Perfect Strangers
- 4 years ago
- 21
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Adam held his hand up, waving to get their attention, then told them, “Let me tell all of you right now, Boyd and I are forming our corporation, ASAP ... and all of you will be partners. You’ll be the engineers as we develop and manufacture the New Age Electric Power Modules. When we have the next dynamo prototype built with the casings and armatures we have over here, we’ll be able to supply the state of Oklahoma – with all its power for years to come...
“And, we’ll do it with a power plant slightly larger than this converted, Honda portable generator.”
“Professor, are you sure you and Boyd want to share this with us? I mean, your corporation will be making billions for years to come,” Carlton said.
“All of you were specifically chosen to be a part of this. I knew we had to have the best in the field, and when Boyd told me to pick who I thought were the best, I picked all of you. You’re a part of this now and we’ll have the corporation formed within a month. In the meantime we need to begin looking for manufacturing resources that will be able to handle the demand.”
Carlton spoke to his associates, “Girls, I hope you know what this means. We’ve been friends for years and each of us have dreamed of making a future for ourselves in other fields. If we do this together, each of us will be multi-millionaires, with just a small share in this corporation. I don’t know about the four of you, but I’m with Adam and Boyd.”
Brenda agreed with him. “Me too. There’s nothing I could ever find that would equal the opportunity that we have here.”
“I’m onboard too, I love this already,” Cathy said, grinning at me.
Deanne and Jennette both agreed. “We’re all in Professor.”
“All of you call me, Adam, from now on ... We’re partners now!
...”Believe me once more when I tell you this – you have yet to see some of the more amazing things that we’ll be working on. You heard Boyd tell last night about the two homes being built by the lake – each of you will have a place here with us as long as you want.”
“I know I’m in now,” Cathy spoke loudly.
“I’m excited just being a part of this,” Jennette said.
Adam turned to Carlton. “Carlton, shut this thing off. Let’s load it up and take it over to the construction site.”
Then he turned to Deanne, “Deanne, back the van up to the front door and we’ll load it. All of you need to see where your new home will be. After we’ve eaten dinner, we’ll go back to the lake and show you more ... Things your mind would not otherwise comprehend, if you weren’t scientists and researchers.”
Adam drove and I rode up front with him as we went to the lake to see the generator in action again. The talk was exciting, as if we were a bunch of school kids on our way to the lake for a picnic. When we stopped at the construction site, Don Caruthers walked over to see what we needed. I introduced him to Adam and the rest of our crew and told him that we had a new generator we wanted him to use so we could test it.
“Sure ... is this some sort of new engine on this generator? There’s no gas tank or starter rope.”
“Carlton will show you how to start it and how to control the power. This small generator will power a city ... so it doesn’t have to run that fast.”
“You mean this small will generate enough power to run a city?”
“Yes – a city as large as Stillwater,” Carlton answered.
“Well Damn!” Was the only comment Don made.
“Mr. Caruthers, is there any way you could run the generator 24/7 with a heavy load, to really test it?” Carlton asked as they set it up beside his two gasoline powered generators.
“We have the flood lights we used when we finished the concrete floors in the underground shelters the other night. We can leave those burning day and night, but they will really pull a load. It’s all these two generators could manage, carrying all those big lights.”
“Perfect. Let them burn day and night until you get the homes built.”
“How often will we have to refuel?”
“Once every lifetime!”
Don looked at me. “Boyd – is this part of what you were telling me about the other day?”
“Yes. You and your men will be in on the ground floor of the new corporation. We’ll give you five-hundred shares and your men a hundred shares each upon completion of the two homes. Just tell them to build them like they were theirs, we want the best.”
“You got it Boyd. I have no idea what all this means. But I can see some really big things with this turbine generator that never needs refueling.”
When we arrived back at the house, Savana, Andrea, Nora and Connie had grilled hamburgers. We ate and talked more about the next plans we had. We’ve already seen the first prototype run, even if it is only a converted portable generator.
Just before dark, I heard Don and his crew leaving the construction site. I walked out away from the mobile home, and when I knew no one was looking, I flew to the lake. Sure enough, the flood lights were on, lighting the entire construction area. Even the lake shore was lit around the building site.
There were no workers here, so I flew back to get the others. Carlton and three of the women grad-students had no idea I could fly, so I thought this would be a good time to spring it on them. I got Savana’s attention and winked at her.
“Brenda would you, Jennette and Deanne come with me for just a few minutes, I need your help.” I knew they would gladly help with any project I might have, based on what they’ve seen so far.
Once in the yard, I asked each of them to step closer to me and put their arms around each others waist, and hold on tight. Before they knew what was happening, I grabbed Brenda by her waist and we were off to the lake with the three of them screaming and laughing. I settled to the sandy shore with all three of them laughing.
“I expect each of you to be naked by the time I return with the others. We’re going skinny dipping.”
Brenda began taking her clothes off after telling us, “I may as well go in naked, all of you will see my fat ass sooner or later if we’re going skinny dipping.”
When I flew back, Adam and Carlton were driving around the river road in the van. I gathered up Lenora and Constance, along with Cathy and we started out.
“OH, MR. BOYD ... This-is-fun,” Connie screamed.
“I think I may have gotten a come when we left the ground,” Nora yelled and grabbed herself.
“You just think you did, wait until Boyd screws you. You’ll scream so loud, they’ll hear you in Texas,” Cathy told her as we settled down next to the others.
“Get those clothes off, Girls, I’ll be right back,” I told them and was gone again.
When I returned to the mobile home, Savana, Andrea and Kendra were naked and waiting. Kendra was in the middle as they lined up.
... Adam and Carlton were standing together as everyone pointed up when we flew over, then circled to land next to them.
“Boyd, I knew all along there was more to you than you let us see. I could actually feel the energy coming from you,” Carlton told me. Then he added. “You’ve got to tell me how this is possible. It’s killing me that I see you fly and I have no idea how you do it.”
“Let’s all go skinny dipping and you’ll see the source of all new things which have come our way,” I told him.
The entire group held hands as we ran into the water naked. We pulled them down with us as we swam to the bottom. Once we were gathered in the red glow of the meteorite, everyone looked from one to the other, then smiled before bursting into laughter at what was happening. I watched as the invisible shroud covered the entire group.
I need to talk to Adam about this.
“This is awesome. I would have never even dreamed of this being possible,” Carlton spoke, then realized he was talking and we could hear him.
We held hands and danced in a circle around the glowing alien rock. In the pale red light, we looked like Indians of Old, dancing a ritual dance by the light of a campfire.
We’ve never done more down here than explore the meteorite and the area around it, except for the times I made love to Savana, Andrea and Kendra on the alien rock.
I looked at the women now as they took on a whole new, different perspective ... Brenda, whose butt was the ultimate bubble butt, was now dancing naked, shaking her butt beside Kendra. Brenda’s body suddenly transformed into the identical shape of Kendra’s. There was Savana, then Deanne and Andrea, then Connie, Kendra, Brenda, Cathy, Jennette, me, Carlton and Adam with Nora holding his hand and Savana’s. The twelve of us danced, laughed, shook our asses and kicked like the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall.
As I looked around the circle of friends, I realized that four of the eight women have made love to me. They were separated in the circle by the four women who had not. As I watched, the physical appearance of those four women who had not made love to me, took on the identical shape and size of the four women I’d had sex with. This was the only possible answer, to what was happening.
I wasn’t sure what was happening, but I wanted to get to the surface to try and find out.
I pointed up, and we held hands as we ascended effortlessly to the surface, leaving the meteorite glowing behind us. As soon as we reached the surface, I moved over next to Adam.
“Adam, have you swallowed any of this lake water since the day you and Andrea first came here?”
“No. Why?”
“I was just wondering. I did the first time I came here with Savana – the morning after the meteoroid hit the lake. That’s when things really started happening to me. I was just wondering ... I hate to get personal with such a great friend, but I noticed you’re bigger than before.” I pointed to his dick.
“Damn! It really is!” he said as he reached into the water, fondling himself.
“Drink some water Adam ... lots of water.” As soon as I spoke, he was drinking water like he was trying to empty the lake. I reached over, and grabbing his arm I pulled him back.
“I didn’t mean all of it, Adam!“
“Boyd, I hate to brag ... but would you look at what has just happened to me?” He pointed down.
I put my head under water and saw his erection.
“Damn, Adam! Now I know there’s more than magic in this water! Go get Kendra and see if it works.”
“I’ve never had but one erection in my entire life, Boyd. I honestly don’t know what to do or how to even make love to a woman.”
I told him, “Wait right here.” Then turned to Kendra.
I whispered to her and she stared at me, wide-eyed. I grabbed Andrea and Savana and pulled them with me back toward Adam.
“Duck down and look at Adam,” I told them.
Immediately, three heads were under water. Savana popped up with a big grin.
I looked to see Andrea and Kendra hugging Adam.
“Andrea, may I make love to your father?
“Yes, and I want to be with you as you make love to him. Please go out to the shore so we can all see this.”
Adam began to protest... “Andrea, I’ve never been with a woman! When the doctors told my parents that I would more than likely be sterilized by the treatments, they asked for a sperm sample to be frozen for later, in case there was never a cure.
“Years later, when your mother first came here from Austria as a student, she was about to be deported over some technicality with her visa, so she and I married. I told her about the frozen specimen and we used that to impregnate her. She wanted the added insurance of having my baby, to keep from being deported.”
Andrea scolded her father. “I don’t care about any of that, Daddy. You’re here, you’re cured of Polio and now you need to be with a woman! You either get out there and let Kendra screw your sexy ass or we’ll gang up and hold you down for her.”
He smiled and kissed her cheek. Andrea whispered in his ear just as Kendra pulled him toward the shore.
I told her, “I don’t blame you one bit Andrea. You’ve seen him suffer more than any of us – and now, he’s making the comeback of a lifetime.”
The flood lights from the construction site were casting a bright glow all around, now that it’s dark. This was Kendra’s second and his first time, we learned later.
Lenora was shaking, she was so excited as she watched. Adam made love for the first time in his fifty-five years. Andrea was right beside them as they consummated their love.
“Daddy I love you so much and I’m so proud that you’ve recovered this much in just a few weeks. When I was a little girl, I would wish there was a way I could magically make you whole again.”
“I love you too, Andrea. I know you’ve given up most of the things you could have had in your life, just to make sure I was cared for. Now we have it all ... Kendra wants to live with me out here. She’s pregnant with Boyd’s babies and we’re going to raise them as our own.”
“Oh Daddy, I know you’re still sterile, but at least you have your virility and you can make love to a woman. Kendra is a such a good woman. I will pledge my love to her now, as if she’s my own mother.”
Brenda, Deanne, Jennette and Cathy stood watching Adam and Kendra make love.
Carlton’s arm was around Brenda’s slender waist as she turned to him. They kissed openly in front of us.
“Boyd, the other grad-students need help. Go to them and do what you’re good at. Make them feel loved,” Savana said as we saw Jennette, Deanne and Cathy, looking from Adam to Carlton.
“Savana are you sure? They may not want to be a part of this part, like the others.”
She jerked my arm, “Come with me,” and marched me over to the three women.
“Alphabetical order! Cathy since you’ve already had my husband, you have to wait until last for this round. Deanne, get on your knees to get the screwing of your life.” Then she whispered to her.
“OH YES,” Deanne said as she dropped to her knees.
When Savana leads this horse to water, she doesn’t have to make him drink.
“What did you tell her to make her go wild?” Andrea asked Savana.
Savana answered, “I told her she was going to be a beautiful mother to my husband’s twin babies.”
I filled Deanna full of my Cherokee seed, then glanced up to see Jennette looking at me.
I reached for, telling her, “Jennette, we have plans for you to help us design dynamos, have our babies and stay here forever.”
“Do me too, Boyd. I want you to fill me with twins like Savana and Andrea.”
“You just got your wish Jennette, assume the position,” Savana barked orders to the students as they were impregnated here on the lake shore.
I looked down at Jennette and her body was made from the same mold as Cathy’s. The kind I love to kneel behind. Jennette was wild as she bucked off the ground with her knees. Connie and Nora knelt, one on either side as Jennette reached her orgasm time after time.
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It had been one hell of a Wednesday! I had finally had enough of my boss and I told him he could take his job and shove it! Hell I didn't really need the money anyway, even if it was over six figures. I had a nice retirement from the Navy and I had been drawing social security for three years and there was still my ample 401k plan that I hadn't touched, nope I was pretty much set financially. Next year when my wife of more than 40 years turned sixty five she would start drawing her social...
I stood over my stepbrother’s sleeping body and smiled with satisfaction. Breaking into his very expensive (paid for by my daddy) condo had been a piece of cake. d**gging him to a stupor had been even easier, although when you work with pharmaceuticals all day and know that a few samples won’t be missed it was c***d’s play. I appreciated the fact that he already slept naked and spread eagle. It made restraining him to his bed way easier than I had figured it would be. I watched as he...
Sexy starlet Sidra Sage’s athletic body glistens with oil through a decadent tease segment. The horny hottie sports a shaved head, perky tits and long legs. Eager for intense fucking, Sidra masturbates to a powerful, squirting orgasm. She soon greets star stud Ramon Nomar with a drooling blowjob. Slobbering oral worship leads to hard cunt fucking that makes Sidra whimper. She spreads open her rectum for a crude anal reaming. Raunchy sodomy includes ass-to-mouth fellatio and lewd rectal...
xmoviesforyouWho knew sex with the therapist you work for could do so much for your life! Khloe Khapri’s shrink boss can see how stressed she is, so he sits her down for a 5-minute session only to discover that her long-time boyfriend’s been cheating on her. But talking about it makes Khloe feel so much better that it’s like a weight’s been lifted from her shoulders, which is why she follows suit with lifting her shirt and bra over her shoulders and getting naked! Tyler doesn’t understand what’s happening...
xmoviesforyouI was 33 years old; even if I say it myself, God had been kind to me! I was not fat - I had a good firm body, without having to go to a gym! I probably looked about 25! I know - you hate me already! I had been in and out of relationships with various girls since school; I had a tendency to get bored quickly.I know what you’re thinking, but before you judge me, think back to yourself and the way you were when you were that age? So, it was probably fair to say it was probably me, rather than...
Hi.. This is Rajesh again.. I already posted my story of fucking my mom.. In ISS, the title is fucked and married my hungry mom.! Go and check there how I got my mom. I’ll post that story continuation in upcoming week. I’m so curious about this story because this happened before just a week!!!! U already know that I’m studying in chennai and I’m from thanjavur. When I went to holidays I got my mom and fucked her. After two months of fucking I came to chennai to continue my studies. This time I...
IncestYou'll have read that breast-fed babies have fewer colds and stomach-upsets. Studies suggest that they will be safer from asthma and have fewer allergies as they grow up. There are even suggestions that they will develop a higher IQ and be less susceptible to acne in adolescence. People tell you that breast-feeding might make you less likely to suffer from breast cancer in later life and will definitely speed the loss of that extra weight that you developed during pregnancy. Forget all...
"See, told you. I'll bet she is!" I heard Millie exclaim to Billie when they met us at the airport arrivals gate." "Is what?" Francis - who'd brought the terrible two along with him for the ride - asked. "Preggers, dummy," Billie retorted. "Millie reckons that she's got a sixth sense when it comes to spotting pregnancies. "Jesus wept already?" Francis retorted. "Well, you should know how easily these things can happen, Luvver," Billie told him, giving him a hug. "Anyway,...
Niki Snow was super overwhelmed by her new babysitting gig. Not only did the child run her ragged, but he even ripped up her homework. What a little brat. On top of everything, Niki’s boyfriend also broke up with her. When her client was there to console her, right in the middle of his kind words she began to kiss him! Although taken by surprise, Mr. London had not gotten any tight teen pussy in years. It was about time he got some. He allowed Niki to slob on his shiny knob, and even get...
xmoviesforyouI sat down on the ring, the unexpected coldness of which against my bare buttocks forced a comical yelp from my throat. I had a couple of thought's lengths to feel face-reddening embarrassment, but when Kristiina turned to grin and wink at me from the door, I knew this having happened to her as well. After my mind relaxing, I relaxed the sphincters of my urethra and rectum and let things proceed by their own weight. Feces thick and only a little softer than stone avalanched from my bowels into...
Erotic FictionThe next afternoon, there was little pretext; we simply paired off and Taylor and Andy went to his room and Zach and I went to mine. The tongue kissing began as soon as the door was closed and we were soon both prone and moaning. Zach's hand was on my breast again and I decided to let it stay. He's pushing his groin against me and kneading my breast as I have my hands under his shirt rubbing his back and chest. As we're kissing, I feel my shirt being tugged up and decide to let it...
When Donald finishes about Subject I, he does want to continue with the story about Subject J right away to be done with this. But he knows there is something he needs to discuss with Emma alone first. Julie and Karen do not know anything about this part of things which started when he came to The Institute here, and they should not know.He looks Emma in the eye and asks her to please come with him for a few minutes. She can see from Donald’s demeanor that it is something important, so...
Love Stories(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Teaching Their Mommy-Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “You are going to be such a good, little masseuse, aren't you, Mommy-slut,” my girlfriend said, a husky tone in her voice as I pulled my car into the back lot of the Lady Touch Massage Parlor. “Yes, Daughter,” Mrs. Armstrong said, her voice submissive as she sat in the backseat. We'd just picked her up from her home. We got to own her during...
The End of Him by Meeah Soo ?? Mark checked his face in the bathroom mirror one last time. His lips, enhanced by collagen injections, had been painted in their sexiest cupid's bow pout. His brows were plucked in delicate arches. His bleached hair was cut to shoulder-length. After several years of electrolysis, hormones, and bleaching, his skin was smooth and hairless. He looked as pretty as he was ever going to look. He felt the usual nervousness that he always felt whenever he went out on a...
I have this theory about flight. I think there’s this great, cosmic deity. Not religious or anything, just cosmic, that moves planes through the sky like a small child moves toy cars. Everything’s fine as long as he’s interested. But one day, he’ll grow bored and let it fall to the earth or nosedive it into a mountain. So fuck flying. Right up its bitch ass. When Kelly suggested Hawaii for our anniversary, I thought twelve-day cruise. I can handle water. Sure, The Titanic gave me nightmares as...
Quickie SexI’d been on a night out with the girls and was a bit worse for wear due to too much alcohol. When I got home I stumbled through the front door and into the hall when I heard voices in the lounge, I thought oh no who is here and tried to straighten myself out before opening the door to the lounge.I walk in as best I can hiding the fact that I’m really drunk, and hubby and his mate Steve were there watching match of the day, I said hi and hubby asks if I’ve had a good night, after a bit of...
18yo Melody Foxx makes her debut with us today and this juicy inked cutie wanted to start out with a BBC. Enter Lil D, who’s anything BUT little! After the interview, Lil D gets Melody all slicked up in oil before she gets on her knees and makes his long dark dick disappear! She then gives him a nylon-clad footjob before it’s time for some good ol’ balls deep fucking! Lil D knows that sometimes you gotta choke a bitch ? After Lil D fucks her cross-eyed, he pulls out and coats...
xmoviesforyouThe sex world is another dimension in which sex is as normal as drinking water. A man and a women can have sex as they please, even in public. For example a man could fuck another mans wife without any repercussions. People can walk naked in public, and covering up private parts and genitalia is considered odd. Fashion in the sex world is usually just less clothing. Women's shorts always show lots of ass and even the sides of pussy. Shorts are extremely short. Sometimes women don't even wear...
FetishYou have been entered into the annual cuntbusting and ballbusting brawl! Fight off against the other opponents until there is only one man/woman left standing.
FetishWell, it used to be my house.....until someone bigger and stronger moved in. It was only 5am....not that time mattered to me anymore...I'd been awake most of the night. Across the hall, my wife and her new lover had just finished a long fuck session that left me grunting as much as they frustration. While Cindy laid there panting and drooling cum all over the sheets...Mac walked over to where I was tied face down over a wooden sawhorse. All I could really see was his huge cock...
Legs trembling, she looked up at the tall skinny figure covered in black clothes and a black peacoat. She craved him, her legs wouldn’t stop shaking with anticipation, excitement crept through her in waves. She hadn’t felt this way before. Her need for him grew by the second as a deep comfort filled her. She wanted to push herself against him and hold him tightly for it would quench the need to be close like a heavy emotional cottonmouth stuck to the deep most sensitive part of her...
I've had a couple of threesomes; me and two women. It was great.Only once have I done one with another guy and one woman. He was an electrician on a building site and one day, he just came out and said it. "I'm fucking a granny tomorrow night and she wants two blokes. Are you in?" He showed me a photo on his phone. It was only her face but my first thoughts were "Fuck, she's pretty for a granny". She was a brunette with short hair; about 50, and as I say; pretty.I said yes.It was in London. I...