My Date
- 2 years ago
- 26
- 0
Just as the shuttle door had opened Virginia had managed to push the rag out of her mouth and scream. “Noisy bitch,” said the woman as she pressed the prongs of the cattle prod against Virginia’s tit. “Slut, you better shut your fucking mouth or the pain will continue and get worse. Electricity can give you a lot more pain than a whipping and leaves no marks.” Virginia shuddered at the implications, and then screamed as it was discharged into one and then the other.
The pain had begun to ease and Virginia opened her eyes, just in time to see Doug coming through the front door, she remembered that he was coming to see her. She hollered, “Doug, run, before they get you.”
The woman turned at Virginia’s comment to see Doug standing just inside the door. “So, this is your famous boyfriend. We didn’t know he would be visiting. Oh my, what have we here,” she continued as she saw Cathan and Todd enter behind Doug.
“Let her go!” shouted Doug easing slowly forward.
“You’ve got to be kidding. With a body like hers, she is going to be the most popular slut in our shows, at least until her new owner claims her.”
“What do you mean?” asked Doug stalling for time.
“Tonight Virginia is beginning her new life as a sex toy. She is already dressed for the part, as sex toys seldom need clothes. It will take her a few months to learn her new role in life. With the three of you joining her, she will have live training aids on which to practice her new skills. You will first need some adjustments to your body but your two friends will be fine just the way they are.”
“Virginia isn’t going anywhere with you,” replied Doug.
“Oh, but all of you are going with us,” responded the woman as she pointed a gun at Doug. “This says you are going to do just what I tell you. So let’s begin by you stripping.”
“It will take more than that. You can’t pull the trigger fast enough.”
“Try me. Besides we are not alone.”
Enya and Máiréad stepped into the room from the kitchen, placing them behind and to the side of the man holding Virginia. Enya said, “You are alone.” Her comment caused the woman to jump and glance toward the voice.
The momentary glance was just what they needed. Todd quickly picked the woman up by the throat and threw her against the wall as the gun was pulled from her hand.
With Máiréad on one side and Cathan on the other they quickly moved to the man holding Virginia. They each grabbed one of his elbows and squeezed. He released Virginia when his elbows erupted in pain as they were crushed. Enya caught Virginia as she fell forward and carried her to the couch. She sat down with Virginia, keeping her arm around her.
Doug quickly sat on the other side of Virginia. He started to put his arm around her, but realizing she was naked he took her hands in his. Both Doug and Virginia had dazed looks on their faces as their situation had totally changed in seconds.
Ciar stepped through the door and looked around. “Looks like you’ve been busy in here as well.”
“I thought the West was supposed to be friendly,” said Cathan.
“Me too,” added Ciar.
Virginia shuddered and said, “It is very friendly, unless you turn over the wrong rock or step on someone’s toes.” She suddenly turned to Doug and her face beamed as she threw her arms around his neck. After a few moments she began to cry. Doug held her as she cried caressing her bare back.
When the sobbing had diminished, Doug said, “Are you all right?”
“Now I am. I have never been so happy to see you and I have never been so scared. It is fortunate you brought your friends.”
“I am glad we were in time.”
“Me, too,” she replied as she kissed him.
When they separated Cathan said, “Well Virginia, do you know which rock you turned over?”
“No. I don’t know what I could have done that would involve this slime. The woman is the only one I have ever seen in town. From what she told me before you arrived, she owns and operates an exclusive sex club - dude ranch an hour or so outside of town. I have never met her, or seen any advertisements for the place or its location. There are rumors around that there is a ranch nearby that has a brothel with anything goes sex shows.”
“Were you looking into anything?”
Virginia paused with a thoughtful look before saying, “Well not really as the last few weeks has been filled with fixing equipment at the station. The only out of the ordinary thing is that some three weeks ago I met a couple of young women in one of the local night spots. We spent the evening talking over drinks. It was nice to talk to someone who had seen more of the world than just Wyoming. They were from out-of-state and were here looking for work as they had heard that there was a dude ranch nearby looking for help. I told them I was pretty new to the area and had heard of a dude ranch but that was all I knew. I know they were in town for a few days after that because our paths crossed several times. Each time we stopped and chatted. They were nice people. It has been a couple of weeks since I last saw them, no probably closer to three.”
“Did you talk to anyone about them?”
“Not really. About a week ago we were talking in the office when I expressed some curiosity about the dude ranch that I kept hearing about. Several of the staff spoke of hearing those rumors, but didn’t know where it was or even if there was one. Someone asked what brought the subject up, and I commented about meeting the two women in town looking to work there.”
“Sarah’s Clan, can we have another security team down here?”“What’s up?”
“Seems that we were just in time to keep some trash from abducting Doug’s friend. The MO is disturbingly familiar.”
“Okay. Edana’s Clan will join you shortly. Don’t dally; we would like to have everyone back before too long.”
“Virginia, do you feel like standing up?”
“Yea, I think so.” She slowly stood up. She was a little unsteady but didn’t realize that part of her unsteadiness was due to the shoes locked on her feet.
“Ciar, why don’t you go with her while she gets dressed? Then I think Doug wants Virginia to meet his friends.”
“What about them?” said Virginia looking at the two moaning on the floor.
“We’ll take care of them while you’re getting dressed.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Quiz them so we can find out what is going on,” replied Cathan. “We will start with the woman as she was apparently in charge. Besides the man looks like he is still out.”
Todd looked at the man carefully, before saying, “He is about half conscious. From the angle of his arms, it looks like his elbows are crushed.” Todd walked over and checked the man for weapons.
Ciar walked with Virginia back to her bedroom. Shortly after they left they heard Virginia scream, “Those sons of a bitch.”
Cathan saw Doug looking around with a worried look on his face. “Doug, they searched the rooms before we arrived and tore up things pretty badly. Try and relax, we have more help coming. Before we leave we will know what is behind their attempt to abduct Virginia. From what has happened we also want to see what is going on out at this woman’s ranch. Her actions here seem really strange, if she is just operating a brothel in conjunction with a dude ranch.”
“It’s obvious from what we heard that she planned on forcing Virginia to work at the ranch as a sex toy,” said Doug.
“Sorcha, what did you learn from the three out front?”
“They’re cowboys, but that description sullies the idea of what a real cowboy is. Basically there are two parts to the woman’s operation. This group operates the whore house, sex show and S&M cellar. Besides sex shows and full service companions, they offer a wide range of other services including severe S&M and unrestrained torture. All the clients for the sexual services arrive by air and leave the same way. Some clients bring women or men who are left to be trained as sex toys or performers in sex shows. A few of those the clients bring are taken immediately to the cellar.”
“There have to be some locals involved to keep something like that quiet. Do they know who is in on it?”
“Not really. They have occasionally seen people from the area at the ranch. They don’t know names to go with the faces.”
“Okay. Let’s work on the woman.” Sorcha and Cathan moved the woman so that she was lying on her back. When they stripped her they found two more weapons. Cathan rolled her onto her side so that Sorcha could tie her elbows together using a slip knot around each of them, and then bind her wrists together. Each of the woman’s legs were folded back and tied together. A noose was then tied around each ankle with the end tied to the rope around her wrists, she was then rolled onto her back.
“Okay, let’s wake her up,” said Sorcha as she projected the sensation of a knife cutting the woman’s breast. The woman woke up screaming, looking down at her now bare breasts. Her eyes bulged as she could feel a knife slicing through her breast but could see nothing. When she tried to move her hands she realized that her wrists and ankles were bound together. She then looked up at the women on either side of her. Neither Sorcha or Cathan said a word, they just stared at her. The woman’s fear was evident by her expression.
After a few moments Sorcha softly said, “Who sent you?” Cathan watched the woman’s thoughts as she considered how to respond.
Sorcha followed each question with a more probing question using the information Cathan collected from the thoughts the woman had about the questions. Each question grew more pointed and came more frequently as the questioning continued. The woman was off balance as she couldn’t understand how Sorcha knew what questions to ask because she had not replied to any of them. The woman’s fear grew even more as she realized how much Sorcha knew about their operation, never realizing that it was her thoughts providing Sorcha with the knowledge.
Doug watched spell-bound as Sorcha continued asking the woman questions. Sorcha’s questions puzzled him, as he couldn’t understand how she knew what to ask either. The woman hadn’t responded to any question but the questions Sorcha asked were as if the woman had answered. He could tell by the woman’s body language that Sorcha’s questions were based on accurate information.
Edana’s Clan arrived just as Sorcha finished questioning the woman. Cathan looked up, seeing Edana she said, “Glad you guys are here.”
The woman on the floor got a good look at Edana and realized that these people were Órarduine. The knowledge scared her so badly that she began to pee. She had heard rumors about how Órarduine treated those who forcibly enslaved people.
“Heard you needed a little help. Enya and Máiréad hogtied the three men out front and dumped them in the pickup. One of them must be pretty broken up as he screamed when he hit the bed of the truck.”
“That must have been the one that tangled with Ciar. Let me gag this one.” Sorcha shoved the gag into the woman’s mouth and then tightened a harness over her head to hold it in place. “Todd, there is a cage in the truck. Would you put this animal in her cage?” Hearing that the woman began to struggle, each movement tightened the bindings around her elbows and ankles.
Edana watched the woman struggle before saying, “You really shouldn’t struggle so much as you’re just tightening the bindings on your elbows and ankles. Keep it up and the circulation will stop. No circulation and you will soon lose your hands and feet.”
“We need to question the man before we put him in the truck.”
“Shouldn’t we turn them over to the law?” said Doug.
“That would be ideal,” replied Cathan. “The question is ‘how’. First let’s see what this one knows.” Sorcha and Cathan moved the man so that he was lying on his back. The area around each of his elbows had started to swell. He wasn’t totally conscious but Cathan could tell he was conscious enough to hear their questions. Sorcha began questioning him, again keying off the information Cathan gathered from his thoughts, and what they had learned from the woman.
They had just finished questioning him when Virginia and Ciar came back into the room. Virginia looked around and said, “Where is the woman?”
“We put her in the cage in the back of the truck,” replied Sorcha.
“What?” replied Virginia as she moved over to stand next to Doug, slipping her hand into his.
“Todd, would you and Kacey take this piece of meat out to the truck.” Everyone was quiet as the man rose off the floor and then floated out the door. After they were outside Cathan noticed the expressions on Virginia and Doug’s faces.
“Psionic ability,” said Cathan as she nodded toward the door, drawing their attention back inside. “Ciar, where are Lorelei and Darren?”
“Out in the shuttle. A little shook up, but calming down. Two of our clan are with them.”
“Let’s start over,” said Cathan. “Virginia, as you have probably figured out by now, we are Órarduine. My name is Cathan.” She then introduced everyone that was in the room. “We are here because Doug wanted to talk to you before he came to visit us.”
“This has to be the worst night of my life,” said Virginia with tears in her eyes. “I am so thankful you all showed up when you did. I really goofed, no, I screwed up royally. When they knocked on the door, I was so sure it was Doug, I opened it without checking the peep-hole.”
“The five of them were inside before I could even react. The man you saw holding me, grabbed me by my arms before I could try to escape.” She then described the events that had happened before Doug arrived with Cathan’s Clan. “I don’t remember much after you all arrived.”
“Don’t feel bad,” added Doug, “I am not sure I can tell you what happened either.”
“It did happen quickly,” replied Cathan. “Without going into a lot of detail, Todd threw the woman against wall. Máiréad and I took out the man holding you, and then Enya helped you to the couch.”
“What now?” asked Virginia. “I know I would like to see all five of them in prison.”
“We learned from the woman that she was here tonight due to your comments about the dude ranch, along with being seen in town with the two women visitors.”
“But, I hardly said anything to anyone.”
“True. However, you have apparently done some other local stories that embarrassed some people. The woman does not usually obtain workers for her operation in this manner. This effort was done in response to a specific request. The person making the request apparently decided it was time for Virginia to disappear from Twisted River. He offered them a large sum of money to do this. One condition was that there had to be a reasonable explanation on how she disappeared from Twisted River. Their plan was to strip you, force you to walk out to the truck, and then crawl into a cage for your ride out to the ranch. Sometime in the early morning your house would explode and burn to the ground. With you apparently dead, they could really do anything with you that they wanted too. However, the person who initiated this wanted you to be his sex toy and willing to do anything he asked. Besides body jewelry and body alterations, a part of the training was performing in their sex shows besides servicing the customers and staff. If he decided not to take you after you were conditioned, you would become the ranch’s property.” As Cathan talked, Virginia became very angry.
“I am going to call the police, now,” said Virginia firmly.
“That may not be the best choice,” said Cathan.
“What?” exploded Virginia.
“They have compromised several officers in local law enforcement. Also, there are a number of people at the ranch right now. There are about two dozen people held there as sex slaves. They either perform in sex shows or serve as a customer’s companion. As a companion, they are required to ensure that all the guest’s needs are satisfied. Besides those involved with the brothel, there are the real ranch hands who actually operate the ranch side of the operation. When the residents are not working they are kept in locked cages, so they are quite vulnerable. Doing what you are proposing would likely result in some deaths and injuries. The risk would be greatest for those in the cages, with those serving customers close behind.”
“Well we can’t let them get away with this.”
“We aren’t suggesting that they should. Edana’s Clan will take these people to their ranch. After a full reconnaissance of the ranch operation we will have enough information to expose it with little or no injury. Meanwhile, we will neutralize this woman’s contacts in local law enforcement. Conceptually our goal is to stage an incident, so that law enforcement officers are summoned to the ranch. We will then let the discoveries unfold from there.”
“You can do this?” asked Virginia and Doug together.
“We can definitely remove those held there without a problem,” replied Edana. “The most difficult part may be getting the law enforcement officers there as quickly as they are needed. A quick arrival is important to lessen the chance of any evidence being compromised. Many of those involved in the whorehouse operation will likely want to brag about their operation and their participation. Why would they brag? They believe their connections and backers make them legally untouchable. From what we learned from the three men outside, the three of them will likely hang if they live long enough in prison.”
“Virginia,” said Ciar, “why don’t you and Doug come with me out to the shuttle?”
Virginia looked thoughtful for a few moments before she looked at Doug and smiled saying, “As a reporter, I can think of a multitude of questions to ask. Right now I am certain of two things. One is that asking those questions would only delay what needs to be done. Secondly, I also feel very comfortable letting you do what you think is best.” She looked around at the mess in the room then added, “Before I go out there, I need to straighten up in here.”
“No. Go with Ciar,” said Cathan, “our group can tidy up in here while we take care of the other bits.”
Cathan and Edana watched as Ciar, Doug and Virginia went out the door. As they were walking out the door, Cathan said, “Edana, do you want any of us to go with you?”
“Yea. How about half your team?”
“Okay. Those outside are mounting up now. Sarah wants us to move as quickly as possible, but safely.”
Outside Ciar led Doug and Virginia over to the cloaked shuttle. As they neared the door, a white ring became visible outlining the opening. Ciar stepped to the side and motioned for Doug and Virginia to enter.
“You guys okay?” asked Lorelei when she saw Doug and Virginia. As she spoke, Ciar entered and two other clan members left to join Edana’s Clan.
“Yes. We’re fine, I think,” replied Doug with Virginia nodding. “Lorelei, this is Virginia.” He watched as they greeted each other, then added, “Virginia this is Darren. He is the program director for the TV station in Grand View.”
“Virginia, it is nice to meet you,” said Darren, “Doug has told us a lot of nice things about you.”
“Nice to meet both of you,” replied Virginia. “Lorelei, the show this evening was really well done. The idea of you two coming all this way to meet me is ... well ... just overwhelming.”
“We came for several reasons,” said Darren. “We were very impressed with Doug’s participation in tonight’s program. When we were talking after the show, your name came up. He spoke very highly of your capabilities and lamented the fact that you were stuck here. We understand you had some very successful articles before you came here. Basically, if we can sort everything out, I would like for both of you to come to work for us.”
“Both of us? What would we be doing?” said Virginia and Doug together.
“Yes, both of you. I have several options, but before we get into that I would like to know more about both of you. Lorelei is not on our staff anymore, but she has an idea of what I am considering so I would like her to sit in on our discussions.”
“Wow, but I am scheduled to work tomorrow afternoon,” said Virginia with a frown and an inkling of tears in her eyes. “Although, after my outburst this morning I may not have a job.”
Doug started to speak, but Lorelei said, “Virginia, the Órarduine have offered Darren and Doug the opportunity to visit their ships and Mars. The invitation includes you. Would coming with us be enough reason to not go to work tomorrow?”
“You’re kidding!” Virginia looked at Lorelei, then at each of the others in the shuttle, trying to figure out if they were pulling her leg. They had to be. She thought ‘okay I’ll call their bluff’. “When do we leave?”
“Just as soon as Cathan’s team finishes up inside,” replied Ciar. “We aren’t kidding or pulling your leg. Although we do need to stop by the ranch first so that we can back-up Edana’s team.”
“Ciar is right,” added Doug. “Before we go further, I will understand if you don’t want to work with me again.”
“And why wouldn’t I?” replied Virginia with her voice rising a little.
“Well the last time I canceled a visit, you left me with that impression.”
“If I remember right, the day of that conversation had been outstandingly bad, nearly as awful as today. Yes, I was mad, upset and disappointed when you said you couldn’t come at the last moment.” As Virginia talked, the pent up frustration bubbled forth. “At the station that day, every piece of equipment baulked. We managed to stay on the air but it was difficult. As you probably guessed the staff were not very supportive in dealing with the technical problems.”
“Yes. I WILL work with you again but NOT here. After tonight, there is NO FUCKING way I can continue to work here. I knew this was a sleazy operation when I came here, but I never realized how sleazy. Besides, I really didn’t have much choice as I was running out of funds. You remember how little I had unpacked when you were here last.” Doug nodded. “Well that hasn’t changed.” Doug smiled.
“I take that to mean you’re interested,” said Darren.
“Yes. Damn right! I believe we are both interested,” replied Virginia with Doug nodding.
Lorelei said, “I suspect that working as a team, you two will never have any trouble finding a job after your stories about this trip are aired.” All three turned to look at Lorelei who was smiling. “It seems to me that Virginia and Doug have an excellent rapport, which should make them an outstanding broadcast team.”
With that, Darren, Doug and Virginia began talking about the challenges of being a reporter, and other aspects of TV news programs. Darren told them of the sharing agreement on covering stories that their station had with the two local newspapers. Doug and Virginia were a little surprised but as they began to discuss how it worked, they quickly saw the benefits to both operations.
When Cathan, Sorcha, and Todd entered the shuttle all conversation stopped. “We are about ready to go,” said Todd.
“Virginia, do you need anything from the house?” said Sorcha.
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Premium Cuckold Porn SitesMy Name is Vandana. I am 32 years old and married to a surgeon. We have been married for last 5 years now and have no kids. It was an arranged marriage. I am fair in color and have a perfect hour glass figure. I had a lot of affairs before my marriage and there were many buys who used to lust after me. But After marriage I left the city and moved to my Husbands city Delhi. My life after marriage took a turn for the worst. I was hoping at least the first few years to be filled with unlimited...
Hi, I know its some time since I posted my new update. For the people who don’t know me, I am rajesh 35 male Bangalore and I am a bi-sexual. I love having sex with both men and women. This incident happen to me just a day back on 20th march 2015. It’s a quick gay sex. I was kind of horny from couple of days and my wife was in periods and our maid was on leave due to some reasons. I was deprived of sex for last 4 days and I was more than Horny. I was driving back home just when I thought why...
Gay MaleWe couldn't be sure if the convoy leader had been able to radio in that they were under attack before he was destroyed by an RPG. It really didn't make much difference one way or the other, but I was curious. From the looks of the way the trucks burned, it seemed like they were filled with food and not cannon shells. Actually, this was better as far as breaking the siege was concerned. No shells meant that nobody inside the town would die from shellfire, but they would eventually run out...
I suddenly had trouble breathing and my vision fogged up as waves of powerfully strong emotions crashed over me. Through the tears welling up in my eyes I reread the message several times to make sure that it was real. J'Una alive? Could it really be? Where the fuck was Tatooine anyway? I was so overcome that I became somewhat giddy and I think I even jumped up and down a little. Not what you'd expect from a veteran Imperial TIE fighter pilot, but there it is. I must have made more noise...
Gideon tried to walk the straight and narrow path. He rose early for work each morning when there was work to be had. He did his best to busy himself with those things that decent people do. It’s not that trouble had never found Gideon. It had. In fact, trouble had been a constant if mostly unwelcome companion for nearly all his twenty seven years. He had designedly sought it out in those heady, joyful, angry days when he thought, as all young men do, that he was invincible. Trouble, he...
ReluctanceSo a couple of years ago im round at my freinds house in her bed room and she shows me some recent photos of a family wedding she had been to... just the usual boring family album stuff i couldn't help but notice how all of suddon drop dead gorgous her older brother had become after he'd been away with the army...My freinds phone starts to ring and i see the caller id...'Mum' she ansers the phone and is told to go meet her mum and help her back with the groceries.I look down at the photo in my...
You just can’t wait to get home to your wife! Every time you go on a business trip you eagerly anticipate rushing into the house and getting your hands all over your Bridgette B., the sexy Latina you somehow landed as your wife long, long ago! And she knows it. She knows exactly how you’re going to be once you step in the door, which is why she’s preparing a nice surprise for you: lingerie, stockings, heels, her big tits popping out. You take care of her and make her feel special, so now she’s...
xmoviesforyouA sudden lurch left his stomach in his boots. He found himself standing in the remains of a room surrounded in chaos; the furniture was scattered about, one of the windows was missing, and there was a woman's body in a pool of blood lying to one side. With his heart in his mouth, Tristan went over to the body, knelt down, and gently rolled it over. Ewain lay dead, with a laser burn through her head and multiple stab wounds in her chest. From the amount of blood splashed round the room she...
Back out on the floor of the store, Jess headed over to the ‘intimate apparel’ section. ‘Intimate’ in this case basically just meant bras and panties. I felt uncomfortable hanging around the area, like people would think that I was some sort of pervert (which I was. Am. Nevermind.) Jess picked up a few pairs of panties. The first was pure white and very lacy, completely unlike the boy-shorts that Emma was currently wearing. The second pair was a thong. “Jess!” Emma hissed. “I can’t wear...
A great plague came. The poorer parts of the world were wiped out entirely and the treatment for the disease scarred the organs of many leaving most women infertile. After there was a major population crisis and many of the large cities had to be abandoned altogether, the survivors had to consider how they would survive with so little population growth. In Europe, they began cloning and genetic engineering. The remaining parts of Asia turned toward geriatric science, trying to repair the damage...
"Good morning, Miss Anderson," Crius said in a formal tone. "Please, call me, Linda," I replied. "Only if you call me, Crius," he answered. The Titan God smiled, but I detected no warmth to it. "Okay, Crius." I returned his smile with some reservation. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I didn't feel at ease with him. When he had asked me out to breakfast, I had been tempted to say 'no', but my curiosity had gotten the better of me. "So, what can I do for you?" "Nothing,...
The k**s were away with their grandparents for the night and shewould be home soon. I hurried upstairs to get ready. We had spent thelast few weeks experimenting more and more and pushing things further andtonight was definitely a play night. Several months ago we bought her astrap-on, and she really enjoyed taking my ass with her ?cock?. Ever sincewe discovered how sensitive my ass is I?d been loving nights like this. Mywife is hot, and even after almost 10 years of marriage she just...
Catana leant forward and pointed at the star map floating in the center of the control room. "I was told a few human ships were spotted there." Varna walked around the map and tapped the tips of her fingers to her lips in thought. She looked across at the rest of the crew. "That's the Scorpious Sector, it is vast and deserted, if there are humans there then they would be difficult to find." She turned back to the map. "There's something about that sector." She spoke almost to...
It was Friday December 23, and the boss just dumped a pile of paper work on my desk to get done before our year-end in 8 days. I was hoping to take a few days off over the Christmas week,but guess not now. As I sorted through the paper work some of it was insurance stuff. I just hate insurance paperwork, and I knew that asshole of an agent would be gone. Agent’s have the easiest jobs, they take time off, take your money, and cry about how hard they work. Well the only good thing about this...
My heart was still racing as Ihung up the phone, his voice still in my head. I stretched out on my bed with a silly grin on my face. I know it’s something that will probably never happen, and maybe that’s what makes it all the more exciting. I began to play back our conversation in my head, nothing really sexual ever came up but his voice made my body tingle. I let my hands begin to wander, first teasing my nipples through my thin cotton t-shirt, making them hard and then moving down my flat...
I woke up in the hallway of Damien's building, naked with my robe and pajamas draped over my body like a sheet. My body was exhausted and hung over in a way that I had never imagined possible. Cum and sweat had plastered my hair to my face, and judging from the goopy sticky mess on my face and breasts, I guessed Damien had dumped at least three loads on me during the night, perhaps Ashley had, too. When I finally understood where I was, I jumped to my feet and dressed, then hurried into the...
We sat at a booth that faced the DJ booth on the other side of the dance floor. The girls were chatting away about the latest episode of Big brother. I didn't watch it so it made me feel a little out of the loop when the girls were deep in conversation and I was left to think of a new topic of conversation. > > Mandy sat to my left. She was my most recent friend. She was really beautiful and had a reputation of being rather gender blind after she had had a few drinks in her. I saw her...
I had taken a part time job at the mall's jewelry store to help pay school expenses. I grew to like it and they found me a natural saleswoman. My manager was quite open to my ideas and also quite forgiving with some of my actions. The dress code for example required professionalism. Which meant stylish, yet conservative. I was given more latitude than the other girls since my sales were always high. He knew my teasing outfits did bring in the guys but he also wanted to protect the store's...
ExhibitionismPart 1- The seduction.I enter the room slowly, I see you led on the bed in your underwear. I slowly kiss your tired feet. My fingers gently slide up your leg as my mouth follows kissing your inner thigh. My fingers stroke the top of your knickers, the tips of my fingers guiding just under the elastic. My mouth moves up to the top of your inner thigh, my breath warms and cools your moistening pussy, as I see the white knickers becoming see through due to the moisture of your pussy. My fingers...
Two days later Princess Dianna boarded her plane and left for Wently Island. On the way her mind went over the questions of the last few days. How much Amazonium did this tribe have? What would he want for it? Could or would she agree? The only thing clear was that he had asked how far she would bend the rules and they would not be on Paradise Island. The trader had seemed fascinated by her pussy, so he would probably want to see it again. She would show it to him and even spread the lips for...
Caller: “Hello?”119 Operator: “Hello! Happy holidays and thank you for choosing Butterball Turkey! What’s your emergency?”Caller: “Why would you think there’s an emergency?”Operator: “It’s Christmas Eve, sir. Why else would you be calling a turkey company?”Caller: “Well, you’re so right, young lady! And I certainly hope you can help me…this is an absolute nightmare.”Operator: “Oh no! What can I do for you sir?”Caller: “I have a group of twenty friends and relatives coming over for...
HumorI convinced myself that if I didn't introduce Sarah to soft drugs - or at least admit her to the possibility of taking something in my presence - then someone else soon would, and it would be better coming from me, because I was properly experienced in these matters, and I knew that Sarah was not a girl to say no to a new adventure, and why shouldn't I, her lover, be there to enjoy and advise her? Over breakfast I ascertained that Sarah knew a bit already, she said she'd had a few puffs...
Of course I felt guilty; the opportunity of a lifetime had come to me and even if it turned out to be better than even my wildest dreams that wasn't the way I had wanted it to happen. I never wanted to profit from someone else's tragedy. My name is Josh Benning and I have been a closet crossdresser for most of my young life; living out of the clothes hamper of my female relations and those of my few friends. I was never caught, not once, in all those years of dressing up but that was...
I was principal of a secondary school in guangdong. I was invited to a primary school new year party. I met a fine lady, ms wong who is the head of department for maths in the primary school. We became good friends very fast. the same night, she called me and to my shocked, she expressed her liking for me. we chatted a while and I had to fly off two days later. one week later, when I returned to guangdong, she came over to my place meet me. When I opened the door, ms wong just hugged me and...
Erotic9th email from me responding to Brenda's 9th email From: Harvey Landers ([email protected]) Sent: 4/29/13 6:45pm To: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) Bren baby, Thank you, thank you for the huge compliment you have paid me by using "my words" in your reply when you said- " ... I love more the feeling of joy and great satisfaction I get when the men who invade my cunt with their hard cocks have more powerful erotic, exquisite orgasms as they pump their cum deep into my...
Ninas Wunsch war es schon immer gewesen, Lehrerin zu werden. Da sie auch etwas „bewegen" wollte, hatte sie sich entschieden, in Richtung Hauptschule/Realschule zu gehen. Ihr Studium hatte sie recht schnell beendet, und auch im Referendariat war sie gut zurande gekommen. So trat Nina nun schon mit 25 Jahren ihre erste Stelle an. Die Werner-Hauptmann-Hauptschule hatte keinen guten Ruf, aber Ninas Ziel war es, aus den Schülern was zu machen. Mit der entsprechenden Strenge und ein bißchen Zureden...
Having watched him secretly on several occasions, I know the routes he takes when he’s walking home from the pub, or from friends who live nearby. The one he uses most will suit my purpose well enough and I make plans to intercept him. I get quite aroused just thinking about it I can tell you. That’s part of the pleasure of course, anticipation. As you might guess, I always make careful preparations beforehand and I double check that I’ve got everything I need. The most...
ReluctanceI looked at the price tag and objected, "Brit, I can't afford these boots.""Don't worry about it. If I'm going to dress you, I'm going to pay for it. Actually, I'm putting it on my father's credit card, so he's paying for it. Consider it an early Christmas present from me."I shrugged and followed Britney to the next store, a lingerie store.She took me back to the fitting room saying, "Nothing makes a woman feel sexier than her lingerie. Choose your lingerie with the man in mind, it's part of...
Devious dick charmer Janice Griffith, tames a tallywacker in this scene from Jules Jordan Video. We open with Janice relaxing on a lounge taking selfies. Modelesque and cute as a button at the same time, Griffith slyly says “nobody knows my angles better than I do.” Primped in playful, sheer black lingerie that is covered in colorful stars, Jules calls for an extra set of hands. They remove Janice’s top revealing a tan pair of perfect tits. The wise decision is made to shine them up, as the oil...
xmoviesforyouMAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 2 Jeremy and Lisa crept quietly towards the Taylor's barn. Evening insects and the Whippoorwills called to each other in the dusky light. Lisa did not detect that anyone was present. They crept into the barn while Lisa kept watch. Jeremy was startled to see the box missing in the hay. He went over to investigate and discovered that where the box used to be was a gray metal case a little larger than two laptops stacked together. He saw the...
Daddy’s Little GirlPart 17Walking into the house with Ash & Brittany was a relief, it was good getting home. The trip out to get Britt and been thrown together quickly, Brittany had needed to be rescued, and brought home, so she was. (Finding out the Fucked-up) Almost as soon as Brittany got home there had been trouble, her mother and father had separated a over year before. He had lost the job he went out there for almost as soon as starting it, he started hard drinking after, then one...
Melanie found some of my daughter Alice’s looser fitting clothes and struggled into them. The Uber driver was two minutes away. Maybe, I thought. Just maybe, we can get Melanie out of here without a major scene with my hungover wife.Dressed in my skivvies, I creaked open Alice’s door and peered out into the hall. My bedroom door was shut, where my wife was still, hopefully, sleeping. I waved Melanie out and we raced downstairs to the laundry room. She picked up her clothes from last night and...
Love StoriesMe and Nina One day, Nina and I were walking to a store called 10 Spot. It had nice clothes and lingerie we could try on. Nina and I picked out clothes and stuff to try on. We shared the same dressing room because there was no sense hiding from each other. Besides, I love her sexy body.“Does this look good?” Nina asked.I looked at her up and down in shock. She was wearing a Victoria Secret Cut-Out Teddy. I began to feel wet between my legs the more I stared at this beautiful goddess. “Baby?...
I was recently working away and one night put a porn channel on in my hotel room. A very horny vid showed a middle aged ,stocky guy dommimg a couple in their forties, lots of spanking etc and finishing with the very attractive milf taking his big dick hard. Something was in the back of my mind watching this obviously amateur film, but I couldn't think whatI was wanking hard thinking of that big cock in my mouth while he spanked my wife, taking control of her, dominating her, she becoming...
It seems a shame that beautiful Angel Wicky has prepared a beautiful dinner for George but he’s a lot hornier than he is hungry, and so is Angel. As soon as he walks through the door and pours a glass of wine for Angel and himself, they are all over each other. There’s no need to wait and they head to the bedroom. Angel lowers her dress to expose her big, gorgeous boobs, richly veined and capped by large, brown areolae. Kneeling, she sucks on his dick, making kittenish sex sounds...
xmoviesforyouOctober 31st , otherwise known as Halloween. The one day out of the year you can be whoever or whatever you want to be, I want to be anyone but me. My name is Mari. I’m twenty-four years old and I hate my life. I graduated college last spring and since then I have been working as an intern at a local radio station. Normally this would be a great thing, except that my ex-boyfriend Mark also works there. We dated for 3 years. We met in college and we were inseparable. Then about two weeks ago he...
In the following days after her father gave her a hard, punishing spanking - and more - in her room, the red, red bruises on Arya Stark's ass had faded and a growing desire in her loins replaced it. At the week's end, her lust-filled mind kept imagining the sausages she and her sister were breaking their fast with were hard cocks and found her tongue snaking around them, sucking and bobbing until she noticed Sansa giving her a queer look. Her sister narrowed her eyes in suspicion and asked,...