Time MachineChapter 22 free porn video

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It was three AM as wemade our way slowly through the moonless night. There were the same four of us, Nina, Sabine, Fritz and myself. We had trained for almost a week for this night, and now we just hoped that we were ready for it. Although we had flashlights, we didn't dare to turn them on but instead relied on Fritz, who led the way, to warn us of any obstacles that might be in our way. We didn't expect any because we had made a very thorough reconnoiter and knew the way to the monastery by heart.

Suddenly, we heard Fritz mutter something under his breath that could be interpreted as a dirty word, and I understood that he had reached the wall. I carefully made my way up to him.

"Do you know exactly where we are?" I whispered.

"Not yet. I'll look, or rather feel, for the stone now. It must be this way," he whispered back and I heard his voice trail off a little as he moved to our left along the wall. "No, must have turned the wrong way... No, wait a minute... Yes, here it is!"

We had been here the previous night and placed a stone directly under the point of the wall where we wanted to mount our assault. This was where I would aim when I threw the grappling hook up and hopefully made it stick. I had to take four long steps out away from the wall and from there, throw the hook up. I warned the others and heard them move away, giving me room to work. I swung the hook in wider and wider circles, then let it go. With only a light grip on the coiled rope, I could feel that it ran out smoothly. For a while, I thought I had succeeded on my first try, but then I heard a clatter as the hook fell back down along the stone wall. I coiled the rope up in my hand once more and threw it again. It wasn't until my fifth try that the hook connected and caught the top of the wall. I tested the security of the hook's bite in the wall's material by putting my entire weight on the rope. Once I was sure the hook would hold I called Fritz over, since he would be the first to climb the rope, secure a rope-ladder and throw it down so that the rest of us would be able to get up with all the equipment we carried.

A short while later, the end of the ladder landed on the ground and Nina started to ascend. Once we heard her signal us with a low hiss, Sabine started her journey upwards, then it was my turn. Soon, we stood together on the narrow balcony that ran along the length of the wall, catching our breath. While we rested there, all of us breathing rather heavily, I took the opportunity to look around. There were lights on in a couple of windows, most of them on the ground floor but others were scattered all over the wall. Obviously, not everyone was asleep as we had hoped that they would be. As we made our way silently along the balcony, we kept as close to the wall as we could. We didn't know how wide it was and, of course, didn't want to fall off. It was, after all, eight or ten meters to the ground.

After moving slowly for twenty meters, we could feel that the surface underfoot had changed.

"Wait," Nina whispered. We heard her take her rucksack off and rummage around in it, and shortly thereafter we heard a soft 'click'. A thin beam of light shot out onto the floor for a few seconds, long enough for us to see that we had reached a staircase. We crept down it and soon stood in the courtyard, our backs pressed against the wall.

"I think it is my turn to have a look around," I whispered, put my rucksack on the ground and walked across the yard to the nearest lit window. I peeked inside and saw a monk sitting by a table, reading a book by candlelight. No one else was in the room so I continued along the wall till I came to a door. I pressed down on the door handle and the door opened. I took a peek inside and saw a long, sparsely lit hallway before I closed the door and went back to the stairs where my three companions waited for me. I told them about the door, and we decided that we should try to see where it led.

I entered first and held the door for the others. When we came into the lighted area, I found it funny to see three rucksacks floating in the air and smiled despite the graveness of the situation. We were, after all, on unfamiliar ground here. We didn't know whether this actually was the place where the other Time Traveler lived, nor did we know whether he, or she, were a violent person or what actions he would take if we were discovered.

We followed the hallway to a large room, which contained several doors which must lead to other rooms or corridors that we did not have time to explore tonight. In addition to the doors; however, the room contained something of much greater interest; two stairways, one that went up, and another that led down.

"Where do you think it would be most likely for him to hide a Time Machine," Fritz asked in a whisper. "On a top floor or in the cellar?"

"Cellar!" The rest of us chorused.

"OK, the cellar it is then," Fritz said and I saw his rucksack float away to the stairs that led downward. The rest of us followed his lead, me bringing up the rear. At the foot of the stairs was a small room with three doors. I walked over and opened the one on the left and looked in. There was a row of doors that led into cells. Swiftly I walked down the corridor, checking each cell. In each cell, a person lay sleeping on a bunk. Wherever there were prisoners, there had to be a warden, I thought. I told the others to be on the lookout for the warden, then opened the door in the middle. This corridor was also full of doors that led into cells. Maybe we had been mistaken about the castle. Maybe it wasn't a monastery, but a prison.

Fritz followed me inside while the women sat and rested while they could.

"Do you think this is a prison and not a monastery?" I asked Fritz.

"Everything we saw earlier suggests that it is a monastery," he said.

"But why all the prisoners then?"

"I really don't know. Maybe it is something they do on the side. You know, convert the sinners."

"We could free them."

"I don't think so. We don't know why they are here. They could all be murderers as far as we know, and in that case we don't want to let them loose on the public, do we? But that can be used as a back up plan... if everything goes wrong, we could free them. Maybe that would give us enough time to get away."

Behind the last door, there was also a row of doors, but these weren't prison doors. These were just ordinary doors, maybe a little sturdier. I walked over to the first one, opened it slowly and peeked inside. It was some sort of torture-chamber! Thankfully it was empty, but many hideous tools were lying around everywhere, and I shivered just thinking about the poor devil that was subjected to these devices. Fritz must have looked over my shoulder because I could hear him curse silently. Someone pushed me aside, and then I heard Nina murmur her disgust, and Sabine thereafter.

"Let's have a look in the other rooms, too," Nina said anxiously. We spread out, opening doors as we went. All of them proved to be empty, and I silently drew a breath of relief at that. It was I who opened the last door, and suddenly I was staring straight at a widely spread vagina!

Because it was an extremely unexpected sight, it took me a while to realize what it was I was looking at. Then I let my eyes travel a little higher, along the woman's body, noticing the high breasts and the delicate face. I took a step inside, and I saw that it was a young girl, laying with her legs spread wide on a y-shaped table; her arms restrained straight above her head, her ankles cruelly chained to each arm of the Y.

"Oh my God!" I heard Sabine exclaim angrily as she saw the figure on the table.

"I doubt that this girl is a murderess," I whispered to Fritz.

"I agree. That is very doubtful."

"Shall we free her? We must!"

"OK. But, it will cause a lot of trouble. Where will she go when she's freed?"

"Home with us if she wants to, but I think anywhere would be better than this."

"OK. I can see that it is some sort of mechanical rack," Fritz observed. Just as he said this, a clonking was heard and the girl emitted a long, drawn out moan. We could see how the arms of the 'y' widened, and her legs were forced another centimeter apart, her arms stretched even higher. "I wonder how long an interval there is between each... stretch?"

"I don't think she cares; I know that I don't."

Suddenly I couldn't stop myself. Whether it was that I thought it would take her mind off her obvious pain, or if it were sheer egotism I don't know even today but I stretched my hand out to her and let my finger gently stroke the length of her spread pussy lips, lightly as a feather. She tried to jerk away from my touch, but the muscles in her body were so tightly stretched that it was impossible. Her eyes that up till now had been closed tightly, flew open and she tried to look down between her legs to see what was touching her. As she couldn't raise her head, which was secured to a headboard with a leather strap, she wasn't able to see what had happened. Even if she had been able to look down properly, she would have only seen our rucksacks.

"I'll see if I can stop the mechanism," Fritz volunteered.

"I'll hold her hand, letting her know that we are here to help her and that she's not alone," Nina said.

"Wait! Take off your rucksacks first, we don't want to scare her to death now when rescue is so close, and Sabine, you keep an eye out for anyone coming this way."

Soon, three rucksacks stood by the side of the door and the forth hovered in the doorway.

Suddenly, the girl's eyes looked askance towards her hand and I understood that Nina was now holding her hand. This left me with nothing to do so I concentrated on the defenseless pussy in front of me. Again, I reached out and stroked my finger along the slit. It was dry, and I imagined that it couldn't be comfortable, considering the state she was in. There was no time between thought and deed as I bent my head down and slowly ran my moist tongue along the length of the dry pussy. A low moan escaped the girl's throat again. Another lick, another moan, but my tongue deposited some moisture on her dryness, and even transferred some flavor to my taste buds. A fresh seawater taste, mixed with some urine. When I glanced down at the floor, I could see that it was a little damp and realized that she had pissed on it. This made me wonder how long she had been tied to this mechanism.

Soon, I was lapping the cunt as a kitten would lap milk out of a platter and she got wetter and wetter. I stopped for a while and looked up at her. She lay there with her eyes closed. Her tongue flicked over her dry lips.

"Water," I whispered to Nina.

I heard the clinking of porcelain and understood that Nina was looking through the pots that stood on a table by the wall. Then one pot floated through the air, hovered over the girls face and a few drops of water dripped down onto her dry lips. She licked the drops eagerly. Another couple of drops fell on her tongue as she stretched it out to get to a little wetness on her upper lip. All the while her eyes remained tightly shut. I don't think she dared to look up, afraid that the dream might go away.

I started my licking again as it seemed to do the trick in soothing her, and as soon as my tongue found the little clit, her eyes again shot open. When she saw the floating pot just centimeters above her face, she cried out in terror. I saw the impression made by Nina's fingers as she pushed them down on the girls mouth to silence her.

"Ssss," she hissed, with eyes so full of fear that I almost wept. She just continued to stare out into space.

Suddenly, I heard the 'Y' snap back the centimeter that it had stretched just a moment ago and realized that Fritz had managed to reverse the mechanism controlling table's action. Again the girl moaned, if it were because of the relief or my licking I don't know. A while later the 'Y' again surrendered another centimeter and it was rewarded by another moan. Again, it coincided with my finding her clit, which had swollen quite noticeably. I lifted my head and took another look at the pussy in front of me. The hair was black, so black that it almost shimmered dark blue in the dim light. The mound was high and completely covered by the hair, but not so thick that you couldn't see the skin underneath. I also noticed that the inner lips were so thin that I had missed them during my first inspection, and they lie so close to the fat, outer lips, that they almost seemed to be part of them.

Her stomach was flat and taut, maybe because of the position she was in, her navel deep and narrow, her breasts couldn't resist standing straight up even though she was stretched almost as much as a human body could bear. Two small nipples perched atop oval aureoles, as darkly red as the surrounding flesh was white and waxy.

I observed her firm jaw line, well-defined chin, full red lips, long straight nose and wide set eyes, which, as I had noticed earlier, were a dark, lustrous brown. All in all, she looked nothing like any of the women in our two families. As I watched her, she moaned a little again for no obvious reason.

"Robert," Nina hissed.

"Yes dear?"

"Have you stopped... umm... molesting her?"

"Molesting?" I asked innocently.

"Darling, I know you and I know what the Machine does to one's hormones. So whatever you did to this poor child, just keep doing it. She forgot her pain while when you did... whatever it was... to her. And I think I know what it was."

Now, with the blessing from my wife, I could pay the victim my undivided attention and I went to work again.

Slowly, too slow for my liking, the 'y' closed, centimeter by centimeter, and with each little slackening of her stretched body the girl moaned another little moan of relief. It must have been ten minutes before the gap between her legs narrowed enough for her to raise her butt off the hard wooden surface to meet my attacking tongue. After that her little ass bounced up and down in eager wantonness, her moans of relief now mixed with moans of lust. My own lusts built up as well. Finally, I could contain myself no longer. I stood, aimed my throbbing cock at the target she presented and placed the tip of it against her spread cunt. Her eyes were shut tightly and when I slowly let my cock enter her tight but now very wet cunt, her moans altered and took shape, I could even make out a few words.

"Mon dieu. Oh mon dieu," she gasped as my cock pried her cunt open. Judging by the tightness I encountered, it was the first time anything had ever been inserted into it. Her hips lay absolutely still on the table while I slowly worked myself deeper and deeper inside. When I, after a long while, was totally buried in her, she sighed a contented little sigh and her eyes slowly opened. She again looked around her, trying to look down her body.

"Can't you get the head restraint off her?" I whispered to Nina.

"Not yet. It's connected to the rack, so it will need to retract another couple of centimeters, but it's getting close so you'd better hurry," she added a little sarcastically.

"Doing my best my dear, doing my best."

I heard a little sarcastic snicker at this and the girl's eyes tried to focus on the person standing beside her.

"Oooh mon dieu," she repeated as I started to thrust slowly into her. I don't think that I had made more then about a dozen thrusts when I felt her pussy walls clamp down hard on my shaft and even more wetness made her cunt so slippery that it overflowed and ran down the crack between her spread ass cheeks. I wasn't worried that her moans would attract any attention by themselves, whoever heard them would think that it was only because the machine was doing its work on her. What could have been a source of worry though was the rather strong musky smell that started to fill the room. At almost the same time as the chains that stretched her body slackened, my own climax came rushing though my cock and I erupted inside her. She wailed so loudly that Nina had to put her hand over her mouth to stifle the cry. I was too preoccupied by the tingling sensation of my orgasm, combined with the girl's cunt dancing wildly around my cock, to pay any attention to this. I just noted it in passing.

As soon as her cries had fallen silent, Nina started to undo the girl from her shackles, starting with her head and then her arms. I thought that the girl would let her arms fall to her side as soon as they were freed, but she let them stay in the same position. Nina must have seen this, because I saw one arm slowly being lifted, then being pushed down towards her side. However, at the first movement of the arm, the girl cried out again, this time not in lust but in agony. The muscles and the joints must have been stretched to their limit when we arrived and were now aching so badly that she couldn't move them.

I understood that the same would apply to her legs, maybe even worse because they had been forced apart so cruelly and to such an extent that I doubted that much blood was circulating yet. I loosened the chain around her left leg first, then I slowly massaged her hips, relieving the tension and encouraging the blood to flow again. After a while I freed her other leg and massaged that too for a while. By now Nina had her arms down by her side. I watched as she flexed her hands, trying to get some life and feeling back into them.

"We have to search for the Machines," I suddenly heard Fritz voice, close to my ear. "Let the women take care of her for now."

"OK, but let's move her into another room first. That way, if anyone comes down to check on her, they may be fooled into believing that she has fled and will search outside first."

Very carefully, all four of us moved her to the room across the hallway and eased her down on the floor. The women started to work on her as she lay almost at attention, her arms held stiffly at her sides and her legs tightly pressed together.

Fritz and I retrieved our rucksacks and went in search of the Machines.

"Were do you think they could be hidden if they are not down here?" I asked.

"I don't know. Let's have a look around."

"Shall be split up or go together?"

Fritz thought about that for so long that I was about to ask the question again.

"There are advantages both ways. If we stay together we'll be safer, but if we split up we'll be quicker. I think quicker is better. I don't like it here."

"Me neither. Split we'll do then. I'll go outside, and you can take the first floor, shall we meet in... what, ten minutes by the stairs?"

"OK, ten minutes will give us enough time to look around. Don't do anything on your own though."

"That goes for you too."

I walked around the building, which was a little closer to the back wall than to the front, to see if there were any shed or outbuilding that could hide the two Machines. We had to assume that Fritz's Machine was here as well. The only other building I could see, besides the stables, was a chapel. I peeked inside, saw that it was empty and let it at that. The ten minutes had passed, and I went back to meet Fritz. I had to wait for him for a couple of minutes. He came down the big stairs, saw my rucksack, and approached me.

"Nothing," he said laconically.

"Also nothing," I answered.

"Can we really be that wrong?"

"It seems so."

"No sheds... no nothing?"

"No nothing... well there is a chapel... You don't think... ? Wait a minute. Of course, what better place to hide something from nosy monks than the chapel? It must be there!"

"Yes! Lets go over there at once."

"Wait. We have to get the women to safety first. It'll only take a couple of minutes," I almost begged.

"Yes. Yes, sorry I got a little too excited."

"No problem. I know how you feel. I want to get the bastard too."

We returned to the women and, when we opened the door; the girl looked at it with the sheerest fear in her eyes that I had ever seen in a human.

"Shush, shush, it's OK." The women must have noticed it too because both of them talked soothingly to her simultaneously. "It's only Fritz and Robert."

"We will get you of here," I said as soothingly as I could. "Does she understand English?"

"No. We have talked a little to her in French, but she isn't very easy to understand. The version of French she speaks seems to be very primitive, as though she learned it centuries ago."

I thought that I knew her better than anyone else, I had after all fucked the poor girl, well not a poor girl because I had fucked her but because of what she had suffered, so I walked over to her. Her frightened eyes never let my rucksack out of her sight as I kneeled down beside her.

"It's OK. Everything will be OK. I am Robert," I said to her and took her hand in mine as I mimicked Jane's action when she had introduced herself to Tarzan, repeating "My name is Robert," as I laid her hand on my naked chest.

She looked at me, or rather at my rucksack, and tears welled up and overflowed her eyes.

"Robear," she said in French. "Mon petit frére, pouvre Robear."

I didn't get what she said but repeated the action and the words. This time Sabine translated the words for her.

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SPELLS r' US: Showtime By Raven Jeff was a drama student at the university. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted to be an actor. Jeff grew up watching all of the old greats: Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and all of the swashbuckling heros. In truth, that is how he pictured him- self. The modern movies just couldn't capture the "daring-do" of the old black and whites! Jeff was convinced that when he became a star, he would be able to bring...

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Showtime Part 3

e amaze each other, Jennifer, but I'm going to amaze you the most. I have a passion to live within easy reach of Shaftsbury Avenue and the rest of theatreland. Footlights and greasepaint are part of me and I constantly need to feel the pulse of the West End. That being the case I'm going to make Horace Pratt an offer for this house." "You're going to buy number nineteen?" Jennifer asked incredulously, "But how? You're always so short of money. You never have two brass pennies to rub...

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Showtime Part 1

SHOWTIME Part 1 The train raced south though a late spring morning. Clickerty-clack, clickerty-clack, wheels making music of their ride over hard steel rails. Jennifer Hancock wedged herself tight into the corner of her seat by the window to gaze with growing boredom at the green fields and tops of houses that had been the scenery for most of the time since her journey from York had begun. On the surface there seemed little chance for sexual intrigue on such a trip. The passenger...

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Showtime Part 5

SHOWTIME Part 5 Daylight cutting in between ill-fitting curtains awoke Jennifer Hancock early, but it took several moments for dormant cogs of concupiscence to crank into motion. Eventually she wiped the back of a hand over her eyes to brush away a wisp of hair before rolling from her bed and lurching across to the window. Rain was falling; fat wet drops bouncing on the sills outside as she gazed out on the closely packed roofs and chimney-pots opposite, all standing on top of...

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Showtime "Gentlemen and lady. We have a new delight for you for one night only. Fresh from the streets of downtown Bangkok I give you an English whore originally known as Thomas but as you can see from her tattoos now known as Felicity." Collared I was led out onto the stage wearing just a black bra filled with large breast forms and black nylon bikini panties. I had been abducted and now I was to be the star of a seedy sex show. I was forced onto my hands and knees. Whilst most Thai...

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Showtime 2

Showtime 2 "Lady and gentlemen. Tonight we have for your pleasure a bridegroom on his honeymoon here in Bangkok. His nineteen year old bride is on her way to our breeding farm where she will be continuously bred until she becomes infertile in probably 20 to 25 years time. Then she will have a brief career as an actress starring in her one and only film. "Contrary to convention James here has taken his wife's name of Veronica and as you can see she is wearing her wedding lingerie. I...

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“We are both naked sitting on high stools facing each other. We are both going to watch each other receive oral sex from people we have never met before. “A male we have never met before is standing behind me teasing my nipples with his fingertips. His lady is watching as she prepares to tongue fuck me. “Or perhaps a female we have never met before is is standing behind me teasing my nipples with her fingertips. Her man is watching as he prepares to tongue fuck me. “And the same for you. A...

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Summertime Love

The darkness enveloped them both, lit only by a small pink-shaded lamp on her side of the bed. They’d been married for years, until chance and the fortune of summertime alone, free of children for a short time, led them to discover their lovemaking anew, slow and sensual, a contrast to the hurried, giggling, sneaking around after the kids were abed. She would slip into their bedroom, right before he was due to come home, stripping off her clothes and lying in the semidarkness. No toys or...

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Summertime Threesome

Michael Hawkins was your typical student in school. He made sure that all of his studies were done before anything else had happened in his life. A lot of times, he wished he had more freedom to do what he had wanted but his parents were afraid that he may stray down a path of drugs and crime. Michael’s brother David was doing a life bid for murder and he had been locked up for 5 years of a life sentence with no chance of parole so his parents made sure tht they did everything they could to...

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Summertime Incest Story Collection

Welcome to the Summertime Incest Story Collection, an anthology of short incest stories sharing the hottest season’s setting or vibe. As it is summer, Father’s Day in June will feature in a few stories but they may reflect themes of hot summer lust, occur during a summer vacation, or simply take place in the season. And, while we are currently talking about summer in the northern half of the planet as it happens right now this could be summer in the Southern Hemisphere or a hot week in the...

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Summertime Saga Memories

A.N. I would like to thank Dark Cookie for giving me permission to write a story about his game Summertime Saga. Feel free to check out Dark Cookies Patreon to support him and his game. Summer was nearly over. Peter's wild adventure had run its course. Now Peter was sleeping in his new house by the beach. When Peter woke up in his large bedroom in his beach house, he found himself feeling lethargic, and he struggled to get out of bed. When he finally got the energy to push the covers off of it...

3 years ago
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Summertime Threesome

Michael Hawkins was your typical student in school. He made sure that all of his studies were done before anything else had happened in his life. A lot of times, he wished he had more freedom to do what he had wanted but his parents were afraid that he may stray down a path of drugs and crime. Michael's brother David was doing a life bid for murder and he had been locked up for 5 years of a life sentence with no chance of parole so his parents made sure tht they did everything they could to...

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Summertime Mary

It was 1974 and the summer before my senior year of high school. At 17, I stood about 5'10" and had a lean, firm body kept that way by playing racquetball and jogging. I had my own car, a used '69 Chevelle SS, that I paid for by working at a local grocery store. Dad had made a five hundred dollar down payment for me and co-signed the note, but I was making the payments and paying for my own gas and any maintenance the car needed. Dad paid for my insurance. I had started at the store as soon...

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Mary looked over the card she received from the handsome man at the door to the porno shop in Central City. The well-dressed, black guy. The fellow who had driven her to tears of pleasure. The fellow she had John suck off with her as the last ditch effort to retain her sanity from the yard o’ beef they’d encountered in this gloryhole. The card read, ANSON BLAINE, CONSULTANT. That was all. She lay in bed that night, remembering his huge black cock…tasting it…fucking it…nursing on the...

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John attended a business meeting in San Antonio, and so Kelly and Mary shared a Thursday dinner in his absence to discuss the proposed Saturday night get-together. Their former “slave” of the week before requested another meeting with them. “John won’t be here this weekend, darlin’,” said Mary. “It would be so much more fun if he were here…do you think we ought to invite James so we can have a fun cock to play with? Or should it just be us girls this Saturday? “You know, every time...

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Playtime Chap VIII Lets Get Something Straight Between Us and Playtime Chap IX James Second Encounter The Dancing Girl

LET’S GET SOMETHING STRAIGHT BETWEEN US… The marrieds realize they both get off using “dirty words”. “ People treat others so mean by calling them an asshole, or a dick, or a cunt,” she said, using that last word for the first time in her life. “ “Bitch” and “whore” fall into that category, too.” Both felt those words should be compliments -- a sexy woman proud of her body, knowing how to use it, and being in charge. They decide it’s patriarchal, putting the woman down, when she...

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PlaytimeNote:This is a small chapter/idea that I deleted from the main novel (Four Bitches) for reasons of plot fluidity. Originally it was intended to be a second visit by Dolly to Madame?s tender loving care. However, I decided that a single episode for each husband was more consistent for the storyline. It may amuse the reader to see just a little more of Madame and her demented daughters?  Only a slight mention of this episode is now left in the main body of the novel as an afterthought. In...

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Timeless Atlantis Ch 02

His sweat and body odor mixed together into a foul smell that was repellant and made all the more so because I could not get away. He had pulled me up and had his back against a tree and his front guarded by my body. He pulled me around the tree, trying to see everywhere at once, wondering where the mysterious attacker would come at him next. I must have looked scared. I certainly felt it and the emotion was powerful enough that even now I get a cold shiver. We waited for what seemed an...

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Stuck with tidying the sports storage shed, Lewis moaned and grunted with anger as his mates ran back to the changing rooms to get changed and go home. The only upside was he was alone with miss crow, a young thin sports teacher that was extremely atractive. Miss crow was about 25, 5’3 and had curves in all the right places. Her breasts were DD her waist was thin while her hips were wide for her size. In contrast with Lewis he stood at 6’7 and his shoulders were wide and waist was thin. Even...

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Nighttime Cavern part 1

Chapter one It was nighttime, and I had just gotten back from swimming in the sea. It can’t really be called swimming, since I was just splashing around near the shore. Skinny dipping would be a good word for it though. Water dripped off my glorious wet naked body. I looked down at myself, seeing perky C- cups and an overall curvaceous body. I turned my head and looked at my voluptuous behind. My boyfriend was still at dinner, but he knew very well what I was doing. As I had told him, a dark...

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Nighttime Cavern part 1

Chapter one It was nighttime, and I had just gotten back from swimming in the sea. It can't really be called swimming, since I was just splashing around near the shore. Skinny dipping would be a good word for it though. Water dripped off my glorious wet naked body. I looked down at myself, seeing perky C- cups and an overall curvaceous body. I turned my head and looked at my voluptuous behind. My boyfriend was still at dinner, but he knew very well what I was doing. As I had told him, a dark...

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The sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...

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A tall slender girl, she couldn't have been much over 18 or 19. Her faded blue hip hugger shorts showed off her narrow waist. Wide hips told me she was blossoming into a well-developed woman. I admired the long, slender legs and the curve of her thighs. I could just make out the crease that separated her butt cheeks from her legs in the frayed bottoms of her short shorts. Her shoes were the clunky-heeled strap-on things that girls wear these days with no socks. She did a quick skip and some...

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Last October at my sister’s 35th birthday dinner, my brother feels the need to inform the entire table of my old thumb-sucking habit. I was really surprised anyone remembered, but apparently the way I went about my little rituals, is strange and fun to bring up at inappropriate times. My family, especially my brother, enjoys watching me squirm and fidget because I am the only one left with secrets apparently. I sat across the table a bit embarrasses but struggled with the comments. I look to my...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 14

"Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!!" my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wife's passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so brought down and depressed. I stopped eating, stopped doing really anything until my daughter came back from her grandparents house one evening. She went...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 13

"Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!!" my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wife's passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so brought down and depressed. I stopped eating, stopped doing really anything until my daughter came back from her grandparents house one evening. She went...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 12

"Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!!" my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wife's passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so brought down and depressed. I stopped eating, stopped doing really anything until my daughter came back from her grandparents house one evening. She went...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 11

"Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!!" my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wife's passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so brought down and depressed. I stopped eating, stopped doing really anything until my daughter came back from her grandparents house one evening. She went...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 10

"Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!!" my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wife's passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so brought down and depressed. I stopped eating, stopped doing really anything until my daughter came back from her grandparents house one evening. She went...

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Bathtime With Niece

"Bath time, Uncle Bob," she said brightly. "Um?" said Bob, looking up from his book. His niece was naked. "I said it was bath time. Come on. I have cheerleader tryouts tomorrow and I have to get up early so I can get there, warm up and practice my cheers. Tub or Shower?" she finished. "Well, since you're in such a hurry, I suppose it should be shower tonight," said her uncle, and he got up. He untied his robe and dropped it to the floor, leaving him just as naked as his...

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Timewalker pt 4 long 120 pgs

I didn’t divide it into 2 sections like I did the other parts, since nobody appreciated the extra efforts I took to shorten it anyway. The people who like my stories don’t care how long they are, as they simply download them and read them at their own leisure. In fact, the webmaster of this site once e-mailed me and told me that I was free to write stories of ANY file size (I could put the entire book into ONE file if I wanted). So stop your wimpy whining about the length, and just enjoy it!...

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Timewalker pt 3a long

The Adventures of Béla, the Vampire Girl Book 4: Time Walker Part 3a Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It had been almost a week since their daughter, Alicia, had left to return to D.C. The house didn’t seem empty, though. Little Nathan, Jake and Tabatha Hedron’s five-year-old son, completely filled it. Frank and Tanya loved having Nathan, their great-grandson, around. The youngster put them back on a schedule like normal, living people. What with starting school and...

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Timewalker pt 2b long

The Adventures of Béla, the Vampire Girl Book 4: Time Walker Part 2b Chapter 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “You ready?” Béla asked, calling upstairs to where Jake was. She sighed. He always made them late to the club. Jake appeared at the top of the stairs. “Sorry. I was talking to Frank about Jake and Tabatha.” “They find out anything?” Béla asked. She already knew they hadn’t. She could see it in Jake’s mind. “No,” he said. “Frank thinks that you should go over...

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Timewalker pt 2a long

The Adventures of Béla, the Vampire Girl Book 4: Time Walker Part 2a Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She was riding on his hard cock, another orgasm starting to explode between her thighs and up into her belly. Her eyes were closed, wanting nothing more than to live forever in the next orgasm, never having to face the awful realities she fled from in her ecstasy, wishing it all to be far behind her. Her orgasm exploded, devouring her alive… She was floating in space – her...

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Timewalker pt 1b

Book 4: Time Walker Part 1b Chapter 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tabatha watched while Lisa sat on the floor with Ethan. At the ripe old age of four, Lisa was only a year older than Tabatha’s son. But she wasn’t the same species. The vampire species evidently matured, at least physically, at around five years of age. Lisa looked (and acted) like a bratty fifteen-year-old girl. Tabatha had figured out how to get Béla’s daughter to behave while she babysat her. She’d bring Ethan with...

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Timewalker pt 1a

Book 4: Time Walker Part 1a Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I don’t care!” Tanya cried out. Frank held her tightly while she beat on his chest with her fists. “That’s my daughter in there!” She broke down again, weeping hysterically. She allowed Frank to hold her tightly while she sobbed. ‘This whole family has gone fucking nuts!’ Frank thought to himself, furious and upset and not knowing who to blame. His grandson’s new wife had collapsed while she was being...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 1

Introduction: What happens when daddy looks at his little girl in a whole new way at bathtime? ~This story is completly fictional and created from my imagination!!!~ Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!! my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wifes passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 1

Introduction: What happens when daddy looks at his little girl in a whole new way at bathtime? ~This story is completly fictional and created from my imagination!!!~ Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!! my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wifes passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so...

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