RewindChapter 6 free porn video

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Terry was exhausted, 16 hours later. Our third child, Jake, short for Jacob Henry Donaldson, the young challenger in the blue corner, who weighed in at 8lbs 12ozs, had completed his very first feed and had just been wheeled off to the baby care unit for a few short hours while his mother and I rested from the ordeal.

We were alone for a few moments. Enough time to settle Terry down before I scooted home for a shower and a couple of hours sleep. Then collect our other two kids and grandparents and get back for visiting time. Terry had been dozing heavy eye lidded while the nurse fussed around, but now we were alone she looked alert and gave me that look, you know the one, where she’s about to quiz you over something you’ve done wrong while hefting a rolling pin in one hand and slapping it on her other hand?

“Honey,” she opened the conversation with an endearment. At least, I thought, that’s a promising opening. “It’s been ten years. Ten years last week.”

“Yes.” No point in beating about the bush of course. I was more than aware it had been ten years and several newspapers had even reported the fact. One had published a three-page article with another mind-boggingly outrageous theory expounded. I had only bothered to read the headline, which was enough to confirm that the article was complete rubbish.

“I didn’t want to say anything with Jake’s arrival so close. I know I have never asked and you’ve never volunteered, but...”


“It is, as far as I know, the only secret between us, plus, I suspect, one other secondary secret which I believe is very closely related to the first, am I correct?”

“Absolutely, my dear,” I agreed, “We have no other secrets on my part other than those two. Although I have got you your anniversary present hidden away for two weeks’ time, if you can count that?”

“I think for the moment I can ignore that. There are no secrets at all on my part, but then...” she smiled and gripped my hand harder, “I do not have the same burden on me of feeling the need to be as protective of my spouse as you are.”

“I think it comes with the job, darling.”

“Jobs, more like, honey. Let’s see, loving husband, perfectly considerate and satisfying lover, very best friend, doting father, efficient personal secretary, driven researcher and co-author, family protector and all round shining white knight.”

“Just the one fault, then, in the shape of a couple of ... secrets.”

“I wouldn’t call them faults, as I believe they are being kept for my own wellbeing.”

“They were, but as you say, ten years.” I agreed, nodding. “Even so, I really have no idea what passage of time would ever make us completely safe.”

“I have no idea what the danger is or where it would come from. I do know you have borne the burden totally and protected me and the children from it, but I have no idea what it is that I need protecting from. Would it make a difference what I do or don’t know?”

“I’ll tell you anything and everything,” I said, “But you may not like me very much when I tell you. I’m very afraid that you will even hate me, Terry - and if you did, well, I wouldn’t blame you.”

“I love you, Bobby,” she said holding my hand in an iron grip, “My love for you is unshakeable. Trust me, hon, I know you, everything you have ever done has been for our babies and me, never just for yourself. Tell me everything.”

“You never asked before, but now that you are, you know I can’t deny you, of course, but you will think the explanation fantastic and implausible.”

“Sweetheart, don’t forget, I saw you in the mall that day, wet, frozen, wearing your ruined tux. I remember getting you a change of clothing and we stuffed that tux in a waste bin. Then you left me to do what you had to do in Cambridge. When I got home, your one and only tux you had at the time was still hanging up in our wardrobe. Whatever your story is, I am rather expecting it to be fantastic and implausible.”

Terry managed to smile, she was alert now, very tired but alive and, as ever, quite beautiful. How could I ever refuse her anything?

“Who was this Doctor Curtis,” she asked, “who disappeared immediately after you struck him, and why did you hit him in the first place?”

“To explain that I need to tell you about déjà vu.”

“I am aware of that phenomenon, and have imagined I’d experienced it a couple of times, myself.”

“You know how sometimes you do or say something you regret and, if you could just rewind time a few seconds or minutes and undo it, you would?”

“It depends on the mistake to put right and whether such a thing is possible, we are in the realms of science fiction now, aren’t we?”

“We appear to be. If we assume that redoing a period of time is even possible, what if your loved one was, without his or her knowledge, seduced both by drugs and worn down by the trial and error of time manipulation, used by someone with evil intent, done so subtly that it was months before it became apparent, by which time the abuse of the partner was so advanced that it was impossible to salvage the situation. How far would you go to try and put things to right?”

“I don’t know.” Terry bit her lip, “you are really worrying me, Bobby.”

“OK, that was a complicated and unfair question, honey, of course you don’t know. You would never know how you would react. Imagine a situation where we were married but before the children arrived and we had a set-up stand-up row about something and I was manipulated into walking out on you and we were apart for several months without even a single word between us?”

“That would never happen, Bobby my love, you are my life, I would find you within the hour and knock some sense into you.”

“You wouldn’t if you were being controlled by your new lover.”

“Oh!” She looked shocked. “When is this alternative time frame you are talking about supposed to have happened?”

“About a year after the tux incident at the mall. In that year we didn’t have Mia, our children didn’t exist in that world, in fact they never would.”

“This Curtis chap was my new lover?”

“Yes, I just knew him as Clinton, I was introduced to him on a first name basis for the first time at a dinner party a couple of hours before our tux incident.”

“Hence you were the tux in the morning while we were supposed to be shopping...”

“Yes, I had discovered that I could rewind time a few days earlier, when I was living at Mum’s. I had lost my job six months earlier —”

“— But Professor Josephs promised —”

“I think Clinton and Chantelle engineered my dismissal.”

“Ahh, I wondered when that horrible Chantelle creature would come into the story,” she smiled.

“Secret number two, I’m afraid.”

“So it was you who ... shopped her to the police?”

“Even without Clinton she was still preying on young men.”

“Including you, honey?” she teased as she patted her still-distended belly, “Fond of the fuller-figured woman, are we?”

“Only you, sweetheart, only you.” I kissed her hand as it rested on her stomach. “I was never ever in her clutches, but apparently she had designs on me.”

“I can’t blame her, you are quite a catch, but you’re MY catch,” Terry pulled my hand from her belly to her lips and kissed it. “Go on, honey.”

“I thought at the time I was the only one who could do this time rewind business. I had been feeling at my lowest after we split and descended into being a sad poor drunk.”


“Well, I was devastated at our separation and my parents were at the end of their tether with me, so I cheered them up with a little help from time reworking. I got a job, using this power and then thought about getting us back together again. Before I could even ring you, though ... well, not you exactly, the other Terry ... I got a call from the other Terry out of the blue inviting me to this dinner party.”

“Did you use this ... power ... on me, sorry the other Terry?”

“I have never used this power on you, never have and never would. It is a power that is so dangerous I have resolved never to use it again, I was prepared to go to prison rather than risk losing you. Yes, I did use it on that other Terry, the controlled one, almost as soon as I saw her at the door of the apartment. She treated me like dirt, chucking my flowers on the hall table.”

“So sorry, my dearest Bobby, I apologise for her ... she ... couldn’t have been in her right mind.”

“She wasn’t, although the extent of her alienation wasn’t apparent at that time, I just assumed she was still pissed off at me and our long post-row separation. With my new powers over time, I didn’t have to stand for that attitude anymore, so I wound back a bit and knocked on the door again and this time I took charge.”

“I bet you bossed her about!” she laughed, “That’s the Bobby I know!”

I laughed with her.

“You know me so well! Yes, I took her in my arms and kissed her. At that time I wasn’t aware of conflicting timelines, so I thought of her as ‘you’. Then I marched past her and put the flowers properly in water in one of our vases, the nice upright crystal one, the wedding present from your Aunt Mary. That Terry was a bit pissed off!”

“Did she pout like this?” She screwed her face up.

“Almost exactly like that, sweetheart, not a good look for either of you. But Clinton’s version of Terry wasn’t you. I had lost her forever, she was his and I later found out she was already carrying his child. That was the reason for inviting me to the dinner party.”

“You hate dinner parties, Hon.”

“I do. Anyway, together they lured me there and wanted me to know they were lovers and she was carrying his child so they could rub it in my face. Then he was going to use her as a sex object for his friends, in front of me, while he in turn subjected the drugged me to Chantelle’s lascivious attentions. He had even arranged for me to be sodomised in front of you, or rather the other Terry.”

“God! How evil was he?”

“Totally consumed by the power of time manipulation. He had been doing it for 30 years ... actually, he squeezed that thirty years into less than three years of our conception of time passage.”

“That’s why his parents said he was only twelve years old!”

“You’ve got it.” I said it quietly, full of admiration for the intelligence of my wife, my one true love.

“My god! It is so fantastic, but it all fits, it is actually possible!”

“It is and it isn’t. You cannot mess with time. It messed with Clinton big time, he was corrupted by the power he wielded.”

“He must’ve thought he could do anything, didn’t he? Thought he was all-powerful and didn’t realise that you could do it as well!” she exclaimed, everything falling into place. “Only he wasn’t as strong as you, darling. He needed the power to enforce his evil intent. You were strong enough to resist using it, you limited it just to try and put things right for others and were prepared to pay the price for it.”

“You get it. I love you, sweetheart, I would do anything for you, you know that.”

“I love you too, you were always my hero, even before your arrest and everything. I knew you had done something noble to go to such lengths, I just didn’t have the details.”

“It was hardly noble, I thought I was powerless. He was lording it in front of me. I hadn’t even grasped the concept that you could pause and fast forward as well as rewind.”


“I had to think fast. The other Terry was virtually out of it on a cocktail of Chantelle’s sex drugs and was about to be gang raped, Clinton was naked so I hit him and we fast forwarded into the future, where I dumped him, left him for dead ... twice.”

I looked Terry in the eye. “You’ve been living with a murderer for ten years, my love.”

“You can never call yourself that, sweetheart,” she held out both arms and I was drawn to her breast as she lay propped up in the bed where she had just presented us with our third beautiful child. She had created life in her image while I had destroyed a life, twice. She kissed the top of my head. “You were protecting your family by doing so, and I am so proud of you. So, you left the other Terry where she was and came to find me?”

“I did. I kissed my fingers and put them on her lips, but she wasn’t aware of what was going on. I could only hope that the shock of Clinton and I suddenly disappearing without trace would bring them all to their senses. It meant that my other parents had lost their son and the other Terry that I had to leave behind would at least be left with the choice of being a single mum or terminating Clinton’s child. I was already out of the picture as far as she was concerned. I didn’t even know if I would be able to return on that same timeline anyway.”

“So you came back for me?”

“I went back to exactly one year before and reappeared in that shopping centre. I was in the middle of a blizzard one minute, running through trees to put distance between Clinton and myself before coming back.”

“How do you do it?” she asked, “This ability to rewind time?”

“It was as simple as thinking about it and wanting it so badly that ... it happens. Once I had checked that I hadn’t brought Clinton back with me to our Oxford, I couldn’t be sure if he hadn’t come back to my time within his existing body, which was then residing in Cambridge. As soon as I saw you back in the mall I was aware that I must have gone with you there earlier and you had left me at the cafe, so the way the timeline rewind works means I occupy the same body in that timeline. It prevents there being two of you in the same timeline. However you return not as you were in the past but how you are at the time of rewinding. Because for you time has already elapsed.”

“Hence the tux you were wearing and the snow and ice, where did you come from, honey?”

“I think it must’ve been an ice age, thirty thousand years into the future, it was damned cold. There were wolves, or at least wild dogs, the second time I went to that future.”

“From Cambridge?”

“Yes. If he was the same Clinton that had come back, like me turning up in my tux, I think he would have recognised me as I walked towards him in the lecture hall in Cambridge, holding out my hand in greeting. He looked twenty years younger —”

“— So, when you continually wind and rewind you use up your own time and still age normally while all those around you remain unchanged or get younger?”

“Yes, it appears so. From what he told me at the dinner party, he had discovered the power when he was ten and used it pretty sparingly until he went to Yale age eleven. Then he used it so much that, in a matter of calendar months, he aged several years and had to move to England. Then he must have met your counterpart Terry, perhaps when she guest-lectured there and fell under his spell.”

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Caring Doctor

This is a fiction story I posted on another site.That morning I woke up to a weird sensation. My penis felt bigger, but it didn’t turn out like the dream-come-true many guys hope for; on the contrary, I sensed that my limp dick was unable to extend and get hard. Pushing the covers aside, I pulled down my pyjamas to take a look and saw that my cock definitely had an unusual shape: the foreskin had swollen, covering the head with an awful amount of skin. I’m uncut, so having the head covered was...

2 years ago
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Rob Jenkins Part TwoChapter 4

Tuesday, I asked to have lunch with Grandfather and Will. There I said, "I've been seeing, Heather, a voice student at Juilliard all summer. She's been offered a part in Hair and needs an agent and a good business manager-investment advisor. I'd like for us to take her as a trust client." Grandfather looked at me, but didn't say anything for a few seconds. Before he said anything, Will said, "An entertainment trust practice area would fit well at W & R. I can see that it could be...

3 years ago
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Birthday Sex

It all started with an ad on Craig's List. My usual ad "BBW 4 BBC"! It was my most successful ad headline and I knew I would get great results, but I had no idea I was about to meet the "meat grinder".He responded to my ad and we flirted back and forth for a little while before making a date. He said it was his birthday and I was to be his present. The thought of this excited me because his chocolate bar looked enormous and those puffy luscious lips were begging to be sucked on.For a few days...

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Moms Boyfriend

Once mom and dad’s divorce was final I moved back in with mom into our house. Dad had purchased a townhouse a few miles down the road. Being 17 and staying with my aunt and uncle had given me the freedom to do and act as I pleased, so I made no bones about telling mom that her son was a crossdresser and enjoyed sex with men. She really didn’t say much and pretty much told me that as long as I was happy, she didn’t care. One night mom went out to a bar and met a gentleman, who was about 10 years...

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Playtime Ch 01

Prologue I was lonely. I looked around the big house and thought about how happy my parents and grandparents had been here. My mother had attracted my father with her good looks and sweet nature, but had held him with her knowledge of how to gently dominate him. He had been more than willing to go along with her, and they had loved one another deeply. He had died before I’d been born, and my mother had been devastated. She had never gotten over his death, and had passed away before my...

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Washing Day Procrastination Part 2

PART TWO It had been an interesting day and it wasn’t even 10 o’clock in the morning. The electrician would be arriving in about 10 minutes. My whole body was filled with delicious sensations, raw sexual energy rolling off my skin in waves. The interrupted joy of a bath and a bit of self-loving had put my thoughts in a fuddle and the voyeuristic lads next door, watching me hang out my panties on the line naked, had only served to increase my avid tension. But my release would have to be...

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My first time

As you can see from my profile I am new to xhamster, I came across it during a visit to my friend Michael who lives in France, and I saw him looking at the site. I had gone to see him after finding my so called boyfriend in bed with my so called best girl friend. My morale was shattered.After a few glasses of wine Michael and I started talking about our fantacies, one of mine has been to make love with another woman and another is my first threesome FMF or FFF.A week later I was back in London...

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The woman next door

The woman next doorI was sitting at home a little boarded so I started watching some porn. I was siting in my living room stroking my hard dick when there was a knock at the door. I stuffed my dick into my shorts and answered the door. It was the sexy woman who lived next door. She would come over to ask for things or help every now and then. She was hot so I did not mind. She asked me to come over because she needed to move some furniture to clean. So I followed her to her house watching her...

1 year ago
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What Happened Last Night Pt II

“Now what?” I asked. Tom propped himself on one elbow and looked at me. “You mean now as in the next 20 minutes, or now as in for the rest of time?” “Let’s keep it simple for now,” I said. “The next 20 minutes.” “That’s easy, then,” he said. “You’re not leaving yet.” “Hadn’t planned to.” He looked at me consideringly. “So,” he said. “When you told me last night that you had once been in threesome, was it with two girls or a girl and a guy?” “Girl and a guy.” “At first I...

2 years ago
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A Knights Harem

In 1095 Pope Urban II called all Christian knights to set forth to liberate, or reconquer, the Holy Land, and specifically Jerusalem, from Muslim control. In 1096 the knights who answered this call set forth to do just that. In July of 1099 the Crusaders, after much strife and suffering, succeeded in their endeavors. Robert De Sadistville, a second born French nobleman, was one of these knights. But alas for him he had been captured by a Muslim from Baghdad just before the succesful siege of...

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How I brought out the inner Slut in Linda and turn

I could feel her quiver beside me as her knees buckled just slightly. She grabbed my arm tightly, "Take me to your car and fuck me right now.""No""God, you have me so turned on I just want to come. Please make me come." I smiled as I asked her, " Right here? In front of my friend Andre's house? " Leaning forward half whispered, "What if someone saw us? What if Andre opened the door and saw me fucking you right on his door step? That wouldn't be very lady like would it?" I was enjoying...

3 years ago
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Love Renewed Ch 03

I hope you like this short but sweet update to the story. I will try to update it again soon. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the support:)* ~Koco_Kyss~ * What was he going to do about his attraction to this woman? Tyler didn’t have a clue. Tyler wanted her more than anything, and he was going to have her. But at the same time how was he going to go about getting her and keeping her forever. Tyler still felt bad about how everything with her husband went down. He wished that he wouldn’t...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 41

"Are you totally blind?" The ref turned and glared at me, then turned back to the game. On the field, Mike Reed was climbing to his feet again. French Park had just logged their fourth late hit and gotten away with it again. Not that it did them any good. The pass that Mike had launched seconds before the hit had sailed right into Robbie's arms. She made another seven yards before two of the Legionaries brought her down. I looked across the field at the other sideline. The Legionaire...

1 year ago
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Old Friend and New One

I got online and saw that my friend was also on. We chatted for a little while when he invited me over to have some afternoon fun. Now usually our fun times involved me showing up, getting undressed, I would suck him then he would fuck me with his nice black cock eventually cumming in my ass. Feeling rather horny I readily agreed and got to his apartment a short while later. When he answered the door, my friend Ron seemed kind of hesitant. I asked if everything was ok when he admitted that...

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Mature Man fucks Teen Girls In The Press Box Adve

This was a true story that caused me to have a fascinating dream. It started off with a situation that happened to Mike and I guess it was buried deep in my subconscious and I had a dream about it in a scenerio type of form.Mike told me that during his evening football practice,(he is the coach)two young girls approached him. They were young and seemed to be harmless. They walked up and the first girl asked him if he had 5 dollars. Mike ansered back no and walked away. The girl approached him...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend 12 The Surprise Pt 2

The bell rang. I noticed that time had flown seeing how I did all my homework in my last class. I grabbed my bag and stuffed my stuff in it. I walked out of the classroom and headed to leave the school. I walked by where Amanda’s last class was so we could walk home together. The time had really flown by because I was so excited that Amanda could spend the night at my place without having to sneak around so she could spend the night. As I reached her last classroom, I heard her familiar voice.

3 years ago
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Ten minutes and I would be there. I couldn’t wait. It was as if I could smell the lake, right around the corner. I kept thinking the next corner and I would see the amazing Mackinac Bridge. Yet, I still had a good ten miles to go, but I could sense it, feel it, smell it. The excitement built up inside me until a smile washed upon my face. The Upper Peninsula in Michigan was my favorite place. The entire region is beautiful, but being near the bridge is just fantastic.I had the windows down, and...

Straight Sex
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Shoplyfter Brooklyn Gray Case No 7862664

Case No. 7862664 – September 4th, 11:37 AM. Suspect is an adolescent female with brown hair. She is observed shoplifting from the underwear section of the store. The Loss Prevention Officer on duty brings her back to the office to interrogate her. She displays a combative demeanor, claiming she was only trying on the garments. A search reveals that she has hidden several pairs of underwear on her person. She expresses fear that she will lose her college scholarship if prosecuted. She and the...

4 years ago
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Diane and the CopperChapter 3

The next day was also a rest day, so I decided to wander down the High Street and check out 'Jacqui R's'. I found it tucked away in one of the side streets, if my memory was correct it used to be the 'Black Lion'. I pushed the door and entered. Immediately a young man wielding a broom called to me. "We're not open." Being a Copper has certain benefits. I pulled out my Warrant Card and asked him if Jacky was on the premises. I shouldn't have used the Warrant Card, not on personal...

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All Good Things

The incessant rain dripped from my hair onto my neck, and a shiver ran down my spine as I worked my key into the front door. Glancing over my shoulder at the miserable weather, I offered a silent curse at the big man in the sky for bequeathing me a really shitty day. Consumed by my own misery, I stepped inside my modest home and continued to mull over why the powers-to-be had conspired to make this a day to forget.It had started that morning with the alarm failing to go off, then the car...

Wife Lovers
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The New Friend 8211 Story About How I Found A New Friend Online

Hello Readers…!! I’m writing a story for the first time, so please forgive me for my mistakes. The story contains adult homosexual activities so if it offends you then please stop reading. ——– Starting with myself, my name is Viraj from Mumbai, India. I m a 22 year old man. Completed my graduation recently and now working. I’m not fat instead I would say I m chubby. Even if my other body parts are shaped proportionately, I have a rather bulky chest. A chest that is well developed like that of a...

Gay Male
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Dream Weaver Book 3 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 1 CatchUp

Sean and Megan were five and four years old when this story last stopped. The years following Megan's rescue of Sean were relatively peaceful for the Flynn Clan. That 'peace' lasted twelve years, until Sean was Seventeen and Megan was sixteen. That is where I will take up the tale of this saga. The intervening twelve years were kind to everyone in the Flynn Clan, mostly. Other Wizards and Sorceress' visited the Flynn Clan over the years. Some were invited for specific training sessions....

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BrownBunnies Cecilia Lion Naughty Cecilia Gets The Perfect Treat

Cecilia Lion goes trick or treating in a sexy witch costume. She just happened to knock at the perfect house this time. JMac ran out of candy early but ask for her to give a treat so he can give her a treat. Naughty Cecilia flashes her tits so he gets his drill to give her his treat. She hears the loud noise and gets close to the door and freaks out when she sees the hole through the door. Mac slide his dick through the whole and she’s in shocked but likes it. We get to see her playing with his...

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The Public Adventures of Mark The Halloween Costume

The Halloween Costume "The Public Adventures of Mark" Halloween Humiliation" Mark had asked all week about Cindy's plans for him on Halloween. She would not even give him a hint as to what she had in mind. All he knew was he going to walk the mall and parking lot with Cindy in the costume she had selected. "Don't you worry about it baby. I promise you it will be a night you won't forget," she said smiling as Mark slipped into the bed next to her. "I know," he said looking...

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Shopping Trip Part I

I was looking in the mirrors in the dressing room and thinking the dress looked pretty good on me. I was so thrilled when I saw it hanging on one of those mannequins and made a beeline to the rack where they were hanging. Shuffling through all the dresses glancing at the tags attached, the largest size I could find was a 16 and I thought, no way in hell are these hips of mine going to be able to fit in the dress. What a surprise! It does fit…and nicely. One of those cute halter style dresses to...

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WAN.TXT - by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation I am the LAN system administrator in the New York office of a company with locations in New York and San Francisco. I know LANs -I know the Novell LAN operating system software, and I know how to make LANs work. In fact, we have five LANs here, and not only did I put each one together, I also linked all five so that a user can jump from one LAN to the next if they need to. Very few people in my company know anything about LANs. My boss Pamela,...

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Women and Prostitution Some Very Sexy Facts

I have been writing about prostitutes since I was 13. My own personal experiences and everything I saw around gave me a good understanding of how whores operate. Contrary to common belief, not all prostitutes do it under threat of v******e or to avoid starvation. Some of them just like it. Some find it easy and even quit their regular jobs to become full time prostitutes (like my mother).But today I will talk about those women who have whore fetish.My older 28 year old girlfriend was a bdsm...

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My cuckolding by Sara part two

Sara left for her first date with Doug, I watched them kiss as she got into his car. Sara was wearing a skin tight short red dress that came to about four inches above her knees and a bright red matching bra and thong set, white high heeled shoes and she looked incredible. I know what lingerie she was wearing as she teased me about what she would be wearing under her dress for Doug. “Take a look at what I will be wearing for him,” Sara teased, “you won’t get to see me in them until after he...


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