Humiliating Ways to Make Your Slave Masturbate
- 2 years ago
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I woke up the next morning with a terrible taste in my mouth, and I had to use the bathroom really bad. So I jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom. When I got to the door it wouldn't open. I had forgot it was locked and off limits to me. But I had to go really bad so I quickly headed out my back door. It was dark out, so at least my neighbors wouldn't see me. I went to the middle of my yard where I had been instructed to go. I quickly looked around to be sure no one was around and then I squatted down and started pissing and pooping. Oh I felt so much better but I couldn't help but feel like a caged animal. I guess that was the point of them making me do this. I closed my eyes and all of a sudden I had this flash of me being out in the middle of the local park in the middle of the day with everyone watching as I pissed and pooped. I could see their faces and they were a variety of disgust, curiosity and downright lust. For reason's I couldn't understand, I had a mini orgasm as envisioned that scenario. I just hoped that it would never happen. It's one thing to fantasize about that happening but real life is totally different. I shuddered in revulsion along with the orgasm.
When I finished, I needed something to wipe with, but there was no toilet paper. The girls had locked it up in the bathroom. I thought about it for a bit and decided I needed a shower, so I could clean up there. I got my soap and shampoo and headed for the water hose. I turned it on and turned the hose towards me. It was so cold that I was instantly covered in goose bumps and my teeth started chattering, but I needed to get clean. I washed myself really good, including my pussy and my filthy ass with soap and rinsed off in the cold water. I ran inside, shaking my arms and my head in an attempt to get my arms and hair to get dry. I brushed my teeth in the kitchen sink and rinsed that terrible taste from my mouth. Then I got ready for work. It didn't take long to put some makeup on and add a pair of shoes. I was as ready for another day with my tormentors as I would ever be. Damn why did I look at those damn humiliation porn sites, especially at work.
I drove to work naked once again. I had to be extremely careful driving so I wouldn't get pulled over or get in an accident. How would I explain to a cop about me driving around naked like this? So driving the speed limit and watching out for others, I arrived at my building without incident. I pulled into the parking garage and saw that the only car there was Jeni's. Safe again! I made my way up the stairs to our offices and the door was already unlocked. I entered and went to my office where the girls were.
"Good Morning our little slutty cunt!" they both said with big grins on their faces.
I said my good mornings and waited to do what I had to do to get clothes for the day.
Jeni said, "Thank you again for the use of your bed and wonderful cleaning last night. Kim you really have to do it soon."
Kim said, "I most certainly will. Where else can a girl have a nice bed to fuck in and then a slut to lick her pussy clean afterwards?"
Then Jeni spoke again. "Ok slut, today we are going to play some games here in the office. Your clothes for the day will be a dress, which buttons from the top to the bottom. There are 9 buttons on it. This will be enough for a full 8 hour day. Are you ready to get dressed bitch?"
"Yes, please" I said
"Ok, but before we do, here are the rules for the day." Kim explained.
Jeni cut in saying, "Once the dress is on, we will give you a pair of scissors and then the game begins."
As I was putting the dress on and buttoning it up, I had to ask, "So what do I do with the scissors?"
Both girls laughed and Kim said, "Well, during the day at different times, we will say top or bottom and you will cut a button off wherever we say. This is going to be so much fun. How many buttons will you have left at the end of the day to hold your dress closed?" And she laughed some more.
Jeni added, "And you will put the buttons in the glass we have on your desk. Now the final part of the game is you will not hold your dress closed at all. Even if you have no buttons left. Just let it do whatever it wants."
"Please," I begged. "I can't do this in the office. "I'll be showing everything. I can't do that in the office. It'll cost me my job. Please not here."
"Top" Said Kim, "you need to stop arguing with us. Now cut off that fucking button or it will be 2."
I picked up the scissors as a tear dripped down my face and cut the very top button off and drooped it into the glass of water on my desk. The girls laughed and started to walk out the door. I mumbled "Bitches" Under my breath, but somehow they heard it and Kim turned around and said, "Bottom"
Knowing I couldn't do anything else, I cut a bottom button off. I thought "Hear it was just a few minutes and I had lost two of the buttons already. Now I only had seven to go. Not enough for an eight hour day."
After they left, I set my self to get some work done and once I started, I was fully engrossed in getting some legal things ready for court next week. I heard the others come in and some even came to my office to speak. I had even forgotten about the girls little game of stripping Holly. That is until around ten am, When Jeni walked in.
"I have to piss again whore, and you need to take it for me. Now get down so I can relieve myself." She ordered me.
I hesitated and started to protest that we couldn't do that in my office, but stopped when she said, "TOP"!
I knew I was in trouble but took the scissors and cut a top button off my dress and dropped it into the glass. I watched it float to the bottom, and then got down on the floor. Jeni squatted over me and didn't even raise her skirt. She just got her pussy close to my mouth and started pissing. I missed a few drops, but was able to get all of the rest in my mouth and swallowed it. Once she finished, she lowered her pussy more and said, "Lick"
I licked her clean and then she got up and left me lying on the floor. I jumped up and was ready to run to the bathroom but Kim walked in and said, "Back down bitch, I have to piss too."
I lay back down and she stood over me, but did not squat. I didn't understand until I felt her hot piss splash all over my face. I was stunned and then realized I had to open my mouth to try to catch it. I did, but was still not getting it all. It was on my face, in my hair, on my carpet. She stopped and then made me get up to lick her pussy clean.
I guess I didn't do it the way she wanted and she pushed me away and said, "Bottom"
I made it to the desk with piss dripping from my hair and face and cut a bottom button off and dropped it in the glass. Kim watched me and then turned to leave.
But stopped before she reached the door and said. "And don't even think about wiping my precious piss off you. You fucked up and missed so now you have to wear it till I say you can clean up."
"I can't do this in the office!" I said kind of loud.
She just looked at me and said "TOP"
I started crying and took the scissors and cut another button off. I only had 5 left and hoped I could keep them until everyone else had left. Lucky for me it was Friday and everyone usually left early, so I might make it. My problem now was the dress was more open on top and my tiny tits were starting to show and I smelled like piss.
I was sitting down when my cell went off. I grabbed it and got it answered in time. It was Jeni, "Bad cunt. Punishment time! Get your little whore ass over here right now and bring your scissors." The phone went dead.
Knowing I was in big trouble I jumped up, grabbed the scissors and made my way to her cubicle. I didn't see anyone else and was grateful for that. Once I got there, Jeni and Kim were both there.
"Come stand by me cunt," Said Jeni.
I walked over beside her and stood facing her. I was scared now, not know what would happen next, especially since I was told I was being punished again.
"Hands on your head whore and don't fucking move!" she said.
I quickly obeyed her order and had my hands on top of my head ready for whatever she had in mind.
"Ok whore, first you didn't get all of Kim's piss in your cock sucking mouth. So you lose another button." And she grabbed the scissors and cut off one from the bottom.
As soon as she cut it off, she said, "Open your mouth bitch." I did and she stuck the button in it, saying, "Keep it in there until you get back to your office. Now the next thing."
I was shaking now thinking I was going to be caught like this from someone in the office, but it didn't seem to bother the girls any.
"You called us bitches under your breath, didn't you?" she questioned.
I shook my head yes, afraid to tell her no.
"So, even though Kim took a button, that was for her, now I get one!" and she reached up and cut another button off and stuck it in my mouth.
I only had 3 left and my naked body was beginning to show more. I just knew I was getting fired today because I was walking around the office naked.
"And since you didn't drink all of the piss given to you, you smell like a fucking toilet and I can't stand it" And she reached up and cut another button off the bottom.
Kim said, "Shit Jeni, let's just cut the other two off and strip her. She can then go wash her piss face and hair in the toilet since she smells like one."
Jeni laughed and said, "Good idea Kim," and she reached up and cut the last 3 buttons off, stuck them in my mouth and pulled the dress off me.
"Now cunt, go to the bathroom and put your head in the toilet to wash off the smell. Once you have your head in it, flush it 3 times so it will rinse off all the piss." Ordered Kim.
"I tried to speak, but couldn't because of the buttons and I just cried. I couldn't walk out of here like this and down the hall. I would get in so much trouble if anyone saw me. So I didn't move.
"Get moving whore, I don't want to see you back here until you get clean. NOW GO!!" Yelled Jeni.
I took a step to the door hoping she would change her mind, but she didn't stop me. So I reluctantly but steadily stepped out into the hall and slowly made my way to the restroom shaking horribly with every single step. I looked in the offices as I passed them but no one was in them. Maybe everyone had left and the girls knew it. I had been so busy with work, I didn't hear anyone leave.
I got to the bathroom, went to a stall and stuck my head inside the toilet. The water was cold but I got my hair and most of my head in and reached up, found the handle and flushed it. The water swooshed around me and I moved so that my face was in the water and flushed again. Then did it again and hoped all the piss was off me. I then stood up and water dripped off me. I made my way back to the cubicle and waited for something to be said.
I didn't have to wait long before Jeni said, "OK cunt, go to your office and spit those buttons in the glass and then get back here."
I had figured out we were the only ones left so I hurried to my office and spit the buttons into the glass and scurried back to Jeni and Kim.
"OK cunt now it is punishment time again. You keep fucking up and we enjoy it when you do. That means that we get to really get nasty with you. So, lay face down on my desk and put your arms under you. I want your skinny little naked ass at the edge." Said Jeni.
I did as I was told and lay there waiting for something to happen. I didn't have to wait too long before I felt it. SMACK!! Was the noise I heard and felt when the paddle hit my naked ass. I jumped and screamed.
"Don't move cunt or it will be even worse. You were a bad cunt and will be spanked for it. Right now it is ten smacks with my paddle. You move or try to stop me; I will have to add 5 more each time. Are you ready to continue?" Said Kim.
"Yes Ma'am but please be gentle." I begged.
SMACK, SMACK. SMACK the first 3 landed and I screamed through my gritted teeth and started crying but didn't move.
SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, came 4 more and seemed to be harder than the first few. I screamed and cried even harder, sobbing almost uncontrollably now. But I was too afraid to even try to move.
SMACK, SMACK, SMACK went the last 3 and they were really hard. My ass was hurting, and I was crying eyes out, trying to get my breath as I sobbed and blubbered but I didn't dare move because I didn't want any more.
"Very good whore, now get up." Said Kim. Time to get you home to clean up my bed. I'll be there tonight with a stud to fuck, and I expect nice clean sheets to get into. Once the bed is made, do not get in it. You can sleep on the couch until I come and fuck. Be ready to let me in and then get in your closet so you can listen."
I just looked at her briefly and then down to the floor and said, "I will have it ready for you."
I went back to my office, got my purse and walked down the hall to go home. Of course I was naked still and hoped I could make it out ok, because it was still daylight. I walked down the stairs to my car a little less carefully than I had the past few days. My sore butt was at the forefront of my mind. It hurt so badly I could barely walk normally. I didn't know how it would be to drive home. I was so distracted that I just went out the stairway door without looking to see if anyone was watching and walked to my car in broad daylight. When I got in and sat down in my car, I grimaced in pain as my sore butt met the seat. It took me a moment to get my wits together before I put the key in the ignition, started the car and drove home. I was lucky no one spotted me and I was able to get home without any issues.
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the two girls sat across from me in the library.they were in their late teens, but were about as mature as a couple of eight year olds! they whispered and giggeled looking in my direction, but i know how bratty kids can be at that age, looking to bug an older girl like me (I'm 24)! so I ignored them, returning to my book. it was dificult, as every sound they made was clearly an attempt to get my attention! suddenely,I felt tiny spit-balls of rolled up paper ploping onto my book pages! I...
I got up the next morning smelling like cum and pussy. My mouth was nasty tasting and I had to get rid of the taste. It was Saturday so I didn't have to go out to go to work. I thought I would rinse my mouth out before going to pee and get my shower. It wasn't quite daylight yet, so I got out of the smelly bed and headed to the kitchen to use the mouth wash. But, as I was walking out of the bedroom, my home phone rang. I didn't know who would be calling me this early in the morning, but...
I dried off and hoped I would get some clothes once I got to the car. I went thru the back door, locked it and then walked thru the house to the front door. As I went out the front door and locked it, I didn't see the car anywhere. Then, Kim yelled to me to hurry up and Jeni hit the horn. They had moved the car to the street and a little ways from my drive way. Shit, I thought, I have to walk naked and chance being exposed to my neighbors to get to it. I hoped no one was out and about. I...
I slept ok, but that little cot in the closet is not a good place to sleep. At this point there was nothing I could do so I would just have to get used to it. I think they expect me to sleep on it from now on, especially when they are with me. And of course when my brother Ron is here it will even be worse to have to sleep there. I still was not comfortable about him seeing me naked, and definitely not comfortable to have to suck his cock and let him fuck me. But it is what I'll have to do...
I don't know how long I had been sitting on my front porch showing my naked body and wide open cunt to my neighbors, but it was quite a while. I know at least one of my neighbors saw me. It was the same one who saw me unloading my groceries and felt me up. I saw him standing across the road looking my way. I guess his wife must have been home because he didn't come over to me. But I just stayed like the girls had told me. With my luck, if I had closed my legs they would have pulled up and...
We got to my house and Jeni pulled to the side instead of going into the driveway. I saw Kim go by and pull into the drive, but she didn't pull very far in. I was worried now, because I knew Ron must be there waiting for me. How am I going to explain why I am naked out in public? I started crying. Jeni turned in her seat and said. "OK cunt, I think your brother is here already. So now it is time for you to make good on your promise to me. That is to let him see your naked body. Now let's...
It was cold and I was covered in cum. But I still had to do what they wanted. I had to take off what little bit of clothing I had on, then get the garden hose and spray myself with cold water. I hoped I wouldn't freeze to death while they were in my bed either fucking or sleeping. And even when I did get in I would end up in that little fucking closet on a tiny army cot. Why me? But, I did just what I was told to do in the note. I walked around to the back, through the gate into my...
My alarm went off early, but I had slept well. I guess by doing all these sexual things with the girls and Ron, along with anyone else I am told to, wore me out. I laid in my little cot for just a moment, then opened the closet door and looked at my big bed. I wish I could just crawl into it and go back to sleep, but knew better. I would never sleep in it again. I got up, knowing I had to go pee and had to go outside to do it. It was going to be cold, but I had to do it. Then of course I had...
Mr. Jones took the papers and put them in a folder and handed them to me. Then said, “OK that is taken care of. Be sure to read them later, so you know what we expect of you. Now let’s go to lunch. Holly, why don’t you ride with Jeni and Beth and Kim and Ron can ride with me.” I got up, glad to hide my cunt from view. I hoped I could keep it hidden during lunch. Mr. Jones has seen a lot already and he doesn’t need to see it again. Jeni, Beth and I walked back to my office and when we went...
Jeni drove around for a little while. I think she was doing it so I could get a little warmer. Sometimes she can be a nice person, but other times she is a complete bitch. After all, she is the one who started blackmailing me when I was watching porn at work. But my warmth was about to stop. We pulled up on my street and Jeni stopped. We were about 2 blocks away from my house. Kim turned to me and said, “Whore, you disappoint me. Here you are loving all this shit and you complain about it. I...
Standing naked before me was my boss. I couldn’t take my eyes off his huge cock. It hung down to almost his knees. That thing must be at least 12 inches long and as big around as a coke can. I had never seen a cock that big before. I knew I could never suck it and wondered how he was going to get it into my cunt. He saw me staring at it and said, “And it isn’t hard yet whore. I want you to take it in your mouth so I can get it nice and hard before I push it into your cunt. I plan on making...
I slept hard all night, with dreams of being used as a whore and pain slut. I don’t understand why I have dreams about the stuff happening to me that I hate but that turn me on, but I do. Maybe because of what has happened to me since Jeni first walked into my office, catching me with porn on my work computer. Everything went downhill after that. I no longer had any clothes to wear unless they said I could. I had to beg to wear them out in public. Sometimes they would let me dress and other...
And begin they did. It started out with the one little girl wanting to use my mouth again. She said, “I have to pee and I know she is a toilet. May I use her?” Beth said, “Of course dear, but you have to get naked for us. We all love looking at little girls. And it will be so special watching you piss in her mouth. You better swallow every drop she gives you whore.” I had to lay on the floor and watch as this little girl took her clothes off. Of course when she was doing that, everyone else...
I sat and watched as Beth got closer to me. I knew this would hurt a lot, but I had no choice but to let it happen. She was smiling really big now and said, “Now my pet, I am going to give you something special. I don’t care if it hurts. Really I hope it does hurt, because I love to give you pain. Then when I am done Kim is going to give you something else and yes it will also hurt you.” I couldn’t say anything back to her. I knew if I did, I would be hurt even more. So I kept quiet. Jeni...
I slept ok for being in a dog cage. I didn’t like it, but I had no other choice. Everything they make me do gets me in more and more trouble. If anyone ever saw any of the videos they had of me fucking those young children, I would be in jail for sure. So for now, I had to do as I was told. My cunt hurt a lot from being branded. And my tits hurt because of the screws in them. And even my clit was hurting because some kid put a fucking needle into the end of it. My body was sore from being...
I woke up pretty refreshed for being in a fucking cage. I am either getting used to it, or I think it is more likely I am just exhausted from what everyone does to me. I have what they called a flogger plug up my ass, which has to stay there all of the time. I now have screws in my tits that have hooks on the end and I am told they will never come out without surgery. I have fucked and sucked so many people with big cocks, I have lost count. And to top it off, last night I was told I had to...
I am 18 years old, i live with my parents and my brother, Jake, who is older than me by a year. The world where i live is not fair, our parents tend to punish me with a private spanking for everything, sometime i don't even deserve it, instead my brother has a lot of privilege just because he is a boy and is older than me. They think that he is mature and strong instead i am a spoiled brat who is always trying to make a mess. Inside of my little world there are also my best friend, Liam, that...
Dale Brown and Mary Barton, both sixty-six-year-old grannies, still couldn’t believe how silly they had been to try to defraud three of their students' parents of enough money to repay their debts. It had been bad enough being disciplined by Lucy Armstrong and Emma Lamb, the eighteen-year-old head and deputy head girls at the college they taught at, albeit both got aroused and masturbated afterwards.Then, they had to be spanked that same evening by two members of the resident's committee of...
SpankingThis story needs a little introduction first. I am Chris, or shall I say Chrissy? I have a friend in Belgian. Her name is Sarah, she is a 30 years old woman. I have never met her before but we for about 6 years we are sharing our fetish (bondage, hosiery, cross-dressing in my case) by writing mails to each other. One of my hobbies is to make fakes with me as feminised cross-dresser and her, Sarah as pretty damsel in distress or as dominant woman having fun by humiliating sissified...
Dale and Mary, both grannies and with Dale turning sixty-seven-years-old today, they were both being walked along the road with their upper arms clasped tightly by two eighteen-year-old girls who lived in their apartment block. Neither granny was wearing knickers as they had been told to remove them and knew if they tripped at all then the very short hems of their sleeveless dresses would rise up and their bare bottoms and hair mounds would be seen by those walking close by. The day had started...
Spanking"It looks unusually small tonight darling – did you have a sneaky wank when you were in the shower?" I asked my husband, as I climbed into bed, fresh from my own shower, and nuzzled up to him, putting my head on his chest and reaching down to gently feel his turtled manhood between my thumb and forefinger."No!" he replied indignantly. "It's cold in here and I've been waiting for you for ages. What were you doing in there for so long?!""Just shaving my pussy darling – it takes a while to do it...
Dale Brown and Mary Barton, both sixty-six-year-old grannies, were happily shopping at the mall, having totally forgotten that their meeting with the resident's committee had been brought forward from tomorrow to today. It wasn’t just a meeting, of course, but both were due to be spanked once again by members of the resident's committee as they had still not fully repaid their debt to them.Abigail and Madison were also shopping when they saw the two grannies. They were both in vest tops,...
SpankingWed., 07-21-07 Even after a year and a half after my husband died I still didn’t feel like dating. I do get offers. I’m 38 but look younger. I have a ?full figure? and have to work hard to keep the pounds off but as a result I have very large breasts and ample hips and still a slim waist. With long auburn hair and killer big eyes, I get lots of second looks. I still get horny but just can’t bring myself to be with some other guy after 19 years with Bill. I am a high school English...
lt has been few hours since l fell asleep after our crazy fucking party last night, l was hungover and sound asleep from exhaustion and sleeping pill l took. Until l felt hot and hard cock being forced in my mouth.~Jesus, not now, l am so sleepy and tired~ l thought to myself, but did not get a chance to say a word of protest as hot stream of piss started to flow down my throat. l was not ready for it and l started to resist which made him shove his cock even deeper and making me choke. l...
Humiliated by Mommy by Naughtieboys [email protected] © Julian Smith and Em-bare-assed Press 2014. THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION (or unpure friction) FOR ADULTS ONLY. NO REAL CHILDREN WERE HARMED IN THE PRODUCTION OF THIS STORY. BY READING FURTHER, YOU ARE DECLARING THAT YOU ARE A CONSENTING ADULT. This work is copyright by the author. Commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and include the copyright notice....
PART 1 I met M at the work place, he was the CEO of a major corporation that I was working for. I was in my mid 20s then, and was at middle level management in the company. I enjoyed working for M and was learning lots from him about organizations and business under his tutelage. Little did I know then, that I would also be learning many other things from him. M was a boss with outstanding leadership skills and almost everyone in the organization both men and women held him in very high...
Dale sat at the dining table in the dining room of the care home with Mary and Jennifer. All three were grannies and were sixty-eight-years-old and were at the care home because they couldn’t afford to own their own homes, and this was the cheapest care home in the area. Dale and Mary were long-time friends, but both had overspent on too many frivolous things couldn’t afford a better home and so were lucky to be offered places and jumped at the chance to go into the residential care home. They...
SpankingLast year I was cuckolded and humiliated in a most shocking manner by my childhood buddy (Let's just call him Mike). This is a true cuckold story. But, a little background. I'm a burly six foot with a protruding beer belly. My arms are strong and muscular though after years as a carpenter. Buddy Mike, on the other hand, barely exceeds five foot and is wiry and looks seriously in need of nourishment. My wife of three years has voluptuous hips, a deep navel and an ample, natural bosom. She...
CuckoldHumiliated Sissy Slut By Alice Started 11/04/13 How I became a cock sucking sissy slut.I have been dressing as a woman at home in private for many years. No one has ever seen me dressed as a sissy slut before but I do it to feel sexy. I know I would never pass as a woman for I am 6 feet tall, 170 lbs and at the age of 45 not a real trim body. My girlfriend Rachel who lives with me is must younger at the age of 35 with a young trim body that has all the assets in the right places. Rachel...