you have."
"They are likely to ask for more information," added Kelly.
"Well I am sure we would do the same. I think that we should just stick to the facts we have at hand and defer the others. Should we commit to a conference call in a few days' time as we have a lot of cleaning up to do?"
"It won't be soon enough for some, but it is a place to start," responded Jackie.
"Okay," said Colleen of Maureen's Clan. "We'll do that as soon as we finish here."
"I think we need to be a bit more organized in checking the solar system for other intruders," said Calvin.
"Good point," responded Brandan of Maureen's Clan. "We could have Briana's Clan organize a Task Force of 8 cruisers and 8 squadrons of Star Fighters. Dóchas and Phoenix Security departments can lead on the coordination."
"Sounds good to us."
"We agree," responded the other Command Staffs.
"I'll tell Briana's Clan," said Tara.
"Once we have the calls behind us let's focus on getting our ships back in shape," said Rusty. "How about we meet right after breakfast to go over our status?"
"Aye," replied everyone.
"We need to get some rest, and make sure the crews rest as well," said Judy, Betsy and Kathy. Their comment caused chuckles.
"The best way we can do that," said Gail, "is lead by example."
"We were planning on working in shifts," responded Siobhan, "that way someone is always on the bridge."
After the normal breakfast hour, Sarah's Clan said, "Good morning."
"Good morning."
"As you know we are running our morning meeting a bit differently today. While we do have a lot of repairs to make, we thought we should give you an update on who those people were and our casualties.
"There were 323 people injured and 27 of those are critical. Unfortunately, 10 of the family have died. We will have a memorial service for them in a few days. The doctors expect everyone else to fully recover. Those critically injured are already in the incubators recovering. Sixteen Star Fighters will need to be rebuilt or scrapped. Two cruisers are in the same shape. Dóchas, Eagle, Taiséalai, Marthanóir and Fiontar all received significant damage although none of it is critical.
"Repairs have started. All damaged Star Fighters and cruisers will go to An Clochán for overhaul. Ship repairs began last night right after the engagement ended.
"On behalf of the Command Staffs, we thank you for performing your tasks in an exemplary manner. It was due to your efforts that we were able to succeed. Thank you."
"It was your leadership that kept us on the correct path," said Lorraine and Simone, "so thank you for doing that."
"Yes!" came the response.
"Thank you. Now, a bit about the visitors." With that Sarah's Clan gave a short but detailed summary of what they knew about the Imperial Council. "We are still sifting through the information the ferrets obtained. It will be available to the family once it is sorted.
"Unless someone has an urgent question, let's plan on our next family discussion being tomorrow evening. We know that that is a longer gap than we usually have but doing it this way has several advantages. One is that it gives us more flexibility in scheduling repairs and rest. The other is that we should be able to run it as we usually do. We don't know how you feel but we like that format better."
After not hearing any questions Kathryn's Clan said, "Let's be about it."
It was an hour later that Siobhan's Clan entered the conference room off Dóchas' bridge. As they greeted Sarah's Clan, the other Command Staffs entered and joined in the greetings. When they sat down Aine and Morrigan entered and said, "Good morning."
After the Command Staffs responded Aine said, "We would like to sit in this morning."
"Glad to have you," responded Sarah. "While we may cover some of the engagement, our intent is to have our after action review tomorrow."
"All of us would like to join you for that."
Morrigan said, "Before you start I have a question about yesterday, after the IC contacted you. Why did you wait where you did?"
With a big grin Chester said, "'Cause Rusty told us too." With that they all began laughing. When the laughter subsided he added, "not really, but it was his idea. So why did we?"
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Chapter One:I had lived in my home with my strict parents for many years now, it wasn't the best home; a small home in an apartment block that had a small, virtually tidy most of the time, swimming pool. I had just turned sixteen, and still a virgin when my first real sexual experiences took place.We had seen people come and go, those with little money, and those who had money and lost it all and needed a run down place to live for a while before they got back on their feet. It was a summer's...
VoyeurShe layed in bed waiting for the door to her room to open and her dad would come in dressed only his robe and remove it and get into her bed naked. Her mom was very ill and could not have sex any more so dad had turned to her. He told her it was her duty to satisfy him. She did not know better and what he did felt good. Her tits were fully developed and he had taught her to shave her pussy. He loved fucking the daughter. He could get her to do sex favors the mom never would do. He taught her to...
Wednesday Faizah finally experienced the real use of my desk this morning. When we finished, she almost floated back to the bedroom with as serene a look as any of the women has ever had. The sex is always great, but the happy look on their faces afterwards is what makes it extra special. Juwanna and her four assistants performed their synchronized knowing grin and eye roll when I got to the kitchen. I wondered if we could make it an Olympic event. I just waggled my eyebrows at them and...
I was 33 and recently divorced. I had decided to take a break from things and take a little trip. A couple of girlfriends of mine had invited me to go to Vegas with them for the weekend. I had accepted and looked forward to some fun. One of the girlfriend’s husband was a pilot for a major airline so we got free upgrades to first class. We left on a Friday afternoon and planned to return on Sunday evening. We were staying at the Bellagio. We had fun on the flight out there. We drank champagne...
Hi friends i m Raaj frm Assam, i m working in an aviation company here in Assam.. I’m 27 yrs old.. 5. 8 is my height, fair complexion little bit of pimple spot on my face athletic figure.. This is my 1st time i m sharing my incident in iss. I m a regular reader of iss n i like the site very much. Yeh lag bhag 6 mahine pehle ki baat hai, fb me hot aunty need sex wala page dekh raha tha, usme kuch cell nos. Mile jise maine save kar liya.. Kuch din baad sarey no. Ek ek kar k try karne laga.. Aur...
Raven-haired Leda Lotharia shows off her tattoos and runs manicured nails over her thick, luscious ass. She pulls a rose-shaped butt plug from her sphincter’s clutch and licks it seductively as porn pro Mark Wood whips out his thick boner. Leda sticks out her tongue and gives him a sloppy blowjob that covers her tits in drool. He fucks her tight pussy doggie-style. When he gives her a rim job, she begs for deep anal reaming. Mark drizzles her sphincter with oil and rails her sweet...
xmoviesforyouThis it the first of three parts. When Molly threw me out of my house four months ago, I didn’t know what had hit me. I couldn’t figure out why the hell she would want to get rid of me. She said she was bored with me and that I obviously didn’t love her any more, if I ever did. Can you imagine a woman you’d been married to for over thirty years saying something like that? I can remember how it all happened as if it was yesterday, as the cliché goes. We were sitting at the kitchen table one...
They gazed into each others’ eyes for a moment before leaning together for their first tentative kiss. The sparks of romance filled the small car’s interior; it was a kiss of passion. Their lips met softly, closed at first and then as the heat of the moment overtook them opened to allow each other’s tongues to explore the excitement of discovery together, their mouths entwined in the heated bliss of desire. He desperately needed her as she did him; they both knew that together they...
Love StoriesHi Friends, I am regular reader of ISS from past 8 years. I used to enjoy incest and Couple stories daily. I would like to share my real experience with you. This is my first story so kindly excuse for any mistakes. Kindly give your feedback on Let me introduce Myself Suresh from Nellore (Simple City in AP) with 6.5 inches tool & good looking working professional. Miss. Malathi was actresses of this story. She is from machilipatnam (Bandhar). I have a dream to have sex with aunties & girls a...
This story can be found online at the now-abandoned blog, “Shared Cindy”. As it's a true story and far too good to be allowed to disappear, I'm putting it on my blog here for everyone's pleasure. This is part four, and things are just starting to heat up. Enjoy! Joe Arrives“Uhmm… why don’t you just let me show you?” I asked. “You have to show me? You can’t just tell me?” “I’d just rather show you,” I said. “You’ll be more receptive them.” A very exasperated, “Tsk…” and a sharp intake of breath... has a Quality Selection of Hot, Downloadable 4K UHD Blowjob Videos. I think the world would be a better place if we all had some cumslut who loved slobbing on our knobs. Think about it. It’s almost impossible to have a bad day when a babe is choking on your cock. Okay, most of you probably can’t reach “choking” territory with those micro-peens of yours, but you still get what I mean. A blowjob is like pizza. Even a bad one is still pretty damn good. There’s nothing like gripping a...
Blowjob Porn SitesShe rose to greet her visitor. As he entered the office and closed the door, he extended his hand, opened his fingers and revealed her panties. “Would you like these back?” he asked. She knew her day was about to get better. She had been thinking of the bus ride this morning, the one where she was ceremoniously flung onto his lap. The ride she had never expected to be so enlightening, enjoyable and so downright stimulating. This was the precise ride where she came to learn that anal sex, never...
Straight SexWillie Long guided his big rig around yet another curve in the California back road. He had picked up a load in Napa and was on his way to Chicago. Originally hailing from Georgia, Willie had been trucking since the mid ‘eighties, spending most of that time on long hauls. He was unmarried and enjoyed the long rides and the varying scenery. He had seen many things over the years and had found himself in many situations. Because of that, he had learned to keep his eyes open while on the road...
Sean had actually come down to get me. Juicy and Nosey had gotten impatient and started without me. When Bunny and I got to my room, Juicy was laying on the bed and Nosey was holding a small digital camera on a close up of Juicy stroking himself. "Steady. Not too fast. Wait for Boss." Happily, they were both naked. "Oy, mate! I can't! That bloody camera!" Juicy gasped, but he managed not to come. "I'm waiting too." Nosey admitted. "As hot as watching you is, with the Boss it's...
“We're right on time.” I grab the towels and icebox, you the food. We make our way through a winding path between the black and white trunks and see the beach stretching out in front of us. We're not alone there, but it's only a dozen or so other people, that have found the place as well. I choose a spot directly under a birch's branches, still on the sand. I feel it hot under my bare feet, it's been soaking up the sun's heat all day. I spread the towels next to each other, creating a...
The Wedding Party - Chapt. 3 - Jane Austen Lends a Hand By Jeanne Darc The knock at the door set my heart to pounding. There were so many ways this could go wrong. When Natasha called to say we'd be attending the FLR Jane Austen Ball upon her return Friday, I'd had to scramble to pull things together. I opened the door just a crack to be sure of the caller, then allowed Natasha to enter. She removed her hat and bowed. "Miss Bennet, I presume?" she said. "Mr. Darcy. How pleasant...
The days seemed, to most of them, to roll by so quickly. The only dissenting opinion was from Sue. She was anxious to graduate, and move to the next stage in her life. She had been unsure of which direction she wanted to go, but, once she DID decide, she went at it with all her abilities. She had made her decision in the days after their initial meeting at William and Sharon's home. She had talked extensively with Billy, and had reached a decision that would satisfy her curiosity, AND her love...
I was on my way home from a nice cup of tea with Grace, Tellus's CEO in a designing company. And with her I learnt that my elder brother was a gay. He had a lover before, named Sphere, who died due to asthma. As a brother, I knew how lonely he felt all these years. But what can I do to make him happy again? I was walking down the pavement towards our house when a dirty thought came to mind - should I do as what Sphere had done to Tellus? But I never knew how being a gay was like, since i'm a...
GayHello i handa fantastic experience recently in delhi when i was there. I had gone to delhi for business work and our flights were delayed by more than three hours. I landed there at 12.00 midnight . Hence i decided to stay sometime in the airport itself and go to the hotel in the morning. It was very cold and so i put on my full sleeve sweater and my jacket on top of it. I kept my suitcase under my legs and went to sleep. Sometime during the night i heard somebody whimpering. I woke up and...
Vanessa Cage is an in shape mylf who keeps her body tight for one reason, and one reason only. She does this so that her sexy young trainer will continue to stare and get hard to just the thought of her. Vanessas favorite part of of every workout is the massage that Brad gives her after to loosen up her muscles. She can always feel his hard cock rubbing up against her. Brad asked if her husband has been noticing her body transformation, and it turns out that he does not really pay attention to...
xmoviesforyouE-Girl: the Gift Chapter 2: "The Compound" ... Fluke: "I really should go out there, people are getting hurt," I said to Sarah. "Not yet, Eddi" Sarah cautioned me. "But ..." I objected. "If Loki really is out to get you, this would be the perfect time, while everybody is busy with these aliens. Wait, and I'm sure the Doctor will be able to figure a way that you can help without putting yourself in danger." Sarah pointed out. "Indeed I will," the Doctor intoned as he...
Hi All, I am Akshay Ganna 36 years old with an athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show hidden desires, so I use it to the maximum of my advantage. I hope you have read the first 3 parts of “My Brother’s Bride” where I had some great sexual encounters with Bhavana, 22 year old who was going to be my cousin brother Vinay’s wife now and living in Pune. The first 3 parts were about how I made her compromise the situation and gift her virginity to me and we had a...
Hi, this is Hye-jin again, the young Korean-American with a passion for sheer stockings. After my stocking adventures in Jamaica and nuru massage experiences in Tokyo, I thought of another opportunity to push the limits of daring ecstasy - flashing in stockings during Halloween in Japan. In Japan, it’s Halloween mania during the month of October, particularly in the Shibuya district of Tokyo. I would have the perfect chance to wear my sexiest lingerie and finest stockings out in public without...
ExhibitionismIt was a sweltering late summer afternoon, so we decided to go the semi secluded beach of Holliway. Quickly changing into her golden t-back that disappeared between her lustful ass cheeks, and two almost nonexistent straps which barely covered her erect nipples, we jumped into the car and sped away. She was hot sitting there with those massive bronzed melons swaying in the breeze as we cruised the highway. Arriving at the beach cutoff, we took a narrow one lane road through the trees leading...
I was early in Northern England, 7am, but William sat waiting in the Manchester Airport for an International Flight from Chicago to arrive. Despite his best efforts, he was nervous. No, not nervous-nearly quaking in anticipation. In a short time, the plane would land and she'd be here. She'd actually be here. No more texting on What's App, or sharing photos of each other over Facebook, she'd actually be standing in front of him and he felt himself terrified of how she'd react when she saw him....
Daphne didn’t actually live next door, but she certainly had girl-next-door looks. She stood a slim five foot four, just an inch or two shorter than me, with corn-tassel blond hair and piercing dark blue eyes. I spotted her on the first day of my freshman year of high school. She looked like an angel ought to look like, and was almost constantly smiling or laughing at something or other. She was clearly a high spirited, fun loving girl. I fell in love with her instantly. Through the next 3...
Today was no different. "You're such a punk, Marc." Emma said from beside me, interrupting me from my thoughts. "Open the app!" She made a reach for my phone, but I pulled it away. "No. I don't wanna seem desperate." She rolled her eyes. "It's been a few days already, that's not being desperate. Besides, maybe he hasn't even messaged you!" I paid her no mind though. If he really hadn't messaged me yet, then I was over here fretting for no reason. Maybe it was best if...
Where Angels Fear to Tread Part II By A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. Chapter Forty-one Pam The light streaming through the crack in the curtains woke me. I looked at the clock, 10:30, not bad. I rolled left and looked at Darla. She was still...
Grimbald pressed two nervous fingers against her rim. The oil had trickled between her ass crack lubricating her rear hole, and Michelle gritted her teeth as his digits pressed home. "Nnnnnnnnn!" His two fingers pushed up her to the knuckle. The old man could feel her hot muscles gripping; like he was pushing his finger between two squeezed balloons. He tried to bend them and Michelle gave another grunt her head still looking seductively back over her shoulder. He pressed in more...
What follows is a true story with the names and some facts changed to protect the guilty.I met Mike and Lisa a number of years ago through a mutual acquintance. They were your typical, married middle-aged midwestern couple, except for one twist - they were swingers. I was a 20-something guy at the time and found this out after getting to knowing them awhile because they told me they swing for fun, and of course looking back at the time after they told me, it all made sense to me because Lisa...
by - sissy debbi Danni was stunned by what Sarah had just done to him. There he was in a pink nightie and panties on Sarah's lap with his own cum all over the front of the nightie. His heart was beating fast and his face turned bright red. Sarah's boobs were still hanging out of her blouse from having "suckled" him. His butt was still red from the hard hairbrush spanking he had been given a few minutes before. She sensed his sudden embarrassment. "Aw sweetie... It's OK! You can...
After yet another hot weekend at my friend Heberto’s house, I was packing up and getting ready to go home when he told me he had something “special" in mind for us next weekend. I begged him to tell me what he had in mind but he refused. So I left. My curiosity was peaked. The week dragged on thinking about all of the possibilities. The anticipation was killing me. Finally Friday arrived and that day at work could not have been any longer. I rushed home and followed my Friday routine of...
CrossdressingHi, Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now. I am fair in color, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8-inch dick. This is my real sex story. My wife had been to the US on a project work with our son and I was living all alone in my house right now. My younger brother Ramu and his wife Rajini used to come to my house to have dinner with me sometimes. They were a happy couple with no kids even after 2 years of...
Incest“I don’t want to fuck around in your mother’s bedroom. ““Come on… It’ll be fun !!” Tina half pleaded with me and tugged at my arm. I reached up and cupped one of her perfect breasts squeezing it gently and making her shudder and sigh. This had been quite an audacious day as we had spent most of the day mentally sparring first as mortal enemies and later exploring one another’s bodies as out and out lovers. Tina had evolved right before my eyes from a heinous shrew into … “something else...
I was struggling to get my degree at the local University, I had to re do a year when I crashed my motorcycle and had three months in hospital, and the financial situation was getting really bad, I was behind on the rent for the bedsit in the house I shared with four other lads, you can only economise so much on food without dying, but I needed a few beers just to get through the day. Then it all changed, the building I was cleaning as an evening job was raided. I had arrived about 9 turned...
“Jenny, you’re home late!” My mom exclaimed when I came through the front door. I dropped my backpack and shrugged. “I got raped on the way home. It was just one guy but he took a while.” “Sounds like a Monday! I saved you a plate for dinner.” “Thanks, mom.” I could still feel my rapist’s cum inside me. He had grabbed me on the bus and dragged me off. I would have had to go with him anyway, but some guys just liked the dominance. He threw me on the sidewalk and made me suck his...
November is fast approaching which means NaNoWriMo season will soon be upon us. For those that don't know about it NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is a creative writing challenge whereby a writer tries to write a 50,000+ word novel in the month of November. Our challenge here will be a different one but in the same spirit of encouraging writing and creativity. The first major difference will be that this will be a community challenge. I invite all writers, particularly first time...
Vick glanced out his window and fingered through the bills and mail. Another long day of work he thought to himself. He had been aching all day to jerk off but had calmed it thinking of what he planned to do tonight. His friend Jamile and Jamile’s father were out of town on business and his horny mom was left all alone. Maria was a knockout even at 40! DD tits amazing ass and a pussy that he had only seen once “accidentally” when she was showering. She had made several advances but Jamile had...
InterracialIntroduction: This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery. Enjoy! Chapter 10 ...
I got back from a holiday in Spain two months ago that I went on by myself’ It was one that I wont forget in a hurry or want too as I got the fucking of my life! I’m a School head mistress & have been now for 6 years’ 51 years old but still quite fit as go to the gym quite a lot & run lots’It was on the second day of my holiday that I had gone on all by myself that I noticed a group of young looking lads that seemed to be getting a good eye full of me as I was lying on the beach !I had...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I am a widowed middle aged man living with his only daughter and the both of us were about to experience a summer to remember. It was a hot summer day and my precious, beautiful daughter decided to go for a dip in our pool. I had never noticed her fully developed body before like this day. I sat at the window, staring out, watching her tits bounce up and down as she dove into the pool. Her ass was round and perfect and very big like her mother’s. As I...
IncestWe pulled into the truck stop at about 6:00, parked in the back of the lot, and walked over to the restaurant entrance of the building. When the waitress brought out menus, she gave us a smile, then a wink and a nod to me. I looked over at Billy, I could tell something was bothering him, and I was pretty sure I knew what it was. "Don't worry Billy, I told you I'm paying for the meals on this trip." "I don't feel right about you doing that." "First of all, I'm helping you, this is...
The story is in the Dutch language. Several times is asked the stories to translate in English. But I am sorry, not alone no time, but also is my English not good enough for translating. But perhaps is there anywhere a Dutch speaking person with a good translating feeling who will translated my stories. It is possible under the name of Louis, but can also under your own name. Zoals al mijn verhalen is ook dit verhaal weer van A tot Z verzonnen. De personen die worden genoemd bestaan...
“God these are ugly, I look like a freak.” My sister April was standing in front of fthe bathroom mirror inspecting her new braces. She turned to me “Do they look okay, I mean do you think they are ugly?” My fourteen-year-old sister was in shock while she poked at her new braces for the first time. “Nobody will like me, they’ll all laugh at me.” “Come on April, they aren’t that bad. I can’t even see them when your mouth is closed, no lumps or bumps to give you away. Why are you even...
Ever since I moved into my new house, with the gf, I've been finding it harder and harder to sneak out and get some cock. That changed a few weeks ago when she went on holiday with a couple of her friends.As soon as she left I was texting a fuck buddy of mine (Mark from the last story) and asking him to come over and give my ass a good seeing to, annoyingly he said he couldn't make it, as his parents were up from England. So I done what I always do when I have no one else to ask, I went...
SISSY by Sissy Property of: __________________ (part 5) As soon as we had cleared customs, we were met by my new owner. She hugged Miss Susan and then She put Her arm around me and led us to Her limo. During the ride from Kennedy Airport, I sat between Miss Susan and my new Mistress. Mistress Beverly was an older lady who displayed a lot of class and style. If...